Theewaterskloof gazette 02 12 2014

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Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier

SPESIALE AANBOD Bring u ISUZU 2000 – 2006 model vir 'n olie diens SLEGS

R1 200* incl *Terme en voorwaardes geld Geldig 24 Nov – 10 Des 2014

Skakel die diensafdeling by 028-214 3560 vir 'n afspraak.


Year 4 • Tuesday 2 December 2014 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Laaste vak agter die rug!

Op Dinsdag 25 November het die matrieks hulle laaste vak geskryf. Hierdie groep het dit gevier deur met skoolklere en al in die swembad te spring. Van links is Rozanna Brand, Elani Matthee, Hanli Groenewald, Liesl Gerstner, Line Els, Jodie Wattrus, Carla Zondagh, Elani Bosman, Marlize de Kock, Anmari Jordaan, Catherine Matthee, Annami Roux en Riki du Plessis. FOTO: BEN CLAASSENS

Sakelui sien rooi oor reklamewet Daar heers verwarring en groot ongelukkigheid onder plaaslike sakelui oor ’n munisipale verordening van Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit wat moontlik beteken die advertensieborde van talle besighede is onwettig. Die Verordening Insake Buitereklame en Advertensietekens is glo reeds in 2012 goedgekeur, maar gaan nou vir die eerste keer op groot skaal toegepas word. Besigheidseienaars is na wat verneem word nie net bekommerd oor die rompslomp en gepaardgaande kostes wat op hulle wag nie, maar ook verward oor watter

2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014

soort borde onwettig sou wees. Die verordening bepaal dat sakelui moet aansoek doen om goedkeuring vir buitereklame- en advertensieborde wat sekere groottes en ander tegniese spesifikasies oorskry. Volgens Stiffie Cronjé, munisipale woordvoerder vir TWK, kan mense die verordening lees vir omvattende inligting, maar die onwettige borde wat die algemeenste voorkom, is dié teen geboue of op sypaadjies. Eienaars wat onseker is of hul reklameborde wettig is, kan dit by die munisipaliteit gaan uitklaar. Aansoekfooie word gehef op enige aansoek om nuwe borde op te rig, of om bestaande borde te verander. Elke aansoek moet vergesel word van ’n

Cruize 1.4T 5DR, demo, white Sonic 1.3 D , demo, silver Isuzu KB250 LWB LEED demo, silver Isuzu KB300 EXT CAB LX, demo, white Isuzu KB250 EXT CAB LE, demo, white Isuzu KB250 SAFETY LWB, demo, white

R199 995.00 R189 995.00 R188 995.00 R349 995.00 R295 995.00 R249 995.00

2008 2014 2011 2012 2012 2013

terreinplan en ’n tekening wat aan die vereistes van die Wet op Nasionale Bouregulasies en Boustandaarde voldoen en onder meer die materiaal en kleure beskryf wat vir die teken gebruik gaan word. Alle besighede in Theewaterskloof se munisipale gebied het al of sal nog kennisgewings ontvang. TWK-wetstoepassingsbeamptes deel tans die kennisgewings uit. Volgens Cronjé het die raad op 21 November 2012 die betrokke beleid en verordeninge goedgekeur. In die verordening word geskryf: “Die verordening poog om ’n ewewig te vind tussen geleenthede vir buitereklame en ekonomiese ontwikkeling aan die een kant, en die bewaring van visue-

Nissan Qashqai 2.0 Chevrolet Cruze 1.4 T, white Chevrolet Cruze 2.0 LT, white Nissan Micra 1.2, maroon VW Polo 1.4 VIVO, silver KB 250 LWB LEED, White

le, toeriste-, omgewings- en erfeniskenmerke asook verkeersveiligheid aan die ander kant.” Maar sommige sakelui is van mening dit is ’n blatante manier om ekstra inkomste te genereer. “As die ding nie aanstoot gee nie en dit is teen my gebou, het dit niks met hulle te doen nie,” sê een sakeman wat verkies om naamloos te bly. “Dit was nooit gedoen, opgevolg of nodig geag nie en nou ewe skielik wil hulle dit implementeer om geld te maak. “Wat as ek nou ’n boom teen my huis se muur wil verf of my huis ’n naam wil gee soos mens by strandhuise sien? Wat as ek geen advertensiebord opsit teen die muur nie maar my logo verf op die muur?

R116 995.00 R219 995.00 R165 995.00 R87 995.00 R111 995.00 R159 995.00

2011 2009 2014 2011 2010

“Sover ek verneem het sal die kostes vir ’n normale grootte advertensiebord min of meer R400 beloop. As jy die hele area se besighede se advertensieborde moet bymekaar tel sal dit miljoene rande wees.” Nog ’n besigheidseienaar van Caledon het gesê indien ’n petisie opgestel word, sal hy dit onderteken. Piet Rust van PJ Rust Prokureurs in Caledon voel die wetstoepassingsbeamptes moet behoorlik opgelei word, ook om die besigheidseienaars te help. “Dit is ’n geweldige groot administratiewe rompslomp.” Sakelui wat afsprake met die munisipaliteit wil reël kan Bettie de Kock of Berryl Smith by die hoofkantoor in Caledon bel by 028 214 3300.

Ford Bantam 1.3, white Golf VI 1.6 TDi Comfortline KB250 D-Teq D/Cab 17 000km Chev Corsa Utility white VW Polo Vivo blue

R99 995.00 R169 995.00 R299 995.00 R106 995.00 R91 995.00

Terms & conditions: Excludes on the road fees

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R181 172






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General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette




076 785 4635


RELOCATION NOTICE FNB Caledon closed on the 25th of November 2014 and will reopen at their NEW premises, Shop 20, Victoria Mall 21 Hoop Street CALEDON Next to Joshua Doore, expected date to open is the 8th of December 2014 X1PHD1WD-LG021214

Two tickets to win to Up the Creek By now most fans of alternative rock should be familiar with the Up the Creek music festival, and two lucky readers can win a full weekend ticket each to the 2015 festival. Next year’s event promises to be the best so far when Jägermeister presents the 25th birthday event from 29 January to 1 February. Expect a cocktail of superb live acts, all-day activities and wacky antics at the river stage on the banks of the Breede River. The line up for 2015 includes acts like Zebra & Giraffe, Taxi Violence, Beatenberg, aKING, Dave Ferguson, Bye Beneco, Shortstraw, Hot Water, The Black Cat Bones, The Kiffness, The Ballistics, Stoker, Red Huxley, Scicoustic, Piet Botha & The Lyzyrd Kyngs, Gerald Clark, Mean Black Mamba, Manny Walters, Basson Laubscher, John Wizards, Al Bairre, Christian Tiger School, Gateway Drugs, Manouche, Grassy Spark, Nomadic Orchestra, December Streets, Shaun Jacobs Band, Diamond Thug, Bande-

Great entertainment and hours in the water and the sun can be expected at Up the Creek 2015. PHOTO: BELIA OH lero, Qadasi, Sawagi (JPN) and Kite Rider. Add Laughter Yoga with Kiki Toga, Bitchy Bingo with Mary Scary and some laid-back hours in the water and the sun. Tented accommodation is available at the Heartbreak Motel. There are two options of pre-

Koop een 47g Pringles saam met enige een 48g Jungle Energy Bar vir slegs R16.00


pitched tents, hot showers, toilets, buffet breakfast and other luxuries. For more info and bookings, visit Under the Sedgwicks Old Brown Bedouin, campers will be privy to the widest range of delicious food, and breakfast will be

accompanied by live music and giveaways a plenty. There’s also a Creekspotter competition this year. Find the #Creekspotter app on our Facebook page and enter your details. You’ll receive a posted Up The Creek 2015 sticker for your car. There are monthly prizes and festival tickets for both those who stick and spot. Ticket sales are open at R750 at Tickets are for whole weekend access only, but festival goers can arrive any day from Thursday to Sunday. (Unfortunately no under 18s will be allowed). To stay up to date, go to,, or find @Upthe_Creek on Twitter. . To enter the competition, SMS the word CREEK, along with your name, surname and age, to 32518. Each SMS costs R1,50. The competition closes on 5 December, and winners will be contacted telephonically.

Larry Soffer brings the magic to Caledon

Tot u diens elke dag, 24 uur Tel: 028 214 3812

Sluit BTW in en terwyl voorraad hou Aanbod geldig vanaf 2 Des tot 31 Des 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Die Victoria Dienssentrum vir bejaardes het ’n gesellige en geseënde Kersete gehad op 16 November. Almal teenwoordig het hulself geniet veral toe raadslid Marie Hector opgetree het as “Kersmoeder”. Die dienssentrumlede wil almal hartlik bedank vir alle donasies wat ontvang is om hierdie ete en geleentheid ’n sukses te maak. Die sentrum sluit vir die Kersvakansie vanaf Woensdag 10 Desember tot Maandag 5 Januarie 2015. Die bestuur wens almal ’n vrede- en vreugdevolle Kersgety toe en voorspoed vir 2015.

Die skrywersgroep PEN het in samewerking met Yolanda Bailey, die Inrigtingsbestuur en -beheerbestuurder vir skole in die Overberg, boeke ingesamel vir die Dennegeur-laerskoolbiblioteek op Elgin. Danie Marais, bestuurder van PEN Afrikaans, het verlede week saam met Bettina Wyngaard en Kerneels Breytenbach (voorsitter van PEN Afrikaans) bokse boeke by die skool gaan afgee. Van links is Bettina Wyngaard, Breytenbach (PEN Afrikaans-voorsitter) en Carol Gordon.

