Brendan Mc Crossan

David’s Life.
David sat staring out the window. He was feeling angry at everyone, he hated his life. Life for him was one long drawn out bore. He hated his sister Jane and his younger brother Sam. They could do anything they wanted to, like go for a ride on their bikes or for a swing in the park, or a walk with friends in the woods nearby.
He! All he could do, was sit and stare out the window or wherever they placed him. He felt so much anger but yet he could not throw a tantrum like his younger brother. It was not because he did not wish to throw a tantrum, but he was unable, you see David was handicap, he could neither talk nor move, he just lay there or sat where ever his mother or father or brother or sister put him. The only time he went outside was when someone put him in his wheelchair and took him outside. He hated being dependant on anyone and he hated not being able to tell them how he felt.
David was fourteen years old and had never done the things every other teenager had done. Like going to a disco, or on a date, or coming in home late. He was so angry all the time.
Just then Sam bounced in, and called. Hi David. How are you? And he came over and stood in front of David to see if he would answer. David looked at his little brother his heart filled with anger and his eyes filled with rage. How dare he ask how I am, he thought.
Sam looked at his brother and his little heart gave a shudder as he saw the look of hatred in David’s eyes. Though Sam was only seven years old he had a lot of love in him for his big brother, and adored him. Sam loved taking David out for walks with him and he loved having him with him everywhere he went.
Sam had come to understand the look in David’s eyes, when he was happy or sad or did not like what they were doing. David’s eyes told their own story, and little Sam had learned to read David’s eyes, and today he was shocked to see that hatred at him shining through David’s eyes, it frightened him, and he backed away from David, then ran upstairs and fell down on to his bed and cried.
As he cried, he began to pray the way that mommy taught him. ‘Tell God what it is your feeling because he knows your heart, so tell him what’s on your heart, she would say, So Sam cried out to God. Please help my big brother David God he has changed so much. He needs you to help him, please help him God, it’s Sam. Amen.
Sam! Jane! Come for your tea, he heard mom calling and so he went and washed his hands in the bathroom sink and scrubbed them clean and went downstairs taking two at a time.
Sam Mc Clintock, you will break your neck, come down those stairs one at a time you might fall. His mother called.
Ok mom will do, sorry, Sam replied. Entering the dining room and sitting down at the table and reached for his napkin which he tucked it inside his shirt top.
Hi Jane, Sam cheerfully said to his sister. Where you at the disco this evening? He asked. Was Mickey Flynn there? He chuckled.
Jane screwed her face up at him and grinned ,and stuck her tongue out at him and replied. No he was not.
Jane was a beautiful young woman with long black curly hair, blue eyes, and a very caring heart, she enjoyed being with people and loved her brother David and brother Sam. She took David and Sam with her every where she went and loved the company of her two brothers. She didn’t think of David as being handicapped or disabled but just simply as her young brother, she just accepted him as he was. But today she noticed David was not his usual self, he seemed very agitated. She sensed his mood was very deep today. She had talked with him earlier in the morning and sensed a lot of anger in him, so she left him to come around back to his normal self, knowing we all have bad days and good days.
She had gone to her mom Ruth and told her she thought David was not in the best of form, and Mom said she sensed that to, but felt he needed to be alone with his thoughts, so she wheeled him to his favourite spot at the window where he could look out at the cows in the field behind their home. He always made grunting noises when he looked out this window and they were happy sounding noises.
I wish I were dead.
David sat at the window staring angrily out, he hear mom calling Sam and Jane and knew she would be coming for him any minute as soon as she had everything prepared for him. His mom had to feed him as David was unable to move any part of his body except his eyes.
Today he did not want to eat he had enough of this rotten life, he wished he was dead. HecursedeveryoneheknewincludingGodwhomadehimthis way. He thought how stupid is God, to make a body that was totally useless, that had no movement or power in it, that could do nothing for itself. He felt his anger getting deeper and deeper till his head hurt and was almost at bursting point. He snapped out of his rage as he heard his mom calling. I’M coming for you now David.
Inside, he was screaming, I don't want you coming for me I don't want to eat today I just wish I could die.
David felt something tighten in his chest and he experienced a terrible pain there, he began gasping for breath as he found it hard to breathe.
