BOLD +PLUS July 2016

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JULY 2016

food Th e f u t u r e f av o r s t h e BOLD. Lo v e y o u r cu r v es!

+P L U S

Won der Twin s Act ivat e Greg & Gretch en Cl ay Want to Know About Faith? Kustom Kandy Apples! One to Watch: Plus Model Jenne' Matilda Are You On Track? Fashionology 2.0 Atlanta's Unified Auditions & More!

Our Team Our BOLD Leader ship Foun der Lyn it a M it chel l -Bl ackwel l Edit or - in -Chief David M . Good Phot ogr apher Joshe M ar t in Videogr apher Tyr a Br eaux MUA El izabet h St . John -Hal l Social M edia M an ager Tin zl ey Br adf or d Our BOLD Wr it er s Asia Wheat on Br ian n a D. Scr een Cat hy Bur r oughs Debor ah Hight ower Dor n a F. Wer del in Ebon y Hil l sman LaRhon da Wil l iams San dy Cher n of f BOLD + P L U S is a subsidiary publication of BOLD Favor Magazine. BOLD Favor Magazine is the Leadership Lifestyle magazine that highlights BOLD people, organizations, and causes that inspire us to live fearlessly. Founded by Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell , CEO of Leading Through Living Community, LLC, BOLD Favor has over 250K email subscribers, 17K+ Instagram Followers, and 16K+ Twitter Followers (across two accounts). To learn more, or to advertise with us, visit, call 866-611-3753 or email us at Page 4


In This Issue

Want to Know About Faith?


Kustom Kandy Apples! One to Watch: Jenne' Matilda


Book Review: One Step At A Time: Walking in the Heels of A Trendsetter


Cover: The Clay Twins


9 Tips for Better Time Management


Atlanta Unified Auditions - 2016


Copyright 2016 Leading Through Living Community LLC DBA BOLD Favor Magazine. All rights reserved.

Want toK now A bout F aith?

Ask Br i Brianna Screen

A week ago I attended my best friend?s sister?s funeral. As I sat in the semi-packed church listening to family, friends and co-workers speak highly of this beautiful spirited, young mother of three, it was very clear that she not only impacted everyone in that sanctuary but that her faith in God helped her through this journey called life!!! And it will be that same faith that will Page 8

This page, photo by Ben Garner; opposite page Scarletina

K ustomCandy A pples

O ne t o Wat c h J enne'M atilda

Who am I: Hello Beautiful, meet Jenne' Matilda. ?I?m nothing spectacular, everything miraculous, with two scoops of awesomeness on the backside.? Basically a new face for plus-size modeling on 'the internet and blogospheres.' Describe Me: Almond brown sister with distinctive eyes and black hair, standing 5'7" with the voluptuous, mesmerizing, full-figured measurements of 48" Bust - 42" Waist - 62? of Awesomeness. My Goals: ?I'm all about, Life, Beauty, Encouragement, Networking and Community Development. Basically living my dream while helping others live theirs.? What else do I Do:

George Martin

Jenne' has taken an interest with lobbying and ?I do this from time to time on the local level. I have even been blessed enough to lobby on to the steps of Congress.? That as well as serving as Secretary of her local community board located in Atlanta shows that Jenne? cares about her community. Where else may you have seen Me:

How Can I reach Jenne' Matilda:

Modeling outfits for Plus Size and Sassy and on the Slink Jeans Positive Body Curvy Model Search

You can book and contact her at You can follow me on FaceBook, Twitter, and Inst agr am : @jen n em at ilda

What is My Background:

Page 12

Associates and BS in Healthcare Administration. Jenne' has always considered herself a student of life, hustling to work as a single parent, while seeking and creating opportunities. What?s Next: Jenne?is in the process of developing a ?Help Me Push? brunch for Women. She calls it " A fantastic way to connect and engage with a high volume of upcoming like-minded entrepreneurs." Also, look for her rocking the runway in fashion shows coming to a city near you and on the internet profiling her awesomeness in the plus-size clothes women want to wear.

