Stellenbosch Gazette 28 Mei 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 28 May 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Happiness is . . . a home of your own

The Stellenbosch Municipality, along with the Western Cape Department for Human Settlements, handed over 106 new homes to beneficiaries in the Watergang housing project last Friday. Seated is Lena Maasdorp (89), a beneficiary who has never lived in a house before. With her are (from left) Graham Power from Power Construction, ANC councillor Phelisa Sitshoti, mayor Conrad Sidego, Western Cape minister for Human Settlements, Bonginkosi Madikizela and Thandi Mpambo Sibukwana, the advocateur for human rights in the Western Cape Department for Human Settlements. PHOTO: ANJE SMIT


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Kinderbeskermingsweek skop af ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Met die afskop van Kinderbeskermingsweek, wat in die Wes-Kaap tot ’n maand verleng word, het die polisie ook hulp van die publiek ontvang. FC Smit van Thorburn Security het ’n skenking van 34 poppies aan die Stellenbosch SAPD se eenheid vir gesinsgeweld, kindermishandeling en seksuele misdrywe (GKS) gemaak. Die poppies het verskillende eienskappe en doelwitte, het kapt. Maria Goosen, die forensiese maatskaplike werker verduidelik. “Van die poppe is anatomies korrek, terwyl die ander slegs speelpoppe is. Ons benodig albei om ’n korrekte assessering van die kinders te doen.”

Die kinders sal van die gewone poppies gegee word om mee te speel en dan in hul taal probeer verduidelik wat plaasgevind het. “Ons kan nooit enige van die privaat-areas noem nie. Indien ’n kind wel iets noem, sal ons dan die anatomies-korrekte poppe uithaal sodat hulle kan verduidelik wat gebeur het.” Daar is ’n ouma en oupa, ma en pa en ’n dogtertjie en seuntjie, met ’n volle uitrusting en toegerus met geslagsdele. Die kind kan dan die poppies uittrek om ’n moeilike situasie uit te beeld. “ ’n Kind wat moontlik nie toegerus is met die kennis of taal om te verduidelik wat gebeur het nie, kan dit dan aandui. Ons verslag aan die hof sal dan hul eie verduideliking sowel as die aksies bevat.” Volgens Goosen is hierdie

skenking van groot waarde vir hul taak. “As ons die regte hulpmiddels het, is die hofsaak op die ou end soveel sterker.” Ná afloop van haar verduideliking van die praktiese toepassing van die poppe het brig. Joseph Makhura, van die provinsiale polisiekantoor, ook sy dank aan Thorburn uitgespreek. “Ek het in my jare in die polisie baie misdaadtonele bygewoon, maar het nooit die slagoffers van seksuele misdrywe se stories gehoor nie. Vandag was vir my ook ’n les. “Ek sal graag meer betrokke wil wees by sulke sake. Die van ons wat moreel is, moet saamstaan om weerlose kinders te beskerm teen diegene sonder morele waardes.” Kinderbeskermingsweek vind plaas van 27 Mei tot 3 Junie.

Empowering your children to be security conscious Every day there are stories in the media and circulating on e-mail about children affected by crime and abuse. In light of Child Protection Week – between 26 May and 3 June – South Africans are encouraged to teach youngsters about security. “Crime is a reality for South Africans and our children are being affected. They need to know what to do in an emergency and how to protect themselves,” says Rob Dale, managing director of ADT Security Western Cape. Dale has the following valuable safety tips for parents to share with their children: ) Make sure your children memorise their full names, address and phone number. ) Using a play phone, teach them when and how to dial 10111.

A bus tour on the Garden Route The Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trust will host a charity tour by luxury bus to Knysna and Plettenberg Bay from 10-13 October. Tickets cost R1 675 per person sharing and include transport, ultra luxury accommodation on the Knysna Waterfront and one main meal per day. A deposit of R375 by mid-June will secure a reservation (limited seats). Phone Lionel Cloete (082 850 7845) or Bereneace Katts (074 580 8227).

) Always leave a phone number where you can be reached along with numbers for neighbours and emergency services right next to the phone. ) Make sure your children know it is important to speak clearly and tell the emergency services exactly what is happening. ) Let your children practice operating door and window locks. ) Explain how important it is not to let anyone into the house without your permission. ) Teach them to not reveal on the phone or at the door that no adults are home but to rather say their parents are too busy to come to the phone or door. ) Teach your children basic first aid such as putting pressure on a bleeding wound and what to do with minor burns.

Cloetesville GPF vergader Dinsdag Die Cloetesville Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) vergader op Dinsdag 28 Mei, om 19:00 in die Breughel-teater. Almal uit die gemeenskap is welkom. Bel die voorsitter, Alice Gordon by 082 959 1590 vir nadere besonderhede.

