Theewaterskloof Gazette 16-04-13.pdf

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Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 3 • Tuesday 16 April 2013 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Overberg voorwaar ’n rugbykrag Die plaaslike streek-rugbyspanne wat die Overberg verteenwoordig het tydens die Bolandrugbyunie se interstreekdag op 6 April, het gewys dat die manne rugby speel waarmee rekening gehou moet word. Net die o.19-span, wat hier vir ’n spanfoto poseer, was ongelukkig genoeg om die knie te moes buig teen ’n gekombineerde span van die Witzenberg- en Sentraal-streke. Die telling was egter naby en die telbord het 15-12 gelees toe die eindfluitjie blaas. Puntemakers vir die o.19-span was Fabian Constable (drie), Gurshwin Holtshauzen (drie) en Immanuel Pietersen (doelskop). Lees meer oor die ander spanne se oorwinnings op bl. 12. FOTO: VERSKAF

Festive season all year round


Four years ago the Theewaterskloof region hosted one or two annual festivals and maybe two sporting events. Now the region has 14 annual sporting events and at least six lifestyle events in a market that attracts sponsorships from the likes of Huisgenoot, MTN and Nedbank. MTN and the ATKV are the main sponsors of the Greyton Genadendal Classics for All festival on 31 May. Huisgenoot is the main sponsor of the 2013 Villiersdorp Spring Arts Festival from 13 to 15 September, and Nedbank sponsors the first Elgin Wine Festival on 4 May. Joanna Dibden, local economic development manager at the Theewaterskloof Municipality, says interest in the area means the Cape Country Meander tourism brand is working. “People are discovering this area as a good – and affordable – alternative.” The Cape Country Meander campaign was launched in December 2010 and encapsulates eight local towns under one umbrella. The municipality, South African Development Bank, product owners and private tourism sector are partners. “Part of our marketing plan was to mould

this area into an easy eventing region, where event organisers would feel welcome, have ease of access to services and logistical support, and be able to attract visitors from Cape Town at not too high a cost price,” Dibden says. The mushrooming of events is proof that they are on the right track, she adds. Mel Elliot, organiser of the Villiersdorp Spring Arts Festival, which will be presented from 13 to 15 September, agrees that the Cape Country Meander is a drawcard for tourists. However, the outdoors is the real key to attracting visitors, with various activities on offer, he says. “We’re a breakaway destination.” The inaugural Elgin Valley Cool Wine and Country Festival will be held in the Elgin Valley on Saturday 4 May, sponsored by Nedbank. Altogether 15 participating wineries will open their doors, promising festival-goers a day of fine wine, hearty food and live entertainment. James Downes, chairperson of the Elgin Wine Guild, points out that premium wines from the area are now becoming a drawcard too. “Vines which were planted years ago are now producing premium wines, for which there is an increasingly greater appreciation.” Dibden says product owners realise that event organisers bring masses of feet and good business. “Those with eyes open wide and who

are ready to capitalise on opportunities have seen the rewards already. Each event brings at least 500 to 1 000 people. By providing memorable experiences, good service and a quality product, the events industry has only one way to go – and that is all the way up.” Cape Agulhas Tourism CEO Alison Coughlan is also happy with recent trends. “The Cape Agulhas region has seen a keen growth in interest in events, expos, venues and festivals. When the local authorities, business and residents work together, it creates a welcoming environment for event organisers and sponsors in which to invest and operate. “Hosting an event can require moving out of one’s comfort zone, disruptions, long hours and stretching resources. Fortunately there is a trend of understanding not just the economic benefits, but also the camaraderie and local pride which is invoked with the positive attention focused on the area.” She warns, however, not to forget that events must encourage visitors to explore the area and to come back. “Events need to be pre-assessed, measured and re-assessed regularly to keep them fresh, relevant and attractive.” “Cape Agulhas has had a number of exciting events recently, including major fishing competitions, mountain biking, music and road


rallies, and there are many more to come. Sporting events are a critical way to address seasonality in a region where the winters are ideal for rugged, challenging activities.” Cape Agulhas will try to keep up the momentum by focusing on negotiations with event planners and developers at Indaba 2013. “This is a region hugely attractive to water, land and air events,” says Coughlan. “The possibilities are endless. The renewed investment interest and event sponsorship is proof of that.” Local event organisers themselves are excited about the industry growth that comes from the increased frequency of events. “There are just positive spin-offs,” says Downes. “There is an increase in sales, and people are coming to experience where the wine is made.” Elliot adds: “We’re a primarily agricultural area and new industries are going to emerge now.”


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General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Gee komberse en maak harte bly 19 April )Hoërskool De Villiers Graaff bied aan Barnyard-aand met Wikus van der Merwe en Munro Du Toit (Idols) by Villiersdorp-skousaal om 19:00. Bring u eie piekniekmandjie saam of bestel mandjie vir twee. Navrae en bestellings: Francois 082 334 5133.

20 April )Bella Vista versus Caledon Rugby klub

27 April )Shuntin Shed On Bot River Station - Gian Groen, R50 pp. Show at 20:00. For more info or bookings contact 028 2849443 or 072 867 9555.

28 April )Caledon Rugbyklub se Gholfdag

WIN TICKETS: Four lucky readers can win two double tickets to see funny-man Stuart Taylor perform at the Caledon Casino Hotel, Spa & Entertainment. Taylor is gracing the stage on Saturday 27 April for what promises to be the comedy event of the season. Bookings: call the Caledon Hotel Reception on 028 214 5100. Tickets cost R80 per person. Answer this easy question in order to stand the chance to win tickets. Who will be performing at the Caledon Casino on 27 April? SMSes cost R1,50. SMS your reply to 33675 by 24 April.

VW Hermanus Tel: 028 312 6084

ONE STEP AHEAD - See page 5

Dankie aan al ons Gazette lesers vir hulle ruim skenking van komberse en warm klere verlede winter. Hierdie welwillendheid het ons almal se harte warmer laat klop. Die winter is op hande en daar is steeds ’n behoefte vir nie-bederfbare blikkieskos en warm komberse of klere. Help asseblief iemand wat nie ’n kombers het hierdie winter nie. Lesers wat ’n ekstra kombers of warm klere in die kas het en dit nie

meer gebruik nie, of wat ’n kombers of baadjie vir ’n behoeftige wil koop, kan dit tydens kantoorure by die Gazette-kantoor kom aflewer. Ons sal dit op ons beurt aan liefdadigheidsorganisasies gee om te versprei. So wil ons mede-inwoners help wat nie ’n dak oor hul kop het nie en die Kaapse winter met min warm goed moet trotseer. Lewer gerus jou skenkings af by ons kantoor op die hoek van Plein- en Yorkstraat in Caledon of bel ons by 028 214 1294 as jy meer wil weet.

