Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 16 • Tuesday 25 November 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Mall tests evacuation procedures The centre management team of Eikestad Mall in conjunction with the local fire department, SAPS, emergency services, Law Enforcement, disaster management, Fidelity Security Services and personnel were involved in a successful evacuation exercise at the mall on 18 November.
INSERT: Paramedics carry one of the people who were “hurt”
as part of the evacuation drill to safety.
Personnel involved in the evacuation played their parts. Story on page 3
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While stocks last. X1PGBUKM-ES251114
Stellenbosch Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 25 November 2014
Inwoners sê dankie aan die mense in blou Die inwoners van Onder-Papegaaiberg het tyd gemaak om die plaaslike polisie te bedank vir hul goeie werk. Lekker soetgoed is voorberei een aan die lede uitgedeel.
Van links is:Jana Basson, Marius Snyman, adjudant-offisier Eldrin Wenn, sersant Faiza Wynand, sersant Luzuko Saul, konstabel Chalien Davidse, Florence Mosiane, Cayla Basson en Wiida Fourie-Basson.
Dankie SAPS sê: (agter) René Kotzé en Shaakier Christians, (middel) Pieter Kotzé, Anneline Hull en Santie Diedericks. Voor is Christie Kotzé.
Tips for fire safety
Sersant Rodney Davids, konstabel Marius Jonkers, Carien Punt en kaptein Hendrik Syster.
HIERDIE Kersseisoen. Gedurende die maand van November ontvang elke leser wat vir ‘n jaar inteken op Eikestadnuus twee bottels Welmoed Sauvignon Blanc asook ‘n gratis wynproe! Dit is nie al nie, een van die gelukkige intekenaars staan ook ‘n kans om die gelukkige wenner te wees van ‘n spesiale kersfeesgeskenpakkie ! Die geskenkpakkie bestaan uit uitgesoekte plesiertjies van ons wonderlike borge: Een nag vir twee by die asemrowende Roosenwijn Gastehuis.
Visitors and residents of the Western Cape should act quickly and responsibly to prevent fires from becoming disasters. Anton Bredell, the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape, says when it comes to fires in the Western Cape, firefighting entities and government authorities cannot do the job alone. “We need everyone’s help.” The Western Cape Disaster Management Centre says fires are most often caused by electrical faults or carelessness. Cigarettes, matches and lighters, candles, heating appliances and open braai fires can all cause fires if not carefully monitored. The WCDMC has the following tips to help keep families safe from fire: What if a fire breaks out in my house? ) Warn people inside the house to get out safely. ) Help people to get out and stay out of harm’s way. ) If there is a lot of smoke, crawl out below the smoke to escape the fire.
) Where possible, have more than one exit from your house, with clear routes to the door. Safety around an Open Flame ) Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach. ) Cut candles in half to prevent them falling over and use a candle holder. ) Never leave an open fire – for example around a braai - unattended. ) Do not let open fires – for example a braai - get too big and out of control. ) Monitor weather conditions. If the wind is strong, rather put the fires out till the wind dies down. General Safety tips ) Keep a well-maintained fire extinguisher in your house, and know how to use it. ) If you have a garden hose, keep it rolled up and ready in case of fire. ) Have an escape plan, and make sure that the whole family knows the plan. ) Do not park in the way of a fire hydrant (and remind your neighbours and visitors to do the same).
Een groep van 4 vriende kan ‘n komplimentêre Delheim-wynproe en keldertoer gevolg deur ‘n luilekker piekniek op die gras langs die rivier by hierdie legendariese wynplaas
Two tickets to enjoy an authentic AmaZink Live music and dinner experience in Kayamandi.
Kayamadi Primary School
Avontuur Landgoed – ‘n bottel Sarabande Sauvignon Blanc 2013 en Dominion Royale Shiraz 2011 asook ‘n geskenkpak met 3 bekroonde rooiwyne naamlik die baie gewilde Cabernet/Merlot-versnit asook die Cabernet Sauvignon en een van Avontuur se bestes, die Cabernet Franc plus ‘n gratis proe-koepon vir 4 vriende ter waarde van R120
Kayamadi Primary School needs services of 4 practitioners to assume duties by 19 /01/2015
A guided trip for two in Jonkershoek with Zee’s Cape Tours
Wyn- en Olyfpakke van Yonder Hill Wyne 2 bottels vrugtige Y Merlot 2012, perfek vir die Somer met ‘n Olyfberg Olyfolie en bottel olywe asook twee van Olyfberg se splinternuwe olyfolietroetelprodukte vir die hele lyf.
