BOLD Favor Magazine June 2016

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June 20162016 June

The fut ure favors t he BOLD. Be fearless!





JAMES W ORTHY by Tinzley Bradford

ART, VIBES, & FASHION by Shana Thornton

10 HABITS OF THE RICH by Deborah Hightower


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Let t er f r omt heEdit or - in- Chief We are heading boldly into summertime. Half the year is gone; what have you done to move towards your purpose and be fearless at it? In this issue of BOLD Favor Magazine, we have insights on doing just that. In this issue, we are pleased to feature our cover, Lisa Nichols, who candidly tells her story of going from struggling to make ends meet to a world traveling CEO & New York Timesbestselling author; features of dynamic fashion designer Lori Felt and entrepreneurial couple Eric and Maria Ortiz; our CHROME spotlight producer James Worthy and travel, theatre and amazing stories of perseverance and BOLD tenacity. This has been a magnificent year and I cannot put into words the gratitude I feel at the awesome reception we received in our second year since launching. The radio shout outs, social media plugs and appreciation of what this magazine represents has been humbling and rewarding! Men and Women please continue making bold and fearless choices, and show the world your BOLDNESS in everything you do. Thank you to BOLD Favor Magazine founder Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell for her support and trust in me to be the new Editor-in-Chief. You are an amazing leader, lawyer, family woman and friend. This is my second issue in this role as I boldly go forward. Enjoy shopping with our wonderful advertisers, and share your thoughts with us - we listen! Have a great start to your summer. And remember: The future favors the BOLD. Be Bold and Be Fearless!

David David Good Editor-in-Chief

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Our Team Our BOLD Leadership Founder Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell Editor-in-Chief David M. Good Photographer Joshe Martin Videographer Tyra Breaux MUA Elizabeth St. John-Hall Our BOLD Writers Cathy Burroughs Connie D. Franklin Deborah Hightower Lynda Dell Mona Shah Joshi Odette Flemming Paul S. Grieve Shana Thornton Shavonda McCaleb Tinzley Bradford William R. Cook BOLD Favor Magazine is the Leadership Lifestyle magazine that highlights BOLD people, organizations, and causes that inspire us to live fearlessly. Founded by Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, CEO of Leading Through Living Community, LLC, BOLD Favor has over 250K email subscribers, 17K+ Instagram Followers, and 16K+ Twitter Followers (across two accounts).

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To learn more, or to advertise with us, visit, call 866-611-3753 or email us at www.BOLDFavorM

InsidethisIssue 24

7 Adrenaline is N OT a Business Plan 14 Tough Girl Alechia Reese 18 Are You Identical? 20 10 R ich H abits 32 D ynamic Duo: Eric & M aria O rtiz 40 T he Serenbe Playhouse 42 T he Power of N O ! 43 Encouraging the U n-empowered 47 Book Review: Good Food

Our BOLD Cover Lisa Nichols


Designer Lori Felt


CHROM E Spt olight James W ort hy

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Art , Vibes & Fashion


Travel t o St . Simon's Island


A D R EN A L IN E IS NOT A BUSINESS PLAN Respect the Process. Identify Your Strengths. Track Your Success. Execute Learned Strategies.

By Odette Flemming Adrenalin is not a business plan. Adrenalin, that fight or flight stress hormone produced by our bodies, is only meant as a temporary boost to our mental and physical state, not a sustainer. Two years ago I started my business on adrenalin, hope and a dash of fear. Life was changing in ways I could not control: my 7 Page 7

nonprofit job of three years lost its funding, I had been unsuccessfully searching for work for months, and even my part-time job stopped calling me with assignments. U nemployment benefits were just about over when, thankfully, my phone rang. It was a former client contacting me to request

testing help for her son. I took this as a sign from the divine that helping teens ace their admissions test, was my personal and professional mission. Clients began calling me out of the blue, referring me to other clients, and thankfully paying my rates. I was experiencing success. M y young people were experiencing success. T hen a funny thing happened, I realized that I was actually in business. I mean I was an entrepreneur, with the business card and the business coach to prove it. But no matter what classes I took, courses I watched or how many sessions I attended with my mentors, I still never embraced creating and sticking to a solid business plan. M y employee mindset had convinced me that working in my business was the same as working on my business. Well one day this past winter, I realized the phone wasn't ringing as much as it had been in the past, and I started to see my sales, which I had only recently started tracking, plummet. A funny thing happens when you trip into business ownership, the passion and zeal that?s spurred by www.BOLDFavorM

the joy of initial success starts to wane at the first glint of failure. In the back of my mind I knew this was going to happen. I anticipated it. I worried about it. I even discussed avoiding it with my new business coach. But I did not execute a solid plan to avoid it. T he stress soon became overwhelming and physical health challenges started to arrive. M y constant fatigue and being overwhelm lead to isolation and an unhealthy bout of entrepreneurial depression. But it did not have to be this way and I declared that it would not stay this way. T hen I had a revelation that the acronym that was the backbone of my teen program

was actually T he W.R .I.T.E System for Success? for me too! M y new mission was to use it on me! Physician, heal thyself! W hat?s Your O utcom e? - Respect the Process. - Identify Your Strengths. - Track Your Success. - Execute Learned Strategies. When I began healing my systems, I began healing myself and my business. I finally implemented strategies that I had learned multiple times from countless sources, and embraced this truth: U nintentional success can

become intentional failure when we forget that systems and order make the world go ?round. Known by her friendsand students asMs.O, Odette Flemmingisan academicstrategist and CEO of Kitabu Circle LLC. She helps familiesstructure and implement academicplansfor their teens. Asa serial youth advocate and entrepreneur she coaches, tutors, speaksand writesabout all things education. Asmom to a recent college graduate, a second grader and pit bull named Raven, MsO ishappiest takinglongwalks, readinga good book, or drinkinga glassof an amazingmerlot. Find her on Facebook at

Adver tise with u s! $100 an d u p! www.BOLDFavor M agazin Page 8


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Thesekicks weremadefor walking and talking! Page 10


FashionDesignerSt ep s Up H erGame By Lynda D ell Doors are finally opening for fashion designer Lori Felt, but it has taken many years for this artist to step up her style, cultivate strategic partners, and ultimately close the deal. When Felt?s hot new kicks were recently featured at the K immel Center?s Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts (PI FA) Gala, they became an overnight sensation that captured major media attention. ?I looked up at the sky and screamed: ?I made it!? Finally,? said Felt, ?my dream is becoming a reality.? She said that the key is saying yes? even if you think that you are not ready. ?Step boldly out of your comfort zone and meet every obstacle head on,? advised Felt. N avigating the steep learning curve has led to many missteps and mistakes that have taught this tenacious woman valuable lessons as she pursues her dreams. M any years ago in college, Felt discovered her passion for painting with oils. ?I remember wearing heavy overalls, smelling like turpentine, but not caring a bit as long as I could paint.? Later, this innovator pushed the boundaries of painting by developing multimedia collages for celebrities including H owie M andel that celebrated his accomplishments. Page 11

About six years ago, Felt began designing sneakers as gifts for relatives and friends that incorporated words and imagery. Word quickly spread as moms commissioned her to create hand-painted pairs for themselves and their daughters. Soon her client base broadened to include designing sneakers for party planner?s record hops. M any naysayers have tried to deter Felt from breaking into the retail market, but that didn?t stop her from teaming up with a graphic designer to launch Loridiamondart?s online sneaker and apparel design business. Felt?s first big break came last summer when the red carpet was rolled out during R ainbow Fashion Week in N ew York City for a group of rising fashion designers. T he day after Felt introduced her new line of bridal sneakers to U ncommon Events, Creative Director Jessica M ader contacted Felt, but for a grander purpose. T hey wanted www.BOLDFavorM

...andintotheBi g Ti me

AnticsFired Up Crowd at Recent Premiere Performance of Sneaker Suites Award-winningfilm producer, Amy ?Catfox? Campion isthe visionary behind Antics. Campion?sdance troupe, Antics, capturesthe raw energy of urban street dancingand hip-hop culture that ignitesaudienceswith their bold moves and rivetingmultimedia performances. ?Anticswasbeyond thrilled to perform Sneaker Suitesat PIFA and connect with a Philly audience for the first time!? Campion exclaimed. Sneaker Suitesistheir latest venture; a collaborative performance with the story architect Mark Gonzales, a collection of storiesthat depictstoday?smaterialisticculture. One of the Suitesentitled ?Gold Sneakersfrom China: a letter exchange between a Chinese factory worker and an American break dancer? examinesthe symbolism of sneakersto the hip-hop culture versussneakersasa tool of the trade for street dancers.

