Psalm 82:6 New International Versions
“I said, ‘‘you are “gods”; you are ‘’all ‘’sons’’ of the ‘’Most High.’’
‘’God said this in his word he is the one who called us ‘’gods,’’ not us; ’’do you believe that you are what God called you? Do you believe that you are what he said you are, ‘’gods?’’ Sons of the ‘’Most High God’’ or do you actually call him a liar? By saying I can’t believe this, it doesn’t seem to be right to call yourself a small god, it’s like blasphemy, to actually say about yourself, ‘’I am a small god,’’ created by Almighty God my heavenly father.
Gods meaning a ‘’small god’’ deity, divinity, spirit, supernatural being
That’s some statementtomakeaboutusthechildrenofAlmightyGod,and that came from the mouth of God, He said we are *gods,* his children, sons of the most high!Godreferstousas ‘’his children,’’ andevenifwe were adopted as his children he still made us small gods; he still gave us ‘’supernatural power and authority’’ thesameasJesushisfirstbornson.
“I said, ‘‘you are “gods”; you are ‘’all ‘’sons’’ofthe‘’MostHigh.’’
GodisAlmightyandcando ashechooses,andhechosetomakeus ‘’like’’ himself’’ ashestatedinGenesis1.
Theword ‘like’ meanstobe ‘similar to himself,’ ‘approximating,’ ‘in the vein of,’ ‘reminiscent of,’ ‘resembling,’
Genesis 1 Living Bible (TLB)
26 Then God said, “Let us make a man *someone ‘’like’’ ourselves,* tobethemaster ofalllifeupontheearthandintheskiesandintheseas.”
27 So God made man like his Maker.
Like God did God make man; Man and maid did he make them.
ThenGodsaidtoJesusandtheHolySpiritinthetrinity,letus,thethreeof us, make a man, someone like ourselves, a spirit being to live in heaven herewithus;Someonewithwhomwecouldfellowshipwith Like God did God make man; Man and maid did he make them.
What substance did God use to make us like himself? He used the same substancethathecreatedJesusfrom,hisowndivinesperm,{orseed} what an awesome statement for us to learn, that we were created in heaven by Godbutwith asinfulspirit; atthe crossonCalvaryGodcreatedusasnew creationswithanewspirit his madeinhisownimageandlikeness,from the exact same seed or sperm as other translations say. How hard it is for ustobelievethisbreath takingstatementfromGod,andthewordofGodis true,andif Jesus even fortifies that the word of God is true then it is true, and we have been made a new creation made from the same divine sperm, /seedashemadeJesusfrom.
1 John 3-9-Amplified Bible (AMP)
9 No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because *God’s seed* [*His principle of life,* *the essence of His righteous character*] remains [permanently] in him [who is born again who is reborn from above *spiritually transformed*, *renewed,* and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is *born again*] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him. 10 By this the children of God and the children of the devil are clearly identified: anyone who does not practice righteousness [who does not seek God’s will in thought, action, and purpose] is not of God, nor is the one who does not [unselfishly] love his [believing] brother.
Psalm 82:6 Amplified Bible
I said, “You are gods; Indeed, all of you ‘’are ‘’sons’’ of the ‘’Most High’’.
I wondered whosaid this, and as I read the divine word I seen that it was GodtheAlmightythatwassayingwhathesaid.SoshouldIlistenintentlyto thewordoftheGodinthebible,orshouldIbypassscripturesthathavethis line of speaking in them? Should I forsake the knowledge that I am seeing foralyingspirittellingmethatthisisn’ttrue.IfGodsaiditthenitistrue,as farasIam,concerned,becauseitishisdivineunchangeablewordforgedin heaven by the creator, and as far as I am concerned his word is true no matterifIcan’tcomprehendthefullnessofit.ItmaybeinheaventhatIsee the fullnessofscripture asIamseventyonenow, orGod maygive me the grace to understand the significance of his divine word. *God is a good God and does not lie,* neither do those who translate the word for us in differentbiblestheymayseemtobeinoppositiontoeachother. Differentpeopleseethingsfromadifferent perspective,butallleadtothe truth,foritishisword,and ‘’he will lead them through his spirit’’ tohelpus see there are many different meanings behind his words, and he desires thatweshouldseethebest,soourspiritcangrowinfaithandloyalty.
Psalm 82 New International Version (NIV) A psalm of Asaph
1 *God* presides in the great assembly; *he renders judgment among the “gods”:*
2 “How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?
3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressor
4 Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. 5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 “I said, ‘’you’’ ‘are’ “gods”; ‘’you’’ are ‘’all ‘sons’ of the ‘’Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.”
8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance
GodrendersJudgementamongthe‘’gods’’theremustbeother‘’gods’’if his word says it. Who are these gods he is talking about? It is you and me, we are sons and daughters of the ‘’Most High God; we are ‘’small gods’’ created in his image. you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.” Each of us will die even though we have the spirit of Godinsideus,includingJesusandtheHolySpirit.
The first thing we see here is that it is God the Almighty speaking, not some prophet or spiritual wise man, it is ‘’God himself speaking’’ and hesays‘’you/me’’ ‘’are’ ‘gods’’ withasmall ‘g’ notthesameasGodbut likehim,similartohim,madeinhisimage andlikeness,but gods allthe same,aspiritualbeingasweknowweare.
God says we don’t know what to do, or to even say, because our eyes have been blinded by the power of God until we reach a season of enlightenment; and then like a flash scripture lights up inside of us in our New Spirit as to who and what we truly are, and we awake to the truth; for the word is truth, and God tells us to search out the truth for our spirits to know and understand. Then one day we will awake and we see a scripture and we know we have seen this all before, but suddenly it changes and we receive enlightenment, we understand at lastwhatGodissaying.
ManyatimeRosesaidsomethingtomeandItriedtorememberwhatit was she said, so I have to go back and ask what was it she said, I would get told off for being deaf and then get the message again, then sometimes I have to keep asking before I remember, but now I write downwhatitisthatIneedtoget,andthatistrueofthewordofGodfor me.lol we need to write down the living word of God for it keeps the same message but always moving round and round till you get it for yourself!
‘We are ‘’gods’’ but ‘’we are not ‘Almighty’ God, ’’ we are like him but we are ‘’not him,’ we can do what he does, but that does not make us him, he moves in supernatural power but so do we through ‘’his’’ Holy Spirit leadingusintotheknowledgeofwho andwhat we trulyare;and working healings and miracles through us showing the world that God is a good god ashedistinguishthedifferencebetweenusandhim.
We are to humble ourselves as God says, and not to act like we know all, we are to keep our ‘swollen heads’ locked inside us in a ‘’safe environment inside of us,’’ sharing love and love only, this way other Christians are offered the living word translated for us by the Holy Spirit.
Then Jesus shared the same scripture to the people, to the unbelieving Pharisees, and scribes, teachers of the Law, and things from a different thinkingbreedofmenandwomen.
John 10:35 36
“In your own Law it says that men are gods!” he replied. “So if the Scripture, which ‘’cannot be untrue,’’ speaks of those ‘’as gods’’ to whom the ‘’message of God came,’’
do you call it blasphemy when the one sanctified and sent into the world by the Father says, ‘I am the Son of God’?
6 “I said, ‘’you’’ ‘are’ “gods”; ‘’you’’ are ‘’all ‘sons’ of the ‘’Most High.’
We are ‘’gods’’ according to Jesus speaking to these Jewish leaders. He is quoting the scripture his father quoted, and was not ashamed to quote from the word. He also knew by his act on the cross on Calvary, that through him men would once again become ‘’gods in his spirit,’’ nothisflesh,buthisdivineholyspotlessspirit. Theywouldbecomeone with him in spirit as he arose again! ‘’Men are ‘’gods’’ he replied, so if the scripture which cannot be untrue, speaks of those as ‘’gods’’ to whomthemessageofGodcame.’’
Who did the message of salvation come to? It came to us through Jesus first, then the apostles, then through the bible, the scriptures that Jesus talksabout.
Who did the message come to? It came to us through Jesus; to those who accepted what he said about salvation and redemption, we heard the messageandbelievedit;wellsomeofusdid,forthemajorityofChristians they do not believe this message at all, because they believe it is to unbelievable!
Scripturedoesnotrefertousas‘’Gods,’’withacapital ‘’G,’’ butwithasmall g’’
1 Corinthians 6:17 Living Bible
But if you give yourself to the Lord, ‘’you and Christ’ are *joined together* *as one person *
Readoverthisscriptureslowly,andcarefully,andseetheastoundingword that is shared with you and me; ‘’you and Christ’’ are ‘’joined together’’ as ‘’one person’ ’isJesusGod?Ifheisthenasscripturesaysyouarejoinedtohimas oneperson*Him*Godmakinguslittlegods.
ItissayingthatyouandJesusarejoinedtogether;howisthatpossible?The answeris,itisin‘spirit’that‘’youarenowjoinedto‘Jesus’asoneperson.’’ He is the head and we are the body as scripture tells us, and I will give thosescriptureslateron.
Asoneperson,who?‘Jesusspiritbeing’that’swho!Oneperson!Wowthat’s overwhelming to even imagine that we human beings can actually be connected to Jesus as one person in spirit, what does that actually mean forus,whatisitthatwecandonowweareconnectedtohim?Accordingto scripture ‘’everything;’’ ‘’I can do everything/ ‘’all things’’/ through Christ Jesus.’’