Requirements: 1. Fully qualified educator with at least 3 years experience in teaching grade R 2. Caps training is highly recommended. 3. Grade 12 or equivalent qualification but level 5 is a must 4. Proven record of organizational skills 5. Computer literacy
Faks die onderstaande vorm asook bewys van betaling na 021 883 9538 of e-pos na Naam en Van: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identiteits nommer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All applications with CV to be submitted at Kayamandi Primary School not later than 13:00 on the 29th November 2014.
Tel:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adres, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. ..................... Afleweringsadres: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tel: +27 21 889 5716 Fax: +27 21 889 7407 Email: Website:
Intekentarief: 50 weke teen R275 Ons bankbesonderhede: Newspapers BKG Circulation, Standard Bank, rekeningnommer 070643199, tak Thibault Square kode 020909. Die gelukkige wenner sal in die 4 Desember-uitgawe van Eikestadnuus aangekondig word. X1PE6701-ES111114
News - Nuus rein. Tye: Vrydag: 17:00, Saterdag: 12:00. Koste: R20 (volwassenes), R10 (kinders). Gregory: 0 071 551 7792.
29 November 25 November ) AA Stellenbosch-Sentraal kom om 20:15 by die Van der Stel-sportklub in Du Toitstraat byeen. Meer inligting: 0 084 293 3967.
26 November - 6 Desember ) Stellenbosch Kersmark. Unieke Kersgeskenke. Toegang gratis. Tye: Maandag – Vrydae: 10:00 – 20:00, Saterdae: 10:00 – 17:00. Plek: Martinsonstraat, Uniepark. Rig navrae aan Wendy: 0 021 883 3850.
27 November
28-29 November ) Lanquedoc Gemeenskapskarnaval. Plek: Lanquedoc-sportter-
6 Desember ) Junk en Vintage Mark. Tyd: 09:00 – 13:00. Plek: NG kerk Stellenbosch-Wes, Alexanderstraat. Stalletjies teen R150 elk beskikbaar. Tema: Een persoon se ou goed is ’n ander een se skatte. Michelle: 0 079 380 2004 vir meer inligting. ) VGK Kerk - Kylemore se jaarlikse basaar. Tyd: 10:00. Vermaak: hip hop dansers. Kindervermaak: springkasteel, gesigverf, waterglybaan. Onder 19, 7’s-rugbytoernooi
Lückhoff hou reünie Matrieks wat in 1989 en 1990 aan die Ou Lückhoff Nommer 2, Stellenbosch gematrikuleer het, moet asseblief kennis dra van ’n vergadering om ’n reünie te bespreek. Die Ou Lückhoffers sal deel uitmaak van ’n komitee wat eersdaags
op die been gebring sal word. Vir meer inligting oor die vergadering, wat voorlopig op 24 Januarie gehou sal word, bel Lizeldia by 0 074 409 8999 of Johan Philander by 0 082 213 7803.
Evacuation drill at mall MICHELLE VAN DER SPUY Stellenbosch disaster management practiced their emergency evacuation procedures at Eikestad Mall last Tuesday. Employees and customers at Game joined in to act as injured shoppers. All Stellenbosch’s emergency services participated in the drill, which gave them the opportunity to test their preparedness Karin Retief, general manager at Eikestad Mall, says drills such these
are necessary. “The centre is required to test that the necessary emergency procedures are in place. “In an emergency evacuation, the ability to respond quickly and to operate in a coordinated team effort is vital to the reduction or elimination of personal injury as well as the overall safety of customers, tenants, staff and general public.” Shezayd Siegels, head of Stellenbosch Municipality’s disaster management, says the drill was a success but there is always room for improvement.
Employees and customers at Game pretended to be injured shoppers who had to be removed from the Mall.
Suksesvolle vergadering Plaaslike klein besighede van WCO 24 in die Stellenboschstreek het ’n suksesvolle ontmoeting met die bestuur van Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) gehad. Teenwoordig was (van links) Gareth Cornelissen (US), Die doel van dr. Jerome Slamat (US), Tyron Wentzel (GTR), Derrick die vergade- Hendrickse (konsultant), Tania Williams (WCBOF), ring was om ’n John Villet (US), Mervin Hoffman (Fisba), Chris Munnik formele proses (US), Manie Lombaard (US), Franklin Adams en Riaan daar te stel wat Basson (US). gereelde samesprekings sal bewerkstellig word erken, en volgehoue onom geleenthede en opleiding te dersteuning in goeie trou word waardeer,” het die voorsitter verseker. “Die verbintenis van sowel van BBUS (Black Business dr. Jerome Slamat as prof. Leo- Unity Stellenbosch), Franklin pold van Huyssteen van US Adams, gesê.
S A L E !!
) Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) en Alanon (vriende en familie van verslaafdes) kom om 20:15 by die Van der Stel-sportklub byeen. Skakel 0 084 293 3967/021 887 1924/ 083 280 2602.
) Cloetesville Senior Secondary School: Matrics of 2004, 10-Year Reunion. Fee: R150. Heinrich “Heint” Arrison: 0 082 298 7887 or Carlene Petersen (Noble): 0 062 035 0207. ) Lutherse Gemeente van Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes hou Kersbasaar. Plek: Lutherse kerk, Hofmeyrstraat 26. Tyd: 08:00 – 13:00. Lekker Kersgebak, Kersversierings, handwerk, plante en boeke is beskikbaar.
Stellenbosch Gazette
S A L E !!
Tuesday 25 November 2014
Orange Dot Sale T-Shirts, Pants & Ladies & Men's Shoes Looking for a bargain? Pop in at the
HOSPICE CHARITY SHOPS in Borcherd Street for your best summer bargains & great Christmas presents Your purchases enable Hospice to provide free health services for thousands each month Time to spare/ to share/ to care? Phone 021 886 5994 to offer to volunteer X1PGBU41-ES251114
Stellenbosch Gazette
News - Nuus
Dinsdag 25 November 2014
An enchanting ballet performance The Stellenbosch Ballet Association recently performed The Enchanted Castle, a children’s ballet in two acts, at the Oude Libertas Theatre. The director is Ethne Daniels and Revil Yon from Cape Town City Ballet the guest artist. Nolan Pool took the photo.
The Stellenbsoch Ballet Association’s performance was greeted with a standing ovation. Prepping in the studio are at the back Selwyn Crotz (operations manager), Charita van der Berg (station manager), Veronique Smal (HR manager), Lauren van Wyk (admin & finance manager) and in front Vicki Mac Callum, who will be helping with the news training during the week. PHOTO: MICHAEL BOSSENGER
MFM’s community initiative Every year MFM 92.6 accepts two groups of applicants who are put through an intense three month training programme where they are schooled in every aspect of radio. MFM provides a platform for aspiring radio presenters to get a “foot up” in a highly competitive and closed off market. MFM wants to get more involved in the community, and offer this opportunity to more people. With this in mind, MFM in conjunction with Stellenbosch University Telematic services and Eduloan, have accepted 50 young adults between 16 and 18 who will receive radio training as well as training in other media platforms during the month of December. The end goal is to equip them with invaluable skills giving them an advantage in pursuing a career in radio. “This campaign was born out of a passion to educate and for us to get more involved with our community. We are very proud of this initiative and hope that it will uplift and inspire our youth”, MFM’s station manager, Charita van der
Berg, commented. “This is a unique opportunity for those interested in a career in broadcasting and all of the learners will walk away with invaluable experience, as well as also each receiving a certificate to illustrate the skills they have acquired throughout the training sessions,” she went on to say. For more information, contact the Station Manager on The learners are: Macassar High Nicole Beckett, Navan Nemo Coetzee, Annie-Jean Herbert, Munibah Samuels Stellenbosch High: Darren-Lee Carolissen, Gene Du Plessis, Nienke Osborne Rhenish Girls High Az’nemahle Dyubeni Stellenbosch Waldorf School Ronald Du Preez, Miles Kidson Zandvliet High Victoria Gordon, Yonela Jack, Derico Jansen Cloetesville Secondary High Luciano Hendricks Kylemore High: Elize Mahonono, Grace Robile, Lindokuhle Siyo Paul Roos Gymnasium: Christiaan Meyer, Ruben Sukers
Library has jam-packed holiday programme It is almost time for the schools to close, people go on vacation and everyone is in a festive mood. So what can one do with the children this coming holiday season? From Wednesday 10 to Friday 19 December there will be some activities at the Plein Street Library Hall. ) 10 December: 11:00 – Christmas Theme Story Hour with Delia van Wyk ) 12 December: 10:00 – Magic
Pick a Box ) 17 December: 10:00 – Learn to make Bead by Please Book ) 18 December: 10:00 – Make Christmas decorations for the Christmas Tree by Please Book ) 19 December: 10:00 – Christmas themed Costume Parade, prizes for the best dressed costume. Ages 5-13. All programmes are free. Booking for crafts and enquiries at 0 021 808 8385/7.