) Op Woensdag 17 April om 17:00 word daar ‘n inligtingsessie in Caledon-stadsaal gehou oor die nuwe drankwet-handelsure. Alle lisensiehouers en belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. ) Die vergadering van die Vereniging van die Vriende van die Caledon Museum sal op 24 April om 18:00 in die Museumhuis by Konstitusiestraat nr. 11 plaasvind. Belangstellendes en entoesiastiese liefhebbers van Caledon se geskiedenis is welkom om die algemene jaarvergadering te gaan bywoon. Vir navrae, skakel 028 212 1511. ) Badisa Caledon hou op Saterdag 27 April om 10:00 ’n mini-basaar by die VG Kerk ) Women Empowered Committed Against Negativity (WE CAN) is hosting an awareness day against rape and gender-based violence on Workers Day, 1 May, at the Uniting Reformed Church in Bergsig from 09:00 to 15:00. There will be artists and groups performing and speaking out on rape, gender-based violence and many other social issues. There will be items from local artist as well as artists from Cape Town sharing their many gifts and talents. Families are invited to participate in this local initiative in support of building up the youth – holdings hands with women and youth leaders in Caledon as well as in the Overberg.

Shantley Fortuin, ontvangsdame en administratiewe beampte, en Yvette Vermeulen, advertensie-konsultant by die Gazette, sit hier tussen komberse en klere wat verlede winter deur ons lesers geskenk is. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

Stakeholders are also invited to use this platform by giving communities and families access and information about their services. For more information call the office at 028 212 3153 or Melandri at 084 414 4145 ) Join popular Stellenbosch photographers Nicole and Eric Palmer at De Hoop Nature Reserve for a five-day photographic workshop from Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October. Contact Nicole Palmer on 082 510 5694. ) Theewaterskloof greenies who want to be part of a massive tree-planting event can pay a visit to a reforestation festival in the Platbos forest during May. This family fest runs over two weekends – the weekend of 10, 11 and 12 May, and the Friends Fest on the weekend of 17, 18 and 19 May. The Family Fest is specially timed for Mother’s Day – what better way to celebrate mom than a weekend with the whole family planting trees, having fun, star gazing and listening to great music in one of South Africa precious indigenous forests. There will even be a special Mother’s Day tree planting ceremony on the Sunday to celebrate the wonderful mothers we have as well as Mother Earth! For the third year running, Greenpop will be hosting the Reforest Fest in Platbos forest. This annual reforestation effort has seen over 3 000 indigenous trees being planted in the southern-most forest of Africa since 2011. The Reforest fest combines a strong reforestation effort with the fun and entertainment of a music festival, using the opportunity of staying in a magical forest to inspire all that attend.

This year Greenpop plans to host two weekend Reforest Fests during May and aims to plant 4 000 trees in total (2 000 per weekend). Greenpop is a social enterprise that believes greening and sustainable living can be fun, popular and accessible for all. Thus the Greenpop Reforest Fest will aim to protect and grow the Platbos forest through two reforestation festivals, where tree-planting efforts are coupled with fun activities and music. Of the last festival in 2012, a one of the participants said, “It was really great to feel part of a community that was purposeful and that was having fun at the same time.” The ancient Platbos forest where the Reforest Fest takes place, is situated near Gansbaai in the Overberg region, 1½ hours drive from Cape Town. Platbos, a relic forest with trees of over 1 000 years of age, forms part of one of the rare and endangered ecosystems of the Western Cape and has a unique mix of indigenous trees from coastal and mountainous regions - Afromontane tree species are combined with coastal forest tree species - creating a unique ecosystem of intense biodiversity. The forest supports not only a diverse plant life but also an animal one, with species such as the bushbuck and endangered leopard toad making the forest their home. To see the forest on the map, click on this maplink: maps/86p7f or read more about the ancient Platbos forest here: For ticketing and booking enquiries, please contact Booking forms at:




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Tuesday 16 April 2013

News - Nuus

Belastingbetalers kies nuwe bestuur YVETTE VERMEULEN Vyf-en-twintig belangstellendes het die algemene jaarvergadering van die Caledon Belastingbetalersvereniging op Dinsdag 9 April bygewoon . By dié vergadering is ’n nuwe bestuur gekies en die ledegeld van R60 per jaar bepaal. Die vereniging is nie-polities en het ten doel om vraagstukke wat belastingbetalers raak aan te spreek. Van die vraagstukke wat geopper is, is

die koste van elektrisiteit, eiendomswaardasies en die munisipale begroting. Daar is ook weer klem gelê daarop dat soveel moontlik lede moet aansluit. Die Caledon Belastingbetalersvereniging is ook van plan om hulself by die nasionale belastingbetalersverenging te laat affilieer. Die lede sal elke tweede maand vergader. Die volgende vergadering is op 11 Junie om 18:30 in die NG Kerk se klein saal.

Die Caledon Belastingbetalers se bestuur is (agter) Pieter Hugo (addisionele lid), Johan Coetzee (tesourier) en Edward Morgan (sekretaris); (voor) Jan de Waal (voorsitter) en Chris van Loggerenberg (ondervoorsitter). FOTO’S: YVETTE VERMEULEN

Inwoners wat die vergadering bygewoon het, het agterna lekker gesels rondom toebroodjies en tee. Hier is (agter, van links) Barend Swart, Nico Louw en Johan Fourie, en (voor) Judith Fourie, Dorah Swart, Hannie Morgan en Stephanie Visser.

Jannie Grobbelaar, Robert Bosch en Lu Swart het ook die vergadering bygewoon.

Theewaterskloof Gazette


Roads ‘will improve with tolls’ Tourism and agriculture is expected to be hit hard should plans by the South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) go ahead to implement three toll plazas between the R300 (Bellville) intersection on the N2 and Bot River. But the upside should not be forgotten, said Sanral after last week’s Gazette reports on the renewed attention the proposed toll road has recently received. Sanral’s general manager of communication, Vusi Mona, said the major advantages of the toll highway will be road improvements. It will entail the construction of 13 km of a new N2 in Somerset West and Strand, the provision of additional traffic lanes between Durban Road and the Koelenhof interchange, and between Borchards Quarry Road and De Beers Avenue in Somerset West, Sir Lowry’s Pass and Houwhoek, and Florence and Worcester. “Also 14 new and upgraded interchanges to improve traffic flow, the provision of the second tunnel at Du Toitskloof on the N1, the provision of auxiliary and climbing lanes, the provision of toll-related infrastructure and equipment, and the integration of facilities with public transport projects,” Mona said. Safety will also be addressed with the implementation of an accident management system (IMS) and a freeway

management system (FMS), combining CCTV cameras and electronic sign boards to monitor and communicate traffic problems. Mona said the toll project is in line with the “user pays” principle, “which refers to the premise that users of certain transport infrastructure resources bear the full cost of such usage, but no group should cross-subsidise other users. This is the essence of broad principle captured in the government’s transport policy document, Moving South Africa.” He added that the proposed project would make a substantial contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) and the creation of substantial direct and indirect jobs. “The proposed toll roads would result in a creation of approximately 5 000 jobs during the construction phase and during construction at least 72% of the total direct jobs would go to workers at the lower end of the income spectrum. This is clearly the area where job creation is most important.” He said after the construction stage about 600 direct jobs will be generated annually and the increased productivi-

ty due to business timesaving (increased efficiency of the network) could generate as many as a further 148 jobs. “So this project has the potential to generate between 1 300 and 2 100 indirect jobs during the initial construction period.” Mona stated that the contribution of the N1- N2 Toll Highway Project to the GDP (the value of final goods and services produced in the country) will increase from R1,5 billion at the start of the construction stage to R14 billion by the end of the concession period. “The contribution of the N1-N2 Toll Highway Project to the gross geographic product – the provincial equivalent of the national GDP – that will be felt in the Western Cape, will grow from R192 million at the start of the construction stage to R2,2 billion by the end of the concession period.” In closing Mona said Sanral has extensive experience in developing toll projects, is taking into account all the stakeholder concerns, and is addressing these issues as far as possible or equitable. “Sanral is committed to providing a superior service to its clients, which in the first instance are the road users and secondly to the economy of South Africa and any region of the country. Hence, this project was economically and financially assessed to determine what the likely impact on users – individuals or organisations – and the economy might be.”


News - Nuus

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Bottel glo gebruik vir aanranding, toe moord ’n Villiersdorpse man het na bewering ’n 23-jarige man doodgesteek met die nek van ’n bottel waarmee hy self vroeër oor die kop geslaan is. Volgens kapt. G.B. Newman, waarnemende stasiebevelvoerder van die Villiersdorp-polisie, het ’n argument op 6 April in ’n huis op die plaas Riviera uitgebreek. Volgens ’n ooggetuie

het die slagoffer glo eerste die bierbottel geneem en die verdagte oor die kop geslaan. Die verdagte het toe die bottelnek van die gebreekte bottel geneem en die oorledene in die nek gesteek. Die voorval het omstreeks 18:00 plaasgevind. Die verdagte het op 8 April in die Caledonlanddroshof verskyn op ’n aanklag van moord.





27 April | Tickets R80pp – show only Dinner and drinks excluded Light dinner menu available Doors open 7:30pm - Show starts at 8pm Tickets available at The Caledon Hotel Reception Contact: 028 214 5100

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Lees lesers kos-etikette? ANNETTE THERON EN ERIEKA ROUX Na aanleiding van die nuus dat selfs op die grootste supermarkgroepe se rakke vleis gevind is wat bestanddele bevat wat nié op die etiket aangedui is nie, het die Gazette by lesers gaan hoor of hulle die etiket op hul kos lees, of omgee wat daarop staan.

Marius Isaacs sê hy lees die besonderhede op die etiket van die kosprodukte wat hy gebruik, want hy gee om. “Ek hou nie van vals verklarings nie en kos moet suiwer wees. Maretha Swart van Caledon sê sy kyk altyd of ’n produk suiker bevat omdat sy ’n diabeet is. “Ek het seker al donkie, waterbuffel of perd geëet, maar dit het niks aan my gedoen nie. Ek weet nie waaroor al die bohaai is nie, want niemand het iets oorgekom nie.” Sy meen egter daar moet op etikette aangedui word waarvan die produk gemaak word. FOTO’S: ANNETTE THERON/ERIEKA ROUX

“Ek lees nie altyd die etiket nie en dit maak nie saak wat in my kos is nie.” Sy meen egter die beskrywing mag nie vals wees nie en sy is tevrede met die inhoud solank sy nie siek word nie.

Maritabile Stuurman sê sy lees die etikette op produkte en glo wat daarop staan. “Ek sal niks daarvan hou as daar vir my gelieg word nie.”

Rita Lotter sê sy lees die etiket. “Ek gee om wat die inhoud van die pakkie is en vervaardigers mag nie lieg nie.” Sy voeg egter by dat wat die oog nie sien nie, maak die hart nie seer nie.

Paula Vorster sê sy lees die etiket. “Ek gee om vir wat in die kos is en die produsent mag nie lieg nie. Ek glo en vertrou dat hulle die waarheid vertel.”

Is rooivleis se etiek bekook? JAN GREYLING “Die rooivleisbedryf in Suid-Afrika is onlangs geruk deur groot etiese en morele vraagstukke. Daarvolgens blyk dit dat die gehoorsaamheid aan basiese wetgewing en die toepassing daarvan bykans nie bestaan nie. In hierdie gaping word die etikettering, inhoud en oorsprong van produkte nie korrek hanteer nie,” sê prof. Johann Kirsten, voorsitter by vandeesweek se rooivleis-verbruikersdebat op Bien Donné. “Verder is dit onverstaanbaar hoe min abattoirs, slaghuise en kleinhandelaars se vleis-afdelings aan die minimumstandaarde van vleishigiëne, voedselveiligheid en naspeurbaarheid voldoen. By hierdie debat kom die beeld van die rooivleisbedryf ten opsigte van etikettering, naspeurbaarheid en gesondheid- en voedingsdimensies ter sprake.” Die debat waar landbou- en verbruikerverteenwoordigers mekaar in die oë wil kyk, dien as opening van die 69ste jaarlikse Bien Donné Agri Cape Week by Simondium in die Paarl. Die gesprek is oop vir alle belangstellendes wat van die vloer af wil deelneem. Dit begin op Woensdag 17 April om 09:00 in die Standard

Bank Agri Sentrum by die Bien Donné-navorsingsplaas. Prof. Kirsten is die programleier. Die onderwerp is “Landbou vir die Verbruiker”. Gerhard Schutte, hoof uitvoerende beampte van die Rooivleis Produsente-Organisasie van Suid-Afrika, dr. Gerhard Neethling van die Abattoirvereniging en die Staatsveearts, en dr. Christi Kloppers het reeds deelname bevestig. Vir produsente is dit baie belangrik dat alle rolspelers in die waardeketting ekonomies moet voortbestaan en te alle tye die regte produk teen die regte prys aan die verbruiker beskikbaar stel. Produsente- en verbruikers begrip word bepleit vir die feit dat rooivleis vars, semi-verwerk of in verskillende vorms as volledig verwerk aangebied word, wat verskillende eindprodukprosesse behels. Die pleidooie vir rooivleisvrye Maandae, duurder insetkoste en groter druk op omgewingsvriendelike produksie sal, volgens Kirsten, waarskynlik ook aangespreek word. “Omdat ek besorg is oor die swak toepassing van minimumstandaarde in die hele vleisketting, sien ek uit na hierdie noodsaaklike Bien Donné-debat.” Kirsten is hoof van Landbou-Ekonomie, Voorligting en Landelike Ontwikkeling aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy het onder meer sy merk gemaak as ’n lid van die Nasionale Landboubemarkingsraad, en was ’n visepresident van die Internasionale Vereniging vir Landbou-Ekonome. Navrae oor die ekspo, van 17 tot 20 April, kan gerig word aan Anne-Marie le Roux by 021 863 0397 of, of

Tuesday 16 April 2013

General - Algemeen

Meet a local Bly te kenne

Familie-mens Som jouself in een sin op. Ek is ’n steunpilaar vir vriende en familie. ’n Restaurant vir die res van jou lewe. La Romantica in Somerset-Wes. As jy nie in Caledon gewoon het nie, waar sou jy wou bly? Franse platteland. Wat maak Caledon vir jou spesiaal? Die vriendelike mense. As jy drie mense (in lewe of reeds dood) kon nooi vir ete, wie sou jy nooi? Jacob Zuma, David Beckham en Richie McCaw. Wat is die beste raad wat jy al gegee of ontvang het? Geniet jou lewe!

