Agape love from the Father

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For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Mc Crossan

‘’agape love’’


The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], ‘’for God is love.’’ [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]

Let’s look at love from the agape version and see what this love is, a love that is wholly selfless and spiritual. Are we acting on this love for it has been given to us by Jesus, we have the same spirit as Christ therefore we have that agape love within us, a love for peoplethatonlyGodhadupuntilnow,butalovethathasbeenpouredoutuponmankind.

2 Timothy 1:7 Amplified Bible For God did ‘’not’’ give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of ‘’power’’ and of ‘’love’’ and of ‘’sound judgment’’ and ‘’personal discipline’’ [abilities thatresultinacalm,well balancedmindandself control] Agape = Christianity selfless love felt by Christians for their fellow human beings; love that is wholly selfless and spiritual Thelovethatweusuallyfeelisasensuouslovefeltwiththesensesandnotwiththespirit. This scripture tells us that God gave us a ‘’spirit of love,’’ {agape love} and ‘’sound judgment’’ and ‘’personal discipline.’ ’With love comes sound judgment and personal discipline tohelpusliveasJesuslived,ashenowliveshisnewlifeinus.Itislovethatwill free his spirit to reach out from inside of us to a hurting world, to the unlikeable, to the worst of humanity. To reach those the world considers the vulgar, the corrupt, the gangstersthehoods;thosethatsocietywishestheycouldeliminateandmakedisappear. Those who feel that they have a reason to hate the world, what did this world ever give them, where did this world show them a satisfactory reason to live! These are those that Godexpectsustolovewith his agape love, his love thatdoesnotjudgethem,thosewhom societyhate,thedespicable,themostvulgarpeople,thosetheworldconsidersitwould to bebesttobeeliminated.

1 John 4:8 Amplified Bible

Agape love, what is that? What is agape love? This is something that I read about when I first came to the lord, but haven’t heard about in almost forty years since coming to him. It fascinated me back then and still does when I see it mentioned, even though it was I that mentioned it in another book I wrote.

God is love, and he is agape love without end, without condemnation or criticism or conflictoranythingthattakesawaypureunadulteratedloveinunblemishedform,andthat sameloveiswithineachofus,itisastonishingtorealizethatGodpouredouthissamelove withinyouandme?Whydidhedothis,thisishisownpersonallove,thatlovewithoutend orbeginning,ithasalwaysbeeninexistence;thatlovecreatedusthousandsandthousands ofyearsagofittingusalltogether,eachdayisrecordedinhisbookoflife.Everymiracleof lifeisinus,heplannedthatweshouldlivealifeofloveandmiraclesforloveismiraculous, there is no condemnation in it, there is no pointing out our mistakes, for love created us withourmistakes,andourlearningfromthosemistakes,andaswelearn,wechange,and becomemoreandmorelikeChristJesus. 1 Corinthians 6:17 Living Bible

DoIhavethat agape love inmyheart?YesIhaveandthat’s‘’you’’Iamtalkingabout;Iand youhaveJesusinusandjoinedtogetherasonespiritinhimsowehavehisloveinusand asscripturetellsusthatwehavethenewnatureofChristJesusinusnowwerebornagain. Wearejoinedtogetherasonespiritnotonefleshandblood, no, aspirit beingiswhatwe arenow,andweneedtostopthinkingofourselvesasfleshpeople 1 Corinthians 6:17 Living Bible

Justimaginelayinghandsonsomerelativewhoissufferingthatterriblediseasecancerand afteryoupray,orasyouprayhealingoccurs,whathealedthem?Itis agape love brought tothembyyou,suchlovecanhealanythinganditisinyouandmebothjustwaitingtobe Weunleashed.havea

But if you give yourself to the Lord, ‘’you and Christ’’ are ‘’joined together’’ as ‘’one person.’’ Not two persons but one single individual spirit person, who but God could do this, all the glory belongs to him. You see on TV superhero’s, but not one superhero can heal sicknessordisease,notoneofthesegreatmenandwomencanhealawound,butyoucan through agape love,forlovebringswithithealingfromwhicheverdiseaseitmaybe.

very challenging thing to do, and that is to believe that all this is a gift from a lovingfatherGod,whodesiresustobewell,andtobefilledwithhis agape love I have never thought to release that agape love on anyone in over forty one years, until now as I write this. I remember reading about it all those years ago and reading one of those passages from the book, but I couldn’t afford to buy any books even they were reduced in price, things were tough in those days including dad’s agape belt on my backside for doing something wrong. Now I realize that it hurt dad as much as it hurt me forhis agape love neverwantedtobeatanyofhiskids.

But if you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person. This is the planning of Almighty God And father, that his love would blend you and I and JesustogetherasonespiritualbeinggrowingmoreintoatemplemeantforGodhimselfto dwellin Ephesians 2:21 Living Bible We who believe are carefully joined together with Christ as parts of a beautiful, constantly growing temple for God. How can we mere human beings believe that we are what God says we are, creatures createdinlovewiththesubstanceoflove,butinhabitingthepowerofGodforhisglory.We arecreatedbyloveforhisgloryandbyouractsoflovehiskingdomgrowsinusuntilitis establishedonthisearthasheplanneditshould. Lookatyourself;itisfrighteningtorealizethatentireGod!yesthatsupremebeingdecided tomakeus completeto shedlovein us,and fromus,toall around us, andforthat loveto reflect back again from those we reflect love from and to, it is a continuous act of pure immersion ofasupremebeingtohiskingdomcreation, whatlovehasdoneforusiswhat love does for itself in infinity and beyond. It is a complete circle a complete whole, an establishedfieldofpurityaroundusandinus Wewho believe are joined together with Jesus as one person. Onesupernaturalbeingof thehighestorder,thisiswhat agape love isallabout,aforeverblendofspiritwithspirit, constantlygrowing,excellinganythingonthisplanetoruniverse; Agape love didn’tjustcreateusasfleshandbloodcreaturesbutasspiritwithasoulalso. Carefully chosen, his own wondrous creation; something to be looked in astonishment at. We are chosen by God to represent him upon this earth, yet do we? How many of God’s awesome creation get a chance to shine above and beyond what we imagine ourselves to belike,andherewearea ‘’lighttotheworld,’’‘’acityonahill,’’reflectingthegloryofour Godhimself,forheiswithineachandeveryoneofus,hissupernaturalloveiswithineach ofusheistheGodheadandtheGodheadiswithin eachandeveryoneofus,suchlove, an unbelievable agape love that allows us to carry the Godhead. What other supreme being wouldallowusmerehumanbeingstoactuallycarrytheGodheadwithinthem?Iftherewas anothersupremebeingitwouldneverallowustobefilledwithitself. Two For God so loved the world

Jesuswentabouthealingmultitudes,andamongthatlotwerepeoplethatdonebadthings and he still loved them with his father’s agape love for the father gave him this love, and Jesus passed this agape love unto us, and now we have it so that we also can share this agape love withthehurtandsuffering. Ephesians 2 Living Bible (TLB)


Ortoputitanotherway God loved the world so much, hegaveuphisonlybegottenson, formankindtokillhimandtorturehimbeforetheyactuallyputhimtodeath.

God sees only Jesus when he looks at us, this is what he chooses to see; because we are joinedtogetherasonewithandin Jesushecannothelp butseeJesusin us. Agape love is for you and me, we need to give this a lot of thinking before we can work unbelievable miraclesandhealingswemustknowwithoutashadowofdoubtthatthis agape love isfor me/you. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Do you see this scripture? God did not send his son into the world so that he could condemn it. No, No, No, he sent his son into this world so thathecouldsaveit.Theworlddidn’tdeservetobesaved;butinGodskindnessandmercy hegaveusasecondchancetogetintoeternity,andthat wasthroughaskingJesustosave usthroughhisdeathandresurrection. ThereisnothingwecandotodeservesalvationormercyorgracefromGod;hefreelygave ittousbecausehecouldnothelphimselfbecauseofhis agape love forhiscreation.

For God so loved the world, [*God loved the world so much*] that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Asanindividualhewouldhavesenthissontodieforyouandformeandthisissomething weasindividualsfailtorealize.Hisloveisunconditional,anditisforyouandmeitispure lovethatgraceduswiththenatureandlifeofhisdivineSonJesus,acoveringforeternity.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

John 3 King James Version (KJV)



He that believeth on him is ‘’not condemned: ’’ but he that ‘’believeth not’ ‘’is condemned already,’’ because he hath ‘’not believed’’ in the ‘name of the only begotten Son of God. ’ *mine* Youwishtoknowwhat agape love isthenreadthisandfindassuranceofthatloveforyou!

But God is so rich in mercy; he loved us so much 5 that even though we were spiritually dead and doomed by our sins, he gave us back our lives again when he raised Christ from the dead only by his undeserved favor have we ever been saved 6 and lifted us up from the grave into glory along with Christ, where ‘’we’’ *sit with him in the heavenly realms* all because of what Christ Jesus did. 7 And now God can always point to us as examples of how very, very rich his kindness is, as shown in all he has done for us through Jesus Christ. 8 Because of his kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even trusting is not of yourselves; it too is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done, so none of us can take any credit for it. 10 It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others. Can you even begin to imagine how incredible it is to know that God planned things out frombeforetimeevenbegan?Itisawesometoseethatweworryaboutthingsandinstead weshouldknowandunderstandthatGodhasalreadyplannedhowweshouldgetthrough our troubles and problems. Do you see in this scripture that God in his infinite wisdom chose you and chose me to be in contact through reading my books, even though I will probablyneverknowyou;wearestilljoinedtogetherthroughthelord’sinfiniteplan.This is agape love inaction,alovethatchosetohaveusconnecteventhoughasIsaidwemay nevermeetonthisplanet,andIamdelightedthatyouchosetoreadthisbook.

Havealookatthedefinitionoftheword kindness = compassion, sympathy, gentleness, kindheartedness, benevolence, thoughtfulness, consideration;thiswordisusedtwice in that previous scripture and it is significant because it gives us an understanding of the loveofGodforus,wordshavegreatsignificanceinreadingthewordofGodfortheypoint outthemeaningofthewordsinscriptureespeciallywhenwebreakthosewordsdownto seethefullnessoftheirmeaning! Because of his kindness, {compassion, sympathy, gentleness, kindheartedness, benevolence, thoughtfulness, consideration} you have been saved through trusting Christ. Doesn’t that give us a greater explanation of the word kindness? It expresses in fullnessthegloryofGodwhenyoureadhowmuchhelovesushumanbeings. Agape love causedustobedrawntogetherthroughreadinghiswordinthisbook,andasIsaidalready we will probably never meet in this life but we will see the connecters between us in heaven where all is explained, and the picture is connected just like a jigsaw puzzle, one pieceisconnectedbyatleastfourotherpieces,eachmakingupaclearerpicture.Justthink when you made a jigsaw puzzle as a kid how you picked a piece out and then you found other pieces that built up a complete picture so that you could go ahead and finish the inclusivepicture.

God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ, a plan he decided on in mercy long ago; 10 and this was his purpose: that when the time is ripe he will gather us all together from wherever we are in heaven or on earth to be with him in Christ forever. 11 Moreover, because of what Christ has done, we have become gifts to God that he delights in, for as part of God’s sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be his, and all things happen just as he decided long ago. 12 God’s purpose in this was that we should praise God and give glory to him for doing these mighty things for us, who were the first to trust in Christ.


7 And now God can always point to us as examples of how very, very rich his kindness {compassion, sympathy, gentleness, kindheartedness, benevolence, thoughtfulness, consideration} is, as shown in all he has done for us through Jesus Christ. Isn’titbeautifulwhenyouseethisword‘’kindness’’ expressingthefullnessofitsmeaning showingusagreaterawarenessofhis agape love? Ephesians 1 Living Bible (TLB)

1 Dear Christian friend’s at Ephesus, ever loyal to the Lord: This is Paul writing to you, chosen by God to be Jesus Christ’s messenger. 2 May his blessings and peace be yours, sent to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault we who stand before him covered with his love. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to!


6 Now all praise to God for his wonderful ‘’kindness’’ {compassion, sympathy, gentleness, kindheartedness, benevolence, thoughtfulness, consideration} to us and his favor that he has poured out upon us because we belong to his dearly loved Son 7 So overflowing is his kindness,{compassion, sympathy, gentleness, kindheartedness, benevolence, thoughtfulness, consideration} toward us that he took away all our sins through the blood of his Son, by whom we are saved; 8 and he has showered down upon us the richness of his grace for how well he understands us and knows what is best for us at all times.

3 How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ.

13 And because of what Christ did, all you others too, who heard the Good News about how to be saved, and trusted Christ, were marked as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit, who long ago had been promised to all of us Christians. 14 His presence within us is God’s

2 May his ‘’blessings and peace’’ be yours, ‘sent to you from ‘’God our Father’’ and Jesus Christ our Lord. ’MayhisblessingsandpeacebeoursandthisasPaulsaysissentto usfrom‘GodourFatherandfromJesus,’anditisgoodwhenwebelievethisforitreassures ourheartswhenwegothroughtroubletimes. God sent to us his blessings and peace and itisuptoustoreceivetheseblessingsandhispeacefromhim .

