Healing by the Holy Spirits Power.
Brendan Mc Crossan
Casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead
In Jesus ministry on earth what did he go about doing? He went everywhere preaching about the Kingdom of Heaven, he healed the sick, he cast out demons, and he raised the dead. Wasn’t that a wonderful ministry to have? Most Christians would love to be able to do these same things, they wish they had the power Jesus had, because after all he was and is God and he could do those things so easily being God. Do you know that this is not true; Jesus was God, and as God he could do anything, like create the universe, heal the sick, create planets, cast out demons, create galaxies, and raise the dead? But when he came on earth he put aside his Godliness, he left his power in heaven and became an ordinary man who bled, felt pain, grieved just like us over his earthly Father Joseph, when he died. Messed his nappy as a child, played with other kids growing up, he wasn’t a loner, there were family members including his own brothers and sisters, or I should say his half brothers and sisters, as they had a different Father from him, God was his Father. He done normal things that Normal kids do growing up, until he become of age, then he went to the Jordan river where John the Baptist was baptizing people and he went forward to get baptized by John and as he came up out of the water the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. It wasn’t until that moment that Jesus could do anything supernatural.
Matthew-3-13- then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River, to be baptized there by John.
16- Afterhis baptism, as soon as Jesus cameup out of thewater, theheavens wereopened to him and he saw the Spirit of God, coming down in the form of a dove, and a voice said, ‘this is my beloved Son, and I am wonderfully pleased with him.’
I used to think John saw the Spirit come down in the form of a dove but when I re-read this scripture I realized that it was actually Jesus that saw the Spirit descend on him in the form of a dove, the scripture said; {as soon as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened to him and “he” saw the Spirit of God.}
Matthew -4-1 then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, to be tempted there by Satan.
The first thing that Jesus did was follow the Holy Spirits instructions to go out into the desert.
John- 1-14- and Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness and truth.
“Healing by the Holy Spirits power!”
Jesus laid aside his Godliness his power as God and became a man, a human being, subject to pain and suffering and temptation just like us. He became a human being, he didn’t retain just a slight touch of his awesome power, but laid it all aside so that he could identify with man / and woman, the problems and temptations they face every day of their lives; he became the same as us now today, human beings.
Chapter two
Think of it like this; a man who is a millionaire grew up always wealthy because his wealth was inherited from his parents, he only knew what it was like to be wealthy, to want for nothing, and he could only identify with other millionaires, people of great wealth. The beggar in the street was beyond his comprehension, he could not identify with the beggar because he never had to beg for food. But this man of great wealth one day looked at poor people and wondered what it would be like to be poor, so he thought of a plan, he would go somewhere where no one would know him or knows of his wealth. He informed his bank manager to hold all his money, taking his credit cards and cash, the keys to his home and worldly possessions and hold them for one year, so that his account would be frozen. No matter what, he could not get cash to survive or a place to stay? His bank manager was surprised to say the least but agreed that no matter what no one could get him cash from his own account.
That very day the man changed into some clothes he had previously bought in a St Vincent De Paul shop, a charity shop, and stepped out into the street dressed in cheap clothes and began walking as far away from his home town as he could and kept walking. As he walked he got hungry and realized he had no money to buy something to eat, and he wondered what he should do, then he thought he would try begging just like that beggar he seen so often outside his offices, and stepped across to the other side of the street to avoid him.
So he began asking people for money and they ignored him, sneering at him, looking at him in distain, one or two gave him some spare coppers they had, just to get away from him. At the end of the day he was starving with hunger, he had never gone for so long without something tasty to eat or drink, and when he counted out the few coppers some people gave him he discovered he just had enough for a cup of tea and a bun, he noticed the café price list in the shop he just passed and thought I will go in and get a cup of tea and a bun I have just enough money for this.
When he entered the café and approached the counter to order his tea and bun, a man approached him and asked him to leave, he explained that he was the manager and he didn’t want a beggar in his café it didn’t look good for business, so he forced him to leave still hungry, Now the man was beginning to understand how the beggar who sat out side his offices felt. The rejection, and embarrassment, and humiliation as people stared at him as he was pushed towards the door by the manager, and thrown out.
