A . P. C .
Bonnie Low
A.P.C Flagship Store 270 ORCHARD ROAD, S238857
We live in society where consumerism has crept into almost every aspect of our lives. In this project, we have been commissioned by an international brand to setup a flagship store in the Orchard Retail Belt, Singapore. This store is to portray the brand’s identity through the planning, layout, materials etc, and not depending on just the logo. Our designs have to show clear and logical attempts at merchandising and include all necessary functions and requirements necessary for operations. This store will primarily house the main retail section (70%) and we are to propose a secondary function (30%).
Edited by
Bonnie Low Wei Ting LASALLE College of the Arts
Site Specific Qualities
What is good about the site? How can the site affect my design? Anormaly? What is is unique about the site? Where is the site locfated at? Cross junction? Traffic lights? Waiting time? What do people do when they are waiting at the traffic light? Do they look around? What about the direction in which the cars are going?
Abercrombie & Fitch 270 ORCHARD ROAD, S238857
Identifying Site Specific Qualities Placement of the entrance affects circulation. Due to the placement of the traffic lights and the direction of the cars indicated in the blue arrow, the site prime location is located at the corner for best visibility. It is also due to the pooling of human traffic highlighted in red. By removing all flor plates, the site has a staggering section. There are three different types of volumes, triple, double and single distinctively.
Concept Board
A form of stimulus material, comprising visual and/or verbal representation of an idea for a product or service, often outlining its attributes and benefits and used to present this idea to participants in research. Such concept boards may be quite polished and resemble advertisements, or they may be very rough and ‘unfinished’.
Exterior View
Apple store is located next to the location of the site. Due to the how brightly lit Apple store becomes at night, I wanted to create a contrasting effect as if the space were to be designed to be as well lit as Apple store, it would not be effective in stating a difference. Hence, in alignment to my design concept and to meditate against site surrounding, the use of big black walls eludes a form of boldness due to it’s massive size, spanning about 15m tall from the outside, but yet discreet due to the small opening of windows in proportion to the wall size. A chamfered window towards the prime location of the site is also created due to its favourable angle as it has the best visibility. Hence, what lies beyond the chamfered window is the main display area, however, the display area can be accessed by vistors, unlike common window displays.
Level 1
To maintain the mood from the entrance, the material and colour scheme of retail zone A is kept similar to the entrance. In retail Zone A1, it encompasses most of the hanging clothes in LV1. As one transits from Retail Zone A1 to B, as there is already many hanging fixtures, I’ve introduced a retail zone focused on accessories to maintain balance. However, with the balance of hanging and display products balanced, there is an drastic change of retail experience due to not only the obvious contrasting of colour schemes, and a spatial experience from a single volume height (A1) to double volume height (B). Due to its favourable height and since the wall is flat, a projectile is played during operation hours. As the rendering depicts, there is stairs leading to L2 and the design of the stairs is to avoid total revelation of space. It is an experience of as though entering a tunnel, without knowing what lies above. This, is a form of expressing the design concept as one experiences boldness in a discreet manner.
Image. 1: WONDERWALL Office Entrance
Entrance Corridor
View walking into flagship store Vistors experiences a narrow corridor of 1200mm wide with the height of 9000mm. The monolithic corridor is a concept of walking within structure, as a method of portraying BOLD + DISCREET. Made of concrete in situ, it is the design core of the entire flagship store.To give a sense of direction, the iconic concrete situ allows vistors to navigate the space, as it subconsciously hints that the entrance/ exit is in this material. A window with A.P.C vinvyl sticker is designed to be centralized alongside the corridor, angled towards the retail section behind with hints of foliages. Additionally, the hollow space created for the window opening is painted in black for a framelike poster, which changes along the seasonal releases.
Retail Zone A1
Featuring Rotary Display Fixture The rotary display fixture is designed in a manner whereby an elongated cube is sliced off at a corner to create a diagonal opening, which provides an open shelve unit to allow display of A.P.C products. A mirror is also fixed on one side of the fixture which serves not only a functional purpose, but also to allow the foliage to be reflected. A “U� shaped hanging bar are also to be customized at different heights to cater displaying products of different lengths. From this view, the space is in a light grey space, and when vistors venture deeper in the flagship store, they experience an extreme change of mood due to the contrast of materials applied.
Retail Zone B1
Featuring accesories display fixture with seating Upon entering retail zone B1, a double volume space can be experienced. Making use of the height, a projectile projects a fashion walkway, with sound that allows echo to travel throughout the height. As Retail Zone B1 has a fitting area, seats are provided for comapany of visitors to wait, while watching the projectile projected. As the space is finished in dark materials, lighting are installed within the panel of the niche in display to illuminate the space and also serving the function to highlight the products displayed.
Image. 2: Concrete with daylight opening
Retail Zone C1 Tr a n s i t i o n a l s p a c e
As one explores further after the staircase in Retail Zone B, there is an experience of widening space as there is a slanted wall slanting against the space in C1. Also, the finish of the slanted wall is to be the same as the entrance wall, as it hints that it is part of a monolitic structure. A cove light is also tucked between the ceiling and the slanted wall to create a sense of illusion that the slanted wall does not end there.
