BOLD Favor Magazine - June 2014

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FAVOR MAGAZINE Highlighting BOLD people, organizations, and causes that inspires us to live fearlessly!

Purposeful, Passionate, & Powerful - Our Cover: Mona Shah Joshi IIn ntteerrn naattiio on naall A Arrttiisstt,, C Cllo otth hiin ngg D Deessiiggn neerr,, & &H Heeaalltth hC Ch haam mp piio on n --

JJiim mii K Kiin ngg

A AB BO OL LD DL Lo oo ok k aatt F Fiib brro oiid dss & & P Peerriim meen no op paau ussee P Pu ussh hiin ngg B BO OL LD DL LY YP Paasstt F Feeaarr G Geettttiin ngg Y Yo ou urr M Maattee tto oC Co om mm miitt -W Wiitth ho ou utt T Trry yiin ng g


Inaugural photo shoot May 2014. From left to right: Elizabeth St. John-Hall, DeYonna Moss, Myesha Good, Mona Shah Joshi, Patience Mitchell, Jennifer Snow, Brian Blackwell.


Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Monique Baisden, Ebony Hillsman, Dorna Werdelin, Cynthia Walton, Eboni Pritchard, Dionne Lackey, Lisa Riley, Tanika Gray Valbrun, and Little Miss Angelica Blackwell.





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June 2014

LEADERSHIP 45 A BOLD New Business Venture: Real Estate 49 BOLDLY Pushing Past Fear & Procrastination 53 Process & Procedure Avert Panic A BOLD Business Move 54 The Power of Connecting - Lisa Riley

OLD TOTAL WELLNESS B Bee ffeeaarrlleessss!!

IN EVERY BOLD ISSUE 12 Letter from the Editor-in-Chief 13 Letter from the Managing Editor 14 Featured Artist - Jimi King 40 The Cover - Mona Shah Josh

SPIRITUALITY 16 BOLDLY Inspired Career Change 18 Pushing BOLDLY Through Discomfort 21 The Guru of Joy 26 The BOLD Don't Settle - We Live Fearlessly 30 Creating BOLD Dreams That Lead to a Great Life

EMPOWERED STYLE 33 Lingering in Lombok 36 A BOLD Review of "419" by Will Ferguson 37 A BOLD Review of Parker's On Ponce Restaurant 48 Getting BOLD When the Going Gets Tough 44 Mekko & T'Shura - A BOLD New Singing Duo

56 To Fast or Detox: That's the BOLD Question 60 Wonder Woman's BOLD New Smoothie 61The Lupus Sisters: A Family Affair 65 A BOLD Look at Perimenopause & Pellet Hormone Therapy 67 The White Dress Project - Fibroids Beware! 71 A Revealing Look at Mental Illness 73 Get & STAY BOLDly Fit

MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS 76 A Father's Joy 77 Getting Your Mate to Commit Without Trying 78 Celebrating A BOLD Father's Life

HUMAN DIGNITY 81 The GOOD List - Policy & Civic Duty 82 Dr. Kelvin Brown - Committed to Total Body Wellness

COVER CREDITS Photo by Tanya Patterson of Ja'dela Pren Photography Design by Josh E Martin of JM Creative Designs & Photography Makeup by Elizabeth St. John-Hall of Faces by Liz and Hair by DeYonna Moss 7|BOLDFavor



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June 2014

BoldFavor FutureFavorsTheBold BoldFavorMagazine

OLD B Bee ffeeaarrlleessss!!



Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell


Ebony Hillsman


Tanya Patterson


Josh E. Martin


Tyra Breaux


Elizabeth St. John Hall


DeYonna Moss






BOLD Favor Magazine, a Publication of Leading Through Living Community LLC 4115 South Laurel Grove Road Douglasville, GA 30135 Email: Phone/Fax: 1-866-611-3753 Subscribe and purchase online at!


JUNE 2014

REPRINTS: No portion of this issue may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior consent of the publisher. CONTRIBUTIONS: The editors are not responsible for return of any unsolicited materials. RESPONSIBILITY: The publisher and editors are not responsible for any changes in dates of events after the deadline. For advertising information



Monique Baisden Brian Blackwell Faye Fields Tanika Gray Valbrun David Good Myesha Good Paul Sean Grieve Christelsie Johnson Dionne Lackey Anna McPherson Benecia Ponder Eboni Pritchard Swami Purnachaitanya James Reid Mona Shah Joshi Nasha Snipes Jennifer Snow Kathryn Stanley Elizabeth St. John-Hall Maria Tillero Dorna F. Werdelin Cynthia Walton Sonji Willingham 11 | B O L D F a v o r

Letter from Our BOLD Editor-in-Chief "The future favors the BOLD. Be fearless." This is the motto of BOLD Favor Magazine where we highlight BOLD people, organizations, and causes that inspire us to live fearlessly. This does not mean that we do not experience fear. Undoubtedly, we are all faced with circumstances that shake us to our core. Yet we act anyway, knowing that the work needs to be done, action must be taken, and a voice must be raised to make the world a better place one person at a time. BOLD Favor Magazine, as the flagship publication of the Leading Through Living Community, is a salute to the people who faced and overcame their fears, trepidation, and reluctance so they could accomplish great things. In our inaugural issue, we have the honor of featuring two incredibly BOLD people - our cover model Mona Shah Joshi and artist Jimi King - immigrants who have embraced their gifts of creation and beauty to empower the international community. Mona does this through self-knowledge and personal growth trainings as an Art of Living Foundation advanced instructor; and Jimi as a multi-platform artist and healer. In addition to Mona and Jimi, we have an incredible body of work gathered from our contributing writers with a wide range: an interview with Dr. Randy Ross who made a BOLD career change to live his purpose; tributes to fathers and the sacrifices that lead to BOLD reward; empowering health advice that include delicious recipes and cleansing remedies; and travel, food, and book reviews for leisurely pursuits. I also encourage you to patronize our advertising partners, as they have many beautiful, unique, and reasonably priced goods and services that you will enjoy! Special appreciation to all who helped make this issue possible. There are literally dozens of family members, friends, and colleagues who I do not dare name here; but I must list the following persons for outstanding contributions: Cynthia Walton of BURST Agency, Dr. Kelvin Brown, Hester Parks of Park Avenue Events, and Tanya Patterson and Lisa Riley of Women in the Spotlight Goinglobal (and all my WITS sisters). I must also list separately my beloved husband Brian Blackwell, parents Byron and Patience Mitchell, and my darling daughter Angelica. Last, but not least, my sister, friend, and the big BOSS Managing Editor Ebony Hillsman. Ebony is my sister from another mother. Without her tenacity and discipline, BOLD Favor Magazine would probably still be an item on the Leading Through Living Community 'To Do' list. Thank you sister. Enjoy this inaugural issue, the first of many tributes to our BOLD pioneers around the world. Remember: you have no time for fear. Be BOLD and fearless! Blessings, Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Esq. & CPA Editor-in-Chief

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Letter from Our BOLD Managing Editor Where are my stiletto-clad, cocktail sipping, bon-bon munching housewives we see so inaccurately portrayed on the popular BRAVO Housewives series? Each and every day I‘m reminded of what living BOLDly means to me in my impactful circle of women and men who fight to live life BOLDly on their own terms. They are moms, dads, entrepreneurs and dreamers. They are husbands, wives, singletons (brining this word back from Bridget Jones) and co-parents building and supporting their children‘s dreams of the future. They are men redefining manhood, women defining Superwoman and young people with vision far beyond the time they have spent on this earth:  BOLD Boss Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell makes the tough decisions, empowers the team and leads through vision cultivated through knowledge of self and others  Creatively BOLD Artist Jimi King is a modern-day renaissance man whose artistic visions extend beyond the traditional canvas  Divinely Peaceful BOLD cover star Mona Shah Joshi has the authentic desire to lead people to happiness and that is BOLD  BOLD Love Maven Cynthia Walton redefines the laws of attraction, encouraging us to love others how we want to be loved: authentically, honestly, affectionately and with the utmost respect of who our partners are and all they can be They are also the lessons learned working to pull this issue of BOLD together:  BOLD Partnerships that are authentic, meaningful, supportive and loving in every way  BOLD Faith and knowledge that every person alive must go through a season of silent listening, embracing self-reflection that is both selfish and self-less. Without truly seeing yourself through this season, you are doomed to repeat mistakes of the past with sadness and regret, wasting life‘s precious time BOLD Favor Magazine has made me reevaluate the way I view empowerment. Sometimes the lure of a desk and regular hours has tempted me... but the next time I think of the ―easy‖ life of kicking back with cocktails and escaping from work strictly for my own sanity, I will consider the ultimate expression of BOLD life: entrepreneurs, success coaches, community supporters and leadership champions who are willing to work 80 hours a week carving out a better life for themselves and others. Every day I am thankful my circle consists of these faithful, loving, and confident dreamers who pour as much into others as they pour into themselves. I am proud to be among the BOLD set and run with the fearless! Peace, Ebony Hillsman, MA Managing Editor

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Our BOLD Artist, Jimi King BOLD Favor Magazine's mission is to "highlight BOLD people who inspire us to live fearlessly." Artist Jimi King is a prime example of such a person, and we are honored to feature his work in our inaugural issue. As a third generation artist and designer, creation and beautification are in Jimi's blood. He obtained formal training and study of fashion and textiles at Chelsea School of Art in London Lime Grove, United Kingdom. Jimi's specialties include fabric making (dying, weaving, and printing); and any other numerous ways of embellishing fabric. He takes plain materials and transforms them into visually stimulating works of art using organic cotton, linen and silk textiles, and clothing. Jimi also specializes in blending organic Shea butter, palm kennel oil, rooibos oil, olive oil and other oils primarily of African origin, with essential oils from all over the world. A dedicated health enthusiast, Jimi is a certified colon hygienist and partner in a colonics clinic in Lagos, Nigeria. Jimi also has a certification in cosmetics from Aromatics, UK. He is skilled in the formulation and blending of organic beauty products with essential oils. His goal is to develop African clothing and other organic raw materials into beauty products for the world market. Contact Jimi at or (678) 488-7793to order the items featured throughout this magazine.

"In the Beginning" Acrylic on Canvas 36" x 36" $900

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A BOLDly Inspired Career Change: Dr. Randy Ross By Tomika Webb Founder and Chief Enthusiasm Officer of Enthusiasm Inc., Dr. Randy Ross has invaded the marketplace by guiding organizations toward the creation of a more compelling and collaborative culture, based upon Value Creation using biblical principles. Spending time in both the for-profit and non-profit worlds, he has traveled throughout the United States and internationally as a speaker, consultant and coach, building teams and developing leaders. So just how did this former pastor of 20 years end up in the marketplace as opposed to inside the four walls of the church, one of which he personally planted and pastored for over 10 years? ―As I was moving in my community, I began to have more and more business leaders approach me and ask me, could you do some coaching with our team or would you come in and talk to our group about organizational leadership, or come to talk about how to

Build a culture that inspires and challenges people to bring their best to work every day,‖ Dr. Ross said. ―I fell in love with the opportunity that I had to take principles from the bible and actually apply them to the business community and that‘s how my transition in the marketplace began.‖ After several years of working in Corporate America, Dr. Ross wanted to take his message to a broader audience of people and his passion lead him to start his own business. Dr. Ross says that he never had an inkling that he would be doing what he is doing in the marketplace today because his whole passion and plan was to guide the community of believers. ―I never even imagined myself being in the marketplace but God began to lay upon my heart the that there was a greater opportunity to reach people at large outside the walls of the church and the place that people spend the vast majority of their time is at work.

So to be able to impact the work community with transformational truth, it was a much broader platform and we saw the opportunity to impact more lives.” When asked how he was able to completely step out of his comfort zone, Dr. Ross speaks of the boldness that God gave him to move forward. ―We embarked upon it with fear and trepidation but God gave us the boldness and confidence to know that what we had to offer was something that would resonate with people and encourage them and give them practical tools to bring the best of who they are to the table.‖ He goes on to say that what he has to offer to people sets him apart from others is the ability to create value. ―The next great movement of significance is going to be in the marketplace where people actualize their passion and gifts to serve a greater purpose and that purpose is to create value for people. I think that is exactly what God has called us to do, and it says quite a bit how we should bring our whole healthy self to the work experience.‖ Dr. Ross says that if he could say anything to a person about being bold and stepping out of the box that he would say ―to be a value creator means that you are bold and that you bring something fresh and new to the table, something that defies logic or exceeds expectations in order that people walked away having been wowed with the desire to talk about. So part of our calling is to be bold and to do something extraordinary.‖ For more information: and

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About the Author Tomika Webb has always had love for building, inspiring, and entertaining people. She started her professional journey in the radio and television industry writing scripts for morning shows as a TV producer and delivering inspiring stories as a news reporter in 1995. She worked in the media industry for over 12 years until God moved her in a different direction. Tomika started her first entertainment business in 2005 alongside her husband - World Impact Entertainment Inc. - and later started a second business that specializes in events and talent management: The Impact Agency LLC. This expanded Tomika‘s reach to people and would allow her to build the careers of people in the marketplace. Tomika has a Bachelor's degree in Communications, a Master's Degree in Business Administration, is currently seeking a Master of Divinity, and is a Certified Life Coach. She is also an ordained Evangelist, singer, and Motivational Speaker. Tomika recently launched her own radio show ―Living Your Best Life‖ and hosts her own conference He Treasures Me annually. She is married to Gospel Recording Artist Corey Webb and mother of two Akeri and NaJai.

"Sisterhood" Acrylic on Canvas 36x36 $900

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Push BOLDLY Through Discomfort By Kathryn V. Stanley I have loads of blankets in my house. Many of them belonged to or were given to me by relatives who have passed. The blankets of various sizes and shades, allow me to wrap myself in the love of my colorful family members. I also have a five-year-old cocker spaniel, Keily; she loves the blankets as much as I do. Whenever she climbs on the bed (yes, my dog is allowed on the furniture; please don‘t judge me), I love to witness how she handles the blankets. Before she lies down for one of her many dog naps, she uses her paws to maneuver the blankets so they are positioned just right. This presents somewhat of a challenge for her since dogs were designed to move items most easily by mouth. Yet she struggles to bunch up or un-fold whichever afghan she chooses so she can make the space she‘s chosen her own place of comfort. I enjoy finding meaning in the mundane. And, after nearly four years of observation, believe it or not, I have found such meaning in Keily‘s blanket routine.

