“Death is an enemy to be fought, not a friend to be welcomed!”
Brendan Mc Crossan
“Death is an enemy, to be fought, it is not a friend to be welcomed.”

“Death is an enemy to be fought, not a friend to be welcomed!”
Brendan Mc Crossan
When death comes for a child or adult who is sick, the Christian prayer warriors should attack this spirit being with all the power of the name of Jesus reminding it that it is indeed your servant, and shall leave this child or adult alone in Jesus name. We must bind death away from the one being prayed for in the name of Jesus commanding it to go back to where it came from. We can’t send it to hell; its time is not over until the end times when Jesus will finally defeat it Byforever.thinking
Did you know that you have actually authority over death?
He said the Devil is trying to kill them and death was coming for them, then he said; “your attitude towards death is all wrong.” Death is an enemy of Jesus, and Jesus described him as the last enemy to be defeated. He said, “We treat death as something inevitable, as something to be almost revered and welcomed in, and it’s all a lie.”
he has given you the whole world to use, and “life and even death” are your servants.
We have been deceived by Satan into thinking of death as inevitable, a part of life, and yes death is a part of life, but death is also our servant, to be ordered to leave those whom are dying before the promised time of 70 years as a minimum and 120 years as the longest.
I was praying for two people, one was a child of eighteen months and the other a young man. The man was given three weeks to live, and the child could die anytime. As I prayed the lord said to me; “You don’t need to storm heaven to get me to heal them.” Jesus already did this for both of them. He explained a part of me felt like I was wrestling with God to have mercy and heal them, and that I was beseeching him to heal them, almost like trying to get him to listen and do something, and all the time he said he did heal them even before they were ill, through Jesus.
1 Corinthians-15-25 for Christ will be king until he has defeated all his enemies, including the last enemy – Death. This too must be defeated and ended.
of death as something that happens, we are lulled into a false sense of despair or inevitability when our loved ones are seriously ill. We are supposed to command death away from our loved one, as one treats a servant. “Do this or do that and the servant have to obey his master.” We have been given authority over Satan himself the most powerful enemy and over his hoards of demonic beings and principalities, dominions and thrones. Satan’s entire kingdom is under our authority because Jesus gave us his authority, not our authority but his authority, there’s a vast difference between the two, our authority and his.
“Death is an enemy to be fought, not a friend to be welcomed!”
He said, “ death is a servant,” not a friend or something to be afraid of, it is a spirit being, that Satan uses to bring death to his enemies, God’s people, it is one of Satan’s followers, not a friend of God. But this spirit being, death is an enemy, who will be defeated by Jesus at the end times.
The lord continued on saying to me; “If you entered a room and saw a Rottweiler dog savaging your child or son or daughter or friend what would you do?” would you call on him for help or would you attack that thing viciously.
Well Death is attacking your child or brother or friend or relative, what are you going to do? Are you going to stand there waiting on God or crying for God to do something or are “you” going to attack it back in Jesus name. If you could see the spirit of death attack your child, slowly stealing itslifefrom it, you would claw itto death itselfifyou could;”think about this a lot.
Scripture says the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force. This does not mean you attack heaven with violence but you wrest heavenly things from Satan who stole them from you. Heaven is your home and you belong there and you don’t need to steal anything from your own home. Healing was given to you, salvation was given to you, prosperity was given to you, all things have already been given to you, and so heavenly things are yours according to the word of God; and that is God himself saying those things. What is in heaven belongs to you, and if Satan steals something from you then you need to attack back and get it back again, and you must use violence, not physical violence but spiritual violence, forcefully taking back what belongs to you. Your prayer must be aggressive with deep
When you know that death is an enemy you can then attack it in tongues as both you and the Holy Spirit know it’s an enemy, to be removed from the scene, and bound in the blood of Jesus, in the same way you would use the blood and the name of Jesus in every other situation. 3
You should never give ground to death, as it will take every inch you give it, and inch by inch it must be challenged and forcefully removed from the sick person’s life. You must attack it in prayer, especially using the gift of tongues, if you don’t quite know how to pray or what way to pray for the right result. Because scripture tells us we do not know how to pray or how to pray as we should. Romans-8-26-29 read the full passage from 26-29
who believe shall use “my” authority,”
It doesn’t say use “your authority,” a mistake Christians often make, and try using their authority,insteadoftheauthorityofJesus,whichisamassivedifferencebetweenauthorities.
Jesus gave us his own authority, we have authority ok, but we have a greater authority when we realise in our spirit that we have the authority of Jesus himself.
If you were the parent of that child you would reach for something and give that filthy devil dog as severe a beating as you possible could, trying even to kill that dog. You would even attack it with your bare hands, as so many have done in real life, facing danger themselves to get that thing to release their child and stop it killing them.”
Death is one of Satan’s principalities, an enemy of Jesus and ours, to be defeated for ever when the end times come by Jesus himself. It should never be welcomed for the Christian before 70 years at least; it should be treated as an enemy and forcefully attacked in prayer and authority, reminding it that it is a servant of yours the believer.
