BOLD Ageless Beauty August Issue

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August 2016 | Issue 4

ageless beauty Not just an AGE, but an ATTITUDE.

It 's O ur 1Yea r A nniv er sa ry! H ea r M e Roa r Eat & D r ink w it h M e Embr ace Your St ory R ace & t he New Fr ont ier & M or e! Page 1

Jam es Th om pson Model, Motivational Speaker, Dad For bookings email: jaetea29@gmail or

ageless beauty

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ag eless b eaut y COLLABORATORS Cover Phot og rap h BOLD Favor by CLH Lynita Phot og rap hr y, Mit chell-Blackwell Locat ion Norahs

The Lyng ale Ag ency Tina Br id g es W r iter s Brend a DuBone Cool Water Anissa K Elliott Ter r y Moorer Rhond a A. Thom p son

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Khan Bout iq ue Locat ion Ellab oos Thr ift St ore Manag ing Ed it or Tina Br id g es' Phot o by CLH Phot og rap hy, Att ire by Chic Desig nz, Head piece by Norahs Khan, J ewler y by Suzanne Nelson, and MUA Kat hy J allow

CONTACT Are you intr ig ued by our m ag azine and wish t o b e a p ar t of t he BOLD m ovem ent ? Contr ib ute, ad ver t ise, and com m ent on our p ub licat ion: Call 866-611-3753 Em ail Info@BOLDFavor Mag

Visit w w w.BOLDFavor Mag

ag eless b eaut y H appy Anniversary Tina! Can you believe it's been a year since we published the first issue of BOLD Ageless Beauty?! I am so happy for you sister and am continuingly amazed by your success.


To our loyal readers thank you for your support and love over the past year. W ithout YOU , there would be no U S. Enjoy this fourth issue of Ageless Beauty with the beautiful models of T he Lyngale Agency, inspirations, empowerment, spotlights, and please do support our advertisers who have made it all come together.


Enjoy the remainder of the summer, and continue to be BOLD and fearless!

L ynita Lynita Mit chell-Blackwell, Esq ., CPA, CCLC BOLD Favor Mag azine Founder

FAVO R BOLD Favor Magazine is the Leadership Lifestyle Magazine for people, organizations, and causes that inspire us to live fearlessly. For more information, contact or

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ag eless b eaut y

Tina B.

Managing Editor Managing "It'sour anniversary... it'stime for you and me.."


I've always loved the song "Anniversary" by Toni, Tony Tone'. It's about celebration, love, and rejoicing, no matter what's going on. And I'm honored and humbled to share our O ne Year Anniversary with YOU ! T his 4th issue of Ageless Beauty culminates an incredible year of meeting new people, starting new things, and triumphs that include the 4th ageless beauty fashion show to a SOLD OU T audience and my personal accomplishment of being nominated to represent GA in the M s. N aturalist U SA pageant. I'm so excited every time a new issue of ageless beauty comes out. It's the reinforced message that there IS life after 40; that we are beautiful and amazing; that we are together and only more greatness is to come. Born and bred in the AT L, I love to write poetry, produce shows, sing karaoke and just live #livelikeyoudying.. M y hometown allows me to do all this and more, and this magazine allows me to share it all with YOU ! Continue to enjoy life to the fullest.

TinaB. LYNGALE AGENCY Tina Bridges founded The Lyngale Agency in 2013 when she discovered being 40+ was a crime - at least in society's eyes. Tina thoroughly researched the issue and found that no agencies catered to the 40+ age range, and that is when she decided to form her own agency: The Lyngale Agency Tina's models are called AGELESS BEAUTY, and the agency has been warmly embraced by the industry. Lyngale produces an annual fashion show in June and is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows. The Agency books similar interviews for its models, as well as photo shoots and promotional work. Tina's motto is #shestayworking. Never give up your dream. The Lyngale Agency gives you something to look forward to.... turning 40 does't look so bad. WWW.THELYNGALEAGENCY.COM. Photo by Larry Stephens Page 6


August 2016

12 Ageless Beauty Spotligh ts 20 Ageless Couple Spotligh t 21 Race & th e New Fron tier 22 In spiration by Ms. Bren da 23 Hear Me Roar 24 Em brace Your Story 26 Eat & Drin k w ith Me... at Kat's Cafe 28 Th e Glorious Models of Th e Lyn gale Agen cy