Ou r BOLD Cover Greg& Gretchen Clay

Wonder Twins Activate!

"Pushingtowards a greater legacy." started working with kids in psychology, he and I had a conversation that I needed to find a passion for the work I would do that would help me in my career and if not I would be miserable. At the same time, I was teasing him, ?did you open a map and just tap any place on the map.' No, that's just where God wanted him to go. He knew he was going to face some adversities but he was ready for the challenge because it's what he was chosen to do.?

Present Working towards goals and keeping a ?work-life balance' is probably one of the biggest balancing acts for young professionals. Greg and Gretchen consider one another great advisors and support systems. Gretchen styled herself and Greg for this BoldFavor Magazine photo shoot. Greg consults with Gretchen for the educational training and psychological impact and program ideas for his mentoring programs. In honor of both the civil rights heroes of the past and the future revitalization of historic Auburn Avenue, the photos were captured in front of the mural of Georgia Congressman John Lewis. Page 16


Greg: " I know that Gretchen works very hard and she does it all with class. Serving people is often times a thankless job that is confirmed through your faith. It?s a labor of love with what she does as a teacher. Working in the mental health field, it takes a special kind of person to go into a place where people are treated so poorly and not just by the system but by individuals. She is that person. It is a rewarding relationship. Being brought into the world together, it's truly a gift." Gretchen: " Being from here, I'm constantly reminded of what could have been. We were put in a position to learn from others mistakes. As long as I'm able I will continue to work on behalf of the community: Working to promote literacy to a world that didn't hear it. As a citizen, I feel as if it's my obligation to educate young people. Gregory is an amazing person when it comes to hitting the pavement and helping people who others consider the ?undesirables?. ?

Developing a movement for community change can sometimes move at a snail?s pace. While confident that they are both living in their purpose in their careers, both acknowledge the need to build as they climb. Both cite civil rights leaders in Atlanta as role models and heroes. Gretchen: " Future leaders need to know that it's best to hear from men and women. Gregory still puts in his time. Wherever people are going to receive me, I'm going to go." Greg: " I'm trying to motivate people to be leaders wherever they are: Pushing people towards their own legacy. We were part of a generation of povertyStatistics have shown that 96 percent of those born into poverty will stay there. Beating those statistics is what I?m here for. It?s about the work and being present. Inserting the love of God more in the way that we lead- The love of God keeps us moving many of those brothers in the civil rights movement were praying together to overcome some of the stuff that we know about and some of the stuff we didn't know about. But they kept moving forward.? Gretchen: ?I feel like I have fought a good fight and there are some days that I have felt like giving up but the message I

"Iron sharpensiron."

9 Tips f or Bet t er Time M an agemen t by Sandy Chernoff

Photos by (this page) Laura Musikaski, (opposite page) Dianne Hope, Quicksandala, and Gracey Stinson

Page 18

Time management is a misnomer as you cannot actually manage time, it just keeps moving along. Actually, you need to manage yourself and try to get the most out of your day by prioritizing your tasks to help you move toward your goals. Time management requires a number of techniques that aim to increase the effectiveness of a person in getting the things done that need to be done. People who manage their time poorly create unnecessary stress for themselves and others, get less done and hurt their chances of succeeding. Those who manage their time effectively work smarter and are valuable assets to their organization. Use the following 9 tips to be more self-disciplined in the management of your time.

