Stellenboschgazette 16 12 2014

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Tuesday 16 December 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Kinders geniet lekkernye en Kerskonsert Omtrent 400 minderbevoorregte kinders het die Kerskonsert wat deur Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie aangebied is, bygewoon. FOTO: ANJA VAN WYK/BLACKBLOSSOM MULTIMEDIA BOUTIQUE

Die kinders het van die Langstraat-woonSlabstelle, artieSm n, tow town en twee veiligheidshuise gekom.

Van die lekkernye wat die kinders kon geniet.

Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie het op Woensdag 10 Desember ’n Kerskonsert by die Eikesaal vir omtrent 400 minderbevoorregte kinders in Cloetesville aangebied. Om 13:15 het kinders van die Langstraat-woonstelle, Slabtown, Smartietown en twee veiligheidshuise worsbroodjies en ’n koeldrank ontvang, voor hulle om 14:00 hul plekke ingeneem het vir die konsert. Ná die konsert het elke kind ’n lekkergoedpakkie ontvang.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Crime hot spots Cloetesville SAPS hot spots: . Theft: Gabriel Street, Primrose Street, Achilles Street, Timberlea Farm . Reckless and negligent driving: Packham Street . Rape: Melody Flat . Housebreaking and theft: Supa Quick in Bird Street, First Street, Daffodil Singel . Shoplifting: U-Save in Lang Street . House robbery: Botmanskop Road . Assault: Desch Street, Daffodil Singel Malicious damage to property: Packham Street Stellenbosch SAPS hot spots: . Sector 1: Bird Street(between Alexander and Dorp) – theft out of m/v and theft at ATM Bird Street(around taxi rank) – theft out of m/v Du Toit – robberies, theft out of m/v Campus(Victoria) – theft out of m/ v, theft Noordwal Oos (Coetzenburg) – theft out of m/v . Sector 2: Jamestown – burglary, theft Die Boord – theft of m/v, theft Paradyskloof(Pennylane) – burglary . Sector 3: Elsenburg Rd – theft . Devonvalley Rd – theft out of m/v Sector 4: Plankenbrug (Kayamandi) burglary, theft out of m/v Masithandane(Kayamandi) – street robberies, theft out of m/v Long(Kayamandi) – theft out of m/v

Tuesday 16 December 2014

One robbery and one attempted A resident of Thubelitsha 2956, Kayamandi fell victim to an armed robbery on Saturday 6 December. The incident occurred at approximately 04:00. According to the Stellenbosch Police Service’s media liaison officer, lieutenant Natalie Martin, the complainant was at home with his friend, when he heard a noise at the bedroom door. “He noticed people trying to enter into his bedroom,” Martin said. “The victim had put his bed against the door to prevent the robbers from coming inside the room

but they overpowered him and forced the door open.” “Then six black males entered the room, five with knives and one with a fire arm. “ The one with the fire arm pointed it atthe victim while the others were busy unplugging the laptops and a DVD home theater system.” The suspects also took Adidas sneakers, Blackberry and Nokia Asha cellphones, as well as an undisclosed amount of money. No arrests have yet been made. If anyone has information regarding the incident, the Stellenbosch detectives services can be

contacted on 0 021 8099140 Meanwhile an attempted robbery also occurred on Saturday 6 December at African Valley, Helshoogte at approximately 19:00. The complainant and his girlfriend were driving on the African Valley Road when they spotted four coloured men. The couple drove up the road and discovered they were at the wrong place and turned around. “Two minutes later they found a log of wood across the road and when the man stopped, one of the suspects came running towards him with a big stone,” Martin said. “One suspect struck the driver

through the window on his right shoulder, breaking the window in the process. “The second suspect also threw a stone at the car but struck the door panel, while the other suspect then attempted to grab the keys out of the ignition. “The complainant then struck one suspect with the fist and managed to reverse and seek help from residents on the farm, who then called the police. “The car keys were later recovered in nearby bushes. “No arrests have yet been made in connection with this incident,” she explained.

Fiets, horlosies gevind Die Cloetesville-polisiestasie is op soek na die eienaars van ’n fiets en twee horlosies wat hulle onlangs gevind het. Die eienaars moet bewyse hê dat die fiets of horlosies aan hulle behoort. Die eienaars kan navraag doen by adjudant-offisier Quentin Williams vir besigtiging.

Die horlosies wat by Cloetesville-polisiestasie uitgeken kan word.

Die lede van die SSI voor verlede week se gesamentlike operasie. Van links staan kol. Danie Conradie en kol. Nelson Govender van die Stellenbosse SAPD, Quintin Smit, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, Antoon van Zyl, uitvoerende hoof van Stellenbosch Wag en Cedric Thorpe, hoof van wetstoepassing van die Stellenbosse munisipaliteit. FOTO: DANIE KEET

Die fiets se SAP 13 nommer is 991/2014.

SSI se eerste gesamentlike oefening verloop vlot DANIE KEET

Polisie patrolleer wonings Die Cloetesville-polisiestasie wil graag die gemeenskap vra om hulle in kennis te stel wanneer hulle weggaan met vakansie. Die wonings sal dan besoek word om huisbraak en diefstalle te voorkom.