Keily enjoying my blankets.

acquainted‖ games where you introduce yourself by selecting an adjective that begins with the same name (or sound) as your first name, she would choose Comfortable Keily. Being comfortable is good, right? Well, it depends.

Anyone familiar with dogs knows that, by nature, they are territorial. Keily‘s blanket-clawing ritual is one manifestation of her territorial instinct-- her way of preparing her space, and staking her claim in it. Like her,

We too must prepare our space and claim it. Our goals and dreams, whether related to career, education, or otherwise, often go unachieved because we don‘t prepare ourselves to reach them. We want a better job, but we don‘t want to go to school or get the training we need to make it happen. Others of us have prepared ourselves, but we don‘t have the drive to forge our own paths. Instead, we wait around for someone to give us a chance, offer us a space, instead of claiming our own. At times, we feel undeserving or unworthy, so we allow others (some of whom don‘t have nearly the gifts we have) to get ahead or us. We even push them ahead while we remain on the fringes. Another explanation for Keily‘s blanketing clawing is to fulfill her life‘s chief objective---being comfortable. I often tease that if Keily were a character in Orwell‘s Animal Farm she would have partnered with the cat that entered the meeting at the barn late and found the most comfortable spot possible. Yes, if Keily were playing one of those "get

Being comfortable in who God made us is good. For me, wearing comfortable shoes is a must. At other times, though, being comfortable can mean becoming stagnant. Comfortable sometimes means we haven‘t stretched ourselves enough or that we haven‘t challenged ourselves to do more, to be more. It means we‘re not dreaming big enough---we‘ve created a dream that‘s only as big as our eyes or our resources can see. Leaving a place of comfort is not easy. My recent decision to return to school after 22 years is an uncomfortable place. The excitement is being dampened by trying to figure out how to teach fulltime, how to pay the mortgage and for books, how to balance school with church, relationships and other aspects of life. It‘s new territory; it‘s uncharted; it‘s uncomfortable. Yet places of discomfort, places where we don‘t have all the answers allow us to rely on a power that is greater than ourselves. It is an opportunity to trust a comforting God to meet us in those uncomfortable places. We can take comfort in knowing that swaddled in the arms of the Creator we can harness all the strength we need to claim the space created for us.

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About the Author Kathryn V. Stanley is an intergenerational preacher‘s kid and a fifth-generation educator who has played ―mid-wife‖ to book projects by a number of religious notables including the Reverend Dr. Cynthia Hale, Dr. Elaine McCollins Flake, Bishop Jonathan and Pastor Toni Alvarado, and Dr. H. Beecher Hicks. Stanley is the former faith editor of Black Issues Book Review magazine where her author interviews included Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, novelist Sharon Ewell Foster, and biblical scholars Dr. Renita J. Weems and Dr. Obery M. Hendricks. Stanley has also conducted book conversations with noted ministers and theologians. Her own writing has appeared in national and local publications including Atlanta Goodlife, Essence, Emerge,, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Stanley serves at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, serves on the boards of directors of two faithbased organizations, the Interfaith Children‘s Movement and Trinity Community Ministries, and teaches middle school English at Atlanta Youth Academy, a Christ-centered preparatory school in Atlanta‘s Thomasville community.

Photo compliments of J McGowan Photography

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The BOLD Guru of Joy By Swami Purnachaitanya Every year on the 13th of May hundreds of thousands of people across the world come together in their localities and celebrate. This is a celebration that is not bound to any country, social background or even religion. It was on the 13th of May 1956 that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was born in southern India. In Fiji as well, a gathering of local volunteers gets together every year for a small celebration.

techniques have allowed many people to permanently get rid of the small worries and stresses of today‘s busy world, and to find an inner peace, stability and strength that they carry with them wherever they go, making them more responsible, caring and open-minded individuals. It is maybe because of this, that even in places like Iraq there are many local trainers of the Art of Living doing inspiring work, despite the tough conditions. In Fiji the Art of Living has been conducting various programs for the last 14 years. Hundreds of people have benefited from its programs, allowing them to improve their health, get rid of stress and regain an authentic smile. Leonora Domonakibau shares: ―I used to have severe back ache, but after the 6-day workshop of the Art of Living I quickly got relief from this. Experiencing how the quality of my life has improved, wherever I go, as my mind is also more peaceful and positive, I make it a point to take out 20 minutes every morning to practice the breathing techniques taught in the program.‖

Often referred to as ―Sri Sri‖, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader from India, founder of the international NGO The Art of Living and the International Association for Human Values (IAHV). In less than 35 years, this one person with a vision road enough to include the whole of humanity, inspired millions across the world to come forward and contribute something, in whatever capacity, to make this world a better place. But what is it that makes millions of people across the world, from all backgrounds, cultures and religions, come to Sri Sri for guidance, solace and inspiration? What is it that makes the United Nations address him as ‗His Holiness‘, and many people referring to him as their spiritual guide, or Guru? And what is it that makes him travel the globe continuously for almost 35 years now, living a lifestyle that often seems physically impossible for almost anybody else? Every year on 13th May, people across the globe remember how grateful they are for the practical wisdom and techniques made available by Sri Sri, that have transformed their lives. The Art of Living aims to transform society by strengthening the individual, and its programs have proven to be a very effective tool. Apart from a wide range of health benefits – both physical and mental – the spiritual knowledge and breathing

And this is what I have also experienced while conducting some of these programs in different parts of the world. Irrespective of the cultural and social background, or the religious upbringing, there is a common desire in every human being: to be healthy, happy and have a sense of fulfilment in life. All we do are just attempts to achieve or secure these, if you look closely. And once we experience that piece of mind, that fulfilment, that unconditional love for all around us, we become free to take responsibility. No longer having to think ‗what about me‘, we start thinking about ‗what can I contribute‘. And it is this shift that has inspired millions of people across the world to take out a little time of their busy lives, or contribute in some other way, to make this world a more beautiful place. Wherever Sri Sri goes, people flock to the modern guru, trying to catch a glimpse, a glance, a blessing or a kind word. During a visit of Argentina in 2012, the spiritual leader showed that the huge crowds are no longer a phenomenon only to be witnessed in India. In Buenos Aires a crowd of 150,000 people gathered to get a glimpse of the master, hear him speak, and meditate in his presence. A crowd this size had never before gathered to meet anyone there, not even soccer icon Maradona after he won the World Cup. In a world which is becoming more and more stressful, the simple and practical tools Sri Sri has given to the world help people to reclaim their holistic health: a disease-free body, quiver-free breath, stress-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory, an ego inclusive of everyone, and a sorrow-free soul. Moving from a life lived in pursuit of happiness, one experiences a shift to living life happily. And that is why, maybe, it is called The Art of Living.

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About The Art of Living Now active in more than 150 countries, The Art of Living is one of the largest and fastest growing volunteer-based NGOs in the world. Its projects cover almost every possible challenge in today’s world, ranging from disaster relief and conflict resolution, to youth and women empowerment, rural development, education and working for the environment. Most of its members are volunteers. (

About the Author Swami Purnachaitanya is from the Netherlands, and was earlier working as a journalist for various magazines in the Netherlands. He met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the first time almost fourteen years ago. After six years he decided to join the organization as a full-time volunteer and came to the international headquarters of the organization in Bangalore, India in 2007. He has since then worked for various projects of the NGO, mainly in India but also in other countries, and conducted a wide range of programs, personally reaching out to over 200,000 people till date. Swami.Purnachaitanya @purnachaitanya channel/UCl1i1zr0M7Go-IqKrdHMc6g

"Sky Rise" Mixed Media Acrylic on Canvas $950

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The BOLD Don’t Settle - We Live Fearlessly! By Monique Baisden Have you ever looked back over your life and wondered how your life would've been different if you had made a different decision about a job, your career or a relationship? Have you ever looked at certain areas of your life and felt that you settled and accepted less than what you really deserved? Every day we make decisions that will affect our lives forever. We make decisions on where we're going to live, which jobs we are going to take, or which relationships we want to be in. Sometimes in my life I have made decisions that required me to spend time in deep thought or prayer, and take the time to analyze and outweigh the pros and cons in order to make the best decision for me. Other times in my life, I haphazardly made a life decision when I should have taken my time to really analyze the situation and think things through. During those times where I haphazardly made life decisions, I suffered the consequences later. When I took the wrong job, the consequences were being overstressed, overworked, and underpaid. When I decided to be in a relationship that was wrong for me from the beginning, I ended up wasting several months of my life being with a person who did not appreciate or value me the way that I deserved to be appreciated and valued. Those situations where wake-up calls for me. After being in those situations, I realized that I settled for less than what I deserved. From that day forward, I decided that I would never settle again for less than what I deserved. I decided that I would make bold and fearless choices that may require me to take risks or step out on faith, but these choices would allow me to live the life that I know that I am capable of having and living. One of my favorite quotes that inspires me to live my life boldly and fearlessly is one that was made by the late Nelson Mandela:

There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. By definition, the word "settle" means "to accept in spite of complete satisfaction". On the other hand, the word "bold" means showing or requiring a fearless daring spirit, and "fearless" means not afraid, very brave. Which type of life would you rather have: A settled life with partial satisfaction, or a bold and fearless life in which you were daring, took risks, made things happen and pursued those things that allowed you to live a completely satisfied life? In life, we all have choices. Each day we are presented with new opportunities that require us to make new choices and decisions. The question is: Will you settle and make choices that do not give you complete satisfaction? Or will you make bold and fearless choices that may require you to be daring and brave but will allow you to live a life that you are highly capable of living? You can choose to live in fear of what might or might not happen, or you can choose to live fearlessly and make things happen. You can choose to live a life of timidity and choose to not pursue the things that you are passionate about, or you can choose to live boldly and pursue a life of passion. It's never too late to live a bold and fearless life. From this day forward, decide that you will not settle for less than what you deserve on your job, in your career, or in your relationships. Make the choice to live a bold and fearless life that will allow you to live the life that you are highly capable of living.

About the Author Monique C. Baisden is an Atlanta-based blogger, writer, and Human Resources professional who has a passion for singing and creating music. She has previously written for, Type II Nation, Yes Lord Radio, and the Yahoo! Contributor Network. She is currently in the process of writing her first book about her adventures and misadventures in dating. moniquecarolb



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"Uranus Was A Planet?" Mixed Media Acrylic on Canvas $950

"Moon Day" Acrylic on Canvas Mixed Media $850

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Creating BOLD Dreams that manifest a Great Life By Benecia Ponder

Everyone knows that confidence is the key to lasting success, but so few people know how to maintain their confidence levels when life gets tough. Sure, it‘s easy to be confident when everything is great, but what about the hard times? When trouble hits, a lot of people fold and begin to worry and fear for the future. The stress of these setbacks just crumbles them, and they‘re robbed of the strength to persevere and come out on top. Does this sound familiar? Well today I‘m going to share a secret of the ultrasuccessful with you. This simple little shift of mindset is so basic and easy to implement, but most people won‘t, because it implies a great level of responsibility. However, it will change everything for you when you really get it. Are you ready? Because here it comes… You can CREATE your life. See, I told you it was simple. Centuries of research have shown that successful people utilize their creative abilities to shape their lives, rather than simply dealing with whatever comes. And when you‘re actively creating your life, you begin to achieve little successes every day, and you recognize them, thus boosting your confidence and generating the energy needed for greater successes. Then when those ―bad times‖ come, you simply use your tools to reshape them into growth opportunities, full of lessons and new insight. Make Deposits in Your Confidence Bank Account It‘s all too easy to overlook the wonderful things about ourselves when the world is constantly pointing out the things that are not. It‘s important for us to be in charge of our own ‗confidence bank account‘ and to make many deposits so we do not become overdrawn when the world makes withdrawals. Additionally, we must not rob ourselves with negative self talk, but overflow our confidence bank account with positive thoughts about who we are and what we are capable of. Here are some boosters that can help keep your confidence bank account full:

#1 - Be aware of your successes. Keep track of your successes. Literally write them down on a log or in a journal. Keep a record of all successes, both great and small. By writing them down you can review them. This way when selfdoubt sneaks in to your mind, you can review your successes and reframe your current challenges in a more positive light. Every time you do something right, make sure you also reward yourself. A reward can be as small as praise, or as big as a formal celebration. Get in the habit of recognizing and rewarding yourself for succeeding in life rather than punishing yourself for coming up short. #2 - Be aware of your abilities. What are your abilities? What are the skills you have gained through training and experience? Keep an ―I‘m good at‖ list with you as a reminder of what you are capable of on those days when you feel like nothing is going right. We can feel insecure about our self-worth when we give too much attention to our flaws. So change what you are looking at by reminding yourself of the skills and abilities you possess. #3 - Be aware of your talents. What are your talents? What comes naturally to you? Talents, which are innate, are different than abilities, which are learned. The next time you feel a lack of confidence, remind yourself of the talents you naturally possess. Talents don‘t come and go; they are with you all the time. You have every reason in the world to remain confident knowing that you always have talents that can be accessed and used when you need them. #4 - Be aware of the compliments others give you. Truly listen for the compliments given to you by others. Compliments reveal the value that others see in us. When you hear yourself saying, ―I don‘t have what it takes‖, or ―I never do anything right‖ stop listening to that voice and replace those thoughts by remembering the compliments others have given you. We may sometimes make withdrawals from our own account, but positive thinking can overcome any negative thinking that may have been robbing us. Conclusion? We need to learn to be positive. By being aware of the thoughts, words and actions that shake us, we can shift these withdrawals from our confidence bank account to deposits that bring us abundance.

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About the Author Benecia Ponder is a top-selling author, speaker, and breakthrough strategist who specializes in helping Christian women achieve their biggest boldest dreams. As the founder of the Unstoppable You Revolution, Benecia has started a movement with women all around the world, helping them to live to their fullest God-given potential with passion, purpose, power, and prosperity. To find out more about Benecia and the Unstoppable You Revolution, visit

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BOLDly Lingering In Lombok By Anna McPherson I can‘t think of anything more idyllic than visiting foreign lands before they are overrun with development. It‘s the enjoyment of witnessing a way of life that has a deadline on it. If you are heading towards Indonesia and her 18,000 islands, then I highly recommend you make your way to Lombok, one of the 6,000 odd inhabited ones.

