Brendan Mc Crossan
‘Alife untold,’ ‘my walk with Jesus’
A life untold, my walk with Jesus Mc Crossan
[1}ForewordTellof your walk with God was to begin in Northern Ireland
I do not make excuses for saying things I say in this, my story, this is me and when I say, God said, ‘he said it to me;’ I believed that God spoke to everyone the way he spoke to me, but quickly discovered that he did not, and I seen since then that he talks to us at whatever level he finds us at. We are all his children.
2-Corinthians-10:17-Amplified-Bible however let him who boasts and glories boast and glory in the Lord.
My son Declan asked me one time to write my life’s story, and he meant my past life which he knew was not a very good one, I was a former terrorist before I met the lord and when I met Jesus all my sinful past was removed from me, and I became a new creation, made in his image by God alone, he did all this out of love for me and loved me, even with all my faults, and they were many and there are still some left over, which he is dealing with every day, cleansing me by the blood of the Lamb. I will not write about my past ‘’unless’ it points to something God done for me I did not live a good life but I will glorify my lord who gave me a new life in him.
Ido notglorifymypast,ormypresent,nordoIglorifymyself,myonlydesireisto glorify the one who created me and loves me with a deep intense unconditional love, for as he donewith ‘Blessed Martin’hedonesimilarthingswith me,and hedoneitallforhisglory and honor and praise, I was just the recipient of his love.
{3} Marriage encounter A new life begins
Before you read this little booklet there is something that I would like to explain, there is no way that I did anything to deserve anything God did or done in me or through me, he is responsible for all the supernatural events recorded in this book it is written for his glory not to exalt me. I was just the result of his love and mercy and grace.
I grew up in a house where we said the rosary every night, and all I wanted to do was get it over with, so I could go out and play, and many a night I got a whack with the belt because of my urgency to get away, I didn’t want to pray, I wanted out to play; prayer for me was not an option, like any child at that time in Ireland we all said our family prayers and many like me had no interest in them, God was someone to be feared because we were brought up to believe that he was a very hard disciplinary, who watched everything you did like a hawk so he could punish you for what it was you did wrong. I didn’t like him at all. My belief from what I learned at home and at school, was he was someone to be feared, a cruel hard disciplinarian, a hard task master, and if you tried to grow close to him he killed someone you loved to test you; so this was someone that I was not going to let into my life if I could help it. And I carried this false image of God through my younger life and teenage life and later into my married life.
Tell of your walk with God
Psalm 77-11-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Our LORD, I will remember the things you have done, your miracles of long ago.12 I will think about each one of your mighty deeds. But first let me tell you about my life growing up. I was born a catholic and lived in Creggan Estate in Derry, my father was a plasterer, who lived a double life. {No he was not a secrete agent, he was a transvestite, who dressed as a woman} and my mother was the eldest of nine children, her mother died in childbirth and she raised her sisters and brothers, after her mothers death.Then my mother met my father and they got married and started having children, their first child Hugh, died shortly after he was born, then along came Pat, then sue, then, I came along, and after me came Rita and then Sean and finally Marian, the youngest.
For the past few days I have been sensing the Holy Spirit telling me to put down on paper my walk with God, few people know what my life with God has been like except my wife Rose, not even my own children know what my walk has been like, and the walk was not always like sunshine on a beautiful day as I walked along the beach feeling the sun in my face listening to the sound of the waves as they lapping upon the shore, holding Jesus hands and laughing and Theretalking.were times of terrible darkness in my walk also; and those times were not a walk along the beach with Jesus, feeling the sun in my face and listening to those waves lapping upon the shore, those times were the darkest thundery cloudiest days where there was no sunshine and the waves crashed upon the rocks with a thunder I never knew could be, and the only companion was the ‘’Son’’ shine in my life keeping me sane.
To God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, belongs all glory.
Psalm 31-New International Version (NIV) How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you20 In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues;
My mother used to get a little book called, ‘Blessed Martin De Poures,’ it told little stories of the life of this incredible man, and I used to wait patiently each month for the book to arrive and I got reading it after my mother finished with it. There were other stories and articles in it also, and some children sections and games, oh how I loved this little book, I was about eight at the time I first read it. The thing I loved reading was about Blessed Martins life itself, and I read the most amazing stories about how he levitated as he walked around the grounds of his monastery, he was so caught up in God, and a brother was always assigned to walk beside him or behind him in case he rose to high and he would catch him and pull him back to the ground again without disturbing Martin in his prayer.
I read of the incredible miracles he worked for people who asked for prayer, folks who were dying were instantly healed and restored; I was fascinated, but somehow or other I didn’t associate the God Martin loved as being the same God I grew up knowing, his God seemed to be Somenice.of the stories the brother Monks told of Blessed Martins life was he used to appear to two maybe three people at the same time, they of course didn’t know this until people wrote to the Monastery and they read the letters of those who received a miracle, and they realized that some people were healed and were seeing Blessed Martin as he spoke with them, and as he then laid hands on them and these were people from different parts of the world sharing their miracles at the same time as others received their miracles, and it was impossible for that to happen because they were no high speed trains or airplanes’ that could have taken Martin to those places at the exact same moment. Martin was always deeply entrenched in prayer during these times when he appeared to people, the brothers would check up on him always as so many supernatural things kept happening with him, he was so absorbed in the presence of God, hewould miss meals and other things would happen with him so thebrothers always kept a check to make sure he was ok. It would be during these times of intense prayer and devotion that these being in different places at once were reported, and the brothers seemed to keep some sort of diary about his times and dates.
I was enthralled reading those amazing stories and I longed to be like him, but keeping the God I believed in at a safe distance, after all Blessed Martin must have had a different loving God not like the one I grew up with. This was my first experience if you could call it that, of this different God, and miracles and healings and I longed from the very first day I first read the life of Blessed Martin de poures to have that gift from his God, little did I know it was the same God I later Got to know as Father God. I realized writing this book that I was very interested in the supernatural, I read all kinds of books about supernatural stories, all false of course, and then I read comics about Superman and batman and other super powered heroes. It is strange but when I eventually came to the lord I felt drawn to get rid of the supernatural books I kept, and so binned them, the ‘’comics were OK,’’ it was the books there was a lot of demonic stories about the devil and evil.
Before I begin I must tell you how God saved my life so many times when I was young and didn’t know him. I was born Brendan Mc Crossan, I didn’t have a middle name like most kids. When I was just a few weeks old I took a disease that almost killed me, and then as I grew over the following months I took every childhood disease that a child could have at that time, {so my mothertold me,}and Ialmostdied quitealotoftimes,Iwasanointed fordeath many times and was not expected to live and my aunties would sit through the night with me taking it in turns to help my mother watch me and giving her much needed rest, none of them expected me to live. But God had a plan for me and I didn’t know it. When I was just seven I took a disease called rheumatic fever and I suffered from this paralyzing condition three different times in my life; I can only remember two but my mother always told me it happened to me three times. At times during this disease I took massive nose bleeds and a few times I almost suffocated to death only my parent heard me gasping for air as I slept soundly, as the blood run down my throat and was suffocating me. Another time I remember was at a fairground I swallowed a large nut and it lodged in my throat and was suffocating me, my mother rushed me to a first aid tent and they managed to get it out. The enemy spent a lot of his time trying to have me killed.