Eventually he found a little side street café who would serve him his tea and bun but he wasn’t allowed to eat inside with the rest of the people, and had to sit outside alone, watching people avoid him.
The man endured this treatment, he couldn’t afford soap to wash himself with and after a while he smelt pretty bad, he had no deodorants or fancy aftershave and in fact had grown a dirty long beard because he couldn’t afford a razor. At times he was forced to scrounge among the rubbish bins searching for leftover food, the only friends he had were other beggars and when
it came to begging in their territory they stopped being friends and attacked him beating him up. He spent his nights sleeping in doorways, or on park benches, trying to sleep up higher to get away from the rats on the ground, but when the police found him on the bench they woke him and moved him on.
In his time of begging he saw things from a different perspective, he saw the hunger the poverty that most of the world lived in and it hurt him to watch mans indifference to man, he felt compassion rise in him for the less fortunate and he even shared his few coppers with some who got no money from begging as they looked emancipated and disheveled, He now knew what it was like to be rejected and alone, hungry, and dirty. But the strange thing was he discovered that he was not missing his old life style the longer it went on, he never though that he was the richest man on earth, he only thought of how hungry he was, and where could he lay down his head for the night. He was freezing with cold and his shoes were worn out and tied together with string, he looked an awful mess.
At the end of the year the man sat and pondered what he would do with his life and wealth when he returned to his old life style, and he decided on a plan.
One morning he approached his bank, and as he went to enter, the security guard blocked his entrance, and told him to clear off, and at that point the bank manager approached the entrance to the bank and he called out to him, that he was the rich man. The bank manager approached him cautiously and looked very closely at the filthy bearded face and filthy clothed young man and stepped back is disgust at the smell of him, he was shocked at the sight of this tramp, and then the young man gave him a password that he had previously arranged to give, and the bank manager gasped out in shock, this was his richest client and my God look at the state of him. Setting aside his revulsion at the state of this young man he invited him into the bank, and seated him in his office in a comfortable chair, and began asking him how he got into this state, and the young man explained what he had done for the last year and it turned out to be a year and a half, not the year as arranged. Food and hunger were always on the young mans mind not his wealth, he had forgotten that he was actually wealthy he was hungry so often. The bank manager gave him back his credit cards and gave him cash, and the keys to his home, and the young man walked to his home as no taxi driver would allow him into their cab. During the next year the young man visited all the places where he had traveled and when he met the people who were kind to him he gave them a huge sum of money, and they looked at him in shock as he explained that he was the beggar that they gave money and food to, he visited all his old friends and told them he has a place for them, a mansion just for the beggars and poor and they were over two hundred rooms in this mansion and each had their own room and food was being provided every mealtime, free, just like the room. They were offered a job in one of his many factories and companies, he restored their dignities again, and they took up his offer and moved in together into this amazing mansion, and worked for him. The young man knew what it was like to suffer hardship, hunger and pain, and rejection and distain from people, he now knew what the beggar felt who sat outside his offices every day. Now that same beggar sits outside his offices and hands out money to other homeless people that are passing by, that is his new job, as others were helped they in turn began helping more people in need.
This story is made up as you can well imaging but I wrote it to explain that Jesus laid aside his Godliness and power and became a human being just like you and I and he experienced what human beings experience every day of their lives. The story is just to give you an example that you can identify with.
Matthew-12-28- but if I am casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you.
Everyone thinks Jesus could heal the sick and cast out demons because he was God, but that is not what actually took place. Jesus himself said; “If I am casting out demons by the spirit of God. He was explaining that he was casting out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit which he received when John baptized him at the Jordan River not his own Godly power.
A Christian who is baptized in the Holy Spirit has exactly the same power that Jesus had, Jesus didn’t have any of his own power to use, he became a human being just like you and me, and he put his Godliness aside like the young man in my story. Then the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert. Jesus had to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, he did not do what he wanted, he had to wait on the Spirits anointing before he could cast out demons and heal the sick and one of the signs of the anointing was compassion. Jesus followed compassion.
And he sought God early in the mornings before the crowds of people could interfere with his thinking.
Mark-1-35-the next morning he was up long before breakfast and went out alone to pray.
