Copyright @2001-04-15 by Brendan Mc Crossan All rights reserved.
1-John-4-9: God showed how much he loved us by sending his only son into this wicked world to bring us to eternal life through his death. In this act we see what real love is: it is not our love for God, but his love for us when he sent his son to satisfy God’s anger against our sins.
God Loves you and here’s the proof!
Lets look at the words that God expresses here in this scripture, When he sent his son to satisfy God’s anger against our sins. A question I would ask you to ask your self who is it talking about when it says OUR SINS. Who is the our being referred too? It's Yourself. It refers to? The purpose in God creating us was so that we could have a fellowship with him as Father and as friend. God never created us to have the distinctive pleasure of destroying us by sending us into hell. No he sent his son Jesus to bring us safely home to him. He sent his only son [Jesus] into this wicked world to bring us to eternal life. Jesus purpose is to bring you safely home to God the Father, so that you and he could spend eternity in heaven, in unimaginable joy and happiness.
Eternal life means for eternity, without end. We think that the few
Through his death How many of us could sacrifice there lives for someone whom always done wrong to him or her? I do not believe that there would be even one myself included. Yet that is exactly what Jesus did for you and I. But it's not I, whom I talk about here its you.— You are what's important, You need to be reassured that God loves You without the thoughts that he loves everybody. We all know that Jesus died for the world and that he loves everybody, but what about YOU does he love you? That is the burning question. You need to come to a personal knowledge that Jesus loves you for your self-alone.
So many people say to me. But Jesus died for everyone" Jesus came to save Everyone. They feel that its collective not personal, that he did come into this world to save them personally but everyone. I want to show you that it's you that Jesus loves I want to prove that it was for you that Jesus died. But the first thing that you have to realise is that Jesus died willingly, he was not forced to give up his life, he was not taken prisoner and forced to die without his consent.
John-10-17: I lay down my life willingly, for I have the right and power to lay it down when I want to and also the right and powertotakeitupagain,fortheFatherhasgivenmethisright.
You see here in Jesus own words telling you he has the right to give his life or to take back his life, because God the Father has given him that right and no one can force him or stop him doing as he chooses. Jesus willingly laid down his life for you, he chooses to do so even if you were the only person on this planet. Jesus laid down his life for everyone but not everyone accepted it, Jesus went to his death not knowing if people would accept what he was doing was for him or her He wanted to become their personal Lord and Everyonesavior.was given the chance of accepting Jesus as, his or her
years that we spend here on earth is all that there is on offer, we do not think that there is an eternity to spend somewhere, and we can either spend it with Jesus in Heaven or with Satan in Hell. From the knowledge of scripture that we possess heaven is a wonderful place full of joy and happiness and singing. There is no sickness nor disease there is only perfection. We will never have an ache or pain for eternity, there is nothing but perfect peace in the presence of the Holy Trinity and with countless millions of angels, And with the saints, all rejoicing, one gigantic party forever and ever. Jesus has been sent to make sure that you get there safely, that was his purpose in coming into this wicked world, to get you safely into Heaven.
t was because they were rejecting him. God gave everyone the chance to become his children, but not everyone wants to, so to anyone who does accept Jesus as lord, God gives them the right to become his personal child. And you and you alone must make this choice; no one else can make this choice for you. You can be forced to do anything; even to kill someone you love and sadly people have been forced to do these things during wars, and other evil situations. But even when someone was forced to kill someone, inside them they did not want to, and done it against their will. Nothing could have forced them to want to kill" To want to kill is within the person's will.
personal lord and savior by accepting what he did was for him or her personally. Sadly not everyone accepts this offer. But anyone, who does accept, becomes a child of God. Everyone is God's child but not everyone is a child of God, Anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord becomes a child of God.
John-8-44: you are children of your Father the Devil
There is a difference between being God’s children and being a child of God. God created everybody; not everyone accepts this and so reject him. But to anyone who did accept him he gave them the right to become children of God with the right to call God, Father. If everyone were God•s children why did Jesus say to the Pharisees
John-1-11: But to all, whom received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they need to do is to trust him to save them.
Everyone and anyone
I want to show you the difference between everyone and anyone which will also prove to you that Jesus loves you personally. The difference between everyone and anyone is, everyone {every-"one"} is talking about a whole lot of people.
Matthew-10-12: IF anyone [you again] publicly acknowledges me as his friend, I will openly acknowledge him before my father in heaven. But if anyone publicly denies me, I will publicly deny him before my Father in heaven.
