Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier
Year 5 • Tuesday 21 April 2015 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Eugene Sonn, skoolhoof van Swartberg Sekondêr, met ’n groep gr. 12-leerders, staan trots voor hul nuwe skool waar hulle op Maandag 13 April amptelik hul intrek geneem het. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON
Swartberg spog met nuwe skoolgebou “Ek voel soos iemand wat getrek het na ’n nuwe en beter huis.” So sê Eugene Sonn, skoolhoof van Swartberg Sekondêr, oor die splinternuweskoolgebouwatteen’nkostevan R34 miljoen deur die nasionale onderwysdepartement gefinansier is. Sonn is van mening hulle het voorkeur op die keuringslys geniet omdat hulle ’n beskikbare perseel gehad het en daar dus nie veel ontwrigting was gedurende die twaalf maande boutydperk van die nuwe skool nie. Hy sê die bouery het vlot verloop en die oortrek van die ou na die nuwe skool is binne twee dae afgehandel. “Daar is egter onderrigtyd ingeboet
2013 2010 2013 2014
wat ons hierdie kwartaal moet inhaal. Die departement het nuwe meubels en toerusting voorsien, met die uitsondering van rekenaars.” Sonn sê die skool is gebou om 700 leerders te akkommodeer met 20 klaskamers asook spesialis-klaskamers. “Daar is ook voorsiening gemaak vir kapasiteitsprobleme sou die leerdertal styg met tussen 50 en 100 leerders (na 750 of 800 leerders in totaal) in die nabye toekoms. Die planne maak voorsiening vir die aanbou van ekstra klaskamers.” Sonn sê die eerste fase is so te sê klaar en die tweede fase behels die sloping van die ou skool en die aanlê van sportgronde oor die volgende drie maande. “Die ou saal gaan gebruik word vir funksies en die laaste blok klaskamers
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bly behoue en gaan omskep word in ’n volwasse-onderwysopleidingsentrum. Bertram Loriston, direkteur van Overberg Onderwysdistrik, sê hy is geweldigopgewondeoordiegrootaanwins vir Caledon en net so opgewonde omdat Swartberg Primêr ook in die toekoms ’n nuwe skoolgebou gaan kry. Loriston sê die nuwe gebou vir Swartberg Primêr is reeds in die beplanningstadium. Die direkteur sê dié infrastrukstuurprogram word deur die nasionale departement van onderwys ondersteun ten einde plankieskole in die land uit te wis. Hy het ter verduideliking gesê plankieskole is die tydelike strukture waarmee skole gebou is, “en die skole word nou oorgebou as gevolg van gesondheidsrisiko’s wat dit
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moontlik kan inhou.” Loriston sê al die skole wat as plankieskole geklassifiseer word moet binne die volgende vyf jaar vervang word. “In die Wes-Kaap is ons plan binne dié tydraamwerk.” Hy het gesê die WesKaap se infrastruktuurplan word as die beste in die land beskou. Die plan dra ook daartoe by dat die leerruimte van die leerder verbeter word, wat tot beter leeruitkomstes sal lei. Die leerder voel daar word omgegee oor sy of haar omgewing en welstand. Dis ook ’n pluspunt vir die gemeenskap, want enige skool is ’n skool vir die gemeenskap en hierdie is ’n skool om op trots te wees. Loriston het die hoop uitgespreek dat die gemeenskap meer betrokke sal wees by die skool. Michaela Sauls, ’n gr. 11-leerder sê
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sy is baie opgewonde oor hul nuwe skool. “Die nuwe elektroniese borde gaan die manier van lesse aanbied verbeter.” Marcel Appolis, ’n gr. 12-leerder sê sy wil die nasionale onderwysdepartement bedank. “Ek hoop dat al ons leerders die pragtige nuwe skool opreg sal waardeer.” Blancé Buys, in gr. 10, sê as huishoudkunde-leerder is sy baie opgewonde oor die praktiese klaskamer. “Dit is baie meer gerieflik in vergelyking met die ou een.” Sonn sê groot dank gaan aan Overberg Agri, Sydney Armoed, Anré Begrafnisdienste, Wimpie DIY, opvoeders, leerders, niedoserende personeel, Dawie Abrahams, Howard Brikkels en almal wat gehelp het in hierdie geskiedkundige gebeurtenis.
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News - Nuus
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Marc to have you in stitches Local stand-up comedian, Marc Lottering has spent the past 17 years entertaining crowds with his unique wit and stage presence. Having racked up some classic material, Marc’s new show – My Favourite Stories – is bound to leave guests at The Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa and Entertainment in stitches on Saturday 2 May.
Elmarie de Villiers, Sannie de Swart, Maggie Zaayman en Martha Coetzee van Caledon het serpe gebrei vir die leerders van Diepgat Primêr, ’n plaasskool in die Hemel-en-Aarde vallei. Die leerders het almal verlede week hulle serpe skool toe gedra met die weer wat nou begin koeler raak.
23 April ) ACV geldinsameling om 19:00 - Ian Wessels RSG ‘loslippe’ kom kuier in Caledon. Lekker ontspanne aand – Caledon Casino, Hotel en Spa.
25 April ) Langarm Dans met Elginairs om 18:00 in Swartberg Sekondêr se nuwe skoolsaal. Kaartjies beskikbaar by skool of by deure. Navrae 028 212 1470. ) Caledon-rugbyvoetbalklub: Caledon vs Grabouw op Caledon.
1 Mei ) All Saints Kerk Bredasdorp-karnaval om 08:00 by Glaskasteel-sportgronde. Navrae: Eksteen Lourens by 079 491 8406.
