We are now in our second year of living with coronavirus pandemic. Led by Commissioner Jamie Chalker APM and his team, the Territory overall has fared pretty well compared with other states and territories. Peter Stowers Southern Field Officer
SOUTHERN FIELD OFFICER’S REPORT The end of the year and the commencement of the Christmas holiday period is often a time of reflection.
After a very hectic year our membership more than most deserve time off with family and friends to enjoy the holidays, however as Police Officers you live with the reality that this probably won’t happen. For whatever value it holds, I still sincerely wish you all a Merry Christmas, I hope you win the lotto and that 2022 be full of happiness, good health, and peace. We are now in our second year of living with coronavirus pandemic. Lead by Commissioner Jamie Chalker APM and his team, the Territory overall has fared pretty well compared with other states
and territories. It has been the NT Police, our members, that have been at the forefront. It goes without saying that both professionally and personally it has been an epic challenge adapting to the many changes to our ways of working and our ways of life. Throughout the pandemic the NTPA has been writing regularly to keep you updated and informed during these ever-changing circumstances. Rather than engaging in all the possible scenarios and moral and legal arguments for and against mandating the vaccine, the NTPA commissioned independent legal advice on