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M o d el S p o t l i g h t s Roxanne Grimsley is a 51 year old mother of three: Jordan 24, Aysia 20, and Joshua 15. Born and raised in Roselle, N ew Jersey, Roxanne graduated fro M onmouth U niversity with a BS in M arketing. M arried to Wayne Grimsley for 18 years, and working for Allstate Insurance Company for 21years, Roxanne enjoys swimming, bowling, dancing, shoe shopping, movies, and watching sports... but her passion is M odeling. Roxanne plans on having a nice beach home when I retire.

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M o d el S p o t l i g h t s Simone?Kiffany Jenkinswas born in Miami, FL on December 27,1974 (Age 41). She is a wif e t o Junior, a mot her of f ive sons, and t he Co- Owner of J & S Jenkins Farms, LLC. Simone?holds her Undergraduat e degree in Psychology f rom t he Universit y of Nort h Georgia. She's a member of t he Int ernat ional Honor Societ y Phi Thet a Kappa. Simone has coordinat ed count less event s, including most recent ly, The very successf ul Ageless Beaut y 4t h Anniversary Fashion Show. As an Ageless Beaut y Model, she is not ed f or exuding conf idence in f ront of t he camera and on the runway. Her credit s include modeling f or dist inct ive designs by Norahs Khan and make up modeling f or Sebast ian's Cosmet ic Line. As a seasoned Psalmist , Simone has perf ormed on t he st eps of Cit y Hall in At lant a, Ga, various women?s conf erences, and church ordinat ions and anniversaries. So, What 's Next f or Simone?? She is an aspiring act ress and writ er. Her dream role is playing Oprah Winf rey in t he st ory of her lif e. If you would like t o book Simone' cont act : Tina Bridges at

Brenda L. D ubone I am an act ress and f ull f igured model. I have appeared on two episodes of Fat al At t raction and t he new show on ID channel "Murder Chose Me". I worked on t he movie "Capt ian America 3" as a Precision Driver. I had t he pleasure of working on "Mann and Wif e" as a naught y f amily member. I had the honor of working on t he new Jamie Foxx movie "Baby Driver "(2017) as a Precision Driver. And I work as core background on 2 of t he BEST new shows on TV, Oprah Winf rey's "GreenLeaf " and TVOne's "Saint s and Sinners". It is a t rue stat ement t hat At lant a is Black Hollywood. I've worked on so many movies and TV shows since I moved here in 2013. Soon I will be a regular on one or t wo of t he many shows t hat are f ilmed here in At lant a, GA.

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M o d el S p o t l i g h t s Kathryn Cherry was born in Newport , RI. She is a Mot her of 3 wonderf ul Sons, she relocat ed t o At lant a, Ga f rom San Diego, Ca. Kat hryn is a 51 year old Ageless Beaut y Model f or t he Lyngale Agency. Kat hryn loves Fashion and has st yled known At lant a celebrit ies, she was also f eat ured in Encore HD Magazine Vol.12 Wearing a beaut if ul design by Andre Terry. Kat hryn has a passion f or act ing and loves t o do Improv. Kat hryn loves t raveling t o exot ic dest inat ions and eat ing f ine f oods. Just call her Smiley... xoxoxo Jeannine O liver has had a passion for modeling,

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dance and acting since childhood and has been in the Performing Arts since the age of 8yo. She attended the Cleveland School of T he Arts during elementary and performed in plays in Junior H igh. M ost of her training, classes and performances were rooted in Cleveland, Ohio. U pon graduating from high school, she attended the K aramu H ouse where she took acting classes, performed stage readings and performed in full stage productions as well as independent projects titled?Before I Die: T he War Againgst Tupac Shakkur,? ?Ceremonies for 1958,? ?What You Do In T he Dark? and ?O ne M onkey Don't Stop N o Show? just to name a few. H er most recent work has been performed in Atlanta titled "Addiction?, "T he Bridge of N o Return? and ?N o M ore Strength?. She has two appearances on T V ON E's Fatal Attraction, Justice by Any M eans as well as a Principal role in a national commercial for Yellawood. She also booked a pilot for a new T V series titled "M usic and M urder". O ther projects she's performed in are "Bleu Room Episode 2", Documentary "T he Truth About Relationships" and short films ?Privacy? and "O ur Black Lives M atter?. Jeannine's goals are to continue to pursue and dedicate my life toward pursuing my dreams and passion in acting/theatre, print, modeling as well as film and television in an effort to grow in technique, character and diversity.

