Stellenbosch gazette 9 julie 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 9 July 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Beter sportgeriewe!

’n Groep inwoners en lede van sportklubs van Idasvallei het die afgelope naweek betoog teen die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit se dienslewering rakende die instandhouding van die Idasvallei-sportgeriewe. Hulle het na die munisipale kantore in Pleinstraat geloop waar hulle ’n petisie oorhandig het. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


Stellenbosch Gazette

News - Nuus

Tuesday 9 July 2013

BOMDREIGEMENT BY MUNISIPALE KANTORE: Die Stellenbosch-polisie het Vrydag om ongeveer 14:00 ’n oproep ontvang dat daar ’n bom in die munisipale kantore is. Die hulp van die polisie se honde-eenheid in die Paarl is ingeroep ná die dreigement ontvang is. Die kantore is ontruim tot die polisie die gebou veilig verklaar het.

Ná die bomdreigement ontvang is, het die polisie se honde-eenheid Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit se gebou in Pleinstraat deursoek en om 15:00 veilig verklaar. Die brandweer se hulp is ook ingeroep. Die polisie ondersoek tans die saak. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Weight loss during winter weather EMMA HAMEL Keeping the weight off during winter months is extremely difficult. With the rain pounding outside and your latest book purchase to keep you inside, social media updates featuring log fires and hot chocolate will. Here are some ideas to keep the winter weight-gain to a minimum: ) Exercise This should go without saying, but it is important anyway. Get up and do some exercise. You don’t have to swim in the freezing Atlantic for two hours, all you need to do is make an effort to build up a sweat every couple of days. Why not join WalkForLife, buy a rebounder (a mini trampoline) which you can use from the comfort of your living room or check out your local squash league. Whatever is fun for you, that is the key. ) Look inside Make time for some introspection. If you’re anything like me, you would love to know why those sneaky kilos are finding their way onto your scale. Keep a diary, or get to work ten min-

utes early so you can sit in the car and prepare for the day. I found that hypnotherapy really helped me figure out why I viewed food and a healthy lifestyle the way I did and replace the incorrect thinking with a better attitude. ) Don’t stop eating I’d like to replace the normal rhyme of an apple a day with this: an apple a day is great if it is replacing an unhealthy snack. Watch what you’re eating. If you just read “be hungry”, I want you to go back and read it again. If you’re hungry – eat! But eat the right stuff. ) Get lots of sleep Everyone tries to make the most of their weekend or day off, but remember that they are there for you to relax. Make sure you are getting enough rest as you are far more likely to crave sugar and miss your workout if you are tired. You need at least six to eight hours of sleep night. Add a nap over the weekend if you have a stressful lifestyle. ) Be accountable It’s much harder to load up on treats at your monthly shop if you know

you’ll have to tell someone about it the next day. Start a chat group with a few girlfriends or commit to telling your partner when you eat unhealthily or skip your workout for more than two days. If you’d like to be a bit more removed from the person, book a few sessions with a life coach. ) Take your vitamins There is a definite correlation between lacking vitamins and trying to replace them by eating more food. Extra vitamins in winter will have the added benefit of fighting off colds and ensuring a healthy skin. Find a nutritionist in your area to make sure you’re taking the right vitamins for your lifestyle. Of course, the best thing would be to do all these things on a consistent basis. If change scares you, try making just one change and only add another when you’ve got that one waxed. For further information on how to keep the weight off your waistline this winter, e-mail and I’ll send you some more information on the GRASPP weight loss programme.

Stellenbosch CPF back on track After almost two years of inactivity, the Stellenbosch Community Policing Forum (CPF) will host a public meeting on 24 July. Additional executive members will be elected. Anyone involved in various associations, organisations, local companies, sports clubs, churches or other organisations are welcome to attend the meeting and join the CPF. The meeting will be held at 18:00 at the Stellenbosch police station in the recreational hall in Du Toit Street. For more information on the CPF, phone chairman Roelof van der Merwe on 083 4435687 or e-mail, or call Lt Nathalie Martin on 021 809 5061. All documents can be downloaded at

ACT hosts bus tour The Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trust will be hosting a charity tour by luxury bus along the Garden Route to Knysna and Plettenberg Bay from 10 to 13 October. Tickets are R1 675 per person sharing and includes transport, accommodation on the Knysna Waterfront and one main meal per day. Call trustees Lionel Cloete (082 850 7845) or Bereneace Katts (074 580 8227).

