BOLD Favor Magazine September 2016

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20162016 SeptJune ember

Th e f ut ur e fav o r s t h e BOLD. Be f ea r l ess!

Simply A mazing SIMPLY RAYNE Feat ur es THE LOVE MAMA BREAKS IT DOW N by Tinzley Bradford

THE 2016 BOLD AWARD HONOREES Check out these amazing leaders

TOXIC THOUGHTS BE GONE! by Deborah Hightower Page



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Let t er f r omt heEdit or - in- Chief Summertime is over and we are boldly stepping into September where politics and football (Are you ready for some Football!!!!) will dominate the media headlines. Here at Bold Favor Magazine we write articles and show interviews of people whose stories will help you make that bold step and walk fearlessly into a bright future. W elcome to the Bold Favor magazine!!! 2016 has been a magnificent and crazy year as can be seen, read or heard on any network, blog or radio. Our readers, subscribers, writers and advertisers dedication to this magazine has been awesome and humbling. W e thank you for that!!! Again thank you for the continuing radio shout outs, social media plugs and appreciation of the character of the magazine! Please continue making bold and fearless choices. Don?t let time, fear, doubt or others stop you from your success; show the world your BOLDNESSin everything you do. In this issue of BOLD FAVOR, we are pleased to feature our cover, Simply Rayne. She is the All American teen sensation and my fellow Texan, who passionately tells her story about her musical career, advocacy and juggling responsibilities as a high school senior rising singing sensation in "Simply Rayne is Simply Amazing"; an interview of Ardie Orie talking about her stage play The Heart of A Man by Bold Favor?s own Tinzley Bradford; feature of highly sought out yoga instructor, Jessamyn Stanley; continuing features of independent music label... MuGen Music, The Good List feature of ?W hy are we Asking W hy?and ; our CHROME spotlights actor and musician Julian Brittano. Of course we have the Ask Bri and Love Mama segments, travel, relationships, book reviews, arts and amazing stories of battling cancer, inspiring our young people and the having the BOLD tenacity of embracing who you are. Thank you to the founder of Bold Favor Magazine founder, Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, for being an amazing leader, lawyer, family woman and friend. Let?s all go BOLDLY forward together. Enjoy shopping with our wonderful advertisers, and share your thoughts with us - we listen! Have a great start to your Fall. And remember:

The future favors the BOLD. Be Bold and Be Fearless!

David David Good Editor-in-Chief Page 4


Our Team Founder Lynita Mitchell- Blackwell Editor- in- Chief David M. Good Photogr apher s Joshe Mar tin, Dawn Nelson, Ynette Keith Videogr apher Tyr a Breaux MUA Elizabeth St. John- Hall Wr iter s in this Issue Antoinette Or tega Asia Wheaton Cathy Bur roughs Debor ah Hightower Gypsy Empress Jamila Choyce Lynda Dell Mona Shah Joshi Myesha Good Paul S. Gr ieve Regina "Sunshine" Robinson Setsu McClendon Shana Thor nton Shavonda McCaleb Simone Jameson Tina Br idges Tinzley Br adford

BOLD Favor Magazine is the Leadership Lifestyle magazine that highlights BOLD people, organizations, and causes that inspire us to live fearlessly. Founded by Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, CEO of Leading Through Living Community, LLC, BOLD Favor has over 250K email subscribers, 15K+Instagram Followers, and 16K+ Twitter Followers (across two accounts). To learn more, or to advertise with us, visit, call 866-611-3753 or email us at

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InsidethisIssue... 40

9 Toxic T houghts Be Gone!! 12 M atthew H ead: M usic Genius 15 T he Love M ama Beaks It Down 16 Just Do Something: Jessamyn Stnley 20 Pretty H urts 29 M y Spiritual Walk 30 BOLD Award H onorees 2016 36 Relationships According to Asia 38 She Inspires M e T hrough M edia

BOLD Cover Simply Rayne



Ellaboo's Angels Rip t he Nat 'l Black Deaf Advocat es Runway for Ovarian Cancer Are In Shavonda's Tea


CHROM E Spt olight Julianne Brit t ano

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Travel t o LA


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54 45 Ask Bri About the Game of Life 46 What M ade the Good List 47 T he U ltimate Press Conference 53 T he Fairytale M ixer 58 M eet the Awesome Girls of 2016 59 N ovembur H ill - M ore than A M odel 60 T he Art of Storytelling: Inerview with Ardre O rie 64 Curvy & Confident - Book Review 65 H ow to Fail & Still Success - Book Review

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Toxic Thoughts?

Be Gone!! by DeborahHightower

W hat do you have playing in your head? with the repeat on?W e are what we tell ourselves. Toxic thoughts ? self-defeating thoughts - poison and paralyze our minds. Do you let the negative voices in your head get in the way of your success?Let these 5 points be your mantra and apply them to all areas of your life.

Out withthenegative? in withthe positive. W e are what we say. So, hit the delete button on these words: woulda, shoulda, coulda. Place in your mind the desired goal ? with positive jubilation ? water it, talk to it and watch it grow. Start right now, right where you are. Hit the accelerator ? pedal to the metal style ? and drive! The time is now!

Concentrateandcapitalizeon your strengths and feed the positive. There are positives and negatives in every moment of every day. W e all have strengths and weaknesses. W hy is it that the weaknesses often get most of our attention?W e are often told, ?W ork on your weak spots.? I offer the opposite advice. Focus on your strengths ? grow and expand in areas where you are best.

Cultivatea group of supporters and trusted relationships. Your self-worth should not depend on what others say about you. Too often, we let what others say become the food


for our mind. Put yourself on a diet from all negative words and naysayers. It is okay to listen to others?perspective to widen your thought process but remember a perspective/ opinion/ bias comes from the path the critic has traveled. Don?t let their view, comments and/ or criticisms throw you off your plan for success. Cultivate honest and trusted circles of influence that have your best interest at heart.

Successwill come.If you stay about your business, success will come. On the other hand, if you quit your thoughts, your dreams will never come to fruition. View setbacks as simply a molding and learning moment. The popular 409 spray got its name by the number of times it took the inventor to get the formula right. Edison failed 10,000 times when creating the light bulb. Stay strong and keep on keeping on.

Perf ection doesnot exist. It is an unattainable goal. Those who call themselves perfectionists are filled with disappointment. Instead, strive for excellence - knowing that with laser-like focus and days filled with intentionality ? you will get where you?re going. Let your well of positive, productive, rewarding, prolific and worthwhile thoughts fill your mind and propel you to the next level of success!


! bo o El la It Ri p Page 10


Wina Holt, CEO & Founder

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On Sunday, July 17th, Ellaboo'sAngelsOvarian Cancer Foundation brought thefiercest designers, most talented models, and incredibly involved advocatestogether to present the"RIP theTeal Carpet" fashion show tobenefit survivorsand createawarenessof ovarian cancer. The event wasPACKED OUT and beautifully executed. Enjoy a few picturescaptured by our photographer Dawn Nelson.


MatthewHead: Television&FilmComposer Matthew Head is an Emmy Award winning Television and Film Composer in Atlanta, Georgia. He is widely known for the composing work he has done for the Movie Drama film ?Raising Izzie?, starring Rockmond Dunbar and Vanessa W illiams. He was responsible for winning an Emmy for composing a score for a regional news outlet documentary entitled ?Melissa?s Story?(2015), Produced by Scott Takeda of Takeda Entertainment. The heartfelt documentary captured a teacher overcoming her battle with cancer. Now, all of that is great, but as you read Matthew?s credits, I am sure some of you are still wondering what a Television and Film Composer actually does. W ell, Matthew is in charge of making the background music for television, film and media outlets. So, the music you hear in the background as your heart is beating really fast building up to the peak of the film is what Matthew is responsible for. Matthew?s contributions Page 12

and hard work have landed him several awards and nominee opportunities for Best Soundtrack at the Motor City International in 2007, Stellar Award Nominee (2007), NAACP Image Award Nominee (2013), and Outstanding Achievement Award Los Angeles W eb Festival (2014). Matthew has worked on projects such as ?W ilmington on Fire? Documentary that tells the story about the white mob who burned down the African-American community in W ilmington, North Carolina of 1898. Along with working for film productions, he has also worked closely with Capital Records and has provided music to Universal Records songwriters for music placement.

tuned into watching the premiere in early 2017. Matthew is also working on a comedy project, "#DigitalLivesMatter" directed by Terri J. Vaughn this summer and starring DC Young Fly. Matthew?s music can be heard on Rickey Smiley's ?For Real?on TVOne and has many other projects that are set to release in 2017. Make sure to follow Matthew Head, Emmy Award Film Composer on Twitter @MattHeadMusic and his website at --AntoinetteOrtega @The_Of f icialAO_

Stay tuned for what Matthew Head has in store as he is working on a new Drama Feature Film on Lifetime, "The W oman On The Edge", Starring Rumer W illis, the daughter of Bruce W illis and Demi Moore. This will be her first leading role and an abundance of people will be www.BOLDFavorM

Matthew Head

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Helloeveryone, I?mTinzley theLoveMama! I?mthe Author of theSettle-FreeDatingMethodf or Women andalsoa Settle-Freedatingcoach. Today?scolumn comesf romsomeonewhoreachedout tomeon oneof my social media channels. Sheexpressedhowtheguy shewasin a relationshipwithsuddenly stoppedcalling her andstartedpostingphotosof another woman on hisIGpage. Helater startedtocall her again, now she?sat a losswithwhat todo! What wouldyoudo?

Dear Love Mama, I had a boyfriend; we dated for a couple of months. W e had great moments together but after some time, things started changing with him. He stopped texting, he only texted when he wanted to. He stopped calling and all that, in short, there was a distance between us. Later on, he decided to break up with me for no reason. His best friend tried to bring the relationship back and he agreed that we will still be lovers as we use to be, but he was still acting strangely. Then, later on, he posted some other girl on Instagram with love words and stuff. I decided to write him a breakup text but he never said if he accepted my decision or not. I was so confused. I didn't know what to do, but to my surprise, he still keeps texting me. W hat should I do? At first, my plan was to cut him completely off but when he texts, we no longer talk about love, we only talk about normal stuff and all that and it seems he just thinks I?m to be okay with how things ended. I already blocked him on IG. Should I keep texting him back? Signed, Newly Single

Dear Newly Single, Girl, tell that fool...NEXT and block his number and keep his IG page blocked. He is clearly trying to play you and he does not deserve access to continuing this emotional roller coaster. He?s playing with you!! I'm not sure why, but he is obviously trying to have the best of both worlds by trying to date you and the other woman as well and that's not fair to you!! You deserve a one woman man! You ask if you should keep texting him back and my answer is; if you're okay with the relationship growing into you only being a "friend" with no sexual expectations and no girlfriend expectations, then you?ll have to be 100%okay with him seeing other women without having given you the closure you deserve. For me, when a guy just totally disrespects me for another woman in the manner in which he did you, I don't stay in touch, I'm done! There's nothing left to say other than "Boy Bye!" These guys have got to grow up and deal with the dumb decisions they are making by bouncing back and forth from woman to woman whenever they feel like it and not wanting to commit. W e as women make it way too easy for them, because we just keep on taking them back every time they come running back and we continue to make excuses for their bad behavior. It?s time to say NEXT and move on with your life! He?ll just keep on coming in your life, playing with your heart until it?s permanently broken. Once that happens, you?ll have a tough time being whole when the right man does show up. My advice...Cut him off! Signed

Tinzley, AKA TheLoveMama

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?I can?t tell youhowblessedI f eel right now. I just hope that I?mabletocontinueto livethelif eI?mlivingnow. "

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Jus t Do So met h in g : Jessa m y n St a n l ey By Regina ?Sunshine?Robinson Ms. Ting A Ling. That?s what I called her when I met her as a girl. And if you have had the opportunity to meet or talk to Jessamyn Stanley, you know that name kind of fits. Now over 20 years later, this little girl that I knew, has grown into an amazing woman that is taking the yoga and body positive worlds by storm. Born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, Jessamyn is the daughter of Jesse and Tangela Stanley and was raised in what she called a ?love bubble?. She is such a beautiful reflection of the family she was blessed to be born into and a true ambassador of love. W ith her parents and a very close extended family, Jessamyn was always taught to love others and to be a giver in every sense. That love of people and the example of service that her family, especially her "grandma" lived out in front of her, has given her a passion for helping others. It only makes sense that what started as a personal quest for improvement, healing and peace has turned into a ministry of sorts.

