Declaringthejoyofthelordinmy life
Brendan Mc Crossan
Today is the beginning of a new life for me, and you as I command Satan and his spirits of sadness and emotionless to get out of me in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command the light of Christ Jesus to search where this thing has taken root in me and heal the root cause in me and as your light shines inside me I command also that the foul spirit gets out now in Jesus name, go now! Scripture says the joy of the lord is my strength. {Read that verse again and this time do it for you; you command that foul thing to get out of you.}
PsalmGOD’S.WORD.Translation20:5 we will joyfully sing about your victory. We will wave our flags in the name of our God. The Lord will fulfil all your requests. We will, that means we have a choice here to sing or not to sing, and my choice will be to sing about the victory of Jesus over Satan and all his power, and another reason to be joyful is the lord will fulfil all our requests, wow! That’s an amazing promise when we sing joyfully. For
Declaring my right to the joy of the lord through the word of God, speak these scripture aloud to yourself, declaring, “My soul shall be joyful in my God.”
One A dead feeling inside me
It is our soul in us that holds our feelings and emotions not our spirit, and it is our spirit as born again children of God that has seniority over the soul; our spirit dictates to the soul to declare “my soul shall be joyful in my God.”
Look at the different reasons why my soul should be joyful in my God. He has clothed me in robes of salvation; that means he covers all my sins with his robe, and that he guarantees me heaven as my future home. When you come to a new scripture speak that scripture to yourself declaring that I instead of we, will joyfully sing about your victory Jesus.
Declaring the joy of the lord in my life Mc Crossan
in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decked himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorned herself with her jewels.
For too long Satan has had a hold on my life with a sense of sadness over me, it is like a dead feeling inside of me and I am accused often of never smiling; I didn’t realise until last night that this was in fact an attack by some demonic power, an emissary of Satan sent to put me down by my feelings, because I always had these feelings inside of me. It was like I had no feeling regarding what was going on around me and even in certain circumstances I felt nothing just an emptiness, and I realised that there are thousands of others like me that Satan and his demonic tribe has bound up like I was.
God rejoices over us with joyful songs, bet you never thought of God as singing, yet he was the one who invented singing in the first place and gave us that same spirit, that’s why we have a song in our heart. Maybe you like I have found yourself walking along and starting to sing a song, not a holy song but an ordinary pop song, and as I am singing it, a few moments later the thoughts come into my mind that I should be praying instead of singing, and that is Satan’s workers telling us this lie to keep us sad, and all too often I listen to that lying deceiving spirit and I stopped singing and start praying, I am being deceived by a religious spirit, that is actually using prayer against me to get me to pray instead of me getting joyful and I have given in to this evil little genius and stopped singing and a little later the feelings of sadness come over me again, I have been deceived many, many times by that religious spirit.
God wants me and you singing, that’s why he put a song in our heart, knowing it will lift us up when we are feeling low.
too long I have listened to mournful songs in church, songs that tear your spirit down instead of lifting it up, and I have even sung those songs because they were spiritual songs but slow mournful songs have an effect on us for instance; if you went to a party and they played lovely slow songs all night, would you stay at the party, or would you leave after a while, you would get depressed and mournful, lovely as the songs may be, you would rather have quick lively songs, to bring an atmosphere of liveliness to the party, it’s at funerals and sad times that slow songs are most appropriate, or during healing services as people are being ministered to for healing it is here that slow songs find their rightful place and people are trying to get in touch with God and need quieter songs. But a lively song lifts your spirit up and that is what I am writing about today, lifting our spirits up before God and lifting our sad tired self up also. We don’t have to play by Satan’s rules; we have victory over him always through Jesus, we don’t have to give in to sad feelings or dead feelings because the spirit inside us is always joyful, it is the spirit of God himself inside us and see what he does in this next scripture over us.
living among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
How often when we are feeling down does a song with a good quick lively beat, and with a catchy tune and words lift our soul up again? That’s why supermarkets play music in their stores, to get us in a good mood and when we are in a good mood we buy more, it’s physiological, and the store owners know that by having certain music played in the store people buy more than they first intended. How often have you gone into a store to buy just one or two items and left with a pile of stuff you didn’t really need at that time? And as you walked around you subconsciously listened to the songs playing, and are singing them to yourself as you shop. If the supermarket people of this world know about good songs and the effect they have on us, let us turn that around and use that to our advantage and give Satan the boot.
Lets lift the lord up with a joyful song, a good quick lively one, singing to God even a pop song is acceptable to God it doesn’t have to religious songs that we sing as long as it’s given to God as praise. God told me many years ago that he accepts every song providing it is clean and
decent as a song sung to him as praise, it doesn’t have to be a gospel song for God to accept it, it has to be sung from the heart to be acceptable, just the same as a gospel song if sung from the heart is acceptable worship and praise; if the songs don’t come from the heart, then it is dead in the water so to speak and is just a song.
