Stellenboschgazette 24 02 2015

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 17 • Tuesday 24 February 2015 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Suster Chrystal Pekeur en suster Linda Siebrits kyk na die motoriese vaardighede van die leerders by Vlottenburg Primêr.

Kliniek op wiele Die Wes-Kaapse mobiele kliniek besoek tans laerskole in die Stellenbosch-streek.

Leerders word hier gemonitor vir sig, spraak, gehoor, asook moontlike uitdagings met motoriese vaardighede en ander mediese toestande. Volgens suster Chrystal Pekeur, wat deel uitmaak van die mediese personeel, bied die ‘kliniek op wiele’ byna dieselfde dienste vir gr. 1-leerders as wat klinieke doen. Die mediese personeel bestaan uit ’n oogkundige, tandarts en verpleegsters. “In Stellenbosch is daar net een openbare

Dr. Meliska Jones kyk of Xavier Barends se tande gesond is. Die brawe sesjarige het nie ’n traan gestort nie toe sy tande skoon gemaak is nie.FOTO’S: RAYMOND WILLEMSE

Suster Chrystal Pekeur ondersoek vir Graham Adam.

tandarts-kliniek. Ons probeer dit geriefliker maak om die dienste na die skole te bring. Ons wil die mediese probleme gouer optel. Dit is ook gepas vir gebiede wat ver van klinieke geleë is.” Sy het gesê dit is ook baie belangrik om gou waar te neem wanneer kinders sig-probleme het. “ ’n Kind wat nie goed kan sien nie kan nie goed presteer nie.” Sy het gesê ouers kan ook gratis hul kinders wat jonger as 12 is se oë by Spec Savers laat toets. Sy het ouers se samewerking gevra wanneer hulle in dié gebiede is.

“Ons vra dat ouers die toestemmingsbriewe moet teken sodat ons die dienste gratis aan die kinders kan verskaf. Wanneer ons die kinders verwys na die klinieke vir verdere behandeling verlang ons ook dat ouers hule kinders na die klinieke neem. Hulle gesondheid is vir ons belangrik.” Die mobiele kliniek is vandeesweek in Klapmuts. Van 2 tot 5 Maart is dit in Koelenhof. Van 9 tot 19 Maart is dit in Groendal en van 23 tot 24 Maart is dit in Franschhoek. Op 25 en 26 Maart is dit in Wemmershoek. Op 27 Maart, 30 en 31 Maart gaan die bussie in Pniel wees.


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News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Maak ’n verskil

TWEELING: Die tweeling, Nathan en Natasha Constable, is vanjaar leerders van die Dorothea-skool.

STELLENBOSCH HOSPICE Alle familielede en vriende wat geliefdes verloor het, wat in die sorg van Hospice was, word vriendelik uitgenooi om by ons aan te sluit vir ons

HERINNERINGSDIENS op SONDAG, 15 MAART 2015 om 15h00 by die UNITED KERK VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT Vir meer inligting en om te bevestig, skakel asb 021 886 5994 ********** We warmly invite all family members and friends, who have lost loved ones cared for by Hospice, to join us for our

REMEMBRANCE SERVICE on SUNDAY, 15 MARCH 2015 at 15h00 at the UNITED CHURCH VAN RIEBEECK STREET For more information and to confirm, please phone 021 886 5994