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At a low point in her life, Jessamyn realized that the career path she had chosen was leading her to a life that was making her miserable. By the invitation of a friend, she attended a yoga class. Although she had been to a yoga class years before and had a horrible experience, her friend?s persistence and the fact she had a coupon helped Jessamyn take a chance that changed her life. Just like the first time she went, she was the largest person in the room and one of only a few black people. But this time around, because of the internal search she was on, the challenge of practicing yoga was just what she needed to help her begin to find her way out of the mess she was in. It seemed the harder it was, the deeper she was drawn in. And although she wasn?t able to do most of the poses, she began to find herself as it got harder and find her way in the challenge. Interestingly enough, during the most painful times in her life which included the passing of her aunt and grandmother, the practice of yoga was where she was able to find a place of release and


peace. Now this young woman, that was the most unlikely person to be in a yoga class, is a highly sought out yoga instructor. Her message that yoga is for ?everybody?has opened the door for people to try yoga who might not have even considered it in the past. Her life and her story have inspired people of every size and background and she continues to receive messages of thanks for being so willing to share herself and her story so openly. She told me, ?W hen you are transparent about yourself, it helps others to be transparent about themselves.?This willingness to talk about her life and specifically her ?plus?size body has won her the admiration of many and opened the door for her to speak on loving yourself. Now along with being the ?fat femme?yoga teacher", she is known as a ?Body Positive? Advocate. Jessamyn finds that her classes are often filled with people who might be too ashamed or uncomfortable to attend another instructor?s class. These students find freedom in a classroom where the instructor looks less like what the media portrays as the ideal body image and more like what a real woman looks like. But In spite of her success, there are still those who come to her class and are surprised to see someone that looks like her teaching yoga and are almost offended at the idea that they are paying her to teach them.

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But after a workout that leaves them dripping in sweat, the look of disbelief some may enter the class with is quickly replaced with a look of respect. W hen asked what is next for her, Jessamyn replied, ?I can?t tell you how blessed I feel right now. I just hope that I?m able to continue to live the life I?m living now. I do have a book coming out and I will continue to teach for as long as there are people who say they want me to teach them. I just want to reach people. And my biggest goal is to just live in the light.?For anyone that wants to connect with her or even take a class, you can find her at She is still having a hard time understanding this new space of ?celebrity?but does understand that the platform she has been given has given her a window into people?s lives to inspire them to get up out of dark places and do something even if they are afraid. As our conversation concluded, she had these words for those who need a little push to get going. ?Just do something. Even if you have to spend 80 hours a week doing something you hate and you only have 2 hours to do what you love to do, start there. Do something.?And oh how blessed we are that when she was in her darkest places, Jessamyn chose to ?just do something?.

Nowalongwithbeingthe?f at f emme?yoga teacher", sheis known asa ?Body Positive? Advocate.


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P retty

Hu r t s Lear n t o Embr ace Your Imper f ect ion s By Mona Shah Joshi W e are endowed by certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of perfection. W ait. W hat? Perfection?Before you get your star-spangled knickers all in a bunch, just think about it. How often have we traded our happiness for the pursuit of self-perfection? And how often have we made ourselves nuts in the process? In a perpetually chaotic world, perfectionism seems to allow us some semblance of order and control. Cutting-edge research shows that there is, in fact, a fine line between striving for improvement and striving relentlessly for perfection. How do you know if you?ve crossed it?Is your perfectionism doing more harm than good? Are You A Perfectionist? Do you feel irritated and dissatisfied with a project because you know there?s room for improvement?Do you compare yourself to others and feel anxious or jealous at their success?Do you work to the point of exhaustion? Do you find it difficult to disengage from work when you?re on a vacation?In the social media age where people document everything from their dinner to their view from an airplane window, do you feel that your life needs to appear effortlessly happy and fulfilling to others?

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W hile high-achievers set high goals and work assiduously towards them, perfectionists focus on unmet goals. Perfectionists tend to look at themselves and others through critical eyes. Ironically, perfectionists are also likely to take other?s criticisms personally, whereas high-achievers welcome constructive criticism. W hile perfectionism is borne out of a desire to succeed, extreme perfectionism can lead to failure, as perfectionists are more likely to procrastinate, be risk adverse, or feel negative emotions such as guilt, defensiveness, inadequacy or depression. Perfectionism often starts in childhood as we get rewards by parents and teachers for stellar work. Unfortunately, chasing praise ? in school, work, or social endeavors ? leads to frustration and self-doubt. Imperfectly Perfect Perfectionists pride themselves on their integrity and commitment to hard work; they make sure everything is the best it can be down to the last detail. As a society, we admire people who push themselves and others to produce masterful achievements such as Steve Jobs whose meticulousness extended to design functions only his engineers would see. Beyoncé, whose flawlessness has achieved iconic status, was criticized not so long ago for the very perfectionism her fans love. W hen she lip-synced the national anthem at President Barack Obama?s inauguration in 2013, Beyoncé set off a hailstorm of media scrutiny. ?I practice until my feet bleed and I did not have time to rehearse with the orchestra,? she admitted later in a press conference. ?Due to no proper sound check, I did not feel comfortable taking a risk. It was about

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the president and the inauguration, and I wanted to make him and my country proud, so I decided to sing along with my pre-recorded track, which is very common in the music industry. And I?m very proud of my performance.? W hile there?s beauty in perfection, there?s also beauty in imperfection. W hen the impeccable Queen Bey sneezed at a concert, her revelation of her humanness endeared her to fans even more. ?Perfection Is A Disease Of A Nation? Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever?s worst. Perfection is a disease of a nation. W e try to fix something but you can?t fix what you can?t see. It?s the soul that need the surgery. --Beyoncé?s ?Pretty Hurts"? W e chuckle when perfectionism is shown as humorous quirk on television. But real perfectionism goes beyond arranging your towels in eleven different sections (Friends? Monica Geller) or fainting from embarrassment because the paper you gave Stephen Hawking contains a ?booboo?(The Big Bang Theory?s Sheldon Cooper). According to a study published in a journal of the American Psychological Association, perfectionism can be devastatingly crippling, leading to anxiety, depression and an increased risk for suicide. Gordon Flett and Paul Hewitt have been researching perfectionism since 1990. ?Perfectionists tend to be under chronic stress, in part due to the pressure that is on them,?he observed with me in an interview. Perfectionism is pervasive problem. According to Flett ?about 3 in 10 adolescents have some form of maladaptive perfectionism.? Flett identifies two main types of perfectionism: 1) Self-Oriented Perfectionism where expectations to be perfect come from


another person such as a parent, spouse or teacher. 2) Socially-Prescribed Perfectionism where people respond to external societal pressure by trying to appear perfect. These people tend to promote their strength and accomplishments, while hiding mistakes and flaws so others have a favorable impression of them. Meanwhile, inside they feel inadequate ?like an imposter.? Sure, perfectionism allows us to stretch and create beyond imagined capabilities, but it also handicaps our happiness. Furthermore, perfectionism hampers our ability to lead and empower others, as we?re unable to let go of control. W e become experts at faultfinding? a sure fire way to lose friends and diminish influence. Moreover, we get so caught up in the producing the end result that we forget to enjoy life along the way. How to Accept Imperfection Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual leader and creator of the Happiness Program, reminds us to ?Leave some room for imperfection. It is love for perfection that makes one angry at imperfection. Just like a clean house has a small space for garbage in the bin, keep some space in your mind to accept imperfections.? W e get so agitated thinking about other?s imperfections. You do realize that their imperfections are their problem to handle, right?W e already have a full-time job managing our own mind and it?s obsessive nuttiness. Can you imagine how unbearable it would actually be to live with someone who was totally perfect?It?s our mistakes that make us humble. If we never made mistakes, we?d probably be more judgmental, less empathetic and compassionate. It?s our screw ups that make us endearing, approachable and lovable.

mind back to the present and help us let go of the past. Meditation gives us mental clarity so we?re more skillful and intuitive in our actions. A meditative mind tempers our tendency to go perfection crazy. No one wakes up each morning and starts plotting out how they?re going to screw up their day. Mistakes happen. Getting angry at imperfection spoils your sense of peace. Besides it?s easier to correct a mistake when you come from a compassionate space, than when you?re blaming and alienating people. W hen we get upset at others?mistakes, we?re no better than the person who made the mistake. W hen we have acceptance and compassion for others, we simultaneously develop acceptance and love for ourselves as well. So the next time you?re getting anxious because your house isn?t up to snuff for guests or a difficult assignment you?ve just completed contains a typo, ask yourself if it?s worth losing your smile over. Perfection exists as construct in the mind. True perfection is a tranquil, equanimous mind in the face of challenges. Inner perfection comes naturally when we leave room for imperfection. This article was originally published in Huffington Post. Follow Mona?s latest blogs on Huffington Post.


Practices such as yoga, meditation and breathing exercises help us keep our center and develop some perspective into our perfectionism. These practices bring the

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MI GHT Y WRI T ERS Wor ld Recor d At t empt

By Lynda Dell Visionary Mighty W riters?founder Tim W hitaker, who was a head writer for NBC Radio for 14 years, has changed the future for thousands of young people by teaching them the power of the spoken and written word. This nationally recognized nonprofit is doing more than stemming the tide of illiteracy gripping cities across the nation; it has been breaking the cycle of poverty in Philadelphia since its inception. The predicament is getting worse for adults as more jobs necessitate a higher level of education. According to the Center for Literacy, in some cities like Philadelphia almost 40 percent of adults living in poverty lack a high school diploma; yet 65 percent of future jobs will require education beyond high school.

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During a heat wave this summer, Mighty W riters upstaged the Democratic National Convention when 2,000 kids congregated on the very steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art that Sylvester Stallone ran up in his first Rocky movie. Their goal was to set a world record for the largest creative writing lesson. ?W ords are very, very powerful. Through the might of the pen, Stallone transformed these steps that you are all sitting on now into an international landmark,?said City Representative Shelia Hess. In her inspiring speech, Hess reminds the budding writers that like Stallone?s their words can have power, too. ?Today feels really overwhelming and incredible,?said Sonny Morgan, now a college sophomore at W est Chester University. Former high school students like Morgan set the bar pretty high.

?Mighty W riters has prepared me so well.?Four years ago before Morgan started coming to Mighty W riters, she wouldn?t show anyone her writing, but now this confident, ambitious staff writer for her college newspaper is ready to tackle new projects and pay it forward. ?I knew that there was a literacy crisis in Philadelphia, so I moved into the city with the intention of opening up a community writing center,?explained Rachel Loeper, Mighty W riters?Education Director. ?That?s when I really was able to put my roots into the neighborhood.?Seven years ago Loeper collaborated with acclaimed journalist W hitaker to establish Mighty W riters to teach young people to think and write clearly, an innovative program inspired by David Eggers?Valencia 826 project. ?I watched Eggers?TED Talk about 50 times prior to our start-up,? www.BOLDFavorM

Their goal wastoset a worldrecordf or thelargest creativewritinglesson.

