Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Tuesday 7 May 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Fire & Fynbos fun
The Jonkershoek Volunteer Wildfire Services (VWS) hosted a Fire & Fynbos open day this weekend at the Lievland Wine Estate to create awareness for their cause. The day was filled with activities for the whole family as well as demonstrations of what their work entails. Here (from left) are Angie Stanford, Brandon Lewis, Shane Tembo and Luke Stanford (in front) dressed in their yellow VWS uniforms at the open day. More photos on page 2. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Pupils were taught about road safety during the Cape Winelands Walking School Bus project.
Tuesday 7 May 2013
The Cape Winelands Municipality launched the Walking School Bus project in Koelenhof last week.
Walking School Bus project kicks off The Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) launched a new project to create road safety awareness amongst school children. The Walking School Bus is a project in alignment with the Cape Winelands District Municipality’s Safer Journeys to Schools Strategy and aims to achieve the provincial strategic objective to reduce road fatalities by 50% by 2014. “Many rural pupils often face hazardous conditions in their daily journey to school,” said Kim-Lynn Meyer, spokesperson for the CWDM. “In South Africa, most road users (motorists,
pedestrians and cyclists) often display very little respect for one another, adding to the danger for the younger pedestrians travelling to school. This behaviour can be exaggerated for the rural pupil due to the poor condition of the rural road surfaces (surfaced and unsurfaced roads), which has a maximum speed limit of 100 km/h, and no street lighting or adequate sidewalks. “The narrow lane width of rural roads often force cars to make use of the surfaced shoulder further endangering the lives of the rural pupil. “To enable every child to exercise his or her constitutional right to have safe access to edu-
cation, the CWDM is engaging in a plan to better the travel experience of the rural pupil.” Thus “The Walking School Bus” was introduced throughout the Cape Winelands District – Breede Valley, Drakenstein, Langeberg, Stellenbosch and Witzenberg –, guided by the principles of road safety education, communication and awareness. This will be followed by a process of evaluation and monitoring. The “Walking School Bus” is designed to organise rural pupils (from near and far) who follow the same route daily to travel safely in groups. “The pupils will join and leave the ‘bus’ at specific pick-up and drop-off points. The pupils
who form part of the group will be supplied with reflective bands for better visibility and are required to wear their reflective bands for the journey to and from school.” It is envisaged that in addition, the pupils will develop a sense of responsibility towards their own road safety as part of the road user network, while assisting them to learn and apply the rules of the road. This Walking School Bus project was launched in the Stellenbosch area last week. Delegates paid a visit to St Vincent Primary School in Koelenhof where they taught pupils how to walk in formation and keep clear of the road.
Join International Missing Children’s Day
FUN FOR ALL: There were lots of family activities at the Volunteer Wildfire Services (VWS) Fire & Fynbos open day held at Lievland Wine Estate over the weekend. Especially the snake display drew quite a crowd. Here Michael Scott (left) from VWS introduces Zion and Elroy Solomons to a python.
Become involved in this year’s International Missing Children’s Day, which takes place on 25 May. The purpose of this day is to commemorate children who found their way back home, to remember those who were victims as well as the continuous efforts to find those who have not been found yet. Encourage your company, school and group of friends to wear black, white and red, or a combination of these colours in order to show support for International Missing Children’s Day as well as for Missing Children South Africa. As 25 May falls on a Saturday your school or organisation can take part in the effort on Friday 24 May. Here are a few ways you can get involved: ) Make a direct deposit into their bank account. ) Sign a debit-order form and make a monthly financial contribution. ) Purchase Vodacom airtime and send them the voucher number or PIN. ) Apply for your MyVillage card and list Missing Children SA as your beneficiary. ) Pledge to send an SMS every month for the next 12 months to help the fight against
human trafficking. Get your friends and colleagues to do the same. SMS “Fight”, followed by your name and surname, to 42141 and donate R10 to Missing Children SA and stand a chance to win in our monthly draw. ) Organise a civvies day in aid of Missing Children SA for your company/school and donate all proceeds to Missing Children SA. ) Convince your employer to allow you and your colleagues to do a collection for a couple of hours at a busy intersection in aid of Missing Children SA. ) Ask your employer for permission to print and distribute flyers of missing individuals for a couple of hours at a busy intersection. ) Get your school or a school in your area to print the ID Kit and have all the children complete it. ) Join their mailing list and help share flyers electronically. ) Or join their team by signing up as a volunteer. Spread the message of hope. Join this day and help us make a difference. For more ways to get involved, please visit .
