Stellenbosch Gazette 30 October 2012

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 14 • Tuesday 30 October 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Dale Steyn kuier in Cloetesville

Die wêreld se beste bouler, Dale Steyn, het die afgelope week besoek by Laerskool Cloetesville afgelê. Hy het tien bome by die skool geplant as deel van ’n nuwe projek, Food & Trees for Africa, waarby hy betrokke is. Hier deel die Suid-Afrikaanse krieketheld Dinsdag een van die sowat 200 handtekeninge uit. “EK is baie bly ek kon vandag met die kinders deel, want ek onthou hoe opgewonde ek was toe Fanie de Villiers na my skool toe gekom het toe ek klein was. Ek was behoorlik opgewen en dit het my aangespoor. Dit was ook lekker om die boomplant-ervaring met hulle te deel en ek hoop hulle het so baie geleer soos ek.” FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE

Dwarsriver Valley

Athletics Club

chard Ru



Saturday 3 November 2012

Start times: Half-marathon 10 km walk/run 5 km fun walk/run

07h00 07h15 07h30

Enjoy a great Dwars River Valley family day with lots of fun and prizes Hosted by

Walk/Run Half-marathon, 10 km & 5 km Enquiries Nolan: Cell 072 785 6529 Ralph: Cell 083 586 1168 Enter online at or at your nearest Timbercity store.





Simonsvlei R45 PAARL

Boland league race run in accordance with ASA and Boland Athletics rules

Your Project Partner


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Huisroof op landgoed Die Groot Drakenstein SAPD ondersoek tans ’n klag van huisroof ná ’n voorval op ’n Banghoek-landgoed Vrydagoggend. Volgens die polisiewoordvoerder, konst. Rionel Uithaler, het drie onbekende mans om 00:30 toegang verkry tot die woning op die landgoed. “Die verdagtes, na bewering met messe gewapen, het die woning binnegegaan waar hulle die 77-jarige eienaar en sy 76-jarige vrou gekry het. Hulle het die huiseienaars

vasgebind en geëis dat hulle die kluis oopmaak. “Die mans het met ’n onbekende bedrag kontant en juwele op die vlug geslaan.” Die slagoffers het daarin geslaag om hulself los te maak en het hul seun en die polisie in kennis gestel van die voorval. “Die drie verdagtes is steeds op vrye voet.” ) Enigeen met inligting rakende die voorval kan die ondersoekbeampte, speurkonst. Fabian van Riet bel by 021 874 8000 of 076 865 3714 of bel misdaadvoorkoming (Crime Stop) by 08600 10111.

Kersmark in Franschhoek gehou Die agste jaarlikse Franschhoek Kersmark het verlede naweek begin en duur tot Sondag 4 November in die stadsaal in Hugenoteweg. Die mark sal elke dag oop wees van 09:00 tot 18:00 en van 10:00 tot 16:00 op Sondae. Uitstallers van oral oor gaan vanjaar hul handgemaakte produkte daar aanbied. Kredietkaart-fasiliteite sal beskikbaar wees.

Ligte etes en drinkgoed kan in die teetuin geniet word. ’n Persentasie van die wins van vanjaar se mark sal aan The Anna Foundation ( geskenk word. Vir meer inligting bel Amelia by 072 254 7722 of stuur ’n e-pos na

Free public lecture on mathematics of earth Everyone is welcome to join attendees of the 55th annual conference of the South African Mathematical Society at Stellenbosch University today (Tuesday) for a free live-streamed lecture by a popular American mathematician. Professor John Baez, speaking from California, will talk on “The Mathematics of Planet Earth”. The lecture will be streamed from 18:30 to 20:00 in the Van der Sterr Building. His “Azimuth Project” aims to be a “focal point for scientists and engineers interested in saving the planet”, and to “make clearly pre-