Anyone {any --"one"} is talking singular.
Anyone, who listens, are you listening to Gods message about Jesus? If you are then you are the "anyone" he is talking about. {Any -one, one is singular.} Jesus is promising you eternal life in Heaven with him free from all sins. The promise is given to anyone who listens, only you and you alone know if you are listening. The offer that Jesus makes here is astonishing. He is offering you eternal life in Heaven with him and telling you that you will never go to hell for your sins, you will NEVER be damned. NEVER means exactly that! Never go to Hell. Try to tell me that is not love in action and that offer goes to anyone who listens. To know Jesus loves you all you need do is to listen to his words.
John-5-24: I say emphatically that ANYONE who listens to my message and believes in God who sent me has eternal life and will never be damned for his / her] sins.
John-12-48: I have come to save the world and not to judge it. Most people imagine that Jesus was sent here to bring judgment to the world. When in fact he said very clearly. I have come to save the world and not to judge it. To save, and not"
Is that not a beautiful thing to say? If you declare that you are my friend I’ll declare you as my own friend also! How many times have you been with a friend and someone else comes along and your friend introduces you to him or her saying this is my friend. [Naming you] This is what Jesus will do when you stand before the Father to be judged when you die, Jesus will say, Father this is my friend, let them in.
to judge the world. He come to lay down his life for you and I he did not come to condemn us.
Do you see what this scripture says about you, who belong to the Lord? There is no condemnation. That proves you are loved, if you love someone you do not condemn him or her, do you? And God does not condemn you.
Whenever you die, there is a guaranteed place for you in heaven, a beautiful home for you to live in for eternity, and Jesus says he prepares it for your coming, he is making it ready for you to enjoy for ever and ever. Then you have the added confidence that on the day you die Jesus himself is coming for you; I will come to get you so that you can always be with me. What a guarantee! Jesus himself is coming for you when its time to leave this world. Here is all the proof that you need that Jesus and God the Father loves you unconditionally. There is a home made for you to live in for eternity, and Jesus himself is coming to bring you there, and he is getting it ready for you.
John-15-9: I have loved you even as the father has loved me, live within my love, when you obey me you are living in my love, just as I obey my father and live in his love.
Romans-8-1: There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus:
Jesus expresses his love for you to you by saying this, "I have loved you with the exact same love that my father has for me" and we know how much his father loved Jesus. Read over the
John-14– 2: There are many homes up there where my father lives, and I am going to prepare them for you're coming. When everything is ready, then I will come to get you, so that you can always be with me where I am. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly.
Jesus chooses his friends.
Luke: 5:27: Later as Jesus left the town he saw a tax collector– with the usual reputation for cheating– sitting at a tax collectors booth. The mans name was Levi. Jesus said to him, come and be one of my disciples!
YOU HAVE THE PROOF RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOUR VERY OWN EYES. GODS WORD" And these few scriptures are to help you see the truth, READ Gods word and see for yourself even more scriptures that will help you realise that God loves you.
You did not choose Jesus, he was the one who decided that he wanted you for a friend, and he knew you through and through. He knew every fault and failing, every sin, every mistake you ever made. He knows every secrete thought in your head. He knows every hidden desire that you have deep within you, he knows everything about you, and knows things about you that you do not even know. He knows why you do the things that you do. Even when you question yourself why did I do that?
Would you have picked this man, a man who was despised and hated by everyone especially as he was not only a tax collector but he was also a cheating one as well? You would not have too many other friends if you were to choose this man for a friend. A thief! And everybody knew he was a thief, cheating him or her out of
John: 15:16: You did not choose me! I chose you!
scriptures, "God's word to you" and believe that you are loved and that you are lovable.
John: 13:18: I know you so well each one of you I chose. Lets have a good look at the friends Jesus chose for himself and see how do you measure up to them. In fact lets look at his friends and see if you would have picked them for your friends.
One of them a man who was prepared to kill to achieve his aims, and the other a sneaky thief who stole from the purse he was put in charge of. No offence to Jesus but I would never have picked friends like that if I knew them through and through like Jesus did, before he chose them.
Mark: 16: 9: It was early on Sunday morning when Jesus came back to life, and the first person who saw him was Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom he had cast out seven
Mark: 1: 16: One day as Jesus was walking along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew fishing with nets, for they were commercial fishermen. Jesus called to them, come, follow me! And I will make you fishers for the souls of men! At once they left their nets and followed him.