Why Should I Go To Lombok? Lombok is Bali‘s twin sister and has always been overshadowed by Bali‘s incredible popularity with westerners, particularly Australians. Why twin sister? Interest in Lombok is ascending at the rate of electricity prices; fast! It‘s what Bali was twenty years ago, and many people are seeking the ‗old way‘.

Kuta, in southern Lombok - yes there is Kuta in Bali too, but I‘d argue it‘s the ugly sister! - has remained relatively untouched for years besides local warungs and restaurants, guesthouses and bungalows. But, The Novotel was built in 1997, and now the beachfront traders have been moved to a purpose built ‗market village‘. It‘s clearly becoming a hotspot for tourists with luxury developments also earmarked. However, all is not lost. Hire yourself a scooter for approximately 50,000RPH ($5USD) per day (plus $1USD liter petrol) and get riding!

Where Should I Ride In Kuta, Lombok? You don‘t necessarily have to restrict yourself to Kuta‘s surrounds. Make it an adventure and go wherever the road leads you.

Gerupuk Bay

Are Guling Beach

Take a boat out to one of the five breaks within this little gem of a bay. All breaks cater for beginners to pro so no one is left short of fun. Just a little tip - it‘s best to hire a boat with a canopy as it will help save you skin from being fried. Grab one of the locals, and for around $15USD, you‘ll be given expert local instruction. And, if you‘re not interested in surfing, no problem. There are several sheltered and quiet beaches perfect for kicking back on.

Similar to Mawan Beach, Are Guling too is protected and fairly private. Not too much further on from Mawan, you‘ll pass through fields where soccer training is held amongst giant coconut trees and cooling sea breezes. Be careful where you choose to park your bike as you may well be charged for the privilege.

I Want More Adventure, What Next?

Mawan Beach Feeling the need to escape further? Mawan is perfect for a private picnic. You will be lucky to see another tourist here. There‘s a tiny village of locals upon the beach with a limited selection of refreshments available. Mawan beach is located a twenty minute scooter ride from Kuta.

Easy question to answer. Go and climb Lombok‘s Mt Rinjani. At 3726 meters it‘s Indonesia‘s second highest peak and is an active volcano with a stunning caldera featuring Lake Segare Anak. Starting in Sembulan or Senaru where the climate is still warm and a little humid, you will be surprised by the end of day one when you find it hard to move away from the camp‘s fire. Yes, it really does get fresh. I promise you won‘t be disappointed although your legs and butt might say otherwise.

Would I Venture Back To Lombok? Having only scratched the surface of southern and central Lombok, I can say that yes, absolutely, I shall return to Lombok in the future without hesitation.

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About the Author Since venturing overseas for the first time in 2009, experiencing new lands, people and culture, Ann McPherson discovered a passion for travel and revived interest in photography. She realized how much she enjoyed writing twelve months ago after documenting these adventures and this has since progressed into developing a dedicated website, which is continually evolving. There you will find articles relevant to her adventures abroad. Anna recently published, Capturing the Highs of Lombok & the Gili Islands, Indonesia-a free, concise and downloadable travel guide. Anna grew up on her parents' farm in country Victoria, Australia, which nurtured her love for nature and the great outdoors. Today, she is a city dweller with her partner Matt, and two English Staffordshire pups Roxy and Indy. Anna works full-time as a sales representative for one of the world‘s leading sports brands. Visit Anna's website at




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A BOLD Book Review: 419 by Will Ferguson Reviewed by Paul Sean Grieve The BOLD Final Word: 4.5 Stars ―...maybe, with enough gasoline anything can burn.‖ If I had to extract a single line that best captures the essence of Will Ferguson‘s novel 419, this would be my choice. The novel, which revolves around a type of Nigerian email scam (named idiomatically after the section of that country‘s criminal code dealing with deceptive practices), lays bare the tragic consequences of the merciless exploitation of the country‘s landscape and people by profiteering multinationals. Packed with sensory detail and bursting with innovative characterizations, Ferguson‘s vibrant imagery helps fashion the engagingly four-dimensional backdrop against which the narrative unfolds. Without exaggeration I would say that the almost musical lyricism of his prose lends an epic feel to this novel, though his propensity for evocative description seems at times to have spilled over into dialogue, resulting in a few overwritten and sometimes ponderous monologues. That said, I must add that most exchanges are crisp and natural and the words spoken by Nigerian characters beautifully capture the wry humor and idiomatic predilections for which Nigerians are known. At the centre of the story is Laura Curtis, introverted copy editor from Calgary, Canada, and daughter of Henry Curtis, a retired schoolteacher who‘d become so deeply ensnared in a fraud perpetrated by an educated and entrepreneurial freelancer in Lagos that he‘d lost literally everything. Unwilling to let the matter rest after learning of her father‘s suicide, Laura concocts a plan to outwit the scammer and attempt to retrieve at least some of the money that was stolen. Initially, the reader can‘t help but feel sympathy for the victims of the fraud. Yet, by subtly juxtaposing the comparatively genteel challenges faced by Henry‘s surviving family members against the harsh realities of daily life for the poor in Lagos, Ferguson

invites us to contemplate how deserving this ―first-world‖ family really is of our compassion. Indeed, far more compelling than Laura‘s selfassigned mission of justice as she comes to grips with the loss of her father, are the slowly converging stories of Nnamdi and Amina, at-first seemingly unrelated characters immersed in the daily struggle for survival which defines the lives of far too many people on this planet. A refugee fleeing from the harsh dictates of Sharia law as practiced by her people in their Sahel desert homeland, Amina sets out alone in search of opportunity along the vast stretch of highway that traverses the country. What she eventually finds is the love and support of Nnamdi, an enterprising young man from the oil soaked Niger delta whose technical wizardry temporarily secured him work as a mechanic on the trucking routes. Unable to live with Amina among the prying eyes of Nnamdi‘s people, Nnamdi and Amina ultimately head to Lagos and seek the protection of a distant relative of Nnamdi‘s mother. What impressed me most about this story was the unflinching honesty with which it identifies the source of the widespread social dislocation that has given rise to Nigeria‘s recent wave of financial scams. The rusting 150-year-old British cannon overlooking Nnamdi‘s home village is a motif that reminds us of the nation‘s long and tortured history of imperial domination, while the oil-drenched mangroves tell of the ongoing environmental and human tragedy which is the legacy of our oil addiction. While it would be excessive to blame all of the burgeoning social and economic ills of present-day Nigeria on the callous profiteering of multinational oil interests, there can be little doubt that the plundering of black gold from beneath the feet of long-suffering peoples of that diverse and distant land has done more to fan the flames of discontent than anything in recent history. If oil is truly the blood of the earth, then that blood is on the hands of everyone who benefits from its use, including you and me.

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About the Author Paul Sean Grieve is an author, freelance editor blogger and book reviewer. He has recently selfpublished his debut novel Poison and is working on several other works of long format fiction. Paul has worked as a news cameraman and editor as well as a film industry technician and once produced wrote, shot and edited a documentary for Discovery Channel. He has written and directed short films. Taking a life-long interest in environmental and social justice, Paul has a Master of Arts in Sustainability Studies from Trent University in Peterborough Canada. Having lived in Canada, Japan, Thailand and Honduras, Paul currently works as a teacher and scuba diving instructor in Okinawa Japan. Visit Paul's website at and follow him on: @PaulSeanGrieve

A BOLD Restaurant Review: Parker's On Ponce By Faye Fields Last year I was looking for a car and I conducted painstaking research looking for just the right vehicle. My perfect car had to be stylish, comfortable, and reliable, with good gas mileage and most importantly great safety features. I visited several dealers and drove several cars. It was exhausting but when I found my perfect vehicle, my heart radiated with joy. Now, I bet you are wondering, what is the connection between my restaurant review and my car search. The connection is the Parker‘s on Ponce is my right car. This restaurant is one of my favorite dining establishments in downtown Decatur. Parker‘s is an independently owned steakhouse owned by John-Thomas Scott and Christopher Scott located in historic downtown Decatur. Parker‘s has three dining rooms and a large bar. The hours of operation are Sunday thru Thursday from 5pm – 10pm and Friday thru Saturday from 5pm – 11pm. The menu is filled with great menu items. Some of my favorite items on the menu are artisan cheese and antipasto plate. This meal item is filled with

delicious cheeses and meats. It is the mother of all appetizers. I have been to this restaurant several times and I can make a meal out of just this appetizer. My other favorites on the menu are sea scallops with the grit jalapenocheddar cake and the flat iron steak. The flat iron steak comes with lobster macaroni and cheese and it is ―scrumptious‖. The sea scallops are plentiful. The grit cake was flavorful and I am southerner so I know good grits. I have a sweet tooth and my favorite item is the bread pudding. The bread pudding is sweet enough but not too sweet and comes with cranberries and whipped cream (just writing about it, makes my mouth water). I often take this desert home for the holidays and pretend that I made it to impress my mother (hopefully she won‘t read this and find out the truth). As for the service, the wait staff is courteous and knowledgeable. My favorite server is Danny who is entertaining and adds fun to the entire dining experience. Check out Parker‘s on Ponce, it is one of the many great things that Downtown Decatur has to offer.

About the Author Faye Fields is a residential real estate attorney in Stone Mountain, Georgia. A foodie at heart, Faye enjoys discovering new places to eat and be merry. She loves to read, write, and paint.

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When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get BOLD! By Christelsie Johnson The road to becoming the owner of Couture Adornments/ has been an interesting one. When I went to college I thought that I would become an actress. I majored in Theatre Education and Performance at Florida A&M University. My plan was to move back home to Ft. Pierce for a year to teach, save money, then move to California and take Hollywood by storm! Well life had a different plan. My father died suddenly during that year and grief set in. I tried New York for a short time but was too overwhelmed. I moved to Orlando, FL to be closer to home. There I taught science dance and drama to teen moms. This would be the thing to bring me out of my depression. I realized just how blessed I was when I began working with these students.

I had students as young as 10 years old that were now mothers! I could no longer feel sorry for myself. It was my mission at that time to help these students realize that they were more than their current situation. I would go on to become the director of therapeutic art services for the counseling agency providing services for the teen moms. I integrated arts activities into their curriculum as a tool for expression and self-esteem building. Soon I would find myself laid off, upset, and unsure about my future. I couldn‘t understand how my program could bring so much money in for an organization and suddenly, I was without a job, due to‖ budget cuts‖!

I decided at that moment that no one would ever be able to do that to me again. I would be my own boss! I was laid off on November 14, 2005 and got my business license on November 16, 2005!

I originally started my business making jewelry and hosting jewelry parties. I named the business Couture Adornments. Couture means handmade, specially designed. Adornments are those things that we place upon ourselves to make us feel beautiful. I felt that was a perfect name because my jewelry was exactly that! Business was great for a few months and then slowed down dramatically. I needed a job! I guess I hadn‘t really thought this whole thing through. I thought to myself, I‘ll get a job to supplement my income for a few months until business picks up again. I knew I really liked

makeup and always wanted to ―play around‖ with that. I went to the mall and applied for a cosmetics job at MAC and was hired for a full time position. I realized that I really enjoyed doing makeup. I developed my skill and technique and became one of the top artists in my area yet, I still felt unfulfilled. A few months had become a few years. I was at a point that I needed to find purpose in my life.

Daily I saw how makeup was used as a mask to cover greater issues. I‘ve always felt that our gifts and talents are given to us to be of greater service to others, I needed to find out how I was to use mine. I began to look back over my life and replay different experiences. I looked at the jobs that I‘d held. I thought about the teen moms, the neglected students and the kids with low self-esteem. I replayed my experiences with the women that I‘d done makeup for, the women with black eyes, the prostitutes, the homeless ladies wondering the mall pretending to be customers, the women fighting cancer and the single moms going through divorce. They all needed help feeling better; some needed help with the desire to want to be better. They all needed to see themselves in a better light. They were searching for their ―beauty‖. Each experience began to make since. I‘d always been the one to help them see themselves a new way.

My own life experiences both personally and professionally allowed me to be able to relate to many of them on a personal level because I too had to walk the path that many of them were now journeying. My purpose was to build assets on the inside and show them how to allow it to shine on the outside. Couture Adornments was no longer about jewelry, it was time to revamp. I would teach people how to beautify their insides by hand picking and designing themselves with positive assets and equip them with the tools to allow it to shine on the outside with outer adornments. Couture Adornments by Christelsie now uses the arts as a tool to build self-esteem. My company goes into community programs that offer services to youth. We use drama, dance, and the visual arts as a tool to address everything from bullying, diversity,

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making positive choices, and teen pregnancy. I have found that students that haven‘t necessarily excelled academically often excel in the arts. Surprisingly these same students, once they realize they are talented in the arts, improve academically.

Their self-esteem is boosted and they believe in themselves again (innerbeauty)!

The outer beauty component of my company offers professional makeup services for photo shoots, weddings, TV, film, and special occasions. We also offer makeup classes and developing positive selfimage workshops. I‘m thrilled to now be in the Atlanta area to expand my reach. I believe that true beauty can only be achieved when the inside is just as beautiful as the outside. My company takes pride in helping individuals realize their ―True Beauty‖.

About the Author Christelsie Johnson has been committed to helping women discover and reveal their true beauty. Christelsie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Theatre Education and Performance from Florida A&M University. She went on to receive her Aesthetic license from The Florida College of Natural Health. She has served as a Therapeutic Arts director, educator, and has over 6 years of training by MAC cosmetics. With over 16 years of experience, Christelsie's portfolio reflects her experience with a variety of clients including NBA cheerleaders, top hair companies, youth organizations, brides, magazines and much more. Christelsie believes that true beauty can only be achieved when the inside is just as beautiful as the out. Individuals with higher self-esteem make better choices and in turn, embrace the inner beauty that was already there. Thus, they are more prone to take care of their outer appearance. Christelsie's extensive background in makeup design, the arts, and Arts in Therapy has allowed her to develop a formula for total beauty that is guaranteed to give you winning results. Visit Christelsie online at or @CATrueBeauty




"Protection" 2012 $850

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The Cover: Mona Shah Joshi BOLDLY Purposeful, Passionate & Powerful By Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Editor-in-Chief

Madhurina "Mona" Shah Joshi is the epitome of a BOLD and fearless person. Although small in stature, the 5'3" beauty is a powerful advocate for self-knowledge, health, and wellness. An international speaker who has travelled the globe as a senior trainer with the Art of Living Foundation (AOLF), Mona enjoys sharing the message of love, harmony and unity embodied in AOLF.

everyday stressors are largely due to the daily meditation and breathing techniques learned during the course. This calm has allowed me to BOLDLY transition from attorney to author, motivational speaker, and now founder of this magazine. Mona was selected as the cover for the inaugural issue because I wish to share with the world the wonderful person who helped to make this possible.