Theewaterskloof Gazette


Plattelander Som jouself op in een sin. Ek is ’n eerbare, liewe, getroue en vredeliewende mens. ’n Restaurant vir die res van jou lewe. Chapmanspiek Hotel vir heerlike kos. As jy nie in Caledon gebly het nie, waar sou jy wou bly? In Philippi op ’n plaas. Wat maak Caledon vir jou spesiaal? Die feit dat ek uit ’n besige stad na ’n stil plekkie gekom het om my kind op te voed en by die liefde van my lewe te wees. As jy drie mense(in lewe of reeds dood) kon nooi vir ete, wie sou jy nooi? Madiba, Celine Dion en Theuns Jordaan. Wat is die beste raad wat jy al gegee of ontvang het? Behandel almal met respek ongeag des persoons.

SPAR IS 50: Die Spar-groep vier landwyd sy 50ste bestaansjaar van 1 April tot 20 Mei. ’n Paar gelukkige kopers sal die helfte van hul aankope by Spar terugwen in die vorm van kontant of ’n koopbewys, mits hulle minstens een item op die promosieblaaie gekoop het en hul naam in die gelukkigstrekking getrek word. Die eienaar van Caledon Spar, Louis Jordaan, sê hul kompetisie is verleng tot einde Mei. Plaaslike wenners kan dan ’n verdere R50 000 in die nasionale kompetisie wen. Die inskrywingsboks is by die winkel se ingang. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

Kuier saam by Botrivier-kleinmark ANNETTE THERON

André MacKenzie


Mariaan Smit


Die Botrivier-kleinmark vind op die eerste Saterdag van elke maand plaas by Kareestraat 17. Enigiemand is welkom om ’n tafel op te slaan en bekostigbare items te verkoop. Vrywillige donasies vir die Botrivier-buurtwag sal welkom wees. Vir enige verdere navrae, kontak Marie van der Spuy by 076 364 9881 of 028 284 9507.

Marie van der Spuy en Helena Strydom by die Botrivier-kleinmark Saterdag 6 April. Helena verlaat Botrivier na sewe jaar en gaan na Potchefstroom verhuis. Sy was die eienaar van die Botrivier Deli. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON


Theewaterskloof Gazette

Leader - Hoofartikel

’n Nuwe begin vir Caltex in Caledon

Toerisme “Slaan jy ’n sportblad oop, dan lees jy van die een of ander bergfietsbyeenkoms in Grabouw.” Hierdie opmerking van ’n leser is dalk nie hééltemal waar nie, maar is tog bewys van die reëlmaat waarmee byeenkomste deesdae in die Theewaterskloof aangebied word. Plaaslike toerismerolspelers is ingenome met die manier waarop organiseerders die area as ’n gunsteling begin sien. Met reg: Hoe meer feeste en kompetisies, hoe meer nuwe besoekers. Hoe meer nuwe besoekers, hoe meer mense wat moontlik in die toekoms gaan terugkom . . . en op die area kan verlief raak. Die werk wat ingesit is om die tendens te vestig, is ’n klop op die skouer werd. Maar so ook die samewerking van elke inwoner wat altyd vriendelik en behulpsaam is. Dit is gewoonlik die algehele atmosfeer van ’n dorp of streek wat toeriste daardie warm gevoel gee wat hulle keer op keer wil laat terugkeer. En dít is presies wat ons wil regkry as ons die streek as ’n voorkeur-toerismebestemming wil vestig!

Sedert ons in Februarie 2007 die vulstasie by Johan Schoeman oorgekoop het, het Midas voortgegaan en die spasie op grondvlak gehuur totdat hulle einde Januarie na hulle nuwe perseel geskuif het (ons wens hulle alle sukses toe). In dié tyd het ons vanaf die eerste vloer “blind” probeer bestuur na die beste van ons vermoë. Dit was nie altyd suksesvol nie en ons besef dienslewering was nie altyd na wense nie. Sedert Paasnaweek het ons begin aftrek en intrek na grondvlak – waar ons ons kantore ingerig het, asook ’n 24-uur winkeltjie begin ontwikkel het om voortaan aan alle vinnige vorms van aankope te voorsien. Ons fokus op die verkope van energie brandstof, koeldranke, voedsel (snuisterye, lekkers, koffie, wegneem etes, pasteie, muffins, biltong en droëwors), elektrisiteit en lugtyd (vir al die bekende handelsmer-

ke). Ons gaan ons toesighouding en bestuur op ’n doelgerigte wyse aanpak in die hoop om ’n besoek aan Caltex op ’n totale ander vlak te bedryf. Stella onderneem om elke dag minstens 20 kliënte op die rybaan persoonlik te groet en in te nooi vir ’n nuwe plattelandse ervaring van vinnige en vriendelike diens. Foute was gemaak – ons erken dit en ons maak ’n nuwe begin op ’n nuwe bladsy in Caltex Caledon se bestaan! Ons hoop om u hier te verwelkom! Vriendelike groete,


Tuesday 16 April 2013

Die Here jou enigste hulp, gee jouself oor Ps. 121 sê: “Ek slaan my oë op na die berge; waar sal my hulp vandaan kom? My hulp is van die Here wat hemel en aarde gemaak het.” Ons aanvaar so maklik dat ons dinge in ons eie krag kan doen, veral wanneer ons gesondheid goed is en daar nie ’n te kort aan finansies is nie. Wanneer onheil jou egter tref, en menslike hulp en bystand nie die probleem kan oplos nie, dan besef ons alte goed dat daar net Een Hulp is wat regtig die probleem kan oplos, naamlik die Here. In Joh.6:68 sê Petrus vir Jesus: “Here, na wie toe sal ons gaan? U het die woorde van die ewige lewe.” Baie van Jesus se dissipels en volgelinge het Hom op hierdie stadium verlaat, maar Petrus het besef dat ons kan hardloop waarheen ons wil, maar die uiteindelike oplossing en antwoord lê by Jesus. Jesus nooi almal uit wat vermoeid en belas is om by Hom rus te kom vind. Hoe vind ’n mens rus by die Here? Die antwoord lê daarin dat ek as gelowige al my sorge, al my behoeftes, ja my hele wese ten volle oorgee in Sy hande en myself dissiplineer om Hom ten volle te vertrou en nie op my eie planne staat te maak nie. Eers wanneer ek geleer het om aan myself te sterf en toe te laat dat Christus in my lewe, dan kan ek verseker sê: “My hulp is van die Here.” Kom ons gee ons begeertes, ons planne en ideale oor aan Jesus Christus en Hy sal ons paaie vir ons gelyk maak. Seënwense vir die week.

