Theewaterskloof gazette 16 12 2014

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Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier Baie dankie aan al ons kliënte vir jul ondersteuning in 2014. 'n Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar word u toegewens. Toets asb u alarmstelsel en paniekknoppies om te verseker dat als reg werk oor die feesseisoen. Indien daar enige probleme is, skakel ons dadelik.

076 785 4635


Year 4 • Tuesday 16 December 2014 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Memorable day for children from Greyton Children from Greyton were given a surprise Christmas party on Tuesday at the Wimpy in Caledon. Carol Viljoen from the organisation ARK SA says they are grateful to Famous Brands Western Cape Head Office, Wimpy Caledon, Tepo Consultancy, Physical Education Institute of South Africa(PEISA) and Pure Collection Bridal Wear as this event never would have happened without their help. “The heroes of the day were the team at Wimpy, who really went out of their way to make this one of the most memorable days for the children.” PHOTO: CAROL VILJOEN

Dit was ’n jaar van soet én bitter


Die jaar 2014 was ’n bittersoet jaar, sê ’n plaaslike predikant, een van ’n handjievol prominente inwoners wat die Gazette oor die afgelope jaar, en die lesse wat ons daaruit kan leer, uitgevra het. Ds. Gerome Haupt van die VG Kerk in Caledon praat vanuit ’n welsyns- en kerklike perspektief. “Wat vir my uitgestaan het was die verskeie welsynsorganisasies, kerke en individue wat ’n hand uitgereik het na hulpbehoewende mense. Ons het baie mense in ons gemeenskap en die Overberg wat afhanklik is van ander mense wat hulp aan hulle verleen om hulle omstandighede te verbeter en

hier is werk van onskatbare waarde gelewer.” Haupt sê die hulp en uitreikaksies ken geen kleurgrense en kultuurverskille nie. “Dit skep ’n gevoel van eensgesindheid en samehorigheid in ons dorp en omgewing en maak ons omgewing net ’n beter plek om in te woon.” Inwoners se betrokkenheid by die CANSA Relay for Life en 16 Dae-veldtog staan ook vir hom uit. Tog was dit vir hom ’n gemengde jaar van “soet en bitter”. “Ons is baie trots op ons dorp en roem daarop dat ons in ’n redelike veilige omgewing woon. Die liggaam van die vrou van Riemvasmaak wat onder die brug naby die kliniek gevind is en ander misdade wat gepleeg is, gooi egter ’n donker skaduwee oor die veiligheid van

ons dorp.” Vir Eddie Labuschagne, skoolhoof van Hoërskool Overberg, was 2014 die jaar waarin hul eerste CAPS-babas (kinders wat onder die huidige kurrikulum begin skoolgaan het) in gr. 12 was en hy sê hulle sien uit na hulle uitslae, nie net vir die skool nie maar ook provinsiaal en nasionaal. “Nader aan die huis is dit die fantastiese gees wat geopenbaar is op alle terreine deur elke Ovies-familielid wat dit vir die skoolhoof en onderwysers ’n plesier maak om elke dag skool toe te kom.” Jan Theron, predikant by die NG kerk Caledon-Wes sê hy fokus op die jeug, “omdat ek hierdie jaar baie saam met jongmense gewerk het.” Hy sien jongmense as geweldige

groot positiewe rolspelers in die land. “Dit is die jongmense wat positief is, en ek vind, myself ingesluit, dat ons moet positief wees oor ons land en ons toekoms. Ons moet ons jongmense hoop gee en hulle nie mismoedig maak nie, want dit is hulle wat die wêreld gaan verander.” Chris Punt, uitvoerende burgemeester van Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit, sê daar was besondere uitdagings, “maar die voorreg om vir ’n tweede maal ná mekaar ’n skoon oudit te ontvang was besonders. Hy sê ongelukkig is ’n skoon oudit nie ’n aanduiding van rykdom nie en sukkel die munisipaliteit met volhoubare inkomste om die bestaande vlakke van dienslewering en infrastruktuur te verseker.

“Die munisipaliteit is nie sonder planne nie, maar die publiek sal hul skuldverpligtinge teenoor die owerheid moet nakom. Die owerheid loop ook deur onder vandalisme en dit sal moet stop. Die nood aan geld vir projekte is gewoon te groot om geld te mors om owerheidsbates en -fasiliteite, wat onder vandale deurgeloop het, te vervang en te herstel. “Ten opsigte van landbou, het ons boere met relatief min reën goed gevaar en bly die Overberg ’n belangrike provinsiale kosmandjie. Op sosiaal-maatskaplike gebied is ons gemeenskappe arm en is daar nood. “Hopelik baat Theewaterskloof die vakansie by grootskaalse toerisme om die vloei van geld in die munisipale gebied aan te vuur.”

Baie dankie aan ons gewaardeerde kliënte vir hul ondersteuning deur 2014. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year. Stay safe! Bestuur en Personeel Rola GM Caledon en Total Vulstasie

ROLA GM CALEDON | 028 214 3560 | |



General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Vernie Baird en Mandy de Wee het op Saterdag 15 November ewige trou aan mekaar belowe in die VG Kerk in Riviersonderend. FOTO: MAURINA PETERSEN

Swartberg Sekondêre Skool in Caledon se tydelike klasse van bykans 40 jaar word gesloop en word vervang met nuutgeboude strukture. Alle oudleerders en hulle gesinne van oral word op 7 Februarie 2015 vanaf 10:00 genooi om van die skool in sy huidige toestand te kom afskeid neem. Die sloping vind in die week daarna plaas. Groot makietie word vir oud en jonk vir die dag beplan en ’n spesiale musiekgroep tree ook op. Die skool se sekretaresse, Emma, kan volgende jaar gekontak word by 028 212 1470 (skoolvakansie uitgesluit) vir volle besonderhede van die dag se verrigtinge, of volg die Facebook-blad Swartberg Sêkondêr.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Die bestuur van Caledon Ambulansdienste Ralph Williams en Charles Marthinus het drie nuwe ALS-Paramedici verwelkom. Die nuwe lede is Reginal Rhoda, heel links, Wikus Kiewits, tweede van regs en Ashlyne Brikkels, heel regs.

Facilitators awarded The Anna Foundation awards ceremony was recently held for all facilitators who run their afterschool programmes on farms in the Western Cape.