1 tot 4 Julie ) Mega PetEX 09:00-17:00. Nasionale Huis- en Plaastroeteldier Ekspo, Mega Park, Bredasdorp. Navrae: Pikkie Louw by 082 566 5880/
AGM held by candle light very productive Radio Overberg’s AGM went ahead on 15 April despite loadshedding and freezing cold weather. A record attendance enjoyed the meeting held by candle light and leds. The board members presented a candid picture of the station’s present situation. Finance was a particular focus and was transparently indicated by Alta de Wet, who showed that while the state of affairs was reasonably healthy, there was a need to improve cash flow. A new member for the youth portfolio was accepted to the board in the person of Gurswin Prins. Youth is a priority focus of Radio Overberg for the coming year. The advent of several new presenters and insightful programmes aimed specifically at community needs will be riding the airwaves in the near future.
Station manager, Marne Joubert, is optimistic about the station’s future given the enormous amount of experienced broadcasters available to contribute to the station’s growth. “The commitment of the board and staff is evident in their keen desire to take the station forward and make it as competitive and professional as any other station in the country.”
The Cape Town born comedian is popular for his hilarious portrayal of endearing characters and has performed across the world in London, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Dubai. Doors open at 19.30 for the show that will kick off at 20:00. Tickets are on sale for R120 per person from Computicket or at the Caledon Hotel reception. Please note that the My Favourite Stories show is not suitable for children. For more information contact The Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa and Entertainment at 028 214 5100 or visit:
WIN TICKETS TO THE SHOW: Five lucky readers can win double tickets to Marc Lottering’s show at The Caledon Casino. Simply answer this easy question. When is Lottering performing at the casino? SMS your answer to 33675. Each SMS costs R1,50. Winners will be contacted.
Imelda van Lill, kliëntediensbestuurder van Pick n Pay in Caledon, in rooi, tweede van regs agter, het Dinsdag pensioenarisse van Myddleton met ontbyt by Wimpy bederf.
Master of the roulette The Caledon Casino, Hotel, Spa and Entertainment’s successful 2015 Roulette Masters Tournament unit finals saw a total of R25 000 in cash being won by lucky participants. Two finalists from The Caledon Casino went on to compete in the grand finals at Montecasino in Johannesburg on Saturday 28 March, where they battled it out for a share of R2,8 million. One lucky Caledon finalist then walked off with second place and the cash prize of R250 000. The other Caledon finalist, Jacko Hendricks – a clear master of the Rou-
lette wheel – won second place in this year’s The Caledon unit finals. His cash prize was R5 000. Hendricks has now participated in the ultimate grand final for the second time. The Caledon Casino director of operations and complex general manager, Paul Campbell says, “Following the action-packed unit qualifying rounds, semi-finals and finals, finalists from all 14 Tsogo Sun properties in South Africa battled it out at the finals for the 2015 title and R2 million prize.”
) Op 26 April om 17:00 word ’n gospel-konsert deur Romano Arendse Musiek-produksies gehou by Swartberg Primêr. Groepe wat gaan deelneem is August van der Westhuzen, Mooi Hawens, Bet-el, El Shaddai Dance ministries, Clayton Solomans, Towdah, Kerk van God en Joyful Harmonies.
From left are the Caledon Casino marketing manager, Ailsa van Wyk; the Caledon Roulette Masters participant, Jacko Hendricks; and the Caledon Casino gaming manager, Rui de Carvalho at The Caledon Casino 2015 Roulette Masters Tournament unit finals on 14 March.
Toegang vir volwassenes is R20 en kinders R10 tussen die ouderdomme van drie en tien. Kontak Romano by 060 340 2573 of per e-pos by ) Op 1 Mei om 19:00 hou Paddy Damons sy jaarlikse herfs kaas en wyn-dans by die Gerald Wright-saal in Grabouw. Kaartjies is R70. Kaas, versnaperings en wyn sal bedien word by aankoms. Bel Damons by 072 729 3353. ) L.R.Schmidt Primêr hou Saterdag 9 Mei hul jaarlikse sportdag by Genadendal Sportgronde.Dit begin om 09:00.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
News - Nuus
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Rates and taxes to increase If the Theewaterskloof Municipality’s draft budget is accepted and approved as it stands, municipal accounts will increase by between 8% and 9%. This increase will comprise of a 9,5% increase in property rates, an electricity tariff increase of 12,2%, refuse removal, which is set to go up by 16%, sewerage by 9% and water, depending on consumption, by 7%. Executive mayor Chris Punt said in his presentation of the budget to council on 26 March, that the municipality is acutely aware of the impact of the tariff increases on the municipal bill, but can assure residents that it is unavoidable and still insufficient for guaranteed municipal sustainability. Punt said drafting the budget was not an easy process. “Given the limited municipal revenue sources and the great need for a rapidly growing population, of which 53 % are not contributing to taxes and tariffs, the need for continued growth in delivery and the upgrading and development of infrastructure as well as the costs associated with it, the budget was compiled with circumspection, wisdom and sound financial management skills.” Punt said he can, however, report that some encouraging progress has been made in improving the financial health of the Municipality. “Three years ago the Municipality was rated as amongst the least financially sustainable municipalities in the country. “The recent independent financial assessment of INCA, however showed that our financial sustainability rating has improved to that of average when compared to that of other municipalities.” He said the Revenue Collection Committee he established is starting to show positive results. “In 2012/13 our debt recovery rate was 84%. In 2013/14 it increased to 86,7%. Currently it is 89% and we have set ourselves the target
of increasing it to 92% in 2015-’16 and to 95% over the medium term.” Punt said the Municipality is still able to cope with immediate and critical infrastructure and bulk service capacity challenges. “Our concern is not now but three or four years from now.” He added the municipality received a second clean audit in succession. Some of the aspects Punt highlighted include that operating revenue is projected to grow with 2,6% from R454 million to R466 million. Of this income the largest chunk will come from service charges (38%), operating grants, (29%), property rates (16%) and capital grants (8%). The operating expenditure for 2015-’16 amounts to R450,6 million, an increase of R39,9 million (9,7%). Punt furthermore said a capital budget of R60,9 million is proposed for 2015-’16. “The capital budget is primarily funded by grants (R38,5 million), borrowing of R11,5 million and own funds of R10,8 million. He says some of the major capital projects that will be undertaken in the 2015-’16 financial year include the upgrade of the wastewater works in Villiersdorp (R12,5 million) and the upgrade of the Caledon main outfall sewer (R3 million). Also the upgrade of bulk water storage capacity in Riviersonderend (R3,5 million) and new stormwater infrastructure in Phukom in Villiersdorp (R3 million). Further capital projects include the Grabouw wastewater treatment plant (R4 million) and construction of civil services for housing projects (R8,9 million). Also the upgrading of the vehicle fleet (R2 million) and a new electricity cable between Aandblom and Veldblom in Caledon (R3 million) and electricity infrastructure in Santa, Site Saviwa and Riemvasmaak (R5 million) and the extension of the waste transfer station in Grabouw (R3 million).
