Stellenbosch Gazette 26 Mar 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 26 March 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

The people’s champ

Christoph Sauser won the Champions Race in Kayamandi. Sauser from Switzerland started the charity in this community in 2008. Sauser, along with some of the best mountain bikers in the world including the current Olympic champion Jaroslav Kulhavy, participated in this unique race. Here Sauser is with some of his biggest fans. PHOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE


Stellenbosch Gazette

News - Nuus

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Fire at Kayamandi creche

Jong rower kan deur diefwering



The fire department had to respond to another call from Kayamandi this week, this time to a crèche where a fire broke out. According to Wayne Smith, the assistant fire chief on duty, they responded to the call at 10:10 on Tuesday. “At first we thought it might be another shack fire and we immediately called in the Cape Winelands Fire Department for backup. “When we arrived at the scene we saw a structure at the back of the Sizamile Crèche in Ndzawumbi Street, Kayamandi. “It seems as if someone had been living in the structure on the school grounds. The fire burned very quickly and the whole structure and its contents were destroyed.” Luckily there was minimal damage to the school itself, although the children had to be evacuated. Furniture had also been removed from the building neighbouring the burning structure. At this stage the origin of the fire is still unknown, although it could have been an electrical short circuit.

Firefighters working hard to stop the fire, which broke out behind the Sizamile Crèche on Tuesday.


Help police fight violence against children The Stellenbosch SAPS have asked the assistance of the public to curb violence against children. “We ask parents in the community to take special care of their children and be responsible in explaining to their little ones on what to do when they are being touched or abused by any other person known or unknown to them,” said police spokesperson, Lt Nathalie Martin. “We experience a lot of situations where children are left in the care of other adults and are then sexually assaulted. “Parents should be sure of the caregiver’s character before leaving their children with them. “Please also take note of where and with whom your children are playing outside of your home. “See every child as your own and help the police to fight crime against the children of Stellenbosch,” pleaded Martin with the community.

LENDING A HAND: Members of Stellenbosch Watch / ADT in Stellenbosch donated blankets, clothes and food in aid of the residents of Kayamandi who had lost their homes in last week’s fire. Here is the chairman of Stellenbosch Watch, Bertie van Wyk, with Alson Siko, one of ADT’s security officers, with the goods, which were delivered on Wednesday. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Burglar caught red­handed A burglar was caught red-handed in the early hours of Wednesday morning after breaking into a house in Louw Street. According to Lt Nathalie Martin, the police spokesperson, the residents were sleeping when one of them heard sounds in the house. “He woke up his housemate and went to investigate. They found the burglar in the bathroom.

“He tried to flee the scene by jumping from the window, but the two men grabbed him before he could escape.” Stellenbosch Watch / ADT received a panic alarm and responded to the scene where the client informed them that there was a man in the house. The security officer arrested the trespasser and handed him over to the police.