He was seeking God and the Spirits directions. Jesus wanted to know what the Fathers plans were for him each day, as each day brought new challenges, and he had to face those challenges head on with wisdom and knowledge.
Jesus was always listening to theHoly Spiritwithin him, waiting on theSpiritto tellhim where to go and whom to heal. Jesus didn’t just heal everyone, as you will see if you read your bible, no! He healed those who come to him with some kind of faith or belief in him, others crowded around him but on one occasion as people crowded around him a woman with bleeding problems touched him and got healed. What about all the others they didn’t get healed by touching him and I am sure as the apostles said, ‘Lord everyone is touching you as they crowd around you?’ Only One got healed the woman with the issue of blood, she released faith, it was unlawful for a woman who was bleeding to touch others as this made them unclean, she took her life in her own hands and stretched out and touched Jesus believing if she could just touch his garment she would be healed; if found out she could be stoned to death. Luke-8-43
I watched one time as a nun with the gift of healing walked through a crowd, and my own mother in law reached out and touched her robe hoping she could receive a miracle healing, by touching her like the woman in the bible touched Jesus. She wasn’t healed, sad to say, but she tried to release her faith, but her faith was in the nun and not in Jesus.
There were times when Jesus was able to heal everyone because the power of the spirit was upon him without limit.
But first look at this scripture and really look at it study it well because it can change your life in regard to having a healing ministry for God.
John-5-18-then the Jewish leaders were all the more eager to kill him because in addition to disobeying the Sabbath laws, he had spoken of God as his Father, thereby making himself equal with God.
Jesus replied, “The Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing, and in the same way. For the Father loves the Son and tells him everything he is doing; and the Son will do far more awesome miracles than this mans healing. He will even raise from the dead anyone he wants to Just as the Father does.
A secrete to miracle working power lie in this scripture; read it very carefully and see secretes, remember Jesus said he will reveal secrets.
Apart from not becoming popular with everyone as you might think when you’re in a healing ministry, people can hate you and hate what you’re doing, they can get jealous of you, and reject you giving any excuse they can find to get rid of you.
The first secrete is reveled when the Jewish leaders said, he has spoken of God as his father. Jesus knew God almighty was his Father. And God almighty is also your Father. We pray the Lords Prayer, “Our Father.” We declare that God is our Father, that is, if we are born again.
Thereby making himself equal with God! God says in his word that we are equal with Jesus.
Romans -8-29- for from the beginning, God decided, that those who came to him should become like his son.
Like means, to be equal to, to be the same as, resembling and similar to
Jesus replied, “The Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing, and in the same way.
Jesus revealed he could not do anything by his own power on earth, he revealed that he only does what he sees the Father doing. Jesus is talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gift of knowledge; this gift is a revelation gift. For those already operating in this gift, they know from experience when praying with someone you get a picture of the block to the persons healings or you get a series of pictures like watching a movie in your mind, revealing things you need to know for this persons healing.
If Jesus sees the Father healing in his Spirit then he reaches out and touches the people needing healing and they get healed.
You have the same ability within you if you have received the Holy Spirit just like Jesus received at the Jordan River. The gifts of the Spirit are within you and you need to train your self to become open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and as he shows you healing, you then begin healing.
The Father loves his Son; and tells him everything he is doing; through the Holy Spirit.
The Father tells us when we are praying for the sick, through the same Holy Spirit, everything he is doing. We need to fine tune our Spirit just like we fine tune our TV when installing for the first time. And we fine tune by spending time with the Holy Spirit worshipping Jesus and the Father, listening to the Holy Spirits voice, praying in tongues as often as possible, this is the Holy Spirits language and so we need to spend time praying in this language getting revelations.
He will even raise from the dead anyone he wants to Just as the Father does.
Wow what an awesome experience to witness someone being raised from the dead, and your not going to do that off your own bat or by your own power or wishes, but because you see the Father do it, and reveals it to you through his Holy Spirit.
Jesus only did what the Spirit of God told him or revealed to him through visions and word of knowledge. You have the very same Holy Spirit in you and you need to take time out with him asking.
