Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Tuesday 2 July 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Winterplesier vir kinders
Die Gift of the Givers-stigting het verlede Donderdag Cloetesville besoek om die gemeenskap met warm sop en geskenkpakkies teen die winterkoue te pantser. Sowat 400 kinders het elk sop, brood en heerlike sjokolade ontvang en sowat 50 bejaardes vanuit die gebied het geskenkpakkies ontvang. Hier is van die kinders saam met is Lawrence Seals (links), ’n bekende Cloetesville-gemeenskapswerker en lid van die wykskomitee, (voor, regs) wyksraadslid Valerie Fernandez en (agter) Ali Sablay van die Gift of the Givers-stigting. FOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
WINTER WARMTE VIR GEMEENSKAP: Die internasionale organisasie, Muslim Hands, het 100 inwoners van Stellenbosch gehelp deur aan elkeen ’n kombers vir die winter sowel as ’n pak kos te skenk. Hier is van die inwoners van La Colline met vrywilligers van die organisasie. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Muslim Hands het as deel van hul winterprojek 100 van dié kospakke en komberse geskenk.
Tuesday 2 July 2013
Sowat 60 mense in Idasvallei het ’n geskenkpak van die Muslim Hands-organisasie ontvang het. Hier is van die vrywilligers saam met raadslede Rozette du Toit, Pieter Venter en Donovan Joubert by die oorhandiging in Idasvallei.
Become the face of Danielle Margaux
ENOUGH OF CRIME: Usiko, a non-profit organisation in Jamestown, have joined hands with Jamestown Neighbourhood Watch to help stop theft in the Jamestown community with their “Enough is Enough” campaign. All men from the community can join in the initiative to do their duty to protect their wives, children, mothers, fathers and belongings. All previous Usiko mentors can also contact Clint September at 082 336 6927 to become involved in the project.
A Stellenbosch high-end clothing label is looking for a fresh new face to represent them for the coming year. The Face of Danielle Margaux is more than a modelling competition; it gives women from across South Africa the opportunity to compete to become the spokesmodel for Danielle Margaux. An esteemed panel of South African fashion professionals and the founder of the label, Danielle Margaux will award one lucky contestant the honour of this title and a modelling contract with Ice Model Management. Over several weeks, applicants’ photos and information will be scrutinised. A short list of 50 hopefuls will be invited to attend a casting in Stellenbosch, where 30 will be selected to participate in the final. At this gala fashion event,
industry insiders, fashion media and modelling scouts will see the finalists for the first time. Fashion week specialists, Tramps, will hone the contestant’s runway skills, knowledge of the fashion industry, physical fitness and coach them. The winner will enter a privileged world, making her debut as The Face of Danielle Margaux, attending all publicity shoots and events and acting as spokesmodel for one year. It’s the start to a career in fashion many dream of, but only one will win. For information, contact the Danielle Margaux Press Office at, call 021 886 5321 or visit, or on Facebook daniellemargaux and Twitter @daniellemargaux.
Tips for your safety A number of robberies and house robberies have been reported over the last few weeks. Stellenbosch SAPS have warned that robbers are targeting smaller items such as cellphones and cash. According to police spokesperson Lt Nathalie Martin, each incident is different, but it is important to always stay calm. “If you are involved in a house robbery, stay calm and do not fight back, especially if the robbers are armed. Rather hand over your valuables than put your life in danger by being rebellious. “Be vigilant and make sure to note the suspects’ clothing, appearance and language. Also note scars and tattoos that are easily identifiable. “Robbers gain access to homes through windows and doors that are not locked. Thus make sure that your home is always locked, with the alarm activated, when you leave the house or go to sleep. “Save the nearest police station’s number on your speed dial and phone immediately in case of emergency.” Martin also asked readers to keep the serial numbers of any electrical equipment like televisions, cellphones and cameras, which makes them easier to identify. You can also download apps for your phone in case of theft, like the Find my iPhone app for Apple products. In case of street robberies, Martin gave these tips for residents and tourists: ) Never walk alone to public transport; ) If you carry cash or valuable possessions, ensure that you have someone walking with you; ) Stay away from isolated or dark areas. ) Be on your guard at ATMs and don’t allow strangers to get too close to you. Make sure a friend is close by when you draw money. ) If you spot suspicious-looking people lurking around, call the Stellenbosch police red line number immediately at 021 809 5021.
Tuesday 2 July 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Optog oor geriewe SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
Protesters and residents of Enkanini march through Bird Street on Thursday, 27 June.
