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Health Services Management Centre School of Social Policy
Using TurningPoint In Your Presentations: understanding the basics
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Introduction TurningPoint is a software add-on to Microsoft® PowerPoint which, when working in conjunction with automotive response devices, enables your participants to provide you instant feedback. TurningPoint then collates the responses and translates them into test scores, charts and graphs. The data can also be saved for future reference. Step 1: Download TurningPoint If you haven’t already downloaded TurningPoint onto your computer it is really easy to do. Just go to the following link and follow the instructions. ads/ When you have downloaded the software just double click on the TurningPoint icon, and PowerPoint should launch. Please note that just launching PowerPoint will not activate the TurningPoint interactive toolbar which you need to use to insert graphs and question slides. PowerPoint will then open with the extra TurningPoint toolbar/tab at the top of the screen.
Step 2: Inserting a slide To insert a slide just click on the “Insert Slide” option on the TurningPoint toolbar. You can then select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu - the top section of slide types provides a variety of pre-defined slides including pie charts, vertical slides etc. Just pick which type of graph you would like and TurningPoint formats the slide for you.
Once you have selected a particular slide format TurningPoint will then insert a blank question slide with placeholders where you must add your question and possible answers. Note that you can only enter one question per slide but can insert a maximum of 10 possible answers into the answer field. Also, it is a good idea of have short and concise questions rather than very wordy questions.
Once you have created your question slides you can always amend the type of graph you want to use to display your responses. Just click once on the chart to select it, then click on “Insert Object” and then “Charts” from the dropdown menu and choose your alternative.
Nb. You can also make an existing PowerPoint slide interactive by inserting a chart onto it as long as it has a single title (the question) and up to 10 answers (as bullet points or numbers). Step 3: Formatting your charts Until you are really familiar with the Turning Point software it is recommended that you stick with the default colours (Colour scheme). However, if you do want to change the colours of your charts then just click on “Tools” and then “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
Under the heading “Chart Settings” double click on “Chart Colour” Choose “Correct/Incorrect” to match the colours to the correct/incorrect responses in the “All Settings” menu. If you want to choose your own colours then select “User Defined”. However, you will need to choose 10 different colours as you can have up to 10 responses for questions.
Step 4: Icebreaker Slides A good idea to start off your Turning Point session is to insert a couple of icebreaker slides. This is a good way of getting your participants used to using the clickers. To do this click on “Insert Slide” on the TurningPoint toolbar and then Ice Breaker Slides from the dropdown menu. You can then choose between an Analogy and Wordscramble slide. An Analogy one creates a slide with an analogy question with one missing word. Please note that these slides can be obscure as they are taken from slides within Turning Point’s database. Within the Wordscramble slides you can type in the word of your choice and a slide is produced with the word as the question and four letter sequence options. It is a good idea to keep the word short and obvious otherwise participants might find it hard.
Turning Point also contains pre-defined slides covering statements such as Yes/No and True/False and then Likert Slides (agree, disagree etc.) as well as Generic Slides that simply use the default graph setting (vertical) and give you the option of several answers.
Step 5: Inserting Objects Once you have created your slide you can now add other features to it by clicking on “Insert Object” from the TurningPoint toolbar. These include:
Answer Now: This provides the participants with a prompt when making their selection to a particular question. You can choose the design of the prompt from the dropdown list (moon, sun, smiley etc) and place it where you like on the slide.
Countdown: This feature allows you to add a timer to your slide so that you can limit how long your participants have to answer each question.
Response Counter: This will provide you with a visual representation of how many responses you have had to a question. Again you can choose the design of this (meter, bubble, liquid etc) and decide where about on the slide you would like it to go.
Response Table: This feature keeps track of which participants have submitted a response. The Response Table will show each participant's number, and a background colour that changes when a response from the participant has been successfully received. There are 2 types, one that shows all the responses (a fixed table) and one that displays 40 at a time (a rotating table).
Correct Answer Indicator: This is a really useful feature to add to your question slides. To do this just type your answers, highlight the right answer and right click on it to display a dropdown menu and choose “Select as Correct”. Then select “Correct Answer Indicator” from the Insert Object menu and choose from the designs. This could be a tick or smiley face icon. This will then appear on your question slide but only once the polling has closed and shown the results to your participants.
Stats: This option allows you to add to your slide participant statistics such as mean or median responses.
Step 6: Running your interactive session It is essential that you always test your interactive presentation before using it in order to make sure that everything looks as you expect it to and that the receiver and clickers are working as they should. To start, make sure that you have put the TurningPoint receiver (USB) into an appropriate socket on your PC or laptop. Then double click on the “Turning Point” icon from the desktop and open the presentation. NB: your session will not work if you try and open the file directly or via Powerpoint. I.e. you must open Turning Point first. Next, it is essential that you clear any previous data from your slides. To do this just press the down arrow next to Reset on the TurningPoint toolbar at the top of the page and select “Session” from the drop down menu. Next, you need to make sure that Response Devices is toolbar so that the receiver knows to look for clickers.
showing at the top of the
You can then handout the clickers, asking them not to press the GO button on the handsets as it will stop them from voting. Your participants can then press the number/letter corresponding to their answers. Note: If they decide to change their mind they can press their answer again, TurningPoint records the last selection from each handset. Click on “Slideshow“ and then “View Show“ from the PowerPoint toolbar to view your presentation. Use the the mouse as normal to advance the slides. When you reach the slides with the questions on a Showbar, as below, will appear at the top of the screen.
Note that when the question slide first appears the green box will be displayed saying polling: open. You can now ask your participants to press their clickers at this point and you will see the number of responses rise until they have all responded. You can now advance the slide again using the mouse and the polling box will go red and say polling: closed.
Any responses received after the polling has closed will not be registered. The slide will now display the results of the poll in the form of a graph. If you want to change the values displayed on the results charts click on the “Toggle Results“ icon from the tool bar.
from percent to numbers just
The first chart icon on the Showbar is the Data Slicing button which will show the responses on the chart for a portion of the audience e.g. All those who chose number one. Once you have done this you can then select the second chart icon which will return the chart to its original format. If you want to re-set a question, just press “F4“ which will clear the previous data (for this slide only) and enable participants to re-cast their votes afresh. This icon will advance the slide show to the next slide if you are not using your mouse. This icon will reduce the Showbar so that it does not display the responses, user feedback, and polling status. Press it again to display them.
The user feedback section will show you if any of your participants have pressed the question mark key – which is useful if they want to ask a question anonymously. Note, that you will need to keep an eye on this part of the Showbar as there is no other indicator on the screen that a student has pressed the ? key. Finally, this icon allows the Showbar to be moved anywhere on the screen. Press it once to detach it, click and drag the blue bar at the top of the box to move it. To reattach it, click the button again and it will return to its docking position in the top right of the screen. Step 7: Finishing your interactive session When you have finished your TurningPoint presentation simply press “Esc“ or “End Show“ as you would to end a normal presentation. Then, if you want to save your data simply click the Save button on the TurningPoint toolbar to save the data. Note, that clicking Save on the PowerPoint toolbar will only save the presentation not the data. For further help and information please contact a member of the HSMC library team on: 0121 414 3672, online: or by email: