Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Tuesday 5 March 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
New structures
are fire resistant According to reports, over the last five years there were on average 10 shack fires a day in South Africa.
The Ajuga structure, which was set alight during a special demonstration on Villiera, outside Stellenbosch.
The fire did not spread from the Ajuga structure.
Rynard van der Westhuizen, the Cipla Medpro Marketing Director (left) with David Grier, Cipla Medpro Foundation Managing Trustee, at the launch of Ajuga.
In Cape Town alone there are more than 100 deaths resulting from shack fires every year. One of the most devastating fires in an informal settlement in the history of Cape Town occurred in Khayelitsha at the beginning of 2013. More than 1 000 shacks burnt to the ground in this fire. During December and January this year, the number of people left homeless by shack fires amounted to nearly 5 200. “Shack fires are becoming prevalent throughout the country as shack settlements grow. As a result, increasing numbers of dwelling units are built using highly flammable substances such as wood, cardboard and plastic and are built in close proximity of each other,” said David Grier of the Cipla Foundation, which is run under the auspices of Cipla Medpro, South Africa’s third largest pharmaceutical company. “With limited services and infrastructure, and no safety controls in place, impulsive and fast spreading conflagrations are a constant threat. “Often, fire safety is compromised as many people in our country cannot afford safe energy sources and appliances.” To address the growing shack-fire crisis in informal settlements, Cipla Medpro launched Ajuga – a project that will see fire-resistant structures and crèches erected in informal settlements. The event held at Villiera outside Stellenbosch, saw an Ajuga structure set alight, demonstrating the effectiveness of the structure in combating and containing fires. “By replacing crèches with fire-resistant structures, this initiative ensures that when a
fire breaks out, the most vulnerable people in the community will be protected. With this initiative we can also provide children with a place of safety and improve the conditions in which they are schooled,” says Grier. Grier explains that the Ajuga unit is one of the most unique and effective fire-resistant structures available, as it is made from patented steel and fire-retardant panels, which have been fire-tested to 1 000 degrees. “The house takes one day to assemble, is fitted with standard windows and doors and services such as water and electricity can be installed.” Grier, who designed the Ajuga structure, says that together with Operation Smile, Cipla Medpro have for many years been involved in raising funds for corrective surgery for children born with cleft lips and palates. “During the Miles for Smiles initiatives, we noticed the rapid increase of children being admitted with serious burn wounds and that is when we decided to investigate the causes around this. When we saw the shocking devastation caused by shack fires, we could not walk away.” Earlier in February this year, the Cipla Foundation sponsored the first two Ajuga structures that replaced creches in the informal settlement of Du Noon in Cape Town. “Currently we import the main wall component for the units. However, there is a plan to have a local manufacturing facility up and running within the next five months, to contribute to growing the local economy, and increase the production levels of these structures,” says Grier. For more information on Ajuga, to get involved in this project, or to apply for an Ajuga crèche, please visit
Stellenbosch Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 5 March 2013
Dream still a reality thanks to SAPS ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
ruary on the R304. Martini was passing Welgevonden Boulevard A local cyclist’s dream to when four men armed with take part in the ABSA knives, robbed him of his Cape Epic was almost rubicycle. ined after he was robbed “Three men were arrestof his bicycle. ed later that same day by the Cloetesville SAPS. Due to the quick reaction Later, when the detecby local police the bicycle tives went on patrol in the was recovered the same day area, Martini’s bicycle was and three men were arrestrecovered in Smartie ed. Town. The incident follows after According to Mtintsilaa spate of robberies on the na, Martini was on his way R44 on the way to Welgeto Stellenbosch for their vonden as well as the R301 training session when the (Koelenhof Road) in the arincident took place. ea of Welgevonden Boule“Four men armed with vard. Masixole Martini (right) and his team mate knives approached MartiMasixole Martini was on Shaun Mtintsilana. ni at 05:45 last Saturday. his way to Kayamandi from Durbanville to meet up with his teammate, The loss of his sponsored bicycle meant that Shaun Mtintsilana. They are both taking part both of us would not have been able to take in the ABSA Cape Epic for Team Pragma Sil- part in the Cape Epic. It would have had huge negative effects on both our careers in the verback. According to police spokesperson, Lt Nath- sport,” said Mtintsilana. Team Pragma Silverback praised the police alie Martin, the incident took place on 23 Feb-
Masixole Martini’s bicycle which was found back in Smartie Town after he was robbed. for their quick reaction and especially the work of Detective Constable Marlon Appolis and Sergeant Gerado Hendricks who found the bicycle on the same day. The two men are hoping to finish on the podium in the Exxaro Development Division of the Cape Epic. Both are very involved in their communities to promote healthy living and to be role models for the youth. For more information regarding their efforts, visit
Drie vas in Cloetesville vir dwelmhandel Die Cloetesville-polisiekantoor het verlede week toegeslaan op plaaslike smokkelhuise en beslag gelê op ’n groot hoeveelheid dagga en kontant. Volgens polisiewoordvoerder sers. Zenobia Sedeman, het lede van die Cloetesville-polisie tydens ’n spesiale operasie toegeslaan op ’n bekende dwelmhuis in die area. “ ’n Vrou (34) is op 27 Februarie in Jakarandastraat aangekeer ná dwelmverkope by die huis gemaak is. Daar is beslag gelê op verskillende dwelms wat in haar besit was. Sy het Vrydag in die hof verskyn op klagte van handel in verbode middels.” Tydens ’n tweede operasie, op 28 Februarie het die Cloetesville polisie, onder leiding van AO Leepile Moloke beslag gelê op vier swartsakke vol dagga met die waarde van sowat R2 000. Twee mans (34 en 33 jaar oud) is in hegtenis geneem. “Inligting is aan die polisie deurgegee dat die twee mans langs die treinspoor loop, aan die agterkant van Hoërskool Cloetesville. “Die mans is in hegtenis geneem en die dwelms is in hul besit gevind.” Die polisie het die gemeenskap bedank vir hul samewerking wat gelei het tot aankeer van die handelaars. Albei mans het Vrydag in die hof verskyn.
Hier (van links) is konst. Malvrey Pieterse, konst. Manchall Cloete en AO Leepile Moloke.
Hot spots The hot spots for crime the last week were: ) Sector 1: Theft at Standard Bank ATM in Bird Street. Theft out of motor vehicles, burglary and robbery in Bird Street between Merriman Avenue and Plein Street. Theft out of motor vehicles, burglary and robbery in Ryneveld Street between Victoria Street and Jan Cilliers Drive. Theft out of motor vehicles and robbery on campus between Victoria and Banghoek Streets. ) Sector 2: Theft out of motor vehicles in Die Boord between Van Rheede and Peeka Streets. Burglaries in Onder-Papegaaiberg. ) Sector 3: Burglary, theft out of motor vehicle and robbery on the Koelenhof Road. ) Sector 4: Malicious damage to property and robbery on the R304 (Koelenhof Road). – Information supplied by Stellenbosch SAPS.
Gazette gaan Mobi Net meer as agt maande ná die Gazette-groep aanlyn gegaan het, kan jy ook ons nuus in die palm van jou hand hê. Van 12 Maart sal die Boland Gazette-webwerf in Mobi-formaat vir selfoongebruikers beskikbaar wees, wat beteken jy kan die nuus van al ses Gazette-streke lees waar jy jou ook al bevind. Nuus van die Swartland, Breederivier/Langeberg, Theewaterskloof, Helderberg, Stellenbosch en Drakenstein word weekliks opdateer. Sien video’s en fotogalerye, kry toegang tot speletjies en musiek, sien die weervoorspelling en neem aan kompetisies deel.
