Stellenbosch gazette 25 junie 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 25 June 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Padveiligheid onder loep

Die Stellenbosch-verkeersdepartement het Saterdag en Sondag padveiligheidsaksies langs die paaie in die omgewing gehou. Saterdag was die padblokkade op die Strandpad, digby Paradyskloof en Sondag was dit op die Helshoogtepas om bewustheid te skep onder die groot aantal motorfietsryers wat veral naweke dié pad gebruik. Verskeie voertuie is op die Strandpad afgetrek. Hier (op die inlasfoto) vra Liesle Petersen (links) en Masudah Ras ‘n motoris om sy lisensie te toon as deel van die departement se veiligheidsaksie. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

FACELIFT FOR GRACELAND: A team of people from Broco Logistics Management Solutions (soon to be known as Imperial Management Solutions from 1 July), based in Techno Park, gave some of their time on Saturday to give Graceland Pre-primary School, a small crèche in Devon Valley, a make-over. They repainted the outside and the bathrooms, washed the carpets and also cleaned the storage room. Here are the volunteers in front of the school. PHOTOS: ALEXA MAZZA

Safety first: crime prevention for women IT’s a disturbing reality that women are more vulnerable to crime, because many criminals view women as soft targets. After a number of women were targeted in the area, ADT Security is offering a number of tips to help women stay safe. Two young women were attacked leaving clubs last week. One was raped and robbed after she got into her car outside a night club and a second was involved in an attempted rape the next morning. Rob Dale, managing director of ADT Security Western Cape said the key to safety is always to err on the side of caution. “Tell someone where you are going and the time you expect to return. “Save to your mobile phone or memorise the details of the person to be contacted in the event of an emergency. “Remember, less is more when it comes to wearing flashy jewellery and carrying cash. Also, if you are taking a handbag, carry it close to your body and not dangling by the straps.” Dale also warns against the dangers of becoming distracted. “A distracted person is an easy target. Often women have several things to take care of at once, and it’s vital that they remain

alert at all times. “Be aware of people around you when heading towards your vehicle, especially at places such as shopping centres and petrol stations. Ensure that you take a moment to check the street before pulling into a driveway, be it your own or a friend’s.” If you are driving, Dale said the first thing to do once you are inside your vehicle is to ensure that all the doors are locked. “Never drive with a handbag or any other valuable items on a seat or in the view of anyone looking into your vehicle from the outside. “Try and make your car a mobile-free zone, so you can concentrate on your surroundings, and keeping yourself and your family safe.” Most important is to trust your instincts. “Women have great intuition and should listen to their instincts. If someone or something makes you feel uneasy, avoid them and leave the area.” By following these precautions, Dale says, women can develop highly effective safety habits and avoid dangerous situations. “I encourage women not only to use these tips, but to share them with family and friends.”

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Here volunteers from Broco Logistics Management Solutions are helping to repaint Graceland Pre-Primary as part of their social responsibility initiative. The school forms part of the Thembalitsha Foundation, which was chosen as the company’s project for the year.

Website to address crime A new website aimed at creating awareness regarding crime in our area was recently launched by a resident of Stellenbosch. According to the site’s creator, who wanted to remain anonymous, the idea is for everyone to become involved by the use of social media and to help stop crime. “Social media have an impact in our lives. Connecting and engaging with one another leads to safer communities “Your information is safe and secure on the site and you also have the power of your phone to stay connected and safe at all times, no matter where you are,” she said. She said the web site was created to bring back the sense of community in Stellenbosch. “We can earn each other's trust again, if we create a trusted environment for our community. Each and everyone must focus on crime and safety.” The website, gives users a platform to share what is happening around their neighbourhood. “When we start talking to one another good things start to happen. Most people don’t even know their neighbours.

“Tell us your stories so that we can learn from it. Share information with people near you while still keeping your privacy,” she added. The site also gives others updates on suspicious activity. “In school, children are scared to talk about bullying. The site gives them a safe place to share information. “The site also gives the police a way to cooperate with the community by sharing crime prevention and safety tips, information, alerts of property crime or suspicious activity. We can alert police without being scared.” The use of the website is free. Invite friends, family and neighbours to start making a difference. For information regarding the use of the site, send an e-mail to or visit the site at and register as a user to start talking. ) You can also share crime tips and incidents by visiting or Click on Crime Watch to share your story. Information can be shared anonymously.

