BOLD Favor Magazine September 2015

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September 2015


The future favors the BOLD. Be fearless!

Jack Tr e Founder, Instinct Radio

The Flag issue still r emains... Make up Tips fr om the Master MUA Dionne Holley... Lucy Jae on Being Qualified.... Being Social (Media) Conscious in Your Relationships... Building A Dr eam on Love & Faith... A Dying Wish... Fr om Domestic Violence Victim to Empower ed Sur vivor ... And mor e!

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132 N 232 W SEATTLE, W A 98101

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Lyni t a M i t chel l -Bl ackwel l

L etter from the E ditor My, how we've grown! BOLD Favor, t he magazine that started it all, is now t he parent to f our other publicat ions: Ageless Beauty, PLUS, Polit ics, and Wellness! This issue of BOLD Favor is as much as an achievement t o t he Leading Through Living t eam as it is t o our ardent support ers - YOU! Thank you f or your dedicat ion and continued support . Because of you, we are now 103K+ subscribers st rong and publish almost mont hly now! (We're of f in February - we all need a lit t le rest ! ) Welcome aboard t o our new BOLD Managing Edit or David M. Good we have a lot of work waiting f or you. (smile) Enjoy t his issue of BOLD Favor Magazine as we celebrate the t enacit y of our cover - radio mogul Jack Tre; learn how singer Lucy Jae realized t hat she was qualif ied all the t ime t o live her dreams; be inspired as t rue love prompt ed the launch of a new business by ent repreneur Gabe Mobley; be blessed by a lif e well lived in t he st ory of Karol who died of cancer t his August ; and enjoy recap of t he BOLD Awards, our book and f ashion show reviews, and much much more! The f ut ure f avors t he BOLD. Be f earless!

L ynita Lynit a Mit chell- Blackwell, Esq., CPA, CCLC Founder & Edit or- in- Chief Page 4

OURCOVER: JACKTRE In stin ct Radio fou n der sh ar es h is r ags to r ich es stor y, an d u l tim ate r edem ption





A l ife wel l l ived, an oppor tu n ity to h el p

Sin ger, son g-wr iter, n on -pr ofit fou n der - in al l ways QUALIFIED


PAGE37 10 M UA Dion n e H ol l ey

15 Th e Fl ag Issu e Con tin u es to Bu r n

11 Social l y Con sciou s - A Rel atin sh ip Stor y

17 En tr epr en eu r ial Su ccess - A Love Stor y

13 W om en 's Em power m en t Fash ion Sh ow

20 I Am Ladon n a Rober ts - Su r vivor & Em power m en t Exper t

14 Book Review: Sil en cin g of th e Left

29 Th e Can Do Spir it! 31 Keys to Power fu l Com m u n ication

READY, SET... ORGANIZE! Gr eat cl oset or gan ization advise fr om th e M oda Su ite Diva Jan ai Kear n ey

PAGE12 Page 5

34 Pr ofil es: Tifan i an d M egan Ch ase 37 A Life W el l Lived in Spite of Can cer 39 Th e Adven tu r es of Steph an ie D. San der s 43 Th e 2015 BOLD Awar ds Recap





















Are you intrigued by our magazine and wish to be a part of the BOLD movement? Contribute, advertise, and comment on our publication: Call 866-611-3753 Email Visit Page 6

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LUCY JAE "W e are always qualified to m eet our dream s!" It was my eighth grade year when I asked myself, ?What qualifies me to start a nonprofit?? I had never been ill as a child, I didn?t grow up under privileged, or lacking anything, and I was raised in a loving home. All of these things made me feel disqualified to do anything for others.

for others to create a lasting impact, what would it be?? I twiddled my thumbs for at least five minutes and stared off into space. A few weekends before, I had attended a neighbor?s birthday party where we all made our own bracelets. That was all I could think about ever since, and I loved it! At that very moment, my thumbs stopped twiddling and started frantically gripping my pencil as I began to write what would eventually become the idea behind Beads 4 Beats, Inc.

My eighth grade year, I walked into my Language Arts class and the topic on the whiteboard read, ?If you could do one positive thing

Beads 4 Beats raises money throughout Central Florida for terminally and chronically ill children by selling bracelets (beads) and gathering

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sponsorships. Beads 4 Beats was kicked off my tenth grade year of high school in 2011. As I meet children and families and hear stories that seem so tragically far removed from my life, I am reminded that it is not my firsthand experience with illness that makes me an advocate for sick children. Rather, it is the absence of those experiences that make me want to advocate even more for them.

As a junior at Florida State University, I have had countless opportunities in music, sports, and most of all education. It is because of how blessed and fortunate my life has been that I feel an even greater need to help other children have some of the same opportunities and hopefully, even greater opportunities. I?ve never been an excellent writer. My major in school is marketing and very intentionally not




literature based. Though my writing in school never really impressed professors, ever since I was five or six, I can remember always loving to write my own music. I would write about the playground and what I wanted to be when I grew up and I can guarantee the lyrics wouldn?t blow anyone?s socks off but I kept writing. In July of 2014 I finally mustered up enough courage to introduce my own songs to the world and I called that album, ?Bold?. It was named bold because as soon as I took my music to a producer that was the exact feeling I Page 9

felt. It was named bold because talking about wanting a deeper relationship with God for everyone to hear felt scary and well, bold. Though it?s been over a year since then, I continued months later to ask myself, ?What qualified me to write or sing or produce anything?? I?ve auditioned for every show and every talent search and had always been turned away, at best, I?d take second place, but never first place. I always watched someone else go home a winner. So, why was I qualified? As I?ve continued both with Beads 4 Beats and with writing and singing music,

I?ve learned a whole lot about what it means to follow your heart. Learning is essential, but it can sometimes tear down your vision in order to focus you on your mission, and as gut wrenching as it is, you have to be willing to let that process take place. Now, I only ask, ?What disqualifies anyone from reaching for his or her dreams?? If there is passion and willingness and a genuine heart for the cause, I believe anyone can do anything. At age nineteen like me, or age ninety, we are always qualified. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. To donate or learn more, visit the website. Lucy Jae's album BOLD is available at

THEBEAUTY WITHIN As a young girl I was always fascinated with the fashion and beauty industry. Born and raised in sunny Panama City, Florida, I was determined that one day I would live out my dreams of being a makeup artist, traveling the world to make it more beautiful one face at a time! I am artistic by nature with a style that ranges from soft and subtle to dramatic and high fashion. But I am also very intuitive, and my goal is to create a look specifically designed for each and every one of my clients! I make each one of my clients look beautifully distinctive by getting to know them, really getting a feel for their personalities and find out what makes them feel comfortable. This is a must because it shows that I not only listened to their wants and needs, but will incorporate that information to ensure the look I create is best suited for them. Page 10

We start by narrowing down the desired look between two looks: a nice, soft beauty look or a more dramatic, full coverage look. Both have the same goal: a beautiful enhancement suitable for the individual client.