Stellenbossers wat glo diefwering beskerm hul eiendom, word deur misdadigers se nuwe tegniek uitoorlê. Inbrekers het onlangs ’n reeks woonstelle in die middedorp beroof deur ’n jong kind deur die diefwering te laat klim. Dit blyk die inbreker is ’n jong seun wat saam met ’n volwassene werk. Die seun se ouderdom is onbekend, maar hy is klein genoeg om deur diefwering van sowat 20 by 20 sentimeter te pas. In sommige gevalle word diefwering eers met geweld uitgebreek, waarna die kind deur die oop venster klouter. In ander gevalle klim die seun eenvoudig deur die diefwering of steek sy arms deur. Daar is die afgelope maand by minstens twee woonstelle, in Marais- en De Waalstraat, op dié wyse ingebreek. Lizahn Human, wat in die Oude Waalwoonstelkompleks woon, is een van die slagoffers. Human se woonstelmaat het die woonstel binnegekom net toe die seun by die venster uitgeklim het. Human vertel die polisie het aan hulle gesê inbrekers vermom hulself dikwels om soos studente te lyk. “Die inbrekers dra van die maroen Varsity Cup-hempies waarmee al die studente rugby gaan kyk. As jy so iemand om jou woonstel sien, dink jy nie sommer hy sal jou beroof nie.” “Die onvoldoende sekuriteit hier is ’n baie swak punt. My ouers betaal duur vir ’n woonstel in die ‘veilige area’ van die dorp. Ek verwag dat iemand ’n ogie sal hou oor wie hier rondbeweeg,” vertel Loemy Malan. Malan is ’n inwoner van die Tassenwyk-woonstelgebou in Maraisstraat en het ook onder dié inbrekerslenter deurgeloop. Volgens die Stellenbosch-polisiewoordvoerder Nathalie Martin is daar nog nie baie van hierdie gevalle aangemeld nie, maar dit is steeds ’n probleem. “Die mense het mos elke maand ’n nuwe manier waarop hulle steel.” Martin beaam dat inwoners bedag moet wees daarop om nie vensters oop te los of waardevolle items oop te laat lê nie. “Wanneer jy die perseel verlaat, is dit belangrik om die vensters ook toe te maak, al het jy diefwering. Anders is dit ’n ope uitnodiging vir misdadigers.”

Tuesday 26 March 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Maties reik uit ná Kayamandi­brand MARINETTE POTGIETER

Hier bedien burgemeester Conrad Sidego sop aan die brandslagoffers in Kayamandi. FOTO: BERESHITH MEDIA

Welwillendheid op Menseregtedag gesien Slagoffers van die verwoestende brand onlangs in Zone O Kayamandi het op Menseregtedag (21 Maart) die welwillendheid van die groter Stellenbosse en Wes-Kaapse gemeenskap in aksie gesien. Benewens die kos en nood-boustelle wat steeds deur die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit en die provinsiale regering verskaf word, stroom skenkings van kos, klere, beddegoed en matrasse nog in. Raadsheer Conrad Sidego, die uitvoerende burgemeester van Stellenbosch, het Menseregtedag in Kayamandi deurgebring en selfs sinkplate en swaar potte sop van die afleweringsvoertuie afgelaai. Hy het die breër gemeenskap, groot sakeondernemings en gewone burgers vir hul bydraes geloof. “Mense se harte het oopgegaan en ons het ’n gees van ubuntu hier in Kayamandi beleef. Dit gaan nie net oor die menseregte wat in die Grondwet vervat is nie, maar ook oor die welwillendheid wat ons teenoor mekaar moet uitleef. “Mense het met hul hartstaal gewys ons is ’n gemeenskap wat omgee. Dit gee ’n mens weer hoop. Ondanks al die negatiewe wat ons in ons gemeenskappe ervaar, is die goeie veel meer as die slegte. Solank dit só is, sal dit goed

gaan in ons gemeenskappe, dorpe, stede en in ons land.” Volgens Sidego is menseregte ’n daaglikse uitdaging én verantwoordelikheid van SuidAfrikaanse leiers, maar in die aangesig van ’n ramp soos hierdie is dit die uiterste toets vir die beskerming van mense se menswaardigheid en regte. “Ewe belangrik as kos, klere en ’n dak, is om die gees te voed – en dit is onder meer waaroor menseregte gaan. Daardie innerlike gevoel en versekering dat daar vir jou as burger omgegee word. Dat jy gerespekteer word,” het hy gesê. Intussen gaan die munisipaliteit volstoom voort met die aflewering van nood-boustelle aan die slagoffers. Sedert verlede Maandag is 330 boustelle aan huiseienaars gelewer en die plan is dat al 1 357 mense wat hul huise verloor het, teen 29 Maart geholpe moet wees. Volgens Sidego is die plan dat die gemeenskap vandeesweek weer na normaal terugkeer, met ouers wat terug by die werk is en kinders wat weer op die skoolbanke moet wees. Hy het benadruk dat die ramp politieke partye oor partygrense heen die geleentheid gegee het om saam te werk om die Zone 0-gemeenskap by te staan.