Optog oor behuising Besorgde Jamestown-inwoners hou Saterdag 29 Junie ’n plakkaatoptog oor behuising en be-

ter lewensomstandighede. Dit begin 10:00 by die Jamestown-ingang. Audri: 0 082 856 3574.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

How do you stay warm this winter? The cold is here and it is time to get those winter warmers out and prepare yourself for the cold months ahead.Anje Smit and Alexa Mazza asked the people of Stellenbosch how they stay warm this winter.

Lucinda Michaels: “My electic blanket is my life.”

Desmond Muller: “A nice fire to relax is what keeps me warm.”

Eunice Abraham: “I love the winter and snuggling under warm blankets.”

Daphne Saungweme: “Hot water bottle for when I am sleeping and a nice jersey and boots during the day.”

Myrtle De Vries: “Nice warm clothes and a big pot of hot soup is how I like to warm up in winter.”

Mazares De Vries: “You need to dress warm to protect yourself from this cold.”

Leonie Pietersen: “Bought a lot of jerseys, wear tights under everything and relax at the fire place with the family.”

Lettie Cupido: “Warm clothing is important in winter, especially things like jackets and boots.”

Doen jou deel vir


Brrrr! Dit is bitter koud in die Boland en in ons gemeenskap is talle haweloses. Saans slaap hulle koud, sonder ’n kombers of ’n snoesige duvet waaronder so baie van ons kan inkruip. Eikestadnuus en die Stellenbosch Gazette doen hiermee ’n vriendelike beroep op die vrygewige Stellenbosse gemeenskap om komberse en warm klere te skenk aan ons Winterwarmte-projek. Hierdeur poog ons om die wintermaande draaglik te maak vir diegene sonder ’n warm skuiling. Nuwe komberse, gebruikte komberse, daardie liefling-kombers van die jongste telg noudat hy uiteindelik uit die huis is, ou slaapsakke – enige warm ding. Handgebreide of gehekelde komberse sal natuurlik ook baie welkom wees. Stellenbossers is bekend vir hul naastediens. Dus, bring asseblief jul komberse en warm goed na ons kantoor by Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch, of bel ons by 021 887 2840 en ons kom laai dit sommer self op. Die warm goed sal aan erkende gemeenskapsorganisasies oorhandig word om aan behoeftiges uitgedeel te word. Vir meer inligting oor Eikestadnuus se Winterwarmte-projek stuur ’n epos na

Studie oor diversiteit STEPHANIE NIEUWOUDT Taal wat hulle nie verstaan nie en kennisgewingborde met net Afrikaans daarop is van die dinge wat studente op die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) kampus uitgesluit en onwelkom laat voel. Dit is die bevinding van ’n groep derdejaarstudente in visuele kuns nadat hulle vir ses weke lank met ’n diverse groep studente op kampus onderhoude gevoer het oor diversiteit en wat gedoen kan word om hulle hier meer welkom te laat voel. Dié projek, onder leiding van dr. Elmarie Costandius van die departement Visuele Kuns, was deel van ’n veel groter diversiteitsprogram waardeur die US probeer om die studentekorps meer divers te maak en studente van oraloor op die kampus welkom te laat voel. Vyf-en-twintig studente in visuele ontwerp is in vyf groepe verdeel. Hulle het vyf projekte begin waardeur hulle met ander studente op kampus in gesprek kon tree. Die een projek het uit ’n tydelike toilet op die Rooiplein bestaan waarop vrae oor diversiteit as graffiti gestel en beantwoord is. ’n Tweede projek het bestaan uit stukke draad waaroor vygies gegroei het – kennisgewings met die woorde: “Ons behoort” en “Ons groei saam” is hier aangebring. Nog ’n projek het behels dat ’n oopgeslane boek met ’n driedimensionele beeldhouwerk uit die blaaie gesny,