DionneHol l ey, MUA

An example of a nice, soft look could be a color correction to the skin, a nice brow fill and a tinted gloss for a more reserved, conservative woman. An example of a more dramatic look would be a bolder lip or eye (or in some cases both), full coverage foundation and a more chiseled, carved face contour for a more outgoing, daring woman. Both looks empower women to be confident and comfortable - and she should because she is amazing! My career as a makeup artist is my passion and it shows on every face that I touch. I not only believe but know that

this gift I have, the success and the blessings that follow are nothing less than the favor of God! I want the world to always know and

remember that your outer beauty is a blessing but your real, true beauty lies within!

SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS byW il l iamR. Cook "Do your real life and social media life run parallel or are you pretending?" In today?s world, especially if you?re over forty, I?m sure you take homage in knowing Social Media and the various ways in which information can be disseminated in a nanosecond wasn?t available when we were growing up. Imagine for a minute, the consequence of having all our deepest and darkest secrets relayed to the masses, before we had time to comprehend what actually occurred in our lives?

Too many times people immerse themselves in the false ideas they only wish they really lived and don?t spend the equal, if any amount of time working in the now, building what they falsely portray on social media. These people in my estimation are seeking instant gratification and in some instances, they are becoming narcissistic, if they weren?t prior too overindulging in social media.

This is why it?s more important than ever to be Socially Conscious regarding social media and the tremendous role it can play in your relationship health, relating to your romance, family and friends. What you do or what is revealed about you, could easily determine if a relationship grows health or fades away like a sunset.

This behavior is counterproductive and an unnecessary burden placed on your real life relating to everything you can imagine. You can?t say you?re happy and having a great day, when in fact you?re having a terrible day and are disgusted with how you spend your time. You can?t say you?re in love in your relationship, when in fact; you can?t tolerate your significant other, without a heated argument or domestic violence.

I?ve taken the liberty to provide my own definition to Social Media: A virtual venue, where people of vast ages and walks of life, openly share their life's reality, or their false life's reality, to masses of people they're either acquainted with, or don't even know, sometimes both, simultaneously ever time they post regardless of the author. So the real question becomes, "Do your real life and social media life run parallel or are you pretending?"

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A false post can?t fix what?s really occurring in your life and denying that fact is dangerous. Surely there will be some that disagree with what I?m saying, but I will compare posting false representations of your life using social media, with a person strung-out on drugs, the longer it continues the worst the effects are on your entire life.

J anaiK earney THE MODA SUITE Closet Organizer I am what you would call a style maven. My areas of expertise include image consulting, wardrobe design, closet boutiquing personal styling and fashion marketing to name a few. I fell in love with fashion at a very young age, my great-grandmother Savannah Hill, was a seamstress, milliner & a no none sense diva. Savannah made everything from pillows, to quilts- from my life size baby doll dresses to her very own wardrobe which was a mixture of goodwill finds & hand-sewn staples. wardrobe, we go over removal options for unwanted items, including donation and consignment.

She passed her love of fashion &, elegant lady-like style on to me, I haven't looked back since. Fashion has always been it for me.

I reorganize the wardrobe to meet the lifestyle needs of my client. Then, I pull looks for the virtual closet that enables my clients to

Its one of the first things on our minds when we awake, we all ask ourselves, " What am I going to wear today?". My love for fashion led me to Study at American InterContinental University both in Atlanta & London where I earned a BFA in Fashion Marketing & Design. Twelve.6 Boutique was launched in 2012 after several years of preparation & aspirations of entrepreneurship. I had a vision of a firm that offered all things fashion related, a one stop shop to fit the needs of my clients. My process: Firstly, I assess the state of the closetthis tells me a lot about my client's habits and style. After discussing a vision for their Page 12

scroll through various options before even day. Many clients makeover including

rolling out of bed each require a full closet design and construction or decor to compliment months after our initial follow up

adding shelving or their wardrobe. A few session comes the

with clients to ensure the changes are meeting their needs & to audit any new additions to heir wardrobe. Some clients require personal shopping as well as styling for special events year-round. My greatest joy comes from the smiles on clients' faces ecstatic that they can enter their wardrobe without feeling the panic of what to wear & how.

Women's Empowerment F ashion Show - R eview by Keelia & Tamra Asbury AKA Filthy Chic August 16, 2015 in partnership with The Women Empowerment Team hosted the third annual Women Empowerment Fashion Show at C.A.U.S.E. for Elegance boutique in Phipps Plaza Atlanta. The fashion show featured several Atlanta based designers, which showcased the latest trends in women?s and men?s wear. Reia Oguinn explained the purpose behind the show: the Women Empowerment Team consist of young women who empower abused and battered women. The team hopes to inspire women to persevere and push through difficult circumstances. The fashion shows raise funds to educate and support survivors of domestic violence. The show featured notable local designers such as Bryan Johnson and Jacqueline Cole. The Jacqueline Cole Collection was inspired by bold fabrics to include floral prints and intriguing textures. She has been Page 13

designing her own looks for approximately nine years in hopes to become internationally known and in stores very soon. The BJ collection presented by Bryan Johnson featured many trendy and cutting edge styles for men and women. His styles featured fabrics, such as leather and sequence. His high quality work and designs make him a trailblazer in the Atlanta fashion scene. The team also presented awards to local fashion designers, makeup artists, stylists and other professional women. Nominee and designer Syreeta B was nominated for her LipstickKillers collection. The collection was inspired by women becoming fearless in fashion, embracing city life and allowing your surrounding to be a source of motivation. The entire atmosphere of the show was energetic, vibrant and inspiring to all who attended. We cannot wait to attend next year's show!

Book Review:

Th e Si l en ci n g : Ho w t h e Lef t i s Ki l l i n g Fr ee Sp eech by Kristin Powers Rat i n g : 4 .5 St ar s

by Paul S. Gri ev e ?Liberals should own the First Amendment the way conservatives own the Second Amendment,? comedian Bill Maher once advised, lamenting how today's political left seems to forget how important diversity of opinion is to a healthy democracy. Unfortunately, according to Kirsten Powers in her recent book The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, Maher's plea has fallen on deaf ears

as many liberals increasingly demand the muzzling of people whose views they deem offensive. Powers' core argument is that the desire among liberals to see the interests of social justice served can lead to a very illiberal impulse to silence ideological opponents. As examples, she highlights policy initiatives on college campuses such as student speech-codes, punishment for ?micro-aggressions? and the inclusion of ?trigger warnings? in course materials as the kind of dissent-chilling measures being championed by the very people who should revere the open exchange of ideas as the cornerstone of a free society. Perhaps more potent than these policy initiatives is the torrent of hate unleashed on social media at individuals whose views clash

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with those espoused by today's self-styled ?Social Justice Warriors.? As an example of the influence this kind of mob can wield, Powers highlights the case of Brendan Eich, co-founder of the internet company Mozilla, who was forced to resign as CEO when it was revealed he had donated to a campaign opposing same-sex marriage. Liberal protesters (who, Powers reminds us, did not make similar demands of Barak Obama, who has openly voiced his religious opposition to gay marriage) insisted that Eich be turfed because his personal views on the subject of gay marriage were offensive. This, according to Powers, is the antithesis of what social liberalism should be about. ?It's okay to be angry about Eich's donation. Screaming for Eich's head on a pike for his failure to conform to Mozilla's majority view on same sex marriage is not. Liberals are supposed to believe in protecting minority views, even when they disagree with those views.? For the record, I support gay marriage, but I agree with Powers that demanding Eich's removal was unnecessarily punitive and highly toxic to diversity. I hope that doesn't offend you.

