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Lees hierdie Donderdag in EIKESTADNUUS oor die volgende: ) Vyf sterf op Franschhoekpas ) Nuutste oor plaasmoord by Bonfoi ) Van Bredamoorddossier na NVG gestuur vir besluit ) Woordfees in volle swang
Stainless Steel & Mild Exhausts CV Joints from R300 fitted
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Students from Stellenbosch University held a silent march on 6 March to reaffirm the importance of the human dignity of all Maties following recent events at the university, including an alleged racist attack at McDonald’s in Merriman Avenue. The procession started at the top of Victoria Street and ended with a speech by the Student Council chairperson Stefan Laing. PHOTO: MICHELLE VAN DER SPUY READ THE FULL REPORT IN THURSDAY’S EIKESTADNUUS
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 10 March 2015
How to help robbery victims Are you wondering how to help a house robbery victim who is struggling to cope emotionally or are you having difficulty understanding the change in their emotions? Henning Jacobs, trauma support coordinator at ER24, said the best thing to do is be there as a means of support and help with their needs as best you can. “House robbery is by far the most common traumatic incident people face in South Africa, especially in Gauteng. As a trauma counselling team, about 50% of the calls we attend to each month are house robberies.” Explaining the emotions victims of a house robbery experience, Jacobs said: “They feel violated. A home is a place where you should feel safe. People who have been robbed while in their homes feel their personal space has been invaded. “The trauma usually hits people the hardest the next day. People usually only then start to realise what really happened and what could have happened. “Feelings then come in phases of anger, fear, frustration, hopelessness and irritation. People are unique and can experience these emotions in different forms and phases. Feelings need to be dealt with.” When counsellors arrive on scene, victims are debriefed and they help the victims organise their immediate situation and put measures in place to help them cope. “People are usually not counselled on scene due to them being in such shock. Victims on scene have not really come to terms with what has happened yet. “They are grateful for any help they receive. They are almost totally dependent on others to help them at the time. In theory, people have to be counselled 72 hours after a house robbery.” Counsellors are then able to assess the extent of the trauma experienced by the victim to help them appropriately.
He added that victims of house robberies never forget the incident. However, with coping skills, they learn how to deal with their emotions and it becomes easier as time goes by. After any kind of trauma, people go into shock and this causes difficulty sleeping and concentrating for at least a week after the incident. Their mood can also change. “Some people want to be alone after a house robbery while others do not. It depends on the person’s personality. “People also become paranoid. They usually immediately upgrade their security. Victims start hearing noises at night and make sure multiple times that all the doors and gates are locked.” “They also usually blame themselves and believe they should have done something to prevent the incident. “We work hard to make sure people do not blame themselves. It is not their fault. They need to understand that a robbery is the robber’s choice and not theirs. “Family life is affected due to the emotions victims experience. You might find that family members fight with each other due to the shock. It may however also draw family members closer. They start to appreciate each other more. After a few months family life usually goes back to normal” What to do during a house robbery Jacobs said a victim of a house robbery should comply with what the robbers want. “Robbers want to take goods from people. Most of the time, if people comply with what the robbers want, nobody gets hurt. If a victim fights back, they are usually either shot, stabbed or badly beaten. The best and only way to keep you and your family safe is to comply with what they want. Victims should remember these people are armed and they will shoot if they have to,” he said. Phone ER24 on 084 124 for trauma counselling.
Padopgradering by sentrum Sluiting van Andringastraat tussen Plein- en Victoriastraat ’n Gedeelte van Andringastraat tussen Pleinstraat en Victoriastraat gaan vir ongeveer vyf maande vir verkeer gesluit wees vir die opgradering van Andringastraat. Konstruksie begin op 16 Maart en sal teen middel Augustus 2015 afgehandel te wees. Die opgradering van die pad vorm deel van ’n ooreenkoms tussen die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit en die Eikestad-winkelsentrum vanweë die uitbreiding van die winkelsentrum. Sypaadjies word verbreed om nie-gemotoriseerde vervoer te bevorder. Verder word die ingange na laaisones van die winkelsentrum verbeter om makliker toegang vir swaar vragmotors te bewerkstellig. Die opgradering van Andrin-
gastraat word deur die Eikestad-winkelsentrum gefinansier en onderneem. Andringastraat sal oop bly vir voetgangerverkeer in veilige afgesperde areas. Konstruksie word so gefaseer dat aflewering en toegang vir inwoners te alle tye moontlik sal wees. Om die fasering prakties uitvoerbaar te maak, sal die gedeelte van Andringastraat se verkeersrigting by tye verander. Die aansluiting tussen Pleinen Andringastraat word ook verbeter om veiliger voetgangerbeweging te bewerkstellig. Die munisipaliteit vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat die pad sluiting mag veroorsaak, maar spreek die hoop uit dat die eindresultaat die vyf maande se ongerief die moeite werd sal maak.
