Brendan Mc Crossan
…… … Am I going to heaven when I die? The answer to that question is NO! ‘’YOU ARE ‘ALREADY’ THERE

Brendan Mc Crossan
Am I going to heaven when I die? The answer to that question is NO! ‘’YOU ARE ‘ALREADY’ THERE
Am I going to heaven when I die? Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@ 26 10 2015 One
Am I going to heaven when I die? answer to that question is NO! ‘’YOU ARE ‘ALREADY’ THERE IN YOUR SPIRIT BECAUSE OF ACCEPTING JESUS!’’
2 Timothy 2:11 New International Version
Here is a trustworthy saying: If ‘’we’’ ‘’died with him,’’ ‘we’ will also live with him;’’
{**In this booklet I want you the reader to realise what God is saying about you and what he has done for you. I do not intend to criticize churches or people, or to offend anyone; I do not attack, I speak Bible fact. It is not my intention to take away anything from someone’s belief in their religion. Everyone is entitled to believe as they wish, I wish to show you what God says about you. **}
Ephesians 2:6 Amplified Bible
And ‘’He’’ raised ‘’us’ up ‘’together with Him’’ [when we believed], and ‘’seated ‘’us’’ with ‘’Him in the heavenly places, ’’ [because we are] ‘’in Christ Jesus,’’ When Jesus died on the cross we somehow or other died with him on that cross, How? You will have to ask God that question I just know that as God he can do the impossible, I just accept and believe he could do it, and so I know without doubt that God does not lie, either in his spoken word or written word; so if he says ‘’we have been raised up together with Jesus’’ because I accepted his offer of salvation, then I am seated in the heavenly places with and in Jesus, for it is in Jesus that I became ‘’one person’’ in ‘’spirit’’ with him. I am speaking of being one person ‘in spirit not in the flesh’ for the flesh of man cannot enter heaven anymore since Adam and Eve sinned.
Romans 6:4 Living Bible
Romans 8:31 39 The Message Bible
Your old sin loving nature was buried with him by baptism when he died; and when God the Father, with glorious power, brought him back to life again, you were given his wonderful new life to enjoy. What glorious news this is, ‘’I,’’ - ‘’me,’’ have been given the very life of Jesus Christ to enjoy and to live; such a wonderful God I have. I also have God on my side now, and if God is for me who can be against me, halleluiah!
So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture: They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one. None of this fazes us because ‘’Jesus loves us.’’ I’m absolutely convinced that nothing nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow,
When we accepted God’s offer of salvation through his son Jesus; we didn’t realise that God joined Jesus and us together as one person, and the amazing thing God done was to give us the life of Jesus to live, we were given his wonderful new life to enjoy, isn’t that awesome, almost beyond belief, it’s so incredible. God loves us so much ‘’he made us one person in Jesus’’ and gave us his new life to enjoy. We are supposed to walk in the life of Jesus ‘’assured of our salvation’’ because it has already transpired and we enjoy his new life in total joy and happiness; now that is love! We think that all God is interested in is sin, but God is not the least bit interested in sin for he done something about it, he doesn’t want you sitting in fear of judgement of sins you committed but wants you to realise sin is dead to you, that one sin that separated you from God the Father
high or low, thinkable or unthinkable absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. Because Jesus loves us that is the ‘secrete’ to understanding what God done for us.
1 Corinthians 6-Living Bible (TLB)
So should I take part of Christ and join him to a prostitute? Never! 16 And don’t you know that if a man joins himself to a prostitute she becomes a part of him and he becomes a part of her? For God tells us in the Scripture that in his sight the two become one person. 17 But if you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person. You are already joined together with and in Christ Jesus as one person in spirit. Wow it is amazing what God has done for us, not only does he save us, but he also blesses us by joining us together with his divine son Jesus. What a blessing it is to be joined together with Jesus, for it means the devil cannot get his hands on you, for you and Jesus are now one. Your salvation is one hundred and fifty percent assured for you, for Jesus in you cannot be defeated, nor can you be defeated either, for he won the victory for you forever.
Romans 8:37-Living Bible But despite all this, ‘’overwhelming victory’’ ‘’is ours’’ through Christ who loved us enough to die for us.
Am I going to heaven when I die?
The answer to that question is NO! ‘’YOU ARE ‘ALREADY’ THERE IN YOUR SPIRIT BECAUSE OF ACCEPTING JESUS!’’ Your spirit has already entered heaven when you accepted Jesus as your lord and saviour, for when you gave your life to Jesus he gave his life to you at the same moment in time, and you become one person in him, you and he have
become one person in spirit not in the flesh, but in the spirit. And what is it that either goes to heaven or to hell, ‘’the spirit;’’ the flesh rots and goes to the grave, the soul goes with the spirit where it goes, and thankfully, if you have received Jesus into your heart, your spirit joins his spirit in heaven right at that moment when you accepted Jesus offer of forgiveness, ‘’not’’ when you die physically, for you died with him when he died on that cross when he carried all your sins on his glorious body and killed all your sins once and forever.