W h en Po l i t i cs Resp o n d t o So ci al A ct i v i sm ...

June 17th, 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina around 9pm shots rang out at Mother Emanuel AME Church, one of the oldest black congregations in the South. This cowardly and racially charged act that left 9 black church goers dead including the pastor, 41 year-old State Senator Clementa Pinkney, was carried out by a male white supremacist. According to a witness, before he gun-downed point-blank range Senator Pinkney, Page 15

night following the mass shooting, Jon Stewart of The Daily Show delivered a monologue discussing the tragic nature of the news, condemning the shooting and the response to the racial shooting saying ?We still won?t do jack shit.? Stewart continued, "Nine people were shot in a black church by a white guy who hated them, who wanted to start some sort of civil war. The confederate flag flies over South Carolina and the roads are named after confederate generals? ?

Suie Jackson (87), Cynthia Hurd (54), Ethel Lee Lance (70); Depayne Middleton-Doctor (49), Tywanza Sanders (26), Daniel Simmons (74), Sharonda Coleman-Singleton (45) & Myra Thompson (59), he shouted ?? You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go." He kept shooting and reloading all the while yelling racial epithets according to the survivors.

debates on both sides of the gun-debate started since the shooter got easy access to a gun and the church had a n-carry policy. But after pictures circulated of the shooter wearing white supremacist garb and holding the confederate battle flag, the talk began about the displaying of that flag, primarily the one on a 70 foot poll in front of the South Carolina State Capitol in Columbia.

Once word of the shooting got around social media,

Its times like this, that media and those in it have a larger voice than usual and on the

People on both sides on the long heartfelt debate came out. Supporters of the flag said that it was part of ?their? heritage and Southern pride while others stated that the flag is not one of hate but that people and organizations like the KKK have used it for hate and not to punish those that see it as heritage. Supporters of taking down the flag state that it is a symbol of hate and that it started out as a symbol of keeping slavery alive and that having it shows racial intolerance. In the end, it seems that with Senator Pinckney?s body lying in state at the state capitol with the U.S. flag and the South Carolina State flag flying at half mass on top of the capitol and the confederate flag flying at full mass on the grounds in front of it was too much. The symbol had to go and quickly. On this issue, the political rhetoric had to go as

Democrats and Republicans called for the flags' removal as did the sitting President of the United States, Barack Obama but so did presidential hopefuls and front runners Hillary Clinton (D) and Jeb Bush (R). But, it was Republican Governor Nikki Haley flanked by leaders in the state legislature that called for the flag to go and called a special session of the legislature and they voted to have the flag and pole removed and the flag sent to a confederate museum. This act of hate and domestic terrorism sparked more than the coming down of this one flag, it sparked a debate that has new life and now the place where the Civil War started, Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay removed the 3 flags that represented the Confederacy or the CSA (Confederate States of America). Also, retailors, Wal-mart, Sears Holdings (Sears and kmart), Amazon and ebay to stop selling merchandise that had the confederate flag. States across the South started to make changes because of the Charleston 9 killed at Mother Emanuel such as no longer having parts of the rebel flag in their state flags design, no longer offering license plates with the flag on it. There has even been an outcry to take down monuments and statues honoring the Confederacy. Museums and places of Page 16

distinction for the CSA are the two places where the flag will run into no issue with the exception of the largest such site and it?s in the state of Georgia, outside of Atlanta, Stone Mountain, which has the Confederate Generals carved into the mountain with the Confederate Battle flag on display. With this and other issues the debate continues. STATS: A CNN/ORC poll conducted on July 10th, 2015, the day the flag in South Carolina came down, showed that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism Among blacks, 72% see the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism, just 25% of whites agree. In the South, the former confederacy, the racial divide is even wider. 75% of Southern whites describe the flag as a symbol of Southern pride and 18% call it a symbol of racism, but it is almost flipped among Southern blacks, with just 11% seeing it as a sign of southern pride and 75% viewing it as a symbol of racism. EPILOGUE: Both David and Myesha?s families are from South Carolina, however, David?s mother and aunt marched on the streets of Orangeburg back in 1960 right outside of the campus they attended, South Carolina State, and were met with guns, dogs, water from fire dept. issued hoses, racial slurs and billy clubs. Those racial slurs were hurled at

them by people holding the confederate battle flag, a source of WHITE SUPREMECY, saying you don?t deserve the same rights to vote as we do, you are second class. They both were back in Orangeburg on July 10th, also our wedding anniversary, for a family reunion. They turned on the TV and with smiles on their faces, saw this flag that meant hate, prejudice and intolerance to come down from the Capitol of the state that started the Confederacy. They remarked. ?it is great being here in Orangeburg where we fought for our rights and could have been hurt or worse to now see the symbol of that hate taken down.? That was powerful. Lastly, for those who say that the Confederate battle flag is a source of Southern pride or it was a symbol of a fight against ?Northern Aggression?, we will leave you with this. It is a section out of the Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union on December 24th, 1860: For twenty-five years this agitation has been steadily increasing, until it has now secured to its aid the power of the common Government. Observing the forms of the Constitution, a sectional party has found within that Article establishing the Executive Department, the means of subverting the Constitution itself. A geographical line has been drawn across the

Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that that "Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free," and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction? We, therefore, the People of South Carolina, by our delegates in Convention assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, have solemnly declared that the Union heretofore existing between this State and the other States of North America, is dissolved, and that the State of South Carolina has resumed her position among the nations of the world, as a separate and independent State; with full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do. Adopted December 24, 1860. by David & Myesha Good

AManOnAMission Gabriel "Gabe" Mobley is a non-traditional artist. His talent: home renovations. Gabe has an incredible ability to look at a house in structural decline and build it into an unrecognizable home people fight to buy and love to keep. But Gabe did not start out "living the dream". Like most of us, he graduated from high school, got a "responsible job",

