BOLD Plus July 2015

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July 2015 The Future Favors The Bold





Cover Story 26


JULY 2015 Bold Favor Magazine


Motivational Speaker Spotlight


Getting my Swag Back


The Toll it Takes


Work Wear Success


Poison Harvest Book Review


Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft


Plus for Life


Our Bold Cover: Spruce Dickerson


CHROME Spotlight: Slim Dzl


From Failure to Fantastic Triumph: How Marki Lemons-Ryhal’s Laughed Her Way to the Top


Loving Big


You’re Pretty But..


The Origins of “Corporate Kid”


Exploring the U.S.?


Rising Leader Gabrielle A. Johnson


BOLD America Summer 2015


Books We Like


Welcome to BOLD Plus magazine, a member of the BOLD Favor Magazine brand and published by Leading Through Living Community, LLC. We highlight BOLD people with curves who fully embrace their total beauty - inside and out - in the areas of Leadership, Empowered Style (Culture, Fashion, & Beauty), Relationships, Health & Wellness, and Human Dignity (philanthropy and community engagement). Our motto is, “The future favors the BOLD. Love your curves!”





Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell





The future favors the BOLD. Love your curves! JULY2015 MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTORS Keelia Asbury Tamra Asbury Barbara Bice Rue Clark Brianna Lewis-Screen Stevie Peterson DeYonne Parker Erica Spoden Jessica L. Thomas Brian Thompson

The magazine was born after a session of late night-old movie watching. I noticed that some actresses who were around in the 1980’s looked better when they had more curves than they do today. I took an informal poll of family and friends, and found that I was not the only person who felt that way. That also inspired conversations as to why these entertainers felt the need to shed pounds - peer pressure, the “new” definition of beautiful that seems to change on a whim, impossible-to-pleasure clothing designers, self-esteem issues... the list went on. So in true BOLD style, we banded together to take on this issue and launch a magazine totally dedicated to celebrating the beauty of our curves! A community of healthy, beautiful, intelligent, generous, compassionate, fulfilled, and empowered people who know that their self-worth is determined by heart, not measuring tape. Enjoy our powerful features that include our cover, the incredible Spruce Dickerson: beauty queen, coach, motivational speaker, and humanitarian; and rising business star Gabrielle Johnson; read book reviews that challenge the way you speak to your children and challenge environmental pollution and fraud; enjoy fashion tips and a restaurant review that will send you straight to your favorite Thai restaurant; learn about iLuvBig and online dating for people size 14+; and be inspired by the heartfelt stories of people who embraced the “wonder and wow” of being comfortable in their skin - lovely, curvy, and BOLD. I hope you enjoy our inaugural issue, thank you for your continued support and as always: The future favors the BOLD. Be fearless!


Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Esq., CPA, CCLC Founder and Editor-in-Chief

2 0 1 5 W I T S G G E m p o w e r m e n t






DeYonne Parker: Finding a high energy, impactful speaker or facilitator can not only be challenging, but can also be time-consuming. Let DeYonne Parker help you take some of the leg work out of it. With over 20 years of experience in professional speaking & facilitating, she knows firsthand what it takes to connect, engage and transform the hearts and minds of a captive audience. DeYonne Parker is the Author of Girl, Get Your S.W.A.G. Back! available at, Amazon or Barnes & Noble in paperback and eBook formats. Contact DeYonne Parker and the Gem Maker’s programs for speaking schedule, events calendar or resource materials, call 404-477- 4367 or email at 6

digging deeper At the age of 18, I was violently attacked by my sister’s abusive boyfriend during a domestic violence incident, where I suffered a stab wound from a 6” inch butcher knife. It has taken me a long time to say that out loud. Now, let me be very clear, while I was not being consistently abused by him, I suffered a life-long injury at his hands causing my life to take a drastically different direction than I intended. Something deep inside of me broke the night that I was stabbed, but I wanted to distance myself from that terrible incident and all the memories that came with it. So, I did. I spent years walking around thinking and saying “I’m OK! I’m didn’t happen to me.” I struggled for many years trying to rebuild myself, but not really fully acknowledging that something DID “happen” to me. After that incident, I experienced some low points in my life: my father died a gruesome death in prison, my marriage experienced serious turbulence and I made some poor choices in trying to cover up all the pain I was experiencing. Instead of dealing with all of this, I filed it away with all the other pain. I felt dead inside and convinced myself that I could live this way... but it became evident that I couldn’t.

BUT GOD... used my youngest sister (my wonder twin) to remind me that God loved me and He didn’t want me to live in pain to please other people. He wanted me to be authentic and at my best so that He could use my life for His purpose. After that conversation, I began to take bigger steps towards the Lord. The Lord began to show me what I had lost. He showed me that I lost my self-confidence (which comes from Him), He showed me where I lost my walk with Him, He showed me that my attitude needed to be adjusted and that I was hiding the gifts and talents that He gave me. He showed me that I lost my S.W.A.G. and that I needed to get it back! The Lord had me revisit those dark places in my life and write about them. He gave me a very specific title, “Girl, Get Your S.W.A.G. Back!” As I wrote, I could feel His presence around me and I could hear His voice tell me that this work - this book - was for somebody else who was broken, bitter and in bondage. He used my brokenness for His glory and I am forever grateful. ■

It wasn’t until one particularly rough season in my life that I realized that I had finally run out of Band-Aids and artificial fillers to cover up the wounds from my life’s harsh realities. I was officially BROKEN! Instead of seeking the Lord for His wise counsel, I tried desperately to fix myself by myself. Needless to say I lost myself and I began living an inauthentic life.

MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT After being violently attacked during a domestic violence situation, DeYonne Parker began to live a life full of fear and brokenness, which caused her to lose her true identity and live an inauthentic life. After years of living this way, she decided to stop “fakin’, foolin’ and frontin’,” and come from behind her mask of fear. With God’s amazing grace and power, she rebuilt her life and now passionately shares her message to motivate the masses. Parker has been a guest speaker at various women’s conferences, workshops and ministry events and has made guest appearances on several radio and TV programs to share her powerful testimony and motivate women to find their voices. Parker is the Vice President of Gem Makers, LLC, and Director of Training for Diamond in the Rough, 7

Youth Development Program, where she utilizes her gifts and talents to encourage, empower and educate women, girls and professionals. She is a Certified Professional Life Coach with concentrations in personal and professional development of women. Parker also holds certifications in adult learning, facilitation, instructional design and master-level leadership development programs. Her greatest joy in life and first ministry is being the wife of Mr. William Parker and mother to two handsome young men. In addition to empowering the masses, Parker is also the published author of the life-changing book, “Girl, Get Your S.W.A.G. Back!: A Soul-Freeing Journey for Women”, which challenges women of all ages and life stages to restore, renew and reignite their Self-confidence, Walk with God, Attitude of Gratitude and their God-given Gifts and Talents. ■ DeYonne Parker