20-those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.
Always Be Joyful ] Always be joyful in the Lord! I’ll say it again: Be joyful!
Proverbs-16:20 New-Living-Translation
Isaiah 61-3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendour.
See; those who trust the lord will be joyful, that means they “will” be joyful always. To be joyful means to be full of joy, happy and elated. Trusting in God makes us joyful because we know when sad things come around they don’t come to stay, these things will pass, and joy will rise up again inside of us. Since starting writing this book I have felt a lifting in my soul and a joy rise up inside of me when before I was just feeling deadness inside. I felt a sort of happiness but it has been dulled for a long time in my life until last night. Just like you I am
Did you know that we have an oil of joy bestowed on us instead of mourning, mourning is a form of depression and sadness is also a form of depression? And did you know that despair is a spirit, the scripture clearly identifies despair as an evil spirit and it must be cast out. To get rid of these feelings of depression and sadness then we must proclaim Satan’s defeat and command every spirit of depression sadness and despair to get out of us immediately and command the light of Christ Jesus to come into us and fill every dark area with light.
God is telling us in this scripture to be always joyful, if he says to be always joyful then that simply means we can be joyful by choice. As another translation says; “rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice.”
That oil of joy is an everlasting joy and if we don’t feel that joy continually in our lives then we are being deceived by evil spirits sent to destroy us with mourning, because a heart that is in mourning in never happy, and a person who is not happy is defeated, and scripture tells us that we are victorious through Christ Jesus.
We have to make a stand against sadness of soul, and depression, and mourning, life is good and God has every day of our lives written in his book of life and he knows everything about us good or bad and it is written down in his book before we were ever born. God created you victorious not defeated he defeated Satan through his son Jesus for us so that we would never have to fight Satan himself because we couldn’t win if we did, because he is an angel with immense knowledge of us as human beings; but God through Jesus wiped him out and left him with nothing except his lies and deceits, and he is an expert in lies and deceits and Jesus himself said, ‘he is the father of liars,’ that means he is the instigator of lies, they are born of him.
Bible-O COME, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation!
going to have to work hard at this because it is remembering what to do is the hardest thing in difficult times.
Make a loud noise unto the lord this scripture tells us; it’s strange but sad people are general quiet peopleand scripturetells us to makealoud noiseajoyful noise, just likeyou would make if you discovered that you won the lottery, you and I would make a joyful noise then wouldn’t we, and it would only last just a little while until the sombre feeling arose again. Millionaires have committed suicide because money does not make you feel happy or joyful, it can help cover up your feelings of loneliness and sadness but a person can feel lonely and sad in a crowd of friends at a great party. To rejoice means that you have to do it yourself, no one can make you happy except you and the lords grace which has already been given to you, just like his joy has been given to us.
Philippians 3-Amplified Bible (AMP) 1FOR THE rest, my brethren, delight yourselves in the Lord and continue to rejoice that you are in Him. To keep writing to you [over and over] of the same things is not irksome to me, and it is [a precaution] for your safety. There is a good reason to be joyful, that we are in him, what better motive to be joyful than to know that we are in Christ Jesus and one with him, and St Paul say it doesn’t bother him to have to write this over and over, because we all need reminding.
Praise the lord we don’t have to be good singers to worship and praise God because his word says here to make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. All God asks is that we make a joyful noise to him and in doing so we lift our souls up also. I have heard my three sons make a joyful noise many times and it wasn’t God they were making it to; it was because Manchester United won a match, and they yelled agggggggggggg. Or some similar noise as they danced around the living room, and we say we can’t make a joyful noise it would sound stupid, yet many have no problem yelling out in support of a football team, and we have the greatest God in heaven loving us and blessing us daily and we can’t find a joyful noise to make to him, so no excuses then, everyone can make a joyful noise. We need to rise above every obstacle that Satan places in our way by deliberately choosing to make a joyful noise or sing a joyful song or speak a joyful word, or declare the written word of God in chapter and verse declaring it for ourselves, giving God the glory in this action and freeing ourselves from Satan’s trap of depression and sadness and deadness. Making a joyful
the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Victory is rising above what you and I feel. Victory is declaring the good news to ourselves joyfully even when we feel sad and depressed and keeping it going until we reach breakthrough inside us. God loves me and forgives me is a good thing to remind ourselves when we are feeling low, no one could love me like Jesus does even with all my faults and failings and discrepancies.
Singing a joyful song brings us into the presence of God. God wants us to serve him cheerfully not with a big heavy head, a sour face and a despondent attitude. Chose to stand up right now and declare that the joy of the lord is your strength and your shield.
Psalm-100:2-New American Standard Bible; Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Come on, come before the lord with joyful singing, sing him a good song, one of your favourites, remember it doesn’t have to a religious song just a song you love to sing when you’re in good form. When you sing to him it lifts your soul up also, so you have a double blessing.