Internationally acclaimed Master of Magic Larry Soffer is heading to The Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa and Entertainment for a night of unbelievable enchantment on Saturday 6 December. The Caledon’s director of operations and complex general manager, Paul Campbell says: “The mentalist, illusionist and magician is bound to leave our guests gobsmacked and asking the question: ‘how did he just do that?’ ” Tickets are available online through Computicket or from The Caledon Casino Hotel reception at only R100 Internationally acclaimed mentalist, ilper person. lusionist and magician Larry Soffer is “Make sure you secure heading to The Caledon Casino, Hotel, your seat soon, as seats tend Spa and Entertainment for a night of to disappear quickly when a unbelievable enchantment on Saturday world-class act like Larry 6 December. comes to town,” Campbell tion. Who will be performing at concludes. Information: www.thecale- the Caledon Casino Hotel, Spa and Entertainment? or 028 214 5100. SMS your answer to 33675. Two lucky Gazette readers can win tickets to see his show. SMS cost R1,50. Winners will Simply answer this easy ques- be phoned.


9 Desember ) Caledon-rugbyklub algemene jaarvergadering om 19:00 in die klubhuis.

2 Desember

12 en 13 Desember

) NG kerk Greyton: 13de slaglamveiling om 19:00 by Caledon-gholfklub. Ligte ete ingesluit en kontantkroeg beskikbaar.

) Grabriëlskloof Favourite Things Market. Friday 17:00 – 21:00 and Saturday 11:00 – 21:00.

2 en 3 Desember ) KDP (Kids Development Programme) Opedag by Laerskool Overberg, Caledon se klubhuis. Vir navrae, skakel Fana de Wet by 083 274 9299.

6 Desember X1PGTDTD-LG021214 X1PHB7NW-LG021214

) Wildebraam Berry Festival in Swellendam. 09:00 until 16:00. Contact 028 514 3132 or visit the

31 Desember ) Oujaarsaand-steakete en dans by Caledon-gholfklub vanaf 19:00 tot laat. Vuurwerkvertoning deur Wonderland. Vir navrae, skakel Caledon-gholfklub by 028 212 1931 of Henry Metcalf by 073 271 9248.

24 Januarie 2015 ) Andriëtte @ The Oaks. Navrae: 079 895 0072

Tuesday 2 December 2014

News - Nuus

Theewaterskloof Gazette


Family man from Elim wins commercial farming award JUANITA SHEPHERD

if he passed Grade 8. Farming is the only thing he ever wanted to do. Ralph Swart from Elim was He produces wheat, barley, the Western Cape’s first fioats, triticale, and rooibos nalist to walk away with the tea. Grain SA/Absa New Era He is married to Preline Commercial Farmer of the and has six children. The eldYear national trophy. est two sons, Leaan and Jacques, have dedicated their caRalph, who has lived in reers to the family business, Elim all his life, began farmSwart Boerdery. ing 34 years ago with two hecPreline is intensively intares for planting, one cow volved in Swart Boerdery, and 10 sheep. and was the winner of young Today he farms 1 280 ha in Elim with 1 900 Dohne Merino Jacques Swart, Preline Swart and Ralph Swart female farmer of the year in 2013, provincially as well as ewes, 40 rams, 140 Bonsmara at the awards ceremony. nationally. cows and three bulls. Swart Boerdery grows a mix of He is currently renting 1 059 ha of Elim. “I attended Elim Primary grain crops, but to make full use of land and owns 89 ha in Elim. School. “While I was writing my Grade of non-arable veld, the farm also He also recently bought a new farm, Groot Dam, in Stormsvlei in 8 exam, my father was waiting includes a livestock component. Ralph says the main contribuoutside for me as it was harvest the Bredasdorp district. tor to his progress and success He is proud to be a third-genera- time and he needed my help.” Until today Ralph doesn’t know was the Western Cape Departtion farmer, and says he is a child

ment of Agriculture. He has a passion for agriculture and is also an extremely humble person. He is eager to learn and continuously improves his practises and rarely misses a study group meeting, training course or conservation agriculture day. In 2012 Swart Boerdery was awarded Farmer of the Year by United South African Agricultural Association Champions for Sustainable Agriculture (USAAA). Ralph would like to establish a sustainable commercial farming business. His dream is to own a big crop farm where he can do intensive crop farming. Just recently he attended four award-winning events in only one month. He has been invited to go to Paris, France to attend an intensive course on conservation farming.

Gemeenskap help polisie om misdaad te bekamp Genadendal-polisie het verskeie suksesse behaal. Volgens kapt. Gustav Tamboer, stasiebevelvoerder, is Luke Carolissen van Bereaville op 1 November in hegtenis geneem en aangekla vir handel in drank sonder ’n lisensie. “’n Groot hoeveelheid drank is op beslag gelê. Hy het ’n R1 000-boete betaal.” Op 6 November is Moos Albertyn van George Greystraat in Genadendal in hegtenis geneem en aangekla vir besit van tik, regsverydeling, verset teen inhegtenisneming en roekelose en nalatige bestuur. “Hy het op 10 November in die Caledon-landdroshof verskyn en is

In front, from the left, are Capt. Gerrit Botes, Sergeant Joy Brynard, Piet Swartz, Charmonique Sauls and Estelle Swart. At the back are Natasha Creamer (regional business partner of SABM) and Crezelda Meyer (learning and development coordinator at SABM). PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON

ANNETTE THERON Staff from SAB Maltings (SABM) in Caledon decided to donate items to fill up 40 “comfort bags” in support of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign. The police’s Protection Unit will give the bags to victims of rape and

abuse in and around the Caledon area. The initiative is a SABM corporate social investment project. “We always strive to do something meaningful to uplift our community and this project is just one of many other initiatives that we are doing this year,” said Crezelda Meyer, learning and development coordinator at SABM.



-Besigheid in Mall. R335 000 -Erf in industriële gebied 2633m² met gebou 300m² R3 000 000 -3 Slp kamer huis met 2 woonstelle R850 000 -4 Slp kamer huis 3 badkamers R1 410 000


Fleeing suspects drop stolen shotgun On Wednesday 19 November at about 01:20, four unknown men tried to break into the G.R Superette in Thabo Mbeki Street, Grabouw. Lt Raldeen Atson, spokesperson for Grabouw Police, said the owner was awakened by a noise. When he investigated, he saw that


Soek dringend verhurings. Groot aanvraag!!

Christelle 082 668 9882 / 028 212 1471


the window and burglar bars were forced open. “He woke his cousins, who chased the perpetrators from the premises. Nothing was stolen and no injuries were sustained.” Atson said a shotgun fell while they were chasing the suspects, but no ar-

Carit Estates

Philip Obermeyer


Ontvang ’n GRATIS sonbril/leesbril met die maak van ’n volledige voorskrif bril.


VARS UIT DIE OOND Netjiese familie woonhuis naby skole!!!

-Besigheid op ‘n perseel van 4886m². Tans word ‘n winkel bedryf uit ‘n groot saal. Daar is 2 kroeg areas asook ‘n kombuis en nog verskeie ander vertrekke, asook ‘n woonstel. R3 000 000

ring uitspreek teenoor adjudantoffisier Piet Franse wat die leisels vasgevat het tydens sy vakansieverlof. “Hy is ’n ware steunpilaar, staatmaker en ’n netjiese, gedissiplineerde en hardwerkende polisieman. Vandag kry jy min van sy soort in hierdie organisasie en ek is trots op hom.” Tamboer wil ook dankie sê aan die lede wat hom ondersteun het en goeie werk in sy afwesigheid gedoen het. “Baie dankie ook aan die gemeenskap vir die rapportering van misdaad want sonder julle kon ons nie die suksesse behaal het nie.”

3 Slaapkamer woonhuis met i.g.k., 2 badkamers, TV kamer, eetkamer, sitkamer met kaggel en pragtige uitsig oor Overberg, moderne kombuis, ingangsportaal, buite braai, dubbele motorhuis, buite waskamer en stoorkamer wat in woonstel omskep kan word. Baie kaste in die huis. Tambooti vloere, Oregon pine plafonne. Swembad, hoekerf en pragtige uitgelegde tuin. Stil area. Erf 1 642m² groot. Prys R1.995.000

Besoek ons webblad Kontak Wilna by 082 494 0158 X1PGVQH1-LG021214

rests were made. “It was later discovered that it is the same shotgun that was stolen during a house robbery on 14 November at Alles Sal Reg Kom Farm, near Houwhoek on the N2 in Grabouw. The shotgun was sent for fingerprint and ballistic testing.”

3514 LD

Comfort bags for victims

by Caledon-korrektiewe sentrum aangehou. “Op 14 November is borgtog van R8 000 aan hom toegestaan en moes hy Genadendal tydelik verlaat totdat hy weer op 26 Februarie in die hof sal verskyn.” Op 7 November is Josephine Fortuin van Voorstekraal in hegtenis geneem en aangekla vir handel in drank sonder ’n lisensie. Sy het op 10 November in die Caledon-landdroshof verskyn. Haar saak is tot 26 November uitgestel. Tamboer wil ’n vriendelike waarskuwing rig aan drank- en dwelmhandelaars dat hulle vasgevat gaan word. Hy wil ook sy dank en waarde-

Optometrists / Oogkundiges

*Terme en voorwaardes geld.

• Gekontrakteer met alle mediese fondse, insluitend Discovery Netwerk min 20%. • Gems pasiënte – opsie geen bybetaling.

