BOLD Ageless Beauty March 2016

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M arch 2016 | Issue 3

ageless beauty T he Power List Cover: Jusjean, Robin Brown, Anissa Elliott, Brenda DuBone, William JBrown Jr , Tiffany Davis, Lanita Jo Fox, Saberina Saber Wilson, Ben'a Klier Bouler, and Dee Hill

Traci J'sBKS Crunkfest 2016 Are you (financially) illiterate? Love isWAR Who needsa life coach? We Were Meant to Be Page 1

T he GlamorousModelsof the Lyngale Agency & More!

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It's that time again! T he 4th Annual Ageless Beauty fashion show by T he Lyngale Agency June 12, 2016! A portion of the proceeds will go to M ake the H omeless Smile Atlanta to help the homeless (clothing, food and more). Please show support by purchasing one of these packages. GOLD SPON SOR PA CK AGE 4 VIP T ICKET S 2 T ICKET S TO BOLD AWAR DS IN AU GU ST AT LAN TA H EALT H CAR E M U SIC FEST I VAL H ALF PAGE AD IN BOLD FAVOR M AGAZ IN E LO GO ON ALL PROM OT ION AL M AT ER IAL ST EP R EPEAT BU SIN ESS CAR D IN GI FT BAGS AN D 30 SEC BU SIN ESS PIT CH AT SH OW

$500 __________________________________ SI LV ER SPON SOR SH I P PA CK AGE 2 VIP T ICKET S LO GO ON ALL PROM OT ION AL M AT ER IAL ST EP AN D R EPEAT 1/4 PAGE AD IN BOLD FAVOR M AGAZ IN E BU SIN ESS CAR D IN VIP BAGS $200 __________________________________ BRON Z E SPON SOR SH I P PA CK AGE 1 VIP T ICKET S BU SIN ESS CAR D IN VIP BAGS LO GO ST EP AN D R EPEAT $75 ___________________________________ Please email organizer Tina Bridges and a PayPal link will be sent to you.

ageless beauty

T hank you for your support Page 3

# jus4lovephotos I've been taking pictures all of my life, and been at it professionally the last three years. Prior to that, I worked in the record industry 20 years that included the Record Bar and Specs Music. I served in the Marines and lived in California Camp Pennington five years before moving to Macon, GA, Miami, and then to Atlanta to care for my father. In addition to my photography, I work in the school system with special needs children.

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ag eless b eaut y COLLABORATORS Ed it or -in-Chief

Cover Phot og rap h by

Lynita Mit chell-Blackwell

Jus4 Love Phot os Locat ion Ellab oos Thr ift St ore

Manag ing Ed it or Tina Br id g es

Manag ing Ed it or Tina Br id g es Att ire by Neckwear p 5neckwear, Makeup by MUA Shonett Hill, and Phot o by BLD

CONTACT Are you intr ig ued by our m ag azine and wish t o b e a p ar t of t he BOLD m ovem ent ? Contr ib ute, ad ver t ise, and com m ent on our p ub licat ion: Call 866-611-3753

W r iter s The Gyp sy Em p ress Jour nee Khailum Mar Set su McClend on

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Em ail Info@BOLDFavor Mag

Visit w w w.BOLDFavor Mag

ag eless b eaut y

Tina, how wonderful is it that you celebrate the third issue of BOLD Ageless Beauty at the same time we celebrate the 2nd anniversary of BOLD Favor M agazine! I am in awe of your success sister; your hard work, tenacity, and true grit have enabled you to build a strong foundation to empower the 40+ set. I am FIN ALLY a member of this fantastic crew - 3/22 marked the big 4-0 for me. And just as you promised, "T here IS life after 40!"

LMB Editor-in-Chief


Enjoy this third issue of Ageless Beauty with the beautiful models of T he Lyngale Agency, love stories and poems, empowering stories of overcoming challenge, entrepreneur spotlights, and please do support our advertisers who have made it all come together. H appy spring and remain BOLD and fearless.!