Innoveerders: Marisa Senden, Nederlandse ambassadeur (links), Conrad Sidego, Stellenbosch se burgemeester, Henk Ovink, Rebuild by Design, Kurt Ward, senior ontwerpdirekteur van Philips Design, Alayne Rheesberg, uitvoerende hoof van die Wêreld-ontwerphoofstad 2014, Helen Kranstauber, Food Festival Amsterdam, Frank Houben, direkteur: kommunikasie en korporatiewe identiteit van die Nederlandse lugdiens KLM, Bonnie Horbach, die Nederlandse konsul-generaal, Gertjan Meeuws, Plenty50 en Barbara Fassler, Stellenbosch Akademie vir Ontwerp en Fotografie. Voor is Ian Marley en Mark Antonello, Stellenbosch Akademie vir Ontwerp en Fotografie.
Burgemeester Sidego volg #DutchDesign denkrigting
Die burgemeester van Stellenbosch, Conrad Sidego, het op 27 Februarie ’n aanbieding deur Nederlandse ontwerpers by die Stellenbosch Akademie vir Ontwerp en Fotografie bygewoon. Die geleentheid is deur die uitvoerende hoof van die Wêreld-ontwerphoofstad 2014, Alayne Reesberg, die Stellenbosch Akademie vir Ontwerp en Fotografie, HOWCANWE #COCREATESA, Bonnie Horbach, die Nederlandse konsul-generaal, en dié land se ambassadeur, Marisa Senden, aangebied. Die gebeurtenis was ’n platform vir Nederlandse ontwerpers en innoveerders om Nederlandse denke ten toon te stel en om ’n gesprek te begin oor hoe hierdie denke geïmplementeer kan word om saam verandering teweeg te bring, veral sosiale innovering. Die stimulerende gesprek het gefokus op produkte, idees, oplossings en geleenthede wat ons kan help om in ons stede die lewens van burgers te herverbeel, probleme op te los en te verbeter. Die temas het stedelike ontwikkeling, ontwerpdenke en innovering in die belangrikste sektore soos waterbestuur, voedselsekuriteit en agri-voedsel, hoë tegnologie en gesond-
heidsorg behels. Dié sessie het benadruk dat hierdie Nederlandse innoveerders en denkers kan help om te luister na die gemeenskap se uitdagings, idees kan deel en saam met oplossings vorendag kan kom wat op die plaaslike aanvraag en langtermynvennootskappe gegrond is. Gertjan Meeuws, stigter van Plenty50, het gesê sy missie is om teen 2050 by te dra tot oplossings sodat 9 miljard mense toegang tot veilige en veilige voedsel kan hê. Frank Houben, direkteur: kommunikasie en korporatiewe identiteit van die Nederlandse lugdiens KLM, het baanbrekerswerk rakende handelsmerk, veral sosiale denke, uitgelig. Nóg ’n aanbieder, Kurt Ward, senior ontwerpdirekteur van Philips Design, het beklemtoon hoe strategiese verbintenisse en samewerking tussen openbare en private vennote mekaar stimuleer, inspireer en nuwe waarderuimtes en innoveringsgeleenthede in die gesondheidsorgsektor verken. Helen Kranstauber, direkteur van Food Cabinet en mede-stigter van die Food Film Festival Amsterdam, het gewys hoe kreatiwiteit en ontwerpdenke ons voedselstelsel kan verander en fasiliteer.