1 Peter 2-24-Good News Translation (GNT) Christ himself carried ‘’our sins’’ in ‘’his body’’ to the cross,’’ so that we might die to sin and live for ‘’righteousness.’’ It is by his wounds that ‘’you have been healed’’. Whose sins does it say that Jesus carried on his body? Answer –‘’our sins’’ Religion says we are ‘being saved,’ the word of God says we ‘’are saved,’’ so who is right, religion or God? I asked God one time how can I explain ‘’saved’’ to other Catholics like me who are being told they are ‘being saved’ and he replied.
John 3-1-Living Bible (TLB)
3 1 2 After dark one night a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a member of the sect of the Pharisees, came for an interview with Jesus. “Sir,” he said, “we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miracles are proof enough of this.”
[‘’If you fell into a river and were drowning and someone jumped in after you and pulled you out, what would you tell people afterwards, that you drowned or were saved? Then he said, you were drowning in a sea of sin and I jumped in after you and pulled you out and ‘’saved’’ you.]
Jesus replied, “What I am telling you so earnestly is this: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. 6 Men can only reproduce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven;7 so don’t be surprised at my statement that you must be born again! 8 Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it will go next, so it is with the Spirit. We do not know on whom he will next bestow this life from heaven.”
9 “What do you mean?” Nicodemus asked. 10 11 Jesus replied, “You, a respected Jewish teacher, and yet you don’t understand these things? I am telling you what I know and have seen—and yet you won’t believe me. 12 But if you don’t even believe me when I tell you about such things as these that happen here among men, how can you possibly believe if I tell you what is going on in heaven? 13 For only I, the Messiah, have come to earth and will return to heaven again.14 And as Moses in the wilderness lifted up the bronze image of a serpent on a pole, even so I must be lifted up upon a pole, 15 so that ‘’anyone’’ who ‘’believes in me’’ will ‘’have’’ eternal life.’ 16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but ‘’have’’ ‘’eternal life.’’ 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. 18 “There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him ‘’have already’’ been ‘’tried and condemned’’ for ‘’not believing’’ in the only Son of God. 19 Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil.20 They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. 21 But, those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to” Words foreign to Catholics are the words ‘’born again, ’’ they associate these words with protestants, but they are not protestants words they are the very words of Jesus! Anything Jesus says is very important especially when he says words like ‘’earnestness’’ and Jesus said, ‘’with all the ‘’earnestness’’ I possess, I tell you this: Unless you are born again, you can never get into the Kingdom of God.” So those ‘’words ‘’born again’’ belong to ‘’Jesus’’ not to a religion.
“Born again!” exclaimed Nicodemus. “What do you mean? How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?”
Jesus replied, “With all the earnestness I possess I tell you this: Unless you are born again, you can never get into the Kingdom of God.”
1 John 5Living Bible (TLB)
1 John 5Living Bible (TLB)
If you ‘’believe’’ that Jesus is the Christ—that he is God’s Son and your Saviour— then you are a child of God. It is in believing that gets you ‘’saved,’’ ‘’saved’’ is not a protestant word, it is a bible word, it is the word of the living God, and is for all men and women to claim.
And what is it that God has said? That he ‘’has’’ ‘’given ‘us’ eternal life’ and that this life is in his Son.12 So whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have his Son, does not have life.
Jesus repeated himself when he said anyone who believes in me will have eternal life, its guaranteed, and he uses the word ‘’save’’ did you notice so saved and born again is not a religious thing, it is a God thing; he repeated the words ‘’born again’’ and he repeated the words have, so be happy that he loves us so much, he, even as God, repeated himself.
Then what does he go on to say? He says you ‘’must’’ be ‘’born again’’ and the word ‘’must’’ means,’’ have to, have got to, be obliged to, ought to, should, be required to, necessity, obligation. 15 so that ‘’anyone who believes in me’’ will ‘’have’’ eternal life.’ Anyone who believes in me will ‘’have’’ and the words ‘’have’’ means contain, include, enclose, belong to you. so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but ‘’have’’ ‘’eternal life.’’ 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to ‘’save’’ it.
We believe men who witness in our courts, and so surely we can believe whatever God declares. And God declares that Jesus is his Son. 10 All who believe this know in their hearts that it is true. If anyone doesn’t ‘’believe’’ this, he is actually calling God a liar because he doesn’t ‘’believe’’ what God has said about his Son.
And what is it that God has said? That he ‘has’ given ‘us’ ‘eternal life’ and that ‘’this life is in his Son.’’12 So whoever ‘has’ God’s Son ‘has life;’ whoever does not have his Son, does not have life. 13 I have written this to you ‘’who believe’’ in the Son of God so that ‘’you may know’’ you ‘’have eternal life.’’14 And we are sure of this, that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will.15 And if we really know he is listening when we talk to him and make our requests, then we can be sure that he will answer us.
