Brendan Mc Crossan
Are Your prayers having any effect
In this scripture three things have struck me the most, 1 confess your faults to one another 2 pray for one another 3 the effectual prayer of a righteous man availed much The word Availed means {transitive and intransitive verb}; {to help somebody or something succeed, or be helpful or useful; Help, advantage, or success in achieving something.}
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much. 17Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. 18And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Have you ever wished you could stop rain? I know that I have stopped storms and windy days, even whilst praying over the phone to my daughter in Turkey, who was scheduled to go on a boattrip, shecalled and asked meto pray becauseitwas blowing up astorm, and I commanded the storm to calm down just like Jesus did, and the storm calmed till the sea water was like glass it was so calm. And she didn’t just do this once but several times and each time the windy weather calmed down within minutes and remained calm through her boat trips. Our praise and worship group I and stopped a storm here in Ireland also, this storm was a killer storm, it killed people in America and was headed our way, and the lord told me to take authority over it and command it not to touch our city, and the storm came and went and not even one slate fell off a roof according to the news reader next day; he said it was if a giant hand covered Derry city; sadly some people were killed in other parts of Ireland and later in England but not even a slate fell of the roof of one building in Derry, and this was because I knew that I and they were righteous, and that God answers the prayer of righteous men and women; and I
If you are righteous then your prayers have great effect in heaven
Righteous prayers
Brendan Mc Crossan 19-09-2011
So a righteous mans prayer achieves something. When Elias prayed and he was a righteous man like us scripture says, heaven stopped the rain falling, and when he prayed again it began raining.
Are your prayers having any effect?
In a lot of my books I have been writing about our righteousness given to us through Jesus and I have seen more and more about righteousness than I have ever seen in all my years of writing on scripture, and I keep on asking God, ‘why is righteousness so important to you,’ and I have been shown scripture after scripture that tells me that without righteousness we are nothing and have no legitimate access to God the Father or entry into heaven. In the following scripture you can see that as far as God is concerned the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man has availed much; that prayer holds much influence in heaven.
This scripture confirms that God only listens to the prayers of righteous men and women, a sinner is not God fearing, and a sinner is in rebellion against God if you want to know the Ifacts.have heard Christians in church say, ‘I am a sinner,’ they declare out of their mouths that God never made them worthy enough to redeem them from their sins, that’s literally what they’re saying when they confess they’re sinners. I know they are trying to be humble but this is wrong, if you are saved then you are righteous because with salvation comes righteousness together simultaneously. Stop confessing that you are a sinner if you have been doing so, it is false humility and it shows that you are scripturally ignorant. How much clearer can this
The effectual prayer of a righteous man in healing
James-5-16- 16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much. 17Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. 18And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Many Christians are praying with people to receive healing and not much is happening for them, and they get frustrated with themselves and with God trying to figure out why the person they are praying with does not get healed. Here is a guideline to help you in your prayer for healing with others. Get them to confess their faults to one another and that figuratively speaking is with you the pray-err, not to the world at large and usually the things they will need to confess is they have Unforgiveness against others and against themselves, which is guilt; get those things forgiven and removed and unless the lord tells you something else lay hands and command the healing to take place immediately.
Elias prayed and the rain stopped for three years from the moment he began praying, and when he prayed again he sent his servant to check the sky for a cloud in the horizon and I think it was three times the servant went to look and eventually he said I see a tiny cloud in the distance and Elias ordered everyone to begin running for shelter as there was going to be a tremendous shower coming now. Wow! That is a man who knows his righteousness before God he knew he is in right standing with God.
Isn’t it great when God the creator of the vast universes calls you righteous, holy, spotless and clean and forever perfect in his sight? And lets you know he hears the prayers of the righteous. Did you know he does not listen to sinners - the unrighteous?
John -9-31-Weknow thatGod does notlisten to sinners; but if anyoneis God-fearing and a worshiper of Him and does His will, He listens to him. {The Way Bible}
knew he fulfils “his word” with power. And for these things I give all the glory to God, it was by his power that these thingsTwohappened.
When praying with someone for healing, know that you are in right standing with God {righteous} then you can confidently approach God in holiness knowing he will listen to your prayer, he knows that you are first of all honouring him and acknowledging his gift of righteousness to you, and that gets his attention; think this through, God does not listen to sinners but he listens to you his righteous child. There’s a scripture that says if you know God is listening to you then you know that you have ready answers to your prayers, and God listens to the righteous man or woman.