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got married to a wonderful person, had children, paid bills, volunteered in the community, and was a devoted church member. All was well - Gabe had no reason to be discontent, yet he felt "another calling on [his] life." About the same time that the restlessness set in, things around Gabe started to change: his work schedule became less predictable, and that led to missed quality time with his family. Gabe's hours

became so erratic that there were days when he did not see his children awake they were asleep when he left in the morning and asleep by the time he got home. Gabe knew that he did not want to be an absentee father. "It's important, particularly when you're raising sons, that you be present." So Gabe sat down with his wife Shenika, and they came up with a plan: Gabe would start his own home repair business. Gabe's praise of his wife's support is touching. "I still can't believe how okay she was with it all. It was like she could see the future success. I was excited, but scared, too. I was leaving a guaranteed salary and benefits with a Fortune 100 company to turn my 'side gig' into the main show. I cannot tell you how much I love that woman - she makes me feel like I can do anything!" Stepping out on faith, Gabe turned all his energy from his weekend hobby of helping friends and family with home repair to open Superior Painting & Restoration (SPR). He started off doing what he already knew: pressure cleaning, interior and exterior painting, drywall, and some landscaping. As the

the company grew, Gabe learned to do wall textures, crown molding, and baseboard designs. He then developed relationships with other licensed professionals, such as electricians and plumbers, so he could do full restorations. SPR's growth is attributed to past customer referrals and word of mouth - Gabe has never had to advertise. "God is good," he said with a slight smile. Gabe is very selective as to the jobs he will accept. He has turned down jobs where the budget has been inadequate and/or allotted time has been unrealistic to ensure the work is completed in a masterful way. "Our name is Superior because that is exactly what we mean - superior quality and service." SPR is based in Miami, Florida, but has worked across the Southern United States on various projects, large and small. They may be contacted at 305-986-8957. A few pictures of there work are featured on the right. Not all about work and no play, Gabe enjoys grilling. He and a friend have a catering company called Bad to the Bone Ribs and they pride themselves on grilling meat that is fall-off-the bone tender. Gabe is also passionate about football: the former high school football athlete's passion for the game extends to home team Miami Dolphins, as well to his home: Gabe enjoys coaching his young sons' football teams and he is very proud of his oldest son who entered college this fall on football scholarship. But as much as he loves football, grilling, and SPR's success; Gabe most loves spending time with his wife Shenika: his Queen, dedicated educator, and extraordinary life partner. Page 18

Fu l l exter ior r en ovation : pr essu r e wash , pain t, r oofin g,

Bath r oom r en ovation : sh ower in stal l ation an d til e.

Kitch en r en ovation : cabin ets, cou n ter tops, til e.

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Di d y o u k n o w ? On e t h i r d o f w o m en ar e ab u sed i n t h ei r l i f et i m es an d o n av er ag e, i t t ak es 7 t o 9 t i m es f o r a w o m an t o l eav e h er ab u ser .

I A m Ladonna Rob erts Ladonna Roberts is a woman of extraordinary strength. The description "extraordinary" is not just a flowery reference; it is a matter of fact. Ladonna has faced a mother's worse nightmare - the death of her child - and through her faith, has channeled her grief to empower, fortify, and educate victims and survivors of domestic violence. Ladonna Roberts' beginnings were similar to many American families - a loving, two parent household in small town USA. She went to college, obtained a position with the county police department, purchased a house, and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Page 20

"But there was a void," said Ladonna. "I thought my self-worth was defined by my education, my house, my clothes, and my car. They were my mask and kept me from seeing who I really was, and seeing things how they really were." From time to time, Ladonna dated, but nothing really serious. But then she met Andrew Hayslip. Hayslip was a police officer with the city department; she was an officer with the County. The two dated and became serious - before Ladonna found out he was married. "It was a very trying time. I would never have gotten involved with him if I had known, even though he later

separated. But hindsight is twenty-twenty."

job offer which she accepted and was to report for duty on October 1.

At first, things were good... but then peculiar behavior began. Those behaviors lead to an on-and-off relationship the next eight years. And although Hayslip eventually divorced his wife, Ladonna never felt comfortable going beyond engagement, and eventually, broke things off for good. It was a difficult decision: they had conceived a beautiful baby boy, Austin Tyler. But Hayslip's mental and emotional cruelty was overwhelming, and Ladonna put her foot down. Up to that point, Hayslip had not laid a hand on her - until he discovered she had gotten on with her life.

On September 21, 2004, she contacted Hayslip to meet her at their son school. They met and she told Hayslip of her job offer in Atlanta, and he was very upset. "He felt I was trying to take his son from him. I just wanted a new job opportunities and to grow." When Ladonna arrived, Hayslip had already checked their son out for the day. Although Hayslip had not been violent since the prior year, Ladonna had a feeling things might get out of hand, so she arranged to him at their son?s extended day at the school. He told Ladonna, "I'll leave you before you leave me." And he opened fire, shooting her once, then turning the gun to their son, and finally to himself. Ladonna learned at the hospital that her beloved son was gone.

Hayslip came over to her house while her then-boyfriend, now-husband Stanley was visiting. Hayslip went beserk and was charged with assault, terroristic threats, and cruelty to children. Ladonna pressed charges, but later withdrew them. "I allowed myself to be convinced this was a one-time thing. I thought about him losing his job, and how he would not be able to provide for his children , or our son. I signed a statement that basically absolved him of responsibility." She deeply regrets that now. And although he received a reprimand, Hayslip remained an active duty officer. Nevertheless, things returned to the previous normal - or so Ladonna thought. Hayslip proposed and she began to look inward, evaluating her life and looked at moving. She asked God to show her if Hayslip was the man He had for her. God revealed that this was not His plan, so Ladonna ended the proposal and began the process of moving forward. Ladonna began looking and interviewing for jobs in the Atlanta area. In September she received a

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Ladonna was devastated... but her family and friends would not allow her to slip into the abyss of misery. Many months of physical and mental therapy would test the very bounds of her sanity. Her left hand was in a cast and right hand with pins from the gunshot wounds during the shooting, so even her sense of personal space and dignity were compromised. "I couldn't do anything for myself - bathing, wiping, nothing." But as God does, even in darkness He has a way of letting you know He is with you always - in all ways. "Stanley was a Godsend. We hadn't been dating long when I was wounded. Yet he came every weekend [from Atlanta] to help my family take care of me. Even when I tried to stop him from coming multiple times - he would ignore me and keep coming." The two later married and participated in a life changing course

called "Radical Love", a thirteen week journey to identify the root of one's issues. Because of Stanley's unfailing support and incredible love, Ladonna was empowered to really consider the question, "Who Am I?" Being stripped of everything that used to define her - job, home, parental status - made her realize that she had been wearing a mask to avoid answering that question. What she discovered is that she IS Ladonna Roberts. Period. Ladonna, a whole and complete person worthy of love, not because of her education, car, or anything else. Worthy because God said so. Ladonna's faith really grew, and with it, her desire to turn her "victim" status into "survivor" power to victorious living. She founded the Austin Tyler Foundation, domestic violence awareness and education organization that empowers survivors to live fulfilling lives. "My purpose was not over September 21, 2004."

