Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier
Year 5 • Tuesday 10 March 2015 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Overberg Agri het Vrydag hul tiende verjaardag gevier en hul kliënte bederf met groot promosies en lekker pryse om te wen. Hier is Luan van Zyl en Nicolis Prinsloo met ’n worsrolletjie elk by personeel en kliënte van Overberg Agri. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON
Drie voetgangers sterf in Riviersonderend Twee van die oorledenes, Elmarie en Elton Onverwacht (onderskeidelik 17 en 10) was broer en suster. Denwill Adendorf (22) was Elmarie se vriend. Volgens Derick Leonard van Riviersonderend Hope Funerals wat die begrafnisreëlings behartig het, was die twee op pad om vir Denwill huis toe te neem van een plaas na die ander. “Die omstandighede van die ongeluk is op hierdie stadium bespiegelinge. Volgens gerugte is al drie doodgery, maar die ondersoek duur steeds voort.” Freek Roberts, pa van Elmarie en El-
2015 2015 2015 2015
KB 250 LEED Base KB 250 LEED F/Side Chev Utility 1.4 Chev Utility 1.4 A/C
R 187 995.00 R 207 995.00 R 124 995.00 R 137 995.00
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van die oorledenes. Kapt. F.C. van Wyk van die WesKaapse polisie het by navraag bevestig die ongeluk het vroegoggend op 1 Maart op die R26 tussen Riviersonderend en Stanford plaasgevind. “Drie voetgangers, 10, 17 en 22, is op die toneel deur paramedici dood verklaar. ’n Vyf-en-twintigjarige verdagte is later die dag in hegtenis geneem en hy het Maandag 2 Maart in die Riviersonderend-landdroshof op verskeie aanklagte verskyn.” Die bestuurder het verskyn op aanklagte van strafbare manslag, roekelose en nalatige bestuur, bestuur onder die invloed van alkohol en versuim om te stop by die ongelukstoneel om enige beserings te bepaal, en dwarsboming van die gereg ten opsigte van die vernietiging van bewyse. Die saak is tot Elton Onverwacht (10) en sy suster Elmarie (17), is Son30 Maart uitgestel. dagoggend tragies dood in ’n ongeluk op Riviersonderend.
Chev Sonic 1.3D Opel Corsa 1.4 Essentia Chev Utility 1.3D Chev Captiva 2.4 LT
R 182 995.00 R 111 995.00 R 155 995.00 R 311 995.00
Drie jong slagoffers is verlede Sondagoggend om 01:25 in Riviersonderend dood toe hulle deur ’n motor raakgery is.
ton, sê die seuntjie was baie geheg aan hom. “As ek op die lande gewerk het, het hy altyd na my toe gekom. Hy het baie van masjinerie gehou.” Roberts sê hy en sy vrou is albei plaaswerkers en Elmarie het vir hulle huis gehou. “Sy het vir die hele huisgesin gesorg en seker gemaak daar is saans kos op die tafel.” Daar is drie susters wat agterbly. “Almal is baie hartseer en die gemis is groot.” Elmarie en Elton se begrafnis het Saterdag om 14:00 by die Morawiese Kerk in Riviersonderend plaasgevind. “Die gemeenskap het in groot getalle opgetrek om hul laaste eer te betoon.” Adendorf se diens was Sondagoggend vanuit die VG Kerksaal in Riviersonderend. Dis ’n groot tragedie, sê Leonard, en hy het die hoop uitgespreek dat die Here berusting sal bring vir die familie
2015 2014 2014 2015 2014
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Denwill Adendorf (22) is Sondag begrawe.
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General - Algemeen
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Sonskyn-kleuterskool sê dankie ANNETTE THERON
13 - 15 Maart ) Die Caledon Lodge No. 20 Order of Free Gardeners is gasheer vir die Grand Lodge Order of Free Gardeners (Africa) se jaarlikse konferensie by Hoërskool Emil Weder in Genadendal. Saterdagaand sal ’n dans gehou word. Sondagoggend woon konferensiegangers ’n erediens by.
14 Maart ) NG Kerk Greyton: basaar om 09:00 in die NG Greyton-kerksaal.
4 April ) Villiersdorp hou National Alpaca Day. Navrae: Villiersdorp Toerisme by 028 840 0082.
10 - 12 April ) Imagine Interkerklike Jeug Lofprysingen Aanbiddingsnaweek by Mega Park, Bredasdorp. Navrae: Esther Möller by 028 424 2890 of
Verlede Dinsdagoggend het die personeel en peuters van Sonskyn-kleuterskool vir Victor Treu, een van die trustees van die Overberg Agri-ontwikkelingstrust, bedank vir die verbeteringe wat by die skool en dagsorgsentrum aangebring is. Lindi Spies, die skoolhoof, het Treu en die res van die trustees bedank vir alles wat hulle aan die skool geskenk het. “Elke klaskamer het nuwe teëlvloere en al die mure is geverf, van die klaskamers se afskortings is vervang, asook stukkende ruite, en spieëls is in elke klas opgesit.” Sy sê die badkamers het almal nuwe toilette, die toilette vir personeel het deure gekry en die badkamers is geteël en geverf. Die kantoor is in twee verdeel en geverf en die kombuis het ook ’n nuwe laag verf, nuwe kaste, wasbakke en teëls by die stoof wat die skoonmaak by die stoof vergemaklik. Die skool het ’n splinternuwe laag verf buite en die dakke is afgespuit. Nuwe sementpaadjies is gelê en Treu en die trustees het ook vir die kinders 20 nuwe skopfietse en 15 stootwieletjies gekoop, asook 10 tafels en 40 stoele in die kombuis waar kleuters kan eet.
Lindi Spies oorhandig ’n geskenk aan Victor Treu om dankie te sê vir al die verbeteringe wat die Overberg Agri-ontwikkelingstrust by Sonskyn-kleuterskool aangebring het. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON
18 April
Youth show on 98.4fm
) Villiersdorp hou Stookfees. Navrae: Villiersdorp Toerisme by 028 840 0082.