Tuesday 9 July 2013

News - Nuus

Young people thrilled to share their stories with President Obama KIM CLOETE

Three young people who have been involved in HIV testing at the Desmond Tutu TB Centre (DTTC) at the Stellenbosch Uni-

versity (SU) are still brimming with excitement after meeting President Barack Obama in Masiphumelele, near Noordhoek in Cape Town, recently.

Noxolo Ngqono, Neon Mapasure and Lindiwe Mvandaba were thrilled to meet US president, Barack Obama during his visit to Cape Town. PHOTO: KIM CLOETE

The trio were part of a group of people who met Obama during a gathering of organisations working in the field of HIV and Aids. They were given a few minutes each to tell their personal story to him. Still fresh from their meeting, the three said their family and friends had been amazed that they had met president Obama. They had to keep it top-secret until after the visit. HIV counsellor, Lindiwe Mvandaba, said she had told the president about her work in TB and HIV counselling and testing and about her passion to help reduce the HIV transmission rate. “He seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say about our work in helping to bring down the rate of HIV in communities.” Mvandaba, who told Obama that she was HIV-positive, works at the DTTC’s Community’s HIV Prevention (COMAPP) project, which sets up caravans or tents near busy streets, at taxi ranks and train stations across five communities in

Cape Town, and brings testing and counselling services to the people. “I told him that the project has made such a difference. Many more people are coming forward to be tested for HIV. It’s so encouraging. I love my work as I can empower other people to empower themselves,” said Mvandaba. Engineering students at the College of Cape Town, Noxolo Ngqono and Neon Mapasure, who told Obama about their experience of being tested for HIV, TB and diabetes at the mobile testing centre in Nyanga, said it was a “dream” to meet the US President. While thrilled to meet Obama, the trio was also excited to meet Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, the patron of the SU Desmond Tutu TB Centre, who spoke about the value of ubuntu at the event and warmly welcomed the president. Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaeledi, told president Obama that the HIV infection rate had dropped and that far more South Africans were now on antiretroviral treatment.

Stellenbosch Gazette


Ryneveldstraat se mense hou reünie ’n Reünie word beplan vir al die mense wat destyds in Ryneveldstraat gewoon het en weens die Groepsgebiedewet verskuif is. Bel Freddy (Toff) Polman by 021 905 1759 of 072 884 4118 as jy wil deel wees van hierdie unieke geleentheid.

Prettige daguitstappie na Overberg vir almal Die VGK Idasvallei bied op 28 September ’n daguitstappie na Genadendal, Greyton en Caledon aan. Die uitstappie bied ’n geleentheid om vir die kerk geld in te samel, en die koste is R350 per persoon. Die vertrektyd is 07:00 vanaf die kerk en almal sal teen 18:30 weer terug op Stellenbosch wees. Bel Lennie Olivier by 079 182 2814 vir meer inligting of om jou plek te bespreek.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Pret by Jamestownbiblioteek Die kinders van Jamestown is verlede Dinsdag met ’n program van liedjies en stories in die Jamestown-biblioteek vermaak. Stellenbossers Fred en Liz Walters het die poppekasstorie van ’n kameelperd met ’n seer keel opgevoer. Die kinders het ook kennis gemaak met dieremaats soos Apieliefie, Wolmuis en die vyf klein mui-

sies. Hulle het lekker gelag en lustig saamgesing. Die biblioteekpersoneel in Jamestown doen moeite om die kinders gedurende die vakansie te vermaak. Benewens storie-oggende is daar ook handwerksessies. Op Vrydag 5 Julie het ’n groep kinders mosaïekwerk onder leiding van Corli de Kock gedoen. Vir meer inligting oor vakansie-aktiwiteite by die biblioteek bel 021 808 8373.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

9 Julie )Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sentraal) ontmoet om 20:15 by die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Navrae: 0 084 293 3967.

11 Julie Corli de Kock help twee Jamestown-kinders met mosaïekwerk.

)Alkoholiste Anoniem sowel as Alanon, ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende van verslaafdes, ontmoet om 20:15 in die NG Kerk Stellenbosch-Wes se kerksaal in Alexanderstraat. 0 084 293 3967 of Alanon 0 021 889 5791 vir nadere besonderhede.

