Brendan Mc Crossan

“Godly Diet” ‘And exercise program’ “Lose weight “Supernaturally”instantly” Brendan Mc Crossan
‘And exercise program’ “Lose weight “Supernaturally”instantly”===========
“Godly Diet”
First step then is running; how often should we run? Twice a day, three times? No every time you are tempted to sin. Run the other way as fast as you possibly can every time you are
At the time of writing this 14 -1-2009, on TV almost every add is telling people how to lose weight, if they follow ‘their plans’ and drink or eat ‘their products,’ its just after the festive time of Christmas and people gain weight from eating and drinking, and every company that can afford it is trying to get peoples money from useless diets and programs, that only work with a controlled plan of exercise and sensible eating, which in themselves work anyway, all of us can lose weight if we eat and drink sensibly and exercise. God has his own plan for weight loss, and it is this instantaneous plan that I write about today.
Step Running1
2-Timothy -2-22- Run from anything that gives you the evil thoughts young men often have, but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right.
This is the greatest advice God could give you to keep you fit and spiritual healthy. How would it benefit you if you had a great body and went to hell for all you sins, a great body is not much use to you in hell. As with all exercise programs you usually begin with a little running, and with God it’s no different.
1 Timothy-4-7- spend your time an energy in the exercise of keeping spiritual fit. Bodily exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important and is a tonic for all you do. So exercise yourself spiritually and practice being a better Christian, because that will help not only now in this life, but in the next life too.
I guarantee that you will instantly see the weight come off you, the very moment you begin God’s program. Let’s see what his word tells us about exercise.
You also may be one of those people I will not limit God Sin causes a great weight of guilt on your soul and the more sin there is the greater the weight. When God clears your record of sin there is a tremendous burden lifted off your shoulders, and the Psalm writer told his feelings in; Psalm- 32- 1 what happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record? There was a time I wouldn’t admit what a sinner I was, but my dishonesty made me miserable and filled my days with frustration. All day and all night your hand was heavy on me. My strength was evaporated like water on a sunny day, until I finally admitted all my sins to you, and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, “I will confess them to the lord.” And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Wow! When sins are forgiven the weight is lifted off of you, and that’s the weight, {burden} I am going to help you get rid of as you read this. Most of us don’t realize that when we sin as Christians we feel we have separated ourselves from God and can’t approach him any more and so we withdraw even further from him and things get heavier, everything gets blacker and the weight we feel on us is awful. Any way lets get back to our exercise program, and then we will discuss what foods are good or bad for us.
Step Reachingtwoout
A great spiritual exercise is this one reaching out time after time even when your arms get sore from reaching, remember the worldly saying; no pain no gain. What you are to do in this exercise is to lift your arm half way up your body with the elbow bent slightly and reach out your hand to someone you dislike and offer your outstretched hand to them with a smile on your face which helps keep you young looking, frowning adds years to your looks did you not already know that? Still smiling you reach out to someone you have fallen out with over the years, with the hand outstretched wide open, words like I am sorry could accompany this exercise as by saying those words even if you were in the right helps in the breathing, as I am sure you realize that when you are actually doing this exercise your breathing is coming in short quick breaths, so in saying; ‘I am sorry.’ you release your breath that you had probably half held, and this is good for the lungs also, when you release your words you release your lungs and they get filled with your sharp intake of breath as you wait to see what the other person does.
tempted to sin, you will shed a lot of weight in this way with all the running you are doing. There’s nothing like sinning that will make you gain tremendous weight spiritually. Before we go too far in to the program, perhaps I should tell you first, that this program of God’s is not going to help you lose those physical pounds instantly supernaturally, then again God just might do that for you. I have seen people lose stones instantly supernaturally in healing services. Some women have dropped two or three dress sizes instantly, and came on stage having to hold up their pants with one hand and glorify Jesus with the other hand raised.