I know firsthand the high cost of loving someone with the disease of addiction. I am the granddaughter of an alcoholic, the daughter of an alcoholic, the wife of a recovering addict, and the mother of a recovering addict. Just writing that sentence causes me to want to run as fast as I can to the nearest Al Anon meeting! Addiction runs deep and wide in my family. I have heard it said “Addiction is a family sport and everyone gets to play.” Sadly, that is so true. The disease of addiction takes an enormous toll on the family . . . financially, emotionally, and often spiritually. As a young child, I remember sometimes waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of my father yelling at my mother. He was one of the kindest and most generous men I’ve ever known, but when he drank, the alcohol made him angry and hostile. The first true emotion I recall feeling as a child was fear. I grew up knowing our family was different, though it was something we never talked about. Like so many other homes where addiction exists, we had the elephant in our living room. All of us tiptoed around it, pretending it was not there. Today, counselors and therapists call that “denial,” but when I was a little girl, it felt more like a dirty family secret that you dare not share with anyone. And, of course, our secrets keep us sick. It was a very high toll to pay as a child.

One Sunday, as my husband and I were leaving church, we drove by a well- dressed couple walking down the sidewalk to their car. Though I tried not to stare, something about them caught my eye as we drove by slowly. After we passed them, I turned to my husband and said “I believe that man is an alcoholic”. He quickly looked in the rearview mirror at the man and then asked, “How in the world can you tell?” I said, “Because I looked as his wife.” I saw it on her face. I saw it in her eyes. I’ve seen that same look many times on the faces of friends, family, and strangers. I have been that look many times. It is a look of desperation . . . often a look of hopelessness. Many months after that, I met that lady for the first time and learned my assumption was right. Addiction had taken a big toll on her. I was completely blindsided by my husband’s addiction to cocaine. We were just short of our twenty first wedding anniversary when drugs took over his life. Prior to that, he was a great father, a great husband, and a great provider. Never in a million years would I have ever suspected he would be someone who was capable of using drugs. When I married him and said “for better or worse, in sickness or in health,” I was thinking something more along the lines of the flu or the occasional stomach bug, but drug addiction? No way! 9

His addiction was relentless. It changed him, changed us, and changed our family in ways I never thought possible. By the time it was all said and done, we lost everything . . . our home, our automobiles, our direction in life, our serenity, and we were penniless. We went from “having it all” to having nothing. It was a very high toll to pay as a wife. I remember the day I learned our son had become addicted to prescription medication. To say I was devastated is an understatement. I have felt great fear before in my life, but never had I known fear like this . . . that gut wrenching fear that turns your stomach, breaks your heart, robs you of your peace, keeps you from thinking clearly, keeps you from breathing deeply, and keeps you awake at night. It was all-consuming . . . and a very high toll to pay as a mother.

I want to share with you the things I learned through all of this . . . things I would have never learned any other way, but by loving someone in addiction. Yes, it is true these lessons came with a very heavy toll, yet I have found that they are absolutely priceless.

“I could have missed the pain, but I would have had to miss the dance.”

Yes, the toll addiction takes on family, friends, and loved ones is enormous and it is painful. But, before you start thinking this is just a story of gloom and doom,

When my father died in 1982, he was a godly man who had been sober for many, many years; my son is working a strong program of recovery and has good sobriety time; and, on May 15th of this year, my husband celebrated twenty-one years of sobriety. Yes, miracles do still happen. As a result of my journey through addiction and recovery, I have been given the great opportunity to share my hope and encouragement with many others. Today, I think to myself, “How very blessed am I to have been called into this way of life.” Like the Garth Brooks song . . . ”I could have missed the pain, but I would have had to miss the dance.”

I pray you never give up and that you never, ever, lose hope. . . ■ Barbara Bice

What I have learned I have learned I have a great inner strength that I never knew I had. I have learned it is true that “if nothing changes . . . nothing changes,” and whatever I am willing to tolerate will continue. I have learned that though enabling “feels” like love, it is actually harmful and not helpful. I have learned I do not have to go to every argument I am invited to; and that I can say what I mean without saying it mean. I have learned that “Letting go and letting God” is a big step of faith, and though it was not always easy for me to do, it restored my sanity on more than one occasion. I have learned that turning my life and my will over to the care of God is something I have to do daily and when I do that, my day goes a whole lot better. I have learned that daily prayer and meditation helps me to focus on the solution and not the problem. I have learned that God never intended for me to shoulder the weight of the consequences of someone else’s wrong behavior.

I have learned that it is not within my power to fix or change another person, and I breathe so much easier just writing that. I have learned that I do not have to prove another person’s lie. They know it, I know it, and God knows it . . . and that’s enough. I have learned to never give up five minutes before the miracle . . . and that miracles still happen. I have learned that serenity is a matter of choice and not chance and that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually hope, and not a train. I have learned that the twelve steps of recovery truly work, and it is an awesome way to live my life. I have learned that the twelve step promises really do come true. Is that extravagant? I think not. I have learned that forgiveness sets two people free – the one you forgive, and you. I have learned that my God is almighty, loving, full of grace, and compassionate. He is a God who rescues, restores, and redeems. He is a God of hope.

Barbara is also the author of “Just Right – The Road from Addiction to Redemption” which can be purchased at www., Amazon, Apple I-Books, Kindle, and Barnes & Noble Nook.


Plan your outfits for the week- We like to use Sunday evenings to put outfits together. This ensures that your outfits are thoughtfully assembled. Planning your outfits guarantees that there is variety in your wardrobe for the week and prevents you from falling into a runt.