Let me show you some scriptures that tell you the power in righteousness against being a sinner or unrighteous, before I carry on regarding healing and the prayer of a righteous man or woman. Righteous means, virtuous blameless, upright, honourable, honest, just, good, blameless means innocent, spotless, clean, unblemished, and guiltless. This is how God sees you the born again child of his, he does not see you as unrighteous, a sinner or unworthy. Unworthy means worthless to mention just one example. The word unworthy means worthless, not good enough, contemptible, not fit for anything.
scripture be, it distinctively says God doesn’t listen to sinners, so if you come before God confessing that you are a sinner then he will not listen to you, that’s what he says in his word, read it for yourself and see.
Well you seen in that previous scripture that God does not listen to you, so how can your prayers bring healing to anyone, if you can’t even believe for righteousness for yourself.
God wants to bring healing to his children, he loves them so much and he wants you praying for them in righteousness, knowing that you are in good standing with him, giving you confidence to come before him confident that he will grant you the answer to your prayer.
A sinner is not righteous in fact he stands opposite the righteous man! Proverbs-13-21-curses chase the sinner but blessings chase the righteous
When you come before God to ask for healing for someone the first thing that prevents your prayers from being answered is your attitude to being righteous; or your attitude of unworthiness; a sinner is unworthy; the righteous are worthy, all because of Jesus, he did it for you and it’s time you realised that, and approached God with a grateful heart for filling you with righteousness, this was a work on the cross accomplished by Jesus when he died for you and me and for everyone. Elias knew he was in righteousness before God and he knew it was God who made him this way not himself, that’s why God answered his prayer; when we think of ourselves as righteous because of something we done or do then that is called self righteousness and that is an abomination before God. Only Jesus and God the Father made you and me righteous, and it was for his glory he done it. So how does this affect our prayers?
Three The opposite sides to sinner and righteous
You’re not humble in declaring you’re a sinner but you are declaring that curses chase you and that blessings chase those who are righteous, by your act of calling yourself a sinner you invite curses to chase after you, and by the way they catch up with you, and other curses continually follow you, as long as you remain a sinner.
The unrighteous are disobedient and living without God and they do not stand in the same place as the righteous people stand, if fact they stand in opposite corners. God knows the way of the Godly, the righteous, those who are not righteous shall perish end in ruin and come to nought, to nothing. How can the unrighteous expect God to hear their prayer for healing? Four Eating at the lords table in an unrighteous manner brings sickness and sometimes death. Eating at the Lord’s Supper unworthy is eating disaster upon you. And is a cause of sickness, and sometimes even death to the body. If you are not righteous then you are unworthy and approach the lords table in an unworthy manner, and the word manner means attitude, approach, behaviour and conduct. It is your attitude towards God that makes you worthy or unworthy, an attitude of gratitude pleases God an unworthy attitude says to God, Jesus never done enough for me to make me feel righteous.
I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you; The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 in the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this,
1-Corinthians 11-23-
Did you know that righteousness guards you? And the word says the very breath of a wicked {unrighteous} man or woman stinks to high heaven, their very breath is foul, like the stench from an open grave as scripture says. Isn’t it amazing to know that righteousness guards you everywhere you go, it protects you from all evil and all the ploys and snares of Satan and did you know a righteous man hates lying a thing the world is great at doing.
Psalm -1-5-Therefore the wicked [those disobedient and living without God] shall not stand [justified] in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous [those who are upright and in right standing with God]. -For the Lord knows and is fully acquainted with the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly [those living outside God's will] shall perish (end in ruin and come to nought). {Amp Bible}
A [consistently] righteous man hates lying and deceit, but a wicked man is loathsome [his very breath spreads pollution] and he comes [surely] to shame. 6Righteousness (rightness and justice in every area and relation) guards him who is upright in the way, but wickedness plunges into sin and overthrows the sinner. {Amp Bible}
But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever
All these things affect your prayer life, you are not humble when you approach God and say, “Lord I am not worthy,” or, “Lord I am a sinner,” you’re telling God that you are not saved, because a sinner is not saved nor an unworthy person, so you say to God that you are not saved and still you are going to take his body and blood and desecrate it by taking it in an unworthy manner and you eat and drink judgment on yourself and you may wonder why you are sick.