Why is she BOLD?

Coming to America

I privately refer to Mona as "Mona Bee". She moves about the garden of life sharing her warmth, love, and generous spirit as a bee pollinates flowers, resulting in beautiful variations and hybrids of joy.

Born in Ajmer, a beautiful city surrounded by the Aravalli Mountains, in Rajasthan, India, Mona came to the United States at the age of four with her parents. The young family began their new life in a simple, one-bedroom apartment in Arlington, Virginia. Although their beginnings were humble, Mona grew up in a family that was rich with love. "Every child should be spoiled,‖ Mona smiles, ―not by material things, but with love.‖

I had the pleasure of meeting Mona three years ago during a conference. It was six months before I finally took the Art of Living Happiness Program. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The calm that I enjoy in spite of

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The family's connectedness and love would prove to be pivotal in the early academic years. Mona grew up with doubts and insecurities not unusual to the immigrant experience. ―It‘s like straddling two different worlds,‖ Mona says, ―at school you‘re passing as a ―typical American‖ and at home you‘re eating samosas and celebrating Diwali.‖ Mona acutely remembers encountering racist remarks from classmates: Do you worship cows? Are you a feather or dot Indian? Do vegetarians just eat salads all day?‖ These experiences later influenced her to study diversity and multiculturalism in college. At the end of 9th grade, one of Mona‘s favorite uncles died in an accident, shortly before his long-awaited marriage. It seemed to Mona her world fell out from under her. She couldn‘t understand how a benevolent God could allow bad things to happen to good people. She suspended belief in God during her adolescence and lost interest in school. In her senior year, she began emerging from her depressive state but continued to feel confined by the rigidity of high school. With a sense of relief, Mona entered the University of Maryland Baltimore City (UMBC). In her freshman year, she bested a senior and won a writing contest. Looking at the award ceremony booklet, Mona made a list of awards she would receive each academic year. With hard work and a passion for knowledge, Mona exceeded her own expectations as she received numerous awards and distinctions each year. After serving as managing editor of her college paper, she earned a highly coveted internship at the Baltimore Sun. Basking in the knowledge and opportunities at UMBC, Mona explored courses in Women‘s Studies and found an affinity in courses about African-American Women‘s history and culture. While attending a symposium on the ―Legacy of African-American Women,‖ Mona realized ―I didn‘t know my own legacy. Who am I?‖ Mona

then turned her sights on the next great frontier--inner knowledge. In her junior year, Mona took a sabbatical from her studies and returned to India to conduct an interdisciplinary research project on women of the Jain faith. During this journey, which was at once spiritual and academic, she was introduced to the Art of Living Foundation (AOLF). Defining Purpose The Art of Living Foundation is a non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization founded in 1981 by the world-renown philanthropist and spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Operating in 152 countries, the foundation is among the world‘s largest U.N. volunteer-based organizations with people from all walks of life, cultures, and religions. When Mona took her first Art of Living Happiness Course, it was a life changing experience. While cheerful and optimistic before the course, she looked outside herself for confidence. ―I now know that joy comes from within,‖ Mona said, ―I realize now that self-confidence and self-esteem comes effortlessly in mediation as we come closer to the Self.‖ ―I am more patient now," she said, and then laughed, "Well, my family would still say I'm impatient, but I'm better!" Mona also saw improvements in her health, no longer needing her weekly allergy shots for pollen and ragweed. The AOLF Happiness course lives up to its name. It guides one through a series of breathing and meditation techniques that, when practiced daily, can greatly improve one's sense of calm, wellness and peace. Upon completing the workshop, Mona practiced the Sudarshan Kriya breathing practice each day and quickly saw results. "A fellow student commented: ―You smile like you have a secret inside.‖ Mona went on to graduate school at the University of Maryland College Park, thriving as a graduate student and instructor of courses such as ―World Literature by Women of Color‖ and ―World Literature and Social Change.‖ She 41 | B O L D F a v o r

strived to bring to the students more awareness of our shared humanity. In one of her courses, a gay student came out in a letter that he allowed Mona to read to the class. In it, he shared that he had not realized that the same biases he had experienced as a gay person he unwittingly exhibited to people of other cultures. Mona's students regularly told her how much they appreciated her efforts to make the world a more beautiful place. One stated, "I like how you better us." Equipped and Empowered Mona continued to better others through Art of Living Happiness programs. During graduate school, she became a teacher, and is now the AOLF Director in Georgia. Mona continues teaching courses--she loves seeing the profoundly positive changes in her students as they satisfy their thirst for self-knowledge and growth. AOLF also brought Mona lifetime friendships, including that of AOLF Founder His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and the love of her life, husband Abhay Joshi. When Mona talks about her husband Abhay, her face glows, and her eyes brighten, cheeks flush, and a little smile plays at the corners of her mouth. When asked to share a bit about him, Mona exclaimed, "Abhay is brilliant!" They met in Los Angeles during an Art of Silence Retreat. They became friends when co-teaching a Happiness Program at Ohio State University while Abhay completed his Masters in Industrial Engineering. A few months later, despite the fact that several cars were already driving up from Maryland, Abhay drove 400 miles from Columbus to Maryland to pick her up and visit Sri Sri in New York City. On the drive, Mona remembers thinking, "I should marry someone with whom I get along with as much as Abhay." Yet, it wasn‘t until he proposed to her that she also realized that he was "the one." Abhay was born in Haridwar, an ancient city at the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains in India. A graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, he currently works for a leading global firm. Abhay‘s name means ―one without fear‖ but it is his sense of humor that Mona finds so entertaining. ―When we watch Bollywood movies together, it‘s his constant commentary rather than the jokes in the movie

that have me laughing so hard.‖ He and Mona share the same spirit of adventure, making it a point to travel to new places and try new cuisines. When on vacation, Abhay ensures Mona rests by admonishing her not to pick up the phone when it rings. Sharing Knowledge & Power The Art of Living has literally taken Mona all over the world--17 countries at last count. When asked which she enjoyed the most, Mona focused more on the knowledge she gained while in the location rather than the beauty and wonders themselves. One of her most extraordinary experiences was volunteering at the Art of Living Foundation‘s Silver Jubilee in 2006 at Bangalore, India. Over 2.5 million people from 100 countries celebrated the global work completed by the Foundation. Mona loved this experience because "It was a huge international family reunion! The experience really brought home the ancient Indian principle of Vasudev Kutumbakam—the world is one family. " Then in Kingston, Jamaica, Mona experienced both the beauty and challenge of this wondrous island as she facilitated youth programs. The courses took place in a poverty stricken area. It really touched her that the children were so concerned for her safety as she walked the streets to and from her quarters. Mona joyously shared that the children learned how to find peace within themselves despite the violence in the area, and that they were committed to using their practices to rid the country of violence. In 2013, Mona's beloved father transitioned after a long battle with cancer. During her father's illness, Mona learned a valuable lesson, "in every situation, you can find reasons to be grateful." As his health worsened, she spent considerable time with her father, who 42 | B O L D F a v o r

continued to be her biggest cheerleader. She was blessed to have the attention and love of her friend and mentor AOLF Founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar during that time. A month after her father had transitioned; Sri Sri invited Mona to travel as part of his delegation during his European tour through Germany, Croatia and Slovenia. It was a week of renewal and healing that she so acutely needed. While visiting Croatia, the group visited Split, a scenic city on the Adriatic Sea. Centered on the Roman Palace of the Emperor Diocletian, Split is a vacation destination of choice in Europe. The entire 200-person AOLF delegation appeared for the guided tour of the city--taking the guide a bit by surprise, as he was expecting the normal 10 per group. Mona jokingly shared, "That's how we roll!" The guide took it in stride and they had a marvelous time walking through the city-palace on a sunny winter afternoon. Living BOLD When asked about her greatest fear, Mona said she already faced it--the loss of a parent. She

knows that "in the face of fear, I'll persevere. I always have. When you realize the power within from the Divine, you are capable of so much more than you ever knew. You need to take the first step toward your dreams and then let grace step in and help you along the way." When asked about her aspirations, she intends to return to one of her first loves—writing. Mona is largely content with life: ―Contentment is not lethargy. Restlessness is not dynamism. People sometimes feel that if you‘re content, you won‘t progress, this is not so. A happy, contented life is the real sign of success.‖ Combining her love of teaching with the ability to see profound changes almost instantaneously in her students as they satisfy their thirst for self-knowledge and growth has made Mona's 20+ year commitment to the AOLF so rewarding. She stated, "I already live the life I want. I have everything I ever wanted, and the fact that I realize it makes me feel incredibly blessed." Be BOLD and persevere!

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A BOLD New Singing Duo: Mekko & T'Shura MEKKO & T’SHURA are a husband and wife team, two Anointed Artists shifting the atmosphere to create their own unique style and sound - Powerful Yet Spiritual - that led to the release of their first album "Passion 2 Worship". Songs from the album have entered the rotation and are regularly enjoyed on Atlanta gospel radio stations. About MEKKO: Mekko was born in New Orleans and began his musical journey in R&B music. He later realized that his purpose was to use his gifts to exalt God and guide others to salvation. About T’SHURA: T-Shura was born on the Island of Trinidad to Apostle Kent and Fidelia

Douglas. She began singing at the age of three. She arrived in America at the age of nine, traveling the world with the family ministry, where she served as worship leader. MEKKO & T’SHURA have performed in various venues from Atlanta to New York and were also featured on Atlanta Live. Their Mission as a husband and wife team is to spread the Glory of God on every platform, "piercing the heart of every man, woman and child, bringing families closer to the Kingdom of Heaven". Mekko & T-Shura are members of Birth of Christ Like Global Kingdom and are the proud parents of five boys. Visit them online at

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A BOLD Venture into the Unknown My Journey into Real Estate By Jennifer Snow

I have seen the real estate market go through many cycles, from the height of the bubble to the bust, and back again. I am currently a Community Sales Manager for a National Builder, Ashton Woods Homes. A licensed Real Estate Agent in both Georgia and Florida, I would like to share with you how and why I became a Realtor, and specifically,

How the Real Estate Market can benefit you. At the start of my Real Estate career I worked onsite for a new construction local builder in Miami, Florida from 2004-2007. I started as a Greeter while I studied for and then obtained my Real Estate license. In less than four months I was promoted to Sales Assistant and within a year of employment I was promoted as Sales Manager. I was happy with my promotion as I was now able to sell homes, enhance my career in real estate and make a better living. In 2007, however, the new construction market changed.

I went from selling 62 homes in one month to selling 3 homes in six months. With the change in the Miami market, I chose to move to Atlanta where I had previously lived from 2000-2004. Little did we all know that the Real Estate Market was about to experience some challenging economic times. In 2007 I joined a Real Estate firm, Harry Norman Realtors. They offered vast knowledge of the industry, expertise, training and continuing education classes. Anytime there was a class available I signed up. The more education I received the stronger an Agent I became. I stayed afloat in those tough years because I listened, learned and executed. To be successful in Real Estate learning

These best practices are a must:  proper marketing  self branding using current technology such as the internet and social media  professionally designed webpage that is inviting,

 

informational and easy to navigate up-to-date Facebook page that is Buyer/Seller friendly comfort utilizing Twitter and LinkedIn

Additionally, updating your public information and being an expert in the Multiple Listing Service and Contract.

But do not forget to reach beyond technology: the power of a phone call is huge! A thank you note delivered by the United States Post Office goes a long way. Old school practices can also prove to me meaningful and effective. Reach out to your former co-workers, friends and family and ask for referrals. This is what I did and it worked. I networked and ―pounded the pavement‖ as they say. I mailed hand written cards to former co-workers, friends and family members reminding them that I would love and appreciate their business. If they were not ready to buy or sell, I asked that they please refer me and they DID! My efforts paid off and in

My first year in Atlanta I was named Rookie of the Year. In 2009 I decided to go back onsite and sell new construction homes. I was hired by Ashton Woods Homes and became a Community Sales Manager. At that time I had approximately five years under my belt as a licensed Agent and I had discovered that my passion was working with First-Time Home Buyers. In new construction sales, not every Buyer is a FirstTime Buyer, but I do see my fair share and it makes my heart pump! This is my opportunity to show them who I am and what I am selling.

I take pride in gaining the Buyer’s trust, and as a result, gaining that ultimate recommendation to their friends and family. My greatest satisfaction comes from Buyers who are happy with their homes. I enjoy being able to help

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them understand the home buying process: the contract, the mortgage process, the build process, inspections, home owner walks and closing procedures.

highest in 2013 since 2007. Consider a bi-weekly mortgage; this creates equity in your home, allowing you to pay off your loan approximately seven years earlier.

I want to tell you exactly what I tell the people who walk through my door looking to purchase a home:

And don’t forget in April when filing your taxes, you are able to write off the interest you paid on your loan that year.

The market is GREAT! If you are hesitant to purchase a home, here are some helpful bits of information: there are fewer homes on the market today than we have seen in the past, more people can afford homes due to historically low interest rates, home prices are consistently going up, and home sales were the

I am a Realtor and a home owner and I take pride in both. The time is now to take advantage of this great market and invest in You!

About the author Jennifer Snow is a licensed real estate agent in both Georgia and Florida, and top selling agent with Ashton Woods Builders. Check out this awesome video of Jennifer giving an overview of the market at

"Abundance" Fertility Loin $900

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Pushing BOLDLY Through Fear & Past Procrastination By James Reid To me, living boldly is stepping out of your comfort zone and changing your life. Everything starts with that first step. Most people never take that step because of fear. Fear of being a failure. Fear of uncertainty. Fear of being ridiculed or of being uncomfortable. I had those fears when it came to my writing. I love to write. I daydream about being a famous author. And I procrastinated—for years—in writing my first novel.