Don’t forget Kayamandi pets that succumbed to the fire Whilst the biggest focus is on the thousands of residents from Zone O in Kayamandi affected by the fire last week Thursday, the Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch (AWSS) has reminded Stellenbosch residents that many animals have also succumbed to the fire. There are a lot of animals from Kayamandi that are in dire need of medical attention. The AWWS is now calling upon the Stellenbosch community to make much-needed monetary donations to the AWSS so that the animals can be helped. Every cent will go towards the animals. The banking details for donations are as follows: Animal Welfare Society of Stellenbosch; Nedbank Stellenbosch; 149 804 2856; branch code 149821. Please use “Blaze Fund” as reference. For further information please call 021 886 4901 or send an email to

Blaze, one of the animals that have succumbed to the fire in Kayamandi.

Studente en personeel van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) word aangemoedig om bystand te lewer aan die slagoffers van die verwoestende brand in Kayamandi verlede Donderdagaand. Sowat 1 357 plakkershutte is in die brand vernietig wat ongeveer 4 500 mense dakloos gelaat het. Die brand het egter strawwe druk op die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit geplaas. Maties Gemeenskapsdiens (MGD) het betrokke geraak by ’n uitreikprogram waar studente en personeel nie-bederfbare items, soos klere, toiletware en komberse aan die slagoffers kan skenk. Die items kan by akademiese geboue soos die J.S. Gericke-biblioteek, die konservatorium, die Administrasie B-gebou, die Rekeningkunde en Statistiek-gebou of by die

MGD-kantoor afgelaai word. “Ons het toestemming ontvang om by Maandagaand se Varsity Cup-wedstryd items in te samel, en het daarna meer as 15 bokse by rampbestuur in Cluverweg afgelaai,” sê Gareth Cornelissen, verantwoordelik vir donasies by die US. “Ons het reeds twee Toyota Avanza’s vol bokse sedert Maandag by twee van dié akademiese geboue ingevorder,” voeg hy by. MGD is nie direk betrokke in Kayamandi nie, maar voorsien rampbestuur van vrywilligers, onder andere studente en personeel, om te help met die sortering en vervoer van items. Daar is vanaf Dinsdag elke uur op die uur ’n bus wat vrywilligers vanaf die Neelsie-studentesentrum na rampbestuur vervoer. “Hoewel baie vrywilligers reeds betrokke is, is daar altyd ’n aanvraag na nog,” vertel Cornelissen.

STAFF AND STUDENTS WALK FOR WATER: Stellenbosch University on Tuesday joined thousands of people from Africa and across the world in a local “World Walks for Water and Sanitation” event to raise awareness of each and everyone’s right to safe water. More than 100 staff members and students, including the mayor Conrad Sidego (left), walked 2,4 km. Prof Eugene Cloete, vice-rector for research and innovation at the SU, also joined the march.

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 26 March 2013

26 en 27 Maart

Pink Walk in the Boland

The Boland Islamic Women’s League will be staging a Boland Pink Walk on Sunday 7 April. The proceeds of this event will be donated to the national Pink Drive campaign. The walk, with distances of 5 km or 8 km, will start at the Markotter Sports Complex in Stellenbosch. The walk starts at 09:00, but registration is from 07:00 tot 08:45. Entrance is R10 a person and each participant will receive a medal on completion of the

walk. Those taking part in the walk must please where something pink. There will be food stalls, refreshments, a jumping castle and a water slide. The Pink Drive is an initiative of Cause Marketing Fundraisers who power a mobile mammography and education unit across South Africa with the aim of offering free breast examinations. Please call Nadia Henry on 021 886 5980 or 076 148 7035 for further information or to register.