Psalm 31 New King James Version (NKJV) In You, O LORD, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness.2 Bow down Your ear to me, Deliver me speedily; Be my rock of refuge, A fortress of defense to save me. 3 For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, Lead me and guide me.4 Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, Later on in life I joined a civil rights march in Derry, this march was during the “troubles,” Irelands little war with England. and during this march, as I walked down William street I spotted a soldier getting down on one knee and as I looked at him I had this strange thing happen to me, I somehow or other could see into his eyes, he was about five hundred feet away from me, and I knew instantly that he planned to kill me, so I dropped a stick that I was carrying under my coat and placed myself beside an older and bigger man to separate me from this soldier with murder in his eyes. The soldier did shoot and he shot a young man throwing stones and then he shot another man an old man, who later died. During this day which became known as “Bloody Sunday,” soldiers tried to kill me a few times, and as most of the world know today they murdered fourteen people and wounded fifteen and some more that never went to hospital for treatment but crossed the border into Southern Ireland to Letterkenny Hospital. At least three times this day soldiers tried to murder me, I can remember the bullets whizzing by me and one time I threw myself down behind a
It was my belief for years and years, that God was evil and not a good God. Then I got married to a wonderful woman Rose Mc Donald a beautiful young woman from the Creggan like me, we met at a dance hall and fell in love. Only God could have picked this woman who has loved me faithfully through our 47 years of marriage, no other woman would have put up with me.
Psalm 34 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) (1) I will bless ADONAI-{GOD} at all times; his praise will always be in my mouth. (2) When I boast, it will be about ADONAI; the humble will hear of it and be glad.
This was another time I didn’t realize that God was protecting me from death, and ‘I believe’ that the enemy knew a little of God’s plans for me and so tried very hard to kill me as I grew up, but the grace of God was with me and he kept me safe.
little roundabout which I was running over looking for cover as soldiers in a scout car fired a Browning machine gun at me, I seen the bullets whizzing by and I threw myself down behind this raised up roundabout on top of a girl who was seeking refuge behind the wall, she began screaming that I was dead and screamed, ‘get him off me.’ I can remember this girls coat but never saw her face, she was wearing a white Dexter coat and I remember someone pulled me off her, and at that moment a woman opened her back door and shouted, ‘come in here,’ and about ten people rushed to her door including me reaching safety.
Growing up I had no interest in politics, I was just living my life I had no idea what this government was doing or how corrupt and unfair they were. We got married at eighteen and began our married life and had two children later on. Around this time, a group of young students began a protest march from Belfast to Derry calling for the same civil right that the protestant people had. The protestant people along with their police and B – Specials attacked that march as it made its way from Belfast to Derry and the worst part was when those marchers who were both Catholics and protestant students who were clever enough to know the injustice that was being done, came to a place called Burntollet bridge, a massive crowd of Protestants who were armed with cudgels and sticks with nails embedded in them; and they along with other police and B-Special had organized a plan to all attack this group of demonstrators, and beat those students down.
Two War was to begin in Northern Ireland
As stated it is obvious we got married and began having children of our own. During our early years of marriage war broke out in Northern Ireland, the British Government sent their soldiers to bolster up a corrupt government, enforcing by gun, the rule of Britain and they turned on the Catholic people who only wanted the same right that the protestant’s had, a home and the right to vote, Catholics were not allowed to vote, we had a protestant government a strict hard religious government, who used their police and their B- Specials {armed protestants} to keep the Catholics down.
At this time the IRA once an armed group started gathering weapons to help defend their people who were being murdered by the police and British army, who were now shooting people, and driving up and down streets and shooting into homes in Belfast and Derry.
Psalm Contemporary35 English Version (CEV)
I will celebrate and be joyful because you, LORD, have saved me. Three Marriage encounter
The first Catholic man murdered by the police in Derry was a man called Samuel Deveny, the police broke into his home an beat him as he sat watching Television, he died a few days later from his injuries, and just after that, a young schoolgirl Annette Mc Gavagin and a young teenage man Cusack from Creggan were both shot in the back by British soldiers as they were running away from them. It was then that I got involved with rioting and later on, when I realized that stones were no use against British guns I joined the IRA and became a member.
I spent a good part of my life involved in different activities for them, but thankfully I never killed anyone and it was not for the want of trying, but Rose prayed against me and prayed that I would never take a life, and her prayers were answered, praise God.
When the marchers got to Burntollet they seen the massive crowd of protestants waiting to attack them and they knew from the experience of walking from Belfast where the loyalties of the police lay. The marchers were attack with terrible violence and some of those marchers were driven into a river and beaten with those weapons that the Protestants and police and BSpecials had, they thought as usual when a Catholic tried to get justice that they would do as they done for years they would beat them almost half to death and so put an end to their cheek to ask for civil rights. But this time they had ignored the attention this march was getting from the TV and news Medias, so when all of those gathered began to attack the marchers the police who were supposed to protect them also attacked those people who by now had been joined by hundreds more marchers.
As I said I had no interest in politics or anything like that, but I was just discovering the difference between protestant and Catholics in Northern Ireland, when it came to housing, the Protestants were housed in their own new homes, the Catholics were forced to live with their families in over crowed homes. When it became know that the marchers were being attacked by the police, B specials and Protestants’; people from the Derry Catholic population gathered to go to help them and ‘’this became the root cause of our war’’ with the police and Britain, who backed this corrupt government up. The marcher eventually, bloodied and beaten, reached Derry to be greeted by the Catholics who were waiting on them, and the police began attacking them also and this is how war broke out in Northern Ireland and it has lasted up until a few years ago with the loss of many lives.
previous to this, one of my workers gave the IRA the key to this house and they put guns and explosives in it unknown to me, but the man who owned the house found them and he came to me in a terrible rage, and told me to get that stuff out of his house. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I was bathing the children at the time and Rose was out, he told meaboutthegunsand stuffand said getitoutand promptly left.Istupidly leftthechildren in my eldest daughters care and went to this house and discovered there were indeed guns and explosives hidden in the wardrobe. I left them there and went to see the IRA chief who was in charge of this area and told him to get this stuff out and he agreed; his men came a week later and took the stuff out of the house and I returned to working in it with nine men working with me.But
I didn’t know that they again later on put more guns and explosives into the house again, it was derelict by the way and I was renovating the whole house. On the morning of the marriage encounter weekend I went to meet Albert a clerk of works, I arrived at the same time as him and together we entered the house and we went straight out the back to see the foundations. He then asked, could he check the rest of the house since he was now here, so I said OK, and proceeded climbing the stairs. I got to about the second stair when I felt an invisible hand pressing hard on my chest stopping me forcefully from going up the stairs and I got very afraid and wanted out, so I turned to the man and said, ‘I don’t feel well,’ explaining about me almost being killed slipping off the roof, and he said, ‘we’ll leave it till another time.’ I didn’t want to tell him about this hand forcing me back down the stairs, I was so scared. Anyway we left, and later that evening we went on the marriage encounter weekend. {I met Albert again years later and he told me that he took a terrible fear in that house and couldn’t wait to get out.}
I was badly shaken up by this experience, but I had to go and meet a clerk of works and let him inspect the foundations I had put in for the extension to another house I was renovating, I got into the car and promptly reversed the car into a wall behind me, so I sat again shaken up by this Thenaccident.afterIhad
But just before that, I was working on the roof of a three story house with a joiner and it was pouring down with rain and the roof was very slippery, and I walked across the roof I slipped and began falling over the edge; below me was a burning vat of tar and I was falling down towards it feet first, I saw it right below me as I began falling over the edge. Just at that Moment Joe Gallagher my joiner grabbed me by the hair and coat and pulled me back on to the roof, saving my life.
During this time of war, my sister in Law and her husband went on a marriage encounter weekend and persuaded me and Rose to go on the next one. I reluctantly eventually gave in becauseIhad resisted Roserequestthatwego. On theday of theMarriageencounterweekend; I was at work and I was operating a building firm, and had over eight men employed, and I was also learning to drive, I was renovating two houses, both in different parts of the city. On this particular morning I was to meet with a clerk of works at one of the houses, and my driver hadn’t turned up for work so I took a chance and drove my car to the other house to meet the clerk of works.
settled down I drove to the other house to meet this man and show him around this house. At this time I had left the IRA but still supported them and hired some members of this Aboutorganization.fiveweeks
A couple came to our bedroom to talk with us later on at Roses request, and I laid into them viciously, the woman told me later she was terrified of me and saw the belt that I was wearing and thought I may rip it off and attack them. All the years of hatred had replaced the love in my heart and I was cold and unresponsive, to all they said and so they left. Poor Rose suffered my tongue lashing as I said I was conned into this and wanted to go home. But was stuck there with no way home as I didn’t have a car with me; and depended on another couple giving us a Eventuallylift.