Victoria Mall Caledon


Monday, 15 December 2014 LOTS of opening specials and give aways. Get a 5% discount voucher to use with your next purchase. We stock veterinary approved brands and loads of accessories for pets, big and small.

Shantley Fortuin, ontvangsdame by die Theewaterskloof Gazette, is by Boland Media se jaareindfunksie as toptelebemarker van 2014 aangewys. Die Gazette-span sê hulle is baie trots op hul kollega. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

Whatever your pet's need – let us know and we will source it for you! Trading hours: Mon - Fri 9H00 - 17h30 Sat 9h00 - 14h30 Sun 10h00 - 12h00

Tel: 028 214 1112


Ons wil graag ons kliënte, vriende en familie ‘n vredevolle en geseënde Christusfees toewens. U onderseuning word opreg waardeer. Van u wat met vakansie gaan, bestuur asb veilig. Ons sluit 25 Desember 2014 en heropen op 5 Januarie 2015 Seënwense Margaret, Ursula, Wilna, Wiley, Hazel, Natasha, Lorraine, Renu en Maree.

Awards were given for the implementation of the “3 Rs: Reading, Running, Righting” programme, improvement, taking initiative, and presentations given at monthly training sessions throughout the year. The pride was clearly visible on the faces of all winners. The Anna Foundation is equally proud of the personal growth of their after-school staff and the impact they are having on the farm children in their care. Valencia Cupido (Grabouw) has been implementing the Anna Foundation’s programmes at the Monteith Rural Development Project

From left are Valencia Cupido (Monteith Rural Development Project, Grabouw), Anna Brom (director: Anna Foundation), Maria Snyers (Graham Beck Enterprises, Robertson) and Zainab Klaas (Stellenzicht Wines, Stellenbosch). since the start of the year and was awarded second place in the best facilitator category

for her work with the Grade R to 4 children from Monteith farm.

We would like to wish all our loyal customers, friends and family a blessed and peaceful festive season. If going on holiday, please drive safely. We are closed from the 25th of December 2014 and reopen on the 5th of January 2015. Blessings Margaret, Ursula, Wilna, Wiley, Hazel, Natasha, Lorraine, Renu and Maree.

31 Desember X1PK1CAM-LG161214

) Oujaarsaand-steakete en dans by Caledongholfklub vanaf 19:00 tot laat. Vuurwerkvertoning deur Wonderland. Vir navrae skakel Caledon-gholfklub by 028 212 1931 of Henry Metcalf by 073 271 9248.

24 Januarie ) Andriëtte @ The Oaks. Navrae 079 895 0072

Die vroue van die Caledon Dameskring het Woensdag lekkergoedpakkies uitgedeel aan die peuters van Sinobunto Dagsorg in Caledon. Dit vorm deel van hul jaarlikse uitreikprogram in die gebied. Gaan loer na die video waar die peuters sing op FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

24 Januarie 2015 om 19H00 (hekke open om 17:30) Voorskou deur Erik Zulch R100 per volwassene R50 per skolier

Te Koop: Gourmet Boeries, Cordial en koffie. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Claud-Mari Muller 079 895 0072 / Kaartjies ook beskikbaar by Franceska Skryfbehoeftes, Caledon en Village Vino's, Greyton X1PH9H0W-LG091214



Magda Cupido was vir 19 jaar werksaam by Pie Land in Caledon. Sy was deel van die span toe die eerste eienaars Pie Land geopen het. Dit was egter Cornelius Gerber, die huidige eienaar, wat haar na 19 jaar moes groet omdat sy na Worcester verhuis.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

News - Nuus

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Petition for return of train service


Freight Rail, as well as with the local, metropolitan and provincial authorities, in order to ensure that PRASA After 1700 people had signed it, the undertakes a feasibility study into the petition for the return of the passenviability of the return of the passenger ger train service between Somerset train. BRAC and other local organisaWest and Caledon was handed to Dotions have motivated for projects renald Grant, provincial Minister of lating to the train be placed on the loTransport and Public works on Moncal municipality’s IDP, as well as on day 24 November. Mark Townsend, the City of Cape Town’s and the Overchair of the Bot River Aesthetics berg district’s Integrated Transport Committee (BRAC), handed over the Plan (ITP). “Although Theewaterspetition containing 72 pages to Grant kloof Municipality council has apat Elgin Station. proved the station precinct plan at Bot River, PRASA says they will not start Townsend said that at a meeting of the Bot River station precinct plan steering Mark Townsend, left, and Noel Greeff, deputy chair of BRAC, the feasibility study unless there are committee held on 5 September last year, discuss the petition with Donald Grant, Western Cape Minister also IDP projects that are approved by there was a watershed moment when Du- of Transport and Public Works while Andy Selfe, a member the municipality. Townsend says that ma Goso of the Passenger Rail Agency of BRAC, looks on. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON the fact that national government is currently investing substantially in of SA (PRASA) had said: “Such a service is possible, but only if all residents along the from the Bot River Station Precinct Initia- rail is very encouraging, as it shows that the line from Caledon to Somerset West get be- tive to be included in the Theewaterskloof government is serious about reducing the hind the initiative. There is no reason why Municipality’s Integrated Development amount of traffic on the roads. Grant assured the BRAC representatives that he the Caledon passenger train should not re- Plan (IDP). Townsend said resident groups need to would involve other role players to ensure turn.” Goso confirmed to the Gazette that residents needed to push for projects arising maintain contact with PRASA, Transnet the matter receives the attention it deserves.

Buitereklame-verordening word tans hersien, vir eers nie toegepas ANNETTE THERON Hoogs ontstoke sakelui het op Donderdag 11 Desember om 12:00 ’n dringende vergadering met Chris Punt, Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit se burgemeester, aangevra om hul ongelukkigheid uit te spreek oor ’n munisipale verordening vir die heffing van tariewe op advertensieborde. Die Verordening insake Buitereklame en Advertensietekens is glo reeds in 2012 goedgekeur maar gaan nou vir die eerste keer op groot skaal toegepas word.