PASTOOR GERT VISSER, Caledon Christen-sentrum

Downhill for CAR

SOOS ’N VIS IN DIE WATER: Kyle Dunsdon, ’n gr. 5-leerling van De Heide Primêr, het ooglopend ’n liefde vir water. Afgesien van die uitstappies wat hy geniet na plekke soos die V&A Waterfront in Kaapstad, waar hy voor een van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se frigatte afgeneem is, is hy beloon vir sy harde werk deur die seisoen met sy insluiting in die Boland-span wat op Saterdag 27 April sal deelneem aan die TRIAQ-gala by die Langstraat-swembaddens in Kaapstad. Kyle sal deelneem aan die 50 m-vlinderslag vir seuns o.10.

While watching the news on recently I glanced down at the bottom of the screen where they have the headlines scrolling from right to left and read the following: 27 WOUNDED 13 KILLED IN CAR. My brain started working overtime. How the heck did 40 people fit into one car? Was it one of those record stunts? But then, as the news progressed, it dawned on me that the 40 people referred to were soldiers and the events had occurred in the Central African Republic. But what, exactly, was SA doing in the CAR? Was it trying to steer it in a certain direction? Had South Africa hijacked the CAR? Was the CAR heading in the wrong direction? Those were questions which had the DA and other parties also in a tizz, it seems, as events unfolded. Perhaps Helen wanted to drive the CAR herself. Or perhaps Chief Buthelezi? Then the actual driver of the CAR, President Bozizé, jumped out and abandoned the CAR and left it stranded. It was obvious to him that the CAR was heading towards a cliff and his life was in danger. He fled to Cameroon and is now reportedly driving a bakkie. An old, decrepit skoro-skoro. The abandoned CAR has since been taken over by rebels who, by all accounts, do not have valid drivers’ licences, so the vehicle is still on a collision course with something or other.



Wat verklap die rygoed by Mangaung van ons politici?

’n Ou vertel my hy was op Mangaung en stap een pouse na die karpark. Sy passie is karre en hy wou gaan kyk wat staan daar. Sy blitsopname het rofweg die volgende opgelewer: een of twee nuwe Bentleys (geen Rolls nie; interessant, dié), omtrent sewe of agt Aston Martins, ’n paar Jags, een of twee Lamborghini’s (bietjie moeilik vir ’n dik politikus om te bestyg), sowat agt Ferrari’s and dan dosyne van Stuttgart en München se beste, alles splinternuut. Karkoop is nie perdekoop nie – dit mag rasioneel lyk maar dra altyd ’n duistere, elementele ondertoon. Daar is mense wat rasioneel te werk gaan om ’n ryding aan te skaf (veral as hulle hul eie geld moet uithaal), maar hulle is ’n minderheid. Destyds toe ek oor die onderwerp geskryf het, het ek dikwels die noodroep gekry: “Ek soek ’n klein betroubare karretjie, nie te duur nie: wat stel jy voor?” My gewone antwoord was: “Soek die beste agentskap en koop wat hy aanbied”, of “Koop die een met die gerieflikste asbak, want klein

motortjies is almal eenders.” Wat my telkens verras is hoe die fabrikante dit regkry om bepaalde eienskappe aan hulle karre te koppel; dié een word beskou as betroubaar met goeie herverkoopwaarde; die ander as ekonomies en veilig (tog gewonder hoekom daardie Sweedse model wat as die allerveiligste bemark is soos ’n doodskis gelyk het), ’n derde vinnig en rats, ’n vierde weer taai en duursaam. Motorskrywers is die informele agente van die fabrikante, en hulle skryfsels is daarop gemik om die basiese entoesiasme vir vuurwaens aan te wakker en te koester, en om elke fabrikant volgens bepaalde maatstawwe gunstig te beoordeel. In ruil daarvoor word die joernaliste getrakteer en gepaai met leenmotors, lekker uitstappies (dikwels oorsee) en so aan. En as ’n joernalis dan gekwel word deur die onkritiese, selfs liries-emotiewe assessering wat van hom/haar verwag word en ’n bietjie meer ondersoekend word, word die fabrikante se gunstes en gawes effens ingekort en die

gasvryheid net ’n tikkie killer. Goeie medisyne vir ’n ligte aanval objektiwiteit Die uitgewers laat hulle motorskrywers sonder uitsondering (so ver ek kan sien) toe om elke beginsel van objektiewe beriggewing te verontagsaam, want die motorfirmas adverteer goed en nie een van hulle het al ooit ’n publikasie gedagvaar vir oordrewe prysing nie. Tog jammer ons gaan seker nooit uitvind watter rol die groot Europese fabrikante van vliegtuie, skepe, duikbote en motors in die wapenskande gespeel het nie. Daardie klomp aartsskelms het ons nuwe regeerders lank al opgesom gehad, en in ruil vir handtekeninge op GROOT kontrakte, het hulle hul fabrieke hier gelos, veilig in die wete dat hulle motorverkope sou gedy (soos elders in Afrika). Kostelik ook hoe sosialiste se haat vir kapitalisme swig ten aanskoue van die Weste se

Beste – Kiem-iel-Joeng III se pa se begrafnisstoet is vergesel deur tien bloklange Lincoln Continentals (sewe meter lank, ’n sewe-liter enjin), gevolg deur dosyne swart Driepunters om die miljoene verhongerde, verkluimde en wenende toeskouers ’n bietjie op te beur. –

Tuesday 16 April 2013

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Klere vir prinse en prinsesse Easter weekend road deaths down by 30%


Die Princess and The Frog het op 8 April langs J & A Electrical oopgemaak. Elaine Wessels, die eienaar, sê dit is ’n winkel waarin hulle hoop mans én vroue sal welkom voel en iets vind waarvan hulle hou. Verskeie handelsmerke word aangehou en daar is geskenke van Bali, sê Elaine. Plaaslike kunstenaars se items word ook te koop aangebied. Die winkel het ook ’n koffie-hoekie waar kopers in ’n gemakstoel kan ontspan met ’n filterkoffie of tee, of gesellig om ’n tafel met vriende kan kuier.

Easter weekend road deaths in the Western Cape have decreased by 30% compared to last year, according to the Department of Transport and Public Works.

Collin September, Adele Lubbe en Elaine en Jandré Wessels by die opening.

