‘’Hell is real!’’

Hell is
Brendan Mc CrossanI was viewing a Christian mans website where he says
everyone will be saved;
hedidn’tbelievethatanyonewouldeverbesenttohellbyaloving God, and that after a period of time everyone would get into heaven, but let’sseewhatJesussaysaboutthis,iseveryonegoingtogettoheaven?
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature,
He that believeth and is baptized
be saved;
but he that
believeth not
If Jesus says they will be damned then they will be damned by their own choice and not by him. To give you an example of this; just recently I witnessed to two different young women of approximately eighteen to twentyone,andItalkedwiththemaboutJesusandsalvation,andtheyboth listened at first then expressed a disinterest inwhat Iwastellingthem on howtogetintoheaveneasy,Ispoketotheseyoungwomenafewtimesand eventually one said to me, ‘’I am not interested in God,’’ and the other just ‘’stood silent’’ as I said, ‘’if you don’t go to heaven where do you think you will go?’’ she shrugged her shoulders and so I never spoke to these young women again. I can take a hint as the saying goes. Both of these young womencouldn’tcarelessaboutGodorJesusandexpresseditquiteopenly tome.IaskedonedidtheyeverteachaboutGodorJesusandwhathedone forusinschoolandsherepliedno,andthiswasaCatholicgirlinfactboth were.
My own daughters went to a Catholic school and they told me they knew moreaboutaJewish,Muslim,andaBuddhistwayofreligionthantheydid aboutJesus,anditwasagoodjobthattheywerebroughtupinaChristian home,thoughsometimesitdoesn’tlookliketheyareChristianatall,lol.
Thisisashortsynopsisofwhatthismanbelievesandhasonhiswebsite,it sounds so correct but no matter what he says, Jesus says something different.
According to many Christians, billions of people are going to a place called Hell to be tormentedbyGodforalleternity. Pleasehearthisverycarefully.IfJesuslosesjustone soul,hewillbecometheworld’sbiggestsinner.Howso,yousay?BecauseHewillhave missed His mark…that is, to reconcile all things back to His Father. In the Hebrew (chatah)andintheGreek(hamartano)theword“sin”simplymeans“tomissthemark” orabstractly“tomissone’spurposeorgoal”andsofallshortoftheprize.Itwasusedas a marksmanship term in the Old Testament. The Benjamites could sling a stone at a target and not miss the mark (chatah), the same word translated “sin.” Unfortunately, Protestantism has been greatly affected by Roman Catholicism’s gross distortions and twistingofmanyBiblicalconcepts.Theyinventedseveralmortalandvenialsinswhich changed the real meaning of Biblical sin. Too much of Catholicism’s ascetic and often masochisticconceptsofsinenteredmainstreamProtestantthought. To sin is to miss the mark. IfJesusmissesHismark,Hispurposeforcomingtotheearth ifHelosesasingle soul He cannot be the Messiah He would have to be a false Messiah because He would have missed the mark to be Saviour of the world to be the Lamb who takes awaythesinoftheworld thewholeworld notjustathinsliverofit.
ThedoctrineofeternalsecurityiscertainlyScriptural,butwhenthemeaningofwords like “might” in Scriptures is misunderstood, it is easy to see how many Christians lose faith. Again, the word “might” above does NOT express uncertainty. The Father gave JesusauthoritySOTHATJesusCOULDandWOULDgiveeternallifetoallthosethatthe FathergaveHim.
Thisseemedtobeveryrightitsoundedsogoodhiswholebook,butwhenI wentawayandaskedthelordaboutthis,hegavemetwoscriptures,where Jesus said if people refuse to come to him to be saved then ‘’they shall perish in hell.’’ The first is the scripture I started with, and the other is from John quotingtheverywordsofJesusinregardtosalvationandcondemnation.
Then also have a look at the words this man expresses that I have highlighted in yellow, so that Jesus could and would give eternal life to ‘’ALL’’ ‘’those that the father gave him,’’ to say ‘’all those’’ simply means he gavehimanallottedamount;it doesn’tsayhegaveeveryoneintheworld so that everyone would be saved; if that were to be the case then why would Jesus say in this following scripture what he said about giving eternallifetothosewho‘’believeinhisname’’andtothosewho ‘’refuse to believe in him would be ‘’damned already;’’ anditsaid‘’already,’’meaningit ishappeningrightnowforusinthispresentage;fornowisthetimepeople inthisagearealivein,andtheyhavetomakeachoicejustasthosebackin thedayofJesuspreachingsalvation,hadachoicetomake.