13 Julie )Protea Boekwinkel: Mariël le Roux sal 11:00 oor haar roman, Klara, gesels. Francois Smith is die gespreksgenoot. 0 021 882 9100 of 2

20 July )Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain hack will meet at 08:00 for 08:15 at the Paradyskloof Forestry gate. Bring your own mug for tea/coffee as well as water, protective clothing and sun lotion. Bow saws, clippers, loppers, tree poppers and gloves will be provided. Call Lewis Silberbauer on 082 892 4300 for more information on the hack or how to become a Friend of Stellenbosch Mountain.

Library closed The Ida’s Valley Library will be closed until 12 July for stock-taking. Normal library hours will resume on Saturday 13 July. The library apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Pupils can take a tour ‘on the leopard’s trail’ Stellenbosch pupils are invited to come along on an adventure with the Cape Leopard Trust as part of a school holiday winter programme. Three tours, titled “On the leopard’s trail: Exploring the Boland”, will be held on 12 and 13 July. Space for about 18 pupils is still available on the tour on Saturday 13 July. The tours are hosted by the Simonsberg Environmental Education Centre and the cost is R75 per person. Sponsorship is, however, available. Phone Adéle on 079 276 3638 or send an email to

Vrouedag-ontbyt Die Ondersteuningsgroep vir mense met outisme hou ’n Vrouedag-ontbyt op 9 Augustus. Die ontbyt sal om 09:30 in die Weber Gedenk-skoolsaal in Jamestown begin. Toegang is R70 per persoon. Die organisasie het die geld baie nodig. Bel 083 679 2863 of 073 147 6208 vir meer inligting oor die ontbyt of die ondersteuningsgroep.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

News - Nuus

’n Fees van talent te sien

’n Fees van talent wag op musiekliefhebbers wanneer Marc Lottering, Karen Zoid en Juanita du Plessis, tesame met 32 ander kunstenaars, te sien is in die Bellville Stadskouburg.

Vanjaar se “Want ons kan! / ’Cause we can!”liefdadigheidskonsert vind plaas op 28 Julie. Dit is die elfde jaar dat Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck, Pedro Kruger en Hennie van Greunen hande vat met die TygerBurger, onder leiding van besturende uitgewer, Marita van der Merwe, om die wonderlike konsert aan te bied. Alles het in 2003 begin met ’n konsert wat eers ’n eenmalige gebeurtenis sou wees, maar oor die jare heen het hulle reeds meer as R1,6 miljoen vir verskeie plaaslike liefdadigheidsorganisasies ingesamel. Vanjaar is Juanita du Plessis saam met ver-

skeie top Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars soos Marc Lottering, Karen Zoid, Amanda Strydom, Lize Beekman, Sarah Theron, Louwtjie Rothman, Zanne Stapelberg, Kathleen Tagg, Jak de Priester, Janine Neethling, Adam Tas, Broers, Emo Adams en Take Note, Wicus van der Merwe, Albert Frost, Crushanda, Koos Kombuis, Andriette, Dowwe Dolla, Hulle, Cheree en Wynand, Babette Viljoen en Zoe Zana aan die beurt. Die seremoniemeesters vir die aand is Kaapstad se nuutste glinsterpaartjie Ian Bredenkamp (KFM) and Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp (KFM, Expresso). Soos altyd tree al die kunstenaars verniet op en getroue borge dek al die ander koste. Kaartjies word direk by die onderskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies bespreek sodat elke sent na die regte saak gaan.

Die organisasies sluit in die Lucky Lucy Foundation, ’n dierebeskermingseenheid in Kaapstad wat fokus op die versorging van verwaarloosde honde. Bel vir Kerry-Jean by 083 271 8114. Die tweede organisasie is die Parow Senior Sentrum se versorgingsoord vir senior burgers wat nie meer na hulself kan omsien nie. Bel vir Sandra by 082 559 6063. En laastens, die Tygerberg-hospitaal se skool wat fokus op die opvoedkundige behoeftes van kinders wat hulle tyd merendeels by die hospitaal deurbring. Bel vir Susan by 082 487 9458. Die 2013 “Want ons Kan! / ’Cause we Can!”-konsert word aangebied by die Bellville Stadskouburg in Voortrekkerweg op Sondag 28 Julie om 18:30. Kaartjies kos R250 elk. Bespreek nou jou kaartjies by die onderskeie organisasies.