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explained Loeper. ?My boss, Tim W hitaker, wanted to have sufficient funding before launching Mighty W riters--while I was running around the city trying to do it with a hope and a dream.? They began in July of 2009 with fun, engaging workshops that have been full ever since; offering tutoring academies, teen scholar programs, mentorships, and college prep courses? which expanded from just 75 to 2,500 children, ages 7-17, 400 volunteers strong now at four sites. Volunteer Julia M. Thompson-Calio first developed and ran the workshops, later she became Morgan?s mentor. She thinks that every student could potentially thrive here. The suburbs have 50 clubs for teens, the cities only a few. ?Sonny is an incredible kid; she would have done wonderful things without me,?explained Thompson-Calio. ?But I think everybody needs to be given opportunities to grow. She has really taken everything and ran with it.? W hitaker?s mission is to shine the light on the literacy crisis in every city throughout the USA. ?W hen you think and write with clarity,?stated W hitaker, ?success follows.?

Best-SellingAuthor Sparked Literacy Movement DavidEgger?smission tocreatean af terschool tutoringcompany, by pairinginner-city youthwith writingprof essionals, spurreda national movement whichledto establishing826chaptersand adaptationsliketheMighty Writers. ?For youngpeopletostandupand say: ?I matter. What I think counts,? changestheir lives,?saidGerald Richards, CEOof 826National. ?Writingreally helpedmetoachieve my dreamandthink bigger than myself .? Page 26


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I nShavonda'sTea: RIGHT IN YOUR BACKYARD... ?THE ATLAN TA BLACK DEAF ADVOCATES? By Shavonda McCaleb Have you lived in the same city/ state for a number of years when suddenly one day, out of the blue, you stumble upon a wonderful restaurant or a delightful art gallery that you never knew existed? W ell, I have lived in Atlanta, Georgia for more than eighteen years, and I am embarrassed to say, that recently I have been discovering many of the city?s secret treasures - right in my own backyard! How can that be?W here did this come from? W hy didn?t I know about this before now? How can I be so unaware of treasures that are right here in my own backyard? W hile there may be as many answers as there are people, I want to suggest that the root cause is the current trend of societal isolation. Generally, our sphere of social involvement has dramatically shifted. W hile technology has immensely expanded our ability to reach well beyond geographical limitations, at the same time our local communities (our own backyards) have lost much of its importance. W ell, I decided to get to know my neighborhood, community, City and State in which I live. Through my new exploration, I discovered the Atlanta Black Deaf Advocates - Chapter No. 5 Southern Region organization, which was established in 1994. W hat is advocacy??Advocacy is a problem-solving procedure to protect personal and legal rights.? There are four different types of advocacy: 1. Page 28

Self-advocacy (to advocate for oneself)

2. Individual advocacy (to advocate for another) 3.

System advocacy (to change the system)


Legal advocacy (to change the law)

I staggered upon the Miss Black Deaf America Pageant (MBDAP) which was birthed in 1983. The MBDAP not only focuses on beauty, it also focuses on intellectual and leadership skill development. The winner of the MBDAP receives a scholarship that will assist them with their future college educational endeavors. During my exploration journey, I also discovered the National Black Deaf Advocates' (NBDA) Black Deaf Senior Citizen Reunion. Boy, I tell you this made my heart skip a beat. I said to myself, ?A Black Deaf Senior Citizen Reunion!? Because of my excitement, I dug a little deeper and exposed myself to a wealth of information. The NBDA Black Deaf Senior Citizen Reunion will be hosting their reunion here in Atlanta from November 10 - 13, 2016 and they have numerous events, workshops, tours and even social night gatherings planned. The NBDA Black Deaf Senior Citizens are going to take over the city of Atlanta this November. You see what happens when you leave your backyard?You?ll realize that there is a multiplicity of people, places and things you have yet to discover. Allow me to encourage www.BOLDFavorM

you to explore the city/ state in which you live and you will be amazed at the undiscovered and untapped beauty of your city/ state! My exploratory journey also led me to a commitment to share my discovery with others. All of us are on Earth for a divine purpose. I encourage all of us to increase the pace of our journey. Expand your scope, look to the stars, but don?t forget to ?see?your backyard. Enjoy the journey of discovering what?s in your backyard!

http:/ / local_chapters/ atlanta-black-deaf-advocates

M y Spiritual Walk With G od By Asia Nicole W heaton

The Bible has changed my life in every area. Through careful reading and then study of what I?m reading, I?ve seen not only the beauty of the Bible as a text but become aware of its relevance and application to everyday life. The Bible blows me away every time I look between the covers! It was in the direct encounter with the W ord of God where I?ve found salvation. Not in the buying and selling of drugs. Not at the bottom of a bottle. It was in the person and work of Jesus Christ where I have found forgiveness and only by His broad strokes could my shame be washed away. I have found meaning and been given purpose through the reading of the Bible along with a multitude of other works. Understand that, although all my questions haven?t been answered, there is enough evidence of Christ and Christianity that I could believe. And so on bent knees, I prayed to Lord Jesus to come into my life, even though I wasn?t completely sure of all that I read. I prayed for Jesus to always be with me and guide me day by day. Although I?m learning more every day and by no means an expert on anything, I have to say that that was by far the greatest decision I have ever made. Page 29


CONGRATULATIONSTO THE 2016 HONOREES On December 3, 2016 10am, we will honor seven incredible businessand community leaders from around theworld during thesecond BOLD Awards. The celebration will beheld at the DouglasvilleConferenceCenter and ticketsmay bepurchased onlineat Meet theseven peoplewewill honor in addition toour cover Simply Rayne.

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Storm Disabled Veteran and is also a former executive with Chase Manhattan Mortgage. An honor graduate of Restoration Theological Seminary, W illiam holds a Bachelor?s degree in Pastoral Care, A Master?s Degree in Religious Arts and Doctorate in Specialized Religious Arts and Pastoral Counseling. He is also a certified Christian counselor and law enforcement chaplain for the state of Georgia.

Dr W illiam J. Brown, Jr. W illiam James Brown Jr. is the CEO and Founder of W ill Brown Jr. Foundation, Inc, also the CEO of W ill Brown Jr consulting and resource firm. He was assigned to the United States Army Military Police, is a decorated Desert

The W ill Brown Jr Foundation was founded in 2013 and its mission is to provide tools and resources to help boys, pre teens, young adult, middle aged and seasoned men to restructure and restore their lives and build a relationship with Christ. In 2014, the Foundation adopted 109 families living in the ?Sun Suites Extended Stay Hotel?in Norcross, GA and provided them with food, clothing, spiritual insight and resources for better www.BOLDFavorM

living. Through its affiliation with several reputable Atlanta non-profits, the Foundation has been able to significantly expand its reach throughout the Georgia, Florida, and Texas to improve the lives of others. Based on this work, the Foundation has received the 2016 "Charity of the year" award from the Nation's Builders Conference and the "2016 Commitment to Changing the W orld" from Beyond the Game. Personally, W illiam has received number honors that include ?W ho?s W ho?in Norcross in 2012 and 2013, named the NFL?s ?Most Valuable Mentor?in 2014, and earlier this year was presented the Distinguished Citizens award for support to the people of Liberia, West Africa and the Citizens of Gwinnett County.

performing arts. In addition to the youth club, Mr. Red and Okinawa Hands-On have brought together key sectors of the Okinawan community to help tackle the problem of dementia in elder persons. Having lost his own mother when she wandered away from her home one day never to be found, Mr. Red is committed to help prevent the wandering of seniors with dementia and to implement programs aimed at finding missing seniors quickly. Mr. Red continues to run Okinawa Hands-On NPO as Director.

W illiam believes that God?s purpose for his life is to be a ?simple servant,?doing whatever it takes to fill the need of His people. His favorite scripture is proverbs 22:6: ?Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.?W illiam has one daughter and four grandchildren, and serves as First Assistant to the Pastor at The Freedom Church of Gwinnett.

Pastor Cord & Dr. Yolanda Franklin, Sr. Pastor Cord Franklin, Sr. and First Lady Yolanda Franklin are a dynamic spiritual duo. For thirty-four years of marriage, they have effortlessly complemented each other?s style of ministry and pushed one another to excel for God. They are blessed with three wonderful children Cordenay, Cristal and Minister Cord Franklin, Jr.

Mr. Tatsuya "Red" Agena Tatsuya Agena, known to English speakers as ?Mr.Red,' was born in Okinawa. W ith numerous family members in both Hawaii and Peru, he spent considerable time overseas in his youth. After studying psychology at the University of Maryland, he went to work in the private sector as a marketer. In 2002 Tatsuya founded Okinawa Hands-On NPO, a life-long education organization. W hile the main activity of Okinawa Hands-On is to develop training programs aimed at preserving Okinawan history and culture, the NPO is also involved in the development and implementation of programs aimed at bettering the lives of impoverished children and senior citizens. At the core of Okinawa Hands-On is the youth club founded by Mr. Red for the purpose of engaging and involving persons at-risk of social and economic alienation. Membership includes youth of all ages, from elementary school children to young adults in university and activities are focused on the Okinawan

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Rev. Cord Franklin is the anointed, appointed and approved Pastor of Mt. Olivet Missionary Baptist Church located in the Yorkville Community of Rockmart, Georgia. Pastor Franklin, a gift to the body of Christ, teaches a timely message of salvation, healing, expectation and deliverance. A visionary leader with a special sense of wit and ordained wisdom, he addresses current and relevant issues by offering Christ centered biblically based solutions in a spiritually positive, uplifting and sometimes humorous way. Pastor Franklin is a product of Clark College, New Orleans Baptist Seminary and Carver Bible College. He is Vice President of the Paulding County Ministerial Association, member of West Metro NAACP, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and plays an integral part of the spiritual landscape of Paulding County. The First Lady, Dr. Yolanda Franklin, is sold out for God and on a mission for Christ. A career principal and teacher, Dr. Franklin?s passion is education, but mostly includes the spiritual growth and development of God?s people. Through teaching and speaking, Dr. Franklin encourages others to fulfill God?s will for their lives, allow the Holy Ghost to be their guide and Jesus Christ, their primary role


model. Dr. Franklin, a ten year Breast Cancer Survivor, a one year Brain Aneurysm Survivor and also visually impaired, embraces her health challenges as opportunities from God to educate others about them and witness as a living testimony. Dr. Franklin is a Valedictorian graduate of Clark College and pursued graduate and doctoral studies in educational administration and ministry. She is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and Kappa Delta Epsilon Educational Honor Society. An ?I can do all things through Christ?attitude, coupled with a sincere commitment of service and compassion for others, has been the catalyst behind the powerful move of God in the Franklin?s lives, church, community and county.

Ms. Taifa Smith Butler

holds a bachelor?s in politics with economics from Mount Holyoke College and a master?s in public management and policy from the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University, with a concentration in economic development and financial management. Taifa Smith Butler is executive director of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, where she provides GBPI?s organizational vision, inspiration and strategic management. She provides leadership and guidance to accomplish GBPI?s mission and vision to improve economic opportunity for all Georgians. Butler brings more than 20 years of experience in strategic communications, public policy research and data analysis in the public, nonprofit and private sectors. Prior to joining the GBPI team in 2011, she served as the policy and communications director for Georgia Family Connection Partnership where she co-managed the Georgia KIDS COUNT project and monitored public policy and its impact on children, families and communities. Additionally, she held various positions with the Georgia Academy for Children and Youth Professionals and MBIA Muni Services/ Municipal Tax Bureau Co. in Philadelphia. Butler was an education policy fellow with the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education?s Class of 2009 Education Policy Fellowship Program. She is a graduate of the Georgia Academy for Economic Development. She holds a bachelor?s in politics with economics from Mount Holyoke College and a master?s in public management and policy from the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University, with a concentration in economic development and financial management.

