Having Chosen “Us”
Having chosen us Brendan Mc Crossan
In the following scripture look at how many times the word “us” is used, just from this verse 8-26-the spirit helps “us”- and 8-30-and having chosen “us.” God speaks of “us” lovingly and tenderly saying “us” many times reassuring “us” of his great love and kindness. Everywhere you see the word “us” highlighted in red and underlined emphasise that word. Having chosen “us” “Us” is you and me were the “us” that God is referring to in his word. When I first read this scripture this morning, I was drawn to read how many time the word “us” was used. 26 times altogether in my bible verse The Way Bible.
Romans 8-26-26 Also, the Spirit helps “us” with our weakness. We do not know how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself speaks to God for “us,” even begs God for “us” with deep feelings that words cannot explain.27 God can see what is in people's hearts. And he knows what is in the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit speaks to God for “us” in the way God wants.28 we know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him 30-and having chosen “us,” he called “us” to come to him. And having called “us” he gave “us” right standing with himself. And having given “us” right standing, he gave “us” his glory.
31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for “us,” who can ever be against “us?” 32 since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for “us” all, won’t he also give “us” everything else? 33 Who dares accuse “us” whom God has chosen for himself? No one—for God himself has given “us” right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn “us?” No one—for Christ Jesus died for “us” and was raised to life for “us,” and he is sitting in the place of honour at God’s right hand, pleading for us.
35 Can anything ever separate “us” from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves “us” if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved “us.”
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate “us” from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate “us” from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate “us” from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. {The Way; the living bible}
Two Let’s break this scripture down into little segments so that we can understand everything God is saying through the scripture writer.
{1} the spirit helps “us” with our weakness. I don’t know about you, but there are many weakness in me, I don’t always do what I should be doing, and what I should be doing I don’t, but thank God for his great mercy he sent the Holy Spirit to help me and you, to help “us” in our times of weakness when we are fallible to sin and coming under great temptation. Us, our, and we, mean more than one person so where ever you see us our or we then know that the scripture is talking about you also; you are included in that conversation with the lord through the writer of the word.
{2} we do not know how to pray, or how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself speaks to God for “us,” even begs God for “us” with deep feelings that words cannot explain. ‘Wow’ what an amazing God we have he gave us the Holy Spirit to speak to God personally for us. God’s spirit speaks to God for “us.” Even begs God for us, isn’t that amazing that God’s own Holy Spirit talks to God on our behalf? And even more astonishing he even begs God for us, surely this should make us aware how much we are loved by God the Father and helped by the Holy Spirit, when he begs God for what he knows we need. And with deep feelings, not superficial feelings he begs God with groans and sighs, and deep moaning like a woman in labour. The Holy Spirit knows the heart of God and God the Father knows what is in the mind of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit speaks to God for us in the way that God wants. In other words we don’t know how to pray ourselves or how to pray as we should but the spirit knows what God wants from us and he pleads in agreement with the perfect will of God for us.
Have you ever hurt yourself so bad you couldn’t even speak you just groaned and moaned and yet to all around you, they knew that you had hurt yourself and you didn’t even need to say a word, your deep moans and groans and oh’s made the message loud and clear, well that’s the way the way the spirit speaks to the Father for you and it is coming out of our mouths as tongues, that awesome gift from Father God.
{3} having chosen “us”, he called us to come to him and for the born again believer we came to him answering Fathers call, “children come to me.” And when he called “us” and we responded he then gave “us” right standing with him; right standing means to be always welcome to be in favour always, yet Christians think of themselves as unworthy, not fit to come into the Fathers presence, they believe they are sinners and that is lies told to them by Satan.
Very few Christians I have ever met in over thirty years feel good about themselves, believing they are loved by God unconditionally, loving themselves like God loves them, most believe that they are sinners or unworthy, some say they are righteous but believe they are sinners still, some say, they are sinners saved under grace, and that’s a lie Satan tells for a start. A Christian is in grace, a sinner is going to hell, so you cannot have the two together. You cannot boast of being righteous and still declare that you’re a sinner, it’s like calling God a liar, for he says that you are righteous, having {right standing with him} then you are righteous.
{4} and having given “us” right standing; he gave “us” his glory. God would never share his glory with a sinner would he, because scripture says a sinner is in rebellion, and going to hell? Read my book {Saint or Sinner.} Look at this scripture carefully, God himself not a man or pope or cardinal or vicar or pastor said this he gave us his glory, that means this glory is something we already have, would a sinner have God’s glory on him? Yet God says of us his
children he gave “us” you and me, his very own glory; what an honour for God to give “us” his glory! What a great loving God he is.
{5} if God is for “us,” who can ever be against “us?” If God is for “us,” that’s ‘you and me’ then who can be against “us.” No one can come against us and succeed when God is for you because whoever is coming against you is also coming against God and who do you think will win this battle?