Philippians 4:13 New King James Version (NKJV)
13 I can do ‘’all things’’ through Christ who strengthens me
Yes,joinedtogetherwithJesusasonepersonIcando everything Ineedto do,IcandoasJesusdidwhenhewalkedthisearth;he‘’calledthosethings ‘thatbenot’asthoughtheywere,’’andthatiswhatweorIcandothrough him,joinedtogetherwithusas‘onespirit.’
We also can call those things that be not as though they were, for after all we have the fullness of the Triune God in us, we are ‘’filled with the Godhead, Father, son, and Holy Spirit,’’ so if we are filled with all of God then we also can call those things that be not as though they already existed,for‘’as ‘’he is’’ so are ‘’we’’ ‘in this world!’’ Jesushadn’tgonetohis death on the cross yet, but he called those things that are not as though theywerealreadydone;hediedforoursinslateroninhislife,hesuffered atthescourgingatthepillarwherehetookuponhimselfoursicknessand diseases , then on the cross he killed them all when he died, for he knew this was ahead of him, so he was able to call those things that be not as though they were; he healed the sick because he knew he was going to carry their sickness and diseases on him on that cross and put them all to death,sothat ‘’he was lashed we ‘’were’’ healed.’’
53 4 Living Bible (TLB)
4 Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But ‘’he was ‘wounded’ and ‘bruised for our sins ’’ ‘’He was ‘beaten’ that ‘we’ might ‘’have peace;’’ *he was lashed and ‘’we’ ‘were’ healed!*
It saddens my heart so much when I see in churches, yes including Born again churches, that Jesus scourging at the pillar is never mentioned, because it is here that he took your sickness and bore all your diseases. Sadly the churches do not teach that we are already healed through what Jesusdoneforus.Itisadifficultthingtopreach‘’we are ‘’already healed’’ through Jesus suffering your diseases at the pillar and then carrying them openly on his body and showing them on the cross at Calvary. The word ‘’were’’ means something has already happened, itiseasytobelievethat our sins were taken away because we can’t see them, but we can see and feel our sickness and diseases, and give them our full attention instead of believingthatoursicknessanddiseasewereallhealedbyJesusinthesame orderthathetookoursinsanddestroyedthemonthatcrossonCalvary.
1 Peter 2 24 Amplified Bible (AMP)
24 He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin] and ‘’live for ‘’righteousness;’’ ‘’for by ‘’His wounds’’ ‘’you [‘who believe’] ‘’have’’ ‘’been healed.’’
ThisscripturehasbeenbroughtintotheNewTestamentshowingwhatwas prophesisedhadtakenplacethroughJesusChrist.Nowitisafactforusto believeandactuponit.
Jesus knew what was coming onhim,forheandtheFatherdiscussedthe only way to which they could save mankind from their sins, was by Jesus carrying the world’s sins on him in spirit, and with him carrying our sicknessanddiseasesuponhistornfleshcouldhesavemankind,andnow thatitallhasbeenaccomplished,hiswordswere, ‘’it is finished.’’ Wealso can speak words filled with power and authority. We can speak supernatural words of power and see supernatural words turn into victories. ‘’Because as he is {God} so are we!’’ Ihavelistenedtopreachers preachonthisscriptureandtheysay, ‘’as Jesus is so are we.’’
But that is wrong for I used to think this scripture just meant ‘Jesus’ and Somehoworotherthatformewasanacceptablethingtobelieve,butthen one day the Spirit told me to read back the full scripture, and it was then that I came to the realization that it was actually talking about ‘’him’’ the Father’’ and ‘’not Jesus’’ atall.Icancallthosethingsthatarenotasthough theywerebecause ‘’as he {*God*} the creator is so are we in this world!’’
I was shocked to say the least, but then slowly it dawned upon me that ‘’Jesus is also God in the trinity.’’ It is funny how I, or maybe you, can acceptitis‘JesusthatIamthesameas; ’insteaditisthe‘father’itistalking about,notJesus,thoughtheyareoneinthetrinityasIjustsaid,soitisGod, ‘’as he {‘’God} is,’’ then ‘’so am I’’ in this present world,’’ and as ‘’joined togetherwithandinGodbecauseIaminJesus’’nothinghaschangedatall, justmyunderstandingofwhoitreallyis.Readyour ownbibleandseefor yourself that it is God that it is talking about; count how many time the name ’’God’’ is mentioned’’ as he is doing everything through and in Jesus butitis ‘’him’’ ‘’God’’ that is doing all these things.
1 John 4:17 Amplified Bible
In this [union {joining together, merger} and fellowship with Him], love is completed and perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the Day of Judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him]; because ‘’as ‘He’ is,’ so are ‘we’ ‘’in this world.’’
‘As he’ ‘’God’’ is, ‘’so are we,’’ does it matter which person of the Holy Trinityitistalkingabout,fortheyallmakeuptheoneGod,noneisseparate fromtheothers,notevenJesus;hewentbacktobeinghimselfafterhedied on the cross carrying us in him, including our sins, sickness and diseases and even more wonderful, ‘’our ‘new life’ in him.’’ We cannot take away fromourGodthegloriousthingshedoesforusthroughhismightylovehe has for us; his love for us exceeds human thinking for human thinking is limited,wehavea‘’portionofthemindofJesus’’onus,butnotthefullness ofJesusmind.
WeChristiansdohavethemindofChrist,throughtheHolySpiritteaching us we have the mind of a God= Jesus-- is God and we are in him as small gods.
1 Corinthians 2:16 New International Version Spiritual Wisdom.
…15The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. 16“For who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct Him?” But ‘’we *have* the ‘’mind of Christ.’’
Yes we have the mind ofthe lord to access when we need it, yes to access the mindofa God; tohave somethingmeansitisalreadyyours! The mind ofJesusisinussoitisgivingusthemindofagod.
This next scripture is awesome in itself
Colossians 2 8 Living Bible (TLB)
8 Don’t let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their wrong and shallow answers built on men’s thoughts and ideas, instead of on what Christ has said. 9 ‘’For in Christ there is ‘’all of God’’ in a human body;’’ 10 so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are ‘’filled with God’’ through your *union* {joining together, merger} with Christ.’’ He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
11 When you came to Christ, he set you free from your evil desires, not by a bodily operation of circumcision but by a ‘’spiritual operation,’’ the ‘’baptism of your souls. ’’ 12 For in baptism you see how ‘’your old, evil nature ‘died’ with him’’ and was ‘’buried with him;’’ and then ‘you’ came up ‘out of death with him’ into a ‘’new life’’ because you trusted the Word of the mighty God who raised Christ from the dead.
13 You were dead in sins, and your sinful desires were not yet cut away. Then ‘’he gave you’’ a ‘’share in the ‘very life’ of Christ,’’ for he forgave all your sins, 14 and blotted out the charges proved against you, the list of his commandments which you had not obeyed. He took this list of sins and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. 15 In this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world Christ’s triumph at the cross where your sins were all taken away.
‘’InChristJesus’’thereis‘allofGod’inahumanbodyandwhenJesusdied therewas ‘’all of God in a spirit filled body.’’ You,that’syouandme,us,orI depending what way you read this. ‘’You are ‘’filled with God’’ through your union with Christ.’’ think seriously about this statement, you, are ‘’filled with *God* himself’’ Whenyouare filled withsomethingthereisno more room for anything else;, we had a ‘’spiritual operation’’ that changed usinto ‘’New Creatures,’’ ‘’New creations,’’ wecameoutofdeathwithhim intoa ‘’New Life’ in him,’’ your old manorwoman had died foreverwhen he died and now when he rose again you were given a ‘’new Life’’ in a ‘’New Spirit,’’ =his.
Youwerebornagainintoa *new life* whereinGodcallsus ‘gods’ making us supernatural beings still living in the human body, but the body now
becamesecondarytotheNewLife,thatNewCreation,theNewManofGod in spirit is everlasting. Did you know that Satan the devil, has no more power to accuse you of anything for you have changed to become a ‘god’ made inthe image andlikeness ofGodhimself, and hecanonlyget atyou throughdisbeliefsayingthiscan’tbetruehowdareyousaythatyouarea god, that’s blasphemy. God now gave you, a share in the new life of Christ Jesus and it is an honour for us to be given this new life as a god with a small g.
Then ‘’he gave ‘you’ a share in the ‘’very ‘life’ of Christ,’’ think deeply aboutthisforitcanorwillchangeyourperceptionofyourself; ‘’then he gave you a ‘share’ in the very life of Christ,’’ Can you even comprehend what that is saying. God gave you/ me ‘’a ‘share’ {‘a portion’} {‘go halves,’} {‘divide up,’} {‘split’} in the very life of Christ.’ IsChristJesusstillhumanorhashe changedtobecomespiritagain?
Jesus has changed since the cross, he took upon himself his old power as God in the Trinity back again in full, but this time he had something else added on to him in spirit us ! And not as flesh and blood beings but as spiritualbeingsnowwithasoulandabodythatwewillshakeoffwhenwe die to this life as a human being; we have become ‘gods’ because of our spirit life in Jesus for he is not contaminated by flesh and blood only by spiritisheconnectedandour spirit is righteous and holy madesoby his actions on that cross.
It is not easy thinking of ourselves as ‘gods,’ we try and be humble by not giving any thought to the divine word of God, but this is not humility; ‘’humility is knowing who and what you are and giving thanks for it to Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit’’ for it is all their work. *God calls us gods* and Jesus reaffirmed it when he said it to the Jews. This is why this nextscriptureisimportantforus.
Deuteronomy 10:17
“Jehovah your ‘’God is ‘’God of gods’’ and ‘’Lord of lords ’’ He is the great and mighty God, the God of terror who shows no partiality and takes no bribes.