Forget about making mistakes. In fact, use corporate puffery and call them learning opportunities. You‘ll have plenty of them, especially when starting any venture. Of course, you should try learning from other people‘s mistakes rather than your own, but it‘s still unavoidable. Just learn from them. I‘ve learned more of what not to do than what to do in this early stage of my writing career.

It isn’t good enough yet, I told myself. I never learned how to do this. What if people laugh at me and say my book is garbage? Especially after I spent all these years on it?

Aim high. You‘ll need to, because people will always be pulling you back down with them. For example, writers groups can be depressing. We‘re constantly told we have a better chance of hitting the lottery than of getting an agent and making money, blah blah blah. Yes, the odds are astronomical. I experience them every day. Living boldly means you will, too. So you need to be a realist.

If you are thinking like this about your own dream, stop it. I used to volunteer and spend time talking to elderly people with no family. They appreciated the company. And while the conversations were pleasant, all of them expressed the same regret:

They wished they’d taken a chance on doing something they loved. They said they made dozens of excuses for their inaction; they were too busy, kids got in the way, etc. They warned me not to make the same mistake because life sneaks up quickly. The situation and timing for living boldly will never be perfect. The best time is always now. So for me, the fear of having critics rip my book wasn‘t as strong as the fear of getting old and looking back on my life, wishing I had taken a chance to achieve great things. How about you? What do you fear most? Failure? Or regret? I have a feeling you want to change your life and make that big step! As you live boldly, I‘ll share some things I‘m learning as I go along in my career: 

Haters will come. They‘re always going to be there, so forget them. I fretted about them until someone reminded me that even the Bible has detractors. So if some people have problems with the best-selling book in history, how can I expect my book to emerge unscathed? You‘ll never get everyone to like you. Focus on your supporters instead.

But don‘t confuse realism with pessimism. Pessimism is nay saying, with no thought of positive outcomes or solutions. A realist understands the risks and troubles, but plans to overcome them. It’s true that most writers make little money. Yet, James Patterson made $94 million in one year. So somebody is making money by writing. Will I get there? Who knows? Most of us won‘t reach that level (if money is your measure of success). But Patterson started at zero like everyone else. Aiming high and believing you can get there is living boldly. It‘s difficult, but not impossible. 

Be patient. Unless you‘re lucky, success won‘t be fast. However, people expect it to come fast and they‘ll question you, asking why it hasn‘t happened for you yet. Just keep at it. Big things have small beginnings. That first step is the hardest. Once you get going, you start rolling.

It took me ten years to complete and publish my book. People always wonder why I didn‘t give up. It never crossed my mind. I love writing stories and I still hold on to that dream.

If you take that bold step to change your life and do what you love, 49 | B O L D F a v o r

giving up won’t be an option for you, either! About the author James Reid, a freelance writer and product manager, has been a forensic and homicide investigation buff for years and participated in ride-alongs with detectives. While he has been an avid reader of crime novels and a writer of short stories since childhood, it was the murder of a close relative that spurred him to write about the world of homicide investigators. His debut police procedural novel, Partners in Crime, was released in late December 2013 to positive reviews. Readers indicated an appreciation for the page-turning suspense and his depiction of the real-life experiences and situations occurring in murder investigations. A native of Columbia, MD, James has a marketing degree from North Carolina A&T State University and an MBA in Finance from the University of Georgia. He is also a member of the Writer‘s Guild of Texas in Dallas. Visit James online at or email him at Purchase your copy of Partners in Crime from Amazon , Goodreads, and

"Some People Aren't Happy Unless They Sing the Blues" 40" x 40" $950

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BOLD Business Moves: Process & Procedures Avert PANIC By Sonji Willingham It is 2 a.m. and I am still up reviewing notes from my staff. I am awake at this ungodly hour because these notes must be submitted to the director and filed with the State, or our company will lose its certification. You are probably asking yourself, "Why is she just now reviewing this information? Shouldn't she have asked the staff to submit it earlier in the week so she wouldn't be up before the chickens?" To answer your question, I did in fact ask the staff to submit these notes earlier - an entire week earlier! I gave a clear directive with a due date and no one, not one staff member had any regard for my request. I cannot help but wonder if it would be easier to just fire everyone and start from scratch... But I had nothing to back up such a decision:  My request was verbal - I never sent an email, voicemail, or had a meeting where minutes were recorded to evidence my directive.  I did not issue any warnings - verbal or written.  I did not communicate the importance of the due date or the consequences of noncompliance with my instructions. There are plenty of employers who would disregard all the above points and fire staff anyway, and for a brief moment, they will feel vindicated by the action. But the other side of the coin is that now NO work will get done AND those same employers will have the Department of Labor living in their lobbies investigating these wrongful terminations. Document, Document, Document! Documentation is protection. Not just for the employer, but for the employee as well. Having written policies, procedures and directives assists in clearly communicating expectations, consequences of non-performance, and avenues of recourse/redress. These policies and procedures are crucial once the Hiring Honeymoon is over. The Hiring Honeymoon encompasses period from Interview through the end of the probationary period. Most people - employers and employees are on the best behavior during this time. They are incredibly nice, accommodating, hard working, punctual - just perfect in all the major ways. But once the Honeymoon is over, the real people emerge and that is when The Rules are used to ensure civility and compliance. The Rules help when:

  

Your star employee is not consistent and appears to have lost the concept to do the job An employee needs to be counseled to improve or transition to another position A hire is just not working out and must be terminated

But What IS Policy, Process & Procedure? Most people consider POLICY, PROCESS and PROCEDURE to be interchangeable, but here is a quick guide as to the difference between them:  POLICY is the company's guidelines and rules. They are written instructions that ensure compliance with company rules. The policy will also detail each department of the company and how each department will operate.  PROCESS is the separation of responsibilities and control points. They categorize Policy and Procedure requirements. Processes address who (department) is accountable to perform what tasks, what main functions/roles are performed, and when the function is necessary.  PROCEDURE specifies what is needed to actually perform a task. The task is broken down into actions that embody the POLICY and PROCESS. Policies, processes, and procedures help you manage and motivate your employees, and help them understand their roles and responsibilities when they become a part of your great organization. But how do you get started? Just start writing things down! If employees need to be in by 8 a.m., then state that. If employees are allowed three tardy notices before they receive a written warning, write that too. If a person may be terminated after six unexplained tardy notices, then specify that. Be clear, concise, and fair in your policy manual. Give EVERY employee a copy, and require that they sign a statement that they have read it so that there are no misunderstandings later as to expectations. Process is Essential The hiring process is vital to any business! A good process starts with ensuring the human resource department or the CEO (a small startup may or may not have the resources to have a resource department) has a clear understanding of what they are looking for in a candidate. Creating a job

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description of the position or positions that need to be filled is a great starting point. When things are written out, it helps to create a clear picture of what your potential employee should be - at least on paper. It can help to enter an interview with key baseline questions that apply specifically to the needs of the position and the company. Once a candidate is selected and hired, it is imperative that the job description detail not only the responsibilities of the role and how the work is to be completed, but to whom the person reports.

Bottom line, if a business attempts to operate on a day to day basis without POLICY, PROCESS and PROCEDURE they will continue to be up all night trying to complete work that should have been turned in a week ago with no recourse to write up or terminate an employee much less deal with the complaints and investigations that come when there is a termination.

About the author Ms. Sonji Willingham is an advocate and champion for health and wellness. As founder and Chief Executive Officer of Premier Transitional Services, a behavioral assistance and intensive family intervention organization, Sonji is committed to providing therapeutic and community based services for school aged children and adolescents. Sonji is also a freelance columnist who focuses on best business practices with work published in Pose and Southern Journal magazines.

A BOLDLY Inspiring Business Coach & Entrepreneur

Lisa Riley Lisa Riley is co-owner of Like Sisters Inseparable (LSI) Inc., a custom designer jewelry company that specializes in bracelets and necklaces. A native of Buffalo, NY, Lisa is also the Atlanta Director of Women in the Spotlight Goinglobal (WITS), a women's networking organization that empowers its members through support, training, and collaboration. Lisa is dedicated to promoting women-owned small businesses, arranging training and mentorship as needed, and arranging "girls' nights out" to unwind. Mother of two teens and wife to a wonderful man, Lisa stays grounded as to why she works so hard - to ensure a comfortable life for her family. Follow LSI Jewelry


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To Fast or Detox: That is the BOLD Question By Dionne Lackey and Elizabeth S. John-Hall Often times we hear people attribute fasting as something ―drastic‖ or ―extreme.‖ When mentioned to others it almost feels like a ―bad word‖ of some sort as the focus has a tendency to be on the ―absence of eating‖. However, fasting has been around for centuries and its purpose includes cleansing the mind and body to establish a greater connection with the spirit, while providing healing and rejuvenation.

Our digestive system needs a rest from the hard work that it provides our bodies on a daily basis and fasting is a way to give the body a period of rest and cleansing. Fasting has many benefits and should be viewed as a gentle way of nurturing the body. The timeframe for fasting can range from a few hours to several weeks (or months in some cases.) However, do not go to extreme measurements of fasting if you are new to this practice, as it should be approached in a gentle way that will allow you to truly experience the healing properties and benefits to your body and spirit. It can give you a jump start to better eating habits, boost clarity and shift your body in a positive direction. Detoxification, on the other hand, is a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. Also practiced for centuries by cultures around the world, detoxification is the resting, cleansing and nourishing of the body from the inside out. Eliminating toxins, and then feeding the body healthy nutrients.

This process can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys intestines, lungs, lymph, and skin. When this system is compromised, impurities are not properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected. Where do we begin?

With fasting, while the absence of food is a ―form‖ of fasting, it is not the only way to practice it, there are several methods to choose from, and some examples are:     

Green smoothie only Salad only fast Fruits and vegetables Timeframe fasts (i.e., 6am-6pm of liquids only – usually water and/or teas) Daniel Plan (which could be incorporated as a fast, yielding to a way of better eating habits that naturally cleanse the body.)

To detox, there are three steps you can follow to begin the journey to get your body into a cleansing mode: 1. Lighten up your toxin load: Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars. Also minimize the use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal care products, and substitute for natural or paraben-free products. 2. Reduce Stress. Stress triggers your body to release stress hormones into your system. While these hormones can provide the ―adrenaline rush‖ to win a race or meet a deadline, in large amounts they create toxins and slow down detoxification enzymes in the liver. Yoga, taking a hot bath, and meditation are simple and effective ways to reduce your stress 3. Start Slow. A 2-day or 7-day detox is always a good start. It takes the body time to clean the blood. Herbal Detox teas and fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a great way to start. What are the benefits? So what can fasting do for you? Fasting has several benefits to the mind, body and spirit. For the mind, it can improve mental clarity and focus as your awareness becomes more accurate, which allows for more flexibility, freedom and energy to accomplish things. While it is natural to experience physical effects of fasting, particularly weight loss, fasting opens the body to excess energy to initiate the natural healing properties from within. When we fast, our system undergoes a resting period, the energy that would normally be used to aid in our normal body functions (i.e., digestion, processing) is now focused on resetting itself. Fasting has a very powerful effect on our spirit, causing us to becoming more attentive to our inner

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being. Meditation and prayer becomes clearer, yielding to a deeper connection with the spirit and the ability to discern direction and instruction for your purpose. A detox program can help the body's natural cleansing process by:  Resting the organs through fasting;  Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body;

  

Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys and skin; Improving circulation of the blood; and Refueling the body with healthy nutrients.

So, whether you decide on a short term or long term fast, or a 2-7 day detox, the benefits are tremendous in many aspects of life. So make it a point to include one or both of these practices periodically throughout each year - your mind, body and spirit will thank you.

REFERENCES "10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body." Healthy Green Living, Fitness & Sustainability. N.p, n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. <>. "ALLABOUTFASTING.COM."ALLABOUTFASTING.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. <> Bennett, Peter, and Stephen Barrie. 7-day detox miracle: revitalize your mind and body with this safe and effective lifeenhancing program. Rev. 2nd ed. Roseville, Calif.: Prima Health, 2001. Print. Hynd, Rachel . "Fasting has many benefits for the body." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. <,0,2843882.story>. Stripp, David. "How Intermittent Fasting Might Help You Live a Longer and Healthier Life." Scientific American. Volume 308, Issue 1. Scientific American Online, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. <>. About the Authors Dionne Lackey has over 20 years legal project management and consulting experience. She holds a B.A. in Legal Studies and an M.S. in Multidisciplinary Studies. She has always been an entrepreneur at heart and uses her skills from corporate America to further enhance herself as a business woman, while balancing life between the two. Dionne is a partner at Serenity Essentials, LLC - an online aromatherapy and travel accessory business specializing in identifying products that are natural, environmentally friendly and a great companion for relaxation at home or peace of mind on the road – the company was featured in the Fulton County Women‘s Journal and was selected by POSE Magazine as one of the 2014 Womenpreneurs. Dionne is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and enjoys helping others find ways to do the same. She is currently completing a certification as a Holistic Life Coach. This has birthed a new venture, as she has partnered with Elizabeth St. John-Hall in creating The Wellness Xperience, LLC, focusing on organic, natural living from a holistic viewpoint, which will launch in mid-June 2014. Elizabeth "Liz" St. John-Hall is owner and master esthetician at Faces by Liz. She is known for her holistic and clinical skin care treatments, organic products, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle. Liz has an extensive background in sales, marketing, banking, modeling, and management. A native of Buffalo, NY, in 2002 Liz moved to Atlanta, GA where she continued to enhance her passion for skin. In 2007, Liz enrolled in the esthetics program at Atlanta‘s International School of Skin and Nails and has worked for several day and medical spas. She is also a former Director of Esthetics for the Institut‘ DERmed. In March 2012, Liz opened Faces by Liz LLC, a holistic skin center, where she runs her skin care practice and launched FBL Skin Care, a private line of natural skin care products. Liz lives by the motto: ―If you can‘t eat it, you should not put it on your face.‖ In addition to Faces by Liz LLC, Liz has collaborated with Dionne Lackey to create The Wellness Xperience, LLC, focusing on organic living at its finest, which will launch mid-June 2014.