Kapt. Maria Goosen verduidelik die doel van die anatomies-korrekte poppies en hoe hulle dit aanwend. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Railway safety campaign launched A national railway safety campaign was launched on Monday 27 May by transport deputy minister Sindisiwe Lydia Chikunga at a railway level-crossing at the Koelenhof station in the Stellenbosch District. A total of 412 people died in accidents where trains were involved during the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012. The majority of these were members of the public being struck by trains at levelcrossings. The level-crossing at the Koelenhof station was chosen for the launch of the new campaign as it reported the highest number of level-crossing incidents in the Western Cape. “Railway safety perceptions, attitudes and behaviour need to be influenced for positive change to occur,” said Chikunga. “The public need to be made aware of their roles and responsibilities in ensuring safe rail operations at level-crossings and held accountable for unsafe behaviour and actions.” The campaign comprises two slogans: “Always expect a train”, and “Where there is a track, there is a train”. These will be used for the roll-out of a broad public outreach and educational activities to foster safe behaviour and safe communities. The messages emphasise that a train could be using the railroad tracks at any time and that both pedestrians and drivers should always approach them with caution. The RSR would like to urge drivers and pedestrians to follow all laws regarding lev-

el-crossings and railroad safety, as not adhering to these could lead to severe injuries or a devastating loss of life. Motorists are responsible for stopping at stop signs and looking for trains, and for stopping where there are barrier arms and flashing lights operating. Drivers must also look out for trains at level-crossings where there are give way or stop signs, and never cross the track when a train is approaching. Pedestrians are responsible for only crossing the railway at a designated pedestrian crossing. They must stop, look and listen for trains, especially when bells or lights are operating. Pedestrians must never cross the tracks when a train is approaching. The public must take note that trains have right of way 100% of the time – over ambulances, fire engines, cars, the police and pedestrians. Furthermore, it is important to note that trains take a long time to stop – even when the train driver slams on the brakes, a loaded train can take more than a kilometre and a half (1,5 km) to come to a standstill. Using ear phones, playing loud music and having screaming children in the car make crossing the railway line more dangerous. Trains, especially passenger trains, are very quiet and when people have distractions such as music in their ears, or someone speaking to them on a cell phone, the risk of being hit by a train increases. Incidents that may negatively affect railway safety can be reported on 082 907 1407.

Spaza shop robbed ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Wie is oulikste Eikestad-onnie? Eikestadnuus is op soek na Stellenbosch se Gunsteling-onnie. Die enigste manier vir onderwysers om dié kompetisie te wen, is deurdat leerlinge hul onderwysers nomineer. Nominasies geskied deur middel van ’n motiveringsopstel van 150 woorde oor hoekom jy dink jou onderwyser moet met die titel as Stellenbosch se Gunsteling-onnie wegstap. Hoërskool- én laerskoolonderwysers kan in aanmerking kom.

Eikestadnuus sal elke week een van die leerlinge se opstelle plaas en die ander onderwysers wat benoem is se name sal ook bekend gemaak word. Die stemproses sal geskied deur middel van SMS’e. Die algehele wenner van die kompetisie sal op 31 Julie aangekondig word. Vir meer besonderhede bel Eunice Visagie by 021 887 2840 of stuur ’n e-pos na

Two shopkeepers escaped unscathed after a spaza shop was robbed in Luyolo Street, Kayamandi. According to Lt Nathalie Martin the robbery took place on Wednesday 15 May at 21:30. “The two men were busy in the shop when two unknown men ran into the shop, both carrying firearms. When the shopkeepers saw the men, one of them started to run away. The

robbers fired a shot into the ground, luckily not injuring anyone, and pointed the gun straight at him,” said Martin. The two men robbed the shop of airtime as well as the two victims’ cellphones, and then ran off between the houses in the informal settlement. No arrests have yet been made, but anyone with information can call WO Nicky Steyn at the Stellenbosch detective branch on 021 809 9140.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

106 houses handed over in Kayamandi The 106 beneficiaries of the Watergang Housing project received their houses during a cheerful hand over ceremony last week Friday.