Matthew -5-43- there is a saying, love your friends and hate your enemies; “ But I say,” love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, in this way you will be acting as true sons / daughters of your father in heaven. Bending over backwards to be good to people is good exercise and will strengthen your back and make you a stronger person becoming just like Jesus whose image your made in. Its easy to love those who are loveable but not so easy to love the unlovable or the town drunk or wino, or homeless person or the person who has lost their mind, or the people who screw you out of your possessions, the people who done you wrong, it would really be bending over backwards to love those people wouldn’t it and yet that is exactly what Jesus asks us to do, bend over backwards for them, go out of your way to be good to someone who done you a wrong. And this will shift a tremendous amount of weight off of you as you begin to forgive those who wronged you and you have now gone out of your way to be good to them, the weight shifts off of you and over unto them. When your good to someone who screwed you out of money or something and you do them a good turn you make them feel guilty, and your own guilt of sin shifts off you as you are forgiven for hating them, and leaves you feeling fresh and alive, while they remain in sin and deadness.
Step Bendingthreeover backwards
In this step we find that this exercise is good for the spine and strengthens it and the body muscles in the back area. Stand up straight and bend your top of your body backwards as far as it will go and then bend over frontward as far as you can go. Keep this exercise up for a while until you cannot do it any longer then do it again going past the pain lever forcing yourself to accomplish as many efforts as possible.
In this simple exercise look at what is accomplished, your arm is exercised, your facial muscles are activated, and your lung capacity is expanding. And if the person you reach out to accepts your hand then great joy is experienced because you have become friends again, and this releases endorphins that make you feel good. A simple exercise and some weight has already shifted off you. If the person you reached out to rejects your outreached hand and your saying I am sorry, then think how God felt when he reaches out to humanity and they reject his offer to become firm friends.
Romans-10-21- God kept reaching out his hand to the Jews but they kept on arguing and refusing to come.
The most important thing here is you reached out so the burden of unforgiveness lies on the person refusing your outstretched hand and has lifted off of you, the problem lays with them now not you and them, and they will have to carry this with them as weight on them for as long as they refuse your handshake.
Step Four
Walking is a really good exercise it increases the blood flow through the heart and through the body and strengthens leg muscles and helps you lose weight if kept up.
Matthew -5-39- But I say don’t resist violence; if you are slapped on the one cheek, turn the other too. This is a very difficult exercise to do it involves a lot of neck muscle activity, as you turn first one cheek then the other and then back again and back again. Jesus himself used this one when he stood before pilot, when he was slapped on the cheek he turned the other one and was immediately slapped again. Any exercise Jesus would use is a good exercise because he was sure spiritually fit.
Matthew -5-41- if the military demand you carry your gear for a mile carry it two. Sometimes people demand things of us, people like those in charge, bosses charge hands supervisors, those in authority and they make impossible demands on us continually demeaning us as much as they can showing us who is in charge. And sometimes we allow hatred and bitterness to well up in us, and deep resentment, and these things are sin and add a weight to our already overburdened souls with the other things we have weighing us down.
Walking a mile or two
The best way to defeat those who pressurize us is to do even more than they demand of us. In the above scripture Jesus shows us a secrete of the kingdom in helping defeat the enemy. If an enemy can get you into anger or rage then they have power over you, but if you turn that around then you have the upper hand and it leaves them powerless against you. They may be in charge of you, superior to you in work, but because you do more than they demand then you will come out victorious, and if you can do it with a smile on your face you exercise those facial muscles again and the walking a mile further will help you lose even more weight and keep off weight that you would have gained through sinning with resentment and anger and talking about them to others. Walking away from trouble is also good and prevents sin occurring, and is another good exercise, too often we stand our ground and argue with someone who won’t listen to reason, or is drinking, and we get into trouble, even fighting if we hang around. Walking away from the situation is a great exercise and is good for the calf muscles, leg muscles, and thigh muscles, and can save possible damage to the body if a fight arises. Walking away is good exercise, try it more often and the weight will fall off and you will find that the blood will flow evenly through the body and you will feel relaxed because tension can cause stress, which can cause heart attacks; tension causes the stomach muscles to contract and this in turn pours out acids in the stomach which later travel through the body and go to the weakest point and cause pain and arthritis and other diseases. Walking is defiantly a good spiritual and physical exercise. Step five Boxing a good exercise Boxing is a strong sport to be involved in; it uses up many muscles especially the neck muscles as you bob and weave about trying to avoid getting hit.