in die biblioteek uitgestal is. Daar was onder meer ook spieëls by die studiehokkies aangebring sodat die student voor na die student agter hom/haar kon kyk en die student agter ook na die voorste student kon kyk. “Met al die projekte is probeer om studente met mekaar te laat gesels en mekaar oor verskillende grense te leer ken,” verduidelik Costandius. Die gesprekke waarin die kunsstudente ander studente pols oor hul siening van diversiteit, is noukeurig gedokumenteer. Dít en visuele materiaal vorm deel van die studente se eksamenprojekte. Die navorsingsresultate sal ook as ’n boek gepubliseer word. “Uit die navorsing is dit duidelik talle studente voel vervreemd as hulle net Afrikaans op kampus en in die lesinglokale hoor. Die meeste kennisgewings is ook steeds net in Afrikaans en dit is vir andertalige studente erg vervreemdend. As studente byvoorbeeld nie van die kennisgewingborde kan aflei waar hul eksamenlokale is nie, kan dit tot paniek en vrees lei,” sê Costandius. Volgens haar het dit ook duidelik geblyk dat studente wat nie vriende het of aan sosiale bedrywighede deelneem nie, makliker geïsoleerd voel as studente met vriende en die wat lid is van studente- en sosiale organisasies. Die studente het ook voorleggings van vyf minute elk aan die rektor, prof. Russel Botman gedoen. Hy was so beïndruk met die projek dat hy versoek het dat die toilet weer op die Rooiplein moet wees met die volgende raadsvergadering.

SHOWCASE OF STELLENBOSCH FASHION: The Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion held its annual graduate fashion show at The Protea Hotel, Stellenbosch on Monday 17 June. (top) Lydia Geldenhuys won the Best Collection for 2013.

Genna Shrosbree won the Truworths prize for the most commercial range. PHOTOS: ANJE SMIT



News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Gratis klasse in naaldwerk

PLAASLIKE VERMAAK: Die bekende Stellenbosse sanggroep, Solfamadink, sal die komende naweek (Vrydag 28 Junie) by Mr Banks in Plankenbrug optree. Die vertoning begin 21:30 en toegang is R30 per persoon. Vir meer besonderhede oor die groep of die spesifieke optrede bel Leonard by 071 376 6411.

25 Junie )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die StellenboschWes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. Bel die AA by 084 293 3967 vir meer inligting.

26 en 29 Junie )Werksessie oor meubel-verftegnieke by Paint & Decor DIY in Stellenbosch Square. Leer Antiquing, Distressing en Silver leafing. 09:00 tot 12:30, plekke is beperk. R500 per persoon sluit alle materiale, notas en heerlike verversings in. 0 021 880 1980 of 2

27 Junie )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet om 20:15 in die NG Stellenbosch-Wes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of Alanon 0 021 889 5791.

28 Junie

)Global Social Media Day celebrated on the Skilpadvlei Wine Farm from 09:30 to 15:00. There will be speakers and much more entertainment. Visit )Glen Eagles Junior Soccer Club presents a karaoke night at the Cloetesville Sportsclub. Entrance is R15 per person. 20:00 until late. Call Jaques Smith on 071 757 2054 for further information.

29 Junie )Bergklub van Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch: Jonkershoek – Haelkop. 08:00, Jonkershoekhek. Onthou Wildcards. Stapfiksheid aanbeveel. Wim Morris: 0 082 321 8774 (na-ure) of 2 )Protea Boekwinkel: Hennie Aucamp sal 11:00 oor sy brieweboek, Mits dese wil ek vir jou sê . . ., gesels. 0 021 882 9100 of 2 vir meer inligting oor hierdie of komende boekpraatjies.

20 Julie )Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain hack. 08:00 for 08:15 at the Paradyskloof Forestry gate. Bring mugs for tea and coffee, and water, adequate protective clothing and sun lotions. Bow saws, clippers, loppers, tree poppers and gloves will be provided. Call the convenor, Lewis Silberbauer on 082 892 4300 for further information the hack or to become involved with the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain.

Gee nuwe woema aan jou lewe en kom leer hoe om naaldwerk te doen. ’n Inisiatief waar gratis naaldwerkklasse weekliks aangebied word is onlangs deur die Sustainability Institute in Lynedoch begin. Die eerste klas word Woensdag 26 Junie van 09:00 tot 12:00 by die instituut aangebied. Almal is welkom om die klasse by te woon. Handwerk-onderwerpe wat aangespreek gaan word sluit in die herstelwerk van klere, asook die maak van nuwe klere en ander praktiese items soos babakombersies, kwilts en sakke. Selfoonsakkies sal ook gemaak word. Die projek het ten doel om voorheen benadeelde vroue met ’n nuwe vaardigheid te bemagtig. Enige donasies van gare, skêre, materiaal en enige ander bykomstighede sal waardeer word. Bel Tracy by 021 881 3196.