GRABOUW Tel.021 8593475 Pr: 7020961

ROSEMALL Tel. 021 8595196 Pr: 7020961

CALEDON Tel. 028 2121691 Pr: 7010818

KLEINMOND Tel. 028 2713119 Pr: 7020961 X1PGVQWH-LG021214


News - Nuus

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Getrude bekoor Belles

Die nuwe bestuur van die Riviersonderend-gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum is onlangs verkies. Van links agter is Jason Johnson (projekkoördineerder), Cornelius Botha (publieke skakelbeampte), Dawid Ovies (hulp-sekretaris, tesourier) en Trevor Hermanus (voorsitter). Voor is kapt. JJ Tiemie (stasiekommissaris), Maretta Lottering (sekretaresse) en Debbie Randall (ondervoorsitter). Die gemeenskap wens hulle sterkte toe met die groot taak en glo dat Riviersonderend ’n modeldorp gaan word.

ERIEKA ROUX Die bande oor haar skouers is al bietjie styf en die vingers al ’n bietjie dom, maar Gertrude Moses (77) van Botrivier kan steeds psalms en gesange op haar trekklavier speel.


Die plaaslike Kansa Relay for Life-aflos het Saterdag in Bredasdorp plaasgevind. Ongeveer 48 spanne het deelgeneem, sommige van tot so ver as Oudtshoorn en die Paarl. Oudtshoorn het die beker vir die span met die mooiste drag gewen. Dié dag is meer as R98 000 ingesamel, ver bo die mikpunt. Hier is Hannes Smal, (knielend voor links) eienaar van Anre’s Begrafnisdienste, met sy span. FOTO: SHA-

Daarmee doen sy die voorwaarde gestand oor sy die trekklavier wat sy meer as 70 jaar gelede gekry by haar pa gekry het. Hierdie voor- Gertrude word op 13 Desember 78 jaar en geniet nog goeie waarde het ook ge- gesondheid. Sy is bekend op Botrivier vir haar liefdadigheidsmaak dat Gertrude werk. .............................................................FOTO: ERIEKA ROUX nooit in ’n konsert gespeel het nie maar slegs gewyde het. Die teenwoordiges was in vervoering en het Gertrude se talent musiek kon speel. Dit was dan ook die rede hoekom waardeer en daarom saamgesing. Gertrude word op 13 Desember 78 sy Stille Nag gespeel het by die Botrivier Belles se November-vergade- jaar oud en geniet nog goeie gesondring, ná sy die trekklavier wat verge- heid. Sy is bekend op Botrivier vir te in ’n kas gelê het, weer uitgehaal haar liefdadigheidswerk.





APPLICATION FOR CONSOLIDATION OF, CONSENT USE AND DEPARTURE FOR ERVEN 5446 AND 7689, GRABOUW Notice is hereby given that an application by R. Boshoff on behalf of Grandselect Four (Pty) Ltd has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for:

Kennis geskied hiermee dat ‘n aansoek van R. Boshoff namens Grandselect Four (Pty) Ltd ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir:





AANSOEK OM ONDERVERDELING VAN GED. 85 (GED. VAN GED. 79) VAN DIE PLAAS KROMRIVIER NR. 317 EN KONSOLIDASIE VAN DIE PLASE ANNEX KROMRIVIER NR'S. 331, 332, 333 EN GED. 33 VAN DIE PLAAS KROMRIVIER NR. 317, CALEDON DISTRIK Kennis geskied hiermee dat 'n aansoek deur BCD, Stads- & Streeksbeplanners, namens Golden Pond Trading 184 (Pty) Ltd ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir:

Notice is hereby given that an application from BCD, Town & Regional Planners, on behalf of Golden Pond Trading 184 (Pty) Ltd has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for:

i) konsolidasie van erwe 5446 en 7658, Grabouw; ii) vergunningsgebruik, van toepassing op Sakesone 1 op die voorgestelde gekonsolideerde erf in terme van Art. 7.1.1(b) van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit Geïntegreerde Soneringskema PK 120/2011; en iii) afwyking t.o.v. voorgeskrewe parkeervereistes, in terme van Art. 15.(1) (a)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) vir die voorgestelde gekonsolideerde erf,

i) consolidation of erven 5446 and 7658, Grabouw; ii) consent use, applicable to Business Zone 2 for the proposed consolidated erf in terms of Section 7.1.1(b) of the Theewaterskloof Municipality Integrated Zoning Scheme Regulations PN 120/2011; and iii) departure applicable to prescribed provision for parking, in terms of Section 15.(1)(a)(i) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) for the proposed consolidated erf,

Aard van die aansoek: Die aansoek behels die voorgenome oprigting van ‘n supermark en drankwinkel op die gekonsolideerde erf met parkering op ‘n aangrensende erf.

Nature of the application: The application comprises the proposed erection of a super market and liquor store on the consolidated erf with parking on an adjoining erf.

i) die onderverdeling van Ged. 85 (Ged. van Ged. 79) van die Plaas Kromrivier Nr. 317, Caledon Distrik in twee gedeeltes, naamlik Gedeelte A (± 17,59ha) en Restant (± 59,28ha) in terme van Art. 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie nr. 15 van 1985) en die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond (Wet 70 van 1970); en ii) die konsolidasie van die Plase Annex Kromrivier nrs. 331, 332, 333 en Ged. 33 van die Plaas Kromrivier nr. 317, Caledon Distrik,

Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Grabouw from 2 December 2014 to 16 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 16 January 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections.

Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Caledon Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 2 Desember 2014 tot 16 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 16 Januarie 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf.

Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Caledon from 2 December 2014 to 16 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 2 December 2014. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections.

Municipal Office P.O Box 24 CALEDON 7230

Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230

Municipal Office P.O Box 24 CALEDON 7230

Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Grabouw Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 2 Desember 2014 tot 16 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 16 Januarie 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf. Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230



Verwysingsnommer: L/509 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 62/2014

Reference No. G/5446 & 7689 Notice No.: KOR 61/2014

Verwysingsnommer: G/5446 & 7689 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 61/2014


ii) consolidation of the Farms Annex Krom River no’s 331, 332, 333 and Port. 33 of the Farm Krom River No. 317, Caledon District,


Reference No. L/509 Notice No.: KOR 62/2014 X1PHB7GM-LG021214



i) the subdivision of Port. 85 (Port. of Port. 79) of the Farm Krom River No. 317, Caledon District into two portions, namely Portion A (± 17,59ha) and Remainder (± 59,18ha), in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance no. 15 of 1985) and the Act on the Subdivision of Agricultural Land (Act 70 of 1970); and


THEEWATERSKLOOF Munisipaliteit * Municipality * uMasipala Applications are hereby invited from persons to be appointed in the under mentioned vacancies:

· Please note that this position is being readvertised. Applicant who already applied does not have to submit another application.

HANDYMAN: BUILDING MAINTENANCE - CALEDON Salary: Post level T6 – Between R93 072.00 p.a. and R120 828.00 p.a. The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a grade 10 certificate, with 2 – 3 years practical experience in general building maintenance. Good human relations. Must be able to work independently. A valid code EB driver's license. Good communication skills in at least two (2) of the three (3) officials languages in the Western Cape, namely English,Afrikaans and Xhosa. Duties will include amongst others the following: Building of manholes * Do maintenance work on the Council's buildings * Do small building work * Other duties as requested from time to time. Candidates must also be willing to work overtime from time to time. Enquiries: Contact Ms. T Rossouw – Town Manager: Caledon / Tesselaarsdal / Botriver Tel: 028 – 2143300

HANDYMAN: PAINTER GRABOUW Salary: Post level T6 – Between R93 072.00 p.a. and R120 828.00 p.a. The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a grade 8 certificate (proof must be provided), as well as one (1) year practical experience in general building maintenance. Good human relations. Must be able to work independently. Duties will include amongst others the following: Do maintenance work on municipal buildings * Do small building work * paint road signs * other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Mr. N A Liebenberg – Town Manager: Grabouw Tel: 021 – 859 2507



Salary: T7 – Between R112 536.00 p.a. – R146 052.00 p.a.

Salary: Post level T4 – Between R71 712.00 p.a. and R90 912.00 p.a.

The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a Grade 12 certificate with accountancy or mathematics as subjects with one (1) year experience in a revenue office. Must have good human relations. Computer literate. Candidates with previous experience in the operating of prepaid vending systems will serve as an advantage. A valid Code EB license. Good communication skills in at least two (2) of the three (3) official languages in the Western Cape, namely English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Responsibilities would involve the following: Handle enquiries with regards to water, electricity, sewerage and refuge * register clients on prepaid / debtor system * filing of documents * ensure credit control in accordance with procedures and policies * compiling journals * processing and controlling the meter readings * reconciliations * balancing of control vote * may be required to do standby duty * other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Contact Ms. J van Niekerk: Acting Manager - Revenue. Tel: 028 – 2143300

The most eligible candidate must be able to read and write. Good human relations, and be able to work in a team. Previous experience in the operating of chain saws, brush cutters and lawn mowers will serve as a recommendation. Responsibilities would involve the following: Maintain parks, sport grounds and open public spaces using hand held tools and machines to cut, trim and shape verges, lawns, flower beds and overgrown shrubs in accordance with laid down instructions * Other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Contact Mr. N A Liebenberg: Town Manager – Grabouw: Tel: 021 – 859 2507

SENIOR CLERK: TRAFFIC SERVICES: CALEDON Salary: Post level T6 - Between R93 072.00 p.a. and R120 828.00 p.a. Requirements: The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a Senior Certificate. Previous work experience on the e-NATIS system will serve as a recommendation. The Incumbent must be computer literate (Excel and Microsoft Word). Good communication skills in at least two (2) of the three official languages of the Western Cape, namely English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Good human relations and conflict handling. Responsibilities would involve the following: * dealing with telephone enquiries *registering and licensing of motor vehicles. Capturing and processing driving and learners license transactions on eNATIS * ensuring applicants present all relevant and applicable documentation, and that applicants meet legal requirements * processing information / data on e-NATIS computer * issuing face-value documents * Communicating with the Western Cape Department of Transport to do applicable transactions * print appropriate reports from eNATIS system* Capture and process roadworthy transactions * Assist the public with enquiries * Ensures that monies received balance with totals according to e-NATIS system * Other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Mr. S Jacobs – Manager: Traffic Services Tel: 028 – 2143300

The council’s offer includes benefits such as pension, medical aid and a group scheme as well as a 13th cheque, a housing-/ rental subsidy and settling of furniture removal cost under certain conditions. Applicants must complete the prescribed application form along with originally certified copies of qualifications, ID document, as well as a testimonial in order to be considered for the position. Application forms must be forwarded to the Manager: Human Resources, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P O Box 24 Caledon 7230. • Please note: No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted. If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date of this advertisement, then you must accept that your application was unsuccessful. Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action.