Man met vuurwapen gevang
The young ones had a whale of a time, especially during the final event of the day, a massive foam party. Children, and even a few adults, made the most of the sunny weather to play in the foam. PHOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
’n Cloetesville-man is aangekeer vir die onwettige besit van ’n vuurwapen en dwelms. Volgens sers. Zenobia Sedeman, die Cloetesville-polisiewoordvoerder, het die polisie op 16 April om 21:45 toegeslaan op ’n woning in Chippendalestraat. “Tik ter waarde van R5 000, ’n onwettige vuurwapen en ammunisie is gevind. “Die verdagte, van Kraaifontein, se borgtog is op 25 April in die Stellenbosch-landdroshof geweier, nadat dit teengestaan is deur ao. Wiener Anthony van Cloetesville se speurtak.
“Tydens sy getuienis het ao. Jacobs genoem dat die gemeenskap nou moeg is van die bendegeweld en dwelmverspreiders in die gebied. Die vuurwapen wat teruggevind is, was vermoedelik ook gebruik in ander skietvoorvalle. “Die beskuldigde het ook klagte teen hom wat in Blue Downs-hof voorgekom het, waar borgtog toegestaan is.” Kapt. Aubrey Marais, die Cloetesville-polisiehoof, het die gemeenskap gevra om inligting oor enige bendeverwante voorvalle direk by hom aan te meld by 0 082 778 6634.
Tuesday 7 May 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Minister invests in sporting codes
The residents of Zone O, Kayamandi during their march to the Stellenbosch town hall last week Wednesday. PHOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
Zone O residents want councillor removed SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
The Stellenbosch Municipality has less than seven days to respond to the demands of a group of Zone O residents, otherwise Kayamandi and Stellenbosch will be made ungovernable. About 200 residents from this community marched to the Stellenbosch town hall last week Wednesday demanding that their ANC ward councillor be removed from office. The march on Workers’ Day comes after allegations about the ward councillor in question was made public recently, claiming that she kept Foodbank SA donations – meant for the victims of the devastating fire in Zone O in March – for herself. A large amount of food items and clothing was found stockpiled in her ward office, as well as in the ANC’s offices in town about three weeks ago. The speaker of the Stellenbosch Municipali-
ty, Cyril Jooste, as well as the ANC has since launched investigations into the allegations. According to the memorandum the protesters gave the municipality last Wednesday the victims of the fire have lost confidence and trust in their councillors. Councillor Paul Biscombe accepted the memorandum on behalf of the municipality. The memorandum also asks that two other ward councillors in the community be removed immediately. Another demand includes that the allegations be investigated as criminal cases of theft. The group also asked that a representative from Foodbank gives the community feedback. “We request the mayor and the speaker to respond to the people within seven working days. The response should be in a public space where the community can also attend and participate. “Failure to do so will result in us making Kayamandi and Stellenbosch ungovernable,” the memorandum reads.
The Western Cape minister for Cultural Affairs and Sport recently visited Stellenbosch to hand over money to various sporting codes at the Boland SC Region Federation Funding ceremony. Dr Ivan Meyer was hosted by the Stellenbosch Municipality in the Stellenbosch town hall where the ceremony was held last week Wednesday (24 April). Stellenbosch’s acting executive mayor, Martin Smuts, officially welcomed Meyer, the officials present and the various Boland sport bodies’ delegates. During his welcoming , Smuts emphasised the importance of sport and events that resonate hope, constructive energy and acknowledgment of participation, whether corporate or individual. The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport indicated that applications
for funding open on 1 April and close on 30 September every year. Whilst the provincial budget is approved only at the end of March every year, the funds, however, are already being disbursed 24 days later. During Meyer’s address he stated that the event was not just about sport, but also a reminder of what sports persons were doing to enhance social cohesion and cultural warmth. Cultural warmth, according to Meyer, refers to a person’s ability to allow others space to express their own culture. According to him the word “hope” is an acronym for “higher opportunities for people to excel”. He expressed appreciation to the Stellenbosch municipal area for inspiring much hope for the Western Cape, pointing out that four local paralympic athletes brought home four gold medals from the 2012 London Olympic Games.