Whydoesitsay ‘’he is the God of gods’’ andthe ‘’Lord of lords?’’ Iftheywere no other gods in existence;we are all children of God and as children that makesus ‘little gods’ broughtintoexistencebypapaGod Four
We were put to death on that wondrous cross
Galatians 2:20Expanded Bible (EXB)
20 I ·was put to death on the cross [have been crucified] with Christ, and ‘’I’’ do not live anymore it is ‘’Christ who lives in me
I still live in my ·body [flesh],’’but I live ·by faith in it [or because of the faithfulness of] the Son of God who loved me and gave himself ·to save me [for me; on my behalf].
I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
How can Paulsay he was crucified with Christ; heonly met with Jesus on the road to Damascus after Jesus had died, there is only one way he could havediedandthatwasinhisspirit;heknewafterhisencounterwithJesus thatthe‘Ithatwashim,’‘livesnomore.’Hisspiritdiedonthatcross;forthe cross is eternal, ready for each new soul to receive Jesus as lord and saviour; Jesus is not on the cross but the power of Jesus remains on it waiting on future souls coming to him, and Paul perceived this when he realised through his encounter with Jesus that the cross carried the power still.
I’’ do not live anymore it is ‘’Christ who lives in me.’ Whatarevelation,tocome to,theunderstandingthathediedthe moment hereceivedJesusintohim, that his old spirit died instantly, and he received Jesus spirit in him as a replacement,anewlifeinthespiritofJesusbeganforhimandalsoforus.
And this scripture is applicable to us, for we also were carried with Jesus on that cross, and on that wondrous cross we received salvation through Jesus dying and killing the old spirit man / woman in us, and then rising instantly with us still in him though changed to become supernatural beings, *filled with God* fromthatinstantandlivinga ‘’New Life in Christ Jesus’’ andheliving‘’hisnewlifeinus.’’
Colossians 2Amplified Bible (AMP)
9 For ‘’in Him’ ‘’all the fullness of *Deity’’* (the *Godhead)* dwells in bodily form [completely expressing the divine essence of God]. 10 And ‘’in Him’’ you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and ‘’He is the ‘head’’ over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power]. 11 ‘’In Him’’ you were ‘also’ ‘circumcised’ with a ‘circumcision’ not made with hands,’ but by the [spiritual] ‘’circumcision of ‘Christ’ in the stripping off of the body of the flesh [the sinful carnal nature], 12 having been buried with Him in baptism and raised with Him [to a new life] through [your] faith in the working of God, [as displayed] when He raised Christ from the dead. 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the un circumcision of your flesh (worldliness, manner of life), ‘’God’’ made ‘’you’’ ‘’alive together with Christ,’’ having [freely] forgiven us all our sins, 14 having cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set aside and completely removed by nailing it to the cross.
Aquestiontoaskyourself,areyou ‘’in him’’ Jesus?Ifnotwhatareyouin?If youdenythatyouare ‘’in him’’ Jesus,thenthewholebibleismeaningless to you, for you have denied the workings of Almighty God with whom nothing is impossible! Realise that it is not you that is making these declarations about you, it is the living word of God, and it is God who is saying such immeasurable things about us his children. And as Christians we were told to declare what God says about you and not what the devil declares. Butthishastakenustoanotherdifferentlevel;thishastakenustothelevel aschildrenbornofa‘’celestialbeing’’thathascreatedtheheavensandthe earth, and all the cosmos out there of which we can only see a little of nowadays through telescopes, that the spaceships man has sent up into spacecarry. Isn’t all this incredible, to actually see what is in space and all the planets andonlyGodknowsatthismomentintimewhetherhecreatedlifeinthose galaxies. And man has just discovered there is another cosmos after the cosmostheythoughtwouldbetheend, @“ 2018 09 05, itseemstobeendless. If God the Almighty could create all these incredible things through the ‘’word of his mouth,’’ and with words we cannot describe; then surly he can create you as a spirit being ‘’filled with himself, with Christ, and his HolySpirit,’’fortheyallfitthroughusbecausespirithasnotangible being andthisiswhereourthinkingaboutourselvesgoesoffthespiritualsideof us; for we don’t think of ourselves as *gods,* because we find this so incredible to believe, but let’s put everything into perspective, who is
telling us such things and is he reliable does he speak the truth? And of coursethemostimportantthingisdowebelievehim?
‘’in Him’ ‘’all the fullness of *Deity’’* (the *Godhead)* dwells in bodily form [completely expressing the divine essence of God]. 10 And ‘’in Him’’ you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and ‘’He is the ‘head’’ over all rule and authority [We are in him Jesus and in him God the father, and we have according to the word of God have been made complete, = ‘’total,’’ ‘’inclusive,’’ ‘’absolute,’’ ‘’full!’’ This is the meaning of the word complete, wearefullthroughJesus,forinhimliesallofthe‘‘secretes’ofGod.’’
11 ‘’In Him’’ you were ‘also’ ‘circumcised’ with a ‘circumcision’ not made with hands,’ but by the [spiritual] ‘’circumcision of ‘Christ’ in the stripping off of the body of the flesh [the sinful carnal nature], Inhim,everythingis ‘’in him,’’ andweare ‘’in him’’ for his word tells us we are ‘’in him’’ many times, and in different wordings butall meaningthatwe are ‘’in him.’’ God strippedthebody off ofthespirit,thesinfulspirit,andgaveusanewspirit= his ownspirit.The old you has gone and the new you exists through Christ Jesus and him alone.Wehaveabodythatthespiritholdstogetheruntilitistimetoleave it,andalltheworkassignedtoushasbeencompleted.
12 having been buried with Him in baptism and raised with Him [to a new life] through [your] faith in the working of God, [as displayed] when He raised Christ from the dead ‘’we;’’that’s‘youandme,’havebeenburiedwithhiminthattombafter he died andwedied, thenhavingbeenraisedwith himtoanew life when he raised Jesus from the dead, this is awesome to see never mind believe, thoughitisthewordofGodformesoIbelievewhatitissaying,nomatter how incredible it sounds. I don’t go by feelings but by the very word of AlmightyGod!
1 Corinthians 2:16Living Bible (TLB)
16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer; But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us ‘’a portion’’ of the ‘’very thoughts’ and ‘’mind of Christ.’’
Do you know that you have the very thoughts and mind of God now?
Other scriptures say we have the ‘’very mind of Christ,’’ in fact I like them even more because when I read this one from the living Bible I find it is actually taking something away from me, and I sense my spirit saying to quotetheotherscripturesfortherearemoreofthemsaying, ‘’we have the mind of Christ,’’ whenwehavetheHolySpirit,makeachoiceofyourown tobelievewhichscriptureyouchose.
1 Corinthians 2:16Amplified Bible (AMP)
16 For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND and PURPOSES OF THE LORD, SO AS TO INSTRUCT HIM? But ‘’we have’ the ‘’mind of Christ’’ [to be ‘’guided by ‘His’ thoughts and purposes].’’
1 Corinthians 2:16 Expanded Bible (EXB)
16 “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been able to ·teach [advise; counsel] him [Is. 40:13]?” But ‘’we have’’ the ‘’mind of Christ’’ [C the ‘’Holy Spirit reveals God and his ways to us;’’ Rom. 11:34].
We have the mind of Christ Jesus when making decisions about spiritual things
1 Corinthians 2:16 New International Version (NIV)
16 for,“ Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But ‘’we have’’ the mind of Christ ’’
WedefinitelyhavetheverymindofChristfortheHolySpiritinusgivesus the knowledge of what it is our lord wants to do with us each day of our lives.PraiseandthankGodforthiswonderfulgiftofgracefromhim.
In union joined together with Christ Jesus as one spirit
Romans 6:11-Expanded Bible
In the same way, you should ·see [count; consider] yourselves as being dead to ·the power of sin [sin] and alive ·with [to; with reference to] God ·through [or in; in union with] Christ Jesus.
This is a good place to explain the meaning of words in their fullness, for theword‘’union’’simplymeans ‘’combination,blending,comingtogether, joiningtogether,unification,andmerger.’’Soyoucanseethatitisallsaying that you have joined, come together, merged into one spirit not flesh, we aremergedwithJesusasonespiritbeing,himbeingthemostrelevantpart, butwearejoinedtogetherwithandinhimaslordandsaviour.
1-Corinthians 6:17-Expanded Bible
But the one who ‘’joins’’ with the Lord [in ‘’spiritual union’’] is ‘’one spirit’’ with the Lord.
Now we know the meaning of the word ‘’union’’ {joining together, merger} now let’s look at the word join, ‘’link, unite, connect, stick together, fasten together, bond, and adhere;’’ we are ‘’one spirit’’ with the lord because he joins us and fastens us together as one spirit, he binds us together, he unites us as one spirit, and this is what you must keep in mind when you read the living word of the lord. You are ‘’joined’’ and ‘’in union’’ with ‘’ChristJesus’’incredibleasitis.Yetitistrue,butamazing;somethingthat we could not do, God has done without any help from us in any thought, word, or deed. As this scripture tells us we are ‘’one in spiritual union,’’ remember it is ‘’spiritual’’ that we share about being ‘’gods’’ and ‘’not physical,’’thoughthefleshandbloodbodywilllivetohousetheessenceof thenewspiritthatisnowin,withandthroughout you,forithasnolimits anylonger,foritisthe‘lordsspirit’thatyouhavenowmergedwithandare connected to, all amazing things that he God, done for you and me out of loveforus.
