Stellenbosch gazette 7 oct 2014

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Tuesday 7 October 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Tennantville se muur kry ’n kleurvolle baadjie

Die muur in Tennantville, Cloetesville, is deesdae onherkenbaar nadat werkers van die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit se gemeenskapsdienste-afdeling se program vir uitgebreide openbare werke (PUOW), dit skoongemaak en geverf het. Sien nog foto’s op bladsy 7. FOTO’S: JILL NICHOLAS

Inlas: Elridge Petersen van PUOW is handig met ’n kwas in die hand.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Hoe nou, geen polis JILL NICHOLAS

The hot spots for Stellenbosch town and surrounds are as follows: Sector 1: Bird Street: Theft out of motor vehicle, fraud at ATM, business robbery and robbery. Dorp Street: Burglary and theft out of motor vehicle. Merriman Street: Robbery, burglary and theft. Banghoek: Robbery, theft and attempted theft. Jan Celliers: Theft out of motor vehicle. Weidenhof: Theft out of motor vehicle. Sector 2: Jamestown: Business robbery, burglary and theft out of motor vehicle. Paradyskloof: Burglary Sector 3: Faure area: Burglary, theft and malicious damage to property. Devon Valley: Theft and malicious damage to property. Blaauwklippen: Robbery, theft of motor vehicle and theft out of motor vehicle. Lynedoch: Theft and malicious damage to property. Sector 4: Kayamandi area: Burglary, theft out of motor vehicle and theft.

Dit is hartseer om ’n geliefde aan die dood af te staan, maar as jy nie eers weet hoe jy hom of haar gaan begrawe nie, maak dit jou hartseer net nog erger. Maar, daar is tog hoop omdat jy drie opsies het om te volg. Dit is wat die geliefdes van Koos Hyster, van La Rochelle-plakkerskamp, uitgevind het toe hy onverwags, vermoedelik aan TB, oorlede is. Lenie Heyns vertel dat hy (Koos) die vorige dag nog met sy medikasie, wat hy by die Klapmuts-kliniek ontvang het, sou begin. Maar die Maandagaand was hy in pyn. “Hy het net geskree en geskree van die pyn”, vertel Ricardo Engelbrecht, wyks- Ricardo Engelbrecht (links) staan vir Lenie Heyns by. komiteelid. Ricardo sê dat sy nie weet hoe Lenie gaan vorder na “Ek het die mense kom die dood van Koos Hyster nie. help, want dit is my werk. “Ons het die ambulans die Maan- en is hier weg. “Die ambulansman het gesê dat dagaand gebel, en hulle het uitgehulle nie die liggaam kan verwyder kom. “Toe sê een van die manne dat hul- nie, omdat die vrou nie aan ’n genootle nie die regte medisyne vir die man skap (begrafnispolis) behoort nie.” Die voorval het die oggend vroeg gegee het nie, so dit is hoekom hy nog gebeur, en toe Eikestadnuus by die so siek is. “Die volgende oggend het ek weer huis aankom, was mnr. Hyster se liggaam steeds in die bed, toegemaak gehoor die vrou skree vir my. “Toe hulle my kom wakker maak, onder ’n laken, wat me. Heyns verskaf het. toe sê hulle dat die oom dood is. * Die begrafnisondenemer het die “Ons het weer die polisie en die amliggaam kort daarna uit die huis kom bulans gebel. “Hulle het verklarings afgeneem verwyder.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Hulp wel vir Koos gereël Kaptein Faith de Klerk, stasiebevelvoerder van Klapmuts-polisie, het Koos Hyster se dood bevestig en verduidelik wat gebeur het. “Wanneer ’n persoon aan onnatuurlike oorsake sterf, of sonder ’n mediese geskiedenis, word die lyk deur die forensiese afdeling vir ’n nadoodse ondersoek verwyder. Daarna word die lyk na die staatslykhuis geneem. “Wanneer ’n persoon aan natuurlike oorsake sterf, of die persoon het ’n mediese geskiedenis, moet die

naasbestaandes hul eie begrafnisondernemers in kennis stel om die lyk te verwyder. ”In die geval van Koos Hyster en omdat daar nie finansies is nie, het ek met Aubrey Solomons, begrafnisondernemers in die Paarl, gereël dat hulle die liggaam kom haal vir ’n armlastige begrafnis,” verduidelik De Klerk. ”Die lyk is wel verwyder en reëlings is met die naasbestaandes getref. Klapmuts-polisie het ook hulp aan die naasbestaandes verleen.”

Lizelle Stroebel (regs) is bevorder tot die hoof van verkeerswetstoepassing en het op Woensdag 1 Oktober haar nuwe pos aanvaar. Janine Waldis, bestuurder van verkeersdienste, het Stroebel se nuwe rang oorhandig. FOTO: SHAWN VALENTINE

Safety advice for Franschhoek visitors Franschhoek SAPS has issued the following safety tips: ) Tourists should be more alert when going to the ATM. If you don’t know how to use the ATM, walk away from the bank and go ask the guest house for help. ) Guest houses should make their guests aware of ATM scams. ) Don’t let anybody help you at the ATM, refuse their help. ) If you see any suspicious looking people contact the Franschhoek Police on 0 021 876 8060.