Marichen Adams (links) Giralda Paulse en Lucinda Robyn het omtrent geskoffel by die WOW-projek se Langarm-snack-dans in die Laerskool AF Louw se saal wat op Vrydag 27 Februarie gehou is. FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS
Notice is hereby given of a temporary road closure of Ryneveld Street to host the “ Woordfees ” event from 6 March until 15 March 2015. On 6 - 7 March 2015, the road closure will be from 19h00 until 24h00. On 8 – 15 March 2015, the road closure will be from 09h00 until 18:00. We regret any inconvenience and thank you in anticipation for your co-operation and understanding. André van Niekerk (Pr Eng) Director: Engineering Services X1PUMLXM-ES100315
Dit is nooit te laat om ’n boek terug te bring nie. Vandeesmaand is boetevrye maand by alle munisipale biblioteke in Stellenbosch. Bring gerus laat en lank uitstaande boeke na jou biblioteek.
Die Cloetesville GPF hou vanaand om 19:00 ’n vergadering by die wykskantoor in die Eikestadsaal . Alle gemeenskapslede is welkom. Vir meer navrae bel ao. Sarina Hugo by 0 082 460 1645.
Tuesday 10 March 2015
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Plankenbrug River receives lifeline from Stellenbosch residents Residents of Stellenbosch recently gathered to raise awareness around the importance of rivers and wetlands in a well-supported river clean-up day along the banks of the Plankenbrug River. Municipal workers, 96 school children and staff from local businesses in the area joined Wildlands for a waterthemed Citizen Day.
Wildlands focuses on the creation of “green jobs” for long-term environmental sustainability. The national Land Use Incentives (LUI) programme, funded by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) employs teams of people across the country to remove alien plants and plant millions of indigenous trees along sites like the Plankenbrug River catchment. The event introduced learners and teachers of the neighbouring Kayamandi Secondary School to what the Wildlands team was doing to restore the river, along with numerous donors and stakeholders including the Wildlands Spier team, Cape Nature, Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation, DWA Resource Protection, Distell, Stellenbosch River Collaborative, municipal officials, the Million Trees Project, Living Lands and WWF. In keeping with the Wildlands uBuntu Earth Ambassadors’ philosophy, Lydia Willems urged the attendees to “be the change they wanted to see,” as more can be achieved when people work together. Teams were grouped into five and allocated sections of the river to clean with the guidance of LUI team and supervisors Thandokazi Daweti and Vernon Gqabaza for
safety purposes. A water quality demonstration was also conducted by members of the Department of Water Affairs. “We raised awareness by inviting members of the industry to see the work we are doing here, and the stakeholders of upper Eerste River got to see how bad the Plankenbrug River is, which flows into the Eerste River further down”, said Willems. “All are committed to continue their support of Wildlands efforts”, she said. Councillor Pietman Retief, responsible for greening and beautification in the Stellenbosch area, said: “We are supporting this initiative through one of our partners in the Million Trees Project - Wildlands, and will continue to support efforts to plant trees and clean up the rivers”. Simone Dale, deputy-director uBuntu Earth at Wildlands said: “This Citizen Day is exactly what our uBuntu Earth Ambassadors initiative is striving for. All spheres of a community coming together to create lasting change. It starts with us. We’d like to thank our donors Rand Merchant Bank for their belief in this work”.
Anelisa Duna, Unathi Nobandla and Esther Nxele are some of the learners of Kyamandi High School who participated in the river clean-up.
Disability network plans to have a greater impact this year The second Stellenbosch Disability Network (SDN) meeting was held recently. The Helderberg Association for Persons with Disabilities (HAPD) facilitated the meeting in the foyer of the Stellenbosch Town Hall. Topics of discussion included local issues pertaining to the disability field, a Stellenbosch Municipality Disability Policy draft, and collaborative ways to raise awareness of disability in and around Stellenbosch. Twenty-five members consisting of representatives of local and provincial government, Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Disability Network members recently attended the first SDN meeting for 2015 University, non-profits and at the Stellenbosch Town Hall. From left to right are Marcia Cleophas-Lyner (Stellenbosh individuals working with University), Wentzel Barnard (Maties Sport), Annatjie van Niekerk (Senecio), Cindy Wiggettpersons with disabilities, Barnard (Helderberg APD), Portia Janssen (Stellenbosch Municipality), Jemery Hazell (Access as well as persons living consultant) and Wendy Bingham (Western Cape Provincial Government). with a disability joined the and the public to “talk about disa- ment and community developsession. The network plans to get busi- bility” in 2015. Topics such as ac- ment will take center stage in this nesses, educational institutions cessibility, education, employ- disability awareness campaign.