Ithelpsusseeandbelievethatweare ‘’gods’’ throughJesuswhomakesus one spirit ‘’his’’ in him, and he alone deserves the praise and glory and honour.Youcan’tdenywhatthewordsayseventhoughitseemstobetoo farout;doesGodtelllies?No!Doesheexaggeratewhathesaid?‘’No’’heis truth and truth alone, now can we believe that we are ‘’gods,’’ small ‘’gods,’’ but ‘’gods’’ allthesameasfarastheeternalFatherisconcerned?
I assure you, believers, by the pride which I have in you in [your union with] Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily [I face death and die to self]
Paul believes that the future believers have the same connection to Jesus that he has, and he says, he dies daily to himself, denying himself many thingsbecauseofhisloveandconcernforus.
These are just some scriptures that say we are ‘’in union’’ and ‘’joined together’’ ‘with and in Christ Jesus,’’ there are many more relevant scripturesforyoutosearchoutandfindforyourselfinyoubiblestudy.
Greater is he that is in you
1John4 KingJamesVersion(KJV)
4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because ‘’greater is ‘he’ that is ‘in’ you,’’ than ‘’he that is in the world’’.
{Greater is he that is in you than the devil who is in the world, God is in you through the power of the Holy Spirit whom you received when you were baptised in the Holy Spirit}
5 They are of the world: therefore speak them of the world, and the world hears them.
6 We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God hears not us. Hereby know us the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.
8 He that loves not knows not God; for God is love.
9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
{Through him, this means from beginning to end, from side to side, from first to last, all the way through}
10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, ‘’God ‘dwells’ in us,’’ and ‘’his love is perfected in us ’’
{The word ‘’dwells’’ means to be a ‘’home, a place to lay our head, reside, inhabit, in other words live in.’’}
13 Hereby know we that ‘’we dwell in him,’’ and ‘’he in us,’’ because *he hath given us* ‘’of his Spirit.’’
14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, ‘’God ‘dwells’ in him,’’ and ‘’he in God.’’
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and *he that ‘’dwells in love’’ ‘’dwells in God’’ and ‘’God in him.’’
{Become one in entirety} {‘’dwells in God’’ and ‘’God in him.’’ As one spiritual being a ‘’little god’’ inside a large God}
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the ‘’Day of Judgment: ’’ ‘’because as *he is,* ‘’so are ‘’we’’ in this world.’’
{The words in brackets are mine and not the scripture itself, but to highlight and show you what they mean for us.}
Thisscriptureisawesomeinregardto‘’whomandwhatweare,’fromstart tofinishitreassuresusthat ‘’we are ‘in God and he is in us;’’ let’sgotothe beginningofthisscriptureandseewhatitisreallysayinginregardtoother scriptures, it confirms to us that we are actually living in, {inside} God and he is living inside us atthesametime.
4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because ‘’greater is ‘he’ that is ‘in’ you,’’ than ‘’he that is in the world’’.
Greater is he that is in you, {Jesus Holy Spirit} than he that is in the world, the word ‘’in’’ remember means ‘’inside, a state of being and condition,’’ somethingthatalreadyexists.Butlet’sgoon, ‘’greater is he that is in you;’ God’s spirit is already in us the moment we got saved, but in a measure, then we got baptised in the Holy Spirit and this only happened after you receivedsalvation,theHolySpiritisGodandhasnobeginningandnoend, he islikea mist thatsoaksthroughus, ‘’permeating’’throughus{permeating, to pass through the minute openings in a porous substance or membrane, or make something such as a liquid pass through, = to enter something and spread throughout it, so that every part or aspect of it is affected}dictionary
’Because as *he is,* ‘’so are ‘’we’’ in this world.’’ Thisisanawesomescripturefrom God, explaining things to us that ‘’as he God is’’ {a spiritual being with awesome power and authority,} {‘’so are we in this world.’’} we are the sameasheis,aspiritbeingwithspiritualconnectionstoJesusandhisHoly SpiritalsofilledwithHolySpiritpower..
Acts 17 New International Version (NIV)
28 ‘For ‘’in him’’ ‘’we live’ and ‘move’ and ‘have our being. ’’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
29 “Therefore since we are ‘’God’s offspring, ’’
we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone an image made by human design and skill.
‘’In him’’ we live and have our being,’’ ‘’in God,’’ ‘’in Jesus’’ we have our being as we are his offspring, {his children, progeny, young, issue, brood, litter}
For an example; a dog gives birth to pups, the dog is a superior breed of dog, and the pups are pedigree, the pups are from the mum, they are the sameasherpedigree,buttheyarenother,theyhavethesamevalueasshe does but they are not her, they may have the same markings or traits as her, but they are not her, nevertheless, they are her litter, her young, they havegreatvalue.
And we are like God he birthed us, we have the same markings, the same traitsashim, following love, butwearenot him, we havethesame power as himthrough the same Holy Spirit who created the world, and the same spirit that healed through Jesus but we still are not him, we are like him, but not him, we must know our state, position, and condition, to humbly believeandfollowhimalways,followingeachpromptingfromhim.
Over the years I have stopped storms from happening; I have had storms pass by all around our city but didn’t touch it. My daughters living in Turkey used toring me to home asking that Ipray as they were going out on a boat trip and it was stormy, and over the phone I commanded the windtoceaseandtobecomecalmanditworkedeverytimebecauseofthe nameofJesus,‘’atthenameofJesuseverykneemustbow.’’
Ephesians 2:21 Living Bible
‘’We’’ who ‘’believe’’ are carefully ‘’joined’’ *together* with Christ’’ as parts of a beautiful, constantly growing temple for God.
The meaning of the word ‘’Joined’’ is ‘’connected’’ ‘’attached,’’ ‘’united,’’ ‘’tied,’’ ‘’coupled,’’ ‘’together.’’ Andthemeaningoftheword‘’together’’is,‘’ as one,’’ ‘’joined,’’ ‘’jointly,’’ ‘’mutually,’’ ‘’in concert,’’ ‘’collectively,’’ ‘’simultaneously’’
If you do not have the fullness of a word then you will lose out in its full meaning, so it is important to have with you a ‘’dictionary,’’ or an on line one. Words have such a range of meanings, and we need to be filled with thefullnessofthosewordswestudy. Thewordpartmeanstobefraction, element,ingredient,piece,measurement,component,and branch.
I found that this word ‘part’ meant ‘’branch,’’ and I was amazed that this was part of the core meaning to that word, Jesus talks about us being the branchandnotthetree.
John 15 Living Bible (TLB)
4 Take care to ‘’live in me,’’ and ‘’let me ‘live’ in you. ’’ For a branch can’t produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.
5 “Yes, ‘’I am’’ the Vine; ‘’you are the branches.’’ Whoever ‘’lives’’ *in me* and *I in him’’* shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing.
{Live=exist, be alive, survive, breathe, reside, manage to survive
HereJesusisexplaininghowwearesupposedtoexist;to ‘’live in him’’ and ‘’let him live in you’’ as ‘’one spirit’’ forwecan’texisttogetherintheflesh, for the flesh is sinful, and we both together now in spirit are not. ‘’Branch means a limb’’ we are a limb of Jesus like an arm, a leg, a torso or a body, butnotthehead.
John 17 Living Bible (TLB)
21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are, Father that just as you are ‘in me’ and ‘I am’ ‘in you,’ so they will be ‘in us,’ and the world will believe you sent me.
22 “I have given them the glory you gave me the glorious unity of ‘’being ‘one,’ as we are’’ 23 ‘’I ‘in’ them’’ and ‘’you ‘in’ me,’’ ‘’all being ‘’perfected’’ into *one*’’ so that the world will know you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me.
Jesus wants his church, his spiritual body joined together as ‘’one spirit’’’ not a room full of people but a body of spirit beings, holy, spotless and forever perfect in his sight, a righteous people. That just as ‘’you are *in me* and *I am in you,*’’ {says Jesus} so they will be in us, 23 ‘’I *in them’’ and ‘’you *in* me,’’ ‘’all being ‘’perfected
You are in Jesus and he is in you, and he desires that all of his unsaved children will be *in him* also and *in God* the father, again making us ‘’small’ ‘’gods.’’ WeareallbeingperfectedintotheonespiritandIknowit isn’tmyoldspiritthatwearebeingchangedintobutJesusbody,hisspirit. There are so many scriptures that are telling us who and what we are ‘’in Christ Jesus’’ that we need to look at them all, and single them out into a separate page and look over all the links that tell us that ‘’we are gods’’ even if they use different words like ‘joined together’ or ‘live in him’ and ‘he in us,’ they all mean the same thing, it’s just God reassuring us that whathesaysisthetruthandnothingbutthetruthsohelphimGod!
I am not an educated man I was off school paralysed for three separate yearsand so Isufferedin my learning,andit wasn’tuntil thelord told me to write a book that I started to learn the meaning of words, and the first word the lord have me open up to, was the word ‘’in’’ and the dictionary meaningtothatwordwas,‘’a state of being, position, ‘’and condition,’’ in just doesn’t mean inside something, but when you refer to Jesus and us being ‘’in’’ thenitmeans‘’insidehim’’and‘he ‘’in’’ me.’Itis‘’in’’=astateof beingPositionandcondition. Now @ 9-11-2018 Ihavewritten326booksat this moment in time, I would never have believed this when I was young havinglittlelearning,throughmytimeoffschoolsufferingparalysis.
The body of Christ Jesus
Colossians 2:19 Living Bible
But they are not connected to Christ, the Head to which all of us who are ‘’his body’’ ‘’are joined;’’ for ‘’we are *joined together* by ‘’his strong sinews,’’ and we grow only as we get our nourishment and strength from God.