David! David! Are you all right? he heard him mom calling as she approached him, but he voice sounded far away, and he was beginning to sink into blackness. Just before he passed out he heard his mom screaming, Get an ambulance, Jane, something’s wrong with David
Hi David
David opened his eyes, he no longer had any pain in his chest or head. He felt a beautiful peaceful feeling inside. All his anger was gone and he could see beautiful trees, and flowers. The sun was shining and felt lovely and warm on his face as he lay on the grass staring up at the sky. Then he thought. Where am I? How did I get here? And he leaned on his elbows and sat upright. He looked intently all around him for a few minutes, drinking in the sights before it suddenly dawned on him he was sitting up unaided. My God, he said aloud. How can I sit up?
What’s happened to me. What is this place? Am I dreaming he asked him self aloud? Then it dawned on him he was talking, he had never talked before and so didn’t recognise his own voice it sounded strange to him. He was stunned into silence again by the realisation that he could talk and sit up. After about fifteen minutes sitting silent unable to get his mind around what had happened to him. Then slowly he began to come to terms with what was happening to him and concluded that it must be a dream. This is a dream, a great dream, but it’s a dream all the same, and I might as well enjoy it he said aloud to himself.
If this is a dream then I can make myself stand up he said I can do anything, its my dream, he laughed audibly. shocked by the sound of his laughter, he had never expressed laughter before and it made him feel good and he laughed even more and the more he laughed the more he wanted to laugh at his laughter. He had never felt so happy in his whole life. Still shaking with laughter David began to rise to his feet and discovered that his legs
Strong and firm. He was very surprised at how strong his legs felt, and how happy he was feeling, this was great. He took a step, then another, then another, then he began to walk slowly at first, then began picking up speed until he was running. As he ran he laughed and giggled as he fell down a few times but got up immediately and began running again. He was running and leaping and jumping up and down for quite a long while, but he did not feel tired.
I feel like I could run all day long he said to himself.
David slowed down, stopped running and began walking. He walked in the direction of a large group of trees, beside a little stream, and the ground was covered in beautiful multi coloured flowers. Colours like he had never seen in his life before, they were not like any colours he had ever seen before these were dazzling colours, that seemed to have a life of their own. These colours were heavenly, just heavenly.
As David approached the area he noticed a man laying up against one of the trees. The man had long dark hair, and he wore what Looked to David like a dress, it was long, and went right down to his ankles; It was dazzling white in colour and there was a golden band, that sparkled brightly running across the chest.
He turned his head and looked at David as he approached, and David could see a big smile on his long dark bearded face. His eyes were like deep pools of liquid brown, that seemed to see into David’s very soul. Those eyes expressed a love like David had never seen in his life before, They seemed to say all is well come closer.
His skin was a swarthy tan which made the white of his eyes and teeth shine out even more.
David felt that somehow or other he knew this man, but he knew he had never met him before, or he would have surely remembered, after all he was only handicapped not stupid.
Hi David, The man said in a soft spoken voice that had a trace of Arabic in it. How are you? Are you enjoying yourself? Yes, David replied. I’M having a wonderful time.
Come and join me under these trees, the bearded man said, motioning with his hand. It’s so beautiful and peaceful here, he said.
David sat down beside him, and asked him. Do I know you? You look like someone I know, only I don't think I have ever met you before; I feel like I know you a long time he continued.
Oh yes David you know me but not with your memory the man replied. You know me from deep inside I met you the moment you were conceived, and I have been with you ever since, you just didn’t see me but I’ve been with you always, every day of your life. Every place you have been I have been there with you the man said smiling.
David looked at the man intently staring deep into his face trying to see if his memory would come back and he would remember this nice soft spoken man. The man just looked back at David and love just poured out from his eyes.
David was shocked by the measure of love he saw in this mans eyes, and he just stared
And stared at him he was overwhelmed by the love he saw in this mans eyes . He had never felt such a deep love for him coming from anyone, even his mom and dad, that he felt when he looked into this mans eyes. His heart felt like it would burst, it was getting harder and harder to keep looking into those eyes, and to feel his heart being filled with pure love, so much that his heart was almost at bursting point, and finally David looked away.
