Brendan Mc Crossan
‘’How to bind ‘’demons and evil spirits’’

How to bind demons and evil spirits Mc Crossan Boot them out in Jesus name…
It is the same when we pray for someone that is sick, which way do we pray? Do we ask God to heal that person or do we attack the spirit that is really behind the person’s illness, and that is a serious question, for ‘’ we don’t know how to pray or how to pray as we should’’ but the Holy Spirit knows exactly what we should be praying for.
12 For ‘’our struggle’’ is ‘not against ‘flesh and blood,’’ but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6 10 New International Version (NIV)
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, Ourstrugglesare‘’not’’ against flesh and blood; but we always fight against ‘’flesh and blood’’ people in other words! In every circumstance where people are involved we go to war against the person or persons, but how many of us realise that it is the evil forces that are using them that is the problem, not the people. When I say we go to war I mean that it is the person that we focus on, and don’t think there is an evil spirit using that persontohaveagoatusforwhateverreason.
Copyright”10 06 2018 Chapter one
Romans 8:26Expanded Bible ·Also [or in the same way], the Spirit helps us ·with [or in] our weakness. ‘’We do not know how to pray as we should [or what we ought to pray for].’’ But the Spirit himself ·speaks to God for us [intercedes] with ·deep feelings [groaning] ·that words cannot explain [or that are inexpressible; or that are unspoken; or too deep for words]
16 Others, testing Him, sought from Him a sign from heaven. 17 But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls.18 If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub. 19 And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges.20 But if I cast out demons with the’’finger of God,’’ surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.21 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. 22 But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armour in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. 23 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.
Luke 11 New King James Version (NKJV)
Jesus was the stronger man who bound Satan and all his evil spirits, after he died and went down into hell and in Satan’s kingdom he bound him in defeat; and all his hordes of demons and evil spirits by the power of God that wasinhim.I.e.the Holy Spirit;Satan the devil is defeated for all time and every spirit with himhaveno power over usunlesswe givehimit by Theunbelief.devilisonlyafallenangelfulloftrickeryanddeceit,andcanbeinonly inoneplaceatonetime;heisnotlikesomeChristiansthink,whichis,heis like God, ‘everywhere at once.’ He is not everywhere listening to our prayersorconversations,onlyGodhearsourthoughtsandwords,thedevil cannot hear our thoughts; he can influence them, or should I say his evil spiritscaninfluenceourthoughts,nothim.
Ourproblemisthat ‘’we ‘’do not see with our ‘’physical eyes’’ evil spirits or even demons, they are invisible to the human eye,’’ anditissodifficult torealisethatanevilspiritisactuallythere,orinfactdoesthestrongman reallygetboundwhenwecommandhimto;afterall,halftheworldseems to keep binding him, so reality becomes like science fiction; is the strong man bound when we do the commanding, or is he not? This is a reality check we must make? Or do we go with what the word of God says about thestrongman,butinwhatwaydowereallymakesureheisbound.
15 But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”
Mybeliefinthisis,scripturesaysthedemonsandevilspiritshaveahigher ranking, like a regular army, the commanding officer, {the devil} the captain, the sergeant, and the private; now I am not a soldier so I do not
Thewordtellsusistobindthestrongman Mark 3:27 Expanded Bible
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against ‘’principalities,’’ against ‘’ powers, ’’ against the ‘’rulers of the darkness’’ of this age, against ‘’spiritual hosts’’ of wickedness in the heavenly places. IknowthatIsometimescommandeverythingthatisnotofGodtogetout, andthencommandthediseasetoleaveandallpaintogowhenprayingfor someonewhoisseverelyill,forIbelievethatpainisanevilspiritforcingan effectonourfleshandblood,anditalwaysobeysthe ‘’name of Jesus,’’ andI keepreinforcingthenameofJesusuntilallpaingoes.
New King James Version (NKJV)
No one can enter a strong man’s house and ·steal [seize; plunder] his things unless ‘’he first’’ ·ties up [binds] the strong man [Is.49:24 25]. Then he can ·steal [seize; plunder] things from the house. [Satan, is the strong man and his possessions are the people Jesus is freeing from Satan’s power.] In this scripture it says that Satan is the strong man and that Jesus is the stronger for he defeated the devil whilst in hell for three days before he arose up with full power and authority reminding the devil and all fallen angelshecreatedthemandhasthepowertoeliminatethematwill. ButthisexpandedversionsaysthatSatan’spossessionsarethepeoplethat hehasimprisonedandthatJesusisfreeingthemfromhispower.
know how to rate the ranks of serving men, but this is just to give you a chance to see which way an army works. This is the waythe devil has his army working; his army consists of ‘’principalities and powers;’’ I am unsureifwecanjustbindthestrongmanbysayingaloud,‘’Ibindyouinthe name of Jesus,’’ I believe we have to have discernment; that ‘’gift from the Holy Spirit,’’ to be able to truly do this; for without discernment then we haveonlyourimaginationtouse,andthisisgoodofcoursebutisitreality againstSatanandevilsspirits?
TheHolySpiritisouranswertoseeingevilspiritsinfluencingpeople.Ifwe can ’tseethenwearejustusingourimaginationandthatisuseless.
Ephesians 4:8 Expanded Bible
Ephesians 6 12
1 Peter 3 New International Version (NIV) 18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits 20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,22 who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.
Lookatsomethingelsehere;itsayshe‘’gavegiftstopeople,’’anditsaysin the following scripture that he ‘’received gifts for men,’’ you would think that to defeat the devil, all those rebellious angels and heavenly beings, nowevilspirits,wouldbeenoughtodo.Buthelovedmankindsomuchthat hereceivedgiftsforthemfromhisheavenlyfatherandgavethemtomen, and it amazed me to see in the next scripture that it says yea, for the ‘’rebelliousalso.’’ Jesus paraded the devil and all his fallen angels and powers and principalitiesformerangelsandheavenlybeingsbeforeallofheaven, Jesustookonthedevilanddefeatedhimforus,becausewewouldneverbe able to withstand an onslaught from demons and evil spirits nor their master Satan the devil, they are supernatural beings, invisible to us but we’re visible to them. It’s impossible to fight with an invisible enemy and defeat them; but Jesus was a supernatural being, the highest supernatural being their exists; he is also Almighty God, and in hell after his death he roseagainwithallofhisownpowerbackagainonhim,andwipedthefloor with him by, that ‘same word’ that created creation, the ‘’word of his mouth;’’ he didn’t have a fisticuff with Satan and beat him this way; no it was by the ‘’word of his mouth,’’ and now we have been giver power and authority over all demonic power including power over the devil himself, andthatpowerinishisdivineword,thelivingwordofAlmightyGod
That is why it says in the Scriptures, “When he ·went up [ascended] to the heights, he ·led a parade of captives [or took captives into captivity], and he gave gifts to people [Ps. 68:18].”
ThiswastheprophecygivenaboutJesuslongbeforehecametoearthasa baby.
Psalm 68 King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them. 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loaded us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah
Isaiah 49 New King James Version (NKJV) 25 But thus says the LORD: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, And the prey of the terrible be delivered; For I will contend with him who contends with you, FirstletusseehowJesusdealtwithevilspiritsanddemons. Chapter Two How did Jesus contend with demons and the devil himself?