L ynita Lynita Mit chell-Blackwell, Esq ., CPA, CCLC Ed it or -in-Chief

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ag eless b eaut y

Tina B.

Managing Editor Managing Editor I love that my peers and colleagues gave me a name that encompasses all that I am: #lovewhatido. I have to as a mom to a 19 year old son who is "finding himself" in this world AN D in the process chasing my dream in this same crazy world! I started T he Lyngale Agency four years ago to promote confidence in people over 40 to show we still "got it going on", and now to expand that footprint with this magazine BOLD Ageless Beauty is more than I ever imagined. In its third issue, we are all about the "grown and sexy" men and women who represent strength, courage, beauty, success, and love everyday! You do not have to wonder "what if" or "if only" ... N o, Ageless Beauty is an outlet to show what you can do R IGH T N OW!! Ageless Beauties are those 40 and up - and there is nowhere for us to go BU T U P! Baby, we are just getting started! "N ot just an age, but an attitude."



LYNGALE AGENCY Tina Bridges founded The Lyngale Agency in 2013 when she discovered being 40+ was a crime - at least in society's eyes. Tina thoroughly researched the issue and found that no agencies catered to the 40+ age range, and that is when she decided to form her own agency: The Lyngale Agency Tina's models are called AGELESS BEAUTY, and the agency has been warmly embraced by the industry. Lyngale produces an annual fashion show in June and is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows. The Agency books similar interviews for its models, as well as photo shoots and promotional work. Tina's motto is #shestayworking. Never give up your dream. The Lyngale Agency gives you something to look forward to.... turning 40 does't look so bad. WWW.THELYNGALEAGENCY.COM. Photo by Larry Stephens Page 7

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HIS and HERS: A Love St or y

The incred ib le m odels of The Lyng ale Ag ency

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We Were Meant t o Be

I n t h is is s u e


Ma r c h 20 16

12 Ag eles s Bea u t y Spo t lig h t Ms . Br en d a Du b o n e 13 Ag eles s Bea u t y Spo t lig h t s Ms . Ro b in Br o wn a n d Ms . Ben 'a K lier 14 Ag eles s Bea u t y Spo t lig h t s Ms . L a Nit a J o a n d Ms . An is s a K 15 Wh o Need s A L if e C o a c h ?! 16 L o ve is WAR - A Po em b y J o u r n ee 17 L ea r n t o Over c o me t h r o u g h T a n g ie Ro s eb o r o 's I n c r ed ib le L if e Exper ien c es 18 We Wer e Mea n t t o Be: A L o ve St o r y 19 T HE L a d y in Ra d io Dee Hill 20 T r a c i J 's BK S: C r u n kf es t 20 16 22 20 16 Va len t in e's Da y So c ia l 24 K ees h a River s - En t r epr en eu r L if t in g t h e C o mmu n it y As Sh e C limb s 25 Ea t & Dr in k wit h Me... a t L it t le Az io 's


26 T h e g lo r io u s mo d els o f T h e L yn g a le Ag en c y 3 7 Ar e yo u (Fin a n c ia lly) I llit er a t e? 3 8 Des ig n er Ext r a o r d in a r e No r a h s K h a n 4 0 T r a vel wit h T if f a n ie Da vis

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Ms. Brenda Dubone After 22 yearsfor workingfor the city of MemphisTN utility Co Memphislight gasand water i decided it wastime to pursue my life longdream of acting. So I packed up and moved to Atlanta where I met Lanita Jo Fox and Tina Bridgesowner of the ageless beautiesand I became one. After meetingthese two I wasencouraged to chase my dream and be cast in a lot of T V showsand moviesthat include "Alvin & the Chipmunks", "Ride Along2", and "Born Again Virgin" just to name a few. I'm also a model for Vdinx, NorahsKhan, and more. For bookinginfo T his ad sponsored by Chester M oore Lawn Service.