This is what we forget, that ‘’we are the ’’BodyofChrist,’’ and ‘’he is the head,’’ and this is how we are joined to him, it is in spirit not the flesh, I made the words ‘’Body of Christ’’ larger so that you would haveanideaofthesizethebodyiscomparedtothehead,andJesusspiritis withoutbeginningorend,soweallcanfitinsideofhisbody.Andofcourse we cansay, ‘’I am the body of Christ Jesus’’ butwe don’t believethat we are actually the ‘’very spiritual body of Jesus;’’ it is in this way that ‘’we have become one with him’’ and it’s *by his spirit* that he makes it possibleforustobeonewithandinhimandheinusalso
WecansaywearethebodyofChristJesusbutwedonotcomprehendwhat we are actually saying. To say ‘’as he is so are we in this world,’’ for most Christians they can say this easily enough, but believing that it is real is a differentkindofstory.Whenweconfessthat ‘’as he is so am I,’’ forthatis what we are confessing, that ‘’I am the same as God in this world’’ to confess those words means that you have to operate in the power of the lord Jesus through his Holy Spirit, but to say, ‘’as he is so am I in this world’’ doesn’t have to mean that you can do as Jesus does, it should, for youarehisbodyandhisbodyhasaheadonit.
Colossians 2 8 Living Bible (TLB)
8 Don’t let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their ‘’wrong’’ and ‘’shallow’ ‘answers’’ built on ‘’men’s thoughts and ideas,’’ instead of on what *Christ has said.* 9 For in Christ there is ‘’all of God’’ in a human body; 10 so you have everything when you have Christ, and ‘you are ‘’filled with God’’ through your ‘’union with Christ’’. He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
11 When you came to Christ, he set you free from your evil desires, not by a bodily operation of circumcision but by a spiritual operation, the baptism of your souls. 12 For in baptism you see how your old, evil nature ‘’died’’ ‘’with him’’ and was ‘’buried’’ ‘’with him;’’ and then you came up out of death with him into a ‘’new life’’ because you trusted the Word of the mighty God who raised Christ from the dead.
13 You were dead in sins, and your sinful desires were not yet cut away. Then he gave you a ‘’share’’ in the very life of Christ, for he forgave all your sins, 14 and blotted out the
charges proved against you, the list of his commandments which you had not obeyed. He took this list of sins and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. 15 In this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world Christ’s triumph at the cross where your sins were ‘’all’’ taken away.
Thisscriptureistellingusthatweareactually ‘gods’ becauseweare ‘’filled with ‘’God’’ through ‘’our union,’’ our joining as one spirit to Christ Jesus,’’ and rememberJesusisGodintheHolyTrinity,andthishappenedbyaspiritual operation, for you came out of death with him/ in him into a ‘‘brand new life *in him* Jesus,’’forGodgaveyouandme, ‘’a ‘share’ in the life of Jesus,’ allofusgivenanequal‘share’inthebodyofJesusnodifferentinsizefrom anyoneelse,allequalinsizeandcondition, sharemeaningthatwehavea partofsomethingthatothershavealso. Then he gave you a ‘’share’ {Share, meaning, ‘split,’ ‘go halves,’ ‘contribute to’, ‘divide up,’ ‘carve up,’ ‘distribute,’ and ‘allocate.}’ in the very ‘’life’’ { existence, being, living, days} of Christ,
If we are ‘’filled with God’’ then that makes us ‘’little gods’’ filled with the awesome presence of God himself, and it is through our union with Christ Jesus who fills our little spirits with himself. The word ‘’filled’’ means that weare‘’full,’’‘’overflowing,’’‘’packed,’’‘’crammed’’‘’and tothe top.’’There is no room for any ungodliness for we are full of God himself, our spirit is filled,notourhumanflesh.
Hegaveus,that’syouandme,a‘’share,’’ share meaning go halves etc inthe verylifeofChristJesus,howhardisittobelievethat ‘weshareinthevery lifeofChrist,’’weshare ‘’his’’ ‘’new life,’’ thatissimplytoomuchtotakein allatonce,meaningthatweneedtogooverthesescripturestimeandtime again asking that we get spiritual, revelation, and understanding of who and what we are in Jesus! Who done all this for us, it sure wasn’t us ourselves; it had tobe because we are loved beyond measure by someone greaterthanmankind.
1 Corinthians 1:30 Expanded Bible
Because of God you are ·’’in’’ [united with; in relationship with] ‘’Christ Jesus,’’ who has become for us wisdom from God. ·’’In’’ ‘’Christ’’ we are put right with God, and have been made holy, and have been set free from sin {and became for us righteousness, holiness, and redemption]
This is why we are ‘’in’ ‘Jesus’’ it is because of God that we are in Christ Jesus, for in Christ we are put right with God, I am forever put right with God;for‘’I am forever perfect in his sight’’ {Hebrews 10 14} ‘’I am holy in his sight’’ {Ephesians 1} {1-Corinthians 1-30} and ‘’I am’’ ‘’righteous’’ and ‘’redeemed! {1 corinthians 1 30} Wow! What a gift from Almighty God himself; for we are loved beyond understanding, ‘ we ’ a sin filled race,’ yet even‘sinfilled’hestilllovesus,andchangesus‘’fromsinfilledtorighteous and holy’’ what a transformation and that is not all he has done for us his bornagainchildren.
God gave us our lives and in accepting Jesus as lord and saviour into our hearts ‘’we gave our lives back to him’’ and he transforms them into lives thatarepleasingtohimbymakingus‘’righteousandholylikehimself,’’and itisalltodowith‘’his’’‘pleasure,’’‘’his’’divineloveforus,’’nothingthatwe deservetobebyourworkingsinourlives.
This scripture is saying you and me are ‘’with and in’’ relationship with ChristJesus; for ‘’in ‘Christ Jesus’ we were made ‘right with God’’ sothen we could become all that God intended us to be, and we have been made ‘’holy’’ ‘’righteous, ’’ ‘’little gods,’’ ‘’holy’ ‘ means to be like God.’’ All these wondrousthingsarefromGodthefather,andnotfromourselves,itisonly aGodlyactfromthesupreme being AlmightyGod, thatmakesuswhatwe havebecomesinceacceptingJesusaslordandsaviourofourlives;wehave nothing to do with becoming ‘’gods,’’ our goodness didn’t get us that, our holiness didn’t get us this, nothing we could ever do or say could make us what‘’GodmadeinusthroughJesus.’’
TobecomeasonordaughterofGodisamazing,itisagloriousact,totakea sinnerlikeIwasandmakemelikehimnow,istoomuchformyfleshymind to take in. Yet Jesus spoke those words, spoken by his Father many years before,andspokethemtothescribesandPharisees, ‘’I have called you all gods, sons of the most high!’’
Paul said in Colossians this is what I have asked God for you!
Colossians 2 Living Bible (TLB)
2 This is what I have asked of God for you: that you will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love, and that you will have the rich experience of knowing Christ with real certainty and clear understanding For ‘’God’s secret plan,’’ now at last made known, is ‘’Christ himself.’’ 3 ‘’in him’’ lie hidden all the mighty, untapped treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Gods secrete plan for mankind was ‘Christ himself’ and it is only ‘’in him’’ that all the hidden untapped treasures of wisdom and knowledge lie. If only we could grasp the significance of what I have been writing about since the start of this book we would be workers of awesome miracles, as the totality of what we have become would wash over us like a tidal wave, ‘’we are gods’’ so act like one. Believe that God desires us to be all that he intended us to be, and that was to be sons and daughters of the most high God, siblings of Jesus, filled with the Godhead and walking in the assuredly that God himself would back up what we try to do in his name; work amazing miracles and healings ‘giving him all the glory,’ desiring nothing for ourselves but only wanting to bring glory and praise to him as our father, giving recognition to him for what he done and he alone done all that we have become, no wonder the scriptures say, ‘’we don’t have any idea what we will become,’’ but Colossians 2 9 gives us a good idea of what we have become!
Colossians 2 9 Amplified Bible (AMP)
9 For ‘’in Him’’ all the fullness of Deity (the Godhead) dwells in bodily form [completely expressing the divine essence of God]. 10 And ‘’in Him’’ you ‘’have’’ been ‘made complete’ [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power]. 11 ‘’In Him’’ you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, but by the *‘’spiritual circumcision’’* of Christ in the stripping off of the body of the flesh [the sinful carnal nature], 12 having been buried ‘’with Him’’ in baptism and raised ‘’with Him’’ [to a ‘’new life’’] through [your] faith in the working of God, [as displayed] when He raised Christ from the dead. 13 When ‘’you were dead in your sins’’ and in the ‘’ un circumcision of your flesh’’ (worldliness, manner of life), ‘’God’’ made ‘’you alive ‘together’ ‘with Christ’’, having [freely] forgiven us all our sins, 14 having cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set aside and completely removed by nailing it to the cross.
Rememberthemeaningofthefirstwordthatthelordgavemetocheckout inthedictionary,wastheword ‘’in,’’ andifIrememberbackthosetwenty oddyearsagoitwasaschoolchambersdictionaryIusedthen,yearslaterI
found those same words in scripture in my bible, the ‘Way,’’ ‘’The Living Bible.’’