A blessed Ramadaan to all our Muslim readers Our Muslim readers are preparing for the holy month of Ramadaan. Starting on 9 July, Ramadaan marks a month-long period of abstinence. Ramadaan will continue for 30 days until Wednesday 7 August. Ramadaan is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar and is a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God

and practice self-sacrifice. Muslims are called upon to use this month to re-evaluate their lives in light of Islamic guidance. Fasting in the month of Ramadaan is one of the five pillars of Islam and the month is spent by Muslims fasting from dawn to sunset. Fasting is often thought to figuratively burn away all sins.

Ramadaan for non-Muslims Can non-Muslims participate in the Ramadaan? NonMuslims are free to participate in Ramadaan. Many non-Muslims fast and even pray with their Muslim friends or family members. Non-Muslims are often invited to attend prayer and iftar dinners. Those wishing to be polite to someone who is fasting for Ramadaan, may greet them with Ramadaan Mubarak or Ramadaan Kareem, which mean “Have a Blessed or Generous Ramadaan”.

Muslims also believe that this is the month that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The first day of the next month is spent in celebrations and is observed as the “Festival of Breaking Fast” or Eid ul-Fitr. The staff of Eikestad Media (Gazette and Eikestadnuus) wish all our Muslim readers a blessed Ramadaan Mubarak.

Stellenbosch Gazette


Karen Zoid is een van die kunstenaars wat vanjaar deel neem aan die “Want ons kan!”-konsert in Belville.


General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Doen jou deel vir Winterwarmte Dit is bitter koud in die Boland en in ons gemeenskap is daar talle haweloses. Eikestadnuus en die Stellenbosch Gazette doen ’n vriendelike beroep op die vrygewige Stellenbosse gemeenskap om komberse en warm klere te skenk aan ons Winterwarmteprojek. Enige warm ding, soos komberse of ou slaapsakke, is welkom. Handgebreide of gehekelde komberse sal ook waardeer

word. Ons het nog net ’n paar komberse ontvang en moedig die publiek aan om ons te help om die baie mense wat smag na warmte se lewe dié winter beter te maak. Bring dit na ons kantoor by Alexanderstraat 44, Stellenbosch. Die publiek is ook meer as welkom om ons te bel by 021 887 2840 en ons kom laai die komberse self op, indien nodig.

4 000 blankets for the homeless

Die Cape Whalers Field Band in Stellenbosch gedurende ’n oefensessie onlangs.

Field Band speel in Oos-Londen “Oos-Londen, hier kom ons!” Só sê ’n opgewonde Belinda Jackson, programkoördineerder van die Cape Whalers Field Band jeugontwikkelingsprogram, wat reeds talle jongmense in Cloetesville die afgelope 16 jaar positief beïnvloed het. Die Cape Whalers Field Band vertrek Donderdag 11 Julie na Oos-Londen waar hulle op 13 Julie teen ander streke van die Field Band Foundation sal meeding. Die Field Band Foundation is ’n niewinsgewende organisasie

wat aan jongmense geleenthede bied vir die ontwikkeling van lewensvaardighede deur middel van musiek en dans. Die Cape Whalers het pas teruggekeer van ’n opwindende kamp by die Chrysalis Akademie in Tokai, waar die hoofdoel was om spanbou te bevorder en ander lewensvaardighede uit te bou. Nie eens ’n trop bobbejane kon die Field Bandlede verhoed om hul goeie samewerking ter voorbereiding van die kompetisie in Oos-Londen te gee nie.

Belinda en die lede spreek hul opregte dank uit teenoor die Stellenboschmunisipaliteit vir die borgskap en wyksraadslid Valerie Fernandez vir haar volgehoue ondersteuning. Die Cape Whalers Field Band se oefensessies sal van 18 Julie af om 14:00 by Hoërskool Makapula in Kayamandi gehou word om meer jongmense aan die program bloot te stel. Bel Belinda Jackson by 083 500 9871 of stuur ’n e-pos na vir meer inligting of om ’n optrede te bespreek.