Here (from left) Sharon van der Horst is pushing her grandmother, Lena Maasdorp, into her new home. Along with them is Maasdorp’s daughter, Sophie Pakozi, and ANC councillors Phelisa Sitshoti and Lizzie Swakamisa. PHOTO: ANJE SMIT

Access to municipal buildings restricted due to theft

The Stellenbosch Municipality has recently been forced to restrict access to its offices due to theft in the building over the last few weeks. The decision to restrict access to municipal buildings came after two laptops were stolen from the office of the municipal manager, Christa Liebenberg. According to the municipal spokesperson, Vernon Bowers, both laptops were ironically secured with laptop desk locks. With the exception of the munici-

pality’s cash offices and general enquiries offices, where the public normally pay their accounts and make enquiries about their accounts or planning-related matters, visitors/ public will not be allowed access on their own unless the relevant staff member, senior management, political office bearer or a representative from the department, political office bearer or the mayor’s parlour personally meets the visitor/member of public at the reception desk and accompany them.

Liebenberg also asked staff members to be vigilant of any suspicious persons or activities in their office area. “Vigilance and awareness are key to preventing yourself from becoming a theft victim. Theft from offices are common, not only at the municipality but most places of business”, she said. Members of the public can still engage with the municipality, its officials or the councillors, Bowers said. Appointments or a call ahead of your visit is, however, now necessary.

About 505 houses in the project have already been delivered to the Kayamandi community. One of the beneficiaries, the 89year-old Lena Maasdorp, was identified nearly two years ago by Premier Helen Zille as someone deserving government assistance. She is disabled and, recently, more hardship followed when her house and all her belongings were destroyed in the March fire disaster in Zone 0. Through the assistance of donors the Stellenbosch Municipality provided her with a partly furnished house. The list of beneficiaries aims at assisting, among others, those of 60 years and older, disabled persons and those from the project’s beneficiary list who could not be helped in the previous phase. Thus far R22 million has been spent on the project, including the R8 million spent in this phase. About 150 job opportunities were created. The 106 tiled roof, semi-detached, single-storey units are 40m², featuring two bedrooms, an open-plan lounge-kitchen area and a full bathroom with a bath and basin. The project site is located on the western


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side of Kayamandi and provides views of the surrounding mountains and farms. Power Construction was the contractor for the project. At the official handing over of the houses on Friday, the Western Cape minister for Human Settlements, Bonginkosi Madikizela, delivered the keynote address. The ceremony was, however, disrupted by a group of angry residents from Zone O. They are still upset by the recent Foodbank scandal where it is alleged the ward councillor in the area kept Foodbank SA donations, which were meant for the victims of the devastating fire in Zone O in March, for herself. The residents want the councillor in question to be removed. Minister Madikizela had to calm the group down, after which he invited them into the tent and asked one of the residents to explain to him why they are so upset. He promised the group that he would deal with the issues they brought up. After the official speeches each of the 106 beneficiaries received the keys to their brand new home. Like Lena, most of them have never lived in a house before. According to Fesiwe Ngquba, the project manager at the Stellenbosch Municipality, a further 180 sites should be completed by December 2013.

Franse rugbyspelers soek blyplek in Augustus Vyftien spelers van ’n besoekende Franse rugbyklub soek nog verblyf. Die klub sal Stellenbosch in Augustus besoek. Hulle gaan wedstryde teen Cloetesville en Stel-


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Eikestad Mall, Andringa Street, Stellenbosch • Tel: 021 883 2912/13/14 • Valid From: Tuesday 28 May - Sunday 2 June 2013



News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Big names at this year’s Aids Awareness concert

The Africa Institute for HIV and AIDS Management at the Stellenbosch University (SU) is hosting its annual South African Artists for Aids Awareness concert 2013 on Sunday 9 June.

Vocalist Lana Crowster

The title of this year’s production is Let’s Beat It and will start at 19:00 in the Artscape Theatre. Ushering in the significant June 16 Youth Day commemoration, this concert will celebrate and honour South African youth for the tremendous contribution and impact they are making in the country. It will also acknowledge unsung individuals who are doing exceptional work in the HIV and AIDS field and other areas of humanity. Singer, actor and performer Jimmie Earl Perry directs this concert and will be joined by the Mike Campbell Rhythm Orchestra, Wolfgang Riebe as master of ceremonies, vocalists Amy Campbell, Wendy Alexander, Spha Mdlalose, Manuel Losper, Luciano Swarts, Lana Crowster, dancers from the Waterfront Theatre Company and other artists. Michael Jackson’s hit Beat It is used as a metaphor in this concert to “beat” HIV. According to Perry the words of the song resonated so pro-

foundly with him, because it’s about a young man who is living dangerously and told to “beat it” (go away) if he wished to stay alive. He explains that through the arts, the aim of these concerts are to continue making people aware of their individual responsibility to help turn around the HIV and AIDS epidemic as well as crime, violence and substance abuse among people in South Africa and around the world. Musical direction and arrangements are by Campbell who has led and worked with groups in Europe, the USA and throughout South Africa. Wolfgang Riebe is a well-known motivational speaker, acknowledged for his original and unique approach as a comic magician and Jean-Pierre Steyn is the vocal rehearsal accompanist. Let’s Beat It has an exciting, powerful programme that includes dance, theatre, jazz and adult contemporary music. It will inspire and educate and is suitable for the entire family.

