Are you guilty or not guilty?

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Are you guilty or not guilty? Are you guilty or not guilty of offending God? If you were taken into court; standing before a judge, and it was put to you by lawyers. You are guilty of breaking the commandments of God? What would your answer be? When you stand before the great judge in heaven and the book of your life is laid out for all to see, would it be full of guilt, would there be enough evidence in it to convict you guilty of offending God? What would your sentence be, ‘Life eternal in hell,’ ‘20 - 30 years in purgatory, or life eternal in heaven?’ Most Christians that I know, are living in guilt, guilty of this or that sin, guilty of doing wrong or not doing right, they should have done this or not done that, if only! Satan would have you believe that you are in permanent guilt before God and he accuses you day in and day out without ceasing, for doing wrong; and it was him that got you to sin in the first place and then condemns you, pretending it is God who condemns you by putting guilty “feelings” upon you; and you walk around under a cloud of oppression believing your guilty of offending God. If you sin, and you will, ask God to forgive you immediately and he does, and the sin is then forgotten by God; but Satan doesn’t forget the sin he caused you to commit, and he nags you and worries you about that sin whispering condemnation into your mind and ears. Sad to say you believe him more than you believe God and go around with a great burden on your back, feeling a heaviness on you, weighed down under guilt. This is what Satan wants for you because when you’re in guilt you can’t easily fight off Satan’s lies and temptations. “The Trial!” Satan says you’re guilty, and he can prove it. Satan says I saw him / her do these things personally and have a large hoard of witnesses to call if necessary. This is what Jesus says, “let him prove it.”

Imagine Satan as a prosecution lawyer, and Jesus as the defense lawyer in a court case, and God as the judge. The trial begins and Satan brings up every sin you have ever committed and asks you did you commit those sins on such and such a date? Your answer would have to be yes, you did commit those sins. Remember you’re under oath!

Weren’t those sins breaking God’s law of not sinning? Satan would say. Yes, you would have to answer. Then your honor I have no more further questions for this witness. Then Jesus your defense lawyer would stand up and say. Your honor! It is true that my client committed those sins, did those wrongs, there is no denying that, but your honor my client was hounded merciless every waking moment of their life with hoards of evil spirits and even this prosecution lawyer him-self tormented my client, trying and succeeding to get them to sin against the commandments. “Objection your honor, I am a prosecution lawyer and I’M not on trial.” Satan shouted. “Objection overruled, a witness is a witness,” replied his Honor. My Client is guilty as charged you’re Honor but there is something I wish to point out to this court. When I went to the cross on Calvary, I personally took the punishment for all those sins on my own body, then I was sentenced to hell to pay for those sins, and I paid the full price, and my case your honor is my client is indeed guilty but I took this persons jail sentence their punishment, and I personally paid the full penalty for these crimes. I have documented proof published in this book of mine. {Jesus presents his evidence!} So now your honor here is my evidence; Romans-3- 20- no one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commands, for the more we know of God’s law, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying them. “It’s true my client broke the law.” Jesus said. Romans-3-21-22-Now God says he will accept us and acquit us- declare us “not guilty” if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. Your honor! My client trusts in me explicitly, and is trust that I will get him set free. My client fulfills the conditions of the law breaker who trust in me to take away his sins. Romans -3-25- For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and end all God’s anger against us. Romans-3-26- isn’t unfair for God to let criminals go free and say they are innocent! Interrupted Satan. Jesus replied; Romans-3-26- No, for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins. “Therefore you’re Honor I declare that in this next few words that!” Romans -8-1- there is no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Your honor! My client believes in my promise that I took their punishment for their guilt plea. Romans-5-1-so now, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus has done for us.

I end my defense you’re Honor. Then the judge sums up the case and declares the verdict; Romans-8-30- and having chosen us, he called us to come to him; and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” filled us with Christ Goodness, gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory. Case dismissed. Verdict; innocent Next case; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note; Romans-8-33- who dares accuse us whom God has chosen as his own? Will God? No! He is the one who has forgiven us and giving us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? Will Christ? No! For he is the one who died for us and came back to life again for us and is sitting at the place of highest honor next to God, pleading for us there in heaven. Who dares accuse us, God asks in his word, who dares accuse us. Think about that for a while, say it aloud, and emphasize the words making them your own, “who dares accuse us;” the only person who comes before God to accuse us is Satan; and God chases him away, telling him he is not interested, Jesus paid for this child of mines sins

I am giving you just a few scriptures from the word of God, but theses few declare the truth of God’s word, and are greater than all the condemnation that Satan can bring. You have a choice to make dear reader. Who are you going to believe, Satan with condemnation; or God with forgiveness and mercy? Satan’s case against you was that you committed sin thereby breaking the law. Jesus case was that he paid for your crimes against God, by fulfilling the law. Case dismissed; not guilty. Case closed.

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