Abuse victims ‘can get out’ NICOLE MCCAIN A study recently released by the Medical Research Council of South Africa found that while the murder of women has decreased between 1999 and 2009, women are still being murdered by their intimate partners. Murder by a current or ex-husband or boyfriend, a same-sex partner or a rejected lover did not decline at the same rate over the same period of time. However, experts say there are ways for both women and men to protect themselves from potentially violent relationships. In any relationship, signs that your partner may be violent will show up early on. Michelle Mulder, a self-defence trainer for organisation Pink Army, says a warning should go off if you find your partner trying to control you. Mulder says this can manifest in a partner who criticises what you wear, or who prevents you from seeing friends and family. Hilda Lourens of Ukhukanya, a non-profit organisation working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, says control can often be as small as insisting your partner doesn’t leave their wet towel on the floor or squeezes the toothpaste from the end of the tube. Lourens says that abuse can take many forms. While men tend to be more physical, women tend to abuse emotionally. This includes nagging and name calling, which often impacts on the other partner’s self-confidence, and can push them to react violently. Lourens adds that abuse is not only towards women, but very often also comes from women towards their male partners. Mulder says it is important not to escalate a potentially abusive or violent situation. “Let’s face it, women talk too much! We always

need to have the last say. This is a huge, big trigger. You have to control your emotions.” Abuse occurs in a cycle, says Lourens. During what she calls the red stage, the abuse takes place. Following this is a green or honeymoon period, where the abuser is especially attentive to the victim in an attempt to make up. This is followed by an orange period, where the abuser will begin nitpicking or arguing and the victim will feel as if they are walking on eggshells as the situation escalates to abuse again. Lourens says it’s essential to remove yourself from the relationship as soon as the red stage occurs. “Each time the cycle repeats, it becomes more intense and more difficult to get out of.” Breaking ties with the abuser is key to breaking the cycle of abuse, says Lourens. “Break ties with the abuser, or get professional help from a councillor. You have to walk away if it is a bad relationship, and always prioritise your children.” In order to leave an abusive relationship, Mulder recommends putting together a plan of action. “Have a plan of action. If you are prepared you won’t go into a flat spin when things go wrong, because you know exactly what to do. What happens when he takes your car keys? Hide your spare keys in a safe place. Where are your children? Have a code word that means they need to get out and get into the car.” Lourens adds that there are also legal avenues at hand, such as protection orders against abusers. For more information, contact Ukhukanya on 082 875 3046 or email In Caledon the number to dial is 028 214 3900.

Fourteen people were killed in the province this year, in comparison to the 20 deaths last year. MEC for Transport and Public Works, Robin Carlise, says this Easter was characterised by wet conditions and high traffic volumes, with over 2 400 vehicles travelling on the N2. “As we await figures for the entire month of March 2013, which was not a good month on our roads, the Easter period has shown

that buckling-up and pedestrian safety remain a serious concern. “As we continue to see motorist behaviour change, so too must passengers, particularly back-seat passengers, and pedestrians.” Carlisle says these road users must realise how vulnerable they are and the dangers that they often place themselves in by not complying with road rules,” says Carlisle. Enforcement statistics reveal that 22 411 vehicles were stopped and checked, and a total of 3 370 people were screened for alcohol. There were 56 arrests made for driving under the influence of alcohol, according to the Department of Transport and Public Works.

Monday Family Feast




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Theewaterskloof Gazette

Tuesday 16 April 2013

RE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 30 APRIL 2013 South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) would like to extend its gratitude to all those beneficiaries who have re-registered and received their SASSA Payment Cards.

Beneficiaries who have not yet re-registered must please do so not later than 30 April 2013. BENEFICIARIES WHO HAVE APPLIED FOR HOME VISITS WILL BE RE-REGISTERED AND SHOULD NOT PANIC. SASSA WILL ENSURE THAT ALL HOME AND INSTITUTIONS VISITS WILL BE FINALISED BEFORE 31 MAY 2013. If you are receiving your social grant at cash points, at selected payment vendors, or if your social grant is paid into your Postbank account, Sekulula bank account or into your private bank account you must re-register on the new biometric payment system to receive your SASSA Payment Card. Sekulula account holders who have re-registered and obtained a temporary SASSA Payment Card must also re-register with full biometrics to obtain a permanent SASSA Payment Card. Children in receipt of either a Foster Child Grant or a Child Support Grant must accompany their Primary Care-Giver as both child and Primary Care-Giver must be re-registered together. Learners will be re-registered with their Primary Care Givers after school hours. SASSA will conduct home visits for beneficiaries over 75 years of age, for the frail, the sick as well as for our care dependency children. Procurators and beneficiaries will be re-registered together at home or at care centers where they reside. Please do not transport the sick, the frail, the 75 years and older as well as the care dependency children to the re-registration sites. REMEMBER ITS ILLEGAL TO GIVE YOUR PIN AND YOUR SASSA PAYMENT CARD TO MONEY LENDERS. Documentation to be presented at re-registration sites: • Original bar-coded RSA Identity Document • Original Birth certificate/identity document of child/ren • Letter of Grant Award (SASSA) for 7777 Id’s • Court Order for Foster Child Grants (optional) Find the details of your nearest re-registration site below or contact or sms your query to the following numbers: SASSA tollfree: 0800 60 10 11 or CPS: 0800 60 01 60 or direct enquiries to 021 469 0206 / 7. Area







Athlone Civic

C/o Jan Smuts & Klipfontein Rd, Athlone

Mitchells Plain Portlands Sports Centre

C/o Merrydale & Hazeldene St, Portlands


Hope for Life Church Delft Community Centre

Goeie Hoop Street, Bellville South Delft

Beaufort West SASSA Beaufort West Office

95 Donkin Street, Beaufort West


William Herbert Sportscentre

Rosmead Avenue, Wynberg


Conville Community Hall

Pienaar Street, Conville, George


Bongulethu Thusong Centre

12th Avenue, Bongulethu, Oudtshoorn

Andile Msizi Hall

C/o Bangiso & Sigwella Road, Site B

Resource Centre

Site B, Khayelitsha

Cape Town

St Phillips Anglican Church

128 Chapel Street, Woodstock


Parish Hall

Holy Trinity Church, Alfred St, Caledon


Scouts Hall

54 Bonaentura Avenue, Atlantis


Ebenheazer Church

Klein Drakenstein Road, Paarl


SASSA Worcester Office

7 Durban Street, Worcester


Louwville Community Hall

Hendrik Street, Louwville, Vredenburg


SASSA Vredendal Office

BMW Building, Voortrekker Road, Vredendal


Eerste River Gugulethu

Future orld Church

Eerste River

Scottsdene Hall

Eoan Avenue, Kraaifontein

Zolani Centre Browns Farm Community Hall Ikwezi Community Hall

Elliott Sithadatu Avenue, Nyanga East Bristol Road, Browns Farm NY2, Gugulethu

Tuesday 16 April 2013

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


Greyton trash fest bigger and better On 20 April Greyton will be hosting its second Trash to Treasure Festival at Greyton Green Park, previously the rubbish dump. This festival highlights waste management issues on a local and community scale. It has its roots in an idea of Joseph Stodgel, who was visiting Greyton from the UK for three months last year. He was doing a thesis on waste management in small communities. Under the auspices of Greyton Transition Town, Joseph pulled the whole community together in a festival at the old dump site in Greyton, transforming it into a natural green park. It is now a notable legacy of the festival which is enjoyed by residents as a place to picnic, play and rest. Having held fund-raising events in his home town to raise his fare and living expenses in South Africa, Joseph is flying over from Santa Fe at the beginning of April to co-ordinate the festival again. The main feature of the festival is the plastic bottle brick competition. In the weeks running up to the festival the community is being asked to stuff their cleaned, dry non-recyclable waste into plastic bottles which are to be used to build a youth centre. Entrance to the festival is one plastic bottle. There are collection points for empty bottles all around Greyton. Invitations of empty bottles will also be sent out to encourage stuffing of bottles for the new buildings. The festival site is still intact – staging was built from rammed earth tyres and demonstration areas from alien vegetation and old thatch. People are coming from Cape Town and Johannesburg to create sculptures, art works and to help run the festival with a large contingent of local volunteers. A constant flow of musicians will entertain the crowd, interspersed with breaks for com-