Matthew 4 1Living Bible (TLB)
1- Then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, to be tempted there by Satan. 2 For forty days and forty nights he ate nothing and became very hungry. 3 Then Satan tempted him to get food by changing stones into loaves of bread. “It will prove you are the Son of God,” he said.
Inthisfollowingscriptureitsays,that‘eventhecaptivesofthemightyshall be taken from them;’ so we can take back our loved ones from Satan’s power or place where he has them bound, but let us seek that wonderful ‘’gift of discernment’’ firstbeforewegoafterSatan,hisdemons,andspirits we have authority over Satan himself and every demon or spirit because Jesus defeated him, and them, ‘’once and for all time.’’ This gift of discernment is on offer to all who desire it sincerely, and it is up to us to askforthegiftsthatwillhelpthechurch,God’speople.
EverythingisinsubmissiontoJesus,andthatmeans‘everything,’whether ‘heavenly beings,’ ‘demonic beings,’ or ‘human beings,’ all are in submissiontohimandtohisveryname
But Jesus told him, “No! For the Scriptures tell us that bread won’t feed men’s souls: ‘’obedience to ‘’every word’’ of God is what we need.”
Then Satan took him to Jerusalem to the roof of the Temple. 6 “Jump off,” he said, “and prove you are the Son of God; for the Scriptures declare, ‘God will send his angels to keep you from harm,’ they will prevent you from smashing on the rocks below.”
Next Satan took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. 9 “I’ll give it all to you,” he said, “if you will only kneel and worship me.” 10 “Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “The Scriptures say, ‘Worship only the Lord God. Obey only him.’”
Jesus retorted, “It also says not to put the Lord your God to a ‘’foolish test!”
Then Satan went away, and angels came and cared for Jesus WhenSatancameandtemptedJesusherepliedeverytimewiththe ‘’word of God’’ , thenhetoldhimtogetoutofhere.Butbeforehetoldhimtogetout of here, the devil used the ‘’word of God against Jesus’’ to get him to prove hewasthesonofGod,forthedevilwasunsureifJesuswasthesonofGod ornot,anditwasnotuntilhehadJesushangingonthecrosswithhisbody fullofsindidhethinkhehadGod’sonlysondying,andherejoiced.
Matthew 12 22 Living Bible (TLB) 22 Then a ‘’demon-possessed’’ man he was ‘’both blind’’ and ‘’unable to talk’’ was broughttoJesus,and‘’Jesushealedhim’’sothathecouldboth‘’speakandsee.’’23The crowdwasamazed.“MaybeJesusistheMessiah!”theyexclaimed. 24 But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle, they said, “He can ‘’cast out demons’’ because he is Satan, king of devils.”
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “A divided kingdom ends in ruin. A city or home divided against ‘itself’ cannot stand. 26 And if Satan is casting out Satan, he is fighting himself and destroying his own kingdom. 27 And if, as you claim, I am casting out demons by invoking the powers of Satan, then what power do your own people use when they cast them out? Let them answer your accusation! 28 But if I am ‘’casting out demons’’ ‘’by the’’ ‘’Spirit of God,’’ then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you. HowdidJesussayhewascastingoutdemons?Answer by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit and who do we have living in our bodies, that ‘’same Holy Spirit.’’ Jesus never did anything by his own thoughts; no! he followed the
Matthew 3:11-Expanded Bible [John Preaches About the Christ] “I baptize you with water ·to show that your hearts and lives have changed [for repentance]. But there is one coming after me who is ·greater [mightier; more powerful] than I am whose sandals I am not ·good enough [fit; qualified] to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Matthew12 29 LivingBible(TLB)
Johnwaspreachingrepentanceashisministry,thenhechangeditto,‘ one is coming mightier than I am,’ and he spoke of Jesus who now was on his waytohim,tofulfilGod’splans,andtoreceive ‘’God’s holy Spirit and fire,’’ forJesusuptillnowhadnosupernaturalpower,andthegreatestthingthat Jesusdoneforuswas,hegavethesameHolySpirittoallwhodesiredhim.
Matthew 8:16-Living Bible
29 One cannot rob Satan’s kingdom without ‘’first binding Satan.’’ ‘Only ‘then’ can his ‘’demons be cast out!’’* 30 ‘’ anyone who isn’t helping me is harming me.’’ A significant thing to notice here in this scripture is what Jesus said; and thatstatementinthemidstofexplainingaboutbindingSatanthedevil,was ‘’anyone who isn’t helping me is harming me,’’ when I first read that, it shocked me, for I realised that if Christians who are not helping Jesus by spreading the gospel, casting out demons and sharing the salvation messageisactuallyharminghim
Holy Spirits promptings or words. He healed those,whomthe Holy Spirit prompted him to heal, and it is time us Christians learned to follow the Holy Spirits words or prompting for then we shall see awesome miracles happeningbeforeourveryeyes.
That evening several demon possessed people were brought to Jesus; and when he spoke a single word, all the demons fled; and all the sick were healed Jesus only spoke a single word, and that word was probably ‘Go. ’ But that wordhadpowerbehindit,ithadtheknowledge ofhis positioninhis God behind him and the power of the living Holy Spirit the creator of all that God designed. Jesus knew who was now in him, since he was baptised by JohnattheJordanRiver.
AsamanhereceivedtheHolySpirit;hewasfullyhumanlikeusandsoto showuswhatweneedhewenttoJohnand‘’received the Holy Spirit’’ forup tillthenhehadnopowertodoanything. HefirstreceivedtheHolySpirittoshowuswealsoneedtheHolySpirit.He could have come to earth as God with full power even as a baby, but he chosetocomeinsteadasaman,ahumanbeing,andreceivetheHolySpirit toreceivepower. And we also now receive power when we receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the same baptism he received, though we don’t need to go to the JordanRiverwecanreceiveitanytime,simplybyaskingtheHolySpiritto comeintousafterwereceivedsalvation.Thenwealsocangooutintothe world with full power from the same Holy Spirit and cast out demons and evil spirits and heal the sick.Mark 16 15 AfterJesusdiedhearoseandthenhetoldhisdisciplestowaitintheupper roomtoreceivethe ‘’gift of the Holy Spirit,’’ andtheydid;andonthedayof Pentecostwhichwasyesterdayforme 20 5 2018; andItwohavereceivedthe wonderful Holy Spirit now almost forty one years ago.AndIalsowalkinthe ‘’power and authority of Jesus,’’ healing and delivering people from the oppression of evil forces and in the same ‘’power of his Holy Spirit’’ and in hisnameJesus.’’ Praise God millions of people all over the world ‘’ are, and have’’ received the Holy Spirit after salvation; and all have received the exact same Holy Spirit; for there is only one Holy Spirit, contrary to what some way out peoplebelieve,thatitisadifferentHolySpiritthatGodgivesthem. But praise the lord I have the same Spirit as Jesus had and so do you. So let’swalkinthe same power he gave Jesus. But ‘’Jesus left us his ‘’name’’ also, to deal with evil principalities and forces of evil in this world, that are inflicting people with sickness and diseases and trying to destroy their lives.