We believe men who witness in our courts, and so surely we can believe whatever God declares. And God declares that Jesus is his Son. 10 All who believe this know in their hearts that it is true. If anyone doesn’t believe this, he is actually calling God a liar because he doesn’t believe what God has said about his Son.
John 5Living Bible (TLB) 18
God wants to reassure us so he tells so that you may know you ‘’have’’ ‘eternal life.’’
John 5Living Bible (TLB)
No one who has become part of God’s family makes a practice of sinning, for Christ, God’s Son, holds him securely, and the devil cannot get his hands on him. 19 We know that we are children of God and that all the rest of the world around us is under Satan’s power
I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that ‘’you may ‘’know’’ you ‘’have’’ eternal life.
Look at these words from the word of God, and the word is the written words out of the mouth of God to you. What is it that God has said? That ‘’he’’ ‘’has’’ given us ‘’eternal life.’’ the word ‘’has’’ means it is already done, so if you accepted Jesus into your heart as your lord and saviour, then you ‘’have’’ ‘eternal life.’’ and it can never be stolen from you, it is kept in heaven for you guarded by God himself as his word tells us. And he tells us this that we may know our salvation is eternally safe. Isn’t it great that God wants us to know we are saved and born again, and if Jesus is our lord and saviour then we have the guarantee of heaven for us?
and control. 20 And we know that Christ, God’s Son, has come to help us understand and find the true God. And now we are in God because we are in Jesus Christ his Son, who is the only true God; and he is eternal Life. The devil cannot get his hands on him. What a wonderful promise, ‘’the devil can never’’ get his hands on us on our spirit our souls, wow! what a great God we have! 1 Corinthians 1-4-Living Bible (TLB) 4 I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful gifts he ‘’has’’ given you, now that you are Christ’s: 5 he ‘’has’’ enriched your whole life. He has helped you speak out for him and has given you a full understanding of the truth; 6 what I told you Christ could do for you has happened!7 Now you ‘’have’’ every ‘grace and blessing;’ every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 And he ‘’guarantees’’ ‘right up to the end’’ that ‘’you’’ will be ‘’counted ‘’free’’ from ‘’all sin and guilt’’ on that day when he returns.9 God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord. Because you now belong to Jesus you share in everything he has; for instance look at this scripture and see where it says God has given you ‘’all’’ the wonderful gifts he has for you ‘now’ you are Christ’s. You don’t get gifts unless you belong to the Father as his child. ‘’Now’’ this very instance, ‘’you have ‘’every grace and blessing,’’ your salvation is ‘’guaranteed’’ by God himself you need never worry again about getting into heaven; for God himself ‘’guarantees’’ ‘’right up till the very end’’ that you will be counted free from ‘’all sin and guilt’’ and God will surely do this for you for his love for you is beyond anything you can
Whencomprehend.youread what I have written and see the words coloured or highlighted or in commas say them aloud to yourself, faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God, your spirit needs to hear you declare what God has done for you through Jesus
Romans 3 20 Living Bible (TLB) 20 Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commands. For the more we know of God’s laws, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying them; his laws serve only to make us see that we are sinners. 21 22 But ‘’now’’ God has shown us a different way to heaven—not by “being good enough” and trying to keep his laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago). ‘’Now’’ God says ‘’he will’’ ‘’accept and acquit us’’ ‘’declare us “not guilty” if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be ‘’saved’’ in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like. 23 Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; 24 yet ‘’now’’ God declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely ‘’takes away’’ ‘’our sins.’’ 25 For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from his wrath. In this way he was being entirely fair, even though he did not punish those who sinned in former times. For he was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins.26 and ‘’now’’ in these days also he can receive sinners in this same way because Jesus took away their sins. But isn’t this unfair for God to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? No, for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins.
1 Corinthians 1Living Bible (TLB)
For it is from God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus. He showed us God’s plan of salvation; he was the one who ‘’made us’’ ‘’acceptable to God;’’ he made us ‘’pure and holy’’ and gave himself to purchase our salvation.* 31 As it says in the Scriptures, “If anyone is going to boast, let him boast only of what the Lord has done.” Everything is from the Father God; he, the Father God, made us acceptable to God, the devil would try and say you’re not acceptable, look at all your sins and faults, but the truth is we have no sins or faults as far as Father God is concerned for Jesus destroyed them on the cross. Look at what God says in his divine word; he made us pure and Holy and he gave himself to purchase our salvation so that we could never lose it.