After it was over we waited for our lift, then I saw the couple who had led the weekend approaching us I knew immediately b the look on their faces that something terrible happened, and I thought that this new God is no different, he kills those whom you love and believed it would be one of our children.
After the weekend was over I had experienced some kind of change in me that I didn’t understand I felt peaceful inside and happy for the first time in years. That all was about to change rapidly, I knew I had decided to give this new God a chance and see what he was like.
Later on I realized that an angel had been sent to stop me from going up those stairs and it was his hand I felt on my chest. This was my first supernatural encounter with the new God I experienced.
This man had gone into the house and those same soldiers killed him, finishing him off with a bullet to the head as he lay wounded on the ground I dug the bullet out of the floor afterwards.
The marriage encounter weekend turned out to be about relationships between husband and wife and it involved a lot of writing, and this did not suit me at all, and I protested to Rose that I had been conned to go on this weekend. And I fought against everything they did.
I settled down and the next session was announced so we went in and for the first time ever I heard a Priest, a Father Mc Goldrick talking about this God who loved us unconditionally, and some how or other I decided I liked the sound of this God and decided to give this new God a chance and not realizing I asked this God to come into me, I didn’t realize at the time I was asking Jesus this new God into my heart, but I meant what I said, even though I didn’t understand the depth of what I just did. ‘I got saved and didn’t know it.’
The couple asked could we come aside as they had bad news for us, and instead of telling us one of our children was dead as I expected, they said instead, that a man was dead and told me his name and I replied what the hell has this got to do with me I don’t know him, and couldn’t care less either. Then he told me this man had been shot dead in the house where the clerk of works and I had been in the morning. Apparently the house again had guns and explosive placed in it, and this man, at six –o-clock Friday night had gone to collect some of the guns. SAS undercover soldiers had been in the house from the night before and were there when Albert and I were in the house; and they killed him when he went up the stairs and opened the wardrobe. I was hit with shock as I realized at that moment, Albert the clerk of works and I were going to go upstairs before the invisible hand stopped me and forced me down the stairs again and out of the house as soon as I could.
Oh how bitter I felt towards God I hated him again, this new God was no different than the Old one I heard about but didn’t know.
This was just the beginning of many amazing miracles that God was to do in me and through me. Very slowly I began to change, the deep hatred towards the police and soldiers began to decrease I never had any grievances against the protestant people as I had grown up with some of them, as friends and later played in a band for years with Jackie a drummer who played together with my brother Pat and me in a group called. “The Johnny Christopher Trio”
A new life begins
During the meeting people were singing hymns and then some of them began speaking in tongues, or so Rose told me, I just heard a low mumble. A short time after, a man began speaking loudly in what sounded to me to be like Arabic, and as he spoke; these words were spoken into my mind; ‘I am one of three, I am three of one, you are one of me, I am one of you,’ then it changed and it said; ‘I am one in three, I am three in one, you are one in me, I am one in you. the voice just kept saying these two sentences to me and as it did I wanted
‘He would be just the kind of person to get the gift of tongues,’ of which I had never heard, tell Whenof. we entered the hall where the prayer meeting was being held a man at the door welcomed us and called to another man George, ‘here is a man who will give you a hand with putting out the chairs.’ I told him to ***off and walked on in leaving the poor man totally embarrassed by my rude answer.
Hebrews Amplified1Bible (AMP) 14 Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation? Four
Years Later I heard my mother in law speaking to Rose one night about a prayer meeting she was attending; she said they were speaking in tongues, and praising God. Then she told Rose a funny little story about a girl and the parish priest, and I thought it was funny also. The following week Rose decided to go to the prayer meeting with her mother, and I went to the ‘off license’ to get some beers and a few packets of crisp’s, {I was a crispaholic} crisps in every pocket.lol. When I returned, Rose and my mother in law then left to go to the meeting, and I was settling down to watch amovieand havemy beer and crisps, when this thought came into my mind, ‘why not go to the meeting and have a good laugh, and then I can tempt the poor mother in law again.’ I used to mock her and pretend to Be one of those old black plantation Gospel people shaking my head and making noise of “praise the lorrrrrrrd.” I left my beer in the fridge and ran out the door and caught up with Rose at the end of my street, she saw me coming and asked where I was going and I said, ‘the prayer meeting,’ she begged me not to go as she knew it was to make a mockery of it. But her mother said, ‘let him come.’
As I reached the top stair on to the landing, I heard Rose called up to me that they were going to go over to Tishy’s house for tea instead, and she said she left me a few buns. Then they both left and I went into my bedroom, and wondered what I should do? The voice spoke to me again
to stand up for some reason or another and shout these words out, but I held on to my seat because it felt like I was being forced up off my seat, The voice continued speaking for a while as the man spoke in what sounded like Arabic and then he stopped and so did the voice, and the feeling to stand up and say those words aloud. I didn’t understand what was happening to me and it shook me. I told Rose what the man was saying as he spoke the words in Arabic? And she turned sheet white, turned around to her mother and told her what I said and the mother in law looked over at me and smiled, I didn’t know what she was smiling about as we didn’t get along very well, well to tell the truth I never got on well with anyone at that time. Afterwards I heard my mother in law saying to Rose; ‘he got the gift of interpretation.’ Again I didn’t understand what she meant, but who cares! Somehow or other the lord hooked me like a fish, and I began going to the prayer meetings with Rose every week, then one night they announced they were starting a ‘life in the spirit seminar’ lasting nine weeks and on the eight week they would pray over everyone for the gift of tongues to be released and for whatever gift of the spirit we wanted and Rose and I signed up for it. I was not a very patient man and when I heard and read the little book they gave us, about the gifts that God’s Holy Spirit was offering, I wanted them all, I thought of Saint Martin as he is now known; and decided he must have had those gifts, and that was how he could do those sort of things he done, the miracles and healings etc. I went after God like a little terrier after a rat down a drain pipe, and I wouldn’t give him any peace, until I got what I was seeking, it is a good thing that ‘we both’ wanted me to have the gifts of the spirit ‘all’ of them. I told God I was not prepared to wait the nine weeks, how arrogant was I?
During the night into the second week of the seminar, I awoke from my sleep to find myself sitting up in bed with both my hands raised high and I was speaking in tongues, and also looking at this black square on my wall just where my crucifix hangs, I was staring at this for a while then I looked down and I saw myself lying sleeping below me, and I looked over at Rose and saw her sleeping also. I turned again towards the black square and kept on praying in tongues, the next thing I knew was I awoke from my sleep with my jaw sore from praying so hard. I thought that was an amazing dream, and I told Rose about it later on as we walked to mass, she replied she had a similar dream where she thought that she was also praying in tongues, she didn’t see any black square. {I learned much later that this was an open portal, an open door into heaven} After mass we went to the bakery to get some buns for tea and on returning home we went inside and I was about to close the door when our neighbor Tishy Rush knocked and came in, I called out, ‘do you want a cup of tea Tishy,’ and she replied, ‘yes,’ so I filled the kettle then the next thing that happened was ‘this voice said,’ ‘go to your room,’ so I decided to go upstairs and pondered whether to go into the toilet and read a war book I had laying there, or to go to the bedroom and read the bible, this was going through my mind as I walked up the stairs, then I thought, ‘is this God talking to me?
and said, ‘kneel down,’ so I went over to Roses side of the bed and knelt down, on her bedside locker was the brand new Bible Rose had bought me. As I knelt there again wondering what was going on, the voice said open your Bible, and I lifted my Bible and my hands involuntary opened the book and it opened at the scripture, “on the day of Pentecost,” I started to read it and got as far as the holy spirit fell on them with tongues of fire and they began to speak in other tongues.