WhenJesusreceivedtheHolySpirit,hethenreceived ‘’supernatural power’’ fromthe ‘’Holy Spirit’’ whowouldleadhimtofulfiltheworksthatGodhad laidoutforhim.Jesusdidn’tgowilynillyfromthisonetothatoneandheal themall.Nohewenttothosethefatherhadplannedtohavedeliveredand healed; to show that behind almost all sickness and diseases is an evil Whyspirit.didJesusneedtogotobebaptisedbyJohnattheJordan River?Jesus dideverythingtofollow God’splansformankind.Jesuscametoearth asa baby human being, with normal baby human being things happening to him,likegoingtothetoiletinhisnappy;etc.
The Baptism of Jesus 13 Jesus left Galilee and went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14 But John kept objecting and said, “I ought to be baptized by you. Why have you come to me?”
IwasinalocalshoppingcentrelastyearandInoticedawomanpushinga walkingaidIapproachedherandtalkedtoheraboutJesusandhealing,and sheletmeknowshewasn’treallylookingforhealing.
16 So Jesus was baptized. And as soon as he came out of the water, the sky opened, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down on him like a dove. 17 Then a voice from heaven said, “This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him.” Themostimportantlineinthisscriptureis, ‘’we must do all that God wants us to do.’’ JesussawtheHolySpiritcomedownonhimlikeadove,andafterwardshe wentoutinthepoweroftheHolySpirit,andhedealtwithdemonswhenhe came across them in the people God chose for him to deliver, who were readytoreceivedeliverance.
Matthew 3 13 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
We have a gift too wonderful for words, a gift from a loving God to us his ownbornagainchildren; his own Holy Spirit to help us supernaturally inour battles with the powers of darkness. Now let’s get back to what I was sharing.
15 Jesus answered, “For now this is how it should be, because we must do all that God wants us to do.” Then John agreed.
There is a note of importance here Not everybody wants deliverance or healed.ThereisathinghereinNorthernIrelandcalledthe DLA whichisa governmentbenefitforpeoplewithdisabilities,anditisalotofmoney,and peopledon’twanttohavetogiveuptheirDLA’stogethealed,andtheHoly SpiritknowsjustashedidwhenJesuswalkedtheearththatnoteveryone believedorwerewillingtoreceivehealingordeliverance.
For instance, it is difficult for a man or woman to want to get delivered fromaspiritoflust;forthatthingfeedstheirimaginationswiththingsthey may,orwishtheycoulddo,orhavedone,andtheyenjoylivingwiththisin their minds. So deliverance is more difficult when a person doesn’t want deliveredfromsomethingtheyenjoy. Itisbestto ask the Holy Spirit whom hewishestoreceivesalvationorhealingordeliverance.
OveraperiodoftimeIsawthiswomaneverytimeIwentshoppinginthis shoppingcentre;andIsaw herpushherwalkingaidaroundtheshopand peoplegivingherlooksornodsofsympathy,andatothertimesIseenher with other people with disabilities and realised that this is what this womanenjoyed,beingwithotherpeoplewithdisabilitiesandwheelchairs orwalkingaidswiththem,andsoshedidn’twanttobehealedandherpain wasprobablybearablewithpainkillers.
Also in the same shopping centre I saw a woman who was bent over sideways almost half way to the ground and I helped her get some tins of food down from ahigher shelf, andI spoke to her about Jesus and offered her to come and receive healing in a local bar that I was having healing services and she refused, so I cleared off. I see her nearly all the time comingbent over intwohangingon toa shoppingtrolley,and I know not toapproachherknowingshedidn’twanttobehealed.
Matthew 8:28 Expanded Bible [Jesus Heals Two Men with Demons] When Jesus arrived at the other side of the lake in the ·area [region; territory] of the Gadarene people [C from Gadara, an area southeast of Lake Galilee; the exact location is uncertain], two ·men who had demons in them [demon possessed men; demoniacs] came out of the ·burial caves [tombs] and met him. These men were so ·dangerous [violent; fierce] that people could not ·use the road by those caves [pass that way]. Some scriptures say that it was ‘ one man ’ and some say it was ‘two,’ it showshowthingscanchangeovertheyearsfromonemantotwo,perhaps peoplegettingthestorywrongbutthethingiswhetheritwereoneortwo thosepeopleweredelivered! The demons spoke to Jesus; and Jesus answered them and said one word, perhaps that was the word I wrote about a few minutes ago, and the demons left immediately and entered a heard of pigs. The demons knew that Jesus had the power to cast them out or to send them to the place of torment.Dodemonsknowthatyouhavepoweroverthem,thesamepower that Jesus had? You have to know who you are, and who is inside you,
FollowingtheHolySpiritspromptingwillgiveusvictoryeverytimewelay handsonsomeoneneedinghealing;orstandingbackandcommandingthe evil spirits to get out in Jesus name and they will go and they will receive healing.
The Holy Spirit knows who were wishing they could be healed and those knowingtheywereokwiththeirdisease.SoheledJesus,andwillleadusto those the father prepared beforehand, to receive either salvation, or the baptismintheHolySpirit,ordeliverance.
Jesusgiveshisdisciplespoweroverdemonsandevilspiritsandtheywent about casting themout andhealing people when they wereconfronted by them.
joined together with your spirit and his as one spirit being, not two individualsbutonespirit~his.
Matthew 8:31 Expanded Bible
If Jesus had wanted he could have cast those demons out of the men, and into the Abyss, but instead he allowed the demons to go into the pigs and drown by diving off the cliff, and this meant that the demons were free to go and do more damage to people, because their time for hell had not yet come!‘’You cannot command a demon or spirit to die’’ foritisnottheirtime todie,butyoucancommandthemto ‘’Go in Jesus name’’ andtheywillhave toGo. Chapter three The disciples were given power, and they still didn’t have the Holy Spirit!
Jesusgivespowerfirsttohisdisciplesandthenafterwardstous,butfirstto the disciples, so that we could learn from them that the ‘’name of Jesus’’ works along with the ‘’power of the Holy Spirit’’ behind it.There are many mencalledJesus,andIreadonetimeitisaverycommonnameinMexico, buttheirnamesarenotfilledwiththe‘’powerbehindthe‘’nameofJesus,’’ and ‘’filled with the power of the Holy Spirit,’’ itisthenameof Jesus the‘’Son of God’’ that has the power in it, and backed up by the power of the Holy Spirit;soyouhavetoknowwhomyouhaveinyouandinwhosenameyou haveinyourmouth.
The demons begged Jesus, “If you make us leave these men [drive/cast us out], please send us into that herd of pigs [ritually unclean animals].” Matthew 8:32 Expanded Bible Jesus said to them, “Go!” So the demons ·left [came out of] the men and went into the pigs. Then [look; T behold] the whole herd rushed down the ·hill [steep bank; precipice] into the ·lake [sea] and ·were drowned [died in the waters]
ThedemonswererelievedthatJesussaidtothem‘’Go,’’Jesuscastthemout of the men, ‘’just as we can also cast demons out of people they possess;’’ and they drove the heard down to the cliff and dived in and drowned the pigstheypossessed;inthiswaytheycouldthencomebackoutofthepigs andgoelsewhere,foritwas,andstillis,notthetimefordemonstobesent tohell,anddemonscannotdrown.