Paasfees vir kroos by Taalmonument Kinders kan Donderdag 28 Maart ’n vroeë Paasfees by die laaste volmaanpiekniek van die seisoen by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument geniet. Ouers moet hul kinders se Paaseiers, wat duidelik gemerk moet wees, vooraf in die Paashaas se mandjie by die Volksmond Koffiewinkel kom sit. Die Paashaas behoort om 18:30 sy opwagting te maak om die Paaseiers uit te deel. Sonsondergang is om 18:45 en maanopkoms is om 20:05. ’n Begeleide toer van die monument sal om 18:30 en weer om 19:30 aangebied word, en die monument sal tot om 22:00 oop wees. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel. Skakel gerus 021 863 2800 vir bestellings. Volksmond sal tot om 22:00 oop wees vir koffie en ligte verver-

)Slypskool oor verftegnieke vir meubels. Aangebied deur Paint & Decor DIY in Stellenbosch Square. Leer hoe om “antiquing”, “distressing” en “silver leafing” baas te raak. 09:00 – 12:30. R500 per persoon, sluit alle materiale, klasnotas en verversings in. Plekke is beperk. Om te bespreek kontak Paint & Decor DIY by 021 880 1980 om u plek te verseker.

sings. Die toegangsfooi by die hek beloop R15 vir volwassenes, R10 vir studente en R5 vir kinders (gratis onder ses jaar). Geen besprekings is nodig nie. Besoekers moet onthou om flitse en warm klere saam te bring. Geen honde en vure word toegelaat nie. Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. ’n Nuutjie by vanjaar se volmaanpieknieks is ’n fotokompetisie op die Taalmonument se Facebook-blad, met verskeie pryse op die spel. Vir meer inligting oor die Taalmuseum of Taalmonument, skakel 021 863 0543/4809, besoek die webwerf by, of besoek of taalmonument.

26 Maart )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967.

28 Maart

CELEBRATE EASTER AT SPIER: The Spier Wine Estate is hosting an Easter Sunday lunch and Egg hunt on the estate on Sunday 31 March. When visitors arrive on Sunday morning the children will be invited to visit the chicken coup to collect freshly laid eggs which they will paint and decorate. After that a traditional egg hunt will ensue. A five course food treasure hunt will also be held. It will start at the hotel where you will receive clue cards. Each course will be served at a different venue on the farm. The children’s easter egg hunt will start at 10:30 and the food treasure hunt at 12:30. The cost is R295 for adults which includes a welcome drink, five courses and three glasses of wine. It cost R100 for children four to 12 years old. Book by calling 021 809 1100 or email



)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of 021 889 5791.

13 April )Annual Rare Plant Fair at Rustenberg Wines in Ida’s Valley. Thirty specialist amateur and professional growers will be selling their plants. There will also be side stalls selling other gardening items. Entrance R10. Tea and wine will be served. 09:30 to 14:30. 0 078 021 2101. )Die Geluksoord Tehuis vir Verswakte Bejaardes hou ’n markdag as geldinsamelingsprojek om 09:00 by Tarentaallaan 10, OnderPapagaaiberg. Bespreek vooraf ontbyt teen R50 per persoon. 0 021 887 3124 of 2

AN EASTER FEAST OF GREAT SAVINGS Product has been styled for photography.








Stork Baking Margarine Brick 500g

1579 Each

PnP Fresh Milk Assorted 2 litre

PnP White Grapes Box 1.5kg


Simonsberg Cream Cheese Assorted 230g

Nescafé Classic 200g

per meal

PnP Fried Baby Hake & Chips

PnP White Sugar 2.5kg

1299 Each

Coca-Cola Regular 2 litre

Always there for you


Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.

Please Recycle


TOLL FREE: 0800 11 22 88




Tuesday 26 March 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Bacon­and­cheese macaroni

Die leerlinge is (voor van links) Daniel Robinson (graad 12), Inès Mars (graad 11), Katerine van der Spuy (graad 8) en agter Ha Ram Yang (graad 11), Andrew Harrison-Migochi (graad 10) en Mark Doyle (graad 10). Kayla Vorster (graad 10) was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. Dr. Stephan Wagner sit heel regs en Melissa Kistner heel links.

Hoërskoolleerlinge begin met wiskunde voorbereidings Drie leerlinge van die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, tesame met vier van Hoërskool Parel Vallei in Somerset Wes, het klaar vir vanjaar se wiskundeolimpiades begin gereed maak. Hulle is gekies om spesialis onderrig te ontvang danksy die Universiteit Stellenbosch se departement van Wetenskap en Tegnologie se Siyanqoba-projek.

Dié projek is daarop gemik om van Suid-Afrika se skerpste jong mense te ondersteun. Dr. Stephan Wagner, van die afdeling vir Wiskunde van die US se departement wiskundige wetenskappe, sal die leerlinge voorberei vir vanjaar se olimpiades. Hy word deur Melissa Kistner, ’n nagraadse chemiese ingenieurswese-student, gehelp.

Xhosa for beginners A course teaching Xhosa for beginners will be held in Stellenbosch from 6 to 24 June. It will be a practical conversation-based course, designed to introduce the isiXhosa language and culture. It will give participants confidence in using the language and enable accurate and natural pronunciation and oral comprehension. Dr Sandile Gxilishe will present the course.

Registration is on 18 April from 17:30 to 19:00 in the Stellenbosch Library in Plein Street. The course costs R2 400 per person and includes all the material. It must be payed in two payments. The course can only accommodate a maximum of 20 participants. Please call Dr Sandile Gxilishe on 021 650 2305, 072 628 3582 or send an email to for further information.

Dans ten bate van outisme Die Ondersteuningsgroep vir persone met Outisme bied ’n dans op 24 Mei aan. Dit sal 20:00 in die Weber Gedenkskoolsaal in Jamestown begin en toegang is R70 per per-

soon. Alle gaste moet hulle eie xyz en platters saambring. Callies Dance Band sal die musiek maak. Bel 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208 vir meer inligting.

VGK Vlottenburg hou reünie Die VGK Vlottenburg hou 1 Junie vanjaar ’n reünie. Alle gemeentelede, van 1963 af, word genooi om dié spesiale ge-

leentheid by te woon. Dit sal 14:00 in die VGK Vlottenburg-kerksaal begin. Bel asseblief vir Desmond Solomons by 082 757 2190.

Kom hou kermis saam met Azaleahof Die Azaleahof ACVV Dienssentrum in Van Riebeeckstraat hou Saterdag 6 April ’n kermis. Daar gaan worsbraai wees, spitbraai, afval, pannekoek, ’n poedingtafel, naaldwerk, tee, koffie en verversings, wit olifante, goeie tweedehandse klere, koekies en beskuit en nog

baie meer. Hierdie kermis diens as ’n groot geldinsameling vir die jaar en is ’n geleentheid vir familie en vriende om die dag saam met die inwoners te geniet. Almal is welkom. Bel 021 887 0136 vir meer inligting.

Kids will love this new take on a family favourite. Preparation time: 5 min Cooking time: 20 min Serves 6 Ingredients 250 g streaky bacon, cut into small batons 30 ml olive oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 400 g mixed mushrooms, sliced thinly 600 ml milk 2 packets instant cheese sauce 5 ml dried oregano (or to taste) Large pinch ground nutmeg 125 ml fat-reduced cream 250 ml (tightly packed) strong cheese

of your choice, coarsely grated 125 ml coarsely chopped parsley 250 g elbow macaroni or penne pasta, cooked, seasoned and oiled salt and milled black pepper More tasty cheese, finely grated, to serve Method Place the bacon in a heated saucepan and lightly brown while its own fat is rendering. Add the olive oil and onion and sauté until translucent. Add the mushrooms and sauté until they release their juices. Whisk together the milk half and half, sauce powder, oregano and nutmeg and add to the saucepan. Stir until it boils and thickens.

A new take on an old favourite.


Remove from heat and stir in the cream, 250 ml grated cheese, the parsley and the cooked pasta and toss lightly. Season to taste and serve, passing around a bowl of finely grated cheese and a pepper mill for the adults. - Recipe from



Stellenbosch Gazette

Wine and golf in aid of Safe House The Safe House Stellenbosch is hosting a golf and wine day at the Stellenbosch Golf Club on 16 May. The event will be a charity day to raise awareness of abused women and children in the Stellenbosch area. For further information about this special event in aid of charity or to take part in it, please send an email to

Rampfonds vir brandslagoffers gestig ’n Rampfonds is deur die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit gestig vir die slagoffers van die verwoestende brand onlangs in Kayamandi se Zone O. Belangstellendes wat skenkings wil maak, kan dit net doen deur ’n direkte bankinbetaling of elektroniese oorplasing. Dit is egter slegs geldig as die verwysing VOTEKDIS gebruik word. Skenkers word versoek om die nodige reëlings met hul bank/finansiële departement |

07 Gelukwensing Congratulations



Algemene Dienste General Services


Geld/lenings Money/Loans DEBT PROBLEMS? Let us help you. We consolidate debt payments. Pay lower installments. Deon 021 811 4670.

MALAWIAN MAN seeks gardening, housekeeper, painter, car wash, pool cleaning work. 082 308 1821.

ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596.

HERSTEL by die huis. Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.


Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted

Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs

FRIDGE / FREEZER / AIRCON: We buy & repair fridges No call out fee/Promt service. 076 552 0272 www.fridgefreezermobile.

DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. ( Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.

Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com

te tref om sodoende te verseker dat die verwysing korrek op die stadsraad van die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit se bankstate sal reflekteer. ’n Bewys van betaling met jou volledige besonderhede moet ook na 021 808 8574 gefaks word. Die bankbesonderhede is soos volg: ABSA; Stellenbosch-tak; 632005 (takkode); 410188031 (tjekrekeningnommer); VOTEKDIS (verwysing). Vir meer inligting, skakel 021 808 8546/47.

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840



Tuesday 26 March 2013

Spesiale dienste

Betrekkings • Vacancies

MALAWIAN MAN aged 22 seeks gardening, housekeeping, cook job. Reference available. Contact 084 699 8743.

DR NILSON Marriage problems. Love problems. Pregnancy problems. Remove bad luck and evil spirits. Sexual problems. Financial problems. Win big contracts, tenders and court cases. Also unfinished work with other doctors. 078 229 1030 Stellenbosch. Call for appointment. Finance available - No Deposit

Quality Controller Origin Wine, situated in the Stellenbosch wine valley, currently requires the services of a competent, dynamic and self-motivated person that is able to work accurately under pressure. Matric, own transport and a valid driver’s licence, the willingness to work shifts and over weekends as well as computer literacy, are further requirements for appointment to this post. Knowledge of quality control systems (HACCP and ISO) as well as previous experience in a similar position, will be advantageous. The successful applicant will be responsible for: • maintenance and calibration of equipment • maintenance of quality control results and records • application of quality control tests • monitoring and record keeping of product specifications • implementing and managing quality control systems • management/application of the Occupational Health and Safety Act • laboratory analyses as well as other ad hoc tasks related to the post. In return for your contribution Origin Wine offers a competitive remuneration package. Please forward your CV and covering letter to Mariëtte Grové at Laker & Le Roux Human Resource Practitioners, via fax 086 589 3425 or via email (with reference number LLR421 in the subject line) or apply online at by no later than 9 April 2013. Commencement date: As soon as possible If you do not receive any feedback within two weeks after the closing date, you may assume that your application was unsuccessful. 111462