Die verkiesings van skoolbeheerliggame begin landswyd op 1 Maart. Dié verkiesings vind elke drie jaar plaas en is naas die nasionale, provinsiale en munisipale verkiesings die grootste verkiesing van openbare verteenwoordigers in Suid-Afrika. “Openbare skole behoort aan die gemeenskappe waarin die skole geleë is en hierdie skole word deur die betrokke beheerliggaam beheer en bestuur. “Die beheerliggaam het dus ’n groot invloed op kinders se opvoeding en bepaal onder meer ’n skool se etos en missiestelling, beleid oor toelating, taal en finansiële bestuur,” het Paul Colditz, uitvoerende hoof van die federasie van beheerliggame van Suid-Afrikaanse Skole (FEDSAS) gesê. “Die verkiesing stel ouers in staat om ’n sê te hê in wie op die liggaam moet dien wat sulke ingrypende besluite oor hul kinders se opvoeding neem en wat ’n direkte invloed het op die gehalte van opvoeding wat hulle kinders kry.” Hy het gesê enige ouer wat ’n kind van graad R tot graad 12 in ’n openbare skool het, mag hom- of haarself verkiesbaar stel of stem in die verkiesing. “Onderwys in Suid-Afrika word deur baie probleme in die gesig gestaar. ’n Hele paar van hierdie probleme kan egter hanteer word deur vaardige, kundige en toegewyde beheerliggame. “Die sukses van ’n skool is direk gekoppel aan die vermoë van die beheerliggaam. Ouers móét dus stem om seker te maak dat die belange van hul kinders, maar ook die breër skoolgemeenskap gedien word,” het Colditz gesê. FEDSAS verteenwoordig die belange van meer as 1 800 skoolbeheerliggame in Suid-Afrika. “FEDSAS sal weer vanjaar uitgebreid betrokke wees by die verkiesing in terme van bewusmaking en opleiding,” het dr. Jaco Deacon, adjunkhoof van FEDSAS, gesê.“Dit sluit in toegang tot kenners op die gebied van skoolbeheer en -bestuur wat vir media-onderhoude, analise en die vertolking van verkiesingsprosedures beskikbaar is. “Om ouers bewus te maak van die verkiesing, asook die prosedures, is ons belangrikste taak. Ná afloop van die verkiesing sal FEDSAS ook weer sy hulpbronne en kennis beskikbaar stel om beheerliggame op te lei en toe te rus vir die taak,” het Deacon gesê. FEDSAS wil dit benadruk dat die verantwoordelikheid nou op ouers rus om ’n verskil te maak. “Hoe meer mense aan die verkiesing deelneem, hoe hoër is die gehalte van skoolbestuur. ’n Oneffektiewe beheerliggaam ontneem ’n skoolgemeenskap van bedingingsmag met die staat en selfs die breër gemeenskap,” aldus Colditz. Besoek vir meer inligting.


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Tuesday 24 February 2015

Win tickets to popular KDay music celebrations ble way, with a once in a lifetime musical experience for them and their friends. Not only does this reinforce MTN’s support in recognising and rewarding SA’s musicians, but it rewards our customers too,” said Larry Annetts, chief marketing officer at MTN SA. Featuring a MTN customstar-studded ers will be directline-up including the likes of Don’t miss this year’s instalment of the massively popular KDay ed to the MTN Mafikizolo, El- Music Festival to be held at the Newlands Cricket Stadium on 28 PLAY mobi-site (www.mtnplay.c vis Blue, Good- February. where they luck, Lloyd Cele, Prime Circle, Beatenberg, Jimmy Nevis, will need to download a song from the KDay Matthew Mole, Mi Casa, Reburn, DJ Kent and playlist, and share the purchase via twitter or MonArk, this year’s KDay Festival is expected Facebook with the hashtag #MTNPlayDay. Customers will be ranked on the MTN Leader to attract 20 000 music lovers from all over the Board according to the number of downloads province. In an effort to further reward its customers they make, which will be tallied up via the hashfor their loyalty and support, MTN is present- tag. The leader board will consistently be updating an opportunity for their customers to win ed allowing MTN customers to regularly check where they are positioned. the best seats in the house. KDay is an annual family-friendly outdoor Dubbed #MTNPlayDay, this competition will see customers that download the most concert showcasing the best of South Africa’s tracks from the KDay line-up being rewarded musical talent catering for all tastes including with an unforgettable KDay hospitality experi- Rock, Pop, RnB, House, Soul and Reggae. “This partnership is testament to MTN’s onence for them and three of their friends, a fully kitted-out pod with drinks and food for the day going commitment to the development of local as well as an MTN music festival package for musical talent and demonstrates the company’s support for family friendly music festivals each member of the group. “After taking photo sharing to a new level that celebrate the best of South Africa’s music at last year’s KDay, this year we are continuing talent,” concluded Annetts. V MTN is giving away 20 general access tickets our digital march into the new world with the to this year’s edition of KDay. For your chance pioneering #MTNPlayDay competition. “Customers that support South African mu- to win, send your details to michelle.vdspuy@mesic like we do will be rewarded in the best possi- MTN and Primedia have partnered yet again for another blockbuster instalment of the massively popular KDay Music Festival to be held at the Newlands Cricket Stadium on 28 February.