3 How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ‘’has’’ blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ.

guarantee that he really will give us all that he promised; and the Spirit’s seal upon us means that God has already purchased us and that he guarantees to bring us to himself. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God. Thisscriptureisfilledwiththe agape love ofGodthefatherforushischildren,letsbreak down this scripture into smaller sentences and you can see what I see. Let’s look and see this agape love forthereisnoothernameitcanbecalled.

Giving praise to God our father is worth it because he ‘’has’’ given us ‘’every blessing’’ in heaven,andashischildrenweneedtofigureoutwhatthoseblessingsare,andthenacton them,fortheseblessingsareoursbecausewebelong to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour. ‘’Our knight in shining armor’’ asoneofthedictionarymeaningsays.Itdoesnotsayone or two blessings in heaven, but it exaggerates the word by saying ‘’every’’ ‘’blessing,’’ every one belongstous,becausewebelongtoJesusChrist.Jesusreceivedeveryblessingin heavenandnowthroughhimwedeserveeveryblessing. God ‘’has’’ ‘blessed us’ he is not going to bless us, ‘he’ has ‘already blessed us’ with ‘’EVERY BLESSING’’ in heaven, is thisnotthesuresignof agape love forus? 4 Long ago, even before he made the world, ‘’God chose ‘’us;’’ *he chose ‘’us’’,* that’ syou and me, long ago, ‘’think of this deeply’’, even *before* he made this world; we know from science that the world is millions of years old, so millions of years ago God was thinkingaboutyouand me, it didn’t takehimmillionsofyearstothinkaboutyouandme andwherewewouldfitintohisschemeofthingsbutmillionsofyearsagowewereonhis mind,maybeweweretherewithhiminheavenbutIdon’tknowforsure,thiswouldhave been before Adam and Eve destroyed our relationship with him. Maybe he walked in his garden with us also, I would love to think so, but I couldn’t say with any certainty. But to eventhinkaboutthis,thatGodknewusbeforeheevencreatedthisworld,andhecreated

Before he made this world think deeply about how God sees us; before he made this world or anything else; do you see yourself as how God sees you? He made a decision to seeus*holy in his eyes without a single fault;* ‘’before he made the world’’ thisishow God truly sees us, holy, and without a single fault; this is agape love in action! Do you think of yourself like God thinks of you? Do you believe that you are holy and without a singlefault?GivingGodgloryisacceptingwhathedoesandhowhesees,callingyourselfa sinner does not give God glory and sadly many Christians call themselves sinners and believetheyareinthesightofGod.His agape love cancelledoutyoursinsandminesoyou arenolongerasinner! Three

usnottobelikerobots,buttohavefreechoiceineverythingjustliketheangelsinheaven, whohavefreewill,soalsohavewe! He decided then {*before he made this world*} to make us ‘’holy in *his eyes,* without a single fault’’—we who stand before him ‘’covered’ with ‘’his love.’’

He showed his agape love to us as sinners Romans 5 Living Bible (TLB) 8 But God showed his agape love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we *were* still sinners. 9 And since by his blood he did all this for us as sinners, how much more will he do for us now that *he has declared us not guilty?* Now he will save us from ‘all of God’s’ wrath to come. 10 And since, when we were his enemies, we were brought back to God by the death of his Son, what blessings he must have for us now that we are his friends and he is living within us! The agape love ofourGodsentChristJesustodieinourplace,notasitshouldbe,usdying and facing the punishment for our entire sin filled lives. No, that agape love declared us not guilty of offending him;thatwasadecision,notaswedeserved.Godchosetosenda portionofhiminthetrinitytocometoearthandtastesinforhimselfandtheconsequences ofit,thoughhehimselfneversinned,andbecausehewasGodhedidn’tknowwhatsinfelt likeuntilhecarriedsinonhisbodyonthecross,andGodtheFathercouldn’tevenlookat Jesus, for Jesus said it when he said ‘’My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’’ It wasthenthatGodknewwhatmanenduredfromthedevilstemptations.Thereisnosinin God, nor Jesus, nor his Holy Spirit, but now on that cross all the sin of the world come rushingtohisbodyandfilleditwithsin,thoughasIsaid,hehimselfneversinned.

Thinkfault. about this you who crucify yourselves over some sin or other; have you done on someone the things Hitler or Isis did? Then if not, remember that God forgave Hitler, and allof Isis;wasyou’resinasbadastheirs?

Lookatthemodernday ‘’Hitler’s, Isis,’’ beheadinglittlebabiesandhangingtheirheadson poles throughout villages in Iraqi, some setting fire to mothers and their children in iron cages,andfilmingitforentertainmentasthesepoorsoulsdiedaterribledeath,killingmen, women, children with impunity, with no remorse. Beheading men and videoing it and sendingthevideostotheworldsTVs. *God forgave these men and women* evenbefore theywerebornthroughJesus,hisplanformankind,thoughyoucouldbarelycallthesemen and women human because of their acts, but still God chose to forgive them, and we Christians crucify ourselves over some little sin, and find it hard to believe that we have beenforgivenevenbeforewecommittedthosesins, althoughGod forgavemenlikeHitler andsomecountriesleaders,whomurderedtheirfellowcountrymenandwomenallforthe sake of wealth and power, and they themselves come to a bad end, hiding in holes in the ground like rats before they were caught and hanged or executed by the people they tortured. Still God forgave these terribleinhuman beings, because he knew they had been possessedbydevils,andheknewthedepravityofSatanthedevilhimself.StillGodlovesus forafterallweallarehisowncreationperfectinhissight,untilSatangotaholdonthem, andstillhechosetosendJesustoredeemusbecauseofhis agape love alovethatseesno wrong, a love that sees us as little children in his sight holy and spotless without a single

So now, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 2 For because of our faith, he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be. We have been made right in God’s sight so because we have faith in his promises, is determiningthelovethathehasforus,foronlyGodcouldexcuseusoursins;nothingbut sheer agape love couldchosetooverlookthe terriblesinsthatpeopleinthisworld could doonanotherhuman being. Lookat Hitlerforexample, couldGodlovethismanwho had millionsgassedandburnedalive,massacred;hehadoveramillionandahalfkilledinone prisoncampaloneinPoland.

Howcouldweeversaythe agape love ofGodissmallorwedon’tfeelit; you don’t have to feel it to know he loves you, youjusthaveto read it in his word and believe in it.Ihave found that this scripture is philosophical in its entirety, and I haven’t even gone through halfofityet,buttoseethe agape love ofGodenfoldinitopensmyeyestohis agape love, notjust‘hislove’buthis agape love! Romans 5 1 Living Bible (TLB)

Romans 5 Living Bible (TLB)


ThenwhatdidGod do foryou?Hegave you his own Holy Spirit to dwell withinyouand throughyou,andthroughoutyou.Asifforgivenessfrombeforetimebeganwasn’tenough toconvinceyouofhis agape love hethengaveyouhisown,yeshisownHolySpirittofill ourheartswithhis agape love!

for we know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us, because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his agape love

Do you belong to Jesus then there is no condemnation awaiting you at any time, for forgivenessthrough agape love isyoursthroughJesusdyinginexchangeforallyoursins.

Romans 5-11- Living Bible (TLB)

Romans 5 15 Living Bible (TLB)

Now we rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God all because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done indyingforoursins making us friends of God FriendswithGodWow! Thatisdefinitely agape love in action! Thatisactuallyawesome to think about; that God calls me his friend, I [name] am a friend of God, do you know thatbelievingthismakesiteasiertoaskhimforthings,dwellonthisscriptureandponder on it and it will change your life forever, as it is changing mine. My dear friend Granville Johnson always said he wanted to be friends with God; and praise God, before he died he cametotherealizationthathewasindeed a friend of God,anddiedahappyman.


And what a difference between man’s sin and God’s forgiveness! OursinsmadeusenemiesofGodandwewerefarawayfromhimbutthenJesuscameand died of our sins and made us friends of God, what a difference we feel now that sin has

For we know how dearly God loves us with his agape love, that love without condemnationofanykind.Thatlovegivenbeforetimeevenbegan!

Romans 8 verse 1 ‘’there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.’’

Let me ask you this question to anyone who has a child, or now a grown up son or Whendaughter.your child was born, how did you see it when you looked at it; your heart almost burstwithpride,thiswasyourlittledaughterorlittleson,didyougiveevenonethoughtto howtheywouldturnout,Iwouldsayno,forIonlyseenperfectionthere,thiswasRoseand mycreation,wemadelove,andthiswastheresultofourintimacy,ababy,anewbornchild

beenremovedfrom us andthat westandholy, spotless, andclean beforehimat alltimes, becauseofthisoneman,Jesus! Romans 5-15- Living Bible (TLB)

Four A question for you

For this one man, Adam, brought death to many through his sin. But this one man, Jesus Christ, brought forgiveness to many through God’s mercy. 16 Adam’s one sin brought the penalty of death to many, while Christ freely takes away many sins and gives glorious life instead. 17 The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to be king over all, but all who will take God’s gift of forgiveness and acquittal are kings of life because of this one man, Jesus Christ. 18 Yes, Adam’s sin brought punishment to all, but Christ’s righteousness makes men right with God, so that they can live. 19 Adam caused many to be sinners because he disobeyed God, and Christ caused many to be made acceptable to God because he obeyed. 20 The Ten Commandments were given so that all could see the extent of their failure to obey God’s laws. But the more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God’s abounding grace forgiving us. 21 Before, sin ruled over all men and brought them to death, but now God’s kindness rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. WhatwasitthatbroughtGod’smercy?ItwasJesusChristthroughhissacrificehetookall of men/ woman’s sins upon his body on that cross and put them to death; he took everyone’s sins from the ‘beginning until the end of time itself,’ Jesus supernaturally took our sins that we have committed up until now, and all our future sins that we commit up untilourendoflife. We give all glory to God himself foritwashisplantouseJesustopay foroursins,anditwashismercyforusbecauseheloveduswithan agape love.

If ‘’ we ’’ could love our children unconditionally no matter what they may do, then think howmuchmoreGodlovesus,becauseheseetheenemiesworkinginallofourlivesandhe knows what’sbehindnastymoments, sins, faults, andfailures, buthe choosestooverlook them because of the blood of his divine son Jesus. If your child was to remain a child forever would you love it unconditionally? Yes you wouldand we are children of God not teenagersoradults,weremainchildreninthesightofGod,believethisornotbuthenever calls us his adults does he? He refers to us always as ‘’his children,’’ or ‘’his people,’’ but neveradults. Is this enough to convince you of the infinite agape love of God for you or do I need to writemore? What has the agape love of God done for you? Maybe you need more convincing, I don’t know, but if you do let’s look at some more scripture where the agape love of God done thingsforus. Five Gifts and blessings 1 Corinthians 1 Living Bible (TLB) 2 to: the Christians in Corinth invited by God to be his people and made acceptable to him by Christ Jesus. And to: ‘’All Christians everywhere’’ ‘’whoever calls upon the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and theirs.’’

ofours,andboydidweshowerourloveuponher,forourfirstbornwasagirl,‘’Maria,’’and welovedherunconditionallyforshecoulddonowrong,andasshegrewupandisnowa grandmotherherselfwestillloveherunconditionally,eventhoughlikeeveryotherfamily wefelloutthroughdisputes,oraswecalledthembackinthedayfightingandarguing. Did this stop us loving her or even her loving us, NO! Did she have faults, spots and wrinkles? Yes she did; but did this stop us loving her, or any other of our eight living children,wehadonemiscarriage‘’Martha’’whoisstillstronglyinourhearts,eventhough shewasmiscarriedwestillhaveanattachmenttoher,shewasourdaughter. We loved our children as each came along and unlike God who sees everything, the past andpresentandofcoursethefuture,welovedthemthroughgoodtimesandsometerrible times, but nothing has stopped us from loving them, and even if we had the power to see how they would turn out, their ‘’mistakes and their good points;’’ we would never changethem,theyareouroffspring’s,andweare ‘’all offspring’s of God’’ himself,weare his own children and so also are our children, for each has given their lives to Jesus thus makingusallrighteousandreadyforheaven.