One day Jesus called together his twelve apostles and ‘’gave them’’ ‘’authority over all demons’’ ‘’power to cast them out’’ and to heal all diseases 2 Then he sent them away to tell everyone about the coming of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Hegavepowertocastdemonsorspiritsoutofpeopleandthatiswhatthey didandwhatwearesupposedtodo.Ihavecastdemonsandspiritsoutof peoplequietlyinhealingservicesasIseentheminpeopleandtheyleftand the people testified they felt something leave. I never shout at a spirit or demon for it will shock the people there and possibly scare them away or make the person who has a spirit in them feel ashamed to have people knowtheywereoppressedbyaspirit. ThepowerbehindthenameofJesusisallweneedtocastoutdemons.
Matthew 10:8-Living Bible Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure the lepers, and cast out demons Give as freely as you have received! IwasinvitedtodohealingservicesinHullatachurchthere,andthepeople lined up to get hands laid on them, I began praying over them when suddenly a young woman began making a scene, and I saw the pastors move in right away and she backed away from where I was standing and was screaming a terrible scream, the likes of which I had never heard before, and it took four or five of the elders to pin this woman down she was that strong, before the demon lefther and she foundher peace again. The amazing thing I saw when I looked over the video later {I record everything} was that no one moved away, they were that anxious to get AshealedIwas reading through scripture I discovered that the gospels in Matthew,Mark,LukeandJohneachhadadifferentmessagetogive,Iread inLukehetoldushowtodealwithdemons,andhowtohealthesick,and inthebookofJohn,Jesushimselftellspeoplehowtogetsaved. Matthew and Mark talk of different things. It amazed me to see this after fortyyearsormoreofreadingmybible.IreadmybiblealmostdailyandI searchedoutdifferentthingsinit,andIhavewrittenatthistime 28 4 2018 over ‘’three hundred and twenty books’’ teaching on scripture and was
Luke 9 Living Bible (TLB) 9
always amazed by all that was in it, but this blew my mind when reading throughthegospelslookingforacertainsubjectIcametorealisethateach authorspokeofdifferentsubjects;buttheoneIamfocusingoninthisbook is, how to deal with demons, and their master Satan the devil. Thefirstthingwemustrealiseisthat‘’Jesus defeated Satan the devil for us,’’ andthen‘’he gave us authority’’overhimandhishoardsofdemonsandevil principalities’ and evil spirits, each have a position in the hierarchy in Satan’skingdom
Let’sreassureourselvesagainthatthe‘’devilhasbeendefeatedbyJesus.’’ Ephesians 4Living Bible (TLB) 8
The psalmist tells about this, for he says that when Christ returned triumphantly to heaven after his resurrection and ‘’victory over Satan,’’ he gave generous gifts to men. 9 Notice that it says he returned to heaven. I found this scripture amazing for two reasons, one Jesus returned to heaven, which meant for anyone doubting his divinity that he came from there in the first place, and that he returned ‘’triumphantly,’’ meaning ‘’successfully, victoriously, gloriously, proudly, exultantly, jubilantly, elatedly, delightedly.’’
I can just imagine the feelings that Jesus displayed to all of heaven watching, and especially to his father seated on his throne beside Jesus empty throne just waiting on his return, read those words again that express ‘triumphantly,’ and let them sink into your spirit for they are wonderful words meaning triumphantly, but the fullness of the word is expressedamazinglywhenlookedatthefullmeaningoftriumphantly.Can you just imagine how Jesus felt with him dragging the devil and all of his demonic forces defeated, and hanging their heads in shame for all of heavenlookedatthemandsawtheywere defeated forever. Luke 9 Living Bible (TLB)
Jesus gave his disciples power to cast out demons and to heal the sick; if you ever wanted to heal the sick or cast out demons, then you have the
One day Jesus called together his twelve apostles and ‘’gave them’’ ‘’authority over all demons’’ ‘’power to cast them out’’ and to heal all diseases 2 Then he sent them away to tell everyone about the coming of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
I like to think of the Holy Spirit in this way. I imagine that the father is a flashlight,andthatJesusisthebulb,thelightinit,andtheHolySpiritisthe power source, i.e. the batteries. And when we have that in our hands we have everything we will even need to do the works of God, those works preparedbyGodtodo,forwecandonothingwithoutthe fathertellingus whichworkstodoandifwewouldlistentohisHolySpiritthenwewould
We also have that same power even without the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in our lives for it is in ‘’preaching the Good News’’ the ‘’full gospel;’’inotherwords,that poweristhereinthe‘’wordandinthename ofJesus.’’Whenacteduponinfaithandtrust. We see the disciples returning to where Jesus is and reporting to him all that happened andI am sure they were just bursting with excitement just barely able to contain themselves waiting on their turn to tell Jesus what happenedwith them; and everytimeIsee a soul healedor delivered I am filled with excitement and jubilation and can’t wait till I get home and tell RosewhatJesus,andtheHolySpiritdonethroughme. Luke 10:17 Living Bible When the seventy disciples returned, they joyfully reported to him, “Even the demons obey us when we use your name.” What power did the disciples have? They had the power of the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ andthe ‘’Good News,’’ fortheyhadn’treceivedtheHolySpiritasyet, ifyouhaven’treceivedthebaptismintheHolySpiritbutarejustsaved,you havethepowerofthenameofJesus,andifyoupreach,[tell]everyonethe GoodNews,thenyouhavepoweroversicknessanddiseaseanddemons. We Christians, who are baptised in the Holy Spirit, are filled with all the powerofGodinspirit,foritwastheHolySpiritthatmadeeverythingcome intobeingafterJesusspoketothefather,andthen‘said’lettherebelight, andsoforth!Anditcameintobeing.
same power as the disciples had, but only if you are baptised in the Holy Spirit then you have a mighty increasing of power; but these men and womenhadonlythepowerofthenameofJesusandhiswords‘’gooutand telleveryoneaboutthekingdomofGodandthenhealthesick.’’Inthislays a ‘’secrete,’’ a hidden gem, and the ‘’secrete’’ is, ‘’power is there with the disciplesandalsowithyou,whenyou ‘’preach the ‘’Good News’’ to people.’’
God’swordtellsustoputonthefullarmourofGodforourprotectionand weaponry,beforewegoandconfrontademonorthedevilforafterallheis onlyafallenangeldefeatedbyJesus,butisatremendousliar.
Every child of the living God needs to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, for if Jesusneededhim,thensodoweevenmoreso.
seemiraclesofsalvation,andhealings,anddeliverance takingplace aswe walkintheperfectwillofGod.
Our actual battle is not against people, who are sick or possessed or troubled by an evil spirit but against the ‘powers that be’ that are behind the attack of sickness or disease, or whatever illness they might have. We are supposed to confront first the spirits that are behind their illness, we makeabigmistakewhenwejustgoagainstsicknessitself;forthosecrafty spirits will leave the moment you mention the name of Jesus towards the
12 For our struggle is ‘’not’’ against ‘’flesh and blood,’’ but ‘’against the ‘rulers,’ ‘’against the authorities’’ ‘’against the powers of this dark world’’ and ‘’against the ‘spiritual’’ forces of evil’’ in the heavenly realms 1
0 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is ‘’not against flesh and blood,’’ but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Takethe helmet of salvationand the sword of the Spirit,which is the ‘’word of God.’’ 18 And ‘’pray in the Spirit on all occasions’’ with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for the entire Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6 1 New International Version (NIV)
But the sorcerer, Elymas (his name in Greek), interfered and urged the governor to pay no attention to what Paul and Barnabas said, trying to keep him from trusting the Lord. 9 Then Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, glared angrily at the sorcerer and said, 10 you son of the devil, full of every sort of trickery and villainy, enemy of all that is good, will you never end your opposition to the Lord? 11 And now God has laid his hand of punishment upon you, and you will be ‘’stricken ‘’awhile’’ with blindness.” Instantly mist and darkness fell upon him, and he began wandering around begging for someone to take his hand and lead him. DidyounoticethatGoddidnotstrikethismanblindpermanentlybutfora brief period of time? God loves us and wants us free from all demonic
Look at what happened to a man who had a demon in him helping him deceive people, for a demon is not there to help people but to drag them down to hell with them, and they will use anything to deceive people especiallythosewhomtheyhavetakenover. Acts 13:8 Living Bible
persons sickness, thereby keeping themselves safe by leaving the person beforetheycouldevenbecastout.