{6} since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for “us” all, won’t he also give “us” everything else? God gave up his own precious Son Jesus letting him suffer and die an agonising death on a cross just so that he could do something about all our sins and wrongful doings, our faults and failures, and mistakes, every blunder we would ever make, God did not spare his Son Jesus but gave him up as a sacrifice for all those wrong things we have done or will ever do; and if he done all that look at how much more he is willing to do for “us,” he said he will give “us” everything else. What’s everything else mean, it means that and just that, that he God will give “us” everything we will ever need in this life, when we give our lives to Jesus and accept him into our hearts as Lord and Saviour. Most Christians think that they have to try and wrestle things from God, or beg him, or offer to sacrifice themselves in some way, like; I’ll never smoke again if you save my child, or something else they value. Yet God said He also gave “us” everything else.
{7} who dares accuse “us” whom God has chosen for himself? No one—for God himself has given “us” right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn “us?” No one—for Christ Jesus died for “us”
Satan is called the accuser of the brethren, and people do what he does, they accuse Christians of many things wrongfully, yet God stands on our side and says who dares to accuse my child, my son or daughter? People accuse of not being good enough or religious nuts or different things, they accuse “us” of neglecting our own families when we are trying to do God’s work that he assigned us. Who has the right to criticise anyone of us, no one- not even each other has that right to criticise. No one has the right to point the finger at “us” as far as God is concerned. For Christ Jesus died for “us” and was raised to life for “us,” and he is sitting in the place of honour at God’s right hand pleading for us.
Where is Jesus sitting? He is sitting at God the Fathers right hand, that place of highest honour and look at what he is doing, he is pleading with God the Father for “us,” Christ died for us does it not stand to reason that he would not condemn “us” if after all he thought we were worth saving. It was for “us” that Jesus suffered and then died by hanging on a cross on Calvary. You know it’s funny how the human mind can read something or be told a particular scripture and yet miss the most important part of that verse.
I heard a sermon one time telling about joining our bodies to Jesus Christ and we become one body with him spiritually, in other words we have become one in the spirit with him, and as one in the spirit with Jesus we can do everything that is needed to do the work of God as laid down from before time for us to do, that is how I read this scripture but the word was talked of on another level a different meaning to the body of Christ as to just being the people joined together as one body.
{8} 35 Can anything ever separate “us” from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves “us” if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?
The question you and I need to ask ourselves regarding this verse is do we believe it, that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ? What if I sin, will that separate me from Christ’s love? No, Christ will not separate himself from someone he is already joined together with, sin will make us feel that we have separated ourselves from the love of Christ and God but it doesn’t, we feel separated but separation does not happen because of sin, as Paul said we all sin everyone has sinned but God still loves us and as a Christian we automatically repent from whatever sin we committed thereby putting us back into, a relationship with him and it’s us that feel like we separated from him, but the truth is he never moved anywhere. What if things happen to me, terrible things, will that mean that Jesus has moved away? No, sorry, but you’re in a world that Satan is running around in trying to get you away from God by believing wrong things like thinking if we committed a sin that would remove you from the presenceofGod;weshould try notto sin becausesin doesoffend God butGod lovesthesinner and hates the sin, Satan would have you think that God hates the sinner. Nothing will be able to separateyou from Christ Jesus ever becauseheand you areoneperson in thespirit, and your old flesh body will die because of sin, but your spirit which is one with Jesus will live because Christ has redeemed it.
{9} 36 as the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.37 No, despite all these things; overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved “us.”
Even when you are getting the stuffing kicked out of you by Satan and you’re going through every kind of temptation and trial and attack from Satan and all of hell its self you are still in victory when you give your trials and tribulations to Jesus and depend on him to help you which he will. Even when you are defeated and broken and bleeding and bruised and washed up, you will still have overwhelming victory through Christ Jesus when you hand your defeat over to God, who turns everything to good for those who love him Romans -8-28. Your overwhelming victory is through Jesus, and not through your efforts, but by giving him everything even your miserable defeats, what an awesome God. No matter what happens to you, and that means exactly that no matter what happens, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, you have the victory through Christ Jesus always. Not sometimes but all times, not now and again you will have victory but always because overwhelming victory “is” “ours” through Jesus Christ who loves us.
{10} 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate “us” from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate “us” from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be
able to separate “us” from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. {The Way; the living bible}
Are you convinced that nothing can separate you from the love of God, no demon no devil no angel, no human can separate you from the love of God as demonstrated by Christ Jesus who sacrificed himself for “us.” You really need to believe what God says to you or “us” in the bible his word, his word is to “us” the Christian believer and its time the believers believed and gave God glory by believing what their heavenly father tells them. When you see the words “us” or “ours” or “we” or“yours” these words relate to you the believer if they are saying what belongs to us, or we or ours, or yours, sometimes these words will mean the apostles or someone else but check and see if the scripture is saying it to the believers, and if it is then what is being said relates to you.