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Greetings! M y name is La N ita Jo Fox wearing the birthday M ay 7, 1953. I am originally from Ohio. O ne of my many blessing are my 3 children and 5 grandchildren. I am very proud to say that I am watching Tina Bridges as learned and grown in many for all that she does. She is an under her wings. She is is not about her, it is about

am one of the original ageless beauties. I she grows. Since that time, I have ways. I give Kudos to M s. Tina Bridges amazing person, and it is an honor to be definitely a giver, and she has shown it others.

Besides modeling, I am an dancing, traveling, shopping mention cooking because I do kitchen... I rather be served!

actor and photographer. I enjoy music, and roller skating. As you see I did not not like cooking and cleaning up the LOL

I juice every day - raw fruits me maintain my weight and on a book entitled Tall, Dark, help women identify what

and veggies. T his practice has helped good health. Currently I am working H andsome, But... H opefully, it will N OT to look for in a man.

What keeps me young? people, and also eating

Socializing with positive and younger healthy.

Follow me on FB: La N ita Jo

and Instagram @LaN itajoe.

N ative of Brenham Texas (home of Blue Bell Ice Cream) and has lived in Atlanta for 12 years. N issa K is active in the fashion and music areas onstage and volunteers her time with various events in Georgia. She is also an alto background vocalist and enjoys performing with different artists. You can catch up with her on Eat And Drink W ith M e on social media and their website ( reviewing restaurants throughout the city. N issa K has recently joined T he Lyngale Agency under the leadership of Tina Bridges. T his is a group of age 40 and up ladies and men that work in the fashion industry on the runway and behind the scenes. Be on the lookout for more from N issa K as an #AgelessBeauty as she walks in Bold Favor! Page 14

Why would you need a life coach? You should seek a life coach if you are feeling unhappy, afraid, stuck, lost or if you are a procrastinator. T hese are just a few examples of why you might want to seek out a life coach. A life coach can help provide guidance and support to an individual who wants to accomplish specific goals on their own but are having difficulty in doing so. When choosing a life coach make sure you do your research. Ask for references and if possible meet your life coach in person to see if your energies match. Some coaches are in it just for the money so you must be mindful that you are sharing your personal information. It is important that you feel comfortable with your life coach. It is okay to ask your potential life coach for a free session. T his will help you in deciding whether your coach is a good fit for you. Before you decide to speed your money remember you are investing in yourself and you deserve the best. ?Remember the more you know the further you can go? Dania Robinson

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H e disappear s as if Ter r y M cM il l an wr ote h is exit.

L o ve I s


Du ck s between tal l bu il din gs an d pl ays k eep away down dar k al l eys bu t th e sh adows scar e h im . H e h ear s th e h eavy footsteps of h is pr edator. H ot br eath sin ges th e back of h is n eck as th e h air s com m an der to fear. So h e r u n s. W h en you ar e scar ed you eith er r u n or you figh t. H e r u n s. H e l ook s for a h aven in between soft pin k petal s th at die in th e win ter , yet give you tem por ar y sol ace an d su n sh in e. H e sn iffs th e fr agr an ces of pu r pl e fl ower s in a fiel d k n owin g th at th ey ar e too wil d to tam e. Th e en em y is n ear ,too cl ose for com for t. H is br eath is h eavy yet fain t; sh al l ower th an h is h ear t after th e day sh e l eft. Testoster on e r em in ds h im of h is str en gth as th e br avado per m eates th r ou gh h is sk in . H e is n ow deter m in ed m or e th an ever to win again st th e odds, so h e ch ooses to figh t. M an u p. Real m en pr otect th eir h om es. H is fou n dation h as cr ack s becau se of sh otty wor k m an sh ip an d l ack of n eeded r epair s.