Keagan Palmer, ’n graad 7-leerder by Idasvallei Primêr, het sy skool en ouers baie trots gemaak toe hy by ’n spoggeleentheid op 7 November in Paarl as die beste skaakspeler in die Bolandstreek aangewys is. By hom is Cecil Cupido, die Bolandskaakfederasie se president.
Tuesday 25 November 2014
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Sonkrag bied volhoubare energie vir die toekoms Hoë produksiekostes is een van landbou se grootste knelpunte, en met die jaarlikse verhoging van elektrisiteitstariewe wat nie tred hou met inflasie nie, en die onstabiliteit van kragverskaffing, is volhoubare en alternatiewe oplossings noodsaaklik. Een van dié oplossings is sonkrag, wat al vir jare op afgeleë plase die enigste bron van energie was, maar nou al meer deur boere landwyd geimplementeer word. Die mark vir sonkrag sal verder vergroot as koolstofbelasting in 2015 ingestel word. Ook het sonkrag-aanlegte ’n groot invloed op ondernemings se volhoubaarheidstatus – iets wat veral onder kliënte wat by uitvoere betrokke is, baie hoog geag word. Fotovoltaïese sonpaneelaanlegte kan op bykans enige plek in SuidAfrika opgerig word en is dus geografies meer verspreid as ander kragopwekkingsbronne. Suid-Afrika het van die hoogste bestralingsvlakke ter wêreld en is dus veronderstel om die leier op dié gebied te wees, maar weens die relatiewe goedkoop krag waartoe verbruikers in die verlede toegang gehad het, is die moontlikheid nooit ten volle ontgin nie. André Potgieter van Energyworx, een van die grootste integreerders van dak-sonkrag in Suid-Afrika, sê die drastiese prysverhogings tesame met die skerp daling in die koste van fotovoltaïese stelsels, het die kostegaping aansienlik verklein en al meer mense sien die voordeel van son-energie vir die toekoms in. Hy verduidelik: “Dié panele verskaf elektrisiteit wanneer dit aan bestraling blootgestel word. Die krag wat opgewek word, word aan ’n omskakelaar gekoppel, wat dit na ’n wisselstroom verander en met die netwerkfrekwensie (Eskom) sinchroniseer en sodoende die direkte aanvraag van krag van Eskom verminder. “Eskom word nooit afgeskakel nie, maar bly op bystand vir wanneer die aanvraag groter as die sonkragaanbod is. Saans, wanneer die sonpanele geen effek het nie, voorsien Eskom dus al die krag, maar dan is dit gewoonlik teen ’n baie goedkoper tarief.” Van Suid-Afrika se voorste vrugteplase belê nou in grootskaalse sonpaneel-aanlegte. Lourensford-landgoed in Somerset-Wes het pas meer as R7 miljoen belê in die installasie van ’n 500 kWp-fotovoltaïese sonpaneelaanleg op die wynkelder se dak. Vir dié plaas is die voordele van dié belegging tweërlei: dit sal volhoubare energie verskaf, maar ook die plaas ’n treetjie nader aan die produksie van koolstof-neutrale wyne bring. Die vrugtebedryf verg baie hoë kragverbruik weens hul intensiewe verkoelingsaanlegte. Sonkrag werk in die warm maande op hulle hardste – dieselfde tyd wanneer die aanlegte die meeste op konstante verkoeling staatmaak. Energyworx het Suid-Afrika se
eerste dak sonkrag-aanleg groter as 100kWp by Villiera-wynlandgoed installeer. Dit word gereeld deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch vir toetsing gebruik en dien as vertoonvenster. Nog plase in die vrugtepakbedryf wat die voordeel van sonkrag ontdek het met die installasie van Energyworx-aanlegte, is onder meer Stellenpak in Simondium, die Bo-Radyn Boerdery buite Villiersdorp en Bluejays buite Stellenbosch. Stellenpak verskaf ’n verpakkings- en verkoelingsdiens en pak produsente se vars vrugte (pruime, pere, appels en sitrus) vir uitvoer. Robert Saunders van Stellenpak vertel dat Engergyworx hul sonpanele middel 2014 op die dak van hul pakhuis geïnstalleer het. “Die 420kWp stelsel wat 600 MWh per jaar gaan produseer, bestaan uit 1 680 panele wat ’n area van 2 744m² dek”, sê Saunders. “Daar is 21 omskakelaars – 15 hiervan voorsien krag aan die koelkamers en ses aan die pakhuis. Geen krag word op die oomblik gestoor nie.” Elektrisiteit maak ongeveer 10% van hul totale produksiekoste uit en hoewel hulle nog nie genoeg syfers het nie, reken hulle die panele gaan ’n 15%-besparing meebring. “Ons grootste enkele oorweging vir die installering was