Brendan Mc Crossan

“They’re awesome!”
Ephesians-1-4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own, throughwhatChristwoulddoforus;hedecidedthentomakeusholyinhiseyes,without a single fault, we who stand before him covered with his love. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus to die for us. And he did all this because he wanted to!
When I first started to write this book I planned to just write about the Holy Spirit and explain that the Holy Spirit is a person, not a bird or it, but the third person in the Holy Trinity. I planned to teach you to look on the Holy Spirit as a person. But as I wrote under the anointing I began to see there is an even bigger picture emerging, a picture so great that if taken on board it will stop you from ever worrying about your future ever again. It will show you God really does have plans for you and those plans were worked out in the beginning before the world began, every minute detail has been taken care of, every possible scenario has already been thought of by God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. There are no accidents just another scenario that has been taken into account and worked out already.
I know the plans I have for you says the lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
“God’sAmazing Plans for you.”
Jeremiah-1-4beforeyouwereformedwithinyourmother’swomb;beforeyouwereborn I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman.
God’s plan is unchanging; you can read it here in Ephesians 1-4. And that plan was decided long before the world was made. He knew you through and through and still decided to make you holy in his eyes. Wow! I’m holy! Wow! What a loving father I have.
Chapter one TheHoly Spirit: who is he?What is he?What purposedoes heservein God’s plan in our lives?
The Holy Spirit the author and finisher of God’s amazing plan for you. You are a part of a predetermined plan and the Holy Spirit is leading you into the fulfilment of that amazing plan. When you realise you are a part of God’s amazing plan and that his plan has already been worked out in the beginning then you will no longer worry about tomorrow or today, because you will know it has already been taken care off.
The Holy Spirit, who is he: He is the third person in the Holy Trinity. Note the third person! Not an It or a something, or a dove, but a real person of the Holy Trinity at one with the father son and Holy Spirit. God as we all know is a triune God there are three persons in one God, and if you find that hard to believe, then how do you account for a woman who is pregnant with twins. There are three persons all in one body. If you can understand the basic facts of life that there can be three people living within the one body then you will begin to understand who the Holy Spirit is .i.e. the third person in the holy Trinity. The babies are connected by an umbilical cord and the father son and Spirit are connected by the silver cord of life. What is he? He is a person a he, not it or a something. He is described in scripture as He, in the same way Jesus was referred to as he, and in the same way the father was referred to as he. The father is the container of the trinity, just as a mother is the carrier, container of the twins. Each has a separate personality different ways of thinking and doing things as they grow up and become their own separate identities. But with the Holy Trinity they all have the one purpose and plan in mind and the one who displays the power the one who creates with the power of his word and the one who came to fulfil that word, in the flesh.
The father is the container of the trinity within him is Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the scripture says that the father sent his Holy Spirit and sent Jesus; He is the figure head not separate from the trinity but as head of it. The Holy Spirit is the power source of the Trinity and Jesus is the flesh of the Trinity. Did you know you are made in exactly the same image as the Holy Trinity? Did you know you were created Spirit, soul, and body? Sad to say we think of ourselves as body soul and spirit instead of the way God describes us in the bible. You are made up of the same substance of the trinity. You were given a spirit and a soul and then a body. If you look at scripture in Genesis-1-1-3 you will see that the father was there with the Holy Spirit brooding over the chaotic mass. Later you will read in Genesis-1-26 where God the father said to the Holy Spirit let us make man in our image. And in God’s image they made them man and maid, man and woman. And they clothed mans spirit and soul in a flesh body. This way at the beginning of mans entry into the world, and Jesus was not in the world at this time but came many years later and became flesh and dwelt among us. Spirit, soul and then Body. In the beginning the father took this time to do what he and the Holy Spirit, and Jesus had agreed to do. This was Father God’s time. Then came the time of Jesus on the earth, and now is the time of the Holy Spirit for his work in the earth. This is the time that I am bringing to your attention in the little booklet. The time of the Holy Spirit! This is his time, the time for the plan of God and the son and the Holy Spirit to come to completion, The Fathers work was finished according to the scripture as in Geneses-2-2 and he rested after his work was finished. This work of course was completed by God the Father and is happening now today, in the same way the work of Jesus was completed at the cross on Calvary and on Easter morning, but that work, like the fathers work is still going on even
The architect had a Plan, the blueprints for building his house and the builders worked to bring those plans about and build the house to the proper specifications.