Taifa Smith Butler is executive director of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, where she provides GBPI?s organizational vision, inspiration and strategic management. She provides leadership and guidance to accomplish GBPI?s mission and vision to improve economic opportunity for all Georgians.

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Butler brings more than 20 years of experience in strategic communications, public policy research and data analysis in the public, nonprofit and private sectors. Prior to joining the GBPI team in 2011, she served as the policy and communications director for Georgia Family Connection Partnership where she co-managed the Georgia KIDS COUNT project and monitored public policy and its impact on children, families and communities. Additionally, she held various positions with the Georgia Academy for Children and Youth Professionals and MBIA Muni Services/ Municipal Tax Bureau Co. in Philadelphia.

Ms. Necole F. Tuner

Butler was an education policy fellow with the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education?s Class of 2009 Education Policy Fellowship Program. She is a graduate of the Georgia Academy for Economic Development. She

Necole F. Turner is a professor, legal researcher and writer, wife and mother of two from a small town in Alabama. She has a Bachelor?s Degree in Criminal Justice from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. Having a


curiosity and love of the law she then turned her focus to attending the Jones School of Law in the cradle of the civil rights movement, Montgomery, Alabama. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate in 2002 and afterwards went to work as a law clerk for a firm specializing in criminal defense. Her motto of ?the best thing that we have to offer is the gift of knowledge to all we encounter?is something that applies in her everyday life. Her company ?Innovative Butterfly? serves as a creative outlet for her writings and helps others develop strategies to empower themselves in life and in business. In addition, she serves as VP of Marketing and Recruiting at EX3 Books, "The Empowerment Publishing Company".W hile struggling personally in finding lasting, meaningful friendships with other women she became interested in journaling. She found that in journaling she could share her observations about the interaction of women with one another. Her thoughts ultimately became Reflections of the Butterfly: Affirmations for Empowerment which empowers others to ?transform?into whom they were meant to be. Affectionately known as "The Butterfly", Necole has been a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator and presents on topics such as women's empowerment, relationship building and creating a balance between life, love and work. Her passion and heart?s mission is to help young girls realize their inner beauty with her flagship program ?The Beautiful Butterfly Project?and speaks to middle and high school girls in metro Atlanta.

Master of Genesis W illingham Grand Lodge of Georgia, Grand Minister of State of United Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Mason of Georgia, SCLC Civil Rights Soldier Recipient of the Martin Luther King Medallion, Community Leader standing on the Six Principles of Martin Luther King, Jr, Proclamation of Humanitarian Award ? GA State Representative District 56, Community Advocates in Action Certificate of Appreciation, and author of ?How to Find Peace and Tranquility with God.? Tarsheen is the Founder/ CEO of Gang Breaker Inc., an organization committed to improving the future of our youth. One of the mottos being ?Saving Lives and Saving Souls?, focusing his energies on mentoring our youth to be successful and productive members of society, while walking in the path of the Lord. Tarsheen has developed 4 mentoring programs designed to improve the behaviors of troubled youth ranging from high needs to minimal needs, with a proven success rate of 90%. Tarsheen currently mentors with youth in group homes, juvenile court systems, and after school programs. Tarsheen is well known for his involvement in the community ranging from Toys for Tots, Coat Drives, Food Drives, and Feeding the Homeless. Some of the things said about Tarsheen are ?He has a unique gift working with our youth, and has the ability to connect with them in a manner that produces results. He is a man of integrity and commitment, and is visibly invested in the work he is doing. He is trustworthy and honorable, the traits we would like instilled in the youth of our community.

Prophet Tarsheen Peters Tarsheen Peters, born in Compton California, graduated from Richland Northeast High School, to University of South Carolina receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology/ Business Management, Alpha Phi Alpha. In 1990 enlisted in the U.S. Army, served until 2004, and currently a Veteran of Foreign W ars. From a young age through college Tarsheen played football, defensive back being his position of strength, and won the Golden Glove Boxing Championship in 1979. From 2012-current, Ordained Minister, Past W orship Master of Southern Light Lodge 7, Past Deputy Grand

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R elationships A ccordingto A siaN icoleW heaton Having a relationship is a very important thing to have in life. A relationship can be with your guy friends, a girlfriend, or family related. W hen people think of relationships, they usually think of having a girlfriend or boyfriend. Having a good relationship with your family is very important. It is always good to have a nice relationship with your family because you can gain trust and you know that they are always there for you. W hen you are in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they can always judge you by how they want you and not always be true to you. Your family will always tell you the truth and will not say things they do not mean just for acceptance. Having true friends is still one of the best relationships you can have. Friends are different than your parents because there are just some things you do not do with your parents. You can talk to your friend's different, act different, and do activities that you do not do with your family. If relationships never happened you would not be able to tell the real person you are. Relationships give you the chance to interact with the people you are closest to. If relationships did not occur, life would be boring. You would not be able to share your thoughts or gain a person's respect. If my relationships with my friends and family ended, I would have nothing to look forward to when a day was bad, or if I just needed to have a good time. Relationships make people know who a person really is. I love the relationship I have with my family and friends, and they love having that same relationship with me. Relationships aren?t always going to be "Peaches and Cream", you have to go through so much. W hat really tests your ability to work it out with that person will be the main thing that may stop you from having a steady relationship. Not everyone is perfect, we all have things that we don?t like about ourselves, but that?s why God sends us someone who can deal with what we don?t like....

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Jennifer Eichelberger

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Sh e In spir es T h r o ug h M EDI A By Shana Thornton She is talented. She is committed. She also believes that inspiration can be relevant and timely. She is the revered Jennifer Eichelberger. The television producer for the hit nightly show, ?Atlanta Live?featured on W ATC TV 57 in Atlanta, is passionate about people and hope. As an employee of faith-based Community Television, Incorporated, she believes in the overall mission of the organization, which is to produce and broadcast positive television programming for all generations. ?Everyone has a story and sharing that journey is amazing and educational. So many people have gone through countless obstacles and their courage and tenacity is really inspiring.?The media professional dedicates her time to presenting exceptional content with substance. ?An over-comer has a story that proves life can change for the better. W e have featured interviews with domestic violence survivors who have proven that things can look up for the better. A person does not have to remain in the same situation. Positive television can show positive change. It happens daily on "Atlanta Live" and other programs." She loves to see television that motivates people to excel. In a world of plentiful television programming, she?s always grateful that people tune in for messages of positive change. ?W e work hard at the station to produce amazing content.? W hile some people may be convinced that the media presents negative portrayals of society, Eichelberger is convinced that education and encouragement can have a strong appeal in the industry. ?I recognize that some outlets choose to be sensational. It?s true. But television can inspire. Good television has the potential to transform lives. Good programming can engage the audience.?The inspirational speaker and producer?s claim certainly has enough evidence to make the argument. The popular flagship show ?Atlanta Live?has received acclaim over a span of years while featuring exclusive interviews with an array of people, including world religious leaders, best-selling authors and entertainers.

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In addition to being a respected television show producer, Eichelberger is also a media consultant. As a media consultant, she prepares individuals for radio and television appearances. People often ask her for advice. ?My advice to aspiring artists or anyone wanting to excel in media is rather straightforward. I constantly encourage individuals to be professional on all levels. Your branding is so much more than the television interview or performance. It?s who and what you represent once you get off the stage. Something as simple as your written communication speaks volumes. Social media activity should ideally be professional as well. Lastly, practice and practice some more. If you want to get to Carnegie Hall, you have to practice. Truly. One cannot lose sight of perfecting the art. It?s the heart of the performance.? She has professional experience in both radio and television. She says that both mediums are dynamic yet they differ. Jennifer Eichelberger acknowledges that the media industry will continue to evolve. ?I believe the future of television will be narrowcasting or niche. For instance, there will be more television channels exclusively dedicated to certain interests, such as fishing or cooking. The media industry is constantly changing, and It will be exciting to watch where television will be in a decade. There continues to be a demand for media. That?s pretty amazing.? Do stay tuned in. Jennifer Eichelberger inspires through media. Shana Thornton isan award-winningdigital journalist andtheleadon-air talent f or thenational newstalk radioshowLet?sTalk America withHost Shana Thornton. For moreinf ormation, pleasevisit



Simply A mazing

SIMPLY RAYNE Talking about a girl on fire... W hen you meet Simply Rayne, the words "beautiful", "fun", "smart", "charming", and "ambitious" roll through your mind in quick succession. And it is no wonder: this born and bred Texan has worked hard to create the brand that many in the R&B community equate to Beyonce' Rising. Born Reiana Fernandez in San Antonio, Rayne is very much an All American teen: she loves chocolate and pizza, hanging with her friends at the movies, and keeping up with the world via her phone. But then there is the other side of her life: packed out concerts, EP releases, and tours. Not to mention hanging with her younger sister, Elise,

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KEEPING THE FAITH know that if they believe they can do something, then they need to go after it. Keep the faith!"

who is also a budding star - a model and MUA. You would think Rayne's head would be bigger than Aretha Franklin's 1960's beehive with all this going on, but you would be wrong: there is a humbleness of spirit in this young lady, a true desire to inspire and motivate, that makes her Simply Amazing. Serious About Advocacy Rayne loves serving in the community, and is a testament to how giving and helping others can lead to unexpected blessings. W hen she was 13 and just starting out, she asked to participate in a national teen music tour, speaking and performing in various elementary and middle schools talking about anti-bullying and self-esteem. Rayne loved it, and the results loved her - the students became some of her biggest fans, sharing her videos, following her on Page 41

JugglingMultiple Responsibilities

social media, and creating a viral sensation that led to connections and exposure to big names in the music industry. Rayne continues her community engagement work, serving as a Youth Ambassador for San Antonio, and has expanded her topics to include teen pregnancy prevention, teen dating violence deterrence, as well as anti-bullying. Rayne is also a partner with the Atlanta Community Food Bank where she supports donation drives, such as The Kids In Need mission, which provides learning supplies for

students whose academic success is threatened by poverty. These experiences have led to desires to branch into motivational speaking. "I want to help as many people as I can. I want people to

For one so young, Rayne does a good job juggling multiple commitments. At only 17, her week includes a full course load as a high school senior, constant travel, voice lessons, creating beats, writing music, working in the recording studio with her producers, and keeping up with press (such as this interview). Although


homeschooled, "sometimes things get a bit hectic, but I'm serious about my career." W hen asked if she would have done anything differently to prepare for this lifestyle, Rayne responded with excellence: "I wish I had learned more about music theory, and taken piano. Although I do both now, I would be further along if I had started earlier in my career."

performances - not in a bad way, she just made notes as to what she would do differently. And when she saw Beyonce' for the first time, she knew THAT is what she wanted - to be inspired, excited, and totally rocked - and to make other people feel that way, too. Thus, the birth of the ?New Princess of R&B?? Simply Rayne. What'sIn A Name?