sented, accurate information on the relevant issues easy to find”. Another addition to the normal conference programme is a workshop especially for maths and science high school teachers on the use of calculators in the classroom. The workshop is to be hosted by Sharp, in conjunction with Stellenbosch University’s Division for Community Interaction. For enquiries about the free public lecture, send Dr Bruce Bartlett an email to or call 021 808 3272.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Remember to buckle up! Safety in a car is one of the biggest aspects when you buying a car. The question is always asked how many airbags or how does the braking system differ from the old spec of braking system, but the main safety feature in the car is the seat belts. How often do we drive to work, home or even to work without our seatbelts on because it’s just around the corner and nothing could happen to me or I won’t be in an accident because I’m a good driver? Some of the excuses paramedics have heard is “I’m afraid the seatbelt will keep me entrapped in the car in case of an accident”, “Its uncomfortable” or “I don’t need a seatbelt because I have airbags”. Then all of a sudden you or your children are involved in a accident and have sustained serious or fatal injuries. We take it for granted that nothing can happen to us. Most fatalities in accidents is because the occupants of the motor vehicle were either ejected or where thrown around inside the car as the car rolled or collided with another vehicle. ER24 paramedics see accidents and how children and adults alike are injured on a daily basis. When it comes to children, parents ask: How did this happen, why is my child dead? The concern is, where as parents do we draw the line in safety for our children? Especially when our children are traveling with other road users and the vehicle they are using is over-loaded already. ER24 paramedics witnessed a Toyota Tazz with eight school children in the car. This was not the first time it’s been seen done and the same driver has been pulled over and warned by necessary authorities of actions.

Remember to buckle up! ) Children are extremely vulnerable in collisions. ) Children should be seated in the car and in a car seat if possible. ) Never travel with your child on your lap. ) Never share a seatbelt with your child. ) Your child or any child has no say or choice not to wear a seatbelt, it is the responsibility and legal obligation of the driver to make sure they wear it. It just a takes a few seconds to buckle up to help save a life. - Safety message from ER24

The AB Sees of vision There are an estimated 1,4 million children around the world who are blind, of which one in five live in subSaharan Africa. Half of these would be able to see if they had had access to decent eye care. It is this fact that motivates international non-profit organisation Orbis on its sight-saving mission. For children, timing is crucial. Prasidh Ramson, programme manager for Orbis Africa explains that until the age of six, children’s vision is still developing; the light and dark perceived by the eye stimulate the development of the brain’s ability to Dr Dharmesh Parbhoo examines Sixolise Ndinisa. interpret images, setting up FOTO: CLARE THOMAS, ORBIS visual pathways in the brain. If a child has vision problems at this early age attention is required until the problem is rethe visual system may never develop properly. solved.” ) Crossed eyes (squints), eyes that are not “Unfortunately many children’s eye problems are only picked up once they start school, the same size or which protrude. ) A milky whiteness in the pupil (the black and in some cases this may be too late,” warns centre of the eye) can indicate cataracts. GrowRamson. To assist parents and caregivers, Orbis has ing children could develop cataracts from an compiled a checklist to help them detect possi- injury or as a result of a systemic condition like diabetes. ble eye problems ) From the age of three months the eyes ) When your child is born, ensure that his or her eyes are checked. “A newborn can devel- should be able to track moving objects. ) Injuries to eyes are quite common, Ramop conjunctivitis due to exposure to bacteria during birth. And children can be born with son says. Never wash eyes out with anything cataracts, which can usually be corrected other than cool, clean tap water, and don’t try through surgery,” says Ramson. Orbis has to remove foreign objects yourself. Get them supported the development of several paediat- to medical care as fast as possible. Since Orbis started in 1982 they have worked ric eye care units in Africa including one at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Dur- in 90 countries, medically treated over 18,8 million people (5,6 million of which are chilban. ) Recurring infection. “Puffy eyes, redness, dren) and trained 90 000 doctors and 215 000 excessive watering or discharge from the eye nurses. For a more detailed eye care checklist are signs to watch out for. “Immediate medical or to find out more visit