It was the Holy Spirits power that God used to part the red sea, to feed the 3000 through Jesus , to work the miracles he did before Pharaoh , to feed the multitudes , to heal the blind and heal the Thesick.Holy Spirit has been the power behind every powerful act of God and Jesus, and the same Holy Spirit wants to bring to fulfilment all of God’s plans in us for the sake of this broken Weworld..forour part need to learn who the Holy Spirit is and what he wants from us to bring about the work God completed in the beginning.
though technically it was finished, Just as Jesus said on the cross those most important words.
The Holy Spirit is like the muscles in our body, the muscles react by doing as the mind commands. Like lifting something or moving something or even blinking every move we make needs the muscles to operate, there is nothing we can do without the help and power of the muscles in our body, if the muscles fail then there is no movement. The muscles are encased inside the body, we can’t really see them fully, but they are there. You can see the outside of the muscle but not the inside its covered by skin. The muscles are not the whole thing, the body is made up of three parts, the Mind {the brain}{the soul} the spirit and the flesh. The soul and the spirit want you to do something so the muscles come into play and perform the act. It uses all three parts to do this. The mind tells the body it needs to do something, your spirit is in agreement with your mind and then your body performs the task the mind thought of.
The work of salvation was finished but people are still being saved, how? By accepting that they are forgiven and granted salvation. The work has been completed but it still goes on by people accepting the work accomplished by Jesus. Although the work is finished it goes on and on forever, in the same way the fathers work is finished but still goes on as his plans come to Thefulfilment.workofthe Holy Spirit began in the beginning with God the Father, and Jesus and is now being played out by you and I and all those who seek his help and gifts and powers.
“it is finished”. Jesus said for all to know and understand that his work that he had been given had been completed, but as we all know people are still being saved delivered and healed today 2000 years after the work was completed. Because the work was completed it didn't stop there.
In the beginning God Had a plan and the Holy Spirit and Jesus worked at those plans and brought about the completion of the Fathers house, and finished off the work they were assigned to. Now the Holy Spirit is bringing about the completion of the plans they made by fulfilling them in you and I and in every work of God, it is his power that is bringing about everything, fitting each piece together carefully.
Just as in the same way when someone builds a house the house when completed is finished but it is still being used it is still going on and on and on by the people living in it changing it as they please making new adjustments to it.
I am just trying to get you to see how the Holy Spirit, the father, and the son work together as one unit, in exactly the same way as us. That is why God said: let us make man in our image. Three separate parts but each dependant on each other part for the good of the whole part; i.e. You!Isthere any part of you that is jealous if the muscles lift something or build something? And gets praised for being strong? Or is a part of you jealous because you get praised for being so clever? Is there any jealousy when someone pays you a complement, saying how good you look and how strong you are or how clever you are? No! You are praised and that is all that matters, it is you in your completeness that accepts the praise that you get from whatever source or whoever, the fact is you are praised.
The Devil wants to keep us in the dark about true spiritual matters and these are just some of the ways he does things. He sublimely slips into our minds, you can’t praise the Holy Spirit or God will be jealous, and hesuggeststhatifyoubegintopraisethefathermorethanyoupraiseJesusthenyourbetraying Jesus. He keeps us in perpetual mind games keeping our attention away from the truth that the Godhead is three persons in one with no conflict between them, if one is praised then all are Hepraised.isalso trying to keep us away from learning the truths of spirituality, he does not want you to come to the understanding that the father is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and Jesus is God. And all are glorified, in every thing together. He does not want you to realise that the Holy Spirit is a person and not a thing, or it, or a bird, but he! A person of the Godhead. He wishes to keep you in the dark about the true purpose of the Holy Spirit, and of the awesome power of the Holy Spirit.
Did you know for instance that in the beginning God said: Let there be light and there was. Who created the light? The Holy Spirit, God said; and the Spirit done, it was by his power, his muscle in other words to help you understand;
God is delighted when we praise him whether its because of an act that Jesus done or the Holy Spirit performed or that he himself done, the fact is he gets praised as a whole complete being three in one all of equal standing all bringing praise to the Godhead the trinity.
Satan tries to separate God the Father from the Holy Spirit and Jesus, making us think if we praised one or the other then jealousy would arise, and so it leaves us feeling confused.
Genesis-1-1 when God began creating the heavens and the earth. The earth was at first a shapeless chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over it.
What do you do when you’re brooding over something, your giving it deep thought? The Holy Spirit was thinking about Creation.