Help on World Spay Day “World Spay Day is coming up and we at Animal Welfare Society of Stellenbosch (AWSS) are going to be celebrating it appropriately,” says Lorna Huges of the AWSS. “We intend to spend the day sterilising dogs and cats from the underprivileged areas in Stellenbosch that need our help the most. “Sterilisation is the only definitive solution to combating the scourge of suffering, neglect, homelessness and abuse that stems from uncontrolled domestic animal breeding. “It also equates to less animals ending up at our shelter, giving those that are already with us a greater chance of finding love and happiness,” explained Hughes. She said the AWSS are looking for 30 individuals or companies to sponsor a spay

or neuter, vaccination and de-worming for 30 animals for R350 each on World Spay Day. “If your company would like to participate, we’ll thank you publicly on Facebook with links to your Facebook page and website and send you a Thank You certificate to display in your offices. We’ll also send you a photo of the animal you assisted,” she said. VThe banking details of the AWSS are as follows: Account Name: Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch Nedbank Current Account, Branch Code: 149821 (Stellenbosch), Account number: 149 804 2856, reference: Your Name & Spay Day. Please send proof of payment with contact details to

Tuesday 24 February 2015

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Mishka help graad 7-leerders


Vetterag of te not is, agter van links, Esther von Waltsleben, Hilton Andries en voor is Leatitia Solomons-Manuel.

‘Vetterag’ ’n moet Hoe voel jy oor vet? Hierdie universele probleem, aangespreek in Vetterag of te not, ’n produksie van die plaaslike Chommiez-geselskap, is ’n moet op vanjaar se US Woordfees-spyskaart. Die bekroonde teater-, radioen televisie-aktrise en regisseur, Esther von Waltsleben, vertolk die rol van mevrou Vera Heller wat vet voel en wie se eertydse lyfie in haar foto-album haar tot trane dryf, want sy is bang haar man verloor belangstelling in haar. Mathilda Meraai Jakobdina Taaibosch (nou Thys), gespeel deur Leatitia Solomons-Manuel, besef om “vetterag” te wees is ’n gesondheidsrisiko, maar haar man, Hendrik Exodus Gert Thys (gespeel deur Hilton Andries) glo jy moet tradisioneel eet en is mal oor haar love handles! Die aanspreek van die probleem van gewig en vet wees word “begelei” deur ’n lewendige band wat onder meer ses oorspronklike liedjies, wat Marti Haupfleisch vir Chommiez help skryf het, sal uitvoer. “Daar gaan lekker gedans en gelag word, met ’n traan of twee,” vertel Leatitia. Hilton beskryf Hendrik as ’n aartappels-, rys-, vleis- en macaroni-man, “met brood daarby”! Met sy troetelname curry bunny of my sweet potato vir Mathilda is sy beheptheid met kos vir almal duidelik. Mathilda is op haar beurt bekommerd dat hul kind verkeer-

de eetgewoontes by haar ouers sal leer. Die tema van hierdie produksie het ontstaan uit Leatitia se eie agtergrond van hoë bloeddruk en diabetes. Sy het self sukses behaal met ’n dieet en haar eetgewoontes verander en Chommiez wil die boodskap aan hul gehore oordra dat vet nie als is nie, en gesond eet en leef belangrik is. Leatitia en Hilton, wat albei hul teatertande by die Breughelteater geslyp het, het self die stuk geskryf. Dit is Chommiez se tweede optrede by die Woordfees: verlede jaar was al hul opvoerings van Affer innie pad uitverkoop. Esther von Waltsleben, veral bekend vir haar rol in die televisiereeks Proesstraat, het ’n lang lys teaterproduksies agter haar naam. Haar eerste optredes as professionele aktrise was 20 jaar gelede saam met die Breughelteater se rondreisende geselskap. Vetterag of te Not word op 7 en 8 Maart om 20:30 en op 9 Maart om 18:00 in die De Haeck-ouditorium by die Breughel-teater in Cloetesville opgevoer. Feesgangers sal met ’n koesister (die een met klapper) en ’n samoesa verwelkom word. Besprekings is by Computicket. V Vir meer inligting besoek gerus hul webtuiste Like die Chommiez Facebook-blad en staan ’n kans om twee kaartjies na hierdie produksie te wen.

