Baptised in the ‘Holy Spirit’and withBrendan“Fire”McCrossan

Baptised in the Holy Spirit and with
“AsMatthew-3:11-New-American-Standard-Bibleforme,Ibaptizeyouwithwaterforrepentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the ‘Holy Spirit and with ‘fire’. When I first read the bible after I joined a prayer meeting and shortly after I took part in a seminar of the life in the Spirit to receive the Holy Spirit, the bible made no sense to me; it was just stories after stories. Then I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and as soon as I received that, sacred scripture began opening to me and the first thing I can remember opening to meis that scripture;“hewill baptiseyou with theHoly Spirit and with Fire,” I was drawn to it many times and I read it and re-read it, then one day I realised that the ‘fire’ was a separate part from the baptism, I got the Holy Spirit part and I prayed in tongues ok and received the supernatural gifts, but I never asked for the ‘fire’ part and those teaching me never spoke of the ‘fire’ at any time. So I knelt down and asked the lord, ‘if this ‘fire’ was a separate part of the baptism I never asked for, then I ask for it now in Jesus name.’ I told Rose my wife what I read and she asked for the fire also. Little did we know that it wasn’t long before the fire came down on us, and not in the way we would ever imagine, it came in the way of a trial, a testing of our faith, things began happening in our home that caused deep upset and caused us to go into worry and stress, the washing machine broke down, then the cooker, broke and some other machinery broke also, one after another; but we just thought that this was natural, but too many things were happening one after the other that it wasn’t long before we realised that this was not natural, something was causing these things to happen to us; problems with the kids and other things had us in constant stress. Then I came across the scripture that said, ‘don’t worry about anything, and trust God, for he knows the very hairs on your head.’ And another scripture which said, ‘in everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you.’
Many Christians have never read the following scriptures, or if they did they missed a main ingredient in them. Christians preach you need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues and receive the gifts of the holy spirit, but they never or rarely preach that the Christian also need to be baptised in Fire, so they lay hands on people to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit but they leave out ‘and’ with ‘Fire;’ that part they leave out has a great significance in the life of a Christian, it is an essential part of the gift of the Holy Spirit it is the part that gives the Holy Spirit the right to put you through the cleansing fire, making you more and more like Jesus, more receptive for miracle working power. I have never heard anyone preach on this part of the scripture; “and with Fire,” it seems to have been ignored for some reason. If this wasn’t a significant part of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit why have it included? Jesus is not stupid, he only says things he means and if he said he, - will baptise you in the ‘the Holy Spirit’ and ‘with fire’ then there has to be a reason why he is saying “and with fire.”
Baptised in the Holy Spirit and with Fire Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@23-05-2012. One And with Fire!
1 Peter GOD’S1WORD Translation (GW)
6 You are extremely happy about these things, even though you have to suffer different kinds of trouble for a little while now. 7 The purpose of these troubles is to test your faith as “fire” tests how genuine gold is. Your faith is more precious than gold, and by passing the test, it gives praise, glory, and honour to God.
Fire is a humbling thing to ask for but you have to know what it really is before you ask. I have asked a few times now and I know beforehand it is going to cost me dearly, because fire cleanses and burns of all the rubbish I have accumulated over time, it is painful but worth it. It hurts because God knows what we need burned off.
When I read this scripture I had a revelation that it was not thanking God for the trials and temptations we were going through but it was that giving thanks was the perfect will and God will change your circumstances; I realised that it wasn’t God who was causing all these troubles to happen but the enemy. So I stopped thanking God for everything that was happening to us and began thanking him that he was our deliverer; I realised ‘giving thanks’ was the perfect will of God, not the problems, and when Rose and I began giving thanks things changed we got a new washing machine and a new cooker and the problems with the kids changed for the better, and life returned to normal. Then it dawned on me one day as I was praying that we had asked for the fire, and we received the fire and we were refined by the ‘Holy Spirit refining fire,’ learning to trust God in these trials and troubles and to have better faith and trust in the lord’s dealing in our lives. The fire refines our faith, it puts it through trials and temptations and things that happen to make us stronger in faith, for when you go through something, you have gone through it, you haven’t got stuck in it, you passed through it and that makes you stronger because the next time you face something similar, you know the Lord will get you through it.
When you ask for the ‘fire’ of the Holy Spirit he responds by allowing you to go through trials and temptations; he tests your faith and what better person to do it than the Holy Spirit, he knows the limits that your faith can be tested too, he will allow the enemy to do things to you and to yours so that your faith can be tested and proved as it is refined.
what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the revealers and Mediator of that will].
Fire is a refining work of the Holy Spirit, it is not this fire you hear Christians shout about on TV when you hear them shouting, ‘fire lord send down your fire,’ if they but knew what they are shouting about they might change their minds. Fire burns, and it is no different with the ‘fire of the Holy Spirit’ it is a cleansing fire but it is a burning fire also, it is painful whilst you are going through that refining cleansing fire. And that is not the fire I am talking about in this particular book, I will write on that fire in another book.
years to come, you will be burdened down with troubles and say, “I don’t enjoy life anymore.”
No one escapes trouble, everyone in this planet has troubles and trials that they go through, but most people don’t seem to realise that they “go through them,” they don’t get stuck in them permanently, but they get through them, because the Holy Spirit is helping you get through them whether you believe it or not. He never leaves the born again Christians side not for a second even or even a split second.