Tuesday 2 December 2014

News - Nuus

DA wins by-election ANNETTE THERON Of the 4 698 registered voters in the ward 11 by-elections held on 25 and 26 November in Grabouw, 1 036 voted for Enrico Oosthuizen, the ANC candidate, 1 292 for Lydia Motomela, the DA candidate, and 19 voted for Simbongile Majelo from the UDM. Matomela is the by-election ward winner with 55,05% of the votes compared to the 44,14% for the ANC and 0,1% for the UDM candidates. Stiffie Cronjé, municipal election officer for the Theewaterskloof municipal area, thanked

all political party representatives for the respect they showed the IEC representatives. “To the permanent and temporary IEC staff, you are stars! When the tough get tougher, you are prepared to walk that extra mile. I am proud to be part of the election team.” He also thanked the police for their assistance with the escorting of IEC staff to the two voting stations. “Your presence at our voting stations and your assistance to accompany our staff with the voting material back to our Caledon IEC office was invaluable. I trust that we can continue with the good spirit and cooperation between us in the years to come.”

The Nursery opened on Saturday in Bot River. The guest speaker on the opening day was David Davidson, who spoke about Chelsea 2014. Riaan Maritz, the owner, thanked all the people, locals and visitors from surrounding areas, that came to support The Nursery. “It was great to receive such positive feedback from everybody that came to visit us. We look forward to seeing much more of you,” he said.

Fire in Elim under control The Department of Environmental Affairs Programme, Working on Fire, has been hard at work fighting a fire in Spanjaardskloof in Elim in the Overberg region for the last five days, in partnership with the Overberg District Municipality. “The fire started on Tuesday,” said David Joseph, divisional officer of Caledon Fire.

“The fire has been under control since Saturday. Joseph said the cause is unknown. Joseph urged farmers to keep their fire breaks in place. “This will prevent fires jumping from farm to farm.” Working on Fire said currently no property is in danger and the teams on the Spanjaardskloof fire are mopping up.

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Staff from Cape Agulhas Sub-district received an award for the best overall performance in combating HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Province at the Caledon provincial hospital recently. From left: Yunus Adams, CBS coordinator, Engela Genis, primary healthcare manager, Dr Jacque du Toit, medical manager, Naomi October, clinical programme coordinator, Emilia Hans, HAST manager and Wilma Kamfer, health director: Overberg. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON



Leader - Hoofartikel

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Waarom moet net pa’s opdok vir kinders?

Gryp alle geleenthede aan Die einde van die matriekeksamen het verlede week aangebreek en die eerste tree na die grootmenswêreld wink. Twaalf jaar se swoeg en sweet op die skoolbanke is nou verby en ander uitdagings lê nou voor. Talle matrieks hou tans vakansie by van die kusdorpe terwyl ander weer begin voorberei vir ’n nuwe fase in hul lewe. Of jy nou gaan werk, verder studeer of ’n af jaar oorsee gaan geniet – geniet elke oomblik van jou ontdekkingstog. Ons by die Gazette wens al ons matrieks alles van die beste toe vir dié opwindende tydperk van hul lewe. Gryp alle geleenthede aan terwyl jy jouself en jou toekoms vorm.

Onlangs in tydskrifte en koerante is gepraat van vaders wat nie hul onderhoud aan hul kinders wil betaal nie, dan ly almal wat betrokke is by die kind se opvoeding en grootmaak daar onder. Maar baie moeders doen dit ook, en ons pa’s se hande is afgekap. Nou die dag vra my dogter (8), “Daddy is dit my regte mammie, want sy gee niks vir my om nie, sy stuur nie vir ouma geld nie, sy gee nie daddy se geld wat sy skuld nie, sy bel eenkeer ’n maand. “Ek kan nie meer dokter of tandarts toe gaan nie want mammie betaal hulle nie, is dit wat mammies doen? “Kan daddy vir my ’n ander mammie kry, asseblief.” My antwoord was, dis geen probleem om ’n ander mammie te kry nie. Daddy sukkel om jou na ’n goeie skool

te stuur, klere te koop en om in jou alledaagse behoeftes te voorsien. Dis ’n 24/7-taak, maar om te sien hoe mooi presteer jy in skool en hoe jy in almal se harte kruip, jou mooi maniere en hoe lief jy is vir kerkgaan, verbly enige daddy se hart. Ek is trots op jou en baie lief vir jou en deel jou met niemand nie, my kind. Toe sê sy: “Dankie daddy, dat ek nou by jou en ouma grootword. Ek het goeie maatjies en ’n groter suster vir wie ek baie lief is. Ek kry elke dag drukkies en soentjies van jou daddy en daarom sal ek vir ewig lief wees vir jou. Kry my ’n ander mammie vir Kersfees daddy, want ek wil jou ook graag gelukkig sien.”


Laat die Here jou bemoedig Hierdie tyd van die jaar is die meeste van ons moeg en sien ons uit na ’n ruskans. Ongelukkig kan almal nie verlof vat nie en diegene wat moet werk voel so half afgeskeep en alleen terwyl vriende en familie rondom hulle met verlof gaan. Jesus nooi jou egter uit in Matt.11:28 “Kom na My toe, almal wat vermoeid en belas is, en ek sal jou rus gee.” Hierdie teks praat natuurlik meer van sielsmoegheid en laste, maar of ons fisies moeg is of sielsmoeg is, in albei gevalle kan ons na Hom gaan en ons sal verkwikking vind. Soms is dit net nodig dat ons die gejaagdheid staak en by Sy voete gaan sit en sommer net toelaat dat Hy ons opnuut weer bemoedig. Die Here wil jou vandag bemoedig en jou uit jou moedeloosheid uithaal en op ’n plek van oorwinning sit. Hy is nie onsimpatiek teenoor jou nie – inteendeel Hy verklaar in Rom.8:37: “Maar in al hierdie dinge is ons meer as oorwinnaars deur Hom wat ons liefgehad het.” Hy nooi jou om in Sy rus in te gaan en toe te laat dat Hy jou vertroos en versterk.


The Right to Care group from the Department of Health performed 70 HIV tests on patients on Wednesday before 12:00 and tested another 30 visitors at the Caledon Clinic before 13:00 to reach their goal of 100 for the day. Nomande Banya, Calin Rhode and Yolanda du Toit performed the tests and they also burnt candles for a minute in remembrance of those who lost their lives to HIV. Yesterday was World Aids Day. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON


‘Earthmoving’ reactions to April Foolery in newspaper column

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Paid a belated visit to Cape Agulhas last weekend, which as everyone believes, is the southernmost point of Africa. Numerous road signs, shop fronts and B&Bs also attest to this fact, so you may well ask why I say all “believe” it to be so? Before attempting an explanation, I need to stress that I found the place more attractive and welcoming than I could have predicted. The light-house is a striking piece of architecture, tastefully restored and still resolutely beaming its comforting message southwards across the treacherous Agulhas Current. At the Point there was a smattering of tourists. Some of these good people, faced with the striking realisation that the next piece of solid ground is Antarctica, (surreptitiously!) got on tippy-toes for a glimpse of it. Of course, if you had X-ray eyes you would peer down at the ground at an angle of about thirty degrees to see it, and that from underneath, but never mind. Which brings me back to the point: our seemingly rock-steady continents have been drifting about the face of the earth for as long as dry land and sea have been separated (ref: Genesis). The magnetic poles are even more fickle, swinging around the geographic

poles with gay abandon, even switching polarity now and again. The magnetic monitoring station at Hermanus predicts that the next switch-over is imminent, so don’t say I didn’t warn you when your GPS goes haywire. A former colleague once snuck a bit of April Foolery into his daily

column, where he blandly announced that, due to this confirmed swinging of the magnetic south pole, Cape Agulhas could no longer call itself the southernmost point. This apparently led to a howl of outrage when the good folk down there, naturally exploiting their location as a Unique Selling Proposition, felt the solid earth moving ominously under their feet for a day or two. A similar, even more outraged

reaction to a bit of bogus information took place in Natal, where people take their sport very seriously and cycling, running, canoeing, cricket, rugby, polo, tennis, badminton, squash, sailing and lifting heavy containers filled with liquids are not activities to be trifled with. The offending article took the shape of a small one-paragraph story on the front page of a popular weekly, which said nothing more than this: “In view of the fact that the Comrades Marathon is run alternately up and down each year, the Dusi Canoe Marathon Committee has decided to bring their event in line with the Comrades, by also running it alternately up and down.” A collective howl arose and the telephone lines were clogged for days with outraged canoeists venting their wrath on the perpetrators. It was one thing, they all moaned, to carry your canoe downhill from Maritzburg to Durbs – as happens during some dry years - but quite another to do the reverse. Granted, sportsmen as a tribe have their little vulnerabilities but a sense of humour is apparently not one of them . . . –

Tuesday 2 December 2014

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Bee-Pak wins R1 m SAB Foundation prize The SAB Foundation has named local innovation BeePak™ – a compact bee farming system – the R1 million prize winner in its fourth Annual Social Innovation Awards.