Space Age Technologies has this year joined hands with Straatlig, Stellenbosch Feeding in Action and other local businesses to contribute to Mandela Day (18 July) by collecting 4 000 blankets for the homeless in Stellenbosch. They will embark on a drive to get a blanket to every homeless and destitute person who needs a blanket this winter. MFM 92.6, Stellenbosch360, Die Boord Spar, OEMF Restaurant and Axiz Workgroup have joined in on the initiative. Blankets can be dropped off un-

Bidsessie vir alle besighede op die dorp Alle sake-eienaars op Stellenbosch word na ’n spesiale bidsessie op Donderdag 25 Julie uitgenooi. Dit sal van 10:00 tot 11:00 in die Rynse Kerk op Die Braak |



Bouplanne/ Building Plans 24/7 CASH FOR YOUR Bakkie or Car. Just SMS or PHONE 072 620 1126.


Spyseniering Catering DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. Contact Ielaahm or Rene. 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.


Algemeen Miscellaneous WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE. Fridges, Freezers, Microwaves, Washing machines, Stoves, etc. Call 073 608 4652.

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840



Algemene Dienste General Services DEBT REVIEW. Drowning in debt? You need expert help? You realized that more loans will put you more in debt? Call now. Deon 074 441 3658. I can really help you today.

MY HARDWORKING, honest maid is looking for 3 days char work. Reference 079 645 4172 or Simbisai 073 269 4610

ZIMBABWEAN LADY aged 27 seeks 2 day cleaning work, Thursday and Saturday. 073 104 7930 / 073 958 4198.

Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs ALLE HERSTEL VAN yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene. Gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596. HERSTEL BY DIE huis. Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.

MALWAWIAN MAN Seeks carpenter or Gardener work. His Wife domestic work. Contact 084 449 6287.

TUKUSAI MASAMBA Seeks domestic, nanny or Sleep in/out work. Contact Ref: 082 342 0227.



Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 36 YEAR OLD ZIM Lady seeks full time work. 4 years experience. Ref: 078 009 8077. JOY JELE, MALAWIAN Man seeks domestic or Garderner Work. Contact ref: 082 901 7043.

VGK hou koorfees

MALAWIAN MAN Seeks full time domestic Work. Contact Levison 074 358 1542, ref: 074 961 1100. HAIR SALON IN Stellenbosch is looking for a qualified hairdresser for rent-a-chair. Please email CV to

Spesiale dienste

til 17 July at Die Boord Spar, at the OEMF Restaurant in De Wagen Road or alternatively make a cash donation and blankets will be bought on your behalf. For every R360 a person donates, 10 blankets will be bought. The banking details are: Space Age Technologies, Absa bank, 334410 (branch code), 6304659313 (account number) and use MD-(your name/company) as a reference. Call 021 887 7292 for further information.

Die VGK hou op 8 September ’n ringkoorfees op Stellenbosch. Dit sal 15:00 in die Kruiskerk in Ryneveldstraat begin en toegang is R20 per persoon. Kaartjies vir die fees is beskikbaar by alle VGK-koorlede op die dorp.

gehou word. Almal is welkom om dit by te woon. Bel Deon by 082 430 4186 of Deano by 083 261 2017 vir meer inligting.

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tips for painless tax season The tax season is with us again, with filing for the 2013 tax year set from 1 July and ending on 22 November. This tax year covers 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2013. Here are a few tips to help you get through tax filing time with as little stress and heartache as possible: ) Get started now or as soon as possible Filing an income tax can be a surprising amount of work. It’s best to get an early start so that you can submit your return before the rush starts. If you are due a refund, the sooner you file, the sooner you’ll get your money. And if you have underestimated your tax contribution, you may be able to save substantially on penalties and interest payable if you submit early. Don’t wait until the absolute deadline to file since SARS offices can be very busy at this time and the eFiling service has been known to fold under deadline demand. ) Use eFiling The SARS eFiling service is convenient, secure and easy to use. It saves you time and hassle of messing around with a paperbased return and standing in a long queue. You can file seven days a week, 24 hours per day with no problem. If you use eFiling you have until 22 November to submit your return. If you file manually by post or SARS drop box, you must file by 27 September. If you are new to eFiling, register now and spend some time learning how it works. That way, your eFiling profile will be ready when filing season starts and you’ll know what to do. ) Make sure you have all your supporting documents ready