I m a g e . 3 : C h i c h u A r t M u s e u m N a o s h i m a b y Ta d a o A n d o
Retail Zone C2
Looking from Retail Zone B2 While visitors enter Retail Zone C1, they are immediately greeted by the stairs to L2. A reccessed cove light, approximately 150mm thick is positioned in a manner that it directs and encourages human flow from retail zone B to retail zone C. A service lift is tucked into the T-column, efficiently making the anormally of the site functional. Exploring further, it leads to a discovery of the display area showcasing the latest product at its prime location from the exterior. Upon entering C2, a change of ambience is created as when vistors enter C1, t hey first experience a dark space and when they arrive in C2, a white washed with day light space can be experienced.
Retail Zone A2 Featuring POS Counter
The design of the counter was inspired by the suspended hanging fixtures, that is used throughout the flagship store in all main retail bulk areas. As depicted in the rendering, there is a change of floor finishes from concrete screed to dark wood. In response to the floor treatment, that are seamlessly attached to the floor are to be in dark finishes, to subtly hint discreet spaces beyond, for example the stairs towards L2 library. The POS Counter is designed with 2 cut outs, to allow POS systems to be placed inside, to prevent the machines to be seen, creating a flushed sleek look. Also, as the stairs to L2 takes up space, a storage space is created to maximize space, and the entrance to the storeroom is concealed by vertical strips in dark wood finishes.
Image. 4: Lighting hidden behind partition wall.
Stairs to L2 Library Stairs handle details
Moving towards L2 Library, the visitors steps into a dark concealed walkway, then greeted by the luminousity of cove lights, creating an blurred lighting effect. An spatial experience of mystery is intended, as the revelation of space is only done so when one has completed the journey of concealment. As the entire area is covered in dark wood finishes, the railings are also to be illuminated to allow visitors to see clearly the position of the railing, hence not only serving an aesthetic purpose but also for safety.
Basement 1
As the site provides opportunity for triple volume spaces, I’ve attempted to make use of this site advantages. I’ve created a structure within a structure, that serves multi-function purpose. From L1, it is a walkway, however in the basement, it is a music experiential corner. Also, creating a hollow void from L2 to the basement, it allows natural lighting to filter into the site, also allowing visitors and passerby to look down into the library of the flagship store, both internally and externally. Hence, two triple volume space is created, featuring an open and enclosed concept.
Feature Niche In Display VIew from Retail zone D2
To introduce more display fixtures for accessories such as bags, shoes, quilts and cushion, a niche in display is proposed. To achieve an illuminated airy aesthetic, display panels are backlited in frosted glass. From 2500mm onwards, the design of the niche in display offers a storage space at the top, to conceal air conditioning machines (D:500mm). The panels, finished with a dark wood laminate, flushes with the drop from the side of the wall (above planters), to create a clean-cut look. In order to allow accessibility, panels are also designed to be sliding panels, each with a length of 1435mm.
Table Display with Storage VIew from Retail zone D1 From the rendering, there is a drop of false ceiling (500mm) , wrapped with selected dark wood veneer. The intention of doing so is to allow a dramatic change of mood within the space, expressing discreetness. In order to achieve a infinity-like space, same material is used for both the ceiling and the floor. A thick table display, with open shelve storage runs down the centre of the basement retail sector, acting as a transitional piece between the 2 contrasting spaces. Light emits from underneath the table display, to make the display appear as it is floating.
Counter Design VIew from POS Counter To create a more coherent experience throughout this area, the counter is designed with metal structure, inspired by the suspended hanging fixtures that is prominently used within the entire flagship store. The counter top is finished with black glass (20mm thick), to create a modern and sleek appearance, reflecting the lights around in a subtle manner. The counter design offers open storage shelving, to enable staffs to reach for paper bags easily during operation. There is also a two way sliding system (against wall), to conceal electrical wiring and machines such as volume adjuster for music playing during operation period.
Image. 5: Fitting room with a slit.
Fitting Room VIew from Counter Area The thickness of the light wall is the same as the thickness from the ceiling. The location of the fitting room is strategically placed near the POS Counter, so that the staffs allocated at the counter will be able to attend to the needs of customers. The reason of doing so was also because of the size of the space, where another counter for clothes collection point will be redundant. The materials used within the fitting room is to create an spatial experience based on the design concept, expressing discreetness from a dark, black space, to a liberating bold space where they step into a white washed space.
Library Zone 1A View towards chamfered window The choice of material for the entrance door for the basement library is to be selected in frosted glass to pique curiosity as it subtly hints that there is a space beyond. The window is also chosen to be placed perpendicularly, to reveal the space at it’s maximum capacity. This is also to create a form of visual connectivity between the retail sector and the library sector. Display fixtures provides opportunity to brighten the space hence the shelves (40mm thick) of the fixtures are made with light concealed underneath. Storage soace are made below knee level and from the top of the carpentry as these ergonomic heights is less ideal for open shelving.