**{This is not in the Bibleanywherein theNew Testament or theOld, I havesearched through the entire Jerusalem Bible page by page searching for the words written at the top of that almost blank page, those words were written supernaturally by God, making me aware of my sinfulness, and his forgiveness.} * This was another supernatural experience I had. Praise God! God then spoke to me again and said, ‘speak in tongues;’ I tried everything I could think of to try and speak in tongues, I said the lords prayer, I said the glory be to the father, son and Holy Spirit and I said it as fast as I could, then I had this sense of God laughing, not at me, but quietly laughing because he was going to teach me something here that I would use to bring thousands into the speaking in tongues later on. I knelt by my bed and was getting worn out trying when God said, “Copy Father Kelly, I had heard Father Kelly use two words that stayed in my mind, and it sounded like ‘Keri amandi -Arimandi,’ I began saying those words copying Fr Kelly’s tongues when I burst into a tremendous flow of tongues which lasted for over an hour and they kept changing and changing sounding like different languages, tongues flowed from like a river of flowing water. I know I have written this part of my story in my other books, but I write it again for those who may not have read it. As I stopped praying in tongues, the lord spoke to me again saying; “go up and lay hands on your mother in law.” I left the house and went up the street to her house about six doors away from ours, when I went in she was kneeling cleaning the fire or lighting it I cannot remember 100%; as soon as I entered her house she turned around and looked at me and knew immediately something had happened to me. Rose was sitting on the chair besides her looking at me also, and I said to my mother in law, “that God told me to lay hands on you and pray over you,” and she said, ‘go ahead.’ I prayed over her in a great flow of tongues while Rose looked on in astonishment at me, then I finished and said I was going back home again, Rose stayed awhile with her mother who explained that I had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and was speaking in tongues.
Acts -2-21-The Way Bible 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
We finished the life in the spirit seminar and on the night of the baptism in the Holy Spirit I was being prayed over to receive the Holy Spirit and one of the men praying with me asked what Gifts would I like? I had already received the Baptism in the Spirit a few weeks before.
When this man asked me what gift I wanted, I said, ‘I want them all especially the gifts of miracles,’ and he and the man with him said immediately, that you cant ask for all the gifts I can have only one gift, and one of them said, I could ask for the gift of love or patience or
I felt compelled to read it again and again, I just couldn’t get past this last line, when suddenly the book closed involuntary by my hands, but I never thought to close it, then the voice said, “Open your Bible,” and I opened it at a blank page with just a few lines at the top which stated, “you have crucified me with your sins.” As I read this I broke down crying in repentance for my sins asking forgiveness, then suddenly I stopped crying.
Rose felt that she didn’t receive the gift of tongues the night we were prayed over but she rested in the Spirit and saw in her spirit Jesus coming down from heaven to her. I prayed over her a few times for tongues telling her to copy me but she wouldn’t because she thought that was wrong; later I used what God done with telling me to copy Fr Kelly’s tongues for others including a group of over two hundred at the one time, and they all spoke in tongues, no one was left out.
kindness, and even though I was a brand new Christian, I knew from what little bible reading I was doing that the gifts and the fruits were two different things. This man a leader in the Charismatic movement was telling me to ask for the fruits of the spirit and was trying to talk me out of asking for everything that I asked for. He didn’t know the difference between the gifts and fruits so he was not much good in helping me get what I was asking for. No matter what, I still received all I asked for, but I got up after these two men prayed for me, feeling a great anger inside me and a hurt also that I didn’t experience what others experienced and talked about the night they received their baptism in the spirit. I didn’t realize that I had been gifted weeks ago with a supernatural experience from God. This was just the beginning of a new life in me, a life of Joy peace and happiness and the beginning of a life of healing and miracles but was also filled with arguing fighting and all my usual bad stuff still in me as well. The battle for me had just begun, and it was up to me to change with the grace of God doing all the work within me, and trying to become a loving person like Jesus my hero, it has taken me 35 years to get to where I am now, and there are still things in me that need changing, but as Rose always said, ‘let God do the work, you try your best and let him do the rest.’ It was a tough thirty five years but scattered in between the lord was using me for miracles and healings in places in Ireland.
One night as I knelt by Roses bedside I wanted to pray with her to receive her gift of tongues, and as I began praying with her, I had a vision of being in heaven and I saw Mary, Joseph and Jesus, that’s all I saw nothing else of heaven, but the colors were not of this world, I never saw colors like them anywhere they were brilliant blues and red and different colors that the three of them wore, I was enthralled to witness this, it was so amazing, I know now when I hear of someone having an encounter with heaven when they mention the awesome colors they seen I believe them right away, for no color on this earth could ever compare with those heavenly Icolors.finished praying as the vision ended, and Rose still did not receive her tongues, a few days later Rose was hovering the carpet and was singing to the tone of the hover, It was while she was doing this that she suddenly realized she was singing in tongues, she had received her gift
Hebrews 3 New King James Version (NKJV)
Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, 2 who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house.
Margaret told me later that Tony’s mother made a fish like goo, a sticky fish and she presented Tony with his fish and turned her back to him expecting him to choke and die, but a few minutes later she heard him knocking against the chair, {Tony was paralyzed and could not talk also} as she turned around she saw his plate was empty and he was asking for more.
Later on she asked me to come pray with Tony and I did so every week he slowly began to get healed and eventually he wrote down for me that he was going to walk to the prayer meeting the next night to show people what God was doing for him and next night he went to the meeting and by himself he climbed the two flights of stairs and went in and sat down. A little later I arrived at the hall and I got to the top of the stairs when I was met with the prayer meeting leader who was looking very angry at me, he began to give me verbal abuse telling me that I was not allowed to pray with people and that God will never use me to heal people, I stood looking at him in surprise at his anger, then someone opened the door and I saw Tony sitting in the hall and he waved at me, ‘remember he was totally paralyzed.’ And then the door swung closed again and this man continued ranting and raving at me, and I looked at him, in amazement. Someone opened the room door and again Tony waved out to me smiling, and I help it open for this man to see Tony and then I turned around and told him to *** off. I had many a run in with this man as God healed people through me, over the next five or six years; he fought against my healing gift from God, why I do not know and will never know as he is now dead. Mark 16 –15- go and lay hands on the sick and they will be healed
Pam’s miracle for her sister Pam just new to the prayer meeting asked the prayer meeting people one night if someone would pray with her for a miracle for her sister who was caught along with three men with a bomb and guns in their car, she was given a long prison sentence as she was guilty. This group of people was planning to kill some one or many, when they were stopped by the British army in Creggan in Derry one night, the army found their guns and bomb they were arrested. There
praying with people as people began asking me to pray with them, and the first healing I saw was a woman asked me could I pray for her husband who was crippled and slowly dying, and could I pray for the gift of tongues for her also. I agreed and then said, ‘I will ask George one of the leaders of the prayer group to pray with me,’ he agreed and the lord said to me, ‘tell Margaret to go get her tea in the other room and we will pray with her after George and I prayed together for unity.’ As George and I prayed the lord said to me, ‘Margaret will receive her gift of tongues as she walks through the doors back into the room for her prayer, and this was to show ‘us’ that he is the one doing the giving.
When Margaret entered the room she stopped a minute then came running up towards us and said as she sat down, ‘I got my gift of tongues as I entered through doors,’ we prayed together for a little while and then she asked could we pray for Tony her husband and so we began praying, she told us that Tony was unable to eat anymore and was on a watered down complan a liquid food drink. We prayed in agreement.