M o d el S p o t l i g h t s LaNit a Jo

Tenaya Peters When I began modeling in my early 30s, I learned that beauty and confidence have no age. And when I joined the Ageless Beauties, I was reminded that we should not let age get in the way of us achieving our goals. M y interest in modeling started casually ? just for fun. Friends and family encouraged me to try it professionally but I was hesitant. I eventually realized that there actuallywasroom in the modeling world for a 5?5? brown girl like me. I started to take it seriously and auditioned for opportunities. T hat was more than ten years ago, and since then I?ve been featured in fashion shows, promotional materials, music videos, and more. M y personality and my fashion sense are fun, bubbly, and unique. I wear what I like, love to make people laugh and am all about uplifting and encouraging those around me. T his joie de vivre allows me to adapt in most environments. Whether I?m backstage at a fashion show changing looks amongst the backstage frenzy, or on the set of a video, I go with the flow, adapting when needed. I?m available for work in: Fashion, M usic, and Travel. I would love to be a part of your project! Get in touch at tpeters75@gm or https://w w /Sweett2006. Page 13

M o d el S p o t l i g h t s

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M o d el S p o t l i g h t s

Saundra Owens I'm 48 yrs young with a 19yr old son (Devin) I've been modeling for a year doing runway and print modeling. I'm an Ageless beauty, Urban Thick and a VDINX signature model. I also work for a company called the Kawneer Company as a customer service coordinator for 10yrs. I'm originally from Chicago, Il but have been living in Ga. since 2002. My modeling goals are to continue to have fun meet new people and too see how far this venture takes me. I would like to do commercials and more print modeling in my career. I see myself in 10yrs, to be a matriarch in plus size modeling and to have my own team of models. Also my goal is too start up my own online Women's Boutique and to have my own lipstick line.

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M o d el S p o t l i g h t s I'm Joy Watson. I'm an Ageless Beauty Model, Mom, Wife, and Salon Owner. I am 44, and was born on the island of Trinidad and Tobago. I imigrated to the US in 1999, making NY my home until my family and I relocated to GA.

My name is Francine Stuart. I am a 67 year old grandmother of six! I have a BA in Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education and a Masters degree in Professional Counseling. As a retired Probation and Parole Officer from St. Louis, MO, I find joy in: 1. Loving and serving Christ 2. My Momma, children, and six grand girls 3. Traveling 4. Modeling and acting 5. Meeting people 6. Exploring new ideas 7. Encouraging others to stretch themselves I relocated to Georgia to be near my son, daughter, and their families. The move to Georgia had a positive effect on my health. In order to avoid taking prescription medication, I began to exercise and improve my eating habits. These BOLD changes and input from my St. Louis friend, Gloria Williams, directed my path to AGELESS BEAUTIES. I am very excited about this new chapter in my life involving modeling and acting. Please feel free to contact me for booking opportunities: LOVE, PEACE, and JOY Love you, Francine Page 16

M o d el S p o t l i g h t s KaTin a Berryh ill AKA "Kat Berry" Born in Dayton , Oh io Resided in Los An geles, CA for 39 yrs. Curren t residen ce Atlan ta, GA. W orked for Electrical Co of Edison In tern ation al for 11 yrs. in CA. Curren tly Com m ercial Driver, Basketball Official an d Ageless Beauty Model @ Lyn gale Agen cy. Pursuin g Fitn ess Advertisin g Model an d Actin g. Age 44, Heigh t 5'8" & W eigh t 160

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M o d el S p o t l i g h t s