Enkanini: Still no electricity ANJE SMIT
On Thursday 27 June the residents of Enkanini, Kayamandi took to the streets in protest at the lack of electricity in their area. After a heated debate and having insisting on talking to the mayor of Stellenbosch, the protesters agreed to speak to Councillor Nyaniso Jindela. The complaints raised included the growing unemployment rate caused by the absence of electricity in the area. The only businesses within Enkanini are liquor stores and taverns. This has resulted in alcohol abuse becom-
ing an enormous problem, especially amongst the youth within the area. According to the protesters, alcohol abuse goes hand in hand with the drug problem in Enkanini. Young children also have nowhere to go because the crèches cannot function without electricity. Another issue raised by protesters is the lack of ablution facilities. The few existing facilities that are there, are run down. Another issue raised was the removal of shacks that have been damaged because of heavy rains. After accepting the memorandum submitted by the Enkanini Management, Jindela agreed to meet with
them in the municipal buildings. As the municipality of Stellenbosch is currently in recess, the request to meet with mayor could not be met. After the meeting both parties agreed that feedback will be given within 14 working days, on 17 July, when the mayor will have returned from recess. The mayor and Councillor Jindela will then discuss what can be done to address the problems that have been raised. This will be followed by an open meeting where the residents and management of Enkanini will be given feedback on the issues included in their memorandum.
Idasvallei se Sportraad gaan volgende Saterdag (6 Julie) na die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit opruk as deel van ’n bewusmakingsaksie oor die sportgeriewe in die gebied. Volgens Brian Minnis, die raad se sekretaris, sukkel hulle al jare met swak diens rakende sportgeriewe- en ontwikkeling hier. Hy meen Stellenbosch was vir lank ’n groot voedingsbron van sportpersoonlikhede, maar dat dít en die toestand van sportgeriewe stelselmatig agteruitgegaan het. “Ons sukkel só met die Idasvallei-sportvelde. Die velde word nie meer gespuit nie; die bo-grond word nie vervang nie; die vroue-hokkiespan het nie eers kleedkamers om te gebruik nie én die ablusie-geriewe is nie voldoende nie. “Ons vroue -hokkiespan ont-
vang gaste van oral oor, maar hulle kan nie eers vir hulle ’n plek gee om aan te trek nie.” Sekuriteit hier is ook ’n probleem, aldus Minnis. Die Sportraad poog nou om meer aandag aan sportontwikkeling te gee en die jeug hier iets te gee om na uit te sien – dinge sal egter dan moet verander. “Ons het nie baie geriewe nie, maar die moontlikhede is daar. Ons gaan Saterdag ’n memorandum aan die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit oorhandig en hoop om positiewe terugvoering op ons griewe te ontvang. Ons wil saam ’n pad vorentoe bedink,” sê Minnis. Die optog sal 09:00 by die Idasvallei-biblioteek begin. Alle gemeenskapslede en organisasies word genooi om aan die bewusmakingsaksie deel te neem. Die optog is wettig en deur die munisipaliteit goedgekeur.
SES JAAR HERDENK: Lorenzo en Melissa Johnson het onlangs op Jeugdag (16 Junie) hul sesde huweliksherdenking gevier. Baie geluk!
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
publikasie, Sporting Soldiers. 0 021 882 9100 of 2 vir nadere besonderhede.
2 July )Stellenbosch Ladies Luncheon Club meets at L’Auberge du Paysan at 10:30. Ermanno Aiello will speak on the topic: The Elcamino de Santiago Pilgrimage in Spain. Eileen Forster: 0 021 855 5495.
4 Julie )Alkoholiste Anoniem sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet om 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of Alanon 0 021 889 5791 vir nadere besonderhede.
6 Julie )Protea Boekwinkel: Die bekende sport-historikus, Floris van der Merwe, gesels 11:00 oor sy onlangse
7 July )Blaauwklippen Midwinter Antique Fair held on the estate on the R44. 10:00 – 15:30, entrance is free. There will be antique and costume jewellery, china, glass, silver, art, collectables and small furnishings for sale. Call Barbara on 083 444 0133.
20 July )Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain hack. We will meet at 08:00 for 08:15 at the Paradyskloof Forestry gate. Bring your own mug for tea and coffee, as well as water, adequate protective clothing and sun lotion. Bow saws, clippers, loppers, tree poppers and gloves will be provided. Call Lewis Silberbauer on 082 892 4300 for further information on the hack or to become involved with the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain.