Breughel se nuwe klavier Die Breughel-teatergroep het onlangs ’n klavier as skenking in ontvangs geneem. Dié klavier is deur Belinda Reyers van Somerset-Wes geskenken gratis deur Musikhaus W. Heuer in Stellenbosch opgeknap. Die Breughel-teater, wat sy deure reeds in 1983 in Cloetesville geopen het, het onlangs nuwe momentum onder ’n nuwe bestuur gekry. Faghrie Daniels, Jeremy Fasser (voorsitter van die BreughelDit is nie net besig teatergroep), Chantelle van Zyl (Musikhaus W. Heuer), rdl. om in ’n samesnoe- Valerie Fernandez, Lamees de Klerk en Hans Heuer (Musikrende kulturele en haus W. Heuer) by die nuwe klavier wat die teatergroep ontdiensgerigte sen- vang het. FOTO: JOHAN DU PREEZ trum vir die gemeenskap van Cloetesville te ontwikkel om die teater in diens van die Cloenie, maar is ook beskikbaar vir ge- tesville-gemeenskap te stel. Hy het ook verwys na hul vyfjaarbruik deur ander instansies. Woordfees-produksies word ook vir die eer- plan om die teater sinvol te bestuur ste keer vanjaar in dié teater en in en mense genooi om te help om hierdie visie te verwesenlik. hierdie woongebied aangebied. “Dit is nie vir die komitee alleen Jeremy Fasser, nuwe voorsitter van die Breughel-teatergroep, het moontlik om die teater tot sy reg te verwys na dit wat hulle as komitee laat kom nie,” het Fasser gesê. “Ons het hulp en skenkings baie met insette van die gemeenskap reeds in ’n kort tydperk bereik het nodig.”
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 10 March 2015
’n Splinternuwe glanstydskrif oor Stellenbosch, Visio, is verlede week by die Delaire Graff-wynlandgoed bekend gestel. Die redakteur van hierdie kwartaallikse publikasie is Francé Beyers. By die geleentheid was (van links) Tanja MacKay-Davidson, Beyers, Anton Smit en Deon Carstens. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS
Lynn Robinson, Paul en Erné Couzis and Karin de Beer was ook by die bekendstelling van Visio.
Kids splash with celebrities Department Urban Greening, Stellenbosch Municipality would hereby like to notify the public that the annual treatment of Oak trees in the CBD Is planned to take place on the following dates: Essential tree maintenance will continue in the town centre as scheduled below (weather permitting). A foliar fertilizer that is not harmful to humans or animals will be applied as part of the program to reduce the effect of the powdery mildew affecting our oaks. Motorists and residents can assist by not parking in the roads mentioned below during this period and keeping all windows closed. The maintenance will be executed between 22:00 and 06:00 daily.
Departement Stedelike Vergroening, Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit wil hiermee die publiek in kennis stel dat die jaarlikse behandeling van Akkerbome geskeduleer is om plaas te vind op die volgende tye en datums: Noodsaaklike boomonderhoud sal geskied in die dorp soos aangegee in die skedule hieronder. ’n Blaarvoeding wat nie skadelik is vir mense of diere nie sal gebruik word om die effek van donsskimmel te beheer. Motoriste en inwoners word versoek om nie te parkeer in ondergenoemde areas en ook om hul vensters toe te hou tydens die werksverrigtinge. Die onderhoud sal daagliks geskied tussen 22:00 en 06:00.
The Bridge House Mile Open Water Event celebrated its third year at the Berg River Dam in the beautiful Franschhoek Valley. Glacier of Sanlam, Skybound Capital and Bao Capital Sárl present the event with the support of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and WWF, in association with Speedo. The weekend started with the Princess Charlene Foundation Development Swimmers’ Clinic on Friday 27 February. Ambassadors, Amy Kleinhans and Terence Parkin, together with a coach from Bridge House School, Colleen de Villiers, supported these beginner swimmers while they experienced swimming in a dam for the first time. The clinic was aimed at preparing the chil-
dren, who live in Franschhoek and surrounding areas and who started swimming in October last year, to take part in the event the following day. The Bridge House Mile event was in full swing by 08:00 on Saturday 28 February. The weather was superb and the setting spectacular. The temperature of the dam’s pristine water was 21°C. In total, 750 swimmers took to the water and were supported by over 1 000 spectators. After the 200 m and the 400 m races, Theodore Yach (long-distance swimmer), Kleinhans(former Miss SA) and Parkin (Olympic medallist) assisted the development swimmers during the celebrity splash. Michelle Weber and Caitlin Kat tied for first place in the women’s elite division, while Rudolf Visser won the elite men’s race.