Getting rid of your stones buried down inside you will bring much need relief to the mind who doesn’t forget about them, but is forced to bury them deeper, and what a relief to get rid of stones in spiritual weight as you forgive as Jesus told you to and the weight just drops of you.
The part of this book that you may have dreaded has arrived; food; the do’s and don’t of eating.
Anyone with kidney disease would tell you that it is painful to pass those stones they pass, but it is better to pass them than have them grow into a large mass inside the kidney as they cause much greater pain and are more dangerous to the body.
1-Timothy -4- 4-for everything God made is good and we may eat it gladly if we are thankful for it.
How many times have you been slapped on the cheek in your lifetime and you responded with a punch back to the person who slapped you. I know girls use this one often, slapping the cheek and getting slapped back in return. Maybe you were slapped on the cheek by someone, maybe a parent or teacher or someone and you have held resentment and hatred against this person ever since, then today is the day to let go of your sin of hatred anger, resentment, wishful evil thinking about this person. It may have happened a long time ago but the pain of the slapped cheek is still there with you and the anger and resentment against that person still resides inside of you today you can shed stones of weight off of you by deciding to forgive this person or persons and letting it go, by praying for this person or persons.
It’s unbelievable how much hatred and resentment and anger we store up inside of us, and it getspressed down deeperand deeperinsideofusuntilitisburied deep down so deep weforget about it until something brings it to mind again and we then allow feelings of anger and hatred against a child of God who sinned against us. And this all is buried deep down inside of us and is a weight on our souls because our soul knows that it is all there and is not allowed to surface to be gotten rid of. Did you know that the earth pushes stones up through the clay, they rise to the surface even after you have had the garden rotivated and all the stones taken out, and next year there are more stones back again? That’s because the force of gravity pull the stones up through the soft earth as the earth spins around at terrific speed. Our minds are interacting in the same way, they try and push the things that are causing it to be sick, or to sin, back up into our conscious minds so that things can be dealt with and got rid of, freeing the mind up for other things. So boxing can be a good exercise if it causes us to keep moving those neck muscles over and over again bringing up things that are buried deep down inside so they can be gotten rid of and the weight will lift off you by stones as you get rid of those painful stones.
Chapter two Wee buns and chocolate cakes
Unforgiveness muffins
Here are some foods God says, do not eat.
Wait a minute, what about all the diet food we are supposed to eat to be healthy, all the slimming products, and weight watcher products we are supposed to eat and use that will take weight off us {as part of a calorie controlled diet they all say} did you ever notice they all say as part of a calorie controlled diet with exercise.
is good for you; everything is good and you may eat it gladly and if we are thankful for it.1 Timothy 4-4.
Resentment buns
And then you get the offer of the biggest food of all, a food that puts on colossal weight on a pour soul struggling to get its head above water, and this food is ‘guilt stew’ and every Christian eats this food like there were nothing else to eat, they fill themselves with this
Avoid starchy food that sticks to someone when you tell stories on someone just for revenge.
Here are some foods defiantly to avoid. Juicy gossip no matter how juicy it is, and don’t spread it around either!
Don’t eat people when you’re in a bad mood!
Anger PointedHatredbap’startschocolate fingers
Avoid rumors, this food is a very dangerous food, it cause lots of damage to the body of Christ.
I am going to give you a list of the best foods to eat and the foods you defiantly need to avoid like the plague, food that can reduce weight instantly while eating as much as you like!
Food Satan offers you!
Bitterness sweet and sour meal
Other food you need to avoid will put tremendous weight on you the very moment they go into your Food,mouth.Godsays
Don’t eat your heart out with jealousy! Don’t eat your heart out with envy!
Theses foods offered by Satan have a devastating effect on the figure they add stones and stones of spiritual weight to the poor soul who is already over whelmed by its overfilled being.
You’re saying I can eat everything and it won’t put weight on me? No! I’M saying, ‘you can eat everything God made, in moderation;’ God says in his word don’t be greedy, so you can eat anything you like, just don’t be greedy and over eat.