Die volgende mense kan in dié verband gekontak word: Sektor-bevelvoerder sers. Janine Mothibi 0 079 894 1714, sektor-bevelvoerder op plase sers. Vernon Paulsen 0 082 443 6892

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Die eerste gesamentlike operasie van die Stellenbosse veiligheidsinisiatief (SSI) is verlede Vrydagaand onder leiding van die plaaslike polisiediens uitgevoer. Talle voertuie van al die verskillende sekerheidsmaatskappye, Stellenbosch Wag en die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) het aan die visuele polisiëringsoefening deelgeneem. Kol. Nelson Govender, bevelvoerder van visuele polisiëring van die Stellenbosse polisiekantoor, het die operasie bestuur. Die aandoefening is voorafgegaan deur ’n reeks padblokkades wat deur die dag op verskillende plekke in en om Stellenbosch gehou is om algemene veiligheid te beklemtoon. “Dit is die eerste keer dat al die veiligheidsvennote aan so ’n gesamentlike operasie deelneem en ons is trots om te kan sê dat die operasie suksesvol afgeloop het,” het Quintin Smit, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, na afloop van die oefening gesê. “Ons is almal met radio’s met mekaar in verbinding en kan enige plek op die dorp hulp verleen as dit nodig sou word. Die SSI is so gestruktureer dat enige van die veiligheidsvennote op ’n gegewe tyd ingespan kan word om hulp te verleen. Die ander lede kan dan soos nodig bystand verleen en ook die SAPD

betrek,” het hy gesê. Na afloop van die operasie, waartydens gebiede soos die sentrale sakekern, Idasvallei, Cloetesville, Die Boord, Kayamandi en die buitegebiede so ver soos Elsenburg besoek is, was Govender ook vol lof vir die optrede. “Die feit dat ons vanaand geen misdaad teëgekom het nie, is ’n goeie teken. Ons wil misdaad voorkom en nie ons suksesse aan inhegtenisnemings meet nie. “As ons kan voorkom dat misdaad gepleeg word, het ons ons doel bereik,” het hy gesê. Met die afgelope Vrydag se wetstoepassingsaksies tussen die SSIvennote is die volgende boetes aan oortreders uitgereik: . Onbedagsame bestuur van ’n voertuig 1 . Verontagsaam rooi verkeerslig 1 . Ongelisensieerde bestuurders 32 . Ongelisensieerde voertuie 18 . Leerling-bestuurder sonder begeleide 1 . Gladde bande 8 . Taxi-oortredings (geen openbare bestuurspermit) 3 . Geen nommerplate 2 . Defektiewe stopligte 1 . Geen waarskuwingsteken op voertuig 5 Die taakspan het die afgelope naweek beslag gelê op 42 pakkies tik en 39 dagga-pakkies (stoppe).

SAPS successes for the week The Cloetesville Saps had the following successes this past week: Dagga: 24 stoppe Mandrax: 4 tablets Tik: 8 small bags The Stellenbosch SAPS made the following arrests this week: Dealing in drugs: 1 Possession of drugs: 4 Possession of stolen goods: 3

Riotous behaviour: 14 Loiter: 12 Drinking in public: 6 Shoplifting: 3 Theft: 3 Domestic violence: 2 Possession of a dangerous weapon: 1 Dealing in liquor: 1 Possession of firearm without a licence: 2

Tuesday 16 December 2014

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Vol Woordfees 2015 beloof iets vir almal DANIE KEET Die 2015 Woordfees, met die tema 16 onse, beloof om die grootste en beste fees sedert sy ontstaan 13 jaar gelede te wees. Saartjie Botha, nuwe direkteur van die Woordfees, het Maandagaand by die bekendstelling van die program op die Webersburg-landgoed buite Stellenbosch, die sluier gelig oor ’n omvattende en veelsydige program. Altesaam 30 toneelstukke gaan op die fees van 6 tot 15 Maart 2015, op die planke gebring word en sluit ou gunstelinge en 11 debuutproduksies in. Bekendes in die Suid-Afrikaans toneel- en kunstewêreld gaan ook tydens die fees spesiaal vereer word vir hul bydraes tot die uitbou van die kunste. Hieronder tel Pieter Dirk Uys wat volgende jaar sy 70ste verjaardag vier, Pieter Fourie, die dramaturg wat 75 word, Maretha Maartens en prof. Dorothea van Zyl, stigter van die Woordfees. Die ander mense wat ook deur profielaanbiedings vereer word, is Esta Steyn en Marzanne le Roux-Van der Boon. Van die debuutproduksies wat waarskynlik groot belangstelling gaande gaan maak is Siener in die Suburbs van PG du Plessis, Pienkvoet van Leon Kruger en Vaselinetjie, die voorgeskrewe werk vir matriek wat in ’n effe ander gedaante op die planke gebring gaan word. Ou gunstelinge sluit in Boeing Boeing, Dogma, Rondomskrik en Vir Ewig en Altyd met Marius Weyers en Sandra Prinsloo in die hoofrolle.

Karen Meiring van KykNET, Saartjie Botha, direkteur van die Woordfees en prof. Andreas van Wyk van die Universiteit Stellenbosch in gesellige luim by die opening van die 2015 Woordfees verlede week op die Webersburg-landgoed. FOTO’S: DANIE KEET Andriette Norman en Schalk Joubert gee ’n voorsmakie van hul vertoning wat hulle by volgende jaar se Woordfees gaan aanbied tydens die bekendstelling van die Woordfees-program verlede week. Soos in die verlede maak die visuele kunste ook ’n groot deel van die Woordfees uit en volgende jaar is Herman van Nazareth die feeskunstenaar. Hy is gebore in België, maar sy skilderye en beeldhouwerk is gevorm in Afrika – die volle sestien onse uit onse aarde. Sy uitstalling open in die Sasol Kunsmuseum op Saterdag 7 Maart.

Filmverse, ’n ATKV-produksie met Diek Grobler, in samewerking met Fopspeen Films, bied kort animasiefilms, geïnspireer deur 12 Afrikaanse gedigte, wat ’n visuele bloemlesing bied met ’n dialoog tussen woord en beeld. Die Drostdy-teater, die PJ Olivier Kunssentrum en die Rupert Museum is van die ander plekke waar visuele kuns aangebied gaan

Laurika Rauch gaan ook volgende jaar by die Woordfees optree – saam met Elvis Blue. Hier tree sy op by die Woordfees se programbekendstelling verlede week. Agter die klavier is Janine Neethling. word. Diskoers was nog altyd een van die Woordfees se sterkste aanbiedings en dit word in 2015 uitgebrei. Buiten die gewilde Praat Saam op RSG, Beste Professor en toneel-gesprekke, is daar vanjaar die nuwe Russel Botman-debatreeks, ter ere van die US se vorige rektor. Die Russel Botman-debatreeks bring ’n nuwe element na aktuele gesprek by die fees: debat. Elke aand gaan twee (of meer) stemme wat nie met mekaar saamstem nie, genooi word om hul saak te stel. Die reeks word saans aangebied sodat werkendes ook die gesprekke kan volg. V Vir volledige programbesonderhede en ’n onderhoud met Saartjie Botha besoek

Emo Adams was reeds by die bekendstelling van die Woordfeesprogram ’n gunsteling onder die gehoor. Hy is een van die talle voorste Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars wat volgende jaar by die Woordfees gaan optree.