Delicious tomato stew A hearty, traditional SA tomato stew to burst your tastebuds. Preparation time: 10 mins Cooking time: 2 hours 30 mins Serves 8 Ingredients 2 kg lamb neck (cut through the fat of the bigger pieces to prevent them from curling during cooking) 2 large onions, halved then thinly sliced 3 cloves garlic, crushed 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp ground cumin 2 tsp garam masala/curry powder ½ tsp nutmeg ½ tsp cloves ½ tsp cinnamon 3 tsp sugar 500 g cherry tomatoes, halved 6 medium tomatoes, chopped 750 ml chicken stock 1 large tin tomato puree (not paste) 3 Tbs apricot jam 3 bay leaves Jasmine rice to serve Method In a large casserole pot, brown the lamb in batches. Remove and set aside. In the same pot, fry the onions until soft and golden. Add the garlic and spices and fry for anoth-

er minute before adding the tomatoes. Cook until the tomatoes are softened and their juices have been released. Add the lamb back to the pot and stir to coat the lamb with the tomatoes and spices. Combine the stock, tomato puree and apricot jam and pour over the lamb. You need enough to just cover the lamb. Add the bay leaves. Reduce the heat, cover and allow to simmer gently for 2 to 2.5 hours until the lamb can be pulled from the bone. Check the seasoning and adjust, it needs to be pleasantly sweet. Serve with the cooked jasmine rice. – Recipe from

Vakansiepret vir leerlinge Die Stellenbosch Museum nooi alle laerskoolleerlinge in die omgewing uit om deel te neem aan hul vakansieprogram. Die aktiwiteite sal elke Donderdag vanaf 10:00 tot 11:30 aangebied word. Op 27 Junie maak hulle boereseep en op 4 Julie is dit tyd vir kerse maak. Op 11 Julie sal ’n skattejag aangebied word. Vir ’n prettige leer-ondervinding bel gerus vir Lucretia Anthony of Llewellyn McDilling by 021 887 2937 om ’n plek te bespreek.

Werklose oudsoldate gesoek Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kaapse Korps Militêre VeteraneVereniging (SAKKMVA) soek alle oudsoldate wat werkloos is, maar oor ambagte soos messelaars, verwers, elektrisiens, houtwerkers, sweisers, loodgieters en tuiniers beskik. Bring dié dokumente saam: ID, bewys van adres, CV en uitklaarsertifikaat. Bel Pedro Goliath by 072 872 9649.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

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Stellenbosch Gazette



General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Library closed The Ida’s Valley Library will be closed from 8 to 12 July for stocktaking. Normal library hours will resume on Saturday 13 July. The library apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Ryneveldstraat hou reünie ’n Spesiale reünie word beplan vir al die mense wat destyds in Ryneveldstraat (tussen Banghoekweg en Merrimanlaan) gewoon het en verblyf elders moes vind weens uitsetting van die Groepsgebiedewet. Diegene wat deel wil wees van hierdie unieke geleentheid moet Freddy (Toff) Polman bel by 021 905 1759 of 072 884 4118.

Donate blankets for Golden Trolley 2013 campaign Many people will once again have to face the harsh weather without a roof over their heads, a snug coat against the frosty wind and without a warm blanket as protection against the cold of night.

This is why Checkers and Shoprite stores in the Western Cape have teamed up with Radio Tygerberg for a winter-collection cam-

DIBONGS PERFORMING LIVE: The local artist and owner of Bonga Thanks Records, Dibongs Bonga Tshemese Feleba Omkhulu Clever Matwetwe, will give a live performance for special guests from the German Immigration Services Company on 28 June. The performance will start at 22:00 at 5 Ryneveld. Everyone is welcome to attend. He will also perform in Lagos, Nigeria in July. For further information please send an email to His new album will be released in September.

paign that encourages customers to open their hearts and wrap those in need up in warmth, love and hope this winter. These stores join forces with Radio Tygerberg to support Shiloh Synergy – a group of projects committed to the holistic upliftment of underprivileged communities in the Western Cape. Their request is for new blankets for the cold weather.

at the Karaoke Sopkombuis Holiday library night in vra hulp Ida’s Valley The Real Sisters Woman Club is hosting a karaoke on 29 June at the Ida’s Valley sportsground club house. Entrance is R20 and guests must bring their own xyz. Refreshments will also be sold. Everyone is welcome to attend. |

Siena se Sopkombuis in Kylemore doen ’n dringende beroep op gemeenskapslede om hulle te ondersteun deur komberse, droë kosvoorraad en blikkieskos te skenk. Die skenkings sal in Kylemore en in ander dele van Stellenbosch se munisipale gebied aan behoeftiges uitgedeel word. Belangstellendes kan Siena by 078 912 9604 bel.