Dancers from the Waterfront Theatre Company. Tickets cost R100 for this two-hour concert and may be purchased from Artscape Dial-a-Seat at 021 421 7695, Computicket, Shoprite and Check-

Training for the unemployed 28 Mei )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Bel die AA by 084 293 3967 vir meer inligting.

31 May )Lynedoch United Football Club disco. Theme: Dressed to kill. Oostenberg Lodge, Kuils River, from 20:00 to 02:00. Entrance is R20. Call Shaun: 0 073 298 2993 or Anton: 0 072 404 7117. )St. Idas RK Primêr worsbraai by die skool. Koste is R15. 12:00 tot 15:00. Bel die skool vroegtydig vir bestellings by 021 886 6021. )Skyfievertoning deur Koos en Sonja van Zyl. Hulle het van Suid-Afrika af langs die Weskus van Afrika en Wes-Afrika na Marokko gereis om geld in te samel vir die Reddenburg-kinderhuis. 18:30 tot 20:30, Gereformeerde kerk in Maraisstraat. 0 021 883 3163. )Stellenbosch Community Learning Centre is hosting its winter ball from 20:00 to 00:45 in the AF Louw School Hall. Entrance is R70 per person. Kallies Dance Band will provide the music for the evening. Guests must bring their own platters and xyz. Call 021 882 8357 for further information.

Stellemploy will present a programme in gardening skills training from 3 to 14 June. The course is only available to unemployed people or part-time workers older than 18 years and younger than 35 years. The training programme is accredited at Agriseta and presented by Phezukomkhono Training Services. Stellemploy receives meal donations from local churches for the trainees during the course and the course itself is sponsored by

Werksentrum hou basaar Die Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir Volwasse Persone met Gestremdhede se basaar word op Saterdag 1 Junie by die VGK-saal in Langstraat, Cloetesville, op Stellenbosch gehou. Die basaar begin om 09:00 en almal is welkom om die sentrum te ondersteun. Daar gaan iets vir elkeen in die huisgesin teen bekostigbare pryse wees. Benewens gebak, waaronder koek, ander soetighede en tuisgebakte brode, sal daar plaasvars groente en vrugte en wegneemetes soos worsrolletjies, slap tjips en kerriedisse beskikbaar wees. Die sentrum se selfvervaardigde artikels, soos gebreide handsakke en leeritems, sal ook te koop aangebied word. Die sentrum beoog om met hierdie geldinsamelingspoging hul programme verder uit te bou, terselfdertyd ouer- en gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid aan te wakker, en die gemeenskap opnuut bewus te maak van die aktiwiteite waarmee persone met gestremdhede daagliks by die sentrum besig is. Besighede wat nog bydraes tot die basaar wil maak, kan gerus Phil Williams en Marlese Robertson by 021 887 8688 bel.

the Stellenbosch Municipality. Anyone interested in attending the training programme should phone or visit Stellemploy as soon as possible as only 12 people can be accommodated on the course. Possible candidates must also be permanent residents of the greater Stellenbosch Municipality. For further information on the gardening course please call Gaino or Betta at 021 886 6993 or send an e-mail to

ers outlets, or on line at Those interested can also call 0861 915 8000.

Metodiste-gemeente Jamestown vier 58 Die Metodiste Kerk in Jamestown, Stellenbosch, vier vanjaar sy 58ste bestaansjaar op Sondag 9 Junie. Die feesvieringe sluit ’n optog, ’n oggenddiens om 09:00 en ’n middagdiens om 15:00 in. Almal is welkom om die feesvieringe op hierdie geskiedkundige dag by te woon. Vir meer inligting oor die bestaansjaarvieringe of om betrokke te raak, bel Dale Simons by 082 788 4904.

Basic cooking course for domestic workers Debra Swart of Cooking with Heart is presenting a basic cooking course for domestic workers. The first course in basic cooking will give an insight into the basics of nutritional and dietary values, good hygiene and housekeeping in the kitchen, understanding of a recipe, presentation and appreciation of food. The trainee will learn to prepare vegetables, soups and simple sauces. As well as a number of the family’s fa-

vourite dishes. A lesson in cooking fish and meat will also be done in the first course. The first five-day course starts on Monday 3 June. It is Monday to Friday from 08:30 until 11:30. At the training venue there is a registered day-care facility to take care of the children while the domestic worker attends the course. For more details contact Debra Swart 0 082 487 6945.