this year's Unified Auditions. Guterman works with both Theatrical Outfit as Associate Artistic Director, and for this year, as Artistic Associate at Actor's Express and is a key player in the Atlanta casting scene both in front of and behind the desk. He had nothing but great things to say about this year's annual event: " Unifieds 2016 were the best to date! Both days were run incredibly smoothly by C4 Atlanta, the energy in the room felt relaxed but professional, and the two-day event felt inspiring rather than mandatory or exhausting. It was wonderful to catch up with Atlanta's industry movers and shakers. Most importantly, for me, the talent level overall seemed more impressive and

advanced this year. I was particularly excited to see so many new actors of multiple ethnicities and can't wait to call them in for future auditions." Among the auditioners hoping to find the " it" factor among the artist who strutted and sang their hearts out on the Marcus JCC Atlanta stage were such theatrical representatives as Working Title Playwrights; Aurora Theatre;The Atlanta Shakespeare Company; Kenny Leon's True Colors Theatre Company; Six Flags Over Georgia & Hurricane Harbor; Onion Man Productions; Stone Mountain ParkEntertainment, Springer Opera House; Georgia Aquarium, Academy Theater,Center for

Puppetry Arts; Theater Emory; Actor's Express; 7 Stages; Georgia Ensemble Theatre & Conservatory; Marietta's New Theatre in the Square; Gypsy Theatre Company; Out of the Box Theatre Company; Synchronicity Theatre;Theatrical Outfit; Fabrefaction Theatre Company; Essential Theatre; The Legacy Theatre; Alliance Theater at The Woodruff Art Center; Horizon Theatre Company; Serenbe Playhouse; Dunwoody United Methodist Church; Academy Theatre and Cynthia Stillwell Casting. And as crew, Mark SQuared Productions and Resource Center and SoulFree Enterprises. This is an annual event so interested actors should check out the C4 Atlanta website to stay in the loop.

Cathy Burroughs is honored to appear in Bold Favor Magazine and others such as Backstage, Atlanta Intown, Aquarius Magazine, TheatreWeek, High Performance, Dance Magazine, and others. She has several television projects in the works. Check her out at

Fa sh io n o l o g y : T h e D ef in it io n o f Fa sh io n & St y l e ? M er c ed es-Ben z Fa sh io n Sh o w 20 16 To ur By Dorn a F. W erdelin

O n A pr il 23, ?Fashionology: T he D efinition of Fashion & St yle? exploded into dow ntow n Atlant a w ith its M ercedes- Benz Fashion 2016 Tour. From couture dresses, sw im wear, and jum psuits by Y aya Couture to m en?s t ailored shir ts and D avid Ford eyewear, 13 designers were on m otion display for over 150 attendees. R ed carpet hosts, M ichelle L eigh and Rober t D avaughn Watkins greeted designers and m odels and inter viewed co- host, Stevie Baggs, for m er N FL player and co- ow ner of D ream CafĂŠ in Atlant a, w ho is set to appear as a bachelor in ?A M atch M ade in H eaven? on WeT V. Baggs brought along a few of his N FL buddies as m odels to get the ladies? hear ts pulsating. H ost Jonna Johnson, actress and acting coach, and w ife of retired N FL player, T hom as Johnson, paired up w ith A rdra Sinett of ?Cooking Couture Atlant a? to greet the st ylish and trendsetting crow d. Baggs and co- host Chr is A rceneaux, CEO of D arby Foundation and M ercedes- Benz Brand A m bassador, kept the crow d laughing w hile D J Shaolin enter t ained w ith the hottest tracks. N ine vendors show cased their wares; from travel by Shaw n?s Sensational Get aways, fashion jewelry, Chr istian playing card gam e ?G2G ? Glory to God? and best- selling author, Jessica N . Watkins. A m ong the vendors w as a st andout, Fram ed L eather, w hose ow ner, T iffany N icole, st ar ted her M oroccan handcrafted leather goods business as a way to cope, after losing her m other. Fram ed L eather w ill launch dur ing N ew York Fashion Week dur ing Septem ber 8- 15, 2016. Fram ed L eather Brand A m bassador, M athew L . H eber t, w ho was attending Fashionology for the first tim e, said he cam e because of the fant astic designs and diversit y of the collections, and exclaim ed that this event gave ?st ylists a for um to show case their awesom e work." W hen I asked Fashionology CEO and Production D irector, Rodney D aniel, just w hat Fashionology m eans, he said ?Fashionology is the breakdow n of the word ?fashion? and w henever you add ?ology?it m eans the study of? that is w hy our t agline is ?T he D efinition of Fashion & St yle?.? D aniel added that his ?goal is for us to becom e the inter national version of the Ebony Fashion Fair tour.? Fashionology is well on its way, w ith a stunning lineup of designers and diverse cat alog of m odels, ranging from long and lean to cur vy and voluptuous. Page 26