Vakansiepret vir leerlinge by die museum Die Stellenbosch Museum nooi alle laerskoolleerlinge in die omgewing uit om deel te neem aan sy vakansieprogram. Die aktiwiteite sal elke Donderdag vanaf 10:00 tot 11:30 aangebied word.
VGK hou koorfees Die VGK hou op 8 September ’n ringkoorfees op die dorp. Dit sal 15:00 in die Kruiskerk in Ryneveldstraat begin en toegang is R20 per persoon. Kaartjies vir die fees is beskikbaar by alle VGK-koorlede op die dorp.
Op 4 Julie maak ons kerse en op 11 Julie is daar ’n skattejag. Bel gerus Lucretia Anthony of Llewellyn McDilling by 021 887 2937 om plek te bespreek. Almal is welkom om die vakansieprogram by te woon.
Library closed The Ida’s Valley Library will be closed from 8 to 12 July for stocktaking. Normal library hours will resume on Saturday 13 July. The library apologises for any inconvenience caused.
Tuesday 2 July 2013
Skryf jou troeteldier nou in Dink jy jou troeteldier is die beste vriend op aarde? Hier is goeie nuus vir alle troeteldiereienaars: die Kaap van Goeie Hoop DBV en Royal Canin dierekos bied weer vanjaar hul Mutt and Meow of the Year kompetisie aan. Die kompetisie het reeds op 11 Junie begin en inskrywings sluit op 11 Julie. Deur jou troeteldier vir die kompetisie in te skryf, staan jy ’n kans om vir jou en jou diertjie ongelooflike pryse los te slaan. Daar is pryse soos ’n professionele fotosessie en Royal Canin skenk ’n ruim voorraad smaaklike dierekos van uit-
stekende gehalte. Boonop help jou inskrywingsgeld om honderde hawelose diere te versorg, want die inkomste van die inskrywings word aan die DBV geskenk. Verlede jaar het die kompetisie R20 000 ingebring en hierdie bedrag kan vanjaar met jou hulp ver oortref word. So, bring jou kat of hond. Inskrywings sluit 16h00 op 11 Julie. Meer inligting is by, of volg Cape of Good Hope SPCA op Facebook ( of op Twitter (@SPCAcape).
Bekende persoonlikheid Liezel van der Westhuizen en Snoopy. FOTO:DESIRE KOHN
StreetSmart soup in the Winelands Dine responsibly and tuck into hearty winter soups when popular restaurants in the Winelands and Cape Town cook up a storm during the StreetSmart Soup Season from June to August. Some StreetSmart restaurants will serve delicious soups throughout the winter to raise funds and heighten awareness. Working hand in hand with NGO’s actively involved in the social development and rehabilitation of street children, StreetSmart raises funds at participating restaurants through a voluntary R5 donation with each table’s bill. In addition to offering locals nourishing winter soups, StreetSmart Soup Season is aimed at making more people aware that it is better to support the wonderful work StreetSmart beneficiary NGO’s are doing to extend a hand to these marginalised youths, than to give money to children living on the streets. “Please do not give money to children on the street as it will keep them
Soup Season in Franschhoek at these restaurants: Bread & Wine, Café du Passé @ Protea Hotel Franschhoek, Fyndraai Restaurant, Haute Cabrière, Le Bon Vivant, Le Quartier Francais, Monneaux Restaurant, Reuben’s and The Grillroom. Call StreetSmart on 021 418 0621 or send an email to
there. Rather suggest that the child goes to one of the shelters which can really help them, and by dining in StreetSmart restaurants, diners support such initiatives,” says Nils Heckscher, chairperson of StreetSmart SA. Since its inception in June 2005, StreetSmart has raised over R6,4 million through participating restaurants and private donations, all contributing towards social development and educational upliftment projects for street children in their respective areas. The participating restaurants in Stellenbosch are: Dornier Bodega Restaurant, Jordan Restaurant, Makaron Restaurant at Majeka House, Morgenhof Restaurant, Rust en Vrede, Sage @ Chabivin, The Big Easy Restaurant and the Wedgeview Country House & Spa. Enjoy the Streetsmart
Fokus op die familie-werksessie Die New Generation World Changers hou ’n familie-naweek van 5 tot 7 Julie. Die tema van die naweek is “Fokus op die familie” en word in die Lückhoff-skoolsaal aangebied. Die program is as volg: Vrydag 5 Julie: Jeugdiens met dans, DJ’s en hip hop. Dit sal 19:30
ACT hosts bus tour The Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trust will be hosting a charity tour by luxury bus along the Garden Route to Knysna and Plettenberg Bay from 10 to 13 October. Tickets are R1 675 per person sharing and includes transport, accommodation on the Knysna Waterfront and one main meal per day. Call trustees Lionel Cloete (082 850 7845) or Bereneace Katts (074 580 8227).