Jesus did not use his own Godly power, but relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit, the exact same Holy Spirit you also received at the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He didn’t receive a greater Holy Spirit, but the same and only Holy Spirit. He prayed a lot listening to the Holy Spirit within and doing as the Holy Spirit directed, even when it meant going to his own torture and suffering and imminent death on the cross, a truly horrific slow death. Luke -4-18- the spirit of the lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach the Good News to the poor, he has sent me to heal the broken hearted, and to announce that captives shall be released, and the blind shall see.
When Jesus announced this message to the world, he was telling everyone who would listen, that he had the Spirit of the Lord upon him, the Spirit who would send him out to heal the sick, cast out demons, heal the brokenhearted, raise the dead and open the eyes of the blind both spiritual as well as physical. He was telling the world directly that it was by the Holy Spirits power that he would be doing these things, he was sending a clear message to the future believers that he only operated by the Holy Spirits power and not his own; he didn’t say, because I am God I am going to preach the good news heal the sick etc, no he told the world as a whole that it was by the Holy Spirits power in him that he would be able to do what he proclaimed.
Read carefully the words Jesus spoke, he said, first, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, {and} “He has appointed me to preach,” who is ‘he?’ The Holy Spirit of course; “He has sent me to heal the broken hearted,” the person Jesus is talking about is the Holy Spirit
At your baptism in the Holy Spirit you received the same Holy Spirit as Jesus did, there is only one Holy Spirit, and you are appointed to go out just like Jesus did and preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God, you are appointed to go and heal the sick; you are appointed to cast out demons, you are appointed to raise the dead, and open the eyes of the blind, both physical and spiritually.
Mark-16-17- and those who believe shall use “my” authority to cast out demons-----------18- they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.
Jesus said the believer, that’s you and I, are appointed to use Jesus authority to cast out demons etc. Jesus didn’t say you will use your own authority but his authority, there’s a big difference between your authority and Jesus authority.
John 14-12- In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones.
When Jesus said, “in solemn truth” he meant he was being deadly serious; he couldn’t stress the point strong enough to get the believers to believe him regarding healings and miracles.
John-14-16- if you love me- obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another comforter, and he will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth.
It is the Holy Spirit within you that will use you to work the same miracles Jesus done and as Jesus himself said even greater ones. You have the same Holy Spirit Jesus promised the future believers, the same Spirit he had that led him out into the desert and into his ministry, and the same Spirit will lead you into a quiet place and lead you into your ministry if you follow closely listening as carefully as possible, and if you take my advice and get there quicker than I did, you will make a conscious decision never to hold unforgiveness against anyone that Jesus died for no matter how bad they hurt you, and also refuse to dislike people who Jesus loves, no matter how dislikeable they are, pray for God’s love for the dislikable to fill you. It took me 30 years forgiving people when the lord revealed to me that I dislike people for whom Jesus died. To dislike someone means you are walking in spiritual darkness.
1-John-2-9-anyone who says he is walking in the light of Christ but dislikes his fellow man is still in darkness;-11-for he who dislikes his fellow man is wandering in spiritual darkness, and doesn’t know where he is going, for the darkness has made him blind, so that he cannot see the way.
It took 30 years of walking with the lord before he revealed this to me about disliking someone, 30 years! It’s unbelievable that he realized it would be so difficult for me to stop disliking people, when I think of it now I cringe, I was walking in spiritual darkness all those years and still God used me in a healing ministry. You can avoid those same thirty years, if you learn from my mistakes. Forgive and refuse to dislike people.
How did the Spirit lead Jesus through his ministry?
Remember we have the same Holy Spirit, to lead us also, so let’s see how Jesus was led.
Matthew -4-1 then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, to be tempted there by Satan.
Mark -1-40- a leper came and knelt in front of him and begged to be healed. “If you want to, you can make me well again,” he pled.
And Jesus moved with pity, touched him and said, “I want to! Be healed!” Immediately the leprosy was gone- the man was healed!