Tuesday 5 March 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Talent 360-sterre gaan skyn! ’n Gala-aand soos nog nooit te vore met die dorp se beste talent. Dit is wat Stellenbossers kan verwag by die eerste gala-aand van die Talent 360-kompetisie op 22 Maart. Op hierdie aand, wat in die Stellenbosch-stadsaal gehou sal word, sal altesaam 18 semi-finaliste uit Idasvallei, Cloetesville, Kayamandi, Raithby, Jamestown, die middedorp en Klapmuts meeding om as die beste danser, sanger of akteur in die gebied aangewys te word. Daar sal aantreklike pryse, asook die geleentheid om as Stellenbosch 360ambassadeurs gekroon te word, op die spel wees. Die drie beoordelaars vir die aand – Waldemar Schulz (Jan-Hendrik), O’Ryan Winter en Emile Jansen – is bekende TV-persoonlikhede van onderskeidelik 7de Laan, Backstage en Step Up or Step Out. Die gasspreker is dr. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van die AHI. Kaartjies vir die gala-funksie is beperk en belangstellendes moet hul sitplekke vroegtydig by 021 883 3584 bespreek. Die koste is R120 per persoon
Hier (agter van links) is Marina Scheffers, Laetitia Solomons, Louisa Wynand, Anneli Kampher; (middel) Cheryl Farao, Ann Heyns, Luzuko Mdunyelwa, Annemarie Ferns, prof. Andreas van Wyk, prof. Julian Smith, Wayne Boonzaaier; (voor) Ralston Oliphant, Gillian Williams, Luciano Swarts, Razia de Klerk, Renzow Kok en Ricardo Gordon. FOTO: JACQUES ENSINK en dit sluit ’n banket-ete en die opvoering in. Daar is 240 galery-sitplekke beskikbaar teen R30 per persoon en sluit net die opvoering in. Daar sal wel ’n kontantkroeg en versnaperinge aangebied word. Die kompetisie het ten doel om kultuurtoerisme na die Stellenbosch gemeenskappe te bevorder. Ann Heyns, bestuurder van ontwikkeling vir Stellenbosch 360, is verheug oor die veel-
voud en gehalte talent wat tydens die kompetisie na vore gekom het. “Met die uitdunne kon ons ook daarin slaag om een van ons hoofdoelwitte te verwesenlik, naamlik die identifisering van bestaande en wordende entrepreneurs vanuit ons gemeenskappe. “Ons begin eersdaags met inligtingsessies en werkwinkels in elkeen van die gemeenskappe om laasgenoemde se toetrede tot toerisme te bevorder.”
“’n Verenigde en uitnemende Kaapse Wynland!” Die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit streef daarna om ’n dinamiese en doeltreffende diens aan die gemeenskap onder sy jurisdiksie te lewer. As ’n diensbillikheidswerkgewer het ons tans die volgende vakatures vir toepaslik gekwalifiseerde en ervare persone.
Tuesday 5 March 2013
Voedingsaksie soek ’n nuwe tuiste Stellenbosch-voedingsaksie (SVA) is tans dringend op soek na ’n nuwe perseel. SVA, ’n voedingskoördinerings-program wat funksioneer in die breër Stellenbosch munisipale gebied, voorsien weekliks sowat 8 500 maaltye, 3 000 ondersteunende maaltye en 3 000 kospakkies aan sowat 4 000 behoeftige individue, veral kinders in nood, siekes, bejaardes en haweloses. Die organisasie help dus grootliks met die groot voedseltekort wat swaar op menige Stellenbossers se skouers rus. Dít, veral na ’n studie deur die Sustainability Insitute onlangs bevind het dat 28% van die plaaslike gemeenskap nie oor voedselsekuriteit beskik nie. Ná ’n aantal jare by die NG Noordkerk, kom SVA se tyd op dié perseel tot op ’n einde. Hulle benodig nou dringend ’n nuwe perseel om hul diens voort te sit. Volgens Liesel Koen, die bestuurder, moet die perseel sentraal geleë wees, oor ’n kombuis beskik wat soos ’n industriële kombuis aangewend kan word, ’n stoorkamer hê met ruimte om droë voorrade te
stoor en vries- en yskaste te kan akkommodeer, ’n kantoor en parkeerplek vir drie voertuie. Die perseel word net vir administrasie- doeleindes gebruik en om die voedsel te ontvang, verwerk en te stoor. Maaltye word nie by die perseel bedien nie, slegs by verskeie voedingspunte in die dorp. SVA ondersteun ook 25 ander organisasies soos behoeftige crèches, nasorgsentrums, skole, Jeuguitreik en Stellenbosch Nagskuiling. Hulle voorsien ook sedert 2012 kospakkies aan sportuitreik-programme by skole. Volgens Koen het die vraag na maandelikse kospakkies by gemeenskapsorganisasies vanjaar grootliks toegeneem. SVA het Stellenbosch-rampbestuur in 2013 tydens twee brande asook tydens vloede en brande in 2012 ondersteun. SVA neem ook in skoolvakansies deel aan uitreik-aksies en opheffingsprogramme. Belangstellendes wat SVA dringend met ’n perseel in Stellenbosch kan help, kan ’n e-pos na stuur of 021 886 8986/071 322 0747 bel.
Worcester Beginsalaris: R248 640 per jaar (Verw. 41)
Posprofiel: • Verseker nakoming van relevante regs- en statutêre vereistes regdeur die Distriksmunisipaliteit • Verskaf regsadvies en menings aan die Raad, Statutêre Komitees, Munisipale Bestuurder, Uitvoerende Bestuur en ander werknemers • Verskaf kommentaar op verslae wat aan die Raad, die Burgemeesterskomitee, Portefeuljekomitees en die Plaaslike Arbeidsforum voorgelê moet word • Bestudeer en stel kommentaar oor nuwe wetgewing saam en skryf agenda-items om wetgewing en regsimplikasies te verduidelik • Stel kontrakte en ander dokumente met ’n regsaard op en verleen bystand met die opstel en nagaan van ooreenkomste wat deur die Raad gesluit is • Bestuur arbeidsregsake • Bywoning van vergaderings en die opstel van verslae aan die Raad, Burgemeesterskomitee en Portefeuljekomitees vir oorweging • Voorbereiding en samestelling van die agenda vir die Reëlskomitee • Skakel met eksterne Regsadviseurs van die Raad en/of ander eksterne Regsadviseurs ten opsigte van enige regsake. Vereistes: • Relevante Regsgraad • Vier jaar regsdienste ervaring in ’n Munisipaliteit • Rekenaargeletterdheid • Taalbevoegdheid in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap • Geldige kode B-rybewys.
Ambagsman: Werktuigkundige Ceres Beginsalaris: R140 028 per jaar (Verw. 754)
Posprofiel: • Lewer meganiese ondersteuningsdienste aan die Distriksmunisipaliteit se voertuig- en masjinerievloot • Hanteer vereiste administrasie van kwotasies, diensrekords, ens. • Hou toesig oor werktuigkundiges en ander werkswinkelpersoneel en skeduleer voertuig- en masjinerie instandhouding • Hou toerusting in stand • Hanteer verstellings aan voertuie en toerusting soos versoek • Versien en herstel voertuie en masjinerie • Implementeer voorkomende instandhouding aan voertuie en masjinerie • Verskaf indiensopleiding aan nuwe operateurs ten opsigte van voertuie en masjinerie. Vereistes: • Ten minste twee jaar toepaslike ervaring in ’n meganiese werkswinkel • Ervaring as dieselwerktuigkundige/petrolwerktuigkundige • Ambagsman met vaktoets • Rekenaargeletterdheid • Geldige kode EC1-rybewys • Geldige Professionele Bestuurspermit • Bereidwilligheid om bystandsdiens te verrig.
Voorman (Padinstandhouding) Stellenbosch Beginsalaris: R125 004 per jaar (Verw. 401)
Posprofiel: • Verseker instandhouding en konstruksie van geproklameerde paaie • Verskaf bystand aan die Superintendent ten opsigte van die beplanning en organisasie van alle werk deur middel van ’n werksprogram • Voer padinspeksies in opdrag van die Superintendent uit • Implementeer kwaliteitsbeheer en verseker sodoende dat daar aan voorgeskrewe minimum standaarde voldoen word • Lei ondergeskiktes op en versprei inligting aan hulle • Verskaf doeltreffende bestuur van personeel en verwante aktiwiteite binne die afdeling. Vereistes: • Graad 12-sertifikaat • Twee jaar toepaslike ervaring • Geldige kode B-rybewys • Goeie kommunikasievermoë. Byvoordele vir die al die bostaande poste sluit ’n pensioen-/aftreefonds, mediese skema, groeplewensversekering, dertiende tjek en niepensioendraende verblyftoelae in.
Franschhoek (Een-jaar-kontrak) Salaris: R363 797 per jaar (Alles insluitende pakket) Sleutelprestasie-areas: • Hou toesig oor en koördineer projekte, tegniese bedrywighede, gesondheids- en veiligheidsnakoming en werkstandaarde van kontrakteurs • Hou toesig oor opleidings- en maatskaplike ontwikkelingsprogramme • Uitvoering van veldverifikasies vir generering van kontrakte • Uitvoering van veldinspeksies om nakoming van Werk vir Waternorme en -standaarde te verseker • Uitvoering van selfevaluering van projekte • Uitvoering van finale inspeksies van terreine wat skoongemaak is • Uitvoering van gesondheids- en veiligheidsevaluerings van kontrakteurs • Opvoeding van kontrakteurs aangaande Menslikehulpbronbeleide van Werk vir Water (WvW-)/ Uitgebreide Openbarewerksprogram (UOWP) • Bevorder welwillendheid tussen projekte en belanghebbendes • Implementeer die Wet op die Bewaring van Landbouhulpbronne, 1983 (Wet No 43 van 1983; CARA). Vereistes: • Graad 12 sertifikaat met ten minste 10 jaar praktiese projekbestuurservaring • ’n Geldige Kode EB-rybewys en bereidwilligheid om te reis • Uitnemende projekbestuursvaardighede (beplanning, begroting en interpersoonlike vaardighede) • Uitnemende kommunikasievaardighede, mondeling en skriftelik (verslae en aanbiedings) in ten minste twee van die drie tale in die Wes-Kaap • Goeie administratiewe vaardighede • Rekenaarvaardigheid (MS Excel, Word en PowerPoint, asook Arcview). Die volgende kan as aanbevelings dien: • Kaartwerk en kaartleesvaardighede • Goeie kennis van onkruiddoders, biologiese beheer en kettingsaagbedrywighede • Basiese kennis van verwyderingsmetodes en -standaarde vir indringer eksotiese plante • Nakoming van prestasieskedules • Die vermoë om selfstandig te werk • Die vermoë om konflik te bestuur • Die vermoë om werksverwante kritiek te hanteer en regstellende stappe op grond van sodanige kritiek te implementeer • Bereidwilligheid om buitenshuis te werk (ongeveer 90% van die tyd) • Die professionalisme om die hoogste standaarde van integriteit en eerlikheid te handhaaf. Let wel: Geskikte kandidate moet bereid wees om ’n bevoegdheidsgebaseerde onderhoud te voer, wat ’n praktiese evaluering sal insluit. Neem asseblief kennis dat aansoeke wat nie aan die bogenoemde voorskrifte voldoen nie, nie oorweeg sal word nie. Laat aansoeke en aansoeke wat per faks en/of e-pos ontvang word, sal ook nie oorweeg word nie. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke word beskou as die datum waarop aansoekers moet voldoen aan die minimum vereistes soos in hierdie advertensies uiteengesit word. Aansoekers moet die voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm by me. J Martin by 021 888-5196, mnr. S Magalela by 021 888-5109 en mev. R Beukes by 023 348-2311 aanvra. Aansoeke, vergesel van oorspronklike gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasiesertifikate (grade, diplomas, sertifikate, skoolsertifikate, ens.), asook die verlangde rybewyse en registrasiesertifikate van professionele liggame, waar van toepassing, moet aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit, Posbus 100, Stellenbosch 7599 gestuur word. Let asseblief daarop dat, indien geen terugvoering teen 31 Mei 2013 ontvang word nie, kandidate moet aanvaar dat hulle aansoek onsuksesvol was. Sluitingsdatum: 15 Maart 2013 om 15:00 Werwing sal ’n kandidaat diskwalifiseer. Human Communications C95055
BOME VIR SKOLE: Lede van Stellenbosch 360, in samewerking met die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit, het onlangs bome by laerskole in Stellenbosch geplant as deel van hul Stellenbosch 360 Leaf A Legacy-projek. Die bome is by die skole geplant om die leerlinge koelte in die somer te gee, maar ook om hulle te leer hoe om bome te versorg. Rhea Michau, Ann Heyns en Jenna Moses van Stellenbosch 360 was betrokke by die boomplantdag. Die bome is by Laerskool Cloetesville en AF Louw geplant. Hier is leerlinge van Laerskool Cloetesville besig om self een van die twee bome te plant. FOTO: VERSKAF
Jeugweek van 10 tot 13 Maart Die Tienerkerk Jeugweek, ’n geleentheid waar jong mense saam met hul maats die Here se naam groot kan maak, vier vanjaar sy 10de bestaansjaar. Dit is ’n gesamentlike tienerbediening van die NG kerke Stellenbosch-Sentraal, Moedergemeente, StellenboschWes en Stellenbosch-Welgelegen en word vanjaar van 10 tot 13 Maart op Stellenbosch gehou. Dit skop af met ’n familie-erediens op 10 Maart om 10:00 in die Jeugweek-tent by Paul Roos Gimnasium. Die tieners se byeenkomste vind elke aand van 18:45 af plaas in die tent. Vir die voorskoolse en laerskoolkin-
ders is daar van Maandag tot Woensdag om 17:00 ’n byeenkoms in die tent. Vanjaar se tienerspreker, Ryno Meyer, sal praat oor die ritme van christenskap en om te dans na die ritme van die Here. Vir die kleiner kinders kom kuier Sakkie en Sieg en nog ’n paar van hul vriende. Dit is ’n lewendige en opwindende popperasie met lekker musiek en sang. Jeugweek is ’n viering van jonkwees in Christus. Dit is ’n geleentheid waar skoolkinders saam die Here loof en prys en saam nadink oor hoe die Here wil hê hulle moet leef.
Tuesday 5 March 2013
News - Nuus
Fun cycle rides on 8, 15 and 22 March
Call for people to join KACF committees The organisers of the annual Kayamandi Arts and Cultural Festival (KACF) are currently inviting all interested individuals or groups to take part in one of the festival’s special committees. The terms of reference that outlines the responsibilities and deliverables of the committees will be made available on request. A meeting to elaborate on the roles, responsibilities and deliverables will be scheduled and all those who indicated to have interest will be
The Stellenbosch Municipality will be continuing with its safer cycling campaign by having a fun ride every Friday. The campaign was launched in December 2012 in an attempt to reduce our carbon footprint and to encourage people to use the town’s extensive Non-Motorised Transport Network (NMT). The next fun rides will be held on 8, 15 and 22 March. The aim of the event is to increase awareness around the benefits of cycling and the relief it brings to the town’s already congested roads. The purpose of these events is to encourage motorists and cyclists to use the roads in a safer manner while cyclists will also be made aware of the increasing number of crime hot spots in and around the Stellenbosch municipal area. This initiative ties in with the municipality’s NMT project and the Safer Cycling Campaign respectively championed by the engineering services and community and protection services departments. Councillors and municipal officials will join in on the activities. The fun ride will start at 11:00 at the town hall in Plein Street and cyclists will cycle for about 90 minutes. The group leader will determine the route. Call Lizelle Stroebel (Stellenbosch Traffic department) on 021 808 8838 for further information. )For further information on the Safer Cycling Campaign visit
Stellenbosch Gazette
contacted. They are seeking committed and creative people with a strong interest in Kayamandi. The various committees will be music, dance, drama, DJs, the beauty pageant and the KACF Cup (soccer and netball). Please send an e-mail to Paul Khambule at or Silulami Mbokwana at for further information or if you would like to serve on a committee.
Tussenverkiesing in Wyk 22 op 6 Maart
Here is the executive mayor, Alderman Conrad Sidego, along with Mia (5) and Aiden (3) Brent during a previous cycling event in town. PHOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
Die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie (OVK) het bevestig dat ’n munisipale tussenverkiesing vir Wyk 22 op 6 Maart 2013 gehou sal word. Die tussenverkiesing volg op die bedanking van raadslid Leon de Villiers van die DA. Wyk 22 bedien die woonbuurte bekend as Die Boord, Brandwacht, Dalsig, Welgelegen en Krigeville. Nominasies het op 14 Februarie 2013 gesluit. Drie partye het kandidate benoem. Hulle is die African National Congress se Nuraan van Kerwel, die Demokratiese Alliansie se Esther Groenewald en Gordon Reid van die Stellen-
bosch Civics Association. Tydens die registrasienaweek het 98 persone as nuwe kiesers geregistreer. Hoewel dit nou te laat is om vir hierdie tussenverkiesing te registreer, kan Stellenbossers nog elke dag tydens werksure gaan aansoek doen om op die kiesersrol geplaas te word by die OVK se kantoor in Ryneveld Plaza, Ryneveldstraat. Die stembusse sal op 6 Maart oop wees van 06:00 tot 21:00. Die stempunte vir die tussenververikesing in Wyk 22 is by die Hoër Meisieskool Rhenish en Laerskool Eikestad geleë.
Cook with Stellemploy
Bespreek stalletjie vir “Junk”-mark
Stellemploy will train 12 unemployed people in methods of cooking, knife skills and introduction to baking skills, kitchen hygiene and basic nutrition from 11 to 28 March 2013. This opportunity is only available to 12 unemployed people (18 to 35 years) with consumer or hospitality studies on grade 10 level or experience in the hospitality industry. Call Gaino or Betta on 021 886 6993 for more information on the cooking course.
’n Unieke “Junk”-mark sal Saterdag 27 April by die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes gehou word wat belangstellendes ’n kans bied om ekstra geld te verdien. Enige items kan verkoop word. Staanplekke by die mark kos R60 en belangstellendes moet so gou moontlik bespreek. Die mark is van 09:00 tot 14:00 en alle Stellenbossers word genooi om te kom rondsnuffel. Daar sal ook kosstalletjies en kindervermaak wees. Navrae: Michelle Botha by 079 380 2004.
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General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 5 March 2013
HEMELSE KUNS: Tydens vanjaar se US Woordfees is die kunswerke van 13 kunstenaars te sien by die PJ Olivier-kunssentrum. Die tema van die Woordfees-uitstalling is Hemels en word op elke kunstenaar se unieke wyse aan die feesgangers en publiek bekendgestel en te koop aangebied. Die uitstalling open om 14:30 op 2 Maart. Die uitstalling sal tot 26 Maart te sien wees. Stefan Hundt, kurator van die Sanlam-kunsversameling sal die opening behartig. Hier is Nelis Koegelenberg, hoof van PJ Olivier-kunssentrum, by een van die kunswerke. Vir meer inligting bel 021 886 4854. FOTO:VERSKAF
BELANGRIKE KENNISGEWING OPROEP VIR VOORSTELLE VIR DIE LEWERING VAN MAATSKAPLIKE- EN GEMEENSKAPSONTWIKKELINGSDIENSTE Die provinsiale visie wat die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling onderskryf is dit van ’n “Oop Geleentheidsamelewing”. Hierdie visie gee uitvoering deur die volgende strategiese doelwitte: modernisering van dienslewering, die verbetering van die bestuur, die skepping van geleenthede en ’n samelewing wat omgee. In die uitvoering van hierdie doelwitte, word voorstelle ingewag van nie-winsgewende organisasies om met die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling in vennootskap te gaan vir die implementering van die volgende dienste:
Argitektoniese uitstappies
Teiken Gebiede
Bemagtiging van Slagoffers
Voorsiening van intervensie programme/ dienste aan slagoffers van misdaad en geweld in landelike gebiede en een Metro
Kaapse Wynland/Overberg: Overberg Eden/ Karoo: Beaufort-Wes, Oudtshoorn Weskus Areas. Metro Suid: Ocean View, Red Hill, Masiphumelele, Vishoek
Voorsiening van geslagsgebaseerde programme/dienste gefokus op die voorkoming van geweld met mans, seuns, persone in intieme verhoudings, gesinne en oortreders as onderskeie teikengroepe
Weskus Area Eden/Karoo: Beaufort-Wes, Oudtshoorn, George Cape Winelands: Overberg
Volhoubare skuilingsdienste/ Halfweghuise in drie landelike gebiede en een Metro
Metro Suid: Lavender Hill, Retreat Kaapse Wynland/Overberg Areas Eden/Karoo: Beaufort-Wes, Oudtshoorn Weskus Area
Maatskaplikgerigte Misdaadvoorkoming
Voorsiening van maatskaplike misdaadvoorkomingsprogramme/ dienste gerig op volwassenes
Metro Noord: Bellville, Parow Middestad
Persone met gestremdhede
Dagsorgprogramme vir kinders met gestremdhede
Metro Suid en Oos, Eden Karoo en Weskus Areas.
Dagsorgprogramme vir volwassenes met gestremdhede
Metro Noord en Oos, Eden/Karoo, Weskus Areas
Beskermende Werkswinkels
Kaapse Wynland/Overberg: Swellendam
Voorspraakprogramme vir persone met visuele- en gehoorgestremdhede
Provinsiaal: Wes-Kaap
Fasilitering van netwerking van dienste en intersektorale samewerking in die Gestremdhede Sektor in die provinsie
Provinsiaal: Wes-Kaap
Ouer Persone
Geriatriesesorg- en bestuur m.b.t. gesondheidaanslae vir die registrasie van befondsde residensiële fasiliteite in die provinsie
Provinsiaal: Wes-Kaap
Eden/Karoo: Beaufort-Wes, Oudtshoorn, Knysna Kaapse Wynland/Overberg: Hermanus, Gansbaai, Langeberg, Ashton Weskus Gebiede
Re-integrasie en nasorgdienste
Eden/Karoo: Beaufort-Wes, Oudtshoorn, Knysna Kaapse Wynland/Overberg: Hermanus, Gansbaai
Daaglikse voorsiening van gesondheidsvoedselpak (toebroodjie en vrugte) aan 150 deelnemers deur gespesifiseerde MOD (Massadeelname, geleentheid en toegang, ontwikkeling en groei) sentrums in die dorpe en voorstede in die Provinsie
Voorkeur sal gegee word aan diensverskaffers wat werk in die nabyheid aan die gespesifiseerde areas Metro-Suid: Samora Machel, Woodlands, Beacon Valley, Rocklands, Tafelsig, Silvertown, Heideveld, Houtbaai. Kaapse Wynland/Overberg: Swellendam, Hermanus, Touwsrivier, Worcester, Ceres, Robertson, Stellenbosch, Paarl Eden/Karoo: Heidelberg, Mosselbaai, Knysna, Plettenbergbaai, Oudtshoorn, Beaufort-Wes, Murraysburg. Weskus Area: Saldanha, Vredenburg, Citrusdal, Clanwilliam, Vredendal
Volhoubare Lewensbestaan
FINAL SUMMER CONCERT AT SOLMS DELTA: Tribal Echo, with their melting pot of musical styles, will play out this season’s final summer concert at Solms-Delta wine estate on Saturday 9 March. The Delta Valley Entertainers will kick off the evening followed by Lekker Lekker Delta – Solms-Delta’s very own brass stage ensemble, the Delta Langbroek Band, the Soetstemme choir and the Delta Four. Don’t miss a wonderful evening of rural Cape food, music and dance on the Fyndraai restaurant lawns. Sip one of the Solms-Delta wines, relax and enjoy a hearty Kaapse Braai buffet and listen to the sounds of local favourites. The concert will take place from 19:00 to 21:30. Tickets cost R210 and R100 for children under 12. To book call Henry on 021 874 3937 or email: For more details and programme line-up go to - Events & Summer concerts.
Wil jy sien en hoor hoe opwindend-interessant argitektuur kan wees? Hoe geboue die storiein ’n dorp kan vertel? Die bekende kultuurhistorikus Matilda Burden sal jou met ander oë laat kyk na die hart van die Eikestad met sy argitektoniese juwele. Vanjaar sal twee verskillende roetes van 4 tot 9 Maart aangebied
word op alternatiewe dae: Maandag, Woensdag en Vrydag na die middedorp, Dinsdag, Donderdag en Saterdag na die omgewing van die Braak. Wandelings begin om 17:00 van die Erfurthuis af. Deelname beloop R40 per jaar per wandeling. Vir besprekings kontak Esmé Adriaanse by tel 021 887 2937
Apple crumble muffins Ward off the hunger pangs with these delicious apple crumble muffins. Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time: 20 min Ingredients For the topping: 60 ml pecan nuts 15 ml ground cinammon 45 ml brown sugar For the muffins: 250 ml cake flour 125 ml wheat bran 5 ml baking soda 2.5 ml salt 125 ml buttermilk or plain yogurt 80 ml sunflower oil 5 ml vanilla essence 1 large egg 2 grated apples - with skin Makes 12
Method For the topping: Mix together pecan nuts with the cinnamon and brown sugar. For the muffins: Sieve the cake flour, wheat bran, baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and salt. Whisk together the buttermilk (or plain yogurt) with the sunflower oil, vanilla essence and egg. Add the yogurt mixture to the flour mixture and stir until well blended. Fold in the grated apple. Spoon into a prepared 12 hole muffin pan and sprinkle the topping over before baking for 20 minutes until well risen and golden brown. Allow to cool before eating. Best made and eaten on the same day. Recipe from
Die kriteria en voorwaardes van toepassing, Program Spesfikasies vir MOD Sentrums en die aansoekformaat kan verkry word via ’n e-pos aan die hulptoonbank of op die provinsiale webwerf by http://www. (Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling). Addisionele navrae kan gerig word aan die DMO hulptoonbank Oproepsentrum nommer 0800 220 250 of e-posadres by Die sluitingstyd en -datum vir die indiening van aansoeke is op 5 April 2013 om 16h00. Alle organisasies wat van voornemens is om met die Departement te vennoot, insluitende diegene wat tans befondsing ontvang moet diensplanne indien. Diensplanne kan gepos word vir aandag: Me M Hindley by die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling, Privaatsak X9112, Kaapstad, 8000. Alternatiewelik moet dit geplaas word in die gemerkte houer in die voorportaal van die Departement se Hoofkantoor, geleë te Koningin Victoria Straat 14, Uniehuis, Kaapstad. TBWA\P39491\A
Apple crumble muffins
Tuesday 5 March 2013
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
AN EASTER FEAST OF FRESH SAVINGS Garnish and decor not included
Garnish and decor not included
5999 Per kg
Per kg
Garnish and decor not included
PnP Beef Roast
Per kg
Garnish and decor not included
PnP Frozen Hake Petit Fillets
3000 PnP Royal Gala Apples 1.5kg
1999 Each
PnP Potjie Mix 1kg
Garnish and decor not included
Per kg
PnP Frozen Mild Cured Snoek
Per kg
PnP Hubbard Squash, Green, Blue or White Pumpkin
PnP Pears 1.5kg
PnP Plum Bag
PnP Washed Potatoes 2kg, Tomatoes 2kg and Onions 2kg
Per kg
Per kg
4999 PnP Ultimate Braai Master Boerewors
Garnish and decor not included
PnP Bulk T-Bone and Club Steak Mixed Pack
PnP Lamb Leg Roast
PnP White Grapes 500g
Product styled for photography
1000 PnP Kiwis
Hamburger Buns 6s
Become a smart shopper points millionaire See in store for the weekly participating products Terms and conditions apply.
11 February – 10 March
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Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details. 1177226_390 X 260
Stellenbosch Gazette
General - Algemeen
Tuesday 5 March 2013
Paashaas spesiale gas by volmaanpiekniek 5 Maart )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967.
7 Maart )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van vriende en familie van verslaafdes, ontmoet 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 084 293 3967 (AA) of 021 889 5791 (Alanon).
8 Maart )Die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof vier hul 138ste bestaansjaar om 11:00 by die Bloemhof Sentrum. Alle oud-Bloemhoffers is welkom. RSVP: 2 of 0 021 887 3044.
Kinders kan ’n vroeë Paasfees geniet by die laaste volmaanpiekniek van die seisoen by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument Donderdag 28 Maart. Ouers moet hul kinders se paaseiers, wat duidelik gemerk moet wees, vooraf in die Paashaas se mandjie by die Volksmond Koffiewinkel kom sit. Die Paashaas behoort om 18:30 sy opwagting te maak om die paaseiers uit te deel. Sonsondergang is om 18:45 en maanopkoms is om 20:05. ’n Begeleide toer van die monument sal om 18:30 en weer om 19:30 aangebied word, en die monument sal tot om 22:00 oop wees. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel. Bel 021 863 2800 vir bestellings.
Volksmond sal tot om 22:00 oop wees vir koffie en ligte verversings. Die toegangsfooi by die hek beloop R15 vir volwassenes, R10 vir studente en R5 vir kinders (gratis onder ses jaar). Geen besprekings is nodig nie. Besoekers moet onthou om flitse en warm klere saam te bring. Geen honde en vure word toegelaat nie. Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. ’n Nuutjie by vanjaar se volmaanpieknieks is ’n fotokompetisie op die Taalmonument se Facebook-blad, met verskeie pryse op die spel. Vir meer inligting oor die Taalmuseum of Taalmonument, bel 021 863 0543/4809, besoek die webwerf by, of besoek of taalmonument.
9 Maart ) Die Cape Corps Foundation nooi alle oud-soldate en hul afhanklikes uit na ’n vergadering in die Cloetesville-biblioteeksaal. Dit begin 10:00. Die nasionale voorsitter sal die vergadering toespreek. Mense wat wil aansluit moet gesertifiseerde afskrifte van die volgende by hulle hê: ID’s, trousertifikaat, militêre sertifikate en doodsertifikate van soldate. 0 Adre: by 021 930 1922, Girly Konana by 073 916 1230 of mnr. De Jongh by 076 942 3602.
SUPERSTARS KLOPSE SAL VERMAAK: Die gewilde Superstars Klopse sal die komende Saterdag (9 Maart) by ’n piekniekkonsert by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument optree. Die vertoning begin 19:30 in die Tuinteater en toegang is R35 vir volwassenes, R10 vir kinders en gratis toegang vir kinders onder ses jaar. Die twee-uur-lange konsert sluit in optredes deur die Superstars se junior en senior kore, hul koperblaasorkes, hul langarm-orkes én solo-optredes deur sangers. Bel 021 863 4809/0543 vir meer inligting.
Annual Woefie Wandel on 24 March on D’Aria Estate Take your pooch to join in the fun with hundreds of other dogs at this year’s SPCA Purina Woefie Wandel doggie-walk on 24 March on the D’Aria Wine Estate in the Durbanville area. This country dog walk, organised by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA (GoGH) and pet food company Purina, will take walkers and their dogs on a 4 km scenic circular route through charming vineyards. Before and after the walk, participants and their dogs can relax and socialise at the beautiful D’Aria Winery while enjoying wine-tasting, delicious eats and treats on offer, and taking part in fun giveaways, lucky draws and competitions. Owners will be able to shop for the latest and greatest doggy-products, while the kids entertain themselves with ice cream and jumping castles. Famed actress and Pasella presenter, Vicky Davis will be master of ceremonies for the day. Being an off-road country walk, the SPCA urges all entrants to wear proper walking shoes suitable for walking on dirt roads. “We also want to caution owners of short-nose breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, and those with older dogs with joint problems, to consult their veterinarian before committing to take part in the walk. “Puppies under four months are not permit-
ted to take part. Owners of large breed dogs (18 months or younger) should also consider walking a shorter distance which will be indicated along the route, as extended walking can put undue pressure on delicate skeletal structures”, says Juan August, events coordinator. Water and cool-off points for both dogs and owners will be available along the routes. SPCA inspectors and Animal Welfare assistants will be on hand to ensure human and canine walkers are kept safe along the routes. Entry forms are available at local veterinarians, from the SPCA in Grassy Park and SPCA Vet Shop in Plumstead. Visit for further information. Entrants who enter by email, fax, post or online at before 17:00 on Friday 22 March, will qualify for a discounted entry fee of R35 per person and R25 per dog and no cost for children in prams. Entries on the day will open at 07:00 at a cost of R40 per person an R30 per dog (with children in prams free). All entrants have to register on the day (07:00 to 08:45). For information on the routes, venue and registration details visit or call the CoGH SPCA on 021 700 4141/80.
First things first, go out and get tested The Stellenbosch University’s annual HIV testing campaign is back to challenge Maties and the rest of the community to be sure of their HIV status. This year the campaign will run between Monday 11 March to Friday 15 March on the Rooiplein in a marquee tent outside the Neelsie on the Stellenbosch campus. The faculty of Health Sciences will have its campaign on the Tygerberg campus from Monday 18 March to Wednesday 20
March. The campaign urges students, staff and those interested to come for a free and confidential HIV test. It, however, has a specific focus on first year students. The campaign, First Things First, aims to encourage young South Africans, the future leaders, to be responsible, get tested for HIV and to empower themselves. Please visit for further information.
BUFFEL SOEK SY HUIS: Beamptes van die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit se departement ingenieursdienste het onlangs hierdie buffel-standbeeld van die verkeersirkel op die hoek van Plein- en Ryneveldstraat “gered”. Die buffel het vermoedelik weens kattekwaad op die verkeersirkel beland. Die standbeeld pronk egter tans in die direkteur van ingenieursdienste, André van Niekerk, se kantoor. Die eienaar van die buffel word uitgenooi om hom te kom haal. Bel 021 808 8213 of stuur ’n e-pos na
Tuesday 5 March 2013
General - Algemeen
Nominate your most amazing teacher PEP is once again asking kids all over South Africa to nominate their favourite teacher for the 2013 Amazing Teacher of the Year award – an initiative in which not only the winning teacher but also the nominator and the school all win prizes. The competition is open to Grade 4 – 7 pupils, who are invited to write a short letter explaining why they think their teacher is amazing. Entry forms are available at all PEP stores nationwide or on the PEP website ( Entries for this competition will close on 31 May 2013. The award is now in its second year following the initiative’s success in 2012, when Mrs Maurett Bell of Belhar Primary School in Bellville, Western Cape was named the Teacher of the Year. This year, the prizes are as follows: 1st prize: ) School wins a PEP Academy. The PEP Academy is a successful national programme that gives Grade 4 learners extra tuition in numeracy and literacy, the building blocks of edu-
cation. ) Teacher wins R15 000 cash and the title of ‘Most Amazing Teacher of 2013’ ) Nominating pupil wins R5 000 in PEP vouchers ) A PEP Academy ‘library in a box’ helps to promote inspiration through reading and contains 50 books. 2nd prize: ) Teacher wins R10 000 cash and the title of “Most Amazing Teacher of 2013” ) Nominating pupil wins R5 000 in PEP vouchers ) A PEP Academy “library in a box” 3rd prize: ) Teacher wins R5 000 cash and the title of “Most Amazing Teacher of 2013” ) Nominating pupil wins R5 000 in PEP vouchers ) A PEP Academy “library in a box”. The PEP Teacher of the Year Award has been conceived and developed by PEP in partnership with Watch the Sunrise show on weekday mornings for more information and updates on this “amazing” competition.