Notice is hereby given that the Draft Amendments to the Grant-In-Aid policy as approved by Council for public comment at a Council meeting held on 29 October 2014 is available for public comment. The document is available for perusal at the following venues: Municipal Office, Plein Street, Stellenbosch Municipal Office, Hugenote Way, Franschhoek Municipal Office, Main Road, Pniel Ward offices Library, Plein Street, Stellenbosch Library, Sonnebloem Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch Library, Long Street, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch Library, Masithandane Street, Kayamandi, Stellenbosch Library, Main Road, Pniel Library, Reservoir Street West, Franschhoek Any person wishing to comment on the Draft Amendments on the Grant-in-Aid Policy must do so in writing to the below mentioned address for the attention of Mr Kevin Carolus by no later than 14 January 2015. Any person who cannot write may come during office hours to Ms Adele Wagener, Support Assistant to the Manager Budget Office, whom will assist that person to transcribe their comments or representations. Correspondence should be addressed to:

Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Konsep Wysiging van die Hulptoelae beleid goedgekeur deur die Raad vir publieke insae by ‘n Raadsvergadering op 29 Oktober 2014 gehou ter insae lê vir publieke inspeksie en kommentaar. Die dokument is gedurende kantoorure by die volgende plekke ter insae beskikbaar: Munisipale Kantoor, Pleinstraat, Stellenbosch Munisipale Kantoor, Hugenoteweg, Franschhoek Munisipale Kantoor, Hoofweg, Pniel Wykskantore Biblioteek, Pleinstraat, Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Sonnebloemstraat, Idasvallei, Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Langstraat, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Masithandanestraat, Kayamandi, Stellenbosch Biblioteek, Hoofweg, Pniel Biblioteek, Reservoirstraat-Wes, Franschhoek Enige kommentaar of insette in terme van die Hulptoelae beleid moet skriftelik aan die Kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder gerig word vir die aandag van Mr Kevin Carolus voor of op 14 Januarie 2015. Enige person wat nie kan skryf nie kan gedurende kantoor ure Mej. Adele Wagener, Ondersteunings Assistant vir die Begrotings kantoor kontak vir die verlening van hulp in terme van die neem van enige kommentaar. Alle korrespondensie moet aan geadresser word:

The Municipal Manager, Comment on Draft Grants-inAid policy, PO Box 17. Stellenbosch, 7599

Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kommentaar op Konsep Wysiging van die Hulpstoelae beleid, Posbus 17, Stellenbosch, 7599

C. Liebenberg Municipal Manager

C. Liebenberg Munisipale Bestuurder

Esi sisaziso sokuba i lomthetho Draft ye-Mali yoncedo luka rhulumente policy eye ya kaRhulumente vunywa li Bhunga ngomhla ka 29 October 2014 iyafumaneka ukuze uwonke wonke afake izimvo zakhe. Amaxwebhu ayafumaneka kwezi ndawo zilandelayo: Kwi-Ofisi kaMasipala, ePlein Street, eStellenbosch Kwi-Ofisi kaMasipala, eHugenote Way, eFranschhoek Kwi-Ofisi kaMasipala, eHoofweg, ePniel Kwii-Ofisi zeeWadi Kwithala leencwadi, ePlein Street, eStellenbosch Kwithala leencwadi, eSonnebloem Street, e-Idas Valley, eStellenbosch Kwithala leencwadi, eLong Street, eCloetesville, eStellenbosch Kwithala leencwadi, eMasithandane Street, eKaya Mandi, eStellenbosch Kwithala leencwadi, eHoofweg, ePniel Kwithala leencwadi, eReservoir Street-West, eFranschhoek Nabani na ofuna ukuphefumla malunga ne Draft ye-Mali yoncedq luka rhulumente kufuneka enjenjalo ngoku bhalela kuMnu Kevin Carolus kule dilesi ingezantsi ungekafiki umhla ka 14 January 2015. Nabani na ongakwaziyo ukubhala, kufuneka a qhagamishelane no Ms Adele Wagenar, osebenza kwi ofisis yase Budget, ozakukunceda ngoku bhalela izimvo zakho. Imbhalelwano kufuneka ziye ku: Mhathi ka Masipale, Imzimvo malunga ne Draft Amendments ye-Mali yoncedq luka rhulumente policy. P O Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7599

NguC. Liebenberg Umphathi kaMasipala X1PJWRFM-ES161214


Stellenbosch Gazette

News - Nuus

Tips to prevent drunk driving this festive season It is the season to be jolly, and many of us are looking forward to enjoying the festive season with our family and friends. The festive season brings with it work parties, house parties, Christmas parties and New Year’s Eve parties – ample invitations to drink and be merry over the next few weeks. However, the statistics around South Africa’s fatalities during this time are as familiar as they are depressing. Drunk driving is one of the biggest threats to road safety in South Africa. Research indicates that 50% of people who die on the roads have a blood alcohol concentration above 0,05 grams per 100 millilitres. In South Africa, the legal limit is a breath alcohol content of 0,24 mg per 1 000 ml, or a blood alcohol limit of 0,05 g per 100 ml. In simple terms, this means that two drinks over the space of 1 hour will put you over the limit. “If you are going to drink alcohol, it is important to know how to drink responsibly, and how to stay within your alcohol tolerance level,” says Zanele Njapha, sustainability manager at Brandhouse. “Take ownership and make a simple choice