Rayne's career in singing did not occur by happenstance. Rayne is a young lady with a plan. She started out as an actress and model, but noticed that both careers take a while to achieve the "big break" for success. About the same time, she realized that when she watched music videos, she was critical of the Page 42

But you know it could not be that easy. W hen Rayne's parents went to register her name as a trademark, they discovered the potential for brand confusion, as there were already several brands established which included the name Rayne. After tossing around a number of options in her "radio voice", Rayne's search for www.BOLDFavorM

a unique brand name came to an end from an unlikely source: Netflix. "I was watching a movie on Netflix one day, and I heard the word 'Simply' used to describe a character, and I knew that was it. I practiced 'Simply Rayne' in my radio voice, and loved it." Her parents, managing partners of Musical Rayne Enterprises, LLC, loved it too, and thus, Simply Rayne was born and is officially a Registered Trademark! Work Lif e But there is nothing "simple" about the life that Rayne has chosen. For every packed out concert, there are seemingly unending hours in the recording studio, training, and racing through airports... but with a solid family support system and mentors, Rayne makes it work. She particularly credits her local producers and music manager in LA who have helped her not only keep her skills fresh, but also teach her the business behind the music. Rayne also speaks highly of one vocal coach Ms. Sonia, who was the first person to impress upon her the importance of technical voice training. "W hat to eat, how to laugh, my speaking pitch... It was a lot to digest!" But digest she did, and Rayne's sound has clearly moved to Next Level proportions because of it. What'sNext W hen asked what was up next, Rayne said she would love to start a hair product line. "I'm known for my curly hair, and I thought it'd be cool to do something that helps other girls with curly hair, but also, to do something not many people are doing. Many artists create clothing lines, but not hair product lines." Rayne would also like to compile her early-teen career-dream journals into a book one day (leaving out the juicy parts of course!). Rayne is really excited about her new EP coming out this month, so stay tuned for that. She was so funny when talking about it. "It was so hard selecting the songs, my producers kept saying, 'This is an EP not an album!" Page 43


But we would not expect anything less than excitement from this amazing young lady. Keep up with Simply Rayne on social media: She is on Instagram as @simplyrayneofficial; Twitter as @simplyrayne1; Snapchat, Facebook and YouTube as Simply Rayne. Be sure to visit her website at

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AskBri THE GAME OF LIFE By Brianna D. Screen Life throws some unexpected curveballs that can affect some of the strongest individuals in the worse way. It?s for this very reason why it?s imperative to have the right people around you!!!! Collectively you all should grow together, inspire and encourage each other? and from time to time, draw strength from one another!!! W ith the right people surrounding you, one will be better equipped to react to those curveballs that come their way. In life, we all have our share of ups and downs or set-backs? they serve as distractions. I always tell people you know when you?re on the right path when the enemy is constantly attacking you. See, he can?t stand for anyone to live a life of peace and happiness, so he attacks in order to distract you from your blessing. Life is filled with test and trials. Those tests and trials are not to keep you down or to destroy you? they come to make you stronger!!! One could never appreciate the sun if they never experienced any rain!!! As the great German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ?That which does not kill us makes us stronger?. Life will create certain circumstances where you won?t be able to stand against them alone; you will need someone to stand in the paint with you. Of course we know God is always with us? yet, there?s nothing like having someone to pray for and with you; give you some direction; encourage you to keep pressing forward because better days are coming? they are there to keep you in the game!!! It definitely wouldn?t be beneficial to you to have negative spirited people who don?t want the best for you or even for themselves for that matter around you. Again, this is why you must be careful of those you keep close to you. Keep negative forces/ people from around you? it?s wasted and unwanted energy you don?t need surrounding you!!! Don?t allow anyone to stagnate you or prevent you from letting your light shine!!! It?s all about winning in this game called Life!!! Page 45


What Made

The Good Lis t By DavidandMyesha Good

W hy are we still asking W HY? W e have seen in the last several years?devastation in our communities, an increased number of killings against minorities, police brutalities and fatalities, lead poisoning in poor communities and political races that are bringing out the worst in voters and candidates. Some of the things we see today have happened before in another time. It?s a cycle repeating itself. W hat?s happening?W hy now? W hy America? America?s history has always been tainted in some eyes. The experiences many have had have not always been a pleasant one and now it seems that America?s ugly history has come back to life or has it. Some say many of the things we see today always existed it's just that we are now in a world where technology is prevalent, and now we can capture and share on social media. It?s time to wake up and smell the coffee. It?s time to take back our communities and it's time to take back our children. How do we do that?

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W e hear often that voting doesn?t matter, but it does. This is a serious election season on many levels from local to presidential elections. On November 8th, you should be voting and vote down the entire ballot. It?s important that you go all the way down the ballot because local politics matter too. If you don?t vote it means you are okay with who is in office and their philosophy, and it is not okay. It may be you that may want to run for office, and if so, why not?God has built in you the gift that your community needs, that the next generation needs to hear and that the world needs to see. W e have to stop sitting back thinking that our actions don?t affect our community because it does. Sometimes when you are quiet it means you agree, and sometimes you have to make a little noise to force change. Every school system in this nation should be up to standard and every child getting the same curriculum no matter where they live. Your legislators, your police force should represent your communities. This is not a time

where you sit back and expect everything to work itself out. You have to speak up and out and remain respectful in the process, mainly because our kids are looking, and most of the time you risk police violence, mass arrests, infiltration and the illegalization of the protest. W e are protected by the First Amendment and we have the right to assemble, protest, and petition. W hy America?W hy Now? Maybe it?s because some have become too comfortable with the way things are. W e hope to see more of you becoming more involved in your child?s education, in your community and at the voting booth. Yes, we have come far, but we have a long way to go especially when you see and hear a group of people being racially targeted, failing schools, elected officials not being ethical and not fighting for change in their communities and streets not being paved since its inception. It?s time to use your First Amendment rights? what are you waiting on?


If you all follow me on social media, then you?re probably well aware that your girl ?The Gypsy Empress?was invited to attend THE ULTIMATE PRESSCONFERENCE fostering the unity of women alike from all walks of life. A plethora of accomplished and well deserved successful girl power greatness was in the building from medical doctors to reality stars, to serial entrepreneurs! The event was held on July 26, 2016, at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Hotel in Downtown Atlanta. The event housed many of Atlanta?s elite socialites such as Toya W right (NY Times Best Selling Author), Dr. Heavenly of Bravo TV?s Married to Medicine, Mushia of W e TV?s Cutting it in the ATL, Momma Dee, Porsha Ferguson, A?Lana Banks, Robin Dyke and more. Upon my arrival, I swished passed the revolving doors and made my way to the upper-level conference rooms. As soon as I exited the elevators, I was greeted by a band of media correspondence from photographers to radio hosts, to magazine owners, and to writers like myself; so you know I rubbed some elbows, shook some hands and snapped my pictures. Shortly after, the moderator began to allow attendees to enter the conference room where seats lined the walls, and photographers set up shop in order to catch the stars as they entered the room. Each celebrity attendee entered the room wearing their most subtle get-ups and their bright smiles to match. One by one, speakers took their seats, and the call was made to get

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?IN-FOR-MATION?(in my BeyoncĂŠ voice). The moderator opened the floor by introducing each speaker by name and their accomplishments, and passed the microphone to allow each speaker to share their brand and success stories of

how they rose from rags to riches as what appeared to the world as overnight. Although each woman shared their knack of how they got ahead; there were two women in


particular who stood out to me the most when they decided to open their mouths to speak? Ms. Porsha Ferguson, and the one and only Queen Mushia (whom I like to think is my best friend in my head). Porsha; who allowed herself to transparently self-disclose her heart-wrenching story of her rise to fame while tightly gripping the microphone, all the while with tears in her eyes, opened by saying, ?My story isn?t as elaborate or as glamorous as some of these women, but I moved to Atlanta with $50 to my name and a dream. All I had was my hopes and God, and with his grace, I got that call from the casting director of Tyler Perry?s and landed my first big gig on OW N's ?The Have and the Have Nots?. The crowd applauded her will to survive and shared in her happy tears of finally realizing her dreams. Mushia, whom I also like to call the source of prophetic information, grabs the microphone and walks over to the podium (an act all the other speakers declined to embark on) with head held high rocking her golden crown? . She speaks, and out comes, ?W e have to come together with purpose; we are powerful and exercising our power right now is imperative to the survival and the growth of our community. Can somebody say yes?!?All resounding YESfilled the room, including mine, which I believe was the loudest of them all!

in and between women...globally! These women, alongside the Ultimate Press Conference facilitators and creators Shanice Gibbs, Gynesis Lo, and my lovely friend Michael Majesty have decided to band their GIRL and MAN POW ERSin order to foster strength in women through personal and professional growth called The Ultimate Retreat! The Ultimate Retreat will serve as an innovative empowering experience that literally takes place on both land and sea. W hat do I mean by sea?W ell, how does cruising at sea upon the Carnival Fantasy cruise ship, that offers celebrity meet & greets, concerts, workshops, and vending opportunities to places like Miami, Florida and Nassau, Bahamas sound to you?If you say ?This sounds like a ship I need to be on,?then you?re in the right place! If fun in the sun, personal and professional growth is what you?re seeking to obtain then The Ultimate Retreat, also known as ?A Party with Purpose?, is where you?ll need to be this 2016. For more information and for your chance to secure your seat, log on to! Ladies and Gentleman, when you reserve your spots, make sure to tell em, ?The Gypsy Empress sent ya?!

Muuuuuuuuuuah, The Gypsy Empress IG: @TheGypsyEmpress

Needless to say, the stories of these women were nothing short of miracles mixed with a bit of perfect timing, and the will to never give up! The purpose of this coming together of women at this Ultimate Press Conference was a grassroots movement in the efforts of motivating, inspiring, and facilitating growth

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CHROM E Spotl i gh t Jul ian Br it t an o, Act or & M usic Pr oducer From New Jersey totheOWN, Greenleaf?sBreakOut Star, Julian Brittano, talksabout hislife and being ?Chosen by Oprah?


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Every Wednesday, I am cemented to my television watching the latest drama on OW N?s ?GreenLeaf.? The series consist of the Greenleaf family and their sprawling Memphis, Tennessee mega church. It is full of saints, and sinners. Aunt Mavis, portrayed by Oprah W infrey, is the blues club owner. At the legendary bar, there is David the bartender, depicted by Julian Brittano. He was booked merely as an extra, and Now, Mr. Brittano has a recurring role as the bartender.

SingleParent Julian Brittano is an Elizabeth, New Jersey native who was raised by a single mother. She adored both her boys: Julian and his older brother who has cerebral palsy. He graduated from Elizabeth High School and credits his handicapped brother as his source of inspiration and motivation when ?? going after his different endeavors.?His childhood was unique because Julian and his mother would spend 4 to 5 days out of the week at the developmental care home with his brother. He reminisced, ?Many of my friends were patients in my brother?s facility and they were in wheelchairs.? As a "Gifted and Talented" student, he flourished in academics as well as sports and music. He was in the chorus, band and drama club; played the piano, sax, guitar and bass. In high school, he played football, track, and basketball. He earned a scholarship for his football skills to the University of Maryland majoring in Psychology. Julian left college early to pursue his love for football by entering the NFL Draft. He worked out with the Dallas Cowboys, Baltimore Ravens, Green Bay Packers and eventually played arena football in South Dakota.

"Greenleaf", OWN'sMegachurch drama series.

Julian'sfirst love ismusic.

Back totheMusic After football, Mr. Brittano came back to his first love ? music. He unapologetically described himself as, ?The Art Guy.? The Art Guy became a producer and submitted tracks with recording artist Tweet and a group called Lyric as well as some independent artists. He has worked on many different genres of music from Pop and Rock to R&B and Jazz. Music is Julian's first love. W hen he returns to music, he plans to record a ?Faith Based Hip-Hop CD?.

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W hile working in New York City as a marketing director, he coordinated events such as album release parties for record labels. In addition, he marketed events for the NFL, NBA, NY Giants, and MTV. He met the right people which led to his first modeling opportunity. Mr. Brittano proudly recalled when he was invited to walk the runway for the first time for a local independent designer in New Jersey. At 6?4 and 250 pounds, he graced the runway for BET's "Rock the Runway." He modeled for Steve Harvey?s line of men suits and Dr. J?s big and tall men clothing line. I asked him who taught him how to walk. He laughingly stated that he watched Tyra Banks' ?America Next Top Model?to learn about the modeling industry. Then I asked him when he walked the runway what was going through his mind. He replied, ?My goal is to go coexist with the garment. I represent the garment and the garment represents me. I enjoy modeling. I respect fashion designers and creators as one of the major stables placed in our society. They are artist too. If they feel that I am a good fit to represent their clothing line, that?s cool.?He is looking forward to participating in New York Fashion Week in September 2016.