Die Carel du Toit-sentrum vir kinders met gehoorprobleme het onlangs ’n gesonde kontantinspuiting van R112 780 ontvang, danksy die OK Franchise-afdeling. Op 7 Februarie het 148 gholfspelers die 19de OKFD Wes-Kaap-gholfdag bygewoon en speel-speel fondse vir hierdie verdienstelike organisasie ingesamel. ’n Bedrag van R85 000 is deur Gerhard Kriel, uitvoerende hoof die OK Franchise-afdeling aan Valerie van der Merwe van die Carel du Toit-sentrum oorhandig. Die balans daarvan bestaan uit lootjie-trekking kaartjieverkope en ander donasies. Die Carel du Toit-sentrum leer kinders met gehoorprobleme om te praat sodat hulle in gewone skole geplaas kan word en nie afgesonder word van die res van die samelewing nie.
Cape Winelands District Municipality strives towards rendering a dynamic and effective service to the community under its jurisdiction. As an Employment Equity Employer, we currently offer the following vacancies to appropriately qualified and experienced individuals.
Legal Advisor
Worcester Starting salary: R248 640 per annum (Ref. 41)
Job profile: • Ensure compliance with relevant legal and statutory requirements throughout the District Municipality • Provide legal advice and opinions to Council, Statutory Committees, Municipal Manager, Executive Management and other employees • Provide comments on reports that have to be tabled before Council, the Mayoral Committee, Portfolio Committees and the Local Labour Forum • Study and compile comments on new legislation and write agenda items to explain legislation and enlighten legal implications • Compile contracts and other documents of a legal nature and assist with the drafting and reviewing of agreements that have been concluded by Council • Manage labour legal matters • Attend meetings and prepare reports to Council, Mayoral Committee and Portfolio Committees for consideration • Prepare and compile the agenda for the Rules Committee • Interact with external legal advisors of Council and/or other external legal advisors with regard to any legal matters. Requirements: • Relevant Law degree • 4 years’ experience in legal services within a Municipality • Computer literacy • Language proficiency in at least 2 of the 3 official languages of the Western Cape • Valid Code B driver’s licence.
Artisan: Mechanic
Ceres Starting salary: R140 028 per annum (Ref. 754) Job profile: • Deliver mechanical support services to the District Municipality’s vehicular and machinery fleet • Execute required administration of quotations, service records, etc • Supervise mechanics and other workshop personnel as well as schedule vehicles and machinery services • Maintain equipment • Execute modifications on vehicles and equipment as requested • Service and repair vehicles and machinery • Implement preventative maintenance to vehicles and machinery • Provide in-service training of new operators on vehicles and machinery. Requirements: • At least 2 years’ appropriate experience in a Mechanical Workshop • Diesel mechanical/petrol mechanical experience • Trade-tested Artisan • Computer literacy • Valid Code EC1 driver’s licence • Valid Professional Driver’s permit • Willingness to perform standby duties.
Foreman (Road Maintenance)
Stellenbosch Starting salary: R125 004 per annum (Ref. 401) Job profile: • Ensure maintenance and construction of proclaimed roads • Provide assistance to the Superintendent with regard to the planning and organisation of all work by means of a work programme • Perform road inspections as instructed by the Superintendent • Implement quality control, thus ensuring prescribed minimum standards are met • Train subordinates and distribute information to them • Provide effective management of personnel and related activities within the Section. Requirements: • Grade 12 Certificate • 2 years’ appropriate experience • Valid Code B driver’s licence • Sound communicative ability. Fringe benefits for the above mentioned posts include a pension/retirement fund, medical scheme, group life insurance, 13th cheque and a non-pensionable accommodation allowance.
Project Co-ordinator
Franschhoek (One-year contract) Salary: R363 797 per annum (All inclusive package) Key performance areas: • Oversee and coordinate projects, technical operations, health and safety compliance and work standards of contractors • Oversee training and social development programmes • Conduct field verifications for contract generation • Conduct field inspections to ensure compliance with Working for Water norms and standards • Conduct project self-assessments • Conduct final inspections on completed clearing sites • Conduct health and safety assessments on contractors • Educate contractors on Human Resource policies of Working for Water (WfW)/Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) • Promote goodwill between the projects and stakeholders • Implement the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No 43 of 1983; CARA). Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate with at least 10 years’ practical project management experience • A valid Code EB driver’s licence and willingness to travel • Exceptional project management skills (planning, budget and interpersonal skills) • Exceptional communication skills, both verbal and written (reports and presentations) in at least two of the three official languages in the Western Cape • Good administrative skills • Computer literacy (MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint, as well as Arcview). The following will serve as recommendations: • Mapping and map reading skills • Good knowledge of herbicide, biological control and chainsaw operations • Working knowledge of invasive alien plant clearing methods and standards • Adherence to performance schedules • The ability to work independently • The ability to manage conflict • The ability to handle work-related criticism and implement corrective actions based upon such criticism • Willingness to work outdoors (approximately 90% of the time) • The professionalism to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and honesty. Note: Suitable candidates must be willing to undergo a competency-based interview, which will include a practical evaluation. Kindly note that applicants that do not meet the above mentioned prescriptions will not be considered. Late applications and applications received by fax and/or email will also not be considered. The closing date for applications is regarded as the date on which minimum requirements as stipulated in this advertisement should be met by applicants. Applicants must acquire the prescribed application form from Ms J Martin on (021) 888-5196, Mr S Magalela on (021) 888-5109 and Mrs R Beukes on (023) 348-2311. Applications, accompanied by originally-certified true copies of qualification certificates (degrees, diplomas, certificates, school certificates, etc) as well as required driver’s licences and registration certificates from professional bodies, where applicable, are to be forwarded to the Municipal Manager, Cape Winelands District Municipality, PO Box 100, Stellenbosch 7599.
Closing date: 15 March 2013 at 15:00 Canvassing will disqualify a candidate Human Communications C95055
Span saam vir liefdadigheid
“A unified Cape Winelands of excellence!”
Please note that, should no feedback be received by 31 May 2013, candidates may assume that their applications have been unsuccessful.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Hier ontvang Valerie van der Merwe, senior fondsinsamelaar by die Carel du Toit-sentrum vir kinders met gehoorprobleme, die donasie van Gerhard Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van die OK Franchise-afdeling. FOTO: VERSKAF
Eight easy steps to financial freedom when you will The majority of start and comwomen fantasise plete paying about what they off. Start paywould do if they ing smaller had endless amounts off amounts of monfirst as those ey; the home they can be allocatwould live in, the ed at a later car they would stage to pay off drive, the brandbigger debts. ed clothing they Pay the debts would buy, even which have a the destination of higher intertheir annual est rate first. overseas holiday Step 3: trip – not forgetStart saving ting the odd Paris No matter shopping spree. what your However, fidebt is standnancial freedom Boitumelo Mothoagae ing at, start is not based on whether you are rich or not, but paying yourself first. An easy way rather living within your means. to ensure that you keep to this selfA famous proverb says that the promise is by opening a savings borrower becomes the lender’s account that you don’t have imslave. A harsh saying, yet so apt mediate access to and save monthfor those who are in serious debt. ly – even if it is R100. Place a stop However, do we really under- order on the account that your salstand what it truly means to be fi- ary gets paid into. Step 4: Track every cent you nancially free – to not have a care in the world and night after night are spending Keep track of every cent that of sound sleep? Financial freedom may mean different things to dif- comes and goes. Tracking your ferent people, but we all agree that spending habits helps you underto be truly financially free is to stand exactly how much money know that should your world comes and goes, as opposed to crumble around you, that the last what you think comes and goes. Step 5: Draw up a budget of your worries would involve Draw up a monthly budget of money. How do you embark on this journey to financial freedom? your income versus your expendiBoitumelo Mothoagae Head – Cus- ture to track your budget. Step 6: Before investing – do tomer Operations, Retention at Liberty and financial adviser pro- your homework Before you invest your money vides steps to your journey to fiin any investment that promises nancial freedom. you an unrealistic and quick reStep 1: Set Financial Goals Any trip requires a map with di- turn–be weary. Good things come rections – a start and an end point. to those who wait. Step 7: Protect your wealth The road to financial freedom It’s vitally important to protect starts with a map and it’s important to understand the journey the wealth you create from events you are undertaking and why you that might destroy it for example are doing it. Drawing up a plan on premature death, illness, relahow you will pay your debt off or tionship breakdowns and taxes. Step 8: Set aside for retireinvest, requires a plan. If you fail ment to plan, you will plan to fail. If you are young, retirement is Step 2: Get out of debt This has to be a conscious deci- the last thing on your mind. Howsion and one made in the planning ever the power of compound interphase. Your plan should outline est lies in youth – the younger you the “bad” debt you plan on paying are the more compound interest. Achieving financial freedom is off first - clothing accounts, credit cards, overdrafts etc - and should not rocket science; it just requires also include the order in which determination, focus and a little debt will take longer to settle, and commitment.