Matthew: 10: 4: Simon a member of The Zealots, a subversive political party. Judas Iscariot {the one who betrayed him}.
Simon a member of the Zealots, a political subversive group who used violence to achieve their objectives. A terrorist in modern day terms and Judas the traitor. Remember Jesus said in John: 13: 18; I knew you so well each one I chose. He knew Judas was going to betray him yet he still picked him a terrorist and a traitor. Two people we would never pick for a friend, especially if we knew the type of them.
their hard-earned money. Week after week, month after month, year after year, how could anybody choose anyone likes that for a friend and yet that was the person Jesus chose?
Smelly fishermen, would you choose them, the only water they probably would see would be seawater. Scripture refers to them later as ignorant men, uneducated men, and not the brightest lights around. Yet these are the very men that Jesus picked rough ignorant smelly fishermen.
Imagine having for your friend a woman with seven demons, not only had this woman seven demons she was also a prostitute. A woman who made her living by selling her body to anyone: Not the type of person you would invite to your Tupperware party! But these were the type of people Jesus chose because he could see in them the potential for greatness, he did not look at the faults and failings that they had, like you or I would have done, no! He loved them exactly as they were he knew that within each human being there is great potential. He knew that God the father made man and woman in his very own image. That spiritually there was greatness within them. There was holiness within them and all it needed was for someone to draw out that inner goodness. He Jesus could draw out that inner goodness in everyone.
Most people believe that Jesus judges them and condemns them, but that is not what Jesus came into the world to do. He said I’ve come to save the world, and anyone who wants what I offer can have it free of charge. You may feel like a terrible bad person, and feel that there is no hope for you, but that is not true! Jesus knows you through and through and wants you for a friend. He loves you with an incredible love a selfless love that demands nothing from you. You cannot say, look at me I could not be loved by God, look at the kind of person I am or was. Look at the friends Jesus chose is you any better or worse than they are? If he could chose those people and love them, then he can choose you also to bring out the best in you. You were created with goodness within you and God loves you and wants the best for you in life on earth and after words with him in heaven.
Jesus never condemned anyone, he spoke his mind and told the Pharisee's how far away from God they were but he never condemned them, even as they were putting him to death.
John: 12: 47: For I have come to save the world and not to judge it.
Do you see what that scripture says to you, "there is no condemnation for you who belongs to Christ Jesus" You are not condemned but loved, accepted, exactly for who you are, fault failing sins and all.
Loved beyond a shadow of a doubt because you have greatness within you, don't do what Judas did, refused to believe in the mercy and love and forgiveness of Jesus and so took his own life. He had the same choice that you and I have, to believe, or reject, what Jesus offers, he choose to reject, you can chose to believe that God loves you and knows you through and through, and still loves you unconditionally.
You were made for greatness, wear it well.
Romans: 8: 1: There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
For the past twenty five years, Brendan and Rose have given talks at retreats and conferences, teaching on God's word and Healing, and on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with practical teaching methods. Teaching peoples how to open up to the power of the Holy Spirit. Showing them how they can pray for the sick and see healing and miracles happen. They teach on spiritual subjects out of a rich source of practical experiences. Having had many experiences in their lives, and have been through it all with God•s grace and love.
Visit their web site:
Forgiveness brings
About the author
Brendan Mc Crossan, lives in Northern Ireland, He had a dramatic spiritual conversion. On 5 separate occasions God spared his life from imminent death. Since his conversion Brendan and his wife Rose have been involved in a healing ministry.
To Book Brendan or Rose for conferences
Stop asking for what’s already yours
The power of God at work
How God sees us
Heart to heart with God
Unforgiveness the price it costs you
God! Where the hell are you?
Redundant Angels
18 Dunree Gardens
5 Steps to growing spiritually strong
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Other titles available By Brendan McCrossan
Creggan Estate
NorthernDerry Ireland
Prayers from the Holy Spirit
7 Ways to have peace of mind and heart
Brendan and Rose McCrossan Ministries•
God has feelings and emotions
God loves you and here’s the proof
Stop getting annoyed! Go and get Jesus
Locked in the past – Learn to live in the fresh newness of life
Your Children are promised salvation
Trust me in your times of trouble
Removing the chains of guilt
Healing the miscarried, stillborn or aborted children
Naked Christians who think they’re wearing the armour of God
Spiritual blocks to God's Healing & Power
What price heaven
The purpose of the Holy Spirit
The devil is listening to you