Potty Hero Girl

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Am�yut ,�� pla��

g � i m o c are y�u

Amyut, �� pla��


� g � i m o c u � y e r a

FOTO-GEPERSONALISEERDE Personalised photobooks KINDERBOEKEN for children

This book is published by: Bookadoo International P.O. Box 517 1940 AM Beverwijk The NetherlandsFOTO-GEPERSONALISEERDE FUNNY MAGAZINES Copyright Š 2009 Bookadoo International B.V. All rights reserved. Published in the Netherlands. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or transmitted either through printing, photocopying, electronically, or by FOTO-GEPERSONALISEERDE any other means, without prior TOVERBOEKEN written permission from the publisher.


�e�r Am�� �his ���el� �o�� has bee� �ade espe�ially ��� ��u� �nj�y t�e l��el� �i�tu�es and t�e �u� ��ven��re

�isses ��d ��d�les ��om �ummy a�� �a��y

Amy �a�ts �� g� ���si�e a�� �l�y i�

�he gar�en� �u� M�mmy sa�s no� ��t �et� Y�u can �nl� g� o�tside�.�

a�ter ���r wee�wee!

�ect�� �he ��rse is �al�ing �t �he �in��w: are y�u comi�g �ut �� pla�� �hall I tic�le ��� with my t�il�


N�� sa�s Amy

I´m ��sy� can´� ��u see. D�n´t ��sh me.��

I´� d�i�� a wee-�ee!

�o�lley the �heep is n�w calling at �he win��w� are y�u comi�g �ut �� pla�� �limb o� m� �ac�, y�u �i�t�e �o��e�!


N�� sa�s Amy

I´m ��sy� can´� ��u see. D�n´t ��sh me.��

I´� d�i�� a wee-�ee!

�e�t��de t�e C�w is now ca�li�g at �he wi�d�w: are y�u comi�g �ut �� pla�� �i�e�an��see� an� pee�-a�B���


N�� sa�s Amy

I´m ��sy� can´� ��u see. D�n´t ��sh me.��

I´� d�i�� a wee-�ee!

�i�� �i�� t�e �a��a is ��w ���ling �t the wind��: are y�u comi�g �ut �� pla�� �n the swi�g� ba���a��s and ���w�rds!


N�� sa�s Amy

I´m ��sy� can´� ��u see. D�n´t ��sh me.��

I´� d�i�� a wee-�ee!

�eat�ers t�e Chi��e� is no� �alli�g �t t�e win��w: are y�u comi�g �ut �� pla�� �� an� d�wn, �n t�e see�s�w!


N�� sa�s Amy

I´m ��sy� can´� ��u see. D�n´t ��sh me.��

I´� d�i�� a wee-�ee!

�o��� t�e D�� is �ow calli�� at the wi����: are y�u comi�g �ut �� pla�� �� �u� ab�u�� r�u�� �n� r�u���


N�� sa�s Amy

I´m ��sy� can´� ��u see. D�n´t ��sh me.��

I´� d�i�� a wee-�ee!

Wait a minute, listen, ssssssh. I can hear going: pssssss! Yeeeeees! A really big wee-wee!


Amy c�n g� �u�si�e, an� ha�e f�n �l�ying i� �he gar�en. ��w



Personalised photobooksKINDERBOEKEN for children FOTO-GEPERSONALISEERDE


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