Hierdie nuwe rekrute is op Dinsdag 14 April aan die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum bekend gestel. Hulle het ’n strawwe keuringsproses geslaag en is Sondag na Philippi opleidingskollege. Die kursus duur een jaar. Voor links is die bestuur met Patty Esau, Vanessa Papier, Jacobus Smile en Courtney Kloppers. Agter staan die rekrute.
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Vortex het regte pad geloop ANNETTE THERON Sommige inwoners en plaaseienaars van Caledon en Tesselaarsdal was oor Paasnaweek erg onthuts oor ’n vier dae lange Vortex-partytjie op die plaas Hillside, net buite Caledon, wat hul rus glo versteur het. Die koerant het vir Stiffie Cronjé, woordvoerder van Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit, gevra of daar enige verordening is rakende die goedkeuring van Vortex-partytjies in Theewaterskloof. Cronjé het gesê daar is ’n verordening en dit is vir openbare kommentaar geadverteer, en die kommentaarperiode het op 23 Januarie gesluit. “Vortex het aan al die riglyne en vereistes voldoen en die aansoek is goedgekeur.” Volgens Cronjé het die organiseerders die partytjie vir
bywoning geadverteer, maar nie vir publieke kommentaar nie. Hy het voorts gesê die aansoek is in ’n werksessie hanteer en ná die openbare insette en kommentare volledig hanteer is, is die aansoek vir goedkeuring aan die raad voorgehou. Cronjé sê alle aansoeke word op eie meriete oorweeg. “Deel van die aansoekprosedure is dat die aansoeker omliggende bure se toestemming of kommentaar rakende die geleentheid moet bekom. “Sulke insette word vir ’n finale besluit oorweeg en die prosedure is gevolg.” Die Gazette wou weet of enige klagtes van inwoners ontvang is oor Vortex-partytjies in Theewaterskloof die afgelope 12 maande en Cronjé het gesê daar is wel klagtes ontvang en elkeen is oorweeg en hanteer.
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A prayer service against crime was held in the Groenberg Secondary School hall in Grabouw on Thursday 16 April. The service was attended by church leaders of Grabouw and station commanders and members of SAPS under the leadership of Brig MM Manci. On Wednesday a prayer service was held at the Christian Church in Riviersonderend as part of this outreach.
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Theewaterskloof Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 21 April 2015
Party was disturbance of the peace With reference to the front page article in the Gazette of 2015-04-14 it would be remiss of me were I not to comment on some of the statements quoted as coming from Susannah van Straaten. Firstly Susannah is quoted as saying that the main stage music started at 14:00 Saturday and ended 16:00 Monday, however the vibration started on Friday evening. On this web page - it was advertised as the gates are open for camping and a warm-up party on Friday from 12:00. She is then quoted as saying that they got consent from the majority of their neighbours. I attended a meeting of some local farmers on 16 April and having been shown a map of farms in the immediate area marked with who was consulted and who not, it would seem that her statement is not accurate. Thirdly she says “we can safely assume that at least R250 000 was
spent in Caledon over the Easter weekend”. This is a complete thumb suck in my opinion. Further on she is quoted as saying that “we live in a multi-denominational society where freedom of worship is a constitutional right”. The abhorrence so many of us feel towards this type of event has got very little to do with any of the major religions. It has to do with disturbance of the peace...uit en uit rusverstoring. In our South African tradition it is the accepted thing over long weekends to “get away from it all” and visit family and friends, especially those in the quiet platteland. Many guests on a farm will have to pitch in and help the farmer with chores as their staff also chill out then. Nights around the fire are impossible with such a noise. She goes on to say how strict Vortex is in enforcing only over 18’s gaining admission, this might be company policy but in reality it is
nonsense as children as young as 11 were observed at the “party”. Van Straaten said that Vortex has a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs and provides a drug counselling and info stall at the party...hello, why do so if drugs are not a problem. As a matter of interest, I’ve been told that the words “parallel universe” used in the advert stands for “come and get the candy people”. In closing I feel that Mrs Van Straaten is being somewhat economical with the truth of the whole picture and her attitude is selfserving.
IAIN BUCHHOLZ, Tesselaarsdal
Response from Susannah van Straaten: If Iain Buchholz or any other person continues to levy the criminal accusation of disturbance of the peace without any legal evidence presented, then we shall regrettably have to take legal recourse ourselves.