Successful work wear is all about planning, organizing and staying consistent. Contrary to popular belief, dressing for work does not have to be boring. No worries! We are here to make sure your work wardrobe is sassy and bold but still appropriate. With these style tips getting dressed in the morning won’t be a daunting task, but a refreshing experience. ■ Filthy Chic aka Keelia and Tamra Asbury

Book Review Paul Grieve’s Poison Harvest is a magnetic and deeply-involved novel that will leave readers with at a few uncomfortable questions: what impact does the newfound mania for organic produce have on the developing world? How much transparency should we expect from those who produce and import our food? And, most importantly, is it worth the cost? This is a novel that tackles difficult issues of geo-political supremacy and corporate aggression, and does so with deft attention to the human side of becoming embroiled in the middle of juggernauts. Grieve’s ability to spin a yarn of completely believable fiction that follows those on a quest for truth is very admirable. If you are looking for an compelling eco-thriller with dynamic, wry, and sensitive protagonists, this is for you. The novel begins with a conflict as old as the corporation itself: if you discover that your product, however honorable its intentions, is destructive to those who produce it, and you are getting paid to look the other way, what would it take for you to do the right thing? Here are Drew and Claire, both beginning the novel in the same post-grad school

Buy pieces that you can mix and match-This makes it easier to come up with outfit ideas. It is always good to have options like one jacket that can go with a pair of slacks and a skirt. This helps to stretch the items in your closet. You won’t need to buy as many pieces if you are able to mix and match what you have. Be comfortable- Yes, we understand that every office has a different dress code, but it is still important to find your personal style within the dress code. Find ways that you can stay within the dress code but still add your own personal touch. Whether it’s wearing scarves, a cute bag or a great pair of shoes, a signature look will help to set you apart. It’s all about the fit- When it comes to work wear fit is extremely important. It can make or a break an outfit. You don’t want to wear anything that is tight or short because it can come across looking unprofessional. Tailoring your work wear is significant because it gives you a clean and crisp look. Pay attention to the fabric and texture- Sometime certain fabrics can look inexpensive. Lower quality fabrics can take away from the outfit. To avoid this try mixing textures. This will give the outfit a much chicer look.

★★★★★ lull of student debt and limited options. One of them is offered and accepts a lucrative, perkridden position deflecting suspicion from a company presenting an organic pretensethough not practice- to the world. Things are seen, then ignored. The other has research and eventually testimony, that not all is rosy with Great Southern Foods, and in the process of trying to be heard is brutally discredited at every turn. It is not difficult to read the book and wonder if it is telling an as-yet breaking story. Grieve paints a realistic picture of the dichotomy in his two protagonists of how people react in all of their complicated nuances of self-preservation against something seemingly unstoppable in its breadth and aggression. This book in some ways is a modern re-telling of ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,’ with the added bonus of dabbling in the present-day politics of environmental muckraking and amateur espionage before a dramatic and gripping finale. Knowing that this novel is the first in a series is all the more reason to turn the pages of Poison Harvest as quickly as you can. ■ Erika B. Spoden

A Jewel Tucked Away On Peachtree:

tuk tuk thai food loft

Sweet tea that looks like an ice cream float. Veggies that taste too good to be good for you. Scented rice that melts on your tongue. These are all the things experienced during a great lunch at Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft in Atlanta.

Tuk Tuk is open Monday through Friday for lunch 11:30am to 2:30pm and everyday for dinner 5:30pm to 10pm

Visit them online at 14

The restaurant is very modern, beautiful as the sun shines brightly through all the windows and bounces off the decor that is a mix of Asian, 20-something chic, and sleek style. The servers were cheerful and energetic, and very knowledgeable of the menu. As a newbie, I had questions... and they had answers. I ordered a sweet tea, and out comes... THAI sweet tea! It was delicious. It reminded me of a root beer float, but with more color and pizzaz. In an attempt to be “good”, I had the Thai Samosa, which were crispy vegetable-filled rice paper pockets served with tamarind sauce. They had the look of snap peas, but tasted so much better! I followed that with my main entree of Kao Moo Dang - barbeque pork and Thai sausage over jasmine rice. It was covered with just the right amount of sauce so that it added a slight “kick” that pinged around my taste buds, but did not overwhelm. I really tried to make it to dessert, but the deceptively small portions were very filling indeed. I cannot wait to go back to try the soups and salads. The prices were reasonable, particularly in light of the location: right on Peachtree Street in the heart of Buckhead. Parking was free (sweet!), and some tables actually overlooked the street for those who care to people-watch. Personally, I was watching my food too attentively to pay attention to passersby.

my co-workers started going to a local spot to get weighed in and to purchase a popular brand of shakes twice a day. They would share with me the different events that went on at these sessions and encouraged me to go attend.

I have been plus size most of my life and believe it or not - I’ve never been the type to struggle with low self-esteem. It didn’t matter if I couldn’t run the field like the other students in my physical education classes…or I didn’t wear name brand trendy clothes when I was in school; I still had my own sense of style and I loved myself and the skin I was in.

I remember being introduced to the wonderful works of the late great Dr. Maya Angelou in my middle school drama class. It was then I read and instantly fell in love with one of her greatest works, Phenomenal Woman.

At first, it was fine, but then the suggestions for me to attend the sessions changed to advising me of individuals I could purchase supplies from to then instructions on how I could make the shakes myself. It had gotten to the point where I felt pressured about joining what I called the “Shake Club” and do something about my weight because something had to be extremely wrong with me if so many people thought it was imperative to get me to start the “Shake” way of living – right?

I’ve been blessed to work in various culturally diverse environments where I was never treated any kind of way that made me feel out of place due to my weight or anything else for that matter. But... “never say never”... There was this one job I worked on for about six years. The environment was great and everyone got along very well. Then there was this wave of change that occurred. It seemed every time you turned around someone was starting a new diet craze and a great number of people would jump on board. A few of 15

The approach of a new year jolted me: I made up my mind that enough was enough! I refused to allow the actions of others make me forget who I was. I prayed to be freed from my emotional eating and from holding on to grudges. I let go of all the insecurity and doubts, and meditated on the Bible. I kept reminding myself that God doesn’t make trash – and I am one of His greatest creations.


MY SIZE DOESN’T DETERMINE WHO I AM I remember going out and purchasing a big bright pink poster board, and writing the entire poem on it before hanging it on my wall. I would recite that poem out loud every morning and once again at night to remind myself that I too was a Phenomenal Woman!!!

The whole idea weighed heavy on my heart the three months I was unemployed. Imagine trying to prepare for job interviews wondering if your weight would be a determining factor of not being hired for a job. I slowly found myself drifting into a web of depression which led to me becoming an emotional eater and gaining more weight.

Not too long after, I received a very negative text from a co-worker stating that I was well over 500 pounds and that I was jealous of her because she had lost weight and I wanted to be like her. I was stunned and had never felt so disrespected in my life. The text caught me totally off guard and I begin to wonder if others felt the same way. I was later told by a member of upper management they were invited to attend the launch of a new weight loss program and he would be sure to bring me information so I could look into joining. I heard rumors about this individual’s disdain for heavy people, but I never fed into it because I knew my work spoke for itself. But a month after that conversation, I was terminated from my job without even a warning. Deep down inside I feel that my termination had a lot to do with my size, and a lot of others agreed.