Threetimesthewords‘’inhim’’areused, andtwice thewords‘’with him’’ are used in this short scripture verses, Paul is trying to convey to us who and what we are ‘’in Christ Jesus’’ and we know the word ‘’in’’ means, {‘’a state of being position and condition’’}aswellasmeaningin, {‘’inside,’’ ‘’within,’’ ‘’into,’’ ‘’at home,’’ and ‘’here.’’} ‘’In him’’ insideJesus all the fullness of Deity (the Godhead) dwells in bodily form. ‘’In him Jesus,’’ lives Almighty God and also youasa‘’littlegod’’insideJesus.And‘’inhim,’’ 10 And ‘’in Him’’ {inside, at home, within him} you have been made ‘’complete’’ [‘’achieving’ ‘’spiritual stature’’ through Christ], youhavebeenmadecomplete.Completemeansto {‘finish something,’ ‘it is concluded’’ ‘’full,’’ ‘’inclusive,’’ ‘’entire,’’ ‘’total.’’} Achieving ‘’full spiritual stature’’ through Christ, it is through Jesus Christ that you have been given this amazing gift and it is made complete through Jesus, everything in this planet is made by Jesus and his Holy Spirit and everything is made complete,finished, when Jesussaid *it isfinished,* that meantthathe had completed his part in mans creation and his destiny. It is finished; I have doneeverythingforyouthatareneededtofinishyourworksinhim.
We have been assigned works to do in our lives and if we don’t do them then someone else will be chosen to do them by God. We are ‘’little gods’’ and‘’littlegods’’willmakemistakesanddowrongintheirexistenceonthis earth during their life time, but those mistakes and wrong doings are coveredbythebloodofJesuswhenrealisedandconfessed.
‘’God’’ made ‘’you alive ‘together’ ‘with Christ’’, Come on, how awe inspiring is this? God, and remember God can do as he pleases; and he God made you alive ‘’together,’’ {jointly, as one, mutually, equally, in concert, collectively, simultaneously,} withChrist.YouandIweremadealive‘’togetherasone’’at the same time, with Christ, for in Christ I was born again, inside of him I washeldlikeababyinhimwaitingtobe‘’bornagain.’’AndnowIamhere inthespirit,thesoul,andfleshandblood.
ItisGodtheAlmightycreatorwhodecidedtomakeus ‘’like’’ andtheword like = {similar to, akin, approximating, in the vein of, reminiscent of, resembling,} to himself, not just as a spirit but with incredible power through his Holy Spirit within us. Yes we have the Holy Spirit as part of the Godhead, all livingthroughandinuspermeatethroughuslikeaporousobject,as ‘’little gods’’ weareporousasaspiritbeingnowthesameasJesus,forhowcould wejointogetherwithandinJesusunlessitwasasaspirittheexactsameas his. The spirit seeps through us like a mist and so it is the same with the
Father and with Jesus. This is how we also are filled with the Godhead makingus‘’littlegods’’createdforthegloryofGodAlmighty,ourheavenly Father.
Eleven God’s sperm is inside of you?
To call God your father means that he gave birth to you, and as scripture sayshisspermisinyou,thesameasJesus,theHolySpiritislikeamother tous,
1 John 3:9Amplified Bible
No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because ‘’God’s seed’’ {sperm} [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently] in him [who is ‘’born again’’ who is ‘’reborn’’ from above— ‘’spiritually transformed, renewed,’’ and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him.
WearebornofGod,youandIarebornagainofGod,notbyfleshthesecond timebutbyaspiritualnewlifewithinus–‘hislife’.
John 17:21Amplified Bible that they all may be one; just as ‘’You,’’ Father, are ‘’in Me and ‘I’ in You,’’ that they also may be ‘’one in Us,’’ so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.
Thattheworld us maybelievewithoutanydoubt;notethosewords,they are what you hang your faith on, ‘without any doubt!’ ‘’No doubt, just believe’’ no matter how incredible it sounds, for with God nothing is impossible sowesay,butdowereallybelievethis,especiallywhenhesays we are little gods,’’ and remember it is not me the writer saying these thingsitisGod’sowndivinewordfromhimselftouswhobelieve,toshow you how awesome you have become as his own children, he didn’t leave youpowerlessinthisworldwelivein!No!hegaveyougreatandawesome power, power and authority as his little children his little gods, and he expectsyoutousethatpowerandauthorityforhisglory,yesforhisglory. This is why you are getting revelation in his holy word, for it is all for his gloryandhonor.
Remember that before you met with Jesus, you knew nothing about salvation. Getting into heaven was an act of great humility and service, doing all the good things you could think of; then you discovered that gettingintoheavenwas free through Jesus andacceptinghisofferoflove toyou.ThenyoudiscoveredthatyoucouldhavehisHolySpiritandthathe wouldgiveyouawesomepowers,andthatnearlyblewyourmind.Thenhe startedtellingyouthatyouwere‘holywithoutsin’asfarasheisconcerned andthatyouare‘alreadysittinginheaveninChristJesus’andheraisedyou upto‘standintheplaceofhighestprivilege’andgaveyouapositioninhim forevermore,andlookhowhardit wastobelievethesethingsatfirst,then you started operating in the gifts, power and authority and you seen miracles flow from you and healings also, and this was unbelievable a few yearsbefore,nowGodissayingyouare‘’littlegods’’ashischildrensiblings withandinChristJesus,nowdoesn’titallblowyourmindwhenyouthink back to the start, is it so incredible to imagine that as far as God is concerned we are his ‘’little gods,’’ not evil gods but holy spotless and without sin in us, but little gods in him as gift to us, and done out of unbelievableloveforus.
John 10:38 Amplified Bible
But if I am doing them, even if you do not believe Me or have faith in Me, [at least] believe the works [that I do admit that they are the works of God], so that you may know and keep on knowing [clearly without any doubt] that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father [that is, I am One with Him].”
If you can’t believe me for the things I say at least believe because of the miracles I do. Are you able to say that, believe what I say when preaching thegospelat‘leastbelievebecauseofthemiraclesIdo.’’
John 10 Living Bible (TLB)
34 36 “In your own Law it says that men are gods!” he replied. “So if the Scripture, which cannot be untrue, speaks of those as ‘’gods’’ to whom the message of God came, do you call it blasphemy when the one sanctified and sent into the world by the Father says, ‘I am the Son of God’? 37 Don’t believe me unless I do miracles of God. 38 But if I do, believe them even if you don’t believe me. Then you will become convinced that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”
Menare‘gods,’not ‘’Almighty God’’ but‘’littlegods;’’likechildrenrunning around their fathers feet enjoying being in his company. Jesus challenged them, ifyou don’t believeme, at leastbelieve becauseofthemiraclesIdo, theyshouldprovetoyouthatIamsomeonetobelistenedto.
Colossians 2 9 Amplified Bible (AMP)
9 For ‘’in Him’’ all the fullness of Deity (the Godhead) dwells in bodily form10 And ‘’in Him’’ you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head ‘’Inhim’ ‘Jesus,’’allthefullnessofDeity,{theGodhead,fathersonandHoly Spirit dwells, {reside, have your home, inhabit} and ‘’in him’’ you, that’s me andyou,havebeenmadecomplete,thewaythatGoddesignedustobe.
When Jesus on the cross shouted ‘’it is finished’’ he meant that ‘’everything’’hecametodowasnow ‘’totally finished’’ ‘’it is done,’’ ‘’nothing left out,’’ ‘’completed.’’ Where were we when he shouted out it is finished? We were ‘’in him’’ onthat‘’cross,’’ouroldsinfilledspiritwasonhisbodyashe sufferedandthendied;wewerestilltherewhenherosefromthedeadand rising us to a ‘’new life in him’’ and ‘’he in us.’’ Things have changed, the instant he died we died also and the instant he arose we also rose in him and with him but with a new spirit that has been joined together with his forever; thus making us ‘’little gods in him,’’ we have the same nature and likenessashiminspiritform,that’swhythescripturesays ‘’as he is, so are we in this world,’’ orasanothertranslationsays‘’wearethesameasGod, inthisworld.’’
The living body of Jesus Christ
WearethelivingspiritualbodyofChristJesusinthisworld;the headand the body are one; if Jesus is spirit then his body {us} are spirit also. It is strange to say the least, that it is so easy to say that ‘’we are the body of Christ Jesus,’’ but to say we are the ‘’same as God’’ ‘’now in this world,’’ is waytoofarout,itsoundslikeblasphemy!YetthisiswhatGodourfatheris sayingaboutus.
Living Bible
But they are not connected to Christ, the Head to which ‘’all of us who are ‘his body’ are joined;’’ for we are joined together by his strong sinews, and we grow only as we get our nourishment and strength from God.
All of us that’s you and me the reader, are actually ‘’joined together’’ we are ‘’joined’’ it says that twice; remember ‘’joined’’ means, ‘’connected,’’ ‘’attached,’’ /‘’fixed,’’ /‘’united,’’/ ‘’tied,’’ and ‘’coupled,toChristJesus.
All of us who are his body are ‘’joined,’’/ ‘’connected,’’/ ‘’attached,’’/ ‘’fixed,’’ ‘’united,’’ /‘’tied,’’/ and ‘’coupled.Andwearejoined ‘’together,’’ /‘’jointly,/ ‘’as one,’’/ ‘’mutually,’’/ ‘’in concert,’’ /‘collectively,’’ /‘’simultaneously,’’ by his strong sinews;/ andwegrowonlyaswegetour nourishmentandstrengthfromhimGod!
Isn’t it awesome that we grow strong and are nourished by his strong sinews? {I don’t think sinews grow in the head, I know they are in the body?} It is in being joined together in him that gives us our strength and nourishment, how beautiful to know and understand all this. ‘’I said you are Gods, sons of the highest God,’’ inwhomyourredemptiongrows,and being a son or daughter of God you are a ‘’god’’ also! Because you are joined to him, you are fixed; you are attached, united and tied to Christ Jesus. And you grow as he gives you nourishment, and that makes you, attached mutually together as one spirit = ‘’his!’’ And that gives us a positioninChristJesus,apositionofgreatstrengthandpowerbecausewe arejoinedtogetherwithhiminChristJesus,glorytoGodonhigh.