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H e goes to h is ar sen al . A bu n k er fil l ed with weapon s of m ass destr u ction . H e is ar m or ed with bitter n ess, r egr et an d a br ok en h ear t. W h o n eeds a gu n an d am m u n ition wh en an ger an d pain h as fu el ed war s sin ce th e Isr ael ites l eft Egypt. H e h as al l h e n eeds to win th is h ol ocau st. Bu t it isn ?t en ou gh . H e cou l d cal l in th e caval r y,m yr iads of sol dier s wil l in g to h el p h im defeat th is Gol iath bu t h e k n ows h e wil l n ever su stain th e en em ies br igade? h e h as n o ch oice. H e is tir ed of r u n n in g; Lim p with deh ydr ation , h e r eason s with h im sel f th at th er e is h on or in adm ittin g th at you 've been defeated. M aybe on ce captu r ed, th e en em y wil l see th at h e's been br ok en . Un r ecipr ocated l ove wr eck s m or e h avoc th an a l ack of food an d water. H e pr ays th at m er cy is sh own . An d m aybe h is fr agil ity won ?t cau se th e in ju r ies th at l eave so m an y of h is cou n ter par ts with PTSD. H e su r r en der s; W aves a wh ite fl ag. Fal l s in to h er em br ace an d tr ies to l ove again . Poem W r itten By: Jou r n ee Copyr ight October 20 15

Author Tangie Roseboro is the mother of 5 children, living in Gaffney, South Carolina. T hriving and free, it was not always that... her life looked very dim not too long ago. From an early age. Tangie lived in poverty most of her life, was picked on because she did not fit the "standards" of what was the norm for popular girls, and it led to a deep depression that made Tangie want to give up on life. But she pushed through her pain, found her worth and began trusting God to see her through all her storms, trials and tribulations. Today she is the Founder/CEO of her own nonprofit organization called We Girlz Rock, Inc. where she and her team work to empower young women for better living through positive change. Purposed For M y Destiny is a book about real life situations, challenges, and hardships that Tangie faced as a child, a single mother, living with an abusive husband, and many other things that she says purposed her for her destiny today as an Entrepreneur, CEO , Ageless M odel, M otivational Speaker, M entor and Author. If you are looking to be empowered, inspired and motivated, Purposed For My Destiny is a sure book that will get you to that point. Learn how to push pass your pains and come out Victoriously by following the path God has for you. Be blessed!

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couple I asked him if he was in to Chocolate girls, as I was unsure if he had really viewed my profile or was just responding out of courtesy. H e replied, " I like YOU !". I told him to "Shake Somethin'? , then"...I thought to myself if he really is into the coco, he will know what that means. H e replied with a question mark which lead to a long conversation.

H ow we met.... Peter and I were friends on Facebook (FB) for about a year without ever really communicating. We were both in Atlanta and never had any exchanges. I eventually moved from Atlanta and took a contracting job in Clearwater, Florida. O ne day I was on FB and posted that I was listening to Jhene Aiko's "Blue Dreams". FB sent me an immediate notification saying "Friends also listening to Jhene Aiko". Peter was one of them. When I saw his picture, I was immediately attracted to him. I sent him a message saying "You are hella sexy" and he immediately replied back, "You are too."

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We texted and talked that entire day (despite both of us being at work) I said to him, "Too bad you are in Atlanta", as I recently moved to Clearwater...H e sent me back a message saying, "N o way"... I didn't know what that meant, and waited anxiously for a follow up text. About 15 minutes later, he texted back saying, "I am in O cala, Florida and am only 45 minutes away." (Ironically, he had moved to Florida the same time I did and we didn't know it.) I did my "happy dance" at my desk and made plans to meet him. We met and had lunch and decided we could be something together. In fact, the first day he met me he said, "You are going to be my wife". A year after being together we got engaged and relocated back to Atlanta where we are presently building PPM Artist M anagement (among a few things).

Peter & Diedra Perry

ag eless b eaut y Dee H ill has been helping put the ?H ot? in H otlanta for more than 15 years. H er entrepreneurial spirit has made her one of the city?s leading media personalities, alongside a number of self-launched ventures that demonstrate her savvy, ambition and keen ability to execute success. Dee?s career is helmed as the Creator & O wner of Dee H ill Designs, which launched in 2004. H er clothing line has been featured in regional runway fashion shows, featured in indie film ?M y Line,? and showcased on Atlanta television outlets, including WT JH (Channel 24). A producer at that station was so impressed with her camera-ready persona that he awarded Dee her own T V show, ?Dee H ill & Friends,? in which she interviewed Atlanta?s top designers, make-up artists and other trendsetters. Furthering her media skills, she also worked behind the camera on a number of local T V programs at Channel 24, including ?T he Alley Pat Show,? ?Chicks T hat Fix Cars? and ?T he Caribbean Connection.? Wanting to further expand her voice in the region, Dee then launched ?T he Dee H ill Show? on WAEC-AM (Love 860), which Page 19