29 And does God save only the Jews in this way? No, the Gentiles, too, may come to him in this same manner.30 God treats us all the same; all, whether Jews or Gentiles, are acquitted if they have faith. Look at the word ‘’now,’’ and emphasize it, for it means ‘’this very moment,’’ so say ‘’now,’’ this very moment or minute, ‘’Now’’ God has shown us a different way to heaven== through Jesus only. ‘’Now’’ God says he will accept and acquit us declare us “not guilty” if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. ‘’Now’’ he can receive ‘sinners’ because Jesus took away their sins and so are no longer counted as sinners but Saints. If you were a sinner, then realise that Jesus took away your sins and accepted you and acquitted you from the guilt of sin, and it is only having faith in him that gets you into heaven. Did you know that you are not the same person anymore when you asked Jesus into your heart; you are now the righteousness of Christ Jesus and you stand for all time in that state of divine grace, you are in that forever state of grace and it can never be removed from you it is a forever thing that Jesus done for you because that is what the Father God desired for you his child.
Romans 5:17 King James Version
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the ‘’gift of righteousness’’ shall ‘’reign’’ ‘’in life’’ by one, ‘’Jesus Christ.’’) You, that former sinner, who being separated from God, had no hope, have now been given the very righteousness of one Christ Jesus, you now share his very own righteousness, and righteousness means you are in a forever state of
27 Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all; Why? Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in him. 28 So it is that we are ‘’saved’’ by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do.
14 For by that one offering he made ‘’forever perfect’’ in the ‘’sight of God’’ all those whom he is making holy. 15 And the Holy Spirit testifies that this is so, You are forever perfect in the sight of God. Now I ask you does the word of God change for anyone. No the word remains the same as it was yesterday today and forever, just as ‘’you look ‘forever perfect’ in the eyes of God.’’ Romans 8Living Bible (TLB) 8 So there is ‘’now’’ ‘’no condemnation’’ awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus.2 For the power of the life-giving Spirit and this power is mine through Christ Jesus has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death.3 We aren’t saved from sin’s grasp by knowing the commandments of God because we can’t and don’t keep them, but God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent his own Son in a human body like ours except
Hebrews 10Living Bible (TLB)
No one made Jesus go to the cross, that was his and the fathers choosing not mans or the devils, he did it freely for love of you. He has forgiven us and made us clean by Christ’s sacrifice. The devil is a liar as Jesus rightly said he was, and so cannot tell the truth for truth is not in his nature he is just a downright liar, and when he condemns us you can be assured he is lying and things are just the opposite, for those who belong to Jesus there is no condemnation at all, ever, no one can accuse us to God for he is our defender.
After Christ said this about not being satisfied with the various sacrifices and offerings required under the old system,9 he then added, “Here I am. I have come to give my life.” He cancels the first system in favour of a far better one.10 under this new plan ‘’we have been ‘forgiven’ and ‘made clean’ by ‘’Christ’s dying for us once and for all’’ .
Hebrews 10 14 Living Bible (TLB)
divine grace and redemption, living in right standing with God your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:6 King James Version Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after ‘’righteousness:’’ for they shall be filled.
that ours are sinful and destroyed sin’s control over us by giving himself as a sacrifice for our sins. And he has made you forever perfect in his sight, and so there is now no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus; these words are forever words and cannot change, there is ‘’now’’ no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus, ‘’Now’’ is an everlasting word that remains the same forever; ‘’now’’ you are righteous before God through Jesus and you are now forever perfect in his sight, and now have no condemnation being pressed against them. How amazing is our God, see how much he shows his love for us, he won’t allow anyone to accuse us or condemn us.
This is a divine promise from Father God Luke 1:75-King James Version In ‘’holiness’’ and ‘’righteousness’’ before him, all the days of our life
This is the state we are in before him all the days of our life and it can never change for it is the written word of the living God who loves us extraordinarily well. We are forever righteous; in fact scripture says we are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:2 Berean Study Bible We are Christ's Ambassadors; Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This scripture is making an astounding statement for it is saying so we might become the righteousness of God, this is some statement, in another scripture it says Jesus had made us the righteousness of God, and this in itself is
I tell people God, is not interested in our sins, just in us, for the world thinks that all God thinks about is sin, but this scripture tells us were wrong. All he thinks about is us and how much we mean to him and how much he wants to bless us. He even made us ambassadors for Christ Jesus to this world. God gives to those who seek righteousness, ‘’righteousness,’’ for they will be filled with it; and they will serve him in ‘’righteousness and in holiness’’ all the days of their lives. You are forever righteous before your loving father God always in right standing before him. Words and their full meaning
awesome to think, that we are either being made the righteousness of God or are already the righteousness of God himself.
The importance of scriptural words for they are God’s words and we need to understand their full meaning to get to understand how God sees us or speaks to Weus.were made to Reign in this life as a king, and a Royal priesthood through Jesus Christ himself, ordained by God as part of his loving gifts to us,; we have righteousness bestowed upon us by God, a glorious honour, but what does righteousness mean for us, and what do words mean when examined in fullness. The word righteousness has great meaning, and it is stating the grace in which we stand.