King James Version
12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
believeth in him
have everlasting life.
God sent
his Son into
that the world through him might be saved
He that believeth on him is
but ‘’he that believeth not’’ is ‘’condemned already,’’ because he hath ‘’not believed’’ in the ‘’name of the only begotten Son of God.’’
19 And
this is the condemnation,’’ that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hated the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 but he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Let’stakethislittlebitofthewordofGodandanalyseit,whatexactlyisJesusthe SonofGod;andwhoisGodhimself,saying?
{15 Thatwhosoever ‘’believeth in him’’ should ‘’not perish,’’ but‘’have eternal life.’’}
That whosoever
believes in him
‘’should ‘not
perish,’’ ‘’not perish,’’ the oppositeto ‘’not perish, is to perish,’’ thatmeansGodisseriousaboutpeople walking themselves into hell, and there is no way that he wants that to happen, for he desires that all of his children should be saved. For that’s whyhesentJesustotakethepunishmentforoursins.Thatisloveinaction andnotthekindoflovethismanissayinginhisbeliefofwhatloveis,love gives freedom of choice, it does not force you to come to heaven, it will
allow you to make the decision to walk all the way into hell by your own decisions.
‘’Free will’’ was given to the angels in heaven, we know that because millions of them followed Lucifer, now know as Satan, the devil; and free will was given to mankind also, for God wanted to be loved for ‘himself’ alone, just likewewant to be loved for ourselves andnotfor what we do! Sowithfreewilleveryonehasachoicetomake,eitherforGodwithallthe loveinyourheart,ortorejecthimwithdistainandunbelief.
I findit terriblewhen I talkwith people and theyexpress disinterestedor justplainignorancebysayingtheyare not interested in God;areyoutrying totellmethatthesepeoplewillbegivenaccesstoheavenjustaswehave; fortheychosetorejectJesusandhismessageofsalvation,andsosometime in the future God will say, ‘’here you lot come on into heaven, anyway, it doesn’t matter that you refused to come originally, but come on in now because I love you whether you return the love or not.’’ ‘’It doesn’t matter that Jesus suffered for your sins and for your sickness and diseases, and underwent terrible suffering to buy back all those the father gave him and thatincludedyouifyoubelieveinhim!
PersonallyIbelievewhatJesussaid,notwordsthismanuseslike‘’might’’, Jesussaidthosewhorejectedhimare‘’damnedalready;’’fromthemoment theymadetheirchoiceanditwas,andis ‘their’’ choice,theyweretoldthe good news and they rejected it for one reason or another. Let’s continue withthisscripture; hell isarealplaceandthosewhorejectedhimwilltaste itforthemselves.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believethinhim should ‘’not perish,’’ but‘’have everlasting life ’’
God so loved the world; Godcreatedustoshowerdownloveonus,andifyou know your scriptures, he showered down blessing, after blessings, after blessings,downonus,andevengoingsofarastogive you ‘’union with his own heavenly Son Jesus.’’Don’ttalktomeaboutthemeaningofwhatloveis by this worlds standard, the kind of love I know and acknowledge is the love that God has for us by sending his own son to die on our behalf, and thenmakingusthe‘’same as him in spirit’’ tothosewhowouldacceptJesus into their hearts as their lord and ‘’saviour,’’ {their knight in shining armour,asthedictionarymeaningtosavioursays}
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Goddidnotwishtocondemntheworld,sohethoughtofaplantosavethe world,andthatplanwastosendhisSonJesusdowntotheearthtosaveus bysacrificinghimselfforoursins,andsogaveusaccesstoheaventhrough him.Sothataftersacrificinghimself,hewouldgiveanyonewhowantedto be saved, and who wished to get into heaven, they way they could do so easily,andthatwasbysaying,‘’sorryfortheirsins,’’ andthen‘’askinghim intotheirheartsaslordandsaviour!’’acceptingwhathesaid.