Jazz Sundowner A Jazz Sundowner will be held at the AF Louw Primary School on 18 November. It will start at 16:00 and entrance is R100 per person. It includes a light supper and refreshments. Jazzinco and Ketih Tabisher and Friends will provide the music. For information call Dylin Paulse on 084 563 5352 or Ronesia Paulse on 074 346 6653.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Emergency services number: 0861 808 911 The Stellenbosch Municipality has just launched an alternative emergency number. The new number, 0861 808 911, is an addition to the already existing emergency services number. The municipality’s existing telephone system has been unreliable at times and somewhat ineffective. This led to an investigation of a more reliable and effective telecommunications system that matched the needs of the public. The maxi

call number is a dedicated line which is always active and will assist greatly in increasing the effectiveness of their emergency services. The new 0861-number forms part of a bigger customer service campaign initiated by the executive mayor, alderman Conrad Sidego, recently. Sidego says that even though he had officials trained in telephone etiquette in November 2011, the public continued to complain about the telephone system. This led to the decision to purchase the 0861number as an alternative number for emer-

gency calls. “Customer service is often more about attitude than having the right tools to deliver excellent service. This number will drastically improve the telephone system and impact positively on customer service,” he says. A dedicated line will also indirectly help save lives as time is of the essence in case of emergency. The municipality encourages the public to make use of the 0861 808 911 number as an alternative to the 021 808 8888 number used to reach the Fire and Rescue services.

Join Youth Outreach for fun walk A special fun walk is being held on the Blaauwklippen Wine Estate for Stellenbosch Youth Outreach on Saturday 4 November. The walk is held in conjunction with the Blaauwklippen Family Market that is held on the estate every Sunday from

Toer na Lambertsbaai

10:00 until 15:00. The relaxed walk will start at 10:00 and entrance is R20. All proceeds will be donated to Youth Outreach. Wine, food, music, arts, crafts, fashion and much more can be enjoyed at the market afterwards.

Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbediening (CAB, streek 15) bied ’n toer na Lambertsbaai aan van 2 tot 4 November. Gaste sal in die Lambertsbaai-hotel vir twee aande oornag. Die koste is R1 200 per persoon en sluit die verblyf, ontbyt daagliks, ’n aandete die Saterdagaand en ’n Sondagmiddagete by Muisbosskerm in. ’n Deposito en gereelde afbetalings is belangrik. Die toer vertrek Vrydagoggend (2 November) om 10:00. Bel 082 896 8422 vir meer inligting.

Volkskerk-basaar vir 90ste viering Die Volkskerk van Afrika in Idasvallei hou Vrydag en Saterdag (2 en 3 November) ’n heerlike basaar ter viering van hul 90ste herdenking. Dit sal Vrydag om 17:00 en Saterdag om 09:00 by die kerk in Kahlerstraat begin.

Besoekers kan uitsien na allerlei gebakte goedere, vrugte, groente, hoender- en visbraai, speletjies en vele meer. Vir nadere besonderhede oor die basaar, bel Wilber Olivier by 0 084 780 8596.

High tea vir Skool vir Outisme Die Boland Skool vir Outisme hou 11 November ’n spesiale high tea. Dit sal 15:00 in die Weber Gedenk Primêre Skool se skoolsaal begin.

Kaartjies is R50 per persoon. Almal is welkom om dit by te woon. Bel Lilian Daniels by 021 886 4709/073 847 6717 vir meer inligting.

LIVE DVD PERFORMANCE BY LOCAL ARTIST: Dibongs Bonga Tshemese Feleba Omkhulu Clever Matwetwe, the owner and CEO of Bonga Thanks Records, will do a live DVD performance in the Black Rose Café in Stellenbosch on Saturday 3 November. The performance will start at 16:00. For further information send an email to


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

30 Oktober ) Alkoholiste Anoniem ontmoet in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Noord om 20:00. 0 084 293 3967.

