Finding Healthcare Information

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Health Services Management Centre School of Social Policy

“Once you have experienced the library you won't want to be without it” Chris Ham, Professor of Health Policy, HSMC & Chief Executive of the King’s Fund

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Finding Healthcare Information

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Contents 1.

Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

2. Finding Books ................................................................................................... 1 From the HSMC Library ....................................................................................... 1 For Birmingham University members ..................................................................... 2 For NHS Employees............................................................................................. 2 3. Using Electronic Databases ................................................................................ 2 From the HSMC Library ....................................................................................... 3 For Birmingham University Members ..................................................................... 3 For NHS Employees............................................................................................. 3 4. Locating articles ............................................................................................... 3 From the HSMC Library ....................................................................................... 3 For Birmingham University Members ..................................................................... 3 For NHS Employees............................................................................................. 4 5. Finding useful Internet Resources ....................................................................... 4 From the HSMC Library ....................................................................................... 4 For Birmingham University Members ..................................................................... 4 For NHS Employees............................................................................................. 4 6. Obtaining Further Help ...................................................................................... 4 7. Literature Searches ........................................................................................... 5 Internet tutorials/guides ......................................................................................... 5



This guide aims to provide all of HSMC’s users from either Birmingham University, the Nuffield Trust or NHS Employees, with a path through the maze of health related information by highlighting key resources and providing tips and advice on how to access them. 2. Finding Books From the HSMC Library The specialist collection of the HSMC library consists of approximately 17,000 books, pamphlets, DVDs, audio books, dissertations, journals, ejournals and, report titles as well as a collection of Department of Health Circulars dating from 1947 all on the non-medical aspects of health care. It includes many subject areas including amongst others; Health Policy Public Health Primary Care Commissioning Personnel Management Organizational Development Local Government Leadership Updated Wednesday, 02 June 2010


All items within the collection, with the exception of journals and circulars, can be located on the library catalogue which can be located via the library’s website at: For Birmingham University members The Birmingham University catalogue contains records of all the books and periodicals held across all the University’s library sites. The catalogue can be accessed at: The Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL) merged catalogue (COPAC), which includes the catalogues of the Universities of Warwick, Oxford, Cambridge, and the British Library is accessible via either the Birmingham University library catalogue or from the following website: For NHS Employees A range of Electronic books, including a special collection of mental health e-books are available to NHS employees via NHS Evidence’s Health Information Resources website at: Password Alert! An NHS Athens password is required to access the above resources and is free to all NHS staff at: 3. Using Electronic Databases A selection of useful databases includes; HMIC: The Health Management Information Consortium database contains a wealth of material relating to information pertaining to health policy and management. As well as journal articles the HMIC database also includes book chapters, conference proceedings and other “grey literature”. Medline: The electronic version of the printed Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, International Nursing Index and other health-related indexes. It is produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), updated monthly, and, includes journal articles from 1966 onwards on the subjects of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and, allied health. Cinahl: Cinahl includes books and journals and includes material on the subjects of nursing, allied health, biomedicine and healthcare. Embase: Indexing over 3500 journal titles, Embase covers international literature in both the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. Web of Science: This database incorporates the Science and Social Science Citation Indexes. Cochrane Library: The Cochrane Library is a collection of evidence-based medicine databases including among others, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, NHS Economic Evaluation database, and the Health Technology Assessment Database ASSIA: The Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts is a general social science databases incorporating 550 UK Social Science journals, and also some health-related material.