What did the scripture say about Jesus? How did the Spirit lead Him? Jesus ‘moved with pity.’ The Holy Spirit moved Jesus by pity, compassion, sympathy, mercy. Those emotions caused thehealing, Jesus felt pity riseup in him when heseen thestateof thepoor man condition. This man would have been ostracized from his family, friends and community, because of their fear of this contagious disease, heprobably had no fingers or toes as bits of you falloff with leprosy. Jesus looked at the whole picture when he looked at this man and the Holy Spirit rose up inside him in power as Jesus was moved by pity. Pity moved the Holy Spirit, Jesus followed the emotions of pity. You also can respond in the exact same way, because now you know pity is from the Holy Spirit.
God has feelings and emotions just like you and me, he put his emotions into us when he made us in his image, and those emotions included anger, {not rage} {anger turning to rage is sinful.} We know God put love in our hearts, and we know God is love. All the emotions we feel come from God, and we also know that some of our emotions have been perverted by Satan, like love for your girlfriend turning to lust; love was God’s emotion put into you, Lust was that emotion twisted and perverted, by Satan. All Good emotions are from God the bad ones are the ones Satan distorted.
Mark-2-3- four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a stretcher. They couldn’t get to Jesus through the crowd, so they dug through the clay roof above his head and lowered the sick man on his stretcher, right down in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw how strongly they believed that he would help, Jesus said to the sick man, “Son your sins are forgiven!”----------9-10-11-then turning to the paralyzed man, he commanded, “Pick up your stretcher and go on home, for you are healed. The man jumped up, took the stretcher, and pushed through the stunned onlookers!
What moved the Spirit in Jesus here? Strong belief, moved Him, He saw their strong belief when they went to such an extreme as cutting through someone’s roof.
{Something I would like to write about here, aside from the healing. How did Jesus react when someone just directly above his head began digging through a clay roof? He and those below must have been showered with clay falling down on them; they would have been covered in clay and possibly insects, I’m sure there must have been people shouting at them to stop, possibly calling them names, because they would have had to make a large hole in the roof to get a man in a stretcher lowered down and the scripture says, right in front of Jesus, so he must have been covered in clay. Jesus ignored his discomfort caused by the clay falling on him, and saw just belief. I wondered also did they fix the owners roof again after the paralyzed man went home. Things I just wondered about.}
Mark-3-1 While in Capernaum Jesus went over to the synagogue again and noticed a man there with a deformed hand 5-looking around him angrily, for he was deeply disturbed by their indifference to human need, he said to the man, “Reach out your hand.” He did and was healed!
What moved the Spirit in Jesus here? Anger, moved him, his anger at people’s indifference to human need.
If you look at this scripture in the first line it says Jesus went to the synagogue again, which means he was already at it shortly before, why did he go back? It is obvious that the Holy Spirit knew that this man had arrived in the synagogue so he sent Jesus back; he led Jesus to this man, and he will lead us if we listen to his directions and promptings. I bet you that you didn’t think the spirit would lead you by a sense of anger, an injustice being done on someone whom God loves.
Mark-8-32- a deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to him, and everyone begged Jesus to lay his hands on the man and heal him. Then Jesus led him away from the crowd and out his fingers into the man’s ears, then spat and touched the man’s tongue with the spittle. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and commanded, “Open!” instantly the man could hear perfectly and speak plainly.
What moved the Spirit of God here? It was his friends who were interceding for him, begging Jesus to heal him. It was their combined faith that moved the Spirit in Jesus. Combined intercession moved the Spirit of God in Jesus.
Mark-10-46-now it happened a blind beggar named Bartimaeus was sitting beside the road as Jesus was going by.
When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus from Nazareth was near, he began to shout out, “Jesus son of David, have mercy on me!” “Shut up,” some of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted all the louder, again and again, “O Son of David have mercy on me!” When Jesus heard him he stopped there in the road and said, “Tell him to come here.” Bartimaeus yanked off his old coat and flung it aside jumped up and came to Jesus. What do you want me to do for you? Jesus asked.
“O teacher,” the blind man said, “I want to see!”
And Jesus said to him, “All right it’s done, your faith has healed you.” And instantly the blind man could see, and followed Jesus down the road!
What moved the Spirit in Jesus to stop and heal Bartimaeus? It was his faith. Loud faith! Hi faith made him shout aloud and even louder when people were telling him to shut up! Imagine telling someone looking for healing to shut up! And believe me people do theses things and even worse when it comes to healing.