Wetstoepassers het onlangs begin om die kennisgewings uit te deel en besigheidseienaars van Caledon het ten sterkste beswaar aangeteken teen die aanbieding van die brief en die wyse waarop wetstoepassers die brief aan sakelui in die dorp oorhandig het. Daar is ook groot ongelukkigheid oor wat hulle die aanmatigende en dreigende trant van die brief noem. Die vergadering was dit eens dat dié reklamewet ’n nuwe inkomstebasis is wat die munisipaliteit wil ontgin en wat glad nie vir die besigheidsektor aanvaarbaar is nie. Stiffie Cronjé, mediawoordvoerder van

Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit, het by navraag gesê die owerheid is tans besig om die betrokke verordening te hersien. “Wanneer dit hersien is, sal dit vir publieke insette en kennisname adverteer word. Daarna sal die verordening deur die Raad goedgekeur en gepromulgeer word.” Cronjé sê die owerheid oorweeg dit om, in die tyd van die hersiening van die verordening, nie wetstoepassing in terme van die verordening te doen nie. “Indien die munisipaliteit so besluit sal daar wel wetstoepassing gedoen word op advertensieborde wat lewens en bates bedreig.”


R320 word in stand gehou in feesseisoen ANNETTE THERON Die opgradering van die R320 sal na verwagting steeds in Augustus aanstaande jaar voltooi wees. Andries von Wageningen, die ingenieur op die konstruksieterrein, het gesê daar is ’n paar items waarmee hulle agter is op die program, “maar daar is ook heelwat areas waar die kontrakteur voor die program is.” Von Wageningen sê daar is tans twee stop-enry-punte op die opgraderingsprojek. “Daar is van tyd tot tyd addisionele stop-en-rye, maar dis oor kort afstande en net tydens die dag. Hier behoort jy nie langer as vyf minute te wag nie.” Hy sê die wagperiodes by dié punte behoort nie langer as ongeveer tien minute te wees nie. “Padwerke sal op 12 Desember sluit en sal op 5 Januarie 2015 weer hervat word.” Hy meen daar is egter ook ’n moontlikheid dat die werke sal voortduur tot 19 Desember. Hy het gesê die pad sal in stand gehou word tydens die feestydperk. Die gedeelte van die R320 vanaf Caledon tot net voor Shaw’s Pass word tans deur ’n kontrakteur reggemaak.

Claassen Versekering en Finansiële Adviseurs Caledon Benodig ADMINISTRATIEWE ASSISTENT Vereistes: 1) Matriek (Graad 12 Sertifikaat) of ondervinding 2) Administratiewe ondervinding 3) Rekenaarvaardig (Vaardigheid sal getoets word) 4) Goeie menseverhoudinge 5) Moet onder druk kan funksioneer 6) Vorige ondervinding as assistent vir Finansiële Adviseurs sal as aanbeveling dien *Maatskappy voordele. Sluitingsdatum: 2 Januarie 2015 Epos verkorte CV na of per hand by kantore geleë te Humanstraat 31, Caledon.Aandag:Valdine Joseph Indien u geen terugvoering ontvang binne 4 weke na sluitingsdatum van aansoek, kan aanvaar word dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.


My naam is Katherine, ek wil net ‘n hartlike dank gee aan Mama Rema en Prof Juma hulle het my gehelp om al my lewens probleme op te los. Ek het baie rond beweeg na verskillende dokters maar sonder sukses. Eendag het ek net besluit om hulle te kontak. Mama en Prof het my probleme in minute opgelos sonder dat dit nodig was om hulle te gaan sien. Mama Rema het vinnig iets gedoen en in minute het ek alles terug gekry wat ek aan die dokters spandeer het. Ek het baie probleme gehad soos finansies, baie teespoed, liefdes probleme, swakbesigheid en nog baie meer, maar dit alles het verwdyn met die hulp van hulle. Vandag is my lewe baie suksesvol ek besit groot besighede en leef ‘n gelukkige lewe met my man. My versoek aan almal is om nie meer verder rond te dwaal na ander dokters nie. Kontak Mama en Prof vandag nog vir vinnige hulp.

Ons wens u ’n Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoedige nuwe jaar toe. Ons hartlike dank aan ons kliënte vir hul ondersteuning die afgelope jaar. Mag julle veilig reis en die feesseisoen geniet. Groete, Christelle


Philip Obermeyer Optometrists / Oogkundiges

‘n Geseënde Kersgety aan al ons pasiënte.

Mag die feesseisoen gevul wees met liefde en vrede. Dankie vir u getroue ondersteuning. • Gekontrakteer met alle mediese fondse, insluitend Discovery Netwerk min 20%. • Gems pasiënte – opsie geen bybetaling.

GRABOUW Tel.021 8593475 Pr: 7020961

Hulle is beskikbaar in Grabouw op hierdie nommer 083 592 5214.

3514 LD


ROSEMALL Tel. 021 8595196 Pr: 7020961

CALEDON Tel. 028 2121691 Pr: 7010818


KLEINMOND Tel. 028 2713119 Pr: 7020961 X1PH066D-LG161214

Kerswense / Christmas wishes Namens die raad en administrasie van Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit verwelkom ek alle toeriste in ons munisipale gebied. Ek vertrou dat almal, ook die munisipale raadslede, amptenare en inwoners van die owerheidsgebied, ‘n verkwikkende Desember-reses sal ervaar en dat u in die teenwoordigheid van u geliefdes en vriende vreugde, vrede en genade sal vind. Ek bid dat u God sal eer vir Sy Christuskind wat jare gelede gebore is om ons te verlos. Ek wens u ‘n geseënde Kersfees toe.

On behalf of the Council and administration of Theewaterskloof Municipality I welcome all visitors and tourists to the municipal area. I trust that all, also our councilors, municipal officials and residents, will experience a heartwarming Christmas recess in the presence of their friends and families and that they will experience the joy and peace of Christmas. I pray that you will honor God for sending His Son to die for our sins. I wish you a merry Christmas.

Alderman Chris Punt Executive Mayor TWKKRSBDS-LG161214


Letters - Briewe

Theewaterskloof Gazette

Tuesday 16 December 2014


What does justice in SA cost? Pasprobleem verg meer as gruisbaan Daar is twee dinge wat my hinder omtrent die storie wat op 9 Desember op die voorblad van die Theewaterskloof Gazette verskyn het. Ek gebruik Sir Lowry’spas tot en met vier keer daagliks en my vrou en dogter ry ook elke dag die pas. Daar is talle mense wat nie toegang tot rekenaars het nie en liewer van ’n SMS-lyn sou wou gebruik maak om die petisie te teken. Daar is voorstelle om ’n sandbank onderaan die pad te laat bou vir voertuie om hulle spoed te breek. Ek glo egter die probleem moet reeds bo-aan die pas aangespreek word soos in De Doorns. ’n Voorstel is dat daar ’n permanente stop moet aangebring word by die uitkykpunt vir vragmotors – waar vragmotors dan in hul laagste rat kan oorskakel en versigtig en veilig die pas kan afgaan.