– if you plan to drink, plan to get a lift or get a taxi. And if you plan to drive, then don’t drink alcohol.” From DrinkIQ, a Brandhouse initiative, here are some of the tips on how to to drink responsibly and to stay within your alcohol tolerance level this festive season: V Know your limit Most people find that no more than one drink an hour will keep them in control of the situation and avoid drunkenness. The legal limit in South Africa is equal to two thirds of a beer or spirit cooler with 5% alcohol content. Or 75 ml of red or white wine per hour with an alcohol content of 12% to 14%. Or up to one 25 ml tot of whisky or brandy per hour. V Eat before you drink No matter how much you eat while drink-

ing alcohol – you are still going to get drunk. Drinking on an empty stomach will just get you drunker quicker, so eating high protein foods will help to slow the absorption of alcohol into the circulatory system. V Know how you are getting home There are a few options: the easiest is by using a driver service. You can also however appoint a designated driver before you go out, so you have a person who will avoid drinking alcohol that night and get you home safely. V Don’t believe the myths Quick-fix solutions do not exist. Drinking coffee, getting fresh air or drinking a litre of water will not sober you up. Only time will remove alcohol from your system, and restricting yourself to only one unit per hour will give your body the time it needs to stay sober in the eyes of the law.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

16 Desember ) Jaarlikse straatfees te Tindallstraat, Idasvallei. Die straat sal gesluit wees tussen 17:00 en 23:00.Almal is welkom om die liggies te kom bewonder. ) The annual Candy Run starts at 08:00. All bikers are invited to join the event which starts at Burger King in Stellenbosch. More information: Antonio 0 076 199 3220.

22 Desember ) Die jaarlikse Christie Noble “tag”-rugbytoernooi vind om 12:00 by die Cloetesvillesportterrein plaas. Die inskrywingsfooi is R200 en stewige prysgeld word belowe. Bel Aubrey by 0 073 625 3290. ) Inspireer jou medewerkers in die gemeenskap of jou vriendekring of Bybelstudiegroep om deel te word van ’n span wat ses keer ’n jaar sop verskaf aan die Stellenbosch-nagskuiling. Dit kan enige tyd afgelewer word. Inligting by Tilda Schoonwinkel: 0 021 872 21/072 253 0402, of die nagskuiling by 0 021 886 6173. Vir inskrywings in die dorpskalender, stuur inligting aan michelle.vdspuy@

Residents are advised not to give ‘Christmas boxes’

Thorburn Sekuriteit het vandeesweek 40 glimbaadjies aan lede van die Jamestown-buurtwag geskenk. By die oorhandiging was van links Kenneth Wenn, Gerhard Claassen van Thorburn, Godfrey Adonis, John Hichcock van Thorburn, Elwin September, voorsitter van die Jamestown-GPF, Marisa Gentry van Thorburn en Dale Simons. FOTO: DANIE KEET

Ons Gee Om. Die Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om hierdie welsyns- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul grootste behoeftes: ) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Ingemaakte (blikkies-) of vars groente, enige droë sopbestanddele, macaroni, spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeergoed vir brood, badseep en handdoeke. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om daagliks sop te skenk. Dit kan bevrore of vars wees. Skakel 0 021 886 6173. ) Huis Horison: Toiletrolletjies, dun lint, geskenkpapier (kleiner stukkies ook), naaldwerkbenodigdhede soos katoenmateriaal, lint, gare, wol en bestanddele vir kermis (meel, suiker, kondensmelk en olie), asook wit kerswas vir die maak van vlamvatters, stewige vulsel, houthangers, borduurgare, groterige stukke effe linne en wol. En dan is daar ook ’n behoefte aan twee spinning bicycles, wat in ’n goeie toestand is, vir die gimnasium. Skakel 0 021 887 5080. ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Benodig dringend babaweggooidoeke, babaseep,

-sjampoe en -klere, vroue- en kinderklere, pajamas en sokkies. Vir die kombuis: rys, melkpoeier of langlewemelk, kookolie, suiker, pasta, koffie en tee. Algemeen: waspoeier vir outomatiese wasmasjien, Handy Andy, Jik, Domestos en opwasmiddel vir skottelgoed. Vaardigheidsklasse: hekelpenne, hekelgare, asook skryfbehoeftes soos verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte. Vroue van die gemeenskap word versoek om asseblief hul talente, stokperdjies, kennis en vaardighede met die inwoners te kom deel. Skakel 0 021 883 2574. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies en sopmengsel, asook bruikbare produkte vir kospakkies. Skakel 0 021 886 8986 of 071 322 0747. ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek tweedehandse klere, nie-bederfbare voedsel, meubels en huishoudelike ware. Skakel 0 021 887 2816. ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmeer, ingemaakte (blikkies-) kos, gordyne en ou DVD’s wat oor naweke vir die kinders gewys kan word, asook skryfbehoeftes en skoolklere. Skakel 0 021 886 6216. ) Abba: ’n Maatskaplike werker van Abba se rekenaar het ná sowat agt jaar diens opgepak. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan ’n eksterne geheueskyf as deel van risikobestuur om te

Residents are advised that Stellenbosch Municipality do not encourage the giving of “Christmas boxes” or donations to staff, particularly to those that solicit directly from the residents, according to a statement from Stellenbosch municipality. In the spirit of goodwill and the festive season, there is a natural tendency of kindness and giving, but this unfortunately also has led to too many negative consequences. “Problems have arisen where people posing as municipal staff have solicited for money, sometimes rudely and aggressively. This is normally followed up with a threat that waste will not be collected if their demands are not met. ”This behaviour will not be accepted from the municipality’s staff, and hence under no circumstances is staff encouraged to solicit donations. All permanent municipal staff is in receipt of a bonus which is paid in November,” Vernon Bowers, municipal spokesperson said. If residents are intimidated they should