As 55-year old I felt welcome and revived at Vortex I am 55 years old and currently live in Napier. I attended the Vortex Easter, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was great fun being with a group of great diversity from young to quite a number of party goers who were much older that I am. It was especially heartening to feel very welcomed by all, and perhaps even more so because of being part of the “older” segment of the gathering – it really felt like everybody was a close friend and shared jokes, stories and many hugs with people who I’d never met before, but definitely hope to meet again at next year’s party. One of my mottos is that life may not be the party you expected, but while we’re here we might as well dance – and for this reason I really look forward to being able to dance with energetic abandon and forget about all my worries and frustrations and just let go, while having a
great work out. I also felt that all my belongings were quite safe wherever I left them when dancing, which is something I don’t normally feel in most public venues. It was great to have this event outdoors as it enables many more people to attend and has the added advantage of not being cramped on a dance floor in a possibly smoky environment. I know there may be some people who view these events negatively, and I’m not quite sure why – if its the type of music that bothers them then maybe its because they prefer classical music – but this genre is the music of the youth. If they think there is anything sinister about it then they obviously have never been to one or cannot fathom how so many people can be so happy, maybe they resent people being happy for no apparent reason. If they think that there are lots of
drugs involved – well I saw no evidence of that and was never approached by anyone trying to sell or offer me any illicit items. There was also no nudity as was part of the Flower Power era that the older generation might have experienced or think that this is in any way similar. I do hope this helps you get a clearer picture of the great fun that was had by all who attended and I for one felt re-energised and it restored my belief that our human nature is not in as bad a shape as one may experience in the “world out there” and that if civil society were to collapse I hope to be able to live in a community made up of the people that attended the Vortex Easter party. Long may it continue. And thanks very much for an excellent party to all who made it possible Best regards – and a Vortex proper hug.
Memories of days gone by Allow me, dear reader, to share a few more memories with you about my grandfather Du Toit, the one bamboozled by Rhodes and Co, and some of his offspring, because it sheds light on the vagaries of us Europeans here in Southern Africa. Re grandpa: after selling his farm Dutoitspan he moved to the Western Free State, where he bought a smallholding in a place called Petrusburg, by then being dragged into the 19th century by the new railroad to the Rand through it. It also achieved modest fame by being the birthplace of one Andries Borstlap, aka actor André Huguenet (later humourously reinvented by Herman Charles Bosman as Jacques le Français). Grandpa had by then married a Voortrekker girl, tough and resourceful, mother and grandmother to numerous similar daughters and granddaughters. Grandpa made ends meet by digging a well and building a dam on his plot to grow fruit and vegetables. These he carted to the Kimberley Goldfields, along with biltong, dried fruit, firewood and – odd to modern ears – dagga. This herb was not illegal in those days. The locals used it wisely with no damage to themselves or anyone
else. Workers on the gold mines bought the dagga at a penny a “stop” to help ease the unrelenting, deadly task of digging down a pit all day long. The proceeds from this trade went to my eldest uncle, who went on to become a noted linguist, author, translator, poet and lexicographer. After he married my Ouma, Oupa once took her to meet his folks at Alexanderskloof. They travelled in a two-horse “kapkar” for their journey there and back to the Free State, which lasted two years. The interesting and telling thing about this uncle of mine was that although he could speak passable Dutch, German, Latin and Greek and could read French and half-adozen Germanic/Gothic languages, he did not learn more than a word or two of Sesotho or Setswana. By contrast, my father’s forebears, who had started moving to the Eastern Free State from the late eighteenth century, all spoke Sesotho before they spoke Afrikaans or English, a fact which had a profoundly liberalising effect on their
political views. What does all this have to do with Akkedisberg? Nothing much, except that most of the above would not have happened and none of it written down, had Oupa Du Toit stayed on Alexanderskloof. So, if my parents had not been born where and when they were and had not married and I had consequently not been born, how could I ever have speculated about any of this? Surely the Universe only exists because I experience it, although I have grown to believe that it may exist for other people as well. Peace and prosperity!
Tuesday 21 April 2015
News - Nuus
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Change equals opportunity, says author
The Cape Agulhas Business Chamber’s AGM was held in Bredasdorp on Tuesday evening 14 April in the Bredasdorp Primary School hall. Theo Vorster, a top business executive and author who is well-known for his interviews with top South African businessmen and entre-
preneurs, was guest speaker. He urged all local business people to embrace “change and uncertainty” and to always be on the lookout for opportunities to grow in these uncertain times. “Change equals opportunity” he said, reminding them to at all times also plan ahead, positioning themselves in such a way that they are able to grab the opportunity for growth when it presents itself as there is no such thing as
Webwerf binnekort deel van Netwerk24
’n Nuwe era breek op 1 Mei vir die Gazette se webwerf aan, want van dié dag af sal dit deel wees van die nou reeds bekende Netwerk24. Netwerk24, wat in Augustus verlede jaar begin is, is die toonaangewende betaalde platform vir Media24 se Afrikaanse dagblaaie en Sondagkoerante. Die webwerf het vinnig veld gewen en sal nou ook heelwat groter word wanneer dit die inhoud van die groep se Afrikaanse plaaslike koerante reg oor die land insluit. Lesers sal steeds die Gazette se inhoud – ook die Engelse nuus – op een plek vind wanneer hulle intik. Dié adres sal hulle neem na ’n seksie van die Netwerk24-webwerf waar die Gazette se inhoud netjies bymekaar gepubliseer sal word. Die inhoud sal egter nie agter die betaalmuur lê nie, wat beteken lesers het steeds gratis toegang tot ons aanlyn-inhoud. Lesers kan ook steeds ons gewilde Face-
From left are Rudy Visser, chairman, Theo Vorster, guest speaker, business executive and author, Orton King, vice-chairman and elected chairman of AHi Western Cape and Zoon Jacobs. PHOTO: ORALAUBSCHER
New cell opened at Karwyderskraal
After three years of collective planning between Overberg District Municipality and Overstrand Municipality a third cell was successfully constructed at the Karwyderskraal Landfill Site and officially opened on Thursday 3 April. “The cell was designed and constructed according to the minimum requirements,” said David Beretti, municipal manager of Overberg District Municipality. Beretti said this cell will be utilised for the final disposal of household waste servicing both Overstrand and Theewaterskloof and will have a life span of approximately five years. “It is the result of good cooperative governance between the municipali- Reinard Geldenhuys, acting director community services, ties to ensure effective service deliv- David Beretti and Francois Kotze, environmental manageery.” ment, attended the opening. . He said the site is the property of ODM, who remains responsible for the ad- further responsible for the Karwyderskraal herence to the permit conditions while Over- monitoring committee, which constitutes strand Municipality will be responsible for surrounding property owners, NGOs, muthe day-to-day management of the site for the nicipalities, and government departments to fulfil an oversight role in the management duration of the cell’s life span. “The Overberg District Municipality is of the terrain.”