Gather all your supporting documentation so that you have it on hand to file and can produce it if SARS asks for it in an audit. Supporting documents may include: · Your IRP5 tax certificate from your employer · An income tax certificate from your medical aid scheme · A list and the receipts of medical expenses not covered by your medical aid scheme · A tax certificate for your contributions towards a retirement annuity fund · A detailed logbook specifying your business trips and travel costs for the period ) Be 100% honest It is illegal to lie on your return by inflating your expenses or not declaring your correct income. Since the inception of eFiling there has been a substantial increase in random audits performed by SARS, accompanied by severe penalties for false declarations on tax returns. The penalties, interest and stress of saving a bit on your tax bill are simply not the risk since your chance of getting caught out is bigger than ever. ) Not sure of something? Ask a tax professional SARS has tried to make life easy for the tax payer by simplifying the paperwork and process of paying tax, but tax affairs can still be complicated. Rather contact the SARS call centre on 0800 00 7277 (0800 00 SARS) or a tax expert to ensure you do your return correctly the first time than risk getting something wrong. A professional tax consultant can help you to identify legal ways to reduce the amount of tax that you pay each year. – Legal & Tax: visit, call 0860 LTS LTS (587 587) or e-mail

Culture of savings needs a mind shift July is National Savings month in South Africa, but it is worrying that many South Africans save very little, or nothing at all. “South Africans have a bad track record of saving which puts them at great risk should anything unexpected happen, such as losing a job, this also means that there is nothing put away for retirement one day,” says Eunice Sibiya, head of Consumer Education at FNB. Sibiya suggests that South Africans need a mind-shift away from a culture of spending and debt, to one of responsibility and savings. “The key to saving is having financial plans and goals, you are the only one with control over your own finances. “You need to know what your short, medium and long term financial goals are. And you can work these out by drawing up a budget and sticking to it.” A short-term goal is one that comes up in the next couple of months up to two years, such as buying a pair of shoes, furniture or planning a holiday. A medium term goal is one which needs more consideration and a longer period to save, such as deposit on a house, car or saving for your children’s education. A long term goal is the most important, such as your future re-

tirement and you need to ensure you are putting away sufficient amount of money so that you are able to retire comfortably at an older age. “It is not about the salary that is earned every month, but how that money is used to better your financial position.” Budgeting is essential for dayto-day living. However, budgeting is just as important for saving. Sibiya says that one should budget to save, in other words, include a portion of your salary every month as an item on your budget to put away, rather than waiting until the end of the month to see what is left over. Importantly, savings need to be placed in a savings vehicle, such as a bank account where it is safe and earns interest. There are many good savings vehicles in South Africa such as saving accounts which can be individual or group or investment accounts like fixed deposit, money market, unit trust, government bonds and shares. Another way to save money is to watch your monthly spending habits and identify areas where you can cut down. You can also try not to buy non-essential and unplanned items such as expensive shoes or dinners.


PNIEL-ONDERSTEUNERS: Die ondersteuners van Pniel Villagers het Saterdag die koue trotseer om hul span te ondersteun. Pniel het met 25-17 teen Elsiesrivier gewen. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE





PASSENGER TYRES 195/65 HR 15 R 825 195/50 VR 15 R 625 PREMIUM CONTACT 2


R 185/60 HR 14 R 185/65 HR 14 R 185/60 HR 15 R 195/50 VR 15 R 195/55 HR 15 R 195/60 VR 15 R 175/65 TR 14 ECO CONTACT 3







625 205/55 VR 16 R 975 695 205/55 VR 16 R1425 895 225/45 WR 17 R1595 995 4X4/ SUV TYRES 750 215/80 SR 15 R1195 950 245/75 SR 15 R1595 899 245/70 TR 16 R1595 PREMIUM CONTACT 2












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R 729 205/40 WR 17 R 799 225/45 WR 17 R1095 225/40 WR 18 R1195 195/80 QR 14 R 795 31X10.5 SR 15 R1395 265/65 TR 17 R1795 255/60 TR 18 R2695 205/60 VR 15