Join the Good Hope FM adventure race The Good Hope FM adventure race on 27 April will aim to promote the hidden gems of the local region, whilst giving participants an event to remember. Towns included in the event are Caledon, Bot River, Betty’s Bay, Kleinmond, Hermanus and Stanford. This event has been endorsed by Wesgro, the Cape Whale Coast and the Cape Country Meander. They also intend raising much needed funds for the NGO Overstrand Training Institute, said organiser Clinton Lerm. “We will be hosting 1 200 participants for this, our biggest event to date. The event is open to the public and it is based on the concept of our famous amazing race events that we regularly host in the Western Cape. The participants will be in groups of four to six per vehicle.” A total of 120 points along the route have been identified, but not all the participants will stop at each point. Visit for more details. Lerm said they are still looking for a few local partners, who need not only be tourism-related institutions. “We also require a number of spot prizes as we would love to have participants walk away with a prize of sorts.” Lizette Kok, senior tourism officer for Theewaterskloof Municipality, says all events have an impact on the area and therefore they welcome all “new” events on the calendar. “Adventure racing is a first in the area and we believe that it will attract much interest.” She said the impact on Caledon should be good because the race starts and ends here. “Not only does it attract potential tourists to book at accommodation establishments, but other businesses such as service stations, cafes and supermarkets also benefit from this tourism event.” Anyone wishing to become a partner through becoming a stopping point, or who want to enter a team, can email

petitions, community dancers and choirs. Events include a trashion show with a prize for the best outfit, a recycling, composting, upcycling, natural drain construction, Ban the Plastic Bag and many other demonstrations. Sales of recycled goods, second-hand clothing and natural health products will also be available. Furthermore a competition for the most plastic brick bottles stuffed and a food court will add to the festival experience. New events this year include the presentation of a 110% Green Flag, signed by Helen Zille, to Greyton Transition Town and the highly anticipated announcement of the first bottle-brick building to start construction at the Red Cross Centre in Greyton. The youth of the area have been busy preparing the stuffed bottles that

have been collected and the foundations will be laid by the end of this month. Greyton Cares, a new community group, running parallel to Greyton Transition Town and under its aegis, bringing the homeless people of the community together in a self-build project to create ‘RDP’ homes designed by themselves and including bottle-brick in the construction, will also be launched at the festival. Last year over 400 people attended. This number is anticipated to double this year. Greyton Transition Town has received sponsorship from Theewaterskloof Municipality, the Industrial Development Corporation and Western Cape provincial government. Anyone wishing to be involved with the fest, can contact Joseph Stodgel at

Joseph Stodgel will be actively involved in the 2013 Greyton Trash Fest on Saturday 20 April. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON



Theewaterskloof Gazette





AUTO ELECTRICAL-DIETLOF'S. Gespesialiseerde auto elektriese diens. 23 Jaar ondervinding. Ook verskaffers van professionele weerstasies en solar panele. New Cross straat, reg langs Overberg Supafit. Dietlof (Wên) van der Merwe. Tel. 028-214 1614 of 082 788 5276.

Attorney’s Services FINCK PROKUREURS CALEDON. Skakel gerus Ronnie Finck by 073 495 0998 of 028-212 1030 om 'n konsultasie te reël. Ons beskerm u belange.


te Huur/to Hire KRAGGEREEDSKAP. Vir die huur van hoëdrukspuite en kraggereedskap, skakel Gabriël van der Merwe by Overberg Dienssentrum by 083 551 5406 alle ure. CHRISNOR MICKYLE FRANS. 19/04/2013. Geluk met jou 12de verjaarsdag op 19 April 2013. Geniet jou dag Boeta. Baie liefde van Mammie & Darra.

17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services

DOVES. Begrafnisdienste/Funeral Services. Giving comfort. Taking care. Caledon: 18 Plein St, 028-212 3054. 09 Argon St, Hermanus Business Park, 028-313 1741. Kleinmond: 27 Main Rd, 028-271 4971. Gansbaai: 61 Main Rd, 028-384 3344.

10 OFFICES with walk-in safe and double reception area to let in Haw Street, Caledon. Contact Xpert Property on 028-313 0132/082 870 5704.


Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale 24/7 CASH for your Bakkie or Car. Just SMS or PHONE 072 620 1126.


Kantore te Huur/ Verkoop Offices to Let/ for Sale

OLD MUTUAL GEBOU, Plein straat, Caledon. 2 Kantore te huur op grondvloer, 35 vierkante meter. R3 200 p.m. Skakel Stephan Pretorius 082 789 9911.



Spyseniering Catering PADSTAL/RESTAURANT, DASSIESFONTEIN: Vir etes, funksies en vele meer! Tel. 028-214 1475.


Algemeen Miscellaneous BLANKETS - Bulk Buyers 2nd Quality - R89 ea. Contact 082 687 3403. SINKPLATE vanaf R25 per meter. Dennehout buite deure R350. Dennehout vensterrame 900 x 900mm met glas R250. Skakel 028212 1571 of 083 534 0130.

Algemene Dienste General Services


Woonstelle te Huur Flats to Let RUIM 1 SLAAPKAMER woonstel te huur. Old Mutual gebou, Plein straat, Caledon. R2500 p.m. Skakel Stephan Pretorius 082 789 9911. SPACIOUS 1-Bedroom flat to let in Haw Street, Caledon. R2 000 pm + municipal services. Call Xpert Property 028-313 0132/082 870 5704.

Geklassifiseerd E:

T: 028 214 1294


101 Gelukwensing Congratulations

Tuesday 16 April 2013



Algemeen General Vacancies EARN UP TO R3000+pm. Basic sales skills and experience will count in your favour. Must have a passion for working with people. Must stay in the Caledon area. Email CV to JUSTINE VELSORG. Verdien ekstra geld, verkoop Justine. Sms naam en area na 084 655 1983.