area of food security. “Innovation doesn’t have to be all about technology, sometimes we need to go back to the basics to make the biggest difference.” Judges said Bee-Pak™ adBee-Pak™ is dresses the trademarked as global focus arthe “world’s ea of food secufirst flat pack rityanddemoncomposite beestrated the hive system”. Bee-Pak innovator Greg Eberdeen from greatest potenThe innovation Grabouw won the R1 million prize tial to make a has an encapsu- which will go towards further develop- difference in lated thermal ing and marketing the innovation. the lives of peocore to insulate ple, particularthe beehive and is designed to opti- ly those living in rural areas – one mise the health, survival and pro- of the foundation’s key beneficiary duction capacity ofbees, which are groups. They said the innovation primary food security pollinators. had strong existing demand and Bee-Pak™ innovator, Greg the foundation’s investment could Eberdeen, says the beehive elimi- help to expand this further. Beenates 60% of the pathogens that de- Pak™ was also recognised for its stroy bee colonies. “It weighs 15 kg potentialtocreatejobsinruralarecompared to wooden beehives that asaswellasforpeoplewithdisabilweigh about 50 kg, allowing people ities. with limited transportation to “Thecombinationofsocialinnofield them easily.” vation and entrepreneurship is He says it has a lifespan of 50 one of the best formulas in helping years, where wooden hives last on- ourcountryaddresssomeofthesoly four to six years. The objective cioeconomic challenges we face is to build strong bee colonies, and the SAB Foundation Social Inwhilst addressing job creation in novation Awards is a starting rural areas. point for this. We hope it will be“This prize from the SAB Foun- come a benchmark for similar inidation allows us to grow Bee-Pak tiatives,” says Polo Leteka Radebe, substantially; most especially we South African businesswoman have the opportunity to upscale and SAB Foundation trustee. our workforce immediately by Anti-fungal treatment, Candidamore than 200 people from mostly FreeNatural,cameinsecondplace rural communities. In addition, at the competition, winning a others can use the system as a grant of R500 000 and Hearmeans of income generation.” ScreenTM Smartphone Hearing Aberdeen says it has been three Test and Driving Ambitions reyears of intensive research, focus- ceived R350 000 each as joint third ing on making a difference in the place winners.

VLV Bredasdorp se uitgaande voorsitter Ann Gunning, steek die voorsitterspeldjie aan vir die nuutverkose voorsitter Brenda Botha. FOTO: ORA LAUBSCHER

Bredasdorp VLV sluit op blink noot af ORA LAUBSCHER Dinsdag 4 November het die lede van Bredasdorp se VLV-tak sy jaarlikse afsluitingsfunksie in die Overberg Agri-opleidingsaal gehou. Overberg se sirkelpresidente, Hermien van Zyl, het spesiaal van Kleinmond gereis om as spesiale gas die oorhandiging van trofeë en spesiale toekennings wat lede gewen het, te hanteer. Aan die einde van die middag se verrigtinge het Anne Gunning, die uittredende voorsitter vir 2014, ook amptelik die voorsitterstoel vir 2015 oorgegee aan Brenda Botha.

Taklede wat wisseltrofeë ontvang het, was Pam Donkin wat individueel besonder goed presteer het, Marie Spamer, Anne Gunning en Sarie Mommsen. ’n Splinternuwe trofee wat van jaar vir die eerste keer deur Sirkel Tygerberg op die tafel gesit is as aansporing vir die sirkel “met meeste punte vir naaldwerk”, het sommer met die intrapslag sy pad na die Overberg Sirkel gevind en sal vir ’n wyle ’n ereplek by die Bredasdorpers beklee! Die tema vir die komende jaar is “vroue met Visie” en die jaarlikse konferensie gaan in die OosKaap op Cradock gehou word vanaf 18 tot en met 20 Augustus.




ASSISTANT MANAGER: NURSING (HEAD OF NURSING SERVICES) REMUNERATION: R404 700 (PN-A7) PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum educational qualification: Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. Registration with a professional council: Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. Experience: A minimum of 8 years’ appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse in General Nursing • At least 3 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience at management level. Inherent requirements of the job: Current annual practicing certificate • A valid (Code B/ EB) driver’s licence. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Ability to work effectively in a management and multidisciplinary team • Good organisational, interpersonal relations and communication skills (verbal and written) in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • People management and negotiation skills • Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint) • Strategic planning and leadership in nursing management • Expertise in quality improvement and infection prevention and control strategies in health. Duties (key result areas/outputs): Provide strategic leadership towards achieving goals and objectives in the Nursing Division through the implementation and monitoring of policies, regulations, professional practices, procedures and standards to achieve quality, holistic Nursing Care • Provide professional, technical and management support for the provision of quality patient care, through effective and efficient management of nursing care programmes • Utilise information technology to manage health information for the enhancement of quality patient care • Manage and the effective utilisation and supervision of human resources, finances and support services through the involvement of the multidisciplinary team that ultimately promotes effective and efficient patient care • Coordinate the provision of effective training and research. Note: Short-listed candidates may be required to do a practical test. Enquiries: Dr MS Rambiyana, tel. 028 212 1070 Closing date: 19 December 2014



CLEANER REMUNERATION: R67 806 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum requirement: Basic experience as a Cleaner. Inherent requirement Competencies (knowledge/skills): Ability to official languages of the Western Cape • The team.

reading and writing skills. Experience: Appropriate of the job: Relief work at other clinics when necessary. effectively communicate in at least two of the three ability to function independently and/or as part of a

Duties (key result areas/outputs): General cleaning which includes dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, polishing, cleaning of windows and toilets, scrubbing and mopping, removal of rubbish bags and cleaning of mobile clinics according to the daily/weekly programme of the Sister in charge • Maintain order in case of undesired behaviour of the public • Render an effective, efficient and safe hygiene service in and around the clinic • Effective management of equipment and stock control • Render support service to the supervisor. Enquiries: Ms R Rossouw, tel. 028 212 1070


INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.

The Department of Health is guided by the Closing Date: principles of Employment Equity. Disabled 29 December 2014 candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated. unless otherwise stated 121241 TWK


General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Kelder bederf 1964-matrieks HERMIEN VAN ZYL

Vlugsersant Aubrey Davids en kapt. HM Kapp by die sportdag teen misdaad op Kleinmond.


Weermag bied geleenthede FANIE KRIGE

en kommunikasietegnologie opgelei word. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan mense wat ’n tegniese ondersteuningsrol as operateurs van konstruksiemasjinerie en bestuurders van swaar voertuie wil speel. Om vir die ontwikkelingsprogram te kwalifiseer, moet jy ’n Suid-Afrikaanse burger tussen 18 en 22 wees. Jy moet ’n matriek of ’n ekwivalente sertifikaat hê of tans in matriek wees. Jy moet ongetroud wees en onderneem om nie te trou terwyl jy met jou kontrak besig is nie. Jy moet nie area-gebonde wees nie en geen misdaadrekord hê nie. Jy moet medies geskik wees en aan ander vereistes vir aanstelling in die SA Nasionale Weermag voldoen. Wanneer jy jou twee jaar termyn voltooi het, kan ’n verlenging van die kontrak oorweeg word na gelang van jou prestasie en die beskikbaarheid van poste in jou veld. Davids sê hy is beskikbaar om by skole en ander plekke met jong mense oor die program te kom praat. Bel hom of kapt. HM Kapp by 028 425 4111 of 028 425 4025 of stuur ’n e-pos

Werwingsbeamptes van die Lugmagbasis Overberg was onlangs by ’n Sportdag-teen-misdaad, gehou op Kleinmond, om die jeug oor ’n spesiale militêre vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogram in te lig. Volgens vlugsersant Aubrey Davids behels die program dat jy vir twee jaar vrywillige diens by die SA Nasionale Weermag moet aansluit. Benewens militêre opleiding ondergaan die rekrute ook funksionele opleiding in ’n gespesialiseerde rigting. Daar is ontsaglik baie geleenthede vir ontwikkeling, sê hy. Rekrute word onder meer opgelei as vraglaaimeesters, spyseniers, brandbestryders, taalpraktisyns, voorraadklerke, administratiewe klerke, musikante, natuurbewaarders, personeelbeamptes en sportbeamptes. Wat operasionele diens betref, kan rekrute as lugruimbeheerders of in die bestuur van bevel en beheer asook in die bestuur van informasie-

Toe die 1964-matrieks van die Hoërskool De Villiers Graaff op Villiersdorp onlangs op die dorp bymekaar gekom het vir hulle 50 jaar-reünie, was een van die hoogtepunte beslis die gesellige en leersame wynproe wat deur Villiersdorp Kelder aangebied is. Al die kelder se spogwyne kon by die Kelkiewyn-proelokaal geproe en bespreek word deur 30 oudleerders en 15 Dennis Findley, Frederick en Hermien van Zyl en Johan en Marilyn de Wet klink glasies tydens die wynproe van hul gades, wat wat Villiersdorp Kelder vir die reünie-gangers aangebied het. uit al die uithoeke van die land gekom het, sommige so- dorpse Moskonfyt-koöperasie van die 50 gaste verwelkom met ’n glasie van die Villiersdorp Kelder se bekenhulle jeug, te hoor. ver as Minnesota in die VSA! Van hulle ouers was boere wat hul- de Cape Ruby (Port) wat van eg PorFrancois Jacobs, die kelder se bemarker, het die nuwe Since 1922- le druiwe daar gelewer het, ook di- tugese variëteite berei word en het wynreeks, wat terroir-spesifiek is, rekteure en werknemers by die koö- die kelder se spogwyne en druiwesap aan die oudskoliere bekendgestel en perasie – en van die koshuisgangers weer op die tafels gepryk. Elke oud-leerder het ook ’n bottel die interessante geskiedenis agter het die handevol druiwe onthou wat hulle by die pars-lorries, wat in die gedenk-wyn ontvang van die nuwe die naam vertel. Vir ’n hele paar oudleerders was straat voor die koshuise vir hulle af- reeks, voorsien van ’n spesiale etiket om diè eenmaal-in-’n-leeftyd ervadit wonderlik om weer hierdie ou ge- laaibeurt gewag het, kon afhaal. By die dinee die Saterdagaand is ring te gedenk. skiedenis van Mosko, die Villiers-

Once again, Applewood Preparatory School learners sparkled in their annual drama production on Wednesday 5 November. Each class put on a play and every learner had a role in the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy ensemble plays, designed to showcase effective development of the learners’ confidence and communication skills through weekly classes. Varied humorous situations from cowardly foxes, a posh wedding, a danger-filled computer game, trouble in Storyland, a lazy tour company to a retelling of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream had the audience thoroughly entertained.