om ons kragrekening te verlaag, maar dit gaan ook daaroor om ons koolstofproduksie te verlaag.” Sandra Jeffery van die Timberlea Farming Trust, een van die Bluejay Groep se verskaffers, vertel met sonskynweer verlaag hul sonkragpanele die plaas se elektrisiteitsrekening met tot 20%. “Hoewel ons kragrekening verlaag het, kan ons nou ook sonkrag as bemarkingsgeleentheid vir groen inisiatiewe aanwend,” vertel sy. Afhangende van waar in SuidAfrika jou panele geïnstalleer is, en teen watter tarief krag aan jou verkoop word, word die aanvanklike insetkoste binne ses tot agt jaar gedelg. Elke keer as Eskom sy tariewe verhoog, word jou insetkostes vinniger gedelg. “Die paar duisend rand wat jy aanvanklik gespaar het, is nie die moeite werd as jy na vyf jaar met sonpanele sit waarvan die produksie só afgeneem het, dat jy nie jou insetkoste uit die belegging kan verhaal nie. Boonop het die maatskappy wat die installasie gedoen het, hul geld uit jou uit en verdwyn,” sê Potgieter. Hy voeg by dat dit baie maklik is om ’n 25 jaar waarborg op ’n paneel te verskaf, maar dit niks werd is as die maatskappy ’n jaar later sy deure sluit nie. Die installering van die sonpanele laat nie die werk op die plaas stilstaan nie. Inteendeel, installeerders werk meestal op die dak, uit almal se pad en wanneer die hoof-koppeling gemaak word, word die krag vir hoogstens ’n uur afgeskakel. Dié hoofkoppeling word meestal na-ure gedoen, wanneer dit niemand se werksaamhede in die wiele ry nie.
TROTS: Lede van die Jamestown-buurtwag staan hier trots by die flitsligte wat hulle kon aankoop ná die suksesvolle Erfenisdag-vieringe. Van links is Clint September, Kenneth Wenn, Elwin September, Ashley Christians en Fabian Daniels. Die lede sal altyd nog meer flitse verwelkom, asook die samewerking van die buurt se mense.
Siyzakha’s needleworkers certified Women from the Siyzakha Needlework Project recently received certificates for needlework at the farewell party. Needlework classes will resume
on 23 February. Notices will be displayed early in the new year at the Kayamandi Clinic, library and welfare office, the Legacy Hall and iKhaya
Lempilo. For more information on the project contact Jo-Marie Claassen, facilitator, 2, 0 021 883 2956 or fax 086 762 9025.
The recipients are (from left, clockwise): Winnie Twalo-Mvana (advanced certificate, with distinction), Mary Ndlovu (facilitator), Vinoria Gaga (advanced), Eunice Nonzingi (beginner), Virginia Sishuba (beginner), Thembakazi Mhlethi (beginner, with distinction), Mirriam Sikhonyana (teacher’s certificate), Esther Gumeke (beginner with distinction), Nontsikolelo Kobe (beginner). Certificates were awarded in absentia to Lizzie Mdemka (advanced), Rosemary Appollis, Lizeka Qithi and Zoleka Nombewu (beginners’ certificates).
Dink hieraan as jy sonkrag oorweeg: V Dakstruktuur: die meeste SuidAfrikaanse dakke moet volgens regulasie ’n lewendige las van 50 kg/m² kan hanteer. Die sonpanele weeg gemiddeld 13,5 kg/m² as dit geïnstalleer is. V Die dak moet verkieslik noord front, maar enigiets tussen noordnoordwes of noord-noordoos, gee goeie resultate in Suid-Afrika. V Die dakhelling: hoe verder
van noord die dak afwyk, hoe platter moet die dak wees om goeie resultate te lewer. V Groot bome of strukture wat skadu op die panele kan gooi, moet vermy word. V Die afstand van die dak met die sonpanele tot by die hoof kragboks moet so kort as moontlik gehou word om kabelverliese te verlaag en kabelkostes laag te hou.
Showing off some of the beautiful bags and garments they had made are students of the Siyazakha Needlework project at its end-of-the year party. In front are Thembakazi Mhlethi, Virginia Sishuba, Nontsikolelo Kobe, Vinoria Gaga, Esther Gumeke, Winnie Twalo-Mvana and Eunice Nonzingi. At the back Mirriam Sikhonyana and Mary Ndlovu.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 25 November 2014
Customer frustration BETREKKINGS 3600
I AM A LADY, age 32 who is looking for housekeeper or babysitting job. 061 705 7754
DECKSTER'S CATERING, DéCOR / HIRING. Menu's from R130.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. (Ielaahm or Rene.) 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.
