So much is being spoken of these days about “the end times,” every time you turn on the Christian T V stations, there are preachers talking about “the end times,” it seems endless, as you switch channels someone else comes on shortly after switching over and they want to talk about “the end times.” They say the signs are there showing that Jesus is coming back for his church, all they talk about is “the end times.” Do I believe in the end times? Yes! Do I believe I should worry about it? No! Do I believe that I should talk about it every chance I get? No! Well if you believe in it why don’t you talk about it? Firstly there are more than enough talking about, “the end times,” and it’s not what the lord has me talk about or write about until now.
Why should we worry about “the end times?” If were Christian “the end times” have no effect on us, because we are already seated with Christ in heaven, so what happens is of no worry to me, because I know where I am going when I die and in actual fact I am already there according to the word of God, “we are already seated with him in heavenly places;” If I am seated with him in heavenly places then what happens to the world at “the end times” doesn’t bother me in the least.
Colossians 3-3-Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God.
My real life this scripture tells me I have a real life, and it is in heaven with Christ and God, this scripture is saying my real life is in heaven. What about the life I am living here on earth at the moment? The life I am living here on earth is only temporary the real life is eternal, it is spirit and this, God’s word says, is the real life the life that will last for eternity, my spirit which is alive right now on earth and at the same time seated in heaven with Christ and God. The spirit life has no limitations, only the flesh life has that, and in your spirit life you are given a place of highest privilege where you stand in heaven; hard to understand? Yes indeed, but with God all things are possible.
Romans 5-2- for because of our faith; he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand.
If you’re standing in a place of highest privilege then you can’t get any higher than that can you? And the place of highest privilege is in the throne room of Almighty God, and you’re already there according to God’s word. Why then should you worry about “the end times” if you’re already standing in the place before God of the highest privilege!” There are lots more things in the scriptures than “the end times” that you should be concerned about, knowing about “the end times” is ok but worrying about it? No!” Being aware that “the end times” are coming should not preoccupy you; hurting wounded pain filled sick people are supposed to be your concern; to bring them to Jesus, saving their souls, bringing healing to their minds and bodies.
Ephesians-2-4-But God is so rich in mercy, that even though we were spiritually dead and doomed by our sins; he gave us back our lives again, when he raised Christ from the
dead. Only by his undeserved favor have we ever been saved and lifted up into glory out of the grave, along with Christ, where we “now” sit with him in the heavenly realms.
Christians have zeroed in to “the end times” scriptures and all they do is talk about it, focusing on it all the time, and yet they are being deceived because you should be aware of “the end times” but not fixated on them, thinking about and talking about nothing else; there is more things in God’s word to be concerned about than just one subject. Don’t let Satan keep you centered on one subject in scripture, if you do then you’re no good to others who are suffering.
Matthew -24-46 blessings on you if I return and find you faithfully doing you’re work. I will put such ones in charge of everything I own.
Jesus says here blessings on you if I return and find you faithfully doing the work I gave you. He is talking about “then end times” to his apostles but is telling them to go about doing the work he gave them to do. If the work the lord gave you to do was to sweep the streets, sweep the cleanest streets that everyone has ever seen. Do the work the lord gave you with gusto and with joy. This is what he called us all to do, to do whatever work he has set aside for us to do. Whatever work you do, do it with gladness, focuses on you’re work and in pleasing others and God will be pleased with you. Did Jesus say focus on “the end times” I was talking about? No he said do the work I gave you to do, then what should you be doing? Ask yourself that question.
If I stepped in front of a bus today and was killed, then my friend that for me was “the end times” for me that is. I live my life as if today was “the end times” I don’t worry about tomorrow or today even, because I have learned that worrying about tomorrow or today will getmeintoheavenquickerbecausethestressofworrycouldkillme,oryou,ifyou’reaworrier.
But let’s continue on and see what God’s Word says about “the end times.” The apostles asked Jesus when he would return to do away with the world, and he told them.
Matthew-24-3- What events will signal your return, and the end of the world? {“The end times”}
Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone fool you. For many will come claiming to be the Messiah, and will lead many astray. When you hear of wars beginning, this does not signal my return; these must come, but the end is not yet. 7- The nations and kingdoms of the earth will rise against each other, and there will be famine and earthquakes in many places.
11- Many false prophets will appear and lead many astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere and will cool the love of many. But those enduring to the end shall be saved.
24-24- for false Christ’s shall arise, and false prophets, and will do wonderful miracles, so that if it were possible, even God’s chosen would be deceived. See I have warned you.
24-27 for as the lightening flashes across the sky from east to west, so shall my coming be, when I the messiah shall return.
24-29-Immediately after the persecution of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give light, and the stars will seem to fall from the heavens, and the powers overshadowing the earth will be convulsed.
24-30- and then at last the signal for my coming will appear in the heavens and there will be deep mourning around the earth. And the nations shall see me arrive in the clouds of heaven, with power and with great glory. And I shall send forth my angels with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast, and they shall gather my chosen ones from the farthest ends of the heavens and the earth and heaven!
24-33-just so, when you see these things beginning to happen, you can know that my return is near, even at the doors. Then at last this edge will come to its close.
24-37 the world will be at ease – banquets and parties and weddings – just as it was in Noah’s time before the sudden coming of the flood, people won’t believe what was going to happen, until the flood actually arrived and took them all away. So shall my coming be.
24-42- so be prepared, for you don’t know what day your lord is coming. 24-44-so you can avoid trouble by always being ready for my unannounced return.