1 November ) Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) en Alanon, ter ondersteuning van die vriende en familie van verslaafdes, ontmoet in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Noord om 20:00. 0 084 293 3967 (AA) of 0 021 889 5791 (Alanon). ) Noordeindklub-byeenkoms: Sangpaar Hennie en Maria van der Merwe sal optree. Laaste byeenkoms vir 2012. 09:30 tot 11:00, NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes. Toegang is gratis. Bettie Senekal: 0 021 880 2939 of 082 825 7830.

2 November ) Kylemore Rugby Club presents The Rockets, live in concert from 20:00 until 01:00, Millenium Hall, Pniel. Entrance is R60. Cash bar will be available. Vivienne: 0 076 254 8448. ) Brückner de Villiers disco in Hectorstraat, Idasvallei. DJ Vally sal optree. Toegang is R30. Bring eie xyz. 0 021 886 6329. ) Ondersteuningsgroep vir persone met gestremdhede (outisme) hou ’n langarm dans met

Callies Band. 19:30, Laerskool Weber Gedenk. R70, eie xyz. 0 021 889 5246/083 679 2863. ) Dorothea Skool snack dance met die Cool Sounds-dansorkes. 19:30. R80, bring eie platters en xyz. Stellenbosch-stadsaal. 0 021 889 5461. ) BABIN pre-primêre skool jaarlikse geldinsameling: Three cats on a hot tin roof. 11:00 tot 17:30, BABIN, Banghoekweg. BABIN-mammas sit tien ure lank op skooldak om fondse in te samel. Kos, gebak, speletjies, plaasprodukte en tombola. 0 021 887 0486 / 887 1808.

3 November ) Huis Horison somerkermis. Kom eet ontbyt, middagete, koop heerlike snoep- en bederfgoed, doen jou Kersaankope en ondersteun ’n goeie saak. 09:00 – 14:00, Huis Horison, Patrysstraat, Onder-Papegaaiberg. 0 021 887 5080.

6 November ) Oud-leerlinge van Laerskool Cloetesville word genooi om die skool se nuwe saal in te wy om 19:00. 0 021 889 5329.

10 November ) Jaarlikse Gospelfees vir plaaswerkers in Klapmuts op die Kanonkop-sportterrein. Begin 12:00 met ’n vertoning deur die brandweer en die afskop van die boeresport. Gratis toegang. Eie vleis, koeldrank, eetgerei, komberse en stoele. Vure, sous en bykos sal voorsien word. Nog eetgoed sal verkoop word. Godfrey: 0 073 731 4708 of Jerome: 0 082 040 0063.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

RIETENBOSCH SE MOOISTES DING MEE: Laerskool Rietenbosch hou Donderdag 1 November sy Mej. Rietenbosch Skoonheidskompetisie. Uitdunne is 25 Oktober gehou waar die finaliste vir die kompetisie gekies is. Dit val saam met die skool se jaarlikse karnaval wat op 2 en 3 November aangebied word. Die skoonheidskompetisie sal 19:00 in die skoolsaal in Cloetesville begin. Almal is welkom om die skouspel te kom besigtig en die jong vroue te ondersteun. Bel die skool by 021 889 5518 vir kaartjies en nadere besonderhede. Hier (van links) is Naeemah Moses, Cheneal-Jamie Williams, Paula Februarie, Bronique van Rooyen en Maurician Stone wat verlede Donderdagaand aan die uitdunne vir die skoonheidskompetisie deelgeneem het. FOTO: VERSKAF

Basaartyd vir Speelkring

CAB hou algemene jaarvergadering

Die Speelkring Kleuterskool in Idasvallei hou Saterdag 3 November ’n basaar. Dit sal 09:00 by die skool begin, op die hoek van Speler- en Dahliastraat. Daar sal pretritte en speletjies vir die kinders wees, asook vrugte, soetgoed, kos en nog baie meer. Toegang tot die basaar is gratis. Vir meer inligting oor die Speelkring se basaar, bel Juffrou Gideons op 021 887 5292 of 083 278 7140.

Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbediening hou Dinsdag 30 November sy algemene jaarvergadering by die VGK kerk in Cloetesville. Dit sal 14:30 begin en Errol Band van die departement Maatskaplike Dienste, is die gasspreker. Die tema is: “Die belangrikheid van geloofsgebaseerde ondersteuningsgroepe binne die gemeenskap”. Almal is welkom. Bel Wilfred Pietersen by 082 896 8422.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

News - Nuus

R E M M U S a H T i W D E FiLL SaVinGS

Stellenbosch Gazette



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General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Ons Gee Om. DIE Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers mooi om die volgende welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies in hulle dringende behoeftes te ondersteun. ) Huis Horison: Dit is eersdaags weer kermis en koekmeel, suiker, olie en ou boeke is nodig. 0 021 887 5080. ) Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir Volwasse Persone met Gestremdhede het ’n behoefte aan verf om hul gebou op te knap. Verder het hulle enige artikels wat as kersgeskenke vir volwassenes gegee kan word, nodig. 0 021 887 8688 ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Slaapklere vir vroue, handdoeke, doeke vir babas, seep, deoderant en klere vir seuns tussen vier en sewe jaar word dringend benodig. 0 021 883 2574. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmere, vars groente en pasta word dringend benodig. Frank Rhode: 0 021 889 9555/072 888 7188. ) Kindersorg SA, Stellenbosch: Kantoorstoele, nie-bederfbare voedsel en klere is nodig. 0 021 887 2816. ) Stellenbosch Hospies: CD-speler vir die dagsorg-program, somerklere en skoe- |


Onderrig/Education iPAD and iPHONE setup and training. SCA 021 887 7577. REKENAAROPLEIDING kort kursusse. Beskikbaar elke dag van die week. SCA 021 887 7577.


COOL CONNECTIONS. Repairs to fridges and freezers. Cold rooms. Airconditioning services. Summer special R150. Repairs done at home. Re-gas - R250. Call Neels 079 573 0605. FRIDGE / FREEZER / AIRCON. Dead or Alive. I buy / repair. Regas @ R200. No call out fee. Promt Service. 076 552 0272.


Algemene Dienste General Services DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.

te Huur/to Hire JUMPING CASTLES! Choose your theme. We deliver, erect and collect. Contact 072 411 6416.


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL van yskaste, vrieskaste en all tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Specialize Speedqueen and Whirlpool repairs. Plus do all other makes of washing machines, fridges, stoves etc. Contact 072 843 2219.

Finance available - No Deposit

ne, huishoudelike items en kombuisware, tweedehandse meubels, babapoeier, lyfseep en Aqueous-room vir pasiënte. 0 021 886 5994. ) Kayamandi Women and Children Project (trauma room): Ketel, mikrogolfoond, stoof, beddens en matrasse, linne, handdoeke, klere vir mans, vroue en kinders, speelgoed en ’n hangkas. Rig navrae aan Natalie Scheepers: 0 076 753 7766 of Gladys Bakubaku: 0 074 717 9676. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Sopmengsels, pasta, rys, mielierys, boontjies, grondboontjiebotter, blikkiesvis, brood en groente. 0 021 886 8986/071 322 0747. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Kryte, werkboeke vir kinders en matte vir leeshoekies in die klaskamers. 0 021 889 8774. ) Stellenbosch Nagskuiling: Tandeborsels, badseep en toiletware vir mans en vroue word dringend benodig. 0 021 886 6173. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Warm komberse en klere. 0 021 887 6959. ) Jeuguitreik Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmere, vars vrugte en groente en blikkieskos. Werkende ketel, winterklere vir meisies en seuns ( 8–16 jaar), onderklere, papier en tydskrifte vir aktiwiteite. 0 021 886 6216. Rig navrae en versoeke aan Samantha van den Berg by 021 887 2840 of e-pos haar by