Here (seated, from left) are Pieter Lourens (chairperson of the Boland Sports Council), councillor Pietman Retief, mayor Basil Kuvedo (Breede Valley Municipality), acting mayor Martin Smuts, Dr Ivan Meyer, deputy mayor Henry Jansen (Cape Winelands District Municipality), Mark Wiley (chairperson for the standing committee of Cultural Affairs) and Aidan Stowman (Sport, Culture, Youth Development and Student Affairs at the Drakenstein Municipality),together with representatives of the various sporting codes in the Boland SC region.
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 7 May 2013
19 Mei )VGK Idasvallei (Rustenburgweg) bied ’n gospel-fees aan. Dit begin 15:00. Toegang is R20 per persoon. Dumisani en nog vele meer sal optree. Andries Wewer: 0 079 891 6270.
7 Mei )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 0 084 293 3967.
)Die VGK in Cloetesville hou ’n “Global Day of Prayer”-geleentheid om 14:30 tot 17:00 by die Hoërskool Cloetesville. Alle gebedsfasiliteerders en enige ander belangstellendes word genooi om dit by te woon. Edward Crowley: 0 082 718 9513.
9 Mei
24 Mei
)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet om 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 084 293 3967 of 021 889 5791.
)Ondersteuningsgroep vir persone met outisme bied ’n dans aan om 20:00 by Weber Gedenkskoolsaal in Jamestown. Koste is R70 per persoon. Alle gaste moet hul eie xyz en platters saambring. Kallies Dance Band sal die musiek maak. 0 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208.
11 May )Early Mother’s day breakfast at the Pniel Tea Garden. Menu includes muesli, fruit, yoghurt, croissants filled with scrambled eggs, bacon and mushrooms. Drinks are Appletizer, juice, tea or coffee. Book in advance with Florence: 0 071 452 5073.
LOOPBANE IN DIE GROENTE- EN VRUGTEBEDRYF: Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se fakulteit AgriWetenskappe en die Produce Marketing Association (PMA) het onlangs ’n beroeps- en beurstentoonstelling aangebied om loopbaanmoontlikhede in die groente- en vrugtebedryf onder leerlinge en studente bekend te stel. ’n Inligtingsessie vir onderwysers is ook aangebied oor die beroepe wat hul leerlinge in die groente- en vrugtebedryf kan oorweeg. Teenwoordig by die middagete-sessie was (voor) Erna Blancquaert van die US-departement Wingerd- en Wynkunde, Hillary Jacobs van Klein Nederburg Sekondêr, (agter) Johan du Plessis van ZZ2 Produsente en Herbie van Zyl van Paul Roos Gimnasium. FOTO: ENGELA DUVENAGE
Training for observers Alles oor webwerwe The next training session for fisheries observers will be held in May at Stellemploy. Suitable candidates must be between 20 and 26 years old and in possession of a valid grade 12 certificate with physical science or biology and mathematics on grade 12 level. After having completed the theoretical training trainees still need to do practical work to qualify. Observers work away from home for up to three months at a time. For more information phone Gaino or Betta on 021 886 6993.
Webwerwe is ’n onontbeerlike kommunikasiemiddel vir enige instansie of maatskappy. ’n Effektiewe webwerf wat voldoen aan die lesers en kliënte se behoeftes, is daarom ook ononderhandelbaar. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch Taalsentrum bied van 3–7 Junie 2013 ’n omvattende slypskoolreeks aan oor die verskeie aspekte van webwerwe. Vir meer inligting: Audrey Poole 0 021 808 21 67 of 2
Informative talk on honey bees The Hottentots Holland Branch of the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA will meet on Wednesday 15 May at 19:30 in the Somerset West public library hall. In an audio-visual presentation Dr Geoff Tribe, acclaimed expert on bees, will expose the
diverse interactions of other insects that are highly adapted to co-habit with honey bees in the same hive. Visitors are most welcome. Call Freya Brett on 021 851 6951 for further information.
31 May )Stellenbosch Community Learning Centre will holds their annual winter ball with the Kallies Dance Band. 20:00 to 00:45, in the AF Louw School Hall. R70 per person. Bring your own platters and xyz. 0 021 882 8357.