Fa sh io n o l o g y : T h e D ef in it io n o f Fa sh io n & St y l e ? M er c ed es-Ben z Fa sh io n Sh o w 20 16 To ur

Embr ace t he Possibil it ies: 5 M ust -Dos f or Succes s Define your success.

By Deborah High tow er

In the words of Coco Chanel, ?A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.? (Certainly that mantra goes for men, too.) We can and should be all we were designed to be! The possibilities are endless? but be careful not to sell yourself short! Align your thoughts with these nuggets of action:

Equip yourself. Decide, right this moment, you will be empowered with strength and power from the core. The healthy core is developed from positivity and optimism. Life has many challenges, twists and turns ? even the expected can throw you into a tailspin of negativity. No matter the circumstance, make the best of the situation. Deal with it from a positive stance, learn from it and move on. Develop a list of your favorite scriptures or quotes and keep it readily available when you need a boost.

Find your strengths. Take pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and list your strengths. Be honest with your personal inventory. Ponder the strengths and how you can use them to empower and embrace the possibilities. Write how the trait will propel you to the next level. Be proactive in developing your skills. Don?t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Exercise the core strengths you are developing. Page 28

Define your goals and objectives, both personal and professional. What do you want to accomplish? What is one thing you can do today that will move you closer to the ultimate goal? Realize that success is defined by you! What do you need to get there? Do you have a plan in place to move on the continuum toward the objective? Celebrate the success along the way; there will be many small wins on the way to the big one.

Learn from the past but focus on the future. One of the biggest power snatchers is bemoaning past mistakes or disappointments. Power from the core will get you past the obstacles in life. Build from the past by analyzing what went wrong and turn the pain into core power. Self-determination is critical in moving forward.

Give creativity room to breathe. Spending time alone in quiet and peace can fuel thoughts and ideas. Close your eyes? breathe. Think positive thoughts about your goal and success. Imagine what it will feel like and how you will celebrate the success. Tell yourself that you are strong and talented with your strengths. Remind yourself that all things are possible, as long as you work the plan and put in what?s required. Empowerment starts from the core within and radiates externally. Exercise your right to define your self-worth; determine your choices; access opportunities provided; control your life and influence the socio-economic environment in which you live. You are a super-power. Now? go and act like one.

K eandraT iana by Brianna D. Screen

Bout ique Own er , Cosmet ics Lin e Cr eat or , Ser van t Th er e?s a sayin g t h at goes, ?On e?s past does n ot det er m in e t h eir f u t u r e.? Kean dr a Tian a Nicole M at h is is a t r u e t est am en t t o t h is t h eor y. If you ?r e w on der in g w h o Kean dr a is? sh e?s t h e CEO an d Fou n der of Tian a Nicole LLC, an on lin e clot h in g, an d cosm et ics lin e est ablish ed in 2015. Fr om bat h in g su it s, cr och et 2 piece sw im su it s, body con dr esses, cu st om dash ik is, m ogu l t -sh ir t s, lipst ick , n ail polish an d m or e? Tian a Nicole LLC h as a lot t o of f er pr esen t an d f u t u r e cu st om er s. Kean dr a?s su ccess didn?t com e w it h ou t a sh ar e of st r u ggles. Sh e is no Page 30