Duitse Winterfest op Stellenbosch Die Lutherse Gemeente van Stellenbosch en Somerset-Wes hou op 1 Junie weer hulle jaarlikse Winterfest by die Lutherse Kerk in Hofmeyrstraat. Daar sal ’n groot verskeidenheid Duitse eetgoed soos bratwurst, koffie, tee en koek wees, asook vermaak vir die jongspan. Die Winterfest is van 09:00 tot 15:00. Almal is welkom om dit by te woon.

Tips on healthy grocery shopping The Nutritional Support Group will meet on Tuesday 4 June in the Mediclinic Vergelegen-restaurant. Sanmare MacRobert and her colleagues for June’s Nutrition Support will give a talk on Trolley Run: What to put in your shopping basket. The “must buys” and “must avoids” when doing grocery shopping will be discussed. The talk will start at 18:00 and entrance is free. Bring along R5 to enter the raffle to win a nutritional goodie bag. To book your seat call Tracy on 021 851 6228.


MOENIE DIÉ WINTERKERMIS MISLOOP NIE: Huis Horison hou 8 Junie sy gewilde winterkermis by die sentrum in Onder-Papegaaiberg. Die kermis is van 09:00 tot 14:00 en besoekers kan uitsien na, onder meer, heerlike ontbyt, soetgoed, handewerk, houtwerk, boeke, wyn en allerhande vars produkte. Kaartjies vir ontbyt of gebakte skaapkoppe moet vooraf gekoop en bestel word. Vir meer inligting bel Helene Jacobs by 021 887 5080 of stuur ’n e-pos na

VGK Vlottenburg hou reünie Die VGK Vlottenburg hou 1 Junie ’n bring-enbraai-reünie. Alle gemeentelede, van 1963 af, word genooi om dié spesiale geleentheid by te woon. Dit sal 14:00 in die VGK Vlottenburg-kerksaal begin. Bel Desmond Solomons by 082 757 2190 vir inligting.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Loeries visit Stellenbosch Mixed vegetable soup Are you thinking of a career in design, advertising or marketing? Are you excited by the possibility of combining creativity with business? Then you should head along to the Stellenbosch Academy of Design & Photography, which hosts the Loeries Exhibition from 28 to 31 May. Displaying the year’s finest work in brand communication, the exhibition will provide plenty of inspiration for anyone who dreams of winning one of South Africa’s most coveted trophies. “We enjoy the Loeries Exhibition at our campus because seeing previous winning work up close and personal greatly benefits our students. Our institution had great success at the Loeries last year, with two gold winners and we currently rank number one on the Loeries

Official Ranking for Educational Institutions. We look forward to being inspired even more this year and hopefully take home a few more birds at this year’s awards,” said Clayton Sutherland, academic head and third year graphic design lecturer at Stellenbosch Academy of Design & Photography. The exhibition travels throughout South Africa and to international destinations, stopping at educational institutions, expos, museums and public spaces with the aim to inspire and educate. The work on show depicts innovative campaigns for winning brands across an array of disciplines, including architecture, publication design, PR communication, live events, TV, radio, print, digital and more. For more information call Louise van Wyk on 021 880 2623 or email

Heat up from the winter cold with this delicious vegetable soup made with a variety of root vegetables. Preparation time: 15 min Cooking time: 35 min Ingredients ) 3 Tbs extra-virgin olive oil ) 1 onion - chopped ) 3 garlic cloves - crushed ) 2 leeks - washed and sliced ) 2 large carrots - peeled and sliced ) 1 celeriac - peeled and chopped ) 4 turnips - peeled and diced ) 2 potatoes - peeled and diced ) 1 sweet potato - peeled and diced ) 6 cup chicken or vegetable stock ) 5 cm knob ginger - peeled and sliced ) 2 sprig thyme ) 3 sprig parsley ) 1 bay leaf ) 10 peppercorns Serves 6 Method Heat the oil over medium heat and sauté

the onion, garlic and leeks until tender. Add carrots, celeriac, turnips, potatoes and sweet potato, and fry for a few minutes. Add the stock, ginger, bouquet garnish and peppercorns and let it simmer for about 30 minutes or until cooked through. Blend the soup until smooth and adjust seasoning to taste. Serve with hot buttered toast or top it with root vegetable crisps. - Recipe from

Warm up winter nights with a vegetable soup.