Genesis-1-26 –then God said: Let us make a man someone like ourselves.
Amplified bible—genesis-1-26 and God said let us Father Son and Holy Spirit make a man Now have a good study at this little bit of scripture. Who was God talking to when he said “let us” make a man, someone like ourselves, There had to be more than one person there when he said “ us, like ourselves ,”he was letting us know that he Jesus and the Holy Spirit were in unison in creating the universe and man.
God did the saying, the power of the Holy Spirit brought it into being, and he was Gods power, his muscles.
Genesis –2-1-Now at last the heavens and earth were successfully completed, with all that they contained. So on the seventh day having finished his task, God ceased from his work he had been doing. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy because it was the day he ceased this work of creation.
Did you notice it said God ceased from his work. That meant He stopped doing what he planned to do. That didn't mean the world ended if God had just stopped at that moment in time, no! Gods work was set out like a blueprint until the end of time the plans were finished and the work was completed but because God was not kept in a place of time and it is only us who are in a place of time then the work is still continuing though it is already finished as far as God is concerned, If you read Ephesians –1-1 you will see that God planned you to come into being on the date of your birth, and he declared you holy in his eyes. You see the work was finished it just had to come through our time dimension.
A man creates a website, it’s finished and he puts on it questions and answers. He finishes it but then submits it to the internet for people to view, and people can use his website to do things with but the mans work was finished, but still goes on, even though he is technically finished with it. Amazing isn't it. The strangest thing about Gods finished work is that it is on going. It stretches from beginning into eternity. And the work he accomplished as he rested on that last day still goes on because in that work he gave mankind the gift of free will. The Ability to choose between God’s will and Satan’s will and mans own free will. All this is so strange to us who can only comprehend time, and God transcends time.
Genesis-1-2-then God said let there be light; And light appeared. God said; the Holy Spirit performed, and brought it into being. But it was God who done this as both parts of himself were at work..
It’s awesome to think about, that before anything existed you were thought of by God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. You were part of God’s plan from before time began. And the work of the Holy Spirit is to bring that plan into being right now Today.
Do you see that long ago even before he made the world God thought of you. You were part of Almighty God’s plan, a plan to make you holy in his eyes, without a single fault. And you can see from the rest of that text his unchanging plan had always been to adopt you into his family. by sending Jesus to die for us.
If you study these few little scriptures you will see an immense plan taking form before your very eyes, you will see that secrete that God had kept hidden for 1000000’s of years taking shape. You will see that, believe it or not, you were chosen to be a part of God’s great plan.
long ago even before he made the world God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us, he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault— we who stand before him covered with his love. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus to die for us. And he did all this because he wanted to.
More over because of what Christ has done we have become gifts to God that he delights in, for as part of God’s sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be his and all things happened just as he decided long ago
Jesus accomplished the will and plan of God when he sacrificed himself for us, he finished his work on the cross on Calvary, yet we all know that millions of souls are reaching salvation simply by accepting the plan of God through Jesus. So how can a work that is finished continue on?
Let’s look at the scriptures.
Its no wonder scripture says, why worry, God knows the very hairs on your head. He has tomorrow all figured out for you anyway.
God has told us of his secrete reasons for sending Christ a plan he decided on in mercy long ago.
This was all part of God’s design from that moment that he decided on creation, and the Holy Spirit has been at work making sure everything went according to God’s plan, just the same as did Jesus.
God has plan B already sorted out for those who don't obey.
Jesus wasn't crucified by the Romans because the Jews handed him over to them, he was sacrificed by his father and the Holy Spirit who knew they could resurrect him alive again, So that He could bring about mankind’s salvation through his death.
You worry about today yet today have already been thought about concerning you in God’s plan, and tomorrow which is yet to come about has already been sorted out anyway by God.
And the Holy Spirit will guide you and lead you in that plan for your life if you follow his Notleading,following his leading every day leads us into sin and missing God’s plan for that Day, Our plans fail, not God’s plan, because of free will we can do as the Spirit wants or do what we want, both are part of the plan of God.
To try and give you an example= imagine that you planned to go on a trip, you sit down with the road map and plan your route, but you also look at alternative routes in case something happens, like road works or a an accident and you will have to change directions go by a different route, you have it all planned out before you set off on your journey. Yet you’re not going on that journey until tomorrow and you planned that journey and finalised it today. Your destination is there, your leaving point is there, and all the parts in between are already there, the roads the houses the fields the farms, they’re already there. Everything is in place and you don't give it another thought, it’s sorted. Well God sorted everything out already, he knew when you would come into existence he knew the person you would and could be , he arranged to give you free will to change your mind and had every possible scenario included into his bigger picture.