With joyful singing comes the sound of victory, especially when you have to drag your soul into singing by the heels, screaming and shouting, “I don’t want to sing, I want to sit here depressed and sad and lonely, and dead inside.”
have made me glad by your works at the deeds of your hands I joyfully sing.
noise to God isn’t that difficult anyone can do it and obviously God loves our joyful noises. Doesn’t every parent love the joyful noises our little children make as they are learning to speak, the words don’t make any sense except to the infant, but we love what they are trying to say even if we don’t understand what it is they are trying to say. God knows every sound and every meaning to the sounds we make so make a joyful sound right now and free your-self from Satan’s bondage to depression and sadness and deadness inside. Begin living right now start something that you and I are going to continue on for the rest of our lives, today is the beginning of the rest of our lives.
Psalm-118:15GOD’S.WORD.Translation; The sound of joyful singing and victory is heard in the tents of righteous people. The right hand of the Lord displays strength.
Psalm-100:2-GOD’S.WORD.Translation; Serve the Lord cheerfully. Come into his presence with a joyful song.
A good reason to be joyful is to be glad at the good works of the Lord, those works made us fit for heaven, those works have declared us righteous, cleansed by the blood of Jesus and having right standing with God our father, these are reasons to be continually joyful.
Declare those words right now aloud speaking to your soul; “I am overflowing with joy.” Words that we speak have life or death in them, speak words of life to your soul now don’t wait until you have finished reading this book to do so. According to the word of God, I am overflowing with joy! 1 Peter 1:3
What did Jesus do when he was filled with joy? He thanked God his Father, when we are filled with joy we also should thank our Father just like Jesus done. If we thank the Father first then we will release the joy inside of us, Christians do everything in reverse to those in the world. Those in the world try and work up joy and happiness but we have joy already in us because we have Jesus in us, all we have to do is declare our joy every day by giving thanks for it to God our Father. 2 Corinthians 7:4 Amplified Bible I have great boldness and free and fearless confidence and cheerful courage toward you; my pride in you is great. I am filled [brimful] with the comfort [of it]; with all our tribulation and in spite of it, [I am filled with comfort] I am overflowing with joy.
Jesus’ Prayer of Thanksgiving ]
Luke 10:21New.Living.Translation-[
Get out your trumpet or something that makes a noise like a trumpet and make a joyful noise, or sound the horn of your car as you drive along a country road or a highway where there are no other cars around so that people don’t think you are honking at them. Let’s change our attitudes because you and I have been deceived for years - but not anymore, the lord our God has opened our eyes to Satan’s deceits, let’s give his little cunning evil spirits the boot out of us for once and for all time in Jesus name, and call light into our souls so that if they try and come back they will find the house clean but full, and no room for them at our Inn.
At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout joyfully before the King, the LORD.
Joy ] Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! God has given us a new birth because of his great mercy. We have been born into a new life that has a confidence which is alive because Jesus Christ has come back to life.
Psalm 5:11
Shout for joy, did you notice what that scripture just said, it said, “shout “for” joy,” it did not say shout with joy, as one who is joyful shouts, but it is telling us to shout “for” the joy to come, shout “for” joy. Shout means screech, or yell, bark, bawl, holler, or bellow, none of these are an understandable word in themselves, screech is not a sentence or an understood word when it is activated, it is a loud unintelligible sound that one makes in anger or distress or with joy. Do you love the name of Jesus and God the Father? then God says be joyful.
Acts-20-24- 24But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. KJV Bible.
Jeremiah 31:13
Faith in Jesus brings with it joy because you inherit his joy which is unchanging in all circumstances. Have the faith to believe that Jesus loves you and wants you to experience his own joy as he himself says in this next scripture.
John 17:13
St Paul was told by the Holy Spirit that he faces death in Jerusalem if he goes there and he said, “none of these things move me,” I think the fear of death might move me or at least move my bowels, but Paul was trusting God’s Holy Spirit who was leading him, even towards death, and he said, “so that I might finish my course with joy! Death is not a joyful prospect to have to face especially in those times; you could be killed by hanging, by stoning, by crucifixion, by starvation, or by the sword, or slowly tortured to death, but Paul says so that I might finish my course with joy; even death didn’t stop him from being joyful, he was more interested in finishing his ministry that had been given him by God, to testify to all he met.
But let all those who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy, because You make a covering over them and defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You and be in high spirits.
And now I am coming to You; I say these things while I am still in the world, so that My joy may be made full and complete and perfect in them [that they may experience My delight fulfilled in them, that My enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls, that they may have My gladness within them, filling their hearts].