Notice is hereby given that an application by Boland Plan, Town and Regional Planners on behalf of P.M. Barnard has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for:

Kennis geskied hiermee dat ’n aansoek om Hersonering en Afwyking op Restant Erf 712, Greyton van Boland Plan, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners namens P.M. Barnard ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir:

Notice is hereby given that an application from P.H. Millard has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for the subdivision of Portion 121 of the Farm No. 811, Tesselaarsdal, Caledon District into three portions, namely Port. A (± 5ha), Port. B (± 6ha) and Port. C (± 17ha), in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance no. 15 of 1985),

Kennis geskied hiermee dat 'n aansoek deur P.H. Millard ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir die onderverdeling van Gedeelte 121 van die Plaas Nr. 811, Tesselaarsdal, Caledon Distrik in drie gedeeltes, naamlik Ged. A (± 5ha), Ged. B (± 6ha) en Ged. C (± 17ha), in terme van Art. 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie nr. 15 van 1985),

Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Caledon from 2 December 2014 to 16 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 16 January 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections.

Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Caledon Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 2 Desember 2014 tot 16 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 16 Januarie 2014. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf.

Municipal Office P.O Box 24 CALEDON 7230

Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230



Verwysingsnommer: T811/121 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 64/2014

Reference No. T811/121 Notice No.: KOR 64/2014 X1PHB9MD-LG021214

i) rezoning in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance,1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985); and ii) departure in terms of Section 7.1(Table B) of the Theewaterskloof Municipality Integrated Zoning Scheme Regulations P.N. 120/2011 of Remainder of Erf 712 Greyton, Nature of the application: The application comprises rezoning from Single residential Zone 1 to General residential Zone 4 for the purpose of running a guest house on the erf.

Aard van die aansoek: Die aansoek behels hersonering van Enkelwoningsone 1 na Algemene woonsone 4 ten einde ‘n gastehuis te kan bedryf op die erf.

Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office Greyton from 2 December 2014 to 16 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 16 January 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections.

Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Greyton Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 2 Desember 2014 tot 16 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 16 Januarie 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf.

Municipal Office P.O Box 24 CALEDON 7230

Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230


Reference. No: G/712 Notice No.: KOR 65/201424 X1PHB9C1-LG021214

i) hersonering in terme van Art. 17 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985); en ii) afwyking in terme van Art. 7.1(Tabel B) van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit Geïntegreerde Soneringskema P.N. 120/2011,


Verwysingsnommer: G/712 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 65/2014 X1PHB8N5-LG021214


Tuesday 2 December 2014

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


De Heide kroon 2014 debutante De Heide Primêr se debutante is op Woensdag 28 Oktober gekroon. Die opvoeders het almal vir hul harde werk bedank.

Die gr. 6-leerders van Klein Ovies het heerlik gekuier en geleer by Beaumont-wynlandgoed in Botrivier. Mej. Debutant junior is van links Janine Mahala (tweede prinses), Lilité Joy (wenner) en Ishaan Europa (eerste prins).

Die senior debutante is van links Willanca Rossouw (tweede prinses), Marquin Nefdt (wenner) en Azadré Reyneke (eerste prinses).

Klein Ovies besoek Beaumont se meul

Net oor die agt jaar gelede het Andy Selfe die geleentheid gehad om ’n watermeul op te restoureer. Met die hulp van Noel Greeff, is dié meul op Beaumont-landgoed in ere herstel. Klein Ovies se gr. 6-leerders het hierdie watermeul, wat in werkende toestand is, besoek. Die leerders kon vrae vra en het soveel geleer. Dié eks-

kursie was propvol geskiedenis oor die kontrei en die belangrikheid van waterenergie. Die leerders van wil weereens dankie sê vir die geleentheid om Beaumont-wynplaas te besoek. ’n Spesiale woord van dank aan die twee ingenieurs, Andy Selfe en Noel Greeff, wat hulle kennis en blootstelling verbreed het oor hoe ’n watermeul werk.

Hoërskool Bredasdorp het op 31 Oktober en 1 November vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar die Wimpy o. 15 T4J-dubbelstoernooi aangebied. Baie dankie aan al die betrokke ouers, Lena van den Heever, toernooi-tellinghouer, Flip van den Heever, toernooi-skeidsregter en die vriendelike personeel van Wimpy Bredasdorp. Alle eer aan God wat hierdie toernooi so ongelooflik geseën het.

Die gr. R-debutante is (van links): Duwann Hendricks (tweede prins), Mickayla van Lynn (mej. Debutante 2014) en Chloe August (tweede prinses).

Graad R debutante De Heide Primêr se gr. R-debutantefunksie het op Woensdag 28 Oktober plaasgevind. Die opvoeders wil graag ieder en elke ouer bedank vir hul harde werk. Die leerders het pragtig gelyk.

Overberg District Municipality, with its head office in Bredasdorp, currently offers the following opportunities to suitably qualified persons to commence duties as soon as possible.

Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit, met sy hoofkantoor op Bredasdorp, bied tans die volgende geleenthede aan toepaslike gekwalifiseerde persone om so spoedig moontlik diens te aanvaar.



One internship (contract appointment) is currently available in the Finance Department for a person to gain practical experience in the financial operations of Local Government. This project is an initiative of National Treasury’s reform programme for effective and accountable financial management and is aimed at individuals who have recently obtained a relevant tertiary qualification, as mentioned below. Requirements: • B degree or 3-year equivalent tertiary qualification with at least Financial Management, Financial Accounting and/or Auditing/Internal Auditing as main subjects in the final year • Fairly good written and verbal communication skills • Computer literacy with practical experience • Valid Code B driver’s licence. B degree candidates and persons from the Overberg District will receive preference.

Een internskap (kontrakaanstelling) is tans in die Departement Finansies beskikbaar vir ’n persoon om praktiese ondervinding in die finansiële bedrywighede van plaaslike regering op te doen. Hierdie projek is ’n inisiatief van Nasionale Tesourie se hervormingsprogram vir doeltreffende en verantwoordbare finansiële bestuur en is gemik op individue wat onlangs ’n toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasie, soos hieronder genoem, verwerf het. Vereistes: • B-graad of 3-jaar gelykwaardige tersiêre kwalifikasie met minstens Finansiële Bestuur, Finansiële Rekeningkunde en/of Ouditkunde/Interne Ouditkunde as hoofvakke in die finale jaar • Redelike skriftelike en mondelinge kommunikasievaardighede • Rekenaargeletterdheid met praktiese ervaring • Geldige Kode B-bestuurslisensie. B-graad kandidate en persone van die Overberg-Distrik sal voorkeur geniet.

(Bredasdorp) All-inclusive remuneration package: R100 000 per annum


Department Community Services, Section Roads (Caledon) Remuneration: R89 376 – R111 048 per annum plus the normal fringe benefits of a Grade 9 Local Authority Requirements: • Experience in the operation of tip and water trucks, as well as one additional light construction machine during road construction and maintenance • Valid Code C driver’s licence and a public driver’s permit (PDP) • Literate in order to complete own timesheet • Ability to communicate in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Duties: • Operate tip and water trucks, as well as one additional light construction machine during road construction and maintenance • Maintain timesheets, vehicle and petrol logs and load safety. Closing date: 12 December 2014. Application forms are available at all ODM offices. Completed application forms, accompanied by CVs and certified copies of required documents, are to be returned to the Human Resources Section, Private Bag X22, Bredasdorp 7280. Applications with no proof of requirements met will not be processed. For any enquiries in this regard, you may contact Mrs C October at (028) 425-1157. Appointments will be made in terms of the Employment Equity Policy of the Municipality. If no feedback regarding your application is received within six weeks of the closing date, your application will be deemed as unsuccessful.


Arina Wilson 114629


Allesinsluitende vergoedingspakket: R100 000 per jaar


Department Gemeenskapsdienste, Afdeling Paaie (Caledon) Salaris: R89 376– R111 048 per jaar plus die normale byvoordele soos van toepassing by ’n Graad 9 Plaaslike Owerheid

Vereistes: • Ondervinding in die hantering van wipbak- en watervragmotors en een ligte konstruksiemasjien tydens padkonstruksie en -instandhouding • Geldige Kode C-bestuurslisensie en openbare bestuurspermit (PDP) • Geletterdheid om eie tydstate te kan byhou • Taalvaardig in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Pligte: • Besetting van enige wipbak- en watervragmotor en een ligte konstruksiemasjien tydens padkonstruksie en instandhouding • Byhou van loon-, werktuig- en brandstofstate en die handhawing van vragveiligheid. Sluitingsdatum: 12 Desember 2014. Aansoekvorms is verkrygbaar by alle ODM kantore. Aansoeke moet vergesel word van gewaarmerkte afskrifte van vereiste dokumente. Voltooide aansoekvorms en CVs moet aan die Afdeling: Menslike Hulpbronne, Privaatsak X22, Bredasdorp 7280 gestuur word. By die versuim om stawende bewyse van vereistes voor te lê, sal u aansoek nie verwerk word nie. Vir enige navrae in die verband, skakel mev C October by (028) 425-1157. Aanstellings sal gedoen word ingevolge die Gelyke Indiensnemingsbeleid van die Munisipaliteit. Indien u binne ses weke na die sluitingsdatum geen terugvoer in verband met u aansoek ontvang nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.