22 April ) Jubilee International Ministries bied aan: Pastoor Nathasha Perez du Toit om 10:00. Kom ervaar die krag van die Here.
23 April ) ACVV-geldinsameling om 19:00: Ian Wessels van RSG se Loslippig kom kuier. Lekker ontspanne aand by Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa and Entertainment.
Op Sondag 1 Maart het ’n groep musiekstudente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch met die St. Michael- en All Angels-kerkkoor van Grabouw ’n musiekkonsert in die NG Moederkerk in Caledon, ten bate van Die Herberg-tehuis in Bergsig gehou.
We are an experienced capable and well established Law firm. We deal with all conveyancing, notarial and litigation matters as well as the administration of deceased estates and the drafting of contracts. PO Box/Posbus 242 39 Main Road/ Hoofweg 39 Grabouw 7160 t (021) 859 2852 f (021) 859 4647 e 000000-LG100315
Win a pamper session for your special teacher Theewaterskloof Gazette is launching a brand new competition that is open to all learners at schools in the Theewaterskloof, Bredasdorp and Napier areas. We want you to tell us why your teacher is so special. What are your teacher’s attributes and what have they taught you that will leave a lasting impression? The competition will run for three months and a winning teacher will be chosen each month. All the entries will be posted on our website. Send your story to The winning teacher and their partner will be spoilt with a Chocolate Surprise Treatment worth R1 040, sponsored by the Caledon Spa.
The Chocolate Surprise Treatment is the latest edition to the decadent yet nourishing range of treatments at the Caledon Spa. The lucky couple will start their 60 minute treatment with a salt exfoliation that will awaken the skin and blast away dead cells, which dull the skin’s surface. Using the richness of the cocoa bean, The Caledon’s chocolate indulgence body paint will then be applied all over the body. A very hydrating, nourishing, energising and decadent body wrap! Heaven on earth. Finally, after removing the wrap under The Caledon’s deluxe rainwater shower, your teacher’s skin will be left glowing when Rain Body Butter is applied and massaged into the body to soften and condition the skin.
On Sundays between 17:00 and 18:00 you are invited to tune into a youth programme, Turn The Tide on 98.4fm. It is presented by Gurswin Turn the Tide presenter, Prins whose Gurswin Prins. aim is to turn the tide in the hearts of young people and the young at heart. The summary of content of Turn The Tide is contemporary Christian Music, Jazz, Hip Hop, Rock, R&B, Reggae, Folk, Pop, Praise and Worship. “We would like to air different genres of Christian music that young people listen to and the spoken word from a Christian perspective.” There will be clips from youth ministers around the globe and live in studio discussions and talks. Gurswin will be introducing new bands, especially local bands. The programme will offer words of encouragement and inspiration and will feature studio guests. Then you are also reminded to sign your ICASA petition forms for Radio Overberg for a bigger sender. Forms are available at the radio station or at the tourism bureau offices. Remember the Radio Overberg FM annual general meeting on 15 April at 18:30 at the BKB hall at Agri Mega in Bredasdorp.
Caledon-biblioteek se Biblioteekweek geskied vanaf 16 tot 20 Maart. Dit bied die geleentheid om alle lank uitstaande boeke wat in u besit is, terug te besorg aan die biblioteek sonder dat enige boetes gehef word. Die personeel doen ’n vriendelike beroep op die gemeenskap om asseblief gebruik te maak van
hierdie geleentheid. ) Op Woensdag 11 Maart om 18:00 sal die Caledon Belastingbetalersvereniging by die NG Kerk Moedergemeente-konsistorie plaasvind. Almal word genooi om die vergadering by te woon om hul menings te lug oor enige ongelukkigheid. Kontak Pieter Kershoff by 073 307 1047 vir nadere besonderhede.
Tuesday 10 March 2015
News - Nuus
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Neighbourhood watch meeting
Van links is Danté van der Merwe, Duane Spandiel, Landdros Pieter le Riche, Christo van Loggerenberg en Heinrich Jonk. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON
On 17 March at 18:30 the Bot River Neighbourhood Watch will host a meeting at the Kromco Hall. This meeting is for the executive and all those who have paid their subs up to date. The foot patrol are invited as they are exempt from paying subs as decided by the executive.
Kleineise gratis aangehoor ANNETTE THERON Vier Caledon-prokureurs is Vrydag deur Pieter le Riche, landdros in Caledon, ingesweer as kommissarisse vir die Hof vir Kleineise in Caledon. Dis die eerste keer in byna twintig jaar dat daar weer kommissarisse is wat dien, het Michael Range, ondervoorsitter van die Hof vir Kleineise se adviesraad, gesê. Adrian Louw, voorsitter van die Hof vir Kleineise, was net so in sy noppies en het gesê daar is geen prokureurs betrokke by dié hof nie. “Hier kry mens jou dag in die hof.” Daar is tans agt uit 50 prokureurs in Herma-
nus wat hierdie regswerk gratis na ure (17:0021:00) doen. Dis dus ’n riem onder die hart dat Caledonprokureurs nou ook hierdie diens gaan aanbied. Louw sê die getal sake wat aangehoor word wissel tussen 20 en 30 gevalle per maand deur middel van die Hof vir Kleineise en hulle los baie meer sake as die distrikshof op. Die Hof vir Kleineise hanteer sake in Caledon op die eerste Maandag van elke maand. As jy ’n geskil wat nie R15 000 oorskry nie, wil oplos, kontak die klerk van die hof vir Kleineise, Tandeka Gweyi, by die Caledon Landdroskantoor gedurende normale kantoorure (07:45 tot 13:00 en 13:45 tot 16:15) of by 028 212 1076.