STREETS/STRATE Alexander, Blom, Mark, Herte, Piet Retief Streets and Aan de Oewer Way, Die Laan, Papegaairand, Dwarslaan, Suidwal and Noordwal Streets, Transvalia, Herold and Hof
13 March – 19 March 2015
Jonkershoek Drive, Morkel, du Toit, Victoria, van der Stel, Simonsberg, Coetzenburg Street and Papegaairand, Stelkor parking, Lanquedoc
20 March – 26 March 2015
Drostdy & Ryneveld, Bird and Dorp Streets, Andringa and parking, Church, Crozier, Plein, van Riebeeck Streets and The Braak.
NB. Please take note that this schedule is weather dependent. Any queries can be directed to Janine Frylinck (Superintendent: Urban Greening) 021 808 8194 NB. Neem asseblief kennis dat die skedule afhanklik is van die weer. Enige navrae kan gerig word aan Janine Frylinck (Superintindent: Stedelike Vergroening) 021 808 8194 X1PUJ6RM-ES100315
Theodore Yach, Amy Kleinhans (former Miss SA) and Terence Parkin (Olympic medallist) assist development swimmers during the celebrity splash and development swim, held as part of the Bridgehouse Mile swim held at the Berg River Dam in Franschhoek. PHOTO: RON GAUNT/ SPORTZPICS
Tuesday 10 March 2015
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Stellenbosch Gazette
Vrydag, 13 Maart 2015 Vrydag vanaf 18h00
Mi Casa en Pre concert Entertaiment by Good Hope FM – DJ’s Reddy D, Carl Wastie en Nigel Pierce
Kaartjies se prys is R80 vir almal en beskikbaar by Computicket en die hek Saterdag, 14 Maart 2015
MC - Wayne Mackay Tyd Kunstenaar 14:10 - 14:55 YOMA feat Hemelbesem 15:00 - 15:30 Ramon Alexander 15:40 - 16:20 Ricardo De Ruiter 16:30 - 17:05 Crushanda 17:05 - 17:40 Austin Rose 17:40 - 18:15 Zoe Zana 18:30 - 19:15 Salome 19:20 - 20:05 Tururu 20:10 - 20:55 Hemelbesem en gaskunstenaar 21:00 - 21:55 The Rockets 22:00 - 23:00 Dr Victor & Rasta Rebels
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Competence and character are equally important David Malherbe
DECKSTER'S CATERING, DéCOR / HIRING. Menu's from R130.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. (Ielaahm or Rene.) 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.
AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.
Spesiale dienste
QUALIFIED PLUMBER +code08 needed. Send cv,s to the following: Fax no: 021 8870516. E mail:
COOL CONCEPTS Fridge/freezer repairs & sales. Best Prices. Prompt & Reliable 079 339 0646
2 BEDROOM FLAT with open plan kitchen and sitting room, walk in bathroom with shower, basin and toilet. Electricity and water included. Price, R4 000-00p/m. Deposit. Address: Melkhout Street, Cloetesville, 072 930 1180 / 083 711 1231
Biscuit Sales Agents wanted in factories,farms, schools,offices,schools, prisons,SAP,hospitals etc. Excellent commission. Cell: 082 687 3403.