) Shopping centres, guest houses and all businesses should be aware of the increase in robberies, as we approach the festive season. ) Be aware of fake transactions and watch out for fake cheque books, as well as internet transactions. Problem places: ) Franschhoek SAPS recorded a big increase in drug abuse cases, specifically in the Groendal, Bosbou and Saagmeule areas. The community is urged to provide the police with information. Please contact Constable Marize Mentoor on 0 021 876 8071/ 082 443 9769.

Sheep thief caught red­handed A suspect was apprehended as he tried to get away with a sheep that was stolen from a farm in Muldersvlei in the early hours of Thursday 25 September. At around 01:10, a resident contacted Stellenbosch Watch (SBW) Officer Chris Koegelenberg to report a suspect on their property. Within minutes, the officer arrived at the address in Elsenburg where he spotted a man with a sheep near the main gate. Koegelenberg stopped and approached the man who could not explain what he was doing there. The officer contacted the Monitoring Centre to notify the Stellenbosch South African Police Service and the resident - who later confirmed that the sheep was stolen from the farm.

“The suspect was arrested by members with the local police,” said Stellenbosch Watch CEO, Antoon van Zyl, who also commended the resident and officer Koegelenberg for their vigilance. ) In the wake of the incident, Van Zyl advised property-owners to regularly inspect their perimeter security to ensure that there is nothing that offers criminals easy access. ) “From time-to time, walk around the perimeter and check the fence or wall for any weak spots or any objects – such as a bin – that can aid a trespasser to climb over or through. ) “Also check the property for anything that an intruder could use to break a window, door or lock or as a weapon,” Van Zyl advised.

Programme for safe schools The October school holidays started on Friday. The Western Cape education department emphasised that school safety during the holiday period is always a concern. “In order to protect our schools, as far as possible, from burglary and vandalism over the holiday period, the WCED’s Safe Schools directorate has arranged increased security at identified schools. “About 511 schools will receive either 24

hour security or will benefit from cluster patrols this spring holiday. The WCED is also working with various agencies to mobilise community support for schools. “We ask every community member to help their schools by reporting any suspicious behaviour in and around the schools immediately to the police. The best protected schools are those where parents and local communities help to look after schools,” says Debbie Schäfer, Western Cape education minister.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Inwoners geniet e’Bosch se 10 Dorpiesfees Die e’Bosch 10 Dorpiesfees het oud en jonk, en mense van oraloor gelok. Hier is nog ’n paar foto’s van die feestelikheid.

As deel van die e’Boschfees in Idasvallei is ’n pretloop na die Idasvalleidam gereël om geld in te samel vir die Bybelgenootskap. Hier is van die pretlopers by LP Andricus van der Westhuizen (heel links).


Die Spier-plaastrap was vir almal ’n belewenis. FOTO: PIERRE VENTER

Die jongspan het hulself in Die Laan geniet. FOTO: NICO GRUNDLINGH

Finaliste vir mnr en mej Stellenbosch pas aangewys Op Vrydag 10 Oktober word die mooistes in Stellenbosch in die stadsaal gekroon. Die jaarlikse mnr. en mej. Stellenbosch, wat deur Enigma von Hamburg gereël word, vind om 19:00 plaas. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is R200, en sluit ’n vinger-ete in. Vanjaar se tema is Glitz & Glam of African Extravaganza, en maak maar gereed vir hope vermaak.

Die oë sal waarskynlik op die mnr. en mev. Stellenbosch Senior wees. Die finaliste is Anndrea September, Waleed Jagers, Melissa Meyer, Kieron October, Mishka Prins, Toufique Arnolds, Janine Fortuin, Chad Adams, Shanè Stanfliet, Wayne Boonzaaier, Elvira Gordon, Aashiq Titus, Lithakazi Royi, Zaahn Crowley en Simtandile Mdandalaza.

Vanjaar se finaliste vir mev. Stellenbosch is Aaliyah Harris, Sophia Hendricks en Roshieda Cable.

Die finaliste vir mej. Gay Stellenbosch is Qaqamba Ka-Fassie, Ashantay, Tracy Mercaydez, Evariana Von Diamond, Kelly von Amberson, Ramona Hildegarth von Amstel en Naomi Ntombelo Sutherland.

Die seuns wat in die junior kategorie deelneem, is Nathan Andrews, Nabeel Harris, Wafiq Harris, Iemaad Harris en Kian Linders.

Die finaliste in die mej. Junior- en mej. Toddler-kategorieë is voor (van links) Aqueela Rass, Mia Kayster, Michaela Gouws, Leah van der Vent, Suerika Plaatjies, Garnè Loggenberg, Ammaarah Harris, Celsey Farao en Maurichan Stone, en agter is Alicia Davids, Qullah Newman, Chante Cassidy, Hope Baron, Britney Stuurman, Mishka Gezwint en Sithenkosi Meki.