Polisie praat met inwoners Die polisie het op 11 Februarie terugvoering aan die gemeenskap van Grabouw gegee oor sake wat hulle by die polisie aangemeld het. Die klaers het baat gevind by die vergadering, sê kapt. Gerrit Botes, woordvoerder van die Caledon-polisie. Daar is op 17 Februarie op Genadendal ’n bewusmakingsprogram deur offisiere van die Caledon-kluster uitgevoer in Kersiedorp. Ongeveer 300 pamflette is in die gemeenskap uitgedeel. Op Woensdag 18 Februarie het die Villiersdorp-polisie in samewerking met die Caledon-kluster die gemeenskap toegespreek oor die verhouding tussen die gemeenskap en die polisie. Polisievoertuie is voorheen gereeld met klippe bestook tydens misdaadvoorkomingsoperasies en gemeenskapsleiers het hulle daartoe verbind om die situasie te verander. Die vergadering was onder leiding van
Chris Punt, Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit se burgemeester, en klusterbevelvoerder brig. MM Manci besig om die offisiere toe te spreek met die aanvang van die operasie. die klusterbevelvoerder, brig. MM Manci. Caledon-klusteroffisiere en lede van die Caledon-polisie het ook op 4 Maart pamflette aan besighede in die sakekern uitgedeel ter bewusmaking van gewapende roof en ander misdaadvoorkoming.
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CALL TO PROSPECTIVE SUPPLIERS TO APPLY FOR LISTING AS A PREFERRED SUPPLIER ON O V E R B E R G D I S T R I C T M U N I C I PA L I T Y ' S S U P P L I E R DATABASE In compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) and to ensure a competitive procurement process, Overberg District Municipality invites all prospective suppliers to register on the Overberg District Municipality's supplier database. Database application forms can be obtained during office hours. Contact Ms V Murtz at Tel: 028 4251157 or Fax 0284242512.
THEEWATERSKLOOF Munisipaliteit * Municipality * uMasipala Theewaterskloof Municipality currently awaits suitably qualified persons for appointment in the under – mentioned vacancy.
The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a senior certificate with accountancy or mathematics as subjects with 1 years' experience in Supply Chain Management. Must be computer literate. Must be able to communicate in at least two (2) of the three (3) official languages in the Western Cape, namely English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Responsibilities would involve the following: Maintains the Supply Chain Database and attends to the application of related procedures by: Inserting supplier details into fields and categorizing information against specific department needs * checking the adequacy of budgetary provisions against costs and undertaking specific department needs * receiving and verifying information recorded on requisition forms and processing information onto the system * scheduling and attending the opening of quotations to public and updating registers * obtaining quotations in accordance with guidelines stipulated in the Procurement Policy * evaluate quotations above R30 000.00 up to R200 000.00 and prepare report for approval by immediate supervisor * filing quotations * preparing reasons / explanations to support actions deviating from laid down procedures * Other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Contact Mr. A Hendricks – Manager: Supply Chain Management Tel: 028 – 2143300
Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. H S D Wallace, Municipal Manager, P O Box 24, 6 Plein Street, Caledon 7230 The council's offer includes benefits such as pension, medical aid and a group scheme as well as a 13th cheque, a housing-/ rental subsidy and settling of furniture removal cost under certain conditions. Applicants must complete the prescribed application form along with originally certified copies of qualifications, ID document, as well as a testimonial in order to be considered for the position. Application forms must be forwarded to the Manager: Human Resources, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P O Box 24 Caledon 7230. Please note: No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted, and shortlisted candidates will be required to produce original copies of academic qualifications on the day of the interview.
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Closing date: 20 March 2015
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Diensaanvaarding so spoedig moontlik.
If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date, kindly assume that your application was unsuccessful.
Mr D Beretti The Municipal Manager Private Bag X22 26 Long Street BREDASDORP
Branches: Bloemfontein - Welkom - Ceres Worcester - Caledon - Viljoenkroon
GRABOUW Tel.021 8593475 Pr: 7020961
Sluitingsdatum: 20 Maart 2015
Salary: Post level T09 – Between: R142 632.00 p.a. and R185 136.00 p.a.
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Letters - Briewe
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Existing bylaw still valid With reference to the article “Overgrown plots unsafe” in the Gazette of 24 February, the TWK’s Stiffie Cronje is guilty of misleading the readers of the Gazette when he states that the plots concerned should be reported to TWK law enforcement, who, after serving a 14-day notice, will have the plot cleared and the costs charged to the land owner’s utility account. This is not true as some time ago, when TWK implemented this policy, they were taken to court as there was no bylaw authorising this action and TWK lost the case. This is the reason that in Bot River, in particular, there are numerous dangerous plots and some residents have taken the law into their own hands and burnt the offending plots (which in itself is a dangerous practice and also illegal). The reason that TWK is powerless is that although Council has looked at all its by-laws and where necessary rectified the errors and omissions, the by-laws are not yet legal as they have not been promulgated in the official Government Gazette. Mr Cronje should know this. If he doesn’t, he should be informed, but he has a history of being evasive and not solving problems but just trying to placate complainants.
Stiffie Cronjé, woordvoerder van Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit, het by navraag gesê klagtes oor oorgroeide erwe word ingevolge hul Openbare Oorlaste-verordening
hanteer. Dit is so dat die verordeninge hersien word en die hersiene verordening is nog nie afgekondig nie. ’n Afskrif van die huidige verordening, wat steeds van krag is, is aangeheg. (Besoek vir die verordening.) Die definisie van “openbare oorlas” ingevolge van die gemelde verordening is as volg: Enige handeling, versuim of toestand op ’n perseel met inbegrip van enige gebou, struktuur of gewas daarop, wat na die mening van die munisipaliteit die veiligheid van ’n persoon of eiendom in gevaar stel of wat onooglik, hinderlik, aanstootlik of hinderlik vir ander mense is. Oorgroeide erwe val binne die beskrywing van hierdie definisie. Artikel 3(1)(m) van die gemelde Verordening bepaal dat niemand deur ’n handeling, regstreeks of onregstreeks of deur nalatigheid, mag toelaat dat ’n openbare oorlas ontstaan of voortgesit word nie. Artikel 3(2) van die gemelde Verordening bepaal voorts dat die munisipaliteit geregtig is om ’n kennisgewing te stuur, die oorlas op te los en die kostes vanaf die persoon te verhaal. Dit is belangrik dat die bepalings van Artikel 35(2) van Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit (ODM) se verordening ook in ag geneem word. TWK Munisipaliteit kan met die samewerking van ODM ook deur middel van hierdie verordening ’n openbare oorlas hanteer.