I AM A ZIM LADY looking for work full time or chars. I am honest, trustworty and hard working. Call 074 402 6500
3680 1810
ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. EIENDOMME
EDUCARER REQUIRED for 1 - 2 yrs old. Qualification: ECD Level 5. 2 Cleaner (Level 4 ECD) Please Email CV's or enquiries to: speelkringpreprimary@ Sluit: 30 November 2014
Spesiale dienste
while the machine is busy finishing its story and then having to listen to music and advertisements for another 10 minutes until you can finally speak to a human being. Yet, when our own businesses expand, what do we do? We install the same system that we abhor in other businesses, increasing the distance between our customers and the person in the company The problem with many who can fix the problem. big companies today is that There is a saying “Peothe entrepreneurial ap- Dawid Malherbe ple support people, not proach to the customer no causes or organisations.” Many people do longer exists. Too much distance comes between the business with a certain company because customer and the person in the company of the friendly or good service of some indiwho can fix the concern. In the above-men- vidual within the company that they build tioned case, the customer was simply unable a relationship with over time. Thus, if you have a small business, see to to speak to anyone that really cared. It has become fashionable to have a tele- it that you focus on customer care that is phone system that almost bars you from personal and speedy. This is one of the great speaking to a human being. “For accounts advantages of a small business; you can act press one; for customer care, press two” etc. much quicker than a big business in the The customer care I would like to receive same industry. See to it, therefore, that you render superiis that a human being shall pick up the phone at the other end and that I shall be or service and always make the needs and able to speak to someone who can solve my complaints of your customers a priority. V David Malherbe is a business- and career problem. We all know the frustration of holding on consultant and lives in Wellington.
In the news last week we learned of an irate customer who put up a huge banner to air his frustration with a cellphone company that would not attend to irregularities on his cellphone account. No one in the company was willing to solve a problem which the customer had no control over.
2015 AKKOMMODASIE IN BERGENDAL. Student / jong werkende. Bergendal sekuriteitskomALLERLEI pleks. Ruim 3 slpk, 2 bdk 1655 huis. 80% Gemeubileerd (met wasmasjien & skotCASH PAID FOR used telgoed wasmasjien). clothing, crockery, Goeie sekuriteit. Maklike Linen, etc. I collect. Ph/sms/whatsapp Patricia ryafstand na kampus. Swembad in kompleks. 0798414016 +/- R3300 / mnd / student. Een jaar kontrak vanaf 1 GESOEK OM Des. 2014. 082 963 1340 TE KOOP 1675
COOL CONCEPTS Fridge/freezer repairs & sales. Regas @ R180.00 Prompt & Reliable 079 339 0646
DORPSHUIS TE HUUR Die Bo Rand. 3 SLPK, 2 BADK, 1 MH. R7 800 pm. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des 2014. Skakel 083 6557 557
Die Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om hierdie welsyns- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul grootste behoeftes: ) Huis Horison: Behoefte aan twee spinning bicycles, wat in ’n goeie toestand is, vir die gimnasium. Skakel 0 021 887 5080. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele (rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies,ens), en bruikbare produkte vir kospakkies. Skakel 0 021 886 8986 of 071 322 0747. ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek tweedehandse klere, nie-bederfbare voedsel, meubels en huishoudelike ware. Skakel 0 021 887 2816. ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmeer, ingemaakte (blikkies-) kos, gordyne en ou DVD’s wat oor naweke vir die kinders gewys kan word, asook skryfbehoeftes en skoolkle-
re. Skakel 0 021 886 6216. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Vrywilligers wat leerders in die nasorgsentrum op Vrydae van 15:00 tot 16:00 kan leer viool speel, word gesoek. Skakel 0 021 889 8774. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmeer, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. Skakel 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware, skoolskoene, -hemde en -broeke, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenes, rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders en ou klere vir ons klerewinkel om te gee aan diegene wat kom vra. Skakel 0 021 887 6959. ) Kayamandi-traumakamer: Matrasse (driekwart- en enkelbed), waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku, 0 074 717 9676 of 021 889 7686, of Mary, 0 083 945 5811. ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0 – 3 jaar) en bababenodigdhede vir 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, asook meisieklere (9 – 10 jaar). Bel Chanene van As, 0 082 890 8616.