verseker dat data nie verlore gaan nie. Mense wat hierdie items kan skenk, kan Abba se kantoor bel by 0 021 883 8030. Abba is ’n program van Badisa, die maatskaplike dienste-organisasie van die VGK (Kaapland) en die NGK (Wes- en Suid-Kaap). Abba lewer dienste in Stellenbosch ten opsigte van alkohol- en dwelmafhanklikheid. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Vrywilligers wat leerders in die nasorgsentrum op Vrydae van 15:00 tot 16:00 kan leer viool speel, word gesoek. Skakel 0 021 889 8774. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmeer, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. Skakel 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware, skoolskoene, -hemde en -broeke, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenes, rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders en ou klere vir ons klerewinkel om te gee aan diegene wat kom vra. Skakel 0 021 887 6959. ) Kayamandi-traumakamer: Matrasse (driekwart- en enkelbed), waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku, 0 074 717 9676 of 021 889 7686, of Mary, 0 083 945 5811. ) Stellenbosch-hospies: Koffie, tee en warmsjokoladepoeier (hot chocolate), skryfbehoeftes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), op-

report any incidents of intimidation to the Fraud Hotline, 0800 111 027, or email, or sms 32840. Please copy the Manager: Solid Waste in at with all incidents of intimidation. Apart from the date, time and place, the staff identity number and/or vehicle registration number should be provided so that the culprits can be identified. “Such reports will be investigated immediately and, where residents are willing to testify, the municipality will be able to prosecute offenders. Should you be aware of outsiders posing as municipal staff, the matter should be reported to the South African Police Services,” Bowers said. If residents believe that excellent service has been provided, they should notify the manager: solid waste management on 0 021 808 8224, who will take compliments to the respective staff member and ensure that due recognition for service excellence is noted within the municipality.

voedkundige en ander speletjies soos ’n domino-, dambord- en skaakstel, “stresballe”, rekbande en wolnaalde of breipenne, asook manspajamas en -skoene, kinderklere, komberse en kussings met kussingslope. V Do you need material for a school project? Find relevant cheap material in our great selection of books and pictures in our many magazines at the Hospice Shop in Borcherd Street, open weekdays until 16:45 and on Saturdays. Your purchases help fund the caring services Stellenbosch Hospice provides for over 1 000 patients every month. Contact 0 021 886 5994. V Stellenbosch Hospice tries to give every patient and all their children a Christmas present ,which means we are collecting 770 children presents and over 1 000 adult presents. We also need old wrapping paper or ribbon to make that present just that much more special. For adults, tinned food, toiletries, toothpaste, soap. For children – anything to help with school – pencil bags / pencils, crayons, (used or new) erasers, rulers, pritt, puzzles, toys, and for fun, teddy bears/ soft toys, games and small bags of sweets or biscuits. We will ensure all these are delivered before 23 December . ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0 – 3 jaar) en bababenodigdhede vir 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, asook meisieklere (9 – 10 jaar). Bel Chanene van As, 0 082 890 8616.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Delheim lui 2015-oes in met prettige makietie

Delheim is weer die plek om te wees tydens hul jaarlikse oesfees aan die einde van Januarie. Kry solank jou span gereed!

Daar was volop pret en plesier by die jaarlikse Delheim-oesfees. Maak solank reg vir die volgende een aan die einde van Januarie.

Vaatjies vol familiepret om die oes af te skop 31 Januarie en 1 Februarie 2015. Geen somer in Stellenbosch is volmaak sonder ’n behoorlike oesfeesmakietie nie. So kry jou goeie dosis van Wynland-vermaak sommer vroeg in die Nuwejaar in en volg jou

neus na Delheim Landgoed, een van die eerste wynplase om hulle vaatjies uit te rol vir hierdie jaarlikse hoogtepunt, wanneer hulle gewilde Begin van Oes Feesviering groot genot sal verskaf op 31 Januarie en 1 Februarie 2015. Die Sperling-familie nooi die publiek uit om met hulle “Dae in die le-

we van Delheim” te deel, wanneer hulle die 2015-oes feestelik afskop met ’n pretbelaaide naweek. ’ Gedurende hierdie twee dae sal hulle die daaglikse geswoeg in die kelder en die wingerd verruil vir ’n hartlike kuier op hul legendariese wynplaas wat van die pret van druiftrap tot die plesier van pieknieks op die gras insluit. Die oesfees begin elke dag om 12:00 wanneer besoekers verwelkom sal word met ’n groetglas van druiwemos en ’n soet mosbolletjie, ’n egte oestydtradisie, om ’n glasie op die nuwe oesjaar te klink. Die druiwe wat op die dag geoes word sal ook geproe

kan word en jonk en oud sal hulle kniediep in druiwesap en al die oesaksie kan verlustig. ’n Bielie van ’n buffet-styl Oestafelmiddagete sal vriende en familie wink na die piekniekarea, waar hulle kan uitstrek met heerlike kos op die gras langs die rivier, terwyl musiekvermaak sal bydra tot ’n luilekker, lostlitdag in die natuur – so onthou die hoed en sonskerm. ’n Groot hoogtepunt van Delheim se jaarlikse Begin van Oes Feesviering is die naelbyt druiftrap-kompetisie met spanne wat vaatjies trap dat die biesies bewe in ’n poging om die meeste druiwesap op te lewer. Lek-

ker pryse wag op die beste span, geesdrif asook uitrustings van die dag. Kaartjies is beperk tot 120 volwassenes per dag en kos R285 per volwassene (R175 vir kinders onder 12; en kinders onder twee jaar is gratis). Dit sluit al die aktiwiteite en kos op die dag in, asook ’n Delheim-wynglas; die druiwemos, en liplekker mosbolletjie met aankoms. Kaartjies verkoop gewoonlik soos soetkoek so voorafbesprekings is noodsaaklik. Vir meer inligting of om jou plek te bespreek, bel vir Wilma of Liah by Delheim Landgoed se restaurant by 021 888 4607/079 735 3257 of e-pos