Stellenbosser en Mej. Suid-Afrika 2014- finalis, Mishka Patel, het met ’n nuwe konsep om haar gemeenskap te bemagtig vorendag gekom. Deur ‘Mishka Patel Success Class 2015’ hoop sy om graad 7-meisies se kanse op ’n suksesvolle hoërskoolloopbaan te verbeter. “Ek en die hoof van Laerskool Rietenbosch, Roy van Rooyen, het verlede jaar in November begin gesels oor ’n konsep om sy skoolkinders meer te help. “Ek gaan die dametjies help om hulle paadjie na hoërskool makliker te maak, deur hulle te leer van etiket, hoe om hulself te versorg, hoe om moeilike situasies te hanteer, hoe om leiers te wees en hoe om groot te droom en dit te bereik. “Dis ’n klas vir meisies by minderbevoorregte skole, want ek voel dis juis in sulke skole waar mens die regte diamante kry. “Ek wil vir hulle geleenthede skep en ’n jaar lange paadjie saam met hulle loop en hulle voorberei vir volgende jaar.” Patel het self die oorgang van laerskool na hoërskool moeilik gevind. “Alles was vreemd en alles was anders. Dit was tyd vir nuwe vriende, nuwe uitdagings, nuwe leerwerk, nuwe onderwysers en ek het nie geweet hoe om met alles te ‘cope’ nie. “Ek het besef die skuif van laerskool na hoërskool het so ’n groot impak op jou toekoms, want dis die jare wat jy jou vriende reg moet kies en vakke moet kies wat jou ná skool gaan baat.” Ná afloop van haar eerste suksesklas by Laerskool Rietenbosch kan sy sommer klaar sien dat die klasse vrugte gaan afwerp. “Elke leerder moes vyf doelwitte vir die jaar neerskryf en ook wat hulle gedurende die jaar wil leer. Hul antwoorde het my verstom. “Hierdie dames het groot drome en passies. Hulle is intelligent en vol idees. Ek glo ek kan suksesse van hul elkeen maak.” Dit is egter nie net die leerders wat by dié klasse baat nie, maar ook hul leermeester. “Vir my gaan dit absoluut oor hoeveel lewens ek positief kan beïnvloed. “Ek glo in my konsep en ek weet dat ek stap vir stap baie diamantjies gaan laat blink.”

Mishka Patel (middel) by die 10 leerders wat onlangs haar eerste suksesklas by Laerskool Rietenbosch bygewoon het. Roy van Rooyen (links), hoof van Laerskool Rietenbosch, het gehelp om die konsep vir Mishka Patel (regs) se klasse te formaliseer.

STUDENT APPLICATIONS PYDA (the Pinotage Youth Development Academy), based in Stellenbosch, develops the capacity of young, disadvantaged South Africans to prepare them for employment within the wine industry and related sectors, such as hospitality and tourism. This Academy is entering its third academic year. This programme, which is fully funded, will run for 12 months from June 2015 until May 2016. We are calling for applications from talented and committed students who must: Be 18-25 years of age Be South African Be resident in Stellenbosch, Paarl, Franschhoek and surrounding areas Have passed Grade 12 (matric) Be unemployed or in casual employment Be previously disadvantaged

Demonstrate the commitment to bring about change Demonstrate an active interest in the wine industry / agriculture Be able to communicate in English Be unable to access tertiary education Demonstrate financial need Show proficiency in Maths / Maths literacy

Please find application forms on or at your local library. Applications will close on 31 March 2015 Drop off points: • Local libraries • Or email to Only shortlisted applicants will be interviewed. Should you not receive a response by 10 April 2015, consider your application unsuccessful. X1PRV62W-ES240215


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Some of the development swimmers of the Bridge House Mile Open Water Event enjoying the water at the Berg River Dam.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Amy Kleinhans, Bridge House Mile patron, swimming with Amelia Leibrandt.