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to feature her sneakers for the table design, where VIP?s, dignitaries, celebrities and philanthropists would dine at the PI FA Gala. T hey wanted a hip-hop design to coincide with Antics premiere East Coast performance of Sneaker Suites. ?Lori emailed us just at the right time,? says M ader. ?We didn?t have the approval for our proposal yet, but we wondered if Lori could create such a thing.? First, Felt had to get approval for a new hip-hop design. T hen the sneakers needed to be gold, and Felt had only four days to track down a printer. ?I had to research every company that ever made gold sneakers. T his could be a chance of a lifetime, but I had another obstacle to overcome,? recalled Felt. So Felt wondered if a printer could create the illusion of gold by mixing the dyes. She reached out to Baggins, a specialty shoe store in British Columbia, Canada, with one of the largest collections of Converse shoes in the world, and worked directly with their graphic designer, Tessa H inzed. H inzed sent a full mock-up, but there wasn?t enough time to print one sneaker and then get approval for printing the entire run, so things began to unravel. Feeling apprehensive Felt contacted M ader, but surprisingly she loved it and ordered 12 pairs right away, which were received on time. T hroughout the process, she continued to persist, believe, and make things happen? even when she was pushed to the brink. What?s more, she won over her first customer, M ader, who purchased the very first pair for herself. ?M y mom works harder than anyone I know,? said Dani Felt, 26, her eldest of three children. ?I am so proud of her for pulling this off. It?s only the beginning!?


Do you have Bucket List???? A Bucket List is a chance to do things you have put off for years while working and caring for family, and to make the most of your beautiful life. For many people, a Bucket List has become the ultimate celebration of life. It has come to symbolize the next adventure, fulfilling forgotten dreams and creating new paths. Are piano lessons on your Bucket List? Great news: you don?t have to be a certain age to take lessons! Learn how to play and read music with Piano Keys For Christ. Dream bigger and know that piano can be for you. Piano Keys for Christ teaches the young in age and at heart how to play and read music. Piano Keys for Christ is the perfect organization to help place a check-mark next to "Learn to Play Piano" on your Bucket List. Founder and lead instructor Gayle Bates has the energy, excitement and awesome spirit to make the entire journey fun! Contact Gayle today!

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TOUGH GIRLS FINISH 1 ST Oneon Onewith Alechia Reese By Tinzley Br adfor d AK A " The L ove M ama" She?s a mom, motivational speaker, a host and a media mogul in the making. She went from the corporate boardroom to the entertainment stage without skipping a beat, and this is only the beginning for this go-getter! Enjoy Alechia?s story, I sure did! She has made a huge name for herself with a lot of hard work and keeps it 100% real and I love it! T inzley: Tell us about you, who is Alechia Reese? H ow did you get started with building brands and how were you discovered? A lechia: Alechia Reese is equal parts warm tea and H ennessy. I?m sassy, bold, effective and a fierce creative. I was 26, getting a divorce, struggling to pay a mortgage I was left with, take care of my 3 year old and begin the recovery process from abusive relationships I somehow always found myself in. In a nutshell, I was a mess! But, my daughter needed to eat and I had bills to pay so I took a few days off work to strategize. I took a good look at what came easy for me and what I had a passion for. I realized my desire to help people coupled with my diverse skill set and sharp eye would be my savior - so I created 360 Gateway Brands. I knew as a newbie, I had to build trust and I although I loved Page 14

corporate America I knew I wasn?t willing to work for it forever ? that fierce creative in me wouldn?t allow it - so I decided to work with it. I offered a portion of my services for free to build my resume and in 90 days of establishing my company I was working with a city commissioner for an internationally acclaimed event sponsored by a Fortune 500 company. T inzley: You?re in a very competitive industry, what makes you unique and different than the competition? A lechia: What makes me different is I consistently study and perfect what I do best. M y realest competition is the one staring me in the mirror every morning. I stay in my lane only and have no desire to do what everybody is doing. If they go left, I?m headed to the right. T hat factor will always make me different. Plus, everybody does branding and marketing. I take it a step further in that I position my clients to partner with corporations to push their initiatives and fulfill their goals. I think globally and I don?t take on a client I can?t take global. M y clients products and services have graced the front pages of major magazines, are consistent speakers for Ivy League universities and White H ouse

regulars. What makes me different is I?m a beast and I know it. You can?t teach that. Either you have it or you don?t. T inzley: T hat?s true, everybody surely does not have it and you can?t teach it to everyone! Who do you admire? We all have people we look up to. Who are you a huge fan of and why? A lechia: O prah and Angela Bassett. O prah because she?s been to hell and back, cried, laughed and said now watch me work, then created billions. N othing came easy and she still succeeded! She builds the road and then opens it up for others to build their own definition of success. She?s my auntie in my head. I?m just waiting until she?s aware. Angela Bassett, because she?s the epitome of classic style, grace and wisdom, her skills are unmatched and her talent undeniable. Plus, I look like her and I want to play her in her auto-biopic. T inzley: I Love both of your choices? Yessss! In a few short words, tell us what you have deemed to be most challenging for you during this entire process of pursuing your dreams. A lechia: Being a single mother while building an empire, hands down (is the) hardest thing I?ve www.BOLDFavorM

Alechia Reese is equal parts warm tea and H ennessy.


I consistently study and perfect what I do best.

I am fiercely protective of my freedom.


ever had to do. Labor was an ice cream party compared to this and my daughter was butt-first - she?s like her mother in so many ways. T inzley: I?m a relationship coach, so I often ask anyone I interview about their love life. Does Alechia have a man? If so, how do you balance career and love? If not are you on the market, or happily single? A lechia: I am fiercely protective of my freedom. I used to be really, and I do mean R EALLY bad at choosing men. T hank God I?ve been delivert (yes, spelled correctly)! So the short answer is yes, I?m happily single, but I love to mingle when I have time. N o man, but I love options so I get excited when I find a man who I?m willing to let become an option. T inzley: I love it ?delivert.? I?m single as well and love to mingle, I?ll have to invite you out to one of my upcoming singles events! Tinzley: What legacy would you like to leave behind? What would you like to be known for? A lechia: I?ll be known as the woman who, in the discovery of herself, helped to change the fabric of women all over the globe. I will have established companies to help girls and women become their best self by first discovering exactly who that is. I?ll also help those experiencing homelessness get their life back by first helping them feel human again while restoring their dignity. Change is possible and my legacy will provide the blueprint to achieve whatever change they desire no matter their past. T inzley: Being in branding, how do you feel about a lot of celebrity public drama and feuds these days? It seems to be happening more now than ever? In your opinion, do public feuds ruin a brand? A lechia: It depends what your brand goals are. In branding and in my opinion everything should be strategic. So, if your brand is centered around drama, strife and being ?relevant,? then always having an issue works well for your brand goals. H owever, if that?s N OT the brand for you than just do good at whatever it is you do and learn to diversify your strategy and execution. T hen like my bestie (in my head), Lisa N ichols