Dinsdag 16 April 2013

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


SKAAK: Die Wes-Kaapse minister van kultuur en sport, Ivan Meyer, het verlede Donderdag tydens sy besoek aan die Caledon-biblioteek ’n skaakstel aan leerlinge van Swartberg Primêr oorhandig en gesê hy is ’n groot voorstander van skaak. Van links is Meyer, Malinda Booysen (onderwyser), Moniefa Oliver, Romeo Nissen en raadsheer Chris Punt, burgemeester van Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit. Punt het gesê hy dink daaraan om ’n enorme skaakstel buite die nuwe perseel van die Caledon-inkopiesentrum te laat bou. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

VACANCY BULLETIN EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE DepArtMent of heAlth overberg DIstrIct offIce (overberg DIstrIct) Administration Clerk: Supply Chain Management reMunerAtIon: r 115 212 per AnnuM servIce benefIts: 13th cheque, eMployer’s contrIbutIon to the pensIon funD, housIng AnD MeDIcAl AID AllowAnce. requIreMents: MInIMuM eDucAtIonAl quAlIfIcAtIon: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with Mathematics and/or Accounting as a passed subject and/or Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with experience/ competencies that focuses on the Key Performance Areas (KPA’s) of the post. eXperIence: Appropriate experience. coMpetencIes (knowleDge/skIlls): Good co-ordination and problem-solving skills. • Ability to communicate effectively (verbal and written) in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. • Knowledge of Supply Chain Management processes and the Accounting Officer System. • Knowledge of LOGIS or any other provisioning system. • Computer literacy (MS Word and Excel). DutIes (key result AreAs/outputs): Demand and acquisition – capture requisitions. • Obtain quotations from suppliers and place orders. • Receive, store and issue goods. • Inventory control. • Asset Management. • File documentation. • Ensure that all transactions comply with legislative requirements.

SAGTEBAL: Dié spelers van Swartberg Primêr het op 21 Maart aan ’n sagtebalkompetisie in Athlone deelgeneem en sertifikate ontvang. Agter van links is Andrea Damon, Anthelicia Louis, Santena Pieters, Chereldine Hendricks, Ernestine Julies en Shaneika van der Merwe. Voor is Tamlin Vollenhoven, Mucailan Abrahams, Meagan Abrahams, Gillian Dramat en Tammy-Lee Moses. FOTO: MERVIN KEET

enquIrIes: Mr F Fillis, tel. no. (028) 212-1512 pleAse subMIt your ApplIcAtIon for the AttentIon of Ms A brIts to the DIstrIct DIrector: overberg DIstrIct, prIvAte bAg X07, cAleDon, 7230. InstructIons to ApplIcAnts: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of public service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment. The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.

closing date: 10 May 2013 TBWA\H400362/E

Theewaterskloof | Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 3 • Dinsdag 16 April 2013 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Great run for your money

Die o.21-span wat hulle derde agtereenvolgende wedstryd gewen het.

Overberg se spanne voer die botoon CHARLTON SMITH

Die onderskeie rugbyspanne wat die Overbergstreek verteenwoordig het tydens die Boland-rugbyunie se Interstreeksdag op 6 April, het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt en kon tevrede die pad huis toe vat. Dit was slegs die o.19-span wat die knie moes buig met 15-12 teen ’n gekombineerde span van die Witzenberg- en Sentraalstreek. Puntemakers vir die o.19-span was Fabian Constable (drie), Gurshwin Holtshauzen (drie) en Immanuel Pietersen (doelskop). Die ander drie spanne het oorwinnings Die Overberg o.19- en o.21-Breinstrust – Tyrone Weits, Charlton behaal en gewys dat die streek ’n goeie Smith, Inglis-Searle Benjamin en Danver August. rugbykrag in die Boland-rugbyunie is. Die Eersteliga Middellandespan het op hul Die o.21-span het hul derde agtereenvolgende wedstryd gewen toe hulle vir Noord-Wes ge- beurt weer weggehardloop met hul opponente klop het met 24-0. Die ster in dié span was Johan van die Eersteliga Witzenberg en het verspot Rust (Caledon) wat twee drieë gedruk het. An- maklik gewen met 47-15. Die Presidentsliga Plattelandspan het teen der driedrukkers was Chriswin Julies (Safcol) en Walter Brewis (Rangers). Jade Smith (Gena- Presidentsliga Weskus meegeding en het kodendal) het twee van die drieë verdoel. Die span ning gekraai met 28-20. Die driedrukkers was het ook die goeie nuus ontvang dat hul afrigters Liashman Arendse (Genadendal), Remy Engel Tyrone Weits (Albert Myburgh Sekondêr) en (Napier), Cheswill Olivier (RSE)en Johnwin Danver August (Black Leaves) aangestel is as Witbooi (Safcol). Enslin Klase (Genadendal) het al vier drieë verdoel. die afrigters van die Boland-Oos o.21-span.

The moment many South African trail running enthusiasts have been waiting for, has arrived. The organisers of the ProNutro AfricanX Trailrun, presented by New Balance, have announced the route for the third and final stage of this much loved event that will take place in Elgin/Grabouw the weekend of 19 to 21 April. According to Hendrico Burger, route designer, stage three will start at the Paul Cluver Amphitheatre with runners heading out towards the game enclosure. “To spread the field out a Stage three of the ProNutro AfricanX Trailrun, presented by New Balbit, the route will take run- ance, has been announced. The ProNutro AfricanX Trailrun presented ners on a short section by New Balance will take place the weekend of 19 to 21 April. through the famous Paul PHOTO: JETLINE ACTION PHOTO Cluver apple trees before “The descent will be gradual and nonjoining the single tracks of Oak Valley. From here runners will climb to the foot technical, allowing runners the chance to relax and soak in the final few kilometres of the Groenlandberg range. “Although the climb has some fairly of the 2013 ProNutro AfricanX journey.” Teamwork forms an essential part of the steep sections, runners do not need to worry ProNutro AfricanX Trailrun. about it being too technical. For information or to view route descrip“On a positive note the climb will lead runners to a contour where they’ll be met tions and maps for all three stages of the with a spectacular view of the Elgin/ ProNutro AfricanX Trailrun, visit the website Grabouw Valley. Alternatively contact Stillwater Sport & “Runners can then enjoy running through some famous Cape Fynbos before Entertainment via telephone on 086 138 3591 starting the final decent back to the Houw or send email to Hoek Inn.

Nog plek vir laatslapers Caledon Gholfklub bied op 20 April hul jaarlikse Classic-gholftoernooi aan. Hierdie dag, wat weer eens in geheel deur Caledon Casino Hotel & Entertaiment geborg word, is die grootste gebeurtenis op die jaarlikse gholfkalender van die plaaslike klub. Die toernooi sal op ’n Stableford-samespelformaat beslis word met spanne wat in verdeelde vierballe sal afslaan met ’n voorkeurdryfhou. Die getal spelers is vanjaar beperk

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tot 100, oftewel 25 spanne. Daar is reeds inskrywings vir 22 spanne ontvang. Dit beteken dat laatslapers nog tot Donderdag 18 April het om ’n span in te skryf deur die klub te kontak by 028 212 1931 of ’n e-pos te stuur aan Morné Rossouw by Die inskrywingsfooi beloop R1 600 per span en sluit in ’n geskenkpak by registrasie, ’n ontbyt en natgat, R20 000 se pryse en ’n driegang-aandete.

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