In die mej. Tiener-kategorie sal Cleo Lawrence, Kaylin Joseph, Jesse Adams, Jessray Februarie, Michaela De Wet, Britney Golding, Sabierah Arnold, Caitlyn Abrahams, Tulia Baron en Angelique Parks om die titel meeding.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

9 Oktober

St’bosch chef excells

9-11 Oktober

Germaine Esau from Delaire Graff Estate in Stellenbosch was recently crowned the 2014 Unilever Food Solutions Chef of the Year at the competition’s awards ceremony in Durban.

or visit Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) en Alanon (vriende en familie van verslaafdes) kom om 20:15 by die Van der Stel-sportklub, Du Toitstraat, Stellenbosch, byeen. Inligting: 0 084 293 3967

7 Oktober

AA Stellenbosch-sentraal kom om 20:15 by die Van der Stel-sportklub in Du Toitstraat byeen. Inligting: 0 084 293 3967.

8 October

Dirtopia October Full Moon Hike. Time: 18:54-19:08 (arrival time: 17:30, no later than 17:50 to start hike). Venue: Dirtopia Trail Centre, Delvera Farm, R44 between Klapmuts and Stellenbosch. Cost: R65 per person, R25 (children under 10 years). Includes an optional shuttle and a map. Bookings are essential. Information: 0 021 884 4752 or 2

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Goeie Hoop Kwiltersgilde, fynbos-kwiltuitstalling. Plek: Paul Roos Gimnasium. Tyd: 09:30-16:30. Koste: R20 (volwassenes), R10 (pensioentrekkers, studente en kinders). Sluit tee/ koffie in. Kwiltlap en toebehore te koop. Belangstellendes welkom. Bel: Renee de Beyer 0 021 531 4429.

1-2, 8-9 October

Elgin open Gardens – Elgin, Vyeboom and Bot River. Time: 10:00-17:00. Entry: Some gardens are free, others charge between R10 and R25. Enquiries: 0 021 8440154/0780212101/083 458 3790/2, or visit

Esau won R15 000 and the senior category of the competition, after going up against five highly experienced finalists in a two hour mystery basket challenge at the state-of-the-art Unilever kitchens in La Lucia Ridge. His menu consisted of tuna tartare and seared tuna served with pickled mushroom, lemon pomegranate, crispy ham and carrot, followed by lamb loin, sautéed kidneys, broccoli sprouts with butternut and a camembert rice crème. Dessert consisted of olive oil parfait, kiwi sauce, compressed nectarine with meringue. Esau says preparing for a competition of this nature was challenging because you don’t know what you will be cooking with. “While practising, I cooked with all the proteins available, even rabbit, to establish the cooking times and techniques that suits each one the best.” On the day of the competition, contestants were each given a black box full of ingredients and had 15 minutes to plan a menu. “I used the philosophy of what grows together goes together. To be different and keep things interesting, I added ingredients that were unexpected into every course.” Esau says he hopes that winning the competition will earn him both recognition and a bit of fame “which is never a bad thing”. According to Esau, the most enjoyable part of the competition had nothing to do with the

Germaine Esau from Delaire Graff Estate in Stellenbosch, was recently crowned the 2014 Unilever Food Solutions Chef of the Year. PHOTO: PROYAL food. “Even though competitions are stressfull, I think the best part of it is the people you meet and the friendships you develop.” He also enjoys testing himself against his peers and experiencing their interpretation of food.

Myra Francis, Johru Robyn and Lester van Stavel were the representatives of the municipality at the housing conference.

Municipality excells at conference The Stellenbosch Municipality featured as a key housing delivery leader at the International Housing Conference, Exhibition & Housing Awards, held from 28 September to 1 October 2014 in Somerset West. The municipality, who delivered 1 000 houses to 1 000 families in one year, also won the South African Planning Institute’s award for building communities in the Langrug informal settlement. Stellenbosch spearheads housing delivery through its dignified living programme. This year’s conference was held under the theme of “Affordable Housing Opportunities for Southern Africa”. Some of the key questions posed included: Is South Africa’s government subsidised housing policy sustainable? How can local authorities afford to sustain service deliv-

ery at an affordable rate to the consumer, and “Access to affordable land - what mechanisms are available?” The conference brought an international perspective and highlighted important issues related to the delivery of affordable housing. Stellenbosch staged an impressive exhibition stall highlighting its key successes and best practices. The municipality appeared alongside major cities such as Cape Town and Johannesburg as well as service providers such as Power Group and PPC Cement. Lester van Stavel, manager: new housing, housing project manager, Myra Francis and acting informal settlements manager and Johru Robyn represented the municipality at the conference.

ORGANISING TEAM: The organisers are Thomas Michaels (IMG-manager Cape Winelands Education District), Anne Marais (curriculum advisor), Abri Coetzee (centre manager: Witzenberg), Cleo White (Nedbank), Herman Fredericks (centre manager: Nederberg), Angeline Mdala (site coordinator: Witzenberg), Blanch Muller (site coordinator: Maties), Adam Bekeur (centre manager: Wellington) Johanna Booysen (centre manager: Breede River), Fidelia Lucas (centre manager: Worcester), Olvin Roman (centre manager: Franschhoek), Bereneace Katts (centre manager: Stellenbosch) and Cecil Fielies (Cape Winelands District Municipality).