JAMESTOWN SOUNDS: ’n Gemeenskapsprojek wat betrokke is by musiekonderrig in Jamestown en Cloetesville, is Jamestown Sounds. Die musiekaktiwiteite van die projek, waardeur ’n groot getal leerlinge bereik word, sluit in instrumentale onderrig, klasmusiek, slagorkeste en kore. Die meeste van die onderwysers is musiekstudente van Universiteit Stellenbosch. Cape Classic, wat al die afgelope paar jaar betrokke is by Jamestown Sounds het ’n donasie van R20 000 oorhandig. Hier is (van links) Trevor Michael (Donford BMW Stellenbosch), Bernhard Williams (skoolhoof van Weber Gedenk Primêr), Eberhard Zahn, Gabi Zahn (albei Cape Classic), Karin Obermillacher, Andreas Riemer (albei vriende van Duitsland) en Hermien Wium (bestuurslid van Jamestown Sounds). Vir meer inligting oor Jamestown Sounds bel Erina Keizer (sentrumbestuurder) by 082 670 7265. Vir meer inligting oor Cape Classic besoek FOTO: VERSKAF

Contestants to compete in Talent 360 Community members are all invited to attend the Talent 360 contest on the Kayamandi sport grounds on Saturday 27 October to support their favourite local artists. The contest will be held from 10:00 to 13:00. The top five contestants in the categories music, dance and drama will do live performances. These contestants were chosen during the Talent 360 auditions held at AmaZink recently.

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840

Spesiale dienste TUINDIENSTE Spanbestuurder. Heerlike buitelug werk vir afgetrede persoon. Ongeveer 20 uur per week. Vereistes: Toegepaste ervaring. Motor bestuurderslisensie. Vermoeë om onafhanklik en selfstandig te werk met mense en masjiene. Ondervinding om met kliente te kommunikeer en arbeid te bestuur. Faks CV na 022 488 1619.


Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Kayamandi community will be able to select their favourite artists on Saturday by voting for them with their cell phones. The day will be a cultural highlight in this talent-filled community. For further information on the event or the Talent 360 competition, please call Ann or Ricardo on 021 88 33 584 or send and email to Those interested can also visit the Facebook page at www.facebook/talent360.

Be carb smart

Snack dans by skool

Join Sanmaré MacRobert, a clinical dietitian, Tuesday 6 November for a talk on how to be carbohydrate smart. It will start at 18:00 at the Vergelegen Mediclinic restaurant. Entrance is free, but bring R5 along for the raffle. Call 021 851 6228 to book your seat.

Die Dorothea Skool hou ’n snack dance met die Cool Sounds dansorkes 2 November om 19:30. Die dans word in die Stellenbosch stadsaal aangebied en toegang is R80 per persoon. Gaste moet hulle eie platters en xyz bring. Kaartjies is by die skool beskikbaar. Bel 021 889 5461.

BABIN hou weer fondsinsameling Die BABIN pre-primêre skool hou sy jaarlikse fondsinsameling, Three cats on a hot tin roof, Vrydag 2 November. Dit word van 11:00 tot 17:30 by die skool in

Banghoekweg gehou. BABIN-mammas sal vir tien ure lank op die skool se dak sit. Stalletjies ook beskikbaar wees. Bel 021 887 0486 / 887 1808 vir meer inligting.

Kaapse Wynland





Notice is hereby given in terms of section 21(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act. No.32 of 2000), read with section 127(5)(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003). Members of the public and communities within the Cape Winelands District Municipality, Government Institutions, the private sector and organs of the civil society, are hereby invited to comment on the Draft Annual Report for the 2011/2012 financial year. The report can be accessed on the municipal website: from 29 October 2012. Hard copies are also available for comments and viewing at the following Cape Winelands District Municipality Offices: 29 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch 51 Trappes Street, Worcester 194 Main Road, Paarl 27 Munnik Street, Ceres 50A Bad Street, Montagu 40 Van Reenen Street, Robertson Closing date for the submission of comments and representations is 29 November 2012 at 16:30. Written comments may be addressed to: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 91, Worcester 6849 or may be hand delivered to any of the Municipal Offices listed above.