Kersboom vir bib Hiermee bedank Caledon-biblioteekpersoneel Overberg Houtprodukte se Loftie Eaton vir die skenking van ’n hout Kersfeesboom. Alle voorspoed word u toegewens met u besigheid. Die gebaar word opreg waardeer.

YOLANDA HOFMEESTER, Caledon-biblioteek

Vriendelike Voëltjies Dagsorg ’n veilige hawe vir kinders met gestremdhede ’n Paar maande gelede het ek ’n brief geskryf oor my dogtertjie wat serebraal gestrem is en die feit dat Caledon nie ’n dagsorg gehad het om haar te akkommodeer nie. In Julie vanjaar het Vriendelike Voëltjies in Uitsig tot stand gekom en is begin met ’n handvol kleuters. Kaelee en Kwezi was aan die begin die enigste twee voëltjies met gebreekte vlerkies. Die dagsorg werk so mooi met ons kinders

en in hierdie kort tydjie het hulle reeds baie bereik. Ek wil graag ander ouers met gestremde kinders nooi om Vriendelike Voëltjies in Reierlaan 38, Uitsig te besoek. My dogtertjie is ’n nuwe kind – sy word betrek by alle aktiwiteite en sy was boonop selfs al in die sandput. Aan die personeel van Vriendelike Voëltjies, Cathy, Joshina en Natalie – julle is die beste, en baie dankie.


The Dewani case constitutes the latest and possibly the most poignant reminder of how far our legal system has “progressed” in imitation of its Anglo-American prototypes (I am not referring to our August mining operation of the same name, of course – they do dig up large amounts of valuable gold along with the dirt). The dismissal of the Dewani case became predictable the moment he retained a hugely expensive QC along with an image consultant. The subsequent two-year delay in his extradition to South Africa became a crucial tactic in his defence, as this allowed the witnesses to forget what they testified to before, making the final verdict inevitable; another case where money well spent has saved the day. It is difficult to say how much this strategy cost Dewani, but I suspect the figure might prize a wry smile out of Oscar and Fred. Touching too, the solicitude of our judiciary for their efforts to dispel public perceptions that justice (or probably more correctly, its deferral) can be bought, when events such as these seem to suggest the opposite. With Christmas around the corner, the public mood changes. Of course the key slogan is “joy”, which is a bit puzzling, as the number of suicides, road accidents and other social ills tend to suggest a different prevailing sentiment. I know by now that Christmas forces those of us who maintain a more tenuous modicum of sanity and contentment to consider the fragility of our hold on these vital commodities. But let’s not cavil – there is much to be grateful for, such as the unexpected light showers breaking the heat just before the weekend. Unseasonal they may be, but there are plenty of grateful recipients under, on and above ground (myself included – unexpected filling of rainwater tanks, a slight elevation of the mountain water table feeding a couple of my springs and some relief for the underground fauna and flora). I am deeply privileged to be surrounded by nature going about its daily business. Although often appearing to be cruel and pointless, there is underlying honesty and beauty about its workings that is greatly comforting, and even more therapeutically, humbling. This morning the frogs are croaking, the birds are singing and every plant, even those equipped to deal with hot, dry summers, seem a bit more pert and perky about their green bits. Here’s a little moral dilemma I have recent-

THEEWATERSKLOOF Munisipaliteit * Municipality * uMasipala GENERAL ASSISTANT: STREETS AND STORMWATER – VILLIERSDORP Salary: T3 – Between R70 044.00 p.a. and R82 680.00 p.a. The most eligible candidate must have good human relations. Appointment also requires a hard working person who can work well within a team. Good physical health is essential. Responsibilities would involve the following: Undertake general laboring tasks during road repair and maintenance of storm water works * clean worksites, stores equipment and tools, and load equipment of vehicles * other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Mr. P Don: Town Manager – Villiersdorp Tel: 028 – 840 1130 If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date of this advertisement, then you must accept that your application was unsuccessful. Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. H S D Wallace, Municipal Manager, P O Box 24, 6 Plein Street, Caledon 7230 The council's offer includes benefits such as pension, medical aid and a group scheme as well as a 13th cheque, a housing-/ rental subsidy and settling of furniture removal cost under certain conditions. Applicants must complete the prescribed application form along with originally certified copies of qualifications, ID document, as well as a testimonial in order to be considered for the position. Application forms must be forwarded to the Manager: Human Resources, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P O Box 24 Caledon 7230.

SMALL PLANT OPERATOR: CALEDON Salary: Post level T4 – Between R71 712.00 p.a. and R90 912.00 p.a. The most eligible candidate must be able to read and write. Good human relations, and be able to work in a team. Previous experience in the operating of chain saws, brush cutters and lawn mowers will serve as a recommendation. Responsibilities would involve the following: Maintain parks, sport grounds and open public spaces using hand held tools and machines to cut, trim and shape verges, lawns, flower beds and overgrown shrubs in accordance with laid down instructions * Other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Contact Ms. T Rossouw: Town Manager – Caledon: Tel: 028 – 2143300 If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date of this advertisement, then you must accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Applications are hereby invited from suitable persons to be appointed in the under mentioned temporary vacancy.