continues to expand its reach and audience every Saturday night, from 7-8 p.m. In addition, in 1999, Dee created ?Atlanta Area Connection,? a print and online magazine that showcases local artists and businesses, while providing an outlet for the Black community to socialize and network. And, as Founder & CEO of the Pink Society, she has assembled a membership of 500+ members, whose mission is to provide a forum for area Women of Color to network and give back to the community, where ?ambitious women help other women.? Dee was a contestant in the 2008 Twinkie Awards, has been profiled in Atlanta?s arts newspaper ?Creative Loafing? and A.T.A. magazine, and is an active member of non-profit organization Got Passion, devoted to helping teens.

By Setsu M cClendon T he visionary of T he Best Kept Secret (BK S) Crunkfest is M rs. Traci "Traci J" Jefferson. Traci J is a woman of purpose! Purpose is the reason for something to be created and having an objective to achieve it. Traci J is a master stylist, business owner, philanthropist, blogger, fashion designer, author and an ?exceptional trendsetter?. She stays motivated, rooted, and grounded by the support of her family. T hrough her determination, she doesn?t let life circumstances hinder her from fulfilling purpose. She is passionate about people and strives to empower those she comes in contact with. T he emcee for the show was Traci J's sister, Barbara Swain, co-owner of B & T Blessed Creations Event Planning (her business partner is Tiffany M aynard). M s. Swain kept the audience engaged with her energetic personality and kept everyone excited during the show.

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T H E SH OW T he entire team executed a fashion show filled with talent, humor, entertainment, honor, encouragement, ambition and authenticity. Everyone that was part of the production ?owned? the stage through confidence, beauty, uniqueness, and talent. T he fashion designers featured during the show exemplified creativity that was far beyond excellence. T hey displayed clothing for the whole family. By showing their appreciation of support from the community, Traci J gave away gift cards, purses, gift baskets, and to top it off a 32? T V! T he highlight of the show was when Traci J released her new book One Step at a Time: Walkingin the Heelsof a Trendsetter (available on!!! T he Page 21

power couple Traci J and hubby M arcus Jefferson honored Traci's mother Stella Alvis with the first copy. T here were tears of joy and encouragement as her family embraced her for such an outstanding accomplishment. She has a very strong family unit, they pull strength from each other. When there is unity there is power! T hey exemplify how working together produces greatness. As Traci J stated, ?I let the works that I do speak for me!" H er works have spoken loud and clear!

beautiful, and it was classy. I was so energized and ready to do something great when I left! Traci J spoke to my heart. She reiterated that through hard work and determination you can accomplish every endeavor you set to achieve. ?Never give up! Don?t let anyone tell you your dreamsare too bigdreamsDO come true! Your time isnow!" - Traci J

Crunkfest was like nothing I have ever experienced. It was funny, it was emotional, it was