Ibelieveweneedthegiftofdiscernment,to see the spirits justasJesusseen them, and sadly no Christian I have ever met or seen on TV have that awesomegift;andImyselfeagerlydesirethatGiftfromtheHolySpirit,forI wanttoseeifaspiritisinvolvedinaperson’ssituation,beitillnessorbeit afamilyproblem No Christian I have ever met has that actual gift working; there could be thousandswhooperateinthegiftofdiscernmentbutIdon’t.Ihadatouch of it in the first days for when I prayed with a person I seen their eyes change and I seen the spirit that was causing their problem there, and I alwayssensedtheirname,andaskedthepersonifthiswashowtheywere feeling.Ididn’tknowatthetimetoprayforanincreaseofthatgiftbutIam asking for it now. We need every gift from God’s Holy Spirit to help us in everyway. We know that Jesus seen the spirits and they seen him and acknowledge that he seen them, for he spoke to them and they answered him, now I don’t’wish tohaveaconservationwithanyevil spirit; Ijust want themto getoutinJesusname.
A little church In England I ministered in a few months ago has grown in sizebecausethelordisshowingupateveryservicethere,andevenattheir meetings. The church people have learned to bind demons and cast them outandtohealthesickandofcoursethesickshowupandwhentheyget healed and delivered they stay as believers; because they have felt the deliverancepoweroftheHolySpiritonthemselvespersonally.
Therearechurchesallaroundtheworldwhereindividualpastorshavethe glory of God showing up every service and there are thousands of people coming in droves to them because people see and hear of the lord being presentthereandhealingthesickanddeliveringpeoplefromdemonsand evilspirits
IsufferjustlikeStPaulwhenhesaidhewasworriedabouthischurcheshe setup.Ididn’thelpsetthischurchupbuttheLordtoldmetogothere,and I am here almost three years now just sitting doing nothing wondering at timeswhyandwhatIamherefor?Isyourchurchlikethis?Istherenothing happeningsupernaturally?ArewenotsupposedtoexhibitthegloryofGod sothatsoulswouldbeattractedtoit?
Jesus sent his disciples out into the world to spread the gospel and to spreadthepowerofthegospeleverywhereinthisworldandhepromised
Iofferedtoteachtheleadersofthechurchhowtooperateinthegiftsofthe Holy Spirit, but theman I spoke to didn’t even understandwhat I actually meant? I wish to be a help in love and to help build the church up in the giftsforthegloryofGod,notformybenefit.
power and afflictions, not to punish us because we gave in to a demon by Godmistakehas called and equipped his church for battle and not for defeat in battlebutforvictoryandsadlyhereinNorthernIrelandthereareveryfew churches fighting any battles; the majority of churches here don’t even realise that they are in any kind of battle. In effect the devil has already won;theonlybattlehereisbetweenChristiansanditistheirreligion. In the church I attend I am not allowed to pray with people after almost being there for three years; and after talking with the man who is overseeingthechurchrecently;hetoldmeonSundaypasttheywillhaveto setupastructureforthistohappensothatothersmaynotstarthealingthe sick in church. What is the mentality of the church leaders that they don’t allowthesickintheirchurchtobehealed.
that he would be there with his church people doing what he asked them to.The Holy Spirit will never let down any child of God that is trying to heal peoplethroughhispowerandinthenameofJesus,hewillhealandprotect them from any comeback from the enemy, for after all they are in a battle against Satan the devil, and against his demonic forces of ‘’defeated spirits’’ who are lying to people to accept their way of doing things. The churches have been lulled into thinking that if they have a lively singing group singing upbeat songs that is what God wants from his church, and thatisdeceptioninitshighestform;wehaveachurchwhereeverythingis quietly going along wonderfully and people are coming and going to church, to sit there and literally do nothing and go about their daily lives doingnothingforGodwhothinkthatitisgreat. No attacks from the enemy; why? Satan will never attack a church that is doing nothing supernaturally for God and has no signs of healings and deliverances. Remember Jesus said if you’re not helping him you are attackinghim.
WhatwasthefirstthingJesussaidaboutthismanwhoobviouslybelieved intheactualnameofJesus,andwhomheproclaimedtobe,whenheheard him preach, ‘’that he is for you not against you,’’ because he done something for people needing help from sickness and disease and Jesusdeliverance!madeagreatpointinthesescriptures;hesaid ‘’if you’re for him then you’re not against him,’’ butwhatwasitthatmadehimmakethispointfor
1- When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to ‘’proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.’’ 6 So they set out and went from village to village, ‘’proclaiming the good news’’ and ‘’healing people everywhere.’’ 49 “Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” 50 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is ‘’not against you’ ‘is for you ”
Luke 9 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
he said it in another scripture also. ‘’Do not stop anyone healing peoplein ‘’His Name;’’ Jesus. Heknewthatanyonedoingthesethingsusinghisnameisforhimandnot againsthim.Arethechurchleadersdoingasthismanwhowasnotevenan apostle or disciple doing as Jesus proclaimed? This man understood that sicknessordemonshadtoleavewhenheusedthenameofJesusknowing that the demons knew his name and obeyed. What the man said was, becausehehad‘faithinthe‘’ name ’’ofJesus.’ Now what was the difference between this man and the other men who triedtousethenameofJesus? Acts 19 New International Version (NIV) 13 Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon possessed. They would say, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.”14 Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15 One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” 16 Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. The difference between this man who successfully drove out demons and healedthesickisbecausehehad ‘’faith in the name of Jesus;’’ hedidn’t ‘’try’’ tohealthesick,’’hejustdiditknowingthat power was in ‘’Jesus name ’’ and these other men just tried to use the name of Jesus, but had ‘’no faith’’ or ‘’realunderstanding’’inJesusname,’’andwhomhewas;andthedifference betweenthemallwasthemanbelievedwithfaith,andtheseothermenhad healed the sick and delivered people from demonic power by ‘’faith in the name of Jesus,’’ and Christians who now have Jesus actually inside them and have his blessed Holy Spirit within them also, ‘’have ‘’ no ’’ faith’’ or ‘’real belief in the name of Jesus,’’ and what power this wonderful nameactuallyhasinit.