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 21(a) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsel, 2000 (Wet No. 32 van 2000), gelees saam met artikel 127(5)(a) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiele Bestuur, 2003 (Wet, No. 56 van 2003). Lede van die publiek en gemeenskappe binne die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit, Regeringsinstellings, die private sektor en organe van die burgerlike samelewing word hiermee uitgenooi om kommentaar te lewer oor die Konsep Jaarverslag vir die 2011/2012 finansiële jaar. Die verslag sal vanaf 29 Oktober 2012 op die Munisipale webblad: beskikbaar wees. Hardekopieë is ook vir kommentaar en besigtiging by die volgende Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit kantore beskikbaar: Du Toitstraat 29, Stellenbosch Trappesstraat 51, Worcester Hoofweg 194, Paarl Munnikstraat 27, Ceres Badstraat 50A, Montagu Van Reenenstraat 40, Robertson Sluitingsdatum vir die indiening van kommentaar en voorleggings is 29 November 2012 om 16:30. Skriftelike kommentaar kan gerig word aan: Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 91, Worcester 6849 of kan met die hand afgelewer word by enige van bovermelde Munisipale kantore.

Esi saziso sihambelana necandelo 21(a) lo Rhulumente we Ngingqi, u-Mthetho weeNkqubo zikaMasipala onguNombolo 32 wama-2000, ofundwa kunye necandelo 127(5)(a) lo-Rhulumente weNgingqi, u-Mthetho woLawulo lweMali kaMasipala onguNombolo 56 wama-2003. Amalungu oluntu kunye neengingqi zoluntu ezikuMasipala weSithili seCape Winelands, amaziko kaRhulumente, amashishini angasese kunye nemibutho yasekuhlaleni iyamenywa ukuba yenze amagqabantshintshi kwiNgxelo yoNyaka eYiliweyo ukulungiselela unyaka-mali wama-2011/2012 Ingxelo inokufumaneka kwi-webhusayithi kamasipala: ukususela ngomhla we-29 Oktobha wama-2012. Iikopi ziyafumaneka ngokunjalo ukulungiselela amagqabantshintshi nokuhlolwa kule Ofisi kaMasipala weCape Winelands ilandelayo: 29 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch 51 Trappes Street, Worcester 194 Main Road, Paarl 27 Munnik Street, Ceres 50A Bad Street Montagu 40 Van Reenen Street, Robertson Umhla wokuvalwa kokungeniswa kwamagqabantshintshi neengcebiso ngumhla we-29 Novembha wama-2012 ngecala emva kwentsimbi yesine (16:30). Amagqabantshintshi abhalisiweyo anokuthunyelwa kuledilesi: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 91, Worcester 6849 okanye anakho ukungeniswa ngesandla nakuyiphi na enye yeeOfisi zikaMasipala ezidweliswe apha ngasentla.




Cape Winelands District Municipality PO Box 100 Stellenbosch 7599

Human Communications C95367E

Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit Posbus 100 Stellenbosch 7599

Human Communications C95367A

Cape Winelands District Municipality 46 Alexander Street Stellenbosch 7600

Human Communications C95929X

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Stellenbosch Gazette

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Tuesday 30 October 2012

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Timbercity Orchard Run Die Dwarsriviervallei-atletiekklub bied vanjaar weer eens die gewilde Timbercity Orchard Run aan en die organiseerders verwag sowat 2 500 atlete by die byeenkoms. Wat di wedloop so gewild maak op die jaarlikse padwedlope kalender is dat dit ook ’n liga wedloop is, waar Boland-klubs punte kan verdien met die aantal deelnemers aan die wedloop. In samewerking met Timbercity, wat vanjaar vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar die wedloop borg, is die klub en borge optimisties dat die wedloop vanjaar alle verwagtinge sal oortref. Die half-marathon (21,1 km-roete) begin in Pniel en neem drawwers deur die pragtige dorpies van Lanquedoc en Kylemore, langs verskillende vrugte-boorde tot aan die R45 en daarna terug op die R310 tot by Rhodes Cottages. Atlete kry die voorreg om deur hierdie landskappe te hardloop wat andersins vir die pu-