Ph o t o s b y Sikir a T Ph t o g r a ph y

2016 ValentinesDaySocial Mixer Page 22

H ey lovelies, I f you all follow me on social media then you are well aware that your girl T he Gypsy Empress with Bold Favor Magazine was in the building at the ?2016 Valentines Day Social M ixer? orchestrated by Author of "T he Settle Free D ating M ethod for W omen" Tinzley Bradford. T his event was held at the oh so savvy Ole' Restaurant and Lounge on February 13, 2016 located in the heart Stone M ountain, GA. Special guests included; Speaker/Comedian M arc Jean Pierre and the very gorgeous and very single (yes ladies I said SIN GLE) Top Relationship Coach and author of "God W here I s M y Boaz" Stephan Labossiere!!! T his event aimed to improve your current love life and gave some tips on how to get the love you've been looking for! N ow ya?ll know I opted in on this event because a sista needs all the advice one can get! So, I threw on my sexiest red dress, powdered my face and hit the road! As soon as I walked into the venue, I was greeted by the cutest hostess who checked the list to make sure your girl was penciled in? N ow ya?ll know me, I looked at her and said ?darling do you know who I am? I?m sure my name is there somewhere?. She found my name, we laughed, she complimented my hair, and waltz me right on into the main event area! As I sashayed along flipping my hair; I looked to my right and who do I see? N one other than M r. Stephan Labossiere in the flesh! I walked past him looking the other way pretending not to see him because I had to maintain my cool; and just between you and me? I couldn?t let him see me wiping the drool from my lips! But I digress! I find a seat at the bar and order me a nice, TALL glass of Cabernet Sauvignon; as I?m receiving my drink I hear ?well hello there girly?. I look to my left and I see our very own CEO of Bold Favor M agazine M rs. Lynita Blackwell! We quickly embraced and got out wits about ourselves and scanned the room for the number of attendees at this event. Lynita walked Page 23

me over to Stephan and said ?Let me introduce you?. I maintained my cool and said ok, but on the inside I fainted literally! We walked over, Lynita introduces me, Stephan stands and says ?H ow you doin beautiful?. Ya?ll, I fainted again (but on the inside, LOL). I confidently returned the hello and told him it was nice to finally meet him in person, and that I?ve been dying to get my hands on a copy of the book ?God where is my Boaz?? Luckily he brought copies and was willing to sign them personally for all those that purchased a copy. I quickly went back to my seat before I began to break into a nervous sweat and got ready to get an ear full of good advice on this whole dating thing! Tinzley began the opening of the stage by making light of the FR EE H aitian inspired cuisine lining the tables from deep fried wings, pasta salad, and meatballs; and introducing herself and sharing with us her purpose for deciding to give insight about love, dating, and matters of the heart. She shared some personal experiences as well as gave some insight to those oh so interesting fellas who chooses to see a woman?s feet on the first as the deciding factor on if he wants to date her. Yes ladies? .It happens! M oral of the story ladies, when a man asks to see your feet on the first date, RU N ! 9 times out of 10, he?s shallow and has unrealistic expectations of women! Want more tidbits about this whole crazy notion? Take a look at Tinzley Bradford short film titled ?And you wanna see my feet? O n her YouTube channel at Tinzley Bradford.

his thoughts about eh 90 day rule? Does social media ruin relationships? And the most important, Was she single? H is responses to the 90 day rule was simple, if you want to wait, then wait? if you want to share in intimacy, then do that. T here shouldn?t?be a stamp on your vagina; however, waiting until you know the person is into you would save you a lot of disappointment in the end! H is take on if social media ruins relationships were, ? Social media makes it easier for people who are cheaters to cheat, so be wise in who you decide to entertain from the beginning?, and lastly his dating status, ? Yes I?m single I believe God will lead me to my Q ueen and I?m joyfully awaiting and ready for that day?. All and all ladies and gents, this event was the place to be if love is your aim, but finding it ain?t your game. I walked away from this event inspired by these words to live by, ?Stop entertaining the temporary if you want to make room for the forever?! You heard it here first lovelies, till next time? Oh, and if you just so happen to contact the featured Speakers/Authors to purchase your next book on the do?s and don?ts of love & dating, tell-em T he Gypsy Empress Sent ya! Live free sugas, M U U U U U U U U UAH !