AANSOEK VIR HERSONERING, ONDERVERDELING, AFWYKING EN KONSOLIDASIE VIR ERWE 817, 2030, 3992 EN GED. VAN REST. VAN ERF1, CALEDON Kennis geskied hiermee dat 'n aansoek van Plan Active, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, namens die N.G.Kerk ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir: i) hersonering van: a) erf 2030 vanaf Vervoersone 3 na Gemeenskapsone 2; b) erf 3992 vanaf Enkelwoningsone 1 na Gemeenskapsone 2; en c) Rest. erf 1 vanaf Owerheidsone na Gemeenskapsone 2, in terme van Art. 17 van die Ordonnansie op Grondbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985); ii) onderverdeling van Rest. erf 1 in twee gedeeltes nl. Rest. erf 1 en Ged. A (±328m²), in terme van Art. 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985); iii) konsolidasie van erwe 817, 2030, 3992 en voorgestelde Ged. A van Rest. erf 1, Caledon; en iv) afwyking van die voorskrifte vir boulynbeperkings op die voorgestelde gekonsolideerde erf, in terme van Art. 15.(1)(a)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Grondbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985), Aard van die aansoek: Die aansoek behels die voorgenome konsolidasie van die NG Kerk se eiendomme. Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Caledon Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 16 Desember 2014 tot 29 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 29 Januarie 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf. Munisipale Kantoor S. WALLACE Posbus 24 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER CALEDON, 7230 Verwysingsnommer: C/1, 817, 2030, 3992 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 63/2014 111111-LG161214

Salary: R6570.00 per month Period of temporary appointment: As soon as possible till 30 June 2015 The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a grade 8 (proof must be provided). Excellent human relations, with communication skills in at least two (2) of the three (3) official languages of the Western Cape, namely English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Duties will include amongst others the following: Maintains the cleanliness of designated areas by: Receiving verbal instructions form the immediate supervisor * Attends to general requirements, providing support during the execution of library related requirements by : Placing pre-arranged books in allocated spaces on library shelves or removing specific books; repairing books, replacing covers, erasing marks and removing stains * Collecting or delivering books, correspondence and/or items to and from internal departments * other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Mr. P Don – Town Manager: Villiersdorp Tel: 028 – 840 1130

H S D Wallace, Municipal Manager, P O Box 24, 6 Plein Street, Caledon 7230

If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date of this advertisement, then you must accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Applicants must complete the prescribed application form along with originally certified copies of qualifications, ID document, as well as a testimonial in order to be considered for the position. Application forms must be forwarded to the Manager: Human Resources, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P O Box 24 Caledon 7230.



Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action.

The council's offer includes benefits such as pension, medical aid and a group scheme as well as a 13th cheque, a housing-/ rental subsidy and settling of furniture removal cost under certain conditions.

ly been dealing with: prime suspects in some of my more puzzling cases of burglary (e.g. no signs of forced entry) are workers on a neighbouring farm. I have considered obtaining a search warrant and launching an unexpected raid on their modest dwelling to find evidence, but if I do, this will put an immediate end to their already marginal, fragile livelihood, which earns them R250 a month from a 70-hour working week. When I mention this dilemma to my more conservative acquaintances though, they seem genuinely puzzled by my reservations about such a clear-cut argument for action. –

Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. H S D Wallace, Municipal Manager, P O Box 24, 6 Plein Street, Caledon 7230 Applicants must complete the prescribed application form along with originally certified copies of qualifications, ID document, as well as a testimonial in order to be considered for the position. Application forms must be forwarded to the Manager: Human Resources, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P O Box 24 Caledon 7230.

· Please note: No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted.

· Please note: No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted.

·Please note: No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted.




Closing date: 19 December 2014

Closing date: 19 December 2014

Closing date: 19 December 2014 X1PK0QG9-LG161214

THEEWATERSKLOOF MUNICIPALITY APPLICATION FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION, DEPARTURE AND CONSOLIDATION FOR ERVEN 817, 2030, 3992 AND PORT. OF REM. OF ERF 1, CALEDON Notice is hereby given that an application by Plan Active, Town and Regional planners, on behalf of the D.R. Church has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for: i) rezoning of: a) erf 2030 from Transport zone 3 to Community Zone 2; b) erf 3992 from Single residential zone 1 to Community Zone 2; c) Rem. erf 1 from Authority Zone to Community Zone 2, in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985); ii) subdivision of Rem. erf 1 in two portions, namely Rem. erf 1 and Port. A (± 328m²), in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985); iii) consolidation of erven 817, 2030, 3992 and proposed Port. A of Rem. erf 1, Caledon; and iv) departure from the prescriptions for building lines on the proposed consolidated erf, in terms of Section 15.(1)(a)(i) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985), Nature of the application: The application comprises the proposed consolidation of the properties of the D.R.Church. Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Caledon from 16 December 2014 to 29 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 29 January 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections. Municipal Office P.O Box 24 S WALLACE CALEDON MUNICIPAL MANAGER 7230 Reference No.: G/5446 & 7689 Notice No.: KOR 63/2014 111111-LG161214

Tuesday 16 December 2014

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


Sustainable barley farming running Last Wednesday South African Breweries (SAB) introduced their Better Barley Better Beer programme which encourages and supports sustainable farming practices amongst South Africa’s barley farmers to media representatives. The programme focuses on water reduction, improved carbon footprints, soil health and clearing of alien vegetation, as well as the protection and restoration of ecosystems.

The three producers who are part of the pilot programme are from left, with Jan Coetzee (project extension officer of South African Breweries) second from the left, MG Lotter, owner of Klipfontein, Richard Kriger, owner of Boontjieskraal and Josias le Roux, owner of Langhoogte. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON

Rym-rym die nuwe jaar in Ons het gekom aan die einde van nog ’n jaar. Die werk van 2014 is alles klaar. Desembermaand is weer hier. Dan ken ons mos net plesier. Kersfees staan weer voor die deur. En wat gaan daardie dag gebeur. Dan is elke familie bymekaar. So vier ons Kersfees jaar na jaar. Al die dorpe is met Kersliggies versier. Dis deel van Desember se plesier. ’n Geseënde Kersfees en ’n voorspoedige nuwe jaar aan u almal.


Radio Overberg -nuus Dis nou wel vakansietyd hier in die Overberg, maar ons is nog hard aan die werk hier by die radiostasie. Gaan loer na ons programskedule op ons webtuiste, www.radiooverberg. Die kantoor gaan vanaf 17 Desember om 16:00 sluit. Woensdagaande vanaf 20:00 skuif Jacques Viljoen voor die mikrofoon in met ‘Caravan’. Etienne Kriel se ‘Geraas’ op ’n Donderdagaand 21:00 is net die regte klanke vir almal wat hou van rockmusiek. Laat weet ons waarvan jy hou, skakel die radiostasie by 028 424 2877, of stuur ’n e-pos aan

“Better Barley Better Beer, in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund for

Nature of South Africa (WWF-SA), is in its pilot phase in the dryland area of the Southern Cape and in the irrigated barley areas in the Northern Cape, and will run for approximately two years,” said Jan Coetzee, the project extension officer. The programme involves a total of 26 barley producers – 15 in the dryland area and 11 in irrigation, who have either voluntarily opted to participate or hold important conservation assets on their properties.These assets include endangered veld, important water catchment areas and critical species.