3 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you *all of his blessings* and *great peace of heart and mind.* 4 I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful gifts ‘’he ‘’has’’ given you,’’ now that you are Christ’s: 5 he ‘’has’’ enriched your whole life. ’’ He ‘’has’’ helped you speak out for him and ‘’has’’ given you a full understanding of the truth; 6 what I told you Christ could do for you ‘’has’’ happened! 7 Now you ‘’have’’ every grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing his will ‘’are’’ yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 And ‘’he ‘guarantees’ ‘’right up to the end that you will be counted free from all sin and guilt on that day when he returns ’’ 9 God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord. StPaulsays,hecanneverstopthankingGodforallthewonderfulgiftshehas,andtheword ‘’has’’ means you ‘’already have’’ something in your possession, it is yours through his agape love foryou! Five times the word ‘’has’’ is mentioned here in this little portion of scripture, and the word ‘’have’’ meaningthesamethingisalsomentioned,and ‘’are, ’’ allmeaningsomething isyoursalready.Godisnotgoingtogiveusthesegiftsorblessings we already have them becausehe ‘’has’’ giventhemtousalready! Many times Christians waste their time praying for these gifts and blessings when they alreadyhavethem,sotheyarewastinggoodprayertimeandarealso ignorantofthegifts and blessings that are already in their possession. Read this scripture over again and see the agape love thatGodhasforyoubyseeingthegiftsandblessingsthat ‘’he has’’ givento you. 5 he ‘’has’’ enriched your whole life. ’’ He ‘’has’’ helped you speak out for him and ‘’has’’ given you a full understanding of the truth; 6 what I told you Christ could do for you ‘’has’’ happened! 7 Now you ‘’have’’ *every grace and blessing;* *every spiritual gift and power* for doing Wihisll ‘’are’’ yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you *all of his blessings* and *great peace of heart and mind.*

Goddoesnotwanthisholychildrenmissingthemark,bynotreceivinghis agape love,he wantseveryoneofhischildrentobeblessedbyhiswordthroughthosewhohavereadhis wordandreceived revelation fortherevelationofthedivine wordiskeptsecret fromthe enemyofGod’schildren! Six Boast in the lord and no one else 1 Corinthians 1 Living Bible (TLB)

When written like this it may make it clearer to you the reader what God done for you already.Godhasenrichedmywholelife! How? Wellfirstbygivingyoueternallifewithhim in heaven. And he enriched your whole life by joining your spirit together ‘’with and in,’’ Christ ThroughJesus.thepoweroftheHolySpiritwithinyouhehasgivenyouthepowertospeakout forhimandtospeakoutwithhispowerandauthoritythroughhisauthoritygiventoyou

30 For it is from God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus. He showed us God’s plan of salvation; he was the one who made us acceptable to God; he made us pure and holy and gave himself to purchase our salvation.* 31 As it says in the Scriptures, “If anyone is going to boast, let him boast only of what the Lord has done.”.

Hehasgivenyouafullunderstandingofthetruth,anditisallwithinhisdivineword!And hehasgivenusgreat‘’peace of heart and mind.’’ What God said about Jesus has already happened in our lifetime, and so because I have JesusinmyspiritIamjoinedtogetherwithandinhim,Ihaveeveryspiritualgift,grace,and power, for he now shares his grace and blessings and ‘’I share in his inheritance’’ as our Godhassaid,andIamjustwaitingforhimtoreturn.Allthisis agape love inactionincase you’rebeginningtowaneinyourattentiontothisdivineword. Agape love is blessings poured out upon this corrupt world, so that God’s own children may find this awesome love for them and accept it for themselves, and for their families.

This was agape love for us, that God used his son to die in such a terrible way after suffering appalling torture. The devil never through that God would go to such a great length to save mankind, by sacrificing his only son, for if he had known God’s plans he wouldneverhavehadtheJewstakehimprisonertohavehimputtodeathonacross;for on that cross he would bear all the sins of the world on him. The devil thought that Jesus

If anyone is going to boast, then boast only about what God has done for us; we cannot boastaboutdoinganythingtoreceivesalvationandgetintoheaven,forthereisnothingwe can do to receive a free gift; for it is from God alone that we have our life through Jesus Christ.JesusmadeusacceptabletoGodthroughGod’sgreatplanforsalvation;Godplanned touseJesustopayforoursinsandfaults,heplannedtosacrificehimforoursins.

12 And we the spirit of the world did not receive, but the Spirit that [is] of God, that we may know the things conferred by God on us, God foreordained a secret before the ages; ‘’for our glory,’’ and he prepared these things forthoselovinghim.Goddonethesethings‘’for our glory,’’ isn’titjustamazing,tocometo the realization of the things God done for us, and why did he do them? ‘’For our glory,’’ isn’t that just incredible to even think about, that God himself planned all these things beforeheevenmadeaworld;imaginehavingallthesethingsinyourbrain,itwouldblow my mind when I actually read and come to an understanding of what it is that God has written down for us, for I am sure that those who wrote down the things that God told them, they like us wouldn’t have understood those things, except by revelation from the HolySpirit!

1 Corinthians 3 Living Bible (TLB)

sinned when he saw so much sin on him; he was completely outsmarted by father God’s great plan. He used the devil to have him put Jesus to death, and the devil thought that it was ‘’his idea’’ thatsucceeded,Godoutwittedhimineverystepoftheway. Corinthians 2 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)


7 but we speak the hidden wisdom of God in a secret that God foreordained ‘’before the ages’’ ‘’to our glory’’ 8 which no one of the rulers of this age did know, for if they had known, the Lord of the glory they would not have crucified; 9 but, according as it hath been written, `What eye did not see, and ear did not hear, and upon the heart of man came not up, what ‘God did prepare’ for those loving Him --' 10 but to us did God reveal [them] through His Spirit, for the Spirit all things doth search, even the depths of God,’ 11 for who of men hath known the things of the man, except the spirit of the man that [is] in him? So also the things of God no one hath known, except the Spirit of God.

Seven God’s agape love shown through Jesus Agape love isshowntousthroughJesusanditisthroughJesusthatweseeandsometimes feelsthat agape love ofGodasitfiltersdowntousthroughJesus. Sometimesitiseasierto feel the agape love of God through his son Jesus, for sometimes it is hard for us to know that love given to us by God himself, but we can place a face before us when we look at Jesus,eventhoughtheyarealldrawings,buttheygiveusanideaofwhathelookedlike.

God has given me a way of praying with people so that they feel for themselves the awesomegloryofGod, that agape love whenIpraywiththem, and mostthat Ipraywith feelthisawesomelovecomeoverthemasIpray Iknow it isn’t me thatiscausingthemto feel this agape love but that it is the lord himself that is doing this, for I cannot make someonefeelhis agape love unlessitisthelordhimselfdoingit.

21 So don’t be proud of following the wise men of this world for God has already given you everything you need 22 He has given you Paul and Apollo’s and Peter as your helpers. He has given you the whole world to use, and life and even death are your servants. He has given you all of the present and all of the future. All are yours, 23 and you belong to Christ, and Christ is God’s. Agape love doesawesomethingsforushumanbeings.Thosethathegivesrevelationto,he expectsthemtoshareitwiththebodyofChrist,forhewantsusalltoreceivewhatitisthat hegivesasgiftstoman,sonooneisanysmarterthanthenextpersonwhobelongstothe lordJesusandtotheFather. Everything is for his glory and his glory alone,eventhough GodshareshisglorywithushumanbeingsfilledwithHimself,Jesus,andtheHolySpirit,he does not share his glory with worldly people, only with those called to salvation and who answer the call. Inthisscripture God gives you everything you need and evenmore for hegivesyouthewisdomofPaul,Apollo’s,andPeter,throughwhattheylearnedfromhim andthroughtheirtimewithhissonJesusChrist! He God ‘’has given you the whole world to use,’’ soeverythinginthisworldistobeusedforthegloryofGodthroughyourstrong faithinhim.Godhasevengivenus the ‘’power over life and death’’ bygivingthemtous as our ‘’servants;’’ all ofthis ‘’present world and of the world to come’’ are giventous for our use and his glory. Through the years I have used these things for the glory of God and no one else. I have used them for the healing of the body of Christ when needed for I knowthatthesegiftsandblessingsbelongtous,andareforthebody’sneeds.Andwhydo wereceivethem,wereceivethemfortheneedsofthewholebodytobringunderstanding and truth to come to them; to make them aware that these gifts and blessings are theirs alsotouseforthegloryofGod. Agape love isawesometo feel for ourselves andforothersthatwepraywithortalkwith.

ThereisnotathingonthisplanetthatGodthefatherdidn’tplanorcreatethroughhisson Jesus,andthatincludedallthesinsoftheentireworld.Thereisnot onesinglesinleftout nomatterhowvileorrepugnantitmayhavebeen,allsinsarepaidforthroughJesus,forhe tookoursinsuponhisownbody,takingthemsupernaturallyoffofusandforgivingusour debt,evenifwedidn’twishtobeforgiven.Andallapersonhastodotoreceiveforgiveness, and salvation, is to say sincerely ‘’sorry, and ask Jesus in to their hearts as lord and saviour,’’andtheymustbesincere,orelsetheywastetheirtime.

20 Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commands. For the more we know of God’s laws, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying them; his laws serve only to make us see that we are sinners.

God planned that one day in the future that Jesus would come into this evil world and cleansitfromitvilesins,anditwas Gods plans, andnooneelse’splanstobringmenand womentosalvationthroughJesuspayingfortheirsinsandallthesinsoftheentireworld.

21 22 But now God has shown us a different way to heaven not by “being good enough” and trying to keep his laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago). Now God says he will accept and acquit us—declare us “not guilty” if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like. 23 Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; 24 yet now God declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins.

Now read the following scripture and see how many times the name ‘’God’’ appears, and whatdoesitsayaboutthescriptureitself! Romans 3 Living Bible (TLB)

25 For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from his wrath, in this way he was being entirely fair, even though he did not punish those who sinned in former times. For he was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins 26 And now in these days also he can receive sinners in this same way because Jesus took away their sins. But isn’t this unfair for God to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? No, for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins.

Itwasanditis agape love thatGodsentdownhissonJesustocomeintothisworldnotto bring condemnation but agape love by forgiving men and women their sins. This was all God the fathers plans notJesusplansbutJesuswasobedienttohisfather’splans.

No one can get to the Father except by means of me. Godinhisinfinitewisdomandmercydrewoutaplantosavehiscreationhischildrenthat hecreatedtobelikehimselfaneternalbeingwhowouldliveforever,andinnowaydidhe wishforanyofhiscreationhischildren tobedamnedtohell, sohedevisedthisplan that Jesus a member of the Holy Trinity would go down to earth and taste sin for himself, and then take that sin upon his body, and have that sin killed on Calvary on the cross, after taking upon himself the worlds sickness and diseases at the scourging at the pillar first, where he was lashed and we were healed, Isaiah 53 the way bible….. He was despised, and we didn’t care 4 yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And

Now God has shown us a different way to heaven and that way was Jesus, who declared himselftobe‘’thewaythetruthandthelife.’’

27 Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all; Why? Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in him. 28 So it is that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do., 20 Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commands. No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commanded back then before Jesus came into this world. Because obeying the law didn’t makeyourightwithGod,buthis agape love wassostrongthatitplannedawayoutforus; hemadeadecisionwaybackbeforetimewouldbeginandbeforetherewerehumanbeings on this planet to send his son Jesus into this world to save his creation because he seen afterhemadethem,thatthedevilwouldhavethemrebelandsin,andtherewasnomercy ordainedbeforetimebegan, thenhethought;‘’Iknow,’’‘’I’llsendJesusdowntoearthand getridofsinonceandforallbybecomingasinofferingfortheseweakhumanbeings,and takingtheirsinuponhisbody,andkillitonacrossonCalvaryandbysufferingwhatthey shouldhavesuffered.’’Thiswasandstillis agape love inaction! 21 22 But now God has shown us a different way to heaven not by “being good enough” and trying to keep his laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago). Now God says he will accept and acquit us declare us “not guilty” if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like.

John 14:6-Living Bible….Jesus told him, “I am the Way—yes, and the Truth and the Life.’’

Youseetheextentofthemercyand agape love ofGodformankindwhenhesacrificedhis oneandonlyson, youcansee howmuch agape love hehasforyouandmeandforall! It hadtotake agape love tohaveyourownsontortured,lashedandbeaten,andthenforced to carry his own death on his shoulders, as well as the sins of the entire world, past, present,andfuture,onhisbackalso;itmusthavebrokenhisheart.Buthethoughtwewere worth it. In our fight against temptation he saw that we were outnumbered by the evil spiritsthatrulethisunseenworld,andhehadcompassiononus,andsosenthissonJesus to help us by taking our sins upon him, and for ‘’forgiving those sins’’ ‘forever’’ no matter how many times we sinned. Sadly not many Christians are aware that their sins, the ones theyarecommittingrightnow,andtheonesalreadycommittedare‘’alreadyforgiven’’and allwehavetodoisacceptthatforgivenessbysayingsorryand remain in righteousness, ‘in right standing with God’ because of the work of Jesus. That is agape love in action, an ongoing agape love where all our sins are already forgiven, even before we ask for forgivenessthatisanawesomemeasurethatGodlaiddownforus.