TheStory ? ?Green Leaf ? Julian wants the public to understand the backstory of how he booked ?Greenleaf?: Many people do not know the story of what happen within the first two weeks after booking ?Green Leaf.? They only see me on television now. They do not know the story of what I had to endure during those two weeks. The first two weeks I submitted for an extra doing background on set which rolled over to some other major studio gigs. I met people on set and got some major studio gigs. "GreenLeaf" was my fifth project in two weeks. I did a lot of driving up and down the Page 51

East Coast. I get to do ?GreenLeaf,? booked as a background actor and doing my part. Next thing you know, Oprah took notice of me and saw my consistency on how I was working the scene and my dialogue. By the end of the day, I got upgraded to a recurring role.? I asked, Mr. Brittano, ?How does it feel to be handpicked?by Oprah W infrey, he paused in thought and stated: ?It is a good feeling. It is an affirming feeling. It is a feeling of affirmation. As people, we must understand something, especially when things occur, the source is the spirit realm.?Then I asked about the set dynamics of ?Greenleaf,?and if he felt any pressure or stress? He eloquently stated, ?I am definitely going to be myself. That is what got me to where I am at. Right now, 9 months in I got the opportunity to work on 31 projects. A lot of it was background extra work, I will continue extra work, I auditioned and booked some roles, and I am waiting for them to be released.? He views the set as his classroom, stating, ?I watch seasoned actress and actors and I am learning from them to make adjustments. W atching actors who had years of training, classes, and workshops.... W hen I am on set, I watch and observe everything from the lighting, makeup, and craft services. It is a school for me. I feel very good and confident I can hold down my end when it comes to acting.?Mr. Brittano is using this opportunity to learn more about media production. He stated, ?I am learning about every aspect of film production which in turn I am creating my own production company.?I know this breakout star will continue the legacy of achieving the impossible while shining bright! We will be watching! Contact Julian at his website at or his Public Relations agent MizMacMarketing, LLC. www.BOLDFavorM

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It was fun, it was beautiful, it was i mpactf ul ... The "Living Your Dream" Book Club Social Networking Mixer was hosted by author Kim Whitehead July 30th at the Tuoia Art Gallery in downtown Douglasville, Georgia. It featured business people, entrepreneurs, and artists all over North Georgia who came to meet, greet, and create relationships that will help them Live Their Dreams - of being successful in all they do. Enjoy a few pictures taken that evening. For more information about the book club, visit

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By Antoinette Ortega (AO) W hen it comes to Independent record labels across America, there seems to be an ongoing list of them. W hat makes one unique over the other?I had the pleasure of speaking with Ryan Paquette, Founder of Tulsa, Oklahoma-based MuGen Music and Management, recently and he gave me some insight on what it's like starting a new music label. He talks about the hard work that goes into keeping it afloat. It's very impressive to hear and see what this company has done in the last 10 months of becoming an official music label. Read for yourself below and you tell me! Tell me about yourself and how did you come up with MuGen Music and Management? The name means musical generation and in Japanese for infinite, hence the infinite logo. The music is always constant especially in hip-hop. I have always played in bands since the 90's and a couple

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years ago joined a band as a bass player. Then, I Just had the dream of starting a record label as a hobby and now recognized as a top growing record label in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It actually took me by surprise on how much work it was going to take to get to this part of my career, but worth every struggle. I built a recording studio in my home and also partnered with a studio "W ar Torn Studios" in OKC, a studio strictly for bands and music videos. This partnered studio has video suites to book their own video shoots for clients which is pretty cool. I love the fact that after 11 months of being in business, we have already released 5 albums and our team is going strong. My team is dedicated to getting the job done and making quality music. W hat are your challenges of running an indie label? Our biggest challenge is funding without any corporate sponsorships

or regular monetary help. MuGen Music and Management is all self-financed and 100%personally invested. I figured our return on investment is years down the road and we will get everything on the back end. Another big challenge is getting noticed because it is tough to get terrestrial radio play. The industry standards look pass the indie artists because of years of Return on investment. How long did it take to get a solid team? The label hit the ground W e signed seven artists within three months of forming the label. The artists would pay a monthly fee and out of that, the artists would get branding, artist development, marketing, merchandise, recording and distribution. The Label handles the business behind the artists. Each artist is different and unique with their own style. Most of them are


Inf init e Possibilit ies w it h M u Ge n M u s ic from different regions of the United States such as Texas, Alabama, North Carolina and California. This label has helped Tulsa bring more of a diverse culture in the area. W hat Genre does your label cover? W e cover just the Urban-style music for right now. W e are looking to open services to all genres really soon such as punk rock, rock and country. The main thing is brand development and distribution, with a fee of course. How does MuGen choose their artist roster? The label will put out a casting call via social media about signing talent. Seven-hundred artists signed up and the first step to sorting through each artist was sorting through their email names. The artists have to come professional and conduct themselves as such. The goal is to exploit the artist and turn them from a nobody to a full music artist in the public eye. The label makes sure to build and organize their fan base and the artist has to have a unique image and not sound like someone else. The artist who is chosen then has to record in the booth to see

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their weaknesses and strengths. W e have a solid group now and it's actually more like family. How has MuGen made history in Tulsa, Ok? MuGen has recently signed a distribution deal through Sony Orchard and now have some of the major resources and contacts that other labels and artists in Tulsa do not have. One of MuGen's artists was just published by Breal (Online Blog site) and that was a major accomplishment for the label's artists. The label has also performed local charity work as far as cancer benefit shows and a lot of non-profit giving back to the community. One of the biggest accomplishments so far with the label is bringing DJ Yella of N.W .A and Lil Eazy (Eazy-E's son) to Tulsa and promote their artists along with the legends in the game. W hat is next for MuGen Music? The Label will be releasing a few more albums before the end of the year. Right now we are also putting together a producer?s album under Sony of the ?W ho's who?of the underground

hip-hop scene. The Hip Hop community will love this album. The Producers will be the likes of Sean Price, right before he passed, Ras Kass, Diabolic and a lot of heavy hitters on this album. W hen we release something we release over the top. Stay tuned, because this will be the album of the year for us! Any shout-outs? I want to thank all of MuGen's Artists, producers and the whole MuGen team for all the hard work that it takes to putting this all together! Those guys are family and it takes a village behind each artist that we have. Shout out to our photographer who also does PR work. Shout out to Bold Favor Magazine and AO. Thank you for all that you guys do. How can music artists get in contact with MuGen Music and Management directly? You can reach us on our website @ http:/ / Also our social media you find us on Facebook and IG @MugenmusicINC and Twitter@mugenmusic918


T ravel, L uxury and A dventure LA Confidential Studio City?s iconic Sportsmen's Lodge: Reinvented By Cathy H . Bur roughs, World T ravel, L uxury

Sportsmen?s Lodge Hotel (, beloved for its rich Hollywood history, eccentric character, inviting spirit and renowned Olympic size swimming pool with sun deck and Jacuzzi. This is the place many stars like Katherine Hepburn and Clark Gable went to hang out on the down low and it is rumored Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, John W ayne, and others taught their kids to fish here. On this day, we spotted actress Francine York ( Hot In Cleveland) at their delightful, fresh new Patio Café next to a movie deal that was being struck a table away. Hip, Haute and Retro with Sophistication mixed in with a little Nostalgia, describes Studio City's new Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel located on eight acres of gardens, waterfalls and ponds off of Ventura Boulevard has been reinvented and re-imagined as a

Studio City, California, once the hub of early movie making has the heart of a small town, all within walking distance to boutiques and bistros with easy access to all the LA area attractions. Its celebrity inhabitants live comfortably and are regularly seen out and about, including George Clooney and the Mayor of LA. There were star sightings of Chuy Bravo from Late Night; Chelsea Lately who was just outside of Crust Pizza Café, Ashton Kutcher, and Sean Penn at Pizza Rev. W e managed to get around very nicely on LA's luxurious black car limos, ITSChauffeured Transportation (they also pick up the celebrity guests for The Ellen Show and The Bachelor/ Bachelorette Shows) and Yellow Cabs. If you've never booked a limo, do it now as a treat of for someone special! By the way, the Starline Double Decker Bus Tours ( offers a two-day on/ off option that goes all over LA and to the beaches, like Santa Monica, with a running historic commentary that is a delight.

sleek, sophisticated, and still welcoming hotel. The new improved hotel continues to elicit Hollywood's heyday while, with great élan, bringing the well-loved lodge into the 21st century.

There are also wonderful and reasonable places to stay. One of our long time favorites is the landmark

The day we arrived we were warmly greeted as always by both staff and the charming general manager

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5000 Cathy's passion for travel and adventure has led her to become a national and international travel and cultural writer. Her travel articles frequently appear here and elsewhere. Side-Bar, under picture of the writer: Our travel correspondent enjoys a fabulous and healthy breakfast/ brunch at the revamped fun and fabulous Patio Café.

Stephen Chavez. Outside, the Aqualillies synchronized swimmers rehearsed their segment for ABC News in the pool. Do not miss the Lodge's spectacular pool where back in the day, such mega stars as Tallulah Bankhead and Bette Davis lounged, picnicked and enjoyed martinis. The pool boasts a wonderful bar with table and chairs for modern day picnics and offerings from the healthy and delicious modern take on the diner - their superb Patio Café. The Hotel?s theme is amplified throughout the foyer, lobby and the River Rock Lounge/ Restaurant with rushing river decor and upscale fusion offerings. It's customized white deer and moose heads on many walls and above the front drive, a giant antler chandelier and Hollywood classics play on the lobby's flat screen tv makes for a romantic and sultry night out. A stunning new addition is the Zen garden fire pit and fountain with lily pads and dramatic hanging lanterns that light up the evening just outside the lobby. The 190 spacious guest rooms (of those, eleven are studio suites) are all appointed with panache; each has a white, green, gray and orange décor with hip martini graphics, duvet bedding, large flat screens, large work areas with task lighting, distinctive one button makeup mirrors and custom built-ins. Some have oversized balconies, many with pool views. The redesign makes for a stylish, chic and wildly imaginative hotel experience. The Sportsmen?s Lodge Hotel 12825 Ventura Blvd/ Studio City, CA 91604 818 769 4700/ 1 800 618 1208/ Special Events 818 755 Page 57


M eet t h e 2016 Aw esome Gir l s: AngelicaBlackwell,AlexandriaCriner,BriaJohnson,Novembur Hill,andDai Time! On July 25th, Radio Personality Regina "Sunshine" Robinson honored five totally Awesome Girls for their outstanding achievements in several areas that included academics, community service, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Each girl, ages 9 to 12, exhibited excellent poise as they were interviewed by host Regina "Sunshine" on her self-titled motivational show that comes on every Monday 12 to 2p on Instinct Radio. Alson with Ms. Robinson were guest co-hosts Kristian Munroe and Abra Morton. Ms. Robinson had many surprises in

store: a serenade by recording artist Shemida J, and each girl was presented an Awesome certificate, a personalized medal, and multiple complimentary consultations from industry leaders in the areas the girls wished to pursue that included fashion, design, medicine, modeling, song writing, and more! AND if that wasn't awesome enough, the girls also received a personal guided tour of the State Capitol by Awesome State Representative Valencia Stovall of House District 74! The tour was held August 2nd, and included an informative Q&A session with Rep. Stovall. Awesome! Left, the 2016 Honorees with Regina "Sunshine" and recording artist Shemida J.

Right, the 2016 Honorees with Georgia State Rep. Valencia Stovall and Regina "Sunshine".