"Let's start with awareness, but make prevention a priority." The Foundation arranges support groups for survivors of domestic violence, collects and distributes school supplies for families, and conducts community trainings on safety plans and awareness. It also holds an annual fundraiser "Unveiling Domestic Violence" in the fall to help fund its work, as well as

donations from the general public. Ladonna and Stanley spend much of their time with the Foundation, and serving in their church. Newly ordained deacons, they enjoy sharing the grace and mercy of God with others. To learn more about the Austin Tyler Foundation, or to donate and volunteer, visit the website at

Tongue filet mignon pastrami frankfurter jowls, cow boudin jerky. Ground in round brisket doner tongue boudins sirloin.

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All Jack Tre photos courtesy of Ynette Keith


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Left: in thestudio, producinga show Below: a night on the town, enjoyingTheA

Jack Tr e i s an i n t en se m an . Not by looks - he is timelessly handsome, with a boyish charm that would disarm the most stubborn holdout. But he has an intensity in his gaze that belies his youthful appearance, and gives one a glimpse of the experiences that have lead him to this place in his life of 39 years. Born Louis Wallace Jr in Tennessee, Jack has lived in Atlanta since he was eight months old, so considers The A his city. And how did the name "JackTre" come about? From an unlikely but totally understandable place - his lifestyle. "Back in the day", Jack was a daredevil - he loved fast cars and loved motorcycles and ATVs even more. His need for speed led friends to call him "Jack knife", as they were waiting for the day that he would flip or roll on his bike. During Page 25

that time, Jack began to do promotions for various events, and he and his best friend Tracy opened a company called "JackTre Ent". The company did very well, and ultimately became his persona. "Now it's who I am."

Humble Beginnings Jack Tre was raised in the heart of Atlanta, on Bankhead Highway, now known as Donald Lee Hollowell. The neighborhood was very different then. Jack is very candid about his origins. "I raised myself and my siblings. My mother was in the streets. My father spent a lot of time in Jail." By the age of 14, Jack was homeless, and by 16 he was a father. Becoming a parent was a defining moment in his life, and Jack had an epiphany: "I knew I had to get myself together." He called his grandmother and alerted her to his transient lifestyle. She had no idea things were so bad, and took her grandson in. Jack worked during the day and went to school at night, finishing high school. He obtained custody of his younger siblings, then began attending Atlanta Technical College. It was there that he learned the art of real estate. Jack learned the ins and outs of buying and flipping houses. He was very successful. It was an incredible time in his life: the real estate market was booming from 2001 to 2007 and Jack's promotion business was doing well. Things were also going well personally: his mother called out the blue one day and said, "Baby, I'm ready." "My mom cleaned herself up and we got really close. It was a huge change. The best part of that entire time of my life was when I presented my mom the keys to her new house, paid in full." Jack also reunited Page 26

with his father. They had always had an "up and down" relationship, but he still loved him. And when his father died in 2005 of hypothermia, he was shocked and incredibly hurt. They buried him Christmas Eve. Business wise, things continued to go well for Jack. However, the market collapse of 2008 took a toll on Jack and his business interests. And that began a dark period in his life.

he recounted that part of his journey, he paused to take a deep breath and looked away for a long moment to collect himself. That moment provided an inside view of Jack's determination to found and run his new businesses without even the hint of impropriety - no matter what.

"I had always been good at making money. I was used to the fast money and the things that I could do. I messed up." It was not long before that decision to engage in illicit activities caught up with him; Jack was sentenced to three years in prison. "The first camp wasn't so bad, but the last one where I spent the most time... it was awful. I'll never go back!" As rough as it was, and as hard as it has been to put the pieces of his life back together, the thing that hurt Jack the most was the death of his grandmother while he was away. When

Jack returned home on a mission. He restarted his promotions and advertising company in a huge office in his old stomping grounds Bankhead Highway. Always one with an eye for design, he decorated the place so nicely that clients would rent the venue for events, then parties, then it became a club. Jack then expanded the events to include a drive-in theatre in the back. So that people could hear, he learned to program the signal through FM radio, and during downtime would play his personal mix tapes to keep people engaged. Little did he know, the signal was strong - everyone within a two mile radius could hear. People would come up to Jack and make requests. It was then that he recognized an opportunity

Turning the Corner

"I'm not just setting up for the now, I'm looking toward the future."

to found a radio station... and did so with a couple of his friends. The station did well initially, but with only a two-mile coverage area, there was only so much it could grow. Jack researched the idea to expand to internet radio, and a former colleague acquired the skills so they could take the station to the web. Although it did well, Jack's vision to expand even further eventually put him at odds with his partners, so he relinquished his part in that venture to begin his own.

The Birth of Instinct Radio Jack searched for a location for his new headquarters, and found the GME Complex on MLK in downtown Atlanta, not far from the Atlanta University Center (AUC). The owners believed in his vision to found an online radio station supported by positive, inspirational people and music, and have been incredible supporters ever since. "Instinct radio is more than radio," Jack said. "It's talk shows, inspiration, empowerment, advice, AND music. And eventually it'll be TV, too. I'm not just setting up for the now, I'm looking toward the future." Founded September 2014, Instinct Radio programming is arranged by category by day. Mondays are "Motivational", Tuesdays are all about industry and business, Wednesdays are comedy spotlights, Page 27

Thursday and Fridays focus on entrepreneurship, and "Super" Saturday a variety of shows. "This station is about having the power to do good, using our influence to help others." There have been many people who have approached Jack about adding programs that would bring huge sponsors, but their focus is not in line with his vision. He turned down a huge opportunity to host a show for a couple who were preparing to do a reality show on VH1, but their focus was on a "rough lifestyle". "My brand is everything. This first year has been about building that brand. This second year will be focused on making the station pay for itself. And year three will be about making it profitable. I'm working my plan." Working his plan has led Jack to other avenues he never imagined for himself... such as acting. He was recently cast in his first role, and has been working behind the scenes with the movie's director and producer learning the ins and outs of the movie industry. When asked if he had anyone special to share all this new found fame and success, he just laughed and replied that he has his children, five in all. Also, Jack's mother recently fought and won a battle with breast cancer, and he is incredibly proud of her.

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Th e " Can Do" Spi ri t! Do you know that you have the power to achieve whatever good you set your mind to? If you agree with me then you are on your way to maximize your potential in achieving that goal that has been sitting dormant. I'm talking about the "Can-Do Spirit!" The Can-Do Spirit is a mindset that drives you to focus your energy on the possibilities and the positive aspects of situations. It adheres to that still small voice within that says and I court "I Can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. The Can-Do Spirit do all things that lineup with the Word of God. When God is in it, there's no limits as to what you can do. Where you are weak, He becomes strong, when you are fearful, you can become fearless in Him. You can be confident, resourceful, courageous and face any challenge because He holds all in His hands. 1 John 4:4 "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."