Inmaakfabrieke ly onder beurtkrag hierdie drie weke Landbou, een van van die jaar. Die die grootste werkhuidige ekonomieverskaffers in se druk op die geveral landelike meenskap raak gebiede met ’n dus erger. groot komponent Daarbenewens seisoenwerkers, word die kwaliteit trek swaar weens van vrugte wat in die onlangse fabrieke verwerk beurtkrag en geword ook negatief brekkige elektribeïnvloed omdat siteitsvoorsiedie koueketting ning. Dit is veral nie volhou word die Wes-Kaapse nie. Dít het weer ’n inmaakvrugtebenegatiewe uitwerdryf wat enorme king op fabrieke se skade ly. uiteindelike winsWiehahn Vicgewendheid en tor, uitvoerende volhoubaarheid. hoof van die InDie inmaakmaakvrugte Provrugtebedryf het dusentevereniprosesse wat nie ging, sê inmaaknet gestop en weer produsente, wat tans met die in- Inmaakfabrieke trek swaar as gevolg van die onlangse begin kan word nie. Sterilisasie maak van appel- beurtkrag en gebrekkige elektrisiteitsvoorsiening. van sekere verpakkose besig is, het ’n venstertydperk van slegs drie tot vier we- kingstoerusting neem 2-3 ure voordat proke per jaar waarin hulle kan oes en werk duksie hervat kan word. Voor kragonderkan verskaf. Ongeveer 2 000 ton appelkose brekings moet die fabrieke ook skoongeword per dag deur inmaakfabrieke ver- maak word om higiëniese standaarde te kan handhaaf. Gereelde kragonderbrewerk. “Desember tot April is ’n kritiese tyd- kings maak dit bykans onmoontlik om die perk waarin ons beurtkrag nie kan bekos- fabrieke enigsins aan te skakel. Mnr Carl Opperman, uitvoerende hoof tig nie. Behalwe vir die enorme kostedruk vir produsente as prysnemers, is die huidi- van Agri Wes-Kaap, sê produksie-aanlegte ge elektrisiteitskrisis besig om ’n oorle- wat soveel werk verskaf, moet beskerm wingstryd te word vir die jaar wat voorlê,” word wanneer dit by elektrisiteitslewering kom. “Agri Wes-Kaap het ’n seisoenale prosê hy. Bederfbare produkte moet in ’n koueket- duksieskedule aan Eskom verskaf en het ting opgeneem word, en dié ketting is onder die kragvoorsiener versoek om dit met die geweldige druk geplaas. Met meer beurt- instel van beurtkrag in ag te neem. Eskom kragprobleme as in die verlede, is die uit- stel ons wel in kennis van wanneer beurtwerking op byvoorbeeld Ashton en Tul- krag toegepas gaan word, maar dié waarbagh, waar die inmaakbedryf die grootste skuwings kom soms te laat. Wanneer ons werkverskaffers is, geweldig negatief, sê fase 3 van beurtkrag binnegaan, het dit katastrofiese gevolge op al ons prosesse. Fase Victor. Die Langeberg en Ashton vrugte-in- 2 hou alreeds enorme skade in,” sê Oppermaakfabrieke neem in die piekseisoen so- man. Vir landbou in die algemeen hou wat 6 000 werkers in diens en die Rhodes-fa- beurtkrag groot skade vir spesifiek bebriek in Tulbagh sowat 2 000 werkers. Som- sproeiïng, koelkamers, pakhuise en fabriemige van hierdie werkers werk slegs vir ke in, en is die kwessie tans baie ernstig.

Seasons Greetings The Eikestadnuus and Stellenbosch Gazette team would like to wish all our clients and readers a safe Festive Season and prosperous New Year. Kylemore




Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 16 December 2014

New ‘hotspot’ home for Stellenbosch Wine Routes The Stellenbosch American Express® Wine Routes celebrates the start of the bustling festive season with the opening of a wine tourism visitor centre in the heart of the City of Oaks. It offers locals and visitors an engaging ‘hotspot’ to get up close and personal with South Africa’s granddaddy of wine routes and get an insiderscoop on what’s hot and happening in this popular wine tourism region. The office, at 47 Church Street, is a one-stop destination for a slice of the vibrant Stellenbosch lifestyle, where free wifi, comprehensive information and wine tourism guidance, good quality coffee, friendly staff and casual wine tastings come standard, seven days a week. “We invite everyone to swing by our new ‘home’ for an insightful peep into what makes our wine route one of the best in the world and to get connected with a myriad of attractions on our doorstep. We offer so much more than just wine and we now have a beautiful space in which we can share our multi-dimensional culture and charm with enthusiasts. It is the best spot to come and chill with a glass of local wine, whilst soaking up the daily hustle and bustle of our forever young town,” shares Annareth Bolton, CEO of Stellenbosch Wine Routes. As the oldest wine route in the country, the Stellenbosch Wine


Routes might be considered a golden oldie with its winemaking legacy spanning over more than four decades, but with all its innovative wine tourism initiatives going strong, this dynamic Winelands darling still manages to fuel all the senses. “Today we are celebrated as a leader in South African wine tourism and we offer the Full Monty. We have the best chefs, exceptional wines, a multi-faceted playground of activities for young and old. Long gone are the days when tourists just valued us as day trip destination to taste quality wines,” adds Bolton. Earlier this year the Stellenbosch Wine Routes clinched the title as Best Promotional Body at the Wine Tourism Awards 2014 of the authoritative Drinks International magazine – one of the most trusted and respected global drinks journals. More recently it excelled at the 2015 Great Wine Capitals Global Network Best Of Wine Tourism Awards held in Mendoza, Argentina, where numerous local producers raked in awards. The Stellenbosch Winelands also consolidated its role as the country’s Gourmet and Wine Capital, claiming seven of the top twenty nominations in the 2014 Eat Out Restaurant Awards – South Africa’s annual restaurant Oscars – of which four shine amongst the current Top Ten eateries in the country. This awesome Top Ten foursome includes Jordan (rated #5), Overture (#6), Rust en Vrede (#7) and Terroir



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(#10), whilst Makaron at Majeka House, Tokara and The Restaurant at Waterkloof were again among the top twenty nominees. The Stellenbosch Wine Routes is also proud to have the Western Cape Farm Worker of the Year 2014 as well



Rachel Japhta (right) assists Melanie Gonzalves with some information about Stellenbosch at the new visitor’s bureau in Church Street.