Don’t eat yourself up with resentment! Some of these foods cause cancer!
Avoid sugary foods like slander, because these foods come back and stick to you.
Avoid nutty spreads. Like spreading nutty lies about a friend you fell out with.
Don’t eat the face of people! Don’t eat the back of them either, ridiculing them to your friends!
Avoid sweeteners, like adding your own bits into gossip and stories you hear.
Theses foods put stones and stones on you as you enjoy hurting others giving no thought to the damage you may have caused, like papers thrown into the wind they blow for miles and miles spreading everywhere, and can never ever be put back together again.
Romans -4-23- yes all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; Yet now God declares us “not guilty” of offending him, if we trust in Jesus who took our sins away.
Romans -8-1- therefore there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ Jesus then you can get rid of Satan’s ‘guilt stew’ and ‘other foods’ you have eaten, by confessing, ‘therefore there is no condemnation for me because I belong to Christ Jesus.’ I accept your forgiveness for all my sins Jesus and I promise not to eat the wrong food again, the foods of Satan’s lies and refusing to accept guilt, because you have been forgiven by God. I find it amazing because I also fall into the trap at times, Satan who is the one who tempts you unmercifully to sin; when he gets you to finally sin, he then accuses you of sinning quoting you scripture after scripture about sin. Didn’t he do the same with Jesus he quoted scripture to try to get Jesus to sin? Are you any better than Jesus where he won’t quote scripture at you, or tell you, you are a sinner now and can’t be forgiven because the sin you committed is too big to be forgiven? Satan will use God’s word to condemn you, he loves to torment the human soul; he delights in your ignorance of the word, and even uses the word that you know against It’syou.unbelievable!
This is the worst food a Christian could ever eat because it’s filled with lies and untruths and deceit, juicy thick chunky meats, and mixed together with a little truth and holiness, watered down, boiling for years, and a little flavor thrown in for good measure, and an onion to help shed some tears of regret.
If Satan is condemning you about some sins you committed and you confessed those sins to God, then you were forgiven. God doesn’t remember confessed sin, but Satan does because he
This ‘Guilt Stew’ is the one food that puts on more weight than all the others combined, the weight of this food has caused people to commit suicide, turn away from God, feeling like they can’t be forgiven, or loved again, to go into despair and descend into the deepest darkness a darkness no one wants to experience like the darkness of hell itself. And like a little Eno powder, {a spoonful relieves the symptoms immediately.} Reading a verse from the bible where Jesus has removed our guilt acts like a large jar of Eno. It gives instant relief for those who believe Jesus and are called by his name.
John-8-44- he was a murderer from the beginning and a hater of truth – there is not an iota of truth in him. When he lies it is perfectly normal; for he is the father of liars.
Satan gets you to sin then accuses you of committing sin; he keeps stirring the pot and keeps you confused boiling over with shame and guilt. Into his stew he adds a pinch of holiness, just to add flavor, ‘didn’t Jesus die for you,’ he will say, and now you sinned against him separating yourself from him, that’s terrible you can never go back to Jesus he wouldn’t want you, you’re supposed to be a holy person, and there you are sinning away, shame on you. Satan is a liar, didn’t Jesus himself say this he is the father of liars.
obnoxious food, and they stew and stew in it for years and like a normal stew if overeaten it lies heavily on the body and makes you sluggish, and apathy sets in, and all you want to do is lay there and wallow.
Now that we have dealt with the inward person time now to deal with the outward person you are. Should women wear makeup and wear jewelry? Many religions mainly fundemtalist Muslim forbid the wearing of jewelry modern clothes and make up punishable sometimes by death. And some Christian groups have the same mentality except they don’t kill the women, but they forbid the wearing of lipstick and makeup and wearing jewelry they kill the woman’s natural desire to look and feel good. It is instinctive in women to look good. Since time began women have always dressed or wore some kind of make up to enhance their beauty it is instinctive for them, it is an attraction to the other species, men; so they can have a partner to spend their lives with.