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 5 March 2013
DUISENDE BY BOSCHENDAL: Sowat 3 000 bergfietsryers het die afgelope naweek aan die Argus-bergfietswedren op die Boschendal-wynlandgoed deelgeneem. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE |
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840 ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 32 seeks au pair work. Have qualifications. Contact 083 545 3259.
FAMILIEKENNISGEWINGS 08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices
Geld/lenings Money/Loans DEBT PROBLEMS? Let us help you. We consolidate debt payments. Pay lower installments. Deon 021 811 4670.
Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs FRIDGE / FREEZER / AIRCON: We buy & repair fridges No call out fee/Promt service. 076 552 0272 www.fridgefreezermobile.
RAYMOND (BOYA) PETERSEN, sterf skielik 2 Maart 2013. Roudiens: Dinsdag 5 Maart 07:30 All Saints Cloetesville. Donderdag te Tindallstr 25 Begrafnis, Saterdag. Kontak Dawn 071 302 2548.
Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMPING CASTLES Choose your theme! We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416
Kamers te Huur Rooms to Let CLOETESVILLE: Kamer beskikbaar vir een werkende dame of student. R1400 pm, W&E ingesluit. Kontak 072 298 7841 of 021 889 6551.
STELLENBOSSE WENNERS: Christoph Sauser en Erik Kleinhans by Sondag se Argus-bergfietswedren by Boschendal. Sauser en Kleinhans het aan die 66 kmwedren deelgeneem en Kleinhans was die wenner op die dag. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE
HERSTEL by die huis. Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.
Algemene Dienste General Services DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. ( Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering. DR NILSON Marriage problems. Love problems. Pregnancy problems. Remove bad luck and evil spirits. Sexual problems. Financial problems. Win big contracts, tenders and court cases. Also unfinished work with other doctors. 078 229 1030 Stellenbosch. Call for appointment. HERBAL/KRUIE DR Zamba. Lost lover. Court cases. Gambling. Bad dreams. Bad luck. Low libido. 021 836 8089. App only.
Finance available - No Deposit
FAMILY FUN AT BOSCHENDAL: The Strauss family were part of the action and fun at Sunday’s MTB Challenge held at Boschendal. Mariske (front left) won the women’s race over 66 km, while her younger brother Sybrandt was second in the 52 km race. Here they are with their parents Bryan and Johanna. Mariske is a first-year student at Stellenbosch University. PHOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE
Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 25 YEAR OLD SEEKS housekeeping and babysitting work. Very honest and reliable. Contact 078 910 0964. 31 YEAR OLD MAN seeks full time work in landscaping or irrigation maintenance. Have ref. Contact 074 320 5443. 35 YEAR OLD LADY seeks work in Post Office or Bank. Contact Thabisa 071 120 3973. 46 YEAR OLD SEEKS housekeeping, painting or gardening work. Have ref. Contact 073 837 6837. CHARITY , A MARRIED Zimbabwean lady aged 24, seeks domestic work. Contact as reference: Ria 072 483 0295. MALAWIAN MAN seeks gardening, painting or any general work available. Contact Maurice 071 004 6785. NOKUZOLA SEEKS domestic work. Worked for La Romantica as chef. 078 101 8971.
Spesiale dienste
Kom neem jou foto om S’bosch se 333ste te vier Die foto is gratis en vorm deel van Thiel se projek om die 333ste jaar van Stellenbosch te herdenk én vier. Die projek behels die neem van 333 portretfoto’s van die dorp se mense. Volgens Thiel wil hy graag iets aan die dorp teruggee en voel hy dat die 333ste herdenking van die stigting van die dorp nie ongesiens behoort verby te gaan nie. “Die projek behels die neem van portretfoto’s van ons mense nou – om te wys dat ons almal Stellenbossers is. Dit kan ook aan komende geslagte wys wie ons is en was. Miskien kyk iemand oor 100 of dalk 333 jaar daarna en wonder
wat hierdie mense se drome en waarhede was.” Thiel het reeds met die Stellenbosch-erfenisfees verlede jaar sowat 250 van die foto’s geneem. Hy beoog om oor die naweek van 7 tot 9 Maart, tydens die US Woordfees, die res van die foto’s te neem. Thiel verduidelik dat hy egter nie by 333 foto’s sal stop indien daar meer mense opdaag nie – elke persoon se portret sal geneem word. Hy beplan dan om ’n kunswerk te maak waarin hy al die portrette sal gebruik. Dit sal in die dorp opgesit word om almal te herinner dat hulle Stellenbossers is. ’n Paar boeke sal ook gedruk word vir besigtiging in die dorpsargiewe. Thiel nooi alle Stellenbossers uit om hom van 7 tot 9 Maart in die Erfurthuis in Rynveldstraat te besoek waar die foto’s geneem sal word. Stuur ’n e-pos na vir meer inligting.
Sonwabile Bokweni
Pietman Retief
Alle Stellenbossers word uitgenooi om oor die naweek van 7 tot 9 Maart die Stellenbosse fotograaf, Erhardt Thiel, in die Erfurthuis te besoek om ’n portretfoto te laat neem.
NONTLAHLA SEEKS domestic or housekeeping work. Contact 078 028 9012. RELIABLE MALAWIAN man seeks live in/out housekeeper work. Have contactable references. Duncan 073 685 6416. ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 47 seeks domestic work. Have permit. Contact 078 537 6783. ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 25 seeks domestic work. Contact 084 635 7343. ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 41 seeks domestic work / char, sleep in or out. 071 848 1555.
Dinsdag 5 Maart 2013
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Training for fisheries observers
Stellemploy is currently assisting with the assessment and recruitment of fisheries observers. Training is from 18 to 28 March. Suitable candidates (age 20 – 26) must be in possession of a valid Grade 12 certificate. Call 021 886 6993.
Ratepayers ripped off
Municipalities crippled by theft
Useful tips for this year’s Cape Argus An informative talk on key principles relating to cycling and nutrition will be held at the Mediclinic Vergelegen on Tuesday 5 March. The talk, entitled “Race Day Disasters – Don’t let them happen to you this Argus”, will be presented by clinical dietitian Anel Kirsten. Entrance is free, but bring along R5 to enter the raffle to win a nutritional goodie bag. To book your seats please call Tracy on 021 851 6228.
Markdag vir Simonsberg Die Simonsberg-wynroete se jaarlikse markdag word Sondag 10 Maart op Delvera gehou. Meer as twintig plase op die roete sal aan die markdag deelneem. Besoekers kan onder meer na goeie wyne, kontreikos, stalletjies met plaaslike produkte, perderitte, musiekvermaak deur Newton & Co en vermaak vir die kleinspan uitsien. Die Vineyard Connection gaan vier interaktiewe wynproeë aanbied teen R50 per persoon. Bespreek asseblief vooraf. Al die inkomste van die wynproeë sal aan die Pebbles-projek geskenk word. Bel 021 884 4360 om te bespreek. Die markdag sal 09:00 begin en toegang is gratis. Bel 021 886 4310/ 021 886 8275 of 2 info@wineroute.
Raak verftegnieke vir meubels baas Stellenbossers kan in Maart vanjaar spesiale verftegnieke by Paint & Decor DIY leer om meubelstukke weer soos nuut te laat lyk. Belangstellendes sal by die winkel se nuwe DIY-studio die volgende kan leer: “Antiquing”, “Distressing” en “Silver leafing”. Die klasse sal onderskeidelik van 09:00 tot 12:30 op 13, 14 , 26 en 27 Maart aangebied word. Die koste is R500 per persoon en sluit alle materiale, notas en verversings in. Plekke is beperk so bespreek so gou moontlik deur 021 880 1980 te bel.
Bespreek stalletjies Laerskool A.F. Louw hou 26 en 27 April sy jaarlikse karnaval. Belangstellendes word genooi om nou reeds hul stalletjies teen R700 vir die naweek by die skool te bespreek. Geen kosstalletjies word toegelaat nie. Bel die skool by 021 886 4791.
ort Elizabeth – Municipalities around the country are being brought to their knees by ruthless syndicates who are responsible for cities and towns losing millions every month. The theft is relentless. In one of the more recent exa mples, t he Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality said it was lo s i n g 2 4 m i l l io n e a c h m o n t h . eThekwini ratepayers are reported to be losing R120 million a year. T he Cit ies of Cape Tow n a nd Johannesburg lose about R121 million and R663 million respectively. The crime has
of Eskom or local government, intimidating a nd v ict i m isi ng ord i na r y cit i zen s, preventing them from taking action. Recently a large quantity of electricity boxes, connectors and a receipt book were found during the arrest of suspects in Port Elizabeth. The receipt book included addresses of buildings in Cape Town, George, Knysna and Port Elizabeth where electricity boxes were installed. Investigations are ongoing and information found in the receipt book could lead to further arrests. The perpetrators could face serious criminal charges.
also been reported as one of the factors that brought uMsunduzi Municipality to its knees. Many other smaller municipalities are likewise being devastated. The crime behind these losses is electricity theft and happens in various forms. Syndicates employ individuals who are desperate for work to sell illegal prepaid electricity vouchers, to connect households illegally, tamper with their meters, or to steal electricity cables. The culprits do all of this at a fee, luring innocent people into crime. These syndicates often pretend to be employees
Local government has joined forces with the power utility Eskom, the business sector and the media to stem the flow of losses caused by electricity theft. The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) is a core partner of Operation Khanyisa, a campaign that aims to mobilise all South Africans for legal, safe and efficient electricity use. SALGA has recently committed to redoubling its efforts to combat the crime of electricity theft, which it says is responsible for municipalities losing up to R3.2 billion each year.