And those who ‘’believed what he said’’ and done’’ would ‘not be condemned;’ butthatthosewhojustweren’tinterestedinGodorJesusor heaven, who had no interest whatsoever in being saved would condemn themselves, for God does not condemn anyone to hell. And being saved to many was, and is, a laughable thing, and so they condemn themselves by refusing to believe They would laughingly walk themselves right into hell, God does not walk them there, they chose to go down that road by their ownfreewill.
18 He that believeth on him is ‘’not condemned’’ but ‘’he that believeth not’’ is ‘’condemned already,’’ becausehehath ‘’not believed’’ inthe‘’nameoftheonlybegotten SonofGod.’’
This is a serious portion of scripture in the bible for it is telling us of salvation,andtherefusaltobesaved.Youcannotmakeahorsedrinkfrom thewellasthesayinggoes,andyoucannotmakeapersonacceptsalvation, nomatterhowmuchyoutellthemwheretheywillgotoiftheyrefusedto be saved; or how wonderful Jesus or father God or the Holy Spirit is, and how awesome heaven is also; you cannot save those who refuse to be saved,andiftheyrejectsalvationthentheyare ‘’condemned already,’’ itwas by their choice. ‘’he that believeth not’’ is ‘’condemned already,’’ sadly it is their decisionandnooneelse’s.
not perish
have eternal life
Did you realise something here in this scripture; Jesus repeated himself
three times
in that scripture;
three times salvation
was being offered
tothosewhoheardtheword,andmanywalkedaway fromhim,including aboutseventyfollowersofhim,whocouldn’tacceptwhathewassayingto the people. Even those who walked with Jesus as disciples turned away from him being deceived by the devil who didn’t wish for anyone to be saved.
16 For God ‘’ so ’’ loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believethinhim‘’shouldnotperish,’’but‘’haveeverlastinglife.’’ Godlovedtheworldsomuchthatherepeatedhimselfthreetimeandeven morewhenyouconsiderthewordsheused;Jesuswastellingthepeopleat the time, and now those who hear the good news through the bible or spokenword,thatGodlovedthemandwaswillingtooverlooktheirsinsif theywouldjustturntoJesusandbelieveinwhathedoneforthemthrough hissuffering,andthecross,onwhichoursinsperishedwithhim.Goddoes notwantanyonetoperishforhelovedwhathecreated,thiswashispride and joy, he ‘’so’’ loved the world, the word ‘’so’’ means, ‘’subsequently,’’ ‘’therefore,’’ ‘’consequently,’’ ‘’therefore’’ means ‘’for that reason,’’ God lovedtheworld
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 Hethat ‘’believeth on him is not condemned:’’ but‘’he that believeth not’’ is‘’condemned already,’’becausehehath‘’notbelieved’’inthe‘’nameoftheonlybegottenSonofGod.’’
If Jesus himself is saying ‘’he that believes in him’’ should ‘’not perish’’ but ‘’have eternal life’’ and then he says he that ‘’believes not,’’ ‘’shall be ‘condemned’ already.’’ Come on now you cannot change the words of the creatorofeverythingthatexists,andwhathesaystomakehimlooklikea lovingGodonyourterms.
Butlet’slookatwhatloveis,lovegiveseveryonethefreedomtoacceptyou or to reject you. This is the freewill love that God gives to all his creation. Scripture says we existed in heaven before we come to earth to live a life here as planned by God; but when God created us in heaven before the worldevenbegan,therewasfreewillgiventous,weexistedinheavenfirst asaspiritbeing,thenGodingreatlovesentustotheearthtobebornina humanbody,andtocometotherealisationlaterwhenwehavegrownup to make a choice, and the choice is to either accept Jesus or to reject him, this is what he is saying in this scripture; ‘’free will.’’ Even the angels in
heavenhavebeengivenfreewill,andlookat what jealousydidtoLucifer, ornowSatanthedevil.
Hell was prepared for him not mankind; let’ssearchouthellinscripture justforthemomentintheNewTestament,andthenweshallsearchitout intheOldTestament.