Gehoorsaamheid (Deel 2) Verlede week het ons gesê “gehoorsaamheid is beter as offerhande” en dat gehoorsaamheid die hoogste vorm van aanbidding is. Ons gesels vandag verder hieroor. Gehoorsaamheid bring God se seëninge. Abraham se ongehoorsaamheid het geboorte gegee aan ’n nasie wat tot vandag nog negatiewe gevolge het. Sy gehoorsaamheid egter, met die offer van Izak, het weer vir die hele wêreld seëninge, verlossing en redding gebring deurdat die Evangelie ons deelagtig geword het deur middel van die Jode en Jesus Christus. Gehoorsaamheid bring eenheid en bespoedig God se werk. Die Handelinge-kerk is ’n goeie voorbeeld van gehoorsaamheid en die eenheid en liefde wat daaruit voortgekom het. Waar ’n gemeente die Here onvoorwaardelik gehoorsaam is, bring dit ’n sterk eenheid en die werk van God word bespoedig. Gehoorsaamheid aan God bring oorwinning. Jesus se gehoorsaamheid aan Sy Vader het redding en verlossing vir die hele wêreld gebring. Simson se ongehoorsaamheid het gemaak dat hy sy oë en krag verloor het. So verloor ons ons geestelike oë as ons ongehoorsaam is – ons kan God nie hoor nie en word kragteloos want ongehoorsaamheid maak ons doof vir die stem van die Heilige Gees. Gehoorsaamheid gaan nie kompromieë aan nie. Deur kompromieë aan te gaan laat jy toe dat God se geleenthede by jou verby gaan. Sommige geestelike leiers kompromitteer omdat hul bang is dat hul ongewild raak by hul gemeentelede. God eer nie sulke gedrag nie. Jak.4:4b “..wie dan ’n vriend van die wêreld wil wees, word ’n vyand van God.” Seënwense.
PASTOOR GERT VISSER, Caledon Christen-sentrum
Interesting encounters of the polymathic kind
Don’t know why, whether everyone or no-one knows the answer to my recent riddle about the rising and setting of the sun over the sea, but I got nothing, despite the sweetener. As every West Coaster knows, Stompneuspunt is the place in South Africa from where you can (sometimes) see the sun rising over St Helena Bay and setting into the Atlantic. This latter spot is also where Vasco da Gama set foot in Southern Africa in 1497, heralding sunrise for the visitors, sunset for the locals. Talking of encounters: somewhere to the north-west of Grahamstown, there is a little churchyard harbouring the grave of an unfortunate soldier who fell in one of those numerous “Xhosa” wars. The inscription on the gravestone reads: “Sacred to the Memory of Ensign XX of the XXth Border Lancers, who during a skirmish at XX River, bravely slew a number of the enemy before being foully murdered by one of them”.
I am also reminded of my first close encounter with the larger-than-life, ubiquitous polymath Ben Dekker, forester, actor, artist, TV personality, lover, naturist, politician, spy and African explorer. It went like this: As owner of a motor car, I was approached by a fellow student interested in military architecture. He needed a lift to an isolated Settler farm, miles off the beaten track, where, on the edge of the Great Fish River Valley, stood an interesting British block-house. This construction was remarkable for having no doors or windows at ground level and for the breathtaking view it offered over thousands of square kilometres of pristine Border country from its second storey, which could only be reached by scaling three metres of bare stone wall. The trip on a Thursday afternoon involved 50 km of tarred road, 15 km of farm road and finally a hike of 2 km along a rocky track. We
arrived at the farm in late afternoon and walked the last stretch. Rounding the corner of what we expected to be a deserted fort, what did we find? Framed in the arched doorway, bearded, bare to the waist and haloed by the late afternoon sun, stood – you guessed it – Ben Dekker, unsurprised by our presence and looking for all the world as if he spent most of his Thursday afternoons there. Another student walked along the Kowie River breakwater in Port Alfred at 03:00 in the moonlight after a party, only to find BD striking a pose at the lighthouse end of it: the Colossus of Rhodes imitating the Colossus of of Rhodos. Verily, there were giants in those days. Driving from Kleinmond to Gordon’s Bay along Clarence Drive the other day, I saw the eery spectacle of the whole Cape Peninsula aflame and wreathed in smoke. This scenic drive, so beloved among tourists, has an in-
teresting origin. During WW2, when German U-boats were sinking Allied freighters rounding the Cape, it was built in haste to allow vital surveillance of the unprotected eastern seaboard of False Bay.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 3(6) of the above Act that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection from 10 March 2015 to 30 April 2015 at the office of the Municipal Manager, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P.O. Box 24, Caledon, 7230, and any enquiries may be directed to the above mentioned address. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, at Room 601, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 15:30 (Monday to Friday), Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at (021) 483-4589 and the Directorate's fax number is (021) 483 – 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the above-mentioned Director: Land Management: Region 2 at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, with a copy to the above-mentioned Municipal Manager/ Chief Executive Officer on or before 30 April 2015, quoting the above Act and the objector's erf number. Any comments received after the mentioned closing date therefore may be disregarded.