Next day as Margaret was getting ready to make her dinner, and Tony’s complan. Tony wrote down on his writing pad that he wanted fish like his mother used to make, Margaret remembered her prayer request and swallowing her fear went and bought fish and made Tony it.
of tongues whilst hovering the living room carpet, and has never stopped using her gift since
When she stood up and asked would someone pray for a miracle for this sister, the room went deadly quiet, no one answered, and she asked again, but still silence, and this was a meeting where people were supposed to believe in miracles, no one spoke and when I seen no leader or spiritual giant rise up and say, I will, I got angry with them and stood up and said, ‘I will pray with you Pam,’ and after the meeting ended and they were all having tea, Pam and I agreed together that God would move heaven and earth to get this guilty woman freed, as she had three or more little children missing their mother.
was no getting away from it these four people were guilty, but Pam believed that if someone at this meeting prayed for her sister she would get out of jail.
Everything went wrong from the moment I arrived to pick these men up, when I got to the pickup point, one of them told me their band gear was in a bar in Derry city centre, so we would have to go back to the city again and get it. When we got to the bar, the lounge were their gear was stored in was locked, and the manager who had the only key was away fishing from early morning somewhere. The man in charge of the band said to me, here’s five pounds for the petrol lets forget about it and go home.
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Pam didn’t come back to the meeting for about four weeks; then arrived one night and when she had the opportunity, she stood up and said, her sister was released from prison today and is now home with her children. No one would pray for Pam’s sister because it was obviously she was as guilty as sin, and so they sat there silent not even responding with ‘praise the lord,’ they all believed there was no way this woman would ever get out because of being caught with guns and with a primed bomb, no judge would ever release her, but the greatest Judge of all - God-declared her not guilty and had her released on compassionate grounds, just as he declares us his children not guilty of offending him. God worked a miracle for Pam because she believed and I agreed in faith with her and so God moved heaven and earth and had her released, years before she was due to be released. Just as we don’t deserve to be released from our prison in which Satan has us imprisoned us, God sent his Son Jesus to take our punishment for our guilty sins and released us out into a new kingdom a kingdom of heaven on earth.
Romans 3 New International Version (NIV)
God transported me from one place to another in a split second. I was in need of £20-00 a lot of money in my younger days, and I asked God for help, a little while later my brother in law phoned me to say there was a band who needed transport to a gig in Ballyliffin Co Donegal about thirty eight miles from Derry, he knew I had a van and he told me there was twenty pound for the gig and five pound for petrol. I praised the lord for this quick answer to my heart felt prayer; we needed things for the children.
I could tell you stories after stories of how God worked miracles and healing through me but this is not what this little book is about.
I suggested to the band leader that my brother in law might be able to lend them some gear and he ‘did,’ so once again we set off, with even more mishaps’ taking place; everything seemed to be against us. Eventually we were on our way to the place where these men were to play at a wedding, but when we got to a place called Cockhill in Buncranna we arrived in the middle of a traffic jam and we were going nowhere, no cars were moving in any direction and we sat there I continued praying in tongues when suddenly our van bounced down on a mountain top on a back road and all the drums and equipment fell off the top of the back raised up section in the camper van and fell down on top of the two men in the back seat.
One other time when I was just a new Christian I was drawn to my back hall to pray, and kneeling down I began praying and interceding in tongues when the next thing I knew I was sitting in a hotel foyer looking into a room where there seemed to be some kind of meeting taking place and I had the feeling it was a communist meeting, Just then two women cane out of the room and began walking past me, I leaned over and spoke to one of them in some kind of language, {I don’t know what it was.} and she spoke back with me then she turned to her friend and told her to go on and sat down with me and we talked awhile. I knew supernaturally I was talking with her about the baptism in the holy Spirit even though I didn’t have a clue what I or she was saying, I laid hands on her and she immediately spoke with other tongues
The man in the front seat beside me asked in a shocked voice! “How did we get here, one minute were in Cockhill and the next second were on top of this mountain in the middle of nowhere?” Then he asked me, ‘are you praying in tongues?’ And I replied; ‘yes I was,’ and he said he once went to a prayer meeting, he didn’t like it and never went back again, he kept asking how did we get here, I looked out my drivers side of the window and saw a man? In a field cutting grass with a scythe and I called out to him are we on the right road to Ballyliffin, and he turned and pointed in the direction we were facing, {I had this sense in me that this was no man but an angel and so did the band leader} I drove just around a little bend in the road and on to the main street of Ballyliffin, and stopped a few yards down the road and look back to see the road where we just exited and there was no road there, and I had only driven just a few yards down the road, and I looked up and down the road looking for an exit or dirt road but there was nothing there just hedges, there was no road and I was on the main road and I knew this place very well and there is only one other road leading to it and that was from Carndonagh. This road we came down from the mountain didn’t exist! Even when we got to Ballyliffin there was still more things happening but it takes to long to write about them, anyway the band got playing for the wedding guests and everyone had a great time and I got paid, so the lord provided for me supernaturally by creating a road that does not exist and transported me in a van with three other men in it, from Cockhill to Ballyliffin, about twenty miles away. Four different times in my life so far God has transported me from one place to another in a split second as I was driving, and as usual I was late returning home, so he transported car and me together to get me home on ----------------------------------------------time.
But I was praying in tongues from the moment I stepped into my van; because a gunfight between the IRA and the army was taking place across my street and when a lull came I went out to the van and drove over to the soldiers to head to the pickup point. The soldiers stopped me then waved me on.
and then we left and instantly I was back in my back hall still praying in tongues; I stayed there for a long time afterwards thanking God for what just happened to me, it was awesome for me, I had a Blessed Martin experience and was overjoyed with thankfulness.
The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. Acts-8-36- 36 as they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”[37] [38 and he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.39When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.40 Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.
I know the lord treats us as his jewels for his crown and I know that he will cut that diamond with his tools of the Holy Spirit by chipping away at the things in me that not right and will present me a perfect diamond to the Father.
The spirit of God took Philip from Jerusalem and transported him to Azotus. God can do anything he likes, there is no limitations on his power apart from what we put on him.
Another vision I was given was again whilst worshipping the lord in tongues in the room at the church, I had been worshipping for over an hour when suddenly a vision of the crucifixion of the lord appeared before me, and I stood at the left hand side looking up at the face of Jesus covered in blood, and I saw the people gathered there, I looked at his face but for some reason I cannot explain I don’t see it when I remember it afterwards, I thanked Jesus for what he was doing and felt so much compassion for him for what he was suffering for our sins, I saw his eyes and such love I never felt before, then it disappeared, and I was still singing in tongues in the church.
Psalm 9 New International Version (NIV) Sing the praises of the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. Another translation says it better- {tell the world about his unforgettable deeds. {The Way Bible} Six A few awesome miracles
Another wonderful experience I had was, as I was ministering to the lord on my regularly hour visit with him in my local chapel I had use of a room upstairs at the back of the chapel, and as I worshipped God at the top of my lungs in tongues I saw a large lump of rough black coal about four inches long and about three inches high appear in front of my eyes as I had them open, I stared at this is surprise wondering what was happening, but stilled prayed on in tongues I saw the coal change to a diamond right in front of my open eyes it was the same size and shape, but it changed as if some unseen hand was crushing it; it was not a beautiful cut glittering diamond it was very rough and I had a sense of the lord explaining to me that the coal was me and is now his power on me that was creating me into a diamond, I didn’t hear his voice but the explanation just entered my mind.