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says, ?Success will make noise.? T inzley: I never thought about it that way, you make a great point. It depends on your brand goals. N ow you were labeled as ?T he Bad K id? on your information page, I?d love to hear more about that and why? A lechia: M y family was poor, and although my mother wasn?t the biggest fan of my fire-starter spirit, I was just like her. M any of the church members hated her, the same way they did me. I did what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted. It?s great now for what I do. I?m even celebrated for it, but growing up in a VER Y strict, Christian household that was not okay with my mother. I was a firecracker and had all the questions and rebuttals for her and anybody else?s answers. We weren?t allowed to date, abstinence was a requirement, we couldn?t wear pants or listen to the ?devil?s music.? I did it all and wasn?t the least bit concerned about their opinions of me (strangely enough though their opinions affected me in ways I wouldn?t realize until years later). I didn?t follow the rules so I was hated and my ?friends? weren?t allowed to be my friends because I was the bad one and the fighter. I represented then, everything they didn?t want for their children. T inzley: Well you?ve surely made up for it with your go get it entrepreneurial spirit! Tell us more about your non-profit organization ?T he Rethought Program?? H ow did you start that? A lechia: I started it the Page 17

month before I planned to take my life. I?m a planner by nature so I had planned my suicide to the T. I?ve totaled 6 cars (don?t judge me, it was over a 10 year span) so I planned to drive off this overpass in M iami in January 2013. I had allowed my ex to beat me down so much verbally and emotionally that I felt I wasn?t even worthy to be the mother to my daughter. I felt she?d be better off with anyone besides me. I knew I had a pretty big life insurance policy on my head so I figured I was worth more dead than alive and it?d have to look real or else she wouldn?t get the money. I went home to say goodbye to my mother in December of 2012. I saw a girl who looked how I felt and I asked her if I could help her. T hough resistant she agreed and using my skill set in 6 months I helped her get her high school diploma at 23 years old, create a life plan, secure housing for her children and a job to get her life started. I figured I couldn?t take my life while helping her because God would be pissed at me. She saved me. She is why I started ?T he Rethought Project.? She was a foster kid and I figured if I could help her, imagine what I could do for others. T his and she is why God allowed me to experience so much. H e needed my mess for his message. T he organization focuses on under-resourced and foster children, showing them how to use what others see as their disadvantage as an advantage. Life is all about perspective and I show them how to shift their perspective to win at life. T inzley: Wow! I don?t think I?ve even owned 6 cars! (laughs) You?re extraordinary

and I?m loving your energy and realness! So what?s next for you? Are you making many appearances in the near future? Do you have a book out? A lechia: I?ve got a myriad of projects on-going including my #freetobe2016 tour for young women ages 12-18 this summer. We?ll be visiting all girls?camps across the nation focusing on 4 pillars: education, financial literacy, self-esteem and success factors. I?ve also been writing my first book, ?Eating Elephants? and it?ll be out the third quarter of this year and I can?t wait to share it with the world. It?s literally the blueprint for success no matter your industry. It has gems from some of my greatest mentors and will be an undeniable resource for success builders across the globe. T inzley: What an interesting title for your upcoming book. We?ll have to touch base with you to learn more once your book is complete. What advice can you give others looking to break into the business? A lechia: Figure out who you are; what you do best and stay true to it. T hen develop some strategic partnerships. T hose who do what you do aren?t your competition. T hey are your future partners in success! T inzley: So, where can people find you if they want to stay connected? A lechia: I like simplicity so across all my platforms I?m @alechiareese from IG to Facebook and Snapchat. M y website is the same too: T hank You So M uch! www.BOLDFavorM

Ar e Yo u Ident ical / l acit nedI? By W illiam R . Cook

M en and women seem to be earning more income, living in luxurious homes, driving expensive cars and seem to be simply living better than ever before. What I wonder, above those material possessions, is if their relationships are as solid as the material assets in their lives seem to be? Are these people who seem to have it all, really everything an individual should strive Page 18

for in their relationship? Are these people?s outward lives with massive displacement of money and finances reflective of how they really feel about themselves deep inside? If not, it?s overdue for some soul searching and become Identical, inside and out. M aterial possessions don?t build self-esteem. T hey only provide short moments of confidence. As soon as you?re not the person with the ?N ew N ew? thing of the moment, then you?re back to working hard for nothing. O nly to acquire that next thing that will get you some attention. M eanwhile you?ve failed to address the real issue of how you feel inside. What makes matters worst is when you?re restraining deep neglected pain on the inside and you begin a relationship with that pain. You appeared happy, you seem to have it all together, but your outside and inside weren?t identical, so your relationship wasn?t built on a strong ground. If you?re not happy with you, no amount of material purchases will permanently close that kind of opening. It?s like telling a mechanic to fix your car?s engine, but they can?t go under the hood. T he results are slim to none of your car working again. T he same goes for you fixing how you feel about yourself. Your core and how you feel about you is more important than any possession. I encourage everyone to work on feeling good without having that feeling related to material possessions. I can guarantee you there?s tremendous value in working on yourself! Don?t get me wrong; I like nice things just as much as the nest person! I just don?t ever let material things characterize who I am or be a representative of my essence.


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1 0 RICH HA BITS by Deborah H ightower T he American Journal of Psychology defines a habit as a ?fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through the previous repetition of a mental experience.? O nce a habit is embedded in our neural pathways, it can be difficult to forge a change. Studies show habits are developed or changed on average in 21 days. What habits do you need to develop or change to live among the R ich?

T he R ich live w ithin their m eans. Credit cards play a significant role in overspending. While it is convenient to use plastic as opposed to cash, only charge what you can afford to pay off when the bill arrives. Your budget should be your governing document. If there is no excess in your account, forgo the purchase. Live on 70%, save 10%, invest 10% and give 10%. Period.

T he R ich don?t gam ble. T hey take calculated risks when the odds lean in their favor. T he wealthy don?t rely on ?luck?to create their wealth; they develop ideas and products that are tangible. Reports show that 77% of those who struggle financially play the lottery. T hink about it. If you still want to play on the off chance you may win, take it from your entertainment budget.

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T he R ich read every day. T hey are informed on a variety of subjects and strive to learn something new or find a new source of inspiration. Whether you prefer magazines, blogs or books, make sure the information propels you along the continuum to your next stop.

T he R ich listen m ore than they t alk. You can learn a lot by listening to others and the rich often educate themselves in that manner. U sually, wealthy people are good communicators. T hey know when to listen and when to talk.

T he R ich ?do it now ?. Successful people avoid procrastination. T hey create and prioritize a daily ?to-do? list and work from that list for the daily goals. T hey make it their business to complete the Top 5 from the list that is critical in realizing the purpose or goal. T hey maximize their time management skills by completing the task at hand now and resist the temptation to ?finish it later.?

T he R ich avoid toxic people. Success is propelled by environmental influence. Are Page 21

you spending time with other successful people? Studies show 86 percent of successful people associate with other successful people. If you are struggling financially, evaluate each of your relationships and determine the category in which they fall ? rich (someone that can plant a positive seed and help you move up) or poor (someone holding you back). Start picking your company carefully.

T he R ich don?t give up! Focus, persistence and patience are a winning combination for the successful. If they find themselves in a failing situation, they are nimble in making the decision to change the course of action. T hey learn from the experience and move on without lamenting the loss.

T he R ich go above and beyond. U nsuccessful people have a tendency to have the ?it?s not my job? syndrome. T hey skirt responsibility and often bring up the tail-end of the team. Wealthy and successful people strive for excellence and go above and beyond on the project, relationship building and the like. Successful people work hard to achieve their personal goals and the goals of the employers or businesses.

T he R ich have definitive goals. H opes, wishes and dreams are not a viable business plan; however, each one can be accomplished when accompanied with a strategy. Studies show 70 percent of the wealthy pursue at least one substantial goal each year compared to only 3 percent of those who struggle financially.