Did you know that you will go through trials and troubles anyway; you have an enemy that hates you with deep venom. His hatred of you is beyond belief, you took his place as the highest being in heaven after God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; he was the most honoured angel in heaven he was shining with glory, but now you are God’s delight, his joy, his son and daughter; he has lost his place in heaven because of jealousy, he even wanted to overthrow God himself and failed miserable he forgot he was a created angel he was not the creator. So he will try your faith every second of the day without any let up; not him personally, but his evil spirits that have been assigned to you to destroy you and turn you away from God’s love. So it is better to ask the Holy Spirit for his fire, that way you will go through the fiery tests that he allows you to be tempted in so that you can grow stronger in faith. It is better to be refined by the Holy Spirit than any other way, God promised to baptise you in him ‘and with fire.’ Baptise means to immerse someone in a substance usually water but the Holy Spirit is going to immerse you in ‘fire,’ you will be fully immersed in it. Baptised = {transitive and intransitive verb to sprinkle somebody with or immerse somebody in water as a sign that the person has been accepted into the Christian faith}
It is better to ask for the Holy Spirits fire. rather than be put through it by your enemy for when he does it to you then you can fall severely; but when you go through the fire asking for it you have the help of the Holy Spirit getting you through showing you the right way to approach your trouble and how to learn in the troubled time how to be victorious. I can never say to the Christian believer enough times, to ask for the fire of the holy spirit knowing it will bring trouble and suffering, but also will bring amazing victory, you will know that the word of God is true when you go through trials and suffering and are still left standing upright after the attack, the fire refines and does not burn you but burns off of you the dross that the enemy placed there years beforehand.
andPsalm-12:6-New-International-VersionthewordsoftheLORDareflawless, like silver purified in a crucible,{fire} like gold refined seven times.
The Holy Spirit is a gentleman he will not force you to do things but offers a better way to go through trials and temptations, rather than just letting the enemy put you through them without the Holy Spirits help; you will have troubles and trials in this world especially if you are a Christian, you became the enemy’s enemy.
“The axe already lies at the root of the tree, and the tree that fails to produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the ‘fire.’ It is true that I baptise you with water as a sign of your repentance, but the one who follows me is far stronger than I am—indeed I am not fit to carry his shoes. He will baptise you with the “fire” of the Holy Spirit. He comes all ready to separate the wheat from the chaff and very thoroughly will he clear his threshing-floor—the wheat he will collect into the granary and the chaff he will burn with a fire that can never be put out.”
The tree that this scripture is talking about is us, not a real tree but it is figuratively speaking about us, if we fail to produce good fruit for God then we will be cut down and put through the fire at the end times when all will go through the fire to see what burns up and what stays, before entering the kingdom of heaven permanently.
God’s own words are purified like fire, so we need to go through the fire of the lord willingly, it will be painful, sometimes it seems too much, but it is worth it, better to be put through the fire of the Holy Spirit than to be put in the fire of everlasting flames which burn but never go out, that place that has been kept for the enemy and his fallen angels and for those who reject the lord.
When John said, ‘Jesus will baptise you with the holy Spirit and with fire,’ he knew what he was talking about, he knows we need that fire of the Holy Spirit, he knows we need constant cleansing, not just of sin but the garbage the enemy inflicts upon us and sticks to us like glue.
And If God is saying through John the Baptist that Jesus will baptise you in fire you better believe it, there is more to the Holy Spirit than most Christians realise; he is the power behind every miracle that Jesus performed, Jesus did nothing of his own power, he surrendered that to become a man, and it was then at his baptism in the Jordan river by John that he received the Holy Spirit and the fire of the Holy Spirit, If Jesus needed the baptism in the Holy Spirit and his Fire then it stands to reason so do we. His fire is what drove Jesus out into the desert and into a ministry of supernatural power. I don’t know about you, but I need, and desire this fire from God’s Holy Spirit, if it is on offer then I take that offer up, for God knows more about fire than I ever will.
Asking for the fire of the Holy Spirit is nothing to be afraid of, It will hurt for a while, but will be joyful when you defeat the enemy, and should be earnestly desired by every Christian, it is the fire that burns within us that drives us into ministry, that fire is also a burning desire to search for God every day and to keep on searching, it is the driving force behind every great ministry; preachers have been talked about as they are on “fire for the lord.”It is the fire of the Holy Spirit that burns with intense heat within them, a fire of love for the Father Son and
“AsMatthew-3:11-New-American-Standard-Bibleforme,Ibaptizeyouwithwaterforrepentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the ‘Holy Spirit and with ‘fire’.
Holy Spirit; a fire of love. Love is a fire within us all, for when we meet someone and fall in love we are on fire within to be near them, our hearts burn for them and when we marry our hearts burn with desire for each others bodies, to be united with them in that act of lovemaking that God inserted into us, just as God intended us to burn with love for him and his Son Jesus and Holy Spirit. Sit down and dwell on this book and what I have written, before you ask for the fire; so that you know what it will mean, then when you ask the trials and temptations will begin, but now, you have the Holy Spirit helping you; you are going to go through the same trials anyway, for your enemy hates you; but now you have a new helper, the Holy Spirit. Amen