Don’t miss Bridge House Mile Open Water Event on 28 Feb In less than two weeks the Bridge House Mile Open Water Event will take place at the Berg River Dam (boasting one of the world’s cleanest water systems) in the beautiful Franschhoek Valley. On 28 February some of the top open water athletes will swim it out in this event. The event, in its third year, is presented by Glacier by Sanlam, Skybound Capital and Bao Capital Sárl. It is also supported by the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation

and WWF, in association with Speedo. Also supporting this event is Olympic silver medallist Terence Parkin, who is a deaf swimmer. He is also the South African ambassador for the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. Other supporters are former Miss SA, Amy Kleinhans, Bridge House Mile patron, Olympic swimmer, Ryk Neethling, as well as long distance swimmer, Theodore Yach. The day will start at 08:00 and will offer swimming events for all abili-

ties, from development swimmers (part of the Princess Charlene Development Programme), junior and beginner events, to the main Mile swim. Swimmers can choose to Swim for Nature (in support of WWF) or in any one of the event categories. Water temperature will vary between 16 and 21 degrees. The event promises to be a funfilled family day out. If you do not intend to swim you can still support the swimmers on the day. There will also be lots of other refresh-

ments available. ) 200 m Fun Swim and Beginners R50. ) 200 m Juniors (u. 10 to u. 12) R50. ) 400 m Schools Solo Swim (u. 13 to u. 18) R75. ) 400 m Schools Team Swim (u. 13 to u. 18) R75. ) 400 m Beginners Swim (all ages) R75. Mile Swim (all ages) R200. ) WWF Swim for Nature (any distance) R500 ) WWF Swim for Nature (any

distance plus a t-shirt) R700. Entrants in the Mile event will receive a SPEEDO swimming cap, coffee and a boerewors roll at the finish line. Swimmers who choose to Swim for Nature will also receive a WWF branded glass water bottle and t-shirt (R700 category) while supporting a great cause! Great prizes will be on offer for the winners as well as the participating schools. Enter online at or call 0 021 424 4579.


Tel: 021 886 8231 X1PRVBXD-ES240215

Tuesday 24 February 2015

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Stellenbosch Gazette




Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Does your business really make a profit?







David Malherbe The news recently featured the big turnaround that is happening at the SAA at present. For example, they are busy eliminating flight routes that were not profitable. These incurred a loss of more than R2,5 bn during one year. Now they have a new business plan which they believe will help them save R1,25 bn by the end of March 2015. My first thought is why they have only now started to implement a new business plan and are only now willing to cut down on routes that are not profitable. They needed a bail-out of a R6,5 bn guarantee from government to keep the company afloat, which means that taxpayers’ money is risked for this unprofitable operation. But in your business you cannot afford not to make a profit. When your creditors or bank decide they will no longer bear with an unprofitable business, they simply close your doors and the government will definitely not bail you out. Therefore you do not have the same luxury of running on empty and beyond like the SAA. You need to make sure that your business


AANBOD AAN BAKKIE & MOTOR EIENAARS. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/Sms/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.

Spesiale dienste


ALGEMENE & HUISDIENSTE HUISE TE KOOP ELIZABETH (BETTIE) ARRISON Op 5/01/2015 vier jy jou 1ste verjaarsdag by Jesus en op 12/02/2015 is jy 1 jaar van ons geskei. Ma se plekkie is leeg maar daar gaan nie 'n dag om wat ons nie aan ma dink nie. Ons verlange is so groot van kinders, kleinkinders, familie en vriende.






DECKSTER'S CATERING, DéCOR / HIRING. Menu's from R130.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. (Ielaahm or Rene.) 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering.