Adult learners have sports day

The Cape Winelands education district of the Western Cape education department hosted its 2014 Adult Learners’ Week (ALW) sports day on 27 September 2014 at the sports grounds of Brandvlei Correctional Services. The event is organised annually for adult learners residing in Robertson, Franschhoek, Ceres, Stellenbosch, Paarl, Wellington and Worcester. ALW, now in its 23rd year, is a national celebration of lifelong learning. At the Cape Winelands education district this celebration marks a very special place on their calendar, with its focus on ABET (adult

By die uitstalling van Idasvallei se erfenis wat van 19 tot 27 September in die Idasvallei-biblioteek gehou is, is biblioteek-assistent Brigotte Luiters en klein Tasneem Leith (6). Die uitstalling wat skilderye van Hannes Meiring van Idasvallei ingesluit het, asook koerantartikels en gemonteerde foto’s van inwoners, was deel van vanjaar se e’Bosch-erfenisfees. Belangstellendes wat oor inligting, navorsing en foto’s van hierdie woonbuurt beskik en daarin belangstel om dit deel van die versameling te maak om sodoende Idasvallei se erfenis te help bewaar, kan gerus met me. Colleen Adonis van die Idasvallei-biblioteek by 0 021 808 8394 in verbinding tree.

basic education and training) – learners aged 18 to 85 years. They competed in a variety of traditional sport codes, including soccer, rugby, volleyball and netball and also took part in a fun walk and played board games. The partners and stakeholders involved in this initiative are the Cape Winelands Education District office, Breede Valley Municipality and the Cape Winelands District Municipality. V Should you have any enquiries regarding ABET or the programmes offered, please contact Anna Marais at the Cape Winelands Education District office on 023 348 4619 or send an e-mail to

Tuesday 7 October 2014

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Activities during holiday On Friday, learners and educators across the Western Cape celebrated the end of the third term and the start of the October “spring” holidays.

While schools are officially closed for the holidays, the work continues for many of the learners, educators and the Western Cape Government. The Western Cape education department and the department of cultural affairs and sport have collaborated to ensure that young people have safe places to go during the holidays, as well as learning opportunities. These programmes aim to keep our youth positively engaged, entertained and safeguarded. During the holidays there are a number of spring holiday programmes for Grade 12 learners, as well as various workshops and development programmes for the educators. Safe Schools and the department of cultural affairs and sports have also organised holiday programmes for learners in various communities at selected schools and MOD centres. The programmes were launched yesterday across all eight education districts in the Province. It is important that we keep the children, as far as possible, safe and preoccupied during the school holiday period. The Safe Schools holiday programmes and MOD Centres aim to provide a safe, fun and educational environment for learners during the day. At the Safe Schools holiday programme edu-

cational programmes on offer include important topics such as substance abuse, HIV/ Aids, sexual abuse and gender violence. The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport has ensured that most MOD Centres are open during the school holidays. At each MOD centre coaches will be present for the different sport codes that will be on offer, and for adult supervision. Most of the MOD centres will remain functional during the school holidays and in instances where centres are grouped together under one school, learners will be informed. The centres will be open between 09:00 and 14:00 from Monday to Fridays, in stead of the normal schooling hours. Activities on offer at the schools will include: the different sport codes, art and culture activities and indigenous games. V From 6 - 10 October Pniel Primary School hosts volleyball and netball games at the Lanquedoc Sports grounds, from 09:00 - 12:00. V And, from 6 - 10 October, from 09:00 - 13:00, Rietenbosch Primary and Cloetesville High schools, have softball, volleyball and trampoline games set up on the school ground of Rietenbosch Primary. V A list of all schools that will be open for business is contained on the DCAS website: mod_school_holiday_programme_october_2014.pdf. V For more information on the Safe Schools Holiday Programme, please contact the Safe Schools call centre on 0 0800 454 647.

Minister Donald Grant, minister Elizabeth Dipuo Peters and the deputy mayor Martin Smuts.

Ministers discuss rail safety The national minister of transport, Elizabeth Dipuo Peters, and the Western Cape minister of transport and public works, Donald Grant, visited Stellenbosch on Thursday 2 October as part

Minister Elizabeth Dipuo Peters urged the residents of Kayamandi to be vigilant and if at all possible to avoid illegal rail crossings. PHOTO’S: SHAWN VALENTINE

Die Tshivenda-woordeboekeenheid van Thohoyandou het ’n weeklange opleidingskursus in algemene leksikografie by die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT) bygewoon. Die buro van die WAT bied reeds vanaf 1995 opleidingskursusse vir leksikograwe en ander belangstellendes aan. Hulle besoek ook skole om leerders en onderwysers op te lei in die gebruik van elektroniese woordeboeke. Op die foto verskyn, staande van links na regs, Shumani Tshikota, Gerhard van Wyk, Alet Cloete, dr. Hanelle Fourie Blair, dr. Willem Botha en Mulalo Takalani. Voor sit Tanja Harteveld, Fulufhelo Mukosi en Nthuseni Mukundamago.

Learn to paint at Stellemploy training Training in painting skills available for the youth of Greater Stellenbosch (18 - 35 years of age). Stellemploy will train 12 unemployed persons in painting skills over a period of 15 days. This training programme is sponsored by Remgro and is accredited at the Construction Industry Seta. Training details are as follows:

) Training dates: 6 – 24 October 2014 (full days) ) Minimum criteria: Grade 9 (ability to read in English and do calculations). ) Includes all training material, refreshments and transport from Stellenbosch to the Stellemploy Training Centre and back. Make appointments for Registration and Assessment on 0 021 886 6993.