begin. Saterdag 6 Julie: Program begin om 09:00 met ’n gesprek oor die rol van die man in die huis, kerk en in die gemeenskap. Dit duur tot 12:00. Om 13:00 word die rol van die vrou bespreek, waarna ’n gesprek oor man en vrou en intimiteit in die
huwelik om 19:00 sal begin. Sondag 7 Julie: ’n Familiediens word om 18:00 gehou word. Bel pastoor Aron September by 083 394 4646 vir meer inligting oor die werksessie of om jou sitplek te bespreek. Almal is welkom.
Pret daguitstappie vir almal Die VGK Idasvallei bied op 28 September ’n daguitstappie na Genadendal, Greyton en Caledon aan. Die uitstappie bied ’n geleentheid om vir die kerk geld in te samel, en die koste is R350 per per-
Vrouedagontbyt Die Ondersteuningsgroep vir mense met outisme hou ’n Vrouedag-ontbyt op 9 Augustus. Die ontbyt sal om 09:30 in die Weber Gedenk-skoolsaal in Jamestown begin. Toegang is R70 per persoon. Die organisasie het die geld baie nodig. Bel 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208 vir meer inligting oor die ontbyt of die ondersteuningsgroep.
soon. Die vertrektyd is 07:00 vanaf die kerk en almal sal teen 18:30 weer terug op Stellenbosch wees. Bel Lennie Olivier by 079 182 2814 vir meer inligting of om jou plek te bespreek.
Ryneveldstraat-reünie ’n Reünie word beplan vir al die mense wat destyds in Ryneveldstraat gewoon het en deur die Groepsgebiedewet uitgesit is. Bel Freddy (Toff) Polman by 021 905 1759 of 072 884 4118 as jy wil deel wees van hierdie unieke geleentheid.
Tuesday 2 July 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Collage slypskool by PJ Olivier
’n Collage slypskool deur die kunstenaar Aidon Westcott word op Saterdag 20 en Saterdag 27 Julie by die P J Olivier Kunssentrum aangebied. Die twee-dag slypskool duur van 10:00 tot 16:00. Die koste is R400 vir lede van die Kunsvereniging en R425 vir nie-lede.
Collage sluit gemengde media en gevonde voorwerpe in. ’n Lys van materiaal en toerusting wat nodig is, sal vooraf aan belangstellendes gestuur word. Inskrywingsvorms is verkrygbaar by die Kunsvereniging by 021 808 3668 of
Gratis slypskool vir kinders die vakansie
Besoek Rymklets Republiek vir al die nuus rakende jou gunsteling Afrikaanse hip hop-sterre.
Webblad vir rymkletsers
Rymklets Republiek is ’n splinternuwe webwerf wat fokus op Afrikaanse Hip Hop en het sy oorsprong hier in Stellenbosch. Volgens Arthur Price het hy die webblad, Rymklets Republiek, begin aangesien daar ’n gaping in die mark was vir ’n platform vir Afrikaanse Hip Hop (deur die publiek herdoop as rymklets). Die webadres is “Vvan die beste eienskappe wat die webwerf aanbied is die unieke benadering tot jou gunstelingrymkletser,” het Price gesê. “Indien enige nuwe vrystellings, soos musiek, optredes en musiek videos bekend gemaak word, bou dit outomaties ’n mini profiel vir die kunstenaar. Al wat ondersteuners hoef te doen is op sy naam kliek en al die kunstenaar se nuutste nuus,
musiek en videos word saam gegroepeer. “Dit bevat ook ’n volle gig guide, nie net ’n prentjie met ’n datum nie, maar die vermoë om galerye deur te blaai, videos te kyk en rymkletsers wat saam gaan optree te vertoon. “Toekomstige en vorige optredes kan dan in detail bestudeer word.” Volgens Price het hy aanvanklik die idee gehad om die webblad te begin aangesien hy self ’n groot aanhanger van rymklets is. “Die grootste probleem wat die kunstenaars vind is dat hulle op hul eie nie juis bemarking kan kry nie. “Die Rymklets Republiek-inisiatief is my bydrae tot die groeiende kultuur en ek hoop dat dit in die toekoms as ’n mondstuk vir Afrikaanse Hip Hop sal dien.” Die webblad is reeds uiters gewild