Bierproe en lekkernye by eerste Hops-oesfees Wild Clover se eerste Hopsoesfees word van 10 tot 12 Mei gehou. Die fees fokus op die proe van bier van verskeie mikrobrouerye, insluitend Wild Clover se eie spesiaal gebroude bier. Daar sal ook vermaak wees vir die kinders, musikante wat optree en warm geregte om die bier aan te vul, soos wildevark op die spit en ’n paar Duitse lekkernye. Toegang is R100 vir volwassenes en gratis vir kinders onder 18 jaar. Die kaartjie sluit alle bierproeë in. Ma’s kry op Moedersdag gratis toegang. Besoek http:// events/1867-hops-harvestfestival/ vir meer inligting of kaartjies.
Jamestown Metodiste Kerk vier 58 jaar
VGK Vlottenburg hou reünie
Die Metodiste Kerk in Jamestown vier sy 58ste bestaansjaar op Sondag 9 Junie. Die feesvieringe sluit ’n optog, ’n oggenddiens om 09:00 en ’n middagdiens om 15:00 in. Vir meer inligting bel Dale Simons by 082 788 4904.
Die VGK Vlottenburg hou 1 Junie vanjaar ’n reünie. Alle gemeentelede, van 1963 af, word genooi om dié spesiale geleentheid by te woon. Dit sal 14:00 in die VGK Vlottenburg-kerksaal begin. Bel asseblief vir Desmond Solomons by 082 757 2190.
Wine and golf in aid of Safe House The Safe House Stellenbosch is hosting a golf and wine day at the Stellenbosch Golf Club on 16 May. The event will be a charity day to raise awareness of abused women and children
Treat mom at Spier A special three-course menu, with a glass of wine for each course, and a special homemade gift from Chef Lolli’s kitchen, is planned for a Mother’s Day lunch at Spier Wine Estate on Sunday 12 May. Lunch will be served at 12:00.
The cost is R200 (adults) and R100 (children), which includes lunch, three glasses of wine (grape juice for teetotallers), and a homemade gift for mom. To make a booking call 021 809 1100 or send an email to
in the Stellenbosch area. For further information about this special event in aid of charity or to take part in it, please send an e-mail to
Dave Pepler by Woordpret Dave Pepler, avonturier, omgewingskundige, skrywer en akademikus is op Vrydag 10 Mei die gas by die tweede Woordpret van die jaar van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT). Dave se onderwerp is “Parfuum, woude en ys” en hy sal praat oor onlangse hoogtepunte in sy merkwaardige ervarings oor die wêreld heen. Tobie Fourie, wynbemarker van Brenaissance in die Devonvallei, sal van hul wyne kom
bekend stel. Wyn, sap en ligte verversings is vanaf 12:30 beskikbaar en Dave kom om 13:00 aan die beurt. Die program duur sowat 45 minute en sal dus voor 13:45 ten einde loop. Kaartjies kos R25. Skakel Cecile of Tanja voor of op 8 Mei by 021 887 3113 of kontak die WAT by om u sitplek te bespreek. Daar is sitplek vir slegs 50 persone. Die Buro van die WAT is by Banghoekweg 115, Stellenbosch.
Tuesday 7 May 2013
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Vaccinate your children During the month of May, South Africa highlights the national polio and measles immunisation campaign.
Cheesy giant pasta shells served in a rich tomato sauce
Cheesy pasta shells This very cheesy recipe is served in a rich tomato sauce. Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time: 46 min Serves 6 Ingredients 500 g giant pasta shells Stuffing: 1 kg tub Greek yogurt 1 cup strong mature cheddar - grated 1 cup mozzarella - grated ½ cup parmesan cheese - grated 1 tsp nutmeg Salt and pepper to taste Zest and juice of 1 lemon A big handful of fresh herbs, such as oregano or parsley - chopped Method Preheat oven to 180 °C. Place a big pot of water on the stove and bring to the boil.