Some people believe that hell does not exist that it is like a fairy tale and given to scare little children into behaving at home or in school or wherever.
Matthew 7:13
“Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes that choose its easy way.
Jesussaysthehighwaytohellisbroad;itsgatesarewideenoughforallthe multitudesthat ‘’choose its easy way.’’ Ifheissayingitiswideenoughforall those who wish to go there, then people are streaming down that terrible path by their own free will, and it is a place, not a fictional thing to scare kids.
If Jesus is saying there is a hell, then this man’s beliefs are wrong; Jesus doesnotsendpeopletohell;peoplesendpeopletohell,bytheirownfree will.ItbreaksGod’shearttoseechildrenthathegavelifeto,decidingthey arenotinterestedinhim;orheaven,hiswonderfuloffer;theydon’tbelieve thereisahellortheydon’tactuallyrealise there is a hell for the damned as Jesus said earlier; these people that reject his offer of salvation do not, I believe, realise the reality of hell anditfireoftorment,thetormentofnever seeing the face of God again, after seeing him when they die, and stand beforehim,andseehiminallhisglory,anditwillbethenthat realisation willhitin,butitistoolate;eternaldamnationistheirsnow.
Hell is real, and it is there for those angels who rebelled against God and the devil, and sadly people decide that’s where they would chose to go to ratherthanheaven.
Disbelief is a terrible thing, it robs people of the wonderful blessings that God has in store for them. Ihave experiencedheaven, and Ihave seen the eyeofGodhimself,andIhaveexperiencedmanysupernaturalexperiences from a loving God, and the miracles I have experienced, seeing people healed and restored, and praise God saved, when they experience the
healing touch from a loving God’s Holy Spirit. Anybody can have these wonderful experiences just like I have, because there is no difference betweenusallforweallarejoinedtogetherwithJesusandinhimalso.You arenodifferent fromme;helovesyouequally, sogivehimachancetolet youexperiencethesupernaturalfromourheavenlyfather.
Matthew 10:28
“Don’t be afraid of those who can kill only your bodies but can’t touch your souls! Fear only God who
As I said Iwill show you scriptures that talk of hell;remember thereason forwritingthisbookisbecauseofthisman’sbeliefsandfromthe disbelief from other Christians. Thisscriptureisactuallytellingyou‘’donotfearevil fromthedevil,becausehecanonlytryanddeceiveyou,hecannotactually killyourspirit;butonlyfearthelivingGodwhocandoboth,’’Goddoesnot talkofhelltoscareusbuttogiveusamplewarningthatthereisanactual hell where souls are actually stormingin through thewideopen gates not thenarrowroadandit’sgate.
Matthew 11:23
And Capernaum, though highly honoured, shall go down to hell! For if the marvellous miracles I did in you had been done in Sodom, it would still be here today.
Even a place can be sent down to hell, hell is large enough to take everythingandacityanditspeopleareabletofitintoit.
Matthew 16:18
You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it.
Isn’titgreatthathellshallnotprevailagainstGod’speople,notevenallthe power of hell it’s self and those in it, not even the ‘devil himself’ shall not prevailagainstitoritspeople!
Matthew 18:8
So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. Better to enter heaven crippled than to be in hell with both of your hands and feet
Again Jesus mentioned ‘’heaven and hell’’ in the same sentence; showing that if one exists then both exist. Jesus is not a liar anymore that God is a liar,soiftheybothsaythereisa hell and a heaven wherepeoplecanenter freely,andthenthereisa hell and a heaven! CanthismancallGodaliarby declaring there is actually no hell; if God and Jesus both say there is a hell and a heaven, andit’s better to enter heaven without ahand thanto enter hellwithbothfeetandhands.
And his soul went into hell. There, in torment, he saw Lazarus in the far distance with Abraham.
ThisisthestoryoftherichmanpleadingwithAbraham;andthisisa true story for Jesus said there ‘’was ’’ a rich man;’’ verse 19 to say was meant this manactuallyexisteditispasttense.
19 “There ‘’was’’ a certain rich man,” Jesus said, “who was splendidly clothed and lived each day in mirth and luxury.20 One day Lazarus, a diseased beggar, was laid at his door. 21 As he lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores.22 Finally the beggar died and was carried by the angels to be with Abraham in the place of the righteous dead. {Heaven}The rich man also died and was buried,23 and his soul went into hell There, in torment, he saw Lazarus in the far distance with Abraham.