The very same thing happened to Philip in the book of Acts 29
I arrived in Turkey with Rose and a few days later I got connected to the internet and had received an emailfrom Carolgiving meTracey’s husband’s number. Thatnightaswereturned from our daughter Brenda and her husband Musti’s Restaurant, “Musti’s steakhouse in Yalikavack,” Bodrum, as Rose and I entered Brenda’s house the lord spoke to me and said, ‘Go out into the garden,’ I did as I was told and then asked, ‘what is it lord?’ and he replied ‘phone Tracey’s husbands phone,’ I thought that I wouldn’t have enough credit in my phone as I had phoned home to Ireland a day ago and it cost me fifty pound for ten minutes and so I had to put more money into it. And this was now America I was to phone with a mobile phone, it would cost a fortune and I hoped I had enough credit to last. I phoned and got straight through to Tracey’s husband, I told him who I was and asked If Tracey would like to be prayed with? He asked her and I heard a very bad mumble as she tried to say, yes. He explained she can’t speak but said ‘yes’ and he put the phone on speaker phone, Just them my friend Carol arrived and I asked her could she place her hands where I tell her as we pray, and she said ok, I commanded the diseases to get out of this woman’s body and commanded the arms to begin to receive healing and the next thing I heard all this squealing, I had to wait a few minutes to hear what was going on and Carol spoke into the phone and said, Tracey is moving her right arm up and down freely, then as I instructed her she shifted to the left arm and again I commanded in the name of Jesus that arm to be healed, and again more squealing and crying out happened and again I had to wait till all quieted down to hear what was happening, and Carol again spoke to me and said Tracey could now mover her left arm freely up and down and was now moving both arms, then I told Carol to place her hands on Tracey’s feet and as she did I again commanded the legs to be healed and again more squealing was taking place and Carol again spoke to me on the phone and said Tracey’s legs and arms are all working again, Then I heard a commotion in the background and I asked what was happening and Carolsaid awoman of100 yearswasin thenextbedandawoketothesoundofmepraying in tongues through the phone on speaker phone over Tracey, and she asked if she had died and Gone to heaven as she could feel the presence of God in the room, they explained to her no, it was me praying for Stacey and she asked could I pray also for her, which I did and apparently she fell asleep again.
In the meantime I was beginning to worry that I would run out of credits and told Carol I had to go but I will continue on praying and would phone again tomorrow when she gets there to the nursing home and to keep on praying.
I checked my credits after I hung up, saying bye, and I discovered that I had spent less than fifteen pounds for over an hour and a half on the phone to America I was shocked and amazed to say the least. Next night when Rose and I returned home from Brenda’s restaurant, I stepped into the house when the phone rang and this strong and powerful voice spoke and said; “Hi Brendan this is
I was going to turkey with Rose to visit our daughter who lived there with her husband. The day before we left I got an email from my dear friend Carol from America asking for prayer for her friend who was dying in a nursing home in Ohio, I was just about to write back and tell her I will say a prayer for her when the lord spoke to me saying, ‘don’t pray for her, pray with her,’ so I asked my friend if she could get me her phone number, the lady’s name was Tracey, and Carol had informed me that Tracey had multiple lesions in her brain, she was going blind and was unable to speak properly, she was paralyzed in her legs and arms, and she had a disease no one ever lived passed seventy two weeks, Carol told me.
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
Tracey the lady you are praying for in America, I was dumbfounded with joy, she could talk and what a strong voice she had, she told me that after I left she received her sight to her eyes and it was now 20-20 vision and that her specialist doctor had arrived that next morning to prepare her family for her imminent death and the pastor came also, and they stood there staring at her in shock as she walked up and down the hall perfectly totally healed, he just could not take it in and kept saying ,“I don’t believe it,” Her pastor was equally shocked and asked what happened and she told him Jesus healed her which he sure did. She thanked me profoundly and we said goodbye and I never heard from her again.
I was asked if I would do a dedication for a little girl up the country from Derry about forty miles away. After the dedication, a woman who recognized me from a time she and her mother came to my home in Derry to be prayed for, for healing of cancer; came and asked could I pray with a friend of hers, a man with a very bad leg and in terrible pain, there was a gazebo in the bottom of the garden and some people sitting there sheltering from the rain and I asked if it was OK to use this, so we went in and I prayed with the man and the lord instantly healed him, then a crowd formed and one after another those with pain and sickness and diseases came and asked me for prayer for healing and the lord was faithful to his word “Go preach the gospel and lay hands on the sick and heal them and he will be there to fulfill his promise, Mark 16-15.
Last year Carol told me that Tracy was at Carol’s sons wedding and was out dancing. This was about three years after Tracey was healed by Jesus. But the night she received her healing Stacy and her husband went to the local bar to a darts match and both played darts; then they went back to the hospital and later the next day was discharged healthy.
The last person who came to me for healing was a woman whose hands and arms were shaking violently and I asked her what she needed healing for and she said ‘what do you think’ and she held up her shaking arms, The lord told me to sit her down and tell her to stretch out her two armsand thatIwasto placemy hand on theback ofherneck commanding peaceinto herbody, and as she stretched them out her arms and hands became rock steady, she burst out into tears and went around showing everyone, it was quite a long time before I got to leave but left feeling very happy at the faithfulness of Jesus and his word and seeing one of the nicest miracles ever, this woman’s shaking disease healed. He healed about ten others also all who asked for healing were instantly healed.
Seven Seeing God’s eye
New International Version (NIV) 14 Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.
One of the most awesome visions that I have ever experienced was when I was again ministering to the lord in my daily hour singing and worshipping in tongues. In the depth of my worship, I was loving God with all of my being when suddenly I was taken to the very edge of eternity, everything was black and as I looked I seen what looked like a line, a straight edge that went in both directions for ever as far as I could see and In from of me was this different coloured blackness, it was as if I was staring straight into a gigantic wall. I can not explain this part, but for some reason or another, at the exact same time, I saw myself standing on that edge of eternity, through my own eyes, as If I was looking down from a great height, looking down on myself as just a minuscule speck on the face of it all.
And then I was back facing this blackness, when all of a sudden this gigantic eye opened and looked right at me, the eye covered all of the blackness of eternity, it was the pupil of an eye I was looking into, I did not see the entire eye it went beyond my vision too enormous to imagine, but I knew I was looking right into the eye of God and knew he was looking at me, there was nothing said either way, I just stared right into this eye as it looked right back at me; I didn’t know or even think at the time whether it was a right eye or left eye, it was way beyond my comprehension, then I was back in the room above the church still singing aloud in tongues, and now worshipping with an even greater gusto and joy.
God is enormous and I know for fact he is beyond anything we can even imagine what he is like. Scripture says no man has seen the face of God and lived, praise God He only showed his eye to me. Car drives with no cable I asked a Friend if he would come with me to Portstewart and preach a message there to a group of people gathered for healing, and he agreed. On the night in question we set off in my car. Since I got this new car I was having trouble with it, it would slow down and chug along every time I came back from Portstewart as I went up the mountain, it never gave me any trouble going up the same mountain but always on the way back it would start giving me problems. To be truthful I believed that the car was haunted because as I drove up the mountain on the way back from Portstewart I could feel as if some child was kicking my seat as I drove, I could feel the pressure shifting from one leg to another as they pressed into my Onback.this particular night, my friend preached and we prayed with people and glory to God he healed them all. On the return journey my friend fell asleep, and I slowly chugged up the mountain in first gear and as usual the car stopped just as I entered Limivady town entrance, just under the same street light every time and tonight was no exception. I got out and lifted the hood and as usual could see nothing wrong, and then after about ten minutes the car would start again like normal and so I could continue driving home, This night however was to be different, when we reached a place called Gransha Hospital I heard something snap with a loud pinging noise and the car slowed to a stop, I knew it was not the usual problem, my friend awoke and asked me what was happening and I told him I heard something snap and the car just stopped, he, like me knew very little about the workings of a car, so we sat there a few minutes and he said, ‘lets pray,’ and we did then I said, ‘lets try starting it with a push,’ so we got out and started pushing and I jumped back into the car and tried to start it and the engine roared into life, my friend then jumped in and we headed home
and I dropped him off at his home at the top of a large mountain and then I drove further on up the mountain to my own home and parked the car outside my home. In themorning I went out to thecar to try and find out what thething was that I heard snapping, and as I stood looking into the car engine not having a clue to what I was looking for, my next door neighbor Adrian came out of his house and he saw me looking into the car, Adrian is a car mechanic and he asked what was wrong so I told him what happened and he stepped into the car turned it on and nothing happened, then said to me that the accelerator cable had snapped and that was the snapping and pinging noise I had heard. He then shocked me by saying there was no way I could have driven this car anywhere without the cable, this cable connected to the engine was what fed the car the petrol, the more you put your foot down the faster the car will go and without a cable the car would go nowhere. He then showed me the broken cable and I informed him that I drove all the way from Gransha Hospital to home without a cable and he said that was impossible, but he believed me, because he had seen some other impossible things God did for me. Another supernatural act of God, praise him.