Festival of ballroom bands Spotlight Music presents Cape Town’s first Ballroom Bands Festival. Put your dancing shoes on and get swept away on the Grand Arena, GrandWest dance floor to five of the Western Cape’s top ballroom dance bands. Local bands Cool Sounds, Elginaires, Five Stars, Strand Combo and the Trevarians will showcase their unique repertoire of Ballroom, Jazz and Pop music. Each band will perform for an hour. Come and support your local bands and get The Loerie winners will be on display at the Stellenbosch Academy for Photography & Graphic Design this ready to waltz, quickstep, foxtrot, tango, chacha and jive your way from 17:00 to 23:00. The week.

downstairs seating will be packed away so that the whole arena floor is for dancing. The event will take place on 1 June from 17:00. Tickets cost R150 for downstairs dancing and R100 for mezzanine level seating. A refreshment centre will be set up in the Market hall to rest those weary feet. Doors open at 16:00. For more information on the Ballroom Bands Festival, e-mail, visit “Ballroom Bands Festival CT” on Facebook and join the account @ballroombandsct on Twitter.






Product has been Styled for Photography Product has been Styled for Photography



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General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Spotlight on child bullying Altogether fifty-seven percent of school children in South Africa claim to have been bullied at school, according to a recent survey conducted by Pondering Panda of 3 079 teenagers and family members between the ages of 13 and 21. This high number is a concern, especially in the light of Child Protection Week which will be held between Monday 27 May and Sunday 2 June. If a child claims to have been bullied at school, it should be taken seriously. It can make a child depressed and fearful. Bullying is one-sided and aimed at hurting or belittling someone. Pondering Panda conducted the survey over a three-day period in Jan-

uary this year through the social network, Mxit. The survey reveals that 57% felt they had been bullied at school. Fiftytwo percent of the abuse was verbal, 26% physical abuse and 16% cyber abuse. “These statistics reveal a culture of bullying that permeates South African schools. Two out of three learners are worried about being bullied at school,” said Shirley Wakefield of Pondering Panda. If parents suspect their child is being bullied, they should speak to their child about the situation. Parents can enquire about anti-bullying policies at their children’s schools. Childline South Africa recom-

mends that parents do the following: ) Encourage your child to tell someone. ) Ask the bully to stop. They may not be aware that their behaviour is hurting your child. ) If the bullying doesn’t come to an end, the victim should avoid being alone with the bully by being in a group or around other people. Bullies often have been bullied or abused themselves and try to deal with their own situation to regain their power by taking it out on someone else. Childline South Africa advises that bullies need to understand the consequences of their actions and practice self-discipline and empathy for others.

Illustration of one pupil bullying another

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WAKKIES Tuindienste en Mobile Carwash. Ons was jou motor by jou huis. Kontak: 072 635 7321 of 073 824 8978.

DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.

at the Animal Welfare Society Stellencules’ operation and rehabilitation and no donation is too small. The banking details are as follows: Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch; Nedbank Stellenbosch; 149 804 2856 (account number); 149821 (branch code) and use “Hercules” as the reference. Please help little Hercules and call 021 886 4901 for further information.

Geleentheid om kankeroorwinning te vier


Spyseniering Catering

The Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch (AWSS) has recently taken in Hercules, a eight week old puppy who has suffered more than a puppy should be allowed to. Hercules was found wandering around on a farm in the Stellenbosch region. His hind leg which was completely shattered Little Hercules and couldn’t be bosch. saved by operation, had to be amputated. He is currently being kept comfortable on strong pain medication an is being closely monitored. The AWSS has, however, incurred a hefty medical bill caring for Hercules and is now asking the Stellenbosch community to help them with monetary donations to help cover his expenses. Every cent will be used for Her-


Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 28 YEAR OLD LADY domestic or babysitting work for Monday - Friday. Referances available. Contact 078 460 8566. ELINETH, 30 YEAR old lady seeks domestic or any cleaning work. References available. 071 046 8332

Die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (Kansa) in Stellenbosch hou Sondag 2 Junie ’n spesiale geleentheid in Idasvallei om die Internasionale dag vir Kankeroorwinnaars te vier. Die geleentheid se tema is “Fight like a Warrior”.

Dit sal om 15:00 in die Volkskerksaal in Juffenbruchtstraat begin. Almal is welkom om te kom, maar moet asseblief ’n bordjie eetgoed saambring. Bel Lorna by 082 865 4045 of Abigail by 072 697 5083 vir meer inligting.