When we died we received a brand new spirit, we received the spirit of Christ Jesus, and we didn’t get another human spirit to replace the old sinful one, no! We received the spirit of Christ Jesus; for we are joined togetherwithhimasonespirit.EverychildofthelivingGodisa‘’god’’for theyarenowjoinedtogetherwithJesus,andthroughJesustheyarejoined together with Almighty God because this is what he planned from before theworldevenbegan- Ephesians 1 4
WhatanincredibleGodweserve,aGodwhomakesusintowhathedesires, andthiswashisplanallfrombeforetheworldevenbegan, Ephesians 1 4 8, Before he even made the world, God decided to make us like himself as a spiritbeingofincrediblestrengthandpower,andit’sallfromhimasagift touswhenheascendedonhighhegave‘’gifts’’tomen.’’
Ephesians 4:88This is why it says: “When He ascended on high, He led captives away, and gave gifts to men.”
Who are we to argue with God?
Who are we to argue with God for if Jesus declared that ‘’we are Gods’’ to whom the message came? Who are we to deny what Jesus said; let’s see thosescripturesagain?
Genesis 1 Living Bible (TLB)
26 Then God said, “Let us make a man *someone like ourselves,* tobethemaster ofalllifeupontheearthandintheskiesandintheseas.”
27 So God made man ‘’like’’ his Maker
‘’Like God’’ did ‘’God make man;’’ {like =similar to, resembling} Man and maid did he make them.
Look at this statement ‘’God made man like himself.’’ This was and always isanactionof‘’AlmightyGodintheTrinity;’’manissupposedtoreflectthe glory of God’s reflection in this world, and if God says he made man, and made him in his own image, who are we to argue when he calls us gods? What gave man the right to contradict Almighty God when he says this is hisdecision?
ForGodsolovedtheworldhegavehisonlybegottensontobringusback intohis divineimage withoutsin this time; that’s whywe need to beborn again,becauseAdamandEvedefiedGodbyeatingthefruitoftheforbidden treeofknowledgewhichbroughtspiritualdeathtoallmankind.Godcould no longer trust man to just stay in his care and affection so he had to let themgodown onto the earth where Satan the devil was banished tooand allhisdemonicspirits.
John 3:16 21st Century King James Version
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Godnevercreatedmantoperishbuttohaveeverlastingjoywithhiminthe trinity forever. The devil on the other hand after cohersing Adam and Eve toeattheforbiddenfruit, had all mankindsent down toearth withbodies madeoffleshandbloodwithasinfulspiritwithinthem;then Goddecided tosendJesusdowntotheearthtostripmankind’senemyawayfrom them, andtodefeathimonthecrossonCalvary,thiswashowmuchGodlovedus his children, he gave us the chance of being born again through Jesus sacrifice.
God made man a spirit being like them, and then later on he clothed them infleshandbloodandgavethemasoul {mind} Goddidn’tmakeustheexact same as him, the Almighty God who could create galaxies and solar space filledwithplanetsofalldescription,nohemadeusaspiritbeinglikethem, like means ‘’similar too,’’ but not them, it’s like looking at yourself in a mirror, you see the reflection but your reflection cannot go out and sin or dogooditisonlyareflection,ithasnopowerunlesstheHolySpiritgivesit power. I don’t know of anyone making a planet, or someone healing someonewithseveredeformity.
Yeshealingthesickfromvariousdiseases,‘’likecancerandleukaemia and allsortsofterriblediseases,’’andIhadhadthosediseaseshealedthrough me,butitwasbythepoweroftheHolySpiritinmethatdoneitandinthe nameofJesus.
ChristiansdonotrealisethatJesusgavethemhisnameandhehimselfisin his name, this is amazing when I first heard this on God TV somewhere I nearlypassedoutwithshock.
BeforethatIhaveseenJesusstepoutofmetohealayounggirl,andbackin again. Wow, to realise that ‘’Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the father God, really are all living in me, and I in them.
The reason for the first time I went to a prayer meeting, was to go and make fun of my mother in law, and as I sat there listening mocking those whowereprayingintonguesveryquietly; amanspokeinagutturaltype oftongue and Iheard thisvoice saying, ‘’I am one ‘of’ three,’’ ‘’I am three ‘of’ one,’’ ‘’you are one ‘of ‘me,’’ ‘’I am one ‘of’ you,’’ then it changed and said, ‘’I am one ‘in’ three, ‘’I am three ‘in’ one,’’ ‘’You are one ‘in’ me,’’ and, ‘’I am one ‘in’ you,’’ and as this man continued speaking out in tongues I heard God saying these words, then many years later after I became a ChristianIreadinthebookofJohn;Jesusbasicallysayingthesamewords
that were spoken to me that night and I never forgot them, and I pray for revelationforthatwordalwaysinmyprayerlife.
Let’s not forget why we’re reading this little book! ‘’We are gods’’ according to God himself and also Jesus speaking and confirming his father’swords.
Psalm 82:6 New International Versions
“I said, ‘‘you are “gods”; you are ‘’all ‘’sons’’ of the ‘’Most High.’’
A son or daughter has a father, and God is our father; a mother produces theeggandthemanfertilisesit;theHolySpiritproducedthespiritualegg andthefatherGodfertilisesit,andifthefatherandmotherare‘’Gods’’then their‘’offspringare‘gods’also’’fortheirparentsareGodintheTrinity.
Jesus himself said the following words and if he said them then they are basicallytrueforJesusneversinnedbylyingdidhe?
John 10:35-36
“In your own Law it says that men are gods!” he replied. “So if the Scripture, which ‘’cannot be untrue,’’ speaks of those ‘’as gods’’ to whom the ‘’message of God came,’’ do you call it blasphemy when the one sanctified and sent into the world by the Father says, ‘I am the Son of God’?
We Christians are those spoken of in this scripture that Jesus spoke on, ‘’scripture which *cannot* *be untrue* speaks of those ‘’as gods,’’ to whomthemessagecame,Jesuswasthemessageandhiswordstomankind washismessagealso.
DoesJesuslieortellporkeys,doesheexaggerateorpracticetodeceiveus? Andtheanswertothatoneis ‘’No!’’ hedoesnot,soif Jesus is calling you a ‘’god’’ becauseyou’retheoneto‘’whomthe*message*came, ’’and‘hewas the message;’ then it is time you made your decision to believe him, no matterhowincredibleitmaysound.
Godisyourfatheryouarehischild,GodisaGodandyouarea‘childofGod’ making you like a little six months old ‘’god,’’ knowing very little of the kingdom of God and what his kingdom consists of; children who speak
supernaturally languages and work unbelievable miracles, then you’re a
god,’’ achildofyourfatherGodinheaven!
Jesus said he is the vine and you are the branches, is a branch part of the vine or is it something else like a sycamore branch or a plumtree branch; ‘’No’’abranchisapartofthetreeitcomesfrom,soifyou’reabranchofthe vine,thenyouareineffectthevineitself,foravinewithnobranchesisjust astumpbutifithasbranchesthenitisagrowingvine.
John 15 Living Bible (TLB)
15-1- “I am the true Vine, and my Father is the Gardener; 2 He lops off every branch that doesn’t produce. And he prunes those branches that bear fruit for even larger crops. 3 He has already tended you by pruning you back for greater strength and usefulness by means of the commands I gave you. 4 ‘;’Take care to ‘’live in me,’’ and ‘’let ‘me’ ‘’live in you’’. For a branch can’t produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.
5 “Yes, ‘’I am’’ the Vine; ‘’you’’ are the branches. ’’ Whoever lives ‘’in me’’ and ‘’I in him’’ shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing. 6 If anyone separates from me, he is thrown away like a useless branch, withers, and is gathered into a pile with all the others and burned. 7 But if you stay in me and obey my commands, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted!8 My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father.
‘’Jesus is God’’ and ‘’he says’ ‘’I am the true vine’’ and ‘’ you ’’ are the branches;’’ soifheisGod,thenyou,beingthebranch,area‘’partofhim’’as a ‘’small god,’’ youextendfrom Jesus as God andyou’rea‘’smallgod’’but apartofthetrueGodJesus.You’reabranchofthevinetree;‘’you’re a god from a true God’- Jesus.’’ You are connected to him always as long as you remain ‘’in him’’ and ‘’him in you.’’ Allthisisthroughyourspiritnothingto dowithyourflesh.
JesusbeingGod,usesthisdescriptionofusbeinginavinetotryandgetus to understand that we are an extension from him and connected to him permanently, and ‘as a branch’ and not the trunk; we are the part of the vinethatproducesfruit,andthatiswhatGodwantsustoproduceforhim, souls for his kingdom. And as part of the living vine we are called the branches and as the branches of the grape vine we will produce lovely grapes, {souls for the kingdom} and grapes grow in a cluster; meaning that we
willproducemanyfruitforGod. “Yes, ‘’I am’’ the Vine; ‘’you’’ are the branches ’’ Whoever lives ‘’in me’’ and ‘’I in him.’’ ’Take care to ‘’live in me,’’ and ‘’let ‘me’ ‘’live in you’’.
JesusasGodissaying,whoeverlives ‘’in’’ me; ‘’in’’ meaning,{‘’ inside, within, into, a state of being, condition and position,’’ ‘’inside him’’} ‘’little gods’’ *inside him,* he is telling us that ‘’I’’ being God’ live in you; think about this seriously. Jesus is part of the Almighty in the Trinity and as one they say AlmightyGodissayinghimselfislivinginusandherepeatshimselfinthis scripture, to emphasise the remarkable thing he himself has done for us.