Psalm Complete21 Jewish Bible (CJB) (13) Arise, ADONAI, {God} in your strength; and we will sing and praise your power. Eight My life spared again My dearest Friend Sister Augusta Marie from Drumalis Retreat House in Larne Co Antrim, asked me to come for a visit, and so I set off and we met and chatted and prayed awhile. On theway homeit was night timeand dark and as I drovetoward aplacecalled Dungivin I turned around a bend in the road and I came face to face with a policeman standing in the center of the road with his handgun drawn, and the other hand was raised in a stop signal. I felt heart sick because at that time in Northern Ireland there were a group of protestant terrorists going about dressed as police men and they had murdered a number of Catholics. The action of this “policeman,” was not the normal way that the police stopped a car and I realized instantly having looked at his weapon and saw the weapons of the other so called “policemen?” and realized, this was that murderous group of terrorists. I knew from my experience in the IRA that those weapons these men were carrying were not police issued weapons and the way they stood around was not the way the police normally do, they usually hide behind things to protect themselves from IRA terrorist attacks and these men stood out in the open with weapons trained on me. The “policeman?” standing with his gun in his hand and the other hand raised come to my drivers window and told me to open my window and asked for my driving license which I gave him and he went around the back of the car as if to check my number plate and to read my license, I seen him in my rear view mirror, then I had an uncanny thing happen to me; I felt the muzzle of his gun pressing hard into my neck, I could feel the cold metal of the weapon and the hole in the middle as it was pressing on my neck so hard, forcing my head down. I knew I was going to be murdered; previously, about a month ago I gave my death to the lord, surrendering my wife Rose and my children over to God, and as I sat there waiting on the bullet to strike me, I thought, ‘If I am going to die, I am going to enter heaven with thanksgiving in my heart and praise on my lips,’ so I started praising God and thanking him and singing a little hymn quietly waiting all the time for the bullet, when suddenly the pressure of the gun was lifted from my neck and the “policeman?” came from the back of the car and threw my license at me and told me to get the f*** out of here, and I had no hesitation in doing
To God be all glory and honor and praise for he alone is Almighty God.
I would encourage every Christian to spend time just worshipping God in tongues and praise for at least an hour every day. I try but don’t always succeed in spending two hours and forty minutes a day with him in worship and study, and the reason I try and give God two hours and forty minutes every day is because I am tithing my time to him, one tenth of my day.
When I am running his house of healing that he promised me thirty five years ago, there will be worship for two hours and forty minutes, as a minimum, and if Irish people cannot give their God that, they can’t expect to witness unbelievable miracles and unbelievable healings taking place.
In this little booklet I wanted to draws your attention to the things that God done for me and to let you know that I am nothing special and that these things happened over a period of over thirty seven years, and that God desires to do the same things and even more with you, he has no favorites as scripture tells, we are all his children, he loves all of us equally. The only thing I may be doing different from you is I took the time to minister to God every day for an hour or more just to worship him and not to ask for anything for myself or others. You may be doing the same I don’t know and if you are then be assured that you will experience supernatural experiences like I did.
I want the best that God has to offer and I am determined to go after the best of God’s offer, and succeed or die trying, I will never give up because I know there is no one on this earth that has as yet experienced the most awesome miracles that God is going to do in his house of healing. He has told me there is going to come from this house, a power of God that the world has never seen before; and I believe him and I know it won’t come by giving him a token of twenty minutes of fifteen minutes praise in church, like he normally gets.
We here in Ireland are too churchy in our thinking, we think God is here and enjoys our fifteen minutes like we are doing him a favor; we think people wont come to church if it is too long;
what he ordered, so I drove home as fast as I could just in case they changed their minds and cameafter me. I arrived homesafely and told Roseof my experienceexplaining to her itwould have been impossible for me to feel that gun barrel on my neck because there was first of all about six feet between him and me and that also there was the back window glass, even when I think of this or talk about it I can still feel the muzzle of that gun on my neck, I had a supernatural experience in feeling that gun barrel and I passed whatever test God had laid out to see if when I gave him my death was I genuine. Since then I have never been afraid of death or dying, it has lost all it power over me, I live, I die, whether I live or die either way it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me. Ending There are lots more stories I could tell of God’s supernatural experiences but this is enough to givehim glory. I had many bad supernatural experiences also and cameout victorious, through the name of Jesus; but I will not give the enemy even a mention in this booklet so he cannot, even for a moment, take glory out of it, which he does when we tell things that he was involved in and even though God rescued us from whatever attack he made, he still revels in his name being mentioned, so Lately I never mention the name only call them the enemy and a Christian knows exactly whom I mean.
“Church is too long and boring” if it is all about you and your hour long sermon. If you are in the presence of God and can feel the awesomeness of his presence you do not want it to leave and if you genuinely feel that anointing you wouldn’t care if it took all day before church is Goover.tothe African countries and they walk for five hours before they get to church then they spend another five, or six or even longer in church worshipping and then they return home for another five hour walk in the desert heat, or tropical rain, whatever the season is at the time.
The church I once went to, ministered for a while in Malawi in Africa, and they reported back to the church that most people spent either walking to church, in church or coming back from church, and they danced and were on their feet most of that time dancing and praising God.
When God makes the effort to show up during a meeting we should forget about our little petty programs and focus entirely on him and give him wonderful worship and adoration. Which is more important to you? That God is present and people feel his presence or you having your hour talking or time testifying, or doing the nominal things church’s do. When I feel the anointing falling down whilst I am ministering, I continue ministering to God as long as his presence stays, but in church’s I get the holy nod, ‘shut up I need to talk and share ‘me’ nod.’ Are pastors and leaders not holding the God of the universe in a higher position than themselves?
My walk with Jesus has been a frustrating one at times to say the least, because of church leaders who are not sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and who stop the move of God.
They will when they truly encounter the living presence of the living God, no one wants to leave his presence, and at times it bothers me to hear leaders say, do you feel the presence of God here among us, and then they continue doing churchy stuff and ignore God’s presence, that is indeed if it was God’s presence not a lovely warm quiet time. If the presence of God appears during worship, church leaders and pastors stop it, so they can continue on with their program, everything must be in its place, and this is an abomination as far as I am concerned.
Could you imagine the Irish doing that?
I seen this very prominently when I was working with a prayer meeting team who were having a mass for some school kids and their parents and I was told to minister singing as everyone came in, and as I did I felt the cloud of glory began rolling into the school assembly hall where were gathered, and then one of the leaders turned on me and snarled, ‘stop playing and singing,’ instantly the moment he did this the presence of God left. God only knows how many souls he denied the lord from getting. Thankfully the two priests who were doing the mass felt the anointing presence of God rolling in also and looked at me in amazement and asked why I stopped? I said I was ordered to stop by this leader. They turned to this man and they laid into him with a vengeance, they knew this was a special time, God was anointing these kids and their parents with his Holy Presence and he destroyed it. God wants to work signs and wonders among us and he wishes his people to feel his presence to know for certain he is a living God.
I have seen this time after time in church; you can’t go past your time because people would leave, let them! If going to the bar for Sunday lunch and drinks is more important than the presence of God let them sail away on, those who truly wish to be in the presence of Royalty, the king of Kings will stay no matter how long it is.