And with that, I got up, dusted myself off and I pushed pass it all!!! I am now in a great place in my life. I realize that my imperfections make me the unique woman that I am…and that’s a great thing. About a year prior to my termination, my mentor showed me the video Thickness by a gentleman by the name of Khari Toure, a spoken word artist whose works sings praises to plus size women. I must have played this video over and over, listening to every word he spoke praising the beauty of a plus size woman. This poem also aided in me getting back to loving Brianna. My size doesn’t determine who I am. My size doesn’t limit me from the endless possibilities I’m faced with on a daily basis. And I’m definitely not limited to the negative mindset of others. In the words of Oprah Winfrey, I am the only dictionary that defines me. ■ Brianna Lewis-Screen

Spruce Dickerson had gotten to a point in her life of needing to share her experiences with others, and knew this was the next step in her journey. When she made the decision to change course, she “had no idea all this was waiting!” What is “this”? Spruce Dickerson Enterprises, Spruce Dickerson Foundation, magazine covers, and international philanthropy to start. Business Beginnings Always creative, Spruce used her skills to build a business that specialized in creating office accessories that included business card holders, pen sets, bookends, paper weights, and other items. What made Spruce’s items so distinctive is that they were made from Texas limestone using a tile saw and belt sander to cut the pieces into the shape of Texas - all by her hands. A woman of many talents, Spruce can go from steel-toed work boots to rhinestone stilettos, and feel equally as beautiful in both! Purpose Realized For most of Spruce’s life, she has been a woman on a mission, and that mission is to love and serve others. At the age of 27, Spruce married the man of her dreams. However, one year later her husband was diagnosed

Our BOLD Cover: “Being involved and offering one’s self for service are pillars of Spruce’s platform for a good life.”


with lung cancer, and eventually bone cancer, and she became his caregiver. Dick fought a brave battle, but ultimately lost his life. Spruce’s knight in shining armor passed away while holding her in his arms, as they both lay in the hospital bed together. Not long after, Spruce would become the caregiver and comforter for her family in sickness and tragedy, as her parents were aged and in ill health. The baby of six children and the only girl, Spruce was the one who was called upon when one of her brothers was mauled and subsequently died from a pit bull attack. It was she who took care of her beloved mother for four years during her sickness, and then ultimately made the arrangements to lay her to rest; and then one month later, managing and grieving a second brother’s death in a house fire. When her father’s home was destroyed in one of the worst wildfires in Texas history, Spruce worked in managing the affairs and comforting her father. As if this was not enough, Spruce ended up losing a third brother to a sudden massive heart attack, which she once again found herself engulfed in a sea of pain and making funeral arrangements. And to add to it, Spruce’s lifelong best friend was lost in death, as well.


Happy. Joyful. Driven. Successful. These are only some of the words one could use to describe Austin native Spruce Dickerson. This motivational speaker, model, philanthropist, and national pageant queen has worked hard to transform her life into a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who need to know they have a purpose

All of these experiences culminated into Spruce’s life journey, which created a burning desire in her heart to share with others all she had learned: determination, perseverance, purpose, the power of love, and the resolve to choose to live life and not let life live her. So, she set out in pursuit of what needed to happen in order for this to come to fruition. The Birth of Spruce’s Transformation Spruce realized she was created with her specific gifts and talents for a purpose; and her life experiences were for a purpose. Living one’s purpose requires opening up - not keeping everything locked away inside. Spruce knew her purpose was to serve others, to help others live a better life, to even simply help others smile. Spruce also realized that the passions she had carried in her heart - to model, to speak, to write - were waiting for the right time to live. But one day, she had an epiphany: life was passing her by. She was not getting any younger, and if she truly felt called to live out her purpose of serving others on a broader scale and seize her passions, then the moment was staring her in the face right here, right now. That realization began phase two of Spruce’s life journey.

“i’m a woman of many talentssteel-toed work boots to rhinestone stilettos!” 18

Why Pageantry In 2009, Spruce competed in her first beauty pageant. Why pageantry? Spruce saw it as the perfect opportunity to learn and grow in pursuit of her purpose. And she was right! As Spruce competed, she began to discover a depth of understanding of what really made her heart tick, why she was created the way she was, and her vision of purpose became clearer. Pageantry also taught her the value of perseverance: Spruce competed three times in the Miss Texas Plus America pageant, but the

state crown eluded her each time. However, Spruce was afforded the opportunity to compete at the Miss Plus America national pageant in 2011 as a delegate-at-large, and was crowned with the highest title - Miss Plus America Elite! Then, in 2014, the first-ever title of Miss Plus America Essence Lifetime was created for, and bestowed upon Spruce. With both of these titles, Spruce became a history maker within the Miss Plus America pageant system. She was on a roll then! Spruce Dickerson, who started competing in pageants to develop her life’s purpose was now a national voice and influencer for women’s empowerment and total beauty! She became a pageant coach, helping women to embrace who they are, find their voice, and realize the purpose of their journey. And in Spruce’s journey of pageant coaching she can proudly claim to be a national-winning coach! She has an impressive winning record thus far, and knows this is a God ordained journey for her. Spruce is famous for saying, “It’s not about the crown, but about the journey,” and, “The crown should not be selfserving, but for serving others.” Bountiful Blessings It is funny to think that Spruce has not always been about beauty, bling and gowns when one considers her modeling accomplishments. She has graced the covers of Simply Me (2013), BBW Beauties (2013), and now, BOLD Plus magazines. Spruce also loves to strut her stuff on the runway, and has modeled for several designers that include Dede Allure, IMT Designs by Andre Terry, Elrick, Signature Bridal Salon, Toombas Jeans and Denim Wear, *E* by Evelyn Designs, and Angel Myers Designs. In true Spruce-spirit, in 2014, she once again made history by modeling

Dede Allure’s designs during LA Fashion Week, as Ms. Allure was the first full-figured designer to showcase at LAFW. These wonderful designers have honored Spruce’s commitment to excellence and style with signature evening gowns “The Spruce” and “The Austin” by fashion designer Dede Allure, handbag “Spruce” by *E* by Evelyn Designs, and “Spruce” eyeshadow in the Mahogany Blue makeup line by Tenisia Jones-Stirrup. Sharing the Harvest Making the decision to live life, and not let life live her is a message Spruce shares with her audiences as a motivational speaker, focusing on the topic “Winning on the Stage of Life”, which is based on her foundational principles of Love, Live and Give. Spruce wholeheartedly feels that life is not about ourselves, but should be about others. She has shared this message through editorials and articles in Austin Wedding Day Style, VETTA, Cinemagic, and POSE magazines; just to name a few.