In this particular piece of scripture there are a few things happening, one- was Bartimaeus shouting, two- people were yelling at him to shut up and thirdly- when he got to Jesus, Jesus actually asked him what did he want?
You would think a blind man would know what he would want after all he probably approached Jesus falling and stumbling over the stony ground. But Jesus didn’t take for granted the way we would that the blind man might actually want to see; there could have been something more important in his mind.
Note;--For those wanting to be involved in a healing ministry, never take for granted what people who come for healing say, there may be underlying issues that are more pressing on their minds.
For example; a woman came for prayer one day who was blind in her right eye, and the night beforeasIprayedwithhershereceivedhersight,butaprayermeetingleadercameandpushed me aside and stopped the praying, and took over, and her sight left again. Then a little while later she asked me in private could she come next day to the church where a group of us were worshipping God, for prayer. She did and as she sat down and we began to pray with her the lord spoke to me and said; “Be specific!” I asked the woman was there anything more important on her mind than her restoration of her sight; she sighed and said she wasn’t worried about her sight as she had been like this for years, but her daughters marriage was on the rocks and she was breaking her heart at the situation. We stopped praying for her eye and concentrated on praying for the daughter’s marriage. A short time later her daughter’s marriage was restored, praise God, the Holy Spirit knew there was something more important to the woman needing healed, so never take for granted what someone tells you, always listen to the Holy Spirit within you, he knows better.
Chapter 4
Matthew -8-1-large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the hillside. Look! A leper is approaching, He kneels before him worshiping. “Sir,” the leper pleads, “if you want to, you can heal me.” Jesus touches the man, “Of course I want to,” he says. “Be healed.” And instantly the leprosy disappears.
Apart from compassion what moved the Holy Spirit in Jesus? The man had two things going for him, one was he had faith in Jesus, two he worshiped him acknowledging him as God.
In the story of the Roman soldier whose servant boy was ill in bed paralyzed and racked with pain, Matthew-8-5-14 the Roman officer understood authority because he was both in authority and under authority, and Jesus exclaimed to the crowd that he had never seen faith like this before even among the Jews, God’s chosen people. So Jesus healed him right there and then he didn’t have to go to the soldiers home, the man had so much faith in Jesus authority.
What moved the Holy Spirit in Jesus? The man’s understanding of authority, and the power that lay behind authority.
Mark-2-2- And as he preached the word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man to him
This scripture in Mark tells us clearly what moved Jesus to heal this man as well as the man’s faith, and friend’s faith. He preached the word. Preaching the word causes faith to rise.
Matthew -9-2-soon some men brought him a paralyzed boy on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the sick boy, “Cheer up son for I have forgiven your sins!”
“Blasphemy” This man is saying he is God!” Exclaimed some of the religious leaders to themselves
Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked them, “Why are you thinking such evil thoughts? I the Messiah, have the authority here on earth to forgive sins. But talk is cheap- anyone could say that. So I’ll prove it to you by healing this man.”
Then, turning to the paralyzed man, he commanded, “Pick up your stretcher and go on home, for you are healed.”
And the boy jumped up and left!
The friends faith in Jesus and strong belief got the boy healed, sin in his life caused his sickness; not all sickness is caused by sin, so don’t jump on the sin bandwagon. Look again at this scripture; see the religious leaders criticized Jesus. You would think people would be delighted to witness a miracle of God, not so, many people oppose the workings of the Holy Spirit, because the Devil is behind it causing them to feel jealous or even zealous for God and they would believe that what Jesus done and what you do is not of God, well, not the God they think they know. Don’t be surprised when others don’t want you at their meetings or churches, because of your belief in healing, remember who is behind them urging them on with their angers and jealousy and rage, Satan, the Devil. I used two versions of this scripture because just one doesn’t give the full picture.
Matthew-10-35-and wherever he went he healed people of every sort of illness. And what pity he felt for the crowds that came, because they didn’t know what to do or where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd.
Again we see the Spirit move Jesus by the feelings of pity, Jesus felt pity for people, and if you have the same feelings and emotions for people during a healing or church service you should go and lay hands on them; if your emotions are rising when you look at someone who is visibly sick, then you can be reassured that the Spirit of God in you in directing you to pray for them.