bookblad dophou om op hoogte te bly van gebeure deur die loop van die week. “Die lewering van plaaslike of areagebonde nuus en inligting speel ’n uiters belangrike rol in vandag se veranderende medialandskap,” sê Esmé Smit, hoofbestuurder van Boland Media waarvan die Gazette deel is. “Die inhoud van ons plaaslike publikasies dien as plaaslike waghond in areas waar geen nasionale nuusverskaffer of -diens met dieselfde intensiteit inligting aan verbruikers kan lewer nie. Die uniekheid van plaaslike nuus bly ’n hoeksteen in die bestaande en toekomstige mediamengsel en met die voortdurende ontwikkeling van digitale media moet ons as plaaslike media-uitgewers ons oë op die toekoms hou. “Ons glo die Netwerk24-platform wat Theewaterskloof Gazette voortaan gaan insluit, sal aan ons lesers ’n wêreldklas-platform bied tesame met ons wêreldklas vars plaaslike nuus.”
From left are Kiro Tiemie, J du Toit Loubser, Danie du Toit, Lincoln de Bruyn, David Beretti, Isaac Sileku and Sakkie Frank.
Most improved MFMA audit outcomes for ODM On 30 April the Auditor-General of South Africa, Kimi Makwetu, and the leadership of the Western Cape Business Unit conducted an Annual Stakeholder function that included the presentation of the PFMA (Public Finance Management Act) and MFMA (Municipal Finance Management Act) Clean Audit Awards for 2013-’14. Overberg District Municipality was awarded a Certificate of Achievement – Most Improved MFMA Audit Outcomes. This certificate is awarded in recognition of the most im-
“a lucky break.” Rudy Visser, in his capacity as chairman, asked local businessmen and members to unite and to become more actively involved in 2015.
proved municipality in the Western Cape. Cllr Lincoln de Bruyn, executive mayor of Overberg District Municipality, proudly received this award on behalf of the municipality. He thanked David Beretti, municipal manager, and all the employees of Overberg District Municipality at an IDP steering committee meeting held on 31 March for their hard work and total commitment. Beretti said that this could only be achieved with excellent political leadership and adherence to good governance.
The roads to Doringkloof DR 1288 will be closed for construction at Km 14.58 from 20 April 2015 to 16 May 2015.
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PA I N T S - V E R W E
General - Algemeen
Theewaterskloof Gazette
PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE FRANCINA DAVIDS 7/03/1941 – 11/04/2015 KINDERVERMAAK Met liefde neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde 1405 Vrou, Ma en Ouma. Daarbo in die hemel se Kana SPRINGKASTELE te ontmoet ons verseker huur. Skakel Virginia mekaar. Rus in vrede. 082 321 4395.
PADSTAL/RESTAURANT,DASSIESFONTEIN: Vir etes, funksies en vele meer! Skakel 028 214 1475.
Tuesday 21 April 2015
AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.