Any business owner would like to achieve the best possible results in his or her business. Therefore it can be understood that business owners, when recruiting staff, will be on the lookout for the most competent people to employ. The better the quality of work employees can deliver, the better for the company. Unfortunately we often place all the emphasis on competence only, without considering a prospective employee’s character. Employees may be very good in executing their jobs, but if they lack good character, for instance they are stealing or are frequently absent, it can be to the detriment of the organisation. Competence and character are like the two wheels of a bicycle. They are equally important and the same attention should be given to character and to competence. Employees are often appointed for competence and later need to be let go because of character-related failures. Competent employees with poor character qualities make for an organisation that resembles a penny farthing bicycle with one big wheel and one small one. Character refers to the qualities built into an individual’s life that determine his or her response, regardless of circumstances. There-
fore, good character basically means “doing the right thing when nobody is looking.” Lack of character in an organisation is evidenced by negligence, low productivity, quality problems, workers having their own agendas, etc. If such problems have a negative influence in your company it is necessary to implement a strategy to develop good character. First it is necessary to not only emphasise performance output, but also values and character qualities that will be acceptable in the company. Train managers and employees to establish a culture of good character. Secondly, enforce principle-based policies to establish an organisational culture that is built on good character. Promote these principles through every communication with employees and make good character an essential during the hiring process. And finally, give recognition for good character and not only for reaching performance targets. Only a couple of employees usually receive recognition for delivering outstanding output, but most of them can be recognised for some good character qualities e.g. alertness, loyalty, punctuality, etc. (Source: Character First) V David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington.
Candice Jacobus (links), Haroldine de Jager, Felicia Opperman en Chanél Williams is van die finaliste vir Mej. Blakes wat op Saterdag 14 Maart gehou gaan word. Die kroning vind in die klubhuis van die Cloetesville-sportterrein plaas. Die geleentheid, wat ook ’n disko insluit, begin om 20:00 en koste beloop R20 per persoon. FOTO: RAYMOND WILLEMSE
HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390.
Kaapse Wynland
General customer assistants required for a large retail store outside Stellenbosch. Must be able to communicate in both English and Afrikaans. Must be able to work under pressure. Must be able to work shifts. Must be presentable. On-the-job training will be given to successful candidates only. Submit detailed CV with contactable references to 021 880 1669 (fax) or (e-mail). Interviews will be given to selected candidates only. Closing date for applications is 31 March 2015. Reference for applications is CUSTOMERS2015. X1PUJ765-ES100315
Cape Winelands distriCt muniCipality
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge regulasie 26(1) van die Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Begroting- en Verslagdoeningsregulasies, 2008 asook artikels 121 en 129(3) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet No. 56 van 2003) saamgelees met artikel 21A van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet No. 32 van 2000) dat die Raad by sy vergadering gehou op 26 Februarie 2015 onder Item R.14.1 en R.14.3, onderskeidelik, die volgende goedgekeur het:
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 26(1) of the Local Government: Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations, 2008, as well as sections 121 and 129 (3) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) read together with section 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) that Council at its meeting held on 26 February 2015 under Item C.14.1 and C.14.3, respectively, approved the following:
• 2014/2015 Aansuiweringsbegroting • 2013/2014 Jaarverslag • Oorsigverslag van die 2013/2014 Jaarverslag
• 2014/2015 Adjustments Budget • 2013/2014 Annual Report • Oversight Report on the 2013/2014 Annual Report
Die gemelde Raadsbesluite en alle ander tersaaklike dokumente word openbaar gemaak by die ondergemelde kantore van die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit gedurende gewone kantoorure, en word op die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit se webwerf by vertoon: • Stellenbosch (Du Toitstraat 29): Me. M.E. Bouwer • Worcester (Trappesstraat 51): Me. E.J. van Zyl • Paarl (Hoofweg 194): Me. M. Ruiters • Ceres (Munnikstraat 27): Me. C. Conradie • Robertson (Van Reenenstraat 40): Me. S.I. Grootboom • Montagu (Badstraat 50): Me. C.E. Marais.
The said Council resolutions and all other relevant documents are made public at the undermentioned offices of the Cape Winelands District Municipality during normal office hours and are also displayed on the Cape Winelands District Municipality’s website at • Stellenbosch (29 Du Toit Street): Ms. M.E. Bouwer • Worcester (51 Trappes Street): Ms. E.J. van Zyl • Paarl (194 Main Road): Ms. M. Ruiters • Ceres (27 Munnik Street): Ms. C. Conradie • Robertson (40 Van Reenen Street): Ms. S.I. Grootboom • Montagu (50 Bad Street): Ms. C.E. Marais.