Kragtens artikel 3 (6) van bostaande Wet word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae lê vanaf 10 Maart 2015 tot 30 April 2015 by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder/Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit, en enige navrae kan gerig word aan Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit, Posbus 24, Caledon, 7230. Die aansoek lê ook ter insae by die Kantoor van die Hoofdirekteur Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering van WesKaap, by Kamer 601, Dorpstraat 1, Kaapstad, vanaf 08:00 – 12:30 en 13:00 – 15:30 ( Maandag tot Vrydag). Telefoniese navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan (021) 483 – 4589 en die Direktoraat se faksnommer is (021) 483 – 3098. Enige besware, met die volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur: Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Privaatsak X 9086, Kaapstad, 8000, ingedien word op of voor 30 April 2015 met vermelding van bogenoemde Wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Enige kommentaar wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie.
Kennis geskied hiermee dat 'n aansoek deur W. Basson namens L. Naude ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir:
Notice is hereby given that an application by W. Basson on behalf of L. Naude has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for:
i) vergunningsgebruik, van toepassing op Landbou Sone 2 vir Toeristefasiliteite en 'n Plaasstal op Gedeelte 21 van die Plaas Klipfontein Nr. 82 in terme van Art. 14.2.1 (b) van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit Geïntegreerde Soneringskema PK 120/2011; en
i) consent use, applicable to Agricultural Zone 2 for Tourist Facilities and a Farm Stall on Portion 21 of the Farm Klipfontein No. 82 terms of Section 14.2.1(b) of the Theewaterskloof Municipality Integrated Zoning Scheme Regulations PN 120/2011; and
Applicant Diesel & Munss Inc. (On behalf of Two-A-Day Group Limited)
Aansoeker Diesel & Munss Inc. (Namens Two-A-Day Groep Beperk)
Nature of application Removal of restrictive title conditions applicable to Erf 747, c/o Bos and Admans Street, Grabouw, to enable the owners to erect a place of instruction on the property. The street, lateral, rear building lines and coverage restrictions will be encroached upon.
Aard van aansoek Opheffing van beperkende titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 747, h/v Bos en Adams-straat, Grabouw om die eienaars in staat te stel om 'n plek van onderrig op die perseel op te rig. Die straat, sy, agterboulyne en dekkingsbeperkings sal oorskry word.
Municipal Manager P. O. Box 24 CALEDON 7230
Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230
Reference number: G/747 Notice number: KOR 12/2015
Aard van die aansoek: Die aansoek behels 'n Vergunninsgebruik op Landbou Sone 2 vir die verkoop vanAppel verwante produkte en Toerisme.
ii) departure for the encroachment of the building line restrictions from 30m to 6,5m, in terms of Section 15.(1)(a)(i) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985). Nature of the application: The application comprises a Consent Use on Agricultural Zone 2 for the Sale of Apple Related Products and Tourism.
Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Caledon Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 10 March 2015 tot 22 April 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 22 April 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf.
Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Caledon from 10 March 2015 to 22 April 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 22 April 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections.
Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230
Municipal Office P.O Box 24 CALEDON 7230
Reference No. L/512 Notice No.: KOR 14/2015
Verwysingsnommer: L/512 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 14/2015
Verwysingsnommer: G/747 Kennisgewingnommer: KOR 12/2015 0000000-LG100315
ii) afwyking vir die oorskryding van die boulynbeperkings vanaf 30m na 6,5m, in terme van Art. 15.(1)(a)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985).
Tuesday 10 March 2015
News - Nuus
Theewaterskloof Gazette
New office to help tackle social ills ANNETTE THERON
Van links is raadslid Kiro Tiemie, burgemeester Lincoln de Bruyn, raadslid Sakkie Franken en Reinard Geldenhuys.
Vrywilligers opgelei as reserviste Die dorp van Riviersonderend het nie ’n permanente brandweerdiens nie en maak staat op ’n vrywillige diens beman deur opgeleide vrywilligers uit die gemeenskap.
Hierdie vrywilligers word deur die Overberg-distriksmunisipaliteit opgelei en aangestel as reserviste. Riviersonderend het ook onlangs gebuk gegaan onder probleme met vrywilligers en voertuie en brande het plaasgevind wat gemeenskapslede skade berokken het. Die situasie was volgens die Overberg-distriksmunisipaliteit onaanvaarbaar en hulle kon nie langer voortgaan om lewens en eiendom in gevaar te laat stel weens die afwesigheid van ’n diens nie. Wyksraadslid Kiro Tiemie, burgemeester Lincoln de Bruyn, die porte-
feuljevoorsitter raadslid Sakkie Franken en die brandweerhoof het ’n vergadering met die leiers van die gemeenskap aangevra. Die baie suksesvolle vergadering het op 5 Februarie plaasgevind en is baie goed ontvang. Daar is daar en dan ’n plan gemaak om die voortsetting van die diens te verseker. Minder as vier-en-twintig uur ná die vergadering was die voertuig herstel en teruggeplaas op Riviersonderend, met duidelike voorbehoude. Negentien mense het voorlopige opleiding ontvang en kan tussentyds aangewend word om die voertuig te beman, tot die formele aanstellingsproses van reserviste afgehandel is. Die brandweer glo dat die meeste van hierdie vrywilligers uiteindelik in die reservistekorps opgeneem sal word.