bliek gesluit is. Die tweede helfte van die 21,1 km vorm deel van die 10 kmroete en al die atlete begin en eindig op die Dwarsrivier-sportkompleks in Pniel Die 5 km-pretdraf is baie gewild en beloof om weer vanjaar ’n groot gunsteling te wees. Daar word verwag dat verskeie skole van die vallei en Stellenbosch aan hierdie wedloop sal deelneem. Volgens Ralph Jacobs, voorsitter van die Dwarsriviervallei-klub, is die klub daartoe verbind om die Orchard Run een van die gewildste wedlope in die Wes-Kaap te maak om sodoende geld terug in atletiek te ploeg tot opbouing van die gemeenskappe. Die klub ondersteun reeds die afgelope vyf jaar die plaaslike skole met vervoer na landloop-byeenkomste. Inskrywings kan gedoen word by, enige Timbercity laat inskrywings kan ook op die oggend van die wedloop by die sportgronde gedoen word. Vir meer besonderhede bel Ralph Jacobs, 083 586 1168 of Nolan Hendon, 072 785 6529.

Die Timbercity Orchard Run


Fighting fit in Stellenbosch

New Arrivals NIKE CORTEZ SIZE 6 -10






Kushido South Africa recently held its 49th annual karate camp at Jan van Riebeck High School. Three students from the Stellenbosch division took part in the camp, which culminated in a black-belt grading on the final day. Locals Thys Sutherland, Dominique Mannel and Sensei Tony Edwards say the training was tough but worth it. With nine hours of karate classes a day, they completed the event feeling energised, fitter and a whole lot more confident about defending themselves. They say they look forward to taking part in Kushido International’s 50th anniversary karate camp, set to be held in South Africa next year – a significant milestone for this martial arts organisation. For information about self-defence classes in Stellenbosch, Sensei Tony Edwards can be contacted on 072 585 0483.

Seen here are Thys Sutherland, Sensei Tony Edwards and Dominique Mannel. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Testing mettle for the 2013 athletics season NIKE LUNAR GLIDE INFANTS SIZE 3½ - 9½












With the Boland Athletics Talent Identification Programme reaching its peak this last Saturday at the Top 10 Inter-Schools Meeting, all eyes will be focused on the 2012 Summer Series in November. Junior and senior athletes alike will get to evaluate the results of their winter training in preparation for the 2013 season. The series will also give identified junior athletes the chance to compete against the senior athletes. The 2012 Summer Series Track and Field

Meetings will take place according to IAAF and ASA rules. Participants must wear their license numbers. Temporary license numbers for athletes who don’t yet have one will be available at the registration point. Series venues and dates: Coetzenburg Stadium on 3 November; Dal Josaphat Stadium on 6 November; Coetzenburg on 9 November; Coetzenburg on 16 November; Dal Josaphat on 20 November; Coetzenburg on 23 November.

Enrol for 2012 Boland Marathon Champs The final Boland Championships event of the 2012 athletics season, the 2012 Boland Marathon Championships, sets off on 17 November. The event will form part of the 2012 Winelands Marathon. The first Boland finishers in the men’s and women’s categories will automatically qualify for the 2013 SA Marathon Championships, which will take place in February 2013. Only Boland athletes participating in the

2012 Winelands Marathon will qualify for the medals and prize money on offer in the Boland Marathon Championships category. Athletes can enrol for the Winelands Marathon at any Mr Price shop in the Boland, or at The closing date is 8 November. No late entries will be accepted. For more information on the Boland Road Running Championships, contact Jenifer Daniels at

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