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840





In Memoriam

DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering. GORDON; CECELIA Op 20 Junie is jy reeds 2 jaar van ons geskei. Ons praat steeds baie en met mooi herinneringe van jou. Ons weet dat jy veilig in Jesus se arms is. Met baie liefde van Errol, Jackie, ons kinders en hul families.

Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted


ZIM LADY AGED 29 seeks domestic, nanny or char work. Hardworking, honest and reliable. Contact 078 381 5720. ZIMBABWEAN MAN seeks "Mig and Stick Welding" work. Contact Herbert 073 952 8203. Experienced


Spyseniering Catering

Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. HERSTEL BY DIE huis. Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.


Send E-mail for smalls to: smalls@ eikestadnuus. com

The public is invited to contribute to this worthy cause by donating blankets at Checkers, Checkers Hyper or Shoprite stores in the Western Cape between 1 June and 31 July. The items can be deposited into the Golden Trolleys found at the entrance of the stores. All items collected will be distributed to needy communities throughout the Western Cape by Shiloh Synergy.

Algemene Dienste General Services DEBT REVIEW. Drowning in debt? You need expert help? You realized that more loans will put you more in debt? Call now. Deon 074 441 3658. I can really help you today.

Spesiale dienste


STELLENBOSCH 1.2 miljoen. Lekker ruim huis in Idasvallei. 4 Slpk 3 badk, swembad, 1 motorhuis met onderdakparkering vir 3 motors. Braaiarea - balkon met uitsigte. 021 883 9916.

The Stellenbosch Library in Plein Street is hosting a holiday programme until 28 June. The programme includes a performance by a magician today (25 June), an arts and crafts lesson on 26 June, zumba dancing lessons on 27 June and a puppet show on 28 June. All the lessons and performances start at 10:00. Entrance is free and everyone is welcome. Please call the library at 021 808 8385/6/7 for further information.

Dinsdag 25 Junie 2013

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette


Waarop spandeer jy die meeste van jou geld? Alexa Mazza en Anje Smit het Stellenbosch-inwoners gevra waarop hulle elke maand die meeste geld bestee?

KYLEMORE HET GEES: Dié groepie ondersteuners het Saterdag beslis rede gehad om fees te vier toe hul span van Kylemore ’n sege behaal het. FOTO’S: EUNICE VISAGIE

Lily Green: “Virseker kos.”

Isidore Muhoza: “Ek spandeer meeste van my geld aan kos, veral vrugte.”

Nellie Robain: “Die duurste ding vir ons is kos, vleis veral; selfs hoender raak nou vreeslik duur.”

Tanswill Stade: “Kos, veral vleis, vreet mens se geld.”

Dorothy September: “Ek gebruik gelukkig nie petrol nie, maar skoonmaakmiddels is maar die duurste ding waaraan ek moet geld spandeer.”

Ondersteuners het die hele wedstryd lank Kylemore-rugbyliedjies gesing.

Marjorie Stubbs: “Ek spandeer definitief meeste van my geld op kruideniersware en petrol elke maand.”

Die vreugde was groot toe Kylemore een van sy drieë gedruk het.

Got news for the Stellenbosch Gazette? Phone our office on 021 887 2840 and get your news and views into the community!

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 25 Junie 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Kylemore steeds op die wenpad

Die rugbyspan van Kylemore het die afgelope naweek ’n goeie oorwinning behaal toe hulle die span van All Saints met 30-21 geklop het.

Rugbykliniek vir laerskole Die Stellenbosch Rugbyakademie bied weer van 10 tot 12 Julie in die vakansie ’n rugby-vaardigheidskliniek aan vir laerskool-spelers (individueel of spanne) in Stellenbosch en Worcester. Die klinieke is ontwerp om jong spelers ’n totale rugby-ervaring te bied, wat hulle help ontwikkel, op die veld en daarbuite. Die klinieke vind daagliks van 09:00 tot 13:00 plaas. Spelers ontvang deurlopend mondelingse terugvoer oor aspekte van hul spel waar die afrigters voel hul ontwikkeling benodig. Raad en advies word aan individue gegee oor hoe om hul tegnieke en

vaardighede te verbeter. Spelers oefen in verskillende kleiner groepe, elk met ’n gekwalifiseerde afrigter of twee. Elke deelnemer ontvang ook ’n spesiale hemp en sertifikaat. Die klinieke kos R380, maar afrigting is gratis. Die sluitingsdatum is Vrydag 5 Julie. Kontak die rugbyakademie by 021 887 7432, of, of besoek ons webblad (documents/school clinics) vir volledige inligting.