I know you now, Said David in a very quiet voice. Your Jesus! My mom has a picture of you in her Bible, I seen it fall out and fall to the floor one day as she prayed It doesn’t quite look like you but it does strangely enough, I see a resemblance.
Yes your mom has a picture that resembles me, the man replied. And yes, I am Jesus, the one to whom she prays. I am her lord and savior he continued And I answered her prayer fourteen years ago, and you are the result of that answered prayer.
Me! Replied David astounded, she prayed for a spastic child that couldn’t walk or talk Or move or be able to do anything Was she mad, He asked grinding his teeth.
How could my mom ask for a spastic child, was she stupid or something? Said David feeling anger rise up inside him.
Was she dumb, to ask for a spastic child. Why couldn't she ask for a child that could run or talk or move, He continued anger building up inside him until it burst out from within him.
David began to cry like he had never cried before, tears flowed from his eyes blinding him. He had never felt so much anger in all his life and he could not contain it any longer, it poured out of him in rivers of tears and he sat there shaking with anger and pain.
He felt the mans arm on his shoulder pulling him down into his chest and he sobbed even deeper till his pain was coming out in wails of anguish, deep sobs racked his chest, and his breathing was laboured. The man just sat there saying nothing but holding him tightly against his chest.
They sat there for a long, long time , David sobbing deeply, the man saying nothing, Just holding him close.
Slowly David stopped crying, and just lay against the mans chest sighing deep sighs, until finally all his crying stopped. They sat like that for another while in total silence, neither speaking.
Then David noticed something strange filling his heart. A peace that he had never experienced in his life before, began seeping into him, replacing all the anger and pain and hurt. This peace was much better than the anger he had felt, and he liked it. He sat there beside the man just bathing in the peace until his heart felt like it could take no more , and then he sat upright, and the man took his arm away from him and they sat there silently for a little while.
Finally David spoke and asked. •Why did my mom ask for a spastic child?
To which the man replied. She didn't. She asked for a child that she could love unconditionally, a child that would bring love to everyone around it, that would bring out the best in people. Sheprayed this prayer from her heart. and I heard her, and gave a lot of thought to her request.
I though of Many different children I could have given her but I finally arrived at the thought of creating you and giving you to her.Ittook mealong timeanswering herasIwanted thebest answer for your mom, as I love her very deeply, he went on;. So while you were in the womb I was in there 9 months creating you, making you who you are today, you were my perfect creation, I was so proud of you, I called my angels to come and visit you the night you were born, and they watched in awe as you were taken from the womb and placed into her arms. You heard them allsinging with joy and you opened your eyes and saw all my angels staring down at you from above, and they erupted into greater songs of praise to my name when they saw your eyes open and as you seen them, you smiled up at them. That is a privilege given to so few. That’s why you still see my angels every now and then, they look in on you to gaze in astonishment at the creation I have made and they wished to see your progress. I know you thought you imagined you saw people with wings on them, but these were heavenly visitors you were having. He finished speaking and David saw His face glowing with pride as he looked at David. David you are an extraordinary child, you are one of those I created specially, a child to bring out the best in mankind. A rare breed so few out of millions, created to cause love to grow in others, he reached over and planted a big kiss on David’s forehead, and threw his two arms around him almost smothering David.
David was reeling in shock, to discover he was a special child, created to bring out the best in people, was almost to much to take in, he just continued hugging the man, Jesus.
Your mom loved you David, Jesus told him. From the moment I brought you forth from her womb and you were placed in her arms she never complained even once about your disabilities but continued to praise and thank me for you. She could see you were a special child right away and was grateful that I answered her sincere prayer, by creating you in her womb. I want to show you something David. Jesus Said.
Jesus motioned with his arm and a picture began to appear in front of David and him, and David saw himself as a little infant, being nursed by his father and then his mother as they took it in turns to nurse him, he saw the joy on their faces as they looked at him, and could see the gratitude in their hearts somehow, as they gave thanks to God for this gift.
The scene changed and David saw parts of his life unfold. He saw his big sister nurse him and take him for walks in the pram and change his nappies and wash and care for him, and she never said no to her parents when they asked her to do something for David, he was the love of her life, and David could see this and feel this from the pictures that Jesus showed him.