within the USA. She has received Proclamations from the Governor of Texas, Senator of Texas, and Mayor of Austin. She was also a nominee for both the 2014 Austin Fashion Week Philanthropist of the Year award, and the 2014 Texas Women in Business Woman Philanthropist of the Year. Being involved and offering one’s self for service are pillars of Spruce’s platform for a good life. She serves and volunteers with the Texas Women in Business as their Programs Director, the Miss Plus America pageant system as Miss Plus America Essence Lifetime, VSA Texas, Texas State Independent Living Council, Parking Mobility, Traffick911, and Hyde Park Baptist Church in the Decision Counseling Ministry. Standing On Faith Spruce lives what she teaches her audiences: be determined and persevere, maximize every moment in life, and seize your purpose! Although Spruce endured much sadness and tragedy in her life, she

never wavered in her faith. She knew God had her in His hands, and that was all she needed to know. Spruce and her husband never had children, and she never remarried. God had, and has, other plans for her life and a journey that she could not have ever imagined. She stands on her faith and life verse I Corinthians 2:9: “However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ these things God has prepared for those who love him.” Spruce enjoys spending time with her elderly father who lives with her and whom she cares for. Even though her life’s journey has been a most trying time through the tragedy, sickness, and death of her loved ones; Spruce’s faith, and her philosophy to Love, Live and Give has propelled her to conquer life’s adversities… and, to win on the stage of life! ■

And in 2012, Flip Flop to Nigeria was born out of Spruce’s philosophy of giving. “It’s not the quantity, but the quality. Volunteerism is a matter of the heart.” Her campaign collects $1.00 flip flops for the orphans and poor of Nigeria. Spruce says, “To most Americans, $1.00 is nothing. But, to those who have nothing, $1.00 is rich.” Spruce’s campaign is about sending hope, love and encouragement to a people who struggle to find it. “Hope is what heals. Hope is what gives life.” Spruce’s humanitarianism and business savvy has been recognized Contact Spruce at and follow her on Facebook at CoachSpruce or MODELSpruceDickerson. To learn more about Flip Flop to Nigeria, visit


Slim Dzl Slim Dzl was born and raised in Englewood, New Jersey and now resides in Atlanta. With his distinctive voice and energetic personality, Slim makes upbeat, clean, radio-friendly music for all audiences. An apprentice of creative lyrics since the age of fourteen, Slim Dzl began to master his craft in the cyphers and battles at 18 in the streets of New Jersey and New York. He used to rap about sin until he gave his life to Christ; thereafter, he started to rap clean. And he found his mission to make music for music lovers! Slim’s tracks are more like stories: laced with words of triumph, inspiration and motivation. His style is magnetic in that he draws his fans in with flawless rhymes and keeps their attention with his party-rockin’ flows and timeless beats. Listeners should expect to hear music that makes them dance hard, think deep, and believe their dreams can come true. Happily married with five children, Slim’s hobbies include playing basketball and reading. What’s next for him? To win as many Grammies as the Lord will allow, and to show people that rap can be positive and inspiring to our communities.



Newly signed to new label Y.H.A Records under Y.H.A Entertainment (, has 4 songs in mainstream radio rotation. Leading the way is his single titled “We Fly”, a remix featuring BriaMarie and D.C Dixon. His latest mixtape is available for free download on Datpiff. It is hosted by Dj Tremayne, and Slim Dzl’s producer Jimmy Lennar is on every single track.

“A Man on A Mission for Clean Hip Hop” For a free listen to Slim Dzl’s EP “All of Me” visit

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from failure to fantastic triumph: how

My life has been and is extraordinary, and I strive to “Be #ReMarkiTable” and explore all possibilities. And I am so grateful that I did not allow that lawsuit years ago to steal my zeal for living and doing well, but rather, allowed it to be a catalyst for all the wonderful possibilities that could be.

Lem’s Bar-B-Que in Chicago is a family owned business that has been feeding Chicagoans, tourists and celebrities (including Aretha Franklin, Mike Tyson, Isaiah Thomas and Monique) for 63 years. In 1999, a week before my 29th birthday, I received papers that I was being sued by aunt to relinquish my ownership in Lem’s Bar-B-Q and a demand to hand over the Trademark for Lem’s.

top producing mortgage broker who had generated over six figures in fees, was promoted to a sales manager, and I earned the coveted Certified Residential Mortgage Specialist (CRMS) designation from the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. Over the next 16 years, I went on to earn nine real estate related licenses and 23 designations and certifications.

I was devastated: being sued by To continue my success and leverage family is heart wrenching and it cracks my momentum, at the end of each the very foundation of year I created a plan for one’s core beliefs. And the following year. In it still hurts that because “...being sued by 2002, I was reviewing of that lawsuit, my family my plan for 2003 when family is heart foundation has yet to I came to a startalizing wrenching and been sealed: the pangs realization: my success it cracks the of betrayal still resonate had me working around with me, yet for my very foundation the clock! When I family “it only cost them analyzed the numbers, I of one’s core money” since they were came to the conclusion beliefs” forced to settle with that if I left residential me. Yet I am not bitter. lending and utilized my On the contrary, my aunt suing me Real Estate Brokers license I could is the best thing to ever happened make the same amount of money by to my career because it forced me closing half the amount of deals. Who to explore previously unimaginable would not want to work less hours?! possibilities. So in 2003, I opened Homes2Sell, Inc., a Chicago based discount real When I was sued, I had to find estate brokerage and life was GREAT. another way to earn income. Lem’s was all I knew, so you would think I I became a Bronze level REALTOR® was scared... but no - Lem’s WAS and in 2004, I was among the top what I KNEW! And I part of that 10% of Brokers in the entire city of knowledge was sales. I decided Chicago. I was invited to serve on the I would enter into the world of Board of Directors for the third largest residential lending because I needed local real estate board, and I served a job that was flexible, yet would as Chair of the Chicago Association of generate a solid income. I worked REALTORS Education Foundation. As hard, and within one year I was a a lifelong learner, I believe continuing

marki lemons-ryhal’s laughed her way to the top

education is critical to success, and during my time as Chairperson of the Foundation, we provided $140,000 in complimentary continuing education to our members.

so simply, the choice was clear. Financially, I lost everything, but in every other way I was blessed: with my youngest son and the undivided loyalty of my husband.