Wen met Crossfit Die Crossfit-oefeninge vir die week is beskikbaar op Daar is geleentheid vir tien Eikestadnuus-lesers om die kans te staan om drie gratis Crossfit-sessies by te woon. Uit dié tien sal daar ’n wenner deur ’n loting gekies word wat dan ’n gratis pakket van drie maande sal wen. Die waarde van dié prys, aangebied deur Hendrik Kriel van Crossfit in Stellenbosch, is meer as R1 000.

Al wat lesers moet doen, is om die oefeninge op die webtuiste dop te hou en dan hul indrukke aan 34420 te SMS. Die SMS moet met “Crossfit” begin gevolg deur jou indruk. Elke SMS kos R1,50. Die name van die tien wenners sal Donderdag 4 Julie in die Eikestadnuus verskyn. Vir meer besonderhede stuur ’n epos aan of bel 021 887 2840.

Sportvereniging vergader Die Boland Sport Vereniging vir Liggaamlik Gestremdes se algemene jaarvergadering word op Maandag 22 Julie om 19:00 by Worcester Tennis-klubhuis, Bolandpark, Worcester gehou. Klubverteenwoordigers van al die geaffilieerde klubs moet teenwoordig wees.

Enige gestremde persoon wat by die vereniging se aktiwiteite wil inskakel is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Skakel die vereniging se sekretaresse, Avril Farao vir enige navrae by: 082 770 3071, 023 342 3770 of stuur ’n e-pos aan


Sport in kort Die Burger Bergfiets

Die Burger bergfiets­uitdaag val vanjaar op Saterdag 3 Augustus. Vanjaar het die organiseerders besluit om splinternuwe hard­ loop­roetes vir buitelug­entoesiaste op Son­ dagoggend by te voeg. Die geleentheid is bekend vir sy uitdagen­ de en skilderagtige bergfietsroetes en sal weer spog met vyf roete­keuses om voorsie­ ning te maak vir alle vlakke van deelne­ mers. Die afstande is 15 km, 30 km, 42 km, 60 km en 75 km. Laasgenoemde is egter net op uitnodiging. Die begin­ en eindpunt is by Laerskool Ei­ kestad. Vir meer besonderhede of om in skryf, besoek, 2 of 0 021 884 4752.

Winter Trail Running

Entries are open for the Dirtopia Trail Running day on Saturday 29 June. The distances are a challenging 15 km black route to the top of Klapmutskoppie with lots of single track; a 12,5 km interme­ diate blue route with single track and jeep track in the Conservancy; a 7,5 km green route with three sections of single track, but mostly on farm roads between the vineyards and a 5 km walk. The other trail runs on the calendar are the Stellies Fun Trail Run on 4 August at Eikestad Primary School; Staalwater Trail Run on 7 September at Caledon Casino, Hotel & Spa and the Winter Trail Run at Delvera on 18 August. For more info, 2 theteam@dirto­ of 0 021 884 4752

Kainos golf day

On 30 August the Kainos Foundation (for tennis) will have a golf day at the De Zalze Golf Estate to raise funds for the foundation.

The Kainos Foundation was established to develop and help young players to achieve their dreams. Due to the limited opportuni­ ties available in South Africa and the high costs involved, it is extremely important that the foundation does everything in its power to support South African tennis. Part of the vision of Kainos is to develop and grow ten­ nis in all areas in the country and also to give as many children as possible the op­ portunity to play tennis. For more information and to enter visit or

Enter Mountain Warrior

Entries for the third annual Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival are now open. Taking place on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September, the Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival will give trail­running en­ thusiasts the perfect opportunity to experi­ ence the beautiful slopes and contours of the Stellenbosch and Simonsberg Mountains as well as a major section of the Greater Si­ monsberg Conservancy. For more information or to enter, visit, phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or 2 entries@iqe­ la­

Cellar2Cellar Trail Run

Entries are open for the 4th annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September. Starting and fin­ ishing at Blaauwklippen, participants can choose between a fun 12 km wine experi­ ence, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience visit, phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or 2 en­ tries@iqela­

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