‘’Our sins are already forgiven,’’ thatissomestatementtoannounceforthegloryofGod who has forgiven us in our entirety. ‘’Wow,’’ even before we ask for forgiveness we already are.Jesuswenttothecrosstwothousandyearsagoandpurchasedoursalvation on that cross where ‘’all,’’ {‘’every one of our sins’’} from the original sin we were born with,tothelastsinwecommitwhilewelive;thisis ‘’his’’ agape love forusinlivingform. Now ‘’God’’ ‘’says’’ ‘’he’’ will ‘accept and acquit us ‘declare us’ “not guilty” ‘if’’’ ‘we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins’ Thatisallwehavetodotoreceiveeternallife, ‘’trust Jesus’’ inwhathesaidhewoulddo, and God says ‘’he’’ will accept us and acquit us, acquit means to declare us ‘’not guilty,’’ ‘’release,’’ ‘’exonerate,’’ ‘’clear us from all sin!’’ And all we need to do is to believeJesusandaccepthiswordandaskhimintoourhearts,howeasythatis.Godinhis agape love forusdismissedthebarthatwemustriseto,andlaiditdownlowerthan our sinssothatwecouldovercomeit.Youcanseefromthisscripturethatitis‘’God’’ notJesus whoacceptsusandacquitsusanddeclareusnotguilty,yetwearetaughttobelievethatit isJesuswhoplannedandexecutedallthis,bytakingalloursinsaway,noJesuscarriedour entiresinsonhisbodyuntilhedied,butitwasthefatherGodwhoforgivesus, not him; he wasinagreementwithhisfatherthathewoulddoashesaidtodo,andsobringaboutthe fathersplans, for it isn’t Jesus who forgives us, no! He won forgiveness for us butitisthe fatherGodwhoinhis agape love thatforgivesus. Now ‘’God’’ ‘’says’’ ‘’he’’ will ‘accept and

we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; he was lashed and we were healed!

acquit us—‘declare us’ “not guilty. It is God who says he will accept and acquit us declareusnotguilty,notJesusortheHolySpirit,butAlmightyGod. YoumayneverthinkabouthowmuchGodlovesyouorwhatheactuallydidforyou,butI hopeinthisbookyouwillseetheextentofhisgraciousloveforyou.

Yes, ‘’all’’ have sinned;’’ ‘’all’’ fall short of God’s glorious ideal;’’ 24 yet now ‘’God’’ declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins. Yes says God, ‘‘all’’ have sinned, ‘’all’’ fall short of his glorious ideal,’’ but it is he who declares us ‘’not guilty’’ of ‘’offending him.’’ Who does sin offend? It says here in this scripture?SinoffendsGodbutitalsosaysthatGoddeclaresyounotguiltyofoffendinghim, ifyoutrustinJesusChristhisson. Justimaginestandingbeforehimandhearhimsaying, ‘’you are not guilty’’ ‘’of offending me,’’ theonewhomsinoffends.Imagineyourspiritsdelighttohearhimsaythosewordsto youwhenyoustandbeforehimtobejudgedatthesecondjudgment.Walkingintoheaven where a white robe awaits you and a crown, and a mansion waiting for you to move into. Godsaysyou’renotguiltyofoffendinghiminanyway,whatareliefthatwillbe,tomaybe hearthosewords,‘’welldonemygoodandfaithfulservants.’’ 25 For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from his wrath, in this way he was being entirely fair, even though he did not punish those who sinned in former times. For he was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins 26 And now in these days also he can receive sinners in this same way because Jesus took away their sins. But isn’t this unfair for God to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? No, for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins. GodsentJesusChristtotakethepunishmentformysinsandyoursthereader,whatajoy thatshouldbringtoyourspiritandevenyourfleshshouldbefeeling excitedbywhatGod hasdoneforyou. God says ‘’he’’ let’s criminals go free because ‘’Jesus took away their sins ’’ I wonder how many good Christians would feel angry about criminals like pedophiles, child abusers, and gangsters who robbed and held the community to ransom; men and women who were in Isis, that terrorist group that crushed men and women to

To those who ask God to forgive them their sins, even though Jesus paid the full price for our sins; we still need to repent by saying, ‘’sorry to God;’’ for he is the one whom sin offends,thenwe ‘’simply’’ ‘’sincerely’’ need to ‘’ask Jesus to come into your heart’’ and thatsealsthedeal,youareheavenboundwhenyoudie,orifJesusreturnsforyouwhenhe returns;nottojudgetheworld,buttocollectthosewhobelievedinhimastheirsaviourso theywillmeethimintheairinspirit.

4 5 But didn’t he earn his right to heaven by all the good things he did? *‘’No,’’* for *being ‘saved’ is a gift;* if a person could earn it by being good, then it wouldn’t be free but it is! It is given to those who do not work for it. For ‘’God’’ *declares sinners to be good in his sight* if they have ‘’faith in Christ’’ to save them from ‘’God’s’’ wrath. Abraham was one of the greatest men in history, who lived for God, and he done many a greatthingbutdoingallthosegreatthingscouldn’tsavehimfromthewrathofGod,itwas because‘’God’s‘’agape love,’’ chosetoforgivehimhissinsbecause he believed God,and whathesaid!ThisisthereasonGodchosetoforgivehimhissins,==*becausehebelieved God,*andwhatdoesGodsaytoustodosothathecanforgiveusoursins. *Have faith in Jesus Christ!*

death,burnedmothersandtheirchildren alive,beheadedlittlebabies,postingtheirheads onpolessothatthevillagerscouldseethemandbeafraid,and you tell me that their sins are forgiven as well as mine.RemembersomethingherethewordofGodsaysifyoueven thinkofacertainsinyouhavecommittedit,ifyouheldontoit.Didyoueverthinkofkilling someoneandwishedyoucould,butneverdid.Orthinkofhavinganaffairwithsomeone’ s wifeorhusbandand dreamedofit, then youmayaswellhavecommittedthat sin sosays thelord. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from his wrath, God uses Christ’s blood and our faith in Jesusasthemeansof savingus from hisanger, heneverusedanythingthatwedidtoexonerateus;therewasnothingthatwecouldever do to excuse us from our sins which are multiple, and even more than we think; for if we even thought of hurting someone we did it as far as God is concerned, but those are sin’s that we never think about as sins, God does, and praise him he has forgiven us those sins also,allsins,whetherspiritualorfleshy.

Romans 4 Living Bible (TLB)…. 1 2 Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of our Jewish nation. What were his experiences concerning this question of being saved by faith? Was it because of his good deeds that God accepted him? If so, then he would have something to boast about. But from ‘’God’s’’ point of view Abraham had no basis at all for pride. 3 For the Scriptures tell us ‘’Abraham believed God’’ and that is why God canceled his sins and declared him “not guilty.”

4 5 But didn’t he earn his right to heaven by all the good things he did? No, for being saved is a gift; if a person could earn it by being good, then it wouldn’t be free—but it is! It is given to those who do not work for it. No you, nor I, nor anyone in this world from the beginning until the end, for man will alwayssin,foritisintheirnaturefromoriginalsinuntiltheygetsaved,andgetridofthat sin; and to receive the new nature of Jesus Christ, to receive the agape love of God for themselvesthroughtheirreceivingthenewnatureofJesusandnewspiritinsalvation.

This is not something I hear very often about Gods agape love, that it is he ‘’God’’ that thoughtallofthisout,Ihearmoreof what Jesus did for us than I do of the plan of God, his plan was to use Jesus tobringustosalvationthroughhim,andnotthroughAlmighty God’splantouseJesustodoallthis.

In this humble act of God, he seems to distribute all glory to his divine son and not to himself;heseemstoshowerallthegloryuponJesus,andwhathedidforus.Butbehindthe truth it was all Gods plans, and we seem to leave out that everything was the plans and purposeofGod’s agape love tobringustohimselfthroughJesusbyconcentratingonwhat Jesusdone,notthatitwasAlmightyGod’splansto use Jesus asalivingsacrificetopayfor oursins,faults,andfailings.

1 John 4 Living Bible (TLB) 9 ‘’God showed how much he loved us’ by sending his only Son into this wicked world to bring to us eternal life through his death 10 In this act we see what ‘’real love is:’’ it is not our love for God but his love for us when he sent his Son to satisfy God’s anger against our sins.

11 Dear friends, since God loved us as much as that, we surely ought to love each other too. 12 For though we have never yet seen God, when we love each other God lives in us, and his love within us grows ever stronger 13 And he has put ‘’his own Holy Spirit’’ into our hearts as a proof to us that we are living with him and he with us. 14

The agape love ofGodforusgaveusa new spirit, and new nature, and new life, through JesusChristourlordandsaviour.GivingusallthisinJesuswhenwejoinedournewspirit tohis;his agape love gaveusevenmorethanwecouldeverimagineforhecreatedusin himusingthesamespermthatJesuswascreatedfrom.

As I said previously God did not know what it felt like to be temptedto sin because there wasnosininGodorJesus,butbyallowingJesustobetemptedasahumanbeing,aman,he knewwhatitfeltliketotryandteardownthedevilstemptations,andbyovercominghim Jesus conquered him for us, both in the desert and in hell after he died. Scripture tells us that the devil tempted Jesus in every way, and that meant in every way, sexually and all! Therewasnosin temptationleftout, thedevilusedeverytrick in hisbooktoget Jesusto sinbuthefailed,praiseGod.

The quiet agape love of Almighty God sees to our every need whilst on this earth, for throughJesusfulfilling theeverywordofGod, Jesusbroughtfulfillment tothewordbyall he Whiledone.Jesus

was on this earth he followed his father’s instructions to the very letter, for Jesusfollowed agape love andthat agape love drovehimoutintothedeserttobetempted therebySatanthedevilsothathecouldtasteforhimselfwhatitfeltliketobetemptedby thedevilsothathecouldunderstandwhatwegothroughashumanbeings.


And what is it that God has said? That ‘’he’’ has given ‘us’ ‘’eternal life’’ and ‘’that this life is in his Son.’’ 12 So whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have his Son, does not have life. What is it that God has said? That it is ‘’he’’ ‘’God,’’ that *gives us eternal life,* and that this life is in his son Jesus, this is where God placed eternal life for us, his agape love placed eternal life in Jesus. It wasn’t Jesus, who did that but ‘’Almighty God,’’ and there is enoughroomin JesustocarryeternallifeforallofGod’screation;forJesusisbiggerthan anythingyouhaveeverseen.IhadthehonoronetimeofseeingthesizeofJesusinavision; andthesizeoftheentiregalaxieswaslikeapostagestampinthefingersofJesus.

1 John 5 Living Bible (TLB)

1 John 5 Living Bible (TLB)

18 No one who has become part of God’s family makes a practice of sinning, for ‘’Christ,’’ ‘’God’s Son,’’ holds him securely, and *the devil *cannot* get his hands on him.* 19 We know that we are ‘’children of God’’ and that all the rest of the world around us is under Satan’s power and control.

We are not children of Satan the devil, nor of Jesus, butweare ‘’children of God,’’ and believe this or not, this is a mind changing result for us to examine; it changes our perspective of how we see the divine word before us. We see the agape love of God in actionallthetimewhenwereadthewordknowingwhatittrulysays. Inthisscripturesfewlines,weseethatweareapartof‘’God’s family,’’ itdoes not say we are part of Jesus family or the Holy Spirits family but only ‘’God the Fathers family’’ andittalksaboutusbelongingtoGodandnotbelongingtoJesus;itsayswehavebecome one spirit with and in Jesus. Scripture refers to us being his brothers and sisters.{Hebrews 2.}AndinthisshortscriptureittellsusthemostimportantnewsthatyouasaChristianwill ever hear, that because ‘’we are ‘in’ ‘Christ Jesus’’ ‘’we are held securely by Jesus’’ and that the devil*cannot* get hishands onusever,soneverworry aboutyoursalvation, for Jesus holds you securely in his hands and the devil cannot get his hands on you, ever, no matter what you do since coming to Christ Jesus for your spirit was changed forever and youbecomeonespiritwithhim I hear Christian Pastors saying that we can lose our salvation and I do not agree with them for this scripture and other scriptures tell us that the devil cannot get his hands on us for Jesus holds us securely; since our spirit changed at the instant of salvation and became ‘’one spirit’’ with ‘’his,’’ and there is no difference between your spirit and his, botharethesame, ‘’one spirit.’’

Scripture tells us that God poured our sins into Jesus== 2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible….For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him {‘’all’’} our sins. Then, in ‘’exchange, ’’hepoured‘’God’s goodness’’ ‘’into us!’’ [all}[mine]

Ask yourself a question here and that question is. ‘’Can Jesus go into his spirit where you are and rip you out of himself again, and then cast out of himself your ‘’old spirit’’ which ‘’died by the way,’’ so he has no spirit to castout except his own spirit to which you have becomeone.’’ If you were one glass of water and Jesus was another glass of water both taken from the samewell, andyouwerepouredintohis glassandfilled it nowtothebrim, couldanyone go into that mixed water and take your water out? No it would be impossible for it has becomethesamewaterinthatglass,itisjustwellwater!

You did not keep a hold of your old sin filled spirit but you received a brand new spirit’’=’’his’’ atthemomentyourepented,andaskedJesustobecomeonespiritwithyou’ when you asked him into your heart.

Both the one who makes people holyand those who are made holyare of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. 12 He says, “I will declare your name to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing your praises.” 13 And again, “I will put my trust in him.” And again he says “Here am I, and the children ‘’God’ ‘has given me.”


Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death that is, the devil— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fearof death. 16 For surely it is a ‘not angels’ he helps but Abraham’s descendants. 17 For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a mercifuland faithful high priestin service to God,and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Youcouldsitwithjustthisscripturealonestudyingandponderingonitalldaylong,until you realized the wonder of it, and felt that agape love of God pour out upon you, for this word has life and the longer you dwell on these life words the more life you have coming intoyou,andthedevilcannotthenconvictyouofsin,foryouknowwithouta shadowofa doubt that ‘’all’’ your sins and I mean, ‘’all’’ your sins were poured into Jesus and in exchangeyouthenreceivedthe ‘’goodness of God’’ himself. Hebrews 2 New International Version (NIV)

What an exchange our sins for God’s goodness, that is agape love in action, this is how muchGodlovesuswhenhepoured *all* oursinsintohisdivineholyson,andthenpoured *his own goodness* ‘’into us’’ wewhodidn’tdeserveanything.