Paul’s handkerchiefs and face towels were actually healing the sick and delivering people from demonic power; he didn’t even have to pray with people or use the name of Jesus; people had faith in the name of Jesus whomPaulpreachedanddelivered;theybelievedthatbecausetheseitems touchedPaulthattheywouldbringthemrelieffromtheirdiseases,justas
todaypeopleshareamittthatPadrePiowore,tobringthemhealing,andit does;justlikethoseitemsofclothingofPaulhealedthosewhohadfaithin theirabilitytobringthemhealing Acts 19 New International Version (NIV) 11 God was doing extraordinary and unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs or face towels or aprons that had touched his skin were brought to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out [of them].
2 Kings 13:21 New International Version Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet. Eventhebonesofthesaintsofoldbroughtlifetoadeadman.Evenindeath andallthat’sleftofhimElisha’sbonesheldenoughpowertoraisethisman backtolife;thatishowmuchpowerthereisinabeliever. JesussaidinMark16 Mark 16Christian Standard Bible (CSB) 14 Later he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table. He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who saw him after he had risen. 15 Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and ‘’preach the gospel to all creation.’’16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.17 And these ‘’signs’’ will accompany those who believe: In my name they will ‘’drive out demons;’’ they will ‘’speak in new tongues;’’[b]18 they will pick up snakes] if they should drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; they will ‘’lay hands on the sick’’, and they ‘’will get well.”
This is how much God wants toheal his people, that he even allows cloth, handkerchiefsandfacetowelsanditemsofclothingtoholdhealinginthem because of this man of faith had used them; healing power can be held in cloths, and this is something that God does, I remember someone was thrown into one of the saints of old that had died and the dead man touched his bones in the grave and came back to life. I think it was the bonesofElisha.
What signs are happening in the churches who are supposed to be believers; believers in what or whom? Believers in Jesus obviously have powerandauthoritybutthereisnosignofthesethingshappeninginmost bornagainchurches,nevermindthenominalchurches.
Colossians 2King James Version (KJV) 9 For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: Chapter four How do you cast out demons? Howdoyoucastoutdemonswhenyouencounterthem?Ifyouareaborn again Christian, then you have power from Jesus; ‘’those who believe shall use my authority,’’ notevenyourauthoritybutactuallyhisauthority,thatis howyoudealwithdemonsandevilspiritshimself. Ijustrememberedanincidentthathappenedtomeyearsago.Iandagroup ofpeopleweregivingaschoolretreatandaftertheretreatwewereinvited
If a man could use the name of Jesus to heal the sick and he didn’t even have Jesus in him like we born again Christians have; and to whom also have the ‘’Holy Spirit have inside them,’’ and who are also ‘’filled with the Holy Trinity,’’ ‘’father, son, and Holy Spirit’’ and they have no signs and wonders following them. What is that saying to a person who had a differentfaiththanyou?ThattheirGodisjustasgoodasyourgodhas! ‘’Deliverpeoplefrom evil spiritsandheal the sickand baptisethemin the HolySpirit’’Jesussays; arewedoingthat whichJesussaid.Now beforehe told the apostles or disciples that; he rebuked them for their ‘’unbelief’’in him. Unbelief is caused by ‘’hardness of heart,’’ do you think that maybe the churchleadershave‘’hardnessofheart’’intoday’schurches? We have unbelievable power in us in the fact that we are filled with the ‘’Godhead, Father, son, and Holy Spirit,’’ and we have the power tocast out demonsandhealthesickinJesusnamearewedoingitorwillwealsogeta rollickingfromJesusforourunbelief?
tocomeandspendthenightinsomeone’shomeandmybrotherinlawand me were picked to stay in this lady’s home; so after the retreat ended for thedayweweredriventothiswoman’s home, and just asI sat downina chair I sensed the lord saying this woman needs healing, so even though she tried to get us to go to bed, I asked for a cup of tea, and I knew she didn’twanttomakeusonebutwassortofforcedintomakingusabrew. Aswesatdrinkingourtea,Isaidtotheladydidshewantaprayer,andshe saidno!Soaftertea,wewereshownourseparateroomsandasRaymond came into my room for a prayer for the school meeting, the lady asked us didwewantawater-bottle,sowesaid,‘’ nothanks,’’andtogetherwewent into the room to pray, a few minutes later the lady came knocking at our doorwithwaterbottlesinherhandandhandedittome,andIaskedwould sheliketopraywithus,andatfirstshesaid,‘ no ’thensaid‘ok.’Webeganto praywhenthelordsaidtome,sheneedshealing,soIsaidtoherwouldshe like a prayer for healing, and I began to tell her things as the lord’s Holy Spirit revealed them to me, through word of knowledge, and she was shockedwhenthesethingswererevealedtome,andshesaidthesethings were true, and so we prayed with her, and she was totally healed as the lordtouchedher. She also told us that she had been going to a prayer meeting for over twenty years and had never received the gift of tongues. We prayed with her for the baptism in the Holy Spirit and she instantly received her tongues, and we all prayed in tongues for quite a while, then she said its time she went to bed and left, Raymond and I prayed on a little while thankingthelordforhiswordofknowledge,andhishealingofthislady. Then we ended it, and she had gone into bed fully healed and baptised in theHoly Spirit andspeakingintonguessomethingshehadneverreceived aftertwentyoddyearsgoingtoaprayermeeting. RaymondwenttohisroomandIlaydowntosleepandawhilelaterIhada sense of something very evil entering the room, and I was laying with my backtothedoor,andIwondered ‘’should I be afraid,’’ andIhadasenseofa voicesayingtome ‘’greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world,’’ andIjumpedaroundandspoketothethingthatwasintheroomandsaid ‘’inthenameofJesuspissoff,’’anditleftimmediately.{NotathingIwould recommend saying to a demon, but it worked because of the name of Jesus.}
Raymond had the same experience; he said that an evil spirit entered his room and he turned the light on, and sat awake with the light on all night hewasthatafraid.ThiswomanhadjustreceivedhergiftoftheHolySpirit and tongues and was feeling full of the grace and healing of God, said she wasnotgoingtoletsomethingevildestroywhatshehadjustreceived. Thepoweristhereinstantly
The power of God is instantly in us the moment we receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour. That power happened the moment this lady received the Holy SpiritforshealreadyhadJesusasLordandSaviourbutwithoutanysense ofpowerinhisnameforovertwentyyears.
Thenextmorningaswesathavingbreakfast,thewomantoldusthatafter she was in bed a while something evil entered her bedroom and her husband who was laying sleeping, suddenly jumped up and screamed the ‘’devilisintheroom,’’shetoldusthatsheshovedhimbackdownontohis pillow and backtosleep commandingthatthingto ‘’get out in the name of Jesus.’’ Andshelayprayingintonguestillshefellasleep.
Whenyou are praying with someoneand the Holy Spirit reveals there are spiritsinvolved,thenyoubindthatspiritinthenameofJesus,andyoubind any other spirit from helping them, and you command there will be no communication between them and Satan, then you command those foul thingstogetoutquietly. AtahealingserviceinHullEnglandIwasprayingwithpeopleinahealing line when a woman began exhibiting something happening to her, the Pastors movedintohelpher when shebegan screamingina high pitched voice, and began backing backwards bent over in two, and she just kept going backwards and some more of the church leaders came over to help and four or five ofthemcouldn’t stopher from risingup and down as she screamedthisawfulscreamwhichwasn’thuman,Ifelttojustcontinueon praying with people as they still stood in the healing line, no one moved away becauseofwhat washappening,theydidn’twanttolosetheirplace, theywantedhealing.