Life was great, and then my world came crashing down. I literally felt that my world was coming to an end when in 2006, my grandfather died from Alzheimer-related issues, my mother died due to an aneurism, and I suffered my third bout with pneumonia. I also got married (a good thing) and found out I was a pregnant (another good thing), but it was a high risk pregnancy due to my age... and in October of the same year, I had to go on bed rest. While traveling to Baltimore, I fainted on the airplane and was rushed to the hospital upon arrival. For the sake of my mental, physical and unborn child’s health it was recommended that I rest and take it easy. I had to make an extremely tough decision: would I follow the doctor’s orders to rest or would I risk my health and my unborn child in continuing to “go hard” for my business? When framed

Once I regained my health, I refocused on my business. My mentor, Mr. Frank Williams, recommended I become a licensed Real Estate Instructor, as it would provide me with the ability to connect with licensed individuals consistently. As I was rebuilding my business, I decided to focus on real estate education. Within three years, I was speaking on a national level for organizations such as the National Association of REALTORS® and REBAC. The national exposure afforded me the opportunity to launch the Accredited Distressed Property Representative designation that educated over 5,000 REALTORS® on short sales and foreclosures.


These new ventures required serious marketing and promotion, and I relied heavily on my MBA in Marketing. And although foreclosure education opened the doors to several new opportunities, I fell back in love with

marketing - but with a twist: Social Media Marketing. It was all so knew! Social Media had only been around for a few years, and not many people in my industry had learned to leverage the tools to help their businesses. However, it all came naturally to me as I applied online concepts to what I was already doing offline. In 2012, I had a defining moment: I decided to shift my career focus to Social Media Education for Entrepreneurs. That was a life-altering decision. Social media has taken me into classrooms all over the world and I have had the privilege to have train over 40,000 individuals and counting. Marki Lemons Unlimited, Inc. partners with the biggest names in real estate that include CHASE, Chicago Title, BMO/ Harris, and Goldman Sachs 10K Small Business, to provide social media seminars and continuing education courses for licensed individuals and entrepreneurs in a face to face or webinar format. And in 2016, I will educate and train over 100,000 individuals in a new course I created entitled Social Media Ethics©, a three hour class approved for continuing education in 45 states. ■ Marki Lemons-Ryhal


RUBENESQUE, CURVY PEOPLE ARE BEAUTIFUL There are dating websites for farmers, the LGBT community, people of specific faiths, married people on the prowl, and those looking for a little “kink”... but none for people who desire plus-size companionship - until now. iLuvBig, created by Gerard Merritt, is the first dating site completely dedicated to people with curves. But when asked how it came to be, it was almost an accident - almost. Gerard is “a tech guy” at heart, having worked in the technology industry since graduating with an Electrical Engineering Technology degree from University of Central Florida. He has interests in gaming, mobile apps, websites, and software. A friend asked Gerard to create a dating website for people who were seeking companionship, but not necessarily marriage. His friend had just come through a divorce and was not looking to go down the aisle so soon again, yet wanted to date a nice person who he could bring around his children. Gerard was intrigued by the project and dug in to do the research. He found dating sites for any and everything one’s imagination could conceive, but one space was largely void: full-figured people. As a full-figured person himself, Gerard knew he had found a need that had to be addressed. And that is how iLuvBig was born.

But iLuvBig is so much more than a dating site. “iLuvBig is a community,” stated Gerard. “We are a community of people, of interests. You can find relationships, friendships, and just someone to hang out with.” There is such a great need for this type of empowering site, particularly in North America where the marketing and imagery is focused on a certain type of body image - usually a size 4 or size 6. “Big is beautiful. We are all beautiful, and we need to own it. We look great and dress great. We eat healthy and we exercise. We should be on the covers of magazines and leading [TV] shows. We need to own our beauty.” Many people are excited about the site. The idea of sharing thoughts and interests on travel, books, sports, fashion, beauty, and relationships focused on the curvy set is exciting. But you always have your naysayers. “Some friends don’t want to be associated with the concept of ‘big’,” said Gerard. “But my thoughts are if you’re a size 22 - own it!” However, Gerard understands why some of his friends shun the association. “Unfortunately, there is a misconception that big is synonymous with unhealthy. It is not. Rubenesque, curvy people are beautiful.” ■

Gerard is seeking great people to help grow the iLuvBig community. To join him and other curvy people, visit www., follow them on Twitter at @iLuvBig, and like them on the Facebook page iLuvBig.


BU T. ...

, Y T T E E R ’ U R O P Y

When I graduated from college, I was very fortunate to land a job with a very high end department store in their management training program. The schedule was grueling with the rotating shifts, the customers demanding, and the training intense - and I loved it! But all of the preparation required to be the best in the program, which ultimately landed me in a key management position in one of the choice departments, left little time for anything else. “Else” included relationships, hanging out with friends, and exercise. I have always been a curvy girl, but the new schedule really packed the pounds on me. I did not really notice the gain because I was so excited and focused on my new position, until an exceptionally blunt customer said something to me.

has become the new “thing” to castigate and belittle people into submission. I did not get where I am by being brow-beat by strangers to conform to the image of “perfect” they have created for me. And I will not begin to bow down to that low and demeaning behavior - no matter how “well-intentioned” it may have been.

You ARE pretty - no “buts” about it!

I was helping a customer select a jewelry piece to match her outfit - a normal day for me. We talked and laughed, having a great time mixing and matching beautiful jewels with furs and gowns. Who would NOT love what I do?! But after we were done, the woman turned to me and said, “You are so pretty! But come here.” So I leaned closer to her snow-white head so she could whisper in my ear, “You need to lose weight.” She smiled gently at me and strolled off as if she had just bestowed upon me life-changing wisdom instead an incredibly insulting set-down. I was crushed. “You’re pretty, but...” Who says that?! I called my cousin and told her about it. We dished about the customer’s rudeness, and talked about how weight 26

I am pretty - period. Inside and out. I am a good person, I treat people well, and I give my best every day. I take my time to look great - hair, nails, clothing - but I focus more on how I make people feel. I was taught that beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone. My mother also taught me that if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. That customer could have really benefitted growing up in my mother’s house. Civility and courtesy are the epitome of being a lady. And the only reason I did not tell that woman about herself is because I am a lady! (Okay, the major reason is I did not want to lose my job, but being a lady was high on the list of reasons.) I will leave off with this: at the end of the Disney movie “Mulan”, the Empower tells the villian, “No matter how the wind howls, the mountain will not bow to it.” Great advice - ignore the howling winds of negativity. You ARE pretty no “buts” about it! ■ Jessica L. Thomas


July 2015

Brian Thompson, Founder of Corporate Kid, Inc.