Jesusisnotashamedtocallyouormebrotherorsister,forthat’swhatwehavebecomein him,hesays, *he Jesus,* willsingyourpraisesfatherGod,anddeclare,‘’hereIamandthe childrenyougaveme,’’and‘‘he’protects‘us’fromthedevilshands’’untilwereachournew homeinheaven. Jesus made atonement for the sins of all of us andthatis agape love inaccomplishment, andbecausehesufferedalltypesoftemptationfromthedevil,henowknowswhatitislike forustohavetofacethatdailytorment throughtemptation, andreadilycomes toouraid

Thisisasuresignofthe agape love ofGodwhenhetookthesinlessChristandpouredinto him *all* notsome,buteverysingleonewithoutdoubt;*all* oursins,andthenpouredhis owngoodnessintous;ifthatisnot agape love thenIdon’tknowwhatis.

The Holy Spirit a sign of the agape love of God for us Acts 1 Living Bible (TLB)

8 But when the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ has come upon you, you will receive ‘’power’’ to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ‘’ends of the earth,’’ ‘’about my death and resurrection.”

IlistenedtoamanappearingonChristianTVtakingthewordofGodaparttosaythatthere isnooneinthesemoderndaysexercisingauthorityoverdemonsandhealingpeople,that thiswasfortheapostles,anditwasonlyfortheapostlestodosuchthings.Thatyouhadto beanapostletodothosethings,thosesignsandwonders,whatrubbishIhaveneverheard before, but sad to believe my own daughter who sent me this, is herself and her husband bothbelievingthisrubbishthatthismanteaches.

I know there are hundreds of Christian believers working signs and wonders through the powerofthe ‘’Holy Spirit’’ whohasbeen pouredoutupon thispresent world. Isee many testimonies of healings signs and wonders in others lives, never mind seeing them in my own. Through the ‘’power, ’’ and note the word ‘’power’’ of the ‘’Holy Spirit,’’ for I will come to it in a moment. Over the last forty plus years I have witnessed the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ work healings, deliver people from demons and give sight to the blind all the things Jesus saidwewoulddoandevengreater,anditwasthroughthepowerofthe‘’Holy Spirit’’ that all these signs and wonders would happen and they happened to me; and I’ m not an apostlebutIamasthewordcallsme=a*believer!*Anditallhappenedthroughthe agape love ofourGodwhogaveushisown ‘’Holy Spirit. ’’ Ask yourself a question why would God almighty send us human beings who are in a spiritualbattlewithaninvisibleforce,hisown ‘’Holy Spirit,’’ unlessitwastoequalupthe battlefield,and agape love donethishepromisedushis‘’Holy Spirit’’ andwereceivedit, well I did anyway lol. Just as all around the entire world people are receiving him every day. 8 But when the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ has come upon you, you will receive ‘’power’’ to testify about me When I said earlier about the word power here it is in the previous scripture, you, that’s you and me will receive power to testify about Jesus, and that power was to testify with signs and wonders happening, for people will not believe unless they see examples of power.

when needed, and hasset us free from the devils trials and temptations, and hasgiven us his own ‘’Holy Spirit’’ as an aid against the enemy, from whom all sources come against you.

You will receive ‘’power’’ to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ‘’ends of the earth,’’ ‘’about my death and resurrection.” Jesussaid you will receive power to testify about me to the ends of the earth abouthis deathandresurrection.Theapostlescouldn’ttestifyaboutJesustotheendsoftheearthfor all they could go to was limited by a donkey, horse or by boat. Now in today’s world the word of God is being televised into the deepest parts of the jungles, millions around the world are being saved on a daily basis, through the internet, and on phones, and the apostlescouldn’tdothat,soforthismanthatIamtalkingaboutwhosaiditallendedwhen Jesus died and the apostles died, he didn’t read the word of God very well, or wasn’t convinced by it; believing that healing and deliverance stopped when the last apostle stopped living Jesus said, ‘’you,’’ ‘now who is you’ mentioned in scripture that Jesus is talkingabout,itis‘’you’’the‘’believer’’whoisreadingthewordofGodandacceptingitas Itruth.have a friend Collins who is living in Kenya who has healing and deliverance services every few months, and he sends me videos of people receiving deliverance from demonic power and healing also, and* this is happening today The agape love of God in action, thoseunbelieverswhopreachthisunbelief,Iwishtheywouldgoaway,insteadofinfecting thepeopleofGodwiththeirwrongteaching,forthewordofGodtoldusthat people with itching ears would be deceived by men and women like that, and even when they see healinghappentheydenyitsayingitwassimplyamoveofGodespeciallyjustforthatone person,orgivesomestupidreasonforthatpersonshealingorsay, ‘’aye!But’’theywilllose their healing in a few days time, like God was incapable of keeping someone healed for goodinsteadofjustforafewdays 2 Timothy 4:3 New International Versions UK For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine, Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather round them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. Iprayedwithababywhowasbornblindandwasepileptic,inachurchinHullinEngland,I made the whole church pray, promising them they would see a miracle of God not mine, andtheyprayedwithsuchenthusiasmintonguesthatitamazedme.AndInoticedasIwas praying that many had their phones on recording this happening for they now had the proof to show others that God is still in the healing business, and as God healed the child the church erupted with praise to God for what he had done, and it was on their phones; andunnoticedtomeIhaditrecordedonmycameraalsowhichwassittingontheground recordingthepastortalkingandIforgotaboutitwhenhecalledmeuptospeak.

The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to give life; life to your mortal bodies and to your supernatural eternal living spirit, and he lives in you simply for that purpose, to give eternallifeaswellas lifetoyou in theflesh, foryou needtobealive todothethingsthat spreadthewordofGodaround.

15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and ‘’preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.’’ 16 ‘’Those that ‘’believe’’ and are ‘’baptized will be saved.’’ But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.

Signs of the Holy Spirit

TheworkoftheHolySpiritistotellusofthingstocomeandhestilldoes,thisisthe spirit of Almighty God thatwehavebeengiven,theonewhohealedthroughJesus,theonewho workedsignsandwondersthroughJesusandstilldoesintoday’sworldthroughus.

17 `And ‘’signs’’ shall accompany ‘’those believing these things;’’ ‘’in my ‘’name’’ ‘’demons they shall cast out; ’’ with ‘’new ‘tongues’ they shall speak;’’ 18 ‘’serpents they shall take up; ’’ and ‘’if any deadly thing they may drink, it shall not hurt them;’’ on the ‘’ailing they shall lay hands, and they shall be well.'’’

John 16:13 the living bible….."But when ‘’He, the Spirit of truth,’’ comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come

Mark 16 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

Romans 8:11,, the living bible,,,,,,,,,,,,But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through ‘’His Spirit’’ who dwells in you.

14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their unbelief their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him alive from the dead.

Before we come to this part of the divine agape love of God let us go back a brief line or twoinanothertranslationandseewhatitisthatJesusactuallysaid.

Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)


Jesus said, ‘you are to go into the entire world,’ and he knew before long many would be dead, killed by the Romans and by the Jews; so how many out of all his apostles survived for more than a few years after him to spread his word throughout the world; common sensetellsusthatthosewhoheardthegospeland ‘’believed’’ becamethenextgeneration of believers, notapostlesordisciplesbutbelieversthatGodusedtofurtherhisgospeland healthesickanddeliverfromdemonicpower.Thisisagain agape love inaction,Godusing us, and those who have heard us preach then go and share with others the divine word. Andsothemessageandpowerandauthoritypassdownthroughthegenerations. That man whom I watched on video claimed that the power of the gospel didn’t go along with speaking in tongues or healing the sick. Twothingsthebelieverswilldoaccording to Jesus. 17 “And ‘those’ ‘’who believe’’ shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages.{tongues} 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”

17 “And ‘those’ ‘’who ‘’believe’’ shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages. 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”

Those who believe are not apostles or prophets but the ordinary Joe Black of this world whobelievesasJesussaid,forhewastalkingaboutthefuturebelieverwhobelievedashe saidandthroughthe Holy Spirit wouldworkthesesignsandwonders.The agape love of Godgivesthebeliever;obviouslythismanis not a believer forhebelievesthosesignsand wonders would stop when the last apostle died, how bleak is a gospel based on those figures,Iwon’tsayfactsfortheyarenotfactsbut acts; acts of disbelief

Ifyoupreachthe gospelandbelievewhat you preach, then signsandwonders willfollow you.Ihavetoldpeoplecontinuallyforfortyplusyearsthegospel,andIamtellingmoreand

Is the gospel still being preached around the world, and is Jesus still saving souls, {‘’people,’’} yes he is; souls are being saved every day and if souls are being saved every day with this message, then the message must be spoken of in its entirety, we are the disciplesoftoday’sworld, every believer isadiscipleofChristJesusandindeed a brother or sister of Jesus moreimportantly.

When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.

20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages.

AndthewordofGodsays those who believe shallhealthesickandthoseinbackpainor anykindofpain,forGoddoesnotwanthischildreninpainofanykind.

Neverletfalseteachersfillyouwithspiritualcrapforthatiswhatthismanteaches,andhas deceived many churches all around the globe, and is still doing it for there are many unbelievers who believe this crap, and like they did to me, they share what this man teaches, and it is made to sound so real, but Jesus said, ‘’there would be wolves among the sheep.’’ BelievewhatthetruewordofGodsays,andhesaysincrediblethingstouslike we are filled with himself, Jesus, and the‘’Holy Spirit,’’and can do everything through the poweroftheHolySpirit{Ghost}ifwebelieveandlethim,thisisagain agape love inaction.

moresoulshowtogetintoheaven;andtheyrepent,believe,andaskJesusintotheirhearts. The gospel is still being preached, and when some people ask, I tell them how to receive powerandauthoritytoworksignsandwondersthroughthe name of Jesus andthepower ofthe Holy Spirit thesourceof agape love Agape love isnotamysticalthing;itisarealityofGodthefathersloveforusforhegives ushisownHolySpirit,orassomecallhimtheHolyGhost.CanyoujustimagineaHolyGod givingusweakandsometimesuselesschildrenofhis,hisownsanctifiedHolySpiritapart ofhimself,andyetasscripturetellsus,that God has filled us with Jesus and with himself as one spirit; forasheisGod,Jesusisalso,soareweinthisworld.IsJesusGod,yesheis,Is theHolySpiritGod,yesheis,doyouhaveJesusinyourheart,anddoyouspeakintongues through his own Holy Spirit then you have power to heal the sick and power to speak in tonguesthroughthe agape love ofAlmightyGod!

Agape love says,HeGodswappedyoursinsbypouringthemintoJesusandthenfillingyou withhimself,isthistrueornottrue?Comeonyoualreadyreaditinthisbook! 2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him {‘’all’’} our sins. Then, in ‘’exchange, ’’hepoured‘’God’s goodness’’ ‘’into us!’’ Howmuch agape love doesGodhavetoshowussothatwewouldbelieveandinbelieving thesignsandwondersthatGodexpectsofyoutoperform.

Ihavejustbeenaskedtopraywithawomansufferingfrombackpain,andIknowthatshe willbehealedinjustafewminutesasthepoweroftheHolySpiritflowsthroughmetoher, andIknowbecause I believe andtrustthepoweroftheHolySpirit,andIhaveseen God’s spirit healbackpainsoregularlyinthe name of Jesus.

This is where Jesus received his supernatural power, and the reason he did it like this is becausehewantedustofollowhimandreceivetheHolySpiritalso,becauseheshowedif heneededit,thensodowe.

Before Jesus laid hands on one sick person he first had to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and as I just said, if he needed the Holy Spirit for he was as fully human as we are, then so do we; and this act is another sign of the agape love of God for us; to give us his own Holy Spirit, and to trust us with taking good care, and appreciation of him, and the HolySpiritisaperson,notabirdoranit!HeisthethirdpersonoftheHolyTrinityandisas muchofGodasthefatherandJesusistheyarethreeinone,andoneinthree.

Then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit without limit wentoutintothedesertfirstofalltomeet with God; and then confront Satan the devil, to defeat him verbally and through temptations.Thenwhenhecameoutofthedeserthechosehisdisciples,andsobeganhis earthlyministry. Andyoumyfellowbelieveraresupposedtodothesameashim,firstofallbytellingthem thegoodnews,andtocastoutdemonsandevilspiritsandtohealthesick,andthisiseasy, forthesameHolySpiritisinyouifyoureceivedhim,thatwasinJesus!Youhavethesame powerandauthorityandevenmoreforJesusgaveushisownauthorityandpoweraswell asthepoweroftheHolySpiritforhegaveushimselfeverytimeweusehisnamewecallon him to do what we command. When we Christians use the name of Jesus in healing or in needofamiracle,then we actually call on Jesus himself to come and do what his name

11 “With water[f] I baptize those who repent of their sins; but someone else is coming, far greater than I am, so great that I am not worthy to carry his shoes! He shall baptize you with the *Holy Spirit* and with ‘’fire.’’ 12 He will separate the chaff from the grain, burning the chaff with never ending fire and storing away the grain.”