M. MGAJO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit Alexanderstraat 46 Stellenbosch 7600
M. MGAJO MUNICIPAL MANAGER Cape Winelands District Municipality 46 Alexander Street Stellenbosch 7600
M U N I C I PA L I T Y • M U N I S I PA L I T E I T • U M A S I PA L A
Dinsdag 10 Maart 2015
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Stellenbosch Gazette
THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER IN THE WINELANDS HAPPEN Notably, the bank’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Teacher Training Programmes are aimed at assisting underresourced ECD centres to better equip children across the nation for school-readiness. This saw 25 practitioners and 500 pre-schoolers at Bhabhathane in Franschhoek, receiving a fully equipped Edutainer (repurposed container) training centre, toy library and aftercare facility. In addition, Nedbank sponsors the SciMathUS intensive yearlong programme at Stellenbosch University, which seeks to bridge the gap for talented Grade 12 students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to obtain their university exemption.
From left to right: Philip Wessels – Group Managing Executive, Nedbank Retail and Business Banking; Joyce Tshanda, schoolteacher, who is part of Bhabhathane, the Franschhoek Schools Transformation Project; and Malcolm Adendorff, Nedbank Branch Manager in Paarl.
As a bank for all, including small, medium and large enterprises, Nedbank understands that its role as a banking institution goes beyond just banking. As such, the bank’s culture promotes the ethos of sustainability, community development, economic growth, transformation and building a vibrant society – all of which are vital pillars to social cohesion. This means working with various stakeholders to make the things that really matter happen for local business and communities, ensuring that the bank continues to play a meaningful role in society; one that would impact all provinces including the Winelands. ‘Community development is a catalyst for the empowerment of communities and industries to create an enabling environment for all stakeholders to collaborate for the greater good of everyone, both socially and economically. This forms part of the bank’s Deep Green aspirations, to be highly involved in the communities we serve and doing our fair share as a responsible corporate citizen,’ notes Philip Wessels: Group Managing Executive of Retail and Business Banking at Nedbank. It is against this backdrop that Nedbank continues to channel its resources in the support issues of national importance such as: education; health; sports; job creation; skills development; arts and culture; children’s welfare and the environment.
To empower young people in the Boland district who wish to pursue their careers in winemaking, tourism and hospitality, the bank offers skills training in partnership with the Pinotage Youth Development Academy (PYDA) and Department of Viticulture and Oenology (DVO) in Stellenbosch. This is an extension of the Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Trust, which launched the 3-year Protégé Programme in 2006, with the aim of empowering talented young winemakers to reach master status. As it stands, the bursary programme works to the benefit of three (3) Western Cape and one (1) Gauteng Elsenburg Agricultural College students. In keeping with its continued support for business, Nedbank hosts various initiatives and its flagship seminars that offer mentorship, practical advice, networking opportunities and financial advisory services free of charge across the Western Cape and nationally. These include the Chamber of Commerce Seminars which offer businesses an opportunity to present their product and service offerings to potential clients from within and outside the district. This is evidenced by the successes realised by DiPAR Systems, a local fruit producer that clinched a 3-year export deal and subsequently managed to purchase its own business premises financed by Nedbank. While ensuring a successful education system for all and a vibrant, inclusive marketplace may at times seem difficult to make happen, Nedbank’s motto of delivering personal service that meets client needs, makes the journey and the things that really matter happen. #ThingsThatReallyMatter
Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 17 • Dinsdag 10 Maart 2015 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Husband and wife duo win Cape Town Cycle Tour MTB Challenge
They punched the air, bumped fists and grinned – sometimes all at the same time – as they completed their ride and collected their medals on Sunday 2 March bringing the Cape Town Cycle Tour’s weekend of mountain biking to an end.