Closed trucks. Furniture and/or bulk transporting. STORAGE AVAILABLE Try us for the best prices and service. Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Sel: 082 570 0923 Fax: 086 582 8366 Fax: 028 316 2263 000000-LG210415
IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN CALEDON GEHOU TE CALEDON Saaknommer: 605/2014 In die saak tussen: THEEWATERSKLOOF MUNISIPALITEIT (Eksekusieskuldeiser) en SOPHIA KRUGER (Eksekusieskuldenaar) KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING VAN ROERENDE EIENDOM TEN UITVOERLEGGING van ‘n vonnis van die Landdroshof, CALEDON gedateer 19 MEI 2014, sal ondervermelde goedere om 11H00 op 28 MEI 2015 per publieke veiling te, BALJU PAKHUIS, 18 MEULSTRAAT, CALEDON,deur die BALJU vir die Landdroshof van CALEDON aan die hoogste bieër vir kontant verkoop word, naamlik: 1 X SINOTEC FLAT SCREEN 32 TV, 1 X ENKELDEUR FUCHSWARE YSKAS, 1 X LOGIK MIKROGOLFOOND, 1 X DEFY DUBBELBALIE WASMASJIEN, 1 X DIXON DIGITAL KARAOKE AMP – AV 3355, 1 X ULTRONIC DVD SPELER + LEKTRON SUB + 3 SPEAKERS BALJU VAN DIE HOF
BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die boedel van Wyle JOSEPH HERMANUS CAREL LOURENS, BOEDELNOMMER: 3304/2015 Boedel wyle Joseph Hermanus Carel Lourens, Identiteitsnommer 470909 5083087 en nagelate gade Herster Ronel Lourens, identiteitsnommer 600429 0064 084 wie binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud was met mekaar van Caritahof Nr 3, Proteastraat 20, Caledon. Boedelnommer 3304/2015 OORLEDE OP 14 November 2014 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee aan die Krediteure en Debiteure om hul vorderinge in te lewer by en hul skulde te betaal aan die ondergemelde binne 30 dae vanaf 17 April 2015. PJ RUST PROKUREURS Posbus 536 CALEDON 7230 Tel. 028-212 3206 Sel: 078 539 5692 / 083 459 9419 Verw. Niel Theron/Piet Rust
THEEWATERSKLOOF MUNISIPALITEIT EISER PLEINSTRAAT POSBUS 24, CALEDON, 7230 TEL: 028 214 3366 FAKS: 028 2121 322 VERW: 70/702483000 000000-LG210415
ADMINISTRATIEWE KLERK Die Protea Dienssentrum het 'n vakature vir 'n halfdag pos van 4 dae per week. Die volgende vereistes word gestel aan die geskikte persoon: -Die persoon moet met ouer persone kan werk, rekenaarvaardig, eerlik en betroubaar wees. -Die persoon moet in besit wees van 'n geldige rybewys, inisiatief kan neem en boekhoukundige agtergrond hê 'n CV kan ingedien word by die Protea Dienssentrum te Hoopstraat 3 (Klein Saaltjie op die parkeerterrein van Caledon Moederkerk) of ge-epos word: Kontaknommer 084 402 7064.
Annique Health & Beauty
Reël ’n voetspa pamperlang partyjie in die gerief van u eie huis. @ R30 per persoon (6-8 dames) Heerlike bederf vir Moedersdag!
Sluitingsdatum: 29 April 2015 Indien u niks van ons hoor binne 14 dae na die sluiting van hierdie advertensie nie, kan u aanneem dat u aansoek nie suksesvol was nie.
Helena cell 071 263 4188
Epos: vir bestelvorm of navrae.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 15.(1)(a)(i) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application for departure on erf 1716, Riviersonderend has been submitted by Tanqua Voere to the Theewaterskloof Municipality.
Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Art. 15.(1)(a)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat ‘n aansoek vir afwyking op erf 1716, Riviersonderend, ingedien is deur Tanqua Voere by die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit.
Nature of the application:
Aard van die aansoek:
The application comprises a departure from the Theewaterskloof Municipality Integrated Zoning Scheme Regulations P.N. 120/2011 to enable the owner to encroach the side building line to 1m to erect new offices on the erf. Further particulars regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Municipal Office Riviersonderend from 21April 2015 to 3 June 2015. Objections to the proposal, if any, must be in writing and reach the undermentioned on or before 3 June 2015. Persons who are unable to write will be assisted during office hours, at the Municipal office in Caledon, to write down their objections. Municipal Office P.O Box 24 S WALLACE CALEDON MUNICIPAL MANAGER 7230
Die aansoek behels ‘n afwyking van die Theewaterskloof Geïntegreerde Soneringskema P.K. 120/2011 om die eienaar in staat te stel om die kantboulyn beperking te oorskry na 1m ten einde nuwe kantore op die erf op te rig. Verdere besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae by die Riviersonderend Munisipale Kantoor vanaf 21 April 2015 tot 3 Junie 2015. Skriftelike besware teen die voorstel, indien enige, moet die ondergemelde bereik voor of op 3 Junie 2015 Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, sal gedurende kantoorure by die Munisipale kantoor, Caledon gehelp word om hul besware neer te skryf. Munisipale Kantoor Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230
Verwysingsnommer: R/1716 Kennisgewing Nr.: KOR 19/2015
Reference No. R/1716 Notice No.: KOR 19/2015 000000-LG210415
Dinsdag 21 April 2015
General - Algemeen
Theewaterskloof Gazette
Bloemenhof presteer Bloemenhof Primêr is op 5 Maart tydens ’n geselligheid deur die Overberg Onderwysdistrik vereer in twee kategorieë vir uitstaande prestasie in Geletterdheid en Gesyferdheid vir gr. 3 en gr. 6. Die skool het toekennings ontvang vir algehele uitnemendheid in Taal en Wiskunde in gr. 3 en gr. 6 en uitnemendheid in akademiese prestasie in Taal, ook vir gr. 3 en gr. 6.
Voor sit Danie Maloy, prinsipaal en Maria Sass, opvoeder. Agter staan Hanneri Streicher, opvoeder, Marsha Minnaar, opvoeder en Carin Hoki, skoolbeheerliggaamvoorsitter. Op 14 April was dit weer tyd vir Hoërskool Bredasdorp se jaarlikse kermis. Bredasdorpers se kreatiwiteit het geen perke geken nie en vanjaar kon elke graad hulle uitleef volgens ’n spesifieke self-gekose kleur. Die gr. 11’s is as wenners van die optog aangewys en het op oorspronklike wyse vir Suideroord, tehuis vir bejaardes, betrek. Die gr. 8’s was in die tweede plek en die gr. 12’s derde. Die collage bied ’n oorsig van die onderskeie grade. Na afloop van die eerste ronde van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie het Fredeléne Leuvennink (gr. 12) en Marissa Badenhorst (gr. 11) deurgedring na die semi-finale ronde wat gedurende Mei plaasvind. Links is Marissa Badenhorst en regs is Fredeléne Leuvennink.