He said the Bredasdorp offices bring the total number of local departmental offices “Unfortunately Bredasdorp across the province to 38 – all has been in the news for all the of which fall under the departwrong reasons lately. The most ment’s six regional offices. vulnerable segments of our soThe office will provide child ciety – our women and chilcare and protection services, dren – have suffered greatly at probation services, substance the hands of people who have abuse interventions and famino regard for human life.” ly and parenting support serviWith these words Minister ces to the surrounding commuAlbert Fritz, MEC for Social nity. Development launched the DeHe thanked the social workpartment of Social Developers who will be working at the ment’s Bredasdorp local office office for their commitment at the Albert Myburgh hostel and hard work. on Wednesday 4 March. “While we will be offering Fritz believes the launch of support to families, it is critithis office will help to empower cal that parents, especially fathe community to tackle the sothers, take greater responsibilcial ills they face – in partnerity for the well-being and safety ship with government. of their children. No govern“Anene Booysen, a young ment can substitute commitwoman in the prime of her life, was brutally raped and mur- Minister Albert Fritz and Lincoln de Bruyn, may- ted, caring parents, who serve dered over a year ago. And on or of Overberg District Municipality during the as role models for their chilthe anniversary of her death, tree planting ceremony. PHOTO:ANNETTETHERON dren. “This is the foundation stone the body of 5-year-old Kaydé Williams was found dumped in ges all three spheres of govern- of any functional society. “I hope this office space serves ment, religious leaders, business, the bushes in Bredasdorp.” He said the question many peo- non-governmental organisations as a hub for new collaborative iniple from this community and the and communities working in tiatives and interventions aimed rest of the province have asked is partnership to tackle violence at improving the lives of resiand its root causes, including al- dents in Bredasdorp in the fu“when will the violence stop?” ture.” “I believe that the only way we cohol and drug abuse. He said the department has pro“We envisage that our Bredascan put an end to this senseless violence is if all of us work togeth- dorp local office will play an im- vided this space and services in er to protect our women and portant role when it comes to pro- the community, “but now it’s up viding critical services to the to you, the public, to work with children.” He said that, when speaking community that will help them us. I am certain that if we work about a whole-of-society ap- overcome these problems and im- better together, we can create a stronger and safer Bredasdorp.” proach, the department envisa- prove their lives.”
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Tuesday 10 March 2015
+ Solar Geysers, Heat Pumps, Swimming Pool Heating & Solar Borehole Pumps Energy Audits Required for Heavy Consumers Needs Analysis, Tailored Designs & Installation GOING GREEN IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY… GETTING YOU THERE IS OURS !!
Residential & Commercial Solar Electric Systems
Premium Quality Panels & German Manufactured Deep Cycle Batteries, Inverters, Charge Controllers
Found: Young horse (mare) on the R406 between Greyton and Genadendal. Tel. 084 207 3900.
Grid Tied, Off Grid & Multi Hybrid (Battery BackUp)
JOHN ADAMS 06.03.2015 Oupa, jou 1ste verjaarsdag weg van ons, wat jy vier by jou Hemelse Vader in sy woning. Die verlange en vermisting sal altyd daar wees, maar ons gun jou die ewige rus by jou Hemelse Vader. Van Kinders, Kleinkinders, agterkleinkinders & Pieter.
AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.
SPRINGKASTELE te huur. Skakel Virginia 082 321 4395. FUNKSIES & KONFERENSIES 1425
PADSTAL/RESTAURANT,DASSIESFONTEIN: Vir etes, funksies en vele meer! Skakel 028 214 1475. OPSOEK na huishulp en tuiner om op plaas te werk. Met sober gewoontis. Bo 35 jaar. Huishulp moet kan kook. Met verwysings. Skakel 082 099 9120.
TEL : 028 341 0028 CELL : 083 316 1872 • 000000-LG100315
Faks CV na 0000000-LG100315
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: FINANCE REMUNERATION: R183 438 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum educational qualification: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with Mathematics and/ or Accountancy as a passed subject and/or Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with experience/competencies that focuses on the key performance areas (KPAs) of the post. Experience: Appropriate experience in financial management. Inherent requirement of the job: Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence. Competencies (knowledge/ skills): Sound knowledge of BAS, as well as the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), National and Provincial Treasury Regulations, Accounting Officer’s system of the Department of Health • Knowledge of the Accounting Officer’s system of the department • Sound knowledge of all financial management systems and regulations: BAS, financial and treasury instructions, PFMA, BMI • Advanced computer literacy (MS Word, Excel and Outlook) • Ability to communicate in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Duties (key result areas/outputs): Responsible for the coordination within the finance component for expenditure and revenue at sub-districts • Control of revenue and expenditure budget • Authorise payments on the BAS systems • Clear asset and liability accounts • Manage staff performance of subordinates • Report on budgets and expenditures in the district. Note: No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
op 16 Maart 2015.
Alle werkgewers in die Boubedryf is welkom. ONDERWERPE WAT BESPREEK SAL WORD: DOEL, BEKENDSTELLING ASOOK UITBREIDING VAN DIE MBA GROTER BOLAND PLEK: Welverdiend Biblioteek, Ou Meule Straat, Bredasdorp, 7280 TYD: 18:30 vir 19:00 Verversings sal voorsien word
Bevestig met Celeste van Greunen by 023 342 6964, indien u die vergadering wil bywoon. Asook enige probleme/klagtes/versoeke wat u graag aan ons wil rig, sodat daar genoegsame tyd sal wees vir voorbereiding. E-pos: TYD: 18:30 vir 19:00
INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.
The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.
* Moet Rekenaarvaardig wees * Pastel ondervinding sal in jou guns tel maar nie 'n vereiste nie. * Algemene kantoor werk
Closing Date: 2 April 2015 122303 TGAZETTE
My naam is Visagie, ek wil net ‘n hartlike dank gee aan Nina en Rajja hulle het my gehelp om al my lewens probleme op te los. Ek het baie rond beweeg na verskillende dokters maar sonder sukses.
Biscuit Sales Agents wanted in factories,farms, schools,offices,schools, prisons,SAP,hospitals etc. Excellent commission. Cell: 082 687 3403.