Fatima Festival open to all The then large Portuguese community of Stellenbosch started the annual Fatima Festival in 1987. It has since grown into not only one of the major annual events on the Stellenbosch social calendar, but has spread throughout the Western Cape and is celebrated at a number of venues around Cape Town. It takes place in early October, one week before another big event, the annual Blessing of the Fishing Fleet ceremonies in Cape Town. This year the Fatima Festival in Stellenbosch will be taking place over the weekend of 18 and 19 October. Though still keeping a strong Portuguese flavour and with (literally) bus-

loads of Portuguese fans coming from other parts of province, the festival in Stellenbosch is no longer confined to the Portuguese community and embraces all the communities. Thus, communities in Kayamandi, Cloetesville and Idas Valley have also been doing sterling work to raise funds for this year’s Fatima Festival, which is organised by St Nicholas Catholic Church. Diarise the event dates and join the festivities. The Fatima Festival has a religious grounding and a street parade on the Sunday morning from 11:00, but from then on, and the night before, it is all fun, fun and food, washed down with some beer or wine and dancing for the whole family.

of the level crossing safety awareness campaign. The ministers inspected the level crossings at Bergkelder, held an educational programme at Cloetesville Primary School and concluded the visit to Stellenbosch by speaking to the community at Kayamandi stadium. The campaign was hosted by the railway safety regulator (RSR). Peters has firsthand experience of the challenges motorists and pedestrians face at the Bergkelder intersection. She and Grant created awareness about the dangers of illegal crossings as some 119 lives were tragically lost at railway crossings in the Western Cape between August 2013 and August 2014, according to the RSR. Peters commented on the lack of vigilance and indifference to the dangers of illegal rail crossings and also urged the community of Kayamandi to get involved in the integrated development plan (IDP), where they, through the representative forum, will be able to represent the interests of the Kayamandi community. This was in response to a suggestion that the Stellenbosch municipality build a taxi rank in the area.


General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Sleutel tot sukses

DAWID MALHERBE Elkeen wat in ’n besigheid betrokke is, wil graag presteer en hê die besigheid moet baie suksesvol wees. Ons vra dus onsself af wat maak dat party besighede soveel beter presteer as ander? Die meeste mense sal sê die hoeveelheid geld wat die eienaar tot sy of haar beskikking het wanneer hulle begin, die deurslaggewende verskil maak. Maar alhoewel aanvangskapitaal ’n belangrike rol speel, is dit beslis nie die mees deurslaggewende faktor nie. Daar is dikwels besighede wat met baie kapitaal begin en tog misluk terwyl ander met bitter min kapitaal later baie suksesvol is. Wat maak dan die verskil? Ek glo die grootste rede vir sukses of mislukking lê by die eienaar van die besigheid se ingesteldheid. Beskik die eienaar oor die nodige wilskrag om deur te druk en nie tou op te gooi wanneer die inkomste die maand of maande baie laag is nie? Om aan te hou glo dat deurlopende harde werk wel uiteindelik vrugte sal afwerp? Wat is jy bereid om op te offer om

sukses te kan behaal, of anders gestel, watter behoeftes of begeertes is jy bereid om op die lange baan te skuif sodat die besigheid eers gevestig en winsgewend kan raak? Ongelukkig is baie van die take wat jy in jou besigheid moet doen nie altyd baie aangenaam nie, maar dit is baie nodig om sukses te kan behaal. Goeie raad is om jouself te beloon wanneer jy daardie take waarvan jy glad nie hou om te doen nie, eerste doen en afhandel. Verder is selfdissipline uiters noodsaaklik. Daar is sekere take wat sekere tye van die maand of jaar gedoen móét word, of jy tyd daarvoor het of nie. Doen jy dit nie, is dit soos ’n slang wat jou later pik. As jy nie teen ’n sekere datum van die maand jou rekeninge uitstuur nie, het jy nie geld teen die einde van die maand nie. Onthou dus wanneer jou motivering vir sekere take feitlik nul is, moet jy eenvoudig oorgaan tot aksie en dit doen. “Mind over matter” en “Just do it” is belangrike sleutels vir sukses. V David Malherbe is ’n besigheidsen loopbaankonsultant en woon in Wellington.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Second round of vaccination on During April 2014 Western Cape Government Health (WCGH) in conjunction with the national department of health, vaccinated the first round of nine-year-old girls against the human papillomavirus (HPV). Each girl should receive two vaccinations: the initial vaccination and a follow-up booster vaccination. The follow-up or booster dose of the HPV vaccination is currently administered to all girls in grade 4 who received the first dose in April this year. The second round started on 29 September and ends 31 October 2014. Those girls who were not yet nine (9) years old during the first round in April, or did not return the signed consent form to their school, will now also have the opportunity to receive the vaccination. This small group (approximately 13% of the total group), will receive their booster shot during the 2015 campaign. Human papillomavirus is the virus that causes cervical cancer and the vaccination protects women from being infected by HPV and thus reduces the risk of developing

Sister Crystal Pekeur of Stellenbosch sub-district - school help division) (left) injecting a female learner at Kayamandi Primary School. In the background is sister Elsa Brink, of the same division. PHOTO: JILL NICHOLAS

HPV related cervical cancer later in life. Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among women after breast cancer. The HPV vaccination that is used is Cervarix® and protects the girls specifically against HPV strains 16 and 18, which are the most virulent types of HPV. The vaccination’s efficacy against contraction of the virus is

Ons Gee Om. Die Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om die volgende welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul grootste behoeftes: PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE



DECKSTER'S CATERING, DéCOR / HIRING. Menu's from R130.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. (Ielaahm or Rene.) 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering. ALGEMENE & HUISDIENSTE


ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. EIENDOMME


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Spesiale dienste


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Athlone 021 6380531 Worcester 023 3420120 Now open in Eastern Cape!!

) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Geblikte of vars groente, droë sopbestanddele, macaroni, spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeergoed vir brood asook badseep en handdoeke. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om sop per dag te skenk. Dit kan gevries of vars wees. Skakel 0 021 886 6173. ) Huis Horison: Wit kerswas vir maak van vlamvatters, stewige vulsel, houthangers, borduurgare, groterige stukke effe linne/katoenmateriaal en wol. 0 021 887 5080. ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Benodig dringend babaweggooidoeke, babaseep, babasjampoe en klere; vroue- en kinderklere, pajamas en sokkies, en vir die kombuis rys, melkpoeier/langlewemelk, kookolie, suiker, pasta, koffie en tee. Algemeen: waspoeier vir outomatiese masjien, Handy Andy, Jik, Domestos en opwasmiddel sal baie waardeer word. Vir die vaardigheidsklasse: hekelpenne, hekelgare asook skryfbehoeftes soos verf, skêr, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte sal van groot hulp wees. Dit sal ook wonderlik wees indien vroue van die gemeenskap hulle talente, stokperdjies, kennis en vaardighede met et die inwoners sal kom deel. Kontak 0 021 883 2574. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies en sopmengsel, asook produkte vir kospakkies. 0 021 886 8986 of 071 322 0747. ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek graag tweedehandse klere, nie-bederfbare voedsel, meubels en huishoudelike ware. 0 021 887 2816. ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmere en blikkieskos. Gordyne en ou DVD’s wat oor naweke vir die kinders gewys kan word, sal waardeer word. Skryfbehoeftes asook skoolklere sal van groot hulp wees. 0 021 886 6216. ) Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir Volwasse Persone met Gestremdhede: Behoefte aan kruideniersware vir die sentrum

proven with marked decreases in the incidence of HPV infection in countries such as the USA, India and the UK, where the vaccine has been available for a while. Vaccination remains the safest method to prevent illness. Only girls who return their consent forms or formed part of the first round of the campaign will be vaccinated. Western Cape health minister, Theuns Botha said: “We now have the opportunity to reduce this illness significantly. What is required from government is effective vaccination. Our health teams have started visiting schools around the province to vaccinate grade 4 girls. We ask that parents and care givers take responsibility for their daughters’ health.” V For more information on HPV, the vaccination and how to ensure that your daughter stays HPV free, please visit the following link: frequently-asked-questions-abouthuman-papillomavirus-hpv The information is available in all three languages of the Western Cape.

se driedaagse lewensvaardigheidskamp geskeduleer vir 21 tot 24 Oktober buite Stellenbosch. Daar gaan 45 persone met gestremdhede by hierdie kamp wees, wat deur ’n arbeidsterapeut en twee maatskaplike werkers aangebied gaan word, baat vind. Die persone moet drie maaltye per dag kry en skenkings soos pap, melk, eiers, kaas, weense worsies, suiker, koffie, tee, geblikte groente sal waardeer word. Vir meer besonderhede bel die sentrum by 0 021 887 8688. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Vrywilligers wat die leerders in hul nasorg op Vrydae van 15:00 tot 16:00 kan leer viool speel. 0 021 889 8774. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmere, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware, skoolskoene, -hempies en -broekies, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenes en rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders. Enige ou klere vir ons klerewinkel om te gee aan diegene wat kom vra. 0 021 887 6959. ) Kayamandi-traumakamer: Driekwart- en enkelbedmatrasse, waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware, skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku 0 074 717 9676 of 021 889 7686 of Mary 083 945 5811. ) Stellenbosch Hospice: Koffie en tee en warm sjokolade (hot chocolate), skryfbehoeftes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), en speletjies soos domino’s, ’n skaakstel, “stressballe”, rekbande en wolnaalde/breipenne, dambord en opvoedkundige speletjies. Manspajamas, kinderklere, komberse en kussings met kussingslope, en mansskoene word ook verwelkom. Do you need material for a school project? Find relevant cheap material in our great selection of books and pictures in our many magazines at the Hospice shop in Borcherd Street, open weekdays until 16:45 and on Saturdays. Your purchases help fund the caring services Stellenbosch Hospice provides for over 1 000 patients every month. 0 021 886 5994. ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0-3 jaar), bababenodigdhede vir die 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, en meisiesklere (9-10 jaar). Chanene van As 0 082 890 8616. ) Dorothea spesiale skool: Breinaalde, hekelpenne. Afval: karton, wol, materiaal, hekelgare, hout. Skoolskoene, truie, sokkies (seuns en meisies), enige ou kinderklere.

Dinsdag 7 Oktober 2014

Die muur soos dit voorheen gelyk het.