PRIVATE SALE: 2 Rooms Welgevonden Stellenbosch @ R1 530 000 (083 414 2413)

stays profitable. Therefore my question to you is whether you really know the cost of each product or service that you supply? Do you know the exact amount of your fixed and variable costs and your break-even point? Without this information you risk going the SAA route. I’ve come across quite a number of business owners who think that while there is money in the bank account, they can spend money. But often an unpleasant surprise waits at the end of the month when they realise they have a shortfall paying all the accounts. The only way to ensure that your business makes enough profit and is able to grow, is by having a thorough record and bookkeeping system to keep track of all expenses. The information collected and presented in financial statements, is what is necessary for future planning, whether it means eliminating non-profitable aspects of your business or expanding on the profitable ones. The only way to grow your business in future is by measuring what happened in the past and then plan accordingly. V David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington.

I AM A MALWIAN GUY looking for a job as a general worker. I have a permit. Contact 084 265 2980. Gift HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390.

RELIABLE & WELL experienced Zimbabwean lady age 28, is looking for domestic work. Ref: 084 590 4182 my cell: 071 037 7938

Die Sekondêre Skool Stellenzicht en Weber Gedenk Primêr het sporttoerusting van Stenhus College in Denemarke se pluimbalspan ontvang. FOTO’S: RAYMOND WILLEMSE

Deense span skenk toerusting ’n Kollege van Denemarke het onlangs sporttoerusting en skootrekenaars aan twee skole in Jamestown verskaf. Stenhus College se pluimbalspan het vandeesmaand vir die Sekondêre Skool Stellenzicht en vir Weber Gedenk Primêr besoek en pluimbaltoerusting aan die skole gegee. Volgens Christian Madsen, sportbestuurder van dié span, hoop hulle die toerusting wat geskenk is kan bydra om die leerders se sportloopbane verder te bevorder. Die span het verlede jaar die skole besoek en te hore gekom dat hulle toerusting benodig. “Toe ons laas hier was, was hier nie so baie


kinders nie, maar die sport is besig om pos te vat en meer kinders stel belang in die sport, wat ’n goeie ding is.” Die span het ook ’n oefenprogram vir die leerders aangebied. Volgens Gary Jacobs, Stellenzicht se pluimbal-afrigter, gaan die toerusting baie vir hulle help. “Dit is ’n nuwe sport by die skool en daar is reeds baie belangstelling. Ons wil ook vir die leerders meer geleenthede bied. Ons het ook al drie spelers wat Boland-kleure ontvang het in dié sport.” Hy het gesê hulle hoop ook om ’n verhouding met Stenhus College op te bou


General customer assistants required for a large retail store outside Stellenbosch. Must be able to communicate in both English and Afrikaans. Must be able to work under pressure. Must be able to work shifts. Must be presentable. On-the-job training will be given to successful candidates only. Submit detailed CV with contactable references to 021 880 1669 (fax) or (e-mail). Interviews will be given to selected candidates only. Closing date for applications is 31 March 2015. Reference for applications is CUSTOMERS2015. X1PRL8F9-ES240215

Stenhus College in Denemarke se pluimbalspan wys vir leerders van die Sekondêre Skool Stellenzicht die fynere kunsies van dié sport tydens ’n oefenprogram.

Dinsdag 24 Februarie 2015

Ons Gee Om. Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om hierdie welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul belangrikste behoeftes: ) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Ingemaakte (blikkies-) of vars groente, enige droë sopbestanddele, macaroni, spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeergoed vir brood, badseep en handdoeke. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om daagliks sop te skenk. Dit kan bevrore of vars wees. Skakel 0 021 886 6173. ) Huis Horison: Materiaal, wol, kant en benodigdhede vir handwerkafdeling, waterdigte (enkelbed) oortreksels vir matrasse, inkontinensie-doeke vir volwassenes. Skakel 0 021 887 5080. ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Benodig dringend babaweggooidoeke, babaseep, -sjampoe en -klere, vroue- en kinderklere, pajamas en sokkies. Vir die kombuis: rys, melkpoeier of langlewemelk, kookolie, suiker, pasta, koffie en tee. Algemeen: waspoeier vir outomatiese wasmasjien, Handy Andy, Jik, Domestos en opwasmiddel vir skottelgoed. Vaardigheidsklasse: hekelpenne, hekelgare, asook skryfbehoeftes soos verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte. Vroue van die gemeenskap word versoek om asseblief hul talente, stokperdjies, kennis en vaardighede met die inwoners te kom deel. Skakel 0 021 883 2574. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies en sopmengsel, asook bruikbare produkte vir kospakkies. Skakel 0 021 886 8986 of 0 071 322 0747. ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek tweedehandse klere, nie-bederfbare voedsel, meubels en huishoudelike ware. Skakel 0 021 887 2816. ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Ons benodig ’n naaldwerk-vrywilliger wat herstelwerk aan kinders se klere kan doen. Goeie tweedehandse klere word benodig vir

News - Nuus ’n gemeenskapskleinsake-projek. Nie-bederfbare kruideniersware is baie welkom. Vir navrae: 0 021 886 6216. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmeer, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. Skakel 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware, skoolskoene, -hemde en -broeke, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenes, rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders en ou klere vir ons klerewinkel om te gee aan diegene wat kom vra. Skakel 0 021 887 6959. ) Kayamandi-traumakamer: Matrasse (driekwart- en enkelbed-), waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku, 0 074 717 9676 of 0 021 889 7686, of Mary, 0 083 945 5811. ) Stellenbosch-hospies: Koffie, tee en warmsjokoladepoeier (hot chocolate), skryfbehoeftes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), opvoedkundige en ander speletjies soos ’n domino-, dambord- en skaakstel, “stresballe”, rekbande en wolnaalde of breipenne, asook manspajamas en -skoene, kinderklere, komberse en kussings met kussingslope. V Find relevant cheap material in our great selection of books and pictures in our many magazines at the Hospice Shop in Borcherd Street, open weekdays until 16:45 and on Saturdays. Your purchases help fund the caring services Stellenbosch Hospice provides for over 1 000 patients every month. Contact 0 021 886 5994. ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0-3 jaar) en bababenodigdhede vir 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, asook meisieklere (9-10 jaar). Vir meer inligting: Chanene van As 0 082 890 8616. ) Stellenbosch Werksentrum Die Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir volwasse persone met gestremdhede se jaarlikse basaar word op 28 Maart in die VG Kerksaal, Cloetesville gehou. Die sentrum het behoefte aan koekbestanddele, kruideniersware, groente en vrugte asook enige artikel wat te koop aangebied kan word. Koekbakkers is ook welkom om die sentrum te kontak. Voornemende donateurs kan die sentrum by 0 021 887 8688 bel.

SPORTBROKKIES Rugby Die rugbyklub Evergreens Vlottenburg oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 18:00 tot 19:30 by die Vlottenburg Primêre Skool. Alle nuwe en oudspelers welkom, kontak Leon Krediet 060 774 9429 of Vernon Fortuin 083 978 6923. Die Van der Stel-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae by die klub se rugbyvelde om 18:30. Almal is welkom. Skakel Adam Wagner by 073 851 3477 of Charles Williams 084 596 5102. Coronations-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 by Idasvallei-sportgronde. Alle nuwe lede welkom. Bel Jerado Hendricks by 078 597 6156. Die Brampton-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:30 by Lückhoff se skoolterrein. Lede word aangemoedig om te kom en nuwe lede is welkom om deel te neem. Vir verdere navrae bel Jakob Klaaste 082 496 9991. Blakes-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 19:00 op Cloetesville se sportgronde. Nuwe lede is welkom. Vir verdere navrae bel Christie Noble 073 272 7103.

Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 19:00 tot 21:00 by die Pniel-sportgronde. Vir meer inligting bel Winston Stubbs by 071 567 1273. Excelsiors RFC oefen Maandae en Woensdae om 18:45 by Cloetesville-sportgronde. Alle lede en belangstellende nuwe lede is welkom. Vir verdere besonderhede skakel Roy Davidse 078 657 4305 of W. Hendrickse 0736881502. NETBAL Alle oud- en nuwe spelers word genooi om die Blakes-netbalklub se oefeninge Dinsdae en Donderdae by te woon vanaf 17:30 tot 19:30. Vir meer inligting bel Audrey Van Wyk 072 157 6466 of Farren Christians 082 388 5812. Die Van der Stel-netbalklub staan ná jare weer op. Van 19 Februarie begin dié span amptelik met hul oefeninge. Oefentye is elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by Bloemhof Hoërskool. Die klub is oop vir Hoërskoolleerders en senior spelers. Bel Freda Kemp by 082 523 0785 of e-pos fkemp64@

Stellenbosch Gazette


A new para-volleyball, or sitting volleyball club will be formed at Stellenbosch University next Tuesday.