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NOVEMBUR HILL M O R E TH A N A M O D E L Novembur Hill is more than a Model. She has stepped beyond the runway to be an award-winning pageant queen, runway show producer and coach, entrepreneur, and founder of the New Generation Youth Human Trafficking non-profit organization. And she is only nine years old! At the tender age of seven, Novembur began her dream of walking the runway with the help of Ms. Tina Bridges, a well known runway couch and radio personality in Atlanta, and Mr. David Noten, Novembur's acting coach. She honed her entrepreneurial skills when she determined that she could make money by creating a set of matching earrings for a candy necklace seen in a dollar store... and there it was: Age of Scorpio was born, through the eye's and mind of a child. When Novembur was eight years old, she saw a program on YouTube that changed her young life and outlook forever: a little girl was hurt and almost killed due to human trafficking. Novembur said, "I want to do something to help little girls like this. That could have been me!" And thus her non-profit was born. Now age nine, Novembur has taken her extensive knowledge of the world and extraordinary skill to chart her own course. This includes producing her own runway shows in the Atlanta area, serving as a child runway coach, and she is the Ambassador for Beauty Hair Bar Unlimited (Denise Gillyard). Her honors include being crowned Best Urban Walker by her peers, named Miss Around the World and People's Choice, Miss Congeniality for Miss Teen Dream Georgia, and Best Signature Walker for Fashion in the 4 Awards 2015. Coming up next? Novembur has a new show she is producing called "The Colors of Oz" on September 9, 2016 in Tucker, Georgia (a suburb of Atlanta) at the Doubletree Hotel. Why does Novembur work so hard? So other young people know they are the masters and mistresses of their own destinies; they do not have to be a product of their surroundings. To bring Novembur to your event or organization, contact Nicole King at Physique Management, LLC, CEO Darlene Pierce of IPH Network TV, or Kavon Hill at or 317-801-8895. Page 59


T heA rt of S torytelling, Int er view w it h Ar dr e Or ie By Tinzley Bradf ord?TheLoveMama? W hat is a storyteller?W ebster?s Dictionary defines storyteller as ?A person who tells stories.?I had the opportunity to meet a fantastic storyteller. A woman who not only tells her stories, but she allows others to express theirs as well. She believes everyone has a story in them. Ardre Orie is an author, producer, director, and playwright and refers to herself as a storyteller. Ardre?s mission is to uplift women who are seeking to know their true value and find what their strengths are. She is the author of ?Consciously Beautiful: I Am Enough" released in 2014 and ?A Heroine in Heels?released in 2015. She is the writer and director of theatrical productions "Lipstick Monologues" and "The Heart of a Man." Ardre is also film director of the documentary "I Am Consciously Beautiful." I had the opportunity to chat with Ardre at her ?The Art of Storytelling?Photo and video shoot where she shared so many nuggets with us and now we?re ready to share them with you in our exclusive interview. BFM:: Ms. Orie you recently had a stage production called ?The Heart of a Man?, I was there and it was phenomenal, what inspired this huge production? Ardre: I recognized there was a disconnect between men and women and because men are such a tremendous factor in the self-esteem of women, I wanted to tell their truths in a way that men and women could better relate and fully understand.? BFM:: You wear a lot of hats; you?re an author, playwright, film director, writer, publisher and women?s advocate. How do you balance all of this and still keep your sanity?

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Ardre: I'm always out of balance based on worldly standards. But because I take my cues from my spirit, I do what feels good. Taking care of my family when I never dreamed of getting married? feels good. W riting, directing and coaching aspiring authors feels good. Therefore, I place my time, energy and emphasis on those things. I would much rather love, create and inspire than sleep. I try very hard to take care of my temple. I recently became a vegan and have made healthy eating and lifestyle choices for well over 20 years, so in that respect, I believe that I strike a balance. Last but certainly not least, I pray a lot and I believe that when I'm creating, I'm spending time with God or that he is working through me. There is always balance in that. BFM:: I had the chance to speak to your hubby during ?The Heart of a Man?stage production. He says the two of you were high school sweethearts. I think that?s awesome! How has it been pretty much watching this all unfold together?Does he support you? Ardre: My husband is extremely supportive. He always tells me that who I am today is who I have always been. I would imagine that it is not easy to have an alpha female as a companion but in my opinion, it speaks more about his strength. I am a natural extrovert and never meet strangers and he is more of an introvert at times which creates a yin and yang effect. Most of the topics showcased in the play were ones that we discuss regularly. From religion to communication to sexuality, we always talk about everything. He has always been my best friend.


BFM:: W ith fame comes jealousy and haters, how do you continue to remain positive and driven in a world filled with people who don?t clap when you?re winning?Have any of your once close friends turned on you on your journey to success?It happens? .. Ardre: I am such a trusting person because I love to believe the best in people. Those who know me, knows that I never have ulterior motives. I don't understand how anyone has time to plot in a negative way. I am always reminded of this clip of Jay-Z speaking and stating that we are all born with the same amount of genius and that not one of us is any greater than the other. To me, this means that comparison is a tragedy. I have actually taught myself to not scroll on social media. I post and work to genuinely engage with people and then go back to building whatever I am working on. I don't think we miss when people don't clap when we are winning nor do I think they are all hating. I do, however, believe that we know in our hearts who genuinely supports us as well as who is questionable. I have waved goodbye to many people because I didn't believe that they had my best interest in mind. In the same light, I have consciously made the decision to not waste other people's time. I use the term friend loosely and I listen to my gut. BFM:: I write about relationships and dating geared towards helping women make wiser dating choices. Many are broken, hurt, feeling lonely and they want what you have. W hat can you say to women who are still single dealing with a bunch of jerks and it seems the choice of good men are slim to none? Ardre: I truly believe that we attract friends, men, resources and wealth based on the enemy that is recycled

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within us. Most ladies that I know who have bad luck with men, repeatedly select the same man in a different body. Furthermore, I believe that as creatures built to nourish, we see the potential in people. Picking based on potential is a pitfall. Men select differently. If they meet a lady who is employed at a restaurant, they don't decide to date her because they believe that she will one day be the head chef or the owner; they decide to date her because of who she is at that moment and whatever they see as valuable. W e see the potential and often there either is none or the act of unleashing it proves to be a strain on our personal resources; whether it be emotionally, spiritually or financially. I think we owe it to ourselves to see people for face value and make a selection based on what is in front of us. Lastly, we are wired to love through what we hear. However, the actions of a man, speaks much more clearly. W e have to train ourselves to fall in love with the work that he puts in to win our hearts and not the words that come so easily to him.

BFM:: Are you hoping to someday take your stage production to the movie screen?I can see it being a movie or series, can you?W hat can you tell others who want to follow their dreams but seem to be struggling? Ardre: I dream of TV! I have so many scripts for shows written already and I continue to develop more. I do believe that the theatrical productions would be entertaining and relatable, to say the least, on the big screen. I am currently working toward that end in addition to taking these shows on the road. It is really about understanding what people want and building stock in that so


that you already have viewership established. My advice is to not wait for a perfect time. There isn't one. This industry is about content and passion. I also believe that we have to be willing to pay our dues. I worked for free for so many years and I have watched some of the most amazing, talented people in the industry do the same. Quality is key and content is King or Queen shall I say!

BFM:: Has this always been something you wanted to do since you were a child or did you somehow stumble into the business? Ardre: I totally stumbled towards this gift. I have 3 degrees in education and I completely thought that I would retire in that field. Somehow my chalkboards were transformed into movie screens and my chalk into words and here we are.

BFM:: W hat has been some of your biggest challenges and what has been one of your biggest accomplishments? Ardre: My journey has been blood, sweat, and tears. No one has given me anything. I had to earn every aspect of my career and because of that, I appreciate it more. My biggest accomplishments were my firsts. My first film, "I AM Consciously Beautiful"; my first play, "Lipstick Monologues": and of course, launching my publishing company, 13th & Joan. BFM:: Do you work as an individual entrepreneur or do you have a team?It can be tough getting dedicated people to stay loyal as you work towards the pursuit of your passion. Ardre: It is true that teamwork makes the dream

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work. The secret to a good team is a mutually beneficial relationship. W e all have needs, desires, and aspirations and if someone is willing to help you guide the dreams, then you must be willing to help them do the same. This helps to maintain a positive working environment. I keep different teams for different purposes and projects. My static team is very small and I prefer that because it is easier to track your work and time invested in comparison to the results yielded. I work best alone because so much of what I do is inspired by creativity. Once I conceptualize a vision, I look to my team to help me materialize the vision.

BFM:: I?m sure you get approached by a lot of men, despite being married, how is it that you can stay so committed to just one guy?I ask because so many women get famous and fall into the trap of temptation. Ardre: Ha! I don't actually get approached often in that way. I again go back to that energy that we give off. I try to demonstrate that my communication is for professional purposes and to build alliances through my work. Men and women bring a diverse representation of talents to the table and while I enjoy exchanging ideas and even the love of the art, no other person can do for me what my husband does. Lastly, I am such a believer in karma and generational curses. I don't need anything disrupting the blessings that He [God] has planned for me or my family and my husband or I have witnessed a healthy marriage growing up so we fight to show our children what love looks like. BFM:: W ho is your role model? Ardre: This is not directly in my industry, but many of the role models that I admire are athletes. LeBron James, Serena W illiams, Kobe Bryant; I watch the work that goes into the final product and it is blood, sweat and tears baby! This, the


pursuit of a dream, ain't for the faint of heart, but if you want it bad enough, you will stop at nothing to achieve. My role model from outside of my industry is my husband. I have never seen such a consistent person. He is a marathon runner of life and I admire that so deeply. W e want everything now and have a hard time dealing with delayed gratification. He demonstrated effortlessly the art of repeatedly engaging in an action for intended results. He's a boss in that regard! BFM:: So what?s next for you?I was looking and noticed something that mentioned ?Lipstick?is up and coming. Tell us more about that?Is this the lady?s version of ?The heart of a Man?? Ardre: I will be releasing my new book before the close of 2016 entitled "The Art of Storytelling", written with aspiring authors in mind. The book, "The Art of Storytelling", is a must-read for aspiring authors, business professionals and those looking to positively impact the world around them; exploring topics such as overcoming fear and insecurity, key strategies to jumpstart your writing, tips to navigate the publishing process and the importance of building an author platform. Every face has an untold story that the world deserves to hear. I will be releasing the next installment of my theatrical production "Lipstick Monologues" in October 2016. This show is entitled: Traces of Her Lipstick and digs deep into the mind of a woman who is in the midst of infidelity. W e often speak of men and infidelity but the real truth is that women are unfaithful as well. I am also re-launching my cosmetics line I Love Me Cosmetics this year which Page 63

features lipsticks and lip glosses that remind ladies to love themselves first. In the New Year, 13th & Joan will be releasing new books, films and focused on assisting as many people as possible to take the journey towards becoming authors. All exciting stuff! BFM:: It?s been a pleasure speaking to you and thanks for taking the time to let us in your world?W here can people find you to connect and stay in touch?Also, how can people work with you? Ardre: Thank you so humbly for allowing me to share my story! Ardre is definitely an influencer and she is making a difference each and every day. W e live in a world where entertainment is something we live for and I don?t believe it will ever die. The fact that Ardre has built and is still building a platform for aspiring actors, writers, and authors to be heard is a true testament to the type of person she is. She believes that everyone has a story in them and she has the means necessary for their voices to be heard via theater, books, video and film. W hat is your story? You can reach Ardre Orie on the social media channels mentioned below and make sure you visit my blog to see the full video where we were live at her ?The Art of Storytelling? photo and video shoot. Twitter @iamardreorie Instagram @iamardreorie


C urvy and C onfident: Inspir ing Women t o Love Themselves by Khari Toure Book Review by Brianna D. Screen Rating: 4 stars My Mentor introduced me to the amazing spoken word videos of Khari Toure afew years ago. Now, these weren?t just any spoken word pieces? NOT AT ALL!!! Khari?s poems and spoken word pieces were dedicated to the beauty of plus size women. So being that I too am I plus size women, one could understand why I could appreciate his masterpieces!!! I found myself watching these videos over and over as if he was speaking directly to me!!! So imagine my excitement when I learned Khari published a book entitled Curvy and Confident: Inspiring W omen to Love Themselves? it was a must that I add this creation to my massive book collection, and I?m so glad I did!!! Curvy and Confident... is a well written women?s empowerment book written from a man?s prospective. Its premise is to inspire women to overcome negative body image, insecurity and low self-esteem/ confidence. I love the way Khari used relatable true stories from women he knew along with affirmations and helpful advice to convey his messages of motivation. He touched basis on topics such as: dating and commitment, love and its lack of limitation, finding beauty from within and learning to love YOU!!! Khari provided helpful pointers as to how to become curvy and confident women with aspirations to live a happier, healthier and longer life. Curvy and Confident: Inspiring W omen to Love Themselves is definitely a page turner and worth reading!!! I will be the first to admit, reading this book helped me regain some of my confidence that I wasn?t sure I would ever get back!!! I encourage every woman to read this extraordinary book!!!!

