Healing reoccurring nightmares

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Healing Reoccurring nightmares

Brendan Mc Crossan

Healing re-occurring nightmares


All my younger life I had a terrible fear of water; my mother had a great fear of water also and she would not even take a bath unless my father was standing outside the bathroom, with the door slightly open; lots of members of my family were afraid of water, for no reason that we knew of, but then.

For many years I had this reoccurring nightmare, that I was walking on the deck of a submarine and at the same time I was looking down on myself from the top of the submarine, I don’t know what you call that part that rises up above the deck wherethecaptain and his crew look out from. As I looked down on myself, I saw a freak wave come over the submarine and wash me overboard.

In a place in Ireland called Inch Island there is a pier that is shaped like the form of a submarine deck and I used to go fishing there with friends. It was divided in two parts, the sea side and the freshwater side; I always fished in the freshwater side away from the sea side pier, but now and again my friends would urge me to come down and fish from the pier, I never ever wanted to because it reminded me of the submarine deck in my dreams and I was afraid. During the times I did venture down unto the pier, I always kept a wary close eye on the sea waiting on a freak wave to come, and I was always ready to run at any given moment for the shore should I spot a large wave approaching, nothing ever happened to me at any time that I fished there but It always haunted me, the feeling that I felt whilst fishing from this pier, it always brought to mind the nightmare of being washed off the deck of the submarine.

Then one time I read a book called Healing the Family Tree, by Doctor Kenneth McAll, and in his book he described similar dreams like the one I kept dreaming and he said that there was a family member in the past that something happened to and these people were not committed to the lord and forgiveness asked for on their behalf.

A few weeks later I got this urge to pop into chapel and sit in prayer before the lord. As I sat there the reoccurring dream came into my mind and I decided to ask the lord if there was anyone in my past generations that had drowned, and needed committed to him, and immediately the words ‘Hugh O’Donnell’ were spoken into my mind. Hugh O’ Donnell was the name of my grandfather and my uncle none of which drowned and in fact one was still alive my uncle. Then I had an urge to go visit my mother, so I left the chapel and went to see her, and as I talked with her I asked if anyone belonging to her had ever drowned at sea, and she replied, no, not that she knew of.

I prayed a silent prayer, ‘lord if there is a relative please let her remember,’ and just then my mother said, No! wait a minute there was an uncle of mine that was drowned at sea, his ship was torpedoed and sank during the first world war, and his name was Hugh O’Donnell. Silently I praised the lord and then asked her if she remembered anyone else that was drowned belonging to her. She said no at first then she gave a start and said, ‘No! I had an uncle also called Hugh O’Donnell, who was serving on a submarine in the second world war and was in


the docking bay waiting on repairs when he went on shore leave, and the last time anyone saw him was when he stepped back on to the deck of the submarine and the sailor on the watch tower saw him and then he turned away for a few minutes, and when he looked back he was gone and they never found his body.’

This was the distant relative that I saw in my nightmare. The navy believed he came on board the submarine and was drunk from his day out and fell overboard and drowned, but I saw the freak wave wash him overboard in my nightmare and I am inclined to believe this rather than the navy version.

In Doctor Mac All’s book he recommended that we come to a communion service {Mass for Catholics} and the communion for other religious services and at the communion we offer to God that communion for the soul of the dead and ask forgiveness for their sins, sins they committed in their thoughts, words, deeds, or omission, covering all their sins according to

1-John-5-16- If you see a Christian sinning in a way that does not end in death, you should ask God to forgive him and God will give him life. {The Way Bible}

And God forgives them and brings them into eternal life. As soon as I went to mass and did this, I had a sense that these two men were taken into heaven, because God desires that not even one should be lost.

I never ever had this nightmareever again, and had agreatsenseof wellbeing for aboutaweek afterwards. Now at this time of updating this book twenty five years after this incident, the nightmares never returned, and all of our fear of water in the members of my family disappeared also when these two men were committed to the lord at the communion service. Perhaps something like this is happening with family members or with you, a reoccurring nightmare of someone dying, then go to the lord and ask if some ancestor died without being reconciled to him, and ask to show it to you, so that you can bring them to the lord for mercy.