T he R ich know their purpose. Walking in your purpose correlates with success and happiness. Committing to a career in a field you love creates a mindset of devotion to the cause - which in turns creates an energy, drive and atmospheric force second-to-none. Finding your purpose is easy. It usually represents the center of: what you love, what you?re great at, what the world needs and what you can be paid for. Change your habits? change your life. What changes will you make to catapult your success? Remember, each accomplishment requires action. N ow go? and succeed!


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Avail abl enow on Page 23



LISANICHOLS Lisa NicholsRevealsHer SecretsTo Success By M ona Shah Joshi LISA N ICH OLS hobnobs with Steve H arvey, shares jokes with O prah, travels around the world as a motivational speaker and is a N ew York Times bestselling author. She is the CEO of M otivating the M asses, one of the world?s top training and development companies. She is only one of two African-American women founders to have taken her own company public. She just launched her latest book (co-authored with Janet Switzer) Abundance N ow, Amplify Your Life and Achieve Prosperity Today, a self-help manual for achieving success in work, relationships and finances. Twenty years ago, before she was banking in the millions, Lisa was struggling to make ends meat as a single mom with less than $12 in the bank. Subsisting on public assistance, she was skilled at making a pot of spaghetti stretch into six meals for her and her son. But she struggled to find a skill-set she could monetize into a career. She was fired five times in her

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THE REAL DEAL 20s and suffered from depression in her 30s. Creating Work- L ife Balance ?N o knows,? she revealed to me in an exclusive interview, ?how early in my career I beat myself up as a parent wanting to live my dreams while I was being a mom. T here was a lot of mental boxing going on, because I really wanted to live my dream. I really wanted to be a great mom and I didn?t know that I could do both.? At this stage in her life, Lisa was speaking part-time and had a secure part-time job for L.A. U nified School District. W ith her son?s father in jail, Lisa knew that it was her responsibility to be I FELT LIKE A FRAUD

the best parent possible for her child; yet her passion was calling and she was afraid of fully committing to it. When a woman approached Lisa on stage and complimented Page 25

her on being a great mom, Lisa reached a breaking point. ?I felt like a fraud. I felt like a fake. I felt like I was incongruent. I felt like I was a liar,? she shared. ?I thought I could either have my passion or be a great mom. I I'D LIKE TO GO W ITH YOU

was thinking ?either/or?. I didn?t think it was an ?and?thing.? U ncertain that she was doing right by her son, Lisa basically asked her son, Jelani, to give her a performance review and measure their relationship on a scale of 1 to 10. Jelani gave her a 7. Lisa was mortified. She then asked him how she could go from a 7 to a 10. N ot being able to reach his mom when she traveled abroad bothered 8-year-old Jelani. ?I?d like to go with you,? he told her. So for the next four years, Lisa made arrangements with Jelani?s school; FedEx his homework to the school, and took him

with her when she traveled internationally. She co-created, with his school, a program that worked for son and her life as a working mother. As they began spending more time together, Jelani became increasingly joyful; which enabled Lisa to find peace and joy and reconcile her formerly divergent life as a mom and career woman. Dropping this ?either/or?mentality is key to achieving abundance. LIVING IN ABUNDANCE

Lisa?s Grandmother Bernice, whom she describes as ?98 pounds soaking wet with weights in her pockets,? shaped her understanding of abundance. Despite limited financial resources, Grandma Bernice took care of the needs of her seven children and had a small amount left over to share. ?She could make a pot of beans go in 50 different directions,? remembers Lisa fondly,

?that pot was never-ending because she just lived in abundance.? Reflecting on her grandmother?s life, Lisa realized that abundance doesn?t mean filling your bank account. Abundance is a state of mind. ?Abundance is living in a state of overflow, so that you can serve others effortlessly,? shared Lisa, ?Living in overflow of great relationships so that you can love other people. Living in overflow of health and vitality, so that you can inspire others to acquire their own vitality. Living in overflow in your spirituality, so that you have the capacity to pray for your brothers and sisters locally and around the world. Living in abundance financially, so that you can be a financial blessing to someone else.? L ife?s Biggest L esson When you have belief in someone, you instill confidence in that


person. It?s no surprise that Lisa?s biggest life lesson came from her grandmother. ?She told me that my human spirit was unbreakable, unshakeable and unavailable to my circumstances. M y human spirit is waiting on my command. I believed her.? Being unavailable to her circumstances freed Lisa from people?s opinions, faltering relationships and even economic vicissitudes. Despite the global recession, Lisa managed to grow her business by double digits each year for the last ten years. H er grandmother?s faith in her abilities fortified Lisa?s inner resolve. ?M y grandmother had a way of making me believe that inside of my ordinary there is an extraordinary, all I have to do is call on it,? reminisces Lisa. T he Greatest L ove of A ll Despite her growing material success, Lisa struggled with her weight for 19 years. ?I was 210 pounds! I?ve sat in that place of not loving this unauthorized morphing of my body,? exclaimed Lisa, ?I jokingly called my weight gain: illegal mergers everywhere!? Lisa realized that before she could change her body, she needed to first love it in its present condition but that love didn?t come immediately. She joined a health clinic, where she soon found herself leading a dance class. O ne day, as she started dancing, people formed a circle around her. As others repeated her movements, Lisa bent down and touched he ankle and then thanked it. She then bent down and touched her knees for carrying her over rough terrain. While she was thanking each part of her body, she began crying, ?Because I have never before shown gratitude for my body for where it was.? Soon the entire class was crying. ?T hat was a powerful moment,? Lisa whispered, ?I never thought to thank my body for it?s current shape. I had a healing session with my body. N ot around my body, but with Page 26

my body.? T hat moment of self-love was the catalyst for Lisa to be able to lose 78 pounds. Attitude D eter m ines A bundance ?Gratitude is a door way, the pathway to abundance,? affirmed Lisa. ?Because what gets celebrated gets appreciated, gets acknowledged and gets expanded in its own right.? ?Be grateful for the money you have,? her grandmother was fond of saying, ?When you mind your pennies greatly, the universe will give you dollars.? People, however, aren?t usually aware of their own mental conditioning, and thus don?t realize why they?re manifesting scarcity. Subconscious attitudes such as, ?money is the root of all evil? or ?I can?t afford it? becomes self-fulfilling prophecies. ?Be grateful,? actor-comedian Ben Stein famously said, ?It?s the only totally reliable get-rich-quick scheme.? But how do you become aware of your subconscious money mindset? H ow do you decipher the mental conditioning that has been passed onto you by your parents and community? First, Lisa recommends you truthfully ask yourself: What?s my opinion on rich people? Second, create another column and ask yourself: What did you learn about wealthy people from your parents, community and television? N ow study your answers and understand how that has influenced you to repel any form of abundance. T hird, look back at your answers and ask: If I were abundant which one of these things would I not be? N ow cross those fears off, so you can ?assure your subconscious mind that this is the thing that you are not going to be.? www.BOLDFavorM