“‘Father Abraham,’ he shouted, ‘have some pity! Send Lazarus over here if only to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in these flames.’
“But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted and you are in anguish. 26 And besides, there is a great chasm separating us, and anyone wanting to come to you from here is stopped at its edge; and no one over there can cross to us.’
“Then the rich man said, ‘O Father Abraham, then please send him to my father’s home 28 for I have five brothers to warn them about this place of torment lest they come here when they die.’
29 “But Abraham said, ‘The Scriptures have warned them again and again. Your brothers can read them any time they want to.’
“The rich man replied, ‘No, Father Abraham, they won’t bother to read them. But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will turn from their sins.’
“But Abraham said, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen even though someone rises from the dead.’’
As I said this is a true story taken from Jesus perspective, [he saw this happening,]andsotoldthestoryfromthesupernaturalpointofview.The poor man entered heaven, and the rich man entered hell, and in hell he pleaded with Abraham to tell his brothers about hell so that they would avoid it, but Abraham of course couldn’t do that because he told him that hisbrothershaveaccesstothescriptures,andcouldseeforthemselvesthe truth of heaven and hell, and so learn how to avoid hell. The man told Abraham his brothers wouldn’t bother to read the scriptures thewordofthe living God that they all had access to, then he pleaded if someone is sent from the dead then they will believe him but of course Abraham replied theywouldn’tevenlistentosomeoneraisedfromthedead.Todayweknow thatJesusreturnedfromthedeadandheisstillnotbelieved!
Now to get to this present day, I would ask a question; is there a bible available to most of this world in the Christian world? And the answer is yes there is a bible available to everyone in this western world, and there are free online bibles as well as free bibles in most hospitals and in many places around the western world. How many people read the bible in hospital say, and some of these people have been given a bad report; and yet would read magazines and the daily paper butwouldneverreachout and take the bible available to them in their bedside locker. Or how many
would download a free bible on line? I have one on my phone and on my computeraswellasmypaperbible.SothewordofGodisavailabletomost peopleinthisworldevenifit’sjustthe‘’online’’onefromGoogleplaystore. How many would read it even if you told them awesome scriptures they couldreadandseeforthemselves,fewandfarbetweenwouldbother.Itell people that I brought to Christ, scriptures and I know they listen and say that’sgreat;but Iknow that they are not readingthewordof God. Iknow that mostpeopleinchurch have abible,but Ialso know very few actually readthemandthatissad,fortheydon’tknowthemindofGodforthem.
Acts 2:27
‘You will not leave my soul in hell or let the body of your Holy Son decay.
AgainIquoteJesus,whosaid,‘youGodwillnotleavemysoulin ‘’hell,’’ the very place where he descended down into and defeated the devil and releasedtheprisonersthere
Acts 2:31
David was looking far into the future and predicting the Messiah’s resurrection and saying that the Messiah’s soul would not be left in hell and his body would not decay.
Again David was saying in prophecy that the Messiah’s soul would not be left in hell, if there was no hell then why would he say this or why would Jesussaythisabouthissoulbeingleftinhell,whichalsoimpliesthatsouls areleftinhellandthathellisaplacealreadyinexistence,andseenbythat scripture where the man in hell talked with Father Abraham, pleading for himtosendsomeonetohisbrotherstryingtokeepthemoutofthisplaceof torture.
Chapter two
For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
Samuel 22:6 Living Bible
I was trapped and bound by hell and death;
Psalm 9:17 Living Bible
The wicked shall be sent away to hell; this is the fate of all the nations forgetting the Lord.
Psalm 49:8 9 Living Bible
For a soul is far too precious to be ransomed by mere earthly wealth. There is not enough of it in all the earth to buy eternal life for just one soul, to keep it out of hell.
Psalm 55:15 King James Version
Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.
Psalm 63:9 Living Bible
But those plotting to destroy me shall go down to the depths of hell.
Psalm 103:4 Living Bible
He ransoms me from hell. He surrounds me with loving kindness and tender mercies.