Tuesday 25 November 2014
News - Nuus
Two readers can each win a ticket to Up the Creek By now most fans of alternative rock should be familiar with the Up the Creek music festival, and two lucky readers can win a full weekend ticket each to the 2015 festival. Next year’s event promises to be the best so far when Jägermeister presents the 25th birthday event from 29 January to 1 February 2015. Expect a cocktail of superb live acts, all-day activities and wacky antics at the river stage on the banks of the Breede River. The line-up for 2015 includes acts like Zebra & Giraffe, Taxi Violence, Beatenberg, aKING, Dave Ferguson, Bye Beneco, Shortstraw, Hot Water, The Black Cat Bones, The Kiffness, The Ballistics, Stoker, Red Huxley, Scicoustic, Piet Botha & The Lyzyrd Kyngs, Gerald Clark, Mean Black Mamba, Manny Walters, Basson Laubscher, John Wizards, Al Bairre, Christian Tiger School, Gateway Drugs, Manouche, Grassy Spark, Nomadic Orchestra, December Streets, Shaun Jacobs Band, Diamond Thug, Bandelero, Qadasi, Sawagi (JPN) and Kite Rider. Add Laughter Yoga with Kiki Toga, Bitchy Bingo with Mary Scary and some laid-back hours in the water and the sun. Tented accommodation is available at the Heartbreak Motel. There are two options of pre-pitched tents, hot showers, toilets, buffet breakfast and other luxuries. Under the Sedgwicks Old Brown Bedouin, campers will be privy to the widest range of delicious food, and breakfast will be accompanied by live music and giveaways a plenty. There’s also a Creekspotter competition this year. Find the #Creekspotter app on our Facebook page and enter your details. You’ll receive a posted Up The Creek 2015 sticker for your car. There are monthly prizes and festival tickets for both those who stick and spot. Ticket sales are open at R750 at Tickets are for whole weekend access only, but festival goers can arrive any day
Great entertainment and hours in the water and the sun can be expected at Up the Creek 2015. PHOTO: BELIA OH from Thursday to Sunday. (Unfortunately no under 18s will be allowed). V To stay up to date, go to,, or find @Upthe_Creek on Twitter. ) To enter the reader competition,
SMS the word CREEK, along with your name, surname and age, to 34420. Each SMS costs R1.50. The competition closes on 5 December, and winners will be contacted telephonically. V For more info and bookings go
View Boland Mountains from above This summer the Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve becomes only the seventh location in South Africa to have canopy tours. This adventure activity is sure to become a “must have” on any bucket list of exciting activities in the Western Cape. Owned by Canopy Tours South Africa, this adventure activity is a fully-guided nature experience with a focus on viewing the endemic fynbos and geology of the Boland Mountains. At Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve, the tour consists of 13 platforms and slides up to 320 m long. It is set among the cliffs, forest, waterfalls and diverse fynbos of the nature reserve. Two trained guides accompany each group on the three-hour tour, which also includes a 4x4 journey through the nature reserve and lunch on the decks of the Sunbird Café. Anton Bredell, the minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape, congratulated the managing entity of the Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve, CapeNature, for venturing into a concession agreement with Cape Canopy Tours. “The concession agreement between CapeNature and Cape Canopy Tours is a great initiative for the Western Cape. The province is already well known for the outdoor
Adventure awaits at Cape Nature’s new zip line route. opportunities it offers to tourists and this new offering is sure to be very well received.” Bredell says it is important to make citizens and tourists aware of the biodiversity around them, biodiversity that entities like CapeNature work hard to protect and develop. “Responsibly managed initiatives like the canopy tour will be sure to increase the interest in the biodiversity of the area as well as provide an
exciting outing.” Bredell reiterated the need for visitors to nature reserves in the province to be act responsibly when visiting and participating in activities that are available. The Cape Canopy Tour is suitable for almost all ages (5 – 75 is the recommended limit) and will operate in most weather conditions. VFor more information please visit
Stellenbosch Gazette
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 16 • Dinsdag 25 November 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211
Steyn stap 97 km op krukke SHAWN VALENTINE Paul Steyn, van die Paul Steynstigting, het op 17 November by sy oorblystop op Stellenbosch aangekom gedurende sy 97 km-stap vanaf Wellington na die Waterfront in Kaapstad. Die Wellington-tot-Kaapstad-stap dien as ’n bewusmakingsveldtog asook ’n geldinsamelingsprojek vir persone wat prostese benodig. Steyn, wat op 13-jarige ouderdom sy regterbeen verloor het, onderneem die reis op krukke. “Ek is flippen seer,” vertel Steyn aan Eikestadnuus. “Kyk, ek was jonk toe ek my been verloor het en nog van krukke moes gebruik maak, so dit is die rede hoekom ek dit doen. Ek wil aan mense probeer demonstreer hoe moeilik dit is om nie ’n prostese te hê nie.” Steyn het vanaf Pniel na Stellenbosch gestap en het tot sy aankoms in Stellenbosch 44,4 km voltooi. Hy is deur die Stellenbosch-brandweer en die verkeersbeamptes begelei tot by Eikestad Mall, waar hy sy 12 km-stap vir die dag voltooi het. Amptenare van die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit het Paul na die winkelsentrum vergesel.