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Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 9 Julie 2013 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Sport in kort Die Burger Bergfiets

Die Burger Bergfiets­uitdaging val vanjaar op Saterdag 3 Augustus. Vanjaar is daar splinternuwe hardloop­roetes vir buitelug­entoesiaste op Sondagoggend. Die geleentheid is bekend vir sy uitdagende en skilderagtige bergfietsroetes en het weer vyf roe­ te­keuses vir deelnemers op alle vlakke. Die afstande is 15 km, 30 km, 42 km, 60 km en 75 km —lg afstand is net op uitnodiging. Die begin­ en eindpunt is by die Laerskool Ei­ kestad. Vir meer besonderhede of om in skryf, besoek, of stuur ‘n e­pos aan of 0 021 884 4752.

Ladies Race

Arguably the most fun way to celebrate Natio­ nal Women’s Day is the much­loved Totalsports Ladies Race. Participants in the event taking place in Stellen­ bosch on Friday 9 August, can choose between a 5 km run/fun walk and a 10 km run/fun walk. The start of the race is in Plein Street and the finish at Coetzenburg Stadium. Races will start at 08:00. For more information on the Totalsports Ladies Race, call 021 511 7130. For race rules or online entries, visit

DOELE BY DOSYNE: Die Idasvallei-sokkerspan het verlede naweek niks minder nie as 39 doele in net twee wedstryde van die plaaslike Stellenbosch LFA aangeteken. Eers het Idasvallei Languedoc met 10-0 geklop, nadat die tuisspan met rustyd met 2-0 voor was. Daarna het Idasvallei vir Uitkyk in Cloetesville met ’n ongekende reuse-telling van 29-0 verneder. Hier is Idasvallei se Donovan Diendal in aksie. FOTO: JAPO IMAGES

Ashton Matthews van Idasvallei kry beheer van die bal.

Kainos golf day

On 30 August the Kainos Foundation (for ten­ nis) will have a golf day at De Zalze Golf Estate to raise funds for the foundation. The Kainos Foundation was established to de­ velop and help young tennis players to achieve their dreams. Due to the limited opportunities available in South Africa and the high costs involved, it is ex­ tremely important for the foundation to do every­ thing in its power to provide funding for South African tennis. Part of the vision of Kainos is to develop and expand tennis in all areas in the country and also to give as many children as possible the opportunity to play the game and achieve their full potential. For more information and to enter, visit or

Enter Mountain Warrior

Entries for the third annual Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival are now open. Taking place on Saturday 31 August and Sun­ day 1 September, the Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival will give trail­running enthusiasts the per­ fect opportunity to experience the beautiful slopes and contours of the Stellenbosch and Simonsberg mountains as well as a major section of the Greater Simonsberg Conservancy. For further information or to enter, visit, phone Agne du Ples­ sis 0 082 517 4799 or 2 entries@iqela­

Cellar2Cellar Trail Run

Entries are open for the 4th Annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September. Starting and finishing at Blaauwklippen, partic­ ipants can choose between a fun 12 km wine ex­ perience, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run. For further information or to enter the Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience, visit, phone Agne du Plessis 0 082 517 4799 or 2 to entries@iqela­

SAK SAREL: Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyspan het die afgelope naweek ’n baie belangrike sege in die Westelike Provinsie se klubrugby-reeks behaal toe hulle Elsiesrivier met 25-17 geklop het. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE

Nomineer jou sportster nou Dit is weer tyd om jou skool se sportsterre te nomineer vir die Let’s Play/ Eikestadnuus se Sportster van die Maand-kompetisie. Daar is geen nominasies vir Junie ontvang nie en nominasies moet ook nog vir Julie gestuur word. Daar is tyd tot die skole weer begin om nominasies te stuur, maar die keertyd vir nominasies vir Junie is Maandag 22 Julie. Geen nominasies sal later as Maandag 29 Julie vir Julie se ster aanvaar word nie. Stuur asseblief die nominasies met motiverings aan Eunice Visagie by eunice.visagie@eikestad- Vir meer besonderhede bel Eunice by 021 887 2840. Skole kan ook sportspanne nomineer vir Eikestadnuus se Sportspan van die Maand-kompetisie.

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