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette


Bradley Hartogh, een van die vrywilligers, doen die finale afrondingswerk.

WC health minister Theuns Botha and Movember SA Country Manager Garron Gsell getting ready for Movember.


Minister for Movember Thousands of men are diagnosed with prostate and testicular cancer in South Africa each year, but there is still a stigma around these men’s health issues and men often find these issues difficult to talk about and avoid seeking timeous medical help, says Western Cape minister of health, Theuns Botha.

Só lyk die muur nadat dit deur die hande van die “kunstenaars” bygekom is. Lede van Stellenboschmunisipaliteit wat gehelp het, is van links Alroy Cysterm, Hannetjie du Plessis, Harold Daniels, raadsheer Conrad Sidego (burgemeester), Portia Bolton, Patrick Oliver, Garth Abrahams en Gerald Esau.

Labyrinth for cancer patients brain activity and usTerry de Vries, a landes include problem scape artist from Stelsolving, conflict resolenbosch, is the crealution, walking meditor of a labyrinth for tation and stress manthe Red Cross Chilagement. The Ameridren’s Hospital’s oncan Cancer Society cology unit. states that labyrinths The project was “may be helpful as a made possible by the complementary methCommins Family od to decrease stress Trust. and create a state of reThe labyrinth was laxation.” officially handed over The labyrinth, creto the hospital during The labyrinth that is situated in the haematology and a small ceremony last oncology unit’s garden at Red Cross War Memorial ated by De Vries from Children’s Hospital. Earth Spirit Quest, is week. situated in the garden Labyrinths date back to prehistoric times and are perceived as outside the oncology unit and provides a numa sacred space. Its design consists of a single ber of seating areas for people to sit and reflect, path that leads to the centre and back out again, making the time spent at the hospital a bit more viewed as a metaphor for life’s journey. Laby- bearable. Prof. Alan Davidson, head of haematology rinths are used throughout the world as mediand oncology at Red Cross war Memorial Chiltative and healing tools. The project, first proposed more than a year dren’s Hospital, said: “We would like to thank ago, is the realisation of Cherie Commins’ the Commins Family Trust for their generosity dream and is the first of their labyrinth dona- and for choosing Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, specifically the oncology tions planned around Cape Town. Labyrinths are thought to enhance right unit, as the recipient of this donation.”

At the handover ceremony are (from left) Donne Commins, Cherie Commins, Ben Bigara, Noah Bigara, Professor Alan Davidson and Terry de Vries.

This year, to start the conversation about men’s health issues and encourage men to go for regular health checks, Botha will lend his support to the Movember campaign, which aims to change the face of men’s health by raising funds and awareness for men’s health issues, including prostate and testicular cancers. “We have several initiatives in South Africa which support women’s health, but men’s health is often overlooked as the issues that affect men – such as testicular and prostate cancers – seem embarrassing to talk about. “There is a definite need to make men more aware of their health and remove the stigma associated with these men’s health issues,” says Botha. “I support Movember as it reiterates the Department’s stance that testicular and prostate cancers do not have to mean the end of your life if they are detected early enough. “I would like to encourage South Africa to get behind the campaign and sign up for Movember this year.” Movember raises funds by getting men or Mo Bros – as supporters of the campaign are affectionately known – to sign up on, to grow and groom a moustache, or

mo, for the month of November and to get people to pledge money towards their efforts. Women can also get involved by registering as Mo Sistas on and by encouraging the men in their life to sign up and grow a mo, showing their support by pledging funds and opening dialogues about men’s health issues. The funds raised by Movember fund survivorship and research programmes that are developed in conjunction with Movember South Africa’s men’s health partner, the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa). These programmes provide men with the best choices and treatment options available. The rules are simple, once registered or reregistered (as required each year), Mo Bros start clean shaven on 1 Movember and grow a mo for the month, getting those close to them to pledge funds and support towards their mo, helping them spread Movember’s health messages. Mo Bros and Mo Sistas can sign up or reregister for this year’s Movember campaign on between 15 September and 1 November. Individuals, groups and corporates are encouraged to register on from 15 September 2014 and start clean shaven on 1 Movember. Join in the fun or follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter. Social media channels: #tag: #MovemberRSA Facebook: MovemberSouthAfrica Twitter: @MovemberRSA

Fairy tale ballet coming to CT A brand new children’s ballet, Thumbelina, based on the enchanting fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, opens on Friday 24 October at Artscape in Cape Town. Thumbelina, a magical ballet for the whole family, tells the story of the little princess and her journey from being born in an acorn to marrying her handsome fairy prince, Cornelius. True to the original story, the stage is set to come alive with Jitterbugs, Snow Crystals, Blue Birds, Mice and Chickens, performed by young ballet dancers from across the Cape Peninsula. The role of Princess Thumbelina will be danced in turn by Elizabeth Nienaber, Mariëtte Opperman, Cleo Ames and Meghan Henegan. The role of the handsome prince Cornelius will be shared by Ivan Boonzaaier, Revil Yon, Conrad Nusser and Craig Pedro. A Cape Town City Ballet Youth Project, the production forms part of the company’s 80th anniversary celebrations and is choreographed by Robin van Wyk. V Thumbelina will be presented by Cape Town City Ballet at Artscape from 24 October until 1 November. Ticket prices are R100 and R120 with a low-price (R70) preview on 24 October. Bookings at Computicket 0 0861 915 8000 or Artscape Dial-a-Seat 0 021 421 7695.