st r an ger t o adver sit y, h er r ecen t su ccess is a r ef lect ion of h er h ar d w or k an d dedicat ion in m ak in g h er dr eam s becom e a r ealit y w h ile beat in g t h e odds. Af t er bein g lef t in t h e h ospit al af t er bir t h by h er biological m ot h er , Kean dr a w as adopt ed by a social w or k er w or k in g at t h e h ospit al. For in t er f er in g in a case, Kean dr a?s adopt ed m ot h er lost h er job at t h e h ospit al an d decided t o go back t o sch ool t o advan ce h er car eer . Un f or t u n at ely, sh e w ou ldn?t be able to accom plish h er dr eam s as sh e died w h en Kean dr a w as on ly eigh t m on t h s old. Her adopt ed gr an dm ot h er con t in u ed t o r aise Kean dr a.

At t h e age of 7, t h e r oles w ou ld r ever se an d Kean dr a st ar t ed car in g f or h er gr an dm ot h er w h en sh e becam e legally blin d. Her gr an dm ot h er ?s disabilit y act u ally st r en gt h en ed t h eir bon d an d lead t o Kean dr a lear n in g h ow to cook t h r ou gh t h e in st r u ct ion s h er gr an dm ot h er gave h er . Sh e also m ade su r e h er gr an dm ot h er at e an d t ook h er m edicat ion w h en ever sh e w as h om e an d n ot in sch ool. By t h e age of 12, h er gr an dm ot h er w as diagn osed w it h Diabet es w h ich cau sed h er h ealt h t o f ail dr ast ically. Bein g t h at it w as t oo over w h elm in g f or a you n g Kean dr a t o do all alon e, sh e an d h er gr an dm ot h er m oved in w it h h er adopt ed au n t . On ce again , Kean dr a w as f aced w it h a loss w h en h er gr an dm ot h er passed aw ay w h en sh e w as 13. Fr om t h at poin t on , it w as Kean dr a an d h er au n t again st t h e w or ld!!!

Yo ur Sel f -Est eem D et er mines Yo ur Q ua l it y of Lif e By Asia Wheaton

Photo by Mara Bittencourt

Perhaps the most important part of the psychology of time management and the role that your self-concept has in determining your performance and behavior is the impact of your self-esteem in determining everything that happens to you. Most psychologists agree that self-esteem is the critical determinant of a healthy personality. The best definition of self-esteem is, ?how much you like yourself?? When you like and respect yourself, you always perform and behave better than if you did not. Page 32

The more you like yourself, the more confidence you have. The more you like yourself, the more efficient and effective you are in each area of your life. Self-esteem is the key to peak performance. Your self-esteem is so important to your emotional health that almost everything you do is aimed at either increasing your feelings of self-esteem and personal value or protecting it from being diminished by other people or circumstances. Self-esteem, the feeling of liking and respecting yourself, is the foundation principle of success and happiness. It is vital for you to feel fully alive.

BOLD R ef l ec t io ns f r om LM B Am I On Track? This is a question we all ask ourselves at some point or another. "Am I doing the right thing?" "Am I where I am supposed to be in life?" "Am I wasting my time following this path?" All framed differently, these questions all point to the same answer, which is YES!

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell Founder

Taketim eto unplug, rest and relax, and look deep within through prayer and m editation Page 34

You are exactly where you are supposed to be in your life, right here and right now. Every task, every thought, and every connection has led you here. "Here" may not be exactly where you intended to be, but it is where your efforts have led you. If you are happy with your life, then you are probably thinking, "Yes, that's right! I'm happy and content, and my hard work really paid off." If you are unsure about your current "situation", then you are probably thinking, "Uh, no... I worked really hard and am not sure how this happened!" And if you are really unhappy with your life, then you are probably thinking a four letter word that I will not print here. I get it - been there, done that, got the tee-shirt, and it does not fit anymore! Friends, life is like GPS: sometimes it leads you exactly where you wanted to be, other times it leads you to the general vicinity and a friendly passerby points you in the right direction, and then there are the times when you wind up in another city, at a dead end, or worse - the GPS cannot find your location at all.

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