en sedert Januarie 2013 ontvang hulle ’n gemiddeld 4 000 blad-besoeke met sowat 1 500 unieke kuiergaste per maand. “Daar is tans meer as 100 gratis snitte om af te laai, asook ’n groot verskeidenheid inligting.” Die webwerf is ook slimfoonvriendelik en diegene wat nie internet toegang het tot die internet op ’n rekenaar nie, kan dit vanaf hulle selfone gebruik. Rymkletsers wat belang stel om hulle musiek op die webwerf beskikbaar te stel, sodat ander dit kan luister of verniet aflaai, kan hulle kontak by Besoek ook hul Facebook-blad by of volg hulle op Twitter by @Rymklets. Die webblad kan besoek word by
Huisgenoot Skouspel by GrandWest ’n Selfs groter en beter Huisgenoot Skouspel is op Saterdag 13 Julie terug by GrandWest se Grand Arena. Afrikaanse musiekliefhebbers kan uitsien na van SuidAfrika se top kunstenaars waaronder Elvis Blue, Emo Adams, Heinz Winckler, Kurt Darren, Nianell en Andriëtte. “Skouspel Kaapstad het sy eie unieke energie en kenmerke. “Ons werk hard daaraan om dit die beste ooit te maak en lesers sal nie teleurgesteld wees nie,” het Izelle Venter, Huisgenoot se redakteur gesê. Die matinee begin om 12:00 en die aand-konsert om 19:00. Kaartjies is teen R150 tot R250 per persoon by Computicket beskikbaar.
Kurt Dareen is een van die gewilde Afrikaanse sterre wat by die Huisgenoot Skouspel by GrandWest te sien sal wees.
Stay healthy by making your own juice Join an interactive workshop on Juicing for Health with demonstrations and a tasting on 7 July from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Helderberg College grounds clubhouse. Eileen Jacobs, a lifestyle coach with 14 years’ experience will present the workshop.
The course will cover the practical aspects of getting started with juicing, the many benefits of various vegetables and fruits as well as practical tips to make juicing part of a healthy lifestyle. Children of all ages are welcome, as there will be a special programme for them while
the parents attend the workshop. The workshop costs R50 per person and is free for children. Booking is essential. Please send an e-mail to or call Eileen at 021 851 7037 or 082 7218149.
Tydens die skoolvakansie bied die Stellenbosch Kunsvereniging ’n reeks interessante klasse vir kinders by die plaaslike biblioteke aan. Op Dinsdag 2 Julie bied Naomi Botha ’n klas oor die maak van juweliersware by die Idasvallei-biblioteek aan. Dit word op Woensdag 3 Julie by die Jamestown-biblioteek herhaal. Op Donderdag 4 Julie sal Cor-
lie de Kock ’n mosaïek-slypskool by die Cloetesville-biblioteek aanbied. Sy herhaal die slypskool op Vrydag 5 Julie by die Jamestown-biblioteek, en op Dinsdag 9 Julie by die biblioteek in Kayamandi. Alle materiaal word verskaf en verversings sal bedien word. Die slypskole is gratis. Vir meer inligting, bel die biblioteek in jou area.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 2 July 2013
Drug abuse damages youth The drug problem in South Africa is extremely serious, with drug usage reported to be twice the world norm. It is reported that over 15% of our population has a drug problem. SANCA (South African National Council on Alcoholism) recently held a drug awareness week and the country is celebrating Youth Month, so it is the perfect time to place drug abuse in the spotlight. According to Patrizia Scalone from Metapsychetc, substance abuse can simply be defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes that gives rise to both physical and psychological dependence. “Dependence results in mental, emotional, biological or physical, social and economic instability. The effects of substance abuse on an individual form the basis of its increasing effects on society. This is a major danger of substance abuse.” Studies show that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics. School kids who use alcohol or drugs are three times more likely to get involved in violent crimes.