This is the first of a two part series. Read the second part in the September issue of BOLD Favor Magazine. Don’t want to wait? Visit the Corporate Kid website now:

As a youth, I was an okay student who was always described by my teachers as “very intelligent, but no real application for talents”. Basically, I was bored, and it was a dangerous time to be young, gifted, and bored: it was 1982 and crack cocaine had hit the streets of the major northeast cities. My city - Philadelphia - was one of the very first cities crippled by the drug. My neighbor, Aaron Jones, became the leader of the Junior Black Mafia gang (JBM) by killing the leaders. His empire earned about $2 million a month in those days. That kind of money inspires unimaginable power and loyalty, and there were very few teens that did not work for Aaron: about 4 or 5 in the entire neighborhood. And I am proud to say I was one of them, but it was hard: I was the oldest and biggest “outsider”. The only reason I was not killed outright for not “falling in line” is because my grandmother took care of Aaron when he was a toddler, and therefore, I was “off limits”... for being killed. That did not stop Aaron from sending boys to try to beat me up and

into submission. It did not work: I was older, larger, and my father - a veteran of the military - had taught me how to defend myself at a very young age. But my young morals could only sustain me so long. As Aaron’s business grew, “the hold outs” - self included became very envious of what his money could buy. Aaron and his crew had the most beautiful girls, gold, cloths and cars. Kids at the ages of 16 and 17 were rolling around in BMW’s and wearing all the stylish clothing. In 1984, decided that I could set up a network far greater than Aaron’s organization and computerize it - the PC had just come out. So me and my best friend set up a $6,000 “buy” and prepared our distribution network. We estimated that we could turn our initial investment over at least 10 times before Aaron knew we were competing with him. That would give us a little over $6,000,000 in just under 3 months, and by the time Aaron realized it, it would be too late to do anything about it. We had an absolutely infallible plan.

there are some real smart future leaders of industry located in the most dilapidated areas and they need to be engaged. But thankfully, there was a flaw - a fatal flaw: my best friend. My best friend, a guy who followed my lead from the beginning, became the leader and asked me the most important question of my entire life: “How are you going to feel WHEN we get busted and you are being walked down your home steps with a sweater over your head and your mother and grandmother crying as you’re led away?” I felt like I had been hit with a brick. That question created an unwelcomed visualization it in my mind, I immediately changed course - a complete turnaround. I turned to my best friend and said, “We cannot go through with this.” We got rid of the drugs and never looked that way again. That was the defining moment of my life and it came because of a simple question. It saved me from the fate most of my old friends from the neighborhood have experienced: most of them are dead, in jail, or just bumming around aimlessly. During these formative years, I was asked by an aunt to take something to a cousin who worked in a corporate office in one of the tall buildings in downtown Philadelphia. When I arrived, I felt like I had stepped into another world. The two-story lobby leading to the elevators was huge,

majestic, and screamed of wealth beyond what Aaron had. I was in awe as I stepped onto the elevator... until a security guard asked me where I was headed in a very aggressive tone. I told him the floor, but he was cynical. The guard told me that I did not know anyone in the building and I needed to head for the exit. I gave him the name of my relative and my relationship to her. The guard either did not hear me or ignored me, but the result was the same: he was adamant that I leave. At this point, most people in the lobby were staring at me with varying looks of suspicion and curiosity. I was embarrassed, and being so young and feeling so out of place, I yielded to the guard’s demand and left. Prior to that incident, I was fascinated by the buildings downtown and the people who worked in them every day. Thereafter, I looked at those same buildings and regarded those same people with apathy. It was not until years later that I had an epiphany: apathy was not the answer to this problem - rather it was access. There are some real smart future leaders of industry located in the most dilapidated areas and they need to be engaged. These kids need to feel the game includes them as potential players. And that is how and why I founded Corporate Kid. ■ Brian Thompson, Founder of Corporate Kid, Inc.

what about us?


These days when we think of vacationing we immediately look to far away destinations. We want turquoise blue waters lapping sandy beaches in the Caribbean. We want to play paparazzi and capture glimpses of the monarchy. We want long-haul flights and passport stamps. That’s all well and good, but what about us? I mean, what about the U.S.?

American pride is at an all-time high. We love to buy products “Made in the USA”. We love our President and FLOTUS. We love these United States flaws and all. With fifty states and several territories, the United States of America is a massive playground that lends itself to travelers of differing penchants. Even better, there’s no need for 12 hour flights, passports, vaccinations, or Visa’s. So let’s challenge “Explore the USA”!



I’ll help get your list started with some icons of America and my personal favs located on the east coast, west coast and middle states. I’ll give you the where, why and when. Where to go. Why you’ll love it. When is the best time to travel. Remember, a layover in an airport does not count as a visit. You must have spent at least one night in the location to check the location off of your challenge list. Are you ready?

West Coast is the Best Coast San Francisco, CA is a melting pot of ethnicities which means the culture is so oddly diverse it can’t be anything but beautiful. In the summer months, June- July, the temps are just about the best you’ll get as the temps outside of these months will be cool. Music festivals abound and there are plenty of free concerts in the parks during the summer months. What I really love is the fact that in one day I can visit the sea lions at the pier, eat dim sum in China Town, shop at Westfield, visit the Golden Gate Bridge, and Ghirardelli Square. In essence, there are tons of great things to experience in San Francisco. Middle Earth Minneapolis, MN is one of the places that sort of slips through the cracks for U.S. traveler, but if you love the great outdoors Minneapolis should head your list. I caution you that the winters are the coldest I’ve experienced in my life, but if you can stand the wind-chill - go for it. The Twin Cities are breath-taking. With lake on top of lake, Minneapolis and the fisherwoman is a match made in heaven. Lake Harriet, Lake Calhoun, Lake of the Isles and the lake made famous by the Purple One Himself Lake Minnetonka are minutes away or right in the city. The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is an escape from reality. With its wonderlandesque pieces, you’ll feel like you indeed slipped through the rabbit hole.


East Coast Swing You can’t talk about taking on all of the states and territories of the U.S. without making a visit to New York City among the top 5 on your list. Iconic, action-packed, non-stop, gritty, exciting, and Americana. If the fifty states had a prom, New York City would win the award for Prom Queen uncontested. It’s a great place to visit all year round with no shortage of things to do and places to go. Make sure you visit the usual suspects: Lady Liberty, The National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Central Park, The MET, Times Square, and you must see a Broadway Show. So that’s it. Another two cents to add to your travel bank. No need to exchange your Dollars to Euros this time. ■ Rue Clark aka the TrypChyck

Rising Leader


These strengths have allowed her to focus on bridging education and banking in the financial industry, a task that has proven to be her ultimate goal. Gabrielle serves as an education liaison and consultant for the clients that she interacts with and often finds herself using those same skills to impact her local community. Currently, Gabrielle is aspiring to finish a Doctorate in Educational Leadership Curriculum and Instruction. She hopes to use her doctorate to consult and write curriculum in the later part of her professional career. Her goal is to use the research and methodology learned during her doctoral program to reach a much larger audience and develop a progressive plan to succeed in a corporate learning role.