Why do you need the "Can do Spirit"? The Can-Do Spirit enables you to counteract the tricks of the enemy that tells you that "you can't."If you're not clothed with this spirit, you can easily face challenges or even opportunities with fear and loose the momentum that you have been charged with. We live in a world system that is full of spiritual wickedness in high places that your Page 29

Rev . Sebe Dal i eh natural eyes cannot see. A system that is in placed to rob you of your God given confidence.

The Can-Do Spirit enable you to walk in confidence, knowing that whatsoever thing you touch turns into gold.

What are you trying to achieve in this life? First, ready yourself! Tell yourself I can, and I will! This puts your mind in checked. Because God is ready to peel off the layers of excuses that has you dressed up in camouflage. Secondly, make yourself show up! Nothing happens until you go for it. You have to go get it. This could take you out of your comfort zone yet the dream is realized outside of our comfort zone. You have to launch out into the deep, maximize your potential and you will see that greatness which is embedded in you. Thirdly, pace yourself. Life is a maritime, not a sprint. Be intentional about your goal. Check progress, further up, celebrate progress, give thanks unto God because all things are possible in Him. Lastly, do not focus on past failures. Live in present, embracing the moments! Knowing that you are great and greatness lies in you. You can do any and all things through Christ!

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Presenting to others effectively is key to success in all we do. Vocal power provides a key to achieving our goals. If you are seeking success, the following tips could be most beneficial. I Designing the Palette We all respond in basically, primitively to the qualities of a person?s voice. A pleasant, authoritative voice, may inspire confidence. An unpleasant, weak, or too quiet voice, will have difficulty persuading the audience. Vocal dynamics is one of the most powerful tools for convincing an audience. Tone quality, pitch, inflection, emphasis, variety in pace, pauses, and all the emotional nuances projected, offer a limitless palette to paint our ?word pictures? and convince others. Using these techniques, make your story become vibrantly alive for your listeners. II Voice Potential Remember, the voice is inherently physical. It is easy to become so focused on a presentation?s content that you forget that your voice is intimately connected to breathing, energy and relaxation. Yoga, meditation, or lying down to rest, will help free your voice from the daily tension of a busy life and increase its fluidity and power. I II Getting to Flow To be convincing, combine the use of your voice with what you are saying. Beautiful words without meaning will not convince people. Heartfelt emotion without eloquence can seem merely clumsy. Content?s power and effectiveness hinges on your ability to combine it with voice quality and nonverbal communication. IV Delivering Honesty The suppleness and subtlety of your vocal instrument is a factor NOT to neglect. It is the perfect tool to build trust, instill confidence, or create excitement in potential clients. The key is practice! Your listeners must trust and respect you, so have an honest conversation with them. Be yourself, authenticity looks and sounds like honesty. Always maintain good eye contact with audience members. Look at them and use your voice to persuade them. Remember to respect your listeners' intelligence and opinions. If you follow these tips you?ll have standing room only for your next ?performance,? because the most powerful tool you possess is your voice!

4 Ways to A ch i ev e V ocal

Pow er by Sandy Chernoff

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Changing the World, One Life at a Time by Natalie Lewis Youth Connections, Inc. (YC) is a non-profit organization focused on solutions to the problems of boys and young men in the Metro Atlanta area. Founded in 2004, Youth Connections helps young people in crisis and then guides them towards better lives by offering family reunification, life-skills training, counseling, as well as basic survival needs such as: hygiene items, food, clothing and shelter. On any given night in metro Atlanta an estimated 2,500 youth are without a home. YC began as part of the Mentoring Children of Prisoners program in Atlanta from 2006-2011. After receiving its first Federal grant in 2006 and with clear purpose and vision of becoming the leading youth organization in the Atlanta area, they opened Kings Manor Emergency Shelter in 2012. Kings Manor is a state-certified, 24/7 shelter Page 32

which provides social placement services, employment resources, education and training. The shelter has served over 200 male youth between the ages of 10-17

since opening. Executive Director, Wallace House, believes one tenet that sets Youth Connection apart and elevates impact is the shelter only has males working as direct care staff. ?We feel that men need to lead young men?, said House a native of

Rochester, NY whose involvement with youth causes spans more than a decade. Youth Connections?staff also includes a Licensed Social Worker to assess each youth during the intake process, which expertise is pivotal to linking individuals with appropriate resources for their future sustenance. YC?s advisory board directs strategy and charitable giving for the organization. The six member team includes Nicole Adams - Chairman, Natalie Lewis - Vice Chairman, Shalamar Parham - Counsel, and general members Lambert Bales, Sherrich Thegg, and Jerry Watkins, all community and business leaders who freely volunteer time for this worthy cause. ?Without education and training to create a pathway to success, many of these young men could end up in a seemingly never-ending cycle of poverty and

homelessness?, said Natalie Lewis, Vice Chairman of the board. What?s next for Youth Connections? Expanding housing capacity at Kings Manor, increasing street outreach, and garnering awareness of the ?HEARTH Drop-In Center? where YC provided respite services to 100+ youth since opening in 2014. Youth Connections kicks-off its volunteer recruitment effort and annual giving campaign on November 12, 2015 ? ?GA Gives Day?. ?We believe we are changing the world, one life at a time?, said House. For more information about Youth Connections visit:

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Th e Un d en i a b l e Ex p er i en c e

Tifáni, the Rhythm & Soul Diva By Dionne Lackey

Photo credit: Brand Builderz Make up credit: Valerie "Vee Dior"

An experience is what she brings every time she grabs the mic ? not just true to her craft, but passionate about the gift of song she is able to share with the world. Her name you ask? Tifáni (pronounced ?Tif-ah-nee?), also known as The Rhythm & Soul Diva. A native of Buffalo, NY, it is no secret that she carries a unique sound and love for music that was acquired at an early age. Her influences are many, from legends, to well-known and everything in between. She is quick to mention artists like ?the late Billie Holiday, Jill Scott, Chrisette Michele, BJ the Chicago Kid, Bilal and Liv Page 34

Warfield? as contributors to her musical awareness. As a vocalist, songwriter, and sought after background singer Tifáni has been described as an artist whose talent is ?graced with elegance, charm and most importantly genuine emotion?. Tifáni?s musical experience includes attending the Midem Music Conference in Cannes, France, and she has been determined to take her craft to the next level ever since. She?s performed at several venues in her hometown and beyond, including The Tralf Music Hall and The Historical Colored Musicians Club in Buffalo, NY; the Sugar Bar and The Underground in New York City; the former Green

Room and the infamous Apache Café in Atlanta, GA; the Harlem Restaurant and the Canadian Music Festival in Toronto, Ontario, and the list goes on.

push her music and has now released the video for her single ?Leavin?, a phenomenal mini-movie, music video that is sure to be an anthem.