Theewaterskloof Gazette

Die volgende diens het plaasgevind op Saterdag 29 November 2014.



Ons Innige Meegevoel aan Naasbestaandes Reëlings deur Alex Heyns Ceres

Reëlings deur Abraham Appel Riviersonderend




JOSEPH APOLLIS 17.11.2014 Rus in vrede my man – Liefde vrou Lientjie. ******************* ‘n Pa, Man en Oupa se stem het skielik kom stil word. Die vermisting is groot maar in ons harte weet ons hy is op die beste plek. Liefde jou vrou Lientjie, Jason, Jolandi, Josephine, Zackhary, Martina, Kleinkinders & Elwill


RICARDO TITUS 05.12.1988 4 Jaar se gebeure voel nog soos gister. So spreek die Here julle droefheid sal in blydskap verander. Dis hoe ons jou sal lief het tot in lengte van dae. Ons mis jou oneindig baie. Mammie, Daddy, Washiardo, Familie & Vriende.







06.12.2014 Happy birthday Angel! We love u lots. From Dadda, Ma Rita, Elric & Pa Eric.

FINCK PROKUREURS CALEDON. Skakel gerus Ronnie Finck by 073 495 0998/028 212 3206 om 'n konsultasie te reël. Ons beskerm u belange. Hawstraat 6, Caledon.

JOSEPHINE APOLLIS 07.12.2014 Baie geluk met jou mondigwording. Gods rykste seën. Ons is baie lief vir jou. Van Jolandi & Jason





RUIM 2SL Skakelhuis. 1820 Dep. verpligtend. Huurder KRAGGEREEDSKAP. Vir betaal ekstra water bo die huur van hoëdrukR50. R4000pm. Dienste spuite en kraggereedskap. ingesluit. Skakel Gabriël van der 5SL HUIS. Dep. verpligMerwe by Overberg Diens- tend. Huurder betaal sentrum 083 551 5406 alle dienstrek. R6000pm oh. ure. Skakel 083 960 4294. VAKANSIE & REIS

SPRINGKASTELE te huur. Skakel Virginia 082 321 4395.



LG2 TRAVEL AGENCY. Online bus bookings. Call 028 212 2740.


GABBIANO RESTAURANT CALEDON. Conference room 16-20 people for birthdays/meetings/ year end functions etc. Phone 028 212 3671 for more information.



PADSTAL/RESTAURANT,DASSIESFONTEIN: Vir etes, funksies en vele meer! Skakel 028 214 1475.


ONS KOOP enige meubels, elektriese ware, selfone, tuingereedskap, hand gereedskap, goud, juweliersware ens. vir kontant. Besoek ons by 13 Dempers Str. of skakel 083 413 9775

Een van ons laaste Landbouskou baba kompetisie se baba word 21!

Jy is spesiaal en al is Daddy nie meer met ons sal hy altyd in ons harte voortleef. Hy was 'n Daddy duisend. Geniet jou 21ste verjaarsdag en als wat mooi is vir die toekoms. Baie liefde van Mammie, Apollis en Fredericks Families X1PH42KM-LG021214

My naam is Katherine, ek wil net ‘n hartlike dank gee aan Mama Rema en Prof Juma hulle het my gehelp om al my lewens probleme op te los. Ek het baie rond beweeg na verskillende dokters maar sonder sukses.

Closed trucks. Furniture and/or bulk transporting. STORAGE AVAILABLE Try us for the best prices and service. Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Sel: 082 570 0923 Fax: 086 582 8366 Fax: 028 316 2263

Eendag het ek net besluit om hulle te kontak. Mama en Prof het my probleme in minute opgelos sonder dat dit nodig was om hulle te gaan sien. Mama Rema het vinnig iets gedoen en in minute het ek alles terug gekry wat ek aan die dokters spandeer het.


Laerskool Overberg

Algemene Skoonmaker

Ek het baie probleme gehad soos finansies, baie teespoed, liefdes probleme, swakbesigheid en nog baie meer, maar dit alles het verwdyn met die hulp van hulle.

Januarie 2015

Vandag is my lewe baie suksesvol ek besit groot besighede en leef ‘n gelukkige lewe met my man.


My versoek aan almal is om nie meer verder rond te dwaal na ander dokters nie. Kontak Mama en Prof vandag nog vir vinnige hulp.

Sluitingsdatum: Donderdag, 4 Desember 2014 om 12:00

Hulle is beskikbaar in Grabouw op hierdie nommer 083 592 5214.

Posbus 186, Caledon 7230 e-pos:









EIKE STRAAT 6 CALEDON: 3 slaapkamer huis te koop. R1.4 000, 00. Geen agente. Skakel 082 783 2900. HUISE TE HUUR


Start date: January 12 2015 Permanent post Salary negotiable

If you do not hear from us within four weeks of closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.





Minimum requirements: • a Grade 12 Certificate, NQF Level 4 qualification or higher • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • 5years relevant electrical experience in the electrical construction industry. A good understanding of the electrical installation rules (sans 10142 part 1) Main functions (Responsible for): • All electrical services • electrical installation • maintenance and repairs (domestic and industrial) • electrical inspections • testing • fault finding • installation and connection of back-up generator, U.P.S and A.V.R • reading of plans and preparing jobs. Managing staff and delegating jobs. More information may be obtained by contacting 028 316 2403 • All applications should be addressed with an employment application form. • Application form can be downloaded from our website or contact the office with your fax or email address • Closing date: December 12, 2014 @ 14:00h

2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL te huur in middedorp. Koopkrag. R2700 p.m. water ingesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Januarie 2015. Skakel 082 429 2608 / 028 214 1170.

Reëlings deur Jacques Brinkhuys Caledon

Artisan: Electrical Assistant/Electrician • • •


Ons Innige Meegevoel aan die Naasbestaandes


DOVES-Begrafnisdienste/Funeral Services. Giving comfort. Taking care. Caledon: 18 Pleinstr; 028 212 3054. 09 Argonst, Hermanus Business Park, 028 313 1741. Kleinmond: 27 Main Rd, 028 271 4971. Gansbaai: 61 Main Rd, 028 384 3344. Bredasdorp: Overberg Sentrum shop 12, 087 630 2011.






Die volgende dienste het plaasgevind op 29 November 2014.

Die volgende diens het plaasgevind op Saterdag 29 November 2014 te Ceres.

Ons Innige Meegevoel aan Naasbestaandes

Tuesday 2 December 2014



Dinsdag 2 Desember 2014

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


IEMAS Accounts Open 6 December 2014 Clover The One Fresh Milk 1% Low Fat 2 Litre



Die meisies het almal ’n pienk strikkie in hul hare gesit.

Juffrou Tokkie geëer Op 18 November moes ons met groot hartseer hoor dat ons geliefde Juffrou Tokkie haar stryd teen kanker verloor het. Ons harte is seer, want haar plek by Rûens Kollege is leeg; maar daar is vrede in ons harte, want ons wéét dat sy nou in veilige Hande is. Ons is dankbaar vir die jare wat ons haar kon ken, want sy het elkeen – ouer, onderwyser en leerder – op ’n baie spesiale manier geïnspireer met haar positiwiteit en absolute deernis wat sy vir haar medemens gehad het. Op 19 November het die leerders van Rûens gewys hoe groot hul harte werklik is. Daar is ’n shavathon gehou ten bate van Juffrou Tokkie. Die seuns het hul hare tot nommer een laat afskeer en die dogters en die juffrouens het pienk haarstrikkies in hul hare laat sit. Leerders het donasies by vriende ingesamel, en het ’n baie mooi bedrag ingesamel. Die bedrag was groot genoeg sodat meneer Nico ook moes sit vir daardie groot haarsny. Wat ’n ongelooflike ervaring was dit nie om te sien hoe die leerders hul liefde wys vir hul Juffrou Tokkie nie. Ansu Rossouw





Bulk Thick Cut Matured Vacuum Packed Rump or Porterhouse Steak Per kg

Beef Topside or Silverside Roast Per kg

Selected products on this page have been styled for photogra photography

Best value on these 6 fruit & veg offers Valid 2 - 7 DECEMPBER 2014 Terms and conditions apply.


PnP Potatoes 7kg

PnP Mushrooms 250g


Crosse & Blackwell M Mayonnaise Assorted 750g-790g Each


PnP Avocados Loose Sell

PnP Crisp Lettuce Head Each

PnP Onions 2kg







County Fair Riverside Whole Bird in Tray with Giblets Per kg

20 895



PnP Carrots 1kg




2795 10 3


Stork Country Spread Medium Fat Spread 1kg Tub Nestlé Cremora Coffee Creamer Assorted 1kg Each

SAVE 2.70



Hoërskool Bredasdorp is baie trots op die feit dat hul hoofmeisie vir 2015, Cara Kleynhans, gekies is om Die Burger se 56ste jaarlikse jeugleierskonferensie by te woon. Dié groep van 50 leerders kom uit skole van oor die Noord-, Suid-, Oos- en Wes-Kaap. Hulle sal van 12 tot 18 Desember by Die Burger se strandhuis in Muizenberg tuisgaan. Vanjaar se tema is “Leierskap in die tegnologiese eeu”. Die skool is saam met Cara opgewonde oor hierdie verrykende geleentheid wat vir haar voorlê.