Then David saw Sam being born and as Sam began to grow up he saw him look in on David all the time. He saw Sam watch his eyes and he knew Sam could tell how he was feeling when he looked into his eyes, Sam knew David talked with his eyes
Something that no one else had noticed, and Sam would get David what ever he was looking for like a drink or something to eat or something else. Sam is a great little brother, David said aloud.
Yes he is indeed and its all because of you, he feels your love for him even though you could not say it.
Then David saw different people who were a part of his life. His Grandma’s and granddad’s. His uncles and Aunts. Other relatives and even people whom he came into contact with every day of his life. He seen them look at him and think how much they should be grateful that they can walk, talk and do things that are normally taken for granted. He saw when they went home they were loving towards their families and friends appreciating their loved ones. He saw total strangers who had crossed his path stop and talk to him and some old folk who sat on the park bench sit and talk to him and tell him their problems as he sat beside them in his wheelchair as Sam played awhile with some friends a game of football. He always listened to the old folks and wished he could answer but was sad Sad because he couldn't speak, but Jesus showed him they just needed someone to talk to, someone to listen and not say a word and he was the perfect choice.
David saw so much of his life and how his life impacted on others that he began to feel glad to have been alive.
Gosh Jesus. I’M sorry for saying I wish I was dead, I can see how meaningful my life has been, I never realised this before. Thank you for creating me special, I appreciate it.
Jesus reached out and hugged him a great big bear hug, and kissed him, and asked. Would you like to go back to your mom and family, until it is time to come back to me? To go back to what you were before, to go back to being a spastic, my source of pure love? Think about this David before you answer. David didn’t hesitate even for a moment. Yes Jesus I would like to go back to be with my family, But can I ask? Will I be able to walk talk sing or dance when I come back here?
Of course David you will be able to walk, talk, sing and dance and you will be able to do it for eternity. Jesus continued. On earth life is short, its years, but here, everything is eternal, and you will be able to do all those things and have your family here with you when its their time to come home to me.
David! David! David heard his mom calling him and he turned around to look and everything went black and he felt himself falling, falling.
Life is eternal
David! David, can you hear me? David son please don't leave us. He heard his mom crying. Then he heard her whisper, choking on her tears. Jesus he is yours take him now, I release him to you If this is his time to go home to you, then I thank you for all the years of love he has given to us, now take him home to you, I give him back to you to love for ever.
David heard Jesus voice answer his mom saying. This child has completed this work.
David heard his mothers sharp intake of breath when she heard Jesus speak, and said. He is your son Jesus. She believed Jesus would take her son into his kingdom with him. And laid David down upon the sofa in the living room, asked for a blanket and covered his face, shielding Sam and Jane from seeing David’s dead body.
She stood up and her husband and two children hugged each other crying deeply, holding each other for comfort and support, their eyes closed in grief.
They stood there for a while holding each other. Then they felt someone’s else’s arms around them, and squeezing them all tightly, and a voice said, I love you all, mom, dad, Jane, and Sam.
Mom and dad fell to their knees thinking that their dead son had spoken to them but Sam opened his eyes and said. Hi David are you ok now, do you want to play football.
Mom and dad and Jane opened their eyes quickly and stared at the tall young man standing before them, they didn't realise how tall David really was because he was always in the wheelchair or bed.
David they squealed, is it really you? How? What happened? How can you stand and talk? And they hugged him almost squeezing him to death. Asking question after question.
I’Mhungry mom, David said. I would likeachicken sandwich, Andhelaughedandlaughed,atbeingabletoaskforsomething he liked. David told them of his experience with death and of meeting Jesus and all he told him.
He told them Jesus never said he would be a normal boy when he returned from the dead, and he was happy to be like he was before, but he was also grateful to be a normal boy so he could hug everyone.
David grew up to be a very loving young man and raised a family of eight children. He dedicated his life to working with spastic children telling them he also was like them and when they go to meet Jesus they too would be able to walk, talk, dance and sing like everyone else, and that they were the special children created to bring out the best in mankind.
Sam became a teacher when he grew up and moved to an African country to teach deprived children, for which he had a tremendous love.
Jane became a nurse working with children who had special needs, and was greatly loved by all because of her tenderness and compassion for sick children. She married and had 6 children of her own. The End.