Liz's hair is compliments of Yvette Newsome of Prestigious Styles Salon

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"Sunny Days" Acrylic on Canvas 36" x 36" $900

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Wonder Woman’s Nutrition Partner By Nasha Snipes Welcome to the world of smoothies. Are you a part of the smoothie nation? Smoothies are one of the most efficient ways to consume daily nutrients while still giving the body the fiber it needs to keep all natural processes moving. All you need is a decent blender and willingness to get started. This recipe found me about 4 years ago after opening my business. I was so consumed with work that I reached a point of contradiction. I am in the wellness industry but energy drinks, energy bars, and energy shots were my basic meals. The Green Starter is a great morning smoothie for the entire family. This smoothie is packed with vitamins A and C. It gives you iron, protein, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B-6. If you are a

smoothie coinsurer this is a great basic recipe to add to your repertoire. Green Starter Ingredients: ½ cup to 1 cup of torn kale leaves (increase kale to taste) ½ banana to 1 banana* 2 cups of apple juice 1 cup of orange juice Ice Blend on high until thoroughly mixed. Allow it to sit for a minute to develop frothy top and serve. *if you have issues with sugar, use ½ banana

About the Author Nasha Snipes, CHC AKA Your health stylist believes we are what we eat, so don’t be cheap, fast, or quick. Check her out at or

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BOLDly Confronting Lupus: A Family Affair By Maria Tillero Lupus, an autoimmune disease that many people are not aware of, has been a part of my life for a few years. At the beginning, when I was diagnosed with the disease,

fundraised $2,000 toward our cause and were extremely happy with the amount collected; we felt that we did our part to help the foundation out with our little contribution.

I was afraid to tell people because I didn't want them to think I was contagious or feel pity for me.

In May 2013 we took it upon ourselves to make a difference and bring awareness to our community,

Having to struggle with its symptoms on a daily we started with the towns we grew up in and also basis, made me realize that I cannot be afraid or where we live today. We contacted the city ashamed to share my disease with anyone. It helped commissioners and were able to get 4 of the cities to me become more conscious that I want others to proclaim May as the Lupus Awareness month, these know what it is, how it included Miami Lakes, City of The Lupus Sisters pre-walk develops, and what can be Miramar, City of Weston, and done to help raise awareness. City of Pembroke Pines. We were invited to attend the city Unfortunately there is no commission meetings of cure and also not enough each of these cities and funds to find a cure for this inform the citizens about mysterious disease. I Lupus, what it is and how started my mission by doing they can help us spread the research on the internet for word in order to bring foundations or support awareness and raise funds groups in my area and I to find a cure for this found the Lupus disease. We were lucky Foundation of South enough to obtain Florida. I noticed they had a yearly walk and I decided support from some to join and completed my businesses from our local first walk in Broward community that allowed us County. I only had my to perform fundraising immediate family and events at their locations, husband join me and we were able to raise $100.00. this was great as it helped us to not only meet but surpass the goal we had in mind for our 2013 walk. A few years later, my sister was also diagnosed We were able to fundraise $3,781.47, increase our with this disease and it made me angry to know team to 47 members, and received an award for that she was going to have to encounter the same 'Outstanding Achievement in Fundraising". pain and struggle on a daily basis; Unfortunately there are still many people that are this also gave me more strength to fight for this completely unaware of the existence of ―Lupus‖ and cause that now was not only mine but I had someone how devastating and debilitating it can be. It is to fight with and for. really upon us, the survivors of Lupus, to share the knowledge and spread awareness; it is with our community‘s support, friends, family and those We shared our pains and supported each other and around us that we can help the Lupus Foundation in decided to create our own team for the Lupus Walk order to obtain a much needed increase in research in 2012. We called our team "Lupus Sisters" and we and cure for this disease. were able to increase our team to 12 members, including family members and a few friends. We

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About the Author Maria Rojas-Tillero was born in Bogota, Colombia in 1977 and migrated to South Florida with her parents and older sister in December 1985. In 1999, she obtained a B.A. in Computer Information Systems and International Business from Florida Atlantic University and in 2008 she received her M.S. from Nova Southeastern University. In addition of having a full time job as System Abuse Services Manager in a hosting company, Maria is a full time wife for the past 10 years and mom of a 5 year old girl. After being diagnosed with Lupus and going thru a few chemotherapy treatments, she has made it her priority to spread awareness of this disease. She has participated in the Lupus yearly walks since 2012. For more information, you can email her at or to learn more about Lupus, please visit the Lupus Foundation of America website at

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About the Attorneys of Tyree Hyche & Dixon Shade’ Dixon is a Georgia-licensed attorney and heads the Atlanta, Georgia location of Tyree Hyche & Dixon, LLC. She primarily practices in the areas of Entertainment, Intellectual Property, and Business/Entrepreneur law handling contract drafting and negotiations, trademark filing, entity formation, and more. Her practice areas also include Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Shade’ earned her J.D. from Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Alabama. While at Cumberland, she served as a Judge Abraham Caruthers Fellow, the BLSA Thurgood Marshall Symposium Chair, and was a member of the Cumberland National Moot Court Team. A graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, Shade’ is an avid music lover, sports (Roll Tide and Go Lakers), a self proclaimed “hip-hop head,” and a former professional drummer. Admissions Georgia State Bar United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia Professional Associations and Memberships Georgia Lawyers for the Arts, Georgia Legal Services Program, American Bar Association Ida Tyree Hyche is managing partner of Tyree Hyche & Dixon, LLC and heads the Alabama office. Her practice areas are Workers’ Compensation/Personal Injury, Bankruptcy, Probate & Estate Administration/Estate Tax Filing and Business/Entrepreneur/Brand Development. A graduate of Birmingham School of Law in Alabama, Ida Tyree Hyche received her business administration degree with a concentration in accounting from Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where she graduated magna cum laude. For over 28 years, Ida Tyree Hyche worked as a human resources management leader for a top federal agency, while simultaneously serving over 33 years in human resources as a military officer in the US Army Reserve. Upon retirement, she brought her wisdom and skills to service as an attorney. She recently authored the book, Bar Studies Inspiration: Daily Christian Devotions for Bar Marathon from Start to Finish. Admissions Alabama State Bar, ALL Federal District Courts in Alabama Professional Associations and Memberships American Bar Association, Birmingham Madison County Bar Association







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BOLD Charge Through Perimenopause & Hormone Pellet Therapy Contributed by Dorna F. Werdelin I turned 40 last October, and over the past several months I‘ve been going through some very interesting physiological changes. I am not sure whether to attribute it to the fact that I started over with parenting as I now have a two-year old toddler as well as a 19 year-old college student – or that perhaps I may be perimenopausal. I am more accepting of the first option, and as is evident by my thrice-cancelled visits to my gynecologist, I may not be ready for option two. Over the last season, I‘ve been speaking more to friends and family members who are in the same age group, and have relinquished that I may need to move away from denial and gear up to face the undeniable transition to menopause. The Mayo Clinic defines perimenopause as "‘around menopause‘ and refers to the time period during which a woman's body makes its natural transition toward permanent infertility (menopause). Perimenopause is also called the menopausal transition.‖ I decided to seek counsel in a dear family member as I am using a pseudonym to protect her identity!

Here is a look inside her process and next steps that we all should take as we move more into our fabulous 40s and 50s! How



you? 42

When did you notice changes in how you were feeling? Almost a year ago. What sort of changes were you experiencing? Lack of energy; sluggishness; decreased libido; vaginal itching and dryness; lack of mental clarity; insomnia; night sweats; headaches; and depression (didn't want to get out of bed). How did you know that it was hormonal vs. maybe stress/personality? I did my own online research and based on my symptoms, coupled with my age, my mother's history, and talks with friends realized that I may in fact be going through "the change". Once you found out what was going on, were you given a formal diagnosis and treatment plan? Yes.

What happened next? I saw my OB-GYN who, based on my symptoms, said I should consider getting my hormone levels checked and if necessary, should consider Hormone Pellet Therapy (HPT). She recommended bioTe Pellet Therapy and also assured me that she had also had the treatment. That same day, they drew about 8 vials of blood to check my levels. A couple of weeks later, I was contacted by the doctor's office.

They said I was a candidate for HPT because my testosterone levels were at a 24 (normal levels are 80 and above). I went home and did my own research and found the therapy to be used by men and women and for the most part, was mostly successful and the side effects were minimal. Three factors that brought me to my decision to move forward with the therapy were: 1) I was tired of feeling the way I was; 2) my doctor's own experience with the treatment; and 2) the pellets being plant-based, natural. I arrived for my treatment a week later. I was met by the Physician's Assistant who gave me the opportunity to ask as many questions as I wanted. She put me at ease by sharing many stories about the success of the pellets. A small anesthetic was then inserted on my right side; about 3 inches below my waist line, and 2 pellets were inserted through a small incision, the size of a tip of a pen. The whole procedure took about 3 minutes. I was prescribed dietary supplements, scheduled to return for a sixweek check-up, and released. In the weeks following, I suffered minor swelling, bruising, and itching around the area of the incision, but nothing too uncomfortable. How do you feel now and what is your prognosis? Some of my symptoms have subsided. For instance, I am sleeping better through the night; my energy level and libido have increased slightly; and I am more willing to get out of bed. Once I return for my check-up and my levels are re-tested I will know, more factually, if the pellets have started to work. My levels should be around 150 or more, once re-tested. Are you feeling any differently and, if so, how

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long did it take for this change? Somewhat. It started to change about 2.5 to 3 weeks after treatment. So, it seems that this procedure works for her, but be sure to meet with your doctor to determine which route seems best for you. As for me,

I have learned that “Denial” just isn’t a river in Egypt! My fourth appointment will be kept and I will face the fact that I‘m becoming a ―big girl‖!

About the Writer Dorna F. Werdelin is a Communication s Outreach Manager with the state of Georgia government and has been in the public relations and training fields for 20 years. A graduate of Spelman College, Dorna holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and has also earned her MBA in HR Management. Dorna‘s love of writing has culminated through employment at Upscale Magazine; writing feature articles in The Virgin Islands Daily News newspaper; editing several bodies of work, to include Pieces: Finding the Missing Piece Is Easier than You Think, by Alisha L. Gordon; to features in online magazines and blogs such as SisterSpeakOnline and BlackImprovementBlog. Dorna is married with three sons and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She enjoys traveling, writing, event planning, and cheering on her sons at their athletic events. Mrs. Werdelin owes her outlook on spirituality to the Reverend Dianne Canegata in St. Croix, USVI. Dorna‘s favorite quote is by Marianne Williamson, which starts, ―Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure‖. Connect with Dorna:



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A BOLD Call to Action on Fibroids: The White Dress Project By Tanika Gray Valbrun Quick: What causes African-American women to experience severe or very severe symptoms, like: heavy bleeding, fatigue, problems conceiving, difficult pregnancies, anemia, frequent urination, painful sex, and back pain? AND costing the U.S. billions of dollars as a result of lost work days, treatments, and pregnancy complications? Billions!

The White Dress Project is an organization which strives to gain awareness and raise funds for fibroids research. Earlier this year, I met with State representative, Alisha Thomas Morgan and she sponsored a resolution which passed the Georgia House of Representatives, declaring Fibroids Awareness Month in the State of Georgia.

My guess is that you probably didn‘t guess uterine fibroids, benign tumors which grow inside a women‘s uterus, OR maybe you did.

For me-The White Dress Project is very personalMy mother lost multiple sets of twins due to fibroids and I was her only child who was born alive. So, I wanted to not only start this organization for my brothers and sisters who weren‘t born but also-I wanted to start this organization to build a community of supporters who can strengthen each other.

The ugly truth about fibroids has been my reality since I was 15 years old. I spent nearly half my life worrying about if I was going to ―leak‖ through my clothes. I spent even more time replacing sheets, wearing black constantly and dreading that ―time of the month‖ . After hearing stories from my mother who had suffered mutiple miscarriages due to fibroids- I knew I had to do something! By age 50, 70% of white women and 80% of black women are diagnosed with fibroids. A large number of these women have no symptoms, but many women in their 30s and 40s do. One-third (32%) waited more than 5 years before seeking treatment for their fibroids, compared with only 17% of white women; similarly, while 43% of white women say they sought treatment within 1 year or less, only 20% of African-American women did the same. In July 2013, I experienced the worst abdominl, gutwrenhing pain I have ever experienced and was rushed to the hospital to receive an emergency mymectomy, the surgial procedure to remove fibroids. A month later, while on my recovery bed, I vowed that

this epidemic was too rampant in our community, AND NOBODY WAS TALKING ABOUT IT! I wanted to spread awareness and raise funding for research needed to highlight this epidemic. That day I birthed a new idea and The White Dress Projet was born.

I sat down with White Dress Project board member, Alicia Johnson sharing why this movement is so important. AJ: Fibroids are pretty common, especially in African-American women. Every 10 minutes, 12 hysterectomies are performed. Some may say fibroids aren‘t associated with death or illness. Why should we care? TGV: Yes, fibroids are very common especially in the African-American and Caribbean communities. I believe people should be concerned about any abnormal growths in their body. It‘s been my personal experience that they are associated with death or illness- because I have heard countless stories about women who have suffered miscarriages due to fibroids and women who have had to lose their uterus because of fibroids. For me- that is death and illness! AJ: Yes, absolutely! Can you tell me a little about your struggle with them? TGV: I was always the skinny girl with the belly---Since the age of 15, I have had heavy periods, not to mention countless "embarrassing moments" and suffered greatly with anemia. Throughout my high school, college and adult life I have had to adapt my life to dealing with extreme PMS, heavy periods (wearing 2 pads and 2 pairs of leggings at a time) and always having Advil on deck. After years of visiting multiple doctors who've told me, "we can try surgery but there's no guarantee" or having the " you need to find a surrogate" conversation- I finally found, the wonderful and caring Dr. Camille Davis-Williams, a doctor who told me

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My chances of being a mother weren't doomed! So on my first visit to her in June 2013, we devised a plan- I would take medication- in hopes that my bleeding would lessen and my fibroids would shrinkand THEN we could tackle surgery 3 months later. Well, God had a different plan! The next month, on July 11th, I had terrible pains at work. I was rushed to the emergency room and was told that my fibroids looked as if they were breaking apart. I called Dr. Davis Williams and she told me that they were probably trying to pass out of my body. I have never felt pain like this before. It felt like someone was cutting my lower abdominal with a chainsaw. The contractions were so severe. The next day,

I had emergency surgery and removed 27 fibroids. My recovery was brutal - I had to go back in the hospital 2 days after my initial discharge for a condition called an ileus (bowel obstruction) that pain was equally as bad! No food, limited amount of liquids. All I could do was walk- to get my intestines going again. After that it was 8 weeks of a slow recovery: slowly eating again, light exercise and regaining my strength! AJ: Why do you think doctors opt to be reactive in treating fibroids instead of preventing them with proactive measures? TGV: Well- I believe surgery is a quick fix. Doctors are trained to ―solve the problem‖ and surgery solves the problem BUT only TEMPORARILY. There‘s not a lot of money put into finding proactive measures.