You might not have heard of Gabrielle A. Johnson yet, but she will soon be a household name. Gabrielle is a quickly rising star in the business world as a Business Banker with Bank of America. Gabrielle’s expertise in business development, strategic planning, and exceptional performance have led her to success these past eight years that include being the recipient of the Five-Star Business Banker Award in 2014, and Second-Quarter Top Performer in 2013. She prides herself in her ability to adapt to the ever changing industry and finding a way to relate with each client to result in their overall connection with Bank of America. A native Atlanta peach, Gabrielle earned a place amongst the Gates Millennium Scholarship organization in 2006 that propelled her education experience, and in 2010 she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Management and Organization from Spelman College. Gabrielle went on to earn her Masters degree in Secondary Education from University of Southern California. Although the two programs were very distinctive, Gabrielle credits that dichotomy with the overall strength of her network, brand, and interpersonal skills. 32

In her spare time, Gabrielle enjoys reading, volunteering, and performing throughout the city of Atlanta as a spoken word artist. Gabrielle has been a spoken word artist since the age of 12, was Poet Laureate at her high school, and loves to spend her free time prepping and writing for her next show. Gabrielle has a passion for the arts and often makes time to visit the High Museum of Art, the Shakespeare Tavern and the Atlanta Ballet among other places. Her volunteering efforts are supported by her passion for veterans and those who serve our country and protect our freedoms. She also enjoys tutoring students and adults in financial literacy.

gabrielle credits that


di·chot·o·my (noun)

a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

with the overall strength of her network, brand, interpersonal skills.


Summer officially started on June 21, but the entire month of June has been a historic one for the United States. We cried, cheered, agreed, disagreed, complained, whined, and celebrated. The events that occurred this month touched every one of us.



The month started with the Vanity Fair unveiling of Caitlyn Jenner formerly Bruce Jenner on the cover of its June issue. Then we watched as an attractive woman with curly brown hair be questioned on her race - only to find that she was a White women serving as president of the Spoakane NAACP chapter. On a peaceful week night when most church members attend Bible study, we learn that Senator Pinckney was assassinated and eight other members of the congregation murdered in Charleston, South Carolina. President Obama decides not to put up with heckling and has the interrupter removed from the premises. We learn that the Supreme Court uphelds the Affordable Health Care Act again. We also learn that that same Supreme Court makes same sex marriage legal in all fifty states. President Obama proves he has indeed attended and paid attention in church when he eulogizes State Senator Pinckney. South Carolina governor Nikki Haley announces the removal of the confederate flag from state buildings. Those that watched the BET awards watch the successful P. Diddy fall through an open hole on the stage. Dancing enthusiasts learned of Misty Copeland becoming the first African American principal dancer in ballet. Movie goers are informed the divorce rumors involving Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are true. More pastors are in fear as they wonder if their church will be burned next. This is just June! We still have an entire summer to go! How can we be BOLD in this time in America’s history? First, we must BOLDly find a cause for which we can passionately advocate. Remember an advocate is one who pleads the case of another. Where is your truest passion? There is enough room for each of us. Believe it or not, we can all actually win, even if our causes are different. Let me explain.

BOLDly, I am an advocate for common sense. I am considering running for President in a few years under the Common Sense Party, but that is an entirely different article. So, I digress... back to this article. I BOLDly advocate on behalf of common sense, so that means that I think that anyone who chooses to carry, hang, or drape themselves in a confederate flag should be able to do so. However, the flag should not fly above a state building - especially if I am paying taxes and the flag does not represent what I feel are my best interests. BOLDly, I feel that an American citizen should not have to make a choice between his health and paying a bill. I feel that no American should have to deal with a devastating disease, recover, and then be denied insurance coverage due to a pre-existing condition. If you have wonderful healthcare or if you are in excellent health, be grateful you do not have to deal with this situation, as that is not the case for many of your fellow Americans. BOLDly, if you are love, no one should tell you that their belief is greater than your love. This does not mean that I

do or I do not believe that a person should marry someone of their same gender. Rather, it means I believe that you have a right to do so. BOLDly, when I wake up in the morning, I decide what to wear: if I will wear a wig, a weave, a scarf, my natural hair, or if I will shave it all off and be bald. It’s my money and my choice. So if you choose as a man to wear a dress and identify as a woman, then I respect your option to do so. If you are of one race, but feel more connected to another, who am I to tell you that you are wrong? If you want to be connected to another race, I respect your right to do so. BOLDly, if you want to attend church, mosque, synagogue, your home, or if you choose not to believe; then I respect your right to do so. You should not feel afraid to worship - or not. BOLDly we have a responsibility to our fellow Americans to advocate on their behalf. It doesn’t matter if we don’t agree. Advocating doesn’t mean agreeing - it means speaking out on behalf of someone or something else and doing it BOLDly!

And if you simply cannot accept a particular cause, do not opt-in to the hate. Find the peace in what you DO believe. For example, let us say you simply cannot accept divorce. Divorce is against every fiber in your body. Live your life in your own truth. Live BOLDly in your marriage, walk proudly in your connection with your spouse. Let marriage ooze from every pore that makes up the flesh you are in. When asked about divorce speak only of marriage and how wonderful it is without every putting down those who opt to divorce. Trust me it can be done, it must be done. As President Obama has said, “we have had enough conversations, we don’t need to keep having conversations…” it is time to act, and act BOLDly. ■ Stevie Peterson is a foodie, blogger, and budgetnista, and author of When God Hates You.

What You Say Matters is a workbook designed to assist parents in speaking positively to their children, no matter the situation. The author takes a strong position that “Our children did not ask to be here and we have been assigned by God to nurture and provide for them.” She is very encouraging, sharing that God has equipped each of us for the Parenthood Journey, and is candid that sometimes we need help - and this workbook is one such tool. The workbook takes you through exercises to identify the positive parenting qualities you already possess, and helps you develop others that may be lacking. It is an easy-to-follow and apply 30 day guide that parents can incorporate in their daily routine. How much do these “new”

BOLD BOOKS WE LIKE techniques cost? Many of them are free, and others are of nominal cost, particularly when you consider what we pay for video games, days at the water theme parks, and gifts for special occasions. What You Say Matters inspires fun within the family, while sharing knowledge, and allows for intense soul reflection. Although originally created for parents with emotionally or behaviorally challenged children, the guide has great information for those who hit snags during life changes (such as puberty), addressing the needs of both parent and child.



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