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How toFail at Everything and Still Win Bi g Kind of the Story of My Life by Scot t Adams ?Failure is an event, not a person.?Those were the sage words of a man whose mentorship had a powerful impact on my life. At the time I met him, it seemed like I couldn?t win for trying. Nobody would take me or my ideas seriously, I couldn?t get a date with a woman to save my life and a venture into which I?d invested years of my life had come crashing to the ground. My mentor?s words gave me permission to stop beating myself up, climb atop the smoldering ruins of my life past and present and look for a path that would lead me to future success. That?s precisely the idea voiced by Scott Adams in his inspiring book, ?How to Fail at Everything and Still W in Big: Kind of the Story of my Life.?As the creator of the smash-hit cartoon "Dilbert", Adams certainly knows success. W hat people who haven?t read his book may not know is that he is also well acquainted with failure. Adams?philosophy is that merely learning from failure is not enough. W hen it shows up, you?ve got to invite it in, make friends with it... then mug it for everything it?s got. As Adams put it, ?Failure always brings something of value with it. I don?t let it leave until I extract that value.? Extracting that value takes a greater emotional toll than you might imagine, because when you reach deeply into failure?s pockets, what you extract might terrify you. Yet terror of this sort has a powerful upside. Discovering what you are not and never will be good at, even after trying really, really hard, is liberating because it frees you to explore paths you may never have otherwise considered.

Published 2013 (Kindle Edition) Review by Paul Sean Grieve Rating: 4.5 Stars

The blessings I value most in my life are blessings I acquired on a path I would never have chosen had I not failed totally and completely earlier on. I am neither rich nor famous, but you could definitely say I won big - not in spite of failure, but because of it.

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Overcome A nything "All thingsarepossiblewith faith. With faith, weknow beforeweeven seethemountain of challengethat wewill conquer it and beleft stronger becauseof it." Veronica Cox is"morethan a conquerer" and knowshow toovercomewhatever challenge lifebringsher way - through faith. In Conquer Your Mountains, Veronica openly sharesher lifeexperienceswithout filter and thelessonsshelearned tomakeher the incredibly successful woman sheistoday: celebrity makeup artist whohasworked on several big-budget filmsand Emmy Award winning television shows; creator of her own makeup line; founder of a non-profit tohelp children; and Civil Rightspioneer, a "Foot Solider for Freedom" whomarched with Dr. King. But Veronica had tofaceand overcome incrediblepersonal and professional obstacles toreach that successthat includetherejection of her mother, illiteracy, being jilted at the altar, betrayed by her businesspartner, and losing her best friend tosuicide. All thewhile, Veronica worked tocreatethelifeshewanted, embracing her skillsand talentsasa stylish and savvy entrepreneur and businessowner in fashion, beauty, and retail. With each trial, Veronica'sfaith in herself and trust in God's perfect will in her lifegrew... And sherealized that theknowledgethat shegleaned from each experiencewasnot only herstoenjoy, but was tobeshared with otherstoconquer their fears and trepidation, and find their purposein the world! Journey with Veronica from her beginnings in therural South totheglitz and glamour of Hollywood, and learn thefaith toolsto Conquer Your Mountains!

Avail abl eoNAmazon.com10/ 3/ 2016

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K now Y our Worth Keesha Riversisa woman whohas endured much pain, trial, and made many sacrifices. But instead of being bitter, shesharesher story and the lessonsshelearned toforgivethosewho tormented and abused her. "Mama, They Didn't Mean It" isan account of how savvy businesswoman Keesha Riverswasabletoriseaboveadoption, rape, abuseand molestation, depression, lonelinessand bullying, teen-motherhood, financial trials, crushed friendships, and loveslost to finally loveherself. Oneof Keesha's favoritesayingsis, "Know Your Worth". Thisbook isthejourney through how shewasabletofinally learn her own invaluableworth, and how forgivenesscan help you todothe same.

Avail abl This Fal l !

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Y ou C an D o A nything What doyou dowhen theworld builds mountainstostop you from fulfilling your destiny? ProphetessSebeDalieh hastheanswer: turn totheLord and develop your "Can Do" spirit! TheCan DoSpirit isa powerful book that will reinforcewhat God has already proclaimed: you can do anything through Christ. Nomatter thetrial, pain, or frustration - theHoly Spirit isyour "help" and answer. This book isfilled with Biblereferences, inspirations, and motivationstohelp you directly confront and overcome whatever challengescomeyour way. A wonderful "pocket book" that can be carried and referenced on a moment's notice, TheCan DoSpirit will encourageyou, empower you, inspire you, and delight you in thejoy of Jesus! You "Can Do" anything through Christ whostrengthensyou!

Avail abl NOW!

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Set su M cCl endon, CLC Purpose is w akin g up each m orn in g to do w h at you love to do. I am w alkin g in m y purpose an d w ould love to assist you in doin g th e sam e. As a Purpose Coach , m y services can en due you to m ake trem en dous ch an ges in your life! Th rough m y ow n life experien ces, it com pelled m e to develop a program called L.I.F.E.(Livin g In Full Expectation ) for sin gle w om en , ages 20-45. Th e foun dation of th e program is PRAYER! I un derstan d th e pow er of prayer an d th e im portan ce of h avin g a relation sh ip w ith GOD to fulfill purpose. I got frustrated in w orkin g a 9-5, I felt like I w as in bon dage an d could n ot do w h at w as in m y h eart to do. My passion h as been to assist w om en in iden tifyin g th eir gifts, talen ts an d turn it in to a busin ess. I kn ew m y gifts an d talen ts w ere placed in m e to service oth ers. I w ould love to be of a service to you. Th e program provides on e-on -on e session s, group session s, w orksh ops, con feren ce calls an d L.I.F.E. Explosion parties. If you are frustrated w ith your job, w an t to start a busin ess an d h ave a desire to develop m ultiple stream s of in com e, LET?S TALK! Do you w an t to w ake up each m orn in g on purpose?

w w w .L I FEw i t h Set su .com m ccl en d on set su @gm ai l .com 470-258-7483

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A n A l l -En co m p assi n g Cel eb r at i o n o f Fi l m s Cr eat ed b y Peo p l e o f Co l o r

A u g u st 1 1 -1 4 , 2 0 1 6 A t l an t a, Geo r g i a

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D ay 1 ThePeachtreeVillageFilmFestival event startedout on a Thursday witha small crowd that quickly grewlarger andlarger f or the premiereof #divadiariesproducedby Tangie Miller. If youknowTangie, then youknowshe hasa beautif ul spirit. Shef ormatteda f ashion pre-showin thelobby of theSouthwest Center whereall themodelsworepiecesf romtheLiz Russell Collection andlookedbeautif ul doing it. Thereweresomany starsin the building, includingcommentator Dwight Eubanks, Monei Sutton, Errol Sadler, 40photos, TbumpPhotosand more. Our palettesweresatisf iedwith a uniquetea andtasty crabsandwiches - all weredelicious. It wasa great night hadby all, anda wonderf ul start the PeachtreeVillageFilmFestival! by Tina Bridges

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Qasim Basir creativity, persevere, and hard work along with histeam produced an award-winning film. Mr.Basir wasawarded Best Director at the Black Film Festival on June18, 2016 in Miami Beach Florida. Cory Hardict, thelead actor in "Destined" wasawarded for Best Actor.

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Wehad theopportunity toview themoviepremier of "Destined", at thePlaza Theater.( Destined isarriving at a certain destination, based upon thechoicesand decisionswemakein life. Themoviehad familiar facesaswell asnew actorsand actresses. Themovie wasvery intriguing, comical, unpredictableand thought provoking. Thecast rolescaptivated the audiencewith their authenticity. Thismoviewould beone, that you and your friendswould want tosee. It isalsoa great teaching point toour teens. To learn that thedecisionswemakein life, not only effectsor impact our lives, and thosethat are connected tousaswell.

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The Peachtree Village International Film Festival (PVIFF) continued with a plethora of gutsy, coming-of-age independent shorts in its 2nd day of showings at Holly?s Event Center on Juniper Street in downtown Atlanta. The morning kicked off with the premiere of the tongue-in-cheek web series ?For Scandalous Girls? giving a glimpse into the subsequent effect of sidechick culture in every-day relationships. The ?Scandalous?titled webisode featured a gender-twist on the typical sidechick stereotype, where the man was the sidepiece and the woman was the infidel. Nonetheless, For Scandalous Girls, even in a spoof of the ever-popular ABC series, Scandal, delivered a much-needed deliberation on unfaithfulness in American marriages and the brokenness it creates in a home. ?For Scandalous Girls?featured a directorial debut from filmmaker/ activist Tramaine Braithwaite, and was executively produced by Dilsey Davis and Atlanta actress and filmmaker Angela Ray (star of Tyler Perry?s Love Thy Neighbor). The next film in line on the itinerary was the independent feature film, Make Time for Love, produced and directed by Atlanta filmographer J.Carter, starring Carl Payne, Brad James and a host of indie stars. The storyline followed the ins and outs of three African American couples intertwined in the game of love, gambling in the field and playing to win. After the viewing, J.Carter stated in the Q&A that followed, ?it was originally shot as a pilot for TVOne, and we?re looking into shopping it different ways. As a feature film or as a TV show.? Following the premiere of Make Time for Love, the afternoon continued with a debut of shorter, highly moral-driven shorts that provided eye-opening discussions on taboo issues in African American everyday life. This included money

management and pitfalls, especially with athletes in Ballin?on A Budget, an independent short with over 170K hits on YouTube and counting. ?Shot in twelve hours?, the film was the first from CEO Chlon Rogers, founder of the finance/ entertainment company, Checkmate Business Management. The next short to premiere was titled W hat?s, an independent piece produced and directed by Al G. Sillah showcasing the dangers, ifs and whats of texting and driving. Next to debut was a twosome of domestic violence and kidnapping centered shorts, with Love, produced by Marcellus Cox and iGirl, directed by Tara Jones. The feature film highlight of the evening was Apparition, a psychological thriller involving one man, two dead women and a haunted house. None of these features quite stole the show like The Divorce, however, an emotionally-tugging film based on the autobiography of author and activist, Tori Lynn, starring Tommy Ford of Martin fame. To close Friday?s series of screenings, Tori Lynn discussed her struggles with Christian divorce and asked the question, ?how can I lift my hands in church and lift my legs at night??, minutes before the viewing of the chopped horror thriller, Customer Service. Moreover, PVIFF Friday?s six-hour screenings featured a montage of purpose-driven films, whether moral or simply for classic entertainment. Each provoking laughs, thoughts and every emotion in between.

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