AJ: It‘s a little disheartening because less than a year after my myomectomy, my doctor detected more fibroids that are substantial in size. What would you say to women who have to undergo multiple myomectomies? TGV: 1.) Strengthen your faith. God did not bring you on this journey to leave you! 2.) There are so many varying scenarios with fibroids – so it really is a personal journey. Consult with your doctor and find what works for your body. AJ: That means a lot. Thank you! You were successful in getting a resolution passed in Georgia‘s House of Representatives declaring July ―Fibroid Awareness Month‖ in the state. That‘s a huge accomplishment! What do you have planned? TGV: We‘re still firming the details of our events, but we have so many exciting things in the works! Be sure to check our social media pages for updates. You definitely don‘t want to miss this. The more support we get, the more likely our leaders will take this issue more seriously. We need research. We need preventative measures. Let‘s do this together! AJ: How can people get involved? TGV: They can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the conversation. The movement is sure and fast! They can also send us a line at We‘d love to hear your stories. Make sure you join us at our events in July and throughout the year! Our White Dresses will be televised! AJ: Well, thank you so much for giving a voice to those suffering in silence. I‘m tired of the same old ―This is common. It just happens‖. TGV: I‘m honored to have my organization to be that voice. This is truly a group effort. Together we can show the world why we MUST talk about this and get the research done to improve our lives! ―The White Dress‖ for us is a symbol of empowerment! We CAN Wear White, so get your White Dress and join us!

About the Author Tanika Gray Valbrun is the Founder and Executive Director of The White Dress Project, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the research of uterine fibroids. She is also the author of Resolution HR 1898, declaring Fibroids Awareness Month in the State of Georgia. Tanika is also a Peabody Award-winning journalist and News Editor with CNN. A former educator, Tanika is passionate about education and serves as Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Ivy Prep Foundation. Tanika is the 2014 Kennesaw State Siegel Institute Phenomenal Woman, was a keynote speaker at the 6th Annual International Women’s Conference, and served as a United States Education Delegate to China through the International Confucius Institute. Tanika is a member of the Board of Outstanding Atlanta, an alumna of The Jewell Jackson McCabe Emerging Leaders Institute, The Marvin C. Goldstein Project Understanding Retreat, New Leaders Council; and member of The National Coalition of 100 Black Women and Alliance for Women in Media. Tanika holds a BS in Mass Communications, and is married to Attorney James Valbrun.

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Healing Invisible Wounds: BOLDLY Facing Mental Illness Contributed by Dorna Francine Werdelin By the time you read this you would have already forgotten about Karyn Washington, 22-year-old founder of, who committed suicide in April…and Ebony Wilkerson, the 32-yearold mother who drove her SUV into the ocean with her three young children inside…and Dr. Teleka Patrick, whose body was found after being missing since December. These stories are sad, incomprehensible, but all too common. We often ask ourselves,

“Why would someone suffer in silence?” or “Why didn’t anyone help her?” Many times women suffering from invisible wounds – depression, mental illness, anxiety disorder – are oftentimes too busy to notice themselves. Other times, they are ashamed and the people surrounding them attempt to ―stay in their lanes,‖ as not to upset their normal routines. Seeking help for mental illness has for far too long been attached to negative stigmas in our communities. Those who suffer from mental illness are apprehensive about admitting that something may be wrong, and also that there is no ―cure‖ for their illness, so they think ―Why even bother?‖ The National Institute of Mental Health defines depression as having several forms, being ―caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors.‖ Major depression, in which symptoms interfere with your ability to work, sleep, study, eat and

Persistent depressive disorder, which includes psychotic depression, postpartum

depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), may last for at least two years. Enjoy life. This can occur once or many times during someone‘s life. Some of the symptoms and signs include feelings of guilt, feelings of worthlessness, or helplessness; loss of interest in activities, including sex; insomnia, excessive sleeping; fatigued and decreased energy; overeating or loss of appetite; thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts; sad or empty feelings, among others. If you notice these signs in yourself or someone close to you, please understand that mental illness is real. While the behavior may be linked to biological or hormonal changes, one should not rule out other possibilities. While it is normal for most of us to feel lonely or sad at times, if these feelings linger for extended periods of time, it is time to seek help. Treatments vary from herbal remedies like St. John‘s Wort, medications like anti-depressants, to psychotherapy, and brain stimulation techniques. Whatever the treatment, the first step is diagnosis. Do not ignore the signs and symptoms, whether in yourself or in your friends or loved ones. Do not dismiss feelings, but offer hope, and provide help and support. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, confide in a trusted friend and do not wait too long to get evaluated or treated. For more information on mental health disorders, visit the National Institute of Mental Health‘s webpage at

About the Writer Dorna F. Werdelin is a Communication s Outreach Manager with the state of Georgia government and has been in the public relations and training fields for 20 years. A graduate of Spelman College, Dorna holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and has also earned her MBA in HR Management. Dorna‘s love of writing has culminated through employment at Upscale Magazine; writing feature articles in The Virgin Islands Daily News newspaper; editing several bodies of work, to include Pieces: Finding the Missing Piece Is Easier than You Think, by Alisha L. Gordon; to features in online magazines and blogs such as SisterSpeakOnline and BlackImprovementBlog. Dorna is married with three sons and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She enjoys traveling, writing, event planning, and cheering on her sons at their athletic events. Mrs. Werdelin owes her outlook on spirituality to the Reverend Dianne Canegata in St. Croix, USVI.

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Dorna‘s favorite quote is by Marianne Williamson, which starts, ―Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure‖. Connect with Dorna: dorna.werdelin


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Getting BOLDLY Fit By Eboni Pritchard Love of sports and fitness was instilled from an early age by my mother and father. I was introduced to competitive golf at the age of seven and began competing in junior amateur golf tournaments throughout the Midwest. Basketball also became a major interest and source of activity during middle school and high school, as well as track and field events. As I transitioned into college, the physical activity level waned not even with the usual busy study schedule and not so healthy eating habits that affect many students… or thanks to the never ending supply of pizza. What brought me back to reality was being told by the doctor that I had slightly elevated cholesterol in my early 20‘s. I was completely shocked! This was all the encouragement I needed to incorporate fitness and healthier eating into my schedule. After graduating, I kept forms of fitness in my life (stepaerobics, walking, some weights). It really wasn‘t until relocating to Atlanta that the serious fitness lifestyle kicked in. I began attending body sculpting and kickboxing classes via my company‘s fitness center.

school athletics, I really wasn‘t aware of how to target specific muscle groups to get optimal results. I decided hiring a personal trainer would be perfect. I would gain the technical knowledge as well as someone to challenge and motivate me to continue on. After years under the guidance and motivation of a personal trainer, the love of fitness grew and the drive to become nationally certified in personal training resulted. I completed coursework to become nationally certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. My goal is to be the personal trainer for people of various fitness levels from novice to athlete. I‘d also like to facilitate boot camps as an additional challenge for clients. Through encouragement and tangible goal setting, I want my clients to gain a love of fitness and a belief in their ability. Fitness is not just a means to ―get right‖ for a season or special event, it is a lifestyle that can aid in a healthier long-term existence. I would like to impact the community by teaching kids and their parents the importance of being active.

Interacting with women who were serious about fitness helped me stay consistent.

If fitness and healthy eating is incorporated early on, children are more likely to maintain these beliefs

As a result, I gained a dear friend and we decided to join a larger fitness club which provided a variety of fitness classes.

throughout early adulthood and on into later years. High blood pressure and diabetes are serious conditions that plague much of our community. The development of these conditions can be lessened with balance of exercise and proper nutrition.

I began cycling and boxing and loved the results of the added cardio. Although I had lifted weights in the past for

About the Author Eboni Pritchard is an Order Management Coordinator, in the Retail Division of a global tech company in Duluth, Georgia. She received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Michigan State University. Upon graduation she followed her passion for helping and mentoring others by becoming a Services/School-Based Coordinator for Big Brothers Big Sisters, in Flint, Michigan. She found the role to be challenging and rewarding, however desire for new opportunities and a change of scenery led to the move to Atlanta, Georgia. Throughout the journey of a new career path and new location, Eboni got involved in various activities in order to interact with people and gain new hobbies. Attending fitness activities at the gym, specifically weight-training, not only provided this interaction, but also unlocked a new passion and challenge within. After years under the guidance and motivation of a personal trainer, the love of fitness grew and the drive to become nationally certified in personal training resulted. She pursued coursework to become certified via the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Eboni currently resides north of metro Atlanta. She can be contacted at

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A BOLD Illustration of Fatherhood By Rev. Brian Blackwell I can remember my father always fixing broken things instead of just buying something new. He very rarely wore new clothes and it seemed like he never had any money. Whenever my brother and I needed anything, we always asked our mother because my father was always broke. He was always working, fixing things, or sleeping. While in college, I asked him about it. He said, ―You may not understand it now but you will understand it when you become a father.‖ On August 2, 2007 at about 1:30 a.m., I became a father and I understood shortly thereafter. I still remember the doctor handing my beautiful baby girl to me for the first time. It was one of the most exciting days of my life, while also being the scariest day by far. I looked down at this precious baby and realized that she was depending on me to protect her; that she would need me to provide for her and love her. Despite what we might see on television, fathers are important and can have a major impact in the lives of their children. The man I most admire is not some athlete, entertainer or even the President of the United States, but it is my father. As we approach this Father‘s Day, I think of some important lessons my father taught me that I would like to share with fathers and would-be fathers. #1 – Be Present. My father was always there for me when I needed him. As fathers we have to be present in our children‘s lives. It doesn‘t matter if you and the child‘s mother have a complicated relationship, you have to be present. Whatever

problems the two of you may have are not the fault of the child. It is our responsibility to be present in their lives (and if you are on a child support schedule then your money ought to be present as well). #2 – Be Kind. A young boy will imitate the behavior he sees from his father. If he sees you acting like a jerk, then that is what he will do. If he sees you volunteer your time and being kind, then he will do that as well. My father is always going out of his way to help somebody in need. This is one of many reasons why I am a pastor today. What we don‘t realize sometimes is that our relationship with a child is largely dependent on how we treat the child‘s mother. I love my father to death, but we would have a serious problem if I saw him mistreating my mother in any way. #3 – Be Willing to Sacrifice. Now this one is tough because we all have things that we want for ourselves. We have to be willing to put the needs of our children ahead of our wants. It wasn‘t until I became a father that I understood why my father always appeared broke. He never had any money because it was being spent on my brother and me. He was always repairing old things so that the money that was saved could support the household. As a son, I am so grateful for the sacrifices my father made for me. As a parent, I am glad to sacrifice for my daughter because I want her to have the best. So I wish a happy Father‘s Day to all of the fathers out there. You may get crazy gifts and last-minute-Ialmost-forgot cards, but being a father is worth it. That is what my father taught me.

About the Author Rev. Brian K. Blackwell is the Pastor of St. Paul AME Church in Lanett, Alabama, and the Controller of the Ninth Episcopal District of the AMEC. He is passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus and serving the communities in which he has pastored. Rev. Blackwell enjoys spending Sunday afternoons watching football and weeknights watching basketball with his beloved six-year-old daughter, Angelica. They also enjoy going to the park and movies. Rev. Blackwell obtained his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from Florida A&M University and Masters in Divinity from Turner Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center. This year, he is celebrating 15 years of marriage to BOLD Favor Magazine Editor-in-Chief Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell.

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A BOLD Way to Inspire Him to Commit By Cynthia Walton It can be so confusing when a man says he cares for you even loves you - but is not making any moves to get closer or commit to you. If you're finding yourself wondering what's going on and what he'll do next instead of just enjoying his attention and affection, you're in good company. It happens to so many of us women:

We attach ourselves to a man and invest our time and hearts in him, yet he feels slightly beyond our reach. And because we are so attached, we start making excuses for him when he's not showering us with the attention we crave. On the one hand, we're willing to give him his "space" and be understanding about all the other pressures in his life. At the same time, we become angry because we aren't getting what we want and need. It can get so confusing that no matter what we do, we end up feeling awful. If We Let People Mistreat Us, They Will I remember how I used to be so forgiving of the men I was dating, even though it would hurt me. There was one man who took time away from me in order to see an old girlfriend who was in town visiting. Yet I kept on seeing him, even though I knew he not only wasn't committing to me, he was humiliating me! I'm telling you this embarrassing story so that you won't accept any kind of behavior that doesn't feel good to you. Having learned some hard lessons and cried the tears that go with them, I've gotten very good at expressing my displeasure in a way nearly anyone can hear. D Because, believe it or not, the Tools I teach you don't get tossed out the minute you're married. You'll want to use them for life so your man will keep falling in love with you forever. You Don't Want Him - You Want a Real Relationship This may sound simple enough, but most of us do just the opposite. Being aware that your priority is a real relationship is something we often forget. We express, sometimes over and over again - with words, our body language and things we do - that he is what we want.