Finally ask yourself: Who would I be with abundance? Lisa states, ?So now you?ve exposed your judgment. You?ve exposed the judgmental things you?ve learned. T hen you crossed out the things you wouldn?t be when you come across abundance. T hen you?ve written your intention for abundance. N ow you can say, ?I can stick my toe in the door called abundance? because you?ve given yourself the information you needed.? When she did this exercise, Lisa was surprised to discover what she had written down: Wealthy people are stingy, selfish and shallow. T hey have families that are in breakdown and aren?t real. Good people turn bad when they?re wealthy. Wealthy people steal from the poor. Lisa had to prove to herself that ?I wouldn?t be stingy. I wouldn?t be arrogant when I become wealthy. I had to prove to myself that I would be fiercely grounded, that I still would be serving and loving.? O nly after she became aware of the thoughts that were holding her back, was Lisa able to open herself up to prosperity. As she contemplated the meaning of abundance, she began to realize it was a 360-degree experience that encompassed the whole self: spirituality, Page 27

self-perception, interpersonal relationships, finance and philanthropy. T he Power of M edit ation Sri Sri R avi Shankar, spiritual master and founder of the Art of Living Foundation, says, ?Every human being has the need to meditate because it is a natural tendency of human life to look for a joy that doesn?t diminish, a love that doesn?t distort or turn into negative emotions.? T he more crazy and dynamic your life, the more the need to meditate arises. Lisa also consistently takes time out to meditate. ?M editation has been significantly beneficial in my life,? she mused, ?It?s given me a sense of peace, grace and ease. It helps me to release anxiety. I feel like in my prayer-life, I?m asking God for direction and in my meditation I?m hearing the answer. It allows me to play between my skillset as a CEO and my creativity as a speaker, life coach and author. It?s allowed me to live in both worlds and flow fluently.? M editation gives her insight into the next phase of her life, a pathway to the next segment of her development. ?M y life is noisy, with a beautiful sound,? professes Lisa, ?In my meditation time, I get to turn the volume down.? L ife I s A Verb. You H ave to Give I t! M ost people who pick up Abundance N ow, or any other self-help book, are unhappy with their present and looking to create a better tomorrow. Research, however, debunks the popular notion that money leads to happiness. Emma Seppälä, author of T he H appiness Track, asserts, ?H appiness can maximize your resilience, creativity, productivity, charisma and many other critical skills for success.? Research shows that you can create a better tomorrow when you find happiness in today. Lisa remembered a similar insight when chatting with O prah W infrey on her show in 2007. ?We look at better as if there?s something wrong with now.? O prah immediately jumped, ?Oh my god, I tell my friends that all the time. Be in the now. Enjoy the now. Celebrate the now.? www.BOLDFavorM

Lisa firmly believes that if you are not grateful for your now, how can the universe bring you a great next? H er voice grew in passion and inspiration as we spoke: ?You bring the joy, you bring the experience. Life is verb. You have to give it. You and the universe are co-creators, but you are the designer of your destiny. You are the author of your autobiography, so write this chapter the way you want. Write this scene the way you want it. You have to be willing to see the light. And when you have an experience in your now and it doesn?t feel wonderful, immediately make your next grow better.? Taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions is key to becoming an ?abundant thinker.? Lisa stressed the importance of this point, ?You?re not just responsible for your thoughts and actions. You?re responsible for your reactions. Your reactions have a lot to do with your now experience. When you become responsible for your reactions, then your now begins to shift.? L iving in Success In Abundance N ow, Lisa speaks about the importance of leaving a legacy of giving. She had to drop out of college her freshman year for financial reasons, thus never earning her degree. H owever, she?s paving the way for others to accomplish their dreams and realize their innate potential. H er non-profit foundation, M otivating the Teen Spirit, has touched the lives of 211,650 teens, prevented 3,800 adolescent suicides and supported 2,500 dropouts into returning to school and reuniting with their families. Among the awards and honors bestowed upon Lisa for her extensive work are the H umanitarian Award from the country of South Africa, T he Ambassador Award, and the Legoland Foundation?s H eart of Learning Award. Lisa?s extraordinary story from living on food stamps to leading a multi-million dollar enterprise is the inspiration behind her mission to share her life lessons with others. For Lisa, a bank account balance, career title, or possessions do not define success. She defines success as how deeply you love and are loved, how freely you give and receive from others, and how continuously you live in your passion. Despite the abundance she now enjoys, she recognizes its true value is in serving others. Page 28


Art, Vibes& Fashion? WhereCreativityMeets Performance A r ticle By Shana T hor nton Photos By T reandos T hor nton It?s artistic, unique, chic and ingenious. M any would describe it as a meeting of great minds focused on the love of originality in every aspect. T he Art, Vibes & Fashion Event in Atlanta this past M arch attracted some of the best and brightest artists in the Atlanta M etropolitan Area. T he ongoing four-city tour aims to assist aspiring and established talents from the arts community with gaining more exposure. T he Atlanta showcase and mixer was filled with ambitious minds determined to make a name for themselves in the busy era of social media and mundane tasks. Painters, with the zeal and passion of the late great Romare Bearden, eagerly shared the inspiration behind their displayed works. O ne such visual artist in attendance was Trevor H aeberle. H e is driven as an artist by emotion and spontaneity. Countless onlookers looked in awe at his art pieces on public display at the 2016 Art, Vibes & Fashion Atlanta. ?I want to present fashion that?s art yet comfortable and ensures that everyone feels original. Style should be fun and representative of you.? Fashion designer Lindsay Barnette had her Spring 2016 fashion line featured at the Atlanta event. O bservers seemed very impressed with her stylish work. ?I think our pieces can be worn everyday because it represents the various thoughts, moods and feelings people experience. Clothing can make you feel good inside and out. I keep that in mind when creating any of my pieces.? Barnette is the owner and creative director of Kultured M isfits Clothing Collection. H er fashion Page 29


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show at Art, Vibes & Fashion Atlanta featured a mostly collegiate group of runway models. M odel, Torrance D. Scott, Jr. cherished his participation but also expressed his appreciation for the various artists motivating one another. ?It?s encouraging to be around other individuals who value all forms of art. Fashion is art.? Barnette and Scott are dedicated to fashion. Some would even call both the fashion designer and model ambassadors for the industry. So it would also be fair to label illustrator, Brandon W illiams as an ambassador for his field. ?T here is a wonderful skill to illustration that has always appealed to me as a young boy. Bringing characters to life on paper or through digital animation is truly magical.? W illiams exposes an interesting point. We read or even hear a fascinating story but there is a mystical perspective that visual art does to bring that account to life. Illustration helps our minds or imaginations see stories in ways we can?t quite understand. ?Art can be amazing. Jewelry can also display art.? T he owner and jewelry designer of Conscious O ne Collections, Tiara Brittne, believes that personal style is artistic expression. It is obvious that art is so much more than just a casual term thrown around in conversation to many of those excelling in the field.

learning and understanding the passion of various artists and industry influencers. Franck M ille has presented an experience of a lifetime in Atlanta and he believes it?s just the tip of the iceberg. H is platform brings creativity and performance on the same page. For more information on Franck M ille and Pretty Fly Society, please visit Writer Shana T hornton is an award-winning digital journalist and lead on-air talent for the national news talk radio show Let?s Talk America with Host Shana T hornton. For more information, please visit

And excellency is the entire notion behind this movement. O ne conversation with the visionary Franck M ille and it is clear he is dedicated to creating a platform for art. M ille is the founder and Chief Executive O fficer of Pretty Fly Society. T he organization touts his push for performance, integrity and excellency. ?I believe that success and art can co-exist. I think you get the ball rolling by bringing people of every industry together and learning from one another. Artists can share and grow together. T hings are fast moving and it will take team work to keep up and thrive.? M ille and his talented team coordinated the showcase and mixer in Atlanta and are set to present more this year. ?O ur platform is for the public. It?s for those who are movers and shakers in the industry. It?s about gaining access. T his is an opportunity to expose the world to art, music and fashion. It?s about people.? T he experience is certainly one for Page 31