Dinsdag 26 Maart 2013

Advertisement - Advertensie

Stellenbosch Gazette


WEEKLY WINNERS Product has been styled for photography

2999 PnP no nameTM Frozen Chicken Braaipak 2kg




Bulk Stewing Beef (Bone in) per kg

Enterprise Back Bacon 250g

2699 Each

PnP Nectar Assorted 4 litre

While Stocks Last Equal to


per 200g

Snowflake Cake Wheat Flour 2.5kg



Bols Brandy 750ml

4599 per pack

All Seasons Full Cream, Low Fat or Fat Free Long Life Milk 6 x 1 litre




Carling Black Label Non-returnable Bottles 24 x 340ml or Cans 24 x 330ml

4000 Nescafé Classic Flexi Bag 150g


2400 Fanta, Sprite or Stoney Assorted 2 litre





SAVE 6.00

PnP 1 Ply White Toilet Tissue 9s

Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.


Please Recycle


TOLL FREE: 0800 11 22 88


Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details. 1176551B_E


Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 26 Maart 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

STELLENBOSCH AT EPIC: Winners of the Absa Cape Epic ,Jaroslav Kulhavy and Christoph Sauser, celebrate with the kids from the Kayamandi charity in Wellington.

Stellenbosch power couple Ariane and Erik Kleinhans won the mixed category in convincing fashion.

Christoph Sauser and Jaroslav Kulhavy riding over Thelema on their way to Stellenbosch. Sauser is based in Stellenbosch for about six months every year. PHOTO: KARIN SCHERMBRUCKER/CAPE EPIC/SPORTZPICS

Stellenbosch part of annual Easter Rural Sports Tournament

Uitblinkers vir Maart: stuur nominasies


The annual Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) Easter Rural Sports Tournament is set to take place on Saturday 30 March at the Rawsonville sportsfield.

This exciting sports event will showcase the rugby and netball talent from farming communities from all five local municipalities in the Winelands, including Stellenbosch, Drakenstein, Langeberg, Breede Valley and Witzenberg. A thrilling day filled with non-stop action is promised to the spectators. It is anticipated that over 1 000 spectators will descend on Rawsonville to watch their teams compete. This event is a platform created by the CWDM in partnership with its five local mu-

nicipalities to celebrate the talented sportsmen and women from the rural areas in the district. It is to honour them and to show appreciation for the positive contribution that they make to not only their community but also to the broader South Africa. Sport is a proven method for keeping our youth and young adults off the streets and creating healthy communities and a winning nation. Those attending will enjoy local food, good sports, music, entertainment and a fun-filled family day, with many spot prizes with the compliments of CWDM. For further information call Claude Schroeder or Gregory West on 023 348 2300 or send an e-mail to

Dit is tyd vir skole om nominasies vir Let’s Play en Eikestadnuus se Sportster van die Maand vir Maart te stuur. Voorstelle vir die Eikestadnuus Span van die Maand kan ook gemaak word. Nominasies moet Eikestadnuus niks later nie as Maandag 1 April bereik. Dit is belangrik dat skole nominasies stuur. Daar is pryse op die spel en ook ’n groot

Cloetesville nooi almal na rugbydans Die Cloetesville-rugbyklub hou op Vrydag 29 Maart ’n dans in Boulevard Club. Almal word uitgenooi om dit by te woon. Vir meer besonderhede, bel George Noble by 079 919 9778.

prys vir die algehele wenner aan die einde van die jaar. Stuur jul nominasies aan Dylan Raubenheimer was Januarie se Sportster van die Maand en Hoërskool Lückhoff se o.17-sokkerspan het die spankompetisie gewen. Wayne Montgomery was Februarie se ster.

Gazette wil ingelig wees oor wenners Wat gebeur in jou sportgebied? Het jou gemeenskap ’n sportster? Presteer jou skool se leerlinge op die sportveld? Laat die Gazette weet! SMS op 32513 of epos

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