Her music career has given her the opportunity to open for artists like Slick Rick, Noel Gourdin and saxophonist Will Holton and to work with Keisha Jackson, daughter Millie Jackson, in Atlanta, GA.

When asked what makes this song such a powerful statement she says, ?Leavin is realistic; when dealing with a situation that hurts you the most, you are faced with several decisions and options, good or bad, simple or complex. Making that decision can change your life for better or worse. Your inner strength will determine how you and see.?

Tifáni released her first introductory EP in 2010, entitled ?The Undeniable Experience?, featuring her hit single ?So Easy?, which earned her a weekly spot on the playlist on 93.7 WBLK?s Unsigned Hype Radio in Buffalo, NY. She continues to

Her love for music is so much deeper than her gift of song, as she is also the

Megan Chase is a 17 year old singer, songwriter, and musician from Delaware. She has been singing and performing since she was three years old. She writes her own music, plays guitar and ukulele. In 2012, Megan began posting cover videos on YouTube and is now a rising independent artist with loyal followers called "Chasers" on most major social media platforms. Megan is a student ambassador with the non-profit organizations Defeat the Label and Teens of America. She is also the creator, organizer and a performer with the Stand 4 Change concert tour. This special anti-bullying concert series was created to spread Megan's message stop bullying. "Enough is Enough! Let's put an end to bullying." Megan is preparing to take her concert series on a cross-country summer tour with Teens of America. The first show is scheduled to take place in St. Louis, MO. Megan has performed at many events, including the Stand4Change Tour, the VITY Tour and the Middletown, DE Peach Festival. She has performed in school plays, and is working with recording studio Turtle Studios in Philadelphia, PA to develop her debut album, which she hopes to release later this fall. In the meantime, check her out at

M eet U pand C omer M egan C hase (Tifรกni continued) Founder of the networking group Sounds, Blend and Harmony Network? , where vocalists and musicians get together to vibe authentically and knowledge share in all things music, as well as the business that comes with it. Workshops are also conducted to further enrich the artistry Page 35

of those who attend. Tifรกni describes it as a true ?safe haven? for the musically genuine spirit. Be sure to check out the video release, ?Leavin? and you will understand the passion that is within this incredible artist. For updates and more, follow Tifรกni on social media: Facebook: Tifani ? The Rhythm & Soul Diva

Twitter & IG: @TifaniSoulDiva Website:

Leavin ? The Music Video: Video credit: Expressed Entertainment

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A L ifeWell L ived Karol 's Story

My name is Rona. I?m a native Nebraskan living in Kenosha, Wisconsin with my parents. Karol Floyd is my sister. Shortly after Mother?s Day, 2013, Karol moved with her daughter Taylor from Lincoln to be near us and so that Taylor could attend college. Soon after arriving in Kenosha, feeling very poorly and at the insistence of my niece Taylor, Karol went to the emergency room. It took a couple of visits, but tests revealed cancer. Lung cancer had made its way to her brain and tumors were growing near her esophagus. Her prognosis was dire. The survival rate for the type of cancer Karol had is 5 to 15 percent. She was given a year to live. Though she was covered by Medicaid living in the state of

Wisconsin, bills mounted up because the cancer forced her to quit the job she got when she?d moved there. Not easy, but it was decided by all that she would get the most help and support back in Lincoln, not just relying on the three of us. In Nebraska we have friends who are our family and we?ve known a combined total of hundreds of years. About a year into the disease, it and the treatments claimed Karol?s eyesight. Taylor changed her full-time schooling status to part-time at a community college to take care of her mother. Karol still maintained her positive attitude and her compassion for others never waned. She fought with the cancer, enjoyed time with Taylor, friends and visits with us when able. At times it actually seemed like

she?d beat the damned thing. The first week of July this year, we all gathered back home to have family photographs taken. A lifelong and dear friend, Lisa Bickert, arranged a donation of photography services to us. It was a precious time for us all to be together. We?re a close and loving family. Our folks have been together fifty years. We did a lot of talking and reminiscing. We?ve always played games together and laughed and had a good time, I never imagined it would be our last. I?m devastated that Karol lost her battle to the disease August 1. We came home to Nebraska July 31 to be with her as she transitioned over to the other side. She had fought bravely for over two years. She?d lost the ability to speak and roll over on her own. She had not eaten in over a week and her body had totally shut down. Taylor said that her mother was ?waiting for us,? to finally let go. My sister had two wishes. One was for Taylor to finish college and the other is that all of the financial burdens do not fall on our elderly parents or to Taylor. My sister worked hard her whole life. Taylor was born in 1994. Karol was

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always a single mother and always did her best to make sure Taylor never needed for anything even if it meant she did without. My niece is a smart, sweet and beautiful person inside and out - and that all has to do with my sister?s strong and fierce love. Karol always considered Taylor her best accomplishment and Taylor considers her mother her best friend. My heart is broken at the thought of their Earthly bond being broken. Taylor is less than two years from finishing college with a goal to work with troubled youth. She is also expecting her first child in December. Karol, unfortunately, was never able to prepare for the financial devastation that death brings. We need help and I?ve no pride when it comes to my family. Our family was facing over $10,000 in funeral expenses, but the funeral home worked

with us and the cost was brought down to just over $8,000. We?ve managed to bring some money together through loans, friends and church - but not nearly enough to cover the expenses that were incurred. We are looking for a miracle. Funds will all go to paying off Karol?s burial expenses so that Taylor can keep her focus on finishing school and my elderly parents are not weighed down by the high-interest loans and credit card withdrawals they made to pay for the funeral.

HowtoHelp SHOP Rona's boutique: 20% off with the code TWEET at checkout.

GoFundMe campaign You can also leave messages for Taylor and our family.

Donate directly through PayPal: Page 38

S tephanieD

. S anders

Her Tr av el s Co n t i n u e... Stephanie D. Sanders and Ill2Def ( Team Members RedStryke & Mr. 813 Co-Wrote and were nominated for a wonderful motivational song entitled ?You Can?t Hold Me Down? for a local school's video presentation. The Ill2Def Team are reproducing the song for Educational and Motivational purposes for all young people to be inspired. Ms. Sanders also helped to Co-Produce the video with Sharon Beckworth and Ms. Casper. The video award music for this song was produced and created by Earnest Foxx and Tony Galvin from the platinum making Black Mob Group. Stephanie also rewrote and sang the lyrics for a local elementary school?s kindergarten graduation with her own short rendition of Bruno Mar?s Uptown Funk.

follows the Nutz brothers as they hit rock bottom after being fired from their jobs, evicted from their apartment and forced to live with their mother.