That is the power to binding demons and evil spirits; the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ andifyouhavehim, ‘’the Holy Spirit.’’
Or have you forgotten that all of us who were immersed into union with Jesus, the Anointed One, were immersed into union with his death?
The ‘’name of Jesus’’ will‘’bindanydemonorevenSatanthedevilhimself’’if usedagainsthimin ‘’faith’’, thisishowtobinddemonsandevilspirits;we have the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ we ‘are’ in ‘’effect ‘Jesus’ himself’’ for we are ‘’joined together with him as one spirit,’’ for scriptures tell us this many times Romans 6:3-The Passion Translation
-------------------------------Chapter five
15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, ‘’God dwells in him,’’ and ‘he’ ‘’in God’’ .
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because ‘’as he is’’ , ‘’ so are we ’’ in this world.
I don’t remembering touching this woman or if it was simply the name of JesusasIlayedhandsonanotherwomaninthehealingline,andIwatched thevideoItooklater,toseewhathadhappenedbutcouldn’ttell.
Afterwards my friends told me what had happened with this young woman, who had been possessed; they said; she told them, she, and another witch friend, came into the meeting to destroy it, and she was delivered and saved, she didn’t know what happened to her friend; but I would sayshedidn’t hangaroundafterseeingwhat washappeningtoher pal.
Andscriptureactuallytellsusthatitis ‘’God the father’’ thatwehaveinus also; the scripture tells us, ‘’as he is so are we in this world.’’ Come on how awesomeisthis?WehumanbeingshavebeengracedbyGodsomuchthat we have the power of Father God in us and we become one with him also and we are one with his Holy Spirit and Jesus who defeated them, no wonder spiritsanddemonsflee. 1 John 4 King James Version (KJV)
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwells in love ‘’dwells in God’’ and ‘’God in him.’’
In this [union and fellowship with Him], love is completed and perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the Day of Judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him]; because as He is, so are we in this world. Howcanademonresistyouorrefusetogetoutofsomeonetheypossess,if you haveGod dwellingin you, andyou in him;not only doyou haveJesus ‘’joined together as one with you, and in you,’’ you have ‘’God dwelling in you, ’’ and you also have the most high Holy Spirit dwelling in your body, so when a demon sees you coming it trembles in fear of you; and even if ‘Satanthedevil’comestoconfrontyou; he sees the blood covering you like it covered Jesus on the cross and also sees God dwelling in you, and Jesus who defeated him living in you and on top of that he also sees the Holy Spirit looking back at him,nowonderscripturesaysherunsfromyouinterror;in caseyousendhimtoeverlastinghellandallitstormentsbeforehistime James4:7AmplifiedBible
So‘’submitto[theauthorityof]God.’’‘’Resistthedevil’’[‘’standfirmagainst him’’]and‘’he‘will’fleefromyou.’’ Scripture tells us to ‘’draw close to God, resist the devil and he will flee,’’ to drawclosetoGodisnottogolookingforhiminprayerbuttorealisethat heisalreadyinyou,andtobeawareofthis, ‘’that is drawing close to God.’’ StPaulknewwhohewasandwhowasinhimandwhohadbecomeonein the spirit with him, for he said, ‘’it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who livesinme.’’ DidyouknowthatyouareactuallyfilledwiththeGodhead,thefather,son andHolySpirit?
Anotherscriptureconfirmswhat thisonesays,as he God is so are we, in thisworld.IusedtothinkthisscripturewastalkingaboutJesusanditwas somucheasiertobelieve that as Jesus is so are we; butitisactuallytalking aboutGodthefatherhimself!Forthescripturesays ‘’whoever dwells in love dwells in God and God in him, so in this way does our love become perfect because as God is, so are we, in this world! That is an awesome unbelievablestatementfromthewordofGod! Dwells = to live and have a home in a particular place- {reference books} 1-John 4:17-Amplified Bible
One time we were praying with a lady from our praise and worship meetingandthrough thegift ofdiscernment,theHolySpirit toldmethere was a spirit in her, that was causing her problems, so I spoke to it in the nameofJesusandcommandedit goandtotellmewhenitwentout.
KnowingwhoyouareandwhatGodhasdoneforyoubymakingyouinhis owndivineimageinspirit,andfillingyouwithhimself,demonsareaware of whom you are, and you need have no fear of the spirits saying, ’’Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you?’’ That will neverhappentoaborn againChristianchildofthelivingGodwhoconfrontsademonorevilspirit. Beforeyouevengonearthemtheyareshakinginsidejustincaseyouknow wheretosendthem,thatwillharmthemthemost. YoucannotcommandaspiritordemontodieasIsaidpreviously,youcan commandthemtogointoaheardofpigsjust likeJesusdone,fortheycan enter them and kill them, and so escape again until it is their time for eternaldamnationinthefireofhell,youcommandthemto ‘’go’’ - get out,’’ inJesusname. Should you fear a demon? No child of God should ever fear a demon or evil spirits, theyareineffectterrifiedofyou,for they see in the spirit realm and they see you covered with the blood of Jesus and so cannot tell ifit is Jesushimself,orahumanwiththebloodonhim.Rememberthe father sees you covered with the blood, and washed in it by the Holy Spirit, so spirits cannot tell who is confronting them until you show fear, or hesitate when confrontingthem;andthentheyknowitisahumanchildofthelivingGod that is there in front of them, and so they can put on a show to scare you andothersaround. A demon or spirits can call on other spirits or demons or principalities to help them, they could challenge you with a force of hundreds of them threatening you and your family in every way, and can present a united frontbutremember ‘’Jesus confronted a legion of them,’’ inotherwords,a legionisequaltoliterallyathousandofthem,andwhatdidJesusdo?Was hescared?Nohetoldthemtogoandtheyhadtogo.Nomatterhowmany demons or evil spirits inherit a person they all have to go in the name of HeJesus.let them go into a herd of pigs, and they ran towards a cliff and threw themselvesoverthecliff,therebykillingthepooroldpigs.Andinthatway theycouldescapetodootherheinousthings.
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
TheHolySpirit openedmyeyestoseethisthingcomecrawlingoutofher nose and saying to me, ‘’I’m out.’’ If the Holy Spirit hadn’t shown me it coming out and telling me ‘it was out’ I would have accepted that; but the crafty thing was saying, ‘’it was out’’ but then ‘’began entering her again throughhermouth.’’That spirit knew ithadtogobecauseIhadauthority overit,and demons, principalities and all forms of spirits and demons,andit was the authority of Jesus which I learned to use when I read ‘’Mark 16 ‘’those who believe shall use My Authority,’’ notourown,buthis,anditknew thatifIaccepteditsword,thenitcouldsimplysneakbackintothiswoman again; never trust a spirit for they lie and their father is the ‘’father of lies,’’ Jesussaid,sodon’tbelieveawordtheygettosay. JusttrusttheHoly Spirits leading and you will be one hundred percent sure that they have gone.
Revelation 12:11 New International Version
Other ExpandedTranslationsBibleRevelation
And our brothers and sisters ·defeated [conquered] him by the blood of the ·Lamb’s death [L Lamb; C by means of Christ’s sacrificial death] and by the ·message they preached [L word of their witness/testimony] [L And] They did not love their lives so much that they ·were afraid of [avoided] death.