CHROM E Sp o t l i g h t JamesWorthy, Producer


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It?s a rainy day in Atlanta and I?m down at the California Pizza K itchen in Atlantic Station. I?m here because I?m about to interview one of the most sought after music producers in the business who is taking the industry by storm and mesmerizing many of today?s musicians and artists with his addictive musical tracks. James Worthy is my crush today; he has swag, talent, a vision and he?s not just talking the talk, he?s walking the walk! Wearing a black hat, red fitted jacket and black stylish Jeans, James has arrived and is ready to let us into his world. We have Rodney Jerkins, Pharrell W illiams, Jay-Z , M issy Elliot and now we have James Worthy and trust me he is definitely worthy and is the next big thing in the music production game! I had an opportunity to get to know more about this hot new producer who has produced songs for some of today?s greatest artists such as Sara Stokes, "From the Bottom U p!", Bobby Brown, B Angie B and Truth H urts, just to name a few. H e's even working with M adonna! Yeah, I said M adonna! I enjoyed speaking to James about music, how he got started and relationships, he even shares some of his best dating insight and you won?t believe which famous artist he has a crush on! T inzley: Who do you admire? We all have people we look up to. Who are you a huge fan of and why? Jam es: I admire many people, but M ichael Jackson would have to be at the top because of his courage of being himself despite what others thought of him. T inzley: What would be considered your greatest accomplishments? James: K nowing that I'm doing what I love to do as a profession. T inzley: H ow?s your love life these days? I blog about relationships and dating and I?m always interested in seeing how men like you balance pursuing their dreams with dating. Jam es: It is actually fun! N othing too serious more so on the dating aspect. Time always tells when the right person has arrived. T inzley: Are you dating anyone now and if so, what are your views on settle free dating? Jam es: Currently at this time I am not dating because I feel I can?t give 100% through a busy schedule. M y advice would be to carefully learn about the person you?re spending time with and not to move so fast. Time is what we can?t get back. You have to know your value because


James and Tinzley goofing off...

But he's serious about his work.


when you know your value you won?t settle because you know what?s owed to you! T inzley: Yessssss? . James you just preached a message when you said that. I hope everyone read it. K now your value! N ow you?re in the music industry and with that comes a lot of gold diggers and groupies. Would you say women who typically wouldn?t have talked to you in the past are now all over you since your newly found fame? Jam es: Somewhat! A lot of people like to hop on the train once it is moving, but like I always say time always tells. T inzley: N ow that you?ve accomplished so much, you?re a popping producer who has worked with some of the greatest artists alive, what?s next for you? What can we expect to see from James Worthy? Jam es: T hank you! You can expect new singles, albums, television appearances, films and me continuing to build the brand. T inzley: H ow do you avoid drama in your life? You?re a public figure now and with that comes jealousy, trolls and negative people. H ow do you keep going despite all of that? Jam es: O ne simple thing, positive energy. I associate myself with those who want wealth and success through the right endeavors. N egative energy we stay away from. T inzley: Do you have a team of supporters or are you pretty much your own standalone entrepreneur? Jam es: Yes I do have a team of people who work with me. I couldn't do this without them. Page 34

Tinzley: So tell us, do you have any artist who you have a crush on? Come on, be honest? . Jam es: (Smiles) R ihanna! T inzley: Awwwwwww great choice, R ihanna is gorgeous and talented!! Who knows maybe one day you?ll get to work with her. Do you think you will ever start your own production company? Sort of like Jermaine Dupree, P Diddy or T.I. has? Jam es: Yes, actually I have my own by the name of DreammusikGroup. T inzley: Wow, that?s awesome!! T hank you for taking the time to sit with me and to answer these questions. Tell everyone how they can stay connected. Where can we find you? Jam es: Everyone follow me on all social media @kingjamesworthy,

I had the best time chatting with James Worthy and learning so many great things about him along the way. I enjoy seeing those in the business with such talent actually valuing what they do and not using it as a platform to act like an idiot on live T V. I was impressed with James and in our live video when I asked him what advice he could tell someone trying to get in the production business and they seem to be having a tough time, his response was, ?O ne of my favorite quotes is, T he key to success is to never stop!? Please feel free to visit my personal blog to see our video chat! www.BOLDFavorM

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The Ort iz Family

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Dynamic Duo: Eric Ort iz & Maria Burns-Ort iz by: D avid Good M eet Eric O rtiz and his dynamic wife M aria. T his power couple is the true definition of a dynamic duo in everything they do. T here is nothing this couple cannot do as a team or as individuals as you will soon see. M aria Burns O rtiz is an award-winning journalist who started out covering sports and entertainment. N ow, she is the CEO and Founder of 7 Generation Games, working in educational gaming and media innovation. Eric O rtiz is also a journalist, as well as an entrepreneur and innovator. H e used these skills to found and serve as CEO of Evrybit, a mobile-first company that brings stories to life with an all-in-one app for storytelling and media monetization. U pon interviewing the dynamic duo who met and fell in love at a N ational Association of H ispanic Journalists?conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the summer heat of 2006, I got the sense that they believe in and love each other, and that is the key to making everything they do work so well. Inspiration: When O pportunity knocks? T he parents of three (two girls and a baby boy) are all about family, and helping others reach their full potential. When asked what inspired her to get involved with educational gaming after the success with Sports Journalism (ESPN and other endeavors), Page 37 2 WEBSITE.COM/MAGAZINE

M aria stated that she was ready for a change and had spent a lot of time covering sports and entertainment news. About the same time, someone asked her if she would be interested in educational gaming, and the seeds of 7 Generation Games were planted. Since this start-up launched, its focus has been on cultural education, curriculum and technology where their educational video games change the lives of kids in grades three to eight. M aria added, "I wanted to make math video games that didn?t suck," and get them into classrooms everywhere and make them part of the curriculum. When asked how the educational video games are implemented, M aria responded by saying, ?T he educational games are used in school settings, after school programs and parents are using it at home.? She added that the first and second versions of the games are computer software based, and versions three and four are app and computer based. 7 Generation Games has seen upward mobility since it launched in 2013, to where this innovative company is working to get different versions into every classroom and creating a bilingual (English-Spanish) game. When the opportunity came for Eric to start a business, he was ready for the challenge and change saying, ?T here were so many stories not being told and not being monetized.?

Evrybit was launched based on this precept. Eric went on to say, ?Everyone has a story to tell, whether it?s in business, like a start-up, or about choices you make that affect your life.? Eric is also the managing editor for a digital news site called Truthdig, where his media skills are put to the utmost use by digging beneath the headlines. W ith this year?s U .S. Presidential election taking front stage and covering rallies, it has been busy times for Eric. "It?s been a colorful election," and he stays very busy. Eric's vision since starting Evrybit is to connect the world through storytelling and to be successful at it, both financially and growth wise. T he company is targeting American news and non-news organizations to start, with goals to expand into international markets. Entrepreneurial Steps of Encouragement Talking to the O rtiz, you can get easily caught-up in the family success because it feels like they love helping people and have been successful since starting in sports journalism and digital media. But they told me what keeps them grounded no matter the high or the lows: the love they have for each other, and their three adorable children. After nine years of marriage and the success and failures, it is the love of their children that keeps them grounded. N o matter what is going on or www.BOLDFavorM

how they feel, it is their children who remind them of why they are doing all this; and if all goes wrong, their children are still there and that is encouragement enough to continue this dual empire. It is a balancing act, but at the end of the day the most important thing is family. Steps to success in starting your own business Eric and M aria shared these great success tips that have helped their businesses grow so quickly: M ake sure there is a market for your idea. Identify the problem and research it. Validate your idea. Advertise and M arket your idea. Continue to educate yourself and take chances. N etwork with people that will invest in you. Conclusion When speaking to this dynamic duo you hear their confidence not only in their products, but also in themselves and each other. T he amazing thing is they run two startups, are raising three small children and are doing it because they saw a need. T his need turned into opportunity, not just for them, but for those who had a story to tell, but did not an avenue to tell it. Evrybit took care of that need. T hen there was the opportunity to create an educational gaming company that is helping young minds explore in ways that they could not before and they made it affordable. 7 Generation Games took care of that need. We closed out the interview with Eric wanting the readers of this article to know that, ?You are never too young or too old to start a business. T his is a great time to do it. Your purpose should be to make a difference in the world, and to make people?s lives better.? To explore and enjoy the work that Eric and M aria have created to help our others grow, visit, which brings stories to life, and, which brings games that make you smarter.

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The Serenbe Playhouse takes you outside to enjoy its acclaimed productions.