SAVE 3.50



Tastic Long Grain Parboiled Rice 2kg

Buy 6 bottles of wine and get the cheapest one



Terms and conditions apply. Visit

S VE Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.






Crown Blended Cooking Oil 2 Litre

Jungle Oats 1kg




Securex S Sec Soap Assorted Asso 200g

SAVE 1 1





PnP 2 Ply Toilet Tissue 18s

Omo Auto Washing Powder 2kg, Liquid Detergent 1.5 Litre or Liquid Capsules 16s Each

Don’t pay a cent more than you have to this Christmas. See in store for details.


Bredasdorp High School would like to congratulate Kyle Steele (left) and Brendill Sebonka who were chosen as finalists in the CAT Techno Boffin Competition of the Overberg Education District. They participated in the final round in Caledon on 29 October.

Excluding Beaufort West, George, Jeffreys Bay, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay, Namibia, Express stores, Franschhoek Daily and Pick n Pay Local stores. smart shopper points will still apply in Express stores, Franschhoek Daily and Pick n Pay Local stores. Liquor not for sale on Sundays. Buy aid cards not accepted at the following store: Strand Street. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at Some products may not be available in all stores. Certain promotional stocks are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE. 1187271_390x198

Theewaterskloof | Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 4 • Dinsdag 2 Desember 2014 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Groot opwinding het by De Rust Futura Akademie geheers nadat hul langasem, Clinton Solomons, in die SA o. 15-landloopspan as reserwe opgeneem is. Clinton was hierdie seisoen deurgaans bestendig en het met hardebaarde afgereken. By hom is sy afrigter, David Mason.

Floors Brand is Let’s Play se sportster vir Oktober.

Lynette van der Vyver, Warrick Pheiffer se afrigter, wens hom geluk met sy prestasies. Pheiffer is Desember se Let’s Play- sportster.

Adrian Swart is die Let’s Play-sportster vir November. Hy is ’n leerder by Laerskool Overberg.

Drie Let’s Play-sportsterre Floors Brand van Laerskool Overberg is die Supersport Let’s Playsportster vir Oktober en Adrian Swart vir November. Warrick Pheiffer van De Rust Futura Akademie in Grabouw is Desember se sportster. Floors Brand speel Boland-krieket, Suid-Boland-krieket en krieket vir Laerskool Overberg se o. 13Akrieketspan. Hy is die o. 13A-krieketkaptein van Laerskool Overberg en het die meeste doele by die Bolandhokkietoernooi aangeteken. Hy speel Suid-Boland-hokkie en in die o. 13A-hokkiespan van Laerskool Overberg en is die o. 13A-hokkiekaptein. Hy speel eerstespantennis vir Laerskool Overberg. Adrian Swart verteenwoordig

o. 12-Suid-Boland-atletiek in hoogspring, verspring, 150 m-hekkies en 75 m-hekkies. Hy behaal die derde plek in die o. 12-Boland-atletiek in die 150 m-hekkies. By Wes-Kaap-atletiek behaal hy die tweede plek in die 150 m-hekkies. Hy neem deel aan die SA atletiekbyeenkoms en behaal die derde plek in die 150 m-hekkies. Hy is die o. 12-Suid-Boland-rugb-onderkaptein en speel o. 13A-rugby vir Laerskool Overberg. Warrick Pheiffer van De Rust Futura Akademie in Grabouw is onlangs by die Boland Skolesport se jaareindfunksie as die Sportman van die Jaar vir laerskole aangewys. Hy het veral hierdie seisoen in atletiek presteer en het die volgende prestasies behaal: Boland Kampioenskappe: 75 m-

hekkies en 200 m-hekkies – goue medaljes en nuwe rekord, 100 m – silwermedalje en 4 x 100 m – goue medalje. Wes-Kaapse Kampioenskappe: 75 m-hekkies en 200 m-hekkies – goue medaljes, nuwe rekord en 4 x 100 m – goue medalje. Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe: 75 m-hekkies en 200 m-hekkies – goue medaljes, SA rekord in beide en 4 x 100 m – goue medalje. Hy ontvang ook ’n trofee vir die beste baanatleet by die byeenkoms. Warrick is ook ’n kranige rugbyspeler en het die Boland o. 12A-span verteenwoordig tydens ’n toernooi in Riversdal in September hierdie jaar. Hy het tydens die toernooi vier drieë gedruk.

Die wenners van die Sparrolbaltoernooi was Wynand Pool, Elly Reyneke en Edwill Adonis.


Caledon Spar-rolbaltoernooi Louis Jordaan en Len en Marilé Archer van Caledon Spar het ’n rolbaltoernooi oor twee aande, 12 en 13 November, geborg. Hoewel dit die eerste aand uitgereën het, het al die spelers steeds opgedaag. Meeste spelers het die geleentheid gebruik om die worsrolletjie-verkope te ondersteun. Aand twee, onder ideale omstandighede, was ’n groot sukses met 30 spelers wat die stryd aangepak het.

Die wenners was Wynand Pool, Elly Reyneke en Edwill Adonis. In tweede plek was Chris de Jager, Anneli Stevens en Johan Wentzel. Derde was Gavie du Toit, Maureen de Jager en Ballie Peterson. Hennie Engelbrecht was die wenner van die gelukkige trekking. Spar het ook die spelers met ’n heerlike aandete bederf. Almal word bedank vir hul getroue ondersteuning van die Caledon-rolbalklub.

Genadendal deel pryse uit



SLUITING VAN MUNISIPALE KANTORE : DESEMBER 2014 / JANUARIE 2015 SKOOLVAKANSIE Geliewe kennis te neem dat alle Munisipale Kantore, Verkeersentrums en Biblioteke van Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit slegs vir die Openbare Vakansiedae, naamlik 16 Desember 2014; 25 Desember 2014; 26 Desember 2014 en 01 Januarie 2015 gesluit sal wees vir besigheid. Kennis moet ook geneem word dat alle Munisipale Kantore, Verkeersentrums en Biblioteke van Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit op 24 Desember 2014 en 31 Desember 2014 om 12:00 sluit en dat die onderskeie Kassiere om 11:00 transaksies afsluit. 'n Geseënde Kersfees en Voorspoedige 2015 word u toegewens. HSD Wallace MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

*********************************************************** THEEWATERSKLOOF MUNICIPALITY IMPORTANT NOTICE CLOSING OF MUNICIPAL OFFICES: DECEMBER 2014 / JANUARY 2015 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Please take note that all Municipal Offices, Traffic Centres and Libraries of the Theewaterskloof Municipality will be closed for business on Public Holidays only, namely 16 December 2014; 25 December 2014; 26 December 2014 and 01 January 2015. Note must also be taken that all Municipal Offices, Traffic Centres and Libraries close at 12:00 on 24 December 2014 and 31 December 2014 and that the respective Cashiers close transactions at 11:00. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2015. H S D Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER X1PH8PH9-LG021214

sub-uniale span) vereer. Elroy Klaase was die wenner van die 2014 SiDie Genadendal-sportas-Klein trofee en Gary klub het Saterdag 22 Nodu Plessis het weggestap vember hul jaarlikse met die trofee as Mees prysuitdeling by die Toegewyde Speler vir Emil Weder-hostelsaal 2014. Die V&C People’s aangebied. Player of the Year trofee Cliffie Booysen, die behet gegaan aan Valentistuurder van ontwikkeno August. Die hoogteling by die Boland-rugbypunt van die aand was unie, het as gasspreker egter toe die sportman opgetree en sy ervaring van die jaar aangewys is in die sportwêreld en en die speler wat weggeveral rugby, het duidelik na vore gekom in die ma- Die sportman van die jaar, Leroy Wild- stap het met hierdie toenier hoe hy die gehoor schut, ontvang hier die beker van gas- kenning was Leroy Wildschut. bekoor het met sy toe- spreker Cliffie Booysen. Tydens die funksie spraak. Die volgende spelers het trofeë ontvang: was daar ook gelukkige trekkings gehou Godfrey Andries (beste C-span voorspe- en vyf persone het pryse wat geborg was ler), Llewellyn de Villiers (beste C-span ag- deur Via’s (Greyton), Vanilla Café (Greyterspeler), Hilton Malappa (mees opko- ton), OK Minimark (Greyton) en die Calemende speler: C-span), Marcello Kie- don Casino Hotel & Spa weggestap. Die wiets (beste B-span voorspeler), Edmondo klub het hierdie instansies hartlik bedank Hendricks (beste B-span agterspeler), Go- vir die pryse wat hul geborg het. Hulle het ook hul dankbaarheid uitgevann van der Berg (mees opkomende speler B-span), Valentino August (beste voor- spreek teenoor Appletiser, Alexar Technospeler A-span), Leroy Wildschut (beste ag- logies, Marilyn Botha, Mind-Over-Matter, terspeler A-span), Ephraim Theunissen Emil Weder Hoërskool, Kontrei Printing, Toker Brothers, Oompie’s Liqour Stores, (mees opkomende speler A-span). Die klub het ook toekennings gemaak Boetie Bantom, Hester Dorothea Konfeaan spelers wat hierdie jaar die Boland- rensiesentrum, Tyrone Patience, Sammy rugbyunie verteenwoordig het en wel vir Louis en die Bambanani Groep. Die klub het almal bedank wat ’n positieMaurelia Maart (2014 BRU vrouespan), Johnwin Witbooi (2014 BRU 7’s toerspan we bydrae tot hul suksesvolle jaar gelewer na Kenia) en Leroy Wildschut (2014 BRU het.

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