Frighteningly, the average age of drug dependency in South Africa is also becoming lower. “We need to warn our youth about drug use and encourage them to stand strong against peer and adult pressure,” says Peter Jordan, principal officer of Fedhealth. Along with peer pressure, there are several other major factors that can promote the abuse of drugs among youths, namely weak parental control, child abuse, imitation, emotional stress, truancy among students, the availability of the drugs and the ineffectiveness of laws on drug trafficking. No matter how much or often substances are consumed, if drug use is causing problems in the person’s life – at work, school, home or in relationships – there is likely a substance abuse or addiction problem. “In many cases, there is a fine line between regular use, substance abuse and addiction. Very few addicts are able to recognise when they have crossed that line. The good news is, however, that with the right treatment and support, the disruptive effects of drug use can be counteracted and control can be regained. The first obstacle is to recognise and admit a problem, or lis-
ten to loved ones who are often better able to see the negative effects of drug use,” says Scalone. Young people who abuse substances often experience an array of problems including academic difficulties, health-related problems, mental problems like depression, and poor peer relationships. Family relationships are also affected. Scalone says further there is an undeniable link between substance abuse and delinquency. “It cannot be claimed that substance abuse causes delinquent behaviour or delinquency causes alcohol and other drug use. However, the two behaviours are strongly related and often bring about school and family problems, involvement with negative peer groups, lack of neighbourhood social control and physical or sexual abuse.” Substance abuse is associated with both violent and income-generating crimes by youths. Gangs, trafficking, prostitution and growing numbers of youth homicides are among the social and criminal justice problems often linked to adolescent substance abuse. FedHealth’s 24-hour help line at 0860 333 432 offers support for addicts and those living with addicts.
Doen jou deel Dit is bitter koud in die Boland en in ons gemeenskap is daar talle haweloses. Eikestadnuus doen ’n vriendelike beroep op die vrygewige Stellenbosse gemeenskap om komberse en warm klere te skenk aan ons Winterwarmte-projek. Enige warm ding, soos |
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
09 Verlore/Vermis Lost/Missing
komberse of ou slaapsakke, is welkom. Handgebreide of gehekelde komberse sal ook waardeer word. Bring dit na ons kantoor by Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch, of bel ons by 021 887 2840 en ons kom laai dit self op.
Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMPING CASTLES Choose your theme! We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416
Algemene Dienste General Services DEBT REVIEW. Drowning in debt? You need expert help? You realized that more loans will put you more in debt? Call now. Deon 074 441 3658. I can really help you today.
ALGEMENE DIENSTE BRUIN DOBERMANN teef hond, met kroon op haar neus en tatoemerk VK011 in regteroor is verlore. Sy is baie lief vir haar mense. Kontak asb. 082 470 5058.
Spesiale dienste
Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. HERSTEL BY DIE huis. Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.
HAIR SALON IN Stellenbosch is looking for a qualified hairdresser for rent-a-chair. Please email CV to
Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted ZIMBABWEAN LADY seeks childminder or housekeeper work. Contact Patience on 073 058 0245. Ref 074 126 2553.
LIDMATE OP TOER: Lede van die Ou Apostoliese Kerk in Idasvallei het onlangs ’n prettige dagtoer na Kaapstad geniet. Hier is almal die oggend met hul vertrek voor die toerbus in Kahlerstraat. FOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
Dinsdag 2 Julie 2013
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Anna Foundation is bringing about change The Anna Foundation was started in July 2005 by Anna Brom who was volunteering as a remedial teacher on a disadvantaged farm school and township school in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The Foundation was started in the Boland in 2007. Remedial education at these schools largely entailed teaching basic literacy (reading and writing) to pupils of all ages. A vast number of pupils aged 15–17 years still attending primary school, were identified as unable to read at the level of an average age 9-year-old. No special needs teachers are provided in these schools and no support supplied for these slower learners. It became clear that the need for greater support to these isolated and underprivileged schools in South Africa was crucial. Challenges faced by these schools include overcrowded classrooms, limited educational resources, lack of library facilities, language constraints, isolated geographical locations and poor transport availability. The Anna Foundation was created to provide support to these schools and to help create a stimulating environment for these children. There were also no sports facilities at the school so Anna started a running group. The reading and running activities were then combined and became the start of the Anna Founda-
tion “3 R’s: Reading. Running. Right-ing” programme. The 3rd R: Right-ing was introduced to address the importance of positive self-esteem and self-worth, and help teach children different life skills. The 3 R’s programme is currently being implemented on farms and other rural areas throughout the Western Cape, directly influencing over 650 children and training 45 community staff members. Women living in the farming and rural communities are empowered by being trained and given the skills to implement the daily running of the 3 R’s programme. The Foundation wants the women to feel proud about their role as educators and enthusiastically grow and grant them an opportunity to improve themselves. With the Anna Foundation running afterschool clubs, parents and farm owners have peace of mind knowing that their children are in a safe and enriching environment. By addressing the needs of rural children, a huge step is taken towards alleviating poverty in these communities. The Anna Foundation aims to teach these children that through dedication, persistence and hard work each one can become a master of his or her own destiny. For more information or to get involved visit
Anna Foundation’s founding director, Anna Brom, with her baby Caitlin.