Van links is Cara Kleynhans, Nichole Abrahams, Elrencia Carinus, Sanri Bezuidenhout, Natalie Blom, Elite Kliniek, afrigter, Tina Human, Jeánne Vermeulen, Debbie Coetzee, Marizaan Smal en Nellmarie Botha. Voor Aliesha Odendaal, afrigter.
Bredasdorp seëvier in Paarl Elite-netbalkliniek
Hoërskool Bredasdorp se o. 19A-netbalspan glimlag breed nadat hulle die afgelope Paasvakansie talle top-netbalskole op die neus laat kyk het tydens die jaarlikse Paarl Elitenetbalkliniek. Gedurende die finale ronde bewys hulle dat plattelandse skole beslis nie die knie hoef te buig vir stedelike skole nie en hul klop Bloemhof Meisieskool 11-10. Met die
aanloop tot die finale ronde het hul ook vir Augsburg, Kirkwood, Vryburg, Monument Park en Langenhoven Gimnasium oortuigend gewen. Na afloop van die toernooi is drie van Hoerskool Bredasdorp se spelers gekies vir die Elite Top 10-span wat aangewys is. Hulle is Sanri Bezuidenhout, Tina Human en Debbie Coetzee.
Hoërskool Bredasdorp se ouers, leerders en onderwysers is baie opgewonde oor die vooruitsig om eersdaags hul nuwe skoolsaal in te wy. Die bouproses, wat in 2014 ’n aanvang geneem het, is tans in die finale fase. Die saal, wat ook ’n galery insluit, beloof om ’n groot verrassing vir die leerders te wees.
THEEWATERSKLOOF Munisipaliteit * Municipality * uMasipala Applications are hereby invited from suitable persons to be appointed in the under mentioned vacancy.
Theewaterskloof Municipality currently awaits suitable qualified persons to be appointed in the under – mentioned vacancy.
Salary: Level T5 - Between R78 840.00 p.a. and R102 360.00 p.a. The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a grade 10 certificate. Good human relations. A valid code B driver’s license. Good communication skills in at least two (2) of the three (3) officials languages in the Western Cape, namely English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. Duties will include amongst others the following: Reading, recording and verifying accumulative totals on water and electricity meters and record figures on display * Connection and disconnection of water and electricity * Checking the status of connections and identifying and record any acts of tampering and damages incurred on connections and flow meters * ensure that information is recorded correctly in order to process accounts * Checking connections and disconnections prior to departure of sites * Checking and maintenance of prepaid water meters * reading of prepaid water meters * Other duties as requested from time to time. Candidates must also be willing to work overtime from time to time. Enquiries:
Contact Ms. J van Niekerk – Manager Income: Tel: 028 – 2143300
If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date, kindly assume that your application was unsuccessful. Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. H S D Wallace, Municipal Manager, P O Box 24, 6 Plein Street, Caledon 7230
Salary: Post level: T6 – Between: R93 072.00 p.a. and R120 828.00 p.a. The most eligible candidate must be in possession of a Grade 10 certificate with at least one (1) to two (2) years relevant (proven) experience or NTC II with one (1) to two (2) years relevant (proven) experience. Candidates must also have experience (proven) of an activated sludge process on a sewerage and/or water purification plant, as well as knowledge and experience of pumps, doing ph-tests, sludge volumetric tests, measuring of electric current. Must have the ability to interpret and apply the results on the sewerage works. Must be able to work in a team. A valid code B driver’s license will serve as recommendation. Be willing to do standby duty and also work overtime when required. Responsibilities would involve the following: Daily operating of the water and waste water purification works, take ph-samples, measuring of sludge volumes and electric current, implement results so that the effluent of waste water can comply to the standards of D.E.A.T, Supervise sub-ordinates, keep record of flow, pump, chemical and motor readings, apply chemicals, maintenance on plant, other duties as requested from time to time. Enquiries: Contact Mr. M de Jongh: Town Manager – Riviersonderend: Tel: 028 – 261 1360 If you do not receive any feedback, within one (1) month after the closing date, kindly assume that your application was unsuccessful. Theewaterskloof Municipality is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. H S D Wallace, Municipal Manager, P O Box 24, 6 Plein Street, Caledon 7230
The council’s offer includes benefits such as pension, medical aid and a group scheme as well as a 13th cheque, a housing-/ rental subsidy and settling of furniture removal cost under certain conditions. Applicants must complete the prescribed application form along with originally certified copies of qualifications, ID document, as well as a testimonial in order to be considered for the position. Application forms must be forwarded to the Manager: Human Resources, Theewaterskloof Municipality, P O Box 24 Caledon 7230. Please note: No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted, and shortlisted candidates will be required to produce original copies of academic qualifications on the day of the interview.
Theewaterskloof | Bredasdorp | Napier
Year 5 • Dinsdag 21 April 2015 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Die hokkie-seuns van Hoërskool Overberg het van 5 tot 9 April ’n hokkiekliniek op Stellenbosch bygewoon en die seisoen op ’n hoë noot begin. Die Ovies wen Stellenbosch Hoër met 3-0, teen Midstream College, Pretoria gelykop 0-0, en teen Hoërskool Sentraal in Bloemfontein moes hul die knie buig met 1 -3. Twee Ovies, Shaun Basson en Matthew Cloete, is as belowende spelers aangewys. Die seuns se afrigter, Lindi Petley is vol vertroue vir ’n goeie seisoen.