John 16:8 New International Version
When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment:
Righteousness means = virtue, morality, justice, decency, uprightness, rectitude, honesty, integrity, honesty.
3 How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ.
4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault we who stand before him covered with his love. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to!
Everything that concerns us is the plan of God so trust him in everything, for if the devil twists God’s plans he has another plan set in place to counteract the enemy.
Virtue means- asset, good quality, desirable quality, good value, good worth, high merit, and high calibre.
Blameless, means = innocent, spotless, clean, scrupulous, unblemished, untarnished, irreproachable, guiltless, Honourable, means = admirable, worthy, praiseworthy, moral, principled, good, respectable, upright.
Irreproachable means, = blameless, faultless, flawless, perfect, irreproachable, impeccable, spotless, immaculate, irreprehensible, Holy means, - sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, blessed, divine, righteous, saintly; Blameless means innocent, spotless, clean, scrupulous, unblemished, untarnished, irreproachable, and guiltless.
This is how God sees you for he chose to make you this way before he even made this world according to Ephesians 1-4Ephesians 1Living Bible (TLB)
Saint - somebody chosen by God because of personal righteousness or the nature of his or her faith, sometimes used by religious groups to refer to their own members; a particularly good or holy person, or one who is exceptionally kind and patient in dealing with difficult people or situations {reference books}
There is no guilt before God as far as he is concerned; for he forgave you your sins that caused guilt, and it is only the devil who tries to remind you of sins, and the laughable thing is, it is the devil who tempts you to sin, and then condemns you for sinning, how ironic! But God now calls you his friend.
23 Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; 24 yet ‘’now’’ God declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins. Yet God declares us not guilty of offending him, if we trust Jesus who freely takes away our sins. Guilt destroys people’s happiness, joy and kills them emotionally and even causes some to end their lives through the feelings of guilt, yet God has removed guilt from within us, by forgiving us every sin we ever committed or ever will commit.
Romans 3 23 Living Bible (TLB)
Guilt no more guilt for me! Guilt is from the devil and is meant to tear you down spiritually emotionally and physically and mentally.
God, through Jesus, killed our guilt, so that we need no more suffer from it, so I don’t need to write on a subject that has been resolved by God our Father.
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while ‘’we were’’ still sinners.9 And since by his blood he did all this for us ‘’as sinners,’’ how much more will he do for us ‘’now’’ that he has declared us not guilty? ‘’Now’’ he will save us from all of God’s wrath to come.10 And since, when we were his enemies, we were brought back to God by the death of his Son, what blessings he must have for us ‘’now’’ that we are his friends and he is living within us!
Romans 5Living Bible (TLB) 8
11 ‘’ Now’’ we rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God—all because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done in dying for our sins making us friends of God.
Jesus died for us when we were still sinners and the word ‘’were’’ means past tense, so he died for us when we used to be separated from God but ‘’now,’’ there’s that word ‘’now’’ again! ‘’Now’’ we are God’s friends, what an honour God has given us to be called God’s friends, and he is living with us, and is living in us He did all this for us ‘’as sinners,’’ how much more will he do for us ‘’now’’ that he has declared us not guilty? See the word ‘were’ is a word saying ‘things are in the past,’ ‘not the present,’ the word ‘’now’’ means this very moment. Things have changed from ‘were to ‘’now,’’ the relationship between us and God changed to become, ‘’now’ we’re his friends.
Ephesians 2:8 9 TLB Because of his kindness, you ‘’have been saved’’ through ‘’trusting Christ.’’ And even trusting is ‘not of yourselves;’ it too is a ‘’gift’’ from God. Salvation is ‘’not a reward’’ for the ‘good we have done,’ so none of us can take any credit for it. Everything is a gift from God to us, he has no conditions on how to receive them it is just believe he loves you enough to give you everything because of his kindness. It is sad we do not see the kindness of God talked about in our churches, we sometimes hear God loves us, but most people find that difficult to believe; for most older folk were brought up to believe in a harsh God an angry God who destroyed everything concerning you if you sinned or done something he didn’t like. See we have been saved, through trusting Christ and not trusting in a religion. Religion is ok if it revolves around free salvation and forgiveness and eternal life and receiving gifts from God; for it is important for people to know that God wants them to receive gifts and not punishment as religion says. Religion says we are ‘’being saved,’’ ‘’Christ says’’ ‘’we are saved’’ that relationship with our heavenly father, secures this for us, religion secures nothing for it is from man. Our salvation depends on our relationship with our heavenly father, Jesus and his Holy Spirit Two
Raised up to the place of highest privilege Romans 5:2-Living Bible
For because of our faith, he has brought us into this place of ‘’highest privilege’’ ‘’where we ‘’now’’ stand’’ , and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be. If God didn’t like you or love you, would he raise you up into this place of highest privilege where you {‘’there’s that word ‘’now’’ again’’} ‘’now’’ stand? If he was in any way disappointed with you would he give you the honour of placing you in that place of highest privilege? Of course not; for you are ‘’forever perfect in his sight’’ and ‘’you are holy in his sight’’ also Before he even made the world God chose you to be holy spotless in his sight, forever and forever. In God’s eyes you are holy, for ‘’he’’ made you ‘holy’ and in his eyes he sees you ‘forever perfect,’ who cares how this world sees you, for God sees you as his child, and he sees you as holy and he sees you as forever perfect in his sight, his eyes. He is a loving father who does not condemn us ever his love outweighs our sins. James 2Living Bible (TLB) Watch what you do and what you think; 13 for there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, then ‘’God’s mercy toward you’’ ‘’will win out over ‘’his judgment’’ against you. You will not be judged unless you show no mercy to others, and as the word here says if you have been merciful to others, forgiving them, and blessing them especially when you don’t feel like it you will never be judged.