How to help your child against being bullied It is concerning to hear that 57% of school-going children in South Africa say they have been bullied at school. This is according to a recent survey conducted with 3 079 teens and family members between the ages of 13 and 21. The scary reality is that the real number may be a lot higher. The survey carried out by Pondering Panda, a consumer insights company, used information gathered through the social media platform, Mxit, over a three-day period in January this year. Of those surveyed, 57% admitted they felt they had been bullied at school. Abuse ranged from mostly verbal (52%), followed by physical (26%), and cyber abuse (16%). Verbal abuse consisted of being teased or insulted, while physical abuse consisted of being pushed, hit or beaten.
Cyber bullying was largely through cell phones, e-mail or social networks. What was more alarming was that 45% said that pupild at their schools brought guns, knives and other dangerous weapons to school. The study also found that 68% of students are concerned about being physically assaulted at school, with 71% of girls, compared to 63% of boys, feeling threatened in the school environment. However, in reality, this number may actually be much higher, as the survey concentrated on high school and not primary school children. The reasons for bullying vary. While any child can become a victim of bullying, some seem more vulnerable than others. These factors include: age (younger children may be picked on by older kids), race or culture, how
they look (they may be tall, skinny, short or overweight for their age), physical characteristics (such as wearing glasses or having a speech impediment or having braces), academics (they may be extremely bright, or struggle in class), early or delayed sexual development, the way they dress, how much money they have (or don’t have), disabilities or parents (a parent may be extremely overweight, be unemployed or have a certain occupation or position in the community). So what can parents do? There is a big difference between children being teased and children being bullied. It is important that a child distinguishes between the two. Teasing is normally good-natured fun, it’s not meant to be nasty or serious. More often than not, teasing comes from someone close,
a family member or friend. Teasing generally has a short lifespan and while a child may be upset at the onset, this is usually short-lived. If a child is upset about the teasing, it’s usually a miscommunication or mistake and the person who is teasing doesn’t mean to harm the child in any way. Bullying, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. I t is cruel and the aggressor aims to hurt or belittle the victim. It’s one-sided. The same person always gets picked on, and the same person does the picking on. If a child says that he or she is being bullied at school, it should be taken seriously. Bullying can make the victim depressed, anxious and even fearful. For parents, bullying is often dif-
ficult to manage. Sometimes a child will willingly share that they are being bullied, and other times, they may be reticent. If a parent suspects their child is being bullied, it is best to speak to them about the situation. Childline South Africa recommends parents discuss the following with your child. ) Tell someone. ) Ask the bully to stop. ) If the bullying doesn’t stop, avoid being alone with your aggressor. Tell your children to make sure that they are in a group or have a friend close by if they need to be in the vicinity of the person who is bullying them. ) Know that you are a special person and that it’s not your actions that have brought this on but rather the bully’s own.
18 000 copies distributed weekly in Stellenbosch,
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Dinsdag 2 Julie 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
August is time for the Ladies Race Arguably the most fun way to celebrate National Women’s Day is the much loved Totalsports Ladies Race.
Taking place in Stellenbosch on Friday 9 August, participants can choose between a 5 km run/fun walk and a 10 km run/fun walk. The start of the race is in Plein street and the finish at Coetzenburg Stadium. Races will start at 08:00. The Totalsports Ladies Race Stellenbosch supports the PinkDrive, a campaign that is committed to improving breast cancer awareness, education and providing and offering services to women across South Africa. For more information on PinkDrive visit Early entries will receive an official race T-shirt, while medals will be awarded to all finishers. Moms with prams are welcome, while husbands, friends and family are encouraged to join the fun and show support on route. For more information on the Totalsports Ladies Race Stellenbosch, call 021 511 7130. For race rules or online entries visit
Action from last year’s Totalsports Ladies Race.