We Children of Almighty God have God dwelling inside of us along side JesusandtheHolySpirit,andwehavethebloodofthelambcoveringus,so whenweconfrontdemonsoreventhedevilhimself,theystandterrifiedof us who have faith in what we are through Jesus Christ who suffered and diedforus.Thisistheroottodefeatingdemonsandevilspirits. First we bind them; then we kick them out of people or places; using the fullauthorityfromJesusin Mark 16 15 andwiththetrinitywithinusalso,and that’swherethepowertocastoutdemonscomesfrom.Youhavetoknow who you are and in whom you have your real existence; you have to know that Jesus and you are now one spirit; you have to realise that you and Almighty God are one person in spirit, andyou mustrecollect allthat dwell withinyouandspeaktothemremindingthemwhatJesusdoneforyouand
them also. Following in the footsteps of the Almighty in casting out; for thereis only one God andhedwellswithinyou and you must be aware of these things to walk in awesome power to heal the sick and to raise the deadandcastoutdemonsbythepoweroftheywhodwellswithinyou, The ‘’Holy Spirit and Jesus and father God,’’ thereinlaysyourspiritualpowerto disconnect spirits from someone infected by them, inthe name of Jesus at alltimes.Amen Don’t be criticized like the apostles, do not allow fear to stop you commandingdemonstogetoutfor ‘’greater is he that is in you than he that is on this earth.’’ Mark 16 14 Expanded Bible (EXB) Jesus Talks to the Disciples 14 Later Jesus showed himself to the eleven while they were ·eating [reclining at table; see 2:15], and he ·criticized [reprimanded; rebuked] them because they had no faith They were ·stubborn [hard hearted] and refused to believe those who had seen him after he had risen from the dead. 15 Jesus said to them, “Go everywhere in the world, and ·tell [preach; proclaim] the ·Good News [Gospel] to ·everyone [all creation] 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved, but anyone who does not believe will be ·punished [condemned] 17 And those who believe will be able to do these things as ·proof [signs]: They will use my name to ·force [drive; cast] out demons. They will speak in new ·languages [tongues]. 18 They will pick up snakes and drink poison without being hurt. They will touch [lay hands on] the sick, and the sick ‘’will’’ · ’’be healed [recover].”
ThefirstthingthatJesusdidwastocriticizehisDisciples,fornotbelieving thatherosefromthedeadevenaftertheyhadbeentoldbythosewhohad seenhim,Jesus.ThenthenextthingthatJesusdidwastosaytothemwho wereprobablyfeelingabitdownafterhisrollicking;‘’Gooutintotheentire world, preach the full gospel and cast out demons teach people to receive theHolySpiritandtospeakintongues;aftertheyreceivetheHolySpirit.’’ Thenhesaysthesethingsarethe ‘’signs and wonders’’ Ipromised. Thesethingsare ‘’signs of the supernatural;’’ ‘’casting out demons,’’ ‘’healing the sick’’ and ‘’baptising people in his Holy Spirit,’’
Jesus real size is beyond description for no words can describe infinite truly; and in his true identity we are joined together with and in him
Hallelujah! I want to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God for his mighty miracles. All who are thankful should ponder them with me. 3 For his miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal goodness. StPaulsaid; ‘’It is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives within me.’’ Hesaid hehasdiedwithChristandrosewithChristandsoitisonlyChristinspirit that makes him a spreader of the gospel and a worker of miracles. Let’s follow his way of living; he said he followed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. And this truth is the same with us who have accepted Jesus as lord andsaviour,thetransformationtakesplacewithinus Galatians 2;20 AMPC Bible
Miracles are a demonstration of the love of God, that’s what miracles is, a demonstration of the lord’s power in a human being; just as they were in Jesuswhenhewalkedthisearth,andhestillwalksthisearthlivingineach oneofus.
Psalm 111 1 Living Bible (TLB) 1 2
I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is ‘’no longer ‘’I’’ who live,’’ but ‘’Christ (the Messiah) ‘’lives in me;’’ and ‘’the life I now live in the body I live by faith’’ in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) ‘’the Son of God,’’ Who loved me and gave Himself up for me Paul didn’t cast out demons from people by any power of his own but by thepowerofthelivingGodwhodwellswithinhim. ThisissomethingthatmostChristiansdon’tknow,butPaulknew;hesaid, ‘’I have been crucified with Christ;’’ heacknowledgedthatitwasinthespirit that he died; and when Jesus rose again from the dead, he arose with a ‘’new spirit ‘’ours connected to his’’ as ‘’one new spirit,’’ ‘ our ‘’old spirit died on the cross with him,’’ and ‘’our new spirit’’ was ‘’created inside of him’’ the momentheroseinfull Godly power.The wordofGodsayswearea ‘’ new creature;’’ a ‘’new creation,’’whosespirit isconnectedasonespirit toand withandinChristJesus.
Knowing who we are just as Paul knew, will bring us victory in every situation and every battle with demonic power, it is because we are ‘’ one spirit with Jesus’’ and with Father God. Jesus is in him and we are in him.
forever ‘’as one spirit being god,’’ and scripture actually says that we are god’s,‘’sonsanddaughters’’oftheonetrueGod.
1 John 4:4 King James Version Ye are of God, little children, and ‘’have overcome’’ them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
You gave the Son ·power [authority] over all ·people [T flesh] so that the Son could give eternal life to all those you gave him. GodgaveJesuspoweroverallflesh,andJesusinturngavethatauthorityto hisdisciplesandthenontous,‘’thosewhobelieveshallusemyauthority.’’
Mark16 15. Philippians 2:10 Living Bible
That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, At thenameofJesususedinfaith,everydemonandevil spirit mustleave, not stay around to have an argument with you but leave instantly; and in ‘’Jesusname’’laysthepowertocastoutdemonsandevilspirits,foritisin
Allthisknowledgeisforanotherbook,foritisjusttoomuchtorealisethat ‘’God actually calls us god’s,’’ ‘’in his word;’’ he usesthem very words a few times in the bible to explain what we have become; so I will leave it here withyouthereadertostudythisinanothertime.
This scripture gives you the realization that you have already overcome evil spirits and demons because we are of God, his little children, because greaterishethatisinyouthanhethatisintheworld,soweshouldnever feardemonsorevilspirits,butrebukethemintheHolyNameofJesusand theywillflee;becausewehavethegreaterone God in us,God’sownHoly Spirit and God himself, and even Jesus in us as ‘’one spirit being, one new creation, and one new creature,’’ andinhimwehavethepowerthat‘ causes us to overcome,’ not that we need to overcome them demons but that we ‘’have already overcome them’’ in Jesus when he overcame them, this is where every victory lays believing that we are in him and he in us as his wordsays John 17:2 Expanded Bible
Overwhelmingvictoryisoursinallthings,throughJesus! Amen
Now as a child of the living God and in whom God dwells, go and cast out demonsandevilspiritsfrompeopleandhealthesick,justasyouweretold todoinMark16-15.Gooutanddoitinhisnameandexpectmiraclesand deliverancetohappeninJesusname.
his name that every demon, spirit, and sickness that ‘they created in people,’havetoleave.
Romans 8:37 Amplified Bible
Yet in all these things we are ‘’more than conquerors’’ and ‘’gain an ‘’overwhelming victory’’ through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].