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Agel ess Coupl e

Ernest & N iki

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R A CE a n d t h e N ew Fr o n t i er M any may not know Jessie W illiams is a Biracial African American( White mother, Black father) whose parents were a product of the civil rights era. Jesse seems to be the only cat who is not afraid to use his celebrity status to speak to the issues that affect Black America. At a time when most folks are crying for civil and gay rights. Jesse has hit a nerve that many have been crying for someone to hear for quite sometime. African Americans are under attack all across the country so anyone speaking to the issues of black folks is a target. Since his speech, some folks have started a petition to have Jesse removed from Grey's Anatomy for his tough talk to the establishment and sell-out ass N egroes. Jesse W illiams has been in the news for his speech on the BET Awards, which caught some backlash from media outlets who didn't know he was an another angry black man. White folks from all major news establishments have been spewing their rhetoric against the Grey's Anatomy star for speaking so candidly about African Americans issues. So the question now is, what's in the stars for black folks who have heard another fiery message from someone like Jesse, M alcolm X , Farrakhan, Khalid M ohammad and others who have spit fire at the establishment ? H ow is it that Black America can continue to hear the pain of their forefathers, and their descendants don't do anything significant to improve their situation ? When does America get it and give African American's their forty acres and a mule ? Probably never ... Is their such a thing, as a new frontier for African Americans, who have been treated in the most inhumane way in history beyond any Page 20

other race ? We have been lynch, burned, castrated, raped, and murdered for just being black in America. It's 2016 and we still are being murdered in the streets. What resolve do we have in America when it seems every other race works tirelessly to ensure that black folks in America never rise again. N ow, Jesse spoke some truth in which we all needed to hear, but was his truth bottled up and put to good use? After all is said and done, most people will go back to the same old state of mind, which only leaves an entire race of people fighting like crabs in a bucket. What are some solutions that can be put in place to empower a group of people who have, since the turn of the century, been powerless ? In my opinion,we need to do several things: (1) Practice group economics, (2) Grow our own food (3) Establish a base for producing our own medicine that we have control over, (4) Buy land so we can use it to build our own businesses, hospitals, and farm on, (5) Go back to producing our own media ( printing newspapers, building radio stations, and producing television shows ). In order for their to be a new frontier, there has to be an agenda that we all work towards with less talk and more action. Black folks can't keep getting hyped over speeches and hand claps! We got to work and put a national agenda in place or we will soon be extinct before we know it. Peace Cool water is an American R apper Blogger and Entrepreneur

Inspi rat i on As I look back on my life I remember how hurt I felt when someone I knew lied on me. Saying things I supposedly did or said. People would see later, those things were not true. O r the people I shared my dreams with who would discourage and criticize rather than encourage and help guide. It would hurt so deeply, but I just put on my brave face while the whole time crying inside. I had to learn that my God and my Truth are my shield. And no matter the circumstance or situation, people will always have something to say. Whether it be good or it be bad!! In my life today, I move forward in my Truth, I move forward in my Destiny. I thank my Father God for every moment and for every life experience. I know nothing in life is "Perfect" but it's M Y little "Perfectly Imperfect" life. I choose to continue to live M Y life to the FU LLEST !!! Appreciating Life!!! N ever Allow others' negativity to hold you back!! N ever Allow others Discourage you!! N ever Allow others Destroy your Dreams!! N ever Allow the lies of others cripple you!! N ever Allow your Past to dictate your Future!! Believe and Trust in O ur Father God for EVER YT H IN G in your life. As I look back on my Yesterday, I am truly Grateful and I Appreciate my Today!!! Truly. Brenda L. Dubone

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Dream Hope Dare Believe Love Perfection

I am like the roaring lion seeking whom may be devoured...I slay. Aint got no time to play released from the cage that kept me bound but now I'm free. Free to be me. but wait...Don't come for me unless I send for you. Leave you like a decapitated sun beam coming for the lioness will cost you. M y thoughts are many and my words are few taking no prisoners I know what to do. While using mine I inspire others to find their voice. .. speak loud and spare not. T he thief is coming oh yea he's coming. And like a lion I roar and yes my bite is bigger than my bark. T he eyes will draw you in, size you up and cut your throat. Don't let the package fool you I am lethal with every bite. I am more than eyeliner and lipstick. I am the search in your research. T he yen to your yang. T he ohh to your aww the harmony to your melody but know I am T he lioness and I bite. Don't play with me I will emerge from the see to find what's good for me. N ow that I'm free....never to be caged again..protecting my cubs and feeding them is what I do.