Sportdag in Cloetesville Impact through Sport in samewerking met Lyndoch Primêr sal ’n sportdag aanbied op Saterdag 29 November by Cloetesville sportterrein. Devon Vallei, JJ Rhode, Vlottenburg en Wemmershoek Primêre Skole sal geesdriftig teen mekaar in netbal, sokker, raakvat en sewe-’n-kant rugby te staan kom. Spanregistrasie begin stiptelik om 8:30. Vir inligting bel Juanita Muller by 0 083 882 5333 of per e-pos by
PaulSteyn op pad na Eikestad Mall, vergesel deur lede van die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit, verkeersdepartement en Stellenbosch-brandweer. FOTO: SHAWN VALENTINE “Dit is ’n uitstekende organisasie om te ondersteun. Dit handel oor bewusmaking . Ek dink hierdie stap het sy doel bereik; mense weet hoekom hy dit doen en ook bring dit mense saam,” sê Rowena Kellies, die adjunkdirekteur in die kantoor van die
Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit se munisipale bestuurder. Die Paul Steyn-stigting is ’n geregistreerde niewinsgewende organisasie met die hoofdoel om persone met ledemate wat geamputeer is, te help om prostese te bekom.
Stellenbosch’s Robyn Williams won the past weekend’s TRIRock Robben Island. The triathlon was held on the historic Robben Island. Williams was in commanding form on the island and won convincingly. Williams also won the Slanghoek MTB Tri two weeks ago. FOTO: DYLAN HASKIN
Planne vir fietsbosberaad vorder fluks Meer inligting is nou beskikbaar oor die program vir die beplande fietsbosberaad op Stellenbosch van Donderdagaand 4 Desember tot Sondagoggend 7 Desember. “Ons gaan nie duur geriewe huur vir die beraad nie en daarom is die formaat dat ons elke oggend en laatmiddag met ’n roete ry na ’n plek waar ons kan gesels, ’n aanbieding hoor en saam eet. So kan ons ook kommentaar lewer op die roetes wat ons gaan ry,” verduidelik Dawid Botha en Carinus Lemmer, organiseeerders van die beraad, die program.
Die program lyk tans soos volg: Donderdagaand 4 Des 18:00: Verwelkoming Erfurthuis, Reyneveldstraat. Stellenbosch-fietsplan: Dawid Botha en Richard Gordge Vrydagoggend 5 Des 08:00 Jonkershoek-rit Jonkershoek-bergfietspaaie, Bobby Behan Toegang tot plase vir bergfietse: Meurant Botha Vrydagaand 5 Des 18:00: Platroete om Stellenbosch Bespreking: Stellenbosch-fietsplan – detail: Richard Gordge
Saterdagoggend 6 Des 08:00: Spier-roete (terugrit via Oude Libertas-Mark) Bespreking: Nasionale NMT-beleid: Gail Jennings Saterdagaand 6 Des 18:00: Dorpstoer: Pietman Retief, 20:00: Groot Makietie, Blue Crane, Dorpstraat. Cycling Cities: Dawid Botha en Andrew Wheeldon Sondagoggend 7 Des 08:00: R44roete na Blaauwklippen en Dornier/Tegnopark Fietstoerisme: Prof Robbie Reinecke en Gawie Groenewald “Elke roete sal op dieselfde plek
begin en eindig by ’n eetplek. Ons kan bevestig dat ons Saterdagaand Groot Makietie hou by The Blue Crane and the Butterfly, Dorpstraat 146a. Op die openingsaand sal Richard Gordge, leier van die span wat tans die groot fietsplan vir Stellenbosch opstel, vir ons ’n inleiding gee oor die nuutste inligting hieroor. V Elke rit kos R100 en dit sluit ’n ete en ’n spreker in. Vir meer inligting bel vir Brent Morkel by 072 690 6537. Onthou ook om die vraelys by in te vul.