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At l ant a's Amazing & Magical Ser enbePl ay houseTaket o t heWoods! By Cathy H . Bur roughs As one of the only outdoor, site specific theatre companies in the country, Atlanta's completely magical Serenbe Playhouse ( is both the brain child and realization of the wildly creative and imaginative vision of artistic director Brian Clowdus. O n a lark, Clowdus visited the rural and idyllic Serenbe, 40 minutes south of Atlanta, one July 4th several years ago. Following his visit he wrote an email asking to launch a theatre company. T he answer was yes, and the rest, as the saying goes ? was, and still is ? history! N ext up on their ambitious and whimsical docket is "Charlotte's Web" directed by artistic associate and media rep R yan Oliveti. T his production will be for all ages and is a new take on E.B. White?s unforgettable tale of an articulate and compassionate spider and an adorable pig who wants nothing better than to simply survive. T he show will be staged, appropriately enough, in the heart of Serenbe?s live Animal Village running M ay 27 through July 31; following this will be the James Steinbeck heartbreaker ?O f M ice and M en,? June 9 through June 26; then the powerful musical ?M iss Saigon? July 21 through August 7. Expect the unexpected with Serenbe Playhouse. Spoiler Alert: For ?M iss Saigon,? a love story based on Puccini?s ?M adame Butterfly? set during the Vietnam War, an actual W W II helicopter will land nightly. T he Season of Surrender will culminate with their annual fall thriller, ?T he Sleepy H ollow Experience? September 29 thru N ovember 6. Purchase tickets fast for this one as it has sold out for the past three seasons and American T heatre M agazine has called it one of the top 5 H alloween plays in the country. W inter at Serenbe will be celebrated and made complete with ?snowfall? in ?T he Snow Q ueen,? the H ans Christian Anderson?s tale that was the original ?Frozen,? December 1 thru 23. Since its inception seven years ago, Serenbe Playhouse has presented in a vast array of bucolic settings, visually stunning immersive outdoor productions that both revel in and capitalize on the natural surroundings and seasonal themes that have drawn their audiences literally into the woods ? in droves. For tickets, call the Box O ffice at 770-463-1110 or visit the web site: or all forms of social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat. Parking varies for each production, and you will receive detailed instructions prior to each production via email. Serenbe can be reached at 10950 H utchesons Ferry Road, Chattahoochee H ills, GA 30268 and is approximately 40 minutes from downtown Atlanta from I 85 S, not far from the airport. O nce there, follow the green Firefly signs down the rabbit hole to the mysterious, mystical and magical world of the Serenbe Playhouse. Cathy H . Burroughs has written for many magazines, and you may have seen her on AI B T V, Q -100?s T he Bert or K immer Shows and she has several television projects in the works. Check her out at

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T he POW ER of By Shavonda G. M cCaleb


A llow m e to introduce you to a power ful, influential, dem anding t wo letter word, ?N O ?! Are you considered a YES person? A ?yes? person is one who doesn?t understand the power of sometimes saying no. T he ?yes? allows everyone to call them at the last minute and expect things to be done ?right now!? O nce you realize and accept that poor planning on their part doesn?t constitute an emergency on yours; you will begin to be empowered by that phenomenal, life changing two-letter word? ?N O ?. Believe it or not, ?N O ? is a complete sentence. It doesn?t require justification, confirmation or explanation. When you say, ?yes? to others, it?s critical to make sure you are not saying ?N O ? to yourself, your assignments, plans, dreams, destiny and/or vision.

I can remember being a ?YES?woman. I would say yes to last minute assignments, projects and events. I would say yes, even when I really wanted to say N O , but I didn?t have the courage to do so. So I found myself burnt out, all because I didn?t exercise my right to say ?N O ?. It wasn?t until a few months ago that I found my lost voice and became empowered. I would complete last minute tasks, at the expense of losing personal time, sleep, money and family time ? all because I did not know or was too afraid of disappointing someone. I didn?t realize that I was doing myself, and others a disservice by saying yes all of the time. Consequently, I did not and could not produce a quality product or project. M oreover, I realized through my friend, Pastor M ario Brown (Auburn, Alabama - that ?I was working mad and producing mad work?. M y brothers and sisters take the bull by its horns and give yourself permission to say ?N O ? to anything that makes you unhappy, sad, leaves you feeling depressed, resentful, secretly mad or drained. At the end of the day, this is your life, and you should live it on YOU R terms! T he process to free yourself from the guilt of having to say ?no? can be grueling because you are actually learning to live in a dimension of liberty and freedom. Furthermore, you may be tempted to slip back into your ?old pattern? of doing things. T his is where you need an accountability partner who has been given your permission to monitor your blind spots and remind you of the path to recovery you?re on. O nce you get accustomed to living without the pressure of feeling forced to take on more than you can humanly accomplish, you will learn to appreciate the process of developing the ability to just say ?N O ?.

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Encouragi ng th e Un-empow ered Circa 1999, I was a young special education teacher with lots of energy, ideas and a lot of mouth. I loved my students and was ready to pummel anyone who didn't at least act like they loved them as much as I did. N ot only did I love my students, I really loved my job and could not imagine ever doing anything else. I did not want to do anything else; however something else was in store for my future. At that time I was supervised by a wonderful department chairperson who saw something in me that I did not realize was there, leadership skills. She asked if I ever thought of going into leadership and said, "You should, you'd be good." From time to time she would broach the subject, giving me more and more confidence. M s. H eiman empowered me to utilize my gifts and skills on a larger scale. H er words and subtle nudging led me to chart a different course in my career, one that continues to evolve. Webster defines empower as "to promote the self-actualization or influence of." Sometimes it's those around us who propel us into our destiny or into being the best person we can be. Words are like seeds and one small seed has the potential to blossom into a towering oak. I often reflect on where I am in my professional life and those who've empowered me to move to higher heights, those reflections allow me to pay it forward and empower others. As educators, it is incumbent upon us to utilize our influence to move those in our care to the next level. Every child who walks through the schoolhouse doors is not the product of a functional home and words of

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By Dr. Connie D. Frankl in

support and encouragement are too few and far between. It's with those students whom a simple "you can do it" or "I know you'd do a great job" ring the loudest. Sometimes, we're their only cheerleaders. For some we may only have to do a quick chant, but others may require a full cheer, stunt and back flip! N evertheless, whatever is needed we must provide. T hese are the individuals who not only go on to accomplish amazing things, but they are those who accomplish things many never thought they could, like graduate high school. Empowering our students is an educator?s duty and responsibility that is not listed in our contact, but for the true educator it's listed in our hearts. T hese acts of motivation are not and should not be limited to those in our care. T here are individuals whom we encounter everyday who may be in the need of hearing a word that sparks interest or garners confidence. It's a very rewarding feeling to look back over my career and realize that my words, either subtly in passing or from behind my desk in conference, have helped both children and adults when things have been cloudy and unclear. When we empower others, we not only strengthen them, we strengthen ourselves. Education is a critical element in a child's growth and development and the village must continually pour into them so that they are equipped to use what we've given them. U n-empowered students are like unopened books, there's something wonderful, interesting, or informative inside, but until it's opened no one knows.