Dinsdag 28 Mei 2013

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Een sokkerklub vir Idasvallei

Die vier sokkerklubs in Idasvallei is tans besig om na die moontlikheid te kyk om as een saam te smelt. ’n Werkgroep bestaande uit verteenwoordigers van Ida’s Valley FC, Nelsons FC, United FC en Victoria Swifts FC het reeds verskeie vergaderings gehou om hierdie inisiatief te bespreek. Die voorstel is dat die nuwe klub ’n gemeenskapsklub sal wees wat as ’n eenheid funksioneer om beter blootstelling vir plaaslike spelers te verskaf. Een van die grootste uitdagings vir die vier klubs, is die situasie waarin

junior sokker homself bevind. Feitlik elke klub het nie genoeg spelers om in elke ouderdomsgroep te kompeteer nie en eenwording behoort hierdie probleem uit te skakel. Die huidige voorstel is dat elke klub nog steeds in sy onderskeie liga speel, maar dit onder die vaandel van die gesamentlike klub doen. Samesprekings is nog in begin-stadium en die groep erken dat eenwording vir sommige ’n emosionele saak kan wees. Die klubs wil graag afskop met die samestelling van ’n Bayhill o.19-span wat die betrokke gemeenskap sal verteenwoordig. Hiermee word alle spelers wat in

1994, 1995 en 1996 gebore is, uitgenooi om aan proefwedstryde deel te neem op Maandag 17 Junie op die Idasvallei-sportgrond vanaf 10:00. Enige speler/persoon is welkom om deel te neem en hoef nie betrokke of aktief te wees by enige klub nie. Bring asseblief jou klub-registrasiekaart of jou Identiteitsboekie saam. Almal in die gemeenskap word uitgenooi om hul menings en voorstelle voor te lê by die volgende vergadering op Donderdag 6 Junie om 19:30 by die Idasvallei-krieketklubhuis. Vir verdere inligting, kontak Oswin Groenewald by of 083 254 8913.

Students making use of the interpreting services during a lecture at the Faculty of Engineering, Stellenbosch University. PHOTO: LIESEL KOCH

Matie engineers to have lectures in English and Afrikaans

Kayamandi High School’s Bophelo Nchaka (16), Luvuyo Hlwempu (16) and Abongile Rameti (16).

Junior Innovators Take On HIP2B Innovation Challenge Grade 10 pupils from disadvantaged Western Cape communities will compete for the coveted title of South Africa’s Top Young Innovators against pupils from the KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Limpopo in the 2013 HIP2B² 3M Innovation Challenge. In the Western Cape, the Challenge kicked off at Spine Road High School, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town recently. Backed by the Department of Education and lauded by Derek Hanekom, the minister of Science and Technology, the challenge is the brainchild of 3M and HIP2B², and is designed to inspire innovation in everyday life. The success of last year’s challenge

attracted the attention of the Innovation Skills Development Unit (ISD) of the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), which is an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology. The TIA works to foster innovation skills within the innovation value chain from high school pupils to higher education institutions and research institutions. The HIP2B² 3M Innovation Challenge starts with an awareness and skills development campaign in urban townships and various rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Limpopo. Pupils at these events are then invited to enter, in teams of two, their

own innovation for a solution to a real problem that affects them, their family or their community, using science and maths applications. Two finalists per province will be eventually be selected by a judging panel of representatives from HIP2B², 3M and other industry experts with a science or technical background. Later in the year, the winning regional finalists from all five provinces will be exposed to an eye-opening week of career and personal development with industry specialists and mentors at 3M Headquarters in Johannesburg culminating with a presentation of their conceived innovations to a judging panel.

From 2014 undergraduate engineering students from Stellenbosch University (SU) will have the opportunity to listen to their lectures in English and Afrikaans by means of parallel sessions or simultaneous interpreting. The Faculty of Engineering took the lead at SU to make its faculty more accessible to students from different home language backgrounds. For a considerable time first and secondyear modules have been presented in English and Afrikaans in separate classes (parallel medium). However, where there are less than 250 students in a class for a module, the groups are not divided. This is where simultaneous interpreting comes in handy. When a module is offered in one class group, then simultaneous interpretation is offered. In other words, when the lecturer speaks Afrikaans, the lecture is interpreted into English, and when the lecturer speaks English, the lecture is interpreted into Afrikaans. Each student can personally choose whether or not to use the interpretation. A pilot project was launched in 2011 with a few modules being interpreted. The number of modules was systematically increased every year. The project has progressed well and it is envisaged that from 2014 all undergraduate modules at the Faculty of Engineering will be presented in English and Afrikaans by means of parallel sessions or interpreting. All test, examination papers and assignments are given in both English and Afrikaans, and students may answer any question paper or assignment in English or Afrikaans.