Regarding prayer; God listens and acts only on the prayer of “faith,” without faith you cannot please God. Without righteousness you can’t please God either, for without righteousness you have no faith, because you believe the opposite of what God declares and have no confidence before God, there is a hesitance in you before praying for a miracle, and you know this, it is just a fraction of a second that you hesitate but it kills faith instantly. That hesitation means that for a split second you don’t believe and then you go on trying to talk yourself into faith and that doesn’t work. I know I have done it dozens of times over the years.
whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
No matter what you the Christian born again child of the living God feel like it is your attitude towards the work of Jesus on that cross on Calvary that makes you righteous and nothing else, it is a gift from God to you given to you by Jesus for nothing, it is free.
HebrewsAmplified11:6 Bible
27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28Everyone ought to examine them self before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on them self. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick and a number of you have fallen asleep {died}.
A lot of Christian’s are joyless and unresponsive in church; because deep inside them they feel unworthy and sinners and undeserving of being righteousness. {And this is my opinion only} **{I blame the churches for their poor teaching about righteousness and the importance of being righteous; I have been in churches where I have heard the words righteous mentioned but never really taught on, and the significance before their God how important righteousness is. If righteousness were taught properly and all its power and significance then you would have less people coming up week after week for prayer for depression. Righteousness takes away the power of guilt which is the main cause of depression.}**
would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarded of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].
Faith is to believe what God says, and God says, ‘you are righteous,’ and if you can’t or don’t believe that, then you doubt God’s ability to make you righteous and therefore you have no faith in God. Righteousness in prayer is of the utmost importance because without it God doesn’t listen to you, because you are in effect declaring yourself a sinner and God does not listen to the prayers of sinners.
Matthew 6:33 butKing-James-Versionseekyefirstthekingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
What is everyone told to do here by God? Seek “first” the kingdom of God, and “his righteousness.” Whose kingdom are you supposed to seek first? The kingdom of God, and who is the kingdom of God? Jesus is the kingdom of God; Jesus said when talking to his apostles, “you are not far from the kingdom of God.” Meaning himself; he is the kingdom of God and it is his righteousness that we need to seek when we first become Christians, and he gives us “his” righteousness” when we give our lives to him in salvation, because salvation and righteousness come tangibly together in the one package they are one. You are told seek first the kingdom of God and “his Righteousness,” seek first before anything else, first means exactly that first before anything else, seek “his righteousness,” and when you seek his righteousness you get it without any reservations it is granted instantly the very moment it is sought after with a sincere heart, and salvation, {the kingdom of God} is yours instantly, the righteousness you get is “His righteousness” not ‘your righteousness’, because your righteousness is like filthy rags to God, It is the gift of “his righteousness” that you get to share in every moment of your life from the moment you first received salvation. Righteousness is vital in prayer; it puts you in right standing with God your Father, and your Father in heaven listens to his child when he or she approaches him in righteousness , they come boldly before the throne of God are greatly welcomed so his word says.
Five Seek “first” the “kingdom of God,” and “his righteousness.”
The first thing that God asks in his word is that you seek “first” the “kingdom of God,” and “his righteousness.”
Six The place of safety; a strong tower
Scripture tells us that only the righteous man or woman can run into the lord who is the strong tower, the unrighteous or unworthy can’t run in there and be safe, because they don’t belong there and will not be allowed access to the strong tower. You can sing about the strong tower all day long and how the righteous run into it, but without believing that you are righteous and all that righteousness entails, all your doing is singing someone else’s song, the song does not belong to you, it’s just a song being sung and has no spiritual effect on you.