About 3 500 cyclists competed in the Cape Town Cycle Tour MTB Challenge at Le Bonheur Wine Estate in Stellenbosch, which were held over two days. Cyclists riding the 38 km and 55 km routes were treated to a feast of breathtaking scenery in the Greater Simonsberg Conservancy in Stellenbosch as they carved up single track and devoured gnarly descents. “It was hot and sandy,” said Craig McKune. “No, it was sandy and hot,” argued Steve Pike in the chill zone. They were both right. Riders battled soft sand and temperatures approaching 30°C. They also had to contend with sharp, steep climbs and wind, but were rewarded with magnificent views, shady and fast forest trails and some of the country’s finest congestion-free single track. The riders agreed that the MTB challenge, which is in its 14th year, gets better each year. A day earlier, Herman Lazarus celebrated a personal achievement after completing the 22 km mountain bike ride. In 2014 Lazarus was approaching mid-life as an unfit smoker. He decided to embark on a mission to become healthy. His first step was to stop smoking, which he did successfully. And then, with the help of his company Lieben Logistics, which sponsored kit and bikes to their employees this year, he started cycling. He completed the 22 km on Saturday with colleagues riding alongside him in support. The long MTB Challenge routes, which were designed and built by route coordinator, Meurant Botha of Dirtopia, saw the introduction of new scenic and shady areas for riders, as well as an increased amount of single track – the most in the history of the event. “Feedback about the route has been positive – the top riders described it as a cross country route with lots of variety,” said Botha, who started building the trail in November. “We’ve had 24 guys on the go for the last two months, cutting the route by hand.” Botha’s plan is, with the help of the local
Riders of the 22 km Cape Town Cycle Tour MTB Challenge pedal through the dusty green vineyards in Stellenbosch farmers in the Greater Simonsberg Conservancy, to make the mountain a mountain biking mecca. Meanwhile, Erik and Ariane Kleinhans showed why they are a mountain biking marriage machine. The couple, who ride for Team RECM, won the 55 km race in their respective categories. The line-up included top local professional riders and multiple World Champion and Olympic medallist, Christoph Sauser. Team EAI’s Johann Rabie took second place while Team RECM’s Nico Bell secured the final podium spot. Winning in a record time of 02:12:54, Erik was thrilled, saying his victory was even sweeter because Ariane had also won. He described the race as aggressive. “We (Erik and Rabie) were leading from the beginning with big guys chasing us, but we managed to stay
away for a long time. “Towards the end I got a small gap at the last single track section which helped me to come out in front. I’m super happy to take the victory today.” Conquering over 1 350m of climbing, the women’s event was a tough race between Team RECM Swiss rider, Ariane and Swedish national champion, Jennie Stenerhag (Team Ascendis). With nearly five minutes to spare, Ariane came out on top, finishing in 02:32:28. Team Velocity Sports Lab’s Carmen Buchacher from Austria took third place. Edward Boshoff was crowned the winner of the 38 km event, followed by Danie le Roux, and Johann Trotzky in third. Allison Morton took first place in the ladies 38 km category, while Amy Burton finished in a close second, followed by Marie Heatlie.
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EVERGREENS Evergreens Vlottenburg-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 18:00 tot 19:30 by die Vlottenburg Primêre Skool. Alle nuwe en oudspelers welkom, kontak Leon Krediet 0 060 774 9429 of Vernon Fortuin 0 083 978 6923. VAN DER STEL Die Van der Stel-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae by die klub se rugbyvelde om 18:30. Almal is welkom. Bel Adam Wagner by 0 073 851 3477 of Charles Williams 0 084 596 5102. CORONATIONS Coronations-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 by Idasvalleisportgronde. Alle nuwe lede welkom. Bel Jerado Hendricks by 0 078 597 6156. BRAMPTON Die Brampton-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:30 by Lückhoff se skoolterrein. Lede word aangemoedig om te kom en nuwe lede is welkom om deel te neem. Vir verdere navrae bel Jakob Klaaste 0 082 496 9991. BLAKES Blakes-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 19:00 op Cloetesville se sportgronde. Nuwe lede is welkom. Vir verdere navrae bel Christie Noble 0 073 272 7103. PNIEL VILLAGERS Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 19:00 tot 21:00 by die Pniel-sportgronde. Vir meer inligting bel Winston Stubbs by 0 071 567 1273. EXCELSIORS Excelsiors RFC oefen Maandae en Woensdae om 18:45 by Cloetesvillesportgronde. Alle lede en belangstellende nuwe lede is welkom. Vir verdere besonderhede skakel Roy Davidse 0 078 657 4305 of W. Hendrickse 0 0736881502.
Liquor not for sale on Sundays at Malmesbury, Wellington, Stellenbosch Square or Franschhoek Liquor. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at Certain promotional stockss are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE.
Wellington VO Brandy 750ml
Wild Africa Cream Liqueur 750ml
Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.
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