How do you feel about yourself now, what an amazing God we have he just keeps pouring out love on us, because he wants to? Not only did he take away our sins but he also gave us gifts and blessing, and grace, amazing grace.
Long ago, even before he made the world, ‘’God chose us’’ to be ‘his very own’ through what Christ would do for us; ‘’he decided then’’ to ‘make us’ ‘’holy in his eyes,’’ without a single fault’’ we who stand before him covered with his love. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. ‘’And he did this because he wanted to!’’
How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ‘’has’’ ‘blessed’ us ‘with every blessing in heaven’ because ‘we belong to Christ.’
6 Now all praise to God for his wonderful kindness to us and his ‘’favour’’ that he has poured out upon us because we belong to his dearly loved Son.7 So overflowing is his kindness toward us that ‘’he took away’’ ‘’all our sins’’ through the blood of his Son, by whom ‘’we are saved;’’8 and he has showered down upon us the richness of his grace for how well he understands us and knows what is best for us at all times. You have already been blessed with ‘’’every’’ ‘blessing’ in heaven, ’’ Wow! what a wonderful gift from Father. Did you realise that God done all these things simply because he wanted to. Do you know that you never need to ask God for favour, for he has already poured it out upon us because we belong to Christ Jesus? He took away all our sins past, present, and future, through the blood of his son Jesus by whom ‘’we are saved.’’
Three Now look at some of your wonderful blessings given to you by your heavenly Father Ephesians 1-3-Living Bible (TLB)
14 For by that one offering he made forever perfect in the sight of God all those whom ‘’he’’ is making ‘’holy.’’15 And the Holy Spirit testifies that this is so, There’s more to salvation than you think, remember God has said he has given you gifts! Did you know that salvation is only the beginning of all that God has given to you? He has given you the greatest gift of all, his Holy Spirit, and all you have to do to receive that gift is to ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart just like you asked Jesus and he instantly comes into you, and if you let him he will pour out supernatural gifts upon you; read 1 Corinthians, chapters, 12---13---14 and see the supernatural gifts that he offers you, and his word says to ask for the best gifts those that will be of real value to the church.
The following scripture testifies to our being forever perfect; a fact that cannot change even when we sin, and do wrong, the word of God still remains the same, for we will repent, for the Holy Spirit is within us convicting us of the sins we commit, and before we even repent we are still ‘’forever perfect,’’ for the word does not change for you or because of your sins.
Hebrews 10-14-Living Bible (TLB)
2-Peter 1:3-Living Bible
For as you know him better, he ‘’will’’ ‘’give you,’’ through his great power, everything you need for living a truly good life: ‘’he even shares ‘’his own glory’’ and ‘’his own goodness’’ with ‘’us!’’
1 Thessalonians 2Living Bible (TLB) 12 that your daily lives should not embarrass God but bring joy to him who invited you into his Kingdom to share his glory This is the reason you were invited to accept all that Jesus done for you it was so that you a mere human being could ‘’share in the glory of God, ’’ for only God could do such an awesome thing, he even shares his own glory with us.
Christ died for us while we were still sinners but that has changed for now we are children of God; and since he done so much for us as sinners how much more he says will he do for us now he has declared us not guilty; a sinner is guilty a saint is not guilty, and we are now no longer sinners but friends.
Romans 5-8-Living Bible (TLB) 8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while ‘we were’ still sinners.9 And since by his blood he did all this for us ‘as sinners,’ how much ‘’more’’ will he do for us now that he has declared us not guilty? Now he will save us from all of God’s wrath to come.10 And since, when we were his enemies, we were brought back to God by the death of his Son, what blessings he must have for us now that we are his friends and he is living within us!