T ravel, L uxury and A dventure Get th e Royal Treatm en t on th e Gorgeous Georgia Coast - Part 1: St. Sim on s Islan d's Posh an d Recen tly Ren ovated Ocean fron t Kin g an d th e Prin ce Golf & Beach Resort By Cathy H . Bur roughs, World T ravel, L uxury

destinations with private beach, award-winning golf course, partially heated pool complex, as well as smaller private pools and hot tubs, balconies, verandas, old fashioned wooden swings, tennis courts and exquisite and varied guest rooms ? on most on its 4-acre grounds and gardens. T he dramatic updates to the many of the rooms, villas and guest houses which are all richly tapestried with plenty of amenities, just steps to the hotel's exclusive beach and blustery ocean access and long sea views of the hotel's common areas. T his combination honors at once the hotel's naval history while introducing a decidedly current, sleek and sophisticated ambiance, noticeable as soon as you enter the elevated sunny atrium and newly stone-paved lobby. Its living room with imposing fireplace, and brand new contemporary nautically-inspired restaurant, the airy and elegant Echo and bar add gravitas. O utdoors, alluring new

H ead to the coast, to Georgia's secluded barrier islands ( for a fabulous summer or anytime get-away, as the weather is balmy year round, just 4.5 - 5.5 hours drive from Atlanta. O ne of our dearly loved island haunts is located on the largest of these islands - St. Simons ( T he picturesque and easily walkable seaside St. Simons Island and its villages boast a fishing pier, a pristine beachfront, an 1872 lighthouse and brims with history, culture, wonderful restaurants and intriguing places to shop and discover. It has been dubbed one of the "Top 10 Islands in the U .S." by Conde N ast and "America's Favorite Beach Town" by Travel and Leisure. It is easy to understand why our all time top place to stay on the island, and its only oceanfront resort, the splendid and historic K ing and the Prince Beach & Golf Resort ( is the recipient of Trip Advisor's Certificate of Excellence for five consecutive years. Listed on both the N ational Registry of H istoric Places and H istoric H otels of America, the M editerranean style hotel, once a dance club and center of the island?s night life, has definitely upped its game with its "castle makeover." N ow one of the region's most sublime Atlantic O ceanfront Page 44 4 WEBSITE.COM/MAGAZINE

furnishings, umbrellas and pergolas redefine the oceanfront pool and sun deck complex and the updated landscaping breathes new je ne sais quoi to one of our all-time favorites. While there be sure to enjoy both indoor and by the water under the stars dining with the hotel?s completely revamped menu for breakfast, lunch, late night romantic dining, or a later www.BOLDFavorM

heroic life and the poignant love stories of the Reverend Anson Phelps Dodge, Jr., and noted novelist Eugenia Price. T he Dodge family and Price together with her long-time companion are all buried at the exquisite Christ Church Frederica ( O ne morning we learnt the art of sand casting at the Glynn Arts Association art gallery and arts center ( and another evening was spent in a raucous food orgy indulging in the succulent award-winning smoking barbecue of Southern Soul ( Be

careful though - their mouth-watering ribs are habit forming. For breakfast outside of the hotel, go a bit crazy with the sinful spread of the ultimate Southern breakfast - both buffet and a la carte - right at the pier - the Sandcastle CafĂŠ ( T he K ing and Prince Beach & Golf Resort night custom made pizza delivered to your room.

201 Arnold Road Saint Simons Island, GA 31522

Explor ing St. Sim ons

(912) 638-3631

T he island is chock full of history, so be sure to rent a bike at O cean M otion Surf Company ( or hop on and off the trolley for one of the in-depth superb historic or nighttime ghost tours (,, through the meandering Spanish moss-draped O ak-lined roadways. Spend an afternoon on the open estuary with naturalist and crew, witnessing shrimping and sampling its fresh caught sweetness aboard the Lady Jane ( Soak up the island's sagas and the moving tale of N eptune Small's

T hank you to T he K ing and Prince?s Bud St. Pierre, Director of Sales & M arketing; Allen Lancaster, Food & Beverage Director; Laurie K aragul, assistant to Bud St. Pierre and Leigh Cort, Publicist, for their incredible generosity and amazing hospitality.



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The Good Food Revolut ion: Growing Healt hy Food, People and Communit ies by W ill Allen Book Review by Paul Sean Grieve Rat ing: 4 st ars ?T he rich get local organic, the poor get diabetes.? T hese words, uttered by a well-known anti-poverty activist at a conference in Toronto, Canada, forever changed the way I looked at our food system. After hearing of the problems faced by impoverished people in neighborhoods poorly serviced by public transport and without quality supermarkets, I decided I wanted to be part of the solution. H ow, I wasn?t sure. T hen somebody at the conference handed me a book called ?T he Good Food Revolution? by W ill Allen. A former professional basketball player, Allen is the founder of Growing Power, an organization dedicated to providing sustainably grown food to economically disadvantaged people in urban communities around the U S. Battling not only poverty and racism but also the deeply ingrained eating habits of people who live in neighborhoods where fresh vegetables are nowhere to be found, Allen has managed to build the kind of social enterprise that legions of more prominent (and better funded) do-gooders could barely dream of. H ow? H e just didn?t take no for an answer. Instead of complaining about not having the resources, he donned his garden gloves and got to work. T his concise and down-to-earth autobiography documents his strenuous efforts and takes us on a journey through the trials and tribulations of establishing a thriving urban farm in M ilwaukee, W isconsin. At its heart, this isn?t a book about good food or how to grow it. It?s a book about how to empower less affluent members of a community by uniting them in a common cause and a worthy mission. H ardly a day goes by that I don?t think about trying to get something like Growing Power started in poverty-stricken Okinawa, my adopted home. After re-reading this inspiring book, I realize not only that I should, but that I can. Page 47


G ain U nderstanding Purpose in Your Pain is an inspirational breakthrough for those who seek meaning in their lives. Evangelist Stephanie Davenport holds nothing back as she takes the reader through the reason God uses pain to strengthen us, gives tips and tools to face trouble head on, and shares her own struggles and resolution to motivate us to push on through crisis. T his second book by Evangelist Davenport challenges traditional thoughts on how to face pain in our families, work lives, churches, and within ourselves - and provides scripture references and prayers for most situations. Purpose in Your Pain is a spiritual, intellectual, and emotional rejuvenation for anyone who is "tired of being tired" of the same trite reasons for pain and chaos in their lives. T his book will jolt you into action, getting you out of the Valley experience and headed toward the M ountaintop!

Avail abl enow on w w w .AHealin Page 48


B e I nspired Reflectionsfrom the Heart is a compilation of breathtakingly honest life experiences and beautiful poems written by business woman M elvina D. Crawl. M elvina shares her hope, pain, joy, and struggles with the goal of encouraging and empowering others. H er witty and poignant collection of family stories that include memories of childhood, motherhood, and married life come together to create a beautiful tableau of love. And her poems featuring the voices of children and mothers in various states of relationship resonate long beyond the last page. Reflectionsfrom the Heart has something smart and inspirational for all who seek to be uplifted and strengthened to continue on through life's journey.

Avail abl enow on w w w .Prem ierSolution Page 49


Set su M cCl endon, CLC Purpose is w akin g up each m orn in g to do w h at you love to do. I am w alkin g in m y purpose an d w ould love to assist you in doin g th e sam e. As a Purpose Coach , m y services can en due you to m ake trem en dous ch an ges in your life! Th rough m y ow n life experien ces, it com pelled m e to develop a program called L.I.F.E.(Livin g In Full Expectation ) for sin gle w om en , ages 20-45. Th e foun dation of th e program is PRAYER! I un derstan d th e pow er of prayer an d th e im portan ce of h avin g a relation sh ip w ith GOD to fulfill purpose. I got frustrated in w orkin g a 9-5, I felt like I w as in bon dage an d could n ot do w h at w as in m y h eart to do. My passion h as been to assist w om en in iden tifyin g th eir gifts, talen ts an d turn it in to a busin ess. I kn ew m y gifts an d talen ts w ere placed in m e to service oth ers. I w ould love to be of a service to you. Th e program provides on e-on -on e session s, group session s, w orksh ops, con feren ce calls an d L.I.F.E. Explosion parties. If you are frustrated w ith your job, w an t to start a busin ess an d h ave a desire to develop m ultiple stream s of in com e, LET?S TALK! Do you w an t to w ake up each m orn in g on purpose?

Set su M cCl en d on m ccl en d on set su @gm ai l .com 470-258-7483

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