Proverbs 5:5 Living Bible
She leads you down to death and hell
Proverbs 9:18 Living Bible
But they don’t realize that her former guests are now citizens of hell.
Don’t fail to correct your children; discipline won’t hurt them! They won’t die if you use a stick on them! Punishment will keep them out of hell
For this man who wrote there is no hell, and in his full text he says everyonewilleventuallygotoheavenforGodwillnotallowhiscreationto spend eternity in hell, he should have searched the word of God and seen whatthewordsaysabouthell,forthereisampleevidencetoshowthereis a hell in which people share with the fallen angels, we can’t take our emotionsthattellusGodissupposedtobeaGodoflovehowcouldhesend peopletohelltoendlesstorment;
hedoesn’tsendpeopleorangelstohell theysendthemselvestohellbytheirownchoice.
Peoplewhodon’tknowaboutGodorJesuswillbeshownmercyandjudged bytheiractions,buteverysoulonthisplanetknowsthereisaGod forGod himself said he will put it in their heart and mind; should they have different ideas of who and what God is; even people living in the deepest forestsintheAmazonjunglebelievethereisaGodanderectstatuestohim or it, they worship what they don’t know but believe there is a God to whom they feel compelled to worship and they obey whatever rules their highpriestsorganiseforthem,theyknowrightfromwrong.
AndnowtodaythewordofGodsaystous,cometoJesusreceivemercyand salvationandeveryspiritualgiftandpowerforlivingalifeworthyofhim, you don’t need to walk into hell you can change everything by accepting whatJesusdoneforusonCalvary,andit’sthatsimple.
Don’t let people deceive you by saying a God of love wouldn’t send his creationtohell,letmeremindyouthatGoddestroyedtheearthbecauseof the terrible sinning in the world, he instructed his faithful son Noah to makeaboatwhereashecouldescapethefloodthatwascomingtowipeout the people of that time, and God in his mercy towards Noah allowed his children and their wives to come on board along with the animals. God destroyed the world because the world was corrupt with sin and debauchery, the people turned away from their creator and sinned like there was no tomorrow, they gave no thought to God or any heavenly things.
They men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to rape the two angels that were sent to Sodom and Gomorrah. Even when Lot offered them his two virgindaughterstothemtheystillwantedthetwoangels,whoappearedas two young men, they were homosexual, the whole people had become homosexualandburnedwithintenselust,andsoGoddestroyedthemashe didintheflood. ‘’Godwillnotbemocked’’scripturesays,andthesepeople weremockingGodandactingliketherewasnone,thattheyhadtogivean accountoftheirlivesto.
[The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah] The two angels entered Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in Sodom’s gateway. When Lot saw them, he got up to meet them. He bowed with his face to the ground
He instantly recognised these two young men as angels and not men. The angels told Lot what was going to happen to the world as he knew it. To leave the city immediately, but they stayed with Lot till morning until he hadallofhisfamilygatheredwithhimbeforeleaving.
Genesis 19:24 Living Bible
Then the Lord rained down fire and flaming tar from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah,
Godhimselfdestroyedwhathehadmade,andtheworldeventodayforgets thattheworldandallthatisinitishistodoashewishes,andthatdoesnot suitalltohearsothey say there is no hell,alovingGodwouldnotsendhis creation to hell, note, I said ‘creation,’ for not all are children of God but many are ‘’God’s children’’ as we who have received Jesus as our lord and saviourare.Godgaveapromisethatthe ‘gates of hell,’ {andhewouldnever havesaidhellunlesstherewasone,wouldhe;} ‘would never prevail against his church, his people.’’
Matthew 16:18 English Standard Version Anglicised
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
There is the gates of hell so ‘’sir whoever you are, you are wrong in your beliefs,’’ there is a hell where the damned are going to by their own free will.ManypeopleIhavetalkedwithrecentlyjustshruggedtheirshoulders andsaidtheyhadnointerestinGodorheaven;yesthereareotherspraise Godwhoreceivedthemessageandreceivedsalvation.
ToGodbeallgloryfromthisbooklet;IpersonallyhavechosenJesusasmy lordandsaviourandacceptedheavenasmyfuturehome.