Not only does he share his own glory with us, he even shares his own divine goodness with us, so what is it that you have inside your spirit? His own glory and his own divine goodness, this is how special we are to our Father God he loves us so much he shares everything of himself with us, imagine this God actually shares his own divine glory and goodness with me a former sinner, now made a saint, change because I asked Jesus into my heart, such love. 2 Corinthians 3 12 ‘’we are mirrors’’ that brightly ‘’reflect the glory of God.’’ Have you ever looked in a mirror? What did you see? You seen your own image reflected back at you; but when God opens your eyes one day you will look and see his glory looking back at you. When God looks at you, what does he see? He sees his own divine glory looking back at him for you reflecting his glory for you are a divine mirror Malachi 3-17 they shall be mine says the lord of hosts, in that day when I shall make up ‘’my jewels.’’ Have you ever considered yourself to be a jewel? This is what God sees when he looks at you! Do you still consider yourself unworthy or useless or worthless? God calls you his jewels, for the first word in that scripture say ‘’they,’’ meaning us.
Religion states we are sinners; Jesus states we are friends, and is living in us in our spirit; and we became one with him in spirit, so if I declare myself to be a sinner then I declare Jesus a sinner also for he has joined himself to me as one,
and we become one person, so if I am guilty, then so is he, for we are one person in spirit. The church has us say at Mass; ‘’Lord I am not worthy,’’ but ‘’God has made us worthy ’’ We call ourselves sinners, but God does not; he calls us his friends, righteous, his children made in his image; we ‘’were sinners’’ but now since we accepted Jesus into our hearts we became saints; we are children of God made in his divine image. Genesis 1-27. We also need to understand what a sinner is or the word unworthy means A sinner means = criminal, offender, degenerate, outlaw, malefactor, immoral, worsen, be reduced to, deteriorate, and to slip. Offender means - lawbreaker, wrongdoer, reprobate, delinquent; reprobate means rascal, good for nothing, troublemaker, Are you this now that you belong to Jesus? Unworthy means = undeserving, worthless, not fit for, not good enough, Pitifulcontemptible,,shameful, valueless, of no value, insignificant, useless, rubbish, empty, hollow, worthless, disgraceful, Reprehensible, dishonourable, discreditable, shocking, appalling, worthless, of no value, insignificant, useless, rubbish, guilty, in the wrong, to blame, culpable, at fault, blameworthy, awful, appalling, terrible, dreadful, horrendous, inexcusable, unspeakable, atrocious, abysmal. To be like dog poo on the sole of your shoe
Do you really think that this is how God sees his own children, his creation, ‘’unworthy,’’ all these terrible things that the word unworthy means? If this is what you have believed then see the living word search it out for yourselves and see what God says about you his dear child; he says you’re the apple of his eye. Zechariah 2:8 English Standard Version For thus says the LORD of hosts, "After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.
But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our ‘’Righteousness’’ [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin].{Amplified Bible}
It is from God the father that we have everything, including our life in Christ Jesus, for Jesus made us righteous, making us upright and in right standing
Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you ‘’holy’’ and ‘’faultless’’ and ‘’ irreproachable in His [the Father's] presence; {Amplified Bible} How many faults do you have? ‘’None,’’ for God says he made you ‘’holy and faultless’’ and irreproachable in the Fathers presence. Did you ever realise that you are in the presence of God the father always, you don’t have to pray to come into the holy presence of Almighty God, for you are already in it at all times even when you think you done wrong, because as far as God is concerned you are holy and faultless because you are joined to Jesus as one person in spirit. Now here is something you will not hear every day in your mainstream churches or even in born again churches.
1 –Corinthians 1 30 Amplified Bible
Colossians 1-22- Amplified Bible
John 17 22 I have given them the glory you gave me. The glorious unity of being one as we are; I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one Jesus said we are all being perfected into one; I in them he says, and you in me, and he has given us his glory. And making us upright and pure and in right standing with God making us his righteousness. Read this scripture starting with the first two words; ‘’I have’’ given them, ~ that means whatever he has given us ‘’has happened;’’ he said, I have given them the glory you gave me; this is awesome to believe, Jesus said, ‘I have given them the glory you gave me’, the exact same manifestation of his glory; I in them and you in me all being perfected into one spiritual being, this is me he is talking about.
always before him because he wanted to. We are always in a state of right standing before God pure and holy for eternity for this is what we are now because of Jesus sacrifice of himself on the cross, following the plan of God for our salvation.