Hereisastrangethingtosay= Jesus never healed anyone by his own power, -=buthe had to receive the Holy Spirit as a human being so that we in turn would also do the same, indoingasJesusdid, toexpecttheHolySpirittofillyouupwithhimself. Jesusonly healed people by the ‘’Holy Spirits’’ power’’ for as a human man he had no power, but when he was baptized in the Jordan River by John it was then that he as a human being receivedthesupernaturalpoweroftheHolySpirit Matthew 3 Living Bible (TLB)

Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized there by John. 14 John didn’t want to do it.“This isn’t proper,” he said. “I am the one who needs to be baptized by you.”15 But Jesus said, “Please do it, for I must do all that is right.”[g] So then John baptized him.16 After his baptism, as soon as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened to him and he saw the ‘’Spirit of God’’ coming down in the form of a dove. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, and I am wonderfully pleased with him.”


13 Anyone who calls upon the ‘’name’’ of the Lord will be saved. Soyousee,callinguponthename * ‘Jesus,’* {himself} meansyoucanbesaved,oneword spokeninfaithcansaveyoursoul,whataglorioushonorgiventoustocalluponthename ofJesus,callinguponhim,forheinallofhisnameisagenuineactof agape love formany religionsthinktheyhavetodo‘thisorthattogetsaved,’andyetGodinhis agape love gave us one word and that word was *Jesus* his divine son whose name is above every other nameintheuniverseorinheavenorhell,thereisnoothernametosaveyou.

Jesus name above all names Philippians 2:9 11 English Standard Versions (ESV)

Romans 10 Living Bible (TLB

says to do; he is his name, and all of his name is actually him. ThisissomethingIheard onceandbecameconvictedimmediatelyofthetruth,forthisIrecognizedwastheabsolute truth, and even this is a sign of the agape love of God, to give us his son in his name, for anyonewhocallsonhisnameissaved,andcallingonhisnameiscallingonhimself.

9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is ‘’above’’ ‘’every name,’’ 10 so that at the ‘’name of Jesus’’ every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that ‘’Jesus Christ’’ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Whatanamewehavebeengiven,thenamethatis above, and‘’note’’theword ‘’above,’’ meaninghigher,thananythingelse.Above meaning, on top of, over, higher than, more than, greater than, beyond, and exceeding Itisimportanttoknowthefullestmeaningofawordinthebible;forthatwordcanexpress the greatest meaning you could ever experience, and in revelation you could see the satiatedmeaningofwhatGodissayingtoyou.Sobefilledwithgreatknowledge,givingyou agreaterawarenessofthewordofGodwhenneededinaction.ThenameofJesusis agape love in action and in power and authority, for it is Jesus himself behind his awesome name.WhenyoubegintoknowandunderstandthenameofJesusandits position above everything including demons and the devil himself, over every sickness and disease, you will have come to realize the value of what God has given to you as his gift of agape love

Wedon’tstopandthinkaboutthisforwearetoocaughtuponworldlythings,likeTV,and thingsofnovaluewhatsoever.The devil is terrified of that name andhegets hysterical if we learn to use it knowing its power and authority, and we mere humans have that

Agape love gave us his Holy Spirit, a tremendous gift to human beings, a gift to be treasured and used; a gift too wonderful for words. Just think deeplyabout this. Almighty GodtherulerofallinexistencechosetogiveushisHolySpirittoexistwithhiminoneness nowforalleternity, andwehavethespiritoftheAlmightycreatorin us todoashewills, thisis agape love againinaction. Forgiveness of sins is a pure unadulterated sign of the agape love of our creator through the act of his divine son Jesus. Mercy and goodness following us is another act of agape love, grace and dwell in the presence of the lord is another act of agape love from our AlmightyfatherGod. Psalm 23:6-Amplified Bible…………….Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the LORD Thisscriptureisjustoneofthehundredsofscripturesthattelloftheunfailing agape love ofGodforusandinIsaiah53Godagainsaystousthathewassendingasaviour,a{knight in shiningarmor} hesaysherein thisscripture that goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow us throughout all our days becauseofJesushisdivinerighteousson! Isaiah 53 Living Bible (TLB) Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; he was lashed and we were healed!

awesome name to call upon any time, is that not agape love for us, is not agape love in that name itself for that name is above every other name and power, Jesus is agape love forheisloveinhimself.Outof agape love forushecamedowntoearthasahumanbaby, and grew up as a human being going to the toilet like everyone else. Being tempted like everyoneelse,andresistingthedevilateveryturn. WeneedtheHolySpiritlikeweneedthebloodinourveins,heisessentialtooureveryday living, he is the source of our cleansing, and he is our director and guide. He tells us of things to come giving us warning and help, and of course power to cast out demons and healthesickforwecannotdothesethingsbyanypowerofourown.

What love God has for us and we don’t even give it much thought, a love that surpassed everythingwewoulddo,andhestillcreatedusevenknowingwewouldrejectandmalign him,andmaybelaterwewouldhaveachangeofheartgivenbyGodthefatheraspartofhis plans, and seeing the sins we would commit and still commit even when he saved us and gaveushissonforoursinsandtheHoly Spirit,andstillwewouldsinrightupuntiltheday we will die, yet his agape love for us covers us with that precious blood of Jesus which the Holy Spirit usestokeepuscleansedeverydayandnight.

I have seen and experienced supernatural manifestations from God himself, and yet I still sin and miss the mark, but God covered these sins like he covered every other sin I committed before I came to him, but when I came to him I gave him my everything with nothing left out. Just recently on Boxing day 2019 I had heart failure and I ended up in hospital,justmissingdyingbyafewhours,forthenthedoctorsdiscoveredthatIhadonly thirty percent of my heart still working. I had been doing everything still for God and not knowing that there was only this percentage of my heart still working until Boxing day whenIbegantofindoutthatmyheartwasn’tdoingallitshould;butyouknow, agape love keptmealive,eventhoughIwaswaitinginpreparationtoenterthekingdomandIwasat peacebecauseIknewthatIwasinChristJesusandinrighteousnessbeforeGod,andknew itwasbecauseofmyfather’s agape love and not through anything I had done. Butitturnedoutthatdeathwasnottobe,forIwas,andstillam,writingthisbookthrough thepoweroftheHolySpirit,andthe agape love ofGodforyou,justwaitinguntilIfinishit andtransportitupuntomywebsite. What agape love GodhasforusandIknowforthefirsttimeinmylifethathis agape love for me is real and not an imaginary thing, and that his mercy and forgiveness is real and that Ihaveno sinson myspirittobecleansedof, because all sins even beforeweaskfor

Agape love, foritwasnothingbut agape love itwasn’tjustordinarylovebut agape love thatcausedGodtodecidetosendhisdivineonlysontoearthtobear our sorrows,and our grief,and our sins and our sickness and diseases.

Isaiah 53 Living Bible (TLB) My righteous Servant shall make many to be counted righteous before God, for he shall bear all their sins. Through his righteous servant Jesus God used ‘’him,’’ not us, ‘’him,’’ to make us righteous before God, and he would always see us as the righteousness of God himself, for our righteousness is Jesushimself, what an agape love he has for us. Jesus bore all my sins, andforthatIwillbeeternallygratefulandfallonmykneesbeforehimatalltimeswhenI comebeforehimtoworshiphim. What a joy it is to write about my lord and savior and my eternal father God and his Holy Spirit with whom I have had many supernatural experiencesoverthelastfortytwoyears.

Nowtheenemywillalwaystrytoconvictusofoursins, andwillnevergiveup, relentless pursuing us with the reminder of sin; yet the laughable thing is our sins are thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, andGoddoesnotrememberoursinsanymore.

Agape love covers us and this is because the king of kings sacrificed himself for us, and sufferedforusterribly, howcanwerepayhim? Easy tell others what he done for them and see them come to Jesus to experience agape love and to realize that all their sins areforgivenandpaidforandthattheywillneverhavetofaceGodwiththosesins.

Yes, ‘’You’’ will cast all our sins Into the depths of the sea.

This scripture was in the Old Testament speaking of Jesus who would come one day and castoursinsintothedepthsofthesea;andbelieveit ornotGod decidedtoforget allour sins forever more and see us as holy spotlessand clean because of the agape love he felt forus.You wanttosee agape love in action then justreadaboutJesusand whathe done while on earth and he expects us to do the same as him and even greater; but do we ChristiansdowhatJesusandGodexpectsustodo?SadlytherearefewChristianssharing withothersthewordofGod,anditissoeasytogetpeoplesaved,simplytellthemtorepent and ask Jesus into their hearts and that is it, they are saved. Or as one word says in scripture,‘’believe,’’orcryouttothe‘’nameofJesus,’’onewordandpeoplearesaved Romans 10 Living Bible (TLB 13 Anyone who calls upon the ‘’name’’ of the Lord will be saved.

forgiveness are already forgiven two thousand years ago by Jesus taking those sins uponhisbodyandpayingthefullpriceformysinsnevermindeveryone’ssins.

I used to tell people how to get saved; or for Catholics how to get into heaven, with long scripturesoneaftertheotheruntilGodspoketomeonedayasIwasinmylocalshopping centre and as I walked through the hallway he spoke one word, ‘’stop’’ - and I stoppedandlookedaroundme,andseennoonecominginorout,thenIfelttowalkback outagainandasIwalkedbackoutIfelttostop,andasIstoppedIsawalittlephonecover shop,asIwasdrawnovertothatshopagirlstoodupandaskedifIwasok,Icouldthinkof nothing else but to hand her my phone and ask for a cover, so she went looking and not finding one she came back to me, and as she approached me I asked the lord what did he want,andwhenshetoldmetherewasnocover,Iheardthelordsay,askher,‘’ifshewasto die tonightdoessheknowwhereshewould go?’’Shelookedat meandsaid, ‘’yesI would gotohell;’’Ilaughedthinkingshewasjoking,butshesaidshewasserious.Iaskedherdid she ever try and kill people, and she replied, no. ‘I did,’ I told her ‘during the war with Britain,andGodhasforgivenme.’ThenGodsaidaskherwouldsheliketogotoheaven,so

Micah 7:19 Amplified Bible (AMP) He shall again have compassion on us; He will subdue and tread underfoot our wickedness [destroying sin’s power].

On another day as I walked through the store I saw that a blond haired girl was in the booth, but I felt don’t go near her, but to try and make sure this was the Holy Spirit promptingmeIwentoverandaskedherthesamequestion,andIwastoldinnouncertain termstogetlostshedoesn’tbelievethiscrap,soIleftfeelinghumbledandaskingtheHoly Spiritforforgivenessfordisobeyinghimthroughuncertainty.

Ididandheranswerwas,‘’Iwouldloveto but--, ’’Istoppedherandsaidagainwouldyou liketogotoheaven,andthistimeshesaid,‘ yes. ’SoofcourseIaskedthelordwhatdoIsay now and he said, ‘’tell her to say sorry for her sins, and ask Jesus into her heart’’ and she immediatelydoneso,andknewthatshewassaved. ItalkedwithheraboutthelordthenthoughttotellherabouttheHolySpiritandthegifts oftheHolySpiritespeciallythegiftoftonguesandsheasked ‘’couldshehavethis,’’andof course I told her ‘ yes ’ and she was immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speakingintongues.Thechangethatcameoverthatgirlwasamazing,shelookedlikethe lightoftheworldflowedoutofher,shewasradiantwithjoy.IneverseenheragainandI don’tevenknowwhatshelookedliketoevensayhullo.Thatwas agape love showntoher.

Each time I passed that little booth I was drawn over to it and spoke to a different girl working there and told each the same message that God gave me and each accepted the lordintotheirlivesandwerebaptizedin theHolySpiritspeakingintongues, asthespirit gavethemutterance.