Matthew-14-14- so when Jesus came out of the wilderness, {after going alone to pray into thewilderness}a vastcrowd waswaiting forhimand hepitied themand healed theirsick.
Again we see the Spirit first of all led Jesus out into the desert to pray, and then led him back to where the crowds were, he could have gone somewhere else, but he was led by the Spirit back to the people because the Spirit was moved by pity for them and so moved Jesus with the same feelings; and the results were all were healed. Wow! It’s amazing to follow the Spirits leading instead of our own desires and feelings.
One night during a prayer meeting in the church I attend, I felt the Spirit of God giving me a prophecy, and the very moment I began to speak, My voice trembled and I stuttered with so much emotion and under the anointing that a woman sitting there was healed in her eye sight, she had bad eyesight, and as I spoke under the anointing she received her eyesight to full 20/20 vision, as the lord said to her; “What do you see? She looked around and asked the lord what did he mean, then she realized as she read the bulletin on the screen on the wall she could see it perfectly with no glasses on. The Spirit moved me to speak out a prophecy and then backed that prophecy up by healing this woman.
Matthew-21-13-“The scripture says my temple is a place of prayer,” he declared, “but you have turned it into a den of thieves.”
And now the blind and crippled came to him and he healed them there in the temple. But when the chief priests and other Jewish leaders saw these wonderful miracles, and even heard the little children in the temple shouting, God bless the Son of David,” they were disturbed and indignant.
Two things moved the Spirit of God in Jesus, the fact that the temple was now a place for thieves, and the worst kind of thieves, those who robbed the poor, He led Jesus by anger, as Jesus went about knocking over the money changers tables and stalls of those selling doves, the poor people’s offerings.
Robbing the poor moves the Spirit of God into righteous anger and so he moved Jesus. If you think about it Jesus was in the temple very often and yet never done anything before, but this time he knocked over the money changers tables and took a whip to some of them. What made the difference this time? The Spirit of God moved him in righteous anger, and then in compassion for the sick and blind. If you also think about it, the people didn’t get disturbed by what Jesus done, it was only the self righteous priests and leaders, the people rushed over to him for healing after he finished doing what he done, they probably were delighted that he challenged those robbing them.
Chapter 5
Mark 1-32- by sunset the courtyard was filled with the sick and demon possessed, brought to him for healing and a great crowd of people from all over the city of Capernaum gathered outside to watch, so Jesus healed great numbers of sick folk and ordered many demons to come out.
Jesus cast out demons as well as healing the sick. The Spirit moved him to cast these things out by his power. But did you also notice a great number came to watch; people will come to watch, to judge, or criticize, or just out of curiosity when you’re having a healing service; and this actually presents a great opportunity to preach the kingdom of Heaven to them and get them saved. People are attracted by the supernatural, that’s why shows like, ‘Haunted homes,’ ‘the paranormal,’ and other TV shows and Films, have a great following, people want to see the supernatural, and it’s best if you display the supernatural power of Jesus and God, so they may come to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I always had a draw towards the supernatural; I read every “Dennis Wheatly” book about the devil, and the supernatural, then I discovered the Bible the greatest supernatural book of all as it’s filled with supernatural exploits. I stopped reading the other type of books and got rid of them and just read and re-read the Bible over and over and over again and again and I am still reading it and finding new and fascinating things in it that I never realized. Wow what a book!
Luke -7-12- a funeral procession was coming out as he approached the village gate. The boy who had died was the only son of his widowed mother, and many mourners from the village were with her.
When the lord saw her, his heart overflowed with sympathy. “Don’t cry!” he said. Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. “Laddie,” he said, “come back to life again.”
Then the boy sat up and began to talk to those around him! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.
At that time in history there was no great medical cures for even simple illness and I am sure there must have been many funerals that Jesus came across in his journey, but he only stopped at this one.
Why just this one?