PART TIME POSITION (two days per week) for an admin person in the office of a small Stellenbosch based privately owned company. Person applying should have good people and telephone skills, as well as be fairly adept at working on a pc/laptop. Apply for an interview to: or contact us via cell: 084 745 3469 or landline (021) 883 2042.

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Marketing and Sales Person For more detail and application process visit: Minimum requirements: - South African citizen - 3 year Bachelor’s Degree - or National Diploma in marketing & sales or relevant field - At least 2 years’ experience in marketing and sales - Driver’s licence and own transport - Willingness to travel locally and African countries

Closing date: 4 January 2015

Please note only shortlist candidates will be contacted. If you do not hear from us by the 15th of January 2015, your application was unsuccessful. X1PK0U1H-ES161214

as the Diner’s Club Winemaker of the Year 2014 in its midst. Jerome Thomas, general manager at Kanonkop Wine Estate, walked away with the coveted Farm Worker of the Year 2014 title – an annual competition hosted by the Western Cape

Department of Agriculture and Shoprite, which saw a record number of more than 1 000 entries from 15 different regions this year. “This has been a dream of mine for the past six years and I finally won through hard work and perseverance,” shares an elated Thomas, who received a prize package of R100 000, which includes cash; study bursaries, and an overseas study tour related to market access. Jacques Erasmus from Spier Estate, who has been making wine since he was just 12 years old, took the prestigious Diners Club Winemaker of the Year title for his Spier Creative Block 2 2014 dry white wine blend – a stellar sip for festive celebrations. This annual contest contributes towards raising the standards of the wines produced in South Africa and each year the best winemaker is crowned from an illustrious pool of internationally recognised estates as well as smaller, yet equally competitive, wine farms. Erasmus had two wines in the finals, which proves that his winemaking skills are consistent and worthy of this award. V For more information on what is hot and happening in and around Stellenbosch and its sub-routes this season, visit, or visit their new Wine Tourism Visitor Centre at 47 Church Street. Also contact them on Tel: 021 886 4310, email and visit

Dinsdag 16 Desember 2014

News - Nuus

Skoonhede besoek museum Die Mej. Jamestown-wenners het Saterdag 13 Desember die Dorpsmuseum besoek. Hierdie kultuuruitstappie was deel van die amptelike pryspakket wat die wenners ontvang het.

Stellenbosch Gazette


Kyk wie kry US-grade Die Universiteit Stellenbosch het onlangs ’n reeks gradeplegtighede gehou. Hier is ’n paar van die studente wat hul studies suksesvol voltooi het.

Van links is: Gabriele en Ria Rhode, Rosaline en Roxanne Jagers wat haar BA-graad in Geesteswetenskap ontvang het met Peter en Divaan Jagers van Cloetesville.

Van links is Gretchen Mareng (tweede prinses sr.), Kayla Linders (mej. Jamestown sr.), Tanaka Gute (tweede prinses jr.), Simoné Hector (mej. persoonlikheid kleuter), Amy Simons (mej. Jamestown jr.), Brintey Williams (mej. persoonlikheid jr.), Mia Jooste (eerste prinses kleuter), Nechicia Jooste (mej. Jamestown kleuter) en Yara Langeveldt (tweede prinses kleuter). FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS

Karate kids receive awards Karate-Zen Stellenbosch ended their last class for the year with an award ceremony.

Velda Williams, Prette Mahlala (BA-graad in Sosiale Dinamika) en pastoor Clive Williams wat in Jamestown woonagtig is. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS

Kim Heyns het haar B.Dramagraad ontvang.

Idasvallei vereer sy toppresteerders Idasvallei Primêre Skool was baie bedrywig die afgelope tyd. Hier is ’n paar foto’s van die skool se doen en late.

At the far right with sais, is sensei Garfield Bergstedt who heads the Stellenbosch-based school. Next to him is Johde Williams with the batons. Far left is sensei Desmond Stanfliet, the Stellenbosch assistant instructor and next to him is Ethan Meyer with the nunchaka. Ethan passed his junior black belt grading in November. Johde finished top achiever in grade 7 at Cloetesville Primary and was named the school’s sportswoman of the year. Sensei Garfield, a Maties alumnus, has completed the senior management development programme for executives at USB and finished as one of the top achievers. He will be completing a BA (Hons) in business management at Lincoln University (UK) in 2015.

Drie leerders van Idasvallei Primêr het goed presteer by die Worcester Obos-spelolimpiade. Abdulkarim Yusuf (links) het eerste gekom terwyl Raelique Williams en Jayren Johnson onderskeidelik die derde en tweede plekke beklee het.

Kleuters voer Kersspel op Die St. Josephs-kleuterskool het op 4 Desember hul jaarlikse Kersspel in die Hoërskool Lückhoff-saal in Idasvallei opgevoer.

Agter is Josh Matthee, Brooklyn Ghalphie, Ray Hendricks en Riley Kennedy. Voor is Rafeal Christians, Keeno Adonis, Kourtney Ruiter en Nakeisha Baron. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS

Mary McDilling (links) en Daphne Adams het die kleuters afgerig.

Die skool het met ’n swierige onthaal afskeid van twee personeellede geneem. J. Harris (links) het 32 vrugtevolle jare by Idasvallei Primêr diens gelewer. Saam met haar op die foto is M. Potgieter, wat vir 15 jaar die leesprojek by dieselfde skool aangebied het.

Erin Pool is as die skool se Duxleerder aangewys. Die skool se onderhoof, Richard Williams, het haar trofee oorhandig.