Add the pasta shells and cook them for about 6 minutes. They must still be firm, but not hard (they will cook further in the tomato sauce). Drain and plunge in cold water. Mix all the ingredients for the stuffing and spoon into a piping bag with a 1 cm nozzle or a clean plastic bag and cut the one corner open and use as a piping bag to stuff the shells. Pour your tomato sauce in an ovenproof dish and as you stuff the pasta shells, lay them in the sauce. Repeat until you have done all the pasta shells. Grate some more Parmesan over the top and bake in a pre-heated oven for about 40 minutes. Serve with a simple green salad. - Recipe from
The aim of this campaign is to encourage parents to ensure their children are vaccinated to protect them against preventable and often life threatening diseases. To support the goals of this campaign, Clicks is proud to have partnered with the Western Cape Department of Health to extend access to quality primary health care to all by providing free baby vaccinations and family planning medication at all Clicks Clinics in the Western Cape. A small convenience fee will be charged for the services. For families whose babies are born at state hospitals and where the family has no access to a medical aid, the Helping Hand Trust operates every Thursday afternoon, from 13:30 to
17:00, to provide these services at no cost to the patients. The Helping Hand Trust services also include baby feeding and nutritional advice, baby weighing, growth measurements and family planning advice. To have a consultation at one of the selected Helping Hand Trust clinics, it is recommended that patients make an appointment through the Clicks national call centre to avoid any disappointment. “Vaccination medication for babies in their first 18 months can cost more than R3 500. The benefit of this partnership is that the arrangement will enable our primary health care facilities to channel patients to Clicks Clinics and shorten the queues at primary health care facilities,” said Western Cape Minister of Health, Theuns Botha. For this convenience, patients will pay a small convenience fee of R75 for vaccines and R50 for the first time family planning consultation. A fol-
low-up family planning consultation will be R35. On Thursday afternoons, these fees are covered by the Helping Hand Trust for those who qualify. “Increasing access to baby vaccinations and family planning services is crucial in preventing illness and reducing our country’s child mortality rate,” added David Kneale, CEO of the Clicks Group. This partnership aims to make vaccines and contraceptives more accessible across the Western Cape. The stock is provided by the Western Cape government to Clicks Clinics. The benefit of this partnership is that it enables the Health Department to channel patients towards Clicks Clinics and therefore reduce the burden of demand at primary health care facilities, enabling their health staff to attend to other pressing health needs. For more information, please visit or; to book an appointment, call 0860 254 257.
Festival of ballroom bands
Spotlight Music presents Cape Town’s first Ballroom Bands Festival. Put your dancing shoes on and get swept away on the Grand Arena, GrandWest dance floor to five of the Western Cape’s top ballroom dance bands. Local bands Cool Sounds, Elginaires, Five Stars, Strand Combo and the Trevarians will showcase their unique repertoire of Ball-
room, Jazz and Pop music. Each band will perform for an hour. Come and support your local bands and get ready to waltz, quickstep, foxtrot, tango, cha-cha and jive your way from 17:00 to 23:00. The downstairs seating will be packed away so that the whole arena floor is for dancing. The event will take place on 1 June from 17:00. Tickets cost R150 for downstairs
dancing and R100 for mezzanine level seating. A refreshment centre will be set up in the Market hall to rest those weary feet. Doors open at 16:00. For more information on the Ballroom Bands Festival, e-mail, visit “Ballroom Bands Festival CT” on Facebook and join the account @ballroombandsct on Twitter.
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 7 May 2013
Trots of skaam – hoe voel jy oor die Gupta-troue? ANJE SMIT In die lig van die Guptas se “troue van die jaar’’-saga het Anje Smit vir ’n paar Stellenbossers gevra wat hulle van dié geleentheid dink en of Suid-Afrika trots of skaam daaroor moet voel. Derduisende rande is bestee aan hierdie geleentheid wat gepaardgegaan het met onder meer bewerings van rassisme en ook die verontagsaming van regeringsregulasies. Hier is wat die mense van Stellenbosch te sê gehad het:
Meagan Wood: “Dit skep ’n swak indruk van ons land, veral as die gaste iets te sê het oor wie hulle bedien.”
Christopher Falck: “Die regering moet baie skaam voel oor wat gebeur het. Dit skep ’n swak indruk as mense uitgesonder word net omdat hulle so welgesteld is en dan nie onderhewig hoef te wees aan die nodige regulasies wanneer hulle die land binnekom nie.”
André Adams: “Ek dink ons land moet definitief skaam voel oor die gebeurtenis. Dit is heeltemal verregaande dat so iets kan plaasvind en dan nog goedgekeur kan word.”