Hear M e

Ro a r

Cocky naw I just received a big dose of I know who I am and whoms I am. A man can't take me nor can he break me again. M y friend I am a lioness I was created to be a Boss. ..the leading lady role not to be tosted aside with no pride. I was created to rule as Q ueen but wait she is missing a king until then she embodies the kingdom for freedom and sheizum the lioness. Roaring seeking whom may be devoured.. Its not my life story but its my story and I'm sticking to it!! Brasil...aka Rhonda A. T hompson

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Embrace Your Story... Everyday begins with a story... and its up to you to decide on how that chapter will end each day. As you wake up and start your day, that is the beginning of your chapter. As you progress during your day that is the middle of the chapter and when you are settling in for the evening, that particularly chapter in your life is coming to a close. Its important that each day, each chapter of your life is what you want your whole story to be written. When someone reads the chapters of your life. W ill they be inspired? W ill they be discouraged? W ill they see their dreams as your dreams? When I was born I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. M y parents was advised to put me in a nursing home because they claim ?I wouldnt amount to anything? T he doctors had initially wriiten my book for me. Before even really knowing me. T hey wrote the beginning, the middle and the end of my book. T hankfully my mother and father didnt listen. And I was given the chance to write my own story. M y book Page 23

currently spans over 30 years in the music business. O ver 10 years working at Coca-Cola and other various career choices that include book author, public speaker and music business coach. And as a life author, I am still writing. We often let society write our books for us. We often let family and friends tell us what the pages say about us. We often let fear dictate our story. I remember laying in a hospital years ago staring up at the ceiling as a young boy wondering about my story. At that time I had over 10 operations to correct my condition with Cerebral Palsy. Some procedures worked and some didn't. T here were days that the world was passing by. And I decided early on for me that laying in the bed was not the way I wanted to write my book. T hat might be the choice for many. But for me it wasn't. I felt that I had so much to accomplish dispite being handicapped. T here were dreams that I wanted to reach out and touch.

to write a new chapter each day of your life. You never know who is reading your story at this exact moment by watching the way you live. What will your legacy be when you write your final chapter? H ow many will close your book and be inspired. H ow many people will share your book with others. I often speak in front of huge audiences. And each time I stress how critical it is for each one of them to live and write the story that they want people to read. Don't let this disabled kid from the streets of Brooklyn outdream you in the game of life.

Terry Moorer hasbeen involved in the musicbusinessfor over 30 years. In the past he hasworked with Queen Latifah, MT V, Will Smith, Flex Alexander, MC Lyte, AtlanticRecords, Jada Pinkett Smith and many others. He currently livesin Atlanta.

I encourage you to continue

No r a h s K h a n N orahs Khan, CEO - Distinctive H and Designs By N orahs Wearable Art Collection - a fusion of art and spirit embraced by women in U SA, England, CapeTown South Africa, seen in commercials in China, the Q ueen and the Princess of Blaan Tribe in the Philippines wears N K Designs. Recently seen in M adrid, Spain and on the red carpet at the Golden Globe Awards, 2016. Born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, N orahs describes herself as a vessel of Divine Energy traveling her path of creative offerings with sacred intentions unfolding daily. A passion to heal through fashion reign intensely with each opportunity to make a positive difference in the spirit of all women, all I sizes. 2014 Women Empowerment Best Designer, Atlanta. N ominated Designer, Salute To Fellow Designers, International Coverage.

M ost Recent Publications: 2014 POSE Magazine, "A Journey Inside T he Soul of N orahs Khan" by Tip Jones 2015 BOLD Ageless Beauty, Front Cover Gown By N orahs Worn By CEO of the Lyngale Agency M ay 2016 Cover Feature BOLD WellnessMagazine