Eendag het ek net besluit om hulle te kontak. Mama en Prof het my probleme in minute opgelos sonder dat dit nodig was om hulle te gaan sien. Mama Rema het vinnig iets gedoen en in minute het ek alles terug gekry wat ek aan die dokters spandeer het. Ek het baie probleme gehad soos finansies, baie teespoed, liefdes probleme, swakbesigheid en nog baie meer, maar dit alles het verwdyn met die hulp van hulle. Vandag is my lewe baie suksesvol ek besit groot besighede en leef ‘n gelukkige lewe met my man. My versoek aan almal is om nie meer verder rond te dwaal na ander dokters nie. Kontak Mama en Prof vandag nog vir vinnige hulp. Hulle is beskikbaar in Grabouw op hierdie nommer 083 592 5214. 0000000-LG100315
Closed trucks. Furniture and/or bulk transporting. STORAGE AVAILABLE Try us for the best prices and service. Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Sel: 082 570 0923 Fax: 086 582 8366 Fax: 028 316 2263 X1PTVBFH-LG100315
Dinsdag 10 Maart 2015
Schools - Skole
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Op 24 Februarie het Hoërskool Bredasdorp en Albert Myburgh Senior Sekondêr se matrikulante die voorreg gehad om vir die laaste keer te kyk na die opvoering van hul voorgeskrewe werk Kwart-voor-sewe-lelie. Hulle het die humoristiese vertolking deur gesoute akteurs baie geniet. Vanaf 2016 word nuwe voorgeskrewe werke vir matrikulante in Afrikaans en Engels voorgeskryf. Hier verskyn ’n groep Bredasdorp-matrikulante saam met die aktrise wat die hoofkarakter, Iris, vertolk het.
Die toerismeleerders by die Mandela-standbeeld by die Waterfront in Kaapstad.
Hoërskool Bredasdorp is met reg trots op Sarah Bosch, gr. 12-leerder, wat gedurende Oktober 2014 aan die Temba Okavango-vasbytkursus deelgeneem het en haar uitstekend van haar taak gekwyt het. Sy het hierdie uitmergelende kursus met vlieënde vaandels geslaag. Hier is sy saam met Andries Erwee, verteenwoordiger van die kursus, wat spesiaal by ’n saalbyeenkoms haar sertifikaat aan haar kom oorhandig het.
Leerders toer in mooie Kaap
Die graad 10- en 11-toerismeleerders van Hoërskool Overberg het op 9 en 11 Februarie onderskeidelik die Wynland en Kaapstad besoek. Die gr. 10’s het Eagle Outreach by Spier besoek en baie oor bewaring geleer. Daarna is hulle na die Le Bon-
heur-krokodilplaas en kon self ’n krokodil vashou. Krokodilvelle is hier te koop teen R20 000. Daarna was die Taalmonument aan die beurt. ’n Hoogtepunt vir die Duitse uitruilstudente was die besoek aan Nelson Mandela se standbeeld, net mooi voordat sy vrylating gevier is. Die dag is afgesluit met ’n besoek aan die
Hugenote Monument in Franschhoek. Die gr. 11’s het hul uitstappie begin met ’n besoek aan die Kasteel waar hulle so gelukkig was om die Kaapse Klopse te ervaar. Daarna was dit op teen Tafelberg – iets waaroor die Duitsers nie uitgepraat kon raak nie. Die dag is afgesluit met ’n besoek aan die Waterfront.
Gr. 7leerders kry tablette, ehandboeke
Die skaakspan van Laerskool De Villiers Graaff in Villiersdorp, wat die Overberg verteenwoordig, is van links KarlHeinz Keuneke, Janco Roux, Alexander Flack, Dale Botha en George Botha.
Om by te hou met die vinnige gebruik dit net soveel makliker as vooruitgang in die tegnologie, het hul voorgangers.” Slegs die gr. 7-leerders het tans Rûens Kollege die groot stap geneem om e-handboeke op tablette die e-handboeke. Vanaf 2016 sal aan die graad 7-leerders beskik- die gr. 4- tot 6-leerders ook inval. “Dit is ’n ongelooflik opwindenbaar te stel. “Dit is ’n skool se plig om die de uitdaging vir elke leerder wat leerders vir die toekoms voor te hulle ten beste benut.” berei. Ongeag wat leerders eendag ná skool gaan doen, gaan tegnologie ’n groot rol in hul opleiding en studies speel,” skryf die skool aan die Gazette. “Die handboeke, wat met tablette gebruik word, is ryk in teks en interaktief en stimuleer die moderne leerders soveel meer. Hulle leef in ’n era Van voor na agter is Dries Lesch, John du Toit, Lydia van tegnologie en Theron en Jandaré Palmer.
Op soek na 'n betroubare Algemene Werker met sober gewoontes vir die dag tot dag instandhouding van die baan en terrein. Ouderdom van ± 35 jaar. Woonhuis op terrein beskikbaar. Stuur CV voor op/op 20 Maart 2015 na of Posbus 97, Caledon 7230 0000000-LG100315
Benjamin Montgomery van Laerskool De Villiers Graaff in Villiersdorp het NoordBoland-kleure gekry vir hoogspring o. 11. FOTO: NADIA GELDENHUYS
Notice is hereby given that the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) Directorate Waste Management granted a Waste Management Licence (WML) in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 for the decommissioning of the Botrivier Waste Disposal Site in the Theewaterskloof Municipality, on 20 February 2015. The granting of the WML is subject to a number of conditions, which, along with the reasons for the decision, are set out in the WML, which can be obtained from SRK Consulting (contact details below). Appeal Procedure: An appeal procedure is provided for in the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. Any person wishing to appeal against the decision must: • Complete and submit the appeal in writing to the appeal administrator by 25 March 2015; and • Provide each person and organ of state registered as an interested and affected party in respect of the application, or the applicant, with a copy of the appeal. The appeal documentation can be submitted to the Minister's office by means of one of the following methods: • By post: Western Cape Ministry of Local Government Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Private Bag X9186, Cape Town, 8000 • By fax: (021) 483 4174 • By hand: Attention: Mr J. De Villiers, Room 809, 8th Floor Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8001 Should you require further information, please contact: Scott Masson of SRK Consulting at, Postnet Suite #206, Private Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701, Fax: (021) 685 7105, Tel: (021) 659 3060. 0000000-LG100315
MUNICIPAL NOTICE Draft Municipal Health By-law, 2014 The Council of the Overberg District Municipality (ODM), acting in terms of section 156(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with Section 13(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No 32 of 2000) has made the Municipal Health Services By-law and adopted it in principle on 31 October 2014. Comments, inputs or representations on this by-law by the public and all other affected and interested parties are awaited during normal office hours. A copy of the Draft Municipal Health By-law, 2015 can be viewed at Overberg District Municipality’s head office in Bredasdorp, at regional offices and on the website at It is also available at the head offices of the municipalities of Overstrand, Theewaterskloof, Swellendam and Cape Agulhas.