According to SALGA’s Executive Director for Municipal Infrastructure Services, Mthobeli Kolisa, SALGA needs to coordinate and support municipalities to act and report their action in respect of electricity theft, and to review their bylaws to have more stringent penalties against electricity theft. At the launch of Operation Khanyisa, Xolile George, CEO of SALGA, described electricity theft as “a pandemic coursing through our delivery capabilities and fiscal planning.” “Local government,” he said “plays a pivotal role in the distribution of electricity, and electricity theft hits at the very heart of the electricity distribution industry in South Africa.” “Enough is enough,” George continued. “We have joined forces with our partners in Operation Khanyisa and will stamp out this crime.” Together with Crime Line, Operation Khanyisa provides a platform for South Africans to report electricity theft anonymously, by sending a detailed SMS to 32211 (R1/SMS). For more information on how to report or how you can join the movement visit, like facebook. com/Operation.Khanyisa, follow twitter. com/@Op_Khanyisa or e-mail: info@
( R1/SMS )
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Dinsdag 5 Maart 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Young guns ready to take on Tour de Boland His squad will face off against three WCCA teams, featuring six members of the MTNQhubeka feeder team, including JC Nel from South Africa, Getachew Yohans from Ethiopia and Till Drobisch from Namibia. The MTN-Qhubeka development outfit is looking strong following their victory in the The Franschhoekteam time-trial event at based sprinter, who rethe national road turned from the UCI championships this World Track Champipast weekend. onships at the end of According to WCCA February, will mentor director JP van Zyl, Nel the five youngsters and Drobisch were exfrom Wellington durpected to lead the ing the four-day tour. charge in the individuThe Wellington al (stage one) and team young guns are Marc Kerr, Timo Cooper, International track cyclist Nolan Hoffman will lead time-trial (stage two), Wian-David Slabbert, the invitation Boland ASG junior team at the Bestmed while Calvin Benecke and Emile Jacobs were George King and Tour de Boland, presented by ASG, this week. the strongest hopefuls Corne Helberg. Barbados’s top junior rider Jesse Kelly will for the road race (stage three) and criterium (stage four). join them as a special guest. “The tour is well balanced in its challenges “I’m looking for a win and at the same time to help the young riders,” said Hoffman, who and is one of our major goal races,” said Van Zyl. “It can be viewed as a talent identification usually rides in the colours of Tasol-GT. “We have a lot of talent in SA. The only way tour, where we will see who will become the to improve as a rider is in races and we need big names of the near future.” The former Olympian said the purpose of the the longer tours to become internationally Potchefstroom-based centre was to develop Afcompetitive.” The four-time Paarl Boxing Day 25-mile win- rican talent and prepare young riders to race ner said the Boland event was perfectly timed internationally at a professional level. “There aren’t many tours in South Africa, to test his legs ahead of the Cape Argus Cycle or Africa for that matter. Road racing needs Tour on Sunday.
It will be the clash of the future champions when international star Nolan Hoffman leads the invitation Boland ASG junior team against a strong World Cycling Centre Africa (WCCA) contingent at the Bestmed Tour de Boland from Tuesday.
Groot prysgeld in Dagbreek Maties Straatmyl Duisende rande se prysgeld is op die spel in die derde Dagbreek Maties Straatmyl wat in samewerking met Maties Atletiek tydens die Namaqua Straatmylfees aangebied word. Die straatmyl vorm deel van die jaarlikse Universiteit Stellenbosch Woordfees. Die wedloop vind Woensdag 6 Maart 2013 om 17:30 in Victoriastraat plaas en word jaarliks ter ere van De Villiers Lamprecht, wat die eerste droommyl in minder as vier minute in SuidAfrika gehardloop het, aangebied.
Lambrechts, ’n oudinwoner van Dagbreekmanskoshuis, het dié prestasie op 13 November 1964 behaal toe hy die afstand in 3:59:7 afgelê het. Lamprecht het in Desember 70 jaar oud geword. Die organiseerders het ook bekend gemaak dat die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Olimpiese atleet, Johan Cronje, aan die wedloop gaan kom deelneem. Vanjaar word drie wedlope aangebied – vir mans, vroue en vir elite atlete. Die inskrywingsfooi is R10 per persoon terwyl elite atlete geregistreer moet wees. ’n Totale prysgeld van R8 000 is op die spel vir die wenners. Benewens Puma wat ’n R1 000 se pryse vir elke wedloop geskenk het, kan atlete wat ’n droommyl hardloop, ’n bykomende R2 000 in die sak steek. Atlete wat die roeterekord oortref – tans gehou deur Annei Klopper (vroue, 5:15.01); Lochner Slabbert (Mans, 4:22.15) en Jeromy Andreas (Elite , 4:04.2) – is ’n verdere R300 ryker. ’n Gelukstrekking ter waarde van ’n R1 000 word ook vir atlete gehou. Skakel met Francois Fouche by tel 083 368 5948 of vir meer inligting.
A group of riders on a descent in a pervious edition of the four-day Bestmed Tour de Boland, presented by ASG, which starts at the Allée Bleue wine estate near Franschhoek on Tuesday. more competitive events and it is our duty to support those that make the opportunities available. We are proud and honoured to be competing.” Van Zyl said the tour had all the elements to become a major event on the international calendar including beautiful scenery, good weather and mountainous terrain to promote challenging racing. The daily stages start and finish at the Allée Bleue wine estate, which is equidistant from
Franschhoek, Stellenbosch and Paarl. The event wraps up on Friday with a 40 km funride through the winelands, which includes a complimentary pancake and coffee stop in Franschhoek. All finishers will receive a stemmed Allée Bleue glass filled with the wine of their choice. For more information on this event visit Find the event on Facebook or follow @TourdeBoland on Twitter for updates.
Boland Rugby unie kies uitvoerende bestuur Die Boland Rugbyunie het op Donderdag 28 Februarie 2013 tydens die algemene jaarvergadering in Wellington sy nuwe uitvoerende bestuur gekies. Altesaam ses nuwe bestuurslede sluit hulle aan by Boland Rugbyunie se president Francois Davids, visepresident Nigel Samuels en uitvoerende hoof Willie Small . Die nuwe bestuurslede is Denver Pienaar, AK Warnick, Bertrum Vraagom, Hennie Lategan, Stephen Jones en Maurice Markus. Dié lede sal vir ’n termyn van twee jaar dien op die bestuur van die Boland Rugbyunie. Oor die nuutverkose lede, sê Davids dat hy baie positief is oor die vooruitsig van die Boland Rugbyunie. “Die nuwe lede is sterk individue en bring elkeen ’n bepaalde kundigheid na die tafel. Ons is opgewonde oor die pad vorentoe en saam kan elke bestuurslid ’n bydrae tot die Boland Rugbyunie lewer.” Die Boland Rugbyunie se uitvoerende hoof Willie Small, deel die president se mening. “Die nuwe bestuur het ná afloop van die
verkiesing vergader en ons is positief oor die strategiese rigting waarin die Boland Rugbyunie nou kan beweeg. “Met kundige bestuur en die feit dat elkeen ’n leierskapsposisie by sy klub beklee, is ons oortuig daarvan dat die unie in baie goeie hande is. “Die feit dat Boland Rugby nou die alleeneienaar is van die besigheidsarm (Boland Rugby Eiendoms Bpk), kan die nuwe lede, wat amper almal beskik oor besigheidsondervinding, ’n bydrae lewer om Boland Rugby tot ’n volgende vlak te neem.” Die kwessie rakende ’n skynbare mosie van wantroue deur Rangers-rugbyklub teen die presidensie en die vorige uitvoerende bestuur van Boland Rugby wat in 2012 in die media verskyn het, is tydens die algemene jaarvergadering met geen teenvoorstel, verwerp. “As mens kyk na waar die unie in 2009 was, teenoor waar die unie vandag is, is daar ’n aansienlike verbetering,” sê Davids. “Die unie beweeg op die regte pad en ons is opgewonde oor die toekoms van Boland Rugby.”