John-8-44- he was a murderer from the beginning, and a hater of truth, there is not an iota of truth in him. when he lies it is perfectly normal, for he is the father of liars. And he is still at it, killing God’s children and all mankind is his enemies, even those foolish people who worship him, he will destroy them also, he like God is no respecters of persons, the difference between him and God in this respect is that God loves us all equally, and Satan the Devil hates us all equally. His sole goal in life is to destroy all God created. He created death that is why Jesus said death was an enemy to be destroyed at the end times. Death never took Jesus, remember at the cross Jesus dismissed his own spirit. Death never got a look in, Jesus beat it him to it, and he took his ending in his own hands and dismissed his spirit. Some Christians have done this also through the centuries, eluding death, theydiedbutdeathdidnotgetthem,andthereisamassivedifferencebetweenthosetwothings. Today I attended the funeral of the little baby I was writing about, and as I held his little hand in mine I noticed something that was strange to me, he did not have rigor mortis, his body was soft, unlike other children I have touched who died, or like other dead people I have touched also, his skin was soft, and as I came home from the wake the night previous, I sensed the lord tell me death did not get him, he Jesus, took him first, I didn’t understand at first until I was writing about death here on this page. Jesus took his own death into his own hands and he took this baby in his own hands also, and so now I understand. We all must die, and that is a fact; but we all don’t have to let death have the victory, we too can have Jesus come for us, at that point in time when our life is ending. This is where we can truthfully say with all our hearts; death where then is your sting.
Jesus said on the cross on Calvary, “It is finished.” There was not going to be a single thing more to be done for mankind, it had all been finished on Calvary. There was going to be no need for the Christian to come “begging” “for healing,” healing was already given to us. Satan and his spirit of death is the ones who are trying to steal, kill, and destroy.
intent, realising that the spirit of death is trying to kill your loved one. You do not need to keep on at Jesus or Father God to come heal them; that was accomplished 2010 years ago. You use the authority and name and precious blood of Jesus as your weapons of attack.
As I said previously, Satan is the author of death, Jesus is the author of life; Jesus came to give life and life to the full, he said, “the thief,” which is Satan the Devil, comes to steal, kill, and Johndestroy.10-10
- “the thief comes to steal kill and destroy.” “I have come to give life to the full.” Yet we think it is God who is withholding healing from us unless we produce some miracle working faith,which isnottrue,itisSatan conningusintothinkingitisGod’swillforsickness, disease, or disaster; he sneakily puts the blame on God and even unto us, because we committed a certain bad sin or done some really bad thing.
Jesus described him accurately; a thief and a liar, a murderer from the beginning, there is no truth in him; he was a murderer from the beginning;
For example; I prayed with a Gypsy child, one time that was in a nursing home, she had cancer. I asked her, “Did she want to live” during my time of praying with her and was surprised by her answer, which was “no.” I did everything I could, I anointed everyone there in the room with me with blessed oil, and strangely enough I realised later I did not anoint her. As I prayed with her the lord spoke to me and said; “this child will save her people.” Two days later the child died, and was to be buried in Buncranna chapel. I was devastated to say the least, I thought God was going to heal her and convert the Gypsies through her.
Just because someone you’re praying with or for dies, that is not a reason to give up, we don’t know all the reasons or circumstances behind their illness. I learned that when we pray God uses our prayer for good.
I know now, deep in my spirit, that I willdieonly when Jesus himself comes forme, Satan cannot kill me,Death cannot take me out; I say this not because I am arrogant, but because I know who has my life in “his hands,” and as I write this book I understand even more what death is and whom death belongs to, and who is an enemy of Jesus, therefore it is my enemy also.
On the morning of her burial a terrible storm hit the coast of Buncranna, and during the time of the child’s internment Mass, all her brothers and sisters and cousins and Gypsy family were all there in the church. As they sat in church during the service the families caravans were all lifted by the wind and crashed against the mountain wall on the other side of the road, they weresmashedintoathousandpieces,ifthefamilieshadstillbeenintheircaravans,theywould have all be killed. God’s words to me were true; this child did save her people. I and you are not God we don’t know all the answers but that should never stop us doing all we can to bring healing to the sick and afflicted, that was the commission Jesus gave every Christian, not to have healing ministries, but to lay hands on the sick and heal them. Because some won’t be healed this does not mean God is a liar, he just knows best. We are to attack sickness, disease and death with gusto.
What if they still die when I pray?
Years ago I gave my life to the Lord and shortly after that I gave my death to the Lord also, which was actually a lot more difficult, because it meant I had to sit down in the presence of God and examine myself and what death meant for me, and my wife and family. Eventually I sincerely gave my death to the Lord and he accepted it, and some months I was in a life and death situation where I believed I was going to die, I let go of life and prepared to enter heaven singing praises to God. {Read my Book, “Give your death to the Lord.”}
But all this that I write is only the beginning of understanding; I, and you, will have to spend time meditating on the word of God seeking the fullness of understanding of these scripture truths, asking the Holy Spirit to bring revelation, and its only then will the “full truth” fall on us and then we can talk to death and command it to leave someone dying or sick, and command Satan to give someone back their health that he stole from them. Until revelation has been given to us we can believe the word of God and attack death when it comes for our loved ones, and pray that God will enlighten us into this knowledge of death and life being our servants. When we have the revelation of our authority over death and revelation that it is an enemy, then we can command it in the mighty name of Jesus to go and it like Satan will flee; but we have to draw close to God like this scripture tells us first. We need to take personal time with Father God loving him for all he is.