Draft Air Quality Management By-Law, 2014 The Council of the Overberg District Municipality (ODM), acting in terms of section 156(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 13(a) of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No 32 of 2000) and section 11(1) of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No 39 of 2004) has made the Air Quality Management By-law and adopted it in principle on 31 October 2014. Comments, inputs or representations on this by-law by the public and all other affected and interested parties are awaited during normal office hours. A copy of the Draft Air Quality Management By-Law, 2014 can be viewed at the Overberg District Municipality’s head office in Bredasdorp, at regional offices and on the website at It is also available at the head offices of the municipalities of Overstrand, Theewaterskloof, Swellendam and Cape Agulhas. Persons who cannot read or write and require assistance in compiling their comments, input or representations, may approach the Overberg District Municipal offices below. • Head Office: 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp • Regional Offices: Caledon: 4 Field Street, Caledon Swellendam: Craig Street, Swellendam Hermanus: 15 Flower Street, Hermanus Comments, inputs or representations regarding these documents must reach the Office of the Municipal Manager on or before 10 April 2015. Enquiries can be directed to Riaan du Toit of the Overberg District Municipality, Private Bag X22, Bredasdorp 7280, tel. (028) 425-1157 or fax: (028) 425-1014. D Beretti - Municipal Manager 116712
Theewaterskloof | Bredasdorp | Napier
T h e e w a t e r s k l o o f | Bredasdor p | Napier
REDAKSIE: Donderdae 12:00 ADVERTENSIES: Vrydae 10:00
Tel. 028-214 1294 X1PUFK6N-LG100315
Year 5 • Dinsdag 10 Maart 2015 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Overberg Agri wen toernooi
Vier-en-twintig spanne het aan die besigheidsrolballiga van Caledon deelgeneem en verlede week vier weke se strawwe kompetisie afgesluit. Twaalf spanne het op ’n Woensdagaand en 12 spanne op ’n Donderdagaand gespeel. Vanjaar was die wenspan van Overberg Agri, met Francois Human, Toni Basson, Christoff de Winter en Liaan King. Dit was ’n baie suksesvolle, genotvolle toernooi. Caledon-rolbalklub wil graag al die deelnemers, hul ondersteuners en al hul borge bedank, asook Chris Punt van Theewaterskloofmunisipaliteit, Joy Issel van Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa and Entertainment, Ken Sinclair van Wimpy, Gerhard Greef en Robert Alexander van SAM en Frans Steyn van Mandi’s.
Werner Brand, ’n o. 11-krieketspeler van Laerskool Overberg, het onlangs in twee krieketwedstryde onderskeidelik 97 lopies nie uit nie en 102 lopies nie uit nie, aangeteken. Van links is die wenspan van Overberg Agri met Francois Human, Toni Basson, Christoff de Winter, Liaan King en Wynand Pool, spanbestuurder.
Oviesatlete presteer Hoërskool Overberg het nie minder nie as nege atlete in die Bolandspan – ’n groot prestasie en ’n goue oomblik vir ’n klein plattelandse skool “agter die berg”. Die atlete het deelgeneem teen die groot
name soos Paarl Gimnasium, Paarl Boishaai en Paul Roos. Die nege atlete het Vrydag en Saterdag 27 en 28 Februarie in die Dal Josafat-stadion in die Paarl hul staal gewys.
Agter van links is Reinhardt van der Watt (beste atleet in naellope), Thys Kriel van King Chicken, Jemimah Daniels (beste atleet in diskus, sowel as spiesgooi), Werner van Huyssteen (skoolhoof) en Pieter-Jan Rossouw (beste prestasie vir ’n seun). Voor van links is Marnel Retief (beste prestasie hekkies), Jacques van den Berg (beste prestasie hoogspring), Xanté Chadwick (beste prestasie gewigstoot, sowel as beste prestasie vir ’n meisie) en Nareëma Marthinus (beste prestasie middelafstande). Afwesig: Ethan Roman (beste prestasie verspring).
Medaljes, kontant vir wenners Die toppresteerders by Laerskool Bredasdorp se kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms is op die foto hierbo by Thys Kriel van King Chicken, wat die medaljes en kontantpryse by ’n saal-
byeenkoms aan hulle oorhandig het. Die skool bedank Kriel vir die ondersteuning van atletiek by Laerskool Bredasdorp en wens die atlete geluk met hul prestasies.
Temara Maree, Paula Pretorius, Kelly May, Martelize Jordaan, Nico Walters, Herman van Dyk, Megan du Preez, Cody Hansen en Deuston Oliver.
Tennismanne wen Die Ovies het verlede week op die tennisbaan kragte teen Hermanus gemeet. Die eerste seunspan het ’n pragtige oorwinning van 4-2 behaal
en die tweede span (seuns én meisies) het dié telling geëwenaar. Ovies se eerste meisiespan het ongelukkig 0-6 verloor.
AANDAG!! AANDAG!! AANDAG!! SPERTYE vir Theewaterskloof Gazette: 7 April uitgawe SmallADS en Hoofkoerant Woensdag 02 April om 14:00
SPERTYE vir Theewaterskloof Gazette: 28 April uitgawe SmallADS en Hoofkoerant Donderdag 23 April om 14:00
Twee klein Ovies van Laerskool Overberg, Lize Burger (links) en Jannie Fourie (regs), het die voorreg gehad om die Blues se kaptein, Jerome Kaino, te ontmoet toe die Blues-rugbyspan op Ovies se sportterrein geoefen het. Jerome het ’n Ovie-hoedjie ontvang en die Blues het die klein Ovies ’n Blues-rugbytrui gegee waarop die span geteken het. Die tennisspanne saam met Myrna van Niekerk.
T h e e w a t e r s k l o o f | Bredasdor p | Napier
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