“Having a fully-fledged and sustainable local barley sector means SAB can rely on contracts with local producers for approximately 93% of its brewing requirements, enabling us to hedge against volatile global commodity markets and, just as importantly, to keep tighter control of quality and ensure a sustainable barley growing sector,” says Thinus van Schoor, general manager of SAB Maltings. The next phase of the Better Barley BetterBeerpilotwillbetherolloutofspecific guidelines to small scale and emerging farmers in the Taung area.


THEEWATERSKLOOF MUNISIPALITEIT AANSOEK OM ONDERVERDELING VAN RESTANT VAN GEDEELTE 1 VAN DIE PLAAS QUEEN ANNE NR. 582 EN KONSOLIDASIE MET RESTANT VAN GEDEELTE 7 VAN DIE PLAAS KLIPFONTEIN NR. 82, CALEDON DISTRIK Kennis geskied hiermee dat 'n aansoek deur Earth2Sky Geomatics, Prof. Landmeters, namens C. van den Berg ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir: I) die onderverdeling van Restant van Gedeelte 1 van die Plaas Queen Anne Nr. 582, Caledon Distrik in twee gedeeltes, naamlik Gedeelte A (24,29ha) en Restant (508,92ha) in terme van Art. 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie nr. 15 van 1985); en ii) die konsolidasie van voorgestelde Ged. A van die Rest. van Ged. 1 van die Plaas Queen Anne Nr. 582 met Restant van Ged. 7 van die Plaas Klipfontein Nr. 82, Caledon Distrik, Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Caledon Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 16 Desember 2014 tot 29 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 29 Januarie 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf. Munisipale Kantoor S. WALLACE Posbus 24 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER CALEDON 7230 Verwysingsnommer: L/507 Kennisgewingnommer: KOR 54/2014 111111-LG161214




ADMINISTRATION CLERK: SUPPORT (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) REMUNERATION: R123 738 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum educational qualification: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with Mathematics and/ or Accounting as a passed subject and/or Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with experience/competencies that focuses on the key performance areas (KPAs) of the post. Experience: Appropriate experience. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Good coordination and problem-solving skills • Ability to communicate effectively (verbal and written) in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • Knowledge of the Supply Chain Management processes and the Accounting Officer System • Knowledge of LOGIS or any other provisioning system • Computer literacy (MS Word and Excel). Duties (key result areas/outputs): Demand and acquisition (capture requisitions) • Obtain quotations from suppliers • Place orders, receive store and issue goods • Asset management and inventory control • File documentation • Ensure that all transactions comply with legislative requirements. Enquiries: Mr L Kolose tel. 028 214 5810

APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF REMAINDER OF PORTION 1 OF THE FARM QUEEN ANNE NO. 582 AND CONSOLIDATION WITH REMAINDER OF PORTION 7 OF THE FARM KLIPFONTEIN NO. 82, CALEDON DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that an application from Earth2Sky Geomatics, Land Surveyors, on behalf of C. van den Berg has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for: I) the subdivision of Remainder of Port. 1 of the Farm Queen Anne No. 582, Caledon District into two portions, namely Portion A (24,29ha) and Remainder (508,92ha), in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance no. 15 of 1985); and ii) consolidation of proposed Port. A of the Rem. of Port. 1 of the Farm Queen Anne No. 582 with Remainder of Port. 7 of the Farm Klipfontein No. 82, Caledon District, Further particulars regarding to the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office, Caledon from 16 December 2014 to 29 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 29 January 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections. Municipal Office P.O Box 24 S WALLACE CALEDON MUNICIPAL MANAGER 7230 Reference Number L/507 Notice Number: KOR 54/2014 111111-LG161214


FOOD SERVICE AID REMUNERATION: R73 044 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum requirement: Basic numeracy and literacy (Abet level 1). Experience: Basic appropriate experience in a large scale, Food Service Unit. Inherent requirements of the job: Must be prepared to work shifts, which include weekends and public holidays • Must be healthy and strong enough to lift heavy objects and be on their feet the entire day. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Knowledge of production of normal and therapeutic diets, in an industrial Food Service Unit on a large scale • Knowledge of hygiene, occupational health, HACCP and safety principals • The ability to read, speak and write in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Duties (key result areas/outputs): Assist in the receipt and storage of all provisions and stock in the Food Service Unit • Assist in the reporting of faulty equipment in the Food Service Unit • Prepare and produce all normal and therapeutic diets • Weigh, dish and distribute foods to the wards • Clean all areas, utensils and equipment in the Food Service Department • Follow and adhere with the Health and Safety prescripts • Follow and adhere to National Core Standards. Enquiries: Ms Z Boshoff, tel. 028 212 1070 Closing Date: 2 January 2015


GEMEENSKAPSONTWIKKELAAR Posvereistes • Gepaste opleiding as Gemeenskapsontwikkelingsbeampte • Twee van die amptelike tale magtig met vereiste van Afrikaans as een • Geldige rybewys • Voldoende kommunikasievaardighede • Voldoende administratiewe vaardighede • Vermoë om in 'n multi-dissiplinêre span te werk • Bereid om saam met vrywilligers te werk • Fisieke vermoë beskik om posvereistes uit te voer • Moet in die betrokke gemeenskap woonagtig wees Aanbeveling • Rekenaarvaardigheid Rig aansoeke aan (CV en toepaslike kwalifikasies met name en kontakbesonderhede van 3 referente): Die Voorsitter, ACVV Caledon, Posbus 178 CALEDON 7230 Epos: Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik Navrae: ACVV Caledon Tel. 028 212 2014 of Sluitingsdatum: 12 Januarie 2015


INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.

The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.