T he Gypsy Empress

Following Tinzley was the outrageously funny comedian M arc Jean Pierre; giving us gut busting jokes about marriage and dating. According to M arc, ?If you can cook, his heart is yours?. Ladies, I guess it still stands that ?T he way to a man?s heart is through his stomach?. Tinzley then introduces the man of the hour, Stephan Labossiere? Everyone stands and applauds as he approaches the stage. During his spill he allowed for a Q & A portion to commence; we got to ask questions, and he answered them. You guys know me, I try to ask the juicy questions and the questions women really want answers to Like what were

Ms. Keesh a Ri v er s BusinessWoman, Author, Model, GoGetter Dress by Vdinx

Coming f rom adoption, Keesha Rivers is a native of Florida and currently resides in the Atlanta, GA area. A single mom of one son, Prince Brian, Keesha is the owner of 3 businesses:K.R. Consulting, Fla?Vore Productions and The Fla?Vore- Aide Radio Show, A Plus Model and a Motivational Speaker. Ms. Rivers is also a recent inductee to the National Congress of Black Women. She mentors children, young adults and business clients on a regular basis, along with providing Lif e Coaching skills to many of all ages and has been blessed with many other talents. Keesha received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology in September 2014 and will continue on pursuing her Master?s Degree in Business Management. Keesha is known f or her big heart f or the community and acts as an advocate to help stop violence against young adults by sharing her past experiences in hopes of making a dif f erence. With that, Keesha attended all rallies held in Sanf ord, FL f or the late Trayvon Martin and had the pleasure of meeting Martin Luther King III, Bernice King, Roland Martin and Rev. Jessie Jackson along with many other celebrities throughout her Outreach journey. Keesha has been invited to partake in many honors including being on the Samy Priso TV Show on the Dish Network Bright House Channel 49, working with the Wordnet, being invited to see Sen. Geraldine Thompson sworn in at the Florida State Capitol, several Magazine interviews, the FIRST Pageant Director f or f ormal Ebony Magazine Commentator Mrs. Jada Collins and attendance at the second- term inauguration of President Barack Obama in January 2013 invited by Congresswoman Corrine Brown. In April 2013, Keesha became the youngest honoree ever to receive the Central Florida ?Living Legends Oscar Award? f or her humble work and achievements in the community. Keesha has also written skits f or churches and will soon be releasing her f irst book. ?If we are not becoming an advocate for someone else, then our works are not enough. It?s not the works that reward you, but the sacrifice for someone else is what will keep you successful.? ? Ms. Keesha Rivers

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eat & d r ink wit h m e by Anissa K Little Azio's: As a semi-professional model in Atlanta sometimes my foodie side and runway side combine and this was one of those times. I'm one of the models of T he Lyngale Agency and we are now featured in the at Little Azio's in East Atlanta Village. I can say that I have passed through this area many, many times but N EVER knew that this whole shopping space existed. Lots of businesses neatly tucked away, it was a pleasant surprise! So I arrived with T he Lyngale Agency's founder, Tin Bridges and she got to the business of making sure that there were vittles on the table for the event. It looked good but I have to admit that I was a little skeptical of how the food items would taste but I was pleasantly surprised! What I had: Pepperoni Pizza, M eatballs, and Turkey Spaghetti with bread. Everything was very tasty! We ate most of it and the rest I took home and devoured the next day for dinner! Very nice spot to watch games on their flat screens and just hang out and chit chat with friends. T hey have a full bar if you want to add adult libations to your items. O n m y Eatery/Exper ience Scale of 1- 10 (1- aw ful 5- accept able 10- awesom e), I rate this m eal as a 9. T he eatery is spacious, great atmosphere; take your own party and have a good time. We had a GR EAT time! You have to order at the cash register and they give you a number and bring your food to your table. T hey close at 9:30p Sunday thru T hursday and 10p Friday and Saturday so get there early to do your thang, it won't be a late night party. And the management does not hold back about getting their customers out of the doors. T hey are very nice about it though...Lol. Atlanta PD dines there so you are safe. Check out their website and their menu and head on over, you will have a good time. T hey have a full menu from appetizer to dessert but * ahem* there is an ice cream spot on the corner if you have a taste for something else sweet. I'm telling you this shopping center has everything you need. Enjoy!

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The Lyngale Agency

The following p ag es feat ure m odels availab le for b ooking s t hroug h The Lyng ale Ag ency. Contact Tina Br id g es t o b r ing our Ag eless Beaut ies t o your event t od ay! THE LYNGALE AGENCY W W W.THELYNGALEAGENCY.COM TINAB823@GMAIL.COM FACEBOOK THE LYNGALE AGENCY INSTAGRAM @THELYNGALEAGENCY1 and @AGELESS BEAUTY

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Photographer Troy Council

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KATHRYN CHERRY Shoccara S. Marcus/ Shocphoto Imagery


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are you (financially) illiterate?