My granddaughter was just three when her father and mother and she moved into a new apartment, every night she would come into their bedroom and ask to sleep with them as she was scared. When asked what she was scared of, she said a man is in her room. Her father immediately jumped out of bed and went into her bedroom only to find it empty and the window firmly locked. This happened every night for weeks and then one night her father asked her if the man said anything, and she replied, “He said kelk” her father was shocked to say the least because kelk is Turkish for help, and he himself is Turkish. He asked his daughter to describe the man and she said, ‘he looks like you daddy only different he has flat hair, her father had curly hair,’ Her father immediately realised she was possibly seeing his brother who was murdered on a fishingtripwithfriends;whotoldthepoliceinturkeythathefelloverboardanddrowned,even though he was an extremely strong swimmer, and could easily have swam across the lake in

which they were fishing. He had just come back from serving in the army and had a flat haircut and was taller than him.

Two other Turkish children who had a sleep over in my daughter’s apartment woke up during the night and screamed there was a man in their room and all three children ran to their parents bedrooms, and both sets of parents went to my granddaughters bedroom to look but there was no one there, the children all pointed to a part of the room and said look there he is, but there was no one that the parents seen, that was the last time the Turkish friends stayed overnight.

My daughter and her husband came to Rose and I and told us what had been happening, and we advised them to go to mass and at communion ask forgiveness from God for his sins, that he committed in thought, word, deed or omission and receive communion for him, even though he was a Muslim, and so was my son in law, but he had accepted Christ as lord in his life.

A few nights later they both went to mass and received communion for him and he was never seen again after that and a peace descended on their home that they never felt before. My granddaughter told them afterwards that she saw this man when they lived in Turkey and later in two different houses they lived in Ireland; he went to his rest praise God. God loves Muslims also.


About two on a Sunday afternoon, I had this urge to go to my room and pray. I went into the back bedroom instead of my bedroom and as soon as I knelt down I began to travail in tongues, {like someone having severe stomach pain} and as I prayed deeply in tongues I heard the sound of pipe bands and realised this was the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, I thought that it was because of this that I was in travail in prayer because fourteen Derry people had been murdered by the British army on that day, a few years ago, but as I prayed on I realised that it wasn’t for this reason that I was praying with such severity, as a vision appeared before me of a dark black cave.

I had no idea what this dark black cave meant but as I prayed on and on, I noticed that the cave become lighter and the longer I prayed in tongues the lighter the cave seemed to become. Eventually as I looked deep into this vision I began to see the faint outline of a person and was surprised by what I was seeing. As I prayed fervently in tongues I saw that this person looked like the figure of a small woman, and the more I continued to pray for this person now that I realised there was a person in that cave, the clearer they became. As I prayed on I saw this woman was my grandmother who was long dead, I was shocked when I realised this, then the scripture, ‘their souls were kept in dark gloomy caves, entered my mind,’ and I remembered this scripture as saying ‘that the souls who didn’t die right before God were kept in dark caves awaiting the day of Judgment.’ Eventually I saw my grandmother as clear as crystal and she was shining bright, then she smiled at me and disappeared and I stopped praying in tongues and I knew she was taken up into heaven. I had spent about three hours praying in tongues that afternoon and it was worth it to see one soul released from their bondage to their sins through the power God gave us through forgiveness in that scripture;

If you see a Christian sinning in a way that does not end in death, you should ask God to forgive him and God will give him life. {The Way Bible}

There is awesome power in forgiveness, and we have been granted the right to pray for other Christians seeking forgiveness for them on their behalf. He loves Muslims also, so I never limit God by my prejudices or religious beliefs; even though this scripture specifies Christians I know God’s love is greater than when I first believed, and includes all people who are his children.


As a group of prayer meeting leaders we were praying over each other for healing, when it came Rose my wife’s time for prayer.

As soon as I touched her hand I had a vision of a young child, a boy of about eight to ten years of age with a dirty face looking in amazement right into my eyes and I realised as I prayed in tongues that this child could actually see me.