When you know who is in you and filling you and whose authority you have inside you, that authority is backed up by they who dwell in you, you do not approach disease in your own right but by the power of the blessed and Holy Trinity in you; and together with you the person is healed. That’s why Jesus said ‘the works I do you shall do,’ because they are the works prepared from before time even began. Awesome to think about isn’t it. Sickness cannot withstand the Father Son and Holy Spirit inside you who have become one with them. They, meaning, ‘you;’ shall lay hands on the sick and heal them; you can heal them because of your position in Christ Jesus and in the Father and Holy Spirit, you are the one healing them because you are righteous before God and you are obeying God by placing your hands on the sick and you are healing them because you have the power of the Holy Trinity in you and you have the name of Jesus, that strong tower to use against illness and disease. Your
Proverbs 18:10
The name of Jesus belongs to the righteous children of God. Seven When praying for healing of sickness and disease; When you are praying for healing you seek God and his kingdom and his righteousness because a righteous man has great power, and if you are a Christian believer then you know that the kingdom of God is in you and the righteousness of God is alive in you the believer. And the prayer of the righteous man has great effect and is answered. You’re praying in the perfect will of God and so the next scripture belongs to you the righteous believer.
When danger faces the righteous man or woman of God there is a place of safety where they can run into and be safe, and in there they can pray and talk to God about their situation, be it sickness or disasters or trials or temptation, that please of refuge is available always.
Mark 16-17 and those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, they shall speak new languages; they will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.
The name of the lord is the strong tower; his name is the strong tower I repeat that again, it is his name Jesus that is the strong tower and only the righteous can run into it. I hear the song being sung every so often in churches and I love the song, but without righteousness it’s just a song.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the [consistently] righteous man [upright and in right standing with God] runs into it and is safe, high [above evil] and strong.
The sick person has been waiting on the righteous believer to come and lay hands on them, and because they are righteous they have the authority of God in them, they have the authority of Jesus; because if you read this scripture you will see it says, those who believe shall use myauthority.Jesusisgivingushisown authoritytheauthorityofJesushimself,notyourown authority of God himself. Because you are his righteousness and have incredible power to heal the sick, and have prayers answered. Those who are not in righteousness don’t have any power, they can pray but God says he does not listen to them, but only to the prayer of the righteous man or woman.
Colossians 2-9- For “in Him” the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. 10And “you are” “in Him,” made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rulers and authority [of every angelic principality and power]. {Amplified Bible} Look at the awesome revelation that this scripture gives, you are in him – Jesus, and you too are filled with the Godhead-Father-Son- and Holy Spirit. When you go to confront evil in any situation you have to approach it with the understanding that it is not just you that confronts that situation or evil but it you and Jesus, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit that is facing the situation or evil. The word of God which is Jesus himself is the weapon that we must use against every situation, because when we know that Jesus in us and the Father in us and the Holy Spirit in us is then we approach that situation in righteous holy boldness declaring the victory; because nothing can withstand the power of the Holy Trinity in me and in you the believer. Sickness cannot stand against the Trinity in me when I know they are there, and I use the authority of Jesus to do works in his name, the works he said I will do the very same works as he did.
John 10:10
Here is something else that just struck me this Sunday morning at church; If I am filled with the Godhead as this scripture declares that I am, and I believe the word of God, then cancer cannot be in my friend, whom I was sitting looking at in church, because for one thing his body and mine are the temple of God, and it is talking about our flesh body, and we are filled with the Godhead, if we are filled with something there is no room for anything else, simply because its full, you can’t fill a glass up past what it holds, it will only hold what fills it. Sickness and disease and cancer are of the devil, as Jesus told us in his word, the thief comes to steal kill and destroy; this is the victory over sickness and diseases, knowing you are filled with the Godhead.
This is who is in you if you are righteous, and do you think that your prayer will be heard because of who is in you? Of course it will.
prayer has great effect when you the righteous believer acts in faith, steps out commanding healing in Jesus name and in his authority.
Sickness and disease are evil they are from the devil himself and are not of God, do you think God the Trinity would allow sickness and disease to dwell in the same place as he does, would he allow evil to reside with him in your body? I believe not; but God is restricted by our faith, our belief, he can only act when we act in faith, in belief in him. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has wonderful results; the person is healed because of your position in Christ Jesus through His righteousness The question in this book is your prayers having any effect? And the answer is yes; if you are a righteous man or woman, your prayer has great power and results. So never get disheartened or discouraged in prayer, if you are righteous then your prayer if earnest and sincere will always be answered. For any who read this book and feel they would like to be righteous then all you have to do is say to Jesus; come into my heart and be my lord and saviour; and then His righteousness is given to you instantly and will never be revoked,{taken away}, and you are guaranteed salvation. Your prayer has great effect in heaven, and Father God listens to you and answers you.
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)