Taking this scripture its wholeness and taking Jesus at this word there is nothing for the Christian to fear from “the end times,” not the Christian who is closely following and obeying Jesus. And as verse 24-44 says, you can avoid trouble by being ready for Christ’s return. There is nothing for the born again faithful believer to be afraid of at “the end times;” because as scripture says; your already seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Your spirit is already in heaven and you don’t have to fear God because you already passed judgment.
Many are preaching “The end times,” and there are many signs that “the end times” are approaching, Many signs that some of those who preach “the end times” are not even aware of are already taking place in this world right now that even I know of. But am I worried or concerned? No and why should I be concerned, I am treating each day as if it were my last, and who knows before this book is even finished I may have passed on and some member of my family finished this; “the end times” may have come for me and that is not my concern. My concern is to get as many souls saved and healed and delivered while I am on this earth, serving my God and his people with all my heart.
Fear will not draw people close to a loving God; fear in fact has the opposite effect, it turns people away from God. Love does not make people afraid, sure we need a reverent fear of the lord, but that is a reverent fear, a holding God in awe of whom and what he is. “The end times” make even Christians afraid, because they don’t know the word of God concerning them.
“The end times” are not something the born again Christian is to be afraid of, but they should be glad; it is heralding in the coming of their lord and savior Jesus Christ for who all things were made. End times are a time of God’s glory for the entire world to see. I and you see God’s glory every day of our lives if we but open our eyes and look around us. Scripture tells us that we the born again believers are God’s glory. And even more amazingly we are actually filled with the Holy Trinity themselves.
Colossians-2-10-you arein him,madefull,and havecometo fullnessoflifein Christ.You too are filled with the God head, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And reach full spiritual stature.
As I said a moment ago; fear will not draw a person close to God, even if they try, because God says, “I want people to love me as I am.” Perfect love casts out all fear, scripture says; and God is perfect love. Love, and knowing who God is, and what he done for us, is what will draw people to God. When they know they have been forgiven and given mercy for their sins, and that God doesn’t care about their sins any more because he has already forgiven them and done something about them by sending Jesus to take our punishment for our sins on himself; he died and went to hell for your sins and my sins, once and for all, that means everybody. So God is not interested in your sins he is interested in your repentance, and it is repentance that draws you close to God and towards salvation.
To get back to “the end times” lets see if scripture has more to say on this subject. Matthew-24-35-“Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words remain forever.”
Matthew - 24-36- But no one will know the date and hour the end will be – not even the angels. No, nor even God’s son. Only the father knows!
All those who forecast “the end times,” don’t know when it will be, since the time of Jesus many men and women have foretold of “the end times” and gave the exact dates only to find that God didn’t agree with them. Many a Christian has wasted their years by preaching “the end times” is now! And it never materialized. How disappointing this must have been for them; to have spent years just focusing on this one subject instead of searching the word of God for ways to draw people closer to God, what a waste of God given time and effort.
God won’t ask you about “the end times” when you stand before him, he will ask you; did you do as I told you to, to love and help those in need around you, did you help your family when they needed help? If you did he will say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
“The end times” mean nothing if we haven’t spent time on earth loving others trying to reach souls for God’s kingdom. The time we have is now! “The end times” will take care of themselves. It’s great to be aware of “the end times” but for us the children of God we should be reaching out further and further to the lost and needy bringing the kingdom of God to them in whatever their need is. At least if “the end times” come I will be doing what God expects me to be doing; helping others reach salvation and healing and feeding, whatever their need is.
Matthew 24-42-“So be prepared for you don’t know what day your lord is coming.”
Tomorrow could be your last day or today, are you prepared for his coming for you?
Stop fearing “the end times,” live each moment as if it were going to be your last and you will walk in love, talk in love and act in love all the time. Stop focusing on just “the end times”
there is only now this very moment that you have to live and don’t live it in being caught up in “the end times,” be aware “the end times” are coming and also be very aware that only God the father knows when that time will be, and no one else, no matter how great a man of God they are, they don’t know “the end times” any more than you do, or dare I say it, even Jesus, or the angels.
Did you not know that you have been living in the end times since Jesus was taken up into heaven?
First there was the time of the Father God. And then came Jesus time. And now this is the time of the Holy Spirit, and it has been going on since, 2009 years ago.
The father Gods time was the Old Testament; Jesus came bringing the New Testament; now the Holy Spirit is bringing in the Final Testament, the holy will of God in this present moment. That is what the word testament means the “will.” Before someone dies they make a will, “a last will and testament.”
In theses “end times” there is nothing for the Christian to afraid of, they will simply have the joy of seeing their savior returning for them and seeing Jesus glorified in the heavens. If you are living in fear of the end times you need to check how your relationship with Jesus and the Father God is, and change it if necessary. For the Christian, the end times are what you’re supposed to be praying for, you say it when you pray “the Lords Prayer.”
“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Everything will be complete when the end times come, but in the meantime you should be doing as Jesus told you.
Matthew -24-46 blessings on you if I return and find you faithfully doing you’re work. I will put such ones in charge of everything I own.
Jesus expects you to be working at bringing souls into his kingdom or healing the sick or washing the dishes in your prayer meeting or church, doing the work appointed to you to serve the lord in whatever capacity he put you in. You’re only concern about “the end times” is, am I doing what I am supposed to be doing when Jesus comes back for you and the rest of his people!
You’re living in “the end times” since the day Jesus died, and ok there are signs that he is getting closer, but are you doing as he told you? That’s the most important thing for us as Christian, am I doing the work Jesus gave me? If I am then I have no need to concern myself with “the end times!”
Live your life as if “the end times” were right this very moment, and you will be doing well, and Jesus will say, “Well done my good and faithful servant!” Amen.