Indien u nie binne 14 dae van sluitingsdatum terugvoering ontvang nie, kan u, u aansoek as onsuksesvol beskou. X1PK2P3D-LG161214

Closing Date: 9 January 2015 unless otherwise stated 121389 TWK


General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


MAGRET CUPIDO 17.12.2012 Dit is twee jaar weg van ons maar die hartseer en verlange is nog groot. Ons wik maar God beskik. Ons berus ons daarmee en gun jou die rus. Met liefde van Sheryl, Seuns Patrick, Henry, Uncin, Skoondogter & kleinkinders


PADSTAL/RESTAURANT,DASSIESFONTEIN: Vir etes, funksies en vele meer! Skakel 028 214 1475.

Tuesday 16 December 2014





FINCK PROKUREURS CALEDON. Skakel gerus Ronnie Finck by 073 495 0998/028 212 3206 om 'n konsultasie te reël. Ons beskerm u belange. Hawstraat 6, Caledon. TE KOOP ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS

DAMIAN TARENTAAL 23.12.2004 Met verlange dink ons aan jou met jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons en ook kersdag. Die vermisting is steeds baie groot maar ons gun jou waar jy nou is. Jy’s veilig. Baie lief vir jou. Van Mammie Chamelle & Tarentaal familie.

ZACHARY JOHNSON 18.12.2013 Softly the leaves of memory falls slowly we gather and pick them all, because to day, tomorrow and till our whole lives is through. We always remember someone as special as you… We all love & miss u Zachary. From your Mother, Brothers, Sisters, Children & Grandchildren.



4 KATJIES GRATIS om aan te neem. Skakel 084 491 1160.

COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577. GESOEK OM TE KOOP



SPRINGKASTELE te huur. Skakel Virginia 082 321 4395.

MAGRET CUPIDO 12.12.1954 Met liefde dink ons aan jou waar jy saam met ons jou 60ste verjaarsdag sal vier. Daars nog trane en verlange , maar berus ons daarmee.Van Sheryl en 3 seuns, Cupido, Van der Merwe, Kietwitz, Fisher & Warries Familie




EMPLOYMENT for young school leaver who knows computers. Start half days. Call 028 214 1792.


Geseënde Kersfees aan al ons kliënte. Dankie vir jul ondersteuning deur 2014.




Kennis geskied hiermee dat 'n aansoek deur Plan Active, Stads- & Streeksbeplanners, namens Anytime Investments No. 15 (Pty) Ltd en B.R. & M.R. Smith ingedien is by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit vir:

Notice is hereby given that an application from Plan Active, Town & Regional Planners, on behalf of Anytime Investments No. 15 (Pty) Ltd and B.R. & M.R. Smith has been submitted to the Theewaterskloof Municipality for:

I) die onderverdeling van Restant van Ged. 10 van die Plaas Arieskraal Nr. 455, Caledon Distrik in twee gedeeltes, naamlik Gedeelte A (± 10ha) en Restant (± 52,9ha) in terme van Art. 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie nr. 15 van 1985) en die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond (Wet 70 van 1970); en

i)the subdivision of Remainder of Port. 10 of the Farm Aries Kraal No. 455, Caledon District into two portions, namely Portion A (± 10ha) and Remainder (± 52,9ha), in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance no. 15 of 1985) and the Act on the Subdivision of Agricultural Land (Act 70 of 1970); and


3680 2605

EIKE STRAAT 6 CALEDON: 3 slaapkamer huis te koop. R1.4 000, 00. Geen agente. Skakel 082 783 2900.


Munisipale Kantoor S. WALLACE Posbus 24 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER CALEDON, 7230 Verwysingsnommer: L/508 Kennisgewingnommer: KOR 60/2014


MAGIC WORX- Ons koop LG2 TRAVEL AGENCY. enige meubels, elektriese Online bus bookings. Call 028 212 2740. ware, selfone, tuingereedskap, hand gereedskap, goud, juweliersware EIENDOMME ens. vir kontant ons bied bogemiddelde pryse aan. Skakel Hein 083 413 9775. HUISE TE KOOP

GABBIANO RESTAURANT CALEDON. Conference room 16-20 people for birthdays/meetings/ year end functions etc. Phone 028 212 3671 for more information.

Verdere besonderhede van die voorstel lê ter insae by die Caledon Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 16 Desember 2014 tot 29 Januarie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 29 Januarie 2015. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf.




ii) die konsolidasie van voorgestelde Ged. A van Rest. van Ged. 10 van die Plaas Arieskraal Nr. 455 met Ged. 35 van die Plaas Arieskraal Nr. 455, Caledon Distrik,



Sluit 24 Des om 13:00 Open 5 Jan 2015

Nerinaweg Tel: 028-214 1517

Closed trucks. Furniture and/or bulk transporting. STORAGE AVAILABLE Try us for the best prices and service. Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Sel: 082 570 0923 Fax: 086 582 8366 Fax: 028 316 2263


ii) consolidation of proposed new Portion A of Rem. of Port. 10 of the Farm Aries Kraal No. 455 with Portion 35 of the Farm Aries Kraal No. 455, Caledon District,



Ontwikkelings vir 2015 !! Kom besoek ons kantoor vir meer inligting. Vanaf R600 000.00 tot waar dit jou smaak pas.

Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office Caledon from 16 December 2014 to 29 January 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 29 January 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections.

Dankie aan almal wat huise deur ons gekoop het. Mag julle eerste Kersfees in julle nuwe huis net 'n groot blessing wees. Voorspoed vir 2015!