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Dinsdag 16 Desember 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Start training for next Impi Challenge at Lievland

various fitness levels – from elite sports persons, professional and beginner runners to sporty families and lovers of the outdoors. Choose a category that best suits your needs: The IMPI Challenge will V IMPI Challenge: 10 km with 18 take place at the picturesque obstacles (age 18+ years); R400 per Van Gaalens Cheese Farm entry (Hartebeespoort / North West V IMPI Dash: 5 km with 12 obstaProvince) on Saturday, 14 cles (ages 10+, all adults welcome). March 2015, before heading to R300 per entry the majestic Lievland Wine EsV IMPI Mini: 1 km with smaller tate and Wiesenhof Legacy supervised obstacles (ages 6-10 Park (Stellenbosch) the weekyears). R80 per entry for unlimited end of 11 and 12 April 2015. “We are super excited for the Enter now for the 2015 Impi Challenge at Lievland. circuits of the course. V IMPI Elite: 18-20 km with 25 new year,” says Pieter du This is one of the most exciting trail runs and provides Plessis, IMPI Challenge race both fun and a test for your fitness levels.: PHOTO CREDIT: tough obstacles (age 18+ years); timed event with prize money; R550 director. CHERIE VALE / NEWSPORT MEDIA per entry. “The IMPI Challenge is V IMPI Corporate: the 10 km Chalabout challenging yourself, challeng- will test endurance and agility, while ing your friends and having a great ad- pitting them against their worst fears lenge distance with extra benefits (age venture through an obstacle trail run. such as heights, confined and/or dark 18+ years); R500 per entry In the photo you see IMPI particiA number of exciting course changes spaces to mention just a few”. There are five entry categories to pants in action at Lievland Wine Eshave been planned for both the Gauteng and Cape Town events. Entrants choose from when entering the IMPI tate and Wiesenhof Legacy Park (Stelcan expect a thrilling experience that Challenge. Each category caters for lenbosch) in 2014.

Entries for the actionpacked IMPI Challenge 2015 in Gauteng and Cape Town are open!

Stellenbosch will host Coca-Cola u. 18 Craven Week for the fifth time in 2015 DORFLING TERBLANCHE After initially being set to be held in Durban next year, the u. 18 Craven Week was subsequently awarded to Stellenbosch after a strong case was made for its reallocation due to Paul Roos Gymnasium celebrating its 150th year of existence. Despite last hosting the tournament in 1990, the KwaZulu-Natal schools rugby association withdrew their application, which paved the way for their Western Province counterparts to apply. After some wrangling the tournament was awarded to Stellenbosch for the second time in eight years. In the main match of the 2007

week the Free State and the hosts met on the Markötter Fields at Paul Roos Gymnasium. With future stars such as Robert and Sias Ebersohn, Coenie Oosthuizen, Lappies Labuschagné and Boom Prinsloo in their side, the Free Staters destroyed WP by 52-3. Paul Roos was well represented on that day with five players, namely Gideon Myburgh, Dylan Petersen, Danie Poolman , Tythan Adams and Sidney Tobias, all wearing the ‘Streeptrui’. Other notable players included captain Nick Koster, Rossouw de Klerk, Johann Sadie and Jurgen Visser. Current Springboks who were in action in the 2007 edition, include Julian Redelinghuys

(Lions), Trevor Nyakane (Limpopo Blue Bulls), Marnitz Boshoff (Pumas) and Pat Lambie (KwaZulu-Natal). Stellenbosch, which also hosted the tournament in 1973, 1980 and 1996, joins East London as the only other city to have held the Craven Week five times in history. Markötter will host the Craven Week between 13 and 18 July and Stellenbosch will welcome 20 teams, including neighbours Zimbabwe and Namibia. With Markötter and surrounding facilities having undergone extensive improvements, it follows that the 2015 edition will be a remarkable one.

Buy a 2015 calendar in aid of Ithemba After months of photoshoots, editing, designing and printing, the special edition “Coffee and Suits” 2015 calendar to raise funds for the Ithemba Foundation is done. This is a project collaboration between Stellenbosch’s Eunice Visagie from Outsider Communications and CM Muller of Sportsmen from various sporting codes – mostly from Stellenbosch – offered of their time to make this calendar possible. These sportstars include Kyle Brown (captain of the Springbok Sevens rugby team), Chris Dry (gold medal winner with the Sevens at the Commonwealth Games), Springbok Sevens players Stephan Dippenaar and Steven Hunt, international hockey players Wade Paton, Pierre de Voux and Dylan Swanepoel, triathletes Bradley Weiss, Theo Blignaut and Matt Daneel, mountain bikers Adriaan Louw and Jurgens Uys and soccer player Alcardo van Graan. All the photos for the calendar were taken in the häzz Espresso Bar in Stellenbosch. The Ithemba Foundation is a non-profit entity aimed at raising awareness of depression as a biological illness, and raising funds for research on depression. If depression is the illness of despair, the foundation believes one needs to constantly focus on hope (Ithemba means hope in isiXhosa). It is of the opinion that every individual can be an agent of hope by talking openly about depression to break the silence and the stigma around this biological illness, which can become fatal. “Doing something for charity and something out of the ordinary like this, is what being a professional sportsman is all about. Giving something of yourself without expecting back, is a great way of getting involved,” said

Photographer CM Muller and Mr August, Matt Daneel, discuss one of the photographs taken for the calendar. PHOTO: EUNICE VISAGE

Louw. Stephan Dippenaar, a Paul Roos Gymnasium old boy added: “It was fun, way out of my comfort zone, but I had fun. To do something like this for a good cause is really great.” Matt Daneel, also a Paul Roos old boy, said: “I really enjoyed this project. Getting out of the racing gear into a suit was something really different. I’m just glad that I can give something small like my time and my support to this foundation.” Marisa Freeman from häzz said: “Our slogan at häzz is ‘Coffee for Heroes’. The opportunity to get involved with a project that will help those who are desperately in need of some heroic actions was an easy one.” Calendars cost a R100 each and can be bought from Eunice Visagie and picked up at häzz. Contact her at 0 076 382 7754 or send an email to Link to video made of the photo shoots http://

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