It was because his heart overflowed with sympathy a sign to him of the Holy Spirits leading. I am sure that he must have felt sorry for people who lost their loved ones back then, and I am sure he must have also felt sorry for his mother when Joseph died, but he didn’t resurrect Joseph. He could only do this as the Spirit of God within him caused him to move by his feelings of compassion and mercy and sympathy, and love, even anger. All these things moved Jesus to act; and as he acted under the Holy Spirits anointing miracles happened. Just as he waited until Lazarus was in the tomb three days, before he actually arrived, with the intentions to raise him from the dead. The spirit told him to wait until it was certain that Lazarus was truly dead, and beginning to decompose, so that no one could say Lazarus was only in a coma or the equivalent in those days.
Then the Spirit within Jesus would move Jesus to demonstrate that he was lord of death and life; the Holy Spirit does everything with purpose, to fit in with God’s plan of raising Lazarus from the dead demonstrating that God was in Jesus.
I could go on and on showing you scripture after scripture of Jesus healing people and casting out demons, and raising the dead, but you only need these few I have been directed to show you, so that you will understand that it is the power of the Holy Spirit within Jesus that healed and raised the dead and cast out demons, and that the same Holy Spirit is now within you the believer baptized in the Holy Spirit. You too can be led by the Spirit of God in every part of you’re daily life, and if you start allowing the Spirit to lead you in everyday things then he will lead you into the Healing and deliverance ministry, and into miracles; because, ‘miracles demonstrate God’s glory and eternal goodness and mercy’ and the Spirit wants to bring glory to God through you. Obedience to every prompting of the Holy Spirit will bring solutions to everyday problems. The Holy Spirit is interested in everything that concerns you, for after all it was his power that brought you into being; God spoke and the Holy Spirit performed God’s word by his power.
I’ll give you a small example of hearing from the Holy Spirit.
I decided to sell a guitar I had so that the money I got from it would help me buy a better guitar. As I approached the shop that bought and sold guitars, I had this sense within me don’t sell my guitar; don’t take the guitar with me into the shop. I parked outside the shop and asked was this you Holy Spirit telling me don’t sell the guitar? And I realized it was indeed the Holy Spirit, I got a conviction.
Then I decided to test my hearing from the Holy Spirit, because it came in a way that was different from the usual way I heard from the Spirit of God.
I decide to take the guitar into the shop, get it priced but not to sell no matter what. Inside the shop I took the guitar to the salesman and asked how much they would give me for the guitar, and he examined it and then offered me a ridiculous price which I refused, I knew instantly that the Holy Spirit was right in telling me not to sell the guitar, and from now on I would recognize when the Holy Spirit would speak to me again in this manner.
I purchased the other guitar that I wanted and left with both guitars. It may seem small and insignificant that the Holy Spirit would lead me not to sell a guitar, but what he most wanted from me was obedience and learning to hear this new way he was speaking to me. I was obedient and now I have learned that when I hear the spirit in this way it really is him, and I will instantly obey. I still have the guitar, gathering dust, but I didn’t sell it, who knows what the Holy Spirit will direct me to do with it later on.
Following the Holy Spirit will bring about miracles and healings and even raising the dead, because it won’t be you that is doing these things but the Holy Spirit within you. Don’t be afraid to step out and lay hands on people, trust God that he will heal, and if you are following closely the Holy Spirit then he will lead you to the ones who are sincere in desiring healing and who will glorify God. Compassion in your heart for the sick is a sure sign that you are being led by the Spirit, and following it will bring about healings and deliverance and miracles. It is the Holy Spirits power inside of you that heals and in Jesus name that you do theses things for God’s glory, all things are for the Glory of God and if you just focus on that as you pray with people then the Spirit will heal in Jesus name.
A coin has two sides isn’t that so? No actually it has three sides, front and back and side, just like the Holy Spirit, Jesus and Father God. Most times we look at the front and back of a coin and never think about the side of the coin, it’s like the Holy Trinity, we focus on the father and on Jesus and forget about the Holy Spirit, a integral part of the Trinity.
Cast out demons and heal the sick by the Holy Spirits power and anointing and by the name of Jesus, together not separate, both are part of the same coin, and on the side is the Father God the creator of the universe. You have everything to gain, and have nothing to lose in stepping out to pray for the sick and those in pain and suffering, it’s God’s will to heal. Amen