Municipal Office P.O Box 24 S WALLACE CALEDON MUNICIPAL MANAGER 7230 Reference No. L/508 Notice No.: KOR 60/2014

Michelle 082 943 5915 | Edward 082 054 8784

Prins Alfredweg 21, Caledon Tel. 028-212 2740

111111-LG161214 X1PGVV4M-LG161214


Dinsdag 16 Desember 2014

General - Algemeen

Theewaterskloof Gazette


Theewaterskloof | Bredasdorp | Napier


WENDY HUISE Bekostigbaar en reg vir gebruik. Finansiering beskikbaar. Skakel 028-284 9642 (k) Bryan 082 750 7181 / Eleanore 082 544 8995 X1PJ6459-LG091214

Year 4 • Dinsdag 16 Desember 2014 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Gawie Delport-skild na Hermanus

Absa-rolbal sluit jaar af Altesaam 48 spelers het op Dinsdag 2 Desember ten spyte van die reën opgedaag om deel te neem aan die jaarlikse Absa-rolbalafsluitingstoernooi. Ongelukkig het die weer nie saamgespeel en kon daar glad nie gespeel word nie. Christeline de Villiers, takbestuurder van Caledon, het toe besluit om die aand interessant te maak en ’n gelukkige trekking is gehou deur name

Op Saterdag 22 November het Gawie Delport weer die Gawie Delport-skild rolbaltoernooi geborg. Hierdie toernooi bestaan reeds vir baie jare en is die eerste keer deur Gawie Delport se oupa met dieselfde naam geborg. Agt en veertig spelers het deelgeneem. Die trofeewenners was Ristoff en Evelyn van Wyk, Mike Hutton en Brian Higgo van Hermanus. Tweede was die polisiespan van die Kaap en derde die span van Villiersdorp.

vanaf die speelkaarte te trek. Sodoende is die pryse wat aan wenners oorhandig sou word uitgedeel. Spelers het daarna ’n heerlike ete geniet voorberei deur die vrouens van Absa. Die Caledon-rolbalklub wil weereens Caledon Absa asook alle deelnemers bedank vir hul ondersteuning waarsonder die klub nie kan bestaan nie.

Van links is Ristoff en Evelyn van Wyk, Mike Hutton en Brian Higgo.

Greyton karate gets yellow belts BARRY WIESNER In July this year a small group of adults began training in Shotokan karate in the newly established Greyton Shotokan Karate Club under the guidance of the Caledon Shotokan Club. On Tuesday 2 December, all eight karate students graded to their yellow belts. Thanks to Sensei Pieter, Sensei Jonah, Sensei Mathew and other senior karate students from the Caledon club for all their input and guidance. If you are interested in finding out more about next year’s classes in Greyton or Caledon, please contact Barry Wiesner on 082 463 6221 or

The school sportswoman of the year is Emerelda Davids and the sportsman of the year is Johau David.

Newcomer of the year, was Tamlyn Engel from Albert Myburgh.

The school sports team of the year award went to the u. 16 netball team and was received by the captain, Stephanie Oosthuizen.

Albert Myburgh sport stars shine at awards From left are Annemien Sweetnam, Liezel Nicholas, Karin Rose-Piotrowski, Sandra Wiesner, Barry Wiesner (dojo head), Heidi Du Plessis, Janine Winfield, Tim Quinlan and Lisa Wilson.

The Overberg Sports Council held its annual sport awards ceremony on Friday 14 November at the Caledon


Casino to honour sportsmen and women for their dedication to their different sport codes.




Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 12(3)(b) van die Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelselswet, 2000 (Wet Nr. 32 van 2000), dat die Munisipaliteit van Theewaterskloof van voorneme is om die verordeninge soos gelys hieronder te wysig of te aanvaar:\

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 12(3) (b) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) that the Theewaterskloof Municipality intends to revise or adopt the bylaws listed below:





Verordening insake die Skut van diere Verordening rakende drankhandelsdae en ure Verordening insake die beheer van Vuurwerke Verordening insake die hou van geleenthede Verordening insake Vliegvelde Verordening insake Lugbesoedelingsbeheer Verordening insake meentgrond Verordeninge insake heinings en mure Verordening insake openbare busse en taxis Verordening insake Sportfasiliteite Verordening insake Gemeenskapsbrandveiligheid Verordeninge insake afvalbestuur

Hersien Hersien Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut Nuut

Bylaw relating to the impoundment of animals Bylaw on liquor trading days and hours Control of Fireworks bylaw Bylaw relating to the holding of events Air Quality management bylaw Commonage bylaw Fencing and walls bylaw Public buses and taxis bylaw Sport facilities bylaw Community Fire safety bylaw Waste management Bylaw

Revise Revise New New New New New New New New New

Volledige besonderhede aangaande die voorgestelde Verordeninge is gedurende normale kantoorure beskikbaar by: • • •

Departement Korporatiewe Dienste: Regsafdeling of Departement Operasies, Theewaterskloof Munisipale kantoor by Pleinstraat 6, Caledon; of Op die Munisipaliteit se webtuiste by Alle biblioteke binne die Regsgebied van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit: • Caledon: Kerk Straat 26; • Riviersonderend: Buitekant Straat; Riviersonderend: Buitekant Straat; • Oostergloed, Riviersonderend: Lily Weg; • Grabouw: Ryke Straat 1; • Pineview, Grabouw: Mitchells Straat; • Villiersdorp: Hoofweg 59; • Genadendal: Strydom Laan; • Greyton: Hoofweg; • Botrivier: Plantasie Straat.

Kommentare, besware en voorleggings met betrekking tot die voorgestelde Verordeninge, indien enige, moet deur die ondergetekende ontvang word voor of op 12:00nm, Vrydag, 23 Januarie 2015. Persone wat bystand in die verband benodig, kan gedurende gewone kantoorure, die Regsafdeling of relevante Dorpskantoor skakel vir hulp indien hulle enige kommentare, besware en voorleggings met betrekking tot die aanvaarding van die voorgestelde verordeninge wil indien. HSD Wallace MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Municipal Office P.O Box 24 6 Plein Street CALEDON Caledon

Full particulars of the proposed By-laws are available for inspection during normal office hours at:• • •

Department Corporate Services: Legal Section or Department Operations: Theewaterskloof Municipal Offices at 6 Plein Street, Caledon; or On the Municipality’s website at All libraries in the jurisdiction of the Theewaterskloof Municipality: • Caledon: 26 Kerk Street; • Riviersonderend: Buitekant Street; • Oostergloed, Riviersonderend: Lily Way; • Grabouw: 1 Ryke Street; • Pineview, Grabouw: Mitchells Street; • Villiersdorp: 59 Main Road; • Genadendal: Strydom Avenue; • Greyton: Main Road; • Botrivier: Plantasie Street.

Comments, objections and representations in connection with the proposed By-laws, if any, must be lodged with the undersigned not later than 12:00pm, Friday, 23 January 2015. Any person needing assistance in this regard may, during normal office hours, approach the office of the Legal Section or the relevant Town Office for assistance with the lodging comments, objections and representations, if any, in respect of the proposed By-laws. HSD Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER Municipal Office P.O Box 24 6 Plein Street CALEDON Caledon



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