OveraperiodofmonthsasIpassedthisboothIsawthisblondhairedGirlthere,andwent overandtalkedalittlebitaboutthelordandeachtimeshesaid,‘’notinterested,’’Iwould walk away, then one day as I began speaking to her about the agape love of God for her, she turned around and shocked me, and said, ‘she asked Jesus into her heart and repented for her sins.’ Iwasshockedtosaytheleastbutdelighted,perseverancetalking aboutJesusandhis agape love gotthroughtoher,andshegot‘’savedbythegraceofGod’’ notbywhatIdonebutby ‘’his mercy and grace’’ alone‘’GlorytoourgreatmercifulGod.’’ Thisgirlwasgayandsofeltthatshecouldn’tcometoGodforhewouldcondemnher; but he convinced her through my sharing about his agape love each time I would come over laughingandjoking,andsaidalittleabouthismercyandloveandforgiveness,forgaysas wellasforothers.Hegotthroughtohereventuallyandshereceivedhismercyandgrace. Thisis agape love inactiononceagain,God’s agape love forhisstolenchildren,wherehe rescuedthemfromSatan’sgrasp. Perhapsyouaregayanddidn’tthinkyoucouldeverbesaved,thisiswrongthinking;God in his mercy and grace understands your feelings, he loves you just as much as he loves everyoneelse,withalovethatcan’treallybeexplained,itissodeep,sohigh,sowideand solongitcannotbeseenbythenakedeye,onlybythespiritcan agape love beunderstood andseenespeciallyinaction! Maybeyouconsideryourselfasinneroftheworstkind,howcouldGodlovemenevermind lovemewith agape love,thatlovethatseesnowrongwhenhelooksatyou;butyouseehe looks at you with eyes of blazing fire and sees only his son Jesus in you. Remember that

Holy, spotless, clean, forever perfect in his sight, do these scriptures not make you so happy, simply by believing what ‘’he’’ chose to do, from before time even began he had decided to make you, and he knew what you would do because he is God, and knows everything, ‘’your beginning’’ and ‘’your end’’ and most importantly ‘’you’re’’ ‘’in between,’’ wouldyoueverbelievethatthisisyouifyoucouldseeyourselfasGodseesyou

WouldyoulovetoseeGodsvideotapesofyourlifefrom‘’yourbeginningasalittlebaby,a pieceofperfection,andthen see yourselfasyoubegin togrow, andthen asyoubecomea teenager, then finally as you become an adult, then you become old, and it gets harder to get about, then asyoudie, andgowhereyou aredestinedtogotoafterdeath, andasyou enter heaven through your relationship with Jesus Christ God’s Holy son. Wouldn’t it be wonderfultoseeyourselfwalkingandtalkingandactinginloveandresemblingJesus? Orhow wouldyoufeel ifyoudidn’t see yourselfin suchagood lightbutin abadlight, by thelooksofyou,destinedforhellanditstormentforever,andasyouenterthatgreathall of judgment with trillions of souls just waiting for their judgment, but you have a peace aboutyouthatfeelsunreal,asyouchangeintoasouloftremendousbrightness,andrealize atthatmomentyouonceaskedJesusintoyourheartasyourlordandsavior, eventhough you may not have measured up to Christ himself, but for some peculiar reason you have become light, and you don’t understand until you hear a voice saying, ‘’he is mine father let him in,’’andyouknowyouweren’tgreatinthe religion sideofGodbut you just loved people and done your best to help them in every way. Youknowyourlanguagewasnot verygoodandsometimesyourbehaviorwasn’tso goodeither, butinfactyouwerebeing washeddailybytheHolySpiritwhowashedyoueverynightasyousleptwiththeprecious bloodofJesus.BecauseheseenyouasFatherGodchosetoseeyou,withthe‘’eyesof agape love,’’ and just washed any imperfection off of you, leaving you holy, spotless and clean worthyofbeinganothersonofhis;heknewthatwithyourfreedomtodoasyouwishedto do,youchosetodothingshiswayandnotyourown,andforthesereasonsyouwere,and are granted eternal life in him, and are invited to sit beside him in Christ Jesus on the thronesofGod. ThisishowGodthefatherseesyou,nomatterwhoyoubecameorwhatyoudid;heseen yourepentingandcomingtoaskJesusintoyourheart;heseenwhathecreatedasperfect, holy, spotless, clean and perfect forever in his sight forever more. He saw you in agape love! Iseenavideoofamanpreachingandhewasscaryifyouweren’tassuredofyoursalvation, for he quoted scripture that would scare the pants off a Christian, practically telling them they were not assured of their salvation, they had to do this or that, scriptures were correct, but he forgot one thing in his quoting the word of God he was quoting from an

from before time even began , before he made this world and the universe, he knew you andknewme,andhedecidedtomakeyouandmeholyandspotlessinhiseyesforever,no matterwhatwedoneornotdo.

SinceIgavemylifetoJesusandenteredintoGodsfamily,theenemyhastriedeverywhich waytoeitherkillme,ordestroymyfamily,andithasbeenannonendingdailyattackafter attack, either physical , mental or emotional, or attacking my children, trying to get me to turnawayfromJesus. Iaminahealingministryforoverfortyyearsnow,andIamseventytwoyearsold,andhe is still trying to get me to sin like in my younger days, even though my sexual organs no longerwork,heisstillatit,andhaseventriedtokillmeonBoxingdaythisyear2019,with heart failure, and my heart is only working at thirty percent, but my heart even at thirty percentisonehundredpercentformyGod,andmyHolySpirit,andfortheloveofmylife IJesus.know with all of me that it is only the agape love of my God for me that has saved me fromtheseattacks,andisstilldoingit,Idon’tbelievethatGodcreatedustosufferfromsin ofwhich‘’Jesus paid the full price for our sins’’ ortosufferfromsicknessordisease,for which he also redeemed us from by his wounds we have been healed; he was lashed and we were healed, Isaiah 53 I may have a thirty percent heart working, which I didn’t know aboutuntilthatthreeweeksinhospital,forIdoneeverythingthatIhadtodonotknowing this was the state of my heart, now I am on medication to try and make my heart work betterthanthirtypercent.Ineverthoughtaheartwouldworkatjustthirtypercentbutyou knowGodmadeagreatjobwhenhemadehearts.

Jesus agape loved people and showed that agape love when he healed them or restored themtolifelikein this nextscripturethat I wanttosharewith you. Henevercondemned

angry God who had no mercy at all and every move we made was under condemnation, I listened to him for a while and I never heard one mention of the love of God for us, just anger and judgment. I know that his audience was mostly young people who were at a college retreat or conference, and when he first started he sounded quite good and the audience clapped him, and he stopped them from clapping telling them they will not like hismessage,andbythesilencethatfollowedhewasright,theydidn’tlikehismessage,and IwonderedisthisthesameGodthatIamwritingaboutinthisbook,theangryGodorthe onewhocreatedusin agape love anditbotheredme,untilIrealizedtherewas no mercy spokenaboutinhismessageorhowourFatherGodseesus.

Idon’tbelievethatGodcreatedusforhell,forwhatkindofaGodhewouldbe.AGodsitting andenjoyingmaking harshjudgment ofapeoplesufferingattackafterattackonaminute byminutebasisfromanevilinvisibleforcerelentlesslypursuingusdaily,togetustosinby inflicting image after image into our minds and thoughts, that a good Christian never wishestolistento,orsee,especiallyiftheyaretryingtolivetheirlivesforJesus

My heart is for Jesus the lord of my life and the love of my life for I have come to realize how wonderful he really is, and I want to continue on sharing the examples of the agape love that emanated from Jesus when he encountered people who were sick or in pain, disabledwithterribleafflictions;fortherewerenodoctorsorsurgeonsasintoday’sworld orhospitalswheretherewastreatmentfortheirdiseases.

When I received the Holy Spirit I never felt nothing, but I saw a black square on my bedroom wall and I was sittinguppraying in tongues looking directly into it; {I later found out that this was a portal, a window into heaven} forIhadaskedtheHolySpirittocomeonme anddidn’twishtowait,thenIlookeddownandsawthatmybodywasasleeponthebed.I continuedonforalittlewhileprayingintonguesforthiswasagiftthatIespeciallywanted,

The compassion of Jesus Luke 7 King James Version (KJV)


Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her.


And when the Lord saw her, he had ‘’compassion’’ on her, and said unto her, Weep not.

themeventhoughthereweremultiplecrowdscomingtohopethathewouldhealthem,for among those multitudes there had to be ‘bad people,’ all hoping to get healed from their terriblediseaselikeleprosy,andhetouchedthemandcuredthemall. Jesus shows us agape love.

14 And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.

15 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother

The word here says he had compassion on her and the word ‘compassion’ meant ‘’agape love.’’ Jesusfeltthe agape love oftheHolySpiritcomingthroughhimandacteduponthis, ohthattodaywewouldfollowthe agape love oftheHolySpiritoperatingthroughuslike hedidwithJesus.

ToexplainsomethingthatmostChristiansdonotunderstandorknow; Jesus never healed anyone by his own power as God, no! He had to be baptized in the Holy Spirit at the Jordan by John the Baptist and as he was baptized the Holy Spirit came upon him, in the form of a dove. And on the day of Pentecost when Jesus told them to wait until the Holy Spiritcomes,andhedidintheformoftonguesoffire.

11 And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people.

Matthew 15:29-39 New King James Version (NKJV)

Jesus Heals Great Multitudes 29 Jesus departed from there, skirted the Sea of Galilee, and went up on the mountain and sat down there. 30 Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them. 31 So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel

itdidn’tshockmetoseemyselfsittingupandatthesametimelayingdown forthe agape love ofGodwasuponme. Jesus heals great multitudes moved by the agape love of God for his people

As previously stated, Jesus never healed anyone by his own power as the son of God, but onlywhenheasahumanbeing,aman, wasbaptizedbyJohnattheJordanRiverwhenhe receivedtheHolySpirit;andthepurposeonhimreceivingtheHolySpiritwasbecausehe wanted us to see we need the Holy Spirit just as he did, and it is the same Holy Spirit thatwebothreceive,andnotassomeChristiansthink,adifferentHolySpirit.Thereisonly oneHolySpiritandJesus,andGodshareshimwithus,sothatwealsocouldgooutintothe entire world, lay hands on the sick and see the Spirit of God heal through us also. What a glorious God sharing his agape love for God gave us his own Holy Spirit, and that is agape love putintopractice. The love of God decided to give us the same power as Jesus receivedwhen he walked the earth, and we now being baptized in the same Holy Spirit do the same as Jesus, or as he said, ‘’even greater;’’ bythemiracleswedothroughtheHolySpiritspower,alongwiththe name of Jesus and by his authority now as fully God again, as he also gave the apostles in mark16. Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB) 14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their unbelief their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him alive from the dead.

15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. 16 Those that believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.

Jesus said the believers; those who *believe* in other words, would do the signs and wondersthathedoneandevengreater,notjustapostlesordisciples John 14:12-13 Living Bible (TLB)

And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages. Jesus full of the Holy Spirit and full of his own power also appeared to the apostles and rebuked them for not believing those who had seen him, him, then he told them; those ‘’who believe,’’ ‘not just apostles or disciples’ but ‘’future believers,’’ not as the man I spokeaboutearlierdeceivingmanywhoclaimedthepowerofGodwouldstopwiththelast apostledying,andthattherewouldbe no more signs and wonders worked through us who believe. But Jesus said these very words, ‘’those who believe,’’ not just apostles or disciples, or just those who personally seen him. I never saw him except in visions, but neversawhimintheflesh,hisfleshImean,but I have had signs and wonders happening in my life and demons being cast out of people at the same time, contradictory to this man’sfalseteaching.




12 13 “In solemn truth I tell you, ‘’anyone’’ ‘’believing’ ‘in me’’ ‘’shall do the *same miracles* I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask him for anything, using my name, and I will do it, for this will bring praise to the Father because of what I, the Son, will do for you Who said this and is he speaking in truth or is he lying to us? We know from the word of Godheneverlies,sowhat he is saying is truth,andnotwhatthemanIspokeaboutwho claimedmiraclesandsignsandwondersstoppedwiththelastapostle.Doesitlooklikethat manswordistruthorisJesuswordevengreater.

12 13 “In solemn truth I tell you, ‘’anyone’’ ‘’believing’ ‘in me’’ ‘’shall do the *same miracles* I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the Father.

Jesussaidin ‘’solemn’’‘truth’Itellyou,solemnmeans, somber, grave, serious, sober, so heisseriousaboutwhat hesaysforhesaysitlikethiswhen youcombinethemeaningof

When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.

“And those who ‘’believe’’ shall use ‘’my authority’’ to ‘’cast out demons,’’ and they shall ‘’speak new languages.’’ 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and ‘’they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”

Who ‘’has’’ blessed us with every blessing in heaven, because we belong to Christ Jesus.Isitjustoneblessingwehaveinheaven,orsome,oralot,oreverysingleone?Then



How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ.


Ephesians 1 Living Bible (TLB)

Wheneveningcame, many who were demon possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. 17 Thiswastofulfillwhatwas spokenthroughtheprophetIsaiah:“He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”

Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault we who stand before him covered with his love 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to!

‘’Anyone!’’ Doesthatmeanwhatthewordsays, ‘’anyone,’’ does ‘’anyone’’ evenmeanme? Any one even one personlikeBrendanMcCrossan,abelievernowforoverfortytwoyears shall do the same miracles as him, so far the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus himself combined has healed thousands of sick people, from cancer, spinal bifida, blindness, deafness,leukemia,andraisedthedyinglikehedone.Nocreditgoestowardsmebutonly toourgreatandwonderfulJesus,tohisHolySpirit,andFatherGodforchoosingmetodo thisworkhepreparedformetodobillionsofyearsago,‘’Glorytohisname.’’

Matthew 8 New International Version (NIV)

When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother in law lying in bed with a fever. 15He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.

the word solemn, 13 “In solemn somber, grave, serious, sober, truth I tell you, ‘’anyone’’ ‘’believing’ ‘in me’’ ‘’shall do the *same miracles* I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the Father.

The agape love ofGodinJesusdroveouteverydemonandevilspirit,andhealedthesick also. The power of the Holy Spirit wasuponJesus without limit, sadly we limit the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus inourmeetingwiththesickandthoseinpain,thinkingthat the name and power won’t work in us unless we were just like Jesus holy spotless and clean.AndyetthatiswhatGodsaysaboutuscontinuallyinhisdivineword.