WithAlmightyGodlivinginsideofyouitiseasiertounderstandthatweare ‘’little gods’’ created with the creator inside us and us inside him. Scripture tells us that we are joined together with and in Jesus and he is joined together with the father who being Almighty God we are all one in spirit.
Imagine in your mind this picture, Jesus face with billions of small souls makinguphisbodyforthatisexactlywhathashappenedwearehishands and feet. And that is us as ‘’small gods’’ all building up his body as part of him.
Think about this
4 Take care to *live in me*, and let me *live in you.* ‘’inme ’’ means, ‘’insideGod’’ and ‘’Jesus’’ and ‘’inside his glorious Holy Spirit,’’ as the Trinity. God decided to make human beings in the beginning and he decided to make themspiritbeings
What an extravagant thing to do, to make us exactly like, {‘’similar,’’ ‘’in the vein of,’’ ‘’resembling,’’ ‘’approximating,’’ ‘’akin to’’} him ‘’IaminsideJesus’’and ‘’he is inside me,’’ and ‘’I am inside God the Father’’ and ‘’he is inside me,’’ ‘’when, ‘’Oh,’’ when’’ will the children of God begin to act as ‘’little gods’’ spreading the Good news and healing the sick and delivering those oppressedbytheenemy,asJesustoldthemtodoin Mark 16- 15
Whoever lives ‘’in me’’ and ‘’I in him’’ shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing. 6 If anyone separates from me, he is thrown away like a useless branch, withers, and is gathered into a pile with all the others and burned. 7 But if you stay in me and obey my commands, you may ask ‘’any’’ ‘’request’’ you like,’’ and it ‘’will’’ ‘’be granted!’8 My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father.
5 “Yes, ‘’I am’’ the Vine; ‘’you’’ are the branches. ’’
May ask any request, ‘’any’ ‘request,’’
Let’stakealookat thispromisefromJesus,ifyouknowingwhomyouare stayinme,‘’resideentirely,’’and‘’obeymycommands,’’thethingshetells ustodo,mayaskanyrequest, ‘’any request,’’ arequestwithoutlimits,you like, and it will be granted; it ‘’will be granted,’’ realize this promise is givingyoufreereintothe gloriouspowerofthelivingGodinJesus,toask forthe‘’super,supernatural,’’‘’hispowerwithoutlimits’’ifthisyourheart’s desireforthekingdom;sothatyouproducegloriousclustersofgrapesfor Godandnotforyou.Godhonors’anyonewhoseheartisforthekingdomof God,forsoulsforhim,forthisbringsgreatglorytohimalone.
EverysoulyoubringtothekingdomhasalreadybeendonebyGodsothat you bring those souls he is searching for. Yesterday I spoke to two alcoholics a young man and a young girl; she told me she is a gypsy, and gypsies are despised by most people and especially alcoholic ones. I told themaboutsalvationandthegirlunderstoodandaskedJesusintoherlife, buttheyoungmandidn’t,hesaidno!Becausehedidn’tbelievehecouldbe saved, and so rejected the message. Two people given the message of salvation and one of them accepted it and the other rejected it, one soul saved and the other unsaved; hopefully someone else could speak to him and he would change his heart and accept the savior into his heart and possiblyhaveagreattestimonyforGodsglory.
ThisgirlwastheonethatGodcalledandgavemesomethingtodosothatI could help them stay warm during these freezing cold nights, and so talk withthem.HernamewasLizzyshesaid,Isaidtoheryoudon’tsoundlikea gypsy, so she laughed and spoke with a pronounced Irish accent and said she changed her way of speaking because people don’t like gypsies, and I couldn’t believe it how different this girl sounded, she sounded like a normal Derry girl then changed to talk like the way gypsies do. She knew the stigma on gypsies and so learned to talk like a local. She was a lovely girlandsadlylivinginaterriblesituationbecauseofherlifeasagypsy,left home and was now living on the streets, but God went searching for her, andIobeyedhispromptingsandsogottospeaktoher,soIamkeepingher in my prayer life praying she may be set free from alcohol, and come to a good church; she knew the church Igo to because people from the church havespokentoher.
This is the souls that I wish to see get into heaven, souls that desperately needJesusandGod,justlikeIdid.
My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings great glory to my Father.
This is what most Christians are like
ThisiswhatmostChristiansarelike= 9 It was early on Sunday morning when Jesus came back to life, and the first person who saw him was Mary Magdalene the woman from whom he had cast out seven demons. 10 11 She found the disciples wet eyed with grief and exclaimed that she had seen Jesus, and he was alive! But they didn’t believe her!
12 Later that day he appeared to two who were walking from Jerusalem into the country, but they didn’t recognize him at first because he had changed his appearance. 13 When they finally realized who he was, they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others, but no one believed them. Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)
Most Christians today are filled with unbelief, because they don’t have good teaching as to what God says about them, and so they just simply don’t believe in what God says about them when they hear someone like mespeakingthesetruths;howcouldtheybelievetheyhavebeencreatedto be ‘’little gods,’’ bytheircreator? Mostdon’tevenbelieve`theyhavebeen forgiven their sins and are destined for heaven, for they call themselves *sinners saved by grace,*or*sinners washed in the blood of the lamb.* they cannot be both, a sinner, and then washed in the blood of the lamb, that’s a conundrum, they are either saved, or a sinner, someone saved by graceisgoingtoheaven;asinnerisgoingtohell.
{words inside brackets are mine}
14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their unbelief their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seenhimalivefromthedead.
{The first thing Jesus did when he rose from the dead and came to meet with his disciples, was to give them a rollicking, a good telling off for their refusal to believe; are you in this category, an unbeliever needing chastised by Jesus, or do you believe the living word of God}
15 And then he told them,“You are to go into the entire world and ‘’preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.’’16 Those that believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.
{DidyouunderstandthateveryChristianissupposedtogooutintothewholeworldandtellpeoplethe goodnews,andifyoudon’tthenyouareindisobedience?}
17 “And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speaknewlanguages.18 Theywillbeableeventohandlesnakeswithsafety,andifthey drinkanythingpoisonous,itwon’thurtthem;and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”
19 WhentheLordJesushadfinishedtalkingwiththem,hewastakenupintoheavenand satdownatGod’srighthand.
20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages.
AsIsaidmostChristianswouldneverbelievetheyareactuallycalled‘gods’ by God himself, in those scriptures I included earlier in this little book. Thesedisciples didn’t believe thosewhotoldthemJesuswasaliveandthey hadseenhimforthemselves.
Yet us ‘’little gods’’ {believers} have been given the ‘’authority of Jesus Christ’’ himselfand wehave alsothepower of the ‘’Holy Spirit,’’whenwe receivedhimintous.Andthatwasanothermeansofcontributingto‘’God’s littlegods,’’hefilledthemwithhissupernaturalpowerandauthorityover the‘poweroftheenemyandoverallflesh.
The answer to a conundrum for many
Genesis 1 27 Expanded Bible (EXB)
27 So God created [1:1]·human beings [man; the Hebrew Adam can mean human beings, humankind, person, man, or the proper name Adam] in his image [reflecting God’s nature/character and representing him in the world]. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female. 28 God blessed them and said [to them], “·Have many children and grow in number [Be fruitful and multiply]. ·Fill […and fill] the earth and ·be its master [subdue it]. ·Rule [Have dominion] over the fish in the sea and over the birds in the ·sky [heavens] and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
We are supposed to reflect the image of God to people who don’t know him; they are supposed to see his character reflecting out of us, in the ‘’image of God’’ he created
them; image meaning, [‘’likeness,’’ ‘’reflection,’’ ‘’copy,’’ ‘’similarity.’’] copy meaning [duplicate, reproduction, replica]
This scripture can answer many questions for us, people ask what happened to Cain after he murdered Able, he went out and found a wife, how if it was only Adam and Eve that were in the world; my belief is that this scripture is the best thought as to how Cain could have found a wife. God had createdmorethanjustAdam and Eve, butusedAdamand Eveto betheancestorsofJesusChrist.
Jesus is the head and we are his body, ‘’if his head is a God’’ then his body have to meet the exact same requirements, frequencies, values, principles, and scripture tells us that we are ‘’holy,’’ ‘’we are righteous’’ and ‘’forever perfect in his sight,’’ and ‘’without a single blemish,’’ ‘’or fault,’’ likehim.
Could a human spirit meet those qualifications? No! Only those with the spiritofJesuscanmeetthosequalifications,andonlythoseofuswhohave thespiritofChristJesuscanmeetwiththesequalificationstherebymaking usinto ‘’small gods.’’ Likehim!
John 10:35-36
“In your own Law it says that men are gods!” he replied. “So if the Scripture, which ‘’cannot be untrue,’’ speaks of those ‘’as gods’’ to whom the ‘’message of God came,’’ do you call it blasphemy when the one sanctified and sent into the world by the Father says, ‘I am the Son of God’?
Who is right, you or Almighty God the creator of all he wants to make? And he decided to make you and me in his own divine image, and likeness; making us into ‘’small gods’’ who love him and reflect his image to others showing them what we have become.
Who is right according to God’s word? Is the word of God true, can we believe what God is saying to us through his divine living word? Or is it, ‘’if he said it so be it.’’ I will believe that I am a ‘’small god’’ created by him to come to the right time in understanding whom and what we have become through Jesus our creator. It may take years of praying for understanding of this truth, or it may take but a moment depending of your belief. I cannot explain anymore about what we have become; only God knows when to give revelation to us, I’m with him forty years and I am only getting this word now. Men are gods!”