’n Nuwe bofbalklub vir Stellenbosch? Bles Kemp doen ’n beroep op alle belangstellendes om op Vrydag 19 Julie by Van Der Stel-sportgronde byeen te kom vir ’n bring-en-braai en om te gesels oor die moontlikheid van bofbalklub vir Stellenbosch. “Ek wil graag weer die bofbal begin by Van Der Stel-sportklub. In 1995 was vyf van die Van Der Stel se eerstespan-spelers betrokke in ’n ernstige motorongeluk op pad na ’n wedstryd in Strandfon-
tein. Almal van hulle was daarna so lank beseer dat hulle nie weer daardie seisoen of die volgende seisoen kon speel nie. Die klub het toe ten gronde gegaan.” Kemp het 1994 en 1995 by Belhaven College in Jackson, Mississipi, VSA gestudeer en bofbal gespeel. Tussen 1995 en 2006 het hy vir die Suid-Afrikaanse span gespeel en hy was ook die kaptein sedert 1997. Bel Kemp by 082 897 1973 vir besonderhede.
Sport in kort Die Burger Bergfiets
Die Burger bergfietsuitdaging val vanjaar op Saterdag 3 Augustus. Vanjaar het die organiseerders be sluit om splinternuwe hardlooproetes vir buitelugentoesiaste op Sondagog gend by te voeg. Die geleentheid is bekend vir sy uit dagende en skilderagtige bergfietsroe tes en sal weer spog met vyf roetekeu ses om voorsiening te maak vir alle vlakke van deelnemers. Die afstande is 15 km, 30 km, 42 km, 60 km en 75 km. Laasgenoemde is egter net op uitno diging. Die begin en eindpunt is by Laer skool Eikestad. Vir meer besonderhede of om in skryf, besoek www.dirto, 2 of 0 021 884 4752.
Coronationkrieketklub hou sy alge mene jaarvergadering op Maandag 8 Julie om 19:30 in die Pniellosiesaal. Alle nuwe lede wat by die klub wil aansluit is ook welkom. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Colin by 082 515 5546.
Almal wat ’n positiewe bydrae wil maak tot die gemeenskap is welkom om die vergadering by te woon.
Kainos golf day
On 30 August the Kainos Founda tion (for tennis) will have a golf day at the De Zalze Golf Estate to raise funds for the foundation. The Kainos Foundation was estab lished to develop and help young play ers to achieve their dreams. Due to the limited opportunities available in South Africa and the high costs involved, it is extremely important that the foundation does everything in its power to support South African ten nis. Part of the vision of Kainos is to de velop and grow tennis in all areas in the country and also to give as many children as possible the opportunity to play tennis and reach their full poten tial. For more information and to enter visit or
Enter Mountain Warrior
Entries for the third annual Mountain
Warrior Trail Run Festival are now open. Taking place on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September, the Moun tain Warrior Trail Run Festival will give trailrunning enthusiasts the perfect op portunity to experience the beautiful slopes and contours of the Stellenbosch and Simonsberg Mountains as well as a major section of the Greater Simons berg Conservancy. For further information or to enter, visit, phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or 2
Cellar2Cellar Trail Run
Entries are open for the 4th annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experi ence on Saturday 7 September. Starting and finishing at Blaauw klippen, participants can choose be tween a fun 12 km wine experience, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Ex perience visit, phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or 2 entries@iqela
Evergreens terug op wenpad
GEWILDE VELDWEDLOOP: Daar was Saterdag weer ’n veldwedloop by Delvera buite Stellenbosch. Honderde drawwers het opgedaag om aan een van vier afstande deel te neem. Die weer het ook saamgespeel. Dirtopia bied elke maand ’n veldwedloop aan. Die volgende een is op 4 Augustus en dit begin en eindig by Laerskool Eikestad. Vir meer besonderhede besoek FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE
Die rugbyspan van Vlottenburg Evergreens is terug op die wenpad. Evergreens speel in die Boland se klubrugby-liga. Hulle het die afgelope naweek die wedstryd teen Leliefontein van Wellington op oortuigende wyse met 34-3 gewen. Evergreens het ook ’n bonus-
punt ingesamel danksy die meer as vier drieë wat die span gedruk het. Die drieë is deur Francois Julies, Anton Frances, Ralton Daniels (2) gedruk. Daniels het vier van die drieë verdoel en twee strafdoele aangeteken. Evergreens is ook steeds in die
eerste plek van hul liga met 40 punte. Evergreens is in die Wellingtonsone van die Boland se klubrugbyliga. Hulle is ses punte voor die span in die tweede plek. Die span het nog net twee wedstryd verloor. Die komende naweek het die span ’n loslootjie.