Updated Wednesday, 02 June 2010


From the HSMC Library The Library has a subscription to HMIC for the use of all its members. For further details on how to access it contact the Library staff. The databases available from the HSMC library website at include many available from both the University of Birmingham’s eLibrary and the NHS Evidence’s Health Information Resources. It also includes many that are freely available on the Internet. Password Alert! If a password is required please contact the Library staff on 0121 414 3672. For Birmingham University Members The University of Birmingham is now provides access to all electronic resources through it's eLibrary Service. The eLibrary website can be found at: Password Alert! University staff and students can access the ELibrary using their standard University username and password. For NHS Employees NHS staff can access a wide range of databases via the NHS Evidence’s Health Information Resources at: Password Alert! An NHS Athens password is required to access the above databases and is free to all NHS staff at: 4. Locating articles From the HSMC Library The HSMC library subscribes to around 90 current journal titles, in print format, focusing on healthcare policy and management particularly in the UK. These are for reference only and are listed in the journal holdings guide which can be obtained either in hard copy in the library or can be viewed on the library’s website at: A wide range of electronic journals are available via the HSMC library website. The format of these journals may differ - some will only provide content pages, some abstracts of articles, and some will permit full text access. They can be viewed at: Password Alert! Please ask HSMC library staff for password details as required. For Birmingham University Members The University has access to approximately 9,000 electronic journals covering a wide range of subjects. These can be accessed via the ELibrary website at: They also have a vast collection of paper journals dating back many years. To search their collection click here:

Updated Wednesday, 02 June 2010


Password Alert! Students and staff at the University of Birmingham can login to ELibrary resources using their standard University username and password (i.e. this is the same as your Active Directory Account/Blackboard logon details). Additionally, if you dial up via the University’s proxy service you can take advantage of being able to access additional journal titles that might not otherwise be available. Full details can be found at: For NHS Employees All NHS staff can access the 1200 full text journals accessible via the NHS Evidence’s Health Resources website. Access to these journals, the majority of which are provided by either Proquest or EBSCO, is through either the NHS Evidence’s Health Information Resources ejournal page or, via the clinical databases (see section 3): Password Alert! An NHS Athens password is required to access the above ejournals. 5. Finding useful Internet Resources There is an enormous amount of health related information on the Internet. Below are just a few examples of useful starting points. From the HSMC Library The Library has collected a comprehensive database of essential web sites hosted at Delicious. Delicious is a bookmarking service that allows you to tag, save, manage and share web sites all in one place. By using Delicious the web sites can be categorised, indexed and searched making finding the right site easier and quicker. The web sites are collected together as 'bundles' or related subjects such as 'primary care', 'government' and 'nhs'. You can view the collection by bundle, for example, clicking on the 'leadership' bundles will bring up an alphabetical list of all the sites concerned with leadership issues.

For Birmingham University Members The health services management section of this website incorporates a range of links to subject related databases and web resources. For NHS Employees A gateway into many quality health resources including; ejournals, databases, news items, guidance, and evidence as well as specialist subject based resource libraries covering topics such as; health management, cancer, child health, learning disabilities, emergency care and many more. BIOME Intended for students, lecturers, researchers and practitioners in the Health and Life Sciences, Biome is a UK based site offering free access to a range of hand-selected and evaluated internet resources. 6. Obtaining Further Help Information Skills training The library staff can provide you with training sessions on the use of individual databases and/or the Internet, and can further help you to define your search strategies. For further details, or to arrange a training session please contact the library staff. Updated Wednesday, 02 June 2010


7. Literature Searches If you would like a member of the library staff to carry out a literature search for you, you will need to fill in a literature search request form. These are available either in hard copy in the library or via the library website at Please note that before you submit your literature search request form you will need to check that you are eligible to receive this service. Please check with the library staff for further information. Internet tutorials/guides An increasing number of web tutorials and guides are available to help you gain vital information skills. These include: TONIC: A useful tutorial produced by Netskills with support from JISC on the topics of networking and the Internet. Produced in 5 languages; German, Spanish French, Italian and English, this web tutorial aims to save users both time and money when surfing the internet by providing users with information such as; how to join newsgroups, how to build a website, how to find information, how to download files and much more. Intute: The Intute website is designed to provide students, lecturers and researches with help in searching the Internet in providing access to free online tutorials targeted for specific user groups. These include those working in allied health, business managers, medics, nurses, midwives, health visitors, and pharmacists.

Updated Wednesday, 02 June 2010


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