Skitter-rugby te verwagte Grabouw-rugbysone het onlangs sy eerste vergadering gehou. Die gees en samewerking was positief en almal sien uit na ’n skitter-rugbyjaar. Die eerste wedstryde het op 18 April begin. Oom Roos, soos hy alom bekend is, dien reeds 16 jaar as voorsitter
Nog prestasies vir Bredasdorp-rolbalklub HELENA SNYMAN
Bredasdorp-rolbalklub is baie trots op die spelers wat baie goed gevaar het by die o. 19- en o. 25-Interdistrikte in Bloemfontein. Chris Botha (o. 19) is as die Persoonlikheid van die o. 19-toernooi aangewys, terwyl die o. 25-Bolandspan (Stephan de Jager, Anneke Snyman en Ezile Fourie van Bredasdorp en Wesley Taylor van Swellendam) die goue medalje by die o. 25-toernooi verower het. Henry Fou-
rie, President van Bredasdorp-rolbalklub, is die spanbestuurder van die o. 25’s. Die o. 25’s het ’n baie goeie rekord by die toernooi. Die manspan het die voorafgaande drie jaar ’n silwer-, bronsen goue medalje verower, terwyl die vrouespan vir drie jaar na mekaar goud verower het. Vanjaar het hulle kragte saamgesnoer en as gemengde span deelgeneem en het toe weer goud verower. Hulle was die enigste gemengde span onder die medaljewenners. Die SA keurders was ook by die toernooi en het die SA Juniorspan (o. 30) aangekondig.
en het besluit om 2015 sy laaste ampsjaar te maak, maar sal sy kennis en hulp tot die rugbysone se beskikking stel. Die plan is om 2015 die jaar van die Roos te maak. Die sone het hul dank en waardering vir sy sestien jaar van diens uitgespreek. Stephen Young
Die twee jongste lede van die Bredasdorp-rolbalklub het vanjaar aan die 0. 19-Interdistrikte in Bloemfontein deelgeneem. Alhoewel hul spanne nie onder die medaljewenners geëindig het nie, het hulle waardevolle ondervinding opgedoen. Hulle het ook die voorreg gehad om die President van Rolbal SuidAfrika, Allan Freeman, te ontmoet. Hier is Kerwin Davids (10) en Jacques Botha (11) by Freeman. Kerwin het ook die sertifikaat as die jongste speler by die toernooi ontvang. Van links is wenspan Henry Fourie (spanbestuurder), Stephan de Jager, Anneke Snyman, Chris Botha (o. 19 persoonlikheid van die toernooi), Wesley Taylor (Swellendam) en Ezile Fourie.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Agter van links is Lluwellyn Lewies, Universals, Shirley Jonas, sone-skakelbeampte, Hennie Meintjies, Highlanders, Jan Fourie, Evergreen, Johannes Alexander en Elias Lukas, Highlanders, Niklaas Roos, voorsitter Grabouw-sone, Chris Hans, Tesselaarsdal, Jan Skippers en Dail Jansen, Barbarians en Daniel Jansen, Evergreen. Voor van links is Benjamin Hans, Tesselaarsdal en Salmon Riekerts en Barnard Swart, Youngstars. FOTO: STEPHEN YOUNG
ADMINISTRATION CLERK: SUPPORT (HAST) REMUNERATION: R123 738 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum educational qualification: Senior Certificate (or equivalent). Experience: Appropriate administrative experience. Inherent requirements of the post: Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Computer literacy (MS Office suite, specifically Word and Excel) • Good verbal and written communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • The ability to accept accountability and responsibility and to work independently.
Overberg District Municipality, with its head office in Bredasdorp, currently offers the following opportunity in the Department: Management Services to a suitably qualified person to commence duties as soon as possible.
Section: Finance
CHIEF CLERK: SALARIES Remuneration: R195 192 – R215 496 per annum plus the normal fringe benefits of a Grade 9 Local Authority Requirements: • Grade 12 with 5 years’ relevant experience, or a 3-year tertiary qualification in a financial discipline with 2 years’ relevant experience in municipal finances • Computer literacy specifically in spreadsheets • Literate in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • MMCT Certificate will be an advantage. Duties: • Be responsible for the preparation and processing of monthly wages, overtime, standby and nightshift allowances, travel allowances and third party payments • Complete statutory forms • Prepare vouchers for bank deposits • Sort and distribute salary advices • Prepare and submit MFMA monthly and quarterly reports • Perform general administrative duties. Closing date: 4 May 2015 Application forms are available at all ODM offices. Completed application forms, accompanied by CVs and certified copies of required documents, are to be returned to the Human Resources Section, Private Bag X22, Bredasdorp 7280. Applications with no proof of requirements met will not be processed. For any enquiries in this regard, you can contact Miss S Mkapheni at (028) 425-1157. Overberg District Municipality is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates from designated groups are encouraged to apply. If no notification is received within 6 weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. The right not to make an appointment or to re-advertise is reserved. Arina Wilson 117748
Duties (key results areas/outputs): Perform administrative functions pertaining to the TB/HIV/AIDS/STI Programme in the Sub-district •Arrange appointments, schedule meetings and training sessions for the HAST programme and administrative support to the Sub-district HAST Coordinator • Central data capturing of Sub-district TB information on the electronic register • All data capturing, report compiling and other reasonable duties requested by manager • All reception duties, including the placing and answering of telephone calls • Liaise with relevant role players in the programme. Note: No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Enquiries: Ms D le Grange, tel. 028 212 1070 PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FOR THE ATTENTION OF MR M MATEYISI, TO THE DISTRICT DIRECTOR: OVERBERG DISTRICT OFFICE, PRIVATE BAG X07, CALEDON 7230.
INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.
The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.
Closing Date: 15 May 2015 122831 TWK GAZETTE