Elizabeth Nienaber as Thumbelina

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Dinsdag 7 Oktober 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Cloetesville se spanne is kampioene

Van links is Aden Philander, Jason Rhoda en Luke le Roux.


Lückhoff-spelers reis na Nederland Twee o.15-sokkerspelers van die Stellenbosch-hoëprestasiesentrum en hul afrigter is uitgenooi om in Nederland ’n oefenkamp by te woon.

’n Leerder aan Hoërskool Lückhof, die middelveldspeler, Luke le Roux, en Aden Philander, ’n leerder aan Hoërskool Bergvliet, is deur Gerard Nijkamp, die tegniese direkteur van PEC Zwolle, uitgenooi om deel te wees van die oefenkamp. “Baie ander spelers het ook verdien om gekies te word, maar ongelukkig kon ons net twee spelers nooi,” sê Nijkamp. Jason Rhoda, wat die afrigter van die Stellenbosch-hoëprestasiesokkerspan is, is gekies om die

Die High Schools Cup is in goeie gees op Erfenisdag beëindig met Hoërskool Cloetesville se o. 19 seuns en meisiespanne wat oorwinnings beklink het. Die Cloetesville-seunssokkerspan het hul opponente, Stellenzicht Hoerskool, met 3 - 0 in die hoofwedstryd van die dag op Coetzenberg-stadion gewen. Cloetesville se nommer nege-speler, Theodore Willemse, het een doel, en sy spanmaat, Thomas Deudon, het twee doele aangeteken. Doele vir die Cloetesville-meisiespan is deur Alicia Willemse en Janice Smith aangeteken, wat die eindtelling tot 3-0 teen Lückhoff gebring het. In die res van die wedstryde wat ook gespeel is, is die o.17-wedstryd tussen Lückhoff en Stellenzicht deur Lückhoff met 3 - 1 gewen. Cloetesville en Lückhoff se o. 15spanne het meegeding en in daardie wedstryd seëvier Lückhoff 4 - 1.

Die seëvierende o.19-meisiespan van Lückhoff. na die sege oor Cloetesville.

twee jong spelers te vergesel. “Ek is uiters opgewonde en baie geseënd om ’n geleentheid soos dié te kry. “Ek sal die meeste van hierdie geleentheid maak en ek beplan om die kennis en ervaring wat ek gaan opdoen, terug te bring, en te gebruik om die Stellenbosch- sokkeromgewing te verryk,” sê Rhoda. Die kamp sal in die Oktoberskoolvakansie plaasvind. Hierdie gulde geleentheid het hom voorgedoen ná Nijkamp se besoek aan Stellenbosch vroeër vanjaar wat te danke is aan die verhouding tussen die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die Nederlandse sokkerklub, PEC Zwolle, wat tans die Dutch Cup-kampioene is.

A learner of Weber Gedenk Primary School in Jamestown practises ball skills as part of the Living Legends project.

Daar was volop aksie in die wedstryd tussen Cloetesville en Stellenzicht.

Die o.19-span is ekstaties oor hul oorwinning.


Living Legends project expands to Jamestown

The Living Legends’ sports development project is now also active in Jamestown. Weber Gedenk Primary School learners received specialist coaching in gross motor skills and life skills, and a week later Stellenzicht Secondary School also received life orientation lessons outside, using sport and activity as the teaching medium. “We now look forward to phase two starting in the fourth quarter, focusing on specialised coaching and talent identification,” said Kate Thompson from the Living Legends Project. “We are hopeful that phase three will start promptly in January with after school specialist coaching and school team sport training. We are also looking forward to starting our parent forums and more focused life skills and leadership sessions in phase two and three.” The expansion of the Living Legends Project to Jamestown was made possible with support from the Remgro Group.

The programme in the Stellenbosch (Cloetesville, Idas Valley and Pniel) area runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with about 300 children attending one sport and one life skill development session per week. The vision of the project is to create moments of interaction where living legends will be nurtured and inspired to become leaders that make a difference in their own lives, in the lives of their families, in their communities, in South Africa and in the world. The aim is to nurture and inspire living legends through moments of interaction where children can develop skills, mature into leaders that embrace a culture of hope, take responsibility for their actions, think critically about circumstances, become autonomous yet participative decisionmakers, respecting themselves as well as others, living a balanced, simple and authentic life.

Alicia Willemse op die punt om ’n doel aan te teken vir Cloetesville Hoërskool.

Sterre gesoek Nominasies is oop vir Eikestadnuus en SuperSport se Let’s Play sportster van die maand-kompetisie. Die kompetisie is slegs oop vir leerders. Meld alle prestasies vir jou nominasie asook ’n sterk motivering. Stuur benoemings vir Oktober per faks na Shawn Valentine by 021 883 9538 of per e-pos by 2 shawn.valentine@media24. com. Nominasies sluit op Maandag 27 Oktober. Vir meer besonderhede, bel hom by 0 021 887 2840. Die wenner van die maand word in Eikestadnuus se uitgawe van Donderdag 30 Oktober aangekondig.

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