When worship is from the heart
After about an hour we fell into a time of silence and during the silence God began speaking quietly to each of us, I seen a vision of a ship being attacked, and this was during the Falkland war with Argentina and Brittan, so I sort of tried to dismiss the image that kept coming into my mind but I wrote it down in my worship note pad, I believed that God was somehow or another going to save someone’s life supernaturally because of our worship.
There was another amazing supernatural thing that happened to me and some friends who gathered with meto worship God forthatonehouratlunch time, this particularday my brother in law Tommy joined with us to worship. This was just at the beginning of my walk with Jesus but I had forgotten about it until the lord reminded me about it last night in bed. We just begun to praise and worship God; ‘myself,’ ‘Martin H’ and another friend ‘Martin B’ and ‘Tommy,’ and we began with the usual hymns and we were singing them, when God spoke to me after a little while and said, “You bore me with your music.” I was shocked, God spoke audibly to me and said we bored him with our music, I stopped playing the guitar and sat there in amazement, not only was Almighty God speaking to me but he said, ‘he was bored with our music.’ I couldn’t play another note and the two Martins and Tommy were still singing the hymn we started with when Martin H opened his eyes and saw me sitting there not playing and he knew by the look on my face that something was wrong so he also stopped and asked what was wrong? I told him and the other two stopped singing and playing the guitar, Martin B played guitar also as did the other Martin. I repeated what God had said and a discussion about what to do and what was happening began, as we discussed what God had said, a little rock and roll beat came into my head and a these words came with it, ‘Rock on Jesus, rock in to my heart,’ and as the words filled my mind I began to do what I had a habit of doing when talking with Rose with a guitar in my hand, subconsciously I began to play softly; then I began to sing softly the words as well that entered my mind. Martin H asked me what was it I was playing and I said I don’t know its just a rock beat, and then the other two stopped talking and began to listen as Martin said go ahead and sing it aloud, so I began with “Rock on Jesus rock into my heart” and began making up other words and played on, Meanwhile Martin H began playing little lead bits as I played and sang then Martin B joined in and soon we were all making up verses and singing taking it in turns to play the lead bits, as Martin H sung a verse I played the lead and when I sang a verse Martin H played lead. Soon we were singing aloud and standing up dancing along to what we were playing, and enjoying it so much, then the penny dropped as they say, and I had a sense that God was saying we didn’t enjoy those dead traditional hymns because they had no meaning for us young folk, but that rock and roll was our era, and we were all enjoying it, and then God placed into my mind that every song sung to him no matter what the tune, worldly secular or religious was, it didn’t matter as long as it was offered up to him from the heart. I just knew this instinctively that now God was accepting our worship and had a sense of him enjoying our worship now because it was coming from our hearts and we loved what we were doing.
When we ended our time of silence we began to share what God had spoken to us about and the others said they had a vision of ships and a helicopter and war, and I shared the same vision and all the others said they tried like me to dismiss the visions they were receiving thinking it was because of what was in the News.
Love never forces us to do anything, even if it is for our own good and God is love incarnate.
1 John 4 New International Version (NIV) 7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.8 whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to
There were a few things that I had learned out of this time of worship, {1}- ‘God accepts whatever kind of song that is sung to him from the heart, be it religious, pop or rock, or whatever your favorite kind of music is,’ it is not the music but what is expressed from your heart to him that counts; so from that day on I worshipped as I felt led to do so; days I rocked with Jesus and other times I sang him songs that his Holy Spirit gave me songs of healing and his word, and Lately I realized that those songs that the Holy Spirit gave me were teaching and revelation of the word of God, because thirty seven years later the Holy Spirit has been giving me revelation in the word of God and I realized after writing lots and lots of books that the songs he gave me thirty seven years ago were in fact revelation and I never realized this until {2}lately.the second was this I learned was there is awesome power in tongues because God said, ‘you do not know the awesome power there is in tongues’ when he spoke to me. I have witness that awesome power from the Holy Spirit as I prayed with the sick and saw them healed through the awesome power in tongues, I have written in this little booklet some of the miraculous things I have experienced through praying in tongues, In every miracle I had I was praying in tongues, and I believe God knows best when he says there is awesome power in tongues and I encourage people to pray in tongues as often as they can every day.
3- The third thing I came to and understanding about God is, ‘he asks,’ and does not demand that we do something apart from what is written in his word, ‘for example’- ‘he demands that we love each other –‘he does not ask this of us. But when he wants us to do something for him he gives us the free will to either do as he asks or to refuse.
Then God spoke to me again audibly and asked, ‘’would we pray all day in tongues because you do not know the awesome power in tongues,’’ and I told the others and ‘we agreed’ we would do what God asked; he didn’t tell us to pray in tongues he asked, giving us the right to refuse or accept, that how good God is, he never forces us to do anything. I looked at my watch and realized that it was exactly three–o-clock we had gone over our time limit by two hours and two of the lads had to go to work, so we left and each agreed to pray in tongues like God asked, and I began praying as soon as I said goodbye and the lads told me they also done the same and prayed all day long in tongues later on. That night as I was preparing to go to the prayer meeting we all attended when a News Flash was announced on TV, that the war in the Falkland Island had ended, the Argentinean commander surrendered at three -o -clock that evening; at the exact time we agreed to pray in Whentongues.Iarrived at the prayer meeting young Martin was already there and when I told him about the war ending; he was so shocked when he realized that it was because of our agreeing to do as God asked that he took the dioreagh, lol.
YouJohn-15:16-New-International-Versiondidnotchooseme,butIchoseyou and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
Walking with Jesus in not an easy walk, many will come against you because you’re different and the people of this world don’t like different and they will come against you with a vengeance, and the worst of them is leaders or priests and pastors, you rock their little churchy boat and they do not like getting disturbed
12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
Ephesians-1 -4- Long ago even before he made the world God chose us he decided then, to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault or failing; because he wanted too I know I have been chosen by God I did not choose him he chose me, how much more supernatural can it get! I realized that I am a supernatural being that is spirit first, soul second, and body thirdly, and I am meant to live in the spirit more than in the flesh, {body} and that is slowly coming about. Miraculous things are now the natural thing for me because I know that the miraculous is in me I am filled with the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I know who and what I am I know who I am and what I am and it was the word of God that gave me this revelation, I know I am not just some ordinary person, I am a ‘Son of the Almighty God’ and ‘I am joined together with my Lord and savior’ and ‘I am standing the place of highest privilege’ and ‘seated in the heavenly realms’ ‘through and in Christ Jesus.’ I know who I am and who is in me, and believe that I am filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and it was God alone through Jesus who did all this for me. A walk with Jesus is an amazing walk; life is exciting and never boring or dull unlike some churches, he is my saviour, he is my Lord, he is my God and he is my Father and I know what Father really means!
My life in itself is a miracle supernatural experience every day and night, ‘I am with God and he with me,’ ‘I am in God and he in me,’ and even though I normally do not feel his presence, I know he is there; for he is inside me, and how much closer can you get to the presence of God than that. The greatest supernatural experience I experienced in my life was my salvation for that changed me and I received a new life from God and the new life replaced my old rotten sinful life and I was born again, spotless, clean and forever perfect in the sight of God my Father.
My walk with Jesus has been an amazing walk, not all the time was good there were times of terrible trials and situations when I thought that I would lose my mind and once I even felt suicidal when going through a terrible darkness, but you know I would go through those terrible time again and again and again if only to get to where I am now.
Hebrews -10-14- you are forever perfect in the sight of God
love one another.
I have carved you in the palm of his hand. You were created in the palm of God’s hand just as Jesus was. You are a son or daughter of God Almighty; you are brothers of Jesus Christ what does that make you? You are a Supernatural being like your father, brother, you’re from your father’s seed. Amen
You did not choose God either, he chose you, and he chose you to experience the supernatural life he gave to you through Jesus his Son, he shared the life of Jesus with you and formed you from the very same substance from which he formed Jesus.