Library Zone 1A View towards Library Zone 1B To bring in retail touch into the library area, instead of creating full height book shelves, a half height book shelve fixture is proposed, slightly shorter at the height of 1300mm. This is to allow product display such as quilt covers, cushion and objects such as candles. Additionally, this is also to free up the space as the area in Library Zone B is a transitional space to a triple volume space.
I m a g e . 6 : Yv e s S a i n t L a u r e n t M u s e u m L i b r a r y.
Reading Table View from librarian counter
Image. 7: Mood image for lounging area.
Lounging Area Opened triple volume space; view towards L1 In the lounging area, trees are placed inbetween the stairs from L1 to B1 to create a foliage barrier to deter visitors from entering. As the site provides an opportunity for triple volume space, a void is created from L2 to B1, allowing natural daylight to illuminate the space during the day as the space is encased by a 10 metre tall tempered glass. This also provides an opportunity for potential visitors or passerby to have a sneak peak of the space, with an intention to pique interest and curiousity however, not a total revelation of space as there is another triple volume space beyond the lounging area.
Image. 8: Slanted wall with carved in seating.
Music Experiential Zone Enclosed triple volume space A window is deliberately positioned to allow visitors to peer through and into the music experiential zone, creating a more coherent experience to the anchor of the monolithic structure they have firstly experienced from the entrance of the flagship store. Also, as one side of the wall is slanted, a carved seating area is created, referencing from Image. 8, to allow visitors to sit and listen to the vinyl CD, while experiencing an enclosed triple volume space.
Level 2
In L2, the space is allocated for main retail bulk, with secondary function (library) and staff area. As L2 is has the largest floor space, it is where the diagonal axis; approximately 13 metres long, can be experienced the most. The diagonal axis is finished in concrete in situ, to give a sense of direction as it is the material that is used prominently on the core axis.
Retail Area Zone E Collaborative Collectives A.P.C. has collaborated with brands names, celebrities and designers such as Nike, Kanye West and Vanessa Seward. As it is an area meant to house collaboration work, it is placed away from the main retail bulk, due to difference in style and this also to give flexibility to the space for future carpentry changes to match collaborative works. The display fixture design is designed through the offset of the space, to maximize display area and to maintain the design language of the entire carved out, solid space.
I m a g e . 9 : Wa l k w a y f r o m T h e Wa r e h o u s e H o t e l , S i n g a p o r e .
L2 Walkway Along the diagonal axis Entering the walkway, one experiences the length of the site (13 metres long), and through out the diagonal axis, it provides circulation to L1, to the library and to the main retail bulk. As the space is a transitional space to different spaces consisting of different function, the beam protruding through the wall, meeting the slanted wall hints that there is a retail space beyond as this beam element has been used consistenly through the entire store, in every retail zone. Also, visitors are greeted by foliages, hence, a waiting area is provided nearby, to provide a sense of comfort.
I m a g e . 1 0 : i P a d i n s t a l l e d w i t h i n A . P. C e x i s t i n g d i s p l a y f i x t u r e
Retail Area Zone G1 Latest Collection Section As seen from the image reference, in A.P.C current fixtures, screens are incorporated into the fixture to allow customer to browse through collections, allowing customers to show the location of the item they are looking for, provided if customers know what they are looking. Hence, in my opinion I felt that it was necessary as the retail section breaks down into 3 different level and also, this specific retail zone is far away from allocated staff working areas.
Image. 11: Reference image for wall jeans built in carpentry
Jeans Section View towards fitting room area To sublty hint that visitors are entering a discreet space, the fitting room, a 500mm drop as false ceiling is created, wrapped with dark wook laminate. This spatially sets a contrasting difference, same as the fitting room treatment in B1. Light strips are also introduced into the fitting room area to lead visitors in. A waiting space is also catered for, for company of visitors trying out clothes.
Level 3
The total height given for L1 and L2 was 5000mm, and as the staff area does not require a 5000mm height, I’ve divded the space into 2, creating L3, which is directly above the staff area. This is the most ‘discreet’ space in the flagship, expressed with dark words and spot lit posters. To access this space, booking of appointment will be required as it houses important documents and archival pieces of the brand.
Image. 12: Mood image for archive library
A.P.C. Archive Library View from stairs from L2 In this space, the library holds a meeting room for future collaboration purposes, or it can be converted into a work room for designers. A textile vault is also place in this area, for referencing of past season works, materials and experimental pieces. As seen in the rendering, a projectile will be projected as there is a wall, playing videos related to A.P.C. throughout when the space is in use. Also, there is a seating area with foliages, with the intention of bringing elements throughout the entire flagship store that is used consistently throughout into L3.
Image. 13: Reference image for showcase fixture
A.P.C. Showcase Area View from stairs from archive room The exhibition’s spot-lit posters are backdropped by black painted walls, where an audiovisual installation is projected. The installation brings together written and spoken words, photographs, interviews, music and film extracts that contextualise the exhibited garments.