Alta Muller: “Dis hartseer dat hulle die land se dienste so misbruik het. Dit skep ’n swak indruk van ons land in die wêreld daar buite.”
Flavia Costa: “Dis definitief die troue van die jaar, maar dit word nie in ’n goeie lig beskou nie. Al die swak publisiteit waarmee dit gepaardgegaan het, maak die hele geleentheid net meer belaglik as wat dit reeds is.” FOTO’S: ANJE SMIT
Mother’s Day treat at Pniel Tea Garden |
Moedersdagwense Mother’s Day Greeting
An early Mother’s Day breakfast will be held at the Pniel Tea Garden on Saturday 11 May. The delightful breakfast costs only R50 per person and includes muesli, fruit, yoghurt, croissants filled with scrambled eggs, bacon and mushrooms, as well as Appletizer, juice, coffee and tea. It is important to book in advance if you wish to attend the breakfast. Please call 071 452 5073.
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
Spyseniering Catering DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.
Kindervermaak Children’s Entertainment JUMPING CASTLES Choose your theme! We deliver, erect & collect. 072 411 6416
Algemeen Miscellaneous BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT, Rooikrantz, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50 km), verpakking ekstra. Bestel nou, hout raak skaars Kontak 083 493 6894 / 076 947 0700 / 021 828 9693 / 021 854 7052 WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE. Fridges, Freezers, Microwaves, Washing machines, Stoves, etc. Call 071 755 3390.
Geld/lenings Money/Loans CONSOLIDATION! Loans! R1 000 - R120 000. 5 min pre approval. Sameday pay-out. Blacklisted welcome. Fiona 082 422 2271. DEBT PROBLEMS? Let us help you. We consolidate debt payments. Pay lower installments. Deon 021 811 4670.
Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596.
Dans ten bate van outisme
AUCTION APPLIANCE Repairs fridges & freezers. We buy and sell @ best prices. 135 Bird Street 076 552 0272.
Algemene Dienste General Services NEW HORIZON'S DEKOR. Blindings, sonskerms en vlieësiwwe. ( Fabian: 021 886 6453 of 083 348 1703 . Epos:
Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com Spesiale dienste
Die Ondersteuningsgroep vir Persone met Outisme bied ’n dans op 24 Mei aan. Dit begin om 20:00 in die Weber Gedenkskoolsaal in Jamestown en toegang is R70 per persoon. Alle gaste moet hul eie xyz en platters saambring. Kallies Dance Band sal die musiek verskaf. Skakel 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208 vir meer inligting.
Dinsdag 7 Mei 2013
General - Algemeen
’n Ask Afrika-werknemer hard aan die werk.
Ask Afrika se belsentrum in Eikestad Die belsentrum van die navorsingsmaatskappy Ask Afrika op Stellenbosch is vanjaar 15 jaar lank al aan die gang en verskaf werk aan verskeie plaaslike inwoners. Xavier Fortuin, wat in 2002 as belsentrumagent by die maatskappy begin het en slegs drie jaar later as bestuurder aangestel is, is baie trots op sy span van 55 toegewyde personeellede. “Die meeste van my mense kom van Kayamandi, Cloetesville en Idasvallei. Hulle behartig daagliks opnames vir ’n hele reeks belangrike kliënte, wat van twee tot selfs 30 minute per oproep kan duur. “Ons is trots op die gemak waarmee hulle bestuurshoofde sowel as gewone verbruikers kan oorreed om die hoogs belangrike data oor te dra,” het Fortuin gesê. “Oor die afgelope vyf jaar het ons ’n verbysterende 500 000 opnames afgehandel. Ons kliënte sluit van die grootste name in die Suid-Afrikaanse sakewêreld in. “Telkom, MTN, Multichoice, Old Mutual, Wesbank, Eskom en Multichoice, om slegs ’n paar te noem, is van die heel groot name in die Suid-Afrikaanse sakewêreld wat ons al gehelp het. “Al werk die sentrum soms vir instansies wat met mekaar meeding, word vertroulikheid streng gehandhaaf. “Daar is altyd twee seksies beskikbaar binne die 70-sitplek-sentrum. Agente werk met behulp van ’n voorafbepaalde teks en alle oproepe word opgeneem, sodat die kliënt daarna kan luister.” Die belsentrum verskaf ’n ondersteuningsdiens aan maatskappye se navorsingsveldtogte dwarsoor die land, maar ook internasionaal. Fortuin se span het van Stellenbosch af as’t ware reeds op al die kontinente gewerk. Weens verskillende tydsones is hulle letterlik 24/7 aan diens. Minder ooglopend, maar van waarde, is die werk wat die maatskappy uitvoer ten opsigte van die opdatering van kliënte se databasisse. Duplikate word verwyder, persoonlike besonderhede word bygewerk en alle inligting word voortdurend nagegaan om akkuraatheid te verseker. Ask Afrika is 15 jaar gelede gestig deur Andrea Rademeyer, self ’n Stellenbosch-alumnus.