Interpreters use a head or hand microphone to interpret simultaneously while the lecturer is speaking. The student then uses headphones to listen to the sound that is conducted to a transmitter. The majority of classes are interpreted from Afrikaans to English. At present approximately 100 lectures per week are interpreted, with up to eight different lectures being interpreted in the same time-slot. Although most engineering students indicate their home language as Afrikaans, or bilingual Afrikaans and English, it is sometimes found that some English class groups are larger than the Afrikaans ones. “Interpreters undergo a strict selection process and intensive training. They must have specific traits: they must be able to focus, communicate well and be able to think on their feet under pressure,” explains Ms Juanli Theron, project coordinator of Interpreting Services at Stellenbosch University’s Language Centre. Although the interpreters are not engineers, they build up an excellent vocabulary very quickly, thanks to the numerous aids they have at their disposal. They come to a lecture fully prepared after consulting text books, slides, manuals, and memoranda supplied by lecturers. They also compile their own word lists. One of the engineering students who makes use of the interpretation, Nelson Akoku ebot eno Akpa, says: “For me, the interpretation service has bridged the language barrier significantly. It is one of the faculty’s best gifts as far as I am concerned and the interpreters are amazing!”


Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 28 Mei 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Sport in kort Pniel kry ’n vroue-rugbyspan

Die Pniel Villagers­rugbyklub se program vir 2013 sluit die begin van ’n eerste ampte­ like vroue­rugbyspan in. Die span sal in die WP­rugbyunie se vroueliga meeding. Die klub nooi alle belangstellende vroue ouer as 18 jaar om die oefening by te woon. Oefening sal weekliks op ’n Dinsdag plaasvind. Vir meer besonderhede bel Andria Stubbs Mentoor by 083 303 9565.

Cloetesville netbal is weer op die been

Runners getting ready for the start at last year’s Totalsports Ladies Race in Stellenbosch.

Online entries open for Totalsports Ladies Race Arguably the most fun way to celebrate National Women’s Day, the much loved Totalsports Ladies Race, will open online entries on Monday, 27 May. Taking place in Stellenbosch on Friday, 9 August, participants can choose between a 5 km run/fun walk and a 10 km run/fun walk. The start of the race is in Plein street and the finish at Coetzenburg Stadium. Ac-

tion will start at 08:00. The Totalsports Ladies Race Stellenbosch supports the PinkDrive, a campaign that is committed to improving breast cancer awareness, education, and providing and offering services to women across South Africa. For more information on PinkDrive visit Early entries will receive an official race

Stuur nou nominasies

Nominasies vir Let’s Play/Eikestadnuus Sportster vir Mei moet op die laatste Vrydag 31 Mei ingestuur word. Die enigste manier om op dié manier erkenning aan jou skool se sportsterre te gee, is deur ’n e-pos met die nominasie en motivering aan te stuur. Net skole kan nominasies instuur. Die maandelikse wenners kom nie net in aanmerking vir die sportster van die jaar nie, maar kan ook die wenner van die Hennie Pietersen-wissel-


T-shirt, while medals will be awarded to all finishers. Moms with prams are welcome, while husbands, friends and family are encouraged to join in on the fun and show support on route. For more information on the Totalsports Ladies Race Stellenbosch, call 021 511 7130. For race rules or on-line entries visit

trofee wees. Dié trofee gaan aan die wenner wat uit al die streke se wenners gekies word. Skole word vriendelik herinner aan die opsie om ook spanne te nomineer vir die sportspan van die maand-kompetisie. Vir meer besonderhede 0 021 887 2840.

Netbal in Cloetesville het weer opnuut vlamgevat en alle belangstellende klubs word genooi om kontak te maak met die nuwe Cloetesville Netbal­unie. Bel asseblief vir Merilyn by 071 871 7077 of Magaret by 078 755 8089.

Cellar2Cellar Trail Run

Entries for the 4th annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September are open. Starting and finishing at Blaauwklippen, participants can choose between a fun 12 km wine experience, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. According to Pieter du Plessis, Cellar2Cellar race director, the 12 km wine experience is unique in that there are seven wine estates that will offer two tastings per cellar. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience visit, call Agne du Plessis on 082 517 4799 or email en­ tries@iqela­

Nine-to-Five MTB Action at Delvera

Mountain bike enthusiasts, leisure cyclists and spectators can look forward to an ac­ tion­packed day of fun at the eighth Dirtopia Nine­to­Five Mountain Bike Team Relay tak­ ing place at Delvera Farm on Monday 17 June, a public holiday. Competitors’ endur­ ance levels will be put to the test with en­ trants trying to finish as many 7 km laps as possible in an 8­hour time period. For more information or to enter mail in­ or phone 021 884 4752.

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