In the background I could see three naked women tied to the stake with wood piled around them, their nakedness seemed in some way to be obscured from my vision, but I knew they werein fact naked, and I seen others gathered around them and they weredressed in olden time clothes, and the place seemed to me to be a village somewhere in Ireland. As we prayed with Rose, Rose described a scene she was seeing before her, of the same scenario I was seeing and one other leader said they could see similar things happening. As we continued to pray in tongues we noticed that the people gathered around to witness these women’s execution by being burned alive at the stake began looking in our direction as though they could see us there watching. In my vision I could see everyone’s faces clearly, including the three women tied together, then I noticed that everyone gathered there were all looking at us and as we continued praying in tongues I saw on the wall of a cliff to the right of me a dark semicircle appeared like a door opening, and I looked at in surprise, as I looked the door it appeared to get brighter until an opening in the side of the cliff could be clearly seen and I noticed that the people were looking at it also, with an astonished look in their eyes.

Those praying with me over Rose spoke up and said they were seeing the exact same thing, so we could only presume that this was some supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit of times past.

Suddenly I had this urge come over me to tell everyone to run into this semicircle of light quickly, and I began calling to people to get into the light and they stood there looking fearful and then one of them approached the light and went inside, as this was happening I saw someone untying the three women who were tied to the stake and then they all began walking toward the opening on the side of the cliff. As the people approached the opening in the cliff I saw others whom I had never noticed before walking quickly towards the opening, and then I heard the sound of horses approaching and the people all ran as quickly as they could with us encouraging them to run inside for safety, they looked terrified at the sound of approaching horses and as they were all almost inside I saw the horses with very unkempt men dressed like


ancient warriors with fur for clothes not like the other people and they looked ferocious very evil in appearance.

Just then the last of the people got inside the cliff opening except for this little boy, who kept looking up at me with a blank look on his dirty little face and I urged him inside and he went inside, and as he went inside I saw the horsemen jump off their horses and run toward the cliff opening, and the people inside were terrified, and just as the boy entered the cliff opening the cliff became a cliff face again, the doorway disappeared. I saw the look of pure evil on the horsemen’s faces as they looked at us and began walking toward us, then the vision disappeared and we were sitting praying with Rose just as normal. Afterwards we talked about this experience that we had and the others began explaining what things they saw, and described the people, and we realised that this was an actual true vision that the lord gave us for the release of souls into the kingdom of heaven, as we were all praying for forgiveness for these people. It was an amazing experience, one of which we will never know the full outcome until we stand before God himself and maybe then we will be told what happened supernaturally that day we prayed with Rose my wife. I believe that one of those people was in fact an ancestor of Roses and as scripture says, the ‘Christians prayed for their ancestors, when they became Christians.’ Those early Christians prayed for their ancestors and when Jesus died and went down into hell where he defeated the devil, he then went to the place of the dead and preached to the souls there, and afterwards he paraded a long line of defeated foes and those who had been in the prison. The early Christians realised the power of baptism and the resurrection power there was in it and they themselves got baptised for their ancestors, because they knew the word of God included those who had already passed, they stood in that gap for them

1 Corinthians 15-Good News Translation (GNT)

29 Now, what about those people who are baptized for the dead? What do they hope to accomplish? If it is true, as some claim, that the dead are not raised to life, why are those people being baptized for the dead?

God’s word tells us there are things that we will never know or understand with human thoughts, because God’s ways are above mans ways, and I can only leave this with the lord and express my gratitude for this experience.

Don’t dismiss something because you don’t understand it. I have seen too many things in the healing ministry, things that I thought at the time were contradictory to the word of God, only to discover years later, the word proclaimed this message, I just hadn’t come across it at the time but God knows his word better than I ever will.

There is power in forgiveness beyond what we even know, and power in the communion service no matter what religious service it is as long as it’s a believer’s service.

If someone belonging to you died suddenly, there may be unresolved issues between them and God that needs forgiveness and reconciliation before that person can enter into eternal life with Jesus. Pray for those people that keep popping into your mind unexpectedly if they are dead, or pray for them even if they are not, it is God’s way of having you pray for others in love because he wants to bless them in some way.

The communion service in whatever form it takes has great power to release souls into the kingdom of God, and by ‘our asking forgiveness for the sins’ that these souls committed God’s mercy and grace comes into effect, God’s ways are above our ways, and if you don’t believe that we actually have the right to ask God for forgiveness for others Christians then check out the scripture I gave you in the King James version, and you will see it is saying the same thing. There’s more to God than we will ever know, his love goes beyond anything we would ever dream of. Amen

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