Come join sitting volleyball club ParaVolley, an inclusive sport for both disabled and enabled players, is played from club up to paralympic level and is now launching in Stellenbosch. “The sport is extremely similar to traditional volleyball, although played on the floor, with a slightly smaller court and a lower net, explains Elana van Brakel of the new club in Stellenbosch. “The rules are almost identical. The sport is great for any leg amputees (above or below knee, single or double amputees). Players don’t need any equipment or prosthetics to play and it is one of the few all inclusive sports where amputees actually have an advantage over able-bodied play-

ers. It’s a fast-paced action sport with lots of movement, tactics and game strategy,” she explained. The first meeting of the newly formed Stellenbosch club is at the DF Malan Hall, Stellenbosch University this Tuesday, 24 February, at 19:00. “No previous volleyball experience needed, no wheelchairs or other equipment are required and you can wear simple sports gear – the best is nylon shorts or/pants. “ParaVolley South Africa promotes the sport of sitting volleyball and beach sitting volleyball in South Africa and this event is organised by ParaVolley South Africa in conjunction with Maties ParaSport,” Van Brakel said.

Wings for Life run is back! One of the world’s most unique and inspiring races is back and for the first time in South Africa, wheelchair participants will race side-by-side with able-bodied runners. Joining the run again this year is Hlubi Mboya, and C6 quadriplegic super-athlete Pieter du Preez, ultra trail runner Ryan Sandes and media personality Vanessa Haywood. The second annual Wings For Life World Run (WFLWR) takes place on 3 May in Franschhoek, Western Cape – one of 35 locations around the world where participants of all ages and abilities will run for those who can’t. Runners all over the world will start the race at exactly the same time, 11:00 SA time, in varying light and weather conditions. What makes this race unique is that there is no finish line, runners race against a ‘catcher car’ that chases down the runners, so you set your own goal for your own finish. Entries cost R250 and 100% of all entry fees go to the Wings For Life Foundation, which works to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. This is an exciting global adventure.For more information and to register, visit capetown.

Ntombesintu Mfuzi, last year’s winner in action during the Wings for Life run. port Group is hosting “Breast reconstruction – what are your options?” a talk by Dr J. Toogood at Mediclinic Vergelegen’s restaurant. The talk starts at 09:30. More information: 0 082 357 0497

28 Februarie 24 Februarie )Die Stellenbosch Studie- en Besprekingsgroep oor “Ons Godsdiens en die Wetenskappe” se volgende byeenkoms vind om 17:00 by NG Gemeente Stellenbosch-Sentraal plaas. Die tema vir die lesing is “Ingestel op Insekte” en sal deur prof. Jan Giliomee van Universiteit Stellenbosch aangebied word.

26 February )The Reach for Recovery Breast Cancer Sup-

)Stellenbosch Plaaslike Sokkervereniging se algemene jaarvergadering vind om 10:00 by die Lückhoff-skool plaas. Alle nuwe klubs wat graag vir die nuwe seisoen by Stellenbosch se plaaslike sokkervereniging wil aansluit, moet die sekretaris skakel by 0 083 635 2162.

2 Maart )Die wêreldbiddag vir vroue-komitee kom by die VGK Idasvallei-kerksentrum om 7:30 bymekaar. Virginia Jumat 0 083704672/021 887 4384

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 17 • Dinsdag 24 Februarie 2015 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Chad le Clos in aksie tydens die Grand Prix-swembyeenkoms verlede week in die Coetzenburg-swembad. Le Clos het hier die tweede vinnigste tyd vanjaar in die wêreld in die 100 m-vlinderslag aangeteken. Dit was deel van die groot internasionale swembyeenkoms wat by die Maties-swemsentrum aangebied is. Gaan kyk gerus na ’n video van hierdie nommer by FOTO: THYS LOMBARD

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