Women like Joyce Meyer wear makeup and jewelry, and dress beautifully, with millions watching them on TV, and God is using them mightily. In fact I once heard Joyce say the lord
Satan is a liar he has lied to you for years and will try even now that he has been brought into the light to get you to keep your guilt, tell him ‘No!’ He is a liar; there is no guilt or condemnation for me, get behind me Satan in Jesus name.
1-Timothy -2-9 and I want women everywhere to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing, and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive cloths. For women who are devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do. Women should be noticed for being good and kind. Many silly women have taken this scripture literally and stopped wearing makeup and combing their hair. Looking like something that just got off a motorbike in the middle of a storm. A Christian woman should dress decently; wearing something she would feel comfortable in if Jesus was standing there with her, if you feel what you wear is ok with Jesus present then you should wear it. Who wants to see a woman looking like she just got off the back of a motorbike in the middle of a storm, walking into a room like something out of a horror movie?
Making a Godly appearance
There is No Condemnation! No guilt! Says Romans 4-23.And you have been living in condemnation and guilt maybe for years. Now is the time that you need to forgive yourself, you need to accept Jesus forgiveness package, and You need to tell Satan to get lost, he is a liar and has lied to you for years and years. Shed off Satan’s guilt stew right now, by forgiving yourself for every sin, and if you never confessed those sins before then tell Jesus what you done and ask for forgiveness and it’s granted immediately.
got you to sin those sins, and he will if you let him put you in a stew and keep the pot boiling with condemnation. Romans -8-1 says there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
tells her what will match in with the backdrop of the next place where she is going to speak.
Do you think God is against that? Of course he isn’t! He is a loving caring God who wants his children looking their best. He told the Pharisees they look wane and disheveled just to show off. Scripture also says to put on festive clothes. If God wanted you to look disheveled and drab he would not have said put on festive clothes, because after all you are robed in righteousness, a royal robe is around you’re shoulders. God wants you looking and feeling Agood.Christian woman should look her best, sheis representing God on this earth and her concerns should be for God’s kingdom; she is an ambassador for God and an ambassador should look impressive. You don’t see many ambassadors looking like they just borrowed a suit from the pawn shop, do you? They look and dress in the best they can afford, because they represent their country. You are God’s ambassador and should dress the same, in your best and looking and feeling like a million dollars. If your concerned for God’s kingdom and his people that is what is the most important part and makeup and Jewelry and gold enhance you’re appearance, making you feel and look good. God wants us looking like we belong to a King and wants us free from burdens that weigh us down and wants us to lose all the dead spiritual weight we carry as a Christian. Times have changed, style has changed, the only people we see now covered from head to toe is a tent like garment is Muslim women, and it looks repressive. How many young women these days in the western world would wear this type of clothes? Not many I believe. A woman wants to look and feel good, not compete with a tent for style. In the olden days in the time of Jesus, women wore this type of clothing, but this is 2009 and style is not the same women achieved freedom many years ago and style marches on, and women follow it. Some of today’s styles are just totally disgusting. I seen a young woman a few weeks ago wearing just a top and a pair of white tights as she walked through the shopping centre I was in and everyone was looking at her and shaking their heads, she may have thought this style looked good on her but from everyone else’s viewpoint it was immodest because you could see her underwear quite clearly, like she was just wearing a pair of pants, with out being too explicit you could see every wrinkle and blemish on her. Does Jesus want you wearing something like that drawing attention to you? No! Of course not, he wants you to dress like the previous scripture described, modestly, and I will leave it to you to work out what is modest and what is not appropriate especially in church.
Jesus and Father God want you looking and feeling good always. It isn’t enough to feel good after getting rid of the excess weight that you have been carrying; but the lord wants you wearing festive clothes,{you’re best clothes} and have an attitude of gratitude and rejoicing in the freedom you have been given. Now you have been forgiven, and have forgiven, and have let go of guilt, go into the world and share with others the good news that God wants you feeling good, thinking good, and dressing good, doing all things for his glory.
God doesn’t want her clothes clashing with the décor in the place, he is concerned about every little bit of the woman. God used oil to anoint people and oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. And in most make up there is an oil base. Oils like oil of Ulay with its many variations, all are available now today to help the skin and body stay soft and firm and wrinkle free.