And it is the Holy Spirit that does this as it happens in our present time frame. Remember God is not in a time frame God is not bound by the rules of time. God is master of time he created it, remember, he even turned the sun back a few hours when Gideon was in the midst of battle and it began to get dark and he prayed to God to turn back the sun and God done so, he already knew he was going to be asked this so had it included in his plan. Difficult to understand I know but true. The Holy Spirit is fitting us into place every part of the gigantic puzzle.
No matter what Satan does he can’t win because God had already thought of a way to defeat him and turn every wicked plan of his to his advantage and for our good.
Just as you had the capabilities of planning your road trip and taking into account every possible thing that could go wrong, and including where you would need to stop and top up with Yourpetrol.wholejourney has been laid outwith meticulous planning every possiblething thatcould go wrong thought of, and as I’ve said, even the fields and the farms and the houses and the towns you would go through or around if there was an alternative route needed, all taken into Godconsideration.plannedthe world; He planned that you would come into existence in this world. He knew the plans he had for you; [Jeremiah-29-11] he planned that his Holy Spirit would be there to help you along to get over the hurdles you would face, he planned to give you power and gifts through his Holy Spirit on such and such a date and time, he planned to help you through his Holy Spirit in times of sickness and sadness and death. He planned every minute, [extremely or laboriously thorough and painstaking, and concerned with every detail] {English dictionary} detail of your life and yet you worry about today and tomorrow. And he even knew you’d worry, and he planned to have the Holy Spirit stand by and comfort you and help you through every difficulty. The Holy Spirit was included into this plan for you.
All possible scenarios have been included into the plans of God and have been sorted out, so when Satan does something to try and destroy God’s plan, God had that scenario already taken Care of.
Romans-8-20-we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
Plan B is part of plan A. Everything is covered by God’s plan. Tomorrow has already been worked out by him, for our good and every tormenting plan of Satan’s has already been figured out and sorted.
God has been explaining through me, that he has you in the palm of his hand, literally. He knows your every need, he knows when you’re far away or close, he sees you in the dark even in the deepest darkness he sees you and never stops looking at you or thinking about you, literally. If he did stop thinking about you, you would cease to exist.
To Be. What? Nothing! Just to be. This is so hard to understand that God just created us to be who we are, his child, nothing more. The to do part is from us , we want to do things for God. He wants us to be, he is happy with our just loving him and loving others. That’s what we’re called to do. And loving God is easy you just do no hard work or effort. You love him because he first loved you. 1-John-4-9
When you read in the following pages and see things that Jesus done and is still doing and things the Holy Spirit done and is still doing you will know that this was all included in the part of the finished work of God.
What part do we have to play in this great plan of God’s?
God’s word tells us clearly. To be, I created you to be. God created us just to be, not to do but to be.
God created today and tomorrow and yet tomorrow is not yet here but as far as God is concerned tomorrow has already happened and the next day and the next and so on.
He told us how many Jews would get into heaven.1444000. He has revealed secrets from ages past and now in this present timeframe we see those secrete come to be.
That’s why the Holy Spirit is doing things right now in this present moment it was all already planned out for him to be there in the present moment of your life. It’s not something that’s happening outside of Gods plans and finished work. This was included in the finished work.
The Holy Spirit is part of the finished work that God finished when he rested from making creation. His creation was a living working model. I am using these metaphors to explain things to give you a clearer understanding of how something can be finished yet still go on.
In Revelations he describes a new heaven and a new earth as already in existence yet we can’t see it or feel it or touch it yet as far as God is concerned it exists already.
And we worry about things? Things that seem to difficult to overcome and yet God has already overcome them through Christ Jesus. If only one person understands what the spirit of God in me is revealing, then this little booklet is worthwhile.
In the Old Testament God explained that he planned to send a saviour to the world, he described him in detail, and he described the world rejecting him and he described his death and resurrection as already having taken place. This was all in his amazing plan; He describes in detail how the Holy Spirit would come upon people after Jesus death and resurrection with power. And the Holy Spirit is now performing those very works today all over the world. God has predicted the end of the world and has described what will happen and what will take place the only thing he didn't tell us was when it would all take place.