Sanders) was my hairstylist.? Moments in the ATL

The 1st BOLD Favor ?I soooo enjoyed playing this Magazine Awards was proud role of Patricia Curry. It to have Ms. Sanders as a certainly let me go in part of this monumental directions I haven?t been NUTZ the movie A comedy event. She came and left the before as an actress (LOL). coming this fall by award crowd wanting more as she Fun is an understatement winning filmmaker Tony melodically sung the theme when it comes to doing this Stinyard, Stephanie D. song for the "Leading film. I look forward to doing Sanders will grace the screen many more projects with Through Living Today" TV as news reporter Patricia Tony and others from the cast Show (entitled ?I Am Who I.?) Curry in the 2015 Fall This song continues to ring in and crew. I must say a premier. the minds of our guest as the special thanks to Tony for the message and opportunity, Dalonde Clark NUTZ is a comedy about two encouragement rang clear (to for doing an awesome make brothers caught up in a world be who you were called to be up job (or beating my face as of trouble and it looks like and let nothing and no one some would say) and there is no way out. The film stop you). Empriss Bella (aka Alberta Page 39

John L. Sanders Show with Raquel Ms. Sanders is a busy little bee. She was back in her ole?stomping of radio but this time as a guest. While recently in the area she took a moment to sit down and talk John L. Sanders Show with Raquel. Stephanie had a wonderful and funny time interviewing with John and Raquel as well as enlightening the people about who she is. Though we have known her to be an avid singer, she is also highly skilled in the areas of Acting, Voice Overs and Television Hosting. She spoke candidly with John and Raquel about her upbringing in the entertainment industry, starting off as a model and dancer. She continued to evolve over the years and hone her skills. She feels like a tree planted by the river that has begun to yield her fruit in this season. Musically Speaking As Stephanie?s Step-Dad (Mr. Larry Roundteee Sr.) says to her (and her Mother Barbara L. Roundtree agrees) ?You certainly don?t let any grass grow under your feet.? She wears that statement proudly as she never ceases to stop or amaze us with her gifts. After gracing

She wears that statement proudly as she never ceases to stop or amaze us with her gifts. After gracing the audience with a performance for the 1st Annual BOLD Favor Magazine Awards she creatively turns around and hits us with two new singles.

surefire hit for the day you have chosen to become one. Don?t delay, contact Stephanie and let her sing it for you on your wedding day.

?Hold On Tight? is a Contemporary Gospel song with tons of inspiration. As so many things happen in our daily lives we all need a tablespoon of motivation at times. With a soulful inspiration like ?Hold On Tight? Stephanie gives you just that with the help of producers Leonardo ?Leo? Costa and Keith ?Beattle? Price.

Available at Amazon, iTunes

Experience The Wedding Single Of The Year! ?The Invitation? from Stephanie D. Sanders Her wedding single is also available for that special time of year. Stephanie D. Sanders gives you her all as she accepts ?The Invitation? in this beautiful Wedding Song. This one is a

Page 40

So you say you want to know more about this gifted artist on the rise well take a look at Stephanie D. Sanders?HubPages Article and watch the page just come alive. Don?t forget to leave a comment at the bottom of the HubPages Article and let her know just how much you enjoyed getting to know her. Stephanie-D-Sanders-Is-An-Actress-and-Singer-on-the-Rise #comment-16484822

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Atlanta Premier Insurance Agency, is a multi-line insurance agency, providing personalized insurance coverage for families and businesses throughout Marietta & Atlanta, GA. Contact us today for your free quote!

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ElaineTurner-Eggleston Owner






2015 HONOREES BOLD Favor M agazi n e w as pr oud to host its fir st of m any BOLD Aw ar ds on Sunday, June 28, 2015 4pm at the FD Design Gr oup.

Design er Nail Styl ist Br esay Defoor sh ows off h er l atest design s

The sold out event r ecognized 11 people and or ganizations fr om ar ound the countr y w ho em pow er us to live BOLDly and fear lessly in ever y aspect of our lives: Leader ship, Relationships, Health, Spir ituality, andHum an Dignity.

BOLD Awar ds cr afted by Ar tisan Jan M itch el l of th e Vir gin a Isl an ds

Enjoy a few of the pictur es captur ed by Juanita M cGow an of J. M cGow an Photogr aphy. DJ Th om as M ason k ept u s en ter tain ed

Radio Per son al ity In dia H in es with BOLD Favor EIC LM B

M / C an d Com edien n eLady Q r eal l y did "M ak e Us Lau gh "

Page 44

Each h on or ee r eceived a per son al ized pl acar d

Sister Gir l News Bl ogger & Sh ow H ost Can dace Bazem or e with BOLD EIC LM B an d fr ien d Ol ivia Gar r ison

Ar t of Livin g Fou n dation - Geor gia was ou t in for ce to su ppor t its Dir ector, h on or ee M on a Sh ah Josh i

Bu sin ess wom an Car in a Gibson an d BAG Lady Radio H ost M ar y El l is

Com edic du o "Th e Jen k in ses"

Pr odu cer Tom ik a W ebb with BOLD EIC LM B

Com poser Jam es Cock er h am an d h is fam il y with BOLD EIC LM B

M om a Patien ce M itch el l with l ittl e An gel ica

Devin T. Robin son X per for m in g a m on ol ogu e fr om h is l atest pl ay

Design er Nor ah s Kh an an d Lyn gal e Agen cy CEO Tin a Br idges

Page 45

RISE Ch u r ch was in th e h ou se su ppor tin g th eir pastor Rev. Rowen a Sil ver a Beck , BOLD H on or ee

Cool Kids Radio Sh ow Repor ter s Tim m esh a Bu r gess & Sim on e Jam eson

Tak in g over al l th e m on itor s in th e FD Design Gr ou p

W M QG FM Br oadcasted l ive com pl im en ts of th e Joh n L. San der s Sh ow with Rach el (pictu r ed above)

Ou r ph otogr aph er Ju an ita M cGowan with BOLD EIC LM B

Page 46

Leadin g Lady Legacy speak er s wer e in th e h ou se

Car vin g by Ch ef Ju l ian Bak er

You n g H ol l ywood Atl an ta Recor ds & ELITE M agazin e CEO Dom in iqu e Dixon with h u bby Pr odu cer Jam es Dixon an d th eyir pr etty babies

M or e del iciou s food

Videogr aph er Ju stin Neal gettin g a sh ot with Bel a Biz fou n der Lin da Br idges

Even t pr odu cer M axin e M cDan iel an d Ladon n a Rober ts with BOLD EIC LM B

Sin ger Steph an ie D. San der s bel tin g ou t ou r th em e son g "I Am W h o I Am "

LTL Today TV sh ow h ost Son ji W il l in gh am with bask etbal l pl ayer Dion te Fer gu son Titin e A. Sy with Robyn Rich ar dson , wh o design ed th e BOLD l apel s

Page 47

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