"No man should ever feel like he's your man of choice, he's your "One", or that you're only seeing him. Not until he's committed." When we get so focused on the need for any one man, it's easy to get blinded. That's when we start making excuses

for him that may in fact be relationship deal breakers for us. If what you want is an exclusive relationship, yet you keep seeing him if he wants something else for fear of losing him, you're really only losing yourself and all that is important to you. How to Get a Commitment without Asking For It If, instead, you speak your truth, then you are honoring yourself without putting pressure on him. You could say something like this:"I don't want a boyfriend. I'm looking for someone to enjoy until THAT GUY shows up."And that's it. You don't ask him for anything. You also continue dating other men until you have the commitment that makes you happy. I know this is hard, but trust me when I say you are doing the best thing you possibly can to ensure your happiness. In my eBook, I teach you how to keep your options open while keeping your sanity in check. Again, no man should ever feel like he's your man of choice, he's your "One", or that you're only seeing him until he's committed. This is actually the way dating used to work in the old days. Take my aunt, who has been happily married for several decades. She once told me how, when she got engaged to my uncle, she had to write three "Dear John" letters to men she was seeing! And, by the way, she said this to me as my uncle was sitting right beside her with a glint in his eye. My aunt was a smart lady: She was taking care of herself first by making sure she was committing to the right man - someone who completely adored her and wanted to give her his heart forever. You deserve no less. Open yourself, and your heart, up to the commitment you deserve. About the Author Cynthia Walton, the Love Maven and Renaissance Woman utilizes her character representation and branding skills to assist single women and couples in relationship savvy, specifically how to ―get the ring and keep it‖. Cynthia is very candid when she shares her relationship journey: having received 9 marriage proposals, 5 from good men, how she finally found the secret to successful dating and getting the commitment. Look for her eBook on love and relationships July 2014. Visit Cynthia's website at

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A BOLD Celebration of Life: A Daughter's Tribute to Her Father By Mona Shah Joshi Every life contains joys and challenges. This year, my family faced one of the most difficult challenges of our life…the loss of my father to cancer. A child‘s greatest fear is losing a parent. As we become adults and witness our once stalwart, invincible parents age, concerns about losing them return. My mother called me in August 2012 to tell me, ―Daddy‘s cancer is spreading. Chemo and radiation are no longer working. The doctors say we have 6 months.‖ Hot tears immediately began coursing down my face as I processed the news. Tears straining her voice, my mother continued, ―Mona, let‘s be thankful we had Daddy all these years.‖

hospital bed in the intensive care unit to watch the Redskins win. When the din become too loud, the nurse peeked in to quiet us only to find it was my father who was cheering the loudest. We celebrated birthdays with cakes and parties, distributed Kit Kats on Halloween, lit LED candles for Diwali and feasted on Thanksgiving--all in the hospital. When Dad returned home after a particularly lengthy hospital stay, he found the Christmas tree twinkling with lights and his favorite John Wayne movies in the DVR. He was now in a wheelchair and required our

Arun (brother), Gyan & Kumi, Mona and Anu (sister seated on the floor) cheering the Redskins to victory. Photo credit: Lissa Lunia

Mom‘s words framed our family‘s perspective from that moment. We chose to be grateful. When the cancer was first detected it was already stage 3, yet after surgery it was controlled for some time. In these last five years, we had survived Dad‘s heart attack and prayed through numerous surgeries—all of which were successful. Although, we could grieve for what was to come, we could also be grateful for all the time we had already been given with him. We chose gratitude over grief. Different emotions can be felt as sensations in distinct parts of the body. When you feel anger or are intensely focused on work, you may notice a throbbing in the forehead. The sensation for anger or alertness both stem from a region in between the eyebrows. Spiritual leader and global humanitarian, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says that gratitude and grief arise from the same energy center in the throat region. When we are overwhelmed with grief or with gratitude, we experience a constriction in the throat. Yet the two emotions cannot coexist. We can either grieve or choose to be grateful. Awareness can transform grief into gratitude. So despite the constant visits to hospital ER and stark medical predictions, we celebrated. The night before my father‘s brain tumor surgery, my brother, sister, cousin and I gathered around my father‘s

assistance, but for us, he was now more than ever our hero.

In the best of situations, we can find reasons to complain. In the worst of circumstances, we can find reasons to feel grateful. My father was the paragon of cheerfulness,

Anu and Mona ((author is on the right) share a laugh with Dad at Art of Living’s U.S. Silver Jubilee at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. on March 28, 2007. photo credit: Art Baltrotsky

determination and strength. He was considerate of the hospital staff and of his family, never scolding us if we forgot to bring the Washington Post with us or we were late with his home-cooked meal. Despite all the challenges we faced daily, we found even more reasons to feel grateful. Perhaps my biggest gift was that my father was still the father I had known throughout my life—loving, thoughtful and kind, intelligent and full of humor.

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―Prayer is not asking. It is gratitude--recognition of the huge tidal waves of love that God is pouring on you every moment.‖ – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Years ago I had taken Sri Sri Ravi Shankar‘s Art of Living Happiness Program, where I learned powerful practices such as Sudarshan Kriya, a rhythmic breathing practice which releases stress and brings a sense of peace and wellness. During this time, my daily practice of Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi Meditation helped me maintain my balance and perspective. It was a daily reminder of how much the Divine loved and took care of us. It supplanted fear with faith.

emotional strength to give my father‘s eulogy. Yet strength found me. I spoke about his life, not from anything prepared or written but from memories of the heart. When my father would come home from work each day, he would give an inimitable whistle. We would all scream ―Daddy‘s home!‖ and run to greet him. I remember once how my mother, siblings and I were detained at U.S.

When asked once if the date of death is predetermined, Sri Sri replied, ―It can change. It is like when you are on the highway, you have some exit points wherein you can exit, isn't it? Similarly, in everybody's life, some exit points come. If you miss one point, then you go to the next exit point.‖ In the months ahead, we confronted critical moments in which we held our breath and prayed, but my father survived each one. I am convinced that my father waited until the last possible exit point. Our last hours with Dad were a love fest. We shared our favorite memories of him. We told him how much we loved and cherished him. We assured him that Mom would continue to be treated like a queen and relieved him of any lingering concerns or regrets. We could visibly see him relax as we cleared his concerns. Peaceful and free, my father transitioned on February 10, 2013 with his children holding his hands, his beloved wife and son-in-law encircling him as we chanted ancient prayers. My aunt and childhood friend stood next to us in loving support. When my husband called Sri Sri, he told us that my father transitioned at a most auspicious time--Mauni Amavas (the day the universe was created according to the Vedic calendar). The memorial service was held in a large hall, which soon burst at the seams. As guests arrived from near and far, all the chairs quickly filled, soon dozens were standing in the back and finally some guests graciously moved to the floor to accommodate newcomers. I never imagined that I would have the

Newlyweds Gyan and Kumi Shah starting their married life together on June 2, 1966. immigration pending positive identification. The agent went outside to look for my father to identify us. As Dad rounded the corner, he saw us sitting and whistled. We all jumped up, shouting ―Daddy‘s here!‖ As we ran to him, the agent smiled and told my father she had all the identification she needed. There was a dogwood tree in our front yard that my brother and sister would love to climb. After climbing the tree, they realized they didn‘t know how to get down. ―Oh, well,‖ my sister smiled as she shared this story, ―We figured Dad will be home soon, and we just sat in the tree until he could come and lift us out.‖ As my siblings and I shared our love stories of Dad, the congregation‘s laughter and tears mingled together in sweet harmony. The atmosphere was charged with love. Many years ago, Sri Sri had said, ―We celebrate life and we celebrate death.‖ I finally understood what this meant. Gratitude. Living in the moment. Making life a celebration. As we moved through those final months, the knowledge we had gained over the years from Sri Sri gave us comfort, protection, perspective and strength. Knowledge is like a best friend who watches over your mind, and brings your smile back so that you can uplift others.

About the Author Mona Shah Josh is the Director of the Art of Living Foundation - Georgia and Southeast Regional Director of the International Association for Human Values (IAHV). An international stress management and personal development expert, Mona Shah Joshi has an insatiable quest for knowledge and understanding that guides her passion for service. A charismatic leader, speaker and philanthropist, Mona is inspired by her mentor Sri Sri Ravi Shankar‘s vision that a stress-free, violence-free society can be achieved through the reawakening of human values. A champion and advocate in the mind, body and wellness industry, Mona has facilitated more than 20,000 hours of programs for Art of Living and International Association for Human Values (IAHV). Using a unique, synergistic blend of breathing techniques, meditation, yoga and wisdom, Art of Living programs have helped millions around the world transform their lives.

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Universities, corporations, government institutions and spiritual organizations have sought Mona‘s expertise on wellness, work-life management, women‘s empowerment and interpersonal relationships. She has been a featured guest on television and radio shows. Her work with children has led her to conduct IAHV‘s Youth Empowerment workshops for underprivileged and violent sectors in Jamaica. Mona is actively involved in developing social service projects with the AOLF and IAHV. Mona enjoys traveling, reading and vegan baking.


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The Good List A BOLD Call to VOTE By David & Myesha Good We are in the midst of state wide elections across the United States. This mid-term election year we will feel the effects of the Supreme Court's decision to strip away the formula that gave the Voting Rights Act of 1965 its teeth. Now those states, that had a history of disenfranchisement against minorities, no longer have to get advance approval from the federal government when redrawing district lines or voter laws. States from Kansas to the Carolina's are putting in voter ID laws that makes it harder for people to get voting cards or proper identification when voting. Before President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, states, more specifically Southern states, were able to create laws, poll tax and give out literacy test to deny certain people the right to vote. It was a right others enjoyed but laws were created to disenfranchise minorities. With its signing and future extension of it, states like Texas and Georgia were not able to pass voter ID laws that would deny, hamper or dilute any groups voting rights. This Act, required states with a history of discrimination to get federal approval before changing how elections in their state or county or city conducted its elections, redrew district lines and voting laws.

Fast-forward 48 years, June 2013, a divided Supreme Court struck down a portion of the act in the case of SHELBY COUNTY, ALABAMA v. HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL, ET AL. This decision (5-4) fell along political boundaries and took away Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This section made states with discriminatory voting practices get approval from the Department of Justice first to make changes to voter ID laws or redrawing district lines. This is known as preclearance and the Justices of the Supreme Court in this decision now say the information is outdated and that Congress must come up with a new formula for pre-clearance and base it on new data. The Voting Rights Act protected the right to vote for millions of voting age people ... regardless of faith, gender, age or color. We can‘t forget that racism and inequality still exist in many states, even in this day, we must continue to fight for what is right! We must continue to register people to vote, get engage in the political process on every level and let our voices be heard and most of all VOTE! Don‘t let anything keep you from voting, it is your right.

About the Authors David and Myesha Good are a political power couple often called the little Obamas. The Goods' are leaders of several political organizations and are leaders in their community. Their passions together are to inspire people to run for political office, give a voice to the voiceless, promote winning strategies and fight for voting rights. David is a political strategist who advises candidates on what is needed to ensure victory on the final days leading up to the election. During his 15 years in politics, Mr. Good has developed strong relationships with civic, church, legal and community leaders

Photo compliments of Mike Iz Photography.

Myesha is a political campaign consultant, strategist and trainer who is often sought after for her expertise throughout metro Atlanta and the US. Ms. Good has spearheaded successful campaigns for state, city and local officials. From her government and campaign experience for over 13 years, she has come to develop a strong network of representatives from all branches of government, private businesses, non-profits and the international community. Together the Goods are civic leaders in their community and when it comes to politics, they know what's Good.

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Dr. Brown, Our BOLD Launch Party Sponsor Dr. Kelvin L. Brown is a board certified surgeon and public health expert. He has over 17 years of experience in the health care industry. He founded Vital Healthcare Group (VHG) in 2000 and Precision Weight Loss Center (PWLC) in late 2008. Dr. Brown is now poised to help make health care in the United States the integrated, effective system it must be. Through the Vital Healthcare Group, Dr. Brown proposes massive reformation to the health care industry by bringing the best physicians and the best technology together. This way, seamless, integrated health care delivery can be achieved. Precision Weight Loss Center is the original safe and dramatic weight loss program that results in lasting, lifestyle changes which include proper eating, appropriately timed meals, and portion control! As a result, one‘s metabolism is increased, and ultimate weight loss is achieved with precision. PWLC has a 99% success rate! Both entities have been extremely successful with organic growth. However, PWLC has experienced exponential growth and has outpaced VHG. In fact, PWLC‘s continued growth and success will lead to VHG‘s ultimate success. VHG has a few clients which in turn have served thousands; whereas, PWLC has directly served thousands who have come from around the nation and some of the largest fortune 500 companies. The list of PWLC clients includes many top Hollywood and Atlanta celebrities. When asked why Dr. Brown is so passionate about weight loss he stated: “Being overweight or obese is the foundation of many conditions and diseases that unfortunately plague individuals, their families, and society overall. As a surgeon, I found myself as a technician, operating on people only to have them have other problems in the future due to their diet, sedentary lifestyle, and weight condition. Lacking the long-term, meaningful relationship that a surgeon usually doesn’t achieve with their patient, I couldn’t impact a patient to achieve lifestyle changes and prevention. With weight loss, I can now address the root cause of many conditions and diseases. Impactful, long-term, life-changing relationships are initiated and nurtured daily.”

Dr. Brown was born September 1, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, and received his medical degree in medicine from the University Of Alabama School Of Medicine 1998 and obtained a Master of Public Health degree in epidemiology from Emory University‘s School of Public Health also in 1998. Dr. Brown then completed surgery residency at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia in 2003, later receiving his certification by the American Board of Surgery. While at Emory University School of Public Health, Dr. Brown continued to address health care disparities by completing his thesis titled, ―Sociodemographic Determinants of Chronic Disease Risk Factors Prevalence Among Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States.‖ While at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, Dr. Brown distinguished himself as the second African American in the history of the school to graduate in the top 10 percent of his class. Dr. Brown has taught on subjects that include HIV/AIDS, human anatomy, smoking cessation, tuberculosis, men‘s health, women‘s health, cancer, and the treatment of elderly patients. In addition to running two successful companies, Dr. Brown is also a dynamic and experienced speaker on public health, general health and wellness, and healthcare reform and management. He has spoken for many private groups in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Birmingham, and frequently speaks at his alma mater Emory University. Growing up in a family which owned a chain of restaurants for over five decades, Dr. Brown learned first-hand about entrepreneurship and business. Dr. Brown first became passionate about health and the medical profession as a child looking through his mother‘s nursing school science textbooks. Today, Dr. Brown possesses this same passion more than ever as he is an active member of the American College of Surgeons, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, National Medical Association, Atlanta Medical Association, Medical Association of Georgia, American Medical Association, and many more health and technologyrelated organizations. Dr. Brown is a proud father of three children and currently resides in Atlanta. “My mission is to achieve my God-given purpose in life which is to be a Minister of Health, bringing

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quality health care to all people.�- Dr. Kelvin L. Brown

Visit Dr. Brown online at @DrKelvinBrown1


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