Ask Afrika se bestuurder, Xavier Fortuin.
Werknemers van Ask Afrika se belsentrum in Stellenbosch.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 15 • Dinsdag 7 Mei 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840 STELLENBOSSERS OORHEERS WP-HALFMARATHON: Twee oud-Bloemhoffers het die WP Halfmarathon Kampioenskapsbyeenkoms wat op 14 April gehou is oorheers en in eerste en tweede plek geëindig. Hier ontvang Lena Lötter die goue medalje en Danette Smith die silwermedalje van die president van WP Atletiek, Jakes Jacobs.
Sport in kort Dirtopiaveldwedloop
Saterdag 11 Mei is dit weer tyd vir die Dirtopia-veldwedloop by Delvera-landgoed. Koste is R65 vir die 7.5 km en R85 vir die 12 km as jy voor of op 8 Mei inskryf. 0 021 884 4752 of 2
Tread Lightly Women’s MBC
The Tread Lightly Women’s Mountain Bike Challenge will take place on 18 May this year at Backsberg Wine Estate. After the success of last year’s event, this popular ride will offer a route geared for every fitness level ranging from a 5 km course, to a 15 km route for the more experienced rider and a 35 km race for serious, competitive mountain ladies. Female cyclists can enjoy the scenic farm roads through vineyards, orchards and forest areas, whilst testing their endurance on some steep climbs, fast descents and non-technical, single-track sections. The route is marshalled while the water point may offer a surprise or two. For information or to enter online visit or call 021 689 8420.
Pniel kry vrouerugbyspan
Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub se program vir 2013 sluit die begin van ’n eerste amptelike vroue-rugbyspan in. Die span sal in die WP Rugbyunie se vroueliga meeding. Die klub nooi alle belangstellende vroue ouer as 18 jaar uit om die oefening by te woon. Oefening sal weekliks op ’n Dinsdag plaasvind. Vir meer besonderhede bel Andria Stubbs Mentoor by 083 303 9565.
Impi Challenge returns to Stellenbosch The much anticipated New Balance Impi Challenge will return to Lievland Wine Estate and Wiesenhof Legacy Park, Stellenbosch the weekend of 19 – 20 October. Two lucky Eikestadnuus readers stand the chance to win a New Balance Impi Challenge hamper to the value of R670. Each hamper will include an entry into the Impi Challenger race, an Impi visor and an exclusive 2013 Impi vest. To be eligible for this prize, send the answer to the following question, your name, surname and vest size to Question: Who is the title sponsor of the Impi Challenge? For more information on the New Balance Impi Challenge contact Hayley Weinberg on 073 411 5575, email or visit
Cellar2Cellar Trail Run
Entries for the 4th annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September are open. Starting and finishing at Blaauwklippen, participants can choose between a fun 12 km wine experience, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. According to Pieter du Plessis, Cellar2Cellar race director, the 12 km wine experience is unique in that there are seven wine estates that will offer two tastings per cellar. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience visit, call Agne Du Plessis on 082 517 4799 or email
Golf fundraiser for Maties Swimming The Maties Swimming Club’s Golf Day is Friday 31 May at the Stellenbosch Golf Club to raise funds for the club. The format will be a Four- ball Alliance Stableford – two scores to count. The swimming club has a history of excellence, producing multiple olympians, an olympic medalist, Commonwealth Games’ medals and national champions. After the London Olympics the club realised that as a club
they stand on the threshold to continue as before or to strive towards something better. They have seen the need to be forward thinking and innovative. To take the club to the next level they need to work towards bridging the gap between just being good and being the best. For information or to register for the golf day contact Lise Veldsman at 0 082 776 2595, 021 910 1384 or 2