Pulitzer Nominated! Page 24

eat & d r ink wit h m e by Anissa K H ere in the AT L, food, drinks and music go well together! If you want a good combination of the three, you need to visit K at's Cafe! M y visit here was a Pop U p! dine and review adventure also known as an unplanned food review. T hree reasons I visited: K at's Cafe I got a hang-out invite from a good friend.I like their menu and scoutmob had a 50% off coupon.I love their T hursday night open mic music sessions. K at's has table seating and bar seating. O n T hursday nights, the tables are normally reserved for parties so early arrivals sit at the bar. Bar service includes food and drink orders so it works out nicely. T he customer service is quick and my server, Jasmine, was the epitome of customer service. I witnessed her assist a lady next to me who was there 6 months prior and she remembered her drink order. We were both impressed. * hats off to Jasmine* T heir drink menu is nice, they have a list of beer, wine, martinis and regular mixed drinks. I chose two different martinis: Juke Joint (made with tequila)Georgia O n M y M ind (made with vodka) O n m y D r ink Scale of 1- 10 (1- aw ful 5- accept able 10- awesom e), I rate the dr inks as a 10. For my meal, I ordered the Fusion Wrap. T his wrap included chicken and shrimp along with lettuce, tomato, purple onions and cheese. I tasted an unexpected smoky flavor which was nice. T he chefs in the kitchen know how to do their thing. T hey got me to do something I haven't done in a looong coleslaw. I haven't eaten coleslaw in YEAR S! Whenever it's an automatic side with something, I'll taste it just see if I like it and I normally do not and it gets pushed to the side. T his time I took a bite of my side dish and kept taking a bite until it was gone. Awesome flavors in the slaw. * hats off to the chefs* O n m y Eatery Scale of 1- 10 (1- aw ful 5- accept able 10- awesom e), I rate this m eal as a 10. I finished all of my wrap and ate all of my coleslaw. YES! A 10! M ake sure to visit K at's during the week, they cater to Atlanta's artists Page 25

and the audience always has a great time! Check out their menu, they have everything from wraps to wings to pizzas and your taste buds will be happy. T he only downside of this venue is the design of the room. T here is seating near the door, in the middle and on the side. T he side seating is considered VIP. H owever, due to a huge brick wall in the middle of the floor (which also blocks the view of the stage), once the crowd gets there and is seated in the middle, the people at the bar and the people sitting at the tables near the bar start to clash. It gets very crowded and there is little to no walk space if one needs to move around. I think if the wall was removed it would allow for additional room and view. N ow...because I thoroughly enjoyed myself, I cannot leave this on a low note, there is ample free street parking on Piedmont AN D they have COM PLIM EN TAR Y valet parking. Which is a H U GE plus in the city of Atlanta. [overall] Score: 8

available. M onday through T hursday there is a 50% ScoutM ob coupon available. If you are 40 and O ver and interested in working in the modeling industry (PR /M arketing/R unway/PA/Photography/ Videography) contactTina Bridges at - subj: "T he Lyngale Agency" and advise that you are interested in becoming a part of the team and she will give you more information. Eat And Drink W ith M e is featured in each T he Lyngale Agency - Bold Favor M agazine edition. [ overall] Score: 10 Keep up with foodie events in Atlanta and surrounding cities with our monthly newsletter -sign up and stay connected. ~Follow~ Instagram: EatAnDrinkW ithM e

M y fashion side and foodie side came together for this M arch 2016 event. I am a model with T he Lyngale Agency and we had our BOLD Ageless Beauty M agazine release party at K at's Cafe.

EatanDrinkW ithM #dineandreview

I am a fan of K at's menu items (as you can see from my review above). We all ordered different items, I enjoyed a veggie pizza and a couple of cocktails. K at's Cafe is a great venue for any event. T hey have weekly events with DJs and live bands. Follow them on social media to stay updated with ALL of their events! T hey are one of the best kept secrets in M idtown Atlanta and have won several awards. O n m y Eatery Scale of 1- 10 (1- aw ful 5- accept able 10- awesom e), I rate this m eal as a 10. M y pizza was yummy as always! Check out their menu to see what is Page 26

The Lyngale Agency

The following p ag es feat ure m odels availab le for b ooking s t hroug h The Lyng ale Ag ency. Contact Tina Br id g es t o b r ing our Ag eless Beaut ies t o your event t od ay! THE LYNGALE AGENCY W W W.THELYNGALEAGENCY.COM TINAB823@GMAIL.COM FACEBOOK THE LYNGALE AGENCY INSTAGRAM @THELYNGALEAGENCY1 and @AGELESS BEAUTY

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