Christ holds the highest position in heaven; where do we stand? In him! Romans 5 1 King James Version
Colossians 3-1- King James Version {Live as God’s People} 1 Since you were brought back to life with Christ, focus on the things that are above where Christ holds the highest position, 2Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things. 3You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.4 When Christ your life appears, then you, too, will appear with him in glory. {GOD’S WORD Translation}(GW)
God’s plans did not stop at salvation they went way above anything we could ever dream of or imagine. Salvation is only the beginning of things to come; the more we grow, and grow into his glory, brings with it even more revelation will be revealed, and demonstrated through us as our life in Christ Jesus grows larger, and he demonstrates his new life in us.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2By whom also we have access by faith into this ‘’grace’’ wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (KJV) We stand in peace at all times, we do not have to grovel to God for we are his delight, and we stand before him covered by the blood of Jesus and in a state of forever grace. We are justified through faith in Jesus.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read the following scriptures and see the wonderful things our Father in heaven says about us. Romans 5:17 Amplified Bible For if because of one man's trespass (lapse, offense) death reigned through that one, much more surely will those who receive [God's] overflowing grace (unmerited favour) and the ‘’free gift’’ of ‘’righteousness’’ [putting them into right standing with Himself] ‘’reign as kings in life’’ through the one Man Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Revelation-1-6-he has gathered us into his kingdom and made us kings and priests of God our father {Amplified bible} He has made you kings and priests and reinforced it by saying again the same thing. Revelation-5-10 you have gathered them into a kingdom and made them kings and Priests {Amplified bible}
1 Corinthians 2 9– no mere man has ever seen, heard, or imagined what wonderful things that God has in store for those who love him.
This is where we are seated right now not when we die as some think, it is all now with God.
You have received- ‘’overflowing grace- unmerited favour-free gift of righteousness- right standing with God.’’
Romans-8-37-overwhelming victory is ours through Christ Jesus who loved us enough to die for us. He gave us overwhelming victory In every battle with the enemy we have overwhelming victory at all times no matter what it looks like because it is through Jesus we have the victory for he already defeated the devil and all his demonic powers
Ephesians-2-6-and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
God has wonderful things in store for you
The full meaning of the words we say about ourselves and the words God says about us Unworthy means = undeserving, worthless, not fit for, not good enough, contemptible, Pitiful, shameful, valueless, of no value, insignificant, useless, rubbish, empty, hollow, Worthless, disgraceful, reprehensible, dishonourable, discreditable, shocking, appalling, Worthless, of no value, insignificant, useless, rubbish, guilty, in the wrong, to blame, Culpable, at fault, blameworthy, awful, appalling, terrible, dreadful, horrendous, inexcusable, Unspeakable, atrocious, and abysmal. Do you really think that this is how God sees his own children, his creation, unworthy, all these terrible things?
Ephesians 2-5-The Way Bible
Isiah-61-10- the Way Bible for he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. You are not covered in dirt or sin, you are covered by the robe of righteousness
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (‘’delivered from judgment’’ and made partakers of Christ's salvation). {Amplified Bible}
2 Corinthians 5 20 we are Christ’s ambassadors. What can I say to emphasise this nothing for it speaks for itself.
He gave us the very life of Christ Jesus; the very same new life that Jesus has for we are one spirit. And it is by grace and favour that I am saved not being saved and delivered from judgement, see, ‘’no judgement’’ for those who belong to Christ Jesus, what wonderful precious promises from God to us these are. And something else, we are made partakers of Christ’s salvation.
13 You were dead in sins, and your sinful desires were not yet cut away. Then he gave you a share in the very life of Christ, for he forgave all your sins, 14 and blotted out the charges proved against you, the list of his commandments which you had not obeyed. He took this list of sins and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross.15 In this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world Christ’s triumph at the cross where your sins were all taken away. This scripture lets us know all that God has planned for us to be and there is no condemnation is this book anywhere is there for the children of God; there is nothing to fear from a God who moved heaven and earth to show you his love for you; to give you everything he gave to his son Jesus for you are his son or daughter now, and all he had for Jesus is now ours for the taking go on boldly take what belongs to you, start with his forgiveness and then begin to walk in the holiness he made you shine as a light to the world. Go back over all the scriptures in this book, take a pen and paper, and write down all God says you are or what he gave you, and speak it out of your mouth every day giving praise and honour to God for Jesus his divine son and his Holy Spirit. If you have to change a word or two to make the scripture personal, like ‘’I have my life in Christ Jesus’’, do so, ‘’I am his righteousness,’’ ‘’I am in right standing with God;’’ ‘’I am pure and Holy’’ and so on. The scriptures are a
When you came to Christ, he set you free from your evil desires, not by a bodily operation of circumcision but by a spiritual operation, the baptism of your souls. 12 For in baptism you see how your old, evil nature died with him and was buried with him; and then you came up out of death with him into a new life because you trusted the Word of the mighty God who raised Christ from the dead.
Colossians 2Living Bible (TLB)
For in Christ there is all of God in a human body; 10 so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
personal message from God your father to you, this makes the words personal ‘’I am Holy,’’ thank you father for making me holy!
But it is from Him that ‘’you have your life in Christ Jesus,’’ Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal penalty for Bible}
1 John 4 17 In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him], because as He is, so are we in this world. {Amplified Bible} As he is so are you, in this world! Amen
Remember you are pure and holy who is right religion or God?
1 Corinthians-1-30-