Look at what Jesus is saying in this scripture, he is praying to the Father, that his joy, ‘Jesus own personal joy,’ may be in made full, and complete and perfect, in us as believers, and he prays that we may experience his delight fulfilled in us, that his own enjoyment may be perfected in our souls, {note; he didn’t say spirit, but soul.} and that his own gladness may be filling our hearts. What a prayer to pray for us, straight from Jesus heart to us the believer, that was a heart filled prayer and of course God will answer Jesus prayer, all we need to do is believe it with our heart.
The lord promises to turn our mourning, or sadness our depression, our despair, into joy, and promises to comfort us in times like these so that we can rise out of these things like mourning, sadness and be filled with joy, and he says he will make us rejoice after their sorrow. When sorrow comes, and it comes for everyone, God promises to turn it into rejoicing after our sorrow, which lasts just a while. That is an awesome promise from God, that he will turn your sorrow, your sadness, despair, deadness, mourning or depression into joy, but you have to stand on this promise from God; you are going to have to remind God of his promise in his word, not because he doesn’t remember his word, which he of course does, but you have to remind him for your benefit. Satan does not have victory over your mind, Jesus has the victory over your mind, but you and I have to turn our minds to his word for the two to become one in unity, agreeing with the lord that he promised to turn our mourning into sadness, and standing on his promise no matter what the devil throws at you for a period of time, then he will give up when you stand your ground for once and for all never giving in, digging your heels in and refusing to budge from God’s wonderful promise to receive his joy and he takes away your mourning.
Amplified Bible then will the maidens rejoice in the dance, and the young men and old together. For I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoice after their sorrow.
For to the person who pleases Him God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy; Do you please God? You do if you have accepted Jesus as your lord and saviour? There is no other thing that pleases God more than this, nothing please God more than you receiving your salvation through Jesus. And do you see what he gives you in return he gives wisdom and knowledge and joy.
The devil is a liar when he tells you that you have no joy in you, because God says he gives you wisdom, knowledge, and “joy.” Those things are already in you, you won’t receive joy from outside of you because it is already inside of you in your spirit on the day you received Jesus into your life you also received his joy. All those years without joy in your life and it was there all along inside of you, you just didn’t know it, now you do what are you going to do about it? Are you just going to roll over and play dead or surrender, or are you going to resist the devil and his lies and fight back for a change, and boot the devil out of your life and stop him, from tormenting you. Did you not know that you are the one the devil fears? Yes the devil fears you, he fears you finding out the truth that you have joy inside you; the joy of the lord resides inside of you because Jesus resides inside of you. Scripture says; “resist the devil and he will flee from you, in terror. {Terror means to run in fear, to panic, fright, shock, dread horror.} and this is true when you the born again child of God almighty resist the devil and stand your ground rebuking him in Jesus name, knowing that name Jesus brings terror to his
2 Corinthians 7:4
soul. We have to resist the devil not just allow him to put sadness or depression on you, it does not matter if you have been diagnosed as mentally ill or been depressed all your life, even if you have been diagnosed as having a split personality. If you have been told you have a split personality then the both of you need to resist the devil and he will flee from you’s and leave only one personality behind. “Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world;” Scripture tells us the greater one is inside us because we accepted Jesus into us as lord and saviour, he became one with us in spirit, and so you have great power over the devil and can drive him away through the name of Jesus and standing on the word of God that “Joy is overflowing out of you.”
I am overflowing with joy. I am overflowing with joy. I am overflowing with joy. Because greater is he who is in me than he that is in the world. Amen
I have great boldness and free and fearless confidence and cheerful courage toward you; my pride in you is great. I am filled [brimful] with the comfort [of it]; with all our tribulation and in spite of it, [I am filled with comfort] I am overflowing with joy. You from this day forward declare those words of God, you are speaking what God said about you, and he is never wrong, “I am overflowing with joy!”Continually confess, say those words preach those words to yourself, confess that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world so therefore Joy is overflowing out of me. Speak theses words even if the weight of depression is weighing down heavily on you, even through your tears of sadness and despair, Speak those word at ever advert on TV and at every traffic light that is at read, and every time you think of them speak them aloud to yourself preach the word of God at all times said the writer of the scriptures even when it convenient and when it is not. Print those words out in a little bit of paper write them in bold print, and every time you see them preach them to yourself. Place them in the toilet, the kitchen and the bathroom and in the living room so that those words will be continually be in front of you so that Satan won’t be able to make you forget. Get in the habit of confessing those words, do not say I am depressed ever again, or I feel low, or sad, except if someone dies belonging to you, then sadness will be there for a limited time then get back to confessing those words, the words you speak have life in them, you can either speak life or speak death and depression, speak life words. Don’t listen to people who say you’re nuts for having bits of paper around your home to remind you, this is your sanity you are fighting for and you will have the victory and will live in the joy of the lord because the joy of the lord dwells in you, his name is Jesus the greater one who has all the joy of heaven inside of me in him.