If your a refuse collector, that was God’s plan for you. But that plan doesn’t have to remain this way God’s plan is always changing for the betterment of you and mankind.
Do you know that nowhere in the bible does it refer to us as God’s grown ups, but only as his children or child. We are always being taken care of by a loving Father, with out end. We will always be referred to “my child” when he talks with you. We do things out of love for a parent when we are able, and we do things out of love for God when we are able, but not as a precondition to our existence or being loved by God.
We are children forever to God the father, He loves us without conditions, and we will always be his child.
is nothing wrong in wanting to do things for God as long as you realise that all he wants you to do, is to be. We want to do things that please him, as any child wants to please the parent. But that doesn’t make us any more of a child to a father or mother. It delights the parent when we do things out of love, but it is not a precondition for them loving us, they just love us before you could understand fully things for yourself, your mother and father took care of you, they fed you, changed you, cleaned you, and clothed you, why? Because they loved you! What did you do to deserve their love? Nothing, you couldn’t have done anything, you were a child. All you had to be to them was to be. You were theirs their creation their coming together created you, and they asked nothing of you except to be. No demands were made of you, no one said you have to do this or that to earn their love, no one said you have to be special, you already were, you were their child, their baby, and you are even more God’s child his baby.
And the most amazing thing is you even have someone helping you to love, {the Holy Spirit } so even love is not from yourself it is a gift from God. So you see that all you have to do is to Therebe.
If your a preacher that was God’s plan for you. If your a teacher, that was God’s plan for you.
Father God takes care of us always and has already built it into his plan for our care and well Hebeing.sent his son Jesus to buy our salvation by his blood, and he sent the Holy Spirit to help us through life every day of our life every moment of our very existence the Holy Spirit is there within you helping you.
What happens with a baby? Does it suddenly get up in the middle of the night to make its bottle and feed itself and make you a cup of tea in the process? Of course not! The parent takes care of the baby, the child, until it grows up and becomes an adult and then it’s supposed to take care of itself. The truth is as every parent knows even when they do grow up they still come to you with their problems and troubles, they are never away from you, ever.
Some people think that the gifted speaker or great healer that is coming to your prayer meeting is the person most important. This is not so, for without the leaders, who make the decisions,
to bring the speaker or healer, and without the people who make the tea, and the people who set up the chairs when there is no one about, and the ones who clean up before and after everyone leaves, the great healer or speaker would not be there.
We all have a part to play in God’s great plan, each to the part they were given and no part is of any greater glory, than the other part for without the cleaners or the chair ministry there would be no meeting.
You have to come to the full knowledge that the spirit is a “he” a person, the third person in the holy trinity. You have to come to an understanding that “he” is the power of God who performs every act of God as God says, the Spirit does.
You have to come to the awareness that you have this same Holy Spirit within you if you received “him” into your heart like you did Jesus. You need to be aware that Jesus never done anything apart from the Holy Spirits leading. He followed the Holy Spirits prompting every second of his life here on earth. The Miracles Jesus done was performed by the Holy Spirit within him making those miracles Youhappen.have the same Holy Spirit within you leading you. Matthew –4-1– then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, to be tempted there by Satan. The very first act that the Holy Spirit did with Jesus was to lead him into the wilderness. If it was necessary for him to lead Jesus it stands to reason we need to be led by him even more so.
He sent his son Jesus to buy our salvation by his blood, and he sent the Holy Spirit to help us through life every day of our life every moment of our very existence the Holy Spirit is there within you helping you. Who is the Holy Spirit? That is the first thing you need to know with certainty. First of all we have to know something about the Holy Spirit to know exactly who and what he is. One, he is not a bird, or a thing, or it; he is the third person in the Holy Trinity.
I hope that all I have written will help you understand that you are part of God’s already existing plan and that plan is on going, and every possible scenario has been built into that plan so nothing that happens to you happens without the Lords knowledge and way out. The Holy Spirit Today
I wrote this book to show you the Holy Spirit as the person he is and what his work in this present day is. To help you understand the Holy Spirit is a person not a bird or a thing or it. To give you a clearer perspective of the Holy Spirit the third person in the Holy Trinity, Father, son and Holy Spirit. He is here to help you that are his purpose in this time, to draw you closer to the father and to he, a person of the Holy Trinity in the same way Jesus is a he. He loves you in equal relationship with the father and with Jesus; he is the best friend you could ever have along with Jesus, your two best friends in this world. 12