Hebrews 10 - 14 never changes it stays the same forever, no matter what anyone claims that you are a sinner or a backslider. You are forever perfect in his sight, you have been redeemed, renewed and made perfect as far as God is concerned, and when we do wrong wewho belong tohimknow whentheydo wrong,likesin in someway,andsowe feelcompelledtoaskforforgiveness.Ithasbecomeapartofus,fortheHolySpiritwithin us convicts us of our sins, and washes us in the blood of the lamb; most Christians never wishtosin oroffendGodit ispartoftheir new nature, that agape love that Godgaveus whenwegotsaved. Many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. Hedrovethedemonsoutwith one word, possibly out? Itdoesn’tsaywhatwordheused, and he healed all, note it says he healed ‘’all’’ the sick, just imagine doing that in a massive crowd, and yet we can do as he done and even greater. That is the sign of agape love healingthesickanddrivingoutdemonstogether,givingpeoplebacktheirlivesagain restoringthebrokenheartedandbringingwholenesstoabrokenpeople. Many who were demon possessed were brought to him, isn’t it strange that in today’s world there doesn’t seem to be many manifestations of demonic power, of demons possessingpeopleexceptincountrieslikeAfrica.Nowadayswecallthemmentalinsane,or deranged,andgivethemtabletstotryandcurethem.Demonicactivityseemstohavegone away,theyseemtohavegoneunderground,buthavetheyreally?Oraretheyjusttoocrafty nowadaystoletthemselvesbeseen?

hesaidhesaw us *holy in his eyes,* *without a *single* fault* because he decided then, long ago! Soyousee,asfarasGodthefather, theHolySpirit,andJesusareconcernedwe are*Holy,*andholymeanstobe*like God* or *God like,**holy meaning righteous,*or *holy meaning sacred,* or *holy meaning that we are *consecrated* and*sanctified* or even *divine.*

Because of Jesus sacrificing his life for us and because God chose to make us *holy in his eyes,* *without a single fault* we are **forever perfect in his sight,* Hebrews 10 14, butdo webelievethis?Andifwedon’t,thenthegraceandpoweroftheHolySpirit,andthedivine livingnameofJesusisrestrictedbyunbeliefinthefullnessofthepoweroftheHolySpirit toworkthesamesignsandwondersthattheSpiritdidthroughJesus,praiseGodthereare many who believe in the fullness of what God done for us when he first chose to make us billion of years ago, and he fitted us in with others in our life, so we are just like a jigsaw puzzle, all pieces fitted in together for the body of God to come together, and this is all through agape love. Can the believer truly believe that we are ‘’forever perfect’’ in the sight of God,’’ or holy like him? YetthisiswhatGodsaysaboutuswhobelieveinhimand whohaveaskedJesusintotheirheart!Buttheenemydoeseverythinginhispowertomake usdisbeliefthisbecausewesin,andstilldoit,eventhoughwearesaved,butGodsayswe are ‘’holy,’’ and ‘’righteous’’ and ‘’clean’’ and ‘’forever perfect,’’ whoisright?

After we prayed the phone rang and it was my brother in Law, asking, ‘‘could I help this band out as I had a van, there was twenty pounds for the gig and five pound for diesel,’’ whichissomethingthatwecouldhardlybelieve,andwegavethankstoGodforthisjob.I was to meet these men at a place in Derry my home town, at a bar called ‘’Shantallow house.’’ I was getting ready to set off to collect these men when a gun battle began in my street, soIcouldnotmoveasnoonemovedafterashooting asthearmysealed theplace Asdown.soonastheshootingstoppedIwaitedtenminutesbeforeIwentouttomyvan,andasI walkedtowardsmyvanIsawthesoldierswhowerebeingshotattakingcoverattheend ofmystreet,soIapproachedmyvanveryslow

How many in today’s Christian world have the power to exercise demons out of people?

At the same time RoseandIwereprayingthatthelordwouldhelpusgettwentypounds to help us get groceries for the children to help us get over the weekend until I got my benefitmoneyonMondayandthiswasSaturday.

Now we know there are millions of Christians today, but how many are involved in a healingministry,deliveranceministry,botharecombinednotseparateassomethink,you can’t deliver someone without healing them; in a good ministry inner healing is the first stageofdeliveranceforwhenthereisnothingforademontoholdontothengettingitout isanicequietsituation,andnotonesquealingandshouting,asIhaveseeninthepast.

ThepoweroftheHolySpiritinusisthesamepowerthatJesushad;thereisonlyoneHoly Spirit and not as I said previously, as some think, a different Holy Spirit. Not only is the power of the Holy Spirit in us, but we have the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ and that is ‘’Jesus himself,’’ for he is all of his name, and we have the right, the authority to use his glorious name to heal and deliver, and God’s agape love done all this for us, to demonstrate his glory.EverythingwedoasChristiansistodemonstratetheloveofGodforus,buthowfew explaintoothersthis agape love andwhatthis agape love doesforushischildren.Iknow forthelastfortyplusyearsIdidn’tunderstandthis agape love thatGodhasformeuntilI started writing this book and now I see everywhere this love when he done so many supernatural things for me, not so I could boast, but to give him glory when I told the amazingthingshedoneoutofhis agape love. What agape love done for me!

God’s agape love transported me and three men in a Volkswagen van to a wedding they weretoplayat, butbeforetheyweretoset offforthegigtheir van brokedown, andthey needed someone to help them get there, and all their band equipment to the hotel the weddingwasin,twentyfivemilesaway.

WhenwegottoatowncalledBuncrannatherewasatrafficjamandwewerestuckrightin the middle of it, and we were sitting there a long time. All this time I prayed in tongues under my breath; when suddenly my van crashed down on top of a dirt road on top of a

Onceagainasweweregettingreadytodrivetothewedding,theleadersaidtome,‘thatit wasmuchtoolatenowastheweddingwouldbereadyforthedancingnowanditwastoo late now,’ so again he offered me the fiver, but I got this notion to say, ‘’why don’t you phonethehotelandseethesituation,’’soheagreedandcameoutfiveminuteslaterwitha bigsmileonhisface,he toldusthattheweddingpartywerejustsittingdowntotheirmeal, sothatmeantwehadtimetogetthere. {Unfortunately what we all didn’t know was he phoned the wrong hotel!}

Ly, and got in and began slowly driving towards them. As I arrived at where they were hidingoneofthemsteppedoutandstoppedmeand askedme‘wherewasIcomingfrom,’ and I said ‘from the middle of the street, number 13,’ then he asked,’ where was I going ,’ andItoldhim Iwasbookedtotakeabandto playat awedding. Thenherealizedthat he wasstandingoutintheopen,andsaidtomethatIcouldgo,andsoIleftanddrovedownto Shantallowafewmilesaway.WhenIarrivedat‘Shantallowhouse’themenwerestanding waitingonmeandIapologizedforbeinglateastherewasashootinginmystreet,andthey expressed surprise that I was even allowed to move as you don’t get out until the army pullsoutagainfrommyarea. Theleaderofthebandcameintothefrontseatwithmeandsaidtheirgearwasinapubin adifferentpartofthetown,soIdrovetothisplaceandwhenwegottherethebandsmen wentintothepub,andallthistimefrombeforetheshootingevenstartedIwasprayingin tongues,andcontinuedprayingintonguesquietlyundermybreath. Thenthemencamebackoutofthepubatroubledlookontheirfaces, andtheleadersaid tomethattheirbandgearwasintheupstairsroomanditwaslocked,andtheownerwas off playing golf and had the keys with him. The band leader a man ‘’nicknamed Hitler,’’ saidtome,‘’hereisafivepoundnote,’’calledlocallya‘fiver,’‘’formydiesel,’’therewasno point going any further. But I was praying in the spirit and I got this idea to go to my brotherinlawshome,andseeifhecouldhelpthesemenandthefolkatthewedding.Sohe agreed;andmybrotherinlawhelpedthemoutbecausehehadhisownbandsequipment sittinginhishall.Feelingelatedthebandsmenloadedthegearintomyvan,andweheaded offbacktoShantallowhousewhereanotherbandsmanwaitedonthemoutside. Arriving at Shantallow house theother bands man, the‘guitarplayer,’told theleader that hehadnoguitarashisguitarwaslockedinthatpub;onceagaintheleader‘’Hitler’’turned tome,andofferedmethefiver;butIgotthisinclinationthatthisguitarplayerhadafriend whohadaguitarthathecouldgetaloanof.SoIaskedhimifhehadafriendwithaguitar, and he said ‘yes a few streets away’ so he went off to see if he could borrow his friend’s guitar,andsureenoughtenminuteslaterhearrivedbackcarryingaguitarinaguitarcase and withabigsmileonhisface.

mountain,andtheleaderaskedmewhathappened? Theothermenwerefixingthedrum kitwhichfelldownonthemwiththeforceofthebangthevanmade. Hitleraskedme, ‘’are you praying in tongues? Hesaidheheardtheminaprayermeeting hewenttoonetime,andthenasked, ‘’how did we get here on top of the mountain and on this dirt road?’’ I answered him, ‘’yes’’ to his question about tongues, and replied, ‘’I didn’t know how we got on top of this mountain,’’ as one moment we were stuck in trafficandthisnextmomentwewerehereontopofthisdirtroadonthismountain. Then trying to see where we were I noticed a man whom I didn’t believe was a human being standing in a field with a scythe in his hand like he was cutting the grass. I rolled downmywindowandcalledouttohimcouldheshowushowtogettoBallyliffintheplace wheretheweddingwas.Hepointeddownthedirtroad,andthankinghimIdroveondown thisdirtroadandarrivedatthemainroadafewminuteslater,anddroveoutintothemain roadandstoppedtogetmybearings,thenIrecognizedwherewewere,andlookedaround toseethedirtroadwhereweemergedfrom,andtherewasonlyaverylargehedgegrowth there, which stretched for a long way either side from where we emerged, and I was shocked to discover there was no dirt road, and so did Hitler notice there was no dirt road either. God done this for me because I wouldn’t give up on my twenty five pounds, thefiverfordiesel,andthetwentyforourneeds Idrovetothehotelashortdistancefromwhereweemergedoutintothemainroad,andI noticed another band that I knew setting up their equipment. Hitler said were too late, they have another band; so he went in and spoke to the band leader, a man called Don Carlin a fantastic singer and drummer which I played with years ago. Don told him they weregiventhejobbecausethebanddidn’tturnupwhichseemedtobeus.Hitlercameout verydejectedlookingandhandedmethisfiveragain. Then I again I saw people walking down the sea road with flowers in their button hole in their coats, and I asked him. ‘’is this the right hotel’’ and he said, ‘’of course,’’ then I pointedoutthepeoplewalkingdowntheseasideroad,andsaid, ‘’let’s try this other hotel, called the Ballyliffin hotel,’’ and I began driving across the street to the hotel and as I drove slowly into the hotel grounds people standing at the foyer started running towards usandHitlerscreamedatme, ‘’get us out of here they will kill us,’’ Just as I stopped the van the people that I passed on that sea road came running back as theysawusgoingintothehotelgrounds,andpullingthedooropentheygrabbedtheband equipment and started running into the hotel shouting, ‘’the bands here.’’ Then those standingintheFoyerbeganrunningdowntousandgrabbingwhattheycouldoftheband geartheysaid, ‘’thank God that your here’’ theysaid,‘theyheardaboutthegunbattlein my street’ ‘and as they lived at the end of my street, which was a end connection of my street,’and‘theyhadsetoffbeforetheshootingstartedsotheygottothehotel,thenwhen wedidn’tturnupontimetheyrealizedthatwecouldn’tgetthereandwereamazedthatwe actuallygotthere.’Sopattingthebandmembersonthebacktheyallwentinandhelpedset


Afterwardsthepeoplelaughingandthankingthebandmembersforgettingtothewedding, helped the band put the gear back into the van again, and as we drove home, the leader said,‘’wehavetoputthebandgearintotheRockingChairbarasthebrotherinlawsband were playing there on that night.’’ So arriving back in Derry they set up the bands equipmentinthebarforthebandandlaterthatbandhadtheirplayingtimewithplentyof timetospare. Hitler never mentioned whathappenedtousashepaidmeinfull,andthankedmeformy help,andIneversawthismaneveragain,andthatisnowaboutfortyyearslater,butIwill neverforgetthe agape love thatGodhadforusall,including Hitler forhelethimseethere isaGod,andthathedoneallthathedidbecauseofhis agape love forusall.

up the equipment and the band began playing and they done their full time playing and everyonewasveryhappy.

I experienced so many supernatural acts of agape love over the forty plus years I have beenservingthelord,thatIcouldfillabookonitsown,andIgiveallglorytomy Almighty Father God and to my saviour Jesus Christ, and to the awesome Holy Spirit wholedme inmightymiraclesandsupernaturalacts,showingmehisawesome agape love forme.So overtheyearsIhaveexperienced ‘’Jesus’’ agape love forme,thenthe Holy Spirits agape love for me and then the Fathers wonderful agape love for me, and even yet I still fall downanddowrong,butstillknowIamlovedevenwithallmyfailings,becauseGodchose mebeforetheworldbeganhedecidedtomakemelike himself and the Holy Trinity Holy and spotlessly clean in his eyes.

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