Two out of every three Americans are found to be financially illiterate! Shockingly enough we have plenty of people flowing through life not understanding basic finances. To become financially educated you must first understand your everyday money management. T his is simply the overseeing of cash usage of you and your household. T his process includes budgeting, saving, spending, and investing. H aving knowledge in this key area is extremely vital for your financial future. If you're able to master this, you can start living the life you want. Your first step is to create a monthly budget. Gather all of your bills and calculate the total number. If this number far exceeds your income, we have a problem. You need to find a way to either increase your income, or decrease your bills. Track your spending. M ake sure you're not frivolously purchasing items you do not need! Create a savings plan. After you discover the amount of money you have left once mandatory items are paid, save the rest! Even if it's only twenty dollars, SAVE IT ! O nce you have saved over a few months or years, you can take a portion of your savings and invest it! If this is your only nest egg I would consult with your local banker or financial advisor to secure your funds in a safe money making product! T hese are just a few tips you can use to start the process. If you get in the game and use these fundamentals, you will win! Khailun M ar www.T ?An Introduction to a Life Bespoke? Page 37

N orahs Khan, CEO and Founder of Distinctive H and Designs By N orahs. H er Wearable Art Collection is a fusion of art and spirit embraced by women in U SA, England, CapeTown South Africa, seen in commercials in China, the Q ueen and the Princess of Blann Tribe in the Philippines wears N K Designs. Recently seen in M adrid, Spain and on the red carpet at the Golden Awards, 2016. Born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, N orahs describes herself as a vessel of Divine Energy traveling her path of creative offerings with sacred intentions unfolding daily. N orahs evolves as an obedient free spirit living and expressing power of healing through her Wearable Art Collection while currently residing near Atlanta Georgia,U SA. H er brand Distinctive H and Designs by N orahs flows through her in deliverance of Divine Creativity. H er wearable art collection has been seen on numerous runways in support of charitable fashion shows raising awareness to women's health and wellness issues. N orahs' motto is "Dare To Be Distinctive"emerged from painful bullying received as a child. N orahs decided to embrace her outstanding characteristics that brought negative attention and turn that energy into her Distinctive Wearable Art Collection. N K Designs are among the Densua's African Treasures in M acy's at Greenbriar M all, Atlanta GA. M ost recently N orahs Fashions were featured at the 8th Annual Red Dress Party sponsored by American H eart Association to raise awareness to H eart Disease in women. N orahs Khan's passion to heal through fashion reign intensely with each opportunity to make a positive difference in the spirit of all women, all sizes. N orahs Khan influenced by her mother's superb tailoring skills, decided to pursue her certification in sewing technology at O rlando Tech, where N orahs was elected into T he N ational Technical H onor Society. W ithin three years of moving to Atlanta, Ga N orahs was voted 2014 Women Empowerment Best Designer, Atlanta. N ominated Designer, Salute To Fellow Designers, International Coverage. N orahs Khan continues to "Live on purpose with a purpose"

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Tiffany Davis is a Certified Travel Professional and business owner of Peace of Life Travel in Atlanta, Georgia. She stepped out on faith as an entrepreneur in 2015 with absolutely no experience in finding a business opportunity that would allow her time, freedom, as well as an opportunity to earn a residual income. M entoring and teaching others on how to own their business is something that she is extremely passionate about in the largest industry in the world. "Travel" via Paycation, a Global H ost Agency whose Certified Travel Agent program provides entrepreneurs with everything they need to start and grow their very own home-based travel business including mentorship, coaching, a proprietary website powered by Priceline, ongoing training, support, marketing and accounting tools. Tiffany believes it is